Started modularising vg_mylibc.  Put all the standalone stuff -- ie. not
relying on any other modules -- in m_libcbase.

Also converted the 'size' parameters to functions like VG_(memcpy) and
VG_(strncpy) from Int to SizeT, as they should be.

Also removed VG_(atoll16) and VG_(toupper), which weren't being used.

Also made VG_(atoll36) less flexible -- it now only does base-36 numbers
instead of any base in the range 2..36, since base-36 is the only one we
need.  As part of that, I fixed a horrible bug in it which caused it to
return incorrect answers for any number containing the digits 'A'..'I'!
(Eg. for "A; it would return 17 instead of 10!)

Had to disable the assertions in VG_(string_match), since this module can't
see vg_assert, which wasn't ideal but also isn't a disaster.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/coregrind/m_libcbase.c b/coregrind/m_libcbase.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33608ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coregrind/m_libcbase.c
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+/*--- Entirely standalone libc stuff.                 m_libcbase.c ---*/
+   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
+   framework.
+   Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Julian Seward 
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#include "tool.h"       // XXX: temporary, for NULL, VG_(), Char, etc
+#include "pub_core_libcbase.h"
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Char functions.
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+Bool VG_(isspace) ( Char c )
+   return (c == ' '  || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || 
+           c == '\f' || c == '\v' || c == '\r');
+Bool VG_(isdigit) ( Char c )
+   return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Converting strings to numbers
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+Long VG_(atoll) ( Char* str )
+   Bool neg = False;
+   Long n = 0;
+   if (*str == '-') { str++; neg = True; };
+   while (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') {
+      n = 10*n + (Long)(*str - '0');
+      str++;
+   }
+   if (neg) n = -n;
+   return n;
+Long VG_(atoll36) ( Char* str )
+   Bool neg = False;
+   Long n = 0;
+   if (*str == '-') { str++; neg = True; };
+   while (True) {
+      Char c = *str;
+      if (c >= '0' && c <= (Char)'9') {
+         n = 36*n + (Long)(c - '0');
+      }
+      else 
+      if (c >= 'A' && c <= (Char)'Z') {
+         n = 36*n + (Long)((c - 'A') + 10);
+      }
+      else 
+      if (c >= 'a' && c <= (Char)'z') {
+         n = 36*n + (Long)((c - 'a') + 10);
+      }
+      else {
+	break;
+      }
+      str++;
+   }
+   if (neg) n = -n;
+   return n;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   String functions
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+Int VG_(strlen) ( const Char* str )
+   Int i = 0;
+   while (str[i] != 0) i++;
+   return i;
+Char* VG_(strcat) ( Char* dest, const Char* src )
+   Char* dest_orig = dest;
+   while (*dest) dest++;
+   while (*src) *dest++ = *src++;
+   *dest = 0;
+   return dest_orig;
+Char* VG_(strncat) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, SizeT n )
+   Char* dest_orig = dest;
+   while (*dest) dest++;
+   while (*src && n > 0) { *dest++ = *src++; n--; }
+   *dest = 0;
+   return dest_orig;
+Char* VG_(strpbrk) ( const Char* s, const Char* accept )
+   const Char* a;
+   while (*s) {
+      a = accept;
+      while (*a)
+         if (*a++ == *s)
+            return (Char *) s;
+      s++;
+   }
+   return NULL;
+Char* VG_(strcpy) ( Char* dest, const Char* src )
+   Char* dest_orig = dest;
+   while (*src) *dest++ = *src++;
+   *dest = 0;
+   return dest_orig;
+/* Copy bytes, not overrunning the end of dest and always ensuring
+   zero termination. */
+void VG_(strncpy_safely) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, SizeT ndest )
+   Int i = 0;
+   while (True) {
+      dest[i] = 0;
+      if (src[i] == 0) return;
+      if (i >= ndest-1) return;
+      dest[i] = src[i];
+      i++;
+   }
+Char* VG_(strncpy) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, SizeT ndest )
+   Int i = 0;
+   while (True) {
+      if (i >= ndest) return dest;     /* reached limit */
+      dest[i] = src[i];
+      if (src[i++] == 0) {
+         /* reached NUL;  pad rest with zeroes as required */
+         while (i < ndest) dest[i++] = 0;
+         return dest;
+      }
+   }
+Int VG_(strcmp) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2 )
+   while (True) {
+      if (*s1 == 0 && *s2 == 0) return 0;
+      if (*s1 == 0) return -1;
+      if (*s2 == 0) return 1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 < *(UChar*)s2) return -1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 > *(UChar*)s2) return 1;
+      s1++; s2++;
+   }
+static Bool isterm ( Char c )
+   return ( VG_(isspace)(c) || 0 == c );
+Int VG_(strcmp_ws) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2 )
+   while (True) {
+      if (isterm(*s1) && isterm(*s2)) return 0;
+      if (isterm(*s1)) return -1;
+      if (isterm(*s2)) return 1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 < *(UChar*)s2) return -1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 > *(UChar*)s2) return 1;
+      s1++; s2++;
+   }
+Int VG_(strncmp) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2, SizeT nmax )
+   Int n = 0;
+   while (True) {
+      if (n >= nmax) return 0;
+      if (*s1 == 0 && *s2 == 0) return 0;
+      if (*s1 == 0) return -1;
+      if (*s2 == 0) return 1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 < *(UChar*)s2) return -1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 > *(UChar*)s2) return 1;
+      s1++; s2++; n++;
+   }
+Int VG_(strncmp_ws) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2, SizeT nmax )
+   Int n = 0;
+   while (True) {
+      if (n >= nmax) return 0;
+      if (isterm(*s1) && isterm(*s2)) return 0;
+      if (isterm(*s1)) return -1;
+      if (isterm(*s2)) return 1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 < *(UChar*)s2) return -1;
+      if (*(UChar*)s1 > *(UChar*)s2) return 1;
+      s1++; s2++; n++;
+   }
+Char* VG_(strstr) ( const Char* haystack, Char* needle )
+   Int n; 
+   if (haystack == NULL)
+      return NULL;
+   n = VG_(strlen)(needle);
+   while (True) {
+      if (haystack[0] == 0) 
+         return NULL;
+      if (VG_(strncmp)(haystack, needle, n) == 0) 
+         return (Char*)haystack;
+      haystack++;
+   }
+Char* VG_(strchr) ( const Char* s, Char c )
+   while (True) {
+      if (*s == c) return (Char*)s;
+      if (*s == 0) return NULL;
+      s++;
+   }
+Char* VG_(strrchr) ( const Char* s, Char c )
+   Int n = VG_(strlen)(s);
+   while (--n > 0) {
+      if (s[n] == c) return (Char*)s + n;
+   }
+   return NULL;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   A simple string matching routine, purloined from Hugs98.
+      '*'    matches any sequence of zero or more characters
+      '?'    matches any single character exactly 
+      '\c'   matches the character c only (ignoring special chars)
+      c      matches the character c only
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Keep track of recursion depth. */
+static Int recDepth;
+// Nb: vg_assert disabled because we can't use it from this module...
+static Bool string_match_wrk ( const Char* pat, const Char* str )
+   //vg_assert(recDepth >= 0 && recDepth < 500);
+   recDepth++;
+   for (;;) {
+      switch (*pat) {
+      case '\0':recDepth--;
+                return (*str=='\0');
+      case '*': do {
+                   if (string_match_wrk(pat+1,str)) {
+                      recDepth--;
+                      return True;
+                   }
+                } while (*str++);
+                recDepth--;
+                return False;
+      case '?': if (*str++=='\0') {
+                   recDepth--;
+                   return False;
+                }
+                pat++;
+                break;
+      case '\\':if (*++pat == '\0') {
+                   recDepth--;
+                   return False; /* spurious trailing \ in pattern */
+                }
+                /* falls through to ... */
+      default : if (*pat++ != *str++) {
+                   recDepth--;
+                   return False;
+                }
+                break;
+      }
+   }
+Bool VG_(string_match) ( const Char* pat, const Char* str )
+   Bool b;
+   recDepth = 0;
+   b = string_match_wrk ( pat, str );
+   //vg_assert(recDepth == 0);
+   /*
+   VG_(printf)("%s   %s   %s\n",
+	       b?"TRUE ":"FALSE", pat, str);
+   */
+   return b;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   mem* functions
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+void* VG_(memcpy) ( void *dest, const void *src, SizeT sz )
+   const Char *s = (const Char *)src;
+   Char *d = (Char *)dest;
+   while (sz--)
+      *d++ = *s++;
+   return dest;
+void* VG_(memset) ( void *dest, Int c, SizeT sz )
+   Char *d = (Char *)dest;
+   while (sz--)
+      *d++ = c;
+   return dest;
+Int VG_(memcmp) ( const void* s1, const void* s2, SizeT n )
+   Int res;
+   UChar a0;
+   UChar b0;
+   while (n != 0) {
+      a0 = ((UChar *) s1)[0];
+      b0 = ((UChar *) s2)[0];
+      s1 += 1;
+      s2 += 1;
+      res = a0 - b0;
+      if (res != 0)
+         return res;
+      n -= 1;
+   }
+   return 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Misc useful functions
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+Int VG_(log2) ( Int x ) 
+   Int i;
+   /* Any more than 32 and we overflow anyway... */
+   for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+      if (1 << i == x) return i;
+   }
+   return -1;
+// Generic shell sort.  Like stdlib.h's qsort().
+void VG_(ssort)( void* base, SizeT nmemb, SizeT size,
+                 Int (*compar)(void*, void*) )
+   Int   incs[14] = { 1, 4, 13, 40, 121, 364, 1093, 3280,
+                      9841, 29524, 88573, 265720,
+                      797161, 2391484 };
+   Int   lo = 0;
+   Int   hi = nmemb-1;
+   Int   i, j, h, bigN, hp;
+   bigN = hi - lo + 1; if (bigN < 2) return;
+   hp = 0; while (hp < 14 && incs[hp] < bigN) hp++; hp--;
+   #define SORT \
+   for ( ; hp >= 0; hp--) { \
+      h = incs[hp]; \
+      for (i = lo + h; i <= hi; i++) { \
+         ASSIGN(v,0, a,i); \
+         j = i; \
+         while (COMPAR(a,(j-h), v,0) > 0) { \
+            ASSIGN(a,j, a,(j-h)); \
+            j = j - h; \
+            if (j <= (lo + h - 1)) break; \
+         } \
+         ASSIGN(a,j, v,0); \
+      } \
+   }
+   // Specialised cases
+   if (sizeof(ULong) == size) {
+      #define ASSIGN(dst, dsti, src, srci) \
+      (dst)[(dsti)] = (src)[(srci)];      
+      #define COMPAR(dst, dsti, src, srci) \
+      compar( (void*)(& (dst)[(dsti)]), (void*)(& (src)[(srci)]) )
+      ULong* a = (ULong*)base;
+      ULong  v[1];
+      SORT;
+   } else if (sizeof(UInt) == size) {
+      UInt* a = (UInt*)base;
+      UInt  v[1];
+      SORT;
+   } else if (sizeof(UShort) == size) {
+      UShort* a = (UShort*)base;
+      UShort  v[1];
+      SORT;
+   } else if (sizeof(UChar) == size) {
+      UChar* a = (UChar*)base;
+      UChar  v[1];
+      SORT;
+      #undef ASSIGN
+      #undef COMPAR
+   // General case
+   } else {
+      char* a = base;
+      char  v[size];      // will be at least 'size' bytes
+      #define ASSIGN(dst, dsti, src, srci) \
+      VG_(memcpy)( &dst[size*(dsti)], &src[size*(srci)], size );
+      #define COMPAR(dst, dsti, src, srci) \
+      compar( &dst[size*(dsti)], &src[size*(srci)] )
+      SORT;
+      #undef ASSIGN
+      #undef COMPAR
+   }
+   #undef SORT
+/*--- end                                                          ---*/