rearrange Travis tests
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index b20c433..3c77a17 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -4,31 +4,35 @@
   fast_finish: true
+    # other feature branches => short tests
+    - env: Cmd="make libc6install && make -C tests test32"
+    - env: Cmd='make valgrindinstall arminstall ppcinstall arm-ppc-compilation && make clean lib && CFLAGS="-O1 -g" make -C zlibWrapper valgrindTest && make -C tests valgrindTest'
+    - env: Cmd='CC=gcc-6 make gcc6install uasan-test'
+    - env: Cmd='CC=gcc-6 make gcc6install uasan-test32'
+    - env: Cmd="make arminstall armtest && make clean && make aarch64test"
+    - env: Cmd='make ppcinstall ppctest && make clean && make ppc64test'
+    - env: Cmd='make gpp6install zlibwrapper && make -C tests clean test-zstd-nolegacy && make -C tests versionsTest && make clean && cd contrib/pzstd && make test-pzstd && make test-pzstd32 && make test-pzstd-tsan && make test-pzstd-asan'
+      install:
+        - export CXX="g++-6" CC="gcc-6"
     # OS X Mavericks
     - env: Cmd="make gnu90test && make clean && make test && make clean && make travis-install"
       os: osx
-    # Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server Edition 64 bit
-    - env: Cmd='make gpp6install uasan-test && cd contrib/pzstd && make test-pzstd && make test-pzstd32 && make test-pzstd-tsan && make test-pzstd-asan'
-      install:
-        - export CXX="g++-6" CC="gcc-6"
-    - env: Cmd='CC=gcc-6 make gcc6install uasan-test32 && make clean zlibwrapper && make -C tests clean test-zstd-nolegacy && make -C tests versionsTest'
-    - env: Cmd="make arminstall armtest && make clean && make aarch64test"
-    - env: Cmd='make ppcinstall ppctest && make clean && make ppc64test'
-    # other feature branches => short tests
-    - env: Cmd='make valgrindinstall arminstall ppcinstall arm-ppc-compilation && make clean lib && CFLAGS="-O1 -g" make -C zlibWrapper valgrindTest && make -C tests valgrindTest'
-    - env: Cmd="make libc6install && make -C tests test32"
   - JOB_NUMBER=$(echo $TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER | sed -e 's:[0-9][0-9]*\.\(.*\):\1:')
-  #  cron & master          => long tests, as this is the final step towards a Release
-  #  dev && pull requests   => normal tests
-  #  other feature branches => short tests (number > 5)
+  #  cron & master          => full tests, as this is the final step towards a Release
+  #  pull requests          => normal tests (job numbers 1-3)
+  #  other feature branches => short tests (job numbers 1-2)
   - if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ] || [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then
         FUZZERTEST=-T7mn sh -c "$Cmd" || travis_terminate 1;
-        if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "true" ] || [ $JOB_NUMBER -gt 5 ] || [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "dev" ]; then
+        if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "true" ] && [ $JOB_NUMBER -lt 4 ]; then
             sh -c "$Cmd" || travis_terminate 1;
+        else
+            if [ $JOB_NUMBER -lt 3 ]; then
+                sh -c "$Cmd" || travis_terminate 1;
+            fi