Merge the contents of the HGDEV2 branch into trunk:
* performance and scalability improvements
* show locks held by both threads in a race
* show all 4 locks involved in a lock order violation
* better delimited error messages

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_errors.c b/helgrind/hg_errors.c
index 6076f47..41d99e2 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_errors.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_errors.c
@@ -110,11 +110,56 @@
    return 0;
-static Lock* mk_LockP_from_LockN ( Lock* lkn )
+/* Given a normal Lock (LockN), convert it to a persistent Lock
+   (LockP).  In some cases the LockN could be invalid (if it's been
+   freed), so we enquire, in hg_main.c's admin_locks list, whether it
+   is in fact valid.  If allowed_to_be_invalid is True, then it's OK
+   for the LockN to be invalid, in which case Lock_INVALID is
+   returned.  In all other cases, we insist that the LockN is a valid
+   lock, and return its corresponding LockP.
+   Why can LockNs sometimes be invalid?  Because they are harvested
+   from locksets that are attached to the OldRef info for conflicting
+   threads.  By the time we detect a race, the some of the elements of
+   the lockset may have been destroyed by the client, in which case
+   the corresponding Lock structures we maintain will have been freed.
+   So we check that each LockN is a member of the admin_locks double
+   linked list of all Lock structures.  That stops us prodding around
+   in potentially freed-up Lock structures.  However, it's not quite a
+   proper check: if a new Lock has been reallocated at the same
+   address as one which was previously freed, we'll wind up copying
+   the new one as the basis for the LockP, which is completely bogus
+   because it is unrelated to the previous Lock that lived there.
+   Let's hope that doesn't happen too often.
+static Lock* mk_LockP_from_LockN ( Lock* lkn,
+                                   Bool allowed_to_be_invalid )
    Lock* lkp = NULL;
+   /* First off, let's do some sanity checks.  If
+      allowed_to_be_invalid is False, we _must_ be able to find 'lkn'
+      in admin_locks; else we must assert.  If it is True, it's OK for
+      it not to be findable, but in that case we must return
+      Lock_INVALID right away. */
+   Lock* lock_list = HG_(get_admin_locks)();
+   while (lock_list) {
+      if (lock_list == lkn)
+         break;
+      lock_list = lock_list->admin_next;
+   }
+   if (lock_list == NULL) {
+      /* We didn't find it.  That possibility has to be OK'd by the
+         caller. */
+      tl_assert(allowed_to_be_invalid);
+      return Lock_INVALID;
+   }
+   /* So we must be looking at a valid LockN. */
    tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockN)(lkn) );
    if (!map_LockN_to_P) {
       map_LockN_to_P = VG_(newFM)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.mLPfLN.1",
                                    HG_(free), lock_unique_cmp );
@@ -139,6 +184,75 @@
    return lkp;
+/* Expand a WordSet of LockN*'s into a NULL-terminated vector of
+   LockP*'s.  Any LockN's that can't be converted into a LockP
+   (because they have been freed, see comment on mk_LockP_from_LockN)
+   are converted instead into the value Lock_INVALID.  Hence the
+   returned vector is a sequence: zero or more (valid LockP* or
+   LockN_INVALID), terminated by a NULL. */
+Lock** enumerate_WordSet_into_LockP_vector( WordSetU* univ_lsets,
+                                            WordSetID lockset,
+                                            Bool allowed_to_be_invalid )
+   tl_assert(univ_lsets);
+   tl_assert( HG_(plausibleWS)(univ_lsets, lockset) );
+   UWord  nLocks = HG_(cardinalityWS)(univ_lsets, lockset);
+   Lock** lockPs = HG_(zalloc)( "hg.eWSiLPa",
+                                (nLocks+1) * sizeof(Lock*) );
+   tl_assert(lockPs);
+   tl_assert(lockPs[nLocks] == NULL); /* pre-NULL terminated */
+   UWord* lockNs  = NULL;
+   UWord  nLockNs = 0;
+   if (nLocks > 0)  {
+      /* HG_(getPayloadWS) doesn't assign non-NULL to &lockNs if the
+         lockset is empty; hence the guarding "if".  Sigh. */
+      HG_(getPayloadWS)( &lockNs, &nLockNs, univ_lsets, lockset );
+      tl_assert(lockNs);
+   }
+   UWord i;
+   /* Convert to LockPs. */
+   for (i = 0; i < nLockNs; i++) {
+      lockPs[i] = mk_LockP_from_LockN( (Lock*)lockNs[i],
+                                       allowed_to_be_invalid );
+   }
+   return lockPs;
+/* Get the number of useful elements in a vector created by
+   enumerate_WordSet_into_LockP_vector.  Returns both the total number
+   of elements (not including the terminating NULL) and the number of
+   non-Lock_INVALID elements. */
+static void count_LockP_vector ( /*OUT*/UWord* nLocks,
+                                 /*OUT*/UWord* nLocksValid,
+                                 Lock** vec )
+   tl_assert(vec);
+   *nLocks = *nLocksValid = 0;
+   UWord n = 0;
+   while (vec[n]) {
+      (*nLocks)++;
+      if (vec[n] != Lock_INVALID)
+         (*nLocksValid)++;
+      n++;
+   }
+/* Find out whether 'lk' is in 'vec'. */
+static Bool elem_LockP_vector ( Lock** vec, Lock* lk )
+   tl_assert(vec);
+   tl_assert(lk);
+   UWord n = 0;
+   while (vec[n]) {
+      if (vec[n] == lk)
+         return True;
+      n++;
+   }
+   return False;
 /* Errors:
       race: program counter
@@ -179,6 +293,7 @@
             Int         szB;
             Bool        isWrite;
             Thread*     thr;
+            Lock**      locksHeldW;
             /* descr1/2 provide a description of stack/global locs */
             XArray*     descr1; /* XArray* of HChar */
             XArray*     descr2; /* XArray* of HChar */
@@ -195,6 +310,7 @@
             ExeContext* h2_ct_accEC;
             Int         h2_ct_accSzB;
             Bool        h2_ct_accIsW;
+            Lock**      h2_ct_locksHeldW;
          } Race;
          struct {
             Thread* thr;  /* doing the unlocking */
@@ -217,10 +333,19 @@
          } PthAPIerror;
          struct {
             Thread*     thr;
-            Addr        before_ga; /* always locked first in prog. history */
-            Addr        after_ga;
-            ExeContext* before_ec;
-            ExeContext* after_ec;
+            /* The first 4 fields describe the previously observed
+               (should-be) ordering. */
+            Addr        shouldbe_earlier_ga;
+            Addr        shouldbe_later_ga;
+            ExeContext* shouldbe_earlier_ec;
+            ExeContext* shouldbe_later_ec;
+            /* In principle we need to record two more stacks, from
+               this thread, when acquiring the locks in the "wrong"
+               order.  In fact the wallclock-later acquisition by this
+               thread is recorded in the main stack for this error.
+               So we only need a stack for the earlier acquisition by
+               this thread. */
+            ExeContext* actual_earlier_ec;
          } LockOrder;
          struct {
             Thread*     thr;
@@ -264,6 +389,18 @@
    if (xe->tag == XE_Race) {
+      /* Note the set of locks that the thread is (w-)holding.
+         Convert the WordSetID of LockN*'s into a NULL-terminated
+         vector of LockP*'s.  We don't expect to encounter any invalid
+         LockNs in this conversion. */
+      tl_assert(xe->XE.Race.thr);
+      xe->XE.Race.locksHeldW
+         = enumerate_WordSet_into_LockP_vector(
+              HG_(get_univ_lsets)(),
+              xe->XE.Race.thr->locksetW,
+              False/*!allowed_to_be_invalid*/
+           );
       /* See if we can come up with a source level description of the
          raced-upon address.  This is potentially expensive, which is
          why it's only done at the update_extra point, not when the
@@ -325,18 +462,19 @@
          can rustle up a plausible-looking conflicting memory access
          to show. */
       if (HG_(clo_history_level) >= 2) { 
-         Thr* thrp = NULL;
-         ExeContext* wherep = NULL;
-         Addr  acc_addr = xe->XE.Race.data_addr;
-         Int   acc_szB  = xe->XE.Race.szB;
-         Thr*  acc_thr  = xe->XE.Race.thr->hbthr;
-         Bool  acc_isW  = xe->XE.Race.isWrite;
-         SizeT conf_szB = 0;
-         Bool  conf_isW = False;
+         Thr*        thrp            = NULL;
+         ExeContext* wherep          = NULL;
+         Addr        acc_addr        = xe->XE.Race.data_addr;
+         Int         acc_szB         = xe->XE.Race.szB;
+         Thr*        acc_thr         = xe->XE.Race.thr->hbthr;
+         Bool        acc_isW         = xe->XE.Race.isWrite;
+         SizeT       conf_szB        = 0;
+         Bool        conf_isW        = False;
+         WordSetID   conf_locksHeldW = 0;
          if (libhb_event_map_lookup(
-                &wherep, &thrp, &conf_szB, &conf_isW,
+                &wherep, &thrp, &conf_szB, &conf_isW, &conf_locksHeldW,
                 acc_thr, acc_addr, acc_szB, acc_isW )) {
             Thread* threadp;
@@ -347,6 +485,12 @@
             xe->XE.Race.h2_ct        = threadp;
             xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accSzB = (Int)conf_szB;
             xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accIsW = conf_isW;
+            xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_locksHeldW
+               = enumerate_WordSet_into_LockP_vector(
+                    HG_(get_univ_lsets)(),
+                    conf_locksHeldW,
+                    True/*allowed_to_be_invalid*/
+                 );
@@ -424,8 +568,10 @@
    tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockN)(lk) );
    xe.tag = XE_UnlockUnlocked;
-   xe.XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr  = thr;
-   xe.XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock = mk_LockP_from_LockN(lk);
+   xe.XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr
+      = thr;
+   xe.XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock
+      = mk_LockP_from_LockN(lk, False/*!allowed_to_be_invalid*/);
    // FIXME: tid vs thr
    tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
    tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
@@ -444,7 +590,8 @@
    xe.tag = XE_UnlockForeign;
    xe.XE.UnlockForeign.thr   = thr;
    xe.XE.UnlockForeign.owner = owner;
-   xe.XE.UnlockForeign.lock  = mk_LockP_from_LockN(lk);
+   xe.XE.UnlockForeign.lock
+      = mk_LockP_from_LockN(lk, False/*!allowed_to_be_invalid*/);
    // FIXME: tid vs thr
    tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
    tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
@@ -468,8 +615,12 @@
 void HG_(record_error_LockOrder)(
-        Thread* thr, Addr before_ga, Addr after_ga,
-        ExeContext* before_ec, ExeContext* after_ec 
+        Thread*     thr, 
+        Addr        shouldbe_earlier_ga,
+        Addr        shouldbe_later_ga,
+        ExeContext* shouldbe_earlier_ec,
+        ExeContext* shouldbe_later_ec,
+        ExeContext* actual_earlier_ec
    XError xe;
@@ -478,10 +629,11 @@
    xe.tag = XE_LockOrder;
    xe.XE.LockOrder.thr       = thr;
-   xe.XE.LockOrder.before_ga = before_ga;
-   xe.XE.LockOrder.before_ec = before_ec;
-   xe.XE.LockOrder.after_ga  = after_ga;
-   xe.XE.LockOrder.after_ec  = after_ec;
+   xe.XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ga = shouldbe_earlier_ga;
+   xe.XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ec = shouldbe_earlier_ec;
+   xe.XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ga   = shouldbe_later_ga;
+   xe.XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ec   = shouldbe_later_ec;
+   xe.XE.LockOrder.actual_earlier_ec   = actual_earlier_ec;
    // FIXME: tid vs thr
    tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
    tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
@@ -639,6 +791,10 @@
    } else {
+      VG_(umsg)("---Thread-Announcement----------"
+                "--------------------------------" "\n");
+      VG_(umsg)("\n");
       if (thr->errmsg_index == 1) {
          tl_assert(thr->created_at == NULL);
@@ -659,6 +815,76 @@
+/* Announce 'lk'. */
+static void announce_LockP ( Lock* lk )
+   tl_assert(lk);
+   if (lk == Lock_INVALID)
+      return; /* Can't be announced -- we know nothing about it. */
+   tl_assert(lk->magic == LockP_MAGIC);
+   if (!lk->appeared_at)
+     return; /* There's nothing we can show */
+   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+      /* fixme: add announcement */
+   } else {
+      VG_(umsg)( "Lock at %p was first observed\n",
+                 (void*)lk->guestaddr );
+      VG_(pp_ExeContext)( lk->appeared_at );
+      VG_(umsg)("\n");
+   }
+/* Announce (that is, print point-of-first-observation) for the
+   locks in 'lockvec' and, if non-NULL, 'lockvec2'. */
+static void announce_combined_LockP_vecs ( Lock** lockvec,
+                                           Lock** lockvec2 )
+   UWord i;
+   tl_assert(lockvec);
+   for (i = 0; lockvec[i]; i++) {
+      announce_LockP(lockvec[i]);
+   }
+   if (lockvec2) {
+      for (i = 0; lockvec2[i]; i++) {
+         Lock* lk = lockvec2[i];
+         if (!elem_LockP_vector(lockvec, lk))
+            announce_LockP(lk);
+      }
+   }
+static void show_LockP_summary_textmode ( Lock** locks, HChar* pre )
+   tl_assert(locks);
+   UWord i;
+   UWord nLocks = 0, nLocksValid = 0;
+   count_LockP_vector(&nLocks, &nLocksValid, locks);
+   tl_assert(nLocksValid <= nLocks);
+   if (nLocks == 0) {
+      VG_(umsg)( "%sLocks held: none", pre );
+   } else {
+      VG_(umsg)( "%sLocks held: %lu, at address%s ",
+                 pre, nLocks, nLocksValid == 1 ? "" : "es" );
+   }
+   if (nLocks > 0) {
+      for (i = 0; i < nLocks; i++) {
+         if (locks[i] == Lock_INVALID)
+            continue;
+         VG_(umsg)( "%p", (void*)locks[i]->guestaddr);
+         if (locks[i+1] != NULL)
+            VG_(umsg)(" ");
+      }
+      if (nLocksValid < nLocks)
+         VG_(umsg)(" (and %lu that can't be shown)", nLocks - nLocksValid);
+   }
+   VG_(umsg)("\n");
 /* This is the "this error is due to be printed shortly; so have a
    look at it any print any preamble you want" function.  We use it to
    announce any previously un-announced threads in the upcoming error
@@ -707,6 +933,12 @@
    const Bool xml = VG_(clo_xml); /* a shorthand, that's all */
+   if (!xml) {
+      VG_(umsg)("--------------------------------"
+                "--------------------------------" "\n");
+      VG_(umsg)("\n");
+   }
    XError *xe = (XError*)VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
@@ -758,38 +990,54 @@
          emit( "    <text>Thread #%d: lock order \"%p before %p\" "
-               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ga,
-               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
+               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ga,
+               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ga );
          emit( "    <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
                (Int)xe->XE.LockOrder.thr->errmsg_index );
          emit( "  </xwhat>\n" );
          VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
-         if (xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec && xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec) {
+         if (xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ec
+             && xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ec) {
             emit( "  <auxwhat>Required order was established by "
                   "acquisition of lock at %p</auxwhat>\n",
-                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ga );
-            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec );
+                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ga );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ec );
             emit( "  <auxwhat>followed by a later acquisition "
                   "of lock at %p</auxwhat>\n",
-                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
-            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec );
+                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ga );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ec );
       } else {
          emit( "Thread #%d: lock order \"%p before %p\" violated\n",
-               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ga,
-               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
+               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ga,
+               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ga );
+         emit( "\n" );
+         emit( "Observed (incorrect) order is: "
+               "acquisition of lock at %p\n",
+               (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ga);
+         if (xe->XE.LockOrder.actual_earlier_ec) {
+             VG_(pp_ExeContext)(xe->XE.LockOrder.actual_earlier_ec);
+         } else {
+            emit("   (stack unavailable)\n");
+         }
+         emit( "\n" );
+         emit(" followed by a later acquisition of lock at %p\n",
+              (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ga);
          VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
-         if (xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec && xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec) {
-            emit( "  Required order was established by "
+         if (xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ec
+             && xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ec) {
+            emit("\n");
+            emit( "Required order was established by "
                   "acquisition of lock at %p\n",
-                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ga );
-            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec );
-            emit( "  followed by a later acquisition of lock at %p\n",
-                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
-            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec );
+                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ga );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_earlier_ec );
+            emit( "\n" );
+            emit( " followed by a later acquisition of lock at %p\n",
+                  (void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ga );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.shouldbe_later_ec );
@@ -960,8 +1208,8 @@
          emit( "  <kind>Race</kind>\n" );
          emit( "  <xwhat>\n" );
          emit( "    <text>Possible data race during %s of size %d "
-                    "at %#lx by thread #%d</text>\n",
-              what, szB, err_ga, (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
+                    "at %p by thread #%d</text>\n",
+               what, szB, (void*)err_ga, (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
          emit( "    <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
                (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
          emit( "  </xwhat>\n" );
@@ -1005,18 +1253,27 @@
       } else {
          /* ------ Text ------ */
+         announce_combined_LockP_vecs( xe->XE.Race.locksHeldW,
+                                       xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_locksHeldW );
          emit( "Possible data race during %s of size %d "
-               "at %#lx by thread #%d\n",
-               what, szB, err_ga, (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
+               "at %p by thread #%d\n",
+               what, szB, (void*)err_ga, (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
+         tl_assert(xe->XE.Race.locksHeldW);
+         show_LockP_summary_textmode( xe->XE.Race.locksHeldW, "" );
          VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
          if (xe->XE.Race.h2_ct) {
             tl_assert(xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC); // assured by update_extra
-            emit( " This conflicts with a previous %s of size %d "
+            tl_assert(xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_locksHeldW);
+            emit( "\n" );
+            emit( "This conflicts with a previous %s of size %d "
                   "by thread #%d\n",
                   xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accIsW ? "write" : "read",
                   xe->XE.Race.h2_ct->errmsg_index );
+            show_LockP_summary_textmode( xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_locksHeldW, "" );
             VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC );
@@ -1044,13 +1301,14 @@
       if (xe->XE.Race.hctxt) {
          SizeT delta = err_ga - xe->XE.Race.haddr;
          if (xml) {
-            emit("  <auxwhat>Address %#lx is %ld bytes inside a block "
-                 "of size %ld alloc'd</auxwhat>\n", err_ga, delta, 
+            emit("  <auxwhat>Address %p is %ld bytes inside a block "
+                 "of size %ld alloc'd</auxwhat>\n", (void*)err_ga, delta, 
             VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.hctxt );
          } else {
-            emit(" Address %#lx is %ld bytes inside a block "
-                 "of size %ld alloc'd\n", err_ga, delta, 
+            emit("\n");
+            emit("Address %p is %ld bytes inside a block "
+                 "of size %ld alloc'd\n", (void*)err_ga, delta, 
             VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.hctxt );
@@ -1060,12 +1318,23 @@
          Note that in XML mode, it will already by nicely wrapped up
          in tags, either <auxwhat> or <xauxwhat>, so we can just emit
          it verbatim. */
-      if (xe->XE.Race.descr1)
-         emit( "%s%s\n", xml ? "  " : " ",
-                         (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ) );
-      if (xe->XE.Race.descr2)
-         emit( "%s%s\n", xml ? "  " : " ",
-                         (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ) );
+      if (xml) {
+         if (xe->XE.Race.descr1)
+            emit( "  %s\n",
+                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ) );
+         if (xe->XE.Race.descr2)
+            emit( "  %s\n",
+                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ) );
+      } else {
+         if (xe->XE.Race.descr1 || xe->XE.Race.descr2)
+            emit("\n");
+         if (xe->XE.Race.descr1)
+            emit( "%s\n",
+                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ) );
+         if (xe->XE.Race.descr2)
+            emit( "%s\n",
+                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ) );
+      }
       break; /* case XE_Race */
    } /* case XE_Race */