Ignore extension in command name matching
diff --git a/programs/zstdcli.c b/programs/zstdcli.c
index 281301b..cd7ea19 100644
--- a/programs/zstdcli.c
+++ b/programs/zstdcli.c
@@ -179,6 +179,23 @@
+static const char* lastNameFromPath(const char* path)
+    const char* name = path;
+    if (strrchr(name, '/')) name = strrchr(name, '/') + 1;
+    if (strrchr(name, '\\')) name = strrchr(name, '\\') + 1; /* windows */
+    return name;
+/*! exeNameMatch() :
+    @return : a non-zero value if exeName matches test, excluding the extension
+   */
+static int exeNameMatch(const char* exeName, const char* test)
+    return !strncmp(exeName, test, strlen(test)) &&
+        (exeName[strlen(test)] == '\0' || exeName[strlen(test)] == '.');
 /*! readU32FromChar() :
     @return : unsigned integer value read from input in `char` format
     allows and interprets K, KB, KiB, M, MB and MiB suffix.
@@ -318,20 +335,17 @@
     if (filenameTable==NULL) { DISPLAY("zstd: %s \n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); }
     filenameTable[0] = stdinmark;
     g_displayOut = stderr;
-    /* Pick out program name from path. Don't rely on stdlib because of conflicting behavior */
-    {   size_t pos;
-        for (pos = (int)strlen(programName); pos > 0; pos--) { if (programName[pos] == '/') { pos++; break; } }
-        programName += pos;
-    }
+    programName = lastNameFromPath(programName);
     /* preset behaviors */
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_UNZSTD)) operation=zom_decompress;
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_CAT)) { operation=zom_decompress; forceStdout=1; FIO_overwriteMode(); outFileName=stdoutmark; g_displayLevel=1; }
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_GZ)) { suffix = GZ_EXTENSION; FIO_setCompressionType(FIO_gzipCompression); FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }    /* behave like gzip */
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_GUNZIP)) { operation=zom_decompress; FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }                                          /* behave like gunzip */
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_GZCAT)) { operation=zom_decompress; forceStdout=1; FIO_overwriteMode(); outFileName=stdoutmark; g_displayLevel=1; }  /* behave like gzcat */
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_LZMA)) { suffix = LZMA_EXTENSION; FIO_setCompressionType(FIO_lzmaCompression); FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }    /* behave like lzma */
-    if (!strcmp(programName, ZSTD_XZ)) { suffix = XZ_EXTENSION; FIO_setCompressionType(FIO_xzCompression); FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }    /* behave like xz */
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_UNZSTD)) operation=zom_decompress;
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_CAT)) { operation=zom_decompress; forceStdout=1; FIO_overwriteMode(); outFileName=stdoutmark; g_displayLevel=1; }
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_GZ)) { suffix = GZ_EXTENSION; FIO_setCompressionType(FIO_gzipCompression); FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }    /* behave like gzip */
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_GUNZIP)) { operation=zom_decompress; FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }                                          /* behave like gunzip */
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_GZCAT)) { operation=zom_decompress; forceStdout=1; FIO_overwriteMode(); outFileName=stdoutmark; g_displayLevel=1; }  /* behave like gzcat */
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_LZMA)) { suffix = LZMA_EXTENSION; FIO_setCompressionType(FIO_lzmaCompression); FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }    /* behave like lzma */
+    if (exeNameMatch(programName, ZSTD_XZ)) { suffix = XZ_EXTENSION; FIO_setCompressionType(FIO_xzCompression); FIO_setRemoveSrcFile(1); }    /* behave like xz */
     memset(&compressionParams, 0, sizeof(compressionParams));
     /* command switches */