Moved vg_regtest to, using autoconf so vg_regtest now knows where
the `valgrind' script is kept, so people who install valgrind in a directory
other than the one I do don't need to use the --valgrind option all the time.

As a consequence, vg_regtests is now installed in and run out of bin/, rather
than tests/.

Also added a GPL copyright notice to

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53ce9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+##--- Valgrind regression testing script                vg_regtest ---##
+#  This file is part of Valgrind, an x86 protected-mode emulator 
+#  designed for debugging and profiling binaries on x86-Unixes.
+#  Copyright (C) 2002 Nicholas Nethercote
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+#  02111-1307, USA.
+#  The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+# usage: vg_regtest [options] <dirs | files>
+# Options:
+#   --stable:   use stable-branch stderr results (*.stderr.exp.hd)
+#   --dev:      use dev-branch stderr results    (*.stderr.exp - default)
+#   --all:      run tests in all subdirs
+#   --valgrind: valgrind to use.  Default is one built from this source tree.
+# You can specify individual files to test, or whole directories, or both.
+# The stable-branch/dev-branch distinction allows slight differences in stderr
+# results.
+# Each test is defined in a file <test>.vgtest, containing one or more of the
+# following lines, in any order:
+#   - prog:   <prog to run>                         (compulsory)
+#   - args:   <args for prog>                       (default: none)
+#   - vgopts: <Valgrind options>                    (default: none)
+#   -  <options, --stable only>          (default: none)
+#   - <options, --dev only>             (default: none)
+#   - stdout_filter: <filter to run stdout through> (default: none)
+#   - stderr_filter: <filter to run stderr through> (default: ./filter_stderr)
+# Note that filters are necessary for stderr results to filter out things that
+# always change, eg. process id numbers.
+# Expected stdout (filtered) is kept in <test>.stdout.exp.  It can be missing
+# if it would be empty.
+# Expected stderr (filtered) is kept in <test>.stderr.exp for --dev, and
+# <test>.stderr.exp.hd for --stable (silly ".hd" extension for historical
+# reasons).
+# If results don't match, the output can be found in <test>.std<strm>.out,
+# and the diff between expected and actual in <test>.std<strm>.diff.
+# Notes on adding regression tests for a new skin are in
+# coregrind/docs/skins.html.
+use strict;
+# Global vars
+my $usage="vg_regtest [--stable|--dev, --all, --valgrind]\n";
+my $tmp="vg_regtest.tmp.$$";
+# Test variables
+my $vgopts;             # valgrind options
+my $prog;               # test prog
+my $args;               # test prog args
+my $stdout_filter;      # filter program to run stdout results file through
+my $stderr_filter;      # filter program to run stderr results file through
+my @failures;           # List of failed tests
+my $exp = "";           # --dev is default
+# Default valgrind to use is this build tree's one
+my $prefix="@prefix@";
+my $exec_prefix="@exec_prefix@";
+my $valgrind = "@bindir@/valgrind";
+chomp(my $tests_dir = `pwd`);
+# default filter is the one named "filter_stderr" in the test's directory
+my $default_stderr_filter = "filter_stderr";
+# Process command line, setup
+# If $prog is a relative path, it prepends $dir to it.  Useful for two reasons:
+# 1. Can prepend "." onto programs to avoid trouble with users who don't have
+#    "." in their path (by making $dir = ".")
+# 2. Can prepend the current dir to make the command absolute to avoid
+#    subsequent trouble when we change directories.
+# Also checks the program exists and is executable.
+sub validate_program ($$) 
+    my ($dir, $prog) = @_;
+    # If absolute path, leave it alone.  If relative, make it
+    # absolute -- by prepending current dir -- so we can change
+    # dirs and still use it.
+    $prog = "$dir/$prog" if ($prog !~ /^\//);
+    (-f $prog) or die "`$prog' not found or not a file ($dir)\n";
+    (-x $prog) or die "`$prog' not found or not executable ($dir)\n";
+    return $prog;
+sub process_command_line() 
+    my $alldirs = 0;
+    my @fs;
+    for my $arg (@ARGV) {
+        if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
+            if      ($arg =~ /^--stable$/) {
+                $exp = ".hd";
+            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--dev$/) {
+                $exp = "";
+            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--all$/) {
+                $alldirs = 1;
+            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--valgrind=(.*)$/) {
+                $valgrind = $1;
+            } else {
+                die $usage;
+            }
+        } else {
+            push(@fs, $arg);
+        }
+    }
+    $valgrind = validate_program($tests_dir, $valgrind);
+    if ($alldirs) {
+        @fs = ();
+        foreach my $f (glob "*") {
+            push(@fs, $f) if (-d $f);
+        }
+    }
+    (0 != @fs) or die "No test files or directories specified\n";
+    return @fs;
+# Read a .vgtest file
+sub read_vgtest_file($)
+    my ($f) = @_;
+    # Defaults.
+    ($vgopts, $prog, $args, $stdout_filter, $stderr_filter) = 
+        ("", undef, "", undef, undef);
+    # Every test directory must have a "filter_stderr"
+    $stderr_filter = validate_program(".", $default_stderr_filter);
+    open(INPUTFILE, "< $f") || die "File $f not openable\n";
+    while (my $line = <INPUTFILE>) {
+        if      ($line =~ /^\s*vgopts:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $vgopts = $1;
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*prog:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $prog = validate_program(".", $1);
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*args:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $args = $1;
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*vgopts\.st:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $vgopts = $1 if ($exp eq ".hd");
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*vgopts\.dev:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $vgopts = $1 if ($exp eq "");
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*stdout_filter:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $stdout_filter = validate_program(".", $1);
+        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*stderr_filter:\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $stderr_filter = validate_program(".", $1);
+        } else {
+            die "Bad line in $f: $line\n";
+        }
+    }
+    close(INPUTFILE);
+    if (!defined $prog) {
+        die "no `prog:' line in `$f'\n";
+    }
+# Do one test
+# Since most of the program time is spent in system() calls, need this to
+# propagate a Ctrl-C enabling us to quit.
+sub mysystem($) 
+    (system($_[0]) != 2) or exit 1;      # 2 is SIGINT
+# from a directory name like "/foo/cachesim/tests/" determine the skin name
+sub determine_skin()
+    my $dir = `pwd`;
+    $dir =~ /.*\/([^\/]+)\/tests.*/;   # foo/skin_name/tests/foo
+    return $1;
+sub do_one_test($$) 
+    my ($dir, $vgtest) = @_;
+    $vgtest =~ /^(.*)\.vgtest/;
+    my $name = $1;
+    my $fullname = "$dir/$name"; 
+    read_vgtest_file($vgtest);
+    printf("%-30s valgrind $vgopts $prog $args\n", "$fullname:");
+    # If --dev, pass the appropriate --skin option for the directory (can be
+    # overridden by an "args:" or "" line, though)
+    if ($exp eq ".hd") {
+        mysystem("$valgrind $vgopts $prog $args > $name.stdout.out 2> $name.stderr.out");
+    } else {
+        my $skin=determine_skin();
+        mysystem("$valgrind --skin=$skin $vgopts $prog $args > $name.stdout.out 2> $name.stderr.out");
+    }
+    if (defined $stdout_filter) {
+        mysystem("$stdout_filter < $name.stdout.out > $tmp");
+        rename($tmp, "$name.stdout.out");
+    }
+    mysystem("$stderr_filter < $name.stderr.out > $tmp");
+    rename($tmp, "$name.stderr.out");
+    # If stdout expected empty, .exp file might be missing so diff with 
+    # /dev/null
+    my $stdout_exp = ( -r "$name.stdout.exp" 
+                     ? "$name.stdout.exp" 
+                     : "/dev/null" );
+    # If stable-branch and dev-branch have the same expected stderr output,
+    # foo.stderr.exp.hd might be missing, so use foo.stderr.exp instead if
+    # --stable is true.
+    my $stderr_exp = "$name.stderr.exp$exp";
+    if ($exp eq ".hd" && not -r $stderr_exp) {
+       $stderr_exp = "$name.stderr.exp";
+    }
+    (-r $stderr_exp) or die "Could not read `$stderr_exp'\n";
+    mysystem("diff -C0 $stdout_exp $name.stdout.out > $name.stdout.diff");
+    mysystem("diff -C0 $stderr_exp $name.stderr.out > $name.stderr.diff");
+    for my $ext ("stdout", "stderr") {
+        if (-s "$name.$ext.diff") {
+            print "*** $fullname failed ($ext) ***\n";
+            push(@failures, sprintf("%-30s $ext", "$fullname"));
+        } else {
+            unlink("$name.$ext.out", "$name.$ext.diff");
+        }
+    }
+# Test one directory (and any subdirs)
+sub test_one_dir($);    # forward declaration
+sub test_one_dir($) 
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    $dir =~ s/\/$//;    # trim a trailing '/'
+    if ($dir =~ /^(CVS|docs)$/) { return; }    # ignore CVS/ and docs/ dirs
+    print "-- Running tests in $dir ----------------------------------\n";
+    chdir($dir) or die "Could not change into $dir\n";
+#    my @vgtests = glob "*\.vgtest";
+    my @fs = glob "*";
+    foreach my $f (@fs) {
+        if (-d $f) {
+            test_one_dir($f);
+        } elsif ($f =~ /\.vgtest$/) {
+            do_one_test($dir, $f);
+        }
+    }
+    print "-- Finished tests in $dir ----------------------------------\n";
+    chdir("..");
+# Summarise results
+sub summarise_results 
+    print "\n== Failed tests ===============================\n";
+    if (0 == @failures) {
+        print "   (none)\n";
+    } else {
+        foreach my $failure (@failures) {
+            print "$failure\n";
+        }
+    }
+# main(), sort of
+# undefine $VALGRIND_OPTS
+if ( exists $ENV{VALGRIND_OPTS} ) {
+my @fs = process_command_line();
+foreach my $f (@fs) {
+    if (-d $f) {
+        test_one_dir($f);
+    } else { 
+        # Allow the .vgtest suffix to be given or omitted
+        if ($f =~ /.vgtest$/ && -r $f) {
+            # do nothing
+        } elsif (-r "$f.vgtest") {
+            $f = "$f.vgtest";
+        } else {
+            die "`$f' neither a directory nor a readable test file/name\n"
+        }
+        my $dir  = `dirname  $f`;   chomp $dir;
+        my $file = `basename $f`;   chomp $file;
+        chdir($dir) or die "Could not change into $dir\n";
+        do_one_test($dir, $file);
+        chdir($tests_dir);
+    }
+##--- end                                               vg_regtest ---##