Major refactoring of structures, with unit tests.  This matches the doc I sent out earlier.

Firmware-side code for LoadKernel() is in place now.  LoadFirmware() replacement coming soon.

The new functions are implemented in parallel to the existing ones (i.e., everything that used to work still does).

Review URL:
diff --git a/vboot_firmware/lib/vboot_kernel.c b/vboot_firmware/lib/vboot_kernel.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf9e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vboot_firmware/lib/vboot_kernel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * Functions for loading a kernel from disk.
+ * (Firmware portion)
+ */
+#include "vboot_kernel.h"
+#include "boot_device.h"
+#include "cgptlib.h"
+#include "load_kernel_fw.h"
+#include "rollback_index.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#define KBUF_SIZE 65536  /* Bytes to read at start of kernel partition */
+int LoadKernel2(LoadKernelParams* params) {
+  VbPublicKey* kernel_subkey = (VbPublicKey*)params->header_sign_key_blob;
+  GptData gpt;
+  uint64_t part_start, part_size;
+  uint64_t blba = params->bytes_per_lba;
+  uint64_t kbuf_sectors = KBUF_SIZE / blba;
+  uint8_t* kbuf = NULL;
+  int found_partitions = 0;
+  int good_partition = -1;
+  uint16_t tpm_key_version = 0;
+  uint16_t tpm_kernel_version = 0;
+  uint64_t lowest_key_version = 0xFFFF;
+  uint64_t lowest_kernel_version = 0xFFFF;
+  int is_dev = ((BOOT_FLAG_DEVELOPER & params->boot_flags) &&
+                !(BOOT_FLAG_RECOVERY & params->boot_flags));
+  int is_normal = (!(BOOT_FLAG_DEVELOPER & params->boot_flags) &&
+                   !(BOOT_FLAG_RECOVERY & params->boot_flags));
+  /* Clear output params in case we fail */
+  params->partition_number = 0;
+  params->bootloader_address = 0;
+  params->bootloader_size = 0;
+  if (is_normal) {
+    /* Read current kernel key index from TPM.  Assumes TPM is already
+     * initialized. */
+    if (0 != GetStoredVersions(KERNEL_VERSIONS,
+                               &tpm_key_version,
+                               &tpm_kernel_version))
+  } else if (is_dev) {
+    /* In developer mode, we ignore the kernel subkey, and just use
+     * the SHA-512 hash to verify the key block. */
+    kernel_subkey = NULL;
+  }
+  do {
+    /* Read GPT data */
+    gpt.sector_bytes = blba;
+    gpt.drive_sectors = params->ending_lba + 1;
+    if (0 != AllocAndReadGptData(&gpt))
+      break;
+    /* Initialize GPT library */
+    if (GPT_SUCCESS != GptInit(&gpt))
+      break;
+    /* TODO: TERRIBLE KLUDGE - fake partition attributes */
+    FakePartitionAttributes(&gpt);
+    /* Allocate kernel header buffers */
+    kbuf = (uint8_t*)Malloc(KBUF_SIZE);
+    if (!kbuf)
+      break;
+    /* Loop over candidate kernel partitions */
+    while (GPT_SUCCESS == GptNextKernelEntry(&gpt, &part_start, &part_size)) {
+      VbKeyBlockHeader* key_block;
+      VbKernelPreambleHeader* preamble;
+      RSAPublicKey* data_key;
+      uint64_t key_version;
+      uint64_t body_offset;
+      /* Found at least one kernel partition. */
+      found_partitions++;
+      /* Read the first part of the kernel partition  */
+      if (part_size < kbuf_sectors)
+        continue;
+      if (0 != BootDeviceReadLBA(part_start, kbuf_sectors, kbuf))
+        continue;
+      /* Verify the key block */
+      key_block = (VbKeyBlockHeader*)kbuf;
+      if ((0 != VerifyKeyBlock(key_block, KBUF_SIZE, kernel_subkey)))
+        continue;
+      /* Check the key block flags against the current boot mode */
+      if (!(key_block->key_block_flags &&
+            ((BOOT_FLAG_DEVELOPER & params->boot_flags) ?
+        continue;
+      if (!(key_block->key_block_flags &&
+            ((BOOT_FLAG_RECOVERY & params->boot_flags) ?
+        continue;
+      /* Check for rollback of key version.  Note this is implicitly
+       * skipped in recovery and developer modes because those set
+       * key_version=0 above. */
+      key_version = key_block->data_key.key_version;
+      if (key_version < tpm_key_version)
+        continue;
+      /* Get the key for preamble/data verification from the key block */
+      data_key = PublicKeyToRSA(&key_block->data_key);
+      if (!data_key)
+        continue;
+      /* Verify the preamble, which follows the key block */
+      preamble = (VbKernelPreambleHeader*)(kbuf + key_block->key_block_size);
+      if ((0 != VerifyKernelPreamble2(preamble,
+                                     KBUF_SIZE - key_block->key_block_size,
+                                     data_key))) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Check for rollback of kernel version.  Note this is implicitly
+       * skipped in recovery and developer modes because those set
+       * key_version=0 and kernel_version=0 above. */
+      if (key_version == tpm_key_version &&
+          preamble->kernel_version < tpm_kernel_version) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Check for lowest key version from a valid header. */
+      if (lowest_key_version > key_version) {
+        lowest_key_version = key_version;
+        lowest_kernel_version = preamble->kernel_version;
+      }
+      else if (lowest_key_version == key_version &&
+               lowest_kernel_version > preamble->kernel_version) {
+        lowest_kernel_version = preamble->kernel_version;
+      }
+      /* If we already have a good kernel, no need to read another
+       * one; we only needed to look at the versions to check for
+       * rollback. */
+      if (-1 != good_partition)
+        continue;
+      /* Verify body load address matches what we expect */
+      if (preamble->body_load_address != (size_t)params->kernel_buffer) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Verify kernel body starts at a multiple of the sector size. */
+      body_offset = key_block->key_block_size + preamble->preamble_size;
+      if (0 != body_offset % blba) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Verify kernel body fits in the partition */
+      if (body_offset + preamble->body_signature.data_size >
+          part_size * blba) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Read the kernel data */
+      if (0 != BootDeviceReadLBA(
+              part_start + (body_offset / blba),
+              (preamble->body_signature.data_size + blba - 1) / blba,
+              params->kernel_buffer)) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Verify kernel data */
+      if (0 != VerifyData((const uint8_t*)params->kernel_buffer,
+                          &preamble->body_signature, data_key)) {
+        RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Done with the kernel signing key, so can free it now */
+      RSAPublicKeyFree(data_key);
+      /* If we're still here, the kernel is valid. */
+      /* Save the first good partition we find; that's the one we'll boot */
+      if (-1 == good_partition) {
+        good_partition = gpt.current_kernel;
+        params->partition_number = gpt.current_kernel;
+        params->bootloader_address = preamble->bootloader_address;
+        params->bootloader_size = preamble->bootloader_size;
+        /* If we're in developer or recovery mode, there's no rollback
+         * protection, so we can stop at the first valid kernel. */
+        if (!is_normal)
+          break;
+        /* Otherwise, we're in normal boot mode, so we do care about
+         * the key index in the TPM.  If the good partition's key
+         * version is the same as the tpm, then the TPM doesn't need
+         * updating; we can stop now.  Otherwise, we'll check all the
+         * other headers to see if they contain a newer key. */
+        if (key_version == tpm_key_version &&
+            preamble->kernel_version == tpm_kernel_version)
+          break;
+      }
+    } /* while(GptNextKernelEntry) */
+  } while(0);
+  /* Free kernel buffer */
+  if (kbuf)
+    Free(kbuf);
+  /* Write and free GPT data */
+  WriteAndFreeGptData(&gpt);
+  /* Handle finding a good partition */
+  if (good_partition >= 0) {
+    /* See if we need to update the TPM */
+    if (is_normal) {
+      /* We only update the TPM in normal boot mode.  In developer
+       * mode, the kernel is self-signed by the developer, so we can't
+       * trust the key version and wouldn't want to roll the TPM
+       * forward.  In recovery mode, the TPM stays PP-unlocked, so
+       * anything we write gets blown away by the firmware when we go
+       * back to normal mode. */
+      if ((lowest_key_version > tpm_key_version) ||
+          (lowest_key_version == tpm_key_version &&
+           lowest_kernel_version > tpm_kernel_version)) {
+        if (0 != WriteStoredVersions(KERNEL_VERSIONS,
+                                     lowest_key_version,
+                                     lowest_kernel_version))
+          return LOAD_KERNEL_RECOVERY;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!(BOOT_FLAG_RECOVERY & params->boot_flags)) {
+      /* We can lock the TPM now, since we've decided which kernel we
+       * like.  If we don't find a good kernel, we leave the TPM
+       * unlocked so we can try again on the next boot device.  If no
+       * kernels are good, we'll reboot to recovery mode, so it's ok to
+       * leave the TPM unlocked in that case too.
+       *
+       * If we're already in recovery mode, we need to leave PP unlocked,
+       * so don't lock the kernel versions. */
+      if (0 != LockKernelVersionsByLockingPP())
+        return LOAD_KERNEL_RECOVERY;
+    }
+    /* Success! */
+  }
+  // Handle error cases
+  if (found_partitions)
+  else