winsdk: Parameterize ConfigureRT program

Change-Id: I2f869d5a71fb6c5411aa2ab6a3b133c37fb52a09
diff --git a/windowsRuntimeInstaller/InstallerRT.nsi b/windowsRuntimeInstaller/InstallerRT.nsi
index 08d0e57..5b13a6d 100644
--- a/windowsRuntimeInstaller/InstallerRT.nsi
+++ b/windowsRuntimeInstaller/InstallerRT.nsi
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 Function ${un}ConfigLayersAndVulkanDLL
     # Execute the configuration program
-    nsExec::ExecToStack 'ConfigureRT.exe --abi-major ${VERSION_ABI_MAJOR}'
+    nsExec::ExecToStack 'ConfigureRT.exe --abi-major ${VERSION_ABI_MAJOR} --api-name ${APINAME}'
     Delete "$TEMP\VulkanRT\configure_rt.log"
     Rename "configure_rt.log" "$TEMP\VulkanRT\configure_rt.log"
     pop $0
diff --git a/windowsRuntimeInstaller/configure_runtime.c b/windowsRuntimeInstaller/configure_runtime.c
index a8460a1..2041f42 100644
--- a/windowsRuntimeInstaller/configure_runtime.c
+++ b/windowsRuntimeInstaller/configure_runtime.c
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@


 const char* FLAG_ABI_MAJOR = "--abi-major";

+const char* FLAG_API_NAME = "--api-name";

 const char* PATH_SYSTEM32 = "\\SYSTEM32\\";

 const char* PATH_SYSWOW64 = "\\SysWOW64\\";


@@ -88,8 +89,9 @@
 // log (input) - Logging file stream

 // install_path (input) - The installation path of the SDK which provides the layers

 // platform (input) - The platform to set the installation for (x64 or x86)

+// api_name (input) - The api name to use when working with registries

 // Returns: Zero on success, an error code on failure

-int add_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char* install_path, enum Platform platform);

+int add_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char* install_path, enum Platform platform, const char* api_name);


 // Compare two sdk versions


@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@

 // Locate all of the SDK installations


+// api_name (input) - The api name to use when working with registries

 // install_paths (output) - A poiner to an array of the installations paths

 // install_versions (output) - A pointer to an array of the SDK versions

 // count (output) - A pointer to the number of items in each array

@@ -107,7 +110,8 @@
 // call free_installations(), even if this function returned an error code. The orders of

 // install_paths and install_versions match, so (*install_paths)[2] is guaranteed to match

 // (*install_versions)[2]

-int find_installations(char*** install_paths, struct SDKVersion** install_versions, size_t* count);

+int find_installations(const char* api_name, char*** install_paths, struct SDKVersion** install_versions,

+    size_t* count);


 // Free the memory allocated by find_installations()

 void free_installations(char** install_paths, struct SDKVersion* install_versions, size_t count);

@@ -118,8 +122,9 @@
 // argc (input) - The argument count

 // argv (input) - An array of argument strings

 // abi_major (output) - The major abi version from the arguments

+// api_name (output) - The api name to use when working with registries and system files

 // Returns: Zero on success, an error code on failure

-int parse_arguments(FILE* log, int argc, char** argv, long* abi_major);

+int parse_arguments(FILE* log, int argc, char** argv, long* abi_major, const char** api_name);


 // Read the version from a string


@@ -142,16 +147,20 @@
 // install_paths (input) - An array of every vulkan installation path

 // count (input) - The number of vulkan installations

 // platform (input) - The platform (x64 or x86) of the registry to use (both exist on x64)

+// api_name (input) - The api name to use when working with registries

 // Returns: Zero on success, an error code on failure

-int remove_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char** install_paths, size_t count, enum Platform platform);

+int remove_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char** install_paths, size_t count, enum Platform platform,

+    const char* api_name);


 // Update all explicity layers in the windows registry


 // log (input) - Logging file stream

 // platform (input) - The platform of the OS (both registries will be modified if this is x64)

 // version (input) - The version that should be set to current (if it exists)

+// api_name (input) - The api name to use when working with registries

 // Returns: Zero on success, an error code on failure

-int update_registry_layers(FILE* log, enum Platform platform, const struct SDKVersion* version);

+int update_registry_layers(FILE* log, enum Platform platform, const struct SDKVersion* version,

+    const char* api_name);


 // Update a single vulkan system file (vulkan.dll or vulkaninfo.exe)


@@ -171,8 +180,9 @@
 // log (input) - Loging file stream

 // abi_major (input) - The ABI major version of the files that should be used

 // platform (input) - The platform for the current OS

+// api_name (input) - The api name to use when working with system files

 // latest_runtime_version (output) - The version that the runtime files were updated to

-int update_windows_directories(FILE* log, long abi_major, enum Platform platform,

+int update_windows_directories(FILE* log, long abi_major, enum Platform platform, const char* api_name,

     struct SDKVersion* latest_runtime_version);


 int main(int argc, char** argv)

@@ -189,24 +199,28 @@

     // Parse the arguments to get the abi version and the number of bits of the OS

     long abi_major;

-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(parse_arguments(log, argc, argv, &abi_major), { fclose(log); });

+    const char* api_name;

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(parse_arguments(log, argc, argv, &abi_major, &api_name), { fclose(log); });


+    fprintf(log, "API Name: %s\n", api_name);


     // This makes System32 and SysWOW64 not do any redirection (well, until 128-bit is a thing)



     // Update System32 (on all systems) and SysWOW64 on 64-bit system

     struct SDKVersion latest_runtime_version;

-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_windows_directories(log, abi_major, platform, &latest_runtime_version),

-        { fclose(log); });

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_windows_directories(log, abi_major, platform, api_name,

+        &latest_runtime_version), { fclose(log); });


     // Update the explicit layers that are set in the windows registry

-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_registry_layers(log, platform, &latest_runtime_version), { fclose(log); });

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_registry_layers(log, platform, &latest_runtime_version, api_name),

+        { fclose(log); });



     return 0;



-int add_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char* install_path, enum Platform platform)

+int add_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char* install_path, enum Platform platform, const char* api_name)




@@ -217,6 +231,11 @@
         fprintf(log, "Updating x86 explicit layers to path: %s\n", install_path);




+    const char* registry_pattern = "SOFTWARE\\Khronos\\%s\\ExplicitLayers";

+    int registry_size = snprintf(NULL, 0, registry_pattern, api_name) + 1;

+    char* registry_key = malloc(registry_size);

+    snprintf(registry_key, registry_size, registry_pattern, api_name);


     // If this is a 32 bit system, we allow redirection to point this at the 32-bit registries.

     // If not, we add the flag KEY_WOW64_64KEY, to disable redirection for this node.

@@ -227,8 +246,9 @@


     // Create (if needed) and open the explicit layer key

-    if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Khronos\\Vulkan\\ExplicitLayers",


+    if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, registry_key, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, flags,

+         NULL, &hKey, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

+        free(registry_key);

         return 20;



@@ -249,6 +269,7 @@
         const char* layer_pattern = platform == PLATFORM_X64 ? "%s\\Bin\\%s" : "%s\\Bin32\\%s";

         int layer_size = snprintf(NULL, 0, layer_pattern, install_path, find_data.cFileName) + 1;

         if(layer_size < 0) {

+            free(registry_key);

             return 40;


         char* layer = malloc(layer_size);

@@ -260,11 +281,13 @@
         LSTATUS err = RegSetValueEx(hKey, layer, zero, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*) &zero, sizeof(DWORD));


         if(err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

+            free(registry_key);

             return 50;





+    free(registry_key);

     return 0;



@@ -293,7 +316,7 @@
     return strncmp(a->extended, b->extended, SDK_VERSION_BUFFER_SIZE);



-int find_installations(char*** install_paths, struct SDKVersion** install_versions, size_t* count)

+int find_installations(const char* api_name, char*** install_paths, struct SDKVersion** install_versions, size_t* count)


     *install_paths = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 64);

     *install_versions = malloc(sizeof(struct SDKVersion) * 64);

@@ -307,6 +330,11 @@
         return 90;



+    size_t api_len = strlen(api_name);

+    char* sdk_id = malloc(api_len + 4);

+    strcpy(sdk_id, api_name);

+    strcpy(sdk_id + api_len, "SDK");


     DWORD keyCount, keyLen;

     RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &keyCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

     for(int i = 0; i < keyCount; ++i) {

@@ -314,7 +342,7 @@
         DWORD nameSize = COPY_BUFFER_SIZE;

         RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, name, &nameSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);


-        if(strncmp("VulkanSDK", name, 9)) {

+        if(strncmp(sdk_id, name, api_len + 3)) {




@@ -351,10 +379,12 @@

         if(!(found_installation && found_version)) {


+            free(sdk_id);

             return 100;




+    free(sdk_id);


     return 0;


@@ -368,9 +398,10 @@



-int parse_arguments(FILE* log, int argc, char** argv, long* abi_major)

+int parse_arguments(FILE* log, int argc, char** argv, long* abi_major, const char** api_name)


     *abi_major = 0;

+    *api_name = "Vulkan";


     // Parse arguments

     for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {

@@ -385,6 +416,13 @@
                 return 120;



+        if(!strcmp(argv[i], FLAG_API_NAME)) {

+            if(i + 1 == argc) {

+                fprintf(log, "ERROR: No value given for flag %s.\n", FLAG_API_NAME);

+                return 124;

+            }

+            *api_name = argv[++i];

+        }



     // Check that we have everything we need

@@ -466,7 +504,8 @@
     return 0;



-int remove_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char** install_paths, size_t count, enum Platform platform)

+int remove_explicit_layers(FILE* log, const char** install_paths, size_t count, enum Platform platform,

+    const char* api_name)




@@ -477,6 +516,11 @@
         fprintf(log, "Removing x86 explicit layers from registry\n");




+    const char* pattern = "SOFTWARE\\Khronos\\%s\\ExplicitLayers";

+    int registry_size = snprintf(NULL, 0, pattern, api_name) + 1;

+    char* registry_key = malloc(registry_size);

+    snprintf(registry_key, registry_size, pattern, api_name);


     bool removed_one;

     do {

@@ -489,8 +533,9 @@


         // Create (if needed) and open the explicit layer key

-        if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Khronos\\Vulkan\\ExplicitLayers",

-            0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, flags, NULL, &hKey, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

+        if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, registry_key, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, flags,

+            NULL, &hKey, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

+            free(registry_key);

             return 160;



@@ -507,6 +552,7 @@
                     fprintf(log, "Removing explicit layer entry: %s\n", name);

                     LSTATUS err = RegDeleteValue(hKey, name);

                     if(err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

+                        free(registry_key);

                         return 170;


                     removed_one = true;

@@ -520,16 +566,18 @@


     } while(removed_one);



+    free(registry_key);

     return 0;



-int update_registry_layers(FILE* log, enum Platform platform, const struct SDKVersion* version)

+int update_registry_layers(FILE* log, enum Platform platform, const struct SDKVersion* version,

+    const char* api_name)


     char** install_paths;

     struct SDKVersion* install_versions;

     size_t count;

-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(find_installations(&install_paths, &install_versions, &count),

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(find_installations(api_name, &install_paths, &install_versions, &count),

         { free_installations(install_paths, install_versions, count); });

     for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {

         fprintf(log, "Found installation of %ld.%ld.%ld.%ld in: %s\n", install_versions[i].major,

@@ -537,11 +585,11 @@

     fprintf(log, "\n");

     if(platform == PLATFORM_X64) {

-        CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(remove_explicit_layers(log, install_paths, count, PLATFORM_X64),

+        CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(remove_explicit_layers(log, install_paths, count, PLATFORM_X64, api_name),

             { free_installations(install_paths, install_versions, count); });

         fprintf(log, "\n");


-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(remove_explicit_layers(log, install_paths, count, PLATFORM_X86),

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(remove_explicit_layers(log, install_paths, count, PLATFORM_X86, api_name),

         { free_installations(install_paths, install_versions, count); });

     fprintf(log, "\n");


@@ -553,11 +601,11 @@
     for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {

         if(compare_versions(install_versions + i, version) == 0) {

             if(platform == PLATFORM_X64) {

-                CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(add_explicit_layers(log, install_paths[i], PLATFORM_X64),

+                CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(add_explicit_layers(log, install_paths[i], PLATFORM_X64, api_name),

                     { free_installations(install_paths, install_versions, count); });

                 fprintf(log, "\n");


-            CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(add_explicit_layers(log, install_paths[i], PLATFORM_X86),

+            CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(add_explicit_layers(log, install_paths[i], PLATFORM_X86, api_name),

                 { free_installations(install_paths, install_versions, count); });



@@ -658,8 +706,19 @@
     return 0;



-int update_windows_directories(FILE* log, long abi_major, enum Platform platform, struct SDKVersion* latest_runtime_version)

+int update_windows_directories(FILE* log, long abi_major, enum Platform platform, const char* api_name,

+    struct SDKVersion* latest_runtime_version)


+    size_t api_len = strlen(api_name);

+    char* vulkan_name = malloc(api_len + 1);

+    char* vulkan_info_name = malloc(api_len + 5);

+    for(size_t i = 0; i < api_len; ++i) {

+        vulkan_name[i] = tolower(api_name[i]);

+    }

+    vulkan_name[api_len] = '\0';

+    strcpy(vulkan_info_name, vulkan_name);

+    strcpy(vulkan_info_name + api_len, "info");


     struct SDKVersion version;

     unsigned windows_path_size = GetWindowsDirectory(NULL, 0); // Size includes null terminator

     char* system_path = malloc(windows_path_size +

@@ -668,33 +727,41 @@

     strcpy(system_path + windows_path_size - 1, PATH_SYSTEM32);

     fprintf(log, "Updating system directory: %s\n", system_path);

-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, "vulkan", ".dll", system_path, abi_major, true,

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, vulkan_name, ".dll", system_path, abi_major, true,

         latest_runtime_version), { free(system_path); });

-    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, "vulkaninfo", ".exe", system_path, abi_major, false,

-        &version), { free(system_path); });

+    CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, vulkan_info_name, ".exe", system_path, abi_major, false,

+        &version), { free(system_path); free(vulkan_info_name); free(vulkan_name);});

     if(compare_versions(latest_runtime_version, &version) != 0) {


+        free(vulkan_info_name);

+        free(vulkan_name);

         return 220;



     if(platform == PLATFORM_X64) {

         strcpy(system_path + windows_path_size - 1, PATH_SYSWOW64);

         fprintf(log, "\nUpdating system directory: %s\n", system_path);

-        CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, "vulkan", ".dll", system_path, abi_major,

-            true, &version), { free(system_path); });

+        CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, vulkan_name, ".dll", system_path, abi_major,

+            true, &version), { free(system_path); free(vulkan_info_name); free(vulkan_name); });

         if(compare_versions(latest_runtime_version, &version) != 0) {


+            free(vulkan_info_name);

+            free(vulkan_name);

             return 230;


-        CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, "vulkaninfo", ".exe", system_path, abi_major,

-            false, &version), { free(system_path); });

+        CHECK_ERROR_HANDLED(update_system_file(log, vulkan_info_name, ".exe", system_path, abi_major,

+            false, &version), { free(system_path); free(vulkan_info_name); free(vulkan_name); });

         if(compare_versions(latest_runtime_version, &version) != 0) {


+            free(vulkan_info_name);

+            free(vulkan_name);

             return 240;





+    free(vulkan_info_name);

+    free(vulkan_name);

     fprintf(log, "\nUpdate of system directories succeeded.\n\n");

     return 0;
