Helgrind : two new gdbserver commands 'describe address' and 'info locks'
  - Helgrind GDB server monitor command 'describe <address>'
    allowing to describe an address (e.g. where it was allocated).
  - Helgrind GDB server monitor command 'info locks' giving
    the list of locks, their location, and their status.

In a further patch, it is intended to
  1. factorise the describe address code between memcheck and helgrind
  2. generalise the describe address gdbsrv command so as to make
     it usable for all tools.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@13930 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_errors.c b/helgrind/hg_errors.c
index b19ddd4..b1ceefa 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_errors.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_errors.c
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include "pub_tool_options.h"     // VG_(clo_xml)
 #include "hg_basics.h"
+#include "hg_addrdescr.h"
 #include "hg_wordset.h"
 #include "hg_lock_n_thread.h"
 #include "libhb.h"
@@ -291,16 +292,10 @@
          struct {
             Addr        data_addr;
             Int         szB;
+            AddrDescr   data_addrdescr;
             Bool        isWrite;
             Thread*     thr;
             Lock**      locksHeldW;
-            /* descr1/2 provide a description of stack/global locs */
-            XArray*     descr1; /* XArray* of HChar */
-            XArray*     descr2; /* XArray* of HChar */
-            /* halloc/haddr/hszB describe the addr if it is a heap block. */
-            ExeContext* hctxt;
-            Addr        haddr;
-            SizeT       hszB;
             /* h1_* and h2_* provide some description of a previously
                observed access with which we are conflicting. */
             Thread*     h1_ct; /* non-NULL means h1 info present */
@@ -411,52 +406,7 @@
          VG_(printf)("HG_(update_extra): "
                      "%d conflicting-event queries\n", xxx);
-      tl_assert(!xe->XE.Race.hctxt);
-      tl_assert(!xe->XE.Race.descr1);
-      tl_assert(!xe->XE.Race.descr2);
-      /* First, see if it's in any heap block.  Unfortunately this
-         means a linear search through all allocated heap blocks.  The
-         assertion says that if it's detected as a heap block, then we
-         must have an allocation context for it, since all heap blocks
-         should have an allocation context. */
-      Bool is_heapblock
-         = HG_(mm_find_containing_block)( 
-              &xe->XE.Race.hctxt, &xe->XE.Race.haddr, &xe->XE.Race.hszB,
-              xe->XE.Race.data_addr
-           );
-      tl_assert(is_heapblock == (xe->XE.Race.hctxt != NULL));
-      if (!xe->XE.Race.hctxt) {
-         /* It's not in any heap block.  See if we can map it to a
-            stack or global symbol. */
-         xe->XE.Race.descr1
-            = VG_(newXA)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.update_extra.Race.descr1",
-                          HG_(free), sizeof(HChar) );
-         xe->XE.Race.descr2
-            = VG_(newXA)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.update_extra.Race.descr2",
-                          HG_(free), sizeof(HChar) );
-         (void) VG_(get_data_description)( xe->XE.Race.descr1,
-                                           xe->XE.Race.descr2,
-                                           xe->XE.Race.data_addr );
-         /* If there's nothing in descr1/2, free it.  Why is it safe to
-            to VG_(indexXA) at zero here?  Because
-            VG_(get_data_description) guarantees to zero terminate
-            descr1/2 regardless of the outcome of the call.  So there's
-            always at least one element in each XA after the call.
-         */
-         if (0 == VG_(strlen)( VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ))) {
-            VG_(deleteXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1 );
-            xe->XE.Race.descr1 = NULL;
-         }
-         if (0 == VG_(strlen)( VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ))) {
-            VG_(deleteXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2 );
-            xe->XE.Race.descr2 = NULL;
-         }
-      }
+      HG_(describe_addr) (xe->XE.Race.data_addr, &xe->XE.Race.data_addrdescr);
       /* And poke around in the conflicting-event map, to see if we
          can rustle up a plausible-looking conflicting memory access
@@ -538,8 +488,7 @@
    /* Skip on the detailed description of the raced-on address at this
       point; it's expensive.  Leave it for the update_extra function
       if we ever make it that far. */
-   tl_assert(xe.XE.Race.descr1 == NULL);
-   tl_assert(xe.XE.Race.descr2 == NULL);
+   HG_(init_AddrDescr) (&xe.XE.Race.data_addrdescr);
    // FIXME: tid vs thr
    // Skip on any of the conflicting-access info at this point.
    // It's expensive to obtain, and this error is more likely than
@@ -807,7 +756,6 @@
    return True;
 /* Announce 'lk'. */
 static void announce_LockP ( Lock* lk )
@@ -1285,46 +1233,9 @@
-      /* If we have a description of the address in terms of a heap
-         block, show it. */
-      if (xe->XE.Race.hctxt) {
-         SizeT delta = err_ga - xe->XE.Race.haddr;
-         if (xml) {
-            emit("  <auxwhat>Address %p is %ld bytes inside a block "
-                 "of size %ld alloc'd</auxwhat>\n", (void*)err_ga, delta, 
-                 xe->XE.Race.hszB);
-            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.hctxt );
-         } else {
-            emit("\n");
-            emit("Address %p is %ld bytes inside a block "
-                 "of size %ld alloc'd\n", (void*)err_ga, delta, 
-                 xe->XE.Race.hszB);
-            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.hctxt );
-         }
-      }
-      /* If we have a better description of the address, show it.
-         Note that in XML mode, it will already by nicely wrapped up
-         in tags, either <auxwhat> or <xauxwhat>, so we can just emit
-         it verbatim. */
-      if (xml) {
-         if (xe->XE.Race.descr1)
-            emit( "  %s\n",
-                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ) );
-         if (xe->XE.Race.descr2)
-            emit( "  %s\n",
-                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ) );
-      } else {
-         if (xe->XE.Race.descr1 || xe->XE.Race.descr2)
-            emit("\n");
-         if (xe->XE.Race.descr1)
-            emit( "%s\n",
-                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ) );
-         if (xe->XE.Race.descr2)
-            emit( "%s\n",
-                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ) );
-      }
+     HG_(pp_addrdescr) (xml, "Address", err_ga,
+                        &xe->XE.Race.data_addrdescr,
+                        emit);
       break; /* case XE_Race */
    } /* case XE_Race */