Fix bug 327238.

 assertion failure in Callgrind: bbcc.c:585 (vgCallgrind_setup_bbcc):
 Assertion 'passed <= last_bb->cjmp_count' failed

We want to detect the jump behavior of code, that is, the side exit
from a SB, as there can be many. For that, instrumented code writes
the exit number into a global variable (jmps_passed) before an eventual

With an exception happening in the first few instructions of an SB,
jmps_passed never was written, and still contained an old value. This
got saved/restored around the exception handler, and resulted in the
failed assertion.
Solution: always initialize jmps_passed to zero in setup_bbcc(), which
is called at the beginning of every SB.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/callgrind/bbcc.c b/callgrind/bbcc.c
index 7696645..6682706 100644
--- a/callgrind/bbcc.c
+++ b/callgrind/bbcc.c
@@ -885,6 +885,10 @@
   CLG_(current_state).bbcc = bbcc;
+  /* Even though this will be set in instrumented code directly before
+   * side exits, it needs to be set to 0 here in case an exception
+   * happens in first instructions of the BB */
+  CLG_(current_state).jmps_passed = 0;
   // needed for log_* handlers called in this BB
   CLG_(bb_base)   = bb->obj->offset + bb->offset;
   CLG_(cost_base) = bbcc->cost;