tree: 41b6597c7e24a03a41188646502bf0adbc4a340d [path history] [tgz]
  1. scripts/
  2. src/
  3. CMakeLists.txt
  4. CMakeLists.txt.user

Glave Debugger

Glave is a tracer and debugger for XGL applications.

##Screen Shots## The following screen shots illustrate the current functionality available from the interactive debugger.

###Open### Freshly opened tool.


###Generate Trace### Click on "Generate Trace" button to launch the application with the trace and save the trace file, then prompt user to load it.


###Play Trace### Click "Play" and you will see the XGL entrypoints being replayed.


###Pause### "Pause" the replay and the upcoming entrypoint will be highlighted. The timeline shows progress in the tracefile.


###Search For Memory### Search the trace file for an entrypoint and parameter. In this case we find all the calls to a specifc memory object.


##Glave Status for Tracing and Replay## Based on vulkan.h Version 74

  • cube -works
  • tri -works but SEG FAULT on closing window (XCB connection)
  • vk_image_tests -works, nothing rendered by this test
  • vkbase -works, nothing rendered by this test
  • vulkaninfo -works, nothing rendered by this test
  • vk_blit_tests -crashes due to improper handling of PipelineBarrier
  • vk_render_test -crashes

##Using Glave on Linux### Glave builds three binaries with associated XGL libraries: a tracer with XGL tracing library; a replayer with XGL replayer library; and a debugger with XGL debugger and replayer libraries.

###Running Glave tracer as standalone server on Linux### The Glave tracer program can run as a server. Then the app/game to be traced is launched separately with the Glave tracer library preloaded. To run GLave tracer as a server one should omit the "-p" option and use the -l option. The "-l" option specifies a Glave tracing library to listen for socket connections.

cd <vulkan build directory>/tools/glave
./glvtrace64 <options>
Example to trace spinning cube demo.
export LIBXGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/icd/intel
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/loader
./glvtrace64 -l0 /home/jon/vulkan/dbuild/tools/glave/ -o glvtrace_cube.glv

In a separate terminal run your app, the cube demo in this example:

cd /home/jon/vulkan/dbuild/demos
export LIBXGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/icd/intel
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/loader
LD_PRELOAD=/home/jon/xgl/dbuild/tools/glave/ ./cube

Trace file is written into "glvtrace_cube.glv". As the app is rerun, the Glave tracer server will increment the output file number for each succesive run of the app.

One can also set GLVLIB_TRACE_IPADDR to a remote system IP address. Then the tracer inserted into an app will send the tarce packets to the remote system rather than local system. In this case, the remote system should be running the trace server.

Rather than giving command line options, one can instead put tracer options in a settings file: "glvtrace_settings.txt".

###Running Glave tracer and launch app/game from tracer on Linux### The Glave tracer program launches the app/game you desire and then traces it. To launch app/game from Glave tracer one must use the "-p" option. Also the -l option should be given for specifying the tracing library.

cd <xgl build directory>/tools/glave
./glvtrace64 -p <path to app to launch>  <more options>

Example to trace the spinning cube demo from sample implementation

export LIBXGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/icd/intel
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/loader
./glvtrace64 -p /home/jon/xgl/dbuild/demos/cube -l0 /home/jon/xgl/dbuild/tools/glave/ -o glvtrace_cube.glv -w /home/jon/xgl/dbuild/demos

Trace file is in "glvtrace_cube.glv".

Rather than giving command line options, can instead put tracer options in a settings file: "glvtrace_settings.txt".

###Running replayer on Linux### The Glave replayer takes a trace file and will launch an XGL session based on trace file.

cd <xgl build dir>/tools/glave
./glvreplay64 <options> -t trace_filename

Example to replay trace file captured above

export LIBXGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/icd/intel
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/loader
./glvreplay64 -t glvtrace_cube.glv

###Running debugger on Linux###

cd <xgl build dir>/tools/glave
export LIBXGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/icd/intel
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jon/dbuild/loader

##Using Glave on Windows## Glave builds three binaries with associated XGL libraries: a tracer with XGL tracing library; a replayer with XGL replayer library; and a debugger with XGL debugger and replayer libraries.

###Running Glave tracer and launch app/game from tracer on Windows### The Glave tracer program launches the app/game you desire and then traces it. To launch app/game from Glave tracer one must use the "-p" option. Also the -l option should be given for specifying the tracing library (zero for XGL). Also, you may need to copy the XGL.dll library into the directory of Glave, and of the app/game (while we continue to put Windows support into place).

cd <xgl build dir>\\tools\\glave
./glvtrace64 -p <path-to-app-to-launch> -l0 <path-to-glvtrace_xgl-dll> -w <working-dir-path-of-app>  <more options>

Example to trace the spinning cube demo (Note: see other files for how to configure your ICD):

cd C:\\Users\developer\\GL-Next\\_out64\\tools\\glave\\Debug

glvtrace64 -p C:\\Users\developer\\GL-Next\\_out64\\demos\\cube.exe
           -l0 C:\\Users\developer\\GL-Next\\_out64\\tools\\glave\\Debug\\glvtrace_xgl64.dll
           -w C:\\Users\developer\\GL-Next\\_out64\\demos
           -o glvtrace_cube.glv

Trace file is in "glvtrace_cube.glv".

Rather than giving command line options, can instead put tracer options in a settings file: "glvtrace_settings.txt".

###Running replayer on Windows### The Glave replayer takes a trace file and will launch an XGL session based on trace file.

cd <xgl build dir>\\tools\\glave
glvreplay64 <options> -t trace_filename

Example to replay trace file captured above

cd C:\\Users\developer\\GL-Next\\_out64\\tools\\glave\\Debug
glvreplay64 -t glvtrace_cube.glv

###Running debugger on Windows###

cd <xgl build dir>\\tools\\glave

##Building Glave##

###External dependencies###

  • Python 3.4
    • Ubuntu package: python3.4-dev
    • For Windows, download from: You must select to install the optional sub-package to add Python to the system PATH environment variable.
  • Qt 5
    • Ubuntu package: qt5-default (only needed for Glave debugger).
    • For Windows, download from: You must select "Qt 5.3" in the installer. This is only needed for the Glave debugger.

###Building on Linux (make)### Glave is built as part of top level XGL Cmake for project. Follow the build directions for the top level XGL project build. Glave binaries and libraries will be place in <build_dir>/tools/glave. To build Glave project only:

cd tools/glave
mkdir glv_build
cd glv_build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug  ..

###Building on Windows###

cd tools/glave
mkdir Win64
cd Win64
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ..

// then open the solution file with Visual Studio 2013

###Building on Linux (QtCreator)### open tools/glave/CMakeLists.txt with QtCreator

For Debug Builds: Cmake options: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DBUILD_X64=On Change build directory from the suggested 'GL-Next/tools/glave-build/' to 'GL-Next/dbuild/tools/glave'

For Release Builds: Cmake Options: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_X64=On Change build directory from the suggested 'GL-Next/tools/glave-build/' to 'GL-Next/build/tools/glave'