xgl-generate: add is_dispatchable()

Return true for functions that have access to the ICD dispatch table.
diff --git a/xgl-generate.py b/xgl-generate.py
index f4ede37..f4ca410 100755
--- a/xgl-generate.py
+++ b/xgl-generate.py
@@ -82,12 +82,6 @@
 };""" % ";\n    ".join(entries)
 class LoaderSubcommand(Subcommand):
-    # functions that the loader implements
-    impl = ("InitAndEnumerateGpus",
-            "DbgRegisterMsgCallback",
-            "DbgUnregisterMsgCallback",
-            "DbgSetGlobalOption")
     def generate_header(self):
         return "\n".join([
             "#include <xgl.h>",
@@ -96,7 +90,7 @@
     def _generate_api(self):
         funcs = []
         for proto in self.protos:
-            if proto.name in self.impl:
+            if not xgl.is_dispatchable(proto):
             decl = proto.c_func(prefix="xgl", attr="XGLAPI")
diff --git a/xgl.py b/xgl.py
index 120d48b..ef358ce 100644
--- a/xgl.py
+++ b/xgl.py
@@ -814,3 +814,15 @@
+def is_dispatchable(proto):
+    """Return true if the prototype is dispatchable.
+    That is, return true when the prototype takes a XGL_PHYSICAL_GPU or
+    """
+    return proto.name not in (
+        "InitAndEnumerateGpus",
+        "DbgRegisterMsgCallback",
+        "DbgUnregisterMsgCallback",
+        "DbgSetGlobalOption")