Make some vgdb interface to callgrind_control internal

The vgdb "status" monitor command is still available, but
used for pretty printing of status information now (acutally,
just some place holder for real information up to now: just
number of running threads). The internal interface used by
callgrind_control to provide stack traces and event counts
is using "status internal", and is not documented, as the
format is not for human consumption.

This also adds some documentation.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/callgrind/main.c b/callgrind/main.c
index 00c076b..6f8e07d 100644
--- a/callgrind/main.c
+++ b/callgrind/main.c
@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@
    VG_(gdb_printf) ("  zero\n");
    VG_(gdb_printf) ("        zero counters\n");
    VG_(gdb_printf) ("  status\n");
-   VG_(gdb_printf) ("        print status (statistics and shadow stacks)\n");
+   VG_(gdb_printf) ("        print status\n");
    VG_(gdb_printf) ("  instrumentation [on|off]\n");
    VG_(gdb_printf) ("        get/set (if on/off given) instrumentation state\n");
    VG_(gdb_printf) ("\n");
@@ -1483,10 +1483,28 @@
       return True;
    case 3: { /* status */
-     dump_state_togdb();
+     Char* arg = VG_(strtok_r) (0, " ", &ssaveptr);
+     if (arg && (VG_(strcmp)(arg, "internal") == 0)) {
+       /* internal interface to callgrind_control */
+       dump_state_togdb();
+       return True;
+     }
+     if (!CLG_(instrument_state)) {
+       VG_(gdb_printf)("No status available as instrumentation is switched off\n");
+     } else {
+       // Status information to be improved ...
+       thread_info** th = CLG_(get_threads)();
+       Int t, tcount = 0;
+       for(t=1;t<VG_N_THREADS;t++)
+	 if (th[t]) tcount++;
+       VG_(gdb_printf)("%d thread(s) running.\n", tcount);
+     }
      return True;
    case 4: { /* instrumentation */
      Char* arg = VG_(strtok_r) (0, " ", &ssaveptr);
      if (!arg) {