Import thrcheck from the THRCHECK branch, and rename it Helgrind (with
permission of the existing Helgrind authors).

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_wordset.c b/helgrind/hg_wordset.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9a5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helgrind/hg_wordset.c
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+/*--- Sets of words, with unique set identifiers.                  ---*/
+/*---                                                 hg_wordset.c ---*/
+   This file is part of Helgrind, a Valgrind tool for detecting errors
+   in threaded programs.
+   Copyright (C) 2007-2007 OpenWorks LLP
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+   Neither the names of the U.S. Department of Energy nor the
+   University of California nor the names of its contributors may be
+   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without prior written permission.
+#include "pub_tool_basics.h"
+#include "pub_tool_libcassert.h"
+#include "pub_tool_libcbase.h"
+#include "pub_tool_libcprint.h"
+#define HG_(str) VGAPPEND(vgHelgrind_,str)
+#include "hg_wordfm.h"
+#include "hg_wordset.h"
+//--- Word Cache                                                 ---//
+   struct { UWord arg1; UWord arg2; UWord res; }
+   WCacheEnt;
+/* Each cache is a fixed sized array of N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX entries.
+   However only the first .dynMax are used.  This is because at some
+   point, expanding the cache further overall gives a slowdown because
+   searching more entries more than negates any performance advantage
+   from caching those entries in the first place.  Hence use .dynMax
+   to allow the size of the cache(s) to be set differently for each
+   different WordSetU. */
+#define N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX 32
+   struct {
+      WCacheEnt ent[N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX];
+      Word      dynMax; /* 1 .. N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX inclusive */
+      Word      inUse;  /* 0 .. dynMax inclusive */
+   }
+   WCache;
+#define WCache_INIT(_zzcache,_zzdynmax)                              \
+   do {                                                              \
+      tl_assert((_zzdynmax) >= 1);                                   \
+      tl_assert((_zzdynmax) <= N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX);                   \
+      (_zzcache).dynMax = (_zzdynmax);                               \
+      (_zzcache).inUse = 0;                                          \
+   } while (0)
+#define WCache_LOOKUP_AND_RETURN(_retty,_zzcache,_zzarg1,_zzarg2)    \
+   do {                                                              \
+      Word    _i;                                                    \
+      UWord   _arg1  = (UWord)(_zzarg1);                             \
+      UWord   _arg2  = (UWord)(_zzarg2);                             \
+      WCache* _cache = &(_zzcache);                                  \
+      tl_assert(_cache->dynMax >= 1);                                \
+      tl_assert(_cache->dynMax <= N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX);                \
+      tl_assert(_cache->inUse >= 0);                                 \
+      tl_assert(_cache->inUse <= _cache->dynMax);                    \
+      if (_cache->inUse > 0) {                                       \
+         if (_cache->ent[0].arg1 == _arg1                            \
+             && _cache->ent[0].arg2 == _arg2)                        \
+            return (_retty)_cache->ent[0].res;                       \
+         for (_i = 1; _i < _cache->inUse; _i++) {                    \
+            if (_cache->ent[_i].arg1 == _arg1                        \
+                && _cache->ent[_i].arg2 == _arg2) {                  \
+               WCacheEnt tmp     = _cache->ent[_i-1];                \
+               _cache->ent[_i-1] = _cache->ent[_i];                  \
+               _cache->ent[_i]   = tmp;                              \
+               return (_retty)_cache->ent[_i-1].res;                 \
+            }                                                        \
+         }                                                           \
+      }                                                              \
+   } while (0)
+#define WCache_UPDATE(_zzcache,_zzarg1,_zzarg2,_zzresult)            \
+   do {                                                              \
+      Word    _i;                                                    \
+      UWord   _arg1  = (UWord)(_zzarg1);                             \
+      UWord   _arg2  = (UWord)(_zzarg2);                             \
+      UWord   _res   = (UWord)(_zzresult);                           \
+      WCache* _cache = &(_zzcache);                                  \
+      tl_assert(_cache->dynMax >= 1);                                \
+      tl_assert(_cache->dynMax <= N_WCACHE_STAT_MAX);                \
+      tl_assert(_cache->inUse >= 0);                                 \
+      tl_assert(_cache->inUse <= _cache->dynMax);                    \
+      if (_cache->inUse < _cache->dynMax)                            \
+         _cache->inUse++;                                            \
+      for (_i = _cache->inUse-1; _i >= 1; _i--)                      \
+         _cache->ent[_i] = _cache->ent[_i-1];                        \
+      _cache->ent[0].arg1 = _arg1;                                   \
+      _cache->ent[0].arg2 = _arg2;                                   \
+      _cache->ent[0].res  = _res;                                    \
+   } while (0)
+//---                          WordSet                           ---//
+//---                       Implementation                       ---//
+   struct {
+      WordSetU* owner; /* for sanity checking */
+      Word*     words;
+      Int       size; /* Really this should be SizeT */
+   }
+   WordVec;
+/* ix2vec[0 .. ix2vec_used-1] are pointers to the lock sets (WordVecs)
+   really.  vec2ix is the inverse mapping, mapping WordVec* to the
+   corresponding ix2vec entry number.  The two mappings are mutually
+   redundant. */
+struct _WordSetU {
+      void*     (*alloc)(SizeT);
+      void      (*dealloc)(void*);
+      WordFM*   vec2ix; /* WordVec-to-WordSet mapping tree */
+      WordVec** ix2vec; /* WordSet-to-WordVec mapping array */
+      UInt      ix2vec_size;
+      UInt      ix2vec_used;
+      WordSet   empty; /* cached, for speed */
+      /* Caches for some operations */
+      WCache    cache_addTo;
+      WCache    cache_delFrom;
+      WCache    cache_intersect;
+      WCache    cache_minus;
+      /* Stats */
+      UWord     n_add;
+      UWord     n_add_uncached;
+      UWord     n_del;
+      UWord     n_del_uncached;
+      UWord     n_union;
+      UWord     n_intersect;
+      UWord     n_intersect_uncached;
+      UWord     n_minus;
+      UWord     n_minus_uncached;
+      UWord     n_elem;
+      UWord     n_doubleton;
+      UWord     n_isEmpty;
+      UWord     n_isSingleton;
+      UWord     n_anyElementOf;
+      UWord     n_isSubsetOf;
+   };
+/* Create a new WordVec of the given size. */
+static WordVec* new_WV_of_size ( WordSetU* wsu, Int sz )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(sz >= 0);
+   wv = wsu->alloc( sizeof(WordVec) );
+   wv->owner = wsu;
+   wv->words = NULL;
+   wv->size = sz;
+   if (sz > 0) {
+     wv->words = wsu->alloc( (SizeT)sz * sizeof(Word) );
+   }
+   return wv;
+static void delete_WV ( WordVec* wv )
+   void (*dealloc)(void*) = wv->owner->dealloc;
+   if (wv->words) {
+      dealloc(wv->words);
+   }
+   dealloc(wv);
+static void delete_WV_for_FM ( Word wv ) {
+   delete_WV( (WordVec*)wv );
+static Word cmp_WordVecs_for_FM ( Word wv1W, Word wv2W )
+   Int      i;
+   WordVec* wv1    = (WordVec*)wv1W;
+   WordVec* wv2    = (WordVec*)wv2W;
+   Int      common = wv1->size < wv2->size ? wv1->size : wv2->size;
+   for (i = 0; i < common; i++) {
+      if (wv1->words[i] == wv2->words[i])
+         continue;
+      if (wv1->words[i] < wv2->words[i])
+         return -1;
+      if (wv1->words[i] > wv2->words[i])
+         return 1;
+      tl_assert(0);
+   }
+   /* Ok, the common sections are identical.  So now consider the
+      tails.  Both sets are considered to finish in an implied
+      sequence of -infinity. */
+   if (wv1->size < wv2->size) {
+      tl_assert(common == wv1->size);
+      return -1; /* impliedly, wv1 contains some -infinitys in places
+                    where wv2 doesn't. */
+   }
+   if (wv1->size > wv2->size) {
+      tl_assert(common == wv2->size);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   tl_assert(common == wv1->size);
+   return 0; /* identical */
+static void ensure_ix2vec_space ( WordSetU* wsu )
+   UInt      i, new_sz;
+   WordVec** new_vec;
+   tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used <= wsu->ix2vec_size);
+   if (wsu->ix2vec_used < wsu->ix2vec_size)
+      return;
+   new_sz = 2 * wsu->ix2vec_size;
+   if (new_sz == 0) new_sz = 2;
+   new_vec = wsu->alloc( new_sz * sizeof(WordVec*) );
+   tl_assert(new_vec);
+   for (i = 0; i < wsu->ix2vec_size; i++)
+      new_vec[i] = wsu->ix2vec[i];
+   if (wsu->ix2vec)
+      wsu->dealloc(wsu->ix2vec);
+   wsu->ix2vec = new_vec;
+   wsu->ix2vec_size = new_sz;
+/* Index into a WordSetU, doing the obvious range check.  Failure of
+   the assertions marked XXX and YYY is an indication of passing the
+   wrong WordSetU* in the public API of this module. */
+static WordVec* do_ix2vec ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used <= wsu->ix2vec_size);
+   if (wsu->ix2vec_used > 0)
+      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec);
+   /* If this assertion fails, it may mean you supplied a 'ws'
+      that does not come from the 'wsu' universe. */
+   tl_assert(ws < wsu->ix2vec_used); /* XXX */
+   wv = wsu->ix2vec[ws];
+   /* Make absolutely sure that 'ws' is a member of 'wsu'. */
+   tl_assert(wv);
+   tl_assert(wv->owner == wsu); /* YYY */
+   return wv;
+/* See if wv is contained within wsu.  If so, deallocate wv and return
+   the index of the already-present copy.  If not, add wv to both the
+   vec2ix and ix2vec mappings and return its index. 
+static WordSet add_or_dealloc_WordVec( WordSetU* wsu, WordVec* wv_new )
+   Bool     have;
+   WordVec* wv_old;
+   Word/*Set*/ ix_old = -1;
+   /* Really WordSet, but need something that can safely be casted to
+      a Word* in the lookupFM.  Making it WordSet (which is 32 bits)
+      causes failures on a 64-bit platform. */
+   tl_assert(wv_new->owner == wsu);
+   have = HG_(lookupFM)( wsu->vec2ix, 
+                         (Word*)(void*)&wv_old, (Word*)&ix_old,
+                         (Word)wv_new );
+   if (have) {
+      tl_assert(wv_old != wv_new);
+      tl_assert(wv_old);
+      tl_assert(wv_old->owner == wsu);
+      tl_assert(ix_old < wsu->ix2vec_used);
+      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec[ix_old] == wv_old);
+      delete_WV( wv_new );
+      return (WordSet)ix_old;
+   } else {
+      ensure_ix2vec_space( wsu );
+      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec);
+      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used < wsu->ix2vec_size);
+      wsu->ix2vec[wsu->ix2vec_used] = wv_new;
+      HG_(addToFM)( wsu->vec2ix, (Word)wv_new, (Word)wsu->ix2vec_used );
+      if (0) VG_(printf)("aodW %d\n", (Int)wsu->ix2vec_used );
+      wsu->ix2vec_used++;
+      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used <= wsu->ix2vec_size);
+      return (WordSet)(wsu->ix2vec_used - 1);
+   }
+WordSetU* HG_(newWordSetU) ( void* (*alloc_nofail)( SizeT ),
+                             void  (*dealloc)(void*),
+                             Word  cacheSize )
+   WordSetU* wsu;
+   WordVec*  empty;
+   wsu          = alloc_nofail( sizeof(WordSetU) );
+   VG_(memset)( wsu, 0, sizeof(WordSetU) );
+   wsu->alloc   = alloc_nofail;
+   wsu->dealloc = dealloc;
+   wsu->vec2ix  = HG_(newFM)( alloc_nofail, dealloc, cmp_WordVecs_for_FM );
+   wsu->ix2vec_used = 0;
+   wsu->ix2vec_size = 0;
+   wsu->ix2vec      = NULL;
+   WCache_INIT(wsu->cache_addTo,     cacheSize);
+   WCache_INIT(wsu->cache_delFrom,   cacheSize);
+   WCache_INIT(wsu->cache_intersect, cacheSize);
+   WCache_INIT(wsu->cache_minus,     cacheSize);
+   empty = new_WV_of_size( wsu, 0 );
+   wsu->empty = add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, empty );
+   return wsu;
+void HG_(deleteWordSetU) ( WordSetU* wsu )
+   void (*dealloc)(void*) = wsu->dealloc;
+   tl_assert(wsu->vec2ix);
+   HG_(deleteFM)( wsu->vec2ix, delete_WV_for_FM, NULL/*val-finalizer*/ );
+   if (wsu->ix2vec)
+      dealloc(wsu->ix2vec);
+   dealloc(wsu);
+WordSet HG_(emptyWS) ( WordSetU* wsu )
+   return wsu->empty;
+Bool HG_(isEmptyWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   WordVec* wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   wsu->n_isEmpty++;
+   if (wv->size == 0) {
+      tl_assert(ws == wsu->empty);
+      return True;
+   } else {
+      tl_assert(ws != wsu->empty);
+      return False;
+   }
+Bool HG_(isSingletonWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws, Word w )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(wsu);
+   wsu->n_isSingleton++;
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   return (Bool)(wv->size == 1 && wv->words[0] == w);
+Int HG_(cardinalityWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(wsu);
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   tl_assert(wv->size >= 0);
+   return wv->size;
+Word HG_(anyElementOfWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(wsu);
+   wsu->n_anyElementOf++;
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   tl_assert(wv->size >= 1);
+   return wv->words[0];
+Int HG_(cardinalityWSU) ( WordSetU* wsu )
+   tl_assert(wsu);
+   return (Int)wsu->ix2vec_used;
+void HG_(getPayloadWS) ( /*OUT*/Word** words, /*OUT*/Word* nWords, 
+                         WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(wsu);
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   tl_assert(wv->size >= 0);
+   *nWords = wv->size;
+   *words  = wv->words;
+Bool HG_(plausibleWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   if (wsu == NULL) return False;
+   if (ws < 0 || ws >= wsu->ix2vec_used)
+      return False;
+   return True;
+Bool HG_(saneWS_SLOW) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   Int      i;
+   if (wsu == NULL) return False;
+   if (ws < 0 || ws >= wsu->ix2vec_used)
+      return False;
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   /* can never happen .. do_ix2vec will assert instead.  Oh well. */
+   if (wv->owner != wsu) return False;
+   if (wv->size < 0) return False;
+   if (wv->size > 0) {
+      for (i = 0; i < wv->size-1; i++) {
+         if (wv->words[i] >= wv->words[i+1])
+            return False;
+      }
+   }
+   return True;
+Bool HG_(elemWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws, Word w )
+   Int      i;
+   WordVec* wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   wsu->n_elem++;
+   for (i = 0; i < wv->size; i++) {
+      if (wv->words[i] == w)
+         return True;
+   }
+   return False;
+WordSet HG_(doubletonWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, Word w1, Word w2 )
+   WordVec* wv;
+   wsu->n_doubleton++;
+   if (w1 == w2) {
+      wv = new_WV_of_size(wsu, 1);
+      wv->words[0] = w1;
+   }
+   else if (w1 < w2) {
+      wv = new_WV_of_size(wsu, 2);
+      wv->words[0] = w1;
+      wv->words[1] = w2;
+   }
+   else {
+      tl_assert(w1 > w2);
+      wv = new_WV_of_size(wsu, 2);
+      wv->words[0] = w2;
+      wv->words[1] = w1;
+   }
+   return add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, wv );
+WordSet HG_(singletonWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, Word w )
+   return HG_(doubletonWS)( wsu, w, w );
+WordSet HG_(isSubsetOf) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet small, WordSet big )
+   wsu->n_isSubsetOf++;
+   return small == HG_(intersectWS)( wsu, small, big );
+void HG_(ppWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   Int      i;
+   WordVec* wv;
+   tl_assert(wsu);
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   VG_(printf)("{");
+   for (i = 0; i < wv->size; i++) {
+      VG_(printf)("%p", (void*)wv->words[i]);
+      if (i < wv->size-1)
+         VG_(printf)(",");
+   }
+   VG_(printf)("}");
+void HG_(ppWSUstats) ( WordSetU* wsu, HChar* name )
+   VG_(printf)("   WordSet \"%s\":\n", name);
+   VG_(printf)("      addTo        %10u (%u uncached)\n",
+               wsu->n_add, wsu->n_add_uncached);
+   VG_(printf)("      delFrom      %10u (%u uncached)\n", 
+               wsu->n_del, wsu->n_del_uncached);
+   VG_(printf)("      union        %10u\n", wsu->n_union);
+   VG_(printf)("      intersect    %10u (%u uncached) [nb. incl isSubsetOf]\n", 
+               wsu->n_intersect, wsu->n_intersect_uncached);
+   VG_(printf)("      minus        %10u (%u uncached)\n",
+               wsu->n_minus, wsu->n_minus_uncached);
+   VG_(printf)("      elem         %10u\n",   wsu->n_elem);
+   VG_(printf)("      doubleton    %10u\n",   wsu->n_doubleton);
+   VG_(printf)("      isEmpty      %10u\n",   wsu->n_isEmpty);
+   VG_(printf)("      isSingleton  %10u\n",   wsu->n_isSingleton);
+   VG_(printf)("      anyElementOf %10u\n",   wsu->n_anyElementOf);
+   VG_(printf)("      isSubsetOf   %10u\n",   wsu->n_isSubsetOf);
+WordSet HG_(addToWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws, Word w )
+   Int      k, j;
+   WordVec* wv_new;
+   WordVec* wv;
+   WordSet  result = (WordSet)(-1); /* bogus */
+   wsu->n_add++;
+   WCache_LOOKUP_AND_RETURN(WordSet, wsu->cache_addTo, ws, w);
+   wsu->n_add_uncached++;
+   /* If already present, this is a no-op. */
+   wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   for (k = 0; k < wv->size; k++) {
+      if (wv->words[k] == w) {
+         result = ws;
+         goto out;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Ok, not present.  Build a new one ... */
+   wv_new = new_WV_of_size( wsu, wv->size + 1 );
+   k = j = 0;
+   for (; k < wv->size && wv->words[k] < w; k++) {
+      wv_new->words[j++] = wv->words[k];
+   }
+   wv_new->words[j++] = w;
+   for (; k < wv->size; k++) {
+      tl_assert(wv->words[k] > w);
+      wv_new->words[j++] = wv->words[k];
+   }
+   tl_assert(j == wv_new->size);
+   /* Find any existing copy, or add the new one. */
+   result = add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, wv_new );
+   tl_assert(result != (WordSet)(-1));
+  out:
+   WCache_UPDATE(wsu->cache_addTo, ws, w, result);
+   return result;
+WordSet HG_(delFromWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws, Word w )
+   Int      i, j, k;
+   WordVec* wv_new;
+   WordSet  result = (WordSet)(-1); /* bogus */
+   WordVec* wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   wsu->n_del++;
+   /* special case empty set */
+   if (wv->size == 0) {
+      tl_assert(ws == wsu->empty);
+      return ws;
+   }
+   WCache_LOOKUP_AND_RETURN(WordSet, wsu->cache_delFrom, ws, w);
+   wsu->n_del_uncached++;
+   /* If not already present, this is a no-op. */
+   for (i = 0; i < wv->size; i++) {
+      if (wv->words[i] == w)
+         break;
+   }
+   if (i == wv->size) {
+      result = ws;
+      goto out;
+   }
+   /* So w is present in ws, and the new set will be one element
+      smaller. */
+   tl_assert(i >= 0 && i < wv->size);
+   tl_assert(wv->size > 0);
+   wv_new = new_WV_of_size( wsu, wv->size - 1 );
+   j = k = 0;
+   for (; j < wv->size; j++) {
+      if (j == i)
+         continue;
+      wv_new->words[k++] = wv->words[j];
+   }
+   tl_assert(k == wv_new->size);
+   result = add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, wv_new );
+   if (wv->size == 1) {
+      tl_assert(result == wsu->empty);
+   }
+  out:
+   WCache_UPDATE(wsu->cache_delFrom, ws, w, result);
+   return result;
+WordSet HG_(unionWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws1, WordSet ws2 )
+   Int      i1, i2, k, sz;
+   WordVec* wv_new;
+   WordVec* wv1 = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws1 );
+   WordVec* wv2 = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws2 );
+   wsu->n_union++;
+   sz = 0;
+   i1 = i2 = 0;
+   while (1) {
+      if (i1 >= wv1->size || i2 >= wv2->size)
+         break;
+      sz++;
+      if (wv1->words[i1] < wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i1++;
+      } else 
+      if (wv1->words[i1] > wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i2++;
+      } else {
+         i1++;
+         i2++;
+      }
+   }
+   tl_assert(i1 <= wv1->size);
+   tl_assert(i2 <= wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(i1 == wv1->size || i2 == wv2->size);
+   if (i1 == wv1->size && i2 < wv2->size) {
+      sz += (wv2->size - i2);
+   }
+   if (i2 == wv2->size && i1 < wv1->size) {
+      sz += (wv1->size - i1);
+   }
+   wv_new = new_WV_of_size( wsu, sz );
+   k = 0;
+   i1 = i2 = 0;
+   while (1) {
+      if (i1 >= wv1->size || i2 >= wv2->size)
+         break;
+      if (wv1->words[i1] < wv2->words[i2]) {
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv1->words[i1];
+         i1++;
+      } else 
+      if (wv1->words[i1] > wv2->words[i2]) {
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv2->words[i2];
+         i2++;
+      } else {
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv1->words[i1];
+         i1++;
+         i2++;
+      }
+   }
+   tl_assert(i1 <= wv1->size);
+   tl_assert(i2 <= wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(i1 == wv1->size || i2 == wv2->size);
+   if (i1 == wv1->size && i2 < wv2->size) {
+      while (i2 < wv2->size)
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv2->words[i2++];
+   }
+   if (i2 == wv2->size && i1 < wv1->size) {
+      while (i1 < wv1->size)
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv1->words[i1++];
+   }
+   tl_assert(k == sz);
+   return add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, wv_new );
+WordSet HG_(intersectWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws1, WordSet ws2 )
+   Int      i1, i2, k, sz;
+   WordSet  ws_new = (WordSet)(-1); /* bogus */
+   WordVec* wv_new;
+   WordVec* wv1; 
+   WordVec* wv2; 
+   wsu->n_intersect++;
+   /* Deal with an obvious case fast. */
+   if (ws1 == ws2)
+      return ws1;
+   /* Since intersect(x,y) == intersect(y,x), convert both variants to
+      the same query.  This reduces the number of variants the cache
+      has to deal with. */
+   if (ws1 > ws2) {
+      WordSet wst = ws1; ws1 = ws2; ws2 = wst;
+   }
+   WCache_LOOKUP_AND_RETURN(WordSet, wsu->cache_intersect, ws1, ws2);
+   wsu->n_intersect_uncached++;
+   wv1 = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws1 );
+   wv2 = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws2 );
+   sz = 0;
+   i1 = i2 = 0;
+   while (1) {
+      if (i1 >= wv1->size || i2 >= wv2->size)
+         break;
+      if (wv1->words[i1] < wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i1++;
+      } else 
+      if (wv1->words[i1] > wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i2++;
+      } else {
+         sz++;
+         i1++;
+         i2++;
+      }
+   }
+   tl_assert(i1 <= wv1->size);
+   tl_assert(i2 <= wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(i1 == wv1->size || i2 == wv2->size);
+   wv_new = new_WV_of_size( wsu, sz );
+   k = 0;
+   i1 = i2 = 0;
+   while (1) {
+      if (i1 >= wv1->size || i2 >= wv2->size)
+         break;
+      if (wv1->words[i1] < wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i1++;
+      } else 
+      if (wv1->words[i1] > wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i2++;
+      } else {
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv1->words[i1];
+         i1++;
+         i2++;
+      }
+   }
+   tl_assert(i1 <= wv1->size);
+   tl_assert(i2 <= wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(i1 == wv1->size || i2 == wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(k == sz);
+   ws_new = add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, wv_new );
+   if (sz == 0) {
+      tl_assert(ws_new == wsu->empty);
+   }
+   tl_assert(ws_new != (WordSet)(-1));
+   WCache_UPDATE(wsu->cache_intersect, ws1, ws2, ws_new);
+   return ws_new;
+WordSet HG_(minusWS) ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws1, WordSet ws2 )
+   Int      i1, i2, k, sz;
+   WordSet  ws_new = (WordSet)(-1); /* bogus */
+   WordVec* wv_new;
+   WordVec* wv1;
+   WordVec* wv2;
+   wsu->n_minus++;
+   WCache_LOOKUP_AND_RETURN(WordSet, wsu->cache_minus, ws1, ws2);
+   wsu->n_minus_uncached++;
+   wv1 = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws1 );
+   wv2 = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws2 );
+   sz = 0;
+   i1 = i2 = 0;
+   while (1) {
+      if (i1 >= wv1->size || i2 >= wv2->size)
+         break;
+      if (wv1->words[i1] < wv2->words[i2]) {
+         sz++;
+         i1++;
+      } else 
+      if (wv1->words[i1] > wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i2++;
+      } else {
+         i1++;
+         i2++;
+      }
+   }
+   tl_assert(i1 <= wv1->size);
+   tl_assert(i2 <= wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(i1 == wv1->size || i2 == wv2->size);
+   if (i2 == wv2->size && i1 < wv1->size) {
+      sz += (wv1->size - i1);
+   }
+   wv_new = new_WV_of_size( wsu, sz );
+   k = 0;
+   i1 = i2 = 0;
+   while (1) {
+      if (i1 >= wv1->size || i2 >= wv2->size)
+         break;
+      if (wv1->words[i1] < wv2->words[i2]) {
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv1->words[i1];
+         i1++;
+      } else 
+      if (wv1->words[i1] > wv2->words[i2]) {
+         i2++;
+      } else {
+         i1++;
+         i2++;
+      }
+   }
+   tl_assert(i1 <= wv1->size);
+   tl_assert(i2 <= wv2->size);
+   tl_assert(i1 == wv1->size || i2 == wv2->size);
+   if (i2 == wv2->size && i1 < wv1->size) {
+      while (i1 < wv1->size)
+         wv_new->words[k++] = wv1->words[i1++];
+   }
+   tl_assert(k == sz);
+   ws_new = add_or_dealloc_WordVec( wsu, wv_new );
+   if (sz == 0) {
+      tl_assert(ws_new == wsu->empty);
+   }
+   tl_assert(ws_new != (WordSet)(-1));
+   WCache_UPDATE(wsu->cache_minus, ws1, ws2, ws_new);
+   return ws_new;
+static __attribute__((unused))
+void show_WS ( WordSetU* wsu, WordSet ws )
+   Int i;
+   WordVec* wv = do_ix2vec( wsu, ws );
+   VG_(printf)("#%u{", ws);
+   for (i = 0; i < wv->size; i++) {
+      VG_(printf)("%lu", wv->words[i]);
+      if (i < wv->size-1)
+         VG_(printf)(",");
+   }
+   VG_(printf)("}\n");
+//---                        end WordSet                         ---//
+//---                       Implementation                       ---//
+/*--- end                                             hg_wordset.c ---*/