This commit merges the BUILD_TWEAKS branch onto the trunk.  It has the
following improvements:

- Arch/OS/platform-specific files are now included/excluded via the
  preprocessor, rather than via the build system.  This is more consistent
  (we use the pre-processor for small arch/OS/platform-specific chunks
  within files) and makes the build system much simpler, as the sources for
  all programs are the same on all platforms.

- Vast amounts of cut+paste code has been factored out.  If a
  new platform is implemented, you need to add 11 extra lines.
  Previously it was over 100 lines.

- Vex has been autotoolised.  Dependency checking now works in Vex (no more
  incomplete builds).  Parallel builds now also work.  --with-vex no longer
  works;  it's little use and a pain to support.  VEX/Makefile is still in
  the Vex repository and gets overwritten at configure-time;  it should
  probably be renamed Makefile-gcc to avoid possible problems, such as
  accidentally committing a generated Makefile.  There's a bunch of hacky
  copying to deal with the fact that autotools don't handle same-named files
  in different directories.  Julian plans to rename the files to avoid this

- Various small things have been made more standard automake
  style, eg. the use of pkginclude/pkglib prefixes instead of rolling our

- The existing five top-level include files have been
  consolidated into three.

- Most files now are structured more clearly, with comment
  headers separating sections, declarations relating to the same things next
  to each other, better spacing and layout, etc.

- Removed the unused exp-ptrcheck/tests/x86 directory.

- Renamed some XML files.

- Factored out some duplicated dSYM handling code.

- Split auxprogs/ into auxprogs/ and mpi/, which allowed the resulting files to be much more standard.

- Cleaned up m_coredump by merging a bunch of files that had been
  overzealously separated.

The net result is 630 fewer lines of code, or 897 if you exclude
the added, or 997 once the hacky file copying for Vex is
removed.  And the build system is much simpler.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/ b/
index 390e109..b7c633d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,212 @@
-## This file should be included by *every*, except those for docs/
-## and tests/ subdirectories.
+# This file should be included (directly or indirectly) by every
+# that builds programs.  And also the top-level
-valdir = $(libdir)/valgrind
+# Global stuff
 inplacedir = $(top_builddir)/.in_place
+# This used to be required when Vex had a handwritten Makefile.  It
+# shouldn't be needed any more, though.
-# The kludge that passes for vex's build system can't handle parallel
-# builds.  So, for the time being, serialise all Valgrind building.
-# (this is equivalent to enforcing "make -j 1".
+# noinst_PROGRAMS and noinst_DSYMS targets
+# On Darwin, for a program 'p', the DWARF debug info is stored in the
+# directory 'p.dSYM'.  This must be generated after the executable is
+# created, with 'dsymutil p'.  We could redefine LINK with a script that
+# executes 'dsymutil' after linking, but that's a pain.  Instead we use this
+# hook so that every time "make check" is run, we subsequently invoke
+# 'dsymutil' on all the executables that lack a .dSYM directory, or that are
+# newer than their corresponding .dSYM directory.
+build-noinst_DSYMS: $(noinst_DSYMS)
+	for f in $(noinst_DSYMS); do \
+	  if [ ! -e $$f.dSYM  -o  $$f -nt $$f.dSYM ] ; then \
+	      echo "dsymutil $$f"; \
+	      dsymutil $$f; \
+	  fi; \
+	done
+# This is used by coregrind/ and for doing
+# "in-place" installs.  It copies $(noinst_PROGRAMS) into $inplacedir.
+# It needs to be depended on by an 'all-local' rule.
+inplace-noinst_PROGRAMS: $(noinst_PROGRAMS)
+	if [ -n "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" ] ; then \
+	  mkdir -p $(inplacedir); \
+	  for f in $(noinst_PROGRAMS) ; do \
+	    rm -f $(inplacedir)/$$f; \
+	    ln -f -s ../$(subdir)/$$f $(inplacedir); \
+	  done ; \
+	fi
+# Similar to inplace-noinst_PROGRAMS
+inplace-noinst_DSYMS: build-noinst_DSYMS
+	if [ -n "$(noinst_DSYMS)" ] ; then \
+	  mkdir -p $(inplacedir); \
+	  for f in $(noinst_DSYMS); do \
+	    rm -f $(inplacedir)/$$f.dSYM; \
+	    ln -f -s ../$(subdir)/$$f.dSYM $(inplacedir); \
+	  done ; \
+	fi
+# This is used by coregrind/ and by <tool>/ for doing
+# "make install".  It copies $(noinst_PROGRAMS) into $prefix/lib/valgrind/.
+# It needs to be depended on by an 'install-exec-local' rule.
+install-noinst_PROGRAMS: $(noinst_PROGRAMS)
+	if [ -n "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" ] ; then \
+	  $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir); \
+	  for f in $(noinst_PROGRAMS); do \
+	    $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir); \
+	  done ; \
+	fi
+# Similar to install-noinst_PROGRAMS.
+# Nb: we don't use $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) here because it doesn't work with
+# directories.  XXX: not sure whether the resulting permissions will be
+# correct when using 'cp -R'...
+install-noinst_DSYMS: build-noinst_DSYMS
+	if [ -n "$(noinst_DSYMS)" ] ; then \
+	  $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir); \
+	  for f in $(noinst_DSYMS); do \
+	    cp -R $$f.dSYM $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir); \
+	  done ; \
+	fi
+# This needs to be depended on by a 'clean-local' rule.
+	for f in $(noinst_DSYMS); do \
+	  rm -rf $$f.dSYM; \
+	done
+# Flags
+# Baseline flags for all compilations.  Aim here is to maximise
+# performance and get whatever useful warnings we can out of gcc.
+	-O2 -g \
+	-Wall \
+	-Wmissing-prototypes \
+	-Wshadow \
+	-Wpointer-arith \
+	-Wstrict-prototypes \
+	-Wmissing-declarations \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing
+# These flags are used for building the preload shared objects.
+# The aim is to give reasonable performance but also to have good
+# stack traces, since users often see stack traces extending 
+# into (and through) the preloads.
+AM_CFLAGS_PIC = -dynamic -O -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -mno-dynamic-no-pic
+AM_CFLAGS_PIC = -fpic -O -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing
+# Flags for specific targets.
+# Nb: the AM_CPPFLAGS_* values are suitable for building tools and auxprogs.
+# For building the core, coregrind/ files add some extra things.
+# Also: in newer versions of automake (1.10 onwards?) asm files ending with
+# '.S' are considered "pre-processed" (as opposed to those ending in '.s')
+# and so the CPPFLAGS are passed to the assembler.  But this is not true for
+# older automakes (e.g. 1.8.5, 1.9.6), sigh.  So we include
+# means some of the flags are duplicated on systems with newer versions of
+# automake, but this does not really matter and seems hard to avoid.
+ 	-I$(top_srcdir) \
+ 	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/VEX/pub \
+ 	-I$(top_srcdir) \
+ 	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/VEX/pub \
+AM_FLAG_M3264_X86_LINUX   = @FLAG_M32@
+AM_CFLAGS_AMD64_LINUX     = @FLAG_M64@ -fomit-frame-pointer \
+AM_FLAG_M3264_PPC32_AIX5  = @FLAG_MAIX32@
+AM_CFLAGS_PPC32_AIX5      = @FLAG_MAIX32@ -mcpu=powerpc $(AM_CFLAGS_BASE)
+			    @FLAG_MAIX32@ -mcpu=powerpc -g
+AM_FLAG_M3264_PPC64_AIX5  = @FLAG_MAIX64@
+AM_CFLAGS_PPC64_AIX5      = @FLAG_MAIX64@ -mcpu=powerpc64 $(AM_CFLAGS_BASE)
+			    @FLAG_MAIX64@ -mcpu=powerpc64 -g
+AM_FLAG_M3264_X86_DARWIN = -arch i386
+AM_CFLAGS_X86_DARWIN     = $(WERROR) -arch i386 $(AM_CFLAGS_BASE) \
+			    -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fno-stack-protector \
+			    -mdynamic-no-pic
+AM_FLAG_M3264_AMD64_DARWIN = -arch x86_64
+AM_CFLAGS_AMD64_DARWIN     = $(WERROR) -arch x86_64 $(AM_CFLAGS_BASE) \
+			    -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fno-stack-protector
+# Flags for the primary target.  These must be used to build the
+# regtests and performance tests.  In fact, these must be used to
+# build anything which is built only once on a dual-arch build.
+ AM_FLAG_M3264_SEC = 
+# Baseline link flags for making vgpreload shared objects.
+PRELOAD_LDFLAGS_COMMON_LINUX  = -nodefaultlibs -shared -Wl,-z,interpose,-z,initfirst
+PRELOAD_LDFLAGS_COMMON_AIX5   = -nodefaultlibs -shared -Wl,-G -Wl,-bnogc
+PRELOAD_LDFLAGS_COMMON_DARWIN = -dynamic -dynamiclib -all_load