better handle and better document the case of multi-locks cycles
In case a lock order violation is detected in a multi lock cycle,
then the current code cannot produce the set of locks and the
stack traces involved in the cycle.
However, it is still possible to produce the stack trace of
the new lock and the other lock between which a cycle was discovered.

Also, add a comment in the code clarifying why the set of locks
establishing the required order cannot (currently) be produced.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_main.c b/helgrind/hg_main.c
index d6da7ca..5c109af 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_main.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_main.c
@@ -3721,9 +3721,54 @@
                  found->src_ec, found->dst_ec, other->acquired_at );
       } else {
          /* Hmm.  This can't happen (can it?) */
+         /* Yes, it can happen: see tests/tc14_laog_dinphils.
+            Imagine we have 3 philosophers A B C, and the forks
+            between them:
+                           C
+                       fCA   fBC
+                      A   fAB   B
+            Let's have the following actions:
+                   A takes    fCA,fAB
+                   A releases fCA,fAB
+                   B takes    fAB,fBC
+                   B releases fAB,fBC
+                   C takes    fBC,fCA
+                   C releases fBC,fCA
+            Helgrind will report a lock order error when C takes fCA.
+            Effectively, we have a deadlock if the following
+            sequence is done:
+                A takes fCA
+                B takes fAB
+                C takes fBC
+            The error reported is:
+              Observed (incorrect) order fBC followed by fCA
+            but the stack traces that have established the required order
+            are not given.
+            This is because there is no pair (fCA, fBC) in laog exposition :
+            the laog_exposition records all pairs of locks between a new lock
+            taken by a thread and all the already taken locks.
+            So, there is no laog_exposition (fCA, fBC) as no thread ever
+            first locked fCA followed by fBC.
+            In other words, when the deadlock cycle involves more than
+            two locks, then helgrind does not report the sequence of
+            operations that created the cycle.
+            However, we can report the current stack trace (where
+            lk is being taken), and the stack trace where other was acquired:
+            Effectively, the variable 'other' contains a lock currently
+            held by this thread, with its 'acquired_at'. */
             thr, lk->guestaddr, other->guestaddr,
-                 NULL, NULL, NULL );
+                 NULL, NULL, other->acquired_at );