Event logs - encode N channels as N-1

Since the number of channels is always greater than 0, smaller
deltas can be accomplished by encoding a sequence of (1, 2, 1)
as if the sequence were (0, 1, 0). This way, wrap around to the
first value is a delta of 1, rahter than a delta of 3.

For simplicity's sake, though at the cost of consistency, we still
encode the base event's number of channels unshifted. We do so
because there are no bits to be gained by doing it otherwise, and
the value there is more likely to be manually inspected, than are
the deltas, so a simpler scheme has merit.

Bug: webrtc:8111
Change-Id: I2d4def67da85c42802fe13cd0494fdd9f2b38f7a
Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/110242
Commit-Queue: Elad Alon <eladalon@webrtc.org>
Reviewed-by: Björn Terelius <terelius@webrtc.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#25601}
2 files changed
tree: 5a51cda104c7005a686a428867b2d9b2ed6e02e6
  1. api/
  2. audio/
  3. build_overrides/
  4. call/
  5. common_audio/
  6. common_video/
  7. data/
  8. examples/
  9. infra/
  10. logging/
  11. media/
  12. modules/
  13. p2p/
  14. pc/
  15. resources/
  16. rtc_base/
  17. rtc_tools/
  18. sdk/
  19. stats/
  20. style-guide/
  21. system_wrappers/
  22. test/
  23. tools_webrtc/
  24. video/
  25. .clang-format
  26. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  27. .gitignore
  28. .gn
  29. .vpython
  30. abseil-in-webrtc.md
  32. BUILD.gn
  34. codereview.settings
  35. common_types.h
  36. DEPS
  39. license_template.txt
  40. native-api.md
  41. OWNERS
  43. PRESUBMIT.py
  44. presubmit_test.py
  45. presubmit_test_mocks.py
  46. pylintrc
  47. README.chromium
  48. README.md
  49. style-guide.md
  51. webrtc.gni
  52. whitespace.txt

WebRTC is a free, open software project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.

Our mission: To enable rich, high-quality RTC applications to be developed for the browser, mobile platforms, and IoT devices, and allow them all to communicate via a common set of protocols.

The WebRTC initiative is a project supported by Google, Mozilla and Opera, amongst others.


See http://www.webrtc.org/native-code/development for instructions on how to get started developing with the native code.

Authoritative list of directories that contain the native API header files.

More info