The source code for various Vulkan components is distributed across several GitHub repositories. The repositories sponsored by Khronos and LunarG are described here. In general, the canonical Vulkan Loader and Validation Layers sources are in the Khronos repository, while the LunarG repositories host sources for additional tools and sample programs.
As a convenience, the contents of the Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers repository are downstreamed into the VulkanTools and VulkanSamples repositories via a branch named trunk
. This makes the VulkanTools and VulkanSamples easier to work with and avoids compatibility issues that might arise with Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers components if they were obtained from a separate repository.
The Vulkan validation layers are one of the larger and more important components in this repository. While there are often active and organized development efforts underway to improve their coverage, there are always opportunities for anyone to help by contributing additional validation layer checks and tests for these validation checks. If you desire to help in this area, please examine the issues list in this repository and look for any unassigned issues that are of interest to you. Of course, if you have your own work in mind, please open an issue to describe it and assign it to yourself. Finally, please feel free to contact any of the developers that are actively contributing should you wish to coordinate further. Please see the section about Validation Layers later on this page.
.clang-format files
throughout the repository to define clang-format settings which are found and used automatically by clang-format.# Make changes to the source. $ git add -u . $ git clang-format --style=file # Check to see if clang-format made any changes and if they are OK. $ git add -u . $ git commit
directory, run:cube cube --validate smoke smoke --validate vulkaninfo
If you are submitting a change that adds a new validation check, you should also construct a "negative" test function. The negative test function purposely violates the validation rule that the new validation check is looking for. The test should cause your new validation check to identify the violation and issue a validation error report. And finally, the test should check that the validation error report is generated and consider the test as "passing" if the report is received. Otherwise, the test should indicate "failure". This new test should be added to the validation layer test program in the tests
directory and contributed at the same time as the new validation check itself. There are many existing validation tests in this directory that can be used as a starting point.
You'll be prompted with a one-time "click-through" CLA dialog as part of submitting your pull request or other contribution to GitHub.
All contributions made to the Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers repository are Khronos branded and as such, any new files need to have the Khronos license (Apache 2.0 style) and copyright included. Please see an existing file in this repository for an example.
All contributions made to the LunarG repositories are to be made under the Apache 2.0 license and any new files need to include this license and any applicable copyrights.
You can include your individual copyright after any existing copyrights.