First step in refactoring audio/video synchronization. Adds unittests.


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git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/src/video_engine/ b/src/video_engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba1f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "video_engine/stream_synchronization.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+enum { kMaxVideoDiffMs = 80 };
+enum { kMaxAudioDiffMs = 80 };
+enum { kMaxDelay = 1500 };
+const float FracMS = 4.294967296E6f;
+struct ViESyncDelay {
+  ViESyncDelay() {
+    extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
+    last_video_delay_ms = 0;
+    extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+    last_sync_delay = 0;
+    network_delay = 120;
+  }
+  int extra_video_delay_ms;
+  int last_video_delay_ms;
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  int last_sync_delay;
+  int network_delay;
+StreamSynchronization::StreamSynchronization(int audio_channel_id,
+                                             int video_channel_id)
+    : channel_delay_(new ViESyncDelay),
+      audio_channel_id_(audio_channel_id),
+      video_channel_id_(video_channel_id) {}
+StreamSynchronization::~StreamSynchronization() {
+  delete channel_delay_;
+int StreamSynchronization::ComputeDelays(const Measurements& audio,
+                                         int current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                         int* extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                         const Measurements& video,
+                                         int* total_video_delay_target_ms) {
+  // ReceivedNTPxxx is NTP at sender side when sent.
+  // RTCPArrivalTimexxx is NTP at receiver side when received.
+  // can't use ConvertNTPTimeToMS since calculation can be
+  //  negative
+  int NTPdiff = (audio.received_ntp_secs - video.received_ntp_secs)
+                * 1000;  // ms
+  float ntp_diff_frac = audio.received_ntp_frac / FracMS -
+        video.received_ntp_frac / FracMS;
+  if (ntp_diff_frac > 0.0f)
+    NTPdiff += static_cast<int>(ntp_diff_frac + 0.5f);
+  else
+    NTPdiff += static_cast<int>(ntp_diff_frac - 0.5f);
+  int RTCPdiff = (audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs - video.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs)
+                 * 1000;  // ms
+  float rtcp_diff_frac = audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac / FracMS -
+        video.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac / FracMS;
+  if (rtcp_diff_frac > 0.0f)
+    RTCPdiff += static_cast<int>(rtcp_diff_frac + 0.5f);
+  else
+    RTCPdiff += static_cast<int>(rtcp_diff_frac - 0.5f);
+  int diff = NTPdiff - RTCPdiff;
+  // if diff is + video is behind
+  if (diff < -1000 || diff > 1000) {
+    // unresonable ignore value.
+    return -1;
+  }
+  channel_delay_->network_delay = diff;
+  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, video_channel_id_,
+               "Audio delay is: %d for voice channel: %d",
+               current_audio_delay_ms, audio_channel_id_);
+  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, video_channel_id_,
+               "Network delay diff is: %d for voice channel: %d",
+               channel_delay_->network_delay, audio_channel_id_);
+  // Calculate the difference between the lowest possible video delay and
+  // the current audio delay.
+  int current_diff_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms - current_audio_delay_ms +
+      channel_delay_->network_delay;
+  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, video_channel_id_,
+               "Current diff is: %d for audio channel: %d",
+               current_diff_ms, audio_channel_id_);
+  int video_delay_ms = 0;
+  if (current_diff_ms > 0) {
+    // The minimum video delay is longer than the current audio delay.
+    // We need to decrease extra video delay, if we have added extra delay
+    // earlier, or add extra audio delay.
+    if (channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms > 0) {
+      // We have extra delay added to ViE. Reduce this delay before adding
+      // extra delay to VoE.
+      // This is the desired delay, we can't reduce more than this.
+      video_delay_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+      // Check that we don't reduce the delay more than what is allowed.
+      if (video_delay_ms <
+          channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs) {
+        video_delay_ms =
+            channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs;
+        channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms =
+            video_delay_ms - *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+      } else {
+        channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
+      }
+      channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
+      channel_delay_->last_sync_delay = -1;
+      channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+    } else {  // channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms > 0
+      // We have no extra video delay to remove, increase the audio delay.
+      if (channel_delay_->last_sync_delay >= 0) {
+        // We have increased the audio delay earlier, increase it even more.
+        int audio_diff_ms = current_diff_ms / 2;
+        if (audio_diff_ms > kMaxAudioDiffMs) {
+          // We only allow a maximum change of KMaxAudioDiffMS for audio
+          // due to NetEQ maximum changes.
+          audio_diff_ms = kMaxAudioDiffMs;
+        }
+        // Increase the audio delay
+        channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms += audio_diff_ms;
+        // Don't set a too high delay.
+        if (channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms > kMaxDelay) {
+          channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms = kMaxDelay;
+        }
+        // Don't add any extra video delay.
+        video_delay_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+        channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
+        channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
+        channel_delay_->last_sync_delay = 1;
+      } else {  // channel_delay_->last_sync_delay >= 0
+        // First time after a delay change, don't add any extra delay.
+        // This is to not toggle back and forth too much.
+        channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+        // Set minimum video delay
+        video_delay_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+        channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
+        channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
+        channel_delay_->last_sync_delay = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {  // if (current_diffMS > 0)
+    // The minimum video delay is lower than the current audio delay.
+    // We need to decrease possible extra audio delay, or
+    // add extra video delay.
+    if (channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms > 0) {
+      // We have extra delay in VoiceEngine
+      // Start with decreasing the voice delay
+      int audio_diff_ms = current_diff_ms / 2;
+      if (audio_diff_ms < -1 * kMaxAudioDiffMs) {
+        // Don't change the delay too much at once.
+        audio_diff_ms = -1 * kMaxAudioDiffMs;
+      }
+      // Add the negative difference.
+      channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms += audio_diff_ms;
+      if (channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms < 0) {
+        // Negative values not allowed.
+        channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+        channel_delay_->last_sync_delay = 0;
+      } else {
+        // There is more audio delay to use for the next round.
+        channel_delay_->last_sync_delay = 1;
+      }
+      // Keep the video delay at the minimum values.
+      video_delay_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+      channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
+      channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
+    } else {  // channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms > 0
+      // We have no extra delay in VoiceEngine, increase the video delay.
+      channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+      // Make the difference positive.
+      int video_diff_ms = -1 * current_diff_ms;
+      // This is the desired delay.
+      video_delay_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms + video_diff_ms;
+      if (video_delay_ms > channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms) {
+        if (video_delay_ms >
+            channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms + kMaxVideoDiffMs) {
+          // Don't increase the delay too much at once
+          video_delay_ms =
+              channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms + kMaxVideoDiffMs;
+        }
+        // Verify we don't go above the maximum allowed delay
+        if (video_delay_ms > kMaxDelay) {
+          video_delay_ms = kMaxDelay;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (video_delay_ms <
+            channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs) {
+          // Don't decrease the delay too much at once
+          video_delay_ms =
+              channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs;
+        }
+        // Verify we don't go below the minimum delay
+        if (video_delay_ms < *total_video_delay_target_ms) {
+          video_delay_ms = *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+        }
+      }
+      // Store the values
+      channel_delay_->extra_video_delay_ms =
+          video_delay_ms - *total_video_delay_target_ms;
+      channel_delay_->last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
+      channel_delay_->last_sync_delay = -1;
+    }
+  }
+  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, video_channel_id_,
+      "Sync video delay %d ms for video channel and audio delay %d for audio "
+      "channel %d",
+      video_delay_ms, channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms, audio_channel_id_);
+  *extra_audio_delay_ms = channel_delay_->extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  if (video_delay_ms < 0) {
+    video_delay_ms = 0;
+  }
+  *total_video_delay_target_ms =
+      (*total_video_delay_target_ms  >  video_delay_ms) ?
+      *total_video_delay_target_ms : video_delay_ms;
+  return 0;
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/src/video_engine/stream_synchronization.h b/src/video_engine/stream_synchronization.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a88383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/stream_synchronization.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "typedefs.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+struct ViESyncDelay;
+class StreamSynchronization {
+ public:
+  struct Measurements {
+    Measurements()
+        : received_ntp_secs(0),
+          received_ntp_frac(0),
+          rtcp_arrivaltime_secs(0),
+          rtcp_arrivaltime_frac(0) {}
+    uint32_t received_ntp_secs;
+    uint32_t received_ntp_frac;
+    uint32_t rtcp_arrivaltime_secs;
+    uint32_t rtcp_arrivaltime_frac;
+  };
+  StreamSynchronization(int audio_channel_id, int video_channel_id);
+  ~StreamSynchronization();
+  int ComputeDelays(const Measurements& audio,
+                    int current_audio_delay_ms,
+                    int* extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                    const Measurements& video,
+                    int* total_video_delay_target_ms);
+ private:
+  ViESyncDelay* channel_delay_;
+  int audio_channel_id_;
+  int video_channel_id_;
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/src/video_engine/ b/src/video_engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b002c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "video_engine/stream_synchronization.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+// These correspond to the same constants defined in
+enum { kMaxVideoDiffMs = 80 };
+enum { kMaxAudioDiffMs = 80 };
+enum { kMaxDelay = 1500 };
+class Time {
+ public:
+  explicit Time(int64_t offset)
+      : kNtpJan1970(2208988800UL),
+        time_now_ms_(offset) {}
+  void NowNtp(uint32_t* ntp_secs, uint32_t* ntp_frac) const {
+    *ntp_secs = time_now_ms_ / 1000 + kNtpJan1970;
+    int64_t remainder = time_now_ms_ % 1000;
+    *ntp_frac = static_cast<uint32_t>(
+        static_cast<double>(remainder) / 1000.0 * pow(2.0, 32.0) + 0.5);
+  }
+  void IncreaseTimeMs(int64_t inc) {
+    time_now_ms_ += inc;
+  }
+  int64_t time_now_ms() const {
+    return time_now_ms_;
+  }
+ private:
+  // January 1970, in NTP seconds.
+  const uint32_t kNtpJan1970;
+  int64_t time_now_ms_;
+class StreamSynchronizationTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+  virtual void SetUp() {
+    sync_ = new StreamSynchronization(0, 0);
+    send_time_ = new Time(kSendTimeOffsetMs);
+    receive_time_ = new Time(kReceiveTimeOffsetMs);
+  }
+  virtual void TearDown() {
+    delete sync_;
+    delete send_time_;
+    delete receive_time_;
+  }
+  int DelayedAudio(int delay_ms,
+                   int current_audio_delay_ms,
+                   int* extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                   int* total_video_delay_ms) {
+    StreamSynchronization::Measurements audio;
+    StreamSynchronization::Measurements video;
+    send_time_->NowNtp(&audio.received_ntp_secs, &audio.received_ntp_frac);
+    send_time_->NowNtp(&video.received_ntp_secs, &video.received_ntp_frac);
+    receive_time_->NowNtp(&video.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                          &video.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+    // Audio later than video.
+    receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(delay_ms);
+    receive_time_->NowNtp(&audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                          &audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+    return sync_->ComputeDelays(audio,
+                                current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                video,
+                                total_video_delay_ms);
+  }
+  int DelayedVideo(int delay_ms,
+                   int current_audio_delay_ms,
+                   int* extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                   int* total_video_delay_ms) {
+    StreamSynchronization::Measurements audio;
+    StreamSynchronization::Measurements video;
+    send_time_->NowNtp(&audio.received_ntp_secs, &audio.received_ntp_frac);
+    send_time_->NowNtp(&video.received_ntp_secs, &video.received_ntp_frac);
+    receive_time_->NowNtp(&audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                          &audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+    // Video later than audio.
+    receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(delay_ms);
+    receive_time_->NowNtp(&video.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                          &video.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+    return sync_->ComputeDelays(audio,
+                                current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                video,
+                                total_video_delay_ms);
+  }
+  int DelayedAudioAndVideo(int audio_delay_ms,
+                           int video_delay_ms,
+                           int current_audio_delay_ms,
+                           int* extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                           int* total_video_delay_ms) {
+    StreamSynchronization::Measurements audio;
+    StreamSynchronization::Measurements video;
+    send_time_->NowNtp(&audio.received_ntp_secs, &audio.received_ntp_frac);
+    send_time_->NowNtp(&video.received_ntp_secs, &video.received_ntp_frac);
+    if (audio_delay_ms > video_delay_ms) {
+      // Audio later than video.
+      receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(video_delay_ms);
+      receive_time_->NowNtp(&video.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                            &video.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+      receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(audio_delay_ms - video_delay_ms);
+      receive_time_->NowNtp(&audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                            &audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+    } else {
+      // Video later than audio.
+      receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(audio_delay_ms);
+      receive_time_->NowNtp(&audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                            &audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+      receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(video_delay_ms - audio_delay_ms);
+      receive_time_->NowNtp(&video.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                            &video.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac);
+    }
+    return sync_->ComputeDelays(audio,
+                                current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                video,
+                                total_video_delay_ms);
+  }
+  int MaxAudioDelayIncrease(int current_audio_delay_ms, int delay_ms) {
+    return std::min((delay_ms - current_audio_delay_ms) / 2,
+                    static_cast<int>(kMaxAudioDiffMs));
+  }
+  int MaxAudioDelayDecrease(int current_audio_delay_ms, int delay_ms) {
+    return std::max((delay_ms - current_audio_delay_ms) / 2, -kMaxAudioDiffMs);
+  }
+  enum { kSendTimeOffsetMs = 0 };
+  enum { kReceiveTimeOffsetMs = 123456 };
+  StreamSynchronization* sync_;
+  Time* send_time_;
+  Time* receive_time_;
+TEST_F(StreamSynchronizationTest, NoDelay) {
+  uint32_t current_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int delay_ms = 0;
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudio(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+TEST_F(StreamSynchronizationTest, VideoDelay) {
+  uint32_t current_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int delay_ms = 200;
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudio(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  // The video delay is not allowed to change more than this in 1 second.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kMaxVideoDiffMs, total_video_delay_ms);
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  // Simulate 0 minimum delay in the VCM.
+  total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudio(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  // The video delay is not allowed to change more than this in 1 second.
+  EXPECT_EQ(2*kMaxVideoDiffMs, total_video_delay_ms);
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  // Simulate 0 minimum delay in the VCM.
+  total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudio(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  // The video delay is not allowed to change more than this in 1 second.
+  EXPECT_EQ(delay_ms, total_video_delay_ms);
+TEST_F(StreamSynchronizationTest, AudioDelay) {
+  int current_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int delay_ms = 200;
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int current_extra_delay_ms = 0;
+  int total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedVideo(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than this in 1 second.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kMaxAudioDiffMs, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_audio_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedVideo(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than the half of the required
+  // change in delay.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms +
+            MaxAudioDelayIncrease(current_audio_delay_ms, delay_ms),
+            extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_audio_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedVideo(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than the half of the required
+  // change in delay.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms +
+            MaxAudioDelayIncrease(current_audio_delay_ms, delay_ms),
+            extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  // Simulate that NetEQ for some reason reduced the delay.
+  current_audio_delay_ms = 170;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedVideo(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // Since we only can ask NetEQ for a certain amount of extra delay, and
+  // we only measure the total NetEQ delay, we will ask for additional delay
+  // here to try to
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms +
+            MaxAudioDelayIncrease(current_audio_delay_ms, delay_ms),
+            extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  // Simulate that NetEQ for some reason significantly increased the delay.
+  current_audio_delay_ms = 250;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedVideo(delay_ms, current_audio_delay_ms,
+                            &extra_audio_delay_ms, &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than the half of the required
+  // change in delay.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms +
+            MaxAudioDelayDecrease(current_audio_delay_ms, delay_ms),
+            extra_audio_delay_ms);
+TEST_F(StreamSynchronizationTest, BothDelayedVideoLater) {
+  int current_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int audio_delay_ms = 100;
+  int video_delay_ms = 300;
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int current_extra_delay_ms = 0;
+  int total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than this in 1 second.
+  EXPECT_EQ(kMaxAudioDiffMs, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_audio_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than the half of the required
+  // change in delay.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms + MaxAudioDelayIncrease(
+      current_audio_delay_ms, video_delay_ms - audio_delay_ms),
+      extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_audio_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than the half of the required
+  // change in delay.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms + MaxAudioDelayIncrease(
+      current_audio_delay_ms, video_delay_ms - audio_delay_ms),
+      extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  // Simulate that NetEQ for some reason reduced the delay.
+  current_audio_delay_ms = 170;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // Since we only can ask NetEQ for a certain amount of extra delay, and
+  // we only measure the total NetEQ delay, we will ask for additional delay
+  // here to try to stay in sync.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms + MaxAudioDelayIncrease(
+      current_audio_delay_ms, video_delay_ms - audio_delay_ms),
+      extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  // Simulate that NetEQ for some reason significantly increased the delay.
+  current_audio_delay_ms = 250;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(800);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, total_video_delay_ms);
+  // The audio delay is not allowed to change more than the half of the required
+  // change in delay.
+  EXPECT_EQ(current_extra_delay_ms + MaxAudioDelayIncrease(
+      current_audio_delay_ms, video_delay_ms - audio_delay_ms),
+      extra_audio_delay_ms);
+TEST_F(StreamSynchronizationTest, BothDelayedAudioLater) {
+  int current_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int audio_delay_ms = 300;
+  int video_delay_ms = 100;
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  int current_extra_delay_ms = 0;
+  int total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(kMaxVideoDiffMs, total_video_delay_ms);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_audio_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000 - std::max(audio_delay_ms,
+                                                video_delay_ms));
+  // Simulate 0 minimum delay in the VCM.
+  total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(2 * kMaxVideoDiffMs, total_video_delay_ms);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_audio_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000 - std::max(audio_delay_ms,
+                                                video_delay_ms));
+  // Simulate 0 minimum delay in the VCM.
+  total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(audio_delay_ms - video_delay_ms, total_video_delay_ms);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  // Simulate that NetEQ introduces some audio delay.
+  current_audio_delay_ms = 50;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000 - std::max(audio_delay_ms,
+                                                video_delay_ms));
+  // Simulate 0 minimum delay in the VCM.
+  total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(audio_delay_ms - video_delay_ms + current_audio_delay_ms,
+            total_video_delay_ms);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+  current_extra_delay_ms = extra_audio_delay_ms;
+  // Simulate that NetEQ reduces its delay.
+  current_audio_delay_ms = 10;
+  send_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000);
+  receive_time_->IncreaseTimeMs(1000 - std::max(audio_delay_ms,
+                                                video_delay_ms));
+  // Simulate 0 minimum delay in the VCM.
+  total_video_delay_ms = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, DelayedAudioAndVideo(audio_delay_ms,
+                                    video_delay_ms,
+                                    current_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                                    &total_video_delay_ms));
+  EXPECT_EQ(audio_delay_ms - video_delay_ms + current_audio_delay_ms,
+            total_video_delay_ms);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, extra_audio_delay_ms);
+}  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/src/video_engine/video_engine_core.gypi b/src/video_engine/video_engine_core.gypi
index cf4a1ec..10c44fc 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/video_engine_core.gypi
+++ b/src/video_engine/video_engine_core.gypi
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
         # headers
+        'stream_synchronization.h',
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@
         # ViE
+        '',
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@
           'sources': [
+            '',
diff --git a/src/video_engine/ b/src/video_engine/
index 5aa5595..01aa5d2 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/
+++ b/src/video_engine/
@@ -15,15 +15,11 @@
 #include "trace.h"
 #include "video_coding.h"
 #include "voe_video_sync.h"
+#include "video_engine/stream_synchronization.h"
 namespace webrtc {
 enum { kSyncInterval = 1000};
-enum { kMaxVideoDiffMs = 80 };
-enum { kMaxAudioDiffMs = 80 };
-enum { kMaxDelay = 1500 };
-const float FracMS = 4.294967296E6f;
 ViESyncModule::ViESyncModule(const int32_t channel_id, VideoCodingModule* vcm)
     : data_cs_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
@@ -32,7 +28,8 @@
-      last_sync_time_(TickTime::Now()) {
+      last_sync_time_(TickTime::Now()),
+      sync_() {
 ViESyncModule::~ViESyncModule() {
@@ -45,6 +42,7 @@
   voe_channel_id_ = voe_channel_id;
   voe_sync_interface_ = voe_sync_interface;
   video_rtcp_module_ = video_rtcp_module;
+  sync_.reset(new StreamSynchronization(voe_channel_id, channel_id_));
   if (!voe_sync_interface) {
     voe_channel_id_ = -1;
@@ -62,7 +60,7 @@
 WebRtc_Word32 ViESyncModule::TimeUntilNextProcess() {
-  return (WebRtc_Word32)(kSyncInterval -
+  return static_cast<WebRtc_Word32>(kSyncInterval -
                          (TickTime::Now() - last_sync_time_).Milliseconds());
@@ -79,6 +77,7 @@
     return 0;
   assert(video_rtcp_module_ && voe_sync_interface_);
+  assert(sync_.get());
   int current_audio_delay_ms = 0;
   if (voe_sync_interface_->GetDelayEstimate(voe_channel_id_,
@@ -90,9 +89,6 @@
     return 0;
-  int current_diff_ms = 0;
-  // Total video delay.
-  int video_delay_ms = 0;
   // VoiceEngine report delay estimates even when not started, ignore if the
   // reported value is lower than 40 ms.
   if (current_audio_delay_ms < 40) {
@@ -108,211 +104,34 @@
-  uint32_t video_received_ntp_secs = 0;
-  uint32_t video_received_ntp_frac = 0;
-  uint32_t video_rtcp_arrivaltime_secs = 0;
-  uint32_t video_rtcp_arrivaltime_frac = 0;
-  if (0 != video_rtcp_module_->RemoteNTP(&video_received_ntp_secs,
-                                         &video_received_ntp_frac,
-                                         &video_rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
-                                         &video_rtcp_arrivaltime_frac)) {
+  StreamSynchronization::Measurements video;
+  if (0 != video_rtcp_module_->RemoteNTP(&video.received_ntp_secs,
+                                         &video.received_ntp_frac,
+                                         &video.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                                         &video.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac)) {
     // Failed to get video NTP.
     return 0;
-  uint32_t audio_received_ntp_secs = 0;
-  uint32_t audio_received_ntp_frac = 0;
-  uint32_t audio_rtcp_arrivaltime_secs = 0;
-  uint32_t audio_rtcp_arrivaltime_frac = 0;
-  if (0 != voice_rtcp_module->RemoteNTP(&audio_received_ntp_secs,
-                                        &audio_received_ntp_frac,
-                                        &audio_rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
-                                        &audio_rtcp_arrivaltime_frac)) {
+  StreamSynchronization::Measurements audio;
+  if (0 != voice_rtcp_module->RemoteNTP(&audio.received_ntp_secs,
+                                        &audio.received_ntp_frac,
+                                        &audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_secs,
+                                        &audio.rtcp_arrivaltime_frac)) {
     // Failed to get audio NTP.
     return 0;
-  // ReceivedNTPxxx is NTP at sender side when sent.
-  // RTCPArrivalTimexxx is NTP at receiver side when received.
-  // can't use ConvertNTPTimeToMS since calculation can be
-  //  negative
-  int NTPdiff = (audio_received_ntp_secs - video_received_ntp_secs)
-                * 1000;  // ms
-  NTPdiff += static_cast<int>(audio_received_ntp_frac / FracMS -
-                              video_received_ntp_frac / FracMS);
-  int RTCPdiff = (audio_rtcp_arrivaltime_secs - video_rtcp_arrivaltime_secs)
-                 * 1000;  // ms
-  RTCPdiff += static_cast<int>(audio_rtcp_arrivaltime_frac / FracMS -
-                               video_rtcp_arrivaltime_frac / FracMS);
-  int diff = NTPdiff - RTCPdiff;
-  // if diff is + video is behind
-  if (diff < -1000 || diff > 1000) {
-    // unresonable ignore value.
+  int extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
+  if (sync_->ComputeDelays(audio, current_audio_delay_ms, &extra_audio_delay_ms,
+                          video, &total_video_delay_target_ms) != 0) {
     return 0;
-  channel_delay_.network_delay = diff;
-  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, channel_id_,
-               "Audio delay is: %d for voice channel: %d",
-               current_audio_delay_ms, voe_channel_id_);
-  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, channel_id_,
-               "Network delay diff is: %d for voice channel: %d",
-               channel_delay_.network_delay, voe_channel_id_);
-  // Calculate the difference between the lowest possible video delay and
-  // the current audio delay.
-  current_diff_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms - current_audio_delay_ms +
-      channel_delay_.network_delay;
-  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, channel_id_,
-               "Current diff is: %d for audio channel: %d",
-               current_diff_ms, voe_channel_id_);
-  if (current_diff_ms > 0) {
-    // The minimum video delay is longer than the current audio delay.
-    // We need to decrease extra video delay, if we have added extra delay
-    // earlier, or add extra audio delay.
-    if (channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms > 0) {
-      // We have extra delay added to ViE. Reduce this delay before adding
-      // extra delay to VoE.
-      // This is the desired delay, we can't reduce more than this.
-      video_delay_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms;
-      // Check that we don't reduce the delay more than what is allowed.
-      if (video_delay_ms <
-          channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs) {
-        video_delay_ms =
-            channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs;
-        channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms =
-            video_delay_ms - total_video_delay_target_ms;
-      } else {
-        channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
-      }
-      channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
-      channel_delay_.last_sync_delay = -1;
-      channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
-    } else {  // channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms > 0
-      // We have no extra video delay to remove, increase the audio delay.
-      if (channel_delay_.last_sync_delay >= 0) {
-        // We have increased the audio delay earlier, increase it even more.
-        int audio_diff_ms = current_diff_ms / 2;
-        if (audio_diff_ms > kMaxAudioDiffMs) {
-          // We only allow a maximum change of KMaxAudioDiffMS for audio
-          // due to NetEQ maximum changes.
-          audio_diff_ms = kMaxAudioDiffMs;
-        }
-        // Increase the audio delay
-        channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms += audio_diff_ms;
-        // Don't set a too high delay.
-        if (channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms > kMaxDelay) {
-          channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms = kMaxDelay;
-        }
-        // Don't add any extra video delay.
-        video_delay_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms;
-        channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
-        channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
-        channel_delay_.last_sync_delay = 1;
-      } else {  // channel_delay_.last_sync_delay >= 0
-        // First time after a delay change, don't add any extra delay.
-        // This is to not toggle back and forth too much.
-        channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
-        // Set minimum video delay
-        video_delay_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms;
-        channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
-        channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
-        channel_delay_.last_sync_delay = 0;
-      }
-    }
-  } else {  // if (current_diffMS > 0)
-    // The minimum video delay is lower than the current audio delay.
-    // We need to decrease possible extra audio delay, or
-    // add extra video delay.
-    if (channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms > 0) {
-      // We have extra delay in VoiceEngine
-      // Start with decreasing the voice delay
-      int audio_diff_ms = current_diff_ms / 2;
-      if (audio_diff_ms < -1 * kMaxAudioDiffMs) {
-        // Don't change the delay too much at once.
-        audio_diff_ms = -1 * kMaxAudioDiffMs;
-      }
-      // Add the negative difference.
-      channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms += audio_diff_ms;
-      if (channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms < 0) {
-        // Negative values not allowed.
-        channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
-        channel_delay_.last_sync_delay = 0;
-      } else {
-        // There is more audio delay to use for the next round.
-        channel_delay_.last_sync_delay = 1;
-      }
-      // Keep the video delay at the minimum values.
-      video_delay_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms;
-      channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
-      channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
-    } else {  // channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms > 0
-      // We have no extra delay in VoiceEngine, increase the video delay.
-      channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
-      // Make the difference positive.
-      int video_diff_ms = -1 * current_diff_ms;
-      // This is the desired delay.
-      video_delay_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms + video_diff_ms;
-      if (video_delay_ms > channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms) {
-        if (video_delay_ms >
-            channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms + kMaxVideoDiffMs) {
-          // Don't increase the delay too much at once
-          video_delay_ms =
-              channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms + kMaxVideoDiffMs;
-        }
-        // Verify we don't go above the maximum allowed delay
-        if (video_delay_ms > kMaxDelay) {
-          video_delay_ms = kMaxDelay;
-        }
-      } else {
-        if (video_delay_ms <
-            channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs) {
-          // Don't decrease the delay too much at once
-          video_delay_ms =
-              channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms - kMaxVideoDiffMs;
-        }
-        // Verify we don't go below the minimum delay
-        if (video_delay_ms < total_video_delay_target_ms) {
-          video_delay_ms = total_video_delay_target_ms;
-        }
-      }
-      // Store the values
-      channel_delay_.extra_video_delay_ms =
-          video_delay_ms - total_video_delay_target_ms;
-      channel_delay_.last_video_delay_ms = video_delay_ms;
-      channel_delay_.last_sync_delay = -1;
-    }
-  }
-  WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, channel_id_,
-      "Sync video delay %d ms for video channel and audio delay %d for audio "
-      "channel %d",
-      video_delay_ms, channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms, voe_channel_id_);
   // Set the extra audio delay.synchronization
   if (voe_sync_interface_->SetMinimumPlayoutDelay(
-      voe_channel_id_, channel_delay_.extra_audio_delay_ms) == -1) {
+      voe_channel_id_, extra_audio_delay_ms) == -1) {
     WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideo, channel_id_,
                  "Error setting voice delay");
-  if (video_delay_ms < 0) {
-    video_delay_ms = 0;
-  }
-  total_video_delay_target_ms =
-      (total_video_delay_target_ms  >  video_delay_ms) ?
-      total_video_delay_target_ms : video_delay_ms;
   WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceInfo, webrtc::kTraceVideo, channel_id_,
                "New Video delay target is: %d", total_video_delay_target_ms);
diff --git a/src/video_engine/vie_sync_module.h b/src/video_engine/vie_sync_module.h
index 052f7e3..c93d586 100644
--- a/src/video_engine/vie_sync_module.h
+++ b/src/video_engine/vie_sync_module.h
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@
-#include "module.h"
+#include "modules/interface/module.h"
 #include "system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "tick_util.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/interface/tick_util.h"
 namespace webrtc {
 class CriticalSectionWrapper;
 class RtpRtcp;
+class StreamSynchronization;
 class VideoCodingModule;
 class VoEVideoSync;
@@ -48,22 +49,7 @@
   int voe_channel_id_;
   VoEVideoSync* voe_sync_interface_;
   TickTime last_sync_time_;
-  struct ViESyncDelay {
-    ViESyncDelay() {
-      extra_video_delay_ms = 0;
-      last_video_delay_ms = 0;
-      extra_audio_delay_ms = 0;
-      last_sync_delay = 0;
-      network_delay = 120;
-    }
-    int extra_video_delay_ms;
-    int last_video_delay_ms;
-    int extra_audio_delay_ms;
-    int last_sync_delay;
-    int network_delay;
-  };
-  ViESyncDelay channel_delay_;
+  scoped_ptr<StreamSynchronization> sync_;
 }  // namespace webrtc