Merge Helgrind from branches/YARD into the trunk.  Also includes some
minor changes to make stack unwinding on amd64-linux approximately
twice as fast as it was before.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/README_MSMProp2.txt b/helgrind/README_MSMProp2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4ac5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helgrind/README_MSMProp2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+MSMProp2, a simplified but functionally equivalent version of MSMProp1
+Julian Seward, OpenWorks Ltd, 19 August 2008
+Note that this file does NOT describe the state machine used in the
+svn:// version of Helgrind.  That state
+machine is different again from any previously described machine.
+See the file README_YARD.txt for more details on YARD.
+                     ----------------------
+In early 2008 Konstantin Serebryany proposed "MSMProp1", a memory
+state machine for data race detection.  It is described at
+Implementation experiences show MSMProp1 is useful, but difficult to
+implement efficiently.  In particular keeping the memory usage under
+control is complex and difficult.
+This note points out a key simplification of MSMProp1, which makes it
+easier to implement without changing the functionality.
+The idea
+The core of the idea pertains to the "Condition" entry for MSMProp1
+state machine rules E5 and E6(r).  These are, respectively:
+    HB(SS, currS)  and its negation
+    ! HB(SS, currS).
+Here, SS is a set of segments, and currS is a single segment.  Each
+segment contains a vector timestamp.  The expression "HB(SS, currS)"
+is intended to denote
+   for each segment S in SS  .  happens_before(S,currS)
+where happens_before(S,T) means that S's vector timestamp is ordered
+before-or-equal to T's vector timestamp.
+In words, the expression
+   for each segment S in SS  .  happens_before(S,currS)
+is equivalent to saying that currS has a timestamp which is
+greater-than-equal to the timestamps of all the segments in SS.
+The key observation is that this is equivalent to
+   happens_before( JOIN(SS), currS )
+where JOIN is the lattice-theoretic "max" or "least upper bound"
+operation on vector clocks.  Given the definition of HB,
+happens_before and (binary) JOIN, this is easy to prove.
+The consequences
+With that observation in place, it is a short step to observe that
+storing segment sets in MSMProp1 is unnecessary.  Instead of
+storing a segment set in each shadow value, just store and
+update a single vector timestamp.  The following two equivalences
+   MSMProp1                        MSMProp2
+   adding a segment S              join-ing S's vector timestamp
+   to the segment-set              to the current vector timestamp
+   HB(SS,currS)                    happens_before(
+                                      currS's timestamp,
+                                      current vector timestamp )
+Once it is no longer necessary to represent segment sets, it then
+also becomes unnecessary to represent segments.  This constitutes
+a significant simplication to the implementation.
+The resulting state machine, MSMProp2
+MSMProp2 is isomorphic to MSMProp1, with the following changes:
+States are    New,   Read(VTS,LS),   Write(VTS,LS)
+where LS is a lockset (as before) and VTS is a vector timestamp.
+For a thread T with current lockset 'currLS' and current VTS 'currVTS'
+making a memory access, the new rules are
+Name  Old-State         Op  Guard         New-State              Race-If
+E1  New                 rd  True          Read(currVTS,currLS)   False
+E2  New                 wr  True          Write(currVTS,currLS)  False
+E3  Read(oldVTS,oldLS)  rd  True          Read(newVTS,newLS)     False
+E4  Read(oldVTS,oldLS)  wr  True          Write(newVTS,newLS)    #newLS == 0 
+                                                                 && !hb(oldVTS,currVTS)
+E5  Write(oldVTS,oldLS) rd  hb(oldVTS,    Read(currVTS,currLS)   False
+                               currVTS)
+E6r Write(oldVTS,oldLS) rd  !hb(oldVTS,   Write(newVTS,newLS)    #newLS == 0 
+                                currVTS)                         && !hb(oldVTS,currVTS)
+E6w Write(oldVTS,oldLS) wr  True          Write(newVTS,newLS)    #newLS == 0 
+                                                                 && !hb(oldVTS,currVTS)
+   where newVTS = join2(oldVTS,currVTS)
+         newLS  = if   hb(oldVTS,currVTS)
+                  then currLS
+                  else intersect(oldLS,currLS)
+         hb(vts1, vts2) =  vts1 happens before or is equal to vts2
+Interpretation of the states
+I always found the state names in MSMProp1 confusing.  Both MSMProp1
+and MSMProp2 are easier to understand if the states Read and Write are
+renamed, like this:
+   old name           new name
+   Read               WriteConstraint
+   Write              AllConstraint
+The effect of a state Read(VTS,LS) is to constrain all later-observed
+writes so that either (1) the writing thread holds at least one lock
+in common with LS, or (2) those writes must happen-after VTS.  If
+neither of those two conditions hold, a race is reported.
+Hence a Read state places a constraint on writes.
+The effect of a state Write(VTS,LS) is similar, but it applies to all
+later-observed accesses: either (1) the accessing thread holds at
+least one lock in common with LS, or (2) those accesses must
+happen-after VTS.  If neither of those two conditions hold, a race is
+Hence a Write state places a constraint on all accesses.
+If we ignore the LS component of these states, the intuitive
+interpretation of the VTS component is that it states the earliest
+vector-time that the next write / access may safely happen.