tree: e37ec612542986aa6f830535ca38ba7f46552661 [path history] [tgz]
  1. breathing_F_sp1_1.wav.sha1
  2. breathing_F_sp2_1.wav.sha1
  3. breathing_F_sp2_2.wav.sha1
  4. breathing_M_sp1_1.wav.sha1
  5. breathing_M_sp1_2.wav.sha1
  6. breathing_M_sp1_3.wav.sha1
  7. EN_script1_F_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  8. EN_script1_F_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  9. EN_script1_F_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  10. EN_script1_F_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  11. EN_script1_F_sp2_A1.wav.sha1
  12. EN_script1_F_sp2_A2.wav.sha1
  13. EN_script1_F_sp2_B1.wav.sha1
  14. EN_script1_F_sp2_B2.wav.sha1
  15. EN_script1_M_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  16. EN_script1_M_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  17. EN_script1_M_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  18. EN_script1_M_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  19. EN_script2_F_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  20. EN_script2_F_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  21. EN_script2_F_sp1_A3.wav.sha1
  22. EN_script2_F_sp1_A4.wav.sha1
  23. EN_script2_F_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  24. EN_script2_F_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  25. EN_script2_F_sp1_B3.wav.sha1
  26. EN_script2_F_sp1_B4.wav.sha1
  27. EN_script2_F_sp2_A1.wav.sha1
  28. EN_script2_F_sp2_A2.wav.sha1
  29. EN_script2_F_sp2_A3.wav.sha1
  30. EN_script2_F_sp2_A4.wav.sha1
  31. EN_script2_F_sp2_B1.wav.sha1
  32. EN_script2_F_sp2_B2.wav.sha1
  33. EN_script2_F_sp2_B3.wav.sha1
  34. EN_script2_F_sp2_B4.wav.sha1
  35. EN_script2_M_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  36. EN_script2_M_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  37. EN_script2_M_sp1_A3.wav.sha1
  38. EN_script2_M_sp1_A4.wav.sha1
  39. EN_script2_M_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  40. EN_script2_M_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  41. EN_script2_M_sp1_B3.wav.sha1
  42. EN_script2_M_sp1_B4.wav.sha1
  44. SE_script1_F_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  45. SE_script1_F_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  46. SE_script1_F_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  47. SE_script1_F_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  48. SE_script1_M_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  49. SE_script1_M_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  50. SE_script1_M_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  51. SE_script1_M_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  52. SE_script2_F_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  53. SE_script2_F_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  54. SE_script2_F_sp1_A3.wav.sha1
  55. SE_script2_F_sp1_A4.wav.sha1
  56. SE_script2_F_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  57. SE_script2_F_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  58. SE_script2_F_sp1_B3.wav.sha1
  59. SE_script2_F_sp1_B4.wav.sha1
  60. SE_script2_M_sp1_A1.wav.sha1
  61. SE_script2_M_sp1_A2.wav.sha1
  62. SE_script2_M_sp1_A3.wav.sha1
  63. SE_script2_M_sp1_A4.wav.sha1
  64. SE_script2_M_sp1_B1.wav.sha1
  65. SE_script2_M_sp1_B2.wav.sha1
  66. SE_script2_M_sp1_B3.wav.sha1
  67. SE_script2_M_sp1_B4.wav.sha1

WebRTC Conversational Speech dataset

This dataset includes conversational speech and breathing recordings, and the audio files are named <langCode>_script<num>_<speakerGender>_sp<speakerId>_<turnId>.wav and breathing_<speakerGender>_sp<speakerId>_<num>.wav respectively.

The conversational speech part consists of turns. Each turn belongs to a script, and a script involves two speakers named A and B.

The scripts have been designed spanning short and long turns. Also, the scripts are gender neutral, which allows to let A and B turns be recorded by both male and female speakers.

All the audio files have a single channel and a sample rate of 48000 Hz with 16 bit samples.

English scripts (EN)

Script 1

  • A1: How is your day going?
  • B1: Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation on our marketing strategy.
  • A2: You must feel stressed out now.
  • B2: That's an understatement.

Script 2

  • A1: Which book are you reading?
  • B1: Let’s see if you can guess it, listen carefully. She tries to open the doors. They are all locked; she begins to weep. She walks weeping to a high glass table and sits down on its lower ledge. She sits on a big golden key and picks it up in surprise. She tries it on all the doors but it does not fit.
  • A2: Too hard, yet another hint.
  • B2: Ok. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to”, said the Cat. “I don't much care where” she replied.
  • A3: Stop, I know the rest! “Then it doesn't matter which way you go”, said the Cat. “So long as I get somewhere” she added as an explanation. “Oh, you're sure to do that, if you only walk long enough.”
  • B3: So, what’s the title?
  • A4: Alice in Wonderland!
  • B4: Well done

Swedish scripts (SE)

Script 1

  • A1: Hur är det?
  • B1: Rätt upptagen. Jag förbereder mig inför min presentation om marknadsföringsstrategi.
  • A2: Då är du säkert riktigt stressad nu.
  • B2: Det skulle man kunna säga.

Script 2

  • A1: Vilken bok läser du?
  • B1: Jag ska läsa högt för dig. Försök gissa nu! “Dörren är ändå alldeles för liten för mig. Och jag kan ju inte flyga upp igenom kaninhålet. Hon får syn på en flaska på bordet. Drick mig. Bäst att vara försiktig. Om man dricker en flaska där det står gift så får man nog ångra det förr eller senare. Men det står ju bara drick mig.”
  • A2: Det är för svårt! Får jag försöka igen?
  • B2: Ok. “Åt vilket håll ska jag gå?” “Det beror på vart du vill komma”, sa katten. “Det spelar ingen roll.” svarade hon.
  • A3: Sluta, jag kan fortsättningen: “Då spelar det heller ingen roll åt vilket håll du går." sa katten. “…så länge som jag kommer någonstans”, fortsatte hon. “Åh, det kommer du att göra”, sa katten, “bara du går tillräckligt långt”.
  • B3: Så vad heter boken?
  • A4: Alice i Underlandet
  • B4: Jättebra