Completely overhauled Cachegrind's data structures.  With the new
scheme, there are two main structures:

1. The CC table holds a cost centre (CC) for every distinct source code
   line, as found using debug/symbol info.  It's arranged by files, then
   functions, then lines.

2. The instr-info-table holds certain important pieces of info about
   each instruction -- instr_addr, instr_size, data_size, its line-CC.
   A pointer to the instr's info is passed to the simulation functions,
   which is shorter and quicker than passing the pieces individually.

This is nice and simple.  Previously, there was a single data structure
(the BBCC table) which mingled the two purposes (maintaining CCs and
caching instruction info).  The CC stuff was done at the level of
instructions, and there were different CC types for different kinds of
instructions, and it was pretty yucky.  The two simple data structures
together are much less complex than the original single data structure.

As a result, we have the following general improvements:

- Previously, when code was unloaded all its hit/miss counts were stuck
  in a single "discard" CC, and so that code would not be annotated.  Now
  this code is profiled and annotatable just like all other code.

- Source code size is 27% smaller.  cg_main.c is now 1472 lines, down
  from 2174.  Some (1/3?) of this is from removing the special handling
  of JIFZ and general compaction, but most is from the data structure
  changes.  Happily, a lot of the removed code was nasty.

- Object code size ( is 15% smaller.

- size is about 90+% smaller(!)  Annotation time is
  accordingly *much* faster.  Doing cost-centres at the level of source
  code lines rather than instructions makes a big difference, since
  there's typically 2--3 instructions per source line.  Even better,
  when debug info is not present, entire functions (and even files) get
  collapsed into a single "???" CC.  (This behaviour is no different
  to what happened before, it's just the collapsing used to occur in the
  annotation script, rather than within Cachegrind.)  This is a huge win
  for stripped libraries.

- Memory consumption is about 10--20% less, due to fewer CCs.

- Speed is not much changed -- the changes were not in the intensive
  parts, so the only likely change is a cache improvement due to using
  less memory.  SPEC experiments go -3 -- 10% faster, with the "average"
  being unchanged or perhaps a tiny bit faster.

I've tested it reasonably thoroughly, it seems extremely similar result
as the old version, which is highly encouraging.  (The results aren't
quite the same, because they are so sensitive to memory layout;  even
tiny changes to Cachegrind affect the results slightly.)

Some particularly nice changes that happened:

- No longer need an instrumentation prepass;  this is because CCs are not
  stored grouped by BB, and they're all the same size now.  (This makes
  various bits of code much simpler than before).

- The actions to take when a BB translation is discarded (due to the
  translation table getting full) are much easier -- just chuck all the
  instr-info nodes for the BB, without touching the CCs.

- Dumping the file at the end is much simpler, just
  because the CC data structure is much neater.

Some other, specific changes:

- Removed the JIFZ special handling, which never did what it was
  intended to do and just complicated things.  This changes the results
  for REP-prefixed instructions very slightly, but it's not important.

- Abbreviated the FP/MMX/SSE crap by being slightly laxer with size
  checking -- not an issue, since this checking was just a pale
  imitation of the stricter checking done in codegen anyway.

- Removed "fi" and "fe" handling from cg_annotate, no longer needed due
  to neatening of the CC-table.

- Factorised out some code a bit, so fewer monolithic slabs,
  particularly in SK_(instrument)().

- Just improved formatting and compacted code in general in various

- Removed the long-commented-out sanity checking code at the bottom.


git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
2 files changed