Here is a list of all supported features in GLAVE, followed by a TODO list of features that we'd like to add soon in the development process. We've also listed the features that we'd "like to have" in the future, but don't have a short-term plan to implement.

Feel Free to vote things up in the lists, attempt to implement them yourself, or add to the list!

As you complete an item, please copy / paste it into the SUPPORTED FEATURES section.


  • Generating & loading traces
  • Replay traces within the UI w/ pause, continue, stop ability
  • Timeline shows CPU time of each API call
  • API entrypoints names & parameters displayed in UI
  • Tracing and replay standard output gets directed to Output window
  • Plugin-based UI allows for extensibility to other APIs
  • Search API Call Tree
    • Search result navigation
  • API Call Tree Enhancements:
    • Draw call navigation buttons
    • Draw calls are shown in bold font
  • Export API Calls as Text file


  • Hide / show columns on API Call Tree
  • Additional replay support:
    • Auto-pause on Validation layer error or warning
    • Single-step the replay
    • Timeline pointer gets updated in real-time of replayed API call
      • I (PeterLValve) implemented this locally, but the performance cost to update the UI was not worthwhile. This should be revisited once the replay is actually performed in a different thread.
    • Run the replay in a separate thread from the UI
    • Pop-out replay window to be floating so it can replay at larger dimensions
  • Settings dialog
  • State dependency graph at selected API Call
  • Group API Calls by:
    • Frame boundary
    • API-specific debug groups
    • Command Buffer Submission
    • Render vs State calls
    • Trace Thread ID
  • Saving 'session' data:
    • Recently loaded traces
  • Capture state from replay
  • Rewind the replay
  • Custom viewers of each state type
  • Per API entrypoint call stacks
  • Collect and display machine information
  • 64-bit build supports 32-bit trace files
  • Timeline enhancements:
    • Pan & Zoom
    • Click call will cause API Call Tree to highlight call
  • Optimize trace file loading by memory-mapping the file


  • Export trace file into *.cpp/h files that compile into a runnable application
  • Editing, adding, removal of API calls
  • Shader editing
  • Hyperlink API Call Tree to state-specific windows