Merge mc_replace_strmem.c, hg_intercepts.c and drd_strmem_intercepts.c
Move memcheck/mc_replace_strmem.c to shared/vg_replace_strmem.c and
add several intercepts for SSE-variants. Include that source file from
drd/drd_strmem_intercepts.c, helgrind/hg_intercepts.c and

Merge memcheck/tests/filter_memcpy into tests/filter_stderr_basic.
Update tests/check_headers_and_includes.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c b/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c
index 05b709c..5f02e5b 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c
@@ -2434,201 +2434,7 @@
 /*--- overrun the input arrays.                                ---*/
-/* Copied verbatim from memcheck/mc_replace_strmem.c.  When copying
-   new functions, please keep them in the same order as they appear in
-   mc_replace_strmem.c. */
-#define STRCHR(soname, fnname) \
-   char* VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname) ( const char* s, int c ); \
-   char* VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname) ( const char* s, int c ) \
-   { \
-      HChar  ch = (HChar)c ; \
-      const HChar* p  = s;   \
-      while (True) { \
-         if (*p == ch) return (HChar *)p; \
-         if (*p == 0) return NULL; \
-         p++; \
-      } \
-   }
-// Apparently index() is the same thing as strchr()
-#if defined(VGO_linux)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          strchr)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          index)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_SO_2,        strchr)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_SO_2,        index)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_X86_64_SO_2, strchr)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_X86_64_SO_2, index)
-#elif defined(VGO_darwin)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          strchr)
- STRCHR(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          index)
-// Note that this replacement often doesn't get used because gcc inlines
-// calls to strlen() with its own built-in version.  This can be very
-// confusing if you aren't expecting it.  Other small functions in this file
-// may also be inline by gcc.
-#define STRLEN(soname, fnname) \
-   SizeT VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname)( const char* str ); \
-   SizeT VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname)( const char* str ) \
-   { \
-      SizeT i = 0; \
-      while (str[i] != 0) i++; \
-      return i; \
-   }
-#if defined(VGO_linux)
- STRLEN(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          strlen)
- STRLEN(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_SO_2,        strlen)
- STRLEN(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_X86_64_SO_2, strlen)
-#elif defined(VGO_darwin)
- STRLEN(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          strlen)
-#define STRCPY(soname, fnname) \
-   char* VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname, fnname) ( char* dst, const char* src ); \
-   char* VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname, fnname) ( char* dst, const char* src ) \
-   { \
-      HChar* dst_orig = dst; \
-      \
-      while (*src) *dst++ = *src++; \
-      *dst = 0; \
-      \
-      return dst_orig; \
-   }
-#if defined(VGO_linux)
-#elif defined(VGO_darwin)
-#define STRCMP(soname, fnname) \
-   int VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname) \
-          ( const char* s1, const char* s2 ); \
-   int VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname) \
-          ( const char* s1, const char* s2 ) \
-   { \
-      register UChar c1; \
-      register UChar c2; \
-      while (True) { \
-         c1 = *(UChar *)s1; \
-         c2 = *(UChar *)s2; \
-         if (c1 != c2) break; \
-         if (c1 == 0) break; \
-         s1++; s2++; \
-      } \
-      if ((UChar)c1 < (UChar)c2) return -1; \
-      if ((UChar)c1 > (UChar)c2) return 1; \
-      return 0; \
-   }
-#if defined(VGO_linux)
- STRCMP(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          strcmp)
- STRCMP(VG_Z_LD_LINUX_X86_64_SO_2, strcmp)
- STRCMP(VG_Z_LD64_SO_1,            strcmp)
-#elif defined(VGO_darwin)
- STRCMP(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,          strcmp)
-#define MEMCPY(soname, fnname) \
-   void* VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname) \
-            ( void *dst, const void *src, SizeT len ); \
-   void* VG_REPLACE_FUNCTION_ZU(soname,fnname) \
-            ( void *dst, const void *src, SizeT len ) \
-   { \
-      const Addr WS = sizeof(UWord); /* 8 or 4 */ \
-      const Addr WM = WS - 1;        /* 7 or 3 */ \
-      \
-      if (len > 0) { \
-         if (dst < src) { \
-         \
-            /* Copying backwards. */ \
-            SizeT n = len; \
-            Addr  d = (Addr)dst; \
-            Addr  s = (Addr)src; \
-            \
-            if (((s^d) & WM) == 0) { \
-               /* s and d have same UWord alignment. */ \
-               /* Pull up to a UWord boundary. */ \
-               while ((s & WM) != 0 && n >= 1) \
-                  { *(UChar*)d = *(UChar*)s; s += 1; d += 1; n -= 1; } \
-               /* Copy UWords. */ \
-               while (n >= WS) \
-                  { *(UWord*)d = *(UWord*)s; s += WS; d += WS; n -= WS; } \
-               if (n == 0) \
-                  return dst; \
-            } \
-            if (((s|d) & 1) == 0) { \
-               /* Both are 16-aligned; copy what we can thusly. */ \
-               while (n >= 2) \
-                  { *(UShort*)d = *(UShort*)s; s += 2; d += 2; n -= 2; } \
-            } \
-            /* Copy leftovers, or everything if misaligned. */ \
-            while (n >= 1) \
-               { *(UChar*)d = *(UChar*)s; s += 1; d += 1; n -= 1; } \
-         \
-         } else if (dst > src) { \
-         \
-            SizeT n = len; \
-            Addr  d = ((Addr)dst) + n; \
-            Addr  s = ((Addr)src) + n; \
-            \
-            /* Copying forwards. */ \
-            if (((s^d) & WM) == 0) { \
-               /* s and d have same UWord alignment. */ \
-               /* Back down to a UWord boundary. */ \
-               while ((s & WM) != 0 && n >= 1) \
-                  { s -= 1; d -= 1; *(UChar*)d = *(UChar*)s; n -= 1; } \
-               /* Copy UWords. */ \
-               while (n >= WS) \
-                  { s -= WS; d -= WS; *(UWord*)d = *(UWord*)s; n -= WS; } \
-               if (n == 0) \
-                  return dst; \
-            } \
-            if (((s|d) & 1) == 0) { \
-               /* Both are 16-aligned; copy what we can thusly. */ \
-               while (n >= 2) \
-                  { s -= 2; d -= 2; *(UShort*)d = *(UShort*)s; n -= 2; } \
-            } \
-            /* Copy leftovers, or everything if misaligned. */ \
-            while (n >= 1) \
-               { s -= 1; d -= 1; *(UChar*)d = *(UChar*)s; n -= 1; } \
-            \
-         } \
-      } \
-      \
-      return dst; \
-   }
-#if defined(VGO_linux)
- MEMCPY(VG_Z_LD_SO_1,        memcpy) /* */
- MEMCPY(VG_Z_LD64_SO_1,      memcpy) /* */
- /* icc9 blats these around all over the place.  Not only in the main
-    executable but various .so's.  They are highly tuned and read
-    memory beyond the source boundary (although work correctly and
-    never go across page boundaries), so give errors when run
-    natively, at least for misaligned source arg.  Just intercepting
-    in the exe only until we understand more about the problem.  See
- */
- MEMCPY(NONE, _intel_fast_memcpy)
-#elif defined(VGO_darwin)
-# if DARWIN_VERS <= DARWIN_10_6
-# endif
- MEMCPY(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,  memcpyZDVARIANTZDsse3x) /* memcpy$VARIANT$sse3x */
- MEMCPY(VG_Z_LIBC_SONAME,  memcpyZDVARIANTZDsse42) /* memcpy$VARIANT$sse42 */
+#include "../shared/vg_replace_strmem.c"
 /*--- end                                          hg_intercepts.c ---*/