Flatten out the directory structure in the priv/ side, by pulling all
files into priv/ and giving them unique names.  This makes it easier
to use automake to build all this stuff in Valgrind.  It also tidies
up a directory structure which had become a bit pointlessly complex.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/vex/trunk@1904 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h b/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148346a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/*---                                                              ---*/
+/*--- This file (guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h) is                      ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (C) OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved.           ---*/
+/*---                                                              ---*/
+   This file is part of LibVEX, a library for dynamic binary
+   instrumentation and translation.
+   Copyright (C) 2004-2009 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved.
+   This library is made available under a dual licensing scheme.
+   If you link LibVEX against other code all of which is itself
+   licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 dated June
+   1991 ("GPL v2"), then you may use LibVEX under the terms of the GPL
+   v2, as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL.  If the file LICENSE.GPL
+   is missing, you can obtain a copy of the GPL v2 from the Free
+   Software Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+   02110-1301, USA.
+   For any other uses of LibVEX, you must first obtain a commercial
+   license from OpenWorks LLP.  Please contact info@open-works.co.uk
+   for information about commercial licensing.
+   This software is provided by OpenWorks LLP "as is" and any express
+   or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
+   warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
+   are disclaimed.  In no event shall OpenWorks LLP be liable for any
+   direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
+   damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
+   goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
+   interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability,
+   whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
+   negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
+   software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+   Neither the names of the U.S. Department of Energy nor the
+   University of California nor the names of its contributors may be
+   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without prior written permission.
+/* This defines stuff needed by the guest insn disassemblers.
+   It's a bit circular; is imported by
+   - the guest-specific toIR.c files (guest-{x86,amd64,ppc,arm}/toIR.c)
+   - the generic disassembly driver (bb_to_IR.c)
+   - vex_main.c
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   Result of disassembling an instruction
+   --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The results of disassembling an instruction.  There are three
+   possible outcomes.  For Dis_Resteer, the disassembler _must_
+   continue at the specified address.  For Dis_StopHere, the
+   disassembler _must_ terminate the BB.  For Dis_Continue, we may at
+   our option either disassemble the next insn, or terminate the BB;
+   but in the latter case we must set the bb's ->next field to point
+   to the next instruction.  */
+   struct {
+      /* The disassembled insn has this length.  Must always be
+         set. */
+      Int len;
+      /* What happens next?
+         Dis_StopHere:  this insn terminates the BB; we must stop.
+         Dis_Continue:  we can optionally continue into the next insn
+         Dis_Resteer:   followed a branch; continue at the spec'd addr
+      */
+      enum { Dis_StopHere, Dis_Continue, Dis_Resteer } whatNext;
+      /* For Dis_Resteer, this is the guest address we should continue
+         at.  Otherwise ignored (should be zero). */
+      Addr64 continueAt;
+   }
+   DisResult;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   The type of a function which disassembles one instruction.
+   C's function-type syntax is really astonishing bizarre.
+   --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* A function of this type (DisOneInstrFn) disassembles an instruction
+   located at host address &guest_code[delta], whose guest IP is
+   guest_IP (this may be entirely unrelated to where the insn is
+   actually located in the host's address space.).  The returned
+   DisResult.len field carries its size.  If the returned
+   DisResult.whatNext field is Dis_Resteer then DisResult.continueAt
+   should hold the guest IP of the next insn to disassemble.
+   disInstr is not permitted to return Dis_Resteer if resteerOkFn,
+   when applied to the address which it wishes to resteer into,
+   returns False.  
+   The resulting IR is added to the end of irbb.
+   DisResult (*DisOneInstrFn) ( 
+      /* This is the IRSB to which the resulting IR is to be appended. */
+      /*OUT*/ IRSB*        irbb,
+      /* Do we need to generate IR to set the guest IP for this insn,
+         or not? */
+      /*IN*/  Bool         put_IP,
+      /* Return True iff resteering to the given addr is allowed */
+      /*IN*/  Bool         (*resteerOkFn) ( /*opaque*/void*, Addr64 ),
+      /* Vex-opaque data passed to all caller (valgrind) supplied
+         callbacks. */
+      /*IN*/  void*        callback_opaque,
+      /* Where is the guest code? */
+      /*IN*/  UChar*       guest_code,
+      /* Where is the actual insn?  Note: it's at &guest_code[delta] */
+      /*IN*/  Long         delta,
+      /* What is the guest IP of the insn? */
+      /*IN*/  Addr64       guest_IP,
+      /* Info about the guest architecture */
+      /*IN*/  VexArch      guest_arch,
+      /*IN*/  VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+      /* ABI info for both guest and host */
+      /*IN*/  VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+      /* Is the host bigendian? */
+      /*IN*/  Bool         host_bigendian
+   );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   Top-level BB to IR conversion fn.
+   --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* See detailed comment in bb_to_IR.c. */
+IRSB* bb_to_IR ( /*OUT*/VexGuestExtents* vge,
+                 /*IN*/ void*            closure_opaque,
+                 /*IN*/ DisOneInstrFn    dis_instr_fn,
+                 /*IN*/ UChar*           guest_code,
+                 /*IN*/ Addr64           guest_IP_bbstart,
+                 /*IN*/ Bool             (*chase_into_ok)(void*,Addr64),
+                 /*IN*/ Bool             host_bigendian,
+                 /*IN*/ VexArch          arch_guest,
+                 /*IN*/ VexArchInfo*     archinfo_guest,
+                 /*IN*/ VexAbiInfo*      abiinfo_both,
+                 /*IN*/ IRType           guest_word_type,
+                 /*IN*/ Bool             do_self_check,
+                 /*IN*/ Bool             (*preamble_function)(void*,IRSB*),
+                 /*IN*/ Int              offB_TISTART,
+                 /*IN*/ Int              offB_TILEN );
+#endif /* ndef __VEX_GUEST_GENERIC_BB_TO_IR_H */
+/*--- end                                 guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h ---*/