Merge in changes from the 2.4.0 line.  This basically brings in the
overhaul of the thread support.  Many things are now probably broken,
but at least with --tool=none, simple and not-so-simple threaded and
non-thread programs work.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c b/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c
index edae5a8..f2c8565 100644
--- a/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c
+++ b/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c
@@ -30,10 +30,17 @@
    The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#include <setjmp.h>
 #include "mac_shared.h"
 /* Define to debug the memory-leak-detector. */
-/* #define VG_DEBUG_LEAKCHECK */
+#define VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE	   0
+#define ROUNDDN(p, a)	((Addr)(p) & ~((a)-1))
+#define ROUNDUP(p, a)	ROUNDDN((p)+(a)-1, (a))
 /*--- Low-level address-space scanning, for the leak       ---*/
@@ -45,148 +52,12 @@
-void vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler ( Int sigNo )
+void vg_scan_all_valid_memory_catcher ( Int sigNo, Addr addr )
-   __builtin_longjmp(memscan_jmpbuf, 1);
-/* Safely (avoiding SIGSEGV / SIGBUS) scan the entire valid address
-   space and pass the addresses and values of all addressible,
-   defined, aligned words to notify_word.  This is the basis for the
-   leak detector.  Returns the number of calls made to notify_word.
-   Addresses are validated 3 ways.  First we enquire whether (addr >>
-   16) denotes a 64k chunk in use, by asking is_valid_64k_chunk().  If
-   so, we decide for ourselves whether each x86-level (4 K) page in
-   the chunk is safe to inspect.  If yes, we enquire with
-   is_valid_address() whether or not each of the 1024 word-locations
-   on the page is valid.  Only if so are that address and its contents
-   passed to notify_word.
-   This is all to avoid duplication of this machinery between
-   Memcheck and Addrcheck.  
-UInt vg_scan_all_valid_memory ( Bool is_valid_64k_chunk ( UInt ),
-                                Bool is_valid_address ( Addr ),
-                                void (*notify_word)( Addr, UInt ) )
-   /* All volatile, because some gccs seem paranoid about longjmp(). */
-   volatile Bool anyValid;
-   volatile Addr pageBase, addr;
-   volatile UInt res, numPages, page, primaryMapNo;
-   volatile UInt page_first_word, nWordsNotified;
-   struct vki_sigaction sigbus_saved;
-   struct vki_sigaction sigbus_new;
-   struct vki_sigaction sigsegv_saved;
-   struct vki_sigaction sigsegv_new;
-   vki_sigset_t  blockmask_saved;
-   vki_sigset_t  unblockmask_new;
-   /* Temporarily install a new sigsegv and sigbus handler, and make
-      sure SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGTERM are unblocked.  (Perhaps the
-      first two can never be blocked anyway?)  */
-   sigbus_new.ksa_handler = vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler;
-   sigbus_new.sa_flags = VKI_SA_ONSTACK | VKI_SA_RESTART;
-   sigbus_new.sa_restorer = NULL;
-   res = VG_(sigemptyset)( &sigbus_new.sa_mask );
-   tl_assert(res == 0);
-   sigsegv_new.ksa_handler = vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler;
-   sigsegv_new.sa_flags = VKI_SA_ONSTACK | VKI_SA_RESTART;
-   sigsegv_new.sa_restorer = NULL;
-   res = VG_(sigemptyset)( &sigsegv_new.sa_mask );
-   tl_assert(res == 0+0);
-   res =  VG_(sigemptyset)( &unblockmask_new );
-   res |= VG_(sigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGBUS );
-   res |= VG_(sigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGSEGV );
-   res |= VG_(sigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGTERM );
-   tl_assert(res == 0+0+0);
-   res = VG_(sigaction)( VKI_SIGBUS, &sigbus_new, &sigbus_saved );
-   tl_assert(res == 0+0+0+0);
-   res = VG_(sigaction)( VKI_SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_new, &sigsegv_saved );
-   tl_assert(res == 0+0+0+0+0);
-   res = VG_(sigprocmask)( VKI_SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblockmask_new, &blockmask_saved );
-   tl_assert(res == 0+0+0+0+0+0);
-   /* The signal handlers are installed.  Actually do the memory scan. */
-   numPages = 1 << (32-VKI_PAGE_SHIFT);
-   tl_assert(numPages == 1048576);
-   tl_assert(4096 == (1 << VKI_PAGE_SHIFT));
-   nWordsNotified = 0;
-   for (page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
-      /* Base address of this 4k page. */
-      pageBase = page << VKI_PAGE_SHIFT;
-      /* Skip if this page is in an unused 64k chunk. */
-      primaryMapNo = pageBase >> 16;
-      if (!is_valid_64k_chunk(primaryMapNo))
-         continue;
-      /* Next, establish whether or not we want to consider any
-         locations on this page.  We need to do so before actually
-         prodding it, because prodding it when in fact it is not
-         needed can cause a page fault which under some rare
-         circumstances can cause the kernel to extend the stack
-         segment all the way down to here, which is seriously bad.
-         Hence: */
-      anyValid = False;
-      for (addr = pageBase; addr < pageBase+VKI_PAGE_SIZE; addr += 4) {
-         if (is_valid_address(addr)) {
-            anyValid = True;
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-      if (!anyValid)
-         continue;  /* nothing interesting here .. move to the next page */
-      /* Ok, we have to prod cautiously at the page and see if it
-         explodes or not. */
-      if (__builtin_setjmp(memscan_jmpbuf) == 0) {
-         /* try this ... */
-         page_first_word = * (volatile UInt*)pageBase;
-         /* we get here if we didn't get a fault */
-         /* Scan the page */
-         for (addr = pageBase; addr < pageBase+VKI_PAGE_SIZE; addr += 4) {
-            if (is_valid_address(addr)) {
-               nWordsNotified++;
-               notify_word ( addr, *(UInt*)addr );
-	    }
-         }
-      } else {
-         /* We get here if reading the first word of the page caused a
-            fault, which in turn caused the signal handler to longjmp.
-            Ignore this page. */
-         if (0)
-         VG_(printf)(
-            "vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler: ignoring page at %p\n",
-            (void*)pageBase 
-         );
-      }
-   }
-   /* Restore signal state to whatever it was before. */
-   res = VG_(sigaction)( VKI_SIGBUS, &sigbus_saved, NULL );
-   tl_assert(res == 0 +0);
-   res = VG_(sigaction)( VKI_SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_saved, NULL );
-   tl_assert(res == 0 +0 +0);
-   res = VG_(sigprocmask)( VKI_SIG_SETMASK, &blockmask_saved, NULL );
-   tl_assert(res == 0 +0 +0 +0);
-   return nWordsNotified;
+   if (0)
+      VG_(printf)("OUCH! sig=%d addr=%p\n", sigNo, addr);
+   if (sigNo == VKI_SIGSEGV || sigNo == VKI_SIGBUS)
+      __builtin_longjmp(memscan_jmpbuf, 1);
@@ -197,10 +68,21 @@
    -- Proper-ly reached; a pointer to its start has been found
    -- Interior-ly reached; only an interior pointer to it has been found
    -- Unreached; so far, no pointers to any part of it have been found. 
+   -- IndirectLeak; leaked, but referred to by another leaked block
-   enum { Unreached, Interior, Proper } 
-   Reachedness;
+typedef enum { 
+   Unreached, 
+   IndirectLeak,
+   Interior, 
+   Proper
+ } Reachedness;
+/* An entry in the mark stack */
+typedef struct {
+   Int	next:30;		/* Index of next in mark stack */
+   UInt	state:2;		/* Reachedness */
+   SizeT indirect;		/* if Unreached, how much is unreachable from here */
+} MarkStack;
 /* A block record, used for generating err msgs. */
@@ -212,6 +94,7 @@
       Reachedness  loss_mode;
       /* Number of blocks and total # bytes involved. */
       UInt         total_bytes;
+      UInt	   indirect_bytes;
       UInt         num_blocks;
@@ -221,7 +104,7 @@
    shadows[i].  Return -1 if none found.  This assumes that shadows[]
    has been sorted on the ->data field. */
 /* Used to sanity-check the fast binary-search mechanism. */
 Int find_shadow_for_OLD ( Addr        ptr, 
@@ -235,7 +118,7 @@
    for (i = 0; i < n_shadows; i++) {
       a_lo = shadows[i]->data;
-      a_hi = ((Addr)shadows[i]->data) + shadows[i]->size - 1;
+      a_hi = ((Addr)shadows[i]->data) + shadows[i]->size;
       if (a_lo <= ptr && ptr <= a_hi)
          return i;
@@ -261,7 +144,7 @@
       mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
       a_mid_lo = shadows[mid]->data;
-      a_mid_hi = shadows[mid]->data + shadows[mid]->size - 1;
+      a_mid_hi = shadows[mid]->data + shadows[mid]->size;
       if (ptr < a_mid_lo) {
          hi = mid-1;
@@ -271,13 +154,13 @@
          lo = mid+1;
-      tl_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr <= a_mid_hi);
+      sk_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr <= a_mid_hi);
       retVal = mid;
-   tl_assert(retVal == find_shadow_for_OLD ( ptr, shadows, n_shadows ));
+   sk_assert(retVal == find_shadow_for_OLD ( ptr, shadows, n_shadows ));
 #  endif
    /* VG_(printf)("%d\n", retVal); */
    return retVal;
@@ -286,53 +169,27 @@
 /* Globals, for the following callback used by VG_(detect_memory_leaks). */
 static MAC_Chunk**  lc_shadows;
 static Int          lc_n_shadows;
-static Reachedness* lc_reachedness;
+static MarkStack*   lc_markstack;
+static Int	    lc_markstack_top;
 static Addr         lc_min_mallocd_addr;
 static Addr         lc_max_mallocd_addr;
+static SizeT	    lc_scanned;
-void vg_detect_memory_leaks_notify_addr ( Addr a, UInt word_at_a )
+static Bool	  (*lc_is_valid_chunk)  (UInt chunk);
+static Bool	  (*lc_is_valid_address)(Addr addr);
+static const Char *pp_lossmode(Reachedness lossmode)
-   Int  sh_no;
-   Addr ptr;
+   const Char *loss = "?";
-   /* Rule out some known causes of bogus pointers.  Mostly these do
-      not cause much trouble because only a few false pointers can
-      ever lurk in these places.  This mainly stops it reporting that
-      blocks are still reachable in stupid test programs like this
-         int main (void) { char* a = malloc(100); return 0; }
-      which people seem inordinately fond of writing, for some reason.  
-      Note that this is a complete kludge.  It would be better to
-      ignore any addresses corresponding to's .bss and
-      .data segments, but I cannot think of a reliable way to identify
-      where the .bss segment has been put.  If you can, drop me a
-      line.  
-   */
-   if (!VG_(is_client_addr)(a))			  return;
-   /* OK, let's get on and do something Useful for a change. */
-   ptr = (Addr)word_at_a;
-   if (ptr >= lc_min_mallocd_addr && ptr <= lc_max_mallocd_addr) {
-      /* Might be legitimate; we'll have to investigate further. */
-      sh_no = find_shadow_for ( ptr, lc_shadows, lc_n_shadows );
-      if (sh_no != -1) {
-         /* Found a block at/into which ptr points. */
-         tl_assert(sh_no >= 0 && sh_no < lc_n_shadows);
-         tl_assert(ptr < lc_shadows[sh_no]->data + lc_shadows[sh_no]->size);
-         /* Decide whether Proper-ly or Interior-ly reached. */
-         if (ptr == lc_shadows[sh_no]->data) {
-            if (0) VG_(printf)("pointer at %p to %p\n", a, word_at_a );
-            lc_reachedness[sh_no] = Proper;
-         } else {
-            if (lc_reachedness[sh_no] == Unreached)
-               lc_reachedness[sh_no] = Interior;
-         }
-      }
+   switch(lossmode) {
+   case Unreached:	loss = "definitely lost"; break;
+   case IndirectLeak:	loss = "indirectly lost"; break;
+   case Interior:	loss = "possibly lost"; break;
+   case Proper:		loss = "still reachable"; break;
+   return loss;
 /* Used for printing leak errors, avoids exposing the LossRecord type (which
@@ -340,20 +197,26 @@
 void MAC_(pp_LeakError)(void* vl, UInt n_this_record, UInt n_total_records)
    LossRecord* l = (LossRecord*)vl;
+   const Char *loss = pp_lossmode(l->loss_mode);
    VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
-   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-                "%d bytes in %d blocks are %s in loss record %d of %d",
-                l->total_bytes, l->num_blocks,
-                l->loss_mode==Unreached ?    "definitely lost"
-                 : (l->loss_mode==Interior ? "possibly lost"
-                                           : "still reachable"),
-                n_this_record, n_total_records
-   );
+   if (l->indirect_bytes) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+		   "%d (%d direct, %d indirect) bytes in %d blocks are %s in loss record %d of %d",
+		   l->total_bytes + l->indirect_bytes, 
+		   l->total_bytes, l->indirect_bytes, l->num_blocks,
+		   loss, n_this_record, n_total_records);
+   } else {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+		   "%d bytes in %d blocks are %s in loss record %d of %d",
+		   l->total_bytes, l->num_blocks,
+		   loss, n_this_record, n_total_records);
+   }
 Int MAC_(bytes_leaked)     = 0;
+Int MAC_(bytes_indirect)   = 0;
 Int MAC_(bytes_dubious)    = 0;
 Int MAC_(bytes_reachable)  = 0;
 Int MAC_(bytes_suppressed) = 0;
@@ -365,6 +228,333 @@
    return (mc1->data < mc2->data ? -1 : 1);
+/* If ptr is pointing to a heap-allocated block which hasn't been seen
+   before, push it onto the mark stack.  Clique is the index of the
+   clique leader; -1 if none. */
+static void _lc_markstack_push(Addr ptr, Int clique)
+   Int sh_no;
+   if (!VG_(is_client_addr)(ptr)) /* quick filter */
+      return;
+   sh_no = find_shadow_for(ptr, lc_shadows, lc_n_shadows);
+      VG_(printf)("ptr=%p -> block %d\n", ptr, sh_no);
+   if (sh_no == -1)
+      return;
+   sk_assert(sh_no >= 0 && sh_no < lc_n_shadows);
+   sk_assert(ptr <= lc_shadows[sh_no]->data + lc_shadows[sh_no]->size);
+   if (lc_markstack[sh_no].state == Unreached) {
+      if (0)
+	 VG_(printf)("pushing %p-%p\n", lc_shadows[sh_no]->data, 
+		     lc_shadows[sh_no]->data + lc_shadows[sh_no]->size);
+      sk_assert(lc_markstack[sh_no].next == -1);
+      lc_markstack[sh_no].next = lc_markstack_top;
+      lc_markstack_top = sh_no;
+   }
+   if (clique != -1) {
+      if (0)
+	 VG_(printf)("mopup: %d: %p is %d\n", 
+		     sh_no, lc_shadows[sh_no]->data, lc_markstack[sh_no].state);
+      /* An unmarked block - add it to the clique.  Add its size to
+	 the clique-leader's indirect size.  If the new block was
+	 itself a clique leader, it isn't any more, so add its
+	 indirect to the new clique leader.
+	 If this block *is* the clique leader, it means this is a
+	 cyclic structure, so none of this applies. */
+      if (lc_markstack[sh_no].state == Unreached) {
+	 lc_markstack[sh_no].state = IndirectLeak;
+	 if (sh_no != clique) {
+	    if (VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE) {
+	       if (lc_markstack[sh_no].indirect)
+		  VG_(printf)("  clique %d joining clique %d adding %d+%d bytes\n", 
+			      sh_no, clique, 
+			      lc_shadows[sh_no]->size, lc_markstack[sh_no].indirect);
+	       else
+		  VG_(printf)("  %d joining %d adding %d\n", 
+			      sh_no, clique, lc_shadows[sh_no]->size);
+	    }
+	    lc_markstack[clique].indirect += lc_shadows[sh_no]->size;
+	    lc_markstack[clique].indirect += lc_markstack[sh_no].indirect;
+	    lc_markstack[sh_no].indirect = 0; /* shouldn't matter */
+	 }
+      }
+   } else if (ptr == lc_shadows[sh_no]->data) {
+      lc_markstack[sh_no].state = Proper;
+   } else {
+      if (lc_markstack[sh_no].state == Unreached)
+	 lc_markstack[sh_no].state = Interior;
+   }
+static void lc_markstack_push(Addr ptr)
+   _lc_markstack_push(ptr, -1);
+/* Return the top of the mark stack, if any. */
+static Int lc_markstack_pop(void)
+   Int ret = lc_markstack_top;
+   if (ret != -1) {
+      lc_markstack_top = lc_markstack[ret].next;
+      lc_markstack[ret].next = -1;
+   }
+   return ret;
+/* Scan a block of memory between [start, start+len).  This range may
+   be bogus, inaccessable, or otherwise strange; we deal with it.
+   If clique != -1, it means we're gathering leaked memory into
+   cliques, and clique is the index of the current clique leader. */
+static void _lc_scan_memory(Addr start, SizeT len, Int clique)
+   Addr ptr = ROUNDUP(start, sizeof(Addr));
+   Addr end = ROUNDDN(start+len, sizeof(Addr));
+   vki_sigset_t sigmask;
+      VG_(printf)("scan %p-%p\n", start, len);
+   VG_(sigprocmask)(VKI_SIG_SETMASK, NULL, &sigmask);
+   VG_(set_fault_catcher)(vg_scan_all_valid_memory_catcher);
+   lc_scanned += end-ptr;
+   if (!VG_(is_client_addr)(ptr) ||
+       !VG_(is_addressable)(ptr, sizeof(Addr), VKI_PROT_READ))
+      ptr = PGROUNDUP(ptr+1);	/* first page bad */
+   while(ptr < end) {
+      Addr addr;
+      /* Skip invalid chunks */
+      if (!(*lc_is_valid_chunk)(PM_IDX(ptr))) {
+	 ptr = ROUNDUP(ptr+1, SECONDARY_SIZE);
+	 continue;
+      }
+      /* Look to see if this page seems reasonble */
+      if ((ptr % VKI_PAGE_SIZE) == 0) {
+	 if (!VG_(is_client_addr)(ptr) ||
+	     !VG_(is_addressable)(ptr, sizeof(Addr), VKI_PROT_READ))
+	    ptr += VKI_PAGE_SIZE; /* bad page - skip it */
+      }
+      if (__builtin_setjmp(memscan_jmpbuf) == 0) {
+	 if ((*lc_is_valid_address)(ptr)) {
+	    addr = *(Addr *)ptr;
+	    _lc_markstack_push(addr, clique);
+	 } else if (0 && VG_DEBUG_LEAKCHECK)
+	    VG_(printf)("%p not valid\n", ptr);
+	 ptr += sizeof(Addr);
+      } else {
+	 /* We need to restore the signal mask, because we were
+	    longjmped out of a signal handler. */
+	 VG_(sigprocmask)(VKI_SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, NULL);
+	 ptr = PGROUNDUP(ptr+1);	/* bad page - skip it */
+      }
+   }
+   VG_(sigprocmask)(VKI_SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, NULL);
+   VG_(set_fault_catcher)(NULL);
+static void lc_scan_memory(Addr start, SizeT len)
+   _lc_scan_memory(start, len, -1);
+/* Process the mark stack until empty.  If mopup is true, then we're
+   actually gathering leaked blocks, so they should be marked
+   IndirectLeak. */
+static void lc_do_leakcheck(Int clique)
+   Int top;
+   while((top = lc_markstack_pop()) != -1) {
+      sk_assert(top >= 0 && top < lc_n_shadows);      
+      sk_assert(lc_markstack[top].state != Unreached);
+      _lc_scan_memory(lc_shadows[top]->data, lc_shadows[top]->size, clique);
+   }
+static Int    blocks_leaked;
+static Int    blocks_indirect;
+static Int    blocks_dubious;
+static Int    blocks_reachable;
+static Int    blocks_suppressed;
+static void full_report()
+   Int i;
+   Int    n_lossrecords;
+   LossRecord* errlist;
+   LossRecord* p;
+   Bool   is_suppressed;
+   /* Go through and group lost structures into cliques.  For each
+      Unreached block, push it onto the mark stack, and find all the
+      blocks linked to it.  These are marked IndirectLeak, and their
+      size is added to the clique leader's indirect size.  If one of
+      the found blocks was itself a clique leader (from a previous
+      pass), then the cliques are merged. */
+   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      if (VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE)
+	 VG_(printf)("cliques: %d at %p -> %s\n",
+		     i, lc_shadows[i]->data, pp_lossmode(lc_markstack[i].state));
+      if (lc_markstack[i].state != Unreached)
+	 continue;
+      sk_assert(lc_markstack_top == -1);
+      if (VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE)
+	 VG_(printf)("%d: gathering clique %p\n", i, lc_shadows[i]->data);
+      _lc_markstack_push(lc_shadows[i]->data, i);
+      lc_do_leakcheck(i);
+      sk_assert(lc_markstack_top == -1);
+      sk_assert(lc_markstack[i].state == IndirectLeak);
+      lc_markstack[i].state = Unreached; /* Return to unreached state,
+					    to indicate its a clique
+					    leader */
+   }
+   /* Common up the lost blocks so we can print sensible error messages. */
+   n_lossrecords = 0;
+   errlist       = NULL;
+   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      ExeContext* where = lc_shadows[i]->where;
+      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+         if (p->loss_mode == lc_markstack[i].state
+             && VG_(eq_ExeContext) ( MAC_(clo_leak_resolution),
+                                     p->allocated_at, 
+                                     where) ) {
+            break;
+	 }
+      }
+      if (p != NULL) {
+         p->num_blocks  ++;
+         p->total_bytes += lc_shadows[i]->size;
+	 p->indirect_bytes += lc_markstack[i].indirect;
+      } else {
+         n_lossrecords ++;
+         p = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(LossRecord));
+         p->loss_mode    = lc_markstack[i].state;
+         p->allocated_at = where;
+         p->total_bytes  = lc_shadows[i]->size;
+	 p->indirect_bytes = lc_markstack[i].indirect;
+         p->num_blocks   = 1;
+         p->next         = errlist;
+         errlist         = p;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Print out the commoned-up blocks and collect summary stats. */
+   for (i = 0; i < n_lossrecords; i++) {
+      Bool        print_record;
+      LossRecord* p_min = NULL;
+      UInt        n_min = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+         if (p->num_blocks > 0 && p->total_bytes < n_min) {
+            n_min = p->total_bytes + p->indirect_bytes;
+            p_min = p;
+         }
+      }
+      sk_assert(p_min != NULL);
+      /* Ok to have tst==NULL;  it's only used if --gdb-attach=yes, and
+         we disallow that when --leak-check=yes.  
+         Prints the error if not suppressed, unless it's reachable (Proper or IndirectLeak)
+         and --show-reachable=no */
+      print_record = ( MAC_(clo_show_reachable) || 
+		       Unreached == p_min->loss_mode || Interior == p_min->loss_mode );
+      is_suppressed = 
+         VG_(unique_error) ( VG_(get_VCPU_tid)(), LeakErr, (UInt)i+1,
+                             (Char*)n_lossrecords, (void*) p_min,
+                             p_min->allocated_at, print_record,
+                             /*allow_GDB_attach*/False, /*count_error*/False );
+      if (is_suppressed) {
+         blocks_suppressed      += p_min->num_blocks;
+         MAC_(bytes_suppressed) += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (Unreached  == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_leaked      += p_min->num_blocks;
+         MAC_(bytes_leaked) += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (IndirectLeak  == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_indirect    += p_min->num_blocks;
+         MAC_(bytes_indirect)+= p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (Interior    == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_dubious      += p_min->num_blocks;
+         MAC_(bytes_dubious) += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (Proper        == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_reachable      += p_min->num_blocks;
+         MAC_(bytes_reachable) += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else {
+         VG_(skin_panic)("generic_detect_memory_leaks: unknown loss mode");
+      }
+      p_min->num_blocks = 0;
+   }
+/* Compute a quick summary of the leak check. */
+static void make_summary()
+   Int i;
+   for(i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      SizeT size = lc_shadows[i]->size;
+      switch(lc_markstack[i].state) {
+      case Unreached:
+	 blocks_leaked++;
+	 MAC_(bytes_leaked) += size;
+	 break;
+      case Proper:
+	 blocks_reachable++;
+	 MAC_(bytes_reachable) += size;
+	 break;
+      case Interior:
+	 blocks_dubious++;
+	 MAC_(bytes_dubious) += size;
+	 break;
+      case IndirectLeak:	/* shouldn't happen */
+	 blocks_indirect++;
+	 MAC_(bytes_indirect) += size;
+	 break;
+      }
+   }
 /* Top level entry point to leak detector.  Call here, passing in
    suitable address-validating functions (see comment at top of
    vg_scan_all_valid_memory above).  All this is to avoid duplication
@@ -375,22 +565,14 @@
    reachable blocks should be shown.
 void MAC_(do_detect_memory_leaks) (
-   ThreadId tid,
-   Bool is_valid_64k_chunk ( UInt ),
-   Bool is_valid_address ( Addr )
+   LeakCheckMode mode,
+   Bool (*is_valid_64k_chunk) ( UInt ),
+   Bool (*is_valid_address)   ( Addr )
    Int    i;
-   Int    blocks_leaked;
-   Int    blocks_dubious;
-   Int    blocks_reachable;
-   Int    blocks_suppressed;
-   Int    n_lossrecords;
-   UInt   bytes_notified;
-   Bool   is_suppressed;
-   LossRecord* errlist;
-   LossRecord* p;
+   sk_assert(mode != LC_Off);
    /* VG_(HT_to_array) allocates storage for shadows */
    lc_shadows = (MAC_Chunk**)VG_(HT_to_array)( MAC_(malloc_list),
@@ -401,17 +583,17 @@
    /* Sanity check; assert that the blocks are now in order */
    for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows-1; i++) {
-      tl_assert( lc_shadows[i]->data <= lc_shadows[i+1]->data);
+      sk_assert( lc_shadows[i]->data <= lc_shadows[i+1]->data);
    /* Sanity check -- make sure they don't overlap */
    for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows-1; i++) {
-      tl_assert( lc_shadows[i]->data + lc_shadows[i]->size
+      sk_assert( lc_shadows[i]->data + lc_shadows[i]->size
                  < lc_shadows[i+1]->data );
    if (lc_n_shadows == 0) {
-      tl_assert(lc_shadows == NULL);
+      sk_assert(lc_shadows == NULL);
       if (VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 1) {
                       "No malloc'd blocks -- no leaks are possible.");
@@ -426,119 +608,62 @@
    lc_min_mallocd_addr = lc_shadows[0]->data;
    lc_max_mallocd_addr = lc_shadows[lc_n_shadows-1]->data
-                         + lc_shadows[lc_n_shadows-1]->size - 1;
+                         + lc_shadows[lc_n_shadows-1]->size;
-   lc_reachedness = VG_(malloc)( lc_n_shadows * sizeof(Reachedness) );
-   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows; i++)
-      lc_reachedness[i] = Unreached;
+   lc_markstack = VG_(malloc)( lc_n_shadows * sizeof(*lc_markstack) );
+   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      lc_markstack[i].next = -1;
+      lc_markstack[i].state = Unreached;
+      lc_markstack[i].indirect = 0;
+   }
+   lc_markstack_top = -1;
-   /* Do the scan of memory. */
-   bytes_notified
-       = sizeof(UWord)
-         * vg_scan_all_valid_memory (
-              is_valid_64k_chunk,
-              is_valid_address,
-              &vg_detect_memory_leaks_notify_addr
-           );
+   lc_is_valid_chunk   = is_valid_64k_chunk;
+   lc_is_valid_address = is_valid_address;
+   lc_scanned = 0;
+   /* Do the scan of memory, pushing any pointers onto the mark stack */
+   VG_(find_root_memory)(lc_scan_memory);
+   /* Push registers onto mark stack */
+   VG_(mark_from_registers)(lc_markstack_push);
+   /* Keep walking the heap until everything is found */
+   lc_do_leakcheck(-1);
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0)
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "checked %d bytes.", bytes_notified);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "checked %d bytes.", lc_scanned);
-   /* Common up the lost blocks so we can print sensible error messages. */
-   n_lossrecords = 0;
-   errlist       = NULL;
-   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_shadows; i++) {
-      ExeContext* where = lc_shadows[i]->where;
-      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
-         if (p->loss_mode == lc_reachedness[i]
-             && VG_(eq_ExeContext) ( MAC_(clo_leak_resolution),
-                                     p->allocated_at, 
-                                     where) ) {
-            break;
-	 }
-      }
-      if (p != NULL) {
-         p->num_blocks  ++;
-         p->total_bytes += lc_shadows[i]->size;
-      } else {
-         n_lossrecords ++;
-         p = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(LossRecord));
-         p->loss_mode    = lc_reachedness[i];
-         p->allocated_at = where;
-         p->total_bytes  = lc_shadows[i]->size;
-         p->num_blocks   = 1;
-         p->next         = errlist;
-         errlist         = p;
-      }
-   }
-   /* Print out the commoned-up blocks and collect summary stats. */
    blocks_leaked     = MAC_(bytes_leaked)     = 0;
+   blocks_indirect   = MAC_(bytes_indirect)   = 0;
    blocks_dubious    = MAC_(bytes_dubious)    = 0;
    blocks_reachable  = MAC_(bytes_reachable)  = 0;
    blocks_suppressed = MAC_(bytes_suppressed) = 0;
-   for (i = 0; i < n_lossrecords; i++) {
-      Bool        print_record;
-      LossRecord* p_min = NULL;
-      UInt        n_min = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
-         if (p->num_blocks > 0 && p->total_bytes < n_min) {
-            n_min = p->total_bytes;
-            p_min = p;
-         }
-      }
-      tl_assert(p_min != NULL);
-      /* Ok to have tst==NULL;  it's only used if --gdb-attach=yes, and
-         we disallow that when --leak-check=yes.  
-         Prints the error if not suppressed, unless it's reachable (Proper)
-         and --show-reachable=no */
-      print_record = ( MAC_(clo_show_reachable) || Proper != p_min->loss_mode );
-      is_suppressed = 
-         VG_(unique_error) ( tid, LeakErr, (UInt)i+1,
-                             (Char*)(UWord)n_lossrecords, (void*) p_min,
-                             p_min->allocated_at, print_record,
-                             /*allow_GDB_attach*/False, /*count_error*/False );
-      if (is_suppressed) {
-         blocks_suppressed      += p_min->num_blocks;
-         MAC_(bytes_suppressed) += p_min->total_bytes;
-      } else if (Unreached  == p_min->loss_mode) {
-         blocks_leaked      += p_min->num_blocks;
-         MAC_(bytes_leaked) += p_min->total_bytes;
-      } else if (Interior    == p_min->loss_mode) {
-         blocks_dubious      += p_min->num_blocks;
-         MAC_(bytes_dubious) += p_min->total_bytes;
-      } else if (Proper        == p_min->loss_mode) {
-         blocks_reachable      += p_min->num_blocks;
-         MAC_(bytes_reachable) += p_min->total_bytes;
-      } else {
-         VG_(tool_panic)("generic_detect_memory_leaks: unknown loss mode");
-      }
-      p_min->num_blocks = 0;
-   }
+   if (mode == LC_Full)
+      full_report();
+   else
+      make_summary();
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0) {
       VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
       VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "LEAK SUMMARY:");
       VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   definitely lost: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
                                MAC_(bytes_leaked), blocks_leaked );
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   possibly lost:   %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+      if (blocks_indirect > 0)
+	 VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   indirectly lost: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+		      MAC_(bytes_indirect), blocks_indirect );
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "     possibly lost: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
                                MAC_(bytes_dubious), blocks_dubious );
       VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   still reachable: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
                                MAC_(bytes_reachable), blocks_reachable );
       VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "        suppressed: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
                                MAC_(bytes_suppressed), blocks_suppressed );
-      if (!MAC_(clo_show_reachable)) {
+      if (mode == LC_Summary)
+	 VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg,
+		      "Use --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.");
+      else if (!MAC_(clo_show_reachable)) {
            "Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.");
@@ -547,7 +672,7 @@
    VG_(free) ( lc_shadows );
-   VG_(free) ( lc_reachedness );
+   VG_(free) ( lc_markstack );