Keep a map from SSRC to parsed headers in that stream
and use the preparsed headers to plot the network delay changes.

This is the first of several CLs that clean up the visualization
tool to make it easier to add new metrics.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#13499}
diff --git a/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/ b/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/
index 05d94ee..ec56999 100644
--- a/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/
+++ b/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/
@@ -76,43 +76,6 @@
   return difference;
-class StreamId {
- public:
-  StreamId(uint32_t ssrc,
-           webrtc::PacketDirection direction,
-           webrtc::MediaType media_type)
-      : ssrc_(ssrc), direction_(direction), media_type_(media_type) {}
-  bool operator<(const StreamId& other) const {
-    if (ssrc_ < other.ssrc_) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (ssrc_ == other.ssrc_) {
-      if (media_type_ < other.media_type_) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (media_type_ == other.media_type_) {
-        if (direction_ < other.direction_) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool operator==(const StreamId& other) const {
-    return ssrc_ == other.ssrc_ && direction_ == other.direction_ &&
-           media_type_ == other.media_type_;
-  }
-  uint32_t GetSsrc() const { return ssrc_; }
- private:
-  uint32_t ssrc_;
-  webrtc::PacketDirection direction_;
-  webrtc::MediaType media_type_;
 const double kXMargin = 1.02;
 const double kYMargin = 1.1;
 const double kDefaultXMin = -1;
@@ -123,24 +86,138 @@
 namespace webrtc {
 namespace plotting {
+bool EventLogAnalyzer::StreamId::operator<(const StreamId& other) const {
+  if (ssrc_ < other.ssrc_) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (ssrc_ == other.ssrc_) {
+    if (media_type_ < other.media_type_) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (media_type_ == other.media_type_) {
+      if (direction_ < other.direction_) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool EventLogAnalyzer::StreamId::operator==(const StreamId& other) const {
+  return ssrc_ == other.ssrc_ && direction_ == other.direction_ &&
+         media_type_ == other.media_type_;
 EventLogAnalyzer::EventLogAnalyzer(const ParsedRtcEventLog& log)
     : parsed_log_(log), window_duration_(250000), step_(10000) {
   uint64_t first_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
   uint64_t last_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min();
+  // Maps a stream identifier consisting of ssrc, direction and MediaType
+  // to the header extensions used by that stream,
+  std::map<StreamId, RtpHeaderExtensionMap> extension_maps;
+  PacketDirection direction;
+  MediaType media_type;
+  uint8_t header[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
+  size_t header_length;
+  size_t total_length;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_log_.GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
     ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType event_type = parsed_log_.GetEventType(i);
-    if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType::VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT)
-      continue;
-    if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT)
-      continue;
-    if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType::AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT)
-      continue;
-    if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT)
-      continue;
-    uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
-    first_timestamp = std::min(first_timestamp, timestamp);
-    last_timestamp = std::max(last_timestamp, timestamp);
+    if (event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
+        event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
+        event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT &&
+        event_type != ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
+      uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
+      first_timestamp = std::min(first_timestamp, timestamp);
+      last_timestamp = std::max(last_timestamp, timestamp);
+    }
+    switch (parsed_log_.GetEventType(i)) {
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT: {
+        VideoReceiveStream::Config config(nullptr);
+        parsed_log_.GetVideoReceiveConfig(i, &config);
+        StreamId stream(config.rtp.remote_ssrc, kIncomingPacket,
+                        MediaType::VIDEO);
+        extension_maps[stream].Erase();
+        for (size_t j = 0; j < config.rtp.extensions.size(); ++j) {
+          const std::string& extension = config.rtp.extensions[j].uri;
+          int id = config.rtp.extensions[j].id;
+          extension_maps[stream].Register(StringToRtpExtensionType(extension),
+                                          id);
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT: {
+        VideoSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
+        parsed_log_.GetVideoSendConfig(i, &config);
+        for (auto ssrc : config.rtp.ssrcs) {
+          StreamId stream(ssrc, kOutgoingPacket, MediaType::VIDEO);
+          extension_maps[stream].Erase();
+          for (size_t j = 0; j < config.rtp.extensions.size(); ++j) {
+            const std::string& extension = config.rtp.extensions[j].uri;
+            int id = config.rtp.extensions[j].id;
+            extension_maps[stream].Register(StringToRtpExtensionType(extension),
+                                            id);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT: {
+        AudioReceiveStream::Config config;
+        // TODO(terelius): Parse the audio configs once we have them.
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT: {
+        AudioSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
+        // TODO(terelius): Parse the audio configs once we have them.
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::RTP_EVENT: {
+        parsed_log_.GetRtpHeader(i, &direction, &media_type, header,
+                                 &header_length, &total_length);
+        // Parse header to get SSRC.
+        RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser rtp_parser(header, header_length);
+        RTPHeader parsed_header;
+        rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header);
+        StreamId stream(parsed_header.ssrc, direction, media_type);
+        // Look up the extension_map and parse it again to get the extensions.
+        if (extension_maps.count(stream) == 1) {
+          RtpHeaderExtensionMap* extension_map = &extension_maps[stream];
+          rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header, extension_map);
+        }
+        uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
+        rtp_packets_[stream].push_back(
+            LoggedRtpPacket(timestamp, parsed_header));
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::RTCP_EVENT: {
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::LOG_START: {
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::LOG_END: {
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::BWE_PACKET_LOSS_EVENT: {
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::BWE_PACKET_DELAY_EVENT: {
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_PLAYOUT_EVENT: {
+        break;
+      }
+      case ParsedRtcEventLog::UNKNOWN_EVENT: {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
   if (last_timestamp < first_timestamp) {
     // No useful events in the log.
     first_timestamp = last_timestamp = 0;
@@ -307,111 +384,50 @@
 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateDelayChangeGraph(Plot* plot) {
-  // Maps a stream identifier consisting of ssrc, direction and MediaType
-  // to the header extensions used by that stream,
-  std::map<StreamId, RtpHeaderExtensionMap> extension_maps;
-  struct SendReceiveTime {
-    SendReceiveTime() = default;
-    SendReceiveTime(uint32_t send_time, uint64_t recv_time)
-        : absolute_send_time(send_time), receive_timestamp(recv_time) {}
-    uint32_t absolute_send_time;  // 24-bit value in units of 2^-18 seconds.
-    uint64_t receive_timestamp;   // In microseconds.
-  };
-  std::map<StreamId, SendReceiveTime> last_packet;
-  std::map<StreamId, TimeSeries> time_series;
-  PacketDirection direction;
-  MediaType media_type;
-  uint8_t header[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
-  size_t header_length, total_length;
   double max_y = 10;
   double min_y = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_log_.GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
-    ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType event_type = parsed_log_.GetEventType(i);
-    if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      VideoReceiveStream::Config config(nullptr);
-      parsed_log_.GetVideoReceiveConfig(i, &config);
-      StreamId stream(config.rtp.remote_ssrc, kIncomingPacket,
-                      MediaType::VIDEO);
-      extension_maps[stream].Erase();
-      for (size_t j = 0; j < config.rtp.extensions.size(); ++j) {
-        const std::string& extension = config.rtp.extensions[j].uri;
-        int id = config.rtp.extensions[j].id;
-        extension_maps[stream].Register(StringToRtpExtensionType(extension),
-                                        id);
-      }
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      VideoSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
-      parsed_log_.GetVideoSendConfig(i, &config);
-      for (auto ssrc : config.rtp.ssrcs) {
-        StreamId stream(ssrc, kIncomingPacket, MediaType::VIDEO);
-        extension_maps[stream].Erase();
-        for (size_t j = 0; j < config.rtp.extensions.size(); ++j) {
-          const std::string& extension = config.rtp.extensions[j].uri;
-          int id = config.rtp.extensions[j].id;
-          extension_maps[stream].Register(StringToRtpExtensionType(extension),
-                                          id);
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      AudioReceiveStream::Config config;
-      // TODO(terelius): Parse the audio configs once we have them
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      AudioSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
-      // TODO(terelius): Parse the audio configs once we have them
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::RTP_EVENT) {
-      parsed_log_.GetRtpHeader(i, &direction, &media_type, header,
-                               &header_length, &total_length);
-      if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
-        // Parse header to get SSRC.
-        RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser rtp_parser(header, header_length);
-        RTPHeader parsed_header;
-        rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header);
-        // Filter on SSRC.
-        if (MatchingSsrc(parsed_header.ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
-          StreamId stream(parsed_header.ssrc, direction, media_type);
-          // Look up the extension_map and parse it again to get the extensions.
-          if (extension_maps.count(stream) == 1) {
-            RtpHeaderExtensionMap* extension_map = &extension_maps[stream];
-            rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header, extension_map);
-            if (parsed_header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
-              uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
-              int64_t send_time_diff = WrappingDifference(
-                  parsed_header.extension.absoluteSendTime,
-                  last_packet[stream].absolute_send_time, 1ul << 24);
-              int64_t recv_time_diff =
-                  timestamp - last_packet[stream].receive_timestamp;
+  for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
+    StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
+    // Filter on direction and SSRC.
+    if (stream_id.GetDirection() != kIncomingPacket ||
+        !MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
+      continue;
+    }
-              float x = static_cast<float>(timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
-              double y = static_cast<double>(
-                             recv_time_diff -
-                             AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(send_time_diff)) /
-                         1000;
-              if (time_series[stream].points.size() == 0) {
-                // There were no previusly logged playout for this SSRC.
-                // Generate a point, but place it on the x-axis.
-                y = 0;
-              }
-              max_y = std::max(max_y, y);
-              min_y = std::min(min_y, y);
-              time_series[stream].points.push_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
-              last_packet[stream] = SendReceiveTime(
-                  parsed_header.extension.absoluteSendTime, timestamp);
-            }
-          }
+    TimeSeries time_series;
+    time_series.label = SsrcToString(stream_id.GetSsrc());
+    const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
+    int64_t last_abs_send_time = 0;
+    int64_t last_timestamp = 0;
+    for (const LoggedRtpPacket& packet : packet_stream) {
+      if (packet.header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
+        int64_t send_time_diff =
+            WrappingDifference(packet.header.extension.absoluteSendTime,
+                               last_abs_send_time, 1ul << 24);
+        int64_t recv_time_diff = packet.timestamp - last_timestamp;
+        last_abs_send_time = packet.header.extension.absoluteSendTime;
+        last_timestamp = packet.timestamp;
+        float x = static_cast<float>(packet.timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
+        double y =
+            static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff -
+                                AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(send_time_diff)) /
+            1000;
+        if (time_series.points.size() == 0) {
+          // There were no previously logged packets for this SSRC.
+          // Generate a point, but place it on the x-axis.
+          y = 0;
+        max_y = std::max(max_y, y);
+        min_y = std::min(min_y, y);
+        time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
-  }
-  // Set labels and put in graph.
-  for (auto& kv : time_series) {
-    kv.second.label = SsrcToString(kv.first.GetSsrc());
-    plot->series.push_back(std::move(kv.second));
+    // Add the data set to the plot.
+    plot->series.push_back(std::move(time_series));
   plot->xaxis_min = kDefaultXMin;
@@ -424,117 +440,50 @@
 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAccumulatedDelayChangeGraph(Plot* plot) {
-  // TODO(terelius): Refactor
-  // Maps a stream identifier consisting of ssrc, direction and MediaType
-  // to the header extensions used by that stream.
-  std::map<StreamId, RtpHeaderExtensionMap> extension_maps;
-  struct SendReceiveTime {
-    SendReceiveTime() = default;
-    SendReceiveTime(uint32_t send_time, uint64_t recv_time, double accumulated)
-        : absolute_send_time(send_time),
-          receive_timestamp(recv_time),
-          accumulated_delay(accumulated) {}
-    uint32_t absolute_send_time;  // 24-bit value in units of 2^-18 seconds.
-    uint64_t receive_timestamp;   // In microseconds.
-    double accumulated_delay;     // In milliseconds.
-  };
-  std::map<StreamId, SendReceiveTime> last_packet;
-  std::map<StreamId, TimeSeries> time_series;
-  PacketDirection direction;
-  MediaType media_type;
-  uint8_t header[IP_PACKET_SIZE];
-  size_t header_length, total_length;
   double max_y = 10;
   double min_y = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_log_.GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
-    ParsedRtcEventLog::EventType event_type = parsed_log_.GetEventType(i);
-    if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      VideoReceiveStream::Config config(nullptr);
-      parsed_log_.GetVideoReceiveConfig(i, &config);
-      StreamId stream(config.rtp.remote_ssrc, kIncomingPacket,
-                      MediaType::VIDEO);
-      extension_maps[stream].Erase();
-      for (size_t j = 0; j < config.rtp.extensions.size(); ++j) {
-        const std::string& extension = config.rtp.extensions[j].uri;
-        int id = config.rtp.extensions[j].id;
-        extension_maps[stream].Register(StringToRtpExtensionType(extension),
-                                        id);
-      }
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      VideoSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
-      parsed_log_.GetVideoSendConfig(i, &config);
-      for (auto ssrc : config.rtp.ssrcs) {
-        StreamId stream(ssrc, kIncomingPacket, MediaType::VIDEO);
-        extension_maps[stream].Erase();
-        for (size_t j = 0; j < config.rtp.extensions.size(); ++j) {
-          const std::string& extension = config.rtp.extensions[j].uri;
-          int id = config.rtp.extensions[j].id;
-          extension_maps[stream].Register(StringToRtpExtensionType(extension),
-                                          id);
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      AudioReceiveStream::Config config;
-      // TODO(terelius): Parse the audio configs once we have them
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT) {
-      AudioSendStream::Config config(nullptr);
-      // TODO(terelius): Parse the audio configs once we have them
-    } else if (event_type == ParsedRtcEventLog::RTP_EVENT) {
-      parsed_log_.GetRtpHeader(i, &direction, &media_type, header,
-                               &header_length, &total_length);
-      if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
-        // Parse header to get SSRC.
-        RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser rtp_parser(header, header_length);
-        RTPHeader parsed_header;
-        rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header);
-        // Filter on SSRC.
-        if (MatchingSsrc(parsed_header.ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
-          StreamId stream(parsed_header.ssrc, direction, media_type);
-          // Look up the extension_map and parse it again to get the extensions.
-          if (extension_maps.count(stream) == 1) {
-            RtpHeaderExtensionMap* extension_map = &extension_maps[stream];
-            rtp_parser.Parse(&parsed_header, extension_map);
-            if (parsed_header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
-              uint64_t timestamp = parsed_log_.GetTimestamp(i);
-              int64_t send_time_diff = WrappingDifference(
-                  parsed_header.extension.absoluteSendTime,
-                  last_packet[stream].absolute_send_time, 1ul << 24);
-              int64_t recv_time_diff =
-                  timestamp - last_packet[stream].receive_timestamp;
+  for (auto& kv : rtp_packets_) {
+    StreamId stream_id = kv.first;
+    // Filter on direction and SSRC.
+    if (stream_id.GetDirection() != kIncomingPacket ||
+        !MatchingSsrc(stream_id.GetSsrc(), desired_ssrc_)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    TimeSeries time_series;
+    time_series.label = SsrcToString(stream_id.GetSsrc());
+    const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>& packet_stream = kv.second;
+    int64_t last_abs_send_time = 0;
+    int64_t last_timestamp = 0;
+    double accumulated_delay_ms = 0;
+    for (const LoggedRtpPacket& packet : packet_stream) {
+      if (packet.header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
+        int64_t send_time_diff =
+            WrappingDifference(packet.header.extension.absoluteSendTime,
+                               last_abs_send_time, 1ul << 24);
+        int64_t recv_time_diff = packet.timestamp - last_timestamp;
-              float x = static_cast<float>(timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
-              double y = last_packet[stream].accumulated_delay +
-                         static_cast<double>(
-                             recv_time_diff -
-                             AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(send_time_diff)) /
-                             1000;
-              if (time_series[stream].points.size() == 0) {
-                // There were no previusly logged playout for this SSRC.
-                // Generate a point, but place it on the x-axis.
-                y = 0;
-              }
-              max_y = std::max(max_y, y);
-              min_y = std::min(min_y, y);
-              time_series[stream].points.push_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
-              last_packet[stream] = SendReceiveTime(
-                  parsed_header.extension.absoluteSendTime, timestamp, y);
-            }
-          }
+        last_abs_send_time = packet.header.extension.absoluteSendTime;
+        last_timestamp = packet.timestamp;
+        float x = static_cast<float>(packet.timestamp - begin_time_) / 1000000;
+        accumulated_delay_ms +=
+            static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff -
+                                AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(send_time_diff)) /
+            1000;
+        if (time_series.points.size() == 0) {
+          // There were no previously logged packets for this SSRC.
+          // Generate a point, but place it on the x-axis.
+          accumulated_delay_ms = 0;
+        max_y = std::max(max_y, accumulated_delay_ms);
+        min_y = std::min(min_y, accumulated_delay_ms);
+        time_series.points.emplace_back(x, accumulated_delay_ms);
-  }
-  // Set labels and put in graph.
-  for (auto& kv : time_series) {
-    kv.second.label = SsrcToString(kv.first.GetSsrc());
-    plot->series.push_back(std::move(kv.second));
+    // Add the data set to the plot.
+    plot->series.push_back(std::move(time_series));
   plot->xaxis_min = kDefaultXMin;
@@ -630,7 +579,7 @@
     uint64_t timestamp;
     size_t size;
-  std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<TimestampSize> > packets;
+  std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<TimestampSize>> packets;
   PacketDirection direction;
   MediaType media_type;
diff --git a/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/analyzer.h b/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/analyzer.h
index 08fcd5c..9b69ff1 100644
--- a/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/analyzer.h
+++ b/webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/analyzer.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <vector>
+#include <map>
 #include "webrtc/call/rtc_event_log_parser.h"
 #include "webrtc/tools/event_log_visualizer/plot_base.h"
@@ -41,12 +42,42 @@
   void CreateStreamBitrateGraph(PacketDirection desired_direction, Plot* plot);
+  class StreamId {
+   public:
+    StreamId(uint32_t ssrc,
+             webrtc::PacketDirection direction,
+             webrtc::MediaType media_type)
+        : ssrc_(ssrc), direction_(direction), media_type_(media_type) {}
+    bool operator<(const StreamId& other) const;
+    bool operator==(const StreamId& other) const;
+    uint32_t GetSsrc() const { return ssrc_; }
+    webrtc::PacketDirection GetDirection() const { return direction_; }
+    webrtc::MediaType GetMediaType() const { return media_type_; }
+   private:
+    uint32_t ssrc_;
+    webrtc::PacketDirection direction_;
+    webrtc::MediaType media_type_;
+  };
+  struct LoggedRtpPacket {
+    LoggedRtpPacket(uint64_t timestamp, RTPHeader header)
+        : timestamp(timestamp), header(header) {}
+    uint64_t timestamp;
+    RTPHeader header;
+  };
   const ParsedRtcEventLog& parsed_log_;
   // A list of SSRCs we are interested in analysing.
   // If left empty, all SSRCs will be considered relevant.
   std::vector<uint32_t> desired_ssrc_;
+  // Maps a stream identifier consisting of ssrc, direction and MediaType
+  // to the parsed RTP headers in that stream. Header extensions are parsed
+  // if the stream has been configured.
+  std::map<StreamId, std::vector<LoggedRtpPacket>> rtp_packets_;
   // Window and step size used for calculating moving averages, e.g. bitrate.
   // The generated data points will be |step_| microseconds apart.
   // Only events occuring at most |window_duration_| microseconds before the