Files updated, added and removed in order to turn the ERASER branch into HEAD

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/addrcheck/ac_main.c b/addrcheck/ac_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8d9075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addrcheck/ac_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2587 @@
+/*--- The AddrCheck skin: like MemCheck, but only does address     ---*/
+/*--- checking.  No definedness checking.                          ---*/
+/*---                                               vg_addrcheck.c ---*/
+   This file is part of Valgrind, an x86 protected-mode emulator 
+   designed for debugging and profiling binaries on x86-Unixes.
+   Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Julian Seward 
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#include "vg_addrcheck_include.h"
+//#include "vg_profile.c"
+/*--- Defns                                                ---*/
+/* These many bytes below %ESP are considered addressible if we're
+   doing the --workaround-gcc296-bugs hack. */
+#define VG_GCC296_BUG_STACK_SLOP 1024
+   enum { 
+      /* Bad syscall params */
+      ParamSupp,
+      /* Memory errors in core (pthread ops, signal handling) */
+      CoreMemSupp,
+      /* Invalid read/write attempt at given size */
+      Addr1Supp, Addr2Supp, Addr4Supp, Addr8Supp,
+      /* Invalid or mismatching free */
+      FreeSupp
+   } 
+   AddrCheckSuppKind;
+/* What kind of error it is. */
+   enum { CoreMemErr,
+          AddrErr, 
+          ParamErr, UserErr,  /* behaves like an anonymous ParamErr */
+          FreeErr, FreeMismatchErr
+   }
+   AddrCheckErrorKind;
+/* What kind of memory access is involved in the error? */
+   enum { ReadAxs, WriteAxs, ExecAxs }
+   AxsKind;
+/* Extra context for memory errors */
+   struct {
+      /* AddrErr */
+      AxsKind axskind;
+      /* AddrErr */
+      Int size;
+      /* AddrErr, FreeErr, FreeMismatchErr, ParamErr, UserErr */
+      AcAddrInfo addrinfo;
+      /* ParamErr, UserErr, CoreMemErr */
+      Bool isWrite;
+   }
+   AddrCheckError;
+/*--- Comparing and printing errors                        ---*/
+static __inline__
+void clear_AcAddrInfo ( AcAddrInfo* ai )
+   ai->akind      = Unknown;
+   ai->blksize    = 0;
+   ai->rwoffset   = 0;
+   ai->lastchange = NULL;
+   ai->stack_tid  = VG_INVALID_THREADID;
+   ai->maybe_gcc  = False;
+static __inline__
+void clear_AddrCheckError ( AddrCheckError* err_extra )
+   err_extra->axskind   = ReadAxs;
+   err_extra->size      = 0;
+   clear_AcAddrInfo ( &err_extra->addrinfo );
+   err_extra->isWrite   = False;
+static Bool eq_AcAddrInfo ( VgRes res, AcAddrInfo* ai1, AcAddrInfo* ai2 )
+   if (ai1->akind != Undescribed 
+       && ai2->akind != Undescribed
+       && ai1->akind != ai2->akind) 
+      return False;
+   if (ai1->akind == Freed || ai1->akind == Mallocd) {
+      if (ai1->blksize != ai2->blksize)
+         return False;
+      if (!VG_(eq_ExeContext)(res, ai1->lastchange, ai2->lastchange))
+         return False;
+   }
+   return True;
+/* Compare error contexts, to detect duplicates.  Note that if they
+   are otherwise the same, the faulting addrs and associated rwoffsets
+   are allowed to be different.  */
+Bool SK_(eq_SkinError) ( VgRes res,
+                         SkinError* e1, SkinError* e2 )
+   AddrCheckError* e1_extra = e1->extra;
+   AddrCheckError* e2_extra = e2->extra;
+   switch (e1->ekind) {
+      case CoreMemErr:
+         if (e1_extra->isWrite != e2_extra->isWrite)   return False;
+         if (e2->ekind != CoreMemErr)                  return False; 
+         if (e1->string == e2->string)                 return True;
+         if (0 == VG_(strcmp)(e1->string, e2->string)) return True;
+         return False;
+      case UserErr:
+      case ParamErr:
+         if (e1_extra->isWrite != e2_extra->isWrite)
+            return False;
+         if (e1->ekind == ParamErr 
+             && 0 != VG_(strcmp)(e1->string, e2->string))
+            return False;
+         return True;
+      case FreeErr:
+      case FreeMismatchErr:
+         /* JRS 2002-Aug-26: comparing addrs seems overkill and can
+            cause excessive duplication of errors.  Not even AddrErr
+            below does that.  So don't compare either the .addr field
+            or the .addrinfo fields. */
+         /* if (e1->addr != e2->addr) return False; */
+         /* if (!eq_AcAddrInfo(res, &e1_extra->addrinfo, &e2_extra->addrinfo)) 
+               return False;
+         */
+         return True;
+      case AddrErr:
+         /* if (e1_extra->axskind != e2_extra->axskind) return False; */
+         if (e1_extra->size != e2_extra->size) return False;
+         /*
+         if (!eq_AcAddrInfo(res, &e1_extra->addrinfo, &e2_extra->addrinfo)) 
+            return False;
+         */
+         return True;
+      default: 
+         VG_(printf)("Error:\n  unknown AddrCheck error code %d\n", e1->ekind);
+         VG_(panic)("unknown error code in SK_(eq_SkinError)");
+   }
+static void pp_AcAddrInfo ( Addr a, AcAddrInfo* ai )
+   switch (ai->akind) {
+      case Stack: 
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                      "   Address 0x%x is on thread %d's stack", 
+                      a, ai->stack_tid);
+         break;
+      case Unknown:
+         if (ai->maybe_gcc) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "   Address 0x%x is just below %%esp.  Possibly a bug in GCC/G++",
+               a);
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "   v 2.96 or 3.0.X.  To suppress, use: --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes");
+	 } else {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "   Address 0x%x is not stack'd, malloc'd or free'd", a);
+         }
+         break;
+      case Freed: case Mallocd: {
+         UInt delta;
+         UChar* relative;
+         if (ai->rwoffset < 0) {
+            delta    = (UInt)(- ai->rwoffset);
+            relative = "before";
+         } else if (ai->rwoffset >= ai->blksize) {
+            delta    = ai->rwoffset - ai->blksize;
+            relative = "after";
+         } else {
+            delta    = ai->rwoffset;
+            relative = "inside";
+         }
+         {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "   Address 0x%x is %d bytes %s a block of size %d %s",
+               a, delta, relative, 
+               ai->blksize,
+               ai->akind==Mallocd ? "alloc'd" 
+                  : ai->akind==Freed ? "free'd" 
+                                     : "client-defined");
+         }
+         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(ai->lastchange);
+         break;
+      }
+      default:
+         VG_(panic)("pp_AcAddrInfo");
+   }
+void SK_(pp_SkinError) ( SkinError* err, void (*pp_ExeContext)(void) )
+   AddrCheckError* err_extra = err->extra;
+   switch (err->ekind) {
+      case CoreMemErr:
+         if (err_extra->isWrite) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "%s contains unaddressable byte(s)", err->string );
+         } else {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "%s contains unaddressable byte(s)", err->string );
+         }
+         pp_ExeContext();
+         break;
+      case AddrErr:
+         switch (err_extra->axskind) {
+            case ReadAxs:
+            case WriteAxs:
+               /* These two aren't actually differentiated ever. */
+               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Invalid memory access of size %d", 
+                                        err_extra->size ); 
+               break;
+            case ExecAxs:
+               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Jump to the invalid address "
+                                        "stated on the next line");
+               break;
+            default: 
+               VG_(panic)("pp_SkinError(axskind)");
+         }
+         pp_ExeContext();
+         pp_AcAddrInfo(err->addr, &err_extra->addrinfo);
+         break;
+      case FreeErr:
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg,"Invalid free() / delete / delete[]");
+         /* fall through */
+      case FreeMismatchErr:
+         if (err->ekind == FreeMismatchErr)
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                         "Mismatched free() / delete / delete []");
+         pp_ExeContext();
+         pp_AcAddrInfo(err->addr, &err_extra->addrinfo);
+         break;
+      case ParamErr:
+         if (err_extra->isWrite) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "Syscall param %s contains unaddressable byte(s)",
+                err->string );
+         } else {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                "Syscall param %s contains uninitialised or "
+                "unaddressable byte(s)",
+            err->string);
+         }
+         pp_ExeContext();
+         pp_AcAddrInfo(err->addr, &err_extra->addrinfo);
+         break;
+      case UserErr:
+         if (err_extra->isWrite) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "Unaddressable byte(s) found during client check request");
+         } else {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "Uninitialised or "
+               "unaddressable byte(s) found during client check request");
+         }
+         pp_ExeContext();
+         pp_AcAddrInfo(err->addr, &err_extra->addrinfo);
+         break;
+      default: 
+         VG_(printf)("Error:\n  unknown AddrCheck error code %d\n", err->ekind);
+         VG_(panic)("unknown error code in SK_(pp_SkinError)");
+   }
+/*--- Recording errors                                     ---*/
+/* Describe an address as best you can, for error messages,
+   putting the result in ai. */
+static void describe_addr ( Addr a, AcAddrInfo* ai )
+   ShadowChunk* sc;
+   ThreadId     tid;
+   /* Nested functions, yeah.  Need the lexical scoping of 'a'. */ 
+   /* Closure for searching thread stacks */
+   Bool addr_is_in_bounds(Addr stack_min, Addr stack_max)
+   {
+      return (stack_min <= a && a <= stack_max);
+   }
+   /* Closure for searching malloc'd and free'd lists */
+   Bool addr_is_in_block(ShadowChunk *sh_ch)
+   {
+      return VG_(addr_is_in_block) ( a, sh_ch->data, sh_ch->size );
+   }
+   /* Perhaps it's on a thread's stack? */
+   tid = VG_(any_matching_thread_stack)(addr_is_in_bounds);
+   if (tid != VG_INVALID_THREADID) {
+      ai->akind     = Stack;
+      ai->stack_tid = tid;
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Search for a recently freed block which might bracket it. */
+   sc = SK_(any_matching_freed_ShadowChunks)(addr_is_in_block);
+   if (NULL != sc) {
+      ai->akind      = Freed;
+      ai->blksize    = sc->size;
+      ai->rwoffset   = (Int)(a) - (Int)(sc->data);
+      ai->lastchange = (ExeContext*)sc->skin_extra[0];
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Search for a currently malloc'd block which might bracket it. */
+   sc = VG_(any_matching_mallocd_ShadowChunks)(addr_is_in_block);
+   if (NULL != sc) {
+      ai->akind      = Mallocd;
+      ai->blksize    = sc->size;
+      ai->rwoffset   = (Int)(a) - (Int)(sc->data);
+      ai->lastchange = (ExeContext*)sc->skin_extra[0];
+      return;
+   } 
+   /* Clueless ... */
+   ai->akind = Unknown;
+   return;
+/* Creates a copy of the err_extra, updates the copy with address info if
+   necessary, sticks the copy into the SkinError. */
+void SK_(dup_extra_and_update)(SkinError* err)
+   AddrCheckError* err_extra;
+   err_extra  = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(AddrCheckError));
+   *err_extra = *((AddrCheckError*)err->extra);
+   if (err_extra->addrinfo.akind == Undescribed)
+      describe_addr ( err->addr, &(err_extra->addrinfo) );
+   err->extra = err_extra;
+/* Is this address within some small distance below %ESP?  Used only
+   for the --workaround-gcc296-bugs kludge. */
+Bool VG_(is_just_below_ESP)( Addr esp, Addr aa )
+   if ((UInt)esp > (UInt)aa
+       && ((UInt)esp - (UInt)aa) <= VG_GCC296_BUG_STACK_SLOP)
+      return True;
+   else
+      return False;
+void sk_record_address_error ( Addr a, Int size, Bool isWrite )
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   Bool           just_below_esp;
+   just_below_esp 
+      = VG_(is_just_below_ESP)( VG_(get_stack_pointer)(), a );
+   /* If this is caused by an access immediately below %ESP, and the
+      user asks nicely, we just ignore it. */
+   if (SK_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs) && just_below_esp)
+      return;
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.axskind = isWrite ? WriteAxs : ReadAxs;
+   err_extra.size    = size;
+   err_extra.addrinfo.akind     = Undescribed;
+   err_extra.addrinfo.maybe_gcc = just_below_esp;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( NULL, AddrErr, a, /*s*/NULL, &err_extra );
+/* These ones are called from non-generated code */
+/* This is for memory errors in pthread functions, as opposed to pthread API
+   errors which are found by the core. */
+void SK_(record_core_mem_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Bool isWrite, Char* msg )
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.isWrite = isWrite;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tst, CoreMemErr, /*addr*/0, msg, &err_extra );
+void SK_(record_param_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a, Bool isWrite, 
+                               Char* msg )
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   vg_assert(NULL != tst);
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.addrinfo.akind = Undescribed;
+   err_extra.isWrite = isWrite;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tst, ParamErr, a, msg, &err_extra );
+void SK_(record_jump_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a )
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   vg_assert(NULL != tst);
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.axskind = ExecAxs;
+   err_extra.addrinfo.akind = Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tst, AddrErr, a, /*s*/NULL, &err_extra );
+void SK_(record_free_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a ) 
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   vg_assert(NULL != tst);
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.addrinfo.akind = Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tst, FreeErr, a, /*s*/NULL, &err_extra );
+void SK_(record_freemismatch_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a )
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   vg_assert(NULL != tst);
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.addrinfo.akind = Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tst, FreeMismatchErr, a, /*s*/NULL, &err_extra );
+void SK_(record_user_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a, Bool isWrite )
+   AddrCheckError err_extra;
+   vg_assert(NULL != tst);
+   clear_AddrCheckError( &err_extra );
+   err_extra.addrinfo.akind = Undescribed;
+   err_extra.isWrite        = isWrite;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tst, UserErr, a, /*s*/NULL, &err_extra );
+/*--- Suppressions                                         ---*/
+#define STREQ(s1,s2) (s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL \
+                      && VG_(strcmp)((s1),(s2))==0)
+Bool SK_(recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, SuppKind *skind )
+   if      (STREQ(name, "Param"))   *skind = ParamSupp;
+   else if (STREQ(name, "CoreMem")) *skind = CoreMemSupp;
+   else if (STREQ(name, "Addr1"))   *skind = Addr1Supp;
+   else if (STREQ(name, "Addr2"))   *skind = Addr2Supp;
+   else if (STREQ(name, "Addr4"))   *skind = Addr4Supp;
+   else if (STREQ(name, "Addr8"))   *skind = Addr8Supp;
+   else if (STREQ(name, "Free"))    *skind = FreeSupp;
+   else 
+      return False;
+   return True;
+Bool SK_(read_extra_suppression_info) ( Int fd, Char* buf, Int nBuf, 
+                                         SkinSupp *s )
+   Bool eof;
+   if (s->skind == ParamSupp) {
+      eof = VG_(getLine) ( fd, buf, nBuf );
+      if (eof) return False;
+      s->string = VG_(strdup)(buf);
+   }
+   return True;
+extern Bool SK_(error_matches_suppression)(SkinError* err, SkinSupp* su)
+   UInt su_size;
+   AddrCheckError* err_extra = err->extra;
+   switch (su->skind) {
+      case ParamSupp:
+         return (err->ekind == ParamErr && STREQ(su->string, err->string));
+      case CoreMemSupp:
+         return (err->ekind == CoreMemErr && STREQ(su->string, err->string));
+      case Addr1Supp: su_size = 1; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr2Supp: su_size = 2; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr4Supp: su_size = 4; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr8Supp: su_size = 8; goto addr_case;
+      addr_case:
+         return (err->ekind == AddrErr && err_extra->size != su_size);
+      case FreeSupp:
+         return (err->ekind == FreeErr || err->ekind == FreeMismatchErr);
+      default:
+         VG_(printf)("Error:\n"
+                     "  unknown AddrCheck suppression type %d\n", su->skind);
+         VG_(panic)("unknown suppression type in "
+                    "SK_(error_matches_suppression)");
+   }
+#  undef STREQ
+/*--- Part of the AddrCheck skin: Maintain bitmaps of memory,      ---*/
+/*--- tracking the accessibility (A) each byte.                    ---*/
+#define DEBUG(fmt, args...) //VG_(printf)(fmt, ## args)
+/*--- Command line options                                 ---*/
+Bool  SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok)       = True;
+Int   SK_(clo_freelist_vol)           = 1000000;
+Bool  SK_(clo_leak_check)             = False;
+VgRes SK_(clo_leak_resolution)        = Vg_LowRes;
+Bool  SK_(clo_show_reachable)         = False;
+Bool  SK_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs) = False;
+Bool  SK_(clo_cleanup)                = True;
+/*--- Profiling events                                     ---*/
+   enum { 
+      VgpCheckMem = VgpFini+1,
+      VgpSetMem
+   } 
+   VgpSkinCC;
+/*--- Low-level support for memory checking.               ---*/
+/* All reads and writes are checked against a memory map, which
+   records the state of all memory in the process.  The memory map is
+   organised like this:
+   The top 16 bits of an address are used to index into a top-level
+   map table, containing 65536 entries.  Each entry is a pointer to a
+   second-level map, which records the accesibililty and validity
+   permissions for the 65536 bytes indexed by the lower 16 bits of the
+   address.  Each byte is represented by one bit, indicating
+   accessibility.  So each second-level map contains 8192 bytes.  This
+   two-level arrangement conveniently divides the 4G address space
+   into 64k lumps, each size 64k bytes.
+   All entries in the primary (top-level) map must point to a valid
+   secondary (second-level) map.  Since most of the 4G of address
+   space will not be in use -- ie, not mapped at all -- there is a
+   distinguished secondary map, which indicates `not addressible and
+   not valid' writeable for all bytes.  Entries in the primary map for
+   which the entire 64k is not in use at all point at this
+   distinguished map.
+   [...] lots of stuff deleted due to out of date-ness
+   As a final optimisation, the alignment and address checks for
+   4-byte loads and stores are combined in a neat way.  The primary
+   map is extended to have 262144 entries (2^18), rather than 2^16.
+   The top 3/4 of these entries are permanently set to the
+   distinguished secondary map.  For a 4-byte load/store, the
+   top-level map is indexed not with (addr >> 16) but instead f(addr),
+   where
+    f( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ____ ____ ____ __YZ )
+        = ____ ____ ____ __YZ XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX  or 
+        = ____ ____ ____ __ZY XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
+   ie the lowest two bits are placed above the 16 high address bits.
+   If either of these two bits are nonzero, the address is misaligned;
+   this will select a secondary map from the upper 3/4 of the primary
+   map.  Because this is always the distinguished secondary map, a
+   (bogus) address check failure will result.  The failure handling
+   code can then figure out whether this is a genuine addr check
+   failure or whether it is a possibly-legitimate access at a
+   misaligned address.  */
+/*--- Crude profiling machinery.                           ---*/
+#define N_PROF_EVENTS 150
+static UInt event_ctr[N_PROF_EVENTS];
+static void init_prof_mem ( void )
+   Int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < N_PROF_EVENTS; i++)
+      event_ctr[i] = 0;
+static void done_prof_mem ( void )
+   Int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < N_PROF_EVENTS; i++) {
+      if ((i % 10) == 0) 
+         VG_(printf)("\n");
+      if (event_ctr[i] > 0)
+         VG_(printf)( "prof mem event %2d: %d\n", i, event_ctr[i] );
+   }
+   VG_(printf)("\n");
+#define PROF_EVENT(ev)                                  \
+   do { vg_assert((ev) >= 0 && (ev) < N_PROF_EVENTS);   \
+        event_ctr[ev]++;                                \
+   } while (False);
+static void init_prof_mem ( void ) { }
+static void done_prof_mem ( void ) { }
+#define PROF_EVENT(ev) /* */
+/* Event index.  If just the name of the fn is given, this means the
+   number of calls to the fn.  Otherwise it is the specified event.
+   10   alloc_secondary_map
+   20   get_abit
+   21   get_vbyte
+   22   set_abit
+   23   set_vbyte
+   24   get_abits4_ALIGNED
+   25   get_vbytes4_ALIGNED
+   30   set_address_range_perms
+   31   set_address_range_perms(lower byte loop)
+   32   set_address_range_perms(quadword loop)
+   33   set_address_range_perms(upper byte loop)
+   35   make_noaccess
+   36   make_writable
+   37   make_readable
+   40   copy_address_range_state
+   41   copy_address_range_state(byte loop)
+   42   check_writable
+   43   check_writable(byte loop)
+   44   check_readable
+   45   check_readable(byte loop)
+   46   check_readable_asciiz
+   47   check_readable_asciiz(byte loop)
+   50   make_aligned_word_NOACCESS
+   51   make_aligned_word_WRITABLE
+   60   helperc_LOADV4
+   61   helperc_STOREV4
+   62   helperc_LOADV2
+   63   helperc_STOREV2
+   64   helperc_LOADV1
+   65   helperc_STOREV1
+   70   rim_rd_V4_SLOWLY
+   71   rim_wr_V4_SLOWLY
+   72   rim_rd_V2_SLOWLY
+   73   rim_wr_V2_SLOWLY
+   74   rim_rd_V1_SLOWLY
+   75   rim_wr_V1_SLOWLY
+   80   fpu_read
+   81   fpu_read aligned 4
+   82   fpu_read aligned 8
+   83   fpu_read 2
+   84   fpu_read 10
+   85   fpu_write
+   86   fpu_write aligned 4
+   87   fpu_write aligned 8
+   88   fpu_write 2
+   89   fpu_write 10
+   90   fpu_read_check_SLOWLY
+   91   fpu_read_check_SLOWLY(byte loop)
+   92   fpu_write_check_SLOWLY
+   93   fpu_write_check_SLOWLY(byte loop)
+   100  is_plausible_stack_addr
+   101  handle_esp_assignment
+   102  handle_esp_assignment(-4)
+   103  handle_esp_assignment(+4)
+   104  handle_esp_assignment(-12)
+   105  handle_esp_assignment(-8)
+   106  handle_esp_assignment(+16)
+   107  handle_esp_assignment(+12)
+   108  handle_esp_assignment(0)
+   109  handle_esp_assignment(+8)
+   110  handle_esp_assignment(-16)
+   111  handle_esp_assignment(+20)
+   112  handle_esp_assignment(-20)
+   113  handle_esp_assignment(+24)
+   114  handle_esp_assignment(-24)
+   120  vg_handle_esp_assignment_SLOWLY
+   121  vg_handle_esp_assignment_SLOWLY(normal; move down)
+   122  vg_handle_esp_assignment_SLOWLY(normal; move up)
+   123  vg_handle_esp_assignment_SLOWLY(normal)
+   124  vg_handle_esp_assignment_SLOWLY(>= HUGE_DELTA)
+/*--- Function declarations.                               ---*/
+static void vgmext_ACCESS4_SLOWLY ( Addr a );
+static void vgmext_ACCESS2_SLOWLY ( Addr a );
+static void vgmext_ACCESS1_SLOWLY ( Addr a );
+static void fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( Addr addr, Int size );
+/*--- Data defns.                                          ---*/
+   struct {
+      UChar abits[8192];
+   }
+   AcSecMap;
+static AcSecMap* primary_map[ /*65536*/ 262144 ];
+static AcSecMap  distinguished_secondary_map;
+#define IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(smap) \
+   ((smap) == &distinguished_secondary_map)
+#define ENSURE_MAPPABLE(addr,caller)                                   \
+   do {                                                                \
+      if (IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(primary_map[(addr) >> 16])) {       \
+         primary_map[(addr) >> 16] = alloc_secondary_map(caller); \
+         /* VG_(printf)("new 2map because of %p\n", addr); */          \
+      }                                                                \
+   } while(0)
+#define BITARR_SET(aaa_p,iii_p)                         \
+   do {                                                 \
+      UInt   iii = (UInt)iii_p;                         \
+      UChar* aaa = (UChar*)aaa_p;                       \
+      aaa[iii >> 3] |= (1 << (iii & 7));                \
+   } while (0)
+#define BITARR_CLEAR(aaa_p,iii_p)                       \
+   do {                                                 \
+      UInt   iii = (UInt)iii_p;                         \
+      UChar* aaa = (UChar*)aaa_p;                       \
+      aaa[iii >> 3] &= ~(1 << (iii & 7));               \
+   } while (0)
+#define BITARR_TEST(aaa_p,iii_p)                        \
+      (0 != (((UChar*)aaa_p)[ ((UInt)iii_p) >> 3 ]      \
+               & (1 << (((UInt)iii_p) & 7))))           \
+#define VGM_BIT_VALID      0
+#define VGM_BIT_INVALID    1
+#define VGM_NIBBLE_VALID   0
+#define VGM_BYTE_VALID     0
+#define VGM_BYTE_INVALID   0xFF
+#define VGM_WORD_VALID     0
+#define VGM_EFLAGS_INVALID 0xFFFFFFFF     /* not used */
+static void init_shadow_memory ( void )
+   Int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < 8192; i++)             /* Invalid address */
+      distinguished_secondary_map.abits[i] = VGM_BYTE_INVALID; 
+   /* These entries gradually get overwritten as the used address
+      space expands. */
+   for (i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
+      primary_map[i] = &distinguished_secondary_map;
+   /* These ones should never change; it's a bug in Valgrind if they do. */
+   for (i = 65536; i < 262144; i++)
+      primary_map[i] = &distinguished_secondary_map;
+void SK_(post_clo_init) ( void )
+void SK_(fini) ( void )
+   VG_(print_malloc_stats)();
+   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) == 1) {
+      if (!SK_(clo_leak_check))
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+             "For a detailed leak analysis,  rerun with: --leak-check=yes");
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                   "For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v");
+   }
+   if (SK_(clo_leak_check)) SK_(detect_memory_leaks)();
+   done_prof_mem();
+/*--- Basic bitmap management, reading and writing.        ---*/
+/* Allocate and initialise a secondary map. */
+static AcSecMap* alloc_secondary_map ( __attribute__ ((unused)) 
+                                       Char* caller )
+   AcSecMap* map;
+   UInt  i;
+   PROF_EVENT(10);
+   /* Mark all bytes as invalid access and invalid value. */
+   /* It just happens that a AcSecMap occupies exactly 18 pages --
+      although this isn't important, so the following assert is
+      spurious. */
+   vg_assert(0 == (sizeof(AcSecMap) % VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE));
+   map = VG_(get_memory_from_mmap)( sizeof(AcSecMap), caller );
+   for (i = 0; i < 8192; i++)
+      map->abits[i] = VGM_BYTE_INVALID; /* Invalid address */
+   /* VG_(printf)("ALLOC_2MAP(%s)\n", caller ); */
+   return map;
+/* Basic reading/writing of the bitmaps, for byte-sized accesses. */
+static __inline__ UChar get_abit ( Addr a )
+   AcSecMap* sm     = primary_map[a >> 16];
+   UInt    sm_off = a & 0xFFFF;
+   PROF_EVENT(20);
+#  if 0
+      if (IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(sm))
+         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, 
+                      "accessed distinguished 2ndary (A)map! 0x%x\n", a);
+#  endif
+   return BITARR_TEST(sm->abits, sm_off) 
+             ? VGM_BIT_INVALID : VGM_BIT_VALID;
+static __inline__ void set_abit ( Addr a, UChar abit )
+   AcSecMap* sm;
+   UInt    sm_off;
+   PROF_EVENT(22);
+   ENSURE_MAPPABLE(a, "set_abit");
+   sm     = primary_map[a >> 16];
+   sm_off = a & 0xFFFF;
+   if (abit) 
+      BITARR_SET(sm->abits, sm_off);
+   else
+      BITARR_CLEAR(sm->abits, sm_off);
+/* Reading/writing of the bitmaps, for aligned word-sized accesses. */
+static __inline__ UChar get_abits4_ALIGNED ( Addr a )
+   AcSecMap* sm;
+   UInt    sm_off;
+   UChar   abits8;
+   PROF_EVENT(24);
+   vg_assert(IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(a));
+#  endif
+   sm     = primary_map[a >> 16];
+   sm_off = a & 0xFFFF;
+   abits8 = sm->abits[sm_off >> 3];
+   abits8 >>= (a & 4 /* 100b */);   /* a & 4 is either 0 or 4 */
+   abits8 &= 0x0F;
+   return abits8;
+/*--- Setting permissions over address ranges.             ---*/
+static void set_address_range_perms ( Addr a, UInt len, 
+                                      UInt example_a_bit )
+   UChar     abyte8;
+   UInt      sm_off;
+   AcSecMap* sm;
+   PROF_EVENT(30);
+   if (len == 0)
+      return;
+   if (len > 100 * 1000 * 1000) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                   "Warning: set address range perms: "
+                   "large range %u, a %d",
+                   len, example_a_bit );
+   }
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpSetMem);
+   /* Requests to change permissions of huge address ranges may
+      indicate bugs in our machinery.  30,000,000 is arbitrary, but so
+      far all legitimate requests have fallen beneath that size. */
+   /* 4 Mar 02: this is just stupid; get rid of it. */
+   /* vg_assert(len < 30000000); */
+   /* Check the permissions make sense. */
+   vg_assert(example_a_bit == VGM_BIT_VALID 
+             || example_a_bit == VGM_BIT_INVALID);
+   /* In order that we can charge through the address space at 8
+      bytes/main-loop iteration, make up some perms. */
+   abyte8 = (example_a_bit << 7)
+            | (example_a_bit << 6)
+            | (example_a_bit << 5)
+            | (example_a_bit << 4)
+            | (example_a_bit << 3)
+            | (example_a_bit << 2)
+            | (example_a_bit << 1)
+            | (example_a_bit << 0);
+   /* Do it ... */
+   while (True) {
+      PROF_EVENT(31);
+      if (len == 0) break;
+      set_abit ( a, example_a_bit );
+      set_vbyte ( a, vbyte );
+      a++;
+      len--;
+   }
+#  else
+   /* Slowly do parts preceding 8-byte alignment. */
+   while (True) {
+      PROF_EVENT(31);
+      if (len == 0) break;
+      if ((a % 8) == 0) break;
+      set_abit ( a, example_a_bit );
+      a++;
+      len--;
+   }   
+   if (len == 0) {
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpSetMem);
+      return;
+   }
+   vg_assert((a % 8) == 0 && len > 0);
+   /* Once aligned, go fast. */
+   while (True) {
+      PROF_EVENT(32);
+      if (len < 8) break;
+      ENSURE_MAPPABLE(a, "set_address_range_perms(fast)");
+      sm = primary_map[a >> 16];
+      sm_off = a & 0xFFFF;
+      sm->abits[sm_off >> 3] = abyte8;
+      a += 8;
+      len -= 8;
+   }
+   if (len == 0) {
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpSetMem);
+      return;
+   }
+   vg_assert((a % 8) == 0 && len > 0 && len < 8);
+   /* Finish the upper fragment. */
+   while (True) {
+      PROF_EVENT(33);
+      if (len == 0) break;
+      set_abit ( a, example_a_bit );
+      a++;
+      len--;
+   }   
+#  endif
+   /* Check that zero page and highest page have not been written to
+      -- this could happen with buggy syscall wrappers.  Today
+      (2001-04-26) had precisely such a problem with __NR_setitimer. */
+   vg_assert(SK_(cheap_sanity_check)());
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpSetMem);
+/* Set permissions for address ranges ... */
+void SK_(make_noaccess) ( Addr a, UInt len )
+   PROF_EVENT(35);
+   DEBUG("SK_(make_noaccess)(%p, %x)\n", a, len);
+   set_address_range_perms ( a, len, VGM_BIT_INVALID );
+void SK_(make_accessible) ( Addr a, UInt len )
+   PROF_EVENT(36);
+   DEBUG("SK_(make_accessible)(%p, %x)\n", a, len);
+   set_address_range_perms ( a, len, VGM_BIT_VALID );
+/* Block-copy permissions (needed for implementing realloc()). */
+static void copy_address_range_state ( Addr src, Addr dst, UInt len )
+   UInt i;
+   DEBUG("copy_address_range_state\n");
+   PROF_EVENT(40);
+   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      UChar abit  = get_abit ( src+i );
+      PROF_EVENT(41);
+      set_abit ( dst+i, abit );
+   }
+/* Check permissions for address range.  If inadequate permissions
+   exist, *bad_addr is set to the offending address, so the caller can
+   know what it is. */
+Bool SK_(check_writable) ( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr )
+   UInt  i;
+   UChar abit;
+   PROF_EVENT(42);
+   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      PROF_EVENT(43);
+      abit = get_abit(a);
+      if (abit == VGM_BIT_INVALID) {
+         if (bad_addr != NULL) *bad_addr = a;
+         return False;
+      }
+      a++;
+   }
+   return True;
+Bool SK_(check_readable) ( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr )
+   UInt  i;
+   UChar abit;
+   PROF_EVENT(44);
+   DEBUG("SK_(check_readable)\n");
+   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      abit  = get_abit(a);
+      PROF_EVENT(45);
+      if (abit != VGM_BIT_VALID) {
+         if (bad_addr != NULL) *bad_addr = a;
+         return False;
+      }
+      a++;
+   }
+   return True;
+/* Check a zero-terminated ascii string.  Tricky -- don't want to
+   examine the actual bytes, to find the end, until we're sure it is
+   safe to do so. */
+Bool SK_(check_readable_asciiz) ( Addr a, Addr* bad_addr )
+   UChar abit;
+   PROF_EVENT(46);
+   DEBUG("SK_(check_readable_asciiz)\n");
+   while (True) {
+      PROF_EVENT(47);
+      abit  = get_abit(a);
+      if (abit != VGM_BIT_VALID) {
+         if (bad_addr != NULL) *bad_addr = a;
+         return False;
+      }
+      /* Ok, a is safe to read. */
+      if (* ((UChar*)a) == 0) return True;
+      a++;
+   }
+/*--- Memory event handlers                                ---*/
+/* Setting permissions for aligned words.  This supports fast stack
+   operations. */
+static void make_noaccess_aligned ( Addr a, UInt len )
+   AcSecMap* sm;
+   UInt    sm_off;
+   UChar   mask;
+   Addr    a_past_end = a + len;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpSetMem);
+   PROF_EVENT(50);
+   vg_assert(IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(a));
+   vg_assert(IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(len));
+#  endif
+   for ( ; a < a_past_end; a += 4) {
+      ENSURE_MAPPABLE(a, "make_noaccess_aligned");
+      sm     = primary_map[a >> 16];
+      sm_off = a & 0xFFFF;
+      mask = 0x0F;
+      mask <<= (a & 4 /* 100b */);   /* a & 4 is either 0 or 4 */
+      /* mask now contains 1s where we wish to make address bits
+         invalid (1s). */
+      sm->abits[sm_off >> 3] |= mask;
+   }
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpSetMem);
+static void make_writable_aligned ( Addr a, UInt len )
+   AcSecMap* sm;
+   UInt    sm_off;
+   UChar   mask;
+   Addr    a_past_end = a + len;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpSetMem);
+   PROF_EVENT(51);
+   vg_assert(IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(a));
+   vg_assert(IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(len));
+#  endif
+   for ( ; a < a_past_end; a += 4) {
+      ENSURE_MAPPABLE(a, "make_writable_aligned");
+      sm     = primary_map[a >> 16];
+      sm_off = a & 0xFFFF;
+      mask = 0x0F;
+      mask <<= (a & 4 /* 100b */);   /* a & 4 is either 0 or 4 */
+      /* mask now contains 1s where we wish to make address bits
+         invalid (0s). */
+      sm->abits[sm_off >> 3] &= ~mask;
+   }
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpSetMem);
+void check_is_writable ( CorePart part, ThreadState* tst,
+                         Char* s, UInt base, UInt size )
+   Bool ok;
+   Addr bad_addr;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCheckMem);
+   /* VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg,"check is writable: %x .. %x",
+                               base,base+size-1); */
+   ok = SK_(check_writable) ( base, size, &bad_addr );
+   if (!ok) {
+      switch (part) {
+      case Vg_CoreSysCall:
+         SK_(record_param_error) ( tst, bad_addr, /*isWrite =*/True, s );
+         break;
+      case Vg_CorePThread:
+      case Vg_CoreSignal:
+         SK_(record_core_mem_error)( tst, /*isWrite=*/True, s );
+         break;
+      default:
+         VG_(panic)("check_is_readable: Unknown or unexpected CorePart");
+      }
+   }
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCheckMem);
+void check_is_readable ( CorePart part, ThreadState* tst,
+                         Char* s, UInt base, UInt size )
+   Bool ok;
+   Addr bad_addr;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCheckMem);
+   /* VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg,"check is readable: %x .. %x",
+                               base,base+size-1); */
+   ok = SK_(check_readable) ( base, size, &bad_addr );
+   if (!ok) {
+      switch (part) {
+      case Vg_CoreSysCall:
+         SK_(record_param_error) ( tst, bad_addr, /*isWrite =*/False, s );
+         break;
+      case Vg_CorePThread:
+         SK_(record_core_mem_error)( tst, /*isWrite=*/False, s );
+         break;
+      /* If we're being asked to jump to a silly address, record an error 
+         message before potentially crashing the entire system. */
+      case Vg_CoreTranslate:
+         SK_(record_jump_error)( tst, bad_addr );
+         break;
+      default:
+         VG_(panic)("check_is_readable: Unknown or unexpected CorePart");
+      }
+   }
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCheckMem);
+void check_is_readable_asciiz ( CorePart part, ThreadState* tst,
+                                Char* s, UInt str )
+   Bool ok = True;
+   Addr bad_addr;
+   /* VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg,"check is readable asciiz: 0x%x",str); */
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCheckMem);
+   vg_assert(part == Vg_CoreSysCall);
+   ok = SK_(check_readable_asciiz) ( (Addr)str, &bad_addr );
+   if (!ok) {
+      SK_(record_param_error) ( tst, bad_addr, /*is_writable =*/False, s );
+   }
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCheckMem);
+void addrcheck_new_mem_startup( Addr a, UInt len, Bool rr, Bool ww, Bool xx )
+   // JJJ: this ignores the permissions and just makes it readable, like the
+   // old code did, AFAICT
+   DEBUG("new_mem_startup(%p, %u, rr=%u, ww=%u, xx=%u)\n", a,len,rr,ww,xx);
+   SK_(make_accessible)(a, len);
+void addrcheck_new_mem_heap ( Addr a, UInt len, Bool is_inited )
+   SK_(make_accessible)(a, len);
+void addrcheck_set_perms (Addr a, UInt len, 
+                         Bool nn, Bool rr, Bool ww, Bool xx)
+   DEBUG("addrcheck_set_perms(%p, %u, nn=%u, rr=%u ww=%u, xx=%u)\n",
+                              a, len, nn, rr, ww, xx);
+   if (rr || ww || xx) {
+      SK_(make_accessible)(a, len);
+   } else {
+      SK_(make_noaccess)(a, len);
+   }
+/*--- Functions called directly from generated code.       ---*/
+static __inline__ UInt rotateRight16 ( UInt x )
+   /* Amazingly, gcc turns this into a single rotate insn. */
+   return (x >> 16) | (x << 16);
+static __inline__ UInt shiftRight16 ( UInt x )
+   return x >> 16;
+/* Read/write 1/2/4 sized V bytes, and emit an address error if
+   needed. */
+/* SK_(helperc_ACCESS{1,2,4}) handle the common case fast.
+   Under all other circumstances, it defers to the relevant _SLOWLY
+   function, which can handle all situations.
+__attribute__ ((regparm(1)))
+void SK_(helperc_ACCESS4) ( Addr a )
+   return vgmext_ACCESS4_SLOWLY(a);
+#  else
+   UInt    sec_no = rotateRight16(a) & 0x3FFFF;
+   AcSecMap* sm     = primary_map[sec_no];
+   UInt    a_off  = (a & 0xFFFF) >> 3;
+   UChar   abits  = sm->abits[a_off];
+   abits >>= (a & 4);
+   abits &= 15;
+   PROF_EVENT(60);
+   if (abits == VGM_NIBBLE_VALID) {
+      /* Handle common case quickly: a is suitably aligned, is mapped,
+         and is addressible.  So just return. */
+      return;
+   } else {
+      /* Slow but general case. */
+      vgmext_ACCESS4_SLOWLY(a);
+   }
+#  endif
+__attribute__ ((regparm(1)))
+void SK_(helperc_ACCESS2) ( Addr a )
+   return vgmext_ACCESS2_SLOWLY(a);
+#  else
+   UInt    sec_no = rotateRight16(a) & 0x1FFFF;
+   AcSecMap* sm     = primary_map[sec_no];
+   UInt    a_off  = (a & 0xFFFF) >> 3;
+   PROF_EVENT(62);
+   if (sm->abits[a_off] == VGM_BYTE_VALID) {
+      /* Handle common case quickly. */
+      return;
+   } else {
+      /* Slow but general case. */
+      vgmext_ACCESS2_SLOWLY(a);
+   }
+#  endif
+__attribute__ ((regparm(1)))
+void SK_(helperc_ACCESS1) ( Addr a )
+   return vgmext_ACCESS1_SLOWLY(a);
+#  else
+   UInt    sec_no = shiftRight16(a);
+   AcSecMap* sm   = primary_map[sec_no];
+   UInt    a_off  = (a & 0xFFFF) >> 3;
+   PROF_EVENT(64);
+   if (sm->abits[a_off] == VGM_BYTE_VALID) {
+      /* Handle common case quickly. */
+      return;
+   } else {
+      /* Slow but general case. */
+      vgmext_ACCESS1_SLOWLY(a);
+   }
+#  endif
+/*--- Fallback functions to handle cases that the above    ---*/
+/*--- VG_(helperc_ACCESS{1,2,4}) can't manage.             ---*/
+static void vgmext_ACCESS4_SLOWLY ( Addr a )
+   Bool a0ok, a1ok, a2ok, a3ok;
+   PROF_EVENT(70);
+   /* First establish independently the addressibility of the 4 bytes
+      involved. */
+   a0ok = get_abit(a+0) == VGM_BIT_VALID;
+   a1ok = get_abit(a+1) == VGM_BIT_VALID;
+   a2ok = get_abit(a+2) == VGM_BIT_VALID;
+   a3ok = get_abit(a+3) == VGM_BIT_VALID;
+   /* Now distinguish 3 cases */
+   /* Case 1: the address is completely valid, so:
+      - no addressing error
+   */
+   if (a0ok && a1ok && a2ok && a3ok) {
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Case 2: the address is completely invalid.  
+      - emit addressing error
+   */
+   /* VG_(printf)("%p (%d %d %d %d)\n", a, a0ok, a1ok, a2ok, a3ok); */
+   if (!SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok) 
+       || ((a & 3) != 0)
+       || (!a0ok && !a1ok && !a2ok && !a3ok)) {
+      sk_record_address_error( a, 4, False );
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Case 3: the address is partially valid.  
+      - no addressing error
+      Case 3 is only allowed if SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok) is True
+      (which is the default), and the address is 4-aligned.  
+      If not, Case 2 will have applied.
+   */
+   vg_assert(SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok));
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+static void vgmext_ACCESS2_SLOWLY ( Addr a )
+   /* Check the address for validity. */
+   Bool aerr = False;
+   PROF_EVENT(72);
+   if (get_abit(a+0) != VGM_BIT_VALID) aerr = True;
+   if (get_abit(a+1) != VGM_BIT_VALID) aerr = True;
+   /* If an address error has happened, report it. */
+   if (aerr) {
+      sk_record_address_error( a, 2, False );
+   }
+static void vgmext_ACCESS1_SLOWLY ( Addr a )
+   /* Check the address for validity. */
+   Bool aerr = False;
+   PROF_EVENT(74);
+   if (get_abit(a+0) != VGM_BIT_VALID) aerr = True;
+   /* If an address error has happened, report it. */
+   if (aerr) {
+      sk_record_address_error( a, 1, False );
+   }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   FPU load and store checks, called from generated code.
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+__attribute__ ((regparm(2)))
+void SK_(fpu_ACCESS_check) ( Addr addr, Int size )
+   /* Ensure the read area is both addressible and valid (ie,
+      readable).  If there's an address error, don't report a value
+      error too; but if there isn't an address error, check for a
+      value error. 
+      Try to be reasonably fast on the common case; wimp out and defer
+      to fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY for everything else.  */
+   AcSecMap* sm;
+   UInt    sm_off, a_off;
+   Addr    addr4;
+   PROF_EVENT(80);
+   fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( addr, size );
+#  else
+   if (size == 4) {
+      if (!IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(addr)) goto slow4;
+      PROF_EVENT(81);
+      /* Properly aligned. */
+      sm     = primary_map[addr >> 16];
+      sm_off = addr & 0xFFFF;
+      a_off  = sm_off >> 3;
+      if (sm->abits[a_off] != VGM_BYTE_VALID) goto slow4;
+      /* Properly aligned and addressible. */
+      return;
+     slow4:
+      fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( addr, 4 );
+      return;
+   }
+   if (size == 8) {
+      if (!IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(addr)) goto slow8;
+      PROF_EVENT(82);
+      /* Properly aligned.  Do it in two halves. */
+      addr4 = addr + 4;
+      /* First half. */
+      sm     = primary_map[addr >> 16];
+      sm_off = addr & 0xFFFF;
+      a_off  = sm_off >> 3;
+      if (sm->abits[a_off] != VGM_BYTE_VALID) goto slow8;
+      /* First half properly aligned and addressible. */
+      /* Second half. */
+      sm     = primary_map[addr4 >> 16];
+      sm_off = addr4 & 0xFFFF;
+      a_off  = sm_off >> 3;
+      if (sm->abits[a_off] != VGM_BYTE_VALID) goto slow8;
+      /* Second half properly aligned and addressible. */
+      /* Both halves properly aligned and addressible. */
+      return;
+     slow8:
+      fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( addr, 8 );
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Can't be bothered to huff'n'puff to make these (allegedly) rare
+      cases go quickly.  */
+   if (size == 2) {
+      PROF_EVENT(83);
+      fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( addr, 2 );
+      return;
+   }
+   if (size == 10) {
+      PROF_EVENT(84);
+      fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( addr, 10 );
+      return;
+   }
+   if (size == 28 || size == 108) {
+      PROF_EVENT(84); /* XXX assign correct event number */
+      fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( addr, size );
+      return;
+   }
+   VG_(printf)("size is %d\n", size);
+   VG_(panic)("fpu_ACCESS_check: unhandled size");
+#  endif
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Slow, general cases for FPU access checks.
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+void fpu_ACCESS_check_SLOWLY ( Addr addr, Int size )
+   Int  i;
+   Bool aerr = False;
+   PROF_EVENT(90);
+   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+      PROF_EVENT(91);
+      if (get_abit(addr+i) != VGM_BIT_VALID)
+         aerr = True;
+   }
+   if (aerr) {
+      sk_record_address_error( addr, size, False );
+   }
+/*--- Shadow chunks info                                   ---*/
+static __inline__
+void set_where( ShadowChunk* sc, ExeContext* ec )
+   sc->skin_extra[0] = (UInt)ec;
+static __inline__
+ExeContext *get_where( ShadowChunk* sc )
+   return (ExeContext*)sc->skin_extra[0];
+void SK_(complete_shadow_chunk) ( ShadowChunk* sc, ThreadState* tst )
+   set_where( sc, VG_(get_ExeContext) ( tst ) );
+/*--- Postponing free()ing                                 ---*/
+/* Holds blocks after freeing. */
+static ShadowChunk* vg_freed_list_start   = NULL;
+static ShadowChunk* vg_freed_list_end     = NULL;
+static Int          vg_freed_list_volume  = 0;
+static __attribute__ ((unused))
+       Int count_freelist ( void )
+   ShadowChunk* sc;
+   Int n = 0;
+   for (sc = vg_freed_list_start; sc != NULL; sc = sc->next)
+      n++;
+   return n;
+static __attribute__ ((unused))
+       void freelist_sanity ( void )
+   ShadowChunk* sc;
+   Int n = 0;
+   /* VG_(printf)("freelist sanity\n"); */
+   for (sc = vg_freed_list_start; sc != NULL; sc = sc->next)
+      n += sc->size;
+   vg_assert(n == vg_freed_list_volume);
+/* Put a shadow chunk on the freed blocks queue, possibly freeing up
+   some of the oldest blocks in the queue at the same time. */
+static void add_to_freed_queue ( ShadowChunk* sc )
+   ShadowChunk* sc1;
+   /* Put it at the end of the freed list */
+   if (vg_freed_list_end == NULL) {
+      vg_assert(vg_freed_list_start == NULL);
+      vg_freed_list_end = vg_freed_list_start = sc;
+      vg_freed_list_volume = sc->size;
+   } else {    
+      vg_assert(vg_freed_list_end->next == NULL);
+      vg_freed_list_end->next = sc;
+      vg_freed_list_end = sc;
+      vg_freed_list_volume += sc->size;
+   }
+   sc->next = NULL;
+   /* Release enough of the oldest blocks to bring the free queue
+      volume below vg_clo_freelist_vol. */
+   while (vg_freed_list_volume > SK_(clo_freelist_vol)) {
+      /* freelist_sanity(); */
+      vg_assert(vg_freed_list_start != NULL);
+      vg_assert(vg_freed_list_end != NULL);
+      sc1 = vg_freed_list_start;
+      vg_freed_list_volume -= sc1->size;
+      /* VG_(printf)("volume now %d\n", vg_freed_list_volume); */
+      vg_assert(vg_freed_list_volume >= 0);
+      if (vg_freed_list_start == vg_freed_list_end) {
+         vg_freed_list_start = vg_freed_list_end = NULL;
+      } else {
+         vg_freed_list_start = sc1->next;
+      }
+      sc1->next = NULL; /* just paranoia */
+      VG_(freeShadowChunk) ( sc1 );
+   }
+/* Return the first shadow chunk satisfying the predicate p. */
+ShadowChunk* SK_(any_matching_freed_ShadowChunks)
+                        ( Bool (*p) ( ShadowChunk* ))
+   ShadowChunk* sc;
+   /* No point looking through freed blocks if we're not keeping
+      them around for a while... */
+   for (sc = vg_freed_list_start; sc != NULL; sc = sc->next)
+      if (p(sc))
+         return sc;
+   return NULL;
+void SK_(alt_free) ( ShadowChunk* sc, ThreadState* tst )
+   /* Record where freed */
+   set_where( sc, VG_(get_ExeContext) ( tst ) );
+   /* Put it out of harm's way for a while. */
+   add_to_freed_queue ( sc );
+/*--- Our instrumenter                                     ---*/
+#define uInstr1   VG_(newUInstr1)
+#define uInstr2   VG_(newUInstr2)
+#define uLiteral  VG_(setLiteralField)
+#define newTemp   VG_(getNewTemp)
+UCodeBlock* SK_(instrument)(UCodeBlock* cb_in, Addr orig_addr)
+/* Use this rather than eg. -1 because it's a UInt. */
+#define INVALID_DATA_SIZE   999999
+   UCodeBlock* cb;
+   Int         i;
+   UInstr*     u_in;
+   Int         t_addr, t_size;
+   cb = VG_(allocCodeBlock)();
+   cb->nextTemp = cb_in->nextTemp;
+   for (i = 0; i < cb_in->used; i++) {
+      t_addr = t_size = INVALID_TEMPREG;
+      u_in = &cb_in->instrs[i];
+      switch (u_in->opcode) {
+         case NOP:  case CALLM_E:  case CALLM_S:
+            break;
+         /* For memory-ref instrs, copy the data_addr into a temporary to be
+          * passed to the cachesim_* helper at the end of the instruction.
+          */
+         case LOAD: 
+            t_addr = u_in->val1; 
+            goto do_LOAD_or_STORE;
+         case STORE: t_addr = u_in->val2;
+            goto do_LOAD_or_STORE;
+           do_LOAD_or_STORE:
+            uInstr1(cb, CCALL, 0, TempReg, t_addr);
+            switch (u_in->size) {
+               case 4: VG_(setCCallFields)(cb, (Addr)&SK_(helperc_ACCESS4), 
+                                               1, 1, False );
+                  break;
+               case 2: VG_(setCCallFields)(cb, (Addr)&SK_(helperc_ACCESS2), 
+                                               1, 1, False );
+                  break;
+               case 1: VG_(setCCallFields)(cb, (Addr)&SK_(helperc_ACCESS1), 
+                                               1, 1, False );
+                  break;
+               default: 
+                  VG_(panic)("addrcheck::SK_(instrument):LOAD/STORE");
+            }
+            VG_(copyUInstr)(cb, u_in);
+            break;
+         case FPU_R:
+         case FPU_W:
+            t_addr = u_in->val2;
+            t_size = newTemp(cb);
+	    uInstr2(cb, MOV, 4, Literal, 0, TempReg, t_size);
+	    uLiteral(cb, u_in->size);
+            uInstr2(cb, CCALL, 0, TempReg, t_addr, TempReg, t_size);
+            VG_(setCCallFields)(cb, (Addr)&SK_(fpu_ACCESS_check), 
+                                               2, 2, False );
+            VG_(copyUInstr)(cb, u_in);
+            break;
+         default:
+            VG_(copyUInstr)(cb, u_in);
+            break;
+      }
+   }
+   VG_(freeCodeBlock)(cb_in);
+   return cb;
+/*--- Low-level address-space scanning, for the leak       ---*/
+/*--- detector.                                            ---*/
+jmp_buf memscan_jmpbuf;
+void vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler ( Int sigNo )
+   __builtin_longjmp(memscan_jmpbuf, 1);
+/* Safely (avoiding SIGSEGV / SIGBUS) scan the entire valid address
+   space and pass the addresses and values of all addressible,
+   defined, aligned words to notify_word.  This is the basis for the
+   leak detector.  Returns the number of calls made to notify_word.  */
+UInt VG_(scan_all_valid_memory) ( void (*notify_word)( Addr, UInt ) )
+   /* All volatile, because some gccs seem paranoid about longjmp(). */
+   volatile UInt res, numPages, page, primaryMapNo, nWordsNotified;
+   volatile Addr pageBase, addr;
+   volatile AcSecMap* sm;
+   volatile UChar abits;
+   volatile UInt page_first_word;
+   vki_ksigaction sigbus_saved;
+   vki_ksigaction sigbus_new;
+   vki_ksigaction sigsegv_saved;
+   vki_ksigaction sigsegv_new;
+   vki_ksigset_t  blockmask_saved;
+   vki_ksigset_t  unblockmask_new;
+   /* Temporarily install a new sigsegv and sigbus handler, and make
+      sure SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGTERM are unblocked.  (Perhaps the
+      first two can never be blocked anyway?)  */
+   sigbus_new.ksa_handler = vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler;
+   sigbus_new.ksa_flags = VKI_SA_ONSTACK | VKI_SA_RESTART;
+   sigbus_new.ksa_restorer = NULL;
+   res = VG_(ksigemptyset)( &sigbus_new.ksa_mask );
+   vg_assert(res == 0);
+   sigsegv_new.ksa_handler = vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler;
+   sigsegv_new.ksa_flags = VKI_SA_ONSTACK | VKI_SA_RESTART;
+   sigsegv_new.ksa_restorer = NULL;
+   res = VG_(ksigemptyset)( &sigsegv_new.ksa_mask );
+   vg_assert(res == 0+0);
+   res =  VG_(ksigemptyset)( &unblockmask_new );
+   res |= VG_(ksigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGBUS );
+   res |= VG_(ksigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGSEGV );
+   res |= VG_(ksigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGTERM );
+   vg_assert(res == 0+0+0);
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGBUS, &sigbus_new, &sigbus_saved );
+   vg_assert(res == 0+0+0+0);
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_new, &sigsegv_saved );
+   vg_assert(res == 0+0+0+0+0);
+   res = VG_(ksigprocmask)( VKI_SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblockmask_new, &blockmask_saved );
+   vg_assert(res == 0+0+0+0+0+0);
+   /* The signal handlers are installed.  Actually do the memory scan. */
+   numPages = 1 << (32-VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE_BITS);
+   vg_assert(numPages == 1048576);
+   vg_assert(4096 == (1 << VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE_BITS));
+   nWordsNotified = 0;
+   for (page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
+      pageBase = page << VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE_BITS;
+      primaryMapNo = pageBase >> 16;
+      sm = primary_map[primaryMapNo];
+      if (IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(sm)) continue;
+      if (__builtin_setjmp(memscan_jmpbuf) == 0) {
+         /* try this ... */
+         page_first_word = * (volatile UInt*)pageBase;
+         /* we get here if we didn't get a fault */
+         /* Scan the page */
+         for (addr = pageBase; addr < pageBase+VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE; addr += 4) {
+            abits  = get_abits4_ALIGNED(addr);
+            if (abits == VGM_NIBBLE_VALID) {
+               nWordsNotified++;
+               notify_word ( addr, *(UInt*)addr );
+	    }
+         }
+      } else {
+         /* We get here if reading the first word of the page caused a
+            fault, which in turn caused the signal handler to longjmp.
+            Ignore this page. */
+         if (0)
+         VG_(printf)(
+            "vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler: ignoring page at %p\n",
+            (void*)pageBase 
+         );
+      }
+   }
+   /* Restore signal state to whatever it was before. */
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGBUS, &sigbus_saved, NULL );
+   vg_assert(res == 0 +0);
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_saved, NULL );
+   vg_assert(res == 0 +0 +0);
+   res = VG_(ksigprocmask)( VKI_SIG_SETMASK, &blockmask_saved, NULL );
+   vg_assert(res == 0 +0 +0 +0);
+   return nWordsNotified;
+/*--- Detecting leaked (unreachable) malloc'd blocks.      ---*/
+/* A block is either 
+   -- Proper-ly reached; a pointer to its start has been found
+   -- Interior-ly reached; only an interior pointer to it has been found
+   -- Unreached; so far, no pointers to any part of it have been found. 
+   enum { Unreached, Interior, Proper } 
+   Reachedness;
+/* A block record, used for generating err msgs. */
+   struct _LossRecord {
+      struct _LossRecord* next;
+      /* Where these lost blocks were allocated. */
+      ExeContext*  allocated_at;
+      /* Their reachability. */
+      Reachedness  loss_mode;
+      /* Number of blocks and total # bytes involved. */
+      UInt         total_bytes;
+      UInt         num_blocks;
+   }
+   LossRecord;
+/* Find the i such that ptr points at or inside the block described by
+   shadows[i].  Return -1 if none found.  This assumes that shadows[]
+   has been sorted on the ->data field. */
+/* Used to sanity-check the fast binary-search mechanism. */
+static Int find_shadow_for_OLD ( Addr          ptr, 
+                                 ShadowChunk** shadows,
+                                 Int           n_shadows )
+   Int  i;
+   Addr a_lo, a_hi;
+   PROF_EVENT(70);
+   for (i = 0; i < n_shadows; i++) {
+      PROF_EVENT(71);
+      a_lo = shadows[i]->data;
+      a_hi = ((Addr)shadows[i]->data) + shadows[i]->size - 1;
+      if (a_lo <= ptr && ptr <= a_hi)
+         return i;
+   }
+   return -1;
+static Int find_shadow_for ( Addr          ptr, 
+                             ShadowChunk** shadows,
+                             Int           n_shadows )
+   Addr a_mid_lo, a_mid_hi;
+   Int lo, mid, hi, retVal;
+   PROF_EVENT(70);
+   /* VG_(printf)("find shadow for %p = ", ptr); */
+   retVal = -1;
+   lo = 0;
+   hi = n_shadows-1;
+   while (True) {
+      PROF_EVENT(71);
+      /* invariant: current unsearched space is from lo to hi,
+         inclusive. */
+      if (lo > hi) break; /* not found */
+      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
+      a_mid_lo = shadows[mid]->data;
+      a_mid_hi = ((Addr)shadows[mid]->data) + shadows[mid]->size - 1;
+      if (ptr < a_mid_lo) {
+         hi = mid-1;
+         continue;
+      } 
+      if (ptr > a_mid_hi) {
+         lo = mid+1;
+         continue;
+      }
+      vg_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr <= a_mid_hi);
+      retVal = mid;
+      break;
+   }
+   vg_assert(retVal == find_shadow_for_OLD ( ptr, shadows, n_shadows ));
+#  endif
+   /* VG_(printf)("%d\n", retVal); */
+   return retVal;
+static void sort_malloc_shadows ( ShadowChunk** shadows, UInt n_shadows )
+   Int   incs[14] = { 1, 4, 13, 40, 121, 364, 1093, 3280,
+                      9841, 29524, 88573, 265720,
+                      797161, 2391484 };
+   Int          lo = 0;
+   Int          hi = n_shadows-1;
+   Int          i, j, h, bigN, hp;
+   ShadowChunk* v;
+   PROF_EVENT(72);
+   bigN = hi - lo + 1; if (bigN < 2) return;
+   hp = 0; while (incs[hp] < bigN) hp++; hp--;
+   for (; hp >= 0; hp--) {
+      PROF_EVENT(73);
+      h = incs[hp];
+      i = lo + h;
+      while (1) {
+         PROF_EVENT(74);
+         if (i > hi) break;
+         v = shadows[i];
+         j = i;
+         while (shadows[j-h]->data > v->data) {
+            PROF_EVENT(75);
+            shadows[j] = shadows[j-h];
+            j = j - h;
+            if (j <= (lo + h - 1)) break;
+         }
+         shadows[j] = v;
+         i++;
+      }
+   }
+/* Globals, for the callback used by SK_(detect_memory_leaks). */
+static ShadowChunk** vglc_shadows;
+static Int           vglc_n_shadows;
+static Reachedness*  vglc_reachedness;
+static Addr          vglc_min_mallocd_addr;
+static Addr          vglc_max_mallocd_addr;
+void vg_detect_memory_leaks_notify_addr ( Addr a, UInt word_at_a )
+   Int  sh_no;
+   Addr ptr;
+   /* Rule out some known causes of bogus pointers.  Mostly these do
+      not cause much trouble because only a few false pointers can
+      ever lurk in these places.  This mainly stops it reporting that
+      blocks are still reachable in stupid test programs like this
+         int main (void) { char* a = malloc(100); return 0; }
+      which people seem inordinately fond of writing, for some reason.  
+      Note that this is a complete kludge.  It would be better to
+      ignore any addresses corresponding to's .bss and
+      .data segments, but I cannot think of a reliable way to identify
+      where the .bss segment has been put.  If you can, drop me a
+      line.  
+   */
+   if (VG_(within_stack)(a))                return;
+   if (VG_(within_m_state_static)(a))       return;
+   if (a == (Addr)(&vglc_min_mallocd_addr)) return;
+   if (a == (Addr)(&vglc_max_mallocd_addr)) return;
+   /* OK, let's get on and do something Useful for a change. */
+   ptr = (Addr)word_at_a;
+   if (ptr >= vglc_min_mallocd_addr && ptr <= vglc_max_mallocd_addr) {
+      /* Might be legitimate; we'll have to investigate further. */
+      sh_no = find_shadow_for ( ptr, vglc_shadows, vglc_n_shadows );
+      if (sh_no != -1) {
+         /* Found a block at/into which ptr points. */
+         vg_assert(sh_no >= 0 && sh_no < vglc_n_shadows);
+         vg_assert(ptr < vglc_shadows[sh_no]->data 
+                         + vglc_shadows[sh_no]->size);
+         /* Decide whether Proper-ly or Interior-ly reached. */
+         if (ptr == vglc_shadows[sh_no]->data) {
+            if (0) VG_(printf)("pointer at %p to %p\n", a, word_at_a );
+            vglc_reachedness[sh_no] = Proper;
+         } else {
+            if (vglc_reachedness[sh_no] == Unreached)
+               vglc_reachedness[sh_no] = Interior;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+void SK_(detect_memory_leaks) ( void )
+   Int    i;
+   Int    blocks_leaked, bytes_leaked;
+   Int    blocks_dubious, bytes_dubious;
+   Int    blocks_reachable, bytes_reachable;
+   Int    n_lossrecords;
+   UInt   bytes_notified;
+   LossRecord*  errlist;
+   LossRecord*  p;
+   PROF_EVENT(76);
+   /* VG_(get_malloc_shadows) allocates storage for shadows */
+   vglc_shadows = VG_(get_malloc_shadows)( &vglc_n_shadows );
+   if (vglc_n_shadows == 0) {
+      vg_assert(vglc_shadows == NULL);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                   "No malloc'd blocks -- no leaks are possible.\n");
+      return;
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                "searching for pointers to %d not-freed blocks.", 
+                vglc_n_shadows );
+   sort_malloc_shadows ( vglc_shadows, vglc_n_shadows );
+   /* Sanity check; assert that the blocks are now in order and that
+      they don't overlap. */
+   for (i = 0; i < vglc_n_shadows-1; i++) {
+      vg_assert( ((Addr)vglc_shadows[i]->data)
+                 < ((Addr)vglc_shadows[i+1]->data) );
+      vg_assert( ((Addr)vglc_shadows[i]->data) + vglc_shadows[i]->size
+                 < ((Addr)vglc_shadows[i+1]->data) );
+   }
+   vglc_min_mallocd_addr = ((Addr)vglc_shadows[0]->data);
+   vglc_max_mallocd_addr = ((Addr)vglc_shadows[vglc_n_shadows-1]->data)
+                         + vglc_shadows[vglc_n_shadows-1]->size - 1;
+   vglc_reachedness 
+      = VG_(malloc)( vglc_n_shadows * sizeof(Reachedness) );
+   for (i = 0; i < vglc_n_shadows; i++)
+      vglc_reachedness[i] = Unreached;
+   /* Do the scan of memory. */
+   bytes_notified
+       = VG_(scan_all_valid_memory)( &vg_detect_memory_leaks_notify_addr )
+         * VKI_BYTES_PER_WORD;
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "checked %d bytes.", bytes_notified);
+   blocks_leaked    = bytes_leaked    = 0;
+   blocks_dubious   = bytes_dubious   = 0;
+   blocks_reachable = bytes_reachable = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < vglc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      if (vglc_reachedness[i] == Unreached) {
+         blocks_leaked++;
+         bytes_leaked += vglc_shadows[i]->size;
+      }
+      else if (vglc_reachedness[i] == Interior) {
+         blocks_dubious++;
+         bytes_dubious += vglc_shadows[i]->size;
+      }
+      else if (vglc_reachedness[i] == Proper) {
+         blocks_reachable++;
+         bytes_reachable += vglc_shadows[i]->size;
+      }
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "definitely lost: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_leaked, blocks_leaked );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "possibly lost:   %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_dubious, blocks_dubious );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "still reachable: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_reachable, blocks_reachable );
+   /* Common up the lost blocks so we can print sensible error
+      messages. */
+   n_lossrecords = 0;
+   errlist       = NULL;
+   for (i = 0; i < vglc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      /* 'where' stored in 'skin_extra' field */
+      ExeContext* where = get_where ( vglc_shadows[i] );
+      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+         if (p->loss_mode == vglc_reachedness[i]
+             && VG_(eq_ExeContext) ( SK_(clo_leak_resolution),
+                                     p->allocated_at, 
+                                     where) ) {
+            break;
+	 }
+      }
+      if (p != NULL) {
+         p->num_blocks  ++;
+         p->total_bytes += vglc_shadows[i]->size;
+      } else {
+         n_lossrecords ++;
+         p = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(LossRecord));
+         p->loss_mode    = vglc_reachedness[i];
+         p->allocated_at = where;
+         p->total_bytes  = vglc_shadows[i]->size;
+         p->num_blocks   = 1;
+         p->next         = errlist;
+         errlist         = p;
+      }
+   }
+   for (i = 0; i < n_lossrecords; i++) {
+      LossRecord* p_min = NULL;
+      UInt        n_min = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+         if (p->num_blocks > 0 && p->total_bytes < n_min) {
+            n_min = p->total_bytes;
+            p_min = p;
+         }
+      }
+      vg_assert(p_min != NULL);
+      if ( (!SK_(clo_show_reachable)) && p_min->loss_mode == Proper) {
+         p_min->num_blocks = 0;
+         continue;
+      }
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+      VG_(message)(
+         Vg_UserMsg,
+         "%d bytes in %d blocks are %s in loss record %d of %d",
+         p_min->total_bytes, p_min->num_blocks,
+         p_min->loss_mode==Unreached ? "definitely lost" :
+            (p_min->loss_mode==Interior ? "possibly lost"
+                                        : "still reachable"),
+         i+1, n_lossrecords
+      );
+      VG_(pp_ExeContext)(p_min->allocated_at);
+      p_min->num_blocks = 0;
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "LEAK SUMMARY:");
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   definitely lost: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_leaked, blocks_leaked );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   possibly lost:   %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_dubious, blocks_dubious );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   still reachable: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_reachable, blocks_reachable );
+   if (!SK_(clo_show_reachable)) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+         "Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.");
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+         "To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes");
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+   VG_(free) ( vglc_shadows );
+   VG_(free) ( vglc_reachedness );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Sanity check machinery (permanently engaged).
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Check that nobody has spuriously claimed that the first or last 16
+   pages (64 KB) of address space have become accessible.  Failure of
+   the following do not per se indicate an internal consistency
+   problem, but they are so likely to that we really want to know
+   about it if so. */
+Bool SK_(cheap_sanity_check) ( void )
+   if (IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(primary_map[0]) && 
+       IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(primary_map[65535]))
+      return True;
+   else
+      return False;
+Bool SK_(expensive_sanity_check) ( void )
+   Int i;
+   /* Make sure nobody changed the distinguished secondary. */
+   for (i = 0; i < 8192; i++)
+      if (distinguished_secondary_map.abits[i] != VGM_BYTE_INVALID)
+         return False;
+   /* Make sure that the upper 3/4 of the primary map hasn't
+      been messed with. */
+   for (i = 65536; i < 262144; i++)
+      if (primary_map[i] != & distinguished_secondary_map)
+         return False;
+   return True;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Debugging machinery (turn on to debug).  Something of a mess.
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#if 0
+/* Print the value tags on the 8 integer registers & flag reg. */
+static void uint_to_bits ( UInt x, Char* str )
+   Int i;
+   Int w = 0;
+   /* str must point to a space of at least 36 bytes. */
+   for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
+      str[w++] = (x & ( ((UInt)1) << i)) ? '1' : '0';
+      if (i == 24 || i == 16 || i == 8)
+         str[w++] = ' ';
+   }
+   str[w++] = 0;
+   vg_assert(w == 36);
+/* Caution!  Not vthread-safe; looks in VG_(baseBlock), not the thread
+   state table. */
+static void vg_show_reg_tags ( void )
+   Char buf1[36];
+   Char buf2[36];
+   UInt z_eax, z_ebx, z_ecx, z_edx, 
+        z_esi, z_edi, z_ebp, z_esp, z_eflags;
+   z_eax    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_eax)];
+   z_ebx    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_ebx)];
+   z_ecx    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_ecx)];
+   z_edx    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_edx)];
+   z_esi    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_esi)];
+   z_edi    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_edi)];
+   z_ebp    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_ebp)];
+   z_esp    = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_esp)];
+   z_eflags = VG_(baseBlock)[VGOFF_(sh_eflags)];
+   uint_to_bits(z_eflags, buf1);
+   VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "efl %\n", buf1);
+   uint_to_bits(z_eax, buf1);
+   uint_to_bits(z_ebx, buf2);
+   VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "eax %s   ebx %s\n", buf1, buf2);
+   uint_to_bits(z_ecx, buf1);
+   uint_to_bits(z_edx, buf2);
+   VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "ecx %s   edx %s\n", buf1, buf2);
+   uint_to_bits(z_esi, buf1);
+   uint_to_bits(z_edi, buf2);
+   VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "esi %s   edi %s\n", buf1, buf2);
+   uint_to_bits(z_ebp, buf1);
+   uint_to_bits(z_esp, buf2);
+   VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "ebp %s   esp %s\n", buf1, buf2);
+/* For debugging only.  Scan the address space and touch all allegedly
+   addressible words.  Useful for establishing where Valgrind's idea of
+   addressibility has diverged from what the kernel believes. */
+void zzzmemscan_notify_word ( Addr a, UInt w )
+void zzzmemscan ( void )
+   Int n_notifies
+      = VG_(scan_all_valid_memory)( zzzmemscan_notify_word );
+   VG_(printf)("zzzmemscan: n_bytes = %d\n", 4 * n_notifies );
+#if 0
+static Int zzz = 0;
+void show_bb ( Addr eip_next )
+   VG_(printf)("[%4d] ", zzz);
+   vg_show_reg_tags( &VG_(m_shadow );
+   VG_(translate) ( eip_next, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+#endif /* 0 */
+/*--- Syscall wrappers                                     ---*/
+void* SK_(pre_syscall)  ( ThreadId tid, UInt syscallno, Bool isBlocking )
+   Int sane = SK_(cheap_sanity_check)();
+   return (void*)sane;
+void  SK_(post_syscall) ( ThreadId tid, UInt syscallno,
+                           void* pre_result, Int res, Bool isBlocking )
+   Int  sane_before_call = (Int)pre_result;
+   Bool sane_after_call  = SK_(cheap_sanity_check)();
+   if ((Int)sane_before_call && (!sane_after_call)) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "post-syscall: ");
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg,
+                   "probable sanity check failure for syscall number %d\n",
+                   syscallno );
+      VG_(panic)("aborting due to the above ... bye!");
+   }
+/*--- Setup                                                ---*/
+void SK_(written_shadow_regs_values)( UInt* gen_reg_value, UInt* eflags_value )
+   *gen_reg_value = VGM_WORD_VALID;
+   *eflags_value  = VGM_EFLAGS_VALID;
+Bool SK_(process_cmd_line_option)(Char* arg)
+#  define STREQ(s1,s2)     (0==VG_(strcmp_ws)((s1),(s2)))
+#  define STREQN(nn,s1,s2) (0==VG_(strncmp_ws)((s1),(s2),(nn)))
+   if      (STREQ(arg, "--partial-loads-ok=yes"))
+      SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok) = True;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--partial-loads-ok=no"))
+      SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok) = False;
+   else if (STREQN(15, arg, "--freelist-vol=")) {
+      SK_(clo_freelist_vol) = (Int)VG_(atoll)(&arg[15]);
+      if (SK_(clo_freelist_vol) < 0) SK_(clo_freelist_vol) = 0;
+   }
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--leak-check=yes"))
+      SK_(clo_leak_check) = True;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--leak-check=no"))
+      SK_(clo_leak_check) = False;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--leak-resolution=low"))
+      SK_(clo_leak_resolution) = Vg_LowRes;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--leak-resolution=med"))
+      SK_(clo_leak_resolution) = Vg_MedRes;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--leak-resolution=high"))
+      SK_(clo_leak_resolution) = Vg_HighRes;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--show-reachable=yes"))
+      SK_(clo_show_reachable) = True;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--show-reachable=no"))
+      SK_(clo_show_reachable) = False;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes"))
+      SK_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs) = True;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--workaround-gcc296-bugs=no"))
+      SK_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs) = False;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--cleanup=yes"))
+      SK_(clo_cleanup) = True;
+   else if (STREQ(arg, "--cleanup=no"))
+      SK_(clo_cleanup) = False;
+   else
+      return False;
+   return True;
+#undef STREQ
+#undef STREQN
+Char* SK_(usage)(void)
+   return  
+"    --partial-loads-ok=no|yes too hard to explain here; see manual [yes]\n"
+"    --freelist-vol=<number>   volume of freed blocks queue [1000000]\n"
+"    --leak-check=no|yes       search for memory leaks at exit? [no]\n"
+"    --leak-resolution=low|med|high\n"
+"                              amount of bt merging in leak check [low]\n"
+"    --show-reachable=no|yes   show reachable blocks in leak check? [no]\n"
+"    --workaround-gcc296-bugs=no|yes  self explanatory [no]\n"
+"    --check-addrVs=no|yes     experimental lighterweight checking? [yes]\n"
+"                              yes == Valgrind's original behaviour\n"
+"    --cleanup=no|yes          improve after instrumentation? [yes]\n";
+/*--- Setup                                                ---*/
+void SK_(pre_clo_init)(VgNeeds* needs, VgTrackEvents* track)
+   needs->name                    = "addrcheck";
+   needs->description             = "a fine-grained address checker";
+   needs->core_errors             = True;
+   needs->skin_errors             = True;
+   needs->run_libc_freeres        = True;
+   needs->sizeof_shadow_block     = 1;
+   needs->basic_block_discards    = False;
+   needs->shadow_regs             = False;
+   needs->command_line_options    = True;
+   needs->client_requests         = True;
+   needs->extended_UCode          = False;
+   needs->syscall_wrapper         = True;
+   needs->alternative_free        = True;
+   needs->sanity_checks           = True;
+   VG_(register_compact_helper)((Addr) & SK_(helperc_ACCESS4));
+   VG_(register_compact_helper)((Addr) & SK_(helperc_ACCESS2));
+   VG_(register_compact_helper)((Addr) & SK_(helperc_ACCESS1));
+   VG_(register_compact_helper)((Addr) & SK_(fpu_ACCESS_check));
+   /* Events to track */
+   track->new_mem_startup       = & addrcheck_new_mem_startup;
+   track->new_mem_heap          = & addrcheck_new_mem_heap;
+   track->new_mem_stack         = & SK_(make_accessible);
+   track->new_mem_stack_aligned = & make_writable_aligned;
+   track->new_mem_stack_signal  = & SK_(make_accessible);
+   track->new_mem_brk           = & SK_(make_accessible);
+   track->new_mem_mmap          = & addrcheck_set_perms;
+   track->copy_mem_heap         = & copy_address_range_state;
+   track->copy_mem_remap        = & copy_address_range_state;
+   track->change_mem_mprotect   = & addrcheck_set_perms;
+   track->ban_mem_heap          = & SK_(make_noaccess);
+   track->ban_mem_stack         = & SK_(make_noaccess);
+   track->die_mem_heap          = & SK_(make_noaccess);
+   track->die_mem_stack         = & SK_(make_noaccess);
+   track->die_mem_stack_aligned = & make_noaccess_aligned; 
+   track->die_mem_stack_signal  = & SK_(make_noaccess); 
+   track->die_mem_brk           = & SK_(make_noaccess);
+   track->die_mem_munmap        = & SK_(make_noaccess); 
+   track->bad_free              = & SK_(record_free_error);
+   track->mismatched_free       = & SK_(record_freemismatch_error);
+   track->pre_mem_read          = & check_is_readable;
+   track->pre_mem_read_asciiz   = & check_is_readable_asciiz;
+   track->pre_mem_write         = & check_is_writable;
+   track->post_mem_write        = & SK_(make_accessible);
+   init_shadow_memory();
+   init_prof_mem();
+   VGP_(register_profile_event) ( VgpSetMem,   "set-mem-perms" );
+   VGP_(register_profile_event) ( VgpCheckMem, "check-mem-perms" );
+/*--- end                                           vg_addrcheck.c ---*/