layers: MR243: Add param checker code generation

Generate param checker code to verify that required pointer/array
parameters are not NULL and that structures with sType fields
have the correct VkStructureType value.  The checks are generated
from the Vulkan XML API registry based on the optional parameter
tag and sType comments.
diff --git a/ b/
index 3c5a424..2ab8e49 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/python3 -i
 import os,re,sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+from lxml import etree
 def write( *args, **kwargs ):
     file = kwargs.pop('file',sys.stdout)
@@ -323,6 +325,80 @@
         self.alignFuncParam  = alignFuncParam
+# ParamCheckerGeneratorOptions - subclass of GeneratorOptions.
+# Adds options used by ParamCheckerOutputGenerator objects during param checker
+# generation.
+# Additional members
+#   prefixText - list of strings to prefix generated header with
+#     (usually a copyright statement + calling convention macros).
+#   protectFile - True if multiple inclusion protection should be
+#     generated (based on the filename) around the entire header.
+#   protectFeature - True if #ifndef..#endif protection should be
+#     generated around a feature interface in the header file.
+#   genFuncPointers - True if function pointer typedefs should be
+#     generated
+#   protectProto - If conditional protection should be generated
+#     around prototype declarations, set to either '#ifdef'
+#     to require opt-in (#ifdef protectProtoStr) or '#ifndef'
+#     to require opt-out (#ifndef protectProtoStr). Otherwise
+#     set to None.
+#   protectProtoStr - #ifdef/#ifndef symbol to use around prototype
+#     declarations, if protectProto is set
+#   apicall - string to use for the function declaration prefix,
+#     such as APICALL on Windows.
+#   apientry - string to use for the calling convention macro,
+#     in typedefs, such as APIENTRY.
+#   apientryp - string to use for the calling convention macro
+#     in function pointer typedefs, such as APIENTRYP.
+#   indentFuncProto - True if prototype declarations should put each
+#     parameter on a separate line
+#   indentFuncPointer - True if typedefed function pointers should put each
+#     parameter on a separate line
+#   alignFuncParam - if nonzero and parameters are being put on a
+#     separate line, align parameter names at the specified column
+class ParamCheckerGeneratorOptions(GeneratorOptions):
+    """Represents options during C interface generation for headers"""
+    def __init__(self,
+                 filename = None,
+                 apiname = None,
+                 profile = None,
+                 versions = '.*',
+                 emitversions = '.*',
+                 defaultExtensions = None,
+                 addExtensions = None,
+                 removeExtensions = None,
+                 sortProcedure = regSortFeatures,
+                 prefixText = "",
+                 genFuncPointers = True,
+                 protectFile = True,
+                 protectFeature = True,
+                 protectProto = None,
+                 protectProtoStr = None,
+                 apicall = '',
+                 apientry = '',
+                 apientryp = '',
+                 indentFuncProto = True,
+                 indentFuncPointer = False,
+                 alignFuncParam = 0):
+        GeneratorOptions.__init__(self, filename, apiname, profile,
+                                  versions, emitversions, defaultExtensions,
+                                  addExtensions, removeExtensions, sortProcedure)
+        self.prefixText      = prefixText
+        self.genFuncPointers = genFuncPointers
+        self.protectFile     = protectFile
+        self.protectFeature  = protectFeature
+        self.protectProto    = protectProto
+        self.protectProtoStr = protectProtoStr
+        self.apicall         = apicall
+        self.apientry        = apientry
+        self.apientryp       = apientryp
+        self.indentFuncProto = indentFuncProto
+        self.indentFuncPointer = indentFuncPointer
+        self.alignFuncParam  = alignFuncParam
 # OutputGenerator - base class for generating API interfaces.
 # Manages basic logic, logging, and output file control
 # Derived classes actually generate formatted output.
@@ -1259,7 +1335,7 @@
             write(threadsafety, file=fp, end='')
             write('*' * 80, file=fp)
             write('', file=fp)
         # Command Properties - contained within a block, to avoid table numbering
         if commandpropertiesentry is not None:
             write('.Command Properties', file=fp)
@@ -1284,7 +1360,7 @@
                 write(errorcodes, file=fp)
             write('*' * 80, file=fp)
             write('', file=fp)
@@ -1985,37 +2061,37 @@
             return paramdecl
     def makeCommandPropertiesTableEntry(self, cmd, name):
         if 'vkCmd' in name:
             # Must be called inside/outside a renderpass appropriately
             cmdbufferlevel = cmd.attrib.get('cmdbufferlevel')
             cmdbufferlevel = (' + \n').join(cmdbufferlevel.title().split(','))
             renderpass = cmd.attrib.get('renderpass')
             renderpass = renderpass.capitalize()
             queues = cmd.attrib.get('queues')
             queues = (' + \n').join(queues.upper().split(','))
-            return '|' + cmdbufferlevel + '|' + renderpass + '|' + queues    
+            return '|' + cmdbufferlevel + '|' + renderpass + '|' + queues
         elif 'vkQueue' in name:
             # Must be called inside/outside a renderpass appropriately
             queues = cmd.attrib.get('queues')
             if queues is None:
                 queues = 'Any'
                 queues = (' + \n').join(queues.upper().split(','))
-            return '|-|-|' + queues   
+            return '|-|-|' + queues
         return None
     def makeSuccessCodes(self, cmd, name):
         successcodes = cmd.attrib.get('successcodes')
         if successcodes is not None:
             successcodeentry = ''
             successcodes = successcodes.split(',')
             return '* ' + '\n* '.join(successcodes)
@@ -2026,7 +2102,7 @@
         errorcodes = cmd.attrib.get('errorcodes')
         if errorcodes is not None:
             errorcodeentry = ''
             errorcodes = errorcodes.split(',')
             return '* ' + '\n* '.join(errorcodes)
@@ -2603,3 +2679,379 @@
         if (resulttype != None):
             self.appendSection('command', '    return result;')
         self.appendSection('command', '}')
+# ParamCheckerOutputGenerator - subclass of OutputGenerator.
+# Generates param checker layer code.
+# ---- methods ----
+# ParamCheckerOutputGenerator(errFile, warnFile, diagFile) - args as for
+#   OutputGenerator. Defines additional internal state.
+# ---- methods overriding base class ----
+# beginFile(genOpts)
+# endFile()
+# beginFeature(interface, emit)
+# endFeature()
+# genType(typeinfo,name)
+# genStruct(typeinfo,name)
+# genGroup(groupinfo,name)
+# genEnum(enuminfo, name)
+# genCmd(cmdinfo)
+class ParamCheckerOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator):
+    """Generate ParamChecker code based on XML element attributes"""
+    # This is an ordered list of sections in the header file.
+    ALL_SECTIONS = ['command']
+    def __init__(self,
+                 errFile = sys.stderr,
+                 warnFile = sys.stderr,
+                 diagFile = sys.stdout):
+        OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
+        self.INDENT_SPACES = 4
+        # Commands to ignore
+        self.blacklist = ['vkCreateInstance', 'vkCreateDevice', 'vkGetInstanceProcAddr', 'vkGetDeviceProcAddr',
+                          'vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties', 'vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionsProperties',
+                          'vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties', 'vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionsProperties',
+                          'vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT', 'vkDebugReportMessageEXT']
+        # Internal state - accumulators for different inner block text
+        self.sections = dict([(section, []) for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS])
+        self.stypes = []
+        self.structTypes = dict()
+        self.commands = []
+        # Named tuples to store struct and command data
+        self.StructType = namedtuple('StructType', ['name', 'value'])
+        self.CommandParam = namedtuple('CommandParam', ['type', 'name', 'ispointer', 'isstaticarray', 'isoptional', 'iscount', 'len', 'cdecl'])
+        self.CommandData = namedtuple('CommandData', ['name', 'params', 'cdecl'])
+    #
+    def incIndent(self, indent):
+        inc = ' ' * self.INDENT_SPACES
+        if indent:
+            return indent + inc
+        return inc
+    def decIndent(self, indent):
+        if indent and (len(indent) > self.INDENT_SPACES):
+            return indent[:-self.INDENT_SPACES]
+        return ''
+    #
+    def beginFile(self, genOpts):
+        OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
+        # C-specific
+        #
+        # User-supplied prefix text, if any (list of strings)
+        if (genOpts.prefixText):
+            for s in genOpts.prefixText:
+                write(s, file=self.outFile)
+        #
+        # Multiple inclusion protection & C++ wrappers.
+        if (genOpts.protectFile and self.genOpts.filename):
+            headerSym = re.sub('\.h', '_H', os.path.basename(self.genOpts.filename)).upper()
+            write('#ifndef', headerSym, file=self.outFile)
+            write('#define', headerSym, '1', file=self.outFile)
+            self.newline()
+        #
+        # Headers
+        write('#include "vulkan/vulkan.h"', file=self.outFile)
+        write('#include "param_checker_utils.h"', file=self.outFile)
+        #
+        # Macros
+        self.newline()
+        write('#ifndef UNUSED_PARAMETER', file=self.outFile)
+        write('#define UNUSED_PARAMETER(x) (void)(x)', file=self.outFile)
+        write('#endif // UNUSED_PARAMETER', file=self.outFile)
+    def endFile(self):
+        # C-specific
+        # Finish C++ wrapper and multiple inclusion protection
+        self.newline()
+        if (self.genOpts.protectFile and self.genOpts.filename):
+            self.newline()
+            write('#endif', file=self.outFile)
+        # Finish processing in superclass
+        OutputGenerator.endFile(self)
+    def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
+        # Start processing in superclass
+        OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)
+        # C-specific
+        # Accumulate includes, defines, types, enums, function pointer typedefs,
+        # end function prototypes separately for this feature. They're only
+        # printed in endFeature().
+        self.sections = dict([(section, []) for section in self.ALL_SECTIONS])
+        self.stypes = []
+        self.structTypes = dict()
+        self.commands = []
+    def endFeature(self):
+        # C-specific
+        # Actually write the interface to the output file.
+        if (self.emit):
+            self.newline()
+            # If type declarations are needed by other features based on
+            # this one, it may be necessary to suppress the ExtraProtect,
+            # or move it below the 'for section...' loop.
+            if (self.featureExtraProtect != None):
+                write('#ifdef', self.featureExtraProtect, file=self.outFile)
+            # Generate the command text from the captured data
+            self.processCmdData()
+            if (self.sections['command']):
+                if (self.genOpts.protectProto):
+                    write(self.genOpts.protectProto,
+                          self.genOpts.protectProtoStr, file=self.outFile)
+                write('\n'.join(self.sections['command']), end='', file=self.outFile)
+            if (self.featureExtraProtect != None):
+                write('#endif /*', self.featureExtraProtect, '*/', file=self.outFile)
+            else:
+                self.newline()
+        # Finish processing in superclass
+        OutputGenerator.endFeature(self)
+    #
+    # Append a definition to the specified section
+    def appendSection(self, section, text):
+        # self.sections[section].append('SECTION: ' + section + '\n')
+        self.sections[section].append(text)
+    #
+    # Type generation
+    def genType(self, typeinfo, name):
+        OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name)
+        typeElem = typeinfo.elem
+        # If the type is a struct type, traverse the imbedded <member> tags
+        # generating a structure. Otherwise, emit the tag text.
+        category = typeElem.get('category')
+        if (category == 'struct' or category == 'union'):
+            self.genStruct(typeinfo, name)
+    #
+    # Struct parameter check generation.
+    # This is a special case of the <type> tag where the contents are
+    # interpreted as a set of <member> tags instead of freeform C
+    # C type declarations. The <member> tags are just like <param>
+    # tags - they are a declaration of a struct or union member.
+    # Only simple member declarations are supported (no nested
+    # structs etc.)
+    def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName):
+        OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName)
+        for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member'):
+            # Get the member's type and name
+            t = self.getTypeNameTuple(member)
+            type = t[0]
+            name = t[1]
+            value = ''
+            # Process VkStructureType
+            if type == 'VkStructureType':
+                # Extract the required struct type value from the comments
+                # embedded in the original text defining the 'typeinfo' element
+                rawXml = etree.tostring(typeinfo.elem).decode('ascii')
+                result ='VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_\w+', rawXml)
+                if result:
+                    value =
+                    # Make sure value is valid
+                    #if value not in self.stypes:
+                    #    print('WARNING: {} is not part of the VkStructureType enumeration [{}]'.format(value, typeName))
+                else:
+                    value = '<ERROR>'
+                # Store the required value
+                self.structTypes[typeName] = self.StructType(name=name, value=value)
+    #
+    # Group (e.g. C "enum" type) generation.
+    # These are concatenated together with other types.
+    def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName):
+        OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName)
+        if groupName == 'VkStructureType':
+            groupElem = groupinfo.elem
+            for elem in groupElem.findall('enum'):
+                name = elem.get('name')
+                self.stypes.append(name)
+    #
+    # Command generation
+    def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name):
+        OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name)
+        if name not in self.blacklist:
+            proto = cmdinfo.elem.find('proto')       # Function name and return type
+            params = cmdinfo.elem.findall('param')
+            usages = cmdinfo.elem.findall('validity/usage')
+            # Get list of array lengths
+            lens = set()
+            for param in params:
+                len = self.getLen(param)
+                if len:
+                    lens.add(len)
+            # Get param info
+            paramsInfo = []
+            for param in params:
+                paramInfo = self.getTypeNameTuple(param)
+                # Check for parameter name in lens set
+                iscount = False
+                if paramInfo[1] in lens:
+                    iscount = True
+                paramsInfo.append(self.CommandParam(type=paramInfo[0], name=paramInfo[1],
+                                                    ispointer=self.paramIsPointer(param),
+                                                    isstaticarray=self.paramIsStaticArray(param),
+                                                    isoptional=self.paramIsOptional(param),
+                                                    iscount=iscount,
+                                                    len=self.getLen(param),
+                                                    cdecl=self.makeCParamDecl(param, 0)))
+            self.commands.append(self.CommandData(name=name, params=paramsInfo, cdecl=self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)[0]))
+    #
+    # Check if the parameter passed in is a pointer
+    def paramIsPointer(self, param):
+        ispointer = False
+        paramtype = param.find('type')
+        if paramtype.tail is not None and '*' in paramtype.tail:
+            ispointer = True
+        return ispointer
+    #
+    # Check if the parameter passed in is a static array
+    def paramIsStaticArray(self, param):
+        isstaticarray = False
+        tail = param.find('name').tail
+        if tail and tail[0] == '[':
+            isstaticarray = True
+        return isstaticarray
+    #
+    # Check if the parameter passed in is optional
+    # Returns a list of Boolean values for comma separated len attributes (len='false,true')
+    def paramIsOptional(self, param):
+        # See if the handle is optional
+        isoptional = False
+        # Simple, if it's optional, return true
+        optString = param.attrib.get('optional')
+        if optString:
+            if optString == 'true':
+                isoptional = True
+            elif ',' in optString:
+                opts = []
+                for opt in optString.split(','):
+                    val = opt.strip()
+                    if val == 'true':
+                        opts.append(True)
+                    elif val == 'false':
+                        opts.append(False)
+                    else:
+                        print('Unrecognized len attribute value',val)
+                isoptional = opts
+        return isoptional
+    #
+    # Retrieve the value of the len tag
+    def getLen(self, param):
+        len = param.attrib.get('len')
+        if len and len != 'null-terminated':
+            return len
+        return None
+    #
+    # Retrieve the type and name for a parameter
+    def getTypeNameTuple(self, param):
+        type = ''
+        name = ''
+        for elem in param:
+            if elem.tag == 'type':
+                type = noneStr(elem.text)
+            elif elem.tag == 'name':
+                name = noneStr(elem.text)
+        return (type, name)
+    #
+    # Find a named parameter in a parameter list
+    def getParamByName(self, params, name):
+        for param in params:
+            if == name:
+                return param
+        return None
+    def getCmdDef(self, cmd):
+        # TODO: Override makeCDecls
+        #
+        # Strip the trailing ';' and split into individual lines
+        lines = cmd.cdecl[:-1].split('\n')
+        # Replace Vulkan prototype
+        lines[0] = 'static VkBool32 param_check_' + + '('
+        # Replace the first argument with debug_report_data
+        lines[1] = '    debug_report_data*                          report_data,'
+        return '\n'.join(lines)
+    #
+    # Generate the command text from the captured data
+    def processCmdData(self):
+        indent = self.incIndent(None)
+        for command in self.commands:
+            cmdBody = ''
+            unused = []
+            for param in command.params:
+                #
+                # Check for NULL pointers, ignore the inout count parameters that
+                # will be validated with their associated array
+                if (param.ispointer or param.isstaticarray) and not param.iscount:
+                    #
+                    # Parameters for function argument generation
+                    req = 'VK_TRUE'    # Paramerter can be NULL
+                    cpReq = 'VK_TRUE'  # Count pointer can be NULL
+                    cvReq = 'VK_TRUE'  # Count value can be 0
+                    lenParam = None
+                    #
+                    # Generate required parameter string for the pointer and count values
+                    if param.isoptional:
+                        req = 'VK_FALSE'
+                    if param.len:
+                        # The parameter is an array with an explicit count parameter
+                        # TODO: Better handling for special case counts and counts from struct members
+                        if param.len in ['pAllocateInfo->descriptorSetCount', 'pAllocateInfo->commandBufferCount']:
+                            lenParam = self.CommandParam(name=param.len, iscount=True, ispointer=False, isoptional=False, type=None, len=None, isstaticarray=None, cdecl=None)
+                        elif param.len == 'dataSize/4':
+                            lenParam = self.getParamByName(command.params, 'dataSize')
+                        else:
+                            lenParam = self.getParamByName(command.params, param.len)
+                        if lenParam.ispointer:
+                            # Count parameters that are pointers are inout
+                            if type(lenParam.isoptional) is list:
+                                if lenParam.isoptional[0]:
+                                    cpReq = 'VK_FALSE'
+                                if lenParam.isoptional[1]:
+                                    cvReq = 'VK_FALSE'
+                            else:
+                                if lenParam.isoptional:
+                                    cpReq = 'VK_FALSE'
+                        else:
+                            if lenParam.isoptional:
+                                cvReq = 'VK_FALSE'
+                    #
+                    # If this is a pointer to a struct with an sType field, verify the type
+                    if param.type in self.structTypes:
+                        # Add this command to the file; TODO: pre-determine this
+                        cmdBody += '\n'
+                        #
+                        stype = self.structTypes[param.type]
+                        if lenParam:
+                            # This is an array
+                            if lenParam.ispointer:
+                                cmdBody += indent + 'skipCall |= validate_struct_type_array(report_data, "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {});\n'.format(,,, stype.value,,, stype.value, cpReq, cvReq, req)
+                            else:
+                                cmdBody += indent + 'skipCall |= validate_struct_type_array(report_data, "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, {}, {});\n'.format(,,, stype.value,,, stype.value, cvReq, req)
+                        else:
+                            cmdBody += indent + 'skipCall |= validate_struct_type(report_data, "{}", "{}", "{}", {}, {}, {});\n'.format(,, stype.value,, stype.value, req)
+                    else:
+                        if lenParam:
+                            # Add this command to the file; TODO: pre-determine this
+                            cmdBody += '\n'
+                            #
+                            # This is an array
+                            if lenParam.ispointer:
+                                cmdBody += indent + 'skipCall |= validate_array(report_data, "{}", "{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, {}, {});\n'.format(,,,,, cpReq, cvReq, req)
+                            else:
+                                cmdBody += indent + 'skipCall |= validate_array(report_data, "{}", "{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, {});\n'.format(,,,,, cvReq, req)
+                        elif not param.isoptional:
+                            # Add this command to the file; TODO: pre-determine this
+                            cmdBody += '\n'
+                            #
+                            cmdBody += indent + 'skipCall |= validate_required_pointer(report_data, "{}", "{}", {});\n'.format(,,
+                        else:
+                            unused.append(
+                elif not param.iscount:
+                    unused.append(
+            if cmdBody:
+                cmdDef = self.getCmdDef(command) + '\n'
+                cmdDef += '{\n'
+                indDnt = self.incIndent(None)
+                # Ignore the first dispatch handle parameter, which is not
+                # processed by param_check
+                for name in unused[1:]:
+                    cmdDef += indent + 'UNUSED_PARAMETER({});\n'.format(name)
+                if len(unused) > 1:
+                    cmdDef += '\n'
+                cmdDef += indent + 'VkBool32 skipCall = VK_FALSE;\n'
+                cmdDef += cmdBody
+                cmdDef += '\n'
+                cmdDef += indent + 'return skipCall;\n'
+                cmdDef += '}\n'
+                self.appendSection('command', cmdDef)
diff --git a/ b/
index 986eb06..7831f40 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 import sys, time, pdb, string, cProfile
 from reg import *
 from generator import write, CGeneratorOptions, COutputGenerator, DocGeneratorOptions, DocOutputGenerator, PyOutputGenerator, ValidityOutputGenerator, HostSynchronizationOutputGenerator, ThreadGeneratorOptions, ThreadOutputGenerator
+from generator import ParamCheckerGeneratorOptions, ParamCheckerOutputGenerator
 # debug - start header generation in debugger
 # dump - dump registry after loading
@@ -270,6 +271,27 @@
         apientryp         = 'VKAPI_PTR *',
         alignFuncParam    = 48)
+    [ ParamCheckerOutputGenerator,
+      ParamCheckerGeneratorOptions(
+        filename          = 'param_check.h',
+        apiname           = 'vulkan',
+        profile           = None,
+        versions          = allVersions,
+        emitversions      = allVersions,
+        defaultExtensions = 'vulkan',
+        addExtensions     = None,
+        removeExtensions  = None,
+        prefixText        = prefixStrings + vkPrefixStrings,
+        genFuncPointers   = True,
+        protectFile       = protectFile,
+        protectFeature    = False,
+        protectProto      = None,
+        protectProtoStr   = 'VK_NO_PROTOTYPES',
+        apicall           = 'VKAPI_ATTR ',
+        apientry          = 'VKAPI_CALL ',
+        apientryp         = 'VKAPI_PTR *',
+        alignFuncParam    = 48)
+    ],
diff --git a/layers/CMakeLists.txt b/layers/CMakeLists.txt
index 7c26fb4..978e9cd 100644
--- a/layers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/layers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 if (WIN32)
     # For VS 2015, which uses compiler version 1900, draw_state.cpp fails with too many objects
     # without either optimizations enabled, or setting the /bigobj compilation option.  Since
     # optimizations are enabled in a release build, this only affects the debug build.  For now,
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
 run_vk_layer_generate(object_tracker object_tracker.cpp)
 run_vk_layer_xml_generate(Threading thread_check.h)
 run_vk_layer_generate(unique_objects unique_objects.cpp)
+run_vk_layer_xml_generate(ParamChecker param_check.h)
 add_library(layer_utils SHARED vk_layer_config.cpp vk_layer_extension_utils.cpp vk_layer_utils.cpp)
 if (WIN32)
@@ -162,9 +163,9 @@
 add_vk_layer(device_limits device_limits.cpp vk_layer_debug_marker_table.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp vk_layer_utils.cpp)
 add_vk_layer(mem_tracker mem_tracker.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp)
 add_vk_layer(image image.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp)
-add_vk_layer(param_checker param_checker.cpp vk_layer_debug_marker_table.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp)
 add_vk_layer(swapchain swapchain.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp)
 # generated
 add_vk_layer(object_tracker object_tracker.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp)
 add_vk_layer(threading threading.cpp thread_check.h vk_layer_table.cpp)
 add_vk_layer(unique_objects unique_objects.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp vk_safe_struct.cpp)
+add_vk_layer(param_checker param_checker.cpp param_check.h vk_layer_debug_marker_table.cpp vk_layer_table.cpp)
diff --git a/vk.xml b/vk.xml
index f9471b3..515f2d1 100644
--- a/vk.xml
+++ b/vk.xml
@@ -4418,7 +4418,7 @@
             <param><type>VkPhysicalDevice</type> <name>physicalDevice</name></param>
             <param><type>uint32_t</type> <name>planeIndex</name></param>
             <param optional="false,true"><type>uint32_t</type>* <name>pDisplayCount</name></param>
-            <param optional="true" len="pPropertyCount"><type>VkDisplayKHR</type>* <name>pDisplays</name></param>
+            <param optional="true" len="pDisplayCount"><type>VkDisplayKHR</type>* <name>pDisplays</name></param>
                 <usage>pname:planeIndex must: be less than the number of display planes supported by the device as determined by calling fname:vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR</usage>