Initial import of valgrind 3.6.0.
diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_arm_defs.h b/VEX/priv/host_arm_defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1901e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VEX/priv/host_arm_defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+/*--- begin                                   host_arm_defs.h ---*/
+   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
+   framework.
+   Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenWorks LLP
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+   02110-1301, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#ifndef __VEX_HOST_ARM_DEFS_H
+#define __VEX_HOST_ARM_DEFS_H
+extern UInt arm_hwcaps;
+/* --------- Registers. --------- */
+/* The usual HReg abstraction.
+   There are 16 general purpose regs.
+extern void ppHRegARM ( HReg );
+extern HReg hregARM_R0  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R1  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R2  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R3  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R4  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R5  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R6  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R7  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R8  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R9  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R10 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R11 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R12 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R13 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R14 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_R15 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_D8  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_D9  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_D10 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_D11 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_D12 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_S26 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_S27 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_S28 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_S29 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_S30 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q8  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q9  ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q10 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q11 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q12 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q13 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q14 ( void );
+extern HReg hregARM_Q15 ( void );
+/* Number of registers used arg passing in function calls */
+#define ARM_N_ARGREGS 4   /* r0, r1, r2, r3 */
+/* --------- Condition codes. --------- */
+   enum {
+      ARMcc_EQ  = 0,  /* equal                          : Z=1 */
+      ARMcc_NE  = 1,  /* not equal                      : Z=0 */
+      ARMcc_HS  = 2,  /* >=u (higher or same)           : C=1 */
+      ARMcc_LO  = 3,  /* <u  (lower)                    : C=0 */
+      ARMcc_MI  = 4,  /* minus (negative)               : N=1 */
+      ARMcc_PL  = 5,  /* plus (zero or +ve)             : N=0 */
+      ARMcc_VS  = 6,  /* overflow                       : V=1 */
+      ARMcc_VC  = 7,  /* no overflow                    : V=0 */
+      ARMcc_HI  = 8,  /* >u   (higher)                  : C=1 && Z=0 */
+      ARMcc_LS  = 9,  /* <=u  (lower or same)           : C=0 || Z=1 */
+      ARMcc_GE  = 10, /* >=s (signed greater or equal)  : N=V */
+      ARMcc_LT  = 11, /* <s  (signed less than)         : N!=V */
+      ARMcc_GT  = 12, /* >s  (signed greater)           : Z=0 && N=V */
+      ARMcc_LE  = 13, /* <=s (signed less or equal)     : Z=1 || N!=V */
+      ARMcc_AL  = 14, /* always (unconditional) */
+      ARMcc_NV  = 15  /* never (basically undefined meaning), deprecated */
+   }
+   ARMCondCode;
+extern HChar* showARMCondCode ( ARMCondCode );
+/* --------- Memory address expressions (amodes). --------- */
+/* --- Addressing Mode 1 --- */
+   enum {
+      ARMam1_RI=1,   /* reg +/- imm12 */
+      ARMam1_RRS     /* reg1 + (reg2 << 0, 1 2 or 3) */
+   }
+   ARMAMode1Tag;
+   struct {
+      ARMAMode1Tag tag;
+      union {
+         struct {
+            HReg reg;
+            Int  simm13; /* -4095 .. +4095 */
+         } RI;
+         struct {
+            HReg base;
+            HReg index;
+            UInt shift; /* 0, 1 2 or 3 */
+         } RRS;
+      } ARMam1;
+   }
+   ARMAMode1;
+extern ARMAMode1* ARMAMode1_RI  ( HReg reg, Int simm13 );
+extern ARMAMode1* ARMAMode1_RRS ( HReg base, HReg index, UInt shift );
+extern void ppARMAMode1 ( ARMAMode1* );
+/* --- Addressing Mode 2 --- */
+   enum {
+      ARMam2_RI=3,   /* reg +/- imm8 */
+      ARMam2_RR      /* reg1 + reg2 */
+   }
+   ARMAMode2Tag;
+   struct {
+      ARMAMode2Tag tag;
+      union {
+         struct {
+            HReg reg;
+            Int  simm9; /* -255 .. 255 */
+         } RI;
+         struct {
+            HReg base;
+            HReg index;
+         } RR;
+      } ARMam2;
+   }
+   ARMAMode2;
+extern ARMAMode2* ARMAMode2_RI ( HReg reg, Int simm9 );
+extern ARMAMode2* ARMAMode2_RR ( HReg base, HReg index );
+extern void ppARMAMode2 ( ARMAMode2* );
+/* --- Addressing Mode suitable for VFP --- */
+/* The simm11 is encoded as 8 bits + 1 sign bit,
+   so can only be 0 % 4. */
+   struct {
+      HReg reg;
+      Int  simm11; /* -1020, -1016 .. 1016, 1020 */
+   }
+   ARMAModeV;
+extern ARMAModeV* mkARMAModeV ( HReg reg, Int simm11 );
+extern void ppARMAModeV ( ARMAModeV* );
+/* --- Addressing Mode suitable for Neon --- */
+   enum {
+      ARMamN_R=5,
+      ARMamN_RR
+      /* ... */
+   }
+   ARMAModeNTag;
+   struct {
+      ARMAModeNTag tag;
+      union {
+         struct {
+            HReg rN;
+            HReg rM;
+         } RR;
+         struct {
+            HReg rN;
+         } R;
+         /* ... */
+      } ARMamN;
+   }
+   ARMAModeN;
+extern ARMAModeN* mkARMAModeN_RR ( HReg, HReg );
+extern ARMAModeN* mkARMAModeN_R ( HReg );
+extern void ppARMAModeN ( ARMAModeN* );
+/* --------- Reg or imm-8x4 operands --------- */
+/* a.k.a (a very restricted form of) Shifter Operand,
+   in the ARM parlance. */
+   enum {
+      ARMri84_I84=7,   /* imm8 `ror` (2 * imm4) */
+      ARMri84_R        /* reg */
+   }
+   ARMRI84Tag;
+   struct {
+      ARMRI84Tag tag;
+      union {
+         struct {
+            UShort imm8;
+            UShort imm4;
+         } I84;
+         struct {
+            HReg reg;
+         } R;
+      } ARMri84;
+   }
+   ARMRI84;
+extern ARMRI84* ARMRI84_I84 ( UShort imm8, UShort imm4 );
+extern ARMRI84* ARMRI84_R   ( HReg );
+extern void ppARMRI84 ( ARMRI84* );
+/* --------- Reg or imm5 operands --------- */
+   enum {
+      ARMri5_I5=9,   /* imm5, 1 .. 31 only (no zero!) */
+      ARMri5_R       /* reg */
+   }
+   ARMRI5Tag;
+   struct {
+      ARMRI5Tag tag;
+      union {
+         struct {
+            UInt imm5;
+         } I5;
+         struct {
+            HReg reg;
+         } R;
+      } ARMri5;
+   }
+   ARMRI5;
+extern ARMRI5* ARMRI5_I5 ( UInt imm5 );
+extern ARMRI5* ARMRI5_R  ( HReg );
+extern void ppARMRI5 ( ARMRI5* );
+/* -------- Neon Immediate operand -------- */
+/* imm8 = abcdefgh, B = NOT(b);
+type | value (64bit binary)
+   0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh
+   1 | 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000
+   2 | 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000
+   3 | abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 00000000 00000000
+   4 | 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh
+   5 | abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000 abcdefgh 00000000
+   6 | abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh abcdefgh
+   7 | 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111
+   8 | 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 11111111 00000000 abcdefgh 11111111 11111111
+   9 | aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh
+  10 | aBbbbbbc defgh000 00000000 00000000 aBbbbbbc defgh000 00000000 00000000
+Type 10 is:
+   (-1)^S * 2^exp * mantissa
+where S = a, exp = UInt(B:c:d) - 3, mantissa = (16 + UInt(e:f:g:h)) / 16
+   struct {
+      UInt type;
+      UInt imm8;
+   }
+   ARMNImm;
+extern ARMNImm* ARMNImm_TI ( UInt type, UInt imm8 );
+extern ULong ARMNImm_to_Imm64 ( ARMNImm* );
+extern ARMNImm* Imm64_to_ARMNImm ( ULong );
+extern void ppARMNImm ( ARMNImm* );
+/* ------ Neon Register or Scalar Operand ------ */
+   enum {
+      ARMNRS_Reg=11,
+      ARMNRS_Scalar
+   }
+   ARMNRS_tag;
+   struct {
+      ARMNRS_tag tag;
+      HReg reg;
+      UInt index;
+   }
+extern ARMNRS* mkARMNRS(ARMNRS_tag, HReg reg, UInt index);
+extern void ppARMNRS ( ARMNRS* );
+/* --------- Instructions. --------- */
+/* --------- */
+   enum {
+      ARMalu_ADD=20,   /* plain 32-bit add */
+      ARMalu_ADDS,     /* 32-bit add, and set the flags */
+      ARMalu_ADC,      /* 32-bit add with carry */
+      ARMalu_SUB,      /* plain 32-bit subtract */
+      ARMalu_SUBS,     /* 32-bit subtract, and set the flags */
+      ARMalu_SBC,      /* 32-bit subtract with carry */
+      ARMalu_AND,
+      ARMalu_BIC,
+      ARMalu_OR,
+      ARMalu_XOR
+   }
+   ARMAluOp;
+extern HChar* showARMAluOp ( ARMAluOp op );
+   enum {
+      ARMsh_SHL=40,
+      ARMsh_SHR,
+      ARMsh_SAR
+   }
+   ARMShiftOp;
+extern HChar* showARMShiftOp ( ARMShiftOp op );
+   enum {
+      ARMun_NEG=50,
+      ARMun_NOT,
+      ARMun_CLZ
+   }
+   ARMUnaryOp;
+extern HChar* showARMUnaryOp ( ARMUnaryOp op );
+   enum {
+      ARMmul_PLAIN=60,
+      ARMmul_ZX,
+      ARMmul_SX
+   }
+   ARMMulOp;
+extern HChar* showARMMulOp ( ARMMulOp op );
+   enum {
+      ARMvfp_ADD=70,
+      ARMvfp_SUB,
+      ARMvfp_MUL,
+      ARMvfp_DIV
+   }
+   ARMVfpOp;
+extern HChar* showARMVfpOp ( ARMVfpOp op );
+   enum {
+      ARMvfpu_COPY=80,
+      ARMvfpu_NEG,
+      ARMvfpu_ABS,
+      ARMvfpu_SQRT
+   }
+   ARMVfpUnaryOp;
+extern HChar* showARMVfpUnaryOp ( ARMVfpUnaryOp op );
+   enum {
+      ARMneon_VAND=90,
+      ARMneon_VORR,
+      ARMneon_VXOR,
+      ARMneon_VADD,
+      ARMneon_VADDFP,
+      ARMneon_VRHADDS,
+      ARMneon_VRHADDU,
+      ARMneon_VPADDFP,
+      ARMneon_VABDFP,
+      ARMneon_VSUB,
+      ARMneon_VSUBFP,
+      ARMneon_VMAXU,
+      ARMneon_VMAXS,
+      ARMneon_VMAXF,
+      ARMneon_VMINU,
+      ARMneon_VMINS,
+      ARMneon_VMINF,
+      ARMneon_VQADDU,
+      ARMneon_VQADDS,
+      ARMneon_VQSUBU,
+      ARMneon_VQSUBS,
+      ARMneon_VCGTU,
+      ARMneon_VCGTS,
+      ARMneon_VCGEU,
+      ARMneon_VCGES,
+      ARMneon_VCGTF,
+      ARMneon_VCGEF,
+      ARMneon_VCEQ,
+      ARMneon_VCEQF,
+      ARMneon_VEXT,
+      ARMneon_VMUL,
+      ARMneon_VMULFP,
+      ARMneon_VMULLU,
+      ARMneon_VMULLS,
+      ARMneon_VMULP,
+      ARMneon_VMULLP,
+      ARMneon_VQDMULH,
+      ARMneon_VQRDMULH,
+      ARMneon_VPADD,
+      ARMneon_VPMINU,
+      ARMneon_VPMINS,
+      ARMneon_VPMINF,
+      ARMneon_VPMAXU,
+      ARMneon_VPMAXS,
+      ARMneon_VPMAXF,
+      ARMneon_VTBL,
+      ARMneon_VQDMULL,
+      ARMneon_VRECPS,
+      ARMneon_VRSQRTS,
+      /* ... */
+   }
+   ARMNeonBinOp;
+   enum {
+      ARMneon_VSHL=150,
+      ARMneon_VSAL, /* Yah, not SAR but SAL */
+      ARMneon_VQSHL,
+      ARMneon_VQSAL
+   }
+   ARMNeonShiftOp;
+   enum {
+      ARMneon_COPY=160,
+      ARMneon_COPYLU,
+      ARMneon_COPYLS,
+      ARMneon_COPYN,
+      ARMneon_COPYQNSS,
+      ARMneon_COPYQNUS,
+      ARMneon_COPYQNUU,
+      ARMneon_NOT,
+      ARMneon_EQZ,
+      ARMneon_DUP,
+      ARMneon_PADDLS,
+      ARMneon_PADDLU,
+      ARMneon_CNT,
+      ARMneon_CLZ,
+      ARMneon_CLS,
+      ARMneon_VCVTxFPxINT,
+      ARMneon_VQSHLNSS,
+      ARMneon_VQSHLNUU,
+      ARMneon_VQSHLNUS,
+      ARMneon_VCVTFtoU,
+      ARMneon_VCVTFtoS,
+      ARMneon_VCVTUtoF,
+      ARMneon_VCVTStoF,
+      ARMneon_VCVTFtoFixedU,
+      ARMneon_VCVTFtoFixedS,
+      ARMneon_VCVTFixedUtoF,
+      ARMneon_VCVTFixedStoF,
+      ARMneon_VCVTF16toF32,
+      ARMneon_VCVTF32toF16,
+      ARMneon_REV16,
+      ARMneon_REV32,
+      ARMneon_REV64,
+      ARMneon_ABS,
+      ARMneon_VNEGF,
+      ARMneon_VRECIP,
+      ARMneon_VRECIPF,
+      ARMneon_VABSFP,
+      ARMneon_VRSQRTEFP,
+      ARMneon_VRSQRTE
+      /* ... */
+   }
+   ARMNeonUnOp;
+   enum {
+      ARMneon_SETELEM=200,
+      ARMneon_GETELEMU,
+      ARMneon_GETELEMS,
+      ARMneon_VDUP,
+   }
+   ARMNeonUnOpS;
+   enum {
+      ARMneon_TRN=210,
+      ARMneon_ZIP,
+      ARMneon_UZP
+      /* ... */
+   }
+   ARMNeonDualOp;
+extern HChar* showARMNeonBinOp ( ARMNeonBinOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOp ( ARMNeonUnOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOpS ( ARMNeonUnOpS op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonShiftOp ( ARMNeonShiftOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonDualOp ( ARMNeonDualOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonBinOpDataType ( ARMNeonBinOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOpDataType ( ARMNeonUnOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonUnOpSDataType ( ARMNeonUnOpS op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonShiftOpDataType ( ARMNeonShiftOp op );
+extern HChar* showARMNeonDualOpDataType ( ARMNeonDualOp op );
+   enum {
+      /* baseline */
+      ARMin_Alu=220,
+      ARMin_Shift,
+      ARMin_Unary,
+      ARMin_CmpOrTst,
+      ARMin_Mov,
+      ARMin_Imm32,
+      ARMin_LdSt32,
+      ARMin_LdSt16,
+      ARMin_LdSt8U,
+      ARMin_Ld8S,
+      ARMin_Goto,
+      ARMin_CMov,
+      ARMin_Call,
+      ARMin_Mul,
+      ARMin_LdrEX,
+      ARMin_StrEX,
+      /* vfp */
+      ARMin_VLdStD,
+      ARMin_VLdStS,
+      ARMin_VAluD,
+      ARMin_VAluS,
+      ARMin_VUnaryD,
+      ARMin_VUnaryS,
+      ARMin_VCmpD,
+      ARMin_VCMovD,
+      ARMin_VCMovS,
+      ARMin_VCvtSD,
+      ARMin_VXferD,
+      ARMin_VXferS,
+      ARMin_VCvtID,
+      ARMin_FPSCR,
+      ARMin_MFence,
+      /* Neon */
+      ARMin_NLdStQ,
+      ARMin_NLdStD,
+      ARMin_NUnary,
+      ARMin_NUnaryS,
+      ARMin_NDual,
+      ARMin_NBinary,
+      ARMin_NBinaryS,
+      ARMin_NShift,
+      ARMin_NeonImm,
+      ARMin_NCMovQ,
+      /* This is not a NEON instruction. Actually there is no corresponding
+         instruction in ARM instruction set at all. We need this one to
+         generate spill/reload of 128-bit registers since current register
+         allocator demands them to consist of no more than two instructions.
+         We will split this instruction into 2 or 3 ARM instructions on the
+         emiting phase.
+         NOTE: source and destination registers should be different! */
+      ARMin_Add32
+   }
+   ARMInstrTag;
+/* Destinations are on the LEFT (first operand) */
+   struct {
+      ARMInstrTag tag;
+      union {
+         /* ADD/SUB/AND/OR/XOR, vanilla ALU op */
+         struct {
+            ARMAluOp op;
+            HReg     dst;
+            HReg     argL;
+            ARMRI84* argR;
+         } Alu;
+         /* SHL/SHR/SAR, 2nd arg is reg or imm */
+         struct {
+            ARMShiftOp op;
+            HReg       dst;
+            HReg       argL;
+            ARMRI5*    argR;
+         } Shift;
+         /* NOT/NEG/CLZ */
+         struct {
+            ARMUnaryOp op;
+            HReg       dst;
+            HReg       src;
+         } Unary;
+         /* CMP/TST; subtract/and, discard result, set NZCV */
+         struct {
+            Bool     isCmp;
+            HReg     argL;
+            ARMRI84* argR;
+         } CmpOrTst;
+         /* MOV dst, src -- reg-reg (or reg-imm8x4) move */
+         struct {
+            HReg     dst;
+            ARMRI84* src;
+         } Mov;
+         /* Pseudo-insn; make a 32-bit immediate */
+         struct {
+            HReg dst;
+            UInt imm32;
+         } Imm32;
+         /* 32-bit load or store */
+         struct {
+            Bool       isLoad;
+            HReg       rD;
+            ARMAMode1* amode;
+         } LdSt32;
+         /* 16-bit load or store */
+         struct {
+            Bool       isLoad;
+            Bool       signedLoad;
+            HReg       rD;
+            ARMAMode2* amode;
+         } LdSt16;
+         /* 8-bit (unsigned) load or store */
+         struct {
+            Bool       isLoad;
+            HReg       rD;
+            ARMAMode1* amode;
+         } LdSt8U;
+         /* 8-bit signed load */
+         struct {
+            HReg       rD;
+            ARMAMode2* amode;
+         } Ld8S;
+         /* Pseudo-insn.  Go to guest address gnext, on given
+            condition, which could be ARMcc_AL. */
+         struct {
+            IRJumpKind  jk;
+            ARMCondCode cond;
+            HReg        gnext;
+         } Goto;
+         /* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not
+            be ARMcc_AL. */
+         struct {
+            ARMCondCode cond;
+            HReg        dst;
+            ARMRI84*    src;
+         } CMov;
+         /* Pseudo-insn.  Call target (an absolute address), on given
+            condition (which could be ARMcc_AL). */
+         struct {
+            ARMCondCode cond;
+            HWord       target;
+            Int         nArgRegs; /* # regs carrying args: 0 .. 4 */
+         } Call;
+         /* (PLAIN) 32 *  32 -> 32:  r0    = r2 * r3
+            (ZX)    32 *u 32 -> 64:  r1:r0 = r2 *u r3
+            (SX)    32 *s 32 -> 64:  r1:r0 = r2 *s r3
+            Why hardwired registers?  Because the ARM ARM specifies
+            (eg for straight MUL) the result (Rd) and the left arg (Rm)
+            may not be the same register.  That's not a constraint we
+            can enforce in the register allocator (without mucho extra
+            complexity).  Hence hardwire it.  At least using caller-saves
+            registers, which are less likely to be in use. */
+         struct {
+            ARMMulOp op;
+         } Mul;
+         /* LDREX{,H,B} r0, [r1]
+            Again, hardwired registers since this is not performance
+            critical, and there are possibly constraints on the
+            registers that we can't express in the register allocator.*/
+         struct {
+            Int  szB; /* currently only 4 is allowed */
+         } LdrEX;
+         /* STREX{,H,B} r0, r1, [r2]
+            r0 = SC( [r2] = r1 )
+            Ditto comment re fixed registers. */
+         struct {
+            Int  szB; /* currently only 4 is allowed */
+         } StrEX;
+         /* VFP INSTRUCTIONS */
+         /* 64-bit Fp load/store */
+         struct {
+            Bool       isLoad;
+            HReg       dD;
+            ARMAModeV* amode;
+         } VLdStD;
+         /* 32-bit Fp load/store */
+         struct {
+            Bool       isLoad;
+            HReg       fD;
+            ARMAModeV* amode;
+         } VLdStS;
+         /* 64-bit FP binary arithmetic */
+         struct {
+            ARMVfpOp op;
+            HReg     dst;
+            HReg     argL;
+            HReg     argR;
+         } VAluD;
+         /* 32-bit FP binary arithmetic */
+         struct {
+            ARMVfpOp op;
+            HReg     dst;
+            HReg     argL;
+            HReg     argR;
+         } VAluS;
+         /* 64-bit FP unary, also reg-reg move */
+         struct {
+            ARMVfpUnaryOp op;
+            HReg          dst;
+            HReg          src;
+         } VUnaryD;
+         /* 32-bit FP unary, also reg-reg move */
+         struct {
+            ARMVfpUnaryOp op;
+            HReg          dst;
+            HReg          src;
+         } VUnaryS;
+         /* 64-bit FP compare and move results to CPSR (FCMPD;FMSTAT) */
+         struct {
+            HReg argL;
+            HReg argR;
+         } VCmpD;
+         /* 64-bit FP mov src to dst on the given condition, which may
+            not be ARMcc_AL. */
+         struct {
+            ARMCondCode cond;
+            HReg        dst;
+            HReg        src;
+         } VCMovD;
+         /* 32-bit FP mov src to dst on the given condition, which may
+            not be ARMcc_AL. */
+         struct {
+            ARMCondCode cond;
+            HReg        dst;
+            HReg        src;
+         } VCMovS;
+         /* Convert between 32-bit and 64-bit FP values (both ways).
+            (FCVTSD, FCVTDS) */
+         struct {
+            Bool sToD; /* True: F32->F64.  False: F64->F32 */
+            HReg dst;
+            HReg src;
+         } VCvtSD;
+         /* Transfer a VFP D reg to/from two integer registers (VMOV) */
+         struct {
+            Bool toD;
+            HReg dD;
+            HReg rHi;
+            HReg rLo;
+         } VXferD;
+         /* Transfer a VFP S reg to/from an integer register (VMOV) */
+         struct {
+            Bool toS;
+            HReg fD;
+            HReg rLo;
+         } VXferS;
+         /* Convert between 32-bit ints and 64-bit FP values (both ways
+            and both signednesses). (FSITOD, FUITOD, FTOSID, FTOUID) */
+         struct {
+            Bool iToD; /* True: I32->F64.  False: F64->I32 */
+            Bool syned; /* True: I32 is signed.  False: I32 is unsigned */
+            HReg dst;
+            HReg src;
+         } VCvtID;
+         /* Move a 32-bit value to/from the FPSCR (FMXR, FMRX) */
+         struct {
+            Bool toFPSCR;
+            HReg iReg;
+         } FPSCR;
+         /* Mem fence.  An insn which fences all loads and stores as
+            much as possible before continuing.  On ARM we emit the
+            sequence
+               mcr 15,0,r0,c7,c10,4 (DSB)
+               mcr 15,0,r0,c7,c10,5 (DMB)
+               mcr 15,0,r0,c7,c5,4 (ISB)
+            which is probably total overkill, but better safe than
+            sorry.
+         */
+         struct {
+         } MFence;
+         /* Neon data processing instruction: 3 registers of the same
+            length */
+         struct {
+            ARMNeonBinOp op;
+            HReg dst;
+            HReg argL;
+            HReg argR;
+            UInt size;
+            Bool Q;
+         } NBinary;
+         struct {
+            ARMNeonBinOp op;
+            ARMNRS* dst;
+            ARMNRS* argL;
+            ARMNRS* argR;
+            UInt size;
+            Bool Q;
+         } NBinaryS;
+         struct {
+            ARMNeonShiftOp op;
+            HReg dst;
+            HReg argL;
+            HReg argR;
+            UInt size;
+            Bool Q;
+         } NShift;
+         struct {
+            Bool isLoad;
+            HReg dQ;
+            ARMAModeN *amode;
+         } NLdStQ;
+         struct {
+            Bool isLoad;
+            HReg dD;
+            ARMAModeN *amode;
+         } NLdStD;
+         struct {
+            ARMNeonUnOpS op;
+            ARMNRS*  dst;
+            ARMNRS*  src;
+            UInt size;
+            Bool Q;
+         } NUnaryS;
+         struct {
+            ARMNeonUnOp op;
+            HReg  dst;
+            HReg  src;
+            UInt size;
+            Bool Q;
+         } NUnary;
+         /* Takes two arguments and modifies them both. */
+         struct {
+            ARMNeonDualOp op;
+            HReg  arg1;
+            HReg  arg2;
+            UInt size;
+            Bool Q;
+         } NDual;
+         struct {
+            HReg dst;
+            ARMNImm* imm;
+         } NeonImm;
+         /* 128-bit Neon move src to dst on the given condition, which
+            may not be ARMcc_AL. */
+         struct {
+            ARMCondCode cond;
+            HReg        dst;
+            HReg        src;
+         } NCMovQ;
+         struct {
+            /* Note: rD != rN */
+            HReg rD;
+            HReg rN;
+            UInt imm32;
+         } Add32;
+      } ARMin;
+   }
+   ARMInstr;
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Alu      ( ARMAluOp, HReg, HReg, ARMRI84* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Shift    ( ARMShiftOp, HReg, HReg, ARMRI5* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Unary    ( ARMUnaryOp, HReg, HReg );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_CmpOrTst ( Bool isCmp, HReg, ARMRI84* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Mov      ( HReg, ARMRI84* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Imm32    ( HReg, UInt );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdSt32   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAMode1* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdSt16   ( Bool isLoad, Bool signedLoad,
+                                     HReg, ARMAMode2* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdSt8U   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAMode1* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Ld8S     ( HReg, ARMAMode2* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Goto     ( IRJumpKind, ARMCondCode, HReg gnext );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_CMov     ( ARMCondCode, HReg dst, ARMRI84* src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Call     ( ARMCondCode, HWord, Int nArgRegs );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Mul      ( ARMMulOp op );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_LdrEX    ( Int szB );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_StrEX    ( Int szB );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VLdStD   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeV* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VLdStS   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeV* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VAluD    ( ARMVfpOp op, HReg, HReg, HReg );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VAluS    ( ARMVfpOp op, HReg, HReg, HReg );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VUnaryD  ( ARMVfpUnaryOp, HReg dst, HReg src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VUnaryS  ( ARMVfpUnaryOp, HReg dst, HReg src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCmpD    ( HReg argL, HReg argR );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCMovD   ( ARMCondCode, HReg dst, HReg src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCMovS   ( ARMCondCode, HReg dst, HReg src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCvtSD   ( Bool sToD, HReg dst, HReg src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VXferD   ( Bool toD, HReg dD, HReg rHi, HReg rLo );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VXferS   ( Bool toS, HReg fD, HReg rLo );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_VCvtID   ( Bool iToD, Bool syned,
+                                     HReg dst, HReg src );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_FPSCR    ( Bool toFPSCR, HReg iReg );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_MFence   ( void );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NLdStQ   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeN* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NLdStD   ( Bool isLoad, HReg, ARMAModeN* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NUnary   ( ARMNeonUnOp, HReg, HReg, UInt, Bool );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NUnaryS  ( ARMNeonUnOp, ARMNRS*, ARMNRS*,
+                                     UInt, Bool );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NDual    ( ARMNeonDualOp, HReg, HReg, UInt, Bool );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NBinary  ( ARMNeonBinOp, HReg, HReg, HReg,
+                                     UInt, Bool );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NShift   ( ARMNeonShiftOp, HReg, HReg, HReg,
+                                     UInt, Bool );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NeonImm  ( HReg, ARMNImm* );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_NCMovQ   ( ARMCondCode, HReg, HReg );
+extern ARMInstr* ARMInstr_Add32    ( HReg rD, HReg rN, UInt imm32 );
+extern void ppARMInstr ( ARMInstr* );
+/* Some functions that insulate the register allocator from details
+   of the underlying instruction set. */
+extern void getRegUsage_ARMInstr ( HRegUsage*, ARMInstr*, Bool );
+extern void mapRegs_ARMInstr     ( HRegRemap*, ARMInstr*, Bool );
+extern Bool isMove_ARMInstr      ( ARMInstr*, HReg*, HReg* );
+extern Int  emit_ARMInstr        ( UChar* buf, Int nbuf, ARMInstr*, 
+                                   Bool, void* dispatch );
+extern void genSpill_ARM  ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2,
+                            HReg rreg, Int offset, Bool );
+extern void genReload_ARM ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2,
+                            HReg rreg, Int offset, Bool );
+extern void getAllocableRegs_ARM ( Int*, HReg** );
+extern HInstrArray* iselSB_ARM   ( IRSB*, VexArch,
+                                   VexArchInfo*, VexAbiInfo* );
+#endif /* ndef __VEX_HOST_ARM_DEFS_H */
+/*--- end                                     host_arm_defs.h ---*/