layers: Move PreCallValCmdClearAttachments from CV

This validation routine and helpers now reside in buffer_validation.

Change-Id: Icd487e400a17f952b59a426d7268d38ea4c17c69
diff --git a/layers/buffer_validation.cpp b/layers/buffer_validation.cpp
index 5feb7ad..e5cc2e3 100644
--- a/layers/buffer_validation.cpp
+++ b/layers/buffer_validation.cpp
@@ -1098,3 +1098,121 @@
     return skip;
+// TODO : Should be tracking lastBound per commandBuffer and when draws occur, report based on that cmd buffer lastBound
+//   Then need to synchronize the accesses based on cmd buffer so that if I'm reading state on one cmd buffer, updates
+//   to that same cmd buffer by separate thread are not changing state from underneath us
+// Track the last cmd buffer touched by this thread
+static bool hasDrawCmd(GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pCB) {
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_DRAW_TYPES; i++) {
+        if (pCB->drawCount[i]) return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+// Returns true if sub_rect is entirely contained within rect
+static inline bool ContainsRect(VkRect2D rect, VkRect2D sub_rect) {
+    if ((sub_rect.offset.x < rect.offset.x) || (sub_rect.offset.x + sub_rect.extent.width > rect.offset.x + rect.extent.width) ||
+        (sub_rect.offset.y < rect.offset.y) || (sub_rect.offset.y + sub_rect.extent.height > rect.offset.y + rect.extent.height))
+        return false;
+    return true;
+bool PreCallValidateCmdClearAttachments(core_validation::layer_data *device_data, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+                                        uint32_t attachmentCount, const VkClearAttachment *pAttachments, uint32_t rectCount,
+                                        const VkClearRect *pRects) {
+    GLOBAL_CB_NODE *cb_node = getCBNode(device_data, commandBuffer);
+    const debug_report_data *report_data = core_validation::GetReportData(device_data);
+    bool skip = false;
+    if (cb_node) {
+        skip |= ValidateCmd(device_data, cb_node, CMD_CLEARATTACHMENTS, "vkCmdClearAttachments()");
+        UpdateCmdBufferLastCmd(device_data, cb_node, CMD_CLEARATTACHMENTS);
+        // Warn if this is issued prior to Draw Cmd and clearing the entire attachment
+        if (!hasDrawCmd(cb_node) && (cb_node->activeRenderPassBeginInfo.renderArea.extent.width == pRects[0].rect.extent.width) &&
+            (cb_node->activeRenderPassBeginInfo.renderArea.extent.height == pRects[0].rect.extent.height)) {
+            // There are times where app needs to use ClearAttachments (generally when reusing a buffer inside of a render pass)
+            // Can we make this warning more specific? I'd like to avoid triggering this test if we can tell it's a use that must
+            // call CmdClearAttachments. Otherwise this seems more like a performance warning.
+            skip |= log_msg(report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT,
+                VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t &>(commandBuffer), 0,
+                "vkCmdClearAttachments() issued on command buffer object 0x%p prior to any Draw Cmds."
+                " It is recommended you use RenderPass LOAD_OP_CLEAR on Attachments prior to any Draw.",
+                commandBuffer);
+        }
+        skip |= outsideRenderPass(device_data, cb_node, "vkCmdClearAttachments()", VALIDATION_ERROR_01122);
+    }
+    // Validate that attachment is in reference list of active subpass
+    if (cb_node->activeRenderPass) {
+        const VkRenderPassCreateInfo *renderpass_create_info = cb_node->activeRenderPass->createInfo.ptr();
+        const VkSubpassDescription *subpass_desc = &renderpass_create_info->pSubpasses[cb_node->activeSubpass];
+        auto framebuffer = getFramebufferState(device_data, cb_node->activeFramebuffer);
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attachmentCount; i++) {
+            auto clear_desc = &pAttachments[i];
+            VkImageView image_view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+            if (clear_desc->aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
+                if (clear_desc->colorAttachment >= subpass_desc->colorAttachmentCount) {
+                    skip |= log_msg(
+                        (uint64_t)commandBuffer, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_01114, "DS",
+                        "vkCmdClearAttachments() color attachment index %d out of range for active subpass %d. %s",
+                        clear_desc->colorAttachment, cb_node->activeSubpass, validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_01114]);
+                } else if (subpass_desc->pColorAttachments[clear_desc->colorAttachment].attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
+                    skip |= log_msg(report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT,
+                        VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT, (uint64_t)commandBuffer, __LINE__,
+                        "vkCmdClearAttachments() color attachment index %d is VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED; ignored.",
+                        clear_desc->colorAttachment);
+                } else {
+                    image_view = framebuffer->createInfo
+                        .pAttachments[subpass_desc->pColorAttachments[clear_desc->colorAttachment].attachment];
+                }
+            } else if (clear_desc->aspectMask & (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) {
+                if (!subpass_desc->pDepthStencilAttachment ||  // Says no DS will be used in active subpass
+                    (subpass_desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment ==
+                        VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)) {  // Says no DS will be used in active subpass
+                    skip |=
+                        log_msg(report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT,
+                            VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT, (uint64_t)commandBuffer, __LINE__,
+                            DRAWSTATE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE, "DS",
+                            "vkCmdClearAttachments() depth/stencil clear with no depth/stencil attachment in subpass; ignored");
+                } else {
+                    image_view = framebuffer->createInfo.pAttachments[subpass_desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment];
+                }
+            }
+            if (image_view) {
+                auto image_view_state = getImageViewState(device_data, image_view);
+                for (uint32_t j = 0; j < rectCount; j++) {
+                    // The rectangular region specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within the render area of the
+                    // current render pass instance
+                    if (false == ContainsRect(cb_node->activeRenderPassBeginInfo.renderArea, pRects[j].rect)) {
+                        skip |= log_msg(report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT,
+                            VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN_EXT, 0, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_01115, "DS",
+                            "vkCmdClearAttachments(): The area defined by pRects[%d] is not contained in the area of "
+                            "the current render pass instance. %s",
+                            j, validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_01115]);
+                    }
+                    // The layers specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within every attachment that
+                    // pAttachments refers to
+                    auto attachment_base_array_layer = image_view_state->create_info.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer;
+                    auto attachment_layer_count = image_view_state->create_info.subresourceRange.layerCount;
+                    if ((pRects[j].baseArrayLayer < attachment_base_array_layer) || pRects[j].layerCount > attachment_layer_count) {
+                        skip |=
+                            log_msg(report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN_EXT,
+                                0, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_01116, "DS",
+                                "vkCmdClearAttachments(): The layers defined in pRects[%d] are not contained in the layers of "
+                                "pAttachment[%d]. %s",
+                                j, i, validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_01116]);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return skip;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layers/buffer_validation.h b/layers/buffer_validation.h
index 849ee49..ae2b54c 100644
--- a/layers/buffer_validation.h
+++ b/layers/buffer_validation.h
@@ -124,4 +124,8 @@
 bool PreCallValidateCmdCopyImage(core_validation::layer_data *device_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *cb_node, IMAGE_STATE *src_image_state,
                                  IMAGE_STATE *dst_image_state, uint32_t region_count, const VkImageCopy *regions);
+bool PreCallValidateCmdClearAttachments(core_validation::layer_data *device_data, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+                                        uint32_t attachmentCount, const VkClearAttachment *pAttachments, uint32_t rectCount,
+                                        const VkClearRect *pRects);
diff --git a/layers/core_validation.cpp b/layers/core_validation.cpp
index eb414bf..6ad03c4 100644
--- a/layers/core_validation.cpp
+++ b/layers/core_validation.cpp
@@ -2064,20 +2064,6 @@
     return pipelineLayout->set_layouts[slot.first]->GetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingPtrFromBinding(slot.second);
-// Block of code at start here for managing/tracking Pipeline state that this layer cares about
-// TODO : Should be tracking lastBound per commandBuffer and when draws occur, report based on that cmd buffer lastBound
-//   Then need to synchronize the accesses based on cmd buffer so that if I'm reading state on one cmd buffer, updates
-//   to that same cmd buffer by separate thread are not changing state from underneath us
-// Track the last cmd buffer touched by this thread
-static bool hasDrawCmd(GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pCB) {
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_DRAW_TYPES; i++) {
-        if (pCB->drawCount[i]) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
 // Check object status for selected flag state
 static bool validate_status(layer_data *my_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pNode, CBStatusFlags status_mask, VkFlags msg_flags,
                             const char *fail_msg, UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE const msg_code) {
@@ -2107,7 +2093,7 @@
     return it->second.get();
-static FRAMEBUFFER_STATE *getFramebufferState(const layer_data *my_data, VkFramebuffer framebuffer) {
+FRAMEBUFFER_STATE *getFramebufferState(const layer_data *my_data, VkFramebuffer framebuffer) {
     auto it = my_data->frameBufferMap.find(framebuffer);
     if (it == my_data->frameBufferMap.end()) {
         return nullptr;
@@ -3784,8 +3770,8 @@
 // Flags validation error if the associated call is made outside a render pass. The apiName
 // routine should ONLY be called inside a render pass.
-static bool outsideRenderPass(const layer_data *my_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pCB, const char *apiName,
-                              UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE msgCode) {
+bool outsideRenderPass(const layer_data *my_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pCB, const char *apiName,
+                       UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE msgCode) {
     bool outside = false;
     if (((pCB->createInfo.level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY) && (!pCB->activeRenderPass)) ||
         ((pCB->createInfo.level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY) && (!pCB->activeRenderPass) &&
@@ -8391,110 +8377,6 @@
     if (!skip_call) dev_data->dispatch_table.CmdFillBuffer(commandBuffer, dstBuffer, dstOffset, size, data);
-// Returns true if sub_rect is entirely contained within rect
-static inline bool ContainsRect(VkRect2D rect, VkRect2D sub_rect) {
-    if ((sub_rect.offset.x < rect.offset.x) || (sub_rect.offset.x + sub_rect.extent.width > rect.offset.x + rect.extent.width) ||
-        (sub_rect.offset.y < rect.offset.y) || (sub_rect.offset.y + sub_rect.extent.height > rect.offset.y + rect.extent.height))
-        return false;
-    return true;
-bool PreCallValidateCmdClearAttachments(layer_data *dev_data, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t attachmentCount,
-                                        const VkClearAttachment *pAttachments, uint32_t rectCount, const VkClearRect *pRects) {
-    GLOBAL_CB_NODE *cb_node = getCBNode(dev_data, commandBuffer);
-    bool skip = false;
-    if (cb_node) {
-        skip |= ValidateCmd(dev_data, cb_node, CMD_CLEARATTACHMENTS, "vkCmdClearAttachments()");
-        UpdateCmdBufferLastCmd(dev_data, cb_node, CMD_CLEARATTACHMENTS);
-        // Warn if this is issued prior to Draw Cmd and clearing the entire attachment
-        if (!hasDrawCmd(cb_node) && (cb_node->activeRenderPassBeginInfo.renderArea.extent.width == pRects[0].rect.extent.width) &&
-            (cb_node->activeRenderPassBeginInfo.renderArea.extent.height == pRects[0].rect.extent.height)) {
-            // There are times where app needs to use ClearAttachments (generally when reusing a buffer inside of a render pass)
-            // Can we make this warning more specific? I'd like to avoid triggering this test if we can tell it's a use that must
-            // call CmdClearAttachments. Otherwise this seems more like a performance warning.
-            skip |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT,
-                            VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t &>(commandBuffer), 0,
-                            DRAWSTATE_CLEAR_CMD_BEFORE_DRAW, "DS",
-                            "vkCmdClearAttachments() issued on command buffer object 0x%p prior to any Draw Cmds."
-                            " It is recommended you use RenderPass LOAD_OP_CLEAR on Attachments prior to any Draw.",
-                            commandBuffer);
-        }
-        skip |= outsideRenderPass(dev_data, cb_node, "vkCmdClearAttachments()", VALIDATION_ERROR_01122);
-    }
-    // Validate that attachment is in reference list of active subpass
-    if (cb_node->activeRenderPass) {
-        const VkRenderPassCreateInfo *renderpass_create_info = cb_node->activeRenderPass->createInfo.ptr();
-        const VkSubpassDescription *subpass_desc = &renderpass_create_info->pSubpasses[cb_node->activeSubpass];
-        auto framebuffer = getFramebufferState(dev_data, cb_node->activeFramebuffer);
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attachmentCount; i++) {
-            auto clear_desc = &pAttachments[i];
-            VkImageView image_view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
-            if (clear_desc->aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
-                if (clear_desc->colorAttachment >= subpass_desc->colorAttachmentCount) {
-                    skip |= log_msg(
-                        dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT,
-                        (uint64_t)commandBuffer, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_01114, "DS",
-                        "vkCmdClearAttachments() color attachment index %d out of range for active subpass %d. %s",
-                        clear_desc->colorAttachment, cb_node->activeSubpass, validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_01114]);
-                } else if (subpass_desc->pColorAttachments[clear_desc->colorAttachment].attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
-                    skip |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT,
-                                    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT, (uint64_t)commandBuffer, __LINE__,
-                                    DRAWSTATE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE, "DS",
-                                    "vkCmdClearAttachments() color attachment index %d is VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED; ignored.",
-                                    clear_desc->colorAttachment);
-                } else {
-                    image_view = framebuffer->createInfo
-                                     .pAttachments[subpass_desc->pColorAttachments[clear_desc->colorAttachment].attachment];
-                }
-            } else if (clear_desc->aspectMask & (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) {
-                if (!subpass_desc->pDepthStencilAttachment ||  // Says no DS will be used in active subpass
-                    (subpass_desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment ==
-                     VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)) {  // Says no DS will be used in active subpass
-                    skip |=
-                        log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT,
-                                VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_EXT, (uint64_t)commandBuffer, __LINE__,
-                                DRAWSTATE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE, "DS",
-                                "vkCmdClearAttachments() depth/stencil clear with no depth/stencil attachment in subpass; ignored");
-                } else {
-                    image_view = framebuffer->createInfo.pAttachments[subpass_desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment];
-                }
-            }
-            if (image_view) {
-                auto image_view_state = getImageViewState(dev_data, image_view);
-                for (uint32_t j = 0; j < rectCount; j++) {
-                    // The rectangular region specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within the render area of the
-                    // current render pass instance
-                    if (false == ContainsRect(cb_node->activeRenderPassBeginInfo.renderArea, pRects[j].rect)) {
-                        skip |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT,
-                                        VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN_EXT, 0, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_01115, "DS",
-                                        "vkCmdClearAttachments(): The area defined by pRects[%d] is not contained in the area of "
-                                        "the current render pass instance. %s",
-                                        j, validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_01115]);
-                    }
-                    // The layers specified by a given element of pRects must be contained within every attachment that
-                    // pAttachments refers to
-                    auto attachment_base_array_layer = image_view_state->create_info.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer;
-                    auto attachment_layer_count = image_view_state->create_info.subresourceRange.layerCount;
-                    if ((pRects[j].baseArrayLayer < attachment_base_array_layer) || pRects[j].layerCount > attachment_layer_count) {
-                        skip |=
-                            log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN_EXT,
-                                    0, __LINE__, VALIDATION_ERROR_01116, "DS",
-                                    "vkCmdClearAttachments(): The layers defined in pRects[%d] are not contained in the layers of "
-                                    "pAttachment[%d]. %s",
-                                    j, i, validation_error_map[VALIDATION_ERROR_01116]);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return skip;
 VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL CmdClearAttachments(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t attachmentCount,
                                                const VkClearAttachment *pAttachments, uint32_t rectCount,
                                                const VkClearRect *pRects) {
diff --git a/layers/core_validation_types.h b/layers/core_validation_types.h
index 0c84127..56e5c77 100644
--- a/layers/core_validation_types.h
+++ b/layers/core_validation_types.h
@@ -740,6 +740,7 @@
 SWAPCHAIN_NODE *getSwapchainNode(const layer_data *, VkSwapchainKHR);
 GLOBAL_CB_NODE *getCBNode(layer_data const *my_data, const VkCommandBuffer cb);
 RENDER_PASS_STATE *getRenderPassState(layer_data const *my_data, VkRenderPass renderpass);
+FRAMEBUFFER_STATE *getFramebufferState(const layer_data *my_data, VkFramebuffer framebuffer);
 void invalidateCommandBuffers(const layer_data *, std::unordered_set<GLOBAL_CB_NODE *> const &, VK_OBJECT);
 bool ValidateMemoryIsBoundToBuffer(const layer_data *, const BUFFER_STATE *, const char *, UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE);
@@ -757,6 +758,7 @@
 bool insideRenderPass(const layer_data *my_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pCB, const char *apiName, UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE msgCode);
 void SetImageMemoryValid(layer_data *dev_data, IMAGE_STATE *image_state, bool valid);
 void UpdateCmdBufferLastCmd(layer_data *my_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *cb_state, const CMD_TYPE cmd);
+bool outsideRenderPass(const layer_data *my_data, GLOBAL_CB_NODE *pCB, const char *apiName, UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE msgCode);
 // Prototypes for layer_data accessor functions.  These should be in their own header file at some point
 PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties GetFormatPropertiesPointer(layer_data *);