Add COVER to the zstd cli
diff --git a/programs/dibio.c b/programs/dibio.c
index b95bab3..ba15d21 100644
--- a/programs/dibio.c
+++ b/programs/dibio.c
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #define SAMPLESIZE_MAX (128 KB)
 #define MEMMULT 11    /* rough estimation : memory cost to analyze 1 byte of sample */
+#define COVER_MEMMULT 9    /* rough estimation : memory cost to analyze 1 byte of sample */
 static const size_t maxMemory = (sizeof(size_t) == 4) ? (2 GB - 64 MB) : ((size_t)(512 MB) << sizeof(size_t));
 #define NOISELENGTH 32
@@ -118,10 +119,36 @@
             fileSizes[n] = fileSize;
     }   }
+    DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
     *bufferSizePtr = pos;
     return n;
+#define DiB_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+static U32 DiB_rand(U32* src)
+    static const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U;
+    static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+    U32 rand32 = *src;
+    rand32 *= prime1;
+    rand32 ^= prime2;
+    rand32  = DiB_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+    *src = rand32;
+    return rand32 >> 5;
+static void DiB_shuffle(const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles) {
+  /* Initialize the pseudorandom number generator */
+  U32 seed = 0xFD2FB528;
+  unsigned i;
+  for (i = nbFiles - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+    unsigned const j = DiB_rand(&seed) % (i + 1);
+    const char* tmp = fileNamesTable[j];
+    fileNamesTable[j] = fileNamesTable[i];
+    fileNamesTable[i] = tmp;
+  }
 *  Dictionary training functions
@@ -202,7 +229,8 @@
 int DiB_trainFromFiles(const char* dictFileName, unsigned maxDictSize,
                        const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles,
-                       ZDICT_params_t params)
+                       ZDICT_params_t *params, COVER_params_t *coverParams,
+                       int optimizeCover)
     void* const dictBuffer = malloc(maxDictSize);
     size_t* const fileSizes = (size_t*)malloc(nbFiles * sizeof(size_t));
@@ -213,8 +241,10 @@
     int result = 0;
     /* Checks */
+    if (params) g_displayLevel = params->notificationLevel;
+    else if (coverParams) g_displayLevel = coverParams->notificationLevel;
+    else EXM_THROW(13, "Neither dictionary algorith selected");   /* should not happen */
     if ((!fileSizes) || (!srcBuffer) || (!dictBuffer)) EXM_THROW(12, "not enough memory for DiB_trainFiles");   /* should not happen */
-    g_displayLevel = params.notificationLevel;
     if (g_tooLargeSamples) {
         DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "!  Warning : some samples are very large \n");
         DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "!  Note that dictionary is only useful for small files or beginning of large files. \n");
@@ -233,12 +263,31 @@
         DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Not enough memory; training on %u MB only...\n", (unsigned)(benchedSize >> 20));
     /* Load input buffer */
+    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Shuffling input files\n");
+    DiB_shuffle(fileNamesTable, nbFiles);
     nbFiles = DiB_loadFiles(srcBuffer, &benchedSize, fileSizes, fileNamesTable, nbFiles);
-    DiB_fillNoise((char*)srcBuffer + benchedSize, NOISELENGTH);   /* guard band, for end of buffer condition */
-    {   size_t const dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(dictBuffer, maxDictSize,
-                            srcBuffer, fileSizes, nbFiles,
-                            params);
+    {
+        size_t dictSize;
+        if (params) {
+            DiB_fillNoise((char*)srcBuffer + benchedSize, NOISELENGTH);   /* guard band, for end of buffer condition */
+            dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(dictBuffer, maxDictSize,
+                                                    srcBuffer, fileSizes, nbFiles,
+                                                    *params);
+        } else if (optimizeCover) {
+            dictSize = COVER_optimizeTrainFromBuffer(
+                dictBuffer, maxDictSize, srcBuffer, fileSizes, nbFiles,
+                coverParams);
+            if (!ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) {
+                DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "smoothing=%d\nkMin=%d\nkStep=%d\nkMax=%d\nd=%d\n",
+                             coverParams->smoothing, coverParams->kMin,
+                             coverParams->kStep, coverParams->kMax, coverParams->d);
+            }
+        } else {
+            dictSize = COVER_trainFromBuffer(dictBuffer, maxDictSize,
+                                             srcBuffer, fileSizes, nbFiles,
+                                             *coverParams);
+        }
         if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) {
             DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "dictionary training failed : %s \n", ZDICT_getErrorName(dictSize));   /* should not happen */
             result = 1;
diff --git a/programs/dibio.h b/programs/dibio.h
index 6780d86..e61d004 100644
--- a/programs/dibio.h
+++ b/programs/dibio.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 int DiB_trainFromFiles(const char* dictFileName, unsigned maxDictSize,
                        const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles,
-                       ZDICT_params_t parameters);
+                       ZDICT_params_t *params, COVER_params_t *coverParams,
+                       int optimizeCover);
diff --git a/programs/zstdcli.c b/programs/zstdcli.c
index 978ffcf..f4d33d3 100644
--- a/programs/zstdcli.c
+++ b/programs/zstdcli.c
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
     DISPLAY( "\n");
     DISPLAY( "Dictionary builder :\n");
     DISPLAY( "--train ## : create a dictionary from a training set of files \n");
+    DISPLAY( "--cover=k=#,d=# : use the cover algorithm with parameters k and d \n");
+    DISPLAY( "--optimize-cover[=steps=#,k=#,d=#] : optimize cover parameters with optional parameters\n");
     DISPLAY( " -o file : `file` is dictionary name (default: %s) \n", g_defaultDictName);
     DISPLAY( "--maxdict ## : limit dictionary to specified size (default : %u) \n", g_defaultMaxDictSize);
     DISPLAY( " -s#    : dictionary selectivity level (default: %u)\n", g_defaultSelectivityLevel);
@@ -192,6 +194,29 @@
+#ifndef ZSTD_NODICT
+ * parseCoverParameters() :
+ * reads cover parameters from *stringPtr (e.g. "--cover=smoothing=100,kmin=48,kstep=4,kmax=64,d=8") into *params
+ * @return 1 means that cover parameters were correct
+ * @return 0 in case of malformed parameters
+ */
+static unsigned parseCoverParameters(const char* stringPtr, COVER_params_t *params)
+    memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params));
+    for (; ;) {
+        if (longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "smoothing=")) { params->smoothing = readU32FromChar(&stringPtr); if (stringPtr[0]==',') { stringPtr++; continue; } else break; }
+        if (longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "k=") || longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "kMin=") || longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "kmin=")) { params->kMin = readU32FromChar(&stringPtr); if (stringPtr[0]==',') { stringPtr++; continue; } else break; }
+        if (longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "kStep=") || longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "kstep=")) { params->kStep = readU32FromChar(&stringPtr); if (stringPtr[0]==',') { stringPtr++; continue; } else break; }
+        if (longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "kMax=") || longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "kmax=")) { params->kMax = readU32FromChar(&stringPtr); if (stringPtr[0]==',') { stringPtr++; continue; } else break; }
+        if (longCommandWArg(&stringPtr, "d=")) { params->d = readU32FromChar(&stringPtr); if (stringPtr[0]==',') { stringPtr++; continue; } else break; }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (stringPtr[0] != 0) return 0;
+    DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "smoothing=%d\nkMin=%d\nkStep=%d\nkMax=%d\nd=%d\n", params->smoothing, params->kMin, params->kStep, params->kMax, params->d);
+    return 1;
 /** parseCompressionParameters() :
  *  reads compression parameters from *stringPtr (e.g. "--zstd=wlog=23,clog=23,hlog=22,slog=6,slen=3,tlen=48,strat=6") into *params
  *  @return 1 means that compression parameters were correct
@@ -254,6 +279,10 @@
     char* fileNamesBuf = NULL;
     unsigned fileNamesNb;
+#ifndef ZSTD_NODICT
+    COVER_params_t coverParams;
+    int cover = 0;
     /* init */
     (void)recursive; (void)cLevelLast;    /* not used when ZSTD_NOBENCH set */
@@ -318,6 +347,20 @@
                     if (!strcmp(argument, "--rm")) { FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); continue; }
                     /* long commands with arguments */
+#ifndef  ZSTD_NODICT
+                    if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--cover=")) {
+                      cover=1; if (!parseCoverParameters(argument, &coverParams)) CLEAN_RETURN(badusage(programName));
+                      continue;
+                    }
+                    if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--optimize-cover")) {
+                      cover=2;
+                      /* Allow optional arguments following an = */
+                      if (*argument == 0) { memset(&coverParams, 0, sizeof(coverParams)); }
+                      else if (*argument++ != '=') { CLEAN_RETURN(badusage(programName)); }
+                      else if (!parseCoverParameters(argument, &coverParams)) { CLEAN_RETURN(badusage(programName)); }
+                      continue;
+                    }
                     if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--memlimit=")) { memLimit = readU32FromChar(&argument); continue; }
                     if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--memory=")) { memLimit = readU32FromChar(&argument); continue; }
                     if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--memlimit-decompress=")) { memLimit = readU32FromChar(&argument); continue; }
@@ -520,13 +563,20 @@
     /* Check if dictionary builder is selected */
     if (operation==zom_train) {
 #ifndef ZSTD_NODICT
-        ZDICT_params_t dictParams;
-        memset(&dictParams, 0, sizeof(dictParams));
-        dictParams.compressionLevel = dictCLevel;
-        dictParams.selectivityLevel = dictSelect;
-        dictParams.notificationLevel = displayLevel;
-        dictParams.dictID = dictID;
-        DiB_trainFromFiles(outFileName, maxDictSize, filenameTable, filenameIdx, dictParams);
+        if (cover) {
+            coverParams.compressionLevel = dictCLevel;
+            coverParams.notificationLevel = displayLevel;
+            coverParams.dictID = dictID;
+            DiB_trainFromFiles(outFileName, maxDictSize, filenameTable, filenameIdx, NULL, &coverParams, cover - 1);
+        } else {
+            ZDICT_params_t dictParams;
+            memset(&dictParams, 0, sizeof(dictParams));
+            dictParams.compressionLevel = dictCLevel;
+            dictParams.selectivityLevel = dictSelect;
+            dictParams.notificationLevel = displayLevel;
+            dictParams.dictID = dictID;
+            DiB_trainFromFiles(outFileName, maxDictSize, filenameTable, filenameIdx, &dictParams, NULL, 0);
+        }
         goto _end;