layers: Using objects instead of pointers - rename pObj
diff --git a/ b/
index e8f86f0..a920462 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@
         header_txt.append('    objNode* pTrav = pGlobalHead;')
         header_txt.append('    printf("=====GLOBAL OBJECT LIST (%lu total objs):\\n", numTotalObjs);')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        printf("   ObjNode (%p) w/ %s obj 0x%" PRId64 " has pNextGlobal %p\\n", (void*)pTrav, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.pObj, (void*)pTrav->pNextGlobal);')
+        header_txt.append('        printf("   ObjNode (%p) w/ %s obj 0x%" PRId64 " has pNextGlobal %p\\n", (void*)pTrav, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.vkObj, (void*)pTrav->pNextGlobal);')
         header_txt.append('        pTrav = pTrav->pNextGlobal;')
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VkNumObjectType; i++) {')
@@ -906,18 +906,18 @@
         header_txt.append('        if (pTrav) {')
         header_txt.append('            printf("=====%s OBJECT LIST (%lu objs):\\n", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), numObjs[i]);')
         header_txt.append('            while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('                printf("   ObjNode (%p) w/ %s obj 0x%" PRId64 " has pNextObj %p\\n", (void*)pTrav, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.pObj, (void*)pTrav->pNextObj);')
+        header_txt.append('                printf("   ObjNode (%p) w/ %s obj 0x%" PRId64 " has pNextObj %p\\n", (void*)pTrav, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.vkObj, (void*)pTrav->pNextObj);')
         header_txt.append('                pTrav = pTrav->pNextObj;')
         header_txt.append('            }')
         header_txt.append('        }')
         header_txt.append('    }')
-        header_txt.append('static void ll_insert_obj(VkObject pObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void ll_insert_obj(VkObject vkObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType) {')
         header_txt.append('    char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "OBJ[%llu] : CREATE %s object 0x%" PRId64, object_track_index++, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), pObj);')
-        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "OBJ[%llu] : CREATE %s object 0x%" PRId64, object_track_index++, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), vkObj);')
+        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('    objNode* pNewObjNode = (objNode*)malloc(sizeof(objNode));')
-        header_txt.append('    pNewObjNode->obj.pObj = pObj;')
+        header_txt.append('    pNewObjNode->obj.vkObj = vkObj;')
         header_txt.append('    pNewObjNode->obj.objType = objType;')
         header_txt.append('    pNewObjNode->obj.status  = OBJSTATUS_NONE;')
         header_txt.append('    pNewObjNode->obj.numUses = 0;')
@@ -933,34 +933,34 @@
         header_txt.append('    //sprintf(str, "OBJ_STAT : %lu total objs & %lu %s objs.", numTotalObjs, numObjs[objType], string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
         header_txt.append('    if (0) ll_print_lists();')
-        header_txt.append('static void ll_increment_use_count(VkObject pObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void ll_increment_use_count(VkObject vkObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType) {')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pTrav = pObjectHead[objType];')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('            pTrav->obj.numUses++;')
         header_txt.append('            char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('            sprintf(str, "OBJ[%llu] : USING %s object 0x%" PRId64 " (%lu total uses)", object_track_index++, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), pObj, pTrav->obj.numUses);')
-        header_txt.append('            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('            sprintf(str, "OBJ[%llu] : USING %s object 0x%" PRId64 " (%lu total uses)", object_track_index++, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), vkObj, pTrav->obj.numUses);')
+        header_txt.append('            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('            return;')
         header_txt.append('        }')
         header_txt.append('        pTrav = pTrav->pNextObj;')
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    // If we do not find obj, insert it and then increment count')
         header_txt.append('    char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to increment count for obj 0x%" PRId64 ", will add to list as %s type and increment count", pObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
-        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_WARNING, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to increment count for obj 0x%" PRId64 ", will add to list as %s type and increment count", vkObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
+        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_WARNING, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
-        header_txt.append('    ll_insert_obj(pObj, objType);')
-        header_txt.append('    ll_increment_use_count(pObj, objType);')
+        header_txt.append('    ll_insert_obj(vkObj, objType);')
+        header_txt.append('    ll_increment_use_count(vkObj, objType);')
         header_txt.append('// We usually do not know Obj type when we destroy it so have to fetch')
         header_txt.append('//  Type from global list w/ ll_destroy_obj()')
         header_txt.append('//   and then do the full removal from both lists w/ ll_remove_obj_type()')
-        header_txt.append('static void ll_remove_obj_type(VkObject pObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void ll_remove_obj_type(VkObject vkObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType) {')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pTrav = pObjectHead[objType];')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pPrev = pObjectHead[objType];')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('            pPrev->pNextObj = pTrav->pNextObj;')
         header_txt.append('            // update HEAD of Obj list as needed')
         header_txt.append('            if (pObjectHead[objType] == pTrav)')
@@ -968,25 +968,25 @@
         header_txt.append('            assert(numObjs[objType] > 0);')
         header_txt.append('            numObjs[objType]--;')
         header_txt.append('            char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('            sprintf(str, "OBJ[%llu] : DESTROY %s object 0x%" PRId64, object_track_index++, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), pObj);')
-        header_txt.append('            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('            sprintf(str, "OBJ[%llu] : DESTROY %s object 0x%" PRId64, object_track_index++, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), vkObj);')
+        header_txt.append('            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('            return;')
         header_txt.append('        }')
         header_txt.append('        pPrev = pTrav;')
         header_txt.append('        pTrav = pTrav->pNextObj;')
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "OBJ INTERNAL ERROR : Obj 0x%" PRId64 " was in global list but not in %s list", pObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
-        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_INTERNAL_ERROR, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "OBJ INTERNAL ERROR : Obj 0x%" PRId64 " was in global list but not in %s list", vkObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
+        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_INTERNAL_ERROR, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('// Parse global list to find obj type, then remove obj from obj type list, finally')
         header_txt.append('//   remove obj from global list')
-        header_txt.append('static void ll_destroy_obj(VkObject pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void ll_destroy_obj(VkObject vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pTrav = pGlobalHead;')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pPrev = pGlobalHead;')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
-        header_txt.append('            ll_remove_obj_type(pObj, pTrav->obj.objType);')
+        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('            ll_remove_obj_type(vkObj, pTrav->obj.objType);')
         header_txt.append('            pPrev->pNextGlobal = pTrav->pNextGlobal;')
         header_txt.append('            // update HEAD of global list if needed')
         header_txt.append('            if (pGlobalHead == pTrav)')
@@ -994,8 +994,8 @@
         header_txt.append('            assert(numTotalObjs > 0);')
         header_txt.append('            numTotalObjs--;')
         header_txt.append('            char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('            sprintf(str, "OBJ_STAT Removed %s obj 0x%" PRId64 " that was used %lu times (%lu total objs remain & %lu %s objs).", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.pObj, pTrav->obj.numUses, numTotalObjs, numObjs[pTrav->obj.objType], string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType));')
-        header_txt.append('            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('            sprintf(str, "OBJ_STAT Removed %s obj 0x%" PRId64 " that was used %lu times (%lu total objs remain & %lu %s objs).", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.vkObj, pTrav->obj.numUses, numTotalObjs, numObjs[pTrav->obj.objType], string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType));')
+        header_txt.append('            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_NONE, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('            free(pTrav);')
         header_txt.append('            return;')
         header_txt.append('        }')
@@ -1003,15 +1003,15 @@
         header_txt.append('        pTrav = pTrav->pNextGlobal;')
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to remove obj 0x%" PRId64 ". Was it created? Has it already been destroyed?", pObj);')
-        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_DESTROY_OBJECT_FAILED, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to remove obj 0x%" PRId64 ". Was it created? Has it already been destroyed?", vkObj);')
+        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_DESTROY_OBJECT_FAILED, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('// Set selected flag state for an object node')
-        header_txt.append('static void set_status(VkObject pObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType, OBJECT_STATUS status_flag) {')
-        header_txt.append('    if (pObj != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void set_status(VkObject vkObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType, OBJECT_STATUS status_flag) {')
+        header_txt.append('    if (vkObj != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {')
         header_txt.append('        objNode *pTrav = pObjectHead[objType];')
         header_txt.append('        while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('            if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('            if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('                pTrav->obj.status |= status_flag;')
         header_txt.append('                return;')
         header_txt.append('            }')
@@ -1019,17 +1019,17 @@
         header_txt.append('        }')
         header_txt.append('        // If we do not find it print an error')
         header_txt.append('        char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('        sprintf(str, "Unable to set status for non-existent object 0x%" PRId64 " of %s type", pObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
-        header_txt.append('        layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('        sprintf(str, "Unable to set status for non-existent object 0x%" PRId64 " of %s type", vkObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
+        header_txt.append('        layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('    }');
         header_txt.append('// Track selected state for an object node')
-        header_txt.append('static void track_object_status(VkObject pObj, VkStateBindPoint stateBindPoint) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void track_object_status(VkObject vkObj, VkStateBindPoint stateBindPoint) {')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pTrav = pObjectHead[VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer];')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('            if (stateBindPoint == VK_STATE_BIND_POINT_VIEWPORT) {')
         header_txt.append('                pTrav->obj.status |= OBJSTATUS_VIEWPORT_BOUND;')
         header_txt.append('            } else if (stateBindPoint == VK_STATE_BIND_POINT_RASTER) {')
@@ -1045,15 +1045,15 @@
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    // If we do not find it print an error')
         header_txt.append('    char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to track status for non-existent Command Buffer object 0x%" PRId64, pObj);')
-        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to track status for non-existent Command Buffer object 0x%" PRId64, vkObj);')
+        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('// Reset selected flag state for an object node')
-        header_txt.append('static void reset_status(VkObject pObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType, OBJECT_STATUS status_flag) {')
+        header_txt.append('static void reset_status(VkObject vkObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType, OBJECT_STATUS status_flag) {')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pTrav = pObjectHead[objType];')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('            pTrav->obj.status &= ~status_flag;')
         header_txt.append('            return;')
         header_txt.append('        }')
@@ -1061,19 +1061,19 @@
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    // If we do not find it print an error')
         header_txt.append('    char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to reset status for non-existent object 0x%" PRId64 " of %s type", pObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
-        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('    sprintf(str, "Unable to reset status for non-existent object 0x%" PRId64 " of %s type", vkObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
+        header_txt.append('    layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('// Check object status for selected flag state')
-        header_txt.append('static bool32_t validate_status(VkObject pObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType, OBJECT_STATUS status_mask, OBJECT_STATUS status_flag, VK_DBG_MSG_TYPE error_level, OBJECT_TRACK_ERROR error_code, char* fail_msg) {')
+        header_txt.append('static bool32_t validate_status(VkObject vkObj, VK_OBJECT_TYPE objType, OBJECT_STATUS status_mask, OBJECT_STATUS status_flag, VK_DBG_MSG_TYPE error_level, OBJECT_TRACK_ERROR error_code, char* fail_msg) {')
         header_txt.append('    objNode *pTrav = pObjectHead[objType];')
         header_txt.append('    while (pTrav) {')
-        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.pObj == pObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('        if (pTrav->obj.vkObj == vkObj) {')
         header_txt.append('            if ((pTrav->obj.status & status_mask) != status_flag) {')
         header_txt.append('                char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('                sprintf(str, "OBJECT VALIDATION WARNING: %s object 0x%" PRId64 ": %s", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), pObj, fail_msg);')
-        header_txt.append('                layerCbMsg(error_level, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, error_code, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('                sprintf(str, "OBJECT VALIDATION WARNING: %s object 0x%" PRId64 ": %s", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType), vkObj, fail_msg);')
+        header_txt.append('                layerCbMsg(error_level, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, error_code, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('                return VK_FALSE;')
         header_txt.append('            }')
         header_txt.append('            return VK_TRUE;')
@@ -1084,17 +1084,17 @@
         header_txt.append('        objType != VkObjectTypeSwapChainMemoryWSI) {')
         header_txt.append('        // If we do not find it print an error')
         header_txt.append('        char str[1024];')
-        header_txt.append('        sprintf(str, "Unable to obtain status for non-existent object 0x%" PRId64 " of %s type", pObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
-        header_txt.append('        layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, pObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
+        header_txt.append('        sprintf(str, "Unable to obtain status for non-existent object 0x%" PRId64 " of %s type", vkObj, string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(objType));')
+        header_txt.append('        layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, vkObj, 0, OBJTRACK_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, "OBJTRACK", str);')
         header_txt.append('    }')
         header_txt.append('    return VK_FALSE;')
-        header_txt.append('static void validate_draw_state_flags(VkObject pObj) {')
-        header_txt.append('    validate_status(pObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_VIEWPORT_BOUND,      OBJSTATUS_VIEWPORT_BOUND,      VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR,    OBJTRACK_VIEWPORT_NOT_BOUND,      "Viewport object not bound to this command buffer");')
-        header_txt.append('    validate_status(pObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_RASTER_BOUND,        OBJSTATUS_RASTER_BOUND,        VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR,    OBJTRACK_RASTER_NOT_BOUND,        "Raster object not bound to this command buffer");')
-        header_txt.append('    validate_status(pObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_COLOR_BLEND_BOUND,   OBJSTATUS_COLOR_BLEND_BOUND,   VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN,  OBJTRACK_COLOR_BLEND_NOT_BOUND,   "Color-blend object not bound to this command buffer");')
-        header_txt.append('    validate_status(pObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_DEPTH_STENCIL_BOUND, OBJSTATUS_DEPTH_STENCIL_BOUND, VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN,  OBJTRACK_DEPTH_STENCIL_NOT_BOUND, "Depth-stencil object not bound to this command buffer");')
+        header_txt.append('static void validate_draw_state_flags(VkObject vkObj) {')
+        header_txt.append('    validate_status(vkObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_VIEWPORT_BOUND,      OBJSTATUS_VIEWPORT_BOUND,      VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR,    OBJTRACK_VIEWPORT_NOT_BOUND,      "Viewport object not bound to this command buffer");')
+        header_txt.append('    validate_status(vkObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_RASTER_BOUND,        OBJSTATUS_RASTER_BOUND,        VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR,    OBJTRACK_RASTER_NOT_BOUND,        "Raster object not bound to this command buffer");')
+        header_txt.append('    validate_status(vkObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_COLOR_BLEND_BOUND,   OBJSTATUS_COLOR_BLEND_BOUND,   VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN,  OBJTRACK_COLOR_BLEND_NOT_BOUND,   "Color-blend object not bound to this command buffer");')
+        header_txt.append('    validate_status(vkObj, VkObjectTypeCmdBuffer, OBJSTATUS_DEPTH_STENCIL_BOUND, OBJSTATUS_DEPTH_STENCIL_BOUND, VK_DBG_MSG_UNKNOWN,  OBJTRACK_DEPTH_STENCIL_NOT_BOUND, "Depth-stencil object not bound to this command buffer");')
         header_txt.append('static void setGpuQueueInfoState(void *pData) {')
@@ -1172,13 +1172,13 @@
                 destroy_line += '            pTrav->obj.objType == VkObjectTypeSwapChainMemoryWSI) {\n'
                 destroy_line += '            objNode *pDel = pTrav;\n'
                 destroy_line += '            pTrav = pTrav->pNextGlobal;\n'
-                destroy_line += '            ll_destroy_obj((pDel->obj.pObj));\n'
+                destroy_line += '            ll_destroy_obj((pDel->obj.vkObj));\n'
                 destroy_line += '        } else if ((pTrav->obj.objType == VkObjectTypePhysicalDevice) || (pTrav->obj.objType == VkObjectTypeQueue)) {\n'
                 destroy_line += '            // Cannot destroy physical device so ignore\n'
                 destroy_line += '            pTrav = pTrav->pNextGlobal;\n'
                 destroy_line += '        } else {\n'
                 destroy_line += '            char str[1024];\n'
-                destroy_line += '            sprintf(str, "OBJ ERROR : %s object 0x%" PRId64 " has not been destroyed (was used %lu times).", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.pObj, pTrav->obj.numUses);\n'
+                destroy_line += '            sprintf(str, "OBJ ERROR : %s object 0x%" PRId64 " has not been destroyed (was used %lu times).", string_VK_OBJECT_TYPE(pTrav->obj.objType), pTrav->obj.vkObj, pTrav->obj.numUses);\n'
                 destroy_line += '            layerCbMsg(VK_DBG_MSG_ERROR, VK_VALIDATION_LEVEL_0, device, 0, OBJTRACK_OBJECT_LEAK, "OBJTRACK", str);\n'
                 destroy_line += '            pTrav = pTrav->pNextGlobal;\n'
                 destroy_line += '        }\n'