Rename everything to use the "vex" name.

git-svn-id: svn:// 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/priv/main/vex_main.c b/priv/main/vex_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f4b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/main/vex_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/*--- This file (vex_main.c) is                               ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (c) 2004 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved. ---*/
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+#include "libvex.h"
+#include "vex_globals.h"
+#include "vex_util.h"
+#include "host_regs.h"
+#include "x86h_defs.h"
+/* This file contains the top level interface to the library. */
+/* --------- Initialise the library. --------- */
+/* Exported to library client. */
+void LibVEX_Init (
+   /* failure exit function */
+   void (*failure_exit) ( void ),
+   /* logging output function */
+   void (*log_bytes) ( Char*, Int nbytes ),
+   /* debug paranoia level */
+   Int debuglevel,
+   /* verbosity level */
+   Int verbosity,
+   /* Are we supporting valgrind checking? */
+   Bool valgrind_support,
+   /* Max # guest insns per bb */
+   Int guest_insns_per_bb
+   vassert(!vex_initdone);
+   vassert(failure_exit);
+   vex_failure_exit = failure_exit;
+   vassert(log_bytes);
+   vex_log_bytes = log_bytes;
+   vassert(debuglevel >= 0);
+   vex_debuglevel = debuglevel;
+   vassert(verbosity >= 0);
+   vex_verbosity = verbosity;
+   vex_valgrind_support = valgrind_support;
+   vassert(guest_insns_per_bb >= 1 && guest_insns_per_bb <= 100);
+   vex_guest_insns_per_bb = guest_insns_per_bb;
+   vex_initdone = True;
+/* --------- Make a translation. --------- */
+/* Exported to library client. */
+TranslateResult LibVEX_Translate (
+   /* The instruction sets we are translating from and to. */
+   InsnSet iset_guest,
+   InsnSet iset_host,
+   /* IN: the block to translate, and its guest address. */
+   Char*  guest_bytes,
+   Addr64 guest_bytes_addr,
+   /* OUT: the number of bytes actually read */
+   Int* guest_bytes_read,
+   /* IN: a place to put the resulting code, and its size */
+   Char* host_bytes,
+   Int   host_bytes_size,
+   /* OUT: how much of the output area is used. */
+   Int* host_bytes_used,
+   /* IN: optionally, an instrumentation function. */
+   IRBB* (*instrument) ( IRBB* ),
+   /* IN: optionally, an access check function for guest code. */
+   Bool (*byte_accessible) ( Addr64 )
+   /* Stuff we need to know for reg-alloc. */
+   HReg* available_real_regs;
+   Int   n_available_real_regs;
+   Bool (*isMove) (HInstr*, HReg*, HReg*);
+   void (*getRegUsage) (HRegUsage*, HInstr*);
+   void (*mapRegs) (HRegRemap*, HInstr*);
+   HInstr* (*genSpill) ( HReg, Int );
+   HInstr* (*genReload) ( HReg, Int );
+   HInstrArray* (*iselBB) ( IRBB* );
+   IRBB* (*bbToIR) ( Char*, Addr64, Int*, Bool(*)(Addr64) );
+   IRBB*        irbb;
+   HInstrArray* vcode;
+   HInstrArray* rcode;
+   vassert(vex_initdone);
+   LibVEX_Clear(False);
+   /* First off, check that the guest and host insn sets
+      are supported. */
+   switch (iset_host) {
+      case InsnSetX86:
+         getAllocableRegs_X86 ( &n_available_real_regs,
+                                &available_real_regs );
+         isMove      = (Bool(*)(HInstr*,HReg*,HReg*)) isMove_X86Instr;
+         getRegUsage = (void(*)(HRegUsage*,HInstr*)) getRegUsage_X86Instr;
+         mapRegs     = (void(*)(HRegRemap*,HInstr*)) mapRegs_X86Instr;
+         genSpill    = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int)) genSpill_X86;
+         genReload   = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int)) genReload_X86;
+         iselBB      = iselBB_X86;
+         break;
+      default:
+         vpanic("LibVEX_Translate: unsupported target insn set");
+   }
+   switch (iset_guest) {
+      case InsnSetX86:
+         bbToIR = NULL; //bbToIR_X86Instr;
+         break;
+      default:
+         vpanic("LibVEX_Translate: unsupported guest insn set");
+   }
+   irbb = bbToIR ( guest_bytes, 
+		   guest_bytes_addr,
+		   guest_bytes_read,
+		   byte_accessible );
+   if (irbb == NULL) {
+      /* Access failure. */
+      LibVEX_Clear(False);
+      return TransAccessFail;
+   }
+   /* Get the thing instrumented. */
+   if (instrument)
+      irbb = (*instrument)(irbb);
+   /* Turn it into virtual-registerised code. */
+   vcode = iselBB ( irbb );
+   /* Register allocate. */
+   rcode = doRegisterAllocation ( vcode, available_real_regs,
+                  	       	  n_available_real_regs,
+			          isMove, getRegUsage, mapRegs, 
+			          genSpill, genReload );
+   /* Assemble, etc. */
+   LibVEX_Clear(True);
+   return TransOK;
+/*--- end                                          vex_main.c ---*/