New fileutils.h method for managing resources on different platforms
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git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/test/testsupport/ b/test/testsupport/
index 09d7baa..84e9593 100644
--- a/test/testsupport/
+++ b/test/testsupport/
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#include <cstdio>
+#include "typedefs.h" // For architecture defines
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
@@ -36,18 +38,17 @@
// The file we're looking for to identify the project root dir.
static const char* kProjectRootFileName = "DEPS";
static const char* kOutputDirName = "out";
-static const char* kOutputFallbackPath = "./";
+static const char* kFallbackPath = "./";
+static const char* kResourcesDirName = "resources";
const char* kCannotFindProjectRootDir = "ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR";
std::string ProjectRootPath() {
- char path_buffer[FILENAME_MAX];
- if (!GET_CURRENT_DIR(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get current directory!\n");
+ std::string working_dir = WorkingDir();
+ if (working_dir == kFallbackPath) {
return kCannotFindProjectRootDir;
// Check for our file that verifies the root dir.
- std::string current_path(path_buffer);
+ std::string current_path(working_dir);
FILE* file = NULL;
int path_delimiter_index = current_path.find_last_of(kPathDelimiter);
while (path_delimiter_index > -1) {
@@ -58,12 +59,10 @@
return current_path + kPathDelimiter;
// Move up one directory in the directory tree.
current_path = current_path.substr(0, path_delimiter_index);
path_delimiter_index = current_path.find_last_of(kPathDelimiter);
// Reached the root directory.
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find project root directory!\n");
return kCannotFindProjectRootDir;
@@ -72,25 +71,85 @@
std::string OutputPath() {
std::string path = ProjectRootPath();
if (path == kCannotFindProjectRootDir) {
- return kOutputFallbackPath;
+ return kFallbackPath;
path += kOutputDirName;
- struct stat path_info = {0};
- // Check if the path exists already:
- if (stat(path.c_str(), &path_info) == 0) {
- if (!S_ISDIR(path_info.st_mode)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Path %s exists but is not a directory! Remove this file "
- "and re-run to create the output folder.\n", path.c_str());
- return kOutputFallbackPath;
- }
- } else {
-#ifdef WIN32
- _mkdir(path.c_str());
- mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
+ if (!CreateDirectory(path)) {
+ return kFallbackPath;
return path + kPathDelimiter;
+std::string WorkingDir() {
+ char path_buffer[FILENAME_MAX];
+ if (!GET_CURRENT_DIR(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get current directory!\n");
+ return kFallbackPath;
+ }
+ else {
+ return std::string(path_buffer);
+ }
+bool CreateDirectory(std::string directory_name) {
+ struct stat path_info = {0};
+ // Check if the path exists already:
+ if (stat(directory_name.c_str(), &path_info) == 0) {
+ if (!S_ISDIR(path_info.st_mode)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Path %s exists but is not a directory! Remove this "
+ "file and re-run to create the directory.\n",
+ directory_name.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return _mkdir(directory_name.c_str()) == 0;
+ return mkdir(directory_name.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) == 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool FileExists(std::string file_name) {
+ struct stat file_info = {0};
+ return stat(file_name.c_str(), &file_info) == 0;
+std::string ResourcePath(std::string name, std::string extension) {
+ std::string platform = "win";
+ platform = "linux";
+#endif // WEBRTC_LINUX
+#ifdef WEBRTC_MAC
+ platform = "mac";
+#endif // WEBRTC_MAC
+ std::string architecture = "64";
+ std::string architecture = "32";
+#endif // WEBRTC_ARCH_64_BITS
+ std::string resources_path = ProjectRootPath() + kResourcesDirName + kPathDelimiter;
+ std::string resource_file = resources_path + name + "_" + platform + "_" +
+ architecture + "." + extension;
+ if (!FileExists(resource_file)) {
+ return resource_file;
+ }
+ // Try without architecture.
+ resource_file = resources_path + name + "_" + platform + "." + extension;
+ if (FileExists(resource_file)) {
+ return resource_file;
+ }
+ // Try without platform.
+ resource_file = resources_path + name + "_" + architecture + "." + extension;
+ if (FileExists(resource_file)) {
+ return resource_file;
+ }
+ // Fall back on name without architecture or platform.
+ return resources_path + name + "." + extension;
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/test/testsupport/fileutils.h b/test/testsupport/fileutils.h
index a111a7a..cd43c69 100644
--- a/test/testsupport/fileutils.h
+++ b/test/testsupport/fileutils.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
// File utilities for testing purposes.
// The ProjectRootPath() method is a convenient way of getting an absolute
// path to the project source tree root directory. Using this, it is easy to
// refer to test resource files in a portable way.
@@ -99,6 +100,37 @@
// found, the current working directory ("./") is returned as a fallback.
std::string OutputPath();
+// Returns a path to a resource file for the currently executing platform.
+// Adapts to what filenames are currently present in the
+// [project-root]/resources/ dir.
+// Returns an absolute path according to this priority list (the directory
+// part of the path is left out for readability):
+// 1. [name]_[platform]_[architecture].[extension]
+// 2. [name]_[platform].[extension]
+// 3. [name]_[architecture].[extension]
+// 4. [name].[extension]
+// Where
+// * platform is either of "win", "mac" or "linux".
+// * architecture is either of "32" or "64".
+// Arguments:
+// name - Name of the resource file. If a plain filename (no directory path)
+// is supplied, the file is assumed to be located in resources/
+// If a directory path is prepended to the filename, a subdirectory
+// hierarchy reflecting that path is assumed to be present.
+// extension - File extension, without the dot, i.e. "bmp" or "yuv".
+std::string ResourcePath(std::string name, std::string extension);
+// Gets the current working directory for the executing program.
+// Returns "./" if for some reason it is not possible to find the working
+// directory.
+std::string WorkingDir();
+// Creates a directory if it not already exists.
+// Returns true if successful. Will print an error message to stderr and return
+// false if a file with the same name already exists.
+bool CreateDirectory(std::string directory_name);
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/test/testsupport/ b/test/testsupport/
index 493256b..e9aa03c 100644
--- a/test/testsupport/
+++ b/test/testsupport/
@@ -9,52 +9,99 @@
#include <cstdio>
-#include "fileutils.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "testsupport/fileutils.h"
#ifdef WIN32
-#include <direct.h>
-#define GET_CURRENT_DIR _getcwd
static const char* kPathDelimiter = "\\";
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define GET_CURRENT_DIR getcwd
static const char* kPathDelimiter = "/";
+static const std::string kDummyDir = "file_utils_unittest_dummy_dir";
+static const std::string kResourcesDir = "resources";
+static const std::string kTestName = "fileutils_unittest";
+static const std::string kExtension = "tmp";
+typedef std::list<std::string> FileList;
namespace webrtc {
-namespace test {
// Test fixture to restore the working directory between each test, since some
// of them change it with chdir during execution (not restored by the
// gtest framework).
-class FileUtilsTest: public testing::Test {
+class FileUtilsTest : public testing::Test {
FileUtilsTest() {
- original_working_dir_ = GetWorkingDir();
virtual ~FileUtilsTest() {}
+ // Runs before the first test
+ static void SetUpTestCase() {
+ original_working_dir_ = webrtc::test::WorkingDir();
+ std::string resources_path = original_working_dir_ + kPathDelimiter +
+ kResourcesDir + kPathDelimiter;
+ webrtc::test::CreateDirectory(resources_path);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_32." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_64." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_linux." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_mac." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_win." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_linux_32." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_mac_32." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_win_32." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_linux_64." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_mac_64." + kExtension);
+ files_.push_back(resources_path + kTestName + "_win_64." + kExtension);
+ // Now that the resources dir exists, write some empty test files into it.
+ for (FileList::iterator file_it = files_.begin();
+ file_it != files_.end(); ++file_it) {
+ FILE* file = fopen(file_it->c_str(), "wb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file != NULL) << "Failed to write file: " << file_it->c_str();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fprintf(file, "%s", "Dummy data") > 0);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ // Create a dummy subdir that can be chdir'ed into for testing purposes.
+ empty_dummy_dir_ = original_working_dir_ + kPathDelimiter + kDummyDir;
+ webrtc::test::CreateDirectory(empty_dummy_dir_);
+ }
+ static void TearDownTestCase() {
+ // Clean up all resource files written
+ for (FileList::iterator file_it = files_.begin();
+ file_it != files_.end(); ++file_it) {
+ remove(file_it->c_str());
+ }
+ std::remove(empty_dummy_dir_.c_str());
+ }
void SetUp() {
- chdir(original_working_dir_.c_str());
+ ASSERT_EQ(chdir(original_working_dir_.c_str()), 0);
- void TearDown() {}
+ void TearDown() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(chdir(original_working_dir_.c_str()), 0);
+ }
+ protected:
+ static std::string empty_dummy_dir_;
- std::string original_working_dir_;
- static std::string GetWorkingDir() {
- char path_buffer[FILENAME_MAX];
- EXPECT_TRUE(GET_CURRENT_DIR(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer)))
- << "Cannot get current working directory!";
- return std::string(path_buffer);
- }
+ static FileList files_;
+ static std::string original_working_dir_;
+FileList FileUtilsTest::files_;
+std::string FileUtilsTest::original_working_dir_ = "";
+std::string FileUtilsTest::empty_dummy_dir_ = "";
// Tests that the project root path is returned for the default working
// directory that is automatically set when the test executable is launched.
// The test is not fully testing the implementation, since we cannot be sure
// of where the executable was launched from.
// The test will fail if the top level directory is not named "trunk".
TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, ProjectRootPathFromUnchangedWorkingDir) {
- std::string path = ProjectRootPath();
+ std::string path = webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath();
std::string expected_end = "trunk";
expected_end = kPathDelimiter + expected_end + kPathDelimiter;
ASSERT_EQ(path.length() - expected_end.length(), path.find(expected_end));
@@ -62,7 +109,7 @@
// Similar to the above test, but for the output dir
TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, OutputPathFromUnchangedWorkingDir) {
- std::string path = OutputPath();
+ std::string path = webrtc::test::OutputPath();
std::string expected_end = "out";
expected_end = kPathDelimiter + expected_end + kPathDelimiter;
ASSERT_EQ(path.length() - expected_end.length(), path.find(expected_end));
@@ -72,21 +119,19 @@
// deeper from the current one. Then testing that the project path returned
// is still the same, when the function under test is called again.
TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, ProjectRootPathFromDeeperWorkingDir) {
- std::string path = ProjectRootPath();
+ std::string path = webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath();
std::string original_working_dir = path; // This is the correct project root
- // Change to a subdirectory path (the full path doesn't have to exist).
- path += "foo/bar/baz";
- chdir(path.c_str());
- ASSERT_EQ(original_working_dir, ProjectRootPath());
+ // Change to a subdirectory path.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, chdir(empty_dummy_dir_.c_str()));
+ ASSERT_EQ(original_working_dir, webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath());
// Similar to the above test, but for the output dir
TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, OutputPathFromDeeperWorkingDir) {
- std::string path = OutputPath();
+ std::string path = webrtc::test::OutputPath();
std::string original_working_dir = path;
- path += "foo/bar/baz";
- chdir(path.c_str());
- ASSERT_EQ(original_working_dir, OutputPath());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, chdir(empty_dummy_dir_.c_str()));
+ ASSERT_EQ(original_working_dir, webrtc::test::OutputPath());
// Tests with current working directory set to a directory higher up in the
@@ -95,15 +140,43 @@
TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, ProjectRootPathFromRootWorkingDir) {
// Change current working dir to the root of the current file system
// (this will always be "above" our project root dir).
- chdir(kPathDelimiter);
- ASSERT_EQ(kCannotFindProjectRootDir, ProjectRootPath());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, chdir(kPathDelimiter));
+ ASSERT_EQ(webrtc::test::kCannotFindProjectRootDir,
+ webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath());
// Similar to the above test, but for the output dir
TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, OutputPathFromRootWorkingDir) {
- chdir(kPathDelimiter);
- ASSERT_EQ("./", OutputPath());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, chdir(kPathDelimiter));
+ ASSERT_EQ("./", webrtc::test::OutputPath());
-} // namespace test
+// Only tests that the code executes
+TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, CreateDirectory) {
+ std::string directory = "fileutils-unittest-empty-dir";
+ // Make sure it's removed if a previous test has failed:
+ std::remove(directory.c_str());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(webrtc::test::CreateDirectory(directory));
+ std::remove(directory.c_str());
+TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, WorkingDirReturnsValue) {
+ // Hard to cover all platforms. Just test that it returns something without
+ // crashing:
+ std::string working_dir = webrtc::test::WorkingDir();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(working_dir.length() > 0);
+// Due to multiple platforms, it is hard to make a complete test for
+// ResourcePath. Manual testing has been performed by removing files and
+// verified the result confirms with the specified documentation for the
+// function.
+TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, ResourcePathReturnsValue) {
+ std::string resource = webrtc::test::ResourcePath(kTestName, kExtension);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resource.find(kTestName) > 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(resource.find(kExtension) > 0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, chdir(kPathDelimiter));
+ ASSERT_EQ("./", webrtc::test::OutputPath());
} // namespace webrtc