Flatten out the directory structure in the priv/ side, by pulling all
files into priv/ and giving them unique names.  This makes it easier
to use automake to build all this stuff in Valgrind.  It also tidies
up a directory structure which had become a bit pointlessly complex.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/vex/trunk@1904 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/priv/main_main.c b/priv/main_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49cb8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/main_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/*--- This file (main_main.c) is                              ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (C) OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved.      ---*/
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+   This file is part of LibVEX, a library for dynamic binary
+   instrumentation and translation.
+   Copyright (C) 2004-2009 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved.
+   This library is made available under a dual licensing scheme.
+   If you link LibVEX against other code all of which is itself
+   licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 dated June
+   1991 ("GPL v2"), then you may use LibVEX under the terms of the GPL
+   v2, as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL.  If the file LICENSE.GPL
+   is missing, you can obtain a copy of the GPL v2 from the Free
+   Software Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+   02110-1301, USA.
+   For any other uses of LibVEX, you must first obtain a commercial
+   license from OpenWorks LLP.  Please contact info@open-works.co.uk
+   for information about commercial licensing.
+   This software is provided by OpenWorks LLP "as is" and any express
+   or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
+   warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
+   are disclaimed.  In no event shall OpenWorks LLP be liable for any
+   direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
+   damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
+   goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
+   interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability,
+   whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
+   negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
+   software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+   Neither the names of the U.S. Department of Energy nor the
+   University of California nor the names of its contributors may be
+   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without prior written permission.
+#include "libvex.h"
+#include "libvex_emwarn.h"
+#include "libvex_guest_x86.h"
+#include "libvex_guest_amd64.h"
+#include "libvex_guest_arm.h"
+#include "libvex_guest_ppc32.h"
+#include "libvex_guest_ppc64.h"
+#include "main_globals.h"
+#include "main_util.h"
+#include "host_generic_regs.h"
+#include "ir_opt.h"
+#include "host_x86_defs.h"
+#include "host_amd64_defs.h"
+#include "host_ppc_defs.h"
+#include "guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h"
+#include "guest_x86_defs.h"
+#include "guest_amd64_defs.h"
+#include "guest_arm_defs.h"
+#include "guest_ppc_defs.h"
+/* This file contains the top level interface to the library. */
+/* --------- fwds ... --------- */
+static Bool   are_valid_hwcaps ( VexArch arch, UInt hwcaps );
+static HChar* show_hwcaps ( VexArch arch, UInt hwcaps );
+/* --------- Initialise the library. --------- */
+/* Exported to library client. */
+const HChar* LibVEX_Version ( void )
+#include "main/vex_svnversion.h"
+    ;
+/* Exported to library client. */
+void LibVEX_default_VexControl ( /*OUT*/ VexControl* vcon )
+   vcon->iropt_verbosity            = 0;
+   vcon->iropt_level                = 2;
+   vcon->iropt_precise_memory_exns  = False;
+   vcon->iropt_unroll_thresh        = 120;
+   vcon->guest_max_insns            = 60;
+   vcon->guest_chase_thresh         = 10;
+/* Exported to library client. */
+void LibVEX_Init (
+   /* failure exit function */
+   __attribute__ ((noreturn))
+   void (*failure_exit) ( void ),
+   /* logging output function */
+   void (*log_bytes) ( HChar*, Int nbytes ),
+   /* debug paranoia level */
+   Int debuglevel,
+   /* Are we supporting valgrind checking? */
+   Bool valgrind_support,
+   /* Control ... */
+   /*READONLY*/VexControl* vcon
+   /* First off, do enough minimal setup so that the following
+      assertions can fail in a sane fashion, if need be. */
+   vex_failure_exit = failure_exit;
+   vex_log_bytes    = log_bytes;
+   /* Now it's safe to check parameters for sanity. */
+   vassert(!vex_initdone);
+   vassert(failure_exit);
+   vassert(log_bytes);
+   vassert(debuglevel >= 0);
+   vassert(vcon->iropt_verbosity >= 0);
+   vassert(vcon->iropt_level >= 0);
+   vassert(vcon->iropt_level <= 2);
+   vassert(vcon->iropt_unroll_thresh >= 0);
+   vassert(vcon->iropt_unroll_thresh <= 400);
+   vassert(vcon->guest_max_insns >= 1);
+   vassert(vcon->guest_max_insns <= 100);
+   vassert(vcon->guest_chase_thresh >= 0);
+   vassert(vcon->guest_chase_thresh < vcon->guest_max_insns);
+   /* Check that Vex has been built with sizes of basic types as
+      stated in priv/libvex_basictypes.h.  Failure of any of these is
+      a serious configuration error and should be corrected
+      immediately.  If any of these assertions fail you can fully
+      expect Vex not to work properly, if at all. */
+   vassert(1 == sizeof(UChar));
+   vassert(1 == sizeof(Char));
+   vassert(2 == sizeof(UShort));
+   vassert(2 == sizeof(Short));
+   vassert(4 == sizeof(UInt));
+   vassert(4 == sizeof(Int));
+   vassert(8 == sizeof(ULong));
+   vassert(8 == sizeof(Long));
+   vassert(4 == sizeof(Float));
+   vassert(8 == sizeof(Double));
+   vassert(1 == sizeof(Bool));
+   vassert(4 == sizeof(Addr32));
+   vassert(8 == sizeof(Addr64));
+   vassert(16 == sizeof(U128));
+   vassert(sizeof(void*) == 4 || sizeof(void*) == 8);
+   vassert(sizeof(void*) == sizeof(int*));
+   vassert(sizeof(void*) == sizeof(HWord));
+   vassert(VEX_HOST_WORDSIZE == sizeof(void*));
+   vassert(VEX_HOST_WORDSIZE == sizeof(HWord));
+   /* Really start up .. */
+   vex_debuglevel         = debuglevel;
+   vex_valgrind_support   = valgrind_support;
+   vex_control            = *vcon;
+   vex_initdone           = True;
+   vexSetAllocMode ( VexAllocModeTEMP );
+/* --------- Make a translation. --------- */
+/* Exported to library client. */
+VexTranslateResult LibVEX_Translate ( VexTranslateArgs* vta )
+   /* This the bundle of functions we need to do the back-end stuff
+      (insn selection, reg-alloc, assembly) whilst being insulated
+      from the target instruction set. */
+   HReg* available_real_regs;
+   Int   n_available_real_regs;
+   Bool         (*isMove)       ( HInstr*, HReg*, HReg* );
+   void         (*getRegUsage)  ( HRegUsage*, HInstr*, Bool );
+   void         (*mapRegs)      ( HRegRemap*, HInstr*, Bool );
+   HInstr*      (*genSpill)     ( HReg, Int, Bool );
+   HInstr*      (*genReload)    ( HReg, Int, Bool );
+   HInstr*      (*directReload) ( HInstr*, HReg, Short );
+   void         (*ppInstr)      ( HInstr*, Bool );
+   void         (*ppReg)        ( HReg );
+   HInstrArray* (*iselSB)       ( IRSB*, VexArch, VexArchInfo*, 
+                                                  VexAbiInfo* );
+   Int          (*emit)         ( UChar*, Int, HInstr*, Bool, void* );
+   IRExpr*      (*specHelper)   ( HChar*, IRExpr** );
+   Bool         (*preciseMemExnsFn) ( Int, Int );
+   DisOneInstrFn disInstrFn;
+   VexGuestLayout* guest_layout;
+   Bool            host_is_bigendian = False;
+   IRSB*           irsb;
+   HInstrArray*    vcode;
+   HInstrArray*    rcode;
+   Int             i, j, k, out_used, guest_sizeB;
+   Int             offB_TISTART, offB_TILEN;
+   UChar           insn_bytes[32];
+   IRType          guest_word_type;
+   IRType          host_word_type;
+   Bool            mode64;
+   guest_layout           = NULL;
+   available_real_regs    = NULL;
+   n_available_real_regs  = 0;
+   isMove                 = NULL;
+   getRegUsage            = NULL;
+   mapRegs                = NULL;
+   genSpill               = NULL;
+   genReload              = NULL;
+   directReload           = NULL;
+   ppInstr                = NULL;
+   ppReg                  = NULL;
+   iselSB                 = NULL;
+   emit                   = NULL;
+   specHelper             = NULL;
+   preciseMemExnsFn       = NULL;
+   disInstrFn             = NULL;
+   guest_word_type        = Ity_INVALID;
+   host_word_type         = Ity_INVALID;
+   offB_TISTART           = 0;
+   offB_TILEN             = 0;
+   mode64                 = False;
+   vex_traceflags = vta->traceflags;
+   vassert(vex_initdone);
+   vexSetAllocModeTEMP_and_clear();
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   /* First off, check that the guest and host insn sets
+      are supported. */
+   switch (vta->arch_host) {
+      case VexArchX86:
+         mode64       = False;
+         getAllocableRegs_X86 ( &n_available_real_regs,
+                                &available_real_regs );
+         isMove       = (Bool(*)(HInstr*,HReg*,HReg*)) isMove_X86Instr;
+         getRegUsage  = (void(*)(HRegUsage*,HInstr*, Bool)) getRegUsage_X86Instr;
+         mapRegs      = (void(*)(HRegRemap*,HInstr*, Bool)) mapRegs_X86Instr;
+         genSpill     = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int, Bool)) genSpill_X86;
+         genReload    = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int, Bool)) genReload_X86;
+         directReload = (HInstr*(*)(HInstr*,HReg,Short)) directReload_X86;
+         ppInstr      = (void(*)(HInstr*, Bool)) ppX86Instr;
+         ppReg        = (void(*)(HReg)) ppHRegX86;
+         iselSB       = iselSB_X86;
+         emit         = (Int(*)(UChar*,Int,HInstr*,Bool,void*)) emit_X86Instr;
+         host_is_bigendian = False;
+         host_word_type    = Ity_I32;
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchX86, vta->archinfo_host.hwcaps));
+         vassert(vta->dispatch != NULL); /* jump-to-dispatcher scheme */
+         break;
+      case VexArchAMD64:
+         mode64      = True;
+         getAllocableRegs_AMD64 ( &n_available_real_regs,
+                                  &available_real_regs );
+         isMove      = (Bool(*)(HInstr*,HReg*,HReg*)) isMove_AMD64Instr;
+         getRegUsage = (void(*)(HRegUsage*,HInstr*, Bool)) getRegUsage_AMD64Instr;
+         mapRegs     = (void(*)(HRegRemap*,HInstr*, Bool)) mapRegs_AMD64Instr;
+         genSpill    = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int, Bool)) genSpill_AMD64;
+         genReload   = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int, Bool)) genReload_AMD64;
+         ppInstr     = (void(*)(HInstr*, Bool)) ppAMD64Instr;
+         ppReg       = (void(*)(HReg)) ppHRegAMD64;
+         iselSB      = iselSB_AMD64;
+         emit        = (Int(*)(UChar*,Int,HInstr*,Bool,void*)) emit_AMD64Instr;
+         host_is_bigendian = False;
+         host_word_type    = Ity_I64;
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchAMD64, vta->archinfo_host.hwcaps));
+         vassert(vta->dispatch != NULL); /* jump-to-dispatcher scheme */
+         break;
+      case VexArchPPC32:
+         mode64      = False;
+         getAllocableRegs_PPC ( &n_available_real_regs,
+                                &available_real_regs, mode64 );
+         isMove      = (Bool(*)(HInstr*,HReg*,HReg*)) isMove_PPCInstr;
+         getRegUsage = (void(*)(HRegUsage*,HInstr*,Bool)) getRegUsage_PPCInstr;
+         mapRegs     = (void(*)(HRegRemap*,HInstr*,Bool)) mapRegs_PPCInstr;
+         genSpill    = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int,Bool)) genSpill_PPC;
+         genReload   = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int,Bool)) genReload_PPC;
+         ppInstr     = (void(*)(HInstr*,Bool)) ppPPCInstr;
+         ppReg       = (void(*)(HReg)) ppHRegPPC;
+         iselSB      = iselSB_PPC;
+         emit        = (Int(*)(UChar*,Int,HInstr*,Bool,void*)) emit_PPCInstr;
+         host_is_bigendian = True;
+         host_word_type    = Ity_I32;
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchPPC32, vta->archinfo_host.hwcaps));
+         vassert(vta->dispatch == NULL); /* return-to-dispatcher scheme */
+         break;
+      case VexArchPPC64:
+         mode64      = True;
+         getAllocableRegs_PPC ( &n_available_real_regs,
+                                &available_real_regs, mode64 );
+         isMove      = (Bool(*)(HInstr*,HReg*,HReg*)) isMove_PPCInstr;
+         getRegUsage = (void(*)(HRegUsage*,HInstr*, Bool)) getRegUsage_PPCInstr;
+         mapRegs     = (void(*)(HRegRemap*,HInstr*, Bool)) mapRegs_PPCInstr;
+         genSpill    = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int, Bool)) genSpill_PPC;
+         genReload   = (HInstr*(*)(HReg,Int, Bool)) genReload_PPC;
+         ppInstr     = (void(*)(HInstr*, Bool)) ppPPCInstr;
+         ppReg       = (void(*)(HReg)) ppHRegPPC;
+         iselSB      = iselSB_PPC;
+         emit        = (Int(*)(UChar*,Int,HInstr*,Bool,void*)) emit_PPCInstr;
+         host_is_bigendian = True;
+         host_word_type    = Ity_I64;
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchPPC64, vta->archinfo_host.hwcaps));
+         vassert(vta->dispatch == NULL); /* return-to-dispatcher scheme */
+         break;
+      default:
+         vpanic("LibVEX_Translate: unsupported target insn set");
+   }
+   switch (vta->arch_guest) {
+      case VexArchX86:
+         preciseMemExnsFn = guest_x86_state_requires_precise_mem_exns;
+         disInstrFn       = disInstr_X86;
+         specHelper       = guest_x86_spechelper;
+         guest_sizeB      = sizeof(VexGuestX86State);
+         guest_word_type  = Ity_I32;
+         guest_layout     = &x86guest_layout;
+         offB_TISTART     = offsetof(VexGuestX86State,guest_TISTART);
+         offB_TILEN       = offsetof(VexGuestX86State,guest_TILEN);
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchX86, vta->archinfo_guest.hwcaps));
+         vassert(0 == sizeof(VexGuestX86State) % 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestX86State*)0)->guest_TISTART) == 4);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestX86State*)0)->guest_TILEN  ) == 4);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestX86State*)0)->guest_NRADDR ) == 4);
+         break;
+      case VexArchAMD64:
+         preciseMemExnsFn = guest_amd64_state_requires_precise_mem_exns;
+         disInstrFn       = disInstr_AMD64;
+         specHelper       = guest_amd64_spechelper;
+         guest_sizeB      = sizeof(VexGuestAMD64State);
+         guest_word_type  = Ity_I64;
+         guest_layout     = &amd64guest_layout;
+         offB_TISTART     = offsetof(VexGuestAMD64State,guest_TISTART);
+         offB_TILEN       = offsetof(VexGuestAMD64State,guest_TILEN);
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchAMD64, vta->archinfo_guest.hwcaps));
+         vassert(0 == sizeof(VexGuestAMD64State) % 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestAMD64State*)0)->guest_TISTART ) == 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestAMD64State*)0)->guest_TILEN   ) == 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestAMD64State*)0)->guest_NRADDR  ) == 8);
+         break;
+      case VexArchARM:
+         preciseMemExnsFn = guest_arm_state_requires_precise_mem_exns;
+         disInstrFn       = NULL; /* HACK */
+         specHelper       = guest_arm_spechelper;
+         guest_sizeB      = sizeof(VexGuestARMState);
+         guest_word_type  = Ity_I32;
+         guest_layout     = &armGuest_layout;
+         offB_TISTART     = 0; /* hack ... arm has bitrot */
+         offB_TILEN       = 0; /* hack ... arm has bitrot */
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchARM, vta->archinfo_guest.hwcaps));
+         break;
+      case VexArchPPC32:
+         preciseMemExnsFn = guest_ppc32_state_requires_precise_mem_exns;
+         disInstrFn       = disInstr_PPC;
+         specHelper       = guest_ppc32_spechelper;
+         guest_sizeB      = sizeof(VexGuestPPC32State);
+         guest_word_type  = Ity_I32;
+         guest_layout     = &ppc32Guest_layout;
+         offB_TISTART     = offsetof(VexGuestPPC32State,guest_TISTART);
+         offB_TILEN       = offsetof(VexGuestPPC32State,guest_TILEN);
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchPPC32, vta->archinfo_guest.hwcaps));
+         vassert(0 == sizeof(VexGuestPPC32State) % 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC32State*)0)->guest_TISTART ) == 4);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC32State*)0)->guest_TILEN   ) == 4);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC32State*)0)->guest_NRADDR  ) == 4);
+         break;
+      case VexArchPPC64:
+         preciseMemExnsFn = guest_ppc64_state_requires_precise_mem_exns;
+         disInstrFn       = disInstr_PPC;
+         specHelper       = guest_ppc64_spechelper;
+         guest_sizeB      = sizeof(VexGuestPPC64State);
+         guest_word_type  = Ity_I64;
+         guest_layout     = &ppc64Guest_layout;
+         offB_TISTART     = offsetof(VexGuestPPC64State,guest_TISTART);
+         offB_TILEN       = offsetof(VexGuestPPC64State,guest_TILEN);
+         vassert(are_valid_hwcaps(VexArchPPC64, vta->archinfo_guest.hwcaps));
+         vassert(0 == sizeof(VexGuestPPC64State) % 16);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC64State*)0)->guest_TISTART    ) == 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC64State*)0)->guest_TILEN      ) == 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC64State*)0)->guest_NRADDR     ) == 8);
+         vassert(sizeof( ((VexGuestPPC64State*)0)->guest_NRADDR_GPR2) == 8);
+         break;
+      default:
+         vpanic("LibVEX_Translate: unsupported guest insn set");
+   }
+   /* yet more sanity checks ... */
+   if (vta->arch_guest == vta->arch_host) {
+      /* doesn't necessarily have to be true, but if it isn't it means
+         we are simulating one flavour of an architecture a different
+         flavour of the same architecture, which is pretty strange. */
+      vassert(vta->archinfo_guest.hwcaps == vta->archinfo_host.hwcaps);
+   }
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " Front end "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+   irsb = bb_to_IR ( vta->guest_extents,
+                     vta->callback_opaque,
+                     disInstrFn,
+                     vta->guest_bytes, 
+                     vta->guest_bytes_addr,
+                     vta->chase_into_ok,
+                     host_is_bigendian,
+                     vta->arch_guest,
+                     &vta->archinfo_guest,
+                     &vta->abiinfo_both,
+                     guest_word_type,
+                     vta->do_self_check,
+                     vta->preamble_function,
+                     offB_TISTART,
+                     offB_TILEN );
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (irsb == NULL) {
+      /* Access failure. */
+      vexSetAllocModeTEMP_and_clear();
+      vex_traceflags = 0;
+      return VexTransAccessFail;
+   }
+   vassert(vta->guest_extents->n_used >= 1 && vta->guest_extents->n_used <= 3);
+   vassert(vta->guest_extents->base[0] == vta->guest_bytes_addr);
+   for (i = 0; i < vta->guest_extents->n_used; i++) {
+      vassert(vta->guest_extents->len[i] < 10000); /* sanity */
+   }
+   /* If debugging, show the raw guest bytes for this bb. */
+   if (0 || (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)) {
+      if (vta->guest_extents->n_used > 1) {
+         vex_printf("can't show code due to extents > 1\n");
+      } else {
+         /* HACK */
+         UChar* p = (UChar*)vta->guest_bytes;
+         UInt   guest_bytes_read = (UInt)vta->guest_extents->len[0];
+         vex_printf(". 0 %llx %u\n.", vta->guest_bytes_addr, guest_bytes_read );
+         for (i = 0; i < guest_bytes_read; i++)
+            vex_printf(" %02x", (Int)p[i] );
+         vex_printf("\n\n");
+      }
+   }
+   /* Sanity check the initial IR. */
+   sanityCheckIRSB( irsb, "initial IR", 
+                    False/*can be non-flat*/, guest_word_type );
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   /* Clean it up, hopefully a lot. */
+   irsb = do_iropt_BB ( irsb, specHelper, preciseMemExnsFn, 
+                              vta->guest_bytes_addr );
+   sanityCheckIRSB( irsb, "after initial iropt", 
+                    True/*must be flat*/, guest_word_type );
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_OPT1) {
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " After pre-instr IR optimisation "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+      ppIRSB ( irsb );
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   }
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   /* Get the thing instrumented. */
+   if (vta->instrument1)
+      irsb = vta->instrument1(vta->callback_opaque,
+                              irsb, guest_layout, 
+                              vta->guest_extents,
+                              guest_word_type, host_word_type);
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (vta->instrument2)
+      irsb = vta->instrument2(vta->callback_opaque,
+                              irsb, guest_layout,
+                              vta->guest_extents,
+                              guest_word_type, host_word_type);
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_INST) {
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " After instrumentation "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+      ppIRSB ( irsb );
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   }
+   if (vta->instrument1 || vta->instrument2)
+      sanityCheckIRSB( irsb, "after instrumentation",
+                       True/*must be flat*/, guest_word_type );
+   /* Do a post-instrumentation cleanup pass. */
+   if (vta->instrument1 || vta->instrument2) {
+      do_deadcode_BB( irsb );
+      irsb = cprop_BB( irsb );
+      do_deadcode_BB( irsb );
+      sanityCheckIRSB( irsb, "after post-instrumentation cleanup",
+                       True/*must be flat*/, guest_word_type );
+   }
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_OPT2) {
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " After post-instr IR optimisation "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+      ppIRSB ( irsb );
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   }
+   /* Turn it into virtual-registerised code.  Build trees -- this
+      also throws away any dead bindings. */
+   ado_treebuild_BB( irsb );
+   if (vta->finaltidy) {
+      irsb = vta->finaltidy(irsb);
+   }
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_TREES) {
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   "  After tree-building "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+      ppIRSB ( irsb );
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   }
+   /* HACK */
+   if (0) { *(vta->host_bytes_used) = 0; return VexTransOK; }
+   /* end HACK */
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_VCODE)
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " Instruction selection "
+                   "------------------------\n");
+   vcode = iselSB ( irsb, vta->arch_host, &vta->archinfo_host, 
+                                          &vta->abiinfo_both );
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_VCODE)
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_VCODE) {
+      for (i = 0; i < vcode->arr_used; i++) {
+         vex_printf("%3d   ", i);
+         ppInstr(vcode->arr[i], mode64);
+         vex_printf("\n");
+      }
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   }
+   /* Register allocate. */
+   rcode = doRegisterAllocation ( vcode, available_real_regs,
+                                  n_available_real_regs,
+                                  isMove, getRegUsage, mapRegs, 
+                                  genSpill, genReload, directReload, 
+                                  guest_sizeB,
+                                  ppInstr, ppReg, mode64 );
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_RCODE) {
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " Register-allocated code "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+      for (i = 0; i < rcode->arr_used; i++) {
+         vex_printf("%3d   ", i);
+         ppInstr(rcode->arr[i], mode64);
+         vex_printf("\n");
+      }
+      vex_printf("\n");
+   }
+   /* HACK */
+   if (0) { *(vta->host_bytes_used) = 0; return VexTransOK; }
+   /* end HACK */
+   /* Assemble */
+   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM) {
+      vex_printf("\n------------------------" 
+                   " Assembly "
+                   "------------------------\n\n");
+   }
+   out_used = 0; /* tracks along the host_bytes array */
+   for (i = 0; i < rcode->arr_used; i++) {
+      if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM) {
+         ppInstr(rcode->arr[i], mode64);
+         vex_printf("\n");
+      }
+      j = (*emit)( insn_bytes, 32, rcode->arr[i], mode64, vta->dispatch );
+      if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM) {
+         for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
+            if (insn_bytes[k] < 16)
+               vex_printf("0%x ",  (UInt)insn_bytes[k]);
+            else
+               vex_printf("%x ", (UInt)insn_bytes[k]);
+         vex_printf("\n\n");
+      }
+      if (out_used + j > vta->host_bytes_size) {
+         vexSetAllocModeTEMP_and_clear();
+         vex_traceflags = 0;
+         return VexTransOutputFull;
+      }
+      for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
+         vta->host_bytes[out_used] = insn_bytes[k];
+         out_used++;
+      }
+      vassert(out_used <= vta->host_bytes_size);
+   }
+   *(vta->host_bytes_used) = out_used;
+   vexAllocSanityCheck();
+   vexSetAllocModeTEMP_and_clear();
+   vex_traceflags = 0;
+   return VexTransOK;
+/* --------- Emulation warnings. --------- */
+HChar* LibVEX_EmWarn_string ( VexEmWarn ew )
+   switch (ew) {
+     case EmWarn_NONE: 
+        return "none";
+     case EmWarn_X86_x87exns:
+        return "Unmasking x87 FP exceptions";
+     case EmWarn_X86_x87precision:
+        return "Selection of non-80-bit x87 FP precision";
+     case EmWarn_X86_sseExns:
+        return "Unmasking SSE FP exceptions";
+     case EmWarn_X86_fz:
+        return "Setting %mxcsr.fz (SSE flush-underflows-to-zero mode)";
+     case EmWarn_X86_daz:
+        return "Setting %mxcsr.daz (SSE treat-denormals-as-zero mode)";
+     case EmWarn_X86_acFlag:
+        return "Setting %eflags.ac (setting noted but ignored)";
+     case EmWarn_PPCexns:
+        return "Unmasking PPC32/64 FP exceptions";
+     case EmWarn_PPC64_redir_overflow:
+        return "PPC64 function redirection stack overflow";
+     case EmWarn_PPC64_redir_underflow:
+        return "PPC64 function redirection stack underflow";
+     default: 
+        vpanic("LibVEX_EmWarn_string: unknown warning");
+   }
+/* ------------------ Arch/HwCaps stuff. ------------------ */
+const HChar* LibVEX_ppVexArch ( VexArch arch )
+   switch (arch) {
+      case VexArch_INVALID: return "INVALID";
+      case VexArchX86:      return "X86";
+      case VexArchAMD64:    return "AMD64";
+      case VexArchARM:      return "ARM";
+      case VexArchPPC32:    return "PPC32";
+      case VexArchPPC64:    return "PPC64";
+      default:              return "VexArch???";
+   }
+const HChar* LibVEX_ppVexHwCaps ( VexArch arch, UInt hwcaps )
+   HChar* str = show_hwcaps(arch,hwcaps);
+   return str ? str : "INVALID";
+/* Write default settings info *vai. */
+void LibVEX_default_VexArchInfo ( /*OUT*/VexArchInfo* vai )
+   vai->hwcaps             = 0;
+   vai->ppc_cache_line_szB = 0;
+/* Write default settings info *vbi. */
+void LibVEX_default_VexAbiInfo ( /*OUT*/VexAbiInfo* vbi )
+   vbi->guest_stack_redzone_size       = 0;
+   vbi->guest_amd64_assume_fs_is_zero  = False;
+   vbi->guest_amd64_assume_gs_is_0x60  = False;
+   vbi->guest_ppc_zap_RZ_at_blr        = False;
+   vbi->guest_ppc_zap_RZ_at_bl         = NULL;
+   vbi->guest_ppc_sc_continues_at_LR   = False;
+   vbi->host_ppc_calls_use_fndescrs    = False;
+   vbi->host_ppc32_regalign_int64_args = False;
+/* Return a string showing the hwcaps in a nice way.  The string will
+   be NULL for invalid combinations of flags, so these functions also
+   serve as a way to validate hwcaps values. */
+static HChar* show_hwcaps_x86 ( UInt hwcaps ) 
+   /* Monotonic, SSE3 > SSE2 > SSE1 > baseline. */
+   if (hwcaps == 0)
+      return "x86-sse0";
+   if (hwcaps == VEX_HWCAPS_X86_SSE1)
+      return "x86-sse1";
+   if (hwcaps == (VEX_HWCAPS_X86_SSE1 | VEX_HWCAPS_X86_SSE2))
+      return "x86-sse1-sse2";
+   if (hwcaps == (VEX_HWCAPS_X86_SSE1 
+                  | VEX_HWCAPS_X86_SSE2 | VEX_HWCAPS_X86_SSE3))
+      return "x86-sse1-sse2-sse3";
+   return NULL;
+static HChar* show_hwcaps_amd64 ( UInt hwcaps )
+   /* SSE3 and CX16 are orthogonal and > baseline, although we really
+      don't expect to come across anything which can do SSE3 but can't
+      do CX16.  Still, we can handle that case. */
+   const UInt SSE3 = VEX_HWCAPS_AMD64_SSE3;
+   const UInt CX16 = VEX_HWCAPS_AMD64_CX16;
+         UInt c    = hwcaps;
+   if (c == 0)           return "amd64-sse2";
+   if (c == SSE3)        return "amd64-sse3";
+   if (c == CX16)        return "amd64-sse2-cx16";
+   if (c == (SSE3|CX16)) return "amd64-sse3-cx16";
+   return NULL;
+static HChar* show_hwcaps_ppc32 ( UInt hwcaps )
+   /* Monotonic with complications.  Basically V > F > baseline,
+      but once you have F then you can have FX or GX too. */
+   const UInt F  = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC32_F;
+   const UInt V  = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC32_V;
+   const UInt FX = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC32_FX;
+   const UInt GX = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC32_GX;
+         UInt c  = hwcaps;
+   if (c == 0)           return "ppc32-int";
+   if (c == F)           return "ppc32-int-flt";
+   if (c == (F|FX))      return "ppc32-int-flt-FX";
+   if (c == (F|GX))      return "ppc32-int-flt-GX";
+   if (c == (F|FX|GX))   return "ppc32-int-flt-FX-GX";
+   if (c == (F|V))       return "ppc32-int-flt-vmx";
+   if (c == (F|V|FX))    return "ppc32-int-flt-vmx-FX";
+   if (c == (F|V|GX))    return "ppc32-int-flt-vmx-GX";
+   if (c == (F|V|FX|GX)) return "ppc32-int-flt-vmx-FX-GX";
+   return NULL;
+static HChar* show_hwcaps_ppc64 ( UInt hwcaps )
+   /* Monotonic with complications.  Basically V > baseline(==F),
+      but once you have F then you can have FX or GX too. */
+   const UInt V  = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC64_V;
+   const UInt FX = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC64_FX;
+   const UInt GX = VEX_HWCAPS_PPC64_GX;
+         UInt c  = hwcaps;
+   if (c == 0)         return "ppc64-int-flt";
+   if (c == FX)        return "ppc64-int-flt-FX";
+   if (c == GX)        return "ppc64-int-flt-GX";
+   if (c == (FX|GX))   return "ppc64-int-flt-FX-GX";
+   if (c == V)         return "ppc64-int-flt-vmx";
+   if (c == (V|FX))    return "ppc64-int-flt-vmx-FX";
+   if (c == (V|GX))    return "ppc64-int-flt-vmx-GX";
+   if (c == (V|FX|GX)) return "ppc64-int-flt-vmx-FX-GX";
+   return NULL;
+static HChar* show_hwcaps_arm ( UInt hwcaps )
+   if (hwcaps == 0) return "arm-baseline";
+   return NULL;
+/* ---- */
+static HChar* show_hwcaps ( VexArch arch, UInt hwcaps )
+   switch (arch) {
+      case VexArchX86:   return show_hwcaps_x86(hwcaps);
+      case VexArchAMD64: return show_hwcaps_amd64(hwcaps);
+      case VexArchPPC32: return show_hwcaps_ppc32(hwcaps);
+      case VexArchPPC64: return show_hwcaps_ppc64(hwcaps);
+      case VexArchARM:   return show_hwcaps_arm(hwcaps);
+      default: return NULL;
+   }
+static Bool are_valid_hwcaps ( VexArch arch, UInt hwcaps )
+   return show_hwcaps(arch,hwcaps) != NULL;
+/*--- end                                         main_main.c ---*/