Complete refactoring of Makefile

Cleaning up the Makefile to add correct dependencies, avoid using variables
before they're fully defined (which required .SECONDEXPANSION to work
around), generally improve readability.

There are so many changes that there's no point in trying to compare old
vs new - just look at the final result. And this still isn't perfect, but
it's a big step forward.


All these should continue to work:

  make && make runtests
  sudo emerge vboot_reference
  emerge-$BOARD vboot_reference

Change-Id: Ic05a19231155d7e6427732e41d1682012d2dcdca
Signed-off-by: Bill Richardson <>
Reviewed-by: Randall Spangler <>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6752f55..8e69c1b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,22 +2,56 @@
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
-ifneq ($(V),1)
-Q := @
 # This Makefile normally builds in a 'build' subdir, but use
 #    make BUILD=<dir>
-# to put the output somewhere else
-BUILD ?= $(shell pwd)/build
+# to put the output somewhere else.
+# Make variables come in two flavors, immediate or deferred.
+#   Variable definitions are parsed like this:
+#    or
+#   Rules are parsed this way:
+#           DEFERRED
+# So you can assign variables in any order if they're only to be used in
+# actions, but if you use a variable in either the target or prerequisite of a
+# rule, the rule will be constructed using only the top-down, immediate value.
+# So we'll try to define all the variables first. Then the rules.
+# Configuration variables come first.
+# Our convention is that we only use := for variables that will never be
+# changed or appended. They must be defined before being used anywhere.
+# we should only run pwd once, not every time we refer to ${BUILD}.
+_whereami := $(shell pwd)
+BUILD ?= $(_whereami)/build
 export BUILD
 # Target for 'make install'
 DESTDIR ?= /usr/bin
 INSTALL ?= install
+# Where to install the (exportable) executables for testing?
+TEST_INSTALL_DIR = ${BUILD}/install_for_test
+# Verbose? Use V=1
+ifeq (${V},)
+Q := @
 # Provide default CC and CFLAGS for firmware builds; if you have any -D flags,
 # please add them after this point (e.g., -DVBOOT_DEBUG).
@@ -32,100 +66,30 @@
 DEBUG_FLAGS := $(if ${DEBUG},-g -O0,-Os)
 COMMON_FLAGS := -nostdinc -pipe \
 	-ffreestanding -fno-builtin -fno-stack-protector \
-	-Werror -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes $(DEBUG_FLAGS)
+	-Werror -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes ${DEBUG_FLAGS}
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH), arm)
+# Note: FIRMWARE_ARCH is defined by the Chromium OS ebuild.
+ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH}, arm)
 CC ?= armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabi-gcc
 CFLAGS ?= -march=armv5 \
 	-fno-common -ffixed-r8 \
 	-mfloat-abi=hard -marm -mabi=aapcs-linux -mno-thumb-interwork \
-else ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH), i386)
+else ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH}, i386)
 CC ?= i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
 # Drop -march=i386 to permit use of SSE instructions
 CFLAGS ?= \
 	-ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing \
 	-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-toplevel-reorder -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm \
 	-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -mregparm=3 \
-else ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH), x86_64)
+else ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH}, x86_64)
 	-fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer
-$(info FIRMWARE_ARCH not defined; assuming local compile.)
-# Architecture detection
-HOST_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m)
-# Pick a sane target architecture if none defined (building outside emake)
-ifeq ($(ARCH),)
-  ifeq ($(ARCH), x86_64)
-    ARCH := amd64
-  endif
-# Determine QEMU architecture needed, if any
-ifeq ($(ARCH),$(HOST_ARCH))
-  # Same architecture; no need for QEMU
-else ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH)-$(ARCH),x86_64-i386)
-  # 64-bit host can run 32-bit targets directly
-else ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH)-$(ARCH),x86_64-amd64)
-  # 64-bit host can run 64-bit directly
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64)
-  QEMU_ARCH := x86_64
-# The top of the chroot for qemu must be passed in via the SYSROOT environment
-# variable.  In the Chromium OS chroot, this is done automatically by the
-# ebuild.
-# If SYSROOT is not defined, disable QEMU testing
-# TODO: which probably means attempting to test should simply fail
-ifneq ($(QEMU_ARCH),)
-  ifeq ($(SYSROOT),)
-    $(warning SYSROOT must be set to the top of the target-specific root \
-when cross-compiling for qemu-based tests to run properly.)
-    QEMU_ARCH :=
-  endif
-ifeq ($(QEMU_ARCH),)
-  # Path to build output for running tests is same as for building
-  $(info Using qemu for testing.)
-  # Path to build output for running tests is different in the chroot
-  BUILD_RUN = $(subst $(SYSROOT),,$(BUILD))
-  QEMU_BIN = qemu-$(QEMU_ARCH)
-  QEMU_OPTS = -drop-ld-preload \
-	-E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib \
-	-E HOME=$(HOME) \
-  QEMU_CMD = sudo chroot $(SYSROOT) $(BUILD_RUN)/$(QEMU_BIN) $(QEMU_OPTS) --
-# Some things only compile inside the Chromium OS chroot
-# TODO: is there a better way to detect this?
+# FIRMWARE_ARCH not defined; assuming local compile.
 CC ?= gcc
-CXX ?= g++
-LD = $(CC)
-PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH),)
+CFLAGS += -DCHROMEOS_ENVIRONMENT -Wall -Werror # HEY: always want last two?
 ifneq (${DEBUG},)
@@ -139,15 +103,96 @@
 # Create / use dependency files
 CFLAGS += -MMD -MF $@.d
-# Code coverage
-# Run like this: COV=1 make runtests coverage
+# Code coverage. Run like this:  COV=1 make runtests coverage
 ifneq (${COV},)
-#COV_FLAGS = -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
 COV_FLAGS = -O0 --coverage
+# And a few more default utilities
+LD = ${CC}
+CXX ?= g++ # HEY: really?
+PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
+# Architecture detection. If we're cross-compiling, we may need to run unit
+# tests inside QEMU.
+_machname := $(shell uname -m)
+HOST_ARCH ?= ${_machname}
+# Note: ARCH is defined by the Chromium OS ebuild. Pick a sane target
+# architecture if none is defined.
+ifeq (${ARCH},)
+  ifeq (${ARCH}, x86_64)
+    ARCH := amd64
+  endif
+# Determine QEMU architecture needed, if any
+ifeq (${ARCH},${HOST_ARCH})
+  # Same architecture; no need for QEMU
+else ifeq (${HOST_ARCH}-${ARCH},x86_64-i386)
+  # 64-bit host can run 32-bit targets directly
+else ifeq (${HOST_ARCH}-${ARCH},x86_64-amd64)
+  # 64-bit host can run 64-bit directly
+else ifeq (${ARCH},amd64)
+  QEMU_ARCH := x86_64
+# The top of the chroot for qemu must be passed in via the SYSROOT environment
+# variable.  In the Chromium OS chroot, this is done automatically by the
+# ebuild.
+ifeq (${QEMU_ARCH},)
+  # Path to build output for running tests is same as for building
+  $(info Using qemu for testing.)
+  # Path to build output for running tests is different in the chroot
+  BUILD_RUN = $(subst ${SYSROOT},,${BUILD})
+  QEMU_BIN = qemu-${QEMU_ARCH}
+  QEMU_OPTS = -drop-ld-preload \
+	-E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib \
+	-E HOME=${HOME} \
+  QEMU_CMD = sudo chroot ${SYSROOT} ${BUILD_RUN}/${QEMU_BIN} ${QEMU_OPTS} --
+# Some things only compile inside the Chromium OS chroot.
+# TODO: Those things should be in their own repo, not part of vboot_reference
+# TODO: Is there a better way to detect this?
+IN_CHROOT := yes
+# TODO: Move to separate repo.
+ifneq (${IN_CHROOT},)
+PC_BASE_VER ?= 125070
+PC_DEPS := libchrome-${PC_BASE_VER}
+PC_CFLAGS := $(shell ${PKG_CONFIG} --cflags ${PC_DEPS})
+PC_LDLIBS := $(shell ${PKG_CONFIG} --libs ${PC_DEPS})
+# Now we need to describe everything we might want or need to build
+# TODO: This should go in its own repo.
+AU_CGPTLIB = ${BUILD}/cgpt/libcgpt-cc.a
+# This is just ... Gah. There's no good place for it.
+DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB = ${BUILD}/libdump_kernel_config.a
+# Everything wants these headers.
 	-Ifirmware/include \
 	-Ifirmware/lib/include \
@@ -155,114 +200,16 @@
 	-Ifirmware/lib/cryptolib/include \
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH),)
+# If we're not building for a specific target, just stub out things like the
+# TPM commands and various external functions that are provided by the BIOS.
+ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH},)
 INCLUDES += -Ifirmware/stub/include
-INCLUDES += -Ifirmware/arch/$(FIRMWARE_ARCH)/include
+INCLUDES += -Ifirmware/arch/${FIRMWARE_ARCH}/include
-# Output libraries
-CGPTLIB := ${BUILD}/cgpt/libcgpt-cc.a
-DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB := ${BUILD}/libdump_kernel_config.a
-FWLIB := ${BUILD}/vboot_fw.a
-HOSTLIB := ${BUILD}/vboot_host.a
-TEST_LIB := ${BUILD}/tests/test.a
-CRYPTO_LIBS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs libcrypto)
-ifneq ($(IN_CHROOT),)
-PC_BASE_VER ?= 125070
-PC_DEPS = libchrome-$(PC_BASE_VER)
-PC_CFLAGS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags $(PC_DEPS))
-PC_LDLIBS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs $(PC_DEPS))
-# Link with hostlib and crypto libs by default
-# Create output directories if necessary.  Do this via explicit shell commands
-# so it happens before trying to generate/include dependencies.
-SUBDIRS := firmware host utility cgpt tests tests/tpm_lite
-_dir_create := $(foreach d, \
-	$(shell find $(SUBDIRS) -name '*.c' -exec  dirname {} \; | sort -u), \
-	$(shell [ -d $(BUILD)/$(d) ] || mkdir -p $(BUILD)/$(d)))
-# First target
-.PHONY: all
-all: fwlib $(if $(FIRMWARE_ARCH),,host_stuff)
-# Host targets
-.PHONY: host_stuff
-host_stuff: fwlib hostlib cgpt utils tests
-.PHONY: clean
-	$(Q)/bin/rm -rf ${BUILD}
-.PHONY: install
-install: cgpt_install utils_install
-# Coverage
-# TODO: only if COV=1
-#coverage: runtests
-.PHONY: coverage
-	rm -f $(COV_INFO)*
-	lcov --capture --directory . --base-directory . -o $(COV_INFO).1
-	lcov --remove $(COV_INFO).1 '/usr/*' -o $(COV_INFO)
-	genhtml $(COV_INFO) --output-directory $(BUILD)/coverage
-# Don't delete intermediate object files
-# Use second expansion phase for $$(LIBS) so dependencies on libraries are
-# properly evaluated for implicit rules.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Firmware library
-# TPM-specific flags.  These depend on the particular TPM we're targeting for.
-# They are needed here only for compiling parts of the firmware code into
-# user-level tests.
-# TPM_BLOCKING_CONTINUESELFTEST is defined if TPM_ContinueSelfTest blocks until
-# the self test has completed.
-# TPM_MANUAL_SELFTEST is defined if the self test must be started manually
-# (with a call to TPM_ContinueSelfTest) instead of starting automatically at
-# power on.
-# are not both defined at the same time.  (See comment in code.)
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH),i386)
-# Unrolling loops in cryptolib makes it faster
-# Workaround for coreboot on x86, which will power off asynchronously
-# without giving us a chance to react. This is not an example of the Right
-# Way to do things. See chrome-os-partner:7689, and the commit message
-# that made this change.
-# On x86 we don't actually read the GBB data into RAM until it is needed.
-# Therefore it makes sense to cache it rather than reading it each time.
-# Enable this feature.
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH),)
-# Disable rollback TPM when compiling locally, since otherwise
-# load_kernel_test attempts to talk to the TPM.
+# Firmware library. TODO: Do we still need to export this?
+FWLIB = ${BUILD}/vboot_fw.a
 # find lib -iname '*.c' | sort
@@ -290,7 +237,8 @@
 	firmware/lib/vboot_kernel.c \
-ifeq ($(MOCK_TPM),)
+# Support real TPM unless BIOS sets MOCK_TPM
+ifeq (${MOCK_TPM},)
 	firmware/lib/rollback_index.c \
 	firmware/lib/tpm_bootmode.c \
@@ -302,8 +250,8 @@
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH),)
-# Include stub into firmware lib if compiling for host
+ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH},)
+# Include BIOS stubs in the firmware library when compiling for host
 	firmware/stub/tpm_lite_stub.c \
 	firmware/stub/utility_stub.c \
@@ -311,37 +259,15 @@
-.PHONY: fwlib
-ifeq ($(FIRMWARE_ARCH),)
-# Link test ensures firmware lib doesn't rely on outside libraries
-${BUILD}/firmware/linktest/main: LIBS = $(FWLIB)
-fwlib: ${BUILD}/firmware/linktest/main
-fwlib: $(FWLIB)
-	@printf "    RM            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)rm -f $@
-	@printf "    AR            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)ar qc $@ $^
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Host library
-.PHONY: hostlib
-hostlib: $(HOSTLIB) ${BUILD}/host/linktest/main
-${BUILD}/host/% ${HOSTLIB}: INCLUDES += \
-	-Ihost/include\
-	-Ihost/arch/$(ARCH)/include
+# Library to build the utilities. "HOST" mostly means "userspace".
+HOSTLIB = ${BUILD}/vboot_host.a
-	host/arch/$(ARCH)/lib/crossystem_arch.c \
+	host/arch/${ARCH}/lib/crossystem_arch.c \
 	host/lib/crossystem.c \
 	host/lib/file_keys.c \
 	host/lib/fmap.c \
@@ -352,18 +278,19 @@
 	host/lib/host_signature.c \
-# TODO: better way to make .a than duplicating this recipe each time?
-	@printf "    RM            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)rm -f $@
-	@printf "    AR            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)ar qc $@ $^
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# CGPT library and utility
+# Link with hostlib by default
+# Might need this too.
+CRYPTO_LIBS := $(shell ${PKG_CONFIG} --libs libcrypto)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Now for the userspace binaries
 CGPT = ${BUILD}/cgpt/cgpt
@@ -387,84 +314,26 @@
 	cgpt/cmd_repair.c \
-CGPT_OBJS = $(CGPT_SRCS:%.c=${BUILD}/%.o)
+CGPT_OBJS = ${CGPT_SRCS:%.c=${BUILD}/%.o}
-# TODO: why not make this include *all* the cgpt files, and simply have
-# cgpt link against it?
-# TODO: should move to the installer project.  Shouldn't be
-# in libcgpt-cc.a.
-	cgpt/ \
-	cgpt/cgpt_create.c \
-	cgpt/cgpt_add.c \
-	cgpt/cgpt_boot.c \
-	cgpt/cgpt_show.c \
-	cgpt/cgpt_repair.c \
-	cgpt/cgpt_prioritize.c \
-	cgpt/cgpt_common.c \
-	firmware/lib/cgptlib/crc32.c \
-	firmware/lib/cgptlib/cgptlib_internal.c \
-	firmware/stub/utility_stub.c
-CGPTLIB_OBJS = $(filter %.o, \
-	$(CGPTLIB_SRCS:%.c=${BUILD}/%.o) \
-	$(${BUILD}/%.o))
-.PHONY: cgpt
-cgpt: $(CGPT)
-.PHONY: libcgpt_cc
-libcgpt_cc: $(CGPTLIB)
-$(CGPTLIB): INCLUDES += -Ifirmware/lib/cgptlib/include
-	@printf "    RM            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)rm -f $@
-	@printf "    AR            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)ar qc $@ $^
-$(CGPT): INCLUDES += -Ifirmware/lib/cgptlib/include
-$(CGPT): LDLIBS = -luuid
-$(CGPT): LDFLAGS += -static
-	@printf "    LDcgpt        $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(LD) -o $(CGPT) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) $(LDLIBS)
-.PHONY: cgpt_install
-cgpt_install: $(CGPT)
-	@printf "    INSTALL       CGPT\n"
-	${Q}mkdir -p $(C_DESTDIR)
-	${Q}$(INSTALL) -t $(C_DESTDIR) $^
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Utilities
-${BUILD}/utility/%: INCLUDES += -Ihost/include -Iutility/include
-${BUILD}/utility/%: CFLAGS += $(PC_CFLAGS)
-	crossystem \
-	dump_fmap \
-	gbb_utility
-AU_BINS:= $(addprefix ${BUILD}/utility/,$(AU_NAMES))
-# Utilities for auto-update toolkits must be statically linked, and don't
-# use the crypto libs.
-${AU_BINS}: LDFLAGS += -static
-# Scripts to install
+# Scripts to install directly (not compiled)
 	utility/dev_debug_vboot \
 	utility/dev_make_keypair \
 	utility/enable_dev_usb_boot \
+# These utilities should be linked statically.
+	crossystem \
+	dump_fmap \
+	gbb_utility
 	dev_sign_file \
 	dump_kernel_config \
 	dumpRSAPublicKey \
@@ -480,11 +349,11 @@
 	vbutil_keyblock \
-ifneq ($(IN_CHROOT),)
+ifneq (${IN_CHROOT},)
 UTIL_NAMES += mount-encrypted
-ifeq ($(MINIMAL),)
+ifeq (${MINIMAL},)
 	bmpblk_font \
 	bmpblk_utility \
@@ -492,117 +361,42 @@
-UTIL_BINS = $(addprefix ${BUILD}/utility/,$(UTIL_NAMES))
+UTIL_BINS_STATIC := $(addprefix ${BUILD}/utility/,${UTIL_NAMES_STATIC})
+UTIL_BINS = $(addprefix ${BUILD}/utility/,${UTIL_NAMES})
 ALL_DEPS += $(addsuffix .d,${UTIL_BINS})
-.PHONY: utils
-# TODO: change ebuild to pull scripts directly out of utility dir
-	$(Q)cp -f $(UTIL_SCRIPTS) $(BUILD)/utility
-	$(Q)chmod a+rx $(patsubst %,$(BUILD)/%,$(UTIL_SCRIPTS))
-.PHONY: utils_install
-utils_install: $(UTIL_BINS) $(UTIL_SCRIPTS)
-	@printf "    INSTALL       UTILS\n"
-	${Q}mkdir -p $(U_DESTDIR)
-	${Q}$(INSTALL) -t $(U_DESTDIR) $^
+# The unified firmware utility will eventually replace all the others
+FUTIL_BIN = ${BUILD}/futility/futility
-${BUILD}/utility/dump_kernel_config: LIBS += $(DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB)
+	futility/IGNOREME.c
-# GBB utility needs C++ linker
-${BUILD}/utility/gbb_utility: LD = $(CXX)
+FUTIL_LDS = futility/
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: LD = $(CXX)
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: LDLIBS = -llzma -lyaml
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: OBJS = \
-	${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_util.o \
-	${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o \
-	${BUILD}/utility/eficompress_for_lib.o \
-	${BUILD}/utility/efidecompress_for_lib.o
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_font: OBJS += ${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o
+ALL_DEPS += $(addsuffix .d,${FUTIL_BIN})
-# TODO: fix load_firmware_test util; it never got refactored for the new APIs
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Mount-encrypted utility for cryptohome
-# TODO: mount-encrypted should move to cryptohome and just link against
-# vboot-host.a for tlcl and crossystem.
+# Library of handy test functions.
+TESTLIB = ${BUILD}/tests/test.a
-# The embedded libcrypto conflicts with the shipped openssl,
-# so mount-* builds without the common CFLAGS (and those includes).
+	tests/test_common.c \
+	tests/timer_utils.c \
+	tests/crc32_test.c
-${BUILD}/utility/mount-helpers.o: \
-		utility/mount-helpers.c \
-		utility/mount-helpers.h \
-		utility/mount-encrypted.h
-	@printf "    CCm-e         $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(CC) -Wall -Werror -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector \
-		$(COV_FLAGS) \
-		$(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags glib-2.0 openssl) \
-		-c $< -o $@
-${BUILD}/utility/mount-encrypted: \
-		utility/mount-encrypted.c \
-		utility/mount-encrypted.h \
-		${BUILD}/utility/mount-helpers.o $$(LIBS)
-	@printf "    CCm-exe       $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(CC) -Wall -Werror -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector \
-		$(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags glib-2.0 openssl) \
-		-Ifirmware/include \
-		-Ihost/include \
-		$(COV_FLAGS) \
-		$(LDFLAGS) \
-		$< -o $@ \
-		${BUILD}/utility/mount-helpers.o $(LIBS) \
-		$(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs glib-2.0 openssl) \
-		-lm
-ifneq (${COV},)
-	$(Q)mv -f mount-encrypted.gcno ${BUILD}/utility
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Utility to generate TLCL structure definition header file.
-${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator: CFLAGS += -fpack-struct
-${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator: LIBS =
-.PHONY: update_tlcl_structures
-update_tlcl_structures: ${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator
-	@printf "    Rebuilding TLCL structures\n"
-	$(Q)${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator > $(STRUCTURES_TMP)
-		( echo "%% Updating structures.h %%" && \
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Library to dump kernel config
-# Used by platform/installer
-.PHONY: libdump_kernel_config
-libdump_kernel_config: $(DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB)
-$(DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB): ${BUILD}/utility/dump_kernel_config_lib.o
-	@printf "    RM            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)rm -f $@
-	@printf "    AR            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)ar qc $@ $^
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Tests
-# Allow multiple definitions, so tests can mock functions from other libraries
-${BUILD}/tests/%: CFLAGS += -Xlinker --allow-multiple-definition
-${BUILD}/tests/%: INCLUDES += -Ihost/include
-${BUILD}/tests/%: LDLIBS += -lrt -luuid
-${BUILD}/tests/%: LIBS += $(TEST_LIB)
+# And some compiled tests.
 	cgptlib_test \
 	rollback_index2_tests \
@@ -627,58 +421,11 @@
 	vboot_ec_tests \
-ifneq ($(IN_CHROOT),)
+# Grrr
+ifneq (${IN_CHROOT},)
 TEST_NAMES += CgptManagerTests
-	tpmtest_earlyextend \
-	tpmtest_earlynvram \
-        tpmtest_earlynvram2 \
-	tpmtest_enable \
-	tpmtest_fastenable \
-	tpmtest_globallock \
-        tpmtest_redefine_unowned \
-        tpmtest_spaceperm \
-	tpmtest_testsetup \
-	tpmtest_timing \
-        tpmtest_writelimit
-TEST_NAMES += $(addprefix tpm_lite/,$(TLCL_TEST_NAMES))
-TEST_BINS = $(addprefix ${BUILD}/tests/,$(TEST_NAMES))
-ALL_DEPS += $(addsuffix .d,${TEST_BINS})
-.PHONY: tests
-tests: $(TEST_BINS)
-${TEST_LIB}: \
-		${BUILD}/tests/test_common.o \
-		${BUILD}/tests/timer_utils.o \
-		${BUILD}/tests/crc32_test.o
-	@printf "    RM            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)rm -f $@
-	@printf "    AR            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)ar qc $@ $^
-${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index2_tests: OBJS += \
-	${BUILD}/firmware/lib/rollback_index_for_test.o
-${BUILD}/tests/vboot_audio_tests: OBJS += \
-	${BUILD}/firmware/lib/vboot_audio_for_test.o
-.PHONY: cgptmanager_tests
-cgptmanager_tests: ${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests
-${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: CFLAGS += $(PC_CFLAGS)
-${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: LD = $(CXX)
-${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: LDLIBS += -lgtest -lgflags $(PC_LDLIBS)
-${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: LIBS = $(CGPTLIB)
-${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index_test: INCLUDES += -I/usr/include
-${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index_test: LIBS += -ltlcl
-${BUILD}/tests/tpm_lite/tpmtest_%: OBJS += ${BUILD}/tests/tpm_lite/tlcl_tests.o
 # TODO: port these tests to new API, if not already eqivalent
 # functionality in other tests.  These don't even compile at present.
@@ -695,35 +442,465 @@
 #		rollback_index_test
 #		verify_firmware_fuzz_driver
 #		verify_kernel_fuzz_driver
+#               utility/load_firmware_test
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Targets to run tests
+# And a few more...
+	tpmtest_earlyextend \
+	tpmtest_earlynvram \
+        tpmtest_earlynvram2 \
+	tpmtest_enable \
+	tpmtest_fastenable \
+	tpmtest_globallock \
+        tpmtest_redefine_unowned \
+        tpmtest_spaceperm \
+	tpmtest_testsetup \
+	tpmtest_timing \
+        tpmtest_writelimit
+TLCL_TEST_NAMES = $(addprefix tpm_lite/,${TLCL_TESTS})
+TLCL_TEST_BINS = $(addprefix ${BUILD}/tests/,${TLCL_TEST_NAMES})
+TEST_BINS = $(addprefix ${BUILD}/tests/,${TEST_NAMES})
+ALL_DEPS += $(addsuffix .d,${TEST_BINS})
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# TODO: why not make this include *all* the cgpt files, and simply have
+# cgpt link against it?
+# TODO: should move to the installer project.  Shouldn't be
+# in libcgpt-cc.a.
+	cgpt/ \
+	cgpt/cgpt_create.c \
+	cgpt/cgpt_add.c \
+	cgpt/cgpt_boot.c \
+	cgpt/cgpt_show.c \
+	cgpt/cgpt_repair.c \
+	cgpt/cgpt_prioritize.c \
+	cgpt/cgpt_common.c \
+	firmware/lib/cgptlib/crc32.c \
+	firmware/lib/cgptlib/cgptlib_internal.c \
+	firmware/stub/utility_stub.c
+AU_CGPTLIB_OBJS = $(filter %.o, \
+	${AU_CGPTLIB_SRCS:%.c=${BUILD}/%.o} \
+	${${BUILD}/%.o})
+# Finally, some targets. High-level ones first.
+# Create output directories if necessary.  Do this via explicit shell commands
+# so it happens before trying to generate/include dependencies.
+SUBDIRS := firmware host cgpt utility futility tests tests/tpm_lite
+_dir_create := $(foreach d, \
+	$(shell find ${SUBDIRS} -name '*.c' -exec  dirname {} \; | sort -u), \
+	$(shell [ -d ${BUILD}/${d} ] || mkdir -p ${BUILD}/${d}))
+# Default target.
+.PHONY: all
+all: fwlib $(if ${FIRMWARE_ARCH},,host_stuff)
+# Host targets
+.PHONY: host_stuff
+host_stuff: hostlib cgpt utils futil tests
+# AU targets
+.PHONY: au_stuff
+au_stuff: libcgpt_cc libdump_kernel_config cgptmanager_tests
+.PHONY: clean
+	${Q}/bin/rm -rf ${BUILD}
+.PHONY: install
+install: cgpt_install utils_install futil_install
+# Coverage
+# TODO: only if COV=1
+# HEY - depend on runtests?
+.PHONY: coverage
+	rm -f ${COV_INFO}*
+	lcov --capture --directory . --base-directory . -o ${COV_INFO}.1
+	lcov --remove ${COV_INFO}.1 '/usr/*' -o ${COV_INFO}
+	genhtml ${COV_INFO} --output-directory ${BUILD}/coverage
+# Don't delete intermediate object files
+# TODO: I suspect this is missing some object files.  Make a temp
+# target which cleans all known obj/exe's and see what's left; those
+# are the files which need deps.
+ALL_DEPS += ${ALL_OBJS:%.o=%.o.d}
+-include ${ALL_DEPS}
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Firmware library
+# TPM-specific flags.  These depend on the particular TPM we're targeting for.
+# They are needed here only for compiling parts of the firmware code into
+# user-level tests.
+# TPM_BLOCKING_CONTINUESELFTEST is defined if TPM_ContinueSelfTest blocks until
+# the self test has completed.
+# TPM_MANUAL_SELFTEST is defined if the self test must be started manually
+# (with a call to TPM_ContinueSelfTest) instead of starting automatically at
+# power on.
+# are not both defined at the same time.  (See comment in code.)
+ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH},i386)
+# Unrolling loops in cryptolib makes it faster
+# Workaround for coreboot on x86, which will power off asynchronously
+# without giving us a chance to react. This is not an example of the Right
+# Way to do things. See chrome-os-partner:7689, and the commit message
+# that made this change.
+# On x86 we don't actually read the GBB data into RAM until it is needed.
+# Therefore it makes sense to cache it rather than reading it each time.
+# Enable this feature.
+ifeq (${FIRMWARE_ARCH},)
+# Disable rollback TPM when compiling locally, since otherwise
+# load_kernel_test attempts to talk to the TPM.
+.PHONY: fwlib
+fwlib: ${FWLIB} $(if ${FIRMWARE_ARCH},,${BUILD}/firmware/linktest/main)
+	@printf "    RM            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}rm -f $@
+	@printf "    AR            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}ar qc $@ $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Host library
+.PHONY: hostlib
+hostlib: ${HOSTLIB} ${BUILD}/host/linktest/main
+${BUILD}/host/% ${HOSTLIB}: INCLUDES += \
+	-Ihost/include\
+	-Ihost/arch/${ARCH}/include
+# TODO: better way to make .a than duplicating this recipe each time?
+	@printf "    RM            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}rm -f $@
+	@printf "    AR            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}ar qc $@ $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# CGPT library and utility
+.PHONY: cgpt
+cgpt: ${CGPT}
+${CGPT}: LDFLAGS += -static
+${CGPT}: LDLIBS += -luuid
+	@printf "    LDcgpt        $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${LD} -o ${CGPT} ${CFLAGS} $^ ${LDFLAGS} ${LDLIBS}
+.PHONY: cgpt_install
+cgpt_install: ${CGPT}
+	@printf "    INSTALL       CGPT\n"
+	${Q}mkdir -p ${C_DESTDIR}
+	${Q}${INSTALL} -t ${C_DESTDIR} $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utilities
+# These have their own headers too.
+${BUILD}/utility/%: INCLUDES += -Ihost/include -Iutility/include
+# Utilities for auto-update toolkits must be statically linked.
+.PHONY: utils
+# TODO: change ebuild to pull scripts directly out of utility dir
+	${Q}cp -f ${UTIL_SCRIPTS} ${BUILD}/utility
+	${Q}chmod a+rx $(patsubst %,${BUILD}/%,${UTIL_SCRIPTS})
+.PHONY: utils_install
+utils_install: ${UTIL_BINS} ${UTIL_SCRIPTS}
+	@printf "    INSTALL       UTILS\n"
+	${Q}mkdir -p ${U_DESTDIR}
+	${Q}${INSTALL} -t ${U_DESTDIR} $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# new Firmware Utility
+.PHONY: futil
+futil: ${FUTIL_BIN}
+	@printf "    LD            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${LD} -o $@ ${CFLAGS} $^ ${LDFLAGS} ${LDLIBS}
+.PHONY: futil_install
+futil_install: ${FUTIL_BIN}
+	@printf "    INSTALL       futility\n"
+	${Q}mkdir -p ${F_DESTDIR}
+	${Q}${INSTALL} -t ${F_DESTDIR} $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Mount-encrypted utility for cryptohome
+# TODO: mount-encrypted should move to cryptohome and just link against
+# vboot-host.a for tlcl and crossystem.
+# The embedded libcrypto conflicts with the shipped openssl,
+# so mount-* builds without the common CFLAGS (and those includes).
+${BUILD}/utility/mount-helpers.o: \
+		utility/mount-helpers.c \
+		utility/mount-helpers.h \
+		utility/mount-encrypted.h
+	@printf "    CCm-e         $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${CC} -Wall -Werror -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector \
+		${COV_FLAGS} \
+		$(shell ${PKG_CONFIG} --cflags glib-2.0 openssl) \
+		-c $< -o $@
+${BUILD}/utility/mount-encrypted: \
+		utility/mount-encrypted.c \
+		utility/mount-encrypted.h \
+		${BUILD}/utility/mount-helpers.o ${LIBS}
+	@printf "    CCm-exe       $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${CC} -Wall -Werror -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector \
+		$(shell ${PKG_CONFIG} --cflags glib-2.0 openssl) \
+		-Ifirmware/include \
+		-Ihost/include \
+		${COV_FLAGS} \
+		${LDFLAGS} \
+		$< -o $@ \
+		${BUILD}/utility/mount-helpers.o ${LIBS} \
+		$(shell ${PKG_CONFIG} --libs glib-2.0 openssl) \
+		-lm
+ifneq (${COV},)
+	${Q}mv -f mount-encrypted.gcno ${BUILD}/utility
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utility to generate TLCL structure definition header file.
+${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator: CFLAGS += -fpack-struct
+.PHONY: update_tlcl_structures
+update_tlcl_structures: ${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator
+	@printf "    Rebuilding TLCL structures\n"
+	${Q}${BUILD}/utility/tlcl_generator > ${STRUCTURES_TMP}
+		( echo "%% Updating structures.h %%" && \
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Library to dump kernel config
+# Used by platform/installer, as well as standalone utility.
+.PHONY: libdump_kernel_config
+libdump_kernel_config: ${DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB}
+${DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB}: ${BUILD}/utility/dump_kernel_config_lib.o
+	@printf "    RM            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}rm -f $@
+	@printf "    AR            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}ar qc $@ $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# And this thing.
+.PHONY: libcgpt_cc
+libcgpt_cc: ${AU_CGPTLIB}
+${AU_CGPTLIB}: INCLUDES += -Ifirmware/lib/cgptlib/include
+	@printf "    RM            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}rm -f $@
+	@printf "    AR            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}ar qc $@ $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Tests
+.PHONY: tests
+tests: ${TEST_BINS}
+	@printf "    RM            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}rm -f $@
+	@printf "    AR            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}ar qc $@ $^
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generic build rules. LIBS and OBJS can be overridden to tweak the generic
+# rules for specific targets.
+${BUILD}/%: ${BUILD}/%.o ${OBJS} ${LIBS}
+	@printf "    LD            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${LD} -o $@ ${CFLAGS} $< ${OBJS} ${LIBS} ${LDFLAGS} ${LDLIBS}
+${BUILD}/%.o: %.c
+	@printf "    CC            $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} -c -o $@ $<
+# Rules to recompile a single source file for library and test
+# TODO: is there a tidier way to do this?
+${BUILD}/%_for_lib.o: CFLAGS += -DFOR_LIBRARY
+${BUILD}/%_for_lib.o: %.c
+	@printf "    CC-for-lib    $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} -c -o $@ $<
+${BUILD}/%_for_test.o: CFLAGS += -DFOR_TEST
+${BUILD}/%_for_test.o: %.c
+	@printf "    CC-for-test   $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} -c -o $@ $<
+# TODO: C++ files don't belong in vboot reference at all.  Convert to C.
+	@printf "    CXX           $(subst ${BUILD}/,,$@)\n"
+	${Q}${CXX} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} -c -o $@ $<
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Here are the special tweaks to the generic rules.
+# Linktest ensures firmware lib doesn't rely on outside libraries
+${BUILD}/firmware/linktest/main: LIBS = ${FWLIB}
+# Specific dependency here.
+${BUILD}/utility/dump_kernel_config: LIBS += ${DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB}
+${BUILD}/utility/dump_kernel_config: ${DUMPKERNELCONFIGLIB}
+# GBB utility needs C++ linker. TODO: It shouldn't.
+${BUILD}/utility/gbb_utility: LD = ${CXX}
+# Some utilities need external crypto functions
+${BUILD}/utility/dumpRSAPublicKey: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/pad_digest_utility: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/signature_digest_utility: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/dev_sign_file: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/vbutil_ec: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/vbutil_firmware: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/vbutil_kernel: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/vbutil_key: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/vbutil_keyblock: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/host/linktest/main: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/tests/vboot_common2_tests: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/tests/vboot_common3_tests: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/tests/vboot_ec_tests: LDLIBS += ${CRYPTO_LIBS}
+${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: LD = ${CXX}
+${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: LDLIBS = -llzma -lyaml
+	${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_util.o \
+	${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o \
+	${BUILD}/utility/eficompress_for_lib.o \
+	${BUILD}/utility/efidecompress_for_lib.o
+${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: OBJS = ${BMPBLK_UTILITY_DEPS}
+${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: ${BMPBLK_UTILITY_DEPS}
+${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_font: OBJS += ${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o
+${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_font: ${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o
+# Allow multiple definitions, so tests can mock functions from other libraries
+${BUILD}/tests/%: CFLAGS += -Xlinker --allow-multiple-definition
+${BUILD}/tests/%: INCLUDES += -Ihost/include
+${BUILD}/tests/%: LDLIBS += -lrt -luuid
+${BUILD}/tests/%: LIBS += ${TESTLIB}
+${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index2_tests: OBJS += \
+	${BUILD}/firmware/lib/rollback_index_for_test.o
+${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index2_tests: \
+	${BUILD}/firmware/lib/rollback_index_for_test.o
+${BUILD}/tests/vboot_audio_tests: OBJS += \
+	${BUILD}/firmware/lib/vboot_audio_for_test.o
+${BUILD}/tests/vboot_audio_tests: \
+	${BUILD}/firmware/lib/vboot_audio_for_test.o
+.PHONY: cgptmanager_tests
+cgptmanager_tests: ${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests
+${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: CFLAGS += ${PC_CFLAGS}
+${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: LD = ${CXX}
+${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: LDLIBS += -lgtest -lgflags ${PC_LDLIBS}
+${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: LIBS = ${AU_CGPTLIB}
+${BUILD}/tests/CgptManagerTests: ${AU_CGPTLIB}
+${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index_test: INCLUDES += -I/usr/include
+${BUILD}/tests/rollback_index_test: LIBS += -ltlcl
+${TLCL_TEST_BINS}: OBJS += ${BUILD}/tests/tpm_lite/tlcl_tests.o
+${TLCL_TEST_BINS}: ${BUILD}/tests/tpm_lite/tlcl_tests.o
+# Targets that exist just to run tests
 # Frequently-run tests
-TEST_TARGETS = runcgpttests runmisctests
+.PHONY: test_targets
+test_targets:: runcgpttests runmisctests
-ifeq ($(MINIMAL),)
+ifeq (${MINIMAL},)
 # Bitmap utility isn't compiled for minimal variant
-TEST_TARGETS += runbmptests
+test_targets:: runbmptests
 # Scripts don't work under qemu testing
 # TODO: convert scripts to makefile so they can be called directly
-TEST_TARGETS += runtestscripts
+test_targets:: runtestscripts
+.PHONY: test_setup
+test_setup:: cgpt utils futil tests
 # Qemu setup for cross-compiled tests.  Need to copy qemu binary into the
 # sysroot.
-ifneq ($(QEMU_ARCH),)
-TEST_SETUP += qemu_install
+ifneq (${QEMU_ARCH},)
+test_setup:: qemu_install
 .PHONY: qemu_install
+ifeq (${SYSROOT},)
+	$(error SYSROOT must be set to the top of the target-specific root \
+when cross-compiling for qemu-based tests to run properly.)
 	@printf "    Copying qemu binary.\n"
-	$(Q)cp -fu /usr/bin/$(QEMU_BIN) $(BUILD)/$(QEMU_BIN)
-	$(Q)chmod a+rx $(BUILD)/$(QEMU_BIN)
+	${Q}cp -fu /usr/bin/${QEMU_BIN} ${BUILD}/${QEMU_BIN}
+	${Q}chmod a+rx ${BUILD}/${QEMU_BIN}
 .PHONY: runtests
-runtests: $(TEST_TARGETS)
+runtests: test_targets
 # Generate test keys
 .PHONY: genkeys
@@ -736,20 +913,21 @@
 .PHONY: runbmptests
-runbmptests: $(TEST_SETUP) utils
-	cd tests/bitmaps && BMPBLK=$(BUILD_RUN)/utility/bmpblk_utility \
+runbmptests: test_setup
+	cd tests/bitmaps && BMPBLK=${BUILD_RUN}/utility/bmpblk_utility \
 		./ -v
 .PHONY: runcgpttests
-runcgpttests: $(TEST_SETUP) cgpt tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/cgptlib_test
-ifneq ($(IN_CHROOT),)
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/CgptManagerTests --v=1
+runcgpttests: test_setup
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/cgptlib_test
+# HEY - elsewhere
+ifneq (${IN_CHROOT},)
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/CgptManagerTests --v=1
 .PHONY: runtestscripts
-runtestscripts: $(TEST_SETUP) genfuzztestcases utils tests
-	tests/ $(BUILD_RUN)/cgpt/cgpt
+runtestscripts: test_setup genfuzztestcases
+	tests/ ${BUILD_RUN}/cgpt/cgpt
@@ -757,25 +935,30 @@
 .PHONY: runmisctests
-runmisctests: $(TEST_SETUP) tests utils
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/rollback_index2_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/rsa_utility_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/sha_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/stateful_util_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/tpm_bootmode_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/utility_string_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/utility_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/vboot_api_devmode_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/vboot_api_init_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/vboot_api_firmware_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/vboot_audio_tests
-	$(RUNTEST) $(BUILD_RUN)/tests/vboot_firmware_tests
+runmisctests: test_setup
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/rollback_index2_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/rsa_utility_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/sha_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/stateful_util_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/tpm_bootmode_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/utility_string_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/utility_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_api_devmode_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_api_init_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_api_firmware_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_audio_tests
+	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_firmware_tests
+.PHONY: runfutiltests
+runfutiltests: DESTDIR := ${TEST_INSTALL_DIR}
+runfutiltests: test_setup install
+	@echo "$@ passed"
 # Run long tests, including all permutations of encryption keys (instead of
 # just the ones we use) and tests of currently-unused code (e.g. vboot_ec).
 # Not run by automated build.
 .PHONY: runlongtests
-runlongtests: $(TEST_SETUP) genkeys genfuzztestcases tests utils
+runlongtests: test_setup genkeys genfuzztestcases
 	tests/ --all
 	tests/ --all
@@ -790,41 +973,3 @@
 #	${BUILD}/tests/firmware_rollback_tests
 #	${BUILD}/tests/kernel_rollback_tests
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Build rules
-${BUILD}/%: ${BUILD}/%.o $$(OBJS) $$(LIBS)
-	@printf "    LD            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(LD) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) $< $(OBJS) -o $@ \
-		$(LIBS) $(LDLIBS)
-${BUILD}/%.o: %.c
-	@printf "    CC            $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
-# Rules to recompile a single source file for library and test
-# TODO: is there a tidier way to do this?
-${BUILD}/%_for_lib.o: CFLAGS += -DFOR_LIBRARY
-${BUILD}/%_for_lib.o: %.c
-	@printf "    CC-for-lib    $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
-${BUILD}/%_for_test.o: CFLAGS += -DFOR_TEST
-${BUILD}/%_for_test.o: %.c
-	@printf "    CC-for-test   $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
-# TODO: C++ files don't belong in vboot reference at all.  Convert to C.
-	@printf "    CXX           $(subst $(BUILD)/,,$(@))\n"
-	$(Q)$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Dependencies must come last after ALL_OBJS has been accumulated
-# TODO: I suspect this is missing some object files.  Make a temp
-# target which cleans all known obj/exe's and see what's left; those
-# are the files which need deps.
-ALL_DEPS += $(ALL_OBJS:%.o=%.o.d)
--include ${ALL_DEPS}