Add support for IBM Power ISA 2.06 -- stage 3.
The purpose of this bug is to add support for the third and final subset of the
new instructions in IBM Power ISA 2.06 (i.e., IBM POWER7 processor).
(VEX changes.  Bug 279994 comment 1).
(Maynard Johnson,

git-svn-id: svn:// 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h b/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h
index 191bcfb..36339a9 100644
--- a/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h
+++ b/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h
@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@
    /* 13 */ PPCG_FLAG_OP_SRADI,   // sradi
    /* 14 */ PPCG_FLAG_OP_DIVDE,   // divdeo
    /* 15 */ PPCG_FLAG_OP_DIVWEU,  // divweuo
+   /* 16 */ PPCG_FLAG_OP_DIVWE,   // divweo
+   /* 17 */ PPCG_FLAG_OP_DIVDEU,  // divdeuo
diff --git a/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c b/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
index 5af6076..80e9481 100644
--- a/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
+++ b/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
@@ -752,6 +752,33 @@
    assign( *t0, unop(Iop_32Uto64, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(lo64))) );
+static void breakV128to4x32( IRExpr* t128,
+                              /*OUTs*/
+                              IRTemp* t3, IRTemp* t2,
+                              IRTemp* t1, IRTemp* t0 )
+   IRTemp hi64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   IRTemp lo64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, t128) == Ity_V128);
+   vassert(t0 && *t0 == IRTemp_INVALID);
+   vassert(t1 && *t1 == IRTemp_INVALID);
+   vassert(t2 && *t2 == IRTemp_INVALID);
+   vassert(t3 && *t3 == IRTemp_INVALID);
+   *t0 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   *t1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   *t2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   *t3 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   assign( hi64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, t128) );
+   assign( lo64, unop(Iop_V128to64,   t128) );
+   assign( *t3, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(hi64)) );
+   assign( *t2, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(hi64)) );
+   assign( *t1, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(lo64)) );
+   assign( *t0, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(lo64)) );
 /* Signed saturating narrow 64S to 32 */
 static IRExpr* mkQNarrow64Sto32 ( IRExpr* t64 )
@@ -1264,16 +1291,43 @@
 /* Generate an IR sequence to do a popcount operation on the supplied
- * IRTemp, and return an IRTemp holding the result.
- */
-static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRTemp src )
+   IRTemp, and return a new IRTemp holding the result.  'ty' may be
+   Ity_I32 or Ity_I64 only. */
+static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRType ty, IRTemp src )
    Int i, shift[6];
+   IRTemp mask[6];
    IRTemp old = IRTemp_INVALID;
    IRTemp nyu = IRTemp_INVALID;
-   IRTemp mask[6];
-   vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv,mkexpr(src)) == Ity_I64);
+   vassert(ty == Ity_I64 || ty == Ity_I32);
+   if (ty == Ity_I32) {
+      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+         mask[i]  = newTemp(ty);
+         shift[i] = 1 << i;
+      }
+      assign(mask[0], mkU32(0x55555555));
+      assign(mask[1], mkU32(0x33333333));
+      assign(mask[2], mkU32(0x0F0F0F0F));
+      assign(mask[3], mkU32(0x00FF00FF));
+      assign(mask[4], mkU32(0x0000FFFF));
+      old = src;
+      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+         nyu = newTemp(ty);
+         assign(nyu,
+                binop(Iop_Add32,
+                      binop(Iop_And32,
+                            mkexpr(old),
+                            mkexpr(mask[i])),
+                      binop(Iop_And32,
+                            binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(old), mkU8(shift[i])),
+                            mkexpr(mask[i]))));
+         old = nyu;
+      }
+      return nyu;
+   }
+// else, ty == Ity_I64
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
       mask[i] = newTemp( Ity_I64 );
       shift[i] = 1 << i;
@@ -1853,6 +1907,21 @@
                         unop( Iop_1Uto32, binop( Iop_CmpLT32U, argR, argL ) ) );
+      /* If argR == 0 of if the result cannot fit in the 32-bit destination register,
+       * then OV <- 1.   If dest reg is 0 AND both dividend and divisor are non-zero,
+       * an overflow is implied.
+       */
+      xer_ov = binop( Iop_Or32,
+                      unop( Iop_1Uto32, binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, argR, mkU32( 0 ) ) ),
+                      unop( Iop_1Uto32, mkAND1( binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, res, mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                              mkAND1( binop( Iop_CmpNE32, argL, mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                                      binop( Iop_CmpNE32, argR, mkU32( 0 ) ) ) ) ) );
+      break;
       vex_printf("set_XER_OV: op = %u\n", op);
@@ -1972,6 +2041,12 @@
                                            binop( Iop_CmpNE64, argR, mkU64( 0 ) ) ) ) );
+     /* If argR == 0 or if argL >= argR, set OV. */
+     xer_ov = mkOR1( binop( Iop_CmpEQ64, argR, mkU64( 0 ) ),
+                         binop( Iop_CmpLE64U, argR, argL ) );
+     break;
       vex_printf("set_XER_OV: op = %u\n", op);
@@ -2604,10 +2679,21 @@
                                mkexpr( x ), \
                                mkU64( NONZERO_FRAC_MASK ) )
+// Returns exponent part of a single precision floating point as I32
+static IRExpr * fp_exp_part_sp(IRTemp src)
+   return binop( Iop_And32,
+                 binop( Iop_Shr32, mkexpr( src ), mkU8( 23 ) ),
+                 mkU32( 0xff ) );
 // Returns exponent part of floating point as I32
-static IRExpr * fp_exp_part(IRTemp src)
+static IRExpr * fp_exp_part(IRTemp src, Bool sp)
    IRExpr * exp;
+   if (sp)
+      return fp_exp_part_sp(src);
    if (!mode64)
       exp = binop( Iop_And32, binop( Iop_Shr32, unop( Iop_64HIto32,
                                                       mkexpr( src ) ),
@@ -2620,26 +2706,51 @@
    return exp;
+static IRExpr * is_Inf_sp(IRTemp src)
+   IRTemp frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   IRExpr * Inf_exp;
+   assign( frac_part, binop( Iop_And32, mkexpr(src), mkU32(0x007fffff)) );
+   Inf_exp = binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, fp_exp_part( src, True /*single precision*/ ), mkU32( 0xff ) );
+   return mkAND1( Inf_exp, binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, mkexpr( frac_part ), mkU32( 0 ) ) );
 // Infinity: exp = 7ff and fraction is zero; s = 0/1
-static IRExpr * is_Inf(IRTemp src)
+static IRExpr * is_Inf(IRTemp src, Bool sp)
    IRExpr * Inf_exp, * hi32, * low32;
-   IRTemp frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   IRTemp frac_part;
+   if (sp)
+      return is_Inf_sp(src);
+   frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
    assign( frac_part, FP_FRAC_PART(src) );
-   Inf_exp = binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, fp_exp_part( src ), mkU32( 0x7ff ) );
+   Inf_exp = binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, fp_exp_part( src, False /*not single precision*/  ), mkU32( 0x7ff ) );
    hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
    low32 = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
    return mkAND1( Inf_exp, binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, binop( Iop_Or32, low32, hi32 ),
                                   mkU32( 0 ) ) );
+static IRExpr * is_Zero_sp(IRTemp src)
+   IRTemp sign_less_part = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   assign( sign_less_part, binop( Iop_And32, mkexpr( src ), mkU32( SIGN_MASK32 ) ) );
+   return binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, mkexpr( sign_less_part ), mkU32( 0 ) );
 // Zero: exp is zero and fraction is zero; s = 0/1
-static IRExpr * is_Zero(IRTemp src)
+static IRExpr * is_Zero(IRTemp src, Bool sp)
    IRExpr * hi32, * low32;
-   IRTemp sign_less_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   IRTemp sign_less_part;
+   if (sp)
+      return is_Zero_sp(src);
+   sign_less_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
    assign( sign_less_part, binop( Iop_And64, mkexpr( src ), mkU64( SIGN_MASK ) ) );
    hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( sign_less_part ) );
@@ -2660,7 +2771,8 @@
    assign( frac_part, FP_FRAC_PART(src) );
    hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
    low32 = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
-   NaN_exp = binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, fp_exp_part( src ), mkU32( 0x7ff ) );
+   NaN_exp = binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, fp_exp_part( src, False /*not single precision*/ ),
+                    mkU32( 0x7ff ) );
    return mkAND1( NaN_exp, binop( Iop_CmpNE32, binop( Iop_Or32, low32, hi32 ),
                                                mkU32( 0 ) ) );
@@ -3323,6 +3435,42 @@
+      case 0x1AB: // divwe (Divide Word Extended)
+      {
+         /*
+          * If the quotient cannot be represented in 32 bits, or if an
+          * attempt is made to perform the division
+          *      <anything> / 0
+          * then the contents of register RD are undefined as are (if
+          * Rc=1) the contents of the LT, GT, and EQ bits of CR
+          * Field 0. In these cases, if OE=1 then OV is set to 1.
+          */
+         IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRExpr * dividend, * divisor;
+         DIP("divwe%s%s r%u,r%u,r%u\n",
+             flag_OE ? "o" : "", flag_rC ? ".":"",
+                                         rD_addr, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+         if (mode64) {
+            dividend = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( rA ) );
+            divisor = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( rB ) );
+            assign( res, binop( Iop_DivS32E, dividend, divisor ) );
+            assign( rD, binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkU32( 0 ), mkexpr( res ) ) );
+         } else {
+            dividend = mkexpr( rA );
+            divisor =  mkexpr( rB );
+            assign( res, binop( Iop_DivS32E, dividend, divisor ) );
+            assign( rD, mkexpr( res) );
+         }
+         if (flag_OE) {
+            set_XER_OV_32( PPCG_FLAG_OP_DIVWE,
+                           mkexpr(res), dividend, divisor );
+         }
+         break;
+      }
       case 0x1A9: // divde (Divide Doubleword Extended)
          * If the quotient cannot be represented in 64 bits, or if an
@@ -3342,6 +3490,18 @@
+      case 0x189: //  divdeuo (Divide Doubleword Extended Unsigned)
+        // Same CR and OV rules as given for divweu above
+        DIP("divdeu%s%s r%u,r%u,r%u\n",
+            flag_OE ? "o" : "", flag_rC ? ".":"",
+            rD_addr, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+        assign( rD, binop(Iop_DivU64E, mkexpr(rA), mkexpr(rB)) );
+        if (flag_OE) {
+           set_XER_OV_64( PPCG_FLAG_OP_DIVDEU, mkexpr( rD ),
+                          mkexpr( rA ), mkexpr( rB ) );
+        }
+        break;
          return False;
@@ -3742,11 +3902,28 @@
       case 0x1FA: // popcntd (population count doubleword
     	  DIP("popcntd r%u,r%u\n", rA_addr, rS_addr);
-        IRTemp result = gen_POPCOUNT(rS);
+        IRTemp result = gen_POPCOUNT(ty, rS);
     	  putIReg( rA_addr, mkexpr(result) );
     	  return True;
+      case 0x17A: // popcntw (Population Count Words)
+      {
+         DIP("popcntw r%u,r%u\n", rA_addr, rS_addr);
+         if (mode64) {
+            IRTemp resultHi, resultLo;
+            IRTemp argLo = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+            IRTemp argHi = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+            assign(argLo, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(rS)));
+            assign(argHi, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(rS)));
+            resultLo = gen_POPCOUNT(Ity_I32, argLo);
+            resultHi = gen_POPCOUNT(Ity_I32, argHi);
+            putIReg( rA_addr, binop(Iop_32HLto64, mkexpr(resultHi), mkexpr(resultLo)));
+         } else {
+            IRTemp result = gen_POPCOUNT(ty, rS);
+            putIReg( rA_addr, mkexpr(result) );
+         }
+         return True;
+      }
        case 0x0FC: // bpermd (Bit Permute Doubleword)
           /* This is a lot of rigmarole to emulate bpermd like this, as it
@@ -7174,6 +7351,103 @@
  * fe_flag is set to 1 if any of the following conditions occurs:
+ *  - The floating-point operand in register FRB is a Zero, a
+ *    NaN, an Infinity, or a negative value.
+ *  - e_b is less than or equal to: -970 for double precision; -103 for single precision
+ *  Otherwise fe_flag is set to 0.
+ *
+ * fg_flag is set to 1 if either of the following conditions occurs.
+ *   - The floating-point operand in register FRB is a Zero, an
+ *     Infinity, or a denormalized value.
+ *  Otherwise fg_flag is set to 0.
+ *
+ */
+static void do_fp_tsqrt(IRTemp frB_Int, Bool sp, IRTemp * fe_flag_tmp, IRTemp * fg_flag_tmp)
+   // The following temps are for holding intermediate results
+   IRTemp e_b = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   IRExpr * fe_flag,  * fg_flag;
+   IRTemp frB_exp_shR = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   UInt bias = sp? 127 : 1023;
+   IRExpr * frbNaN, * frbDenorm, * frBNeg;
+   IRExpr * eb_LTE;
+   IRTemp  frbZero_tmp = newTemp(Ity_I1);
+   IRTemp  frbInf_tmp = newTemp(Ity_I1);
+   *fe_flag_tmp = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   *fg_flag_tmp = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   assign( frB_exp_shR, fp_exp_part( frB_Int, sp ) );
+   assign(e_b, binop( Iop_Sub32, mkexpr(frB_exp_shR), mkU32( bias ) ));
+   //////////////////  fe_flag tests BEGIN //////////////////////
+   /* We first do all tests that may result in setting fe_flag to '1'.
+    * (NOTE: These tests are similar to those used for ftdiv.  See do_fp_tdiv()
+    * for details.)
+    */
+   frbNaN = sp ? is_NaN_32(frB_Int) : is_NaN(frB_Int);
+   assign( frbInf_tmp, is_Inf(frB_Int, sp) );
+   assign( frbZero_tmp, is_Zero(frB_Int, sp ) );
+   {
+      // Test_value = -970 for double precision
+      UInt test_value = sp ? 0xffffff99 : 0xfffffc36;
+      eb_LTE = binop( Iop_CmpLE32S, mkexpr( e_b ), mkU32( test_value ) );
+   }
+   frBNeg = binop( Iop_CmpEQ32,
+                   binop( Iop_Shr32,
+                          sp ? mkexpr( frB_Int ) : unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( frB_Int ) ),
+                          mkU8( 31 ) ),
+                   mkU32( 1 ) );
+   //////////////////  fe_flag tests END //////////////////////
+   //////////////////  fg_flag tests BEGIN //////////////////////
+   /*
+    * The following tests were already performed above in the fe_flag
+    * tests.  So these conditions will result in both fe_ and fg_ flags
+    * being set.
+    *   - Test if FRB is Zero
+    *   - Test if FRB is an Infinity
+    */
+   /*
+    * Test if FRB holds a denormalized value.  A denormalized value is one where
+    * the exp is 0 and the fraction is non-zero.
+    */
+   if (sp) {
+      IRTemp frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+      assign( frac_part, binop( Iop_And32, mkexpr(frB_Int), mkU32(0x007fffff)) );
+      frbDenorm
+               = mkAND1( binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, mkexpr( frB_exp_shR ), mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                         binop( Iop_CmpNE32, mkexpr( frac_part ), mkU32( 0 ) ) );
+   } else {
+      IRExpr * hi32, * low32, * fraction_is_nonzero;
+      IRTemp frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+      assign( frac_part, FP_FRAC_PART(frB_Int) );
+      hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
+      low32 = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
+      fraction_is_nonzero = binop( Iop_CmpNE32, binop( Iop_Or32, low32, hi32 ),
+                                                mkU32( 0 ) );
+      frbDenorm
+               = mkAND1( binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, mkexpr( frB_exp_shR ), mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                         fraction_is_nonzero );
+   }
+   //////////////////  fg_flag tests END //////////////////////
+   /////////////////////////
+   fe_flag = mkOR1( mkexpr( frbZero_tmp ),
+                    mkOR1( frbNaN,
+                           mkOR1( mkexpr( frbInf_tmp ),
+                                  mkOR1( frBNeg, eb_LTE ) ) ) );
+   fe_flag = unop(Iop_1Uto32, fe_flag);
+   fg_flag = mkOR1( mkexpr( frbZero_tmp ),
+                    mkOR1( mkexpr( frbInf_tmp ), frbDenorm ) );
+   fg_flag = unop(Iop_1Uto32, fg_flag);
+   assign (*fg_flag_tmp, fg_flag);
+   assign (*fe_flag_tmp, fe_flag);
+ * fe_flag is set to 1 if any of the following conditions occurs:
  *  - The double-precision floating-point operand in register FRA is a NaN or an
  *    Infinity.
  *  - The double-precision floating-point operand in register FRB is a Zero, a
@@ -7195,7 +7469,7 @@
  *  Otherwise fg_flag is set to 0.
-static IRExpr * do_fp_tdiv(IRTemp frA_I64, IRTemp frB_I64)
+static void _do_fp_tdiv(IRTemp frA_int, IRTemp frB_int, Bool sp, IRTemp * fe_flag_tmp, IRTemp * fg_flag_tmp)
    // The following temps are for holding intermediate results
    IRTemp e_a = newTemp(Ity_I32);
@@ -7203,7 +7477,9 @@
    IRTemp frA_exp_shR = newTemp(Ity_I32);
    IRTemp frB_exp_shR = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-   UInt bias = 1023;
+   UInt bias = sp? 127 : 1023;
+   *fe_flag_tmp = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+   *fg_flag_tmp = newTemp(Ity_I32);
    /* The following variables hold boolean results from tests
     * that are OR'ed together for setting the fe_ and fg_ flags.
@@ -7220,11 +7496,11 @@
 /* The following are the flags that are set by OR'ing the results of
  * all the tests done for tdiv.  These flags are the input to the specified CR.
-   IRExpr * fe_flag, * fl_flag, * fg_flag;
+   IRExpr * fe_flag, * fg_flag;
    // Create temps that will be used throughout the following tests.
-   assign( frA_exp_shR, fp_exp_part( frA_I64 ) );
-   assign( frB_exp_shR, fp_exp_part( frB_I64 ) );
+   assign( frA_exp_shR, fp_exp_part( frA_int, sp ) );
+   assign( frB_exp_shR, fp_exp_part( frB_int, sp ) );
    /* Let e_[a|b] be the unbiased exponent: i.e. exp - 1023. */
    assign(e_a, binop( Iop_Sub32, mkexpr(frA_exp_shR), mkU32( bias ) ));
    assign(e_b, binop( Iop_Sub32, mkexpr(frB_exp_shR), mkU32( bias ) ));
@@ -7236,67 +7512,62 @@
     * Test if the double-precision floating-point operand in register FRA is
     * a NaN:
-    *    exp = 7ff and fraction is non-zero; s = 0/1
-   fraNaN = is_NaN(frA_I64);
+   fraNaN = sp ? is_NaN_32(frA_int) : is_NaN(frA_int);
     * Test if the double-precision floating-point operand in register FRA is
     * an Infinity.
-    *    exp = 7ff and fraction is zero; s = 0/1
-   assign(fraInf_tmp, is_Inf(frA_I64));
+   assign(fraInf_tmp, is_Inf(frA_int, sp));
     * Test if the double-precision floating-point operand in register FRB is
     * a NaN:
-    *    exp = 7ff and fraction is non-zero; s = 0/1
-   frbNaN = is_NaN(frB_I64);
+   frbNaN = sp ? is_NaN_32(frB_int) : is_NaN(frB_int);
     * Test if the double-precision floating-point operand in register FRB is
     * an Infinity.
-    *    exp = 7ff and fraction is zero; s = 0/1
-   assign( frbInf_tmp, is_Inf(frB_I64) );
+   assign( frbInf_tmp, is_Inf(frB_int, sp) );
     * Test if the double-precision floating-point operand in register FRB is
     * a Zero.
-    *    exp is zero and fraction is zero; s = 0/1
-   assign( frbZero_tmp, is_Zero(frB_I64) );
+   assign( frbZero_tmp, is_Zero(frB_int, sp) );
-    * Test if e_b <= -1022
+    * Test if e_b <= -1022 for double precision;
+    * or e_b <= -126 for single precision
-      UInt test_value = 0xfffffc02;  //Int test_value = -1022;
+      UInt test_value = sp ? 0xffffff82 : 0xfffffc02;
       eb_LTE = binop(Iop_CmpLE32S, mkexpr(e_b), mkU32(test_value));
-    * Test if e_b >= 1021
-    *   ==> 1021 < e_b
+    * Test if e_b >= 1021 (i.e., 1021 < e_b) for double precision;
+    * or e_b >= -125 (125 < e_b) for single precision
-      Int test_value = 1021;
+      Int test_value = sp ? 125 : 1021;
       eb_GTE = binop(Iop_CmpLT32S, mkU32(test_value), mkexpr(e_b));
-    * Test if FRA != Zero and (e_a - e_b) >= 1023
-    *   ==> FRA != Zero && (1023 < (e_a - e_b)
+    * Test if FRA != Zero and (e_a - e_b) >= bias
-   assign( fraNotZero_tmp, unop( Iop_Not1, is_Zero( frA_I64 ) ) );
+   assign( fraNotZero_tmp, unop( Iop_Not1, is_Zero( frA_int, sp ) ) );
    ea_eb_GTE = mkAND1( mkexpr( fraNotZero_tmp ),
                        binop( Iop_CmpLT32S, mkU32( bias ),
                               binop( Iop_Sub32, mkexpr( e_a ),
                                      mkexpr( e_b ) ) ) );
-    * Test if FRA != Zero and (e_a - e_b) <= -1021
+    * Test if FRA != Zero and (e_a - e_b) <= [-1021 (double precision) or -125 (single precision)]
-      UInt test_value = 0xfffffc03;  //Int test_value = -1021;
+      UInt test_value = sp ? 0xffffff83 : 0xfffffc03;
       ea_eb_LTE = mkAND1( mkexpr( fraNotZero_tmp ),
                           binop( Iop_CmpLE32S,
@@ -7307,7 +7578,7 @@
-    * Test if FRA != Zero and e_a <= -970
+    * Test if FRA != Zero and e_a <= [-970 (double precision) or -103 (single precision)]
       UInt test_value = 0xfffffc36;  //Int test_value = -970;
@@ -7333,27 +7604,27 @@
     * the exp is 0 and the fraction is non-zero.
-      IRExpr * hi32, * low32, * fraction_is_nonzero;
-      IRTemp frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+      IRExpr * fraction_is_nonzero;
-      assign( frac_part, FP_FRAC_PART(frB_I64) );
-      hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
-      low32 = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
-      fraction_is_nonzero = binop( Iop_CmpNE32, binop( Iop_Or32, low32, hi32 ),
-                                                mkU32( 0 ) );
+      if (sp) {
+         fraction_is_nonzero = binop( Iop_CmpNE32, FP_FRAC_PART32(frB_int),
+                                      mkU32( 0 ) );
+      } else {
+         IRExpr * hi32, * low32;
+         IRTemp frac_part = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         assign( frac_part, FP_FRAC_PART(frB_int) );
+         hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
+         low32 = unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( frac_part ) );
+         fraction_is_nonzero = binop( Iop_CmpNE32, binop( Iop_Or32, low32, hi32 ),
+                                      mkU32( 0 ) );
+      }
       frbDenorm = mkAND1( binop( Iop_CmpEQ32, mkexpr( frB_exp_shR ),
-                                 mkU32( 0x0ULL ) ), fraction_is_nonzero );
+                                 mkU32( 0x0 ) ), fraction_is_nonzero );
    //////////////////  fg_flag tests END //////////////////////
-   /////////////////////////
-   /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
-    * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
-    */
-   fl_flag = unop(Iop_Not32, mkU32(0xFFFFFE));
    = mkOR1(
@@ -7377,38 +7648,89 @@
                                                  mkOR1( mkexpr( frbInf_tmp ),
                                                         frbDenorm ) ) );
    fg_flag = unop(Iop_1Uto32, fg_flag);
+   assign(*fe_flag_tmp, fe_flag);
+   assign(*fg_flag_tmp, fg_flag);
+/* See description for _do_fp_tdiv() above. */
+static IRExpr * do_fp_tdiv(IRTemp frA_int, IRTemp frB_int)
+   IRTemp  fe_flag, fg_flag;
+   /////////////////////////
+   /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+    * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+    */
+   IRExpr * fl_flag = unop(Iop_Not32, mkU32(0xFFFFFE));
+   fe_flag = fg_flag = IRTemp_INVALID;
+   _do_fp_tdiv(frA_int, frB_int, False/*not single precision*/, &fe_flag, &fg_flag);
    return binop( Iop_Or32,
                  binop( Iop_Or32,
                         binop( Iop_Shl32, fl_flag, mkU8( 3 ) ),
-                        binop( Iop_Shl32, fg_flag, mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
-                 binop( Iop_Shl32, fe_flag, mkU8( 1 ) ) );
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                 binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag), mkU8( 1 ) ) );
-static Bool dis_fp_ftdiv ( UInt theInstr )
+static Bool dis_fp_tests ( UInt theInstr )
    UChar opc1     = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
    UChar crfD     = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
-   UChar b21to22  = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
-   UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
    UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
    UChar b0       = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
-   IRTemp frA_I64     = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   UInt  opc2     = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
    IRTemp frB_I64     = newTemp(Ity_I64);
-   if (opc1 != 0x3F || b21to22 != 0 || b0 != 0) {
-      vex_printf("dis_fp_ftdiv(ppc)(instr)\n");
+   if (opc1 != 0x3F || b0 != 0 ){
+      vex_printf("dis_fp_tests(ppc)(ftdiv)\n");
       return False;
-   assign( frA_I64, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, getFReg( frA_addr ) ) );
    assign( frB_I64, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, getFReg( frB_addr ) ) );
-   putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR, do_fp_tdiv(frA_I64, frB_I64), crfD );
+   switch (opc2) {
+      case 0x080: // ftdiv
+      {
+         UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
+         IRTemp frA_I64     = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         UChar b21to22  = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
+         if (b21to22 != 0 ) {
+            vex_printf("dis_fp_tests(ppc)(ftdiv)\n");
+            return False;
+         }
-   DIP("ftdiv crf%d,fr%u,fr%u\n", crfD, frA_addr, frB_addr);
+         assign( frA_I64, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, getFReg( frA_addr ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR, do_fp_tdiv(frA_I64, frB_I64), crfD );
+         DIP("ftdiv crf%d,fr%u,fr%u\n", crfD, frA_addr, frB_addr);
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x0A0: // ftsqrt
+      {
+         IRTemp flags = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp  fe_flag, fg_flag;
+         fe_flag = fg_flag = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         UChar b18to22  = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 18, 5 ) );
+         if ( b18to22 != 0) {
+            vex_printf("dis_fp_tests(ppc)(ftsqrt)\n");
+            return False;
+         }
+         DIP("ftsqrt crf%d,fr%u\n", crfD, frB_addr);
+         do_fp_tsqrt(frB_I64, False /* not single precision*/, &fe_flag, &fg_flag);
+         /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+          * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+          */
+         assign( flags,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR, mkexpr(flags), crfD );
+         break;
+      }
+      default:
+         vex_printf("dis_fp_tests(ppc)(opc2)\n");
+         return False;
+   }
    return True;
@@ -7546,7 +7868,6 @@
    assign( frB, getFReg(frB_addr));
-   // TODO : add support here for fcfdus
    if (opc1 == 0x3B) {
       /* The fcfid[u]s instructions (from ISA 2.06) are a bit odd because
        * they're very similar to the other instructions handled here, but have
@@ -8151,160 +8472,432 @@
    UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
    UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
    UChar XB = ifieldRegXB( theInstr );
-   IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
-   IRTemp r_tmp64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   IRTemp xB, xB2;
+   IRTemp b3, b2, b1, b0;
+   xB = xB2 = IRTemp_INVALID;
    if (opc1 != 0x3C) {
       vex_printf( "dis_vx_conv(ppc)(instr)\n" );
       return False;
-   assign(frB, unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ))));
-   /* For all the VSX scalar convert instructions, the contents of doubleword element 1
-    * of VSX[XT] are undefined after the operation; therefore, we can simply
-    * move the entire array element where it makes sense to do so.
-    */
+   /* Create and assign temps only as needed for the given instruction. */
+   switch (opc2) {
+      // scalar double-precision floating point argument
+      case 0x2B0: case 0x0b0: case 0x290: case 0x212: case 0x090:
+         xB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         assign( xB,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                       unop( Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      // vector double-precision floating point arguments
+      case 0x1b0: case 0x312: case 0x390: case 0x190: case 0x3B0:
+         xB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         xB2 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         assign( xB,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                       unop( Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ) ) ) );
+         assign( xB2,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                       unop( Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      // vector single precision or [un]signed integer word arguments
+      case 0x130: case 0x392: case 0x330: case 0x310: case 0x110:
+      case 0x1f0: case 0x1d0:
+         b3 = b2 = b1 = b0 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         breakV128to4x32(getVSReg(XB), &b3, &b2, &b1, &b0);
+         break;
+         // vector [un]signed integer doubleword argument
+      case 0x3f0: case 0x370: case 0x3d0: case 0x350:
+         xB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         assign( xB, unop( Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         xB2 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         assign( xB2, unop( Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         break;
+      // scalar [un]signed integer doubleword argument
+      case 0x2F0: case 0x2D0:
+         xB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         assign( xB, unop( Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         break;
+      // scalar single precision argument
+      case 0x292: // xscvspdp
+         xB = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         assign( xB,
+                 unop( Iop_64HIto32, unop( Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      /* Certain instructions have their complete implementation in the main switch statement
+       * that follows this one; thus we have a "do nothing" case for those instructions here.
+       */
+      case 0x170: case 0x150:
+         break; // do nothing
+      default:
+         vex_printf( "dis_vx_conv(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
+         return False;
+   }
    switch (opc2) {
-   case 0x2B0:
-      // xscvdpsxds (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision to integer and Convert
-      //             to Signed Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
-      DIP("xscvdpsxds fr%u,fr%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      putVSReg( XT,
+      case 0x2B0:
+         // xscvdpsxds (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision to integer and Convert
+         //             to Signed Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xscvdpsxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, binop( Iop_F64toI64S,
                                                  mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
-                                                 mkexpr( frB ) ), mkU64( 0 ) ) );
-      break;
-   case 0x0b0: // xscvdpsxws (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision to integer and
-               //             Convert to Signed Integer Word format with Saturate)
-      DIP("xscvdpsxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      putVSReg( XT,
+                                                 mkexpr( xB ) ), mkU64( 0 ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x0b0: // xscvdpsxws (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision to integer and
+                  //             Convert to Signed Integer Word format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xscvdpsxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
                           unop( Iop_32Sto64,
                                 binop( Iop_F64toI32S,
                                        mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
-                                       mkexpr( frB ) ) ),
-                          mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
+                                       mkexpr( xB ) ) ),
+                                       mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
-   case 0x290: // xscvdpuxds (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision integer and Convert
-               //             to Unsigned Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
-      DIP("xscvdpuxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      putVSReg( XT,
+      case 0x290: // xscvdpuxds (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision integer and Convert
+                  //             to Unsigned Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xscvdpuxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
                           binop( Iop_F64toI64U,
                                  mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
-                                 mkexpr( frB ) ),
-                          mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
-      break;
-   case 0x2F0:
-      // xscvsxddp (VSX Scalar Convert and round Signed Integer Doubleword to
-      //            Double-Precision format)
-      DIP("xscvsxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      assign( r_tmp64, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(frB)) );
-      putVSReg( XT,
+                                 mkexpr( xB ) ),
+                                 mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x2F0:
+         // xscvsxddp (VSX Scalar Convert and round Signed Integer Doubleword to
+         //            Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xscvsxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
                                                 binop( Iop_I64StoF64, get_IR_roundingmode(),
-                                                       mkexpr( r_tmp64 ) ) ),
-                          mkU64( 0 ) ) );
-      break;
-   case 0x2D0:
-      // xscvuxddp (VSX Scalar Convert and round Unsigned Integer Doubleword to
-      //            Double-Precision format)
-      DIP("xscvuxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      assign( r_tmp64, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(frB)) );
-      putVSReg( XT,
+                                                       mkexpr( xB ) ) ),
+                                                       mkU64( 0 ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x2D0:
+         // xscvuxddp (VSX Scalar Convert and round Unsigned Integer Doubleword to
+         //            Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xscvuxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
                                                 binop( Iop_I64UtoF64, get_IR_roundingmode(),
-                                                       mkexpr( r_tmp64 ) ) ),
-                          mkU64( 0 ) ) );
-      break;
+                                                       mkexpr( xB ) ) ),
+                                                       mkU64( 0 ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x1b0: // xvcvdpsxws (VSX Vector truncate Double-Precision to integer and Convert
+                  //             to Signed Integer Word format with Saturate)
+      {
+         IRTemp hiResult_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp loResult_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRExpr* rmZero = mkU32(Irrm_ZERO);
-   case 0x1b0: // xvcvdpsxws (VSX Vector truncate Double-Precision to integer and Convert
-               //             to Signed Integer Word format with Saturate)
-   {
-      IRTemp frB2 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
-      IRTemp hiResult_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp loResult_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRExpr* rmZero = mkU32(Irrm_ZERO);
-      DIP("xvcvdpsxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      assign(frB2, unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB ))));
-      assign(hiResult_32, binop(Iop_F64toI32S, rmZero, mkexpr(frB)));
-      assign(loResult_32, binop(Iop_F64toI32S, rmZero, mkexpr(frB2)));
-      putVSReg( XT,
+         DIP("xvcvdpsxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         assign(hiResult_32, binop(Iop_F64toI32S, rmZero, mkexpr(xB)));
+         assign(loResult_32, binop(Iop_F64toI32S, rmZero, mkexpr(xB2)));
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
                           unop( Iop_32Sto64, mkexpr( hiResult_32 ) ),
                           unop( Iop_32Sto64, mkexpr( loResult_32 ) ) ) );
-      break;
-   }
-   case 0x130: // xvcvspsxws (VSX Vector truncate Single-Precision to integer and
-               // Convert to Signed Integer Word format with Saturate)
-   {
-      IRTemp tempResult = newTemp(Ity_V128);
-      IRTemp b3, b2, b1, b0;
-      IRTemp res0 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp res1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp res2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp res3 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp b0_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp b1_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp b2_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp b3_32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-      IRTemp hi64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
-      IRTemp lo64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
-      IRExpr * b0_result, * b1_result, * b2_result, * b3_result;
-      b3 = b2 = b1 = b0 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x130: case 0x110: // xvcvspsxws, xvcvspuxws
+         //  (VSX Vector truncate Single-Precision to integer and
+         //   Convert to [Un]signed Integer Word format with Saturate)
+      {
+         IRExpr * b0_result, * b1_result, * b2_result, * b3_result;
+         IRTemp tempResult = newTemp(Ity_V128);
+         IRTemp res0 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp res1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp res2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp res3 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp hi64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp lo64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         Bool un_signed = (opc2 == 0x110);
+         IROp op = un_signed ? Iop_QFtoI32Ux4_RZ : Iop_QFtoI32Sx4_RZ;
-      DIP("xvcvspsxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
-      /* The xvcvspsxws instruction is similar to vctsxs, except if src is a NaN,
-       * then result is set to 0x80000000.  */
-      assign(tempResult, unop(Iop_QFtoI32Sx4_RZ, getVSReg(XB)));
-      breakV128to4x64U(getVSReg(XB), &b3, &b2, &b1, &b0);
-      assign(b3_32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(b3)));
-      assign(b2_32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(b2)));
-      assign(b1_32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(b1)));
-      assign(b0_32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(b0)));
+         DIP("xvcvsp%sxws v%u,v%u\n", un_signed ? "u" : "s", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         /* The xvcvsp{s|u}xws instruction is similar to vct{s|u}xs, except if src is a NaN,
+          * then result is set to 0x80000000.  */
+         assign(tempResult, unop(op, getVSReg(XB)));
+         assign( hi64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, mkexpr(tempResult)) );
+         assign( lo64, unop(Iop_V128to64,   mkexpr(tempResult)) );
+         assign( res3, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(hi64)) );
+         assign( res2, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(hi64)) );
+         assign( res1, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(lo64)) );
+         assign( res0, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(lo64)) );
-      assign( hi64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, mkexpr(tempResult)) );
-      assign( lo64, unop(Iop_V128to64,   mkexpr(tempResult)) );
-      assign( res3, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(hi64)) );
-      assign( res2, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(hi64)) );
-      assign( res1, unop(Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(lo64)) );
-      assign( res0, unop(Iop_64to32,   mkexpr(lo64)) );
+         b3_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b3)),
+                                  // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32{s|u}x4_RZ
+                                  mkexpr(res3),
+                                  // then: result is 0x{8|0}80000000
+                                  mkU32(un_signed ? 0x00000000 : 0x80000000));
+         b2_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b2)),
+                                  // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32{s|u}x4_RZ
+                                  mkexpr(res2),
+                                  // then: result is 0x{8|0}80000000
+                                  mkU32(un_signed ? 0x00000000 : 0x80000000));
+         b1_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b1)),
+                                  // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32{s|u}x4_RZ
+                                  mkexpr(res1),
+                                  // then: result is 0x{8|0}80000000
+                                  mkU32(un_signed ? 0x00000000 : 0x80000000));
+         b0_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b0)),
+                                  // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32{s|u}x4_RZ
+                                  mkexpr(res0),
+                                  // then: result is 0x{8|0}80000000
+                                  mkU32(un_signed ? 0x00000000 : 0x80000000));
-      b3_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b3_32)),
-                               // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32Sx4_RZ
-                               mkexpr(res3),
-                               // then: result is 0x80000000
-                               mkU32(0x80000000));
-      b2_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b2_32)),
-                               // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32Sx4_RZ
-                               mkexpr(res2),
-                               // then: result is 0x80000000
-                               mkU32(0x80000000));
-      b1_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b1_32)),
-                               // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32Sx4_RZ
-                               mkexpr(res1),
-                               // then: result is 0x80000000
-                               mkU32(0x80000000));
-      b0_result = IRExpr_Mux0X(unop(Iop_1Uto8, is_NaN_32(b0_32)),
-                               // else: result is from the Iop_QFtoI32Sx4_RZ
-                               mkexpr(res0),
-                               // then: result is 0x80000000
-                               mkU32(0x80000000));
-      putVSReg( XT,
+         putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
                           binop( Iop_32HLto64, b3_result, b2_result ),
                           binop( Iop_32HLto64, b1_result, b0_result ) ) );
-      break;
-   }
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x212: // xscvdpsp (VSX Scalar round Double-Precision to single-precision and
+                  //           Convert to Single-Precision format
+         DIP("xscvdpsp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    mkexpr( xB ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                          mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x090: // xscvdpuxws (VSX Scalar truncate Double-Precision to integer
+                  //             and Convert to Unsigned Integer Word format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xscvdpuxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 mkU32( 0 ),
+                                 binop( Iop_F64toI32U,
+                                        mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                        mkexpr( xB ) ) ),
+                          mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x292: // xscvspdp (VSX Scalar Convert Single-Precision to Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xscvspdp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                      unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( xB ) ) ) ),
+                          mkU64( 0ULL ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x312: // xvcvdpsp (VSX Vector round Double-Precision to single-precision
+                  //           and Convert to Single-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvdpsp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    mkexpr( xB ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x390: // xvcvdpuxds (VSX Vector truncate Double-Precision to integer
+                  //             and Convert to Unsigned Integer Doubleword format
+                  //             with Saturate)
+         DIP("xvcvdpuxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64U, mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ), mkexpr( xB ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64U, mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ), mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x190: // xvcvdpuxws (VSX Vector truncate Double-Precision to integer and
+                  //             Convert to Unsigned Integer Word format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xvcvdpuxws v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 binop( Iop_F64toI32U,
+                                        mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                        mkexpr( xB ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 binop( Iop_F64toI32U,
+                                        mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                        mkexpr( xB2 ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x392: // xvcvspdp (VSX Vector Convert Single-Precision to Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvspdp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                      unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                      unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x330: // xvcvspsxds (VSX Vector truncate Single-Precision to integer and
+                  //           Convert to Signed Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xvcvspsxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64S,
+                                 mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                 unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                       unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64S,
+                                 mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                 unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                       unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x310: // xvcvspuxds (VSX Vector truncate Single-Precision to integer and
+                  //            Convert to Unsigned Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xvcvspuxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64U,
+                                 mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                 unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                       unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64U,
+                                 mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ),
+                                 unop( Iop_F32toF64,
+                                       unop( Iop_ReinterpI32asF32, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x3B0: // xvcvdpsxds (VSX Vector truncate Double-Precision to integer and
+                  //             Convert to Signed Integer Doubleword format with Saturate)
+         DIP("xvcvdpsxds v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64S, mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ), mkexpr( xB ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_F64toI64S, mkU32( Irrm_ZERO ), mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x3f0: // xvcvsxddp (VSX Vector Convert and round Signed Integer Doubleword
+                  //            to Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvsxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
+                                       get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       mkexpr( xB ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
+                                       get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x3d0: // xvcvuxddp (VSX Vector Convert and round Unsigned Integer Doubleword
+                  //            to Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvuxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64UtoF64,
+                                       get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       mkexpr( xB ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64UtoF64,
+                                       get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) ) );
-   default:
-      vex_printf( "dis_vx_conv(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
-      return False;
+         break;
+      case 0x370: // xvcvsxdsp (VSX Vector Convert and round Signed Integer Doubleword
+                  //            to Single-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvsxddp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
+                                                           get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                           mkexpr( xB ) ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
+                                                           get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                           mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x350: // xvcvuxdsp (VSX Vector Convert and round Unsigned Integer Doubleword
+                  //            to Single-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvuxddp v%u,v%u\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    binop( Iop_I64UtoF64,
+                                                           get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                           mkexpr( xB ) ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                             binop( Iop_RoundF64toF32,
+                                                    get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                    binop( Iop_I64UtoF64,
+                                                           get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                                           mkexpr( xB2 ) ) ) ) ),
+                                 mkU32( 0 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x1f0: // xvcvsxwdp (VSX Vector Convert Signed Integer Word to Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvsxwdp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64StoF64, get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       unop( Iop_32Sto64, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64StoF64, get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       unop( Iop_32Sto64, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x1d0: // xvcvuxwdp (VSX Vector Convert Unsigned Integer Word to Double-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvuxwdp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64UtoF64, get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       unop( Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                binop( Iop_I64UtoF64, get_IR_roundingmode(),
+                                       unop( Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x170: // xvcvsxwsp (VSX Vector Convert Signed Integer Word to Single-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvsxwsp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT, unop( Iop_I32StoFx4, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         break;
+      case 0x150: // xvcvuxwsp (VSX Vector Convert Unsigned Integer Word to Single-Precision format)
+         DIP("xvcvuxwsp v%u,v%u\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT, unop( Iop_I32UtoFx4, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         break;
+      default:
+         vex_printf( "dis_vx_conv(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
+         return False;
    return True;
@@ -8379,7 +8972,22 @@
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr( hiResult ), mkexpr( loResult ) ) );
+      case 0x196: // xvsqrtdp
+      {
+         IRTemp hiResult = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp loResult = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         DIP("xvsqrtdp v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         assign( hiResult,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                       binop( Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( frB ) ) ) );
+         assign( loResult,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                       binop( Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( frB2 ) ) ) );
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr( hiResult ), mkexpr( loResult ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
       case 0x184: case 0x1A4: // xvmaddadp, xvmaddmdp (VSX Vector Multiply-Add Double-Precision)
       case 0x1C4: case 0x1E4: // xvmsubadp, xvmsubmdp (VSX Vector Multiply-Subtract Double-Precision)
       case 0x384: case 0x3A4: // xvnmaddadp, xvnmaddmdp (VSX Vector Negate Multiply-Add Double-Precision)
@@ -8458,6 +9066,77 @@
                                          : loResult ) ) );
+      case 0x1D4: // xvtsqrtdp (VSX Vector Test for software Square Root Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp frBHi_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp frBLo_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp flagsHi = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flagsLo = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         UChar crfD     = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
+         IRTemp  fe_flagHi, fg_flagHi, fe_flagLo, fg_flagLo;
+         fe_flagHi = fg_flagHi = fe_flagLo = fg_flagLo = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         DIP("xvtsqrtdp cr%d,v%d\n", (UInt)crfD, (UInt)XB);
+         assign( frBHi_I64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB )) );
+         assign( frBLo_I64, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB )) );
+         do_fp_tsqrt(frBHi_I64, False /*not single precision*/, &fe_flagHi, &fg_flagHi);
+         do_fp_tsqrt(frBLo_I64, False /*not single precision*/, &fe_flagLo, &fg_flagLo);
+         /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+          * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+          */
+         assign( flagsHi,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flagHi), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flagHi), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flagsLo,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flagLo), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flagLo), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR,
+                       binop( Iop_Or32, mkexpr( flagsHi ), mkexpr( flagsLo ) ),
+                       crfD );
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x1F4: // xvtdivdp (VSX Vector Test for software Divide Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp frBHi_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp frBLo_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp frAHi_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp frALo_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp flagsHi = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flagsLo = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         UChar crfD     = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
+         IRTemp  fe_flagHi, fg_flagHi, fe_flagLo, fg_flagLo;
+         fe_flagHi = fg_flagHi = fe_flagLo = fg_flagLo = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         DIP("xvtdivdp cr%d,v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)crfD, (UInt)XA, (UInt)XB);
+         assign( frAHi_I64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XA )) );
+         assign( frALo_I64, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XA )) );
+         assign( frBHi_I64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB )) );
+         assign( frBLo_I64, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB )) );
+         _do_fp_tdiv(frAHi_I64, frBHi_I64, False/*dp*/, &fe_flagHi, &fg_flagHi);
+         _do_fp_tdiv(frALo_I64, frBLo_I64, False/*dp*/, &fe_flagLo, &fg_flagLo);
+         /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+          * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+          */
+         assign( flagsHi,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flagHi), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flagHi), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flagsLo,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flagLo), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flagLo), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR,
+                       binop( Iop_Or32, mkexpr( flagsHi ), mkexpr( flagsLo ) ),
+                       crfD );
+         break;
+      }
          vex_printf( "dis_vxv_dp_arith(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
@@ -8546,6 +9225,39 @@
                           binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkexpr( res1 ), mkexpr( res0 ) ) ) );
+      case 0x116: // xvsqrtsp (VSX Vector Square Root Single-Precision)
+      {
+         DIP("xvsqrtsp v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         breakV128to4xF64( getVSReg( XB ), &b3, &b2, &b1, &b0 );
+         /* Note: The native xvsqrtsp insruction does not always give the same precision
+          * as what we get with Iop_SqrtF64.  But it doesn't seem worthwhile to implement
+          * an Iop_SqrtF32 that would give us a lower precision result, albeit more true
+          * to the actual instruction.
+          */
+         assign( res0,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                             binop(Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b0 ) ) ) ) );
+         assign( res1,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                             binop(Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) );
+         assign( res2,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                             binop(Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b2) ) ) ) );
+         assign( res3,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
+                       unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                             binop(Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ) );
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkexpr( res3 ), mkexpr( res2 ) ),
+                          binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkexpr( res1 ), mkexpr( res0 ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
       case 0x104: case 0x124: // xvmaddasp, xvmaddmsp (VSX Vector Multiply-Add Single-Precision)
       case 0x144: case 0x164: // xvmsubasp, xvmsubmsp (VSX Vector Multiply-Subtract Single-Precision)
@@ -8636,6 +9348,115 @@
+      case 0x154: // xvtsqrtsp (VSX Vector Test for software Square Root Single-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp flags0 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flags1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flags2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flags3 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         UChar crfD     = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
+         IRTemp  fe_flag0, fg_flag0, fe_flag1, fg_flag1;
+         IRTemp  fe_flag2, fg_flag2, fe_flag3, fg_flag3;
+         fe_flag0 = fg_flag0 = fe_flag1 = fg_flag1 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         fe_flag2 = fg_flag2 = fe_flag3 = fg_flag3 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         DIP("xvtsqrtsp cr%d,v%d\n", (UInt)crfD, (UInt)XB);
+         breakV128to4x32( getVSReg( XB ), &b3, &b2, &b1, &b0 );
+         do_fp_tsqrt(b0, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag0, &fg_flag0);
+         do_fp_tsqrt(b1, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag1, &fg_flag1);
+         do_fp_tsqrt(b2, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag2, &fg_flag2);
+         do_fp_tsqrt(b3, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag3, &fg_flag3);
+         /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+          * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+          */
+         assign( flags0,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag0), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag0), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flags1,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag1), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag1), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flags2,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag2), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag2), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flags3,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag3), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag3), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR,
+                       binop( Iop_Or32,
+                              mkexpr( flags0 ),
+                              binop( Iop_Or32,
+                                     mkexpr( flags1 ),
+                                     binop( Iop_Or32,
+                                            mkexpr( flags2 ),
+                                            mkexpr( flags3 ) ) ) ),
+                       crfD );
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x174: // xvtdivsp (VSX Vector Test for software Divide Single-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp flags0 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flags1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flags2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp flags3 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         UChar crfD     = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
+         IRTemp  fe_flag0, fg_flag0, fe_flag1, fg_flag1;
+         IRTemp  fe_flag2, fg_flag2, fe_flag3, fg_flag3;
+         fe_flag0 = fg_flag0 = fe_flag1 = fg_flag1 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         fe_flag2 = fg_flag2 = fe_flag3 = fg_flag3 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         DIP("xvtdivsp cr%d,v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)crfD, (UInt)XA, (UInt)XB);
+         breakV128to4x32( getVSReg( XA ), &a3, &a2, &a1, &a0 );
+         breakV128to4x32( getVSReg( XB ), &b3, &b2, &b1, &b0 );
+         _do_fp_tdiv(a0, b0, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag0, &fg_flag0);
+         _do_fp_tdiv(a1, b1, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag1, &fg_flag1);
+         _do_fp_tdiv(a2, b2, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag2, &fg_flag2);
+         _do_fp_tdiv(a3, b3, True /* single precision*/, &fe_flag3, &fg_flag3);
+         /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+          * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+          */
+         assign( flags0,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag0), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag0), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flags1,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag1), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag1), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flags2,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag2), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag2), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( flags3,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag3), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag3), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR,
+                       binop( Iop_Or32,
+                              mkexpr( flags0 ),
+                              binop( Iop_Or32,
+                                     mkexpr( flags1 ),
+                                     binop( Iop_Or32,
+                                            mkexpr( flags2 ),
+                                            mkexpr( flags3 ) ) ) ),
+                       crfD );
+         break;
+      }
          vex_printf( "dis_vxv_sp_arith(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
@@ -8808,8 +9629,8 @@
    IRTemp anyNaN = newTemp(Ity_I1);
    IRTemp frA_isZero = newTemp(Ity_I1);
    IRTemp frB_isZero = newTemp(Ity_I1);
-   assign(frA_isZero, is_Zero(frA_I64));
-   assign(frB_isZero, is_Zero(frB_I64));
+   assign(frA_isZero, is_Zero(frA_I64, False /*not single precision*/ ));
+   assign(frB_isZero, is_Zero(frB_I64, False /*not single precision*/ ));
    assign(anyNaN, mkOR1(is_NaN(frA_I64), is_NaN(frB_I64)));
 #define MINUS_ZERO 0x8000000000000000ULL
@@ -8833,6 +9654,95 @@
                                       mkexpr( frB_I64 ),
                                       mkU64( isMin ? MINUS_ZERO : 0ULL ) ) );
+ * Helper function for vector/scalar double precision fp round to integer instructions.
+ */
+static IRExpr * _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(IRTemp frB_I64, UInt opc2, UChar * insn_suffix)
+   /* The same rules apply for x{s|v}rdpi{m|p|c|z} as for floating point round operations (fri{m|n|p|z}). */
+   IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+   IRTemp frD = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+   IRTemp intermediateResult = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+   IRTemp is_SNAN = newTemp(Ity_I1);
+   IRExpr * hi32;
+   IRExpr * rxpi_rm;
+   switch (opc2 & 0x7F) {
+      case 0x72:
+         insn_suffix = "m";
+         rxpi_rm = mkU32(Irrm_NegINF);
+         break;
+      case 0x52:
+         insn_suffix = "p";
+         rxpi_rm = mkU32(Irrm_PosINF);
+         break;
+      case 0x56:
+         insn_suffix = "c";
+         rxpi_rm = get_IR_roundingmode();
+         break;
+      case 0x32:
+         insn_suffix = "z";
+         rxpi_rm = mkU32(Irrm_ZERO);
+         break;
+      case 0x12:
+         insn_suffix = "";
+         rxpi_rm = mkU32(Irrm_NEAREST);
+         break;
+      default: // Impossible to get here
+         vex_printf( "_do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
+         return NULL;
+   }
+   assign(frB, unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, mkexpr(frB_I64)));
+   assign( intermediateResult,
+           binop( Iop_F64toI64S, rxpi_rm,
+                  mkexpr( frB ) ) );
+   /* don't use the rounded integer if frB is outside -9e18..9e18 */
+   /* F64 has only log10(2**52) significant digits anyway */
+   /* need to preserve sign of zero */
+   /*   frD = (fabs(frB) > 9e18) ? frB :
+            (sign(frB)) ? -fabs((double)intermediateResult) : (double)intermediateResult  */
+   assign( frD,
+           IRExpr_Mux0X( unop( Iop_32to8,
+                               binop( Iop_CmpF64,
+                                      IRExpr_Const( IRConst_F64( 9e18 ) ),
+                                      unop( Iop_AbsF64, mkexpr( frB ) ) ) ),
+                         IRExpr_Mux0X( unop( Iop_32to8,
+                                             binop( Iop_Shr32,
+                                                    unop( Iop_64HIto32,
+                                                          mkexpr( frB_I64 ) ),
+                                                    mkU8( 31 ) ) ),
+                                       binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
+                                              mkU32( 0 ),
+                                              mkexpr( intermediateResult ) ),
+                                       unop( Iop_NegF64,
+                                             unop( Iop_AbsF64,
+                                                   binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
+                                                          mkU32( 0 ),
+                                                          mkexpr( intermediateResult ) ) ) ) ),
+                         mkexpr( frB ) ) );
+   /* See Appendix "Floating-Point Round to Integer Model" in ISA doc.
+    * If frB is a SNAN, then frD <- frB, with bit 12 set to '1'.
+    */
+#define SNAN_MASK 0x0008000000000000ULL
+   hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(frB_I64) );
+   assign( is_SNAN,
+           mkAND1( is_NaN( frB_I64 ),
+                   binop( Iop_CmpEQ32,
+                          binop( Iop_And32, hi32, mkU32( 0x00080000 ) ),
+                          mkU32( 0 ) ) ) );
+   return IRExpr_Mux0X( unop( Iop_1Uto8, mkexpr( is_SNAN ) ),
+                        mkexpr( frD ),
+                        unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                              binop( Iop_Xor64,
+                                     mkU64( SNAN_MASK ),
+                                     mkexpr( frB_I64 ) ) ) );
  * Miscellaneous VSX vector instructions
@@ -8850,35 +9760,106 @@
    switch (opc2) {
+      case 0x1B4:  // xvredp (VSX Vector Reciprocal Estimate Double-Precision)
+      case 0x194:  // xvrsqrtedp (VSX Vector Reciprocal Square Root Estimate
+                   //             Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRExpr* ieee_one = IRExpr_Const(IRConst_F64i(0x3ff0000000000000ULL));
+         IRExpr* rm  = get_IR_roundingmode();
+         IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp frB2 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         Bool redp = opc2 == 0x1B4;
+         IRTemp sqrtHi = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp sqrtLo = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         assign(frB,  unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB )));
+         assign(frB2, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB )));
+         DIP("%s v%d,v%d\n", redp ? "xvredp" : "xvrsqrtedp", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         if (!redp) {
+            assign( sqrtHi,
+                    binop( Iop_SqrtF64,
+                           rm,
+                           unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, mkexpr( frB ) ) ) );
+            assign( sqrtLo,
+                    binop( Iop_SqrtF64,
+                           rm,
+                           unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, mkexpr( frB2 ) ) ) );
+         }
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                triop( Iop_DivF64,
+                                       rm,
+                                       ieee_one,
+                                       redp ? unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                                                    mkexpr( frB ) )
+                                            : mkexpr( sqrtHi ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                triop( Iop_DivF64,
+                                       rm,
+                                       ieee_one,
+                                       redp ? unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                                                    mkexpr( frB2 ) )
+                                            : mkexpr( sqrtLo ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
       case 0x134: // xvresp (VSX Vector Reciprocal Estimate Single-Precision)
+      case 0x114: // xvrsqrtesp (VSX Vector Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single-Precision)
          IRTemp b3, b2, b1, b0;
          IRTemp res0 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
          IRTemp res1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
          IRTemp res2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
          IRTemp res3 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp sqrt3 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp sqrt2 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp sqrt1 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp sqrt0 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
          IRExpr* rm  = get_IR_roundingmode();
+         Bool resp = opc2 == 0x134;
          IRExpr* ieee_one = IRExpr_Const(IRConst_F64i(0x3ff0000000000000ULL));
          b3 = b2 = b1 = b0 = IRTemp_INVALID;
-         DIP("xvresp v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         DIP("%s v%d,v%d\n", resp ? "xvresp" : "xvrsqrtesp", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
          breakV128to4xF64( getVSReg( XB ), &b3, &b2, &b1, &b0 );
+         if (!resp) {
+            assign( sqrt3, binop( Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b3 ) ) );
+            assign( sqrt2, binop( Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b2 ) ) );
+            assign( sqrt1, binop( Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b1 ) ) );
+            assign( sqrt0, binop( Iop_SqrtF64, rm, mkexpr( b0 ) ) );
+         }
          assign( res0,
                  unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
                        unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
-                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32, rm, ieee_one, mkexpr( b0 ) ) ) ) );
+                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32,
+                                    rm,
+                                    ieee_one,
+                                    resp ? mkexpr( b0 ) : mkexpr( sqrt0 ) ) ) ) );
          assign( res1,
                  unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
                        unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
-                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32, rm, ieee_one, mkexpr( b1 ) ) ) ) );
+                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32,
+                                    rm,
+                                    ieee_one,
+                                    resp ? mkexpr( b1 ) : mkexpr( sqrt1 ) ) ) ) );
          assign( res2,
                  unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
                        unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
-                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32, rm, ieee_one, mkexpr( b2 ) ) ) ) );
+                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32,
+                                    rm,
+                                    ieee_one,
+                                    resp ? mkexpr( b2 ) : mkexpr( sqrt2 ) ) ) ) );
          assign( res3,
                  unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32,
                        unop( Iop_TruncF64asF32,
-                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32, rm, ieee_one, mkexpr( b3 ) ) ) ) );
+                             triop( Iop_DivF64r32,
+                                    rm,
+                                    ieee_one,
+                                    resp ? mkexpr( b3 ) : mkexpr( sqrt3 ) ) ) ) );
          putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
                           binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkexpr( res3 ), mkexpr( res2 ) ),
@@ -9046,6 +10027,181 @@
          putVSReg( XT, binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr( resHi ), mkexpr( resLo ) ) );
+      case 0x3B2: // xvabsdp (VSX Vector Absolute Value Double-Precision)
+      case 0x3D2: // xvnabsdp VSX Vector Negative Absolute Value Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp frB2 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp abs_resultHi = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp abs_resultLo = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         Bool make_negative = (opc2 == 0x3D2) ? True : False;
+         assign(frB,  unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ))));
+         assign(frB2, unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg(XB))));
+         DIP("xv%sabsdp v%d,v%d\n", make_negative ? "n" : "", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         if (make_negative) {
+            assign(abs_resultHi, unop( Iop_NegF64, unop( Iop_AbsF64, mkexpr( frB ) ) ) );
+            assign(abs_resultLo, unop( Iop_NegF64, unop( Iop_AbsF64, mkexpr( frB2 ) ) ) );
+         } else {
+            assign(abs_resultHi, unop( Iop_AbsF64, mkexpr( frB ) ) );
+            assign(abs_resultLo, unop( Iop_AbsF64, mkexpr( frB2 ) ) );
+         }
+         putVSReg( XT, binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                              unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr( abs_resultHi ) ),
+                              unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr( abs_resultLo ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x332: // xvabssp (VSX Vector Absolute Value Single-Precision)
+      case 0x352: // xvnabssp (VSX Vector Negative Absolute Value Single-Precision)
+      {
+         /*
+          * The Iop_AbsF32 IRop is not implemented for ppc64 since, up until introduction
+          * of xvabssp, there has not been an abs(sp) type of instruction.  But since emulation
+          * of this function is so easy using shifts, I choose to emulate this instruction that
+          * way versus a native instruction method of implementation.
+          */
+         Bool make_negative = (opc2 == 0x352) ? True : False;
+         IRTemp shiftVector = newTemp(Ity_V128);
+         IRTemp absVal_vector = newTemp(Ity_V128);
+         assign( shiftVector,
+                 binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                        binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkU32( 1 ), mkU32( 1 ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkU32( 1 ), mkU32( 1 ) ) ) );
+         assign( absVal_vector,
+                   binop( Iop_Shr32x4,
+                          binop( Iop_Shl32x4,
+                                 getVSReg( XB ),
+                                 mkexpr( shiftVector ) ),
+                          mkexpr( shiftVector ) ) );
+         if (make_negative) {
+            IRTemp signBit_vector = newTemp(Ity_V128);
+            assign( signBit_vector,
+                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                           binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                  mkU32( 0x80000000 ),
+                                  mkU32( 0x80000000 ) ),
+                           binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                  mkU32( 0x80000000 ),
+                                  mkU32( 0x80000000 ) ) ) );
+            putVSReg( XT,
+                      binop( Iop_OrV128,
+                             mkexpr( absVal_vector ),
+                             mkexpr( signBit_vector ) ) );
+         } else {
+            putVSReg( XT, mkexpr( absVal_vector ) );
+         }
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x3F2: // xvnegdp (VSX Vector Negate Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp frB2 = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         assign(frB,  unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ))));
+         assign(frB2, unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, unop(Iop_V128to64, getVSReg(XB))));
+         DIP("xvnegdp v%d,v%d\n",  (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                unop( Iop_NegF64, mkexpr( frB ) ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                unop( Iop_NegF64, mkexpr( frB2 ) ) ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x192: // xvrdpi  (VSX Vector Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward Nearest Away)
+      case 0x1D6: // xvrdpic (VSX Vector Round to Double-Precision Integer using Current rounding mode)
+      case 0x1F2: // xvrdpim (VSX Vector Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward -Infinity)
+      case 0x1D2: // xvrdpip (VSX Vector Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward +Infinity)
+      case 0x1B2: // xvrdpiz (VSX Vector Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward Zero)
+      {
+         IRTemp frBHi_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRTemp frBLo_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         IRExpr * frD_fp_roundHi = NULL;
+         IRExpr * frD_fp_roundLo = NULL;
+         UChar * insn_suffix = NULL;
+         assign( frBHi_I64, unop( Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         frD_fp_roundHi = _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(frBHi_I64, opc2, insn_suffix);
+         assign( frBLo_I64, unop( Iop_V128to64, getVSReg( XB ) ) );
+         frD_fp_roundLo = _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(frBLo_I64, opc2, insn_suffix);
+         DIP("xvrdpi%s v%d,v%d\n", insn_suffix, (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                   binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, frD_fp_roundHi ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, frD_fp_roundLo ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x112: // xvrspi  (VSX Vector Round to Single-Precision Integer using round toward Nearest Away)
+      case 0x156: // xvrspic (VSX Vector Round to SinglePrecision Integer using Current rounding mode)
+      case 0x172: // xvrspim (VSX Vector Round to SinglePrecision Integer using round toward -Infinity)
+      case 0x152: // xvrspip (VSX Vector Round to SinglePrecision Integer using round toward +Infinity)
+      case 0x132: // xvrspiz (VSX Vector Round to SinglePrecision Integer using round toward Zero)
+      {
+         UChar * insn_suffix = NULL;
+         IROp op;
+         if (opc2 != 0x156) {
+            // Use pre-defined IRop's for vrfi{m|n|p|z}
+            switch (opc2) {
+               case 0x112:
+                  insn_suffix = "";
+                  op = Iop_RoundF32x4_RN;
+                  break;
+               case 0x172:
+                  insn_suffix = "m";
+                  op = Iop_RoundF32x4_RM;
+                  break;
+               case 0x152:
+                  insn_suffix = "p";
+                  op = Iop_RoundF32x4_RP;
+                  break;
+               case 0x132:
+                  insn_suffix = "z";
+                  op = Iop_RoundF32x4_RZ;
+                  break;
+               default:
+                  vex_printf( "dis_vxv_misc(ppc)(vrspi<x>)(opc2)\n" );
+                  return False;
+            }
+            DIP("xvrspi%s v%d,v%d\n", insn_suffix, (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+            putVSReg( XT, unop( op, getVSReg(XB) ) );
+         } else {
+            // Handle xvrspic.  Unfortunately there is no corresponding "vfric" instruction.
+            IRExpr * frD_fp_roundb3, * frD_fp_roundb2, * frD_fp_roundb1, * frD_fp_roundb0;
+            IRTemp b3_F64, b2_F64, b1_F64, b0_F64;
+            IRTemp b3_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+            IRTemp b2_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+            IRTemp b1_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+            IRTemp b0_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+            b3_F64 = b2_F64 = b1_F64 = b0_F64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+            frD_fp_roundb3 = frD_fp_roundb2 = frD_fp_roundb1 = frD_fp_roundb0 = NULL;
+            breakV128to4xF64( getVSReg(XB), &b3_F64, &b2_F64, &b1_F64, &b0_F64);
+            assign(b3_I64, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(b3_F64)));
+            assign(b2_I64, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(b2_F64)));
+            assign(b1_I64, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(b1_F64)));
+            assign(b0_I64, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(b0_F64)));
+            frD_fp_roundb3 = unop(Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                  _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(b3_I64, opc2, insn_suffix));
+            frD_fp_roundb2 = unop(Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                  _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(b2_I64, opc2, insn_suffix));
+            frD_fp_roundb1 = unop(Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                  _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(b1_I64, opc2, insn_suffix));
+            frD_fp_roundb0 = unop(Iop_TruncF64asF32,
+                                  _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(b0_I64, opc2, insn_suffix));
+            DIP("xvrspic v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+            putVSReg( XT,
+                      binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                             binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                    unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32, frD_fp_roundb3 ),
+                                    unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32, frD_fp_roundb2 ) ),
+                             binop( Iop_32HLto64,
+                                    unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32, frD_fp_roundb1 ),
+                                    unop( Iop_ReinterpF32asI32, frD_fp_roundb0 ) ) ) );
+         }
+         break;
+      }
          vex_printf( "dis_vxv_misc(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
@@ -9209,6 +10365,27 @@
          putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR, do_fp_tdiv(frA_I64, frB_I64), crfD );
+      case 0x0D4: // xstsqrtdp (VSX Vector Test for software Square Root Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp frB_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+         UChar crfD     = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
+         IRTemp flags = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+         IRTemp  fe_flag, fg_flag;
+         fe_flag = fg_flag = IRTemp_INVALID;
+         DIP("xstsqrtdp v%d,v%d\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         assign( frB_I64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, getVSReg( XB )) );
+         do_fp_tsqrt(frB_I64, False /*not single precision*/, &fe_flag, &fg_flag);
+         /* The CR field consists of fl_flag || fg_flag || fe_flag || 0b0
+          * where fl_flag == 1 on ppc64.
+          */
+         assign( flags,
+                 binop( Iop_Or32,
+                        binop( Iop_Or32, mkU32( 8 ), // fl_flag
+                               binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fg_flag), mkU8( 2 ) ) ),
+                        binop( Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(fe_flag), mkU8( 1 ) ) ) );
+         putGST_field( PPC_GST_CR, mkexpr(flags), crfD );
+         break;
+      }
          vex_printf( "dis_vxs_arith(ppc)(opc2)\n" );
@@ -9541,71 +10718,52 @@
       case 0x0F2: // xsrdpim (VSX Scalar Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward -Infinity)
-      case 0x0D2: // xsrdpim (VSX Scalar Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward +Infinity)
+      case 0x0D2: // xsrdpip (VSX Scalar Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward +Infinity)
+      case 0x0D6: // xsrdpic (VSX Scalar Round to Double-Precision Integer using Current rounding mode)
+      case 0x0B2: // xsrdpiz (VSX Scalar Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward Zero)
+      case 0x092: // xsrdpi  (VSX Scalar Round to Double-Precision Integer using round toward Nearest Away)
-         /* The same rules apply for xsrdpi{m|p} as for floating point round operations (e.g., frim) */
-         IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
-         IRTemp frD = newTemp(Ity_F64);
-         IRTemp frD_fp_round = newTemp(Ity_F64);
-         IRTemp intermediateResult = newTemp(Ity_I64);
          IRTemp frB_I64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
-         IRTemp is_SNAN = newTemp(Ity_I1);
-         IRExpr * hi32;
-         DIP("xsrdpi%s v%d,v%d\n", (opc2 == 0x0F2) ? "m" : "p", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         IRExpr * frD_fp_round = NULL;
+         UChar * insn_suffix = NULL;
          assign(frB_I64, unop(Iop_V128HIto64, mkexpr( vB )));
-         assign(frB, unop(Iop_ReinterpI64asF64, mkexpr(frB_I64)));
-         assign( intermediateResult,
-                 binop( Iop_F64toI64S, mkU32( (opc2 == 0x0F2) ? Irrm_NegINF : Irrm_PosINF ),
-                        mkexpr( frB ) ) );
+         frD_fp_round = _do_vsx_fp_roundToInt(frB_I64, opc2, insn_suffix);
-         /* don't use the rounded integer if frB is outside -9e18..9e18 */
-         /* F64 has only log10(2**52) significant digits anyway */
-         /* need to preserve sign of zero */
-         /*   frD = (fabs(frB) > 9e18) ? frB :
-                  (sign(frB)) ? -fabs((double)r_tmp64) : (double)r_tmp64  */
-         assign( frD,
-                 IRExpr_Mux0X( unop( Iop_32to8,
-                                     binop( Iop_CmpF64,
-                                            IRExpr_Const( IRConst_F64( 9e18 ) ),
-                                            unop( Iop_AbsF64, mkexpr( frB ) ) ) ),
-                               IRExpr_Mux0X( unop( Iop_32to8,
-                                                   binop( Iop_Shr32,
-                                                          unop( Iop_64HIto32,
-                                                                mkexpr(frB_I64) ),
-                                                          mkU8( 31 ) ) ),
-                                             binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
-                                                    mkU32( 0 ),
-                                                    mkexpr( intermediateResult ) ),
-                                             unop( Iop_NegF64,
-                                                   unop( Iop_AbsF64,
-                                                         binop( Iop_I64StoF64,
-                                                                mkU32( 0 ),
-                                                                mkexpr( intermediateResult ) ) ) ) ),
-                               mkexpr( frB ) ) );
-         /* See Appendix "Floating-Point Round to Integer Model" in ISA doc.
-          * If frB is a SNAN, then frD <- frB, with bith 12 set to '1'.
-          */
-#define SNAN_MASK 0x0008000000000000ULL
-         hi32 = unop( Iop_64HIto32, mkexpr(frB_I64) );
-         assign( is_SNAN,
-                 mkAND1( is_NaN( frB_I64 ),
-                         binop( Iop_CmpEQ32,
-                                binop( Iop_And32, hi32, mkU32( 0x00080000 ) ),
-                                mkU32( 0 ) ) ) );
-         assign( frD_fp_round,
-                 IRExpr_Mux0X( unop( Iop_1Uto8, mkexpr( is_SNAN ) ),
-                               mkexpr( frD ),
-                               unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
-                                     binop( Iop_Xor64,
-                                            mkU64( SNAN_MASK ),
-                                            mkexpr( frB_I64 ) ) ) ) );
+         DIP("xsrdpi%s v%d,v%d\n", insn_suffix, (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
          putVSReg( XT,
                    binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
-                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr( frD_fp_round ) ),
+                          unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, frD_fp_round),
                           mkU64( 0 ) ) );
+         break;
+      }
+      case 0x0B4: // xsredp (VSX Scalar Reciprocal Estimate Double-Precision)
+      case 0x094: // xsrsqrtedp (VSX Scalar Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Double-Precision)
+      {
+         IRTemp frB = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRTemp sqrt = newTemp(Ity_F64);
+         IRExpr* ieee_one = IRExpr_Const(IRConst_F64i(0x3ff0000000000000ULL));
+         IRExpr* rm  = get_IR_roundingmode();
+         Bool redp = opc2 == 0x0B4;
+         DIP("%s v%d,v%d\n", redp ? "xsredp" : "xsrsqrtedp", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
+         assign( frB,
+                 unop( Iop_ReinterpI64asF64,
+                       unop( Iop_V128HIto64, mkexpr( vB ) ) ) );
+         if (!redp)
+            assign( sqrt,
+                    binop( Iop_SqrtF64,
+                           rm,
+                           mkexpr(frB) ) );
+         putVSReg( XT,
+                      binop( Iop_64HLtoV128,
+                             unop( Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
+                                   triop( Iop_DivF64,
+                                          rm,
+                                          ieee_one,
+                                          redp ? mkexpr( frB ) : mkexpr( sqrt ) ) ),
+                             mkU64( 0 ) ) );
@@ -12453,6 +13611,9 @@
          case 0x2D2: case 0x2F2: // xsnabsdp, xsnegdp
          case 0x280: case 0x2A0: // xsmaxdp, xsmindp
          case 0x0F2: case 0x0D2: // xsrdpim, xsrdpip
+         case 0x0B4: case 0x094: // xsredp, xsrsqrtedp
+         case 0x0D6: case 0x0B2: // xsrdpic, xsrdpiz
+         case 0x092: // xsrdpi
             if (dis_vxs_misc(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
             goto decode_failure;
          case 0x08C: case 0x0AC: // xscmpudp, xscmpodp
@@ -12465,6 +13626,7 @@
          case 0x2C4: case 0x2E4: // xsnmsubadp, xsnmsubmdp
          case 0x0C0: case 0x0A0: // xsmuldp, xssubdp
          case 0x096: case 0x0F4: // xssqrtdp, xstdivdp
+         case 0x0D4: // xstsqrtdp
             if (dis_vxs_arith(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
             goto decode_failure;
          case 0x180: // xvadddp
@@ -12475,6 +13637,8 @@
          case 0x1C4: case 0x1E4: // xvmsubadp, xvmsubmdp
          case 0x384: case 0x3A4: // xvnmaddadp, xvnmaddmdp
          case 0x3C4: case 0x3E4: // xvnmsubadp, xvnmsubmdp
+         case 0x1D4: case 0x1F4: // xvtsqrtdp, xvtdivdp
+         case 0x196: // xvsqrtdp
             if (dis_vxv_dp_arith(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
             goto decode_failure;
          case 0x100: // xvaddsp
@@ -12485,12 +13649,24 @@
          case 0x144: case 0x164: // xvmsubasp, xvmsubmsp
          case 0x304: case 0x324: // xvnmaddasp, xvnmaddmsp
          case 0x344: case 0x364: // xvnmsubasp, xvnmsubmsp
+         case 0x154: case 0x174: // xvtsqrtsp, xvtdivsp
+         case 0x116: // xvsqrtsp
             if (dis_vxv_sp_arith(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
             goto decode_failure;
          case 0x2B0: case 0x2F0: case 0x2D0: // xscvdpsxds, xscvsxddp, xscvuxddp
          case 0x1b0: case 0x130: // xvcvdpsxws, xvcvspsxws
          case 0x0b0: case 0x290: // xscvdpsxws, xscvdpuxds
+         case 0x212: case 0x090: // xscvdpsp, xscvdpuxws
+         case 0x292: case 0x312: // xscvspdp, xvcvdpsp
+         case 0x390: case 0x190: // xvcvdpuxds, xvcvdpuxws
+         case 0x3B0: case 0x310: // xvcvdpsxds, xvcvspuxds
+         case 0x392: case 0x330: // xvcvspdp, xvcvspsxds
+         case 0x110: case 0x3f0: // xvcvspuxws, xvcvsxddp
+         case 0x370: case 0x1f0: // xvcvsxdsp, xvcvsxwdp
+         case 0x170: case 0x150: // xvcvsxwsp, xvcvuxwsp
+         case 0x3d0: case 0x350: // xvcvuxddp, xvcvuxdsp
+         case 0x1d0: // xvcvuxwdp
             if (dis_vx_conv(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
             goto decode_failure;
@@ -12504,10 +13680,19 @@
              goto decode_failure;
          case 0x134:  // xvresp
-         case 0x380: case 0x3A0: //xvmaxdp, xvmindp
+         case 0x1B4:  // xvredp
+         case 0x194: case 0x114: // xvrsqrtedp, xvrsqrtesp
+         case 0x380: case 0x3A0: // xvmaxdp, xvmindp
          case 0x300: case 0x320: // xvmaxsp, xvminsp
-         case 0x3c0: // xvcpsgndp
-         case 0x340: // xvcpsgnsp
+         case 0x3C0: case 0x340: // xvcpsgndp, xvcpsgnsp
+         case 0x3B2: case 0x332: // xvabsdp, xvabssp
+         case 0x3D2: case 0x352: // xvnabsdp, xvnabssp
+         case 0x192: case 0x1D6: // xvrdpi, xvrdpic
+         case 0x1F2: case 0x1D2: // xvrdpim, xvrdpip
+         case 0x1B2: case 0x3F2: // xvrdpiz, xvnegdp
+         case 0x112: case 0x156: // xvrspi, xvrspic
+         case 0x172: case 0x152: // xvrspim, xvrspip
+         case 0x132: // xvrspiz
             if (dis_vxv_misc(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
             goto decode_failure;
@@ -12568,7 +13753,8 @@
          goto decode_failure;
       case 0x080: // ftdiv
-         if (dis_fp_ftdiv(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
+      case 0x0A0: // ftsqrt
+         if (dis_fp_tests(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
          goto decode_failure;
       /* Floating Point Rounding/Conversion Instructions */         
@@ -12666,6 +13852,7 @@
          goto decode_failure;
       case 0x18B: // divweu (implemented as native insn)
+      case 0x1AB: // divwe (implemented as native insn)
          if (!allow_VX) goto decode_noVX;
          if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
          goto decode_failure;
@@ -12678,6 +13865,7 @@
          goto decode_failure;
       case 0x1A9: //  divde (implemented as native insn)
+      case 0x189: //  divdeuo (implemented as native insn)
          if (!allow_VX) goto decode_noVX;
          if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
          if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
@@ -12893,6 +14081,7 @@
       /* Miscellaneous ISA 2.06 instructions */
       case 0x1FA: // popcntd
+      case 0x17A: // popcntw
     	  if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
     	  goto decode_failure;
diff --git a/priv/host_ppc_defs.c b/priv/host_ppc_defs.c
index d10e752..6c3ccf3 100644
--- a/priv/host_ppc_defs.c
+++ b/priv/host_ppc_defs.c
@@ -3011,8 +3011,12 @@
                // divweu r_dst,r_srcL,r_srcR
                p = mkFormXO(p, 31, r_dst, r_srcL, r_srcR, 0, 395, 0);
          } else {
-            // divde r_dst,r_srcL,r_srcR
-            p = mkFormXO(p, 31, r_dst, r_srcL, r_srcR, 0, 425, 0);
+            if (syned)
+               // divde r_dst,r_srcL,r_srcR
+               p = mkFormXO(p, 31, r_dst, r_srcL, r_srcR, 0, 425, 0);
+            else
+               // divdeu r_dst,r_srcL,r_srcR
+               p = mkFormXO(p, 31, r_dst, r_srcL, r_srcR, 0, 393, 0);
       } else if (sz32) {
          if (syned)  // divw r_dst,r_srcL,r_srcR
diff --git a/priv/host_ppc_isel.c b/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
index 7e4d2f8..5799968 100644
--- a/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
+++ b/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
@@ -1285,29 +1285,41 @@
       /* How about a div? */
       if (e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS32 || 
           e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU32 ||
+          e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS32E ||
           e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU32E) {
-         Bool syned  = toBool(e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS32);
+         Bool syned  = toBool((e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS32) || (e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS32E));
          HReg r_dst  = newVRegI(env);
          HReg r_srcL = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Binop.arg1);
          HReg r_srcR = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Binop.arg2);
          addInstr( env,
-                      PPCInstr_Div( e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU32E ? True
-                                                                   : False,
-                                    syned, True/*32bit div*/, r_dst,
-                                    r_srcL, r_srcR ) );
+                      PPCInstr_Div( ( ( e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU32E )
+                                             || ( e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS32E ) ) ? True
+                                                                                     : False,
+                                    syned,
+                                    True/*32bit div*/,
+                                    r_dst,
+                                    r_srcL,
+                                    r_srcR ) );
          return r_dst;
       if (e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64 || 
-          e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU64 || e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64E) {
+          e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU64 || e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64E
+          || e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivU64E ) {
          Bool syned  = toBool((e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64) ||(e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64E));
          HReg r_dst  = newVRegI(env);
          HReg r_srcL = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Binop.arg1);
          HReg r_srcR = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Binop.arg2);
          addInstr( env,
-                      PPCInstr_Div( e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64E ? True : False,
-                                    syned, False/*64bit div*/,
-                                    r_dst, r_srcL, r_srcR ) );
+                      PPCInstr_Div( ( ( e->Iex.Binop.op == Iop_DivS64E )
+                                             || ( e->Iex.Binop.op
+                                                      == Iop_DivU64E ) ) ? True
+                                                                         : False,
+                                    syned,
+                                    False/*64bit div*/,
+                                    r_dst,
+                                    r_srcL,
+                                    r_srcR ) );
          return r_dst;
diff --git a/priv/ir_defs.c b/priv/ir_defs.c
index 012e502..e586d17 100644
--- a/priv/ir_defs.c
+++ b/priv/ir_defs.c
@@ -220,8 +220,10 @@
       case Iop_DivS32: vex_printf("DivS32"); return;
       case Iop_DivU64: vex_printf("DivU64"); return;
       case Iop_DivS64: vex_printf("DivS64"); return;
+      case Iop_DivU64E: vex_printf("DivU64E"); return;
       case Iop_DivS64E: vex_printf("DivS64E"); return;
       case Iop_DivU32E: vex_printf("DivU32E"); return;
+      case Iop_DivS32E: vex_printf("DivS32E"); return;
       case Iop_DivModU64to32: vex_printf("DivModU64to32"); return;
       case Iop_DivModS64to32: vex_printf("DivModS64to32"); return;
@@ -2164,10 +2166,10 @@
       case Iop_Clz64: case Iop_Ctz64:
          UNARY(Ity_I64, Ity_I64);
-      case Iop_DivU32: case Iop_DivS32: case Iop_DivU32E:
+      case Iop_DivU32: case Iop_DivS32: case Iop_DivU32E: case Iop_DivS32E:
          BINARY(Ity_I32,Ity_I32, Ity_I32);
-      case Iop_DivU64: case Iop_DivS64: case Iop_DivS64E:
+      case Iop_DivU64: case Iop_DivS64: case Iop_DivS64E: case Iop_DivU64E:
          BINARY(Ity_I64,Ity_I64, Ity_I64);
       case Iop_DivModU64to32: case Iop_DivModS64to32:
diff --git a/pub/libvex_ir.h b/pub/libvex_ir.h
index 18c5b45..3cd6618 100644
--- a/pub/libvex_ir.h
+++ b/pub/libvex_ir.h
@@ -469,8 +469,10 @@
       Iop_DivS32,   // ditto, signed
       Iop_DivU64,   // :: I64,I64 -> I64 (simple div, no mod)
       Iop_DivS64,   // ditto, signed
-      Iop_DivS64E,  // :: I64,I64 -> I64 (dividend is 64-bit arg (hi) concat with 64 0's (low))
+      Iop_DivU64E,  // :: I64,I64 -> I64 (dividend is 64-bit arg (hi) concat with 64 0's (low))
+      Iop_DivS64E,  // ditto, signed
       Iop_DivU32E,  // :: I32,I32 -> I32 (dividend is 32-bit arg (hi) concat with 32 0's (low))
+      Iop_DivS32E,  // ditto, signed
       Iop_DivModU64to32, // :: I64,I32 -> I64
                          // of which lo half is div and hi half is mod