Per-user settings

Each user has its own Settings.System.* and Settings.Secure.* namespace now.  In
addition, this CL introduces the new Settings.Global.* namespace, which contains
a number of previously-elsewhere named settings entities; these Global.* entities
are common to all users.  Because these elements have been moved from their prior
existence in the other namespaces, attempts to access them under their old names
and namespaces are detected and redirected (with appropriate compile-time and
logging messages) to their new homes.

The new Global.* namespace can only be written by system-level code, just like
the existing Secure.* namespace.  If an app attempts to write a key that was
previously in the System.* namespace but has been moved to the Global.* namespace,
then a warning is logged and no write is performed; the action is a no-op.  (The
app is explicitly not crashed, to avoid breaking well-behaved apps that can't
know any better.)

There is also now a hidden API for getting/setting settings entities associated
with a user other than the caller's.  Reading/writing data for a user other than
yourself requires the signature-level INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission.

Manipulating data for a different user cannot be done via the ContentProvider
query() / insert() APIs; you must use the Settings.get/put APIs for that degree
of control.  In general, use of the get/set API is *strongly* preferred over
query-type access to Settings.

Bug 6985398

Change-Id: Ibee54ddff99fb847c8c2479c23b50f1e7524d724
diff --git a/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/ b/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
index 1fa3695..b444eb1 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
+++ b/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
@@ -18,53 +18,73 @@
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
 import android.content.ContentProvider;
 import android.content.ContentUris;
 import android.content.ContentValues;
 import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.IntentFilter;
 import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
 import android.database.Cursor;
 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder;
+import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement;
+import android.os.Binder;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.FileObserver;
 import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
+import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.os.SystemProperties;
+import android.os.UserHandle;
+import android.os.UserManager;
 import android.provider.DrmStore;
 import android.provider.MediaStore;
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.LruCache;
+import android.util.Slog;
+import android.util.SparseArray;
 public class SettingsProvider extends ContentProvider {
     private static final String TAG = "SettingsProvider";
     private static final boolean LOCAL_LOGV = false;
+    private static final String TABLE_SYSTEM = "system";
+    private static final String TABLE_SECURE = "secure";
+    private static final String TABLE_GLOBAL = "global";
     private static final String TABLE_FAVORITES = "favorites";
     private static final String TABLE_OLD_FAVORITES = "old_favorites";
     private static final String[] COLUMN_VALUE = new String[] { "value" };
-    // Cache for settings, access-ordered for acting as LRU.
+    // Caches for each user's settings, access-ordered for acting as LRU.
     // Guarded by themselves.
     private static final int MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 200;
-    private static final SettingsCache sSystemCache = new SettingsCache("system");
-    private static final SettingsCache sSecureCache = new SettingsCache("secure");
+    private static final SparseArray<SettingsCache> sSystemCaches
+            = new SparseArray<SettingsCache>();
+    private static final SparseArray<SettingsCache> sSecureCaches
+            = new SparseArray<SettingsCache>();
+    private static final SettingsCache sGlobalCache = new SettingsCache(TABLE_GLOBAL);
     // The count of how many known (handled by SettingsProvider)
-    // database mutations are currently being handled.  Used by
-    // sFileObserver to not reload the database when it's ourselves
+    // database mutations are currently being handled for this user.
+    // Used by file observers to not reload the database when it's ourselves
     // modifying it.
-    private static final AtomicInteger sKnownMutationsInFlight = new AtomicInteger(0);
+    private static final SparseArray<AtomicInteger> sKnownMutationsInFlight
+            = new SparseArray<AtomicInteger>();
     // Over this size we don't reject loading or saving settings but
     // we do consider them broken/malicious and don't keep them in
@@ -77,10 +97,131 @@
     // want to cache the existence of a key, but not store its value.
     private static final Bundle TOO_LARGE_TO_CACHE_MARKER = Bundle.forPair("_dummy", null);
-    protected DatabaseHelper mOpenHelper;
+    // Each defined user has their own settings
+    protected final SparseArray<DatabaseHelper> mOpenHelpers = new SparseArray<DatabaseHelper>();
+    //protected DatabaseHelper mOpenHelper;
+    private UserManager mUserManager;
     private BackupManager mBackupManager;
+     * Settings which need to be treated as global/shared in multi-user environments.
+     */
+    static final HashSet<String> sSecureGlobalKeys;
+    static final HashSet<String> sSystemGlobalKeys;
+    static {
+        // Keys (name column) from the 'secure' table that are now in the owner user's 'global'
+        // table, shared across all users
+        // These must match Settings.Secure.MOVED_TO_GLOBAL
+        sSecureGlobalKeys = new HashSet<String>();
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.ASSISTED_GPS_ENABLED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.CDMA_CELL_BROADCAST_SMS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.CDMA_ROAMING_MODE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_MODE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DATA_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MOBILE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DATA_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_WIFI);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DISPLAY_DENSITY_FORCED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DISPLAY_SIZE_FORCED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DOWNLOAD_MAX_BYTES_OVER_MOBILE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DOWNLOAD_RECOMMENDED_MAX_BYTES_OVER_MOBILE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.MOBILE_DATA);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_DEV_BUCKET_DURATION);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_DEV_DELETE_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_DEV_PERSIST_BYTES);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_DEV_ROTATE_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_ENABLED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_GLOBAL_ALERT_BYTES);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_POLL_INTERVAL);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_REPORT_XT_OVER_DEV);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_SAMPLE_ENABLED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_TIME_CACHE_MAX_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_BUCKET_DURATION);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_DELETE_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_PERSIST_BYTES);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_ROTATE_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_TAG_BUCKET_DURATION);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_TAG_DELETE_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_TAG_PERSIST_BYTES);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETSTATS_UID_TAG_ROTATE_AGE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NETWORK_PREFERENCE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NITZ_UPDATE_DIFF);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NITZ_UPDATE_SPACING);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NTP_SERVER);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.NTP_TIMEOUT);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.PDP_WATCHDOG_ERROR_POLL_COUNT);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.PDP_WATCHDOG_LONG_POLL_INTERVAL_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.PDP_WATCHDOG_MAX_PDP_RESET_FAIL_COUNT);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.PDP_WATCHDOG_POLL_INTERVAL_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.PDP_WATCHDOG_TRIGGER_PACKET_COUNT);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.SAMPLING_PROFILER_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.SETUP_PREPAID_DATA_SERVICE_URL);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.SETUP_PREPAID_DETECTION_REDIR_HOST);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.SETUP_PREPAID_DETECTION_TARGET_URL);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.TETHER_DUN_APN);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.TETHER_DUN_REQUIRED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.TETHER_SUPPORTED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_HELP_URI);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_MAX_NTP_CACHE_AGE_SEC);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_POLLING_SEC);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_RESET_DAY);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD_BYTES);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.THROTTLE_VALUE_KBITSPS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.USE_GOOGLE_MAIL);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WEB_AUTOFILL_QUERY_URL);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_FRAMEWORK_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_FREQUENCY_BAND);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_IDLE_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_MOBILE_DATA_TRANSITION_WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE_NOTIFICATION_ON);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE_REPEAT_DELAY);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_NUM_OPEN_NETWORKS_KEPT);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_ON);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_P2P_DEVICE_NAME);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_SAVED_STATE);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_SUPPLICANT_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_SUSPEND_OPTIMIZATIONS_ENABLED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_WATCHDOG_NUM_ARP_PINGS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_WATCHDOG_ON);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_WATCHDOG_POOR_NETWORK_TEST_ENABLED);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIFI_WATCHDOG_RSSI_FETCH_INTERVAL_MS);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WIMAX_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE_NOTIFICATION_ON);
+        sSecureGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.WTF_IS_FATAL);
+        // Keys from the 'system' table now moved to 'global'
+        // These must match Settings.System.MOVED_TO_GLOBAL
+        sSystemGlobalKeys = new HashSet<String>();
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.ADB_ENABLED);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.BLUETOOTH_ON);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DATA_ROAMING);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.DEVICE_PROVISIONED);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.Secure.USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_TOGGLEABLE_RADIOS);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.AUTO_TIME);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.AUTO_TIME_ZONE);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.CAR_DOCK_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.CAR_UNDOCK_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.DESK_DOCK_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.DESK_UNDOCK_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.DOCK_SOUNDS_ENABLED);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.LOCK_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.UNLOCK_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.LOW_BATTERY_SOUND);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.POWER_SOUNDS_ENABLED);
+        sSystemGlobalKeys.add(Settings.System.WIFI_SLEEP_POLICY);
+    }
+    private boolean settingMovedToGlobal(final String name) {
+        return sSecureGlobalKeys.contains(name) || sSystemGlobalKeys.contains(name);
+    }
+    /**
      * Decode a content URL into the table, projection, and arguments
      * used to access the corresponding database rows.
@@ -107,7 +248,7 @@
                 if (!DatabaseHelper.isValidTable(this.table)) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad root path: " + this.table);
-                if ("system".equals(this.table) || "secure".equals(this.table)) {
+                if (TABLE_SYSTEM.equals(this.table) || TABLE_SECURE.equals(this.table)) {
                     this.where = Settings.NameValueTable.NAME + "=?";
                     this.args = new String[] { url.getPathSegments().get(1) };
                 } else {
@@ -144,7 +285,9 @@
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URI: " + tableUri);
         String table = tableUri.getPathSegments().get(0);
-        if ("system".equals(table) || "secure".equals(table)) {
+        if (TABLE_SYSTEM.equals(table) ||
+                TABLE_SECURE.equals(table) ||
+                TABLE_GLOBAL.equals(table)) {
             String name = values.getAsString(Settings.NameValueTable.NAME);
             return Uri.withAppendedPath(tableUri, name);
         } else {
@@ -159,18 +302,21 @@
      * contract class uses these to provide client-side caches.)
      * @param uri to send notifications for
-    private void sendNotify(Uri uri) {
+    private void sendNotify(Uri uri, int userHandle) {
         // Update the system property *first*, so if someone is listening for
         // a notification and then using the contract class to get their data,
         // the system property will be updated and they'll get the new data.
         boolean backedUpDataChanged = false;
         String property = null, table = uri.getPathSegments().get(0);
-        if (table.equals("system")) {
-            property = Settings.System.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION;
+        if (table.equals(TABLE_SYSTEM)) {
+            property = Settings.System.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION + '_' + userHandle;
             backedUpDataChanged = true;
-        } else if (table.equals("secure")) {
-            property = Settings.Secure.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION;
+        } else if (table.equals(TABLE_SECURE)) {
+            property = Settings.Secure.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION + '_' + userHandle;
+            backedUpDataChanged = true;
+        } else if (table.equals(TABLE_GLOBAL)) {
+            property = Settings.Global.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION;    // this one is global
             backedUpDataChanged = true;
@@ -201,7 +347,7 @@
      * @throws SecurityException if the caller is forbidden to write.
     private void checkWritePermissions(SqlArguments args) {
-        if ("secure".equals(args.table) &&
+        if ((TABLE_SECURE.equals(args.table) || TABLE_GLOBAL.equals(args.table)) &&
                     android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS) !=
             PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
@@ -218,70 +364,147 @@
     // normally the exclusive owner of the database.  But we keep this
     // enabled all the time to minimize development-vs-user
     // differences in testing.
-    private static SettingsFileObserver sObserverInstance;
+    private static SparseArray<SettingsFileObserver> sObserverInstances
+            = new SparseArray<SettingsFileObserver>();
     private class SettingsFileObserver extends FileObserver {
         private final AtomicBoolean mIsDirty = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+        private final int mUserHandle;
         private final String mPath;
-        public SettingsFileObserver(String path) {
+        public SettingsFileObserver(int userHandle, String path) {
             super(path, FileObserver.CLOSE_WRITE |
                   FileObserver.CREATE | FileObserver.DELETE |
                   FileObserver.MOVED_TO | FileObserver.MODIFY);
+            mUserHandle = userHandle;
             mPath = path;
         public void onEvent(int event, String path) {
-            int modsInFlight = sKnownMutationsInFlight.get();
+            int modsInFlight = sKnownMutationsInFlight.get(mUserHandle).get();
             if (modsInFlight > 0) {
                 // our own modification.
-            Log.d(TAG, "external modification to " + mPath + "; event=" + event);
+            Log.d(TAG, "User " + mUserHandle + " external modification to " + mPath
+                    + "; event=" + event);
             if (!mIsDirty.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                 // already handled. (we get a few update events
                 // during an sqlite write)
-            Log.d(TAG, "updating our caches for " + mPath);
-            fullyPopulateCaches();
+            Log.d(TAG, "User " + mUserHandle + " updating our caches for " + mPath);
+            fullyPopulateCaches(mUserHandle);
     public boolean onCreate() {
-        mOpenHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext());
         mBackupManager = new BackupManager(getContext());
+        mUserManager = (UserManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
-        if (!ensureAndroidIdIsSet()) {
-            return false;
+        synchronized (this) {
+            establishDbTrackingLocked(UserHandle.USER_OWNER);
+            IntentFilter userFilter = new IntentFilter();
+            userFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED);
+            getContext().registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {
+                @Override
+                public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
+                    if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED)) {
+                        final int userHandle = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE,
+                                UserHandle.USER_OWNER);
+                        if (userHandle != UserHandle.USER_OWNER) {
+                            onUserRemoved(userHandle);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }, userFilter);
+            if (!ensureAndroidIdIsSet()) {
+                return false;
+            }
-        // Watch for external modifications to the database file,
-        // keeping our cache in sync.
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase();
-        sObserverInstance = new SettingsFileObserver(db.getPath());
-        sObserverInstance.startWatching();
-        startAsyncCachePopulation();
         return true;
-    private void startAsyncCachePopulation() {
-        new Thread("populate-settings-caches") {
-            public void run() {
-                fullyPopulateCaches();
+    void onUserRemoved(int userHandle) {
+        // the db file itself will be deleted automatically, but we need to tear down
+        // our caches and other internal bookkeeping.  Creation/deletion of a user's
+        // settings db infrastructure is synchronized on 'this'
+        synchronized (this) {
+            FileObserver observer = sObserverInstances.get(userHandle);
+            if (observer != null) {
+                observer.stopWatching();
+                sObserverInstances.delete(userHandle);
-        }.start();
+            mOpenHelpers.delete(userHandle);
+            sSystemCaches.delete(userHandle);
+            sSecureCaches.delete(userHandle);
+            sKnownMutationsInFlight.delete(userHandle);
+            String property = Settings.System.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION + '_' + userHandle;
+            SystemProperties.set(property, "");
+            property = Settings.Secure.SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION + '_' + userHandle;
+            SystemProperties.set(property, "");
+        }
-    private void fullyPopulateCaches() {
-        fullyPopulateCache("secure", sSecureCache);
-        fullyPopulateCache("system", sSystemCache);
+    private void establishDbTrackingLocked(int userHandle) {
+        if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
+            Slog.i(TAG, "Installing settings db helper and caches for user " + userHandle);
+        }
+        DatabaseHelper dbhelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext(), userHandle);
+        mOpenHelpers.append(userHandle, dbhelper);
+        // Watch for external modifications to the database files,
+        // keeping our caches in sync.
+        sSystemCaches.append(userHandle, new SettingsCache(TABLE_SYSTEM));
+        sSecureCaches.append(userHandle, new SettingsCache(TABLE_SECURE));
+        sKnownMutationsInFlight.append(userHandle, new AtomicInteger(0));
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbhelper.getWritableDatabase();
+        // Now we can start observing it for changes
+        SettingsFileObserver observer = new SettingsFileObserver(userHandle, db.getPath());
+        sObserverInstances.append(userHandle, observer);
+        observer.startWatching();
+        startAsyncCachePopulation(userHandle);
+    }
+    class CachePrefetchThread extends Thread {
+        private int mUserHandle;
+        CachePrefetchThread(int userHandle) {
+            super("populate-settings-caches");
+            mUserHandle = userHandle;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void run() {
+            fullyPopulateCaches(mUserHandle);
+        }
+    }
+    private void startAsyncCachePopulation(int userHandle) {
+        new CachePrefetchThread(userHandle).start();
+    }
+    private void fullyPopulateCaches(final int userHandle) {
+        DatabaseHelper dbHelper = mOpenHelpers.get(userHandle);
+        // Only populate the globals cache once, for the owning user
+        if (userHandle == UserHandle.USER_OWNER) {
+            fullyPopulateCache(dbHelper, TABLE_GLOBAL, sGlobalCache);
+        }
+        fullyPopulateCache(dbHelper, TABLE_SECURE, sSecureCaches.get(userHandle));
+        fullyPopulateCache(dbHelper, TABLE_SYSTEM, sSystemCaches.get(userHandle));
     // Slurp all values (if sane in number & size) into cache.
-    private void fullyPopulateCache(String table, SettingsCache cache) {
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
+    private void fullyPopulateCache(DatabaseHelper dbHelper, String table, SettingsCache cache) {
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
         Cursor c = db.query(
             new String[] { Settings.NameValueTable.NAME, Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE },
@@ -337,23 +560,154 @@
+    // Lazy-initialize the settings caches for non-primary users
+    private SettingsCache getOrConstructCache(int callingUser, SparseArray<SettingsCache> which) {
+        synchronized (this) {
+            getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser); // ignore return value; we don't need it
+            return which.get(callingUser);
+        }
+    }
+    // Lazy initialize the database helper and caches for this user, if necessary
+    private DatabaseHelper getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(int callingUser) {
+        long oldId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
+        try {
+            DatabaseHelper dbHelper = mOpenHelpers.get(callingUser);
+            if (null == dbHelper) {
+                establishDbTrackingLocked(callingUser);
+                dbHelper = mOpenHelpers.get(callingUser);
+            }
+            return dbHelper;
+        } finally {
+            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(oldId);
+        }
+    }
+    public SettingsCache cacheForTable(final int callingUser, String tableName) {
+        if (TABLE_SYSTEM.equals(tableName)) {
+            return getOrConstructCache(callingUser, sSystemCaches);
+        }
+        if (TABLE_SECURE.equals(tableName)) {
+            return getOrConstructCache(callingUser, sSecureCaches);
+        }
+        if (TABLE_GLOBAL.equals(tableName)) {
+            return sGlobalCache;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Used for wiping a whole cache on deletes when we're not
+     * sure what exactly was deleted or changed.
+     */
+    public void invalidateCache(final int callingUser, String tableName) {
+        SettingsCache cache = cacheForTable(callingUser, tableName);
+        if (cache == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        synchronized (cache) {
+            cache.evictAll();
+            cache.mCacheFullyMatchesDisk = false;
+        }
+    }
      * Fast path that avoids the use of chatty remoted Cursors.
     public Bundle call(String method, String request, Bundle args) {
+        int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
+        if (args != null) {
+            int reqUser = args.getInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, callingUser);
+            if (reqUser != callingUser) {
+                getContext().enforceCallingPermission(
+                        android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL,
+                        "Not permitted to access settings for other users");
+                if (reqUser == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) {
+                    try {
+                        reqUser = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().getCurrentUser().id;
+                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
+                        // can't happen
+                    }
+                    if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
+                        Slog.v(TAG, "   USER_CURRENT resolved to " + reqUser);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (reqUser < 0) {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad user handle " + reqUser);
+                }
+                callingUser = reqUser;
+                if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "   fetching setting for user " + callingUser);
+            }
+        }
+        // Note: we assume that get/put operations for moved-to-global names have already
+        // been directed to the new location on the caller side (otherwise we'd fix them
+        // up here).
+        DatabaseHelper dbHelper;
+        SettingsCache cache;
+        // Get methods
         if (Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SYSTEM.equals(method)) {
-            return lookupValue("system", sSystemCache, request);
+            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "call(system:" + request + ") for " + callingUser);
+            synchronized (this) {
+                dbHelper = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
+                cache = sSystemCaches.get(callingUser);
+            }
+            return lookupValue(dbHelper, TABLE_SYSTEM, cache, request);
         if (Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SECURE.equals(method)) {
-            return lookupValue("secure", sSecureCache, request);
+            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "call(secure:" + request + ") for " + callingUser);
+            synchronized (this) {
+                dbHelper = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
+                cache = sSecureCaches.get(callingUser);
+            }
+            return lookupValue(dbHelper, TABLE_SECURE, cache, request);
+        if (Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_GLOBAL.equals(method)) {
+            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "call(global:" + request + ") for " + callingUser);
+            // fast path: owner db & cache are immutable after onCreate() so we need not
+            // guard on the attempt to look them up
+            return lookupValue(getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(UserHandle.USER_OWNER), TABLE_GLOBAL,
+                    sGlobalCache, request);
+        }
+        // Put methods - new value is in the args bundle under the key named by
+        // the Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE static.
+        final String newValue = (args == null)
+                ? null : args.getString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE);
+        if (newValue == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad value for " + method);
+        }
+        final ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
+        values.put(Settings.NameValueTable.NAME, request);
+        values.put(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, newValue);
+        if (Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SYSTEM.equals(method)) {
+            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "call_put(system:" + request + "=" + newValue + ") for " + callingUser);
+            insert(Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, values);
+        } else if (Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SECURE.equals(method)) {
+            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "call_put(secure:" + request + "=" + newValue + ") for " + callingUser);
+            insert(Settings.Secure.CONTENT_URI, values);
+        } else if (Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_GLOBAL.equals(method)) {
+            if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "call_put(global:" + request + "=" + newValue + ") for " + callingUser);
+            insert(Settings.Global.CONTENT_URI, values);
+        } else {
+            Slog.w(TAG, "call() with invalid method: " + method);
+        }
         return null;
     // Looks up value 'key' in 'table' and returns either a single-pair Bundle,
     // possibly with a null value, or null on failure.
-    private Bundle lookupValue(String table, SettingsCache cache, String key) {
+    private Bundle lookupValue(DatabaseHelper dbHelper, String table,
+            final SettingsCache cache, String key) {
+        if (cache == null) {
+           Slog.e(TAG, "cache is null for user " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId() + " : key=" + key);
+           return null;
+        }
         synchronized (cache) {
             Bundle value = cache.get(key);
             if (value != null) {
@@ -372,7 +726,7 @@
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
         Cursor cursor = null;
         try {
             cursor = db.query(table, COLUMN_VALUE, "name=?", new String[]{key},
@@ -393,8 +747,14 @@
     public Cursor query(Uri url, String[] select, String where, String[] whereArgs, String sort) {
+        final int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
+        if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "query() for user " + callingUser);
         SqlArguments args = new SqlArguments(url, where, whereArgs);
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
+        DatabaseHelper dbH;
+        synchronized (this) {
+            dbH = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
+        }
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbH.getReadableDatabase();
         // The favorites table was moved from this provider to a provider inside Home
         // Home still need to query this table to upgrade from pre-cupcake builds
@@ -437,15 +797,22 @@
     public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] values) {
+        final int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
+        if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "bulkInsert() for user " + callingUser);
         SqlArguments args = new SqlArguments(uri);
         if (TABLE_FAVORITES.equals(args.table)) {
             return 0;
-        SettingsCache cache = SettingsCache.forTable(args.table);
+        SettingsCache cache = cacheForTable(callingUser, args.table);
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.incrementAndGet();
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase();
+        final AtomicInteger mutationCount = sKnownMutationsInFlight.get(callingUser);
+        mutationCount.incrementAndGet();
+        DatabaseHelper dbH;
+        synchronized (this) {
+            dbH = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
+        }
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbH.getWritableDatabase();
         try {
             int numValues = values.length;
@@ -457,10 +824,10 @@
         } finally {
-            sKnownMutationsInFlight.decrementAndGet();
+            mutationCount.decrementAndGet();
-        sendNotify(uri);
+        sendNotify(uri, callingUser);
         return values.length;
@@ -538,6 +905,22 @@
     public Uri insert(Uri url, ContentValues initialValues) {
+        return insertForUser(url, initialValues, UserHandle.getCallingUserId());
+    }
+    // Settings.put*ForUser() always winds up here, so this is where we apply
+    // policy around permission to write settings for other users.
+    private Uri insertForUser(Uri url, ContentValues initialValues, int desiredUserHandle) {
+        final int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
+        if (callingUser != desiredUserHandle) {
+            getContext().enforceCallingPermission(
+                    android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL,
+                    "Not permitted to access settings for other users");
+        }
+        if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "insert(" + url + ") for user " + desiredUserHandle
+                + " by " + callingUser);
         SqlArguments args = new SqlArguments(url);
         if (TABLE_FAVORITES.equals(args.table)) {
             return null;
@@ -551,28 +934,41 @@
             if (!parseProviderList(url, initialValues)) return null;
-        SettingsCache cache = SettingsCache.forTable(args.table);
+        // The global table is stored under the owner, always
+        if (TABLE_GLOBAL.equals(args.table)) {
+            desiredUserHandle = UserHandle.USER_OWNER;
+        }
+        SettingsCache cache = cacheForTable(desiredUserHandle, args.table);
         String value = initialValues.getAsString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE);
         if (SettingsCache.isRedundantSetValue(cache, name, value)) {
             return Uri.withAppendedPath(url, name);
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.incrementAndGet();
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase();
+        final AtomicInteger mutationCount = sKnownMutationsInFlight.get(desiredUserHandle);
+        mutationCount.incrementAndGet();
+        DatabaseHelper dbH;
+        synchronized (this) {
+            dbH = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
+        }
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbH.getWritableDatabase();
         final long rowId = db.insert(args.table, null, initialValues);
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.decrementAndGet();
+        mutationCount.decrementAndGet();
         if (rowId <= 0) return null;
         SettingsCache.populate(cache, initialValues);  // before we notify
         if (LOCAL_LOGV) Log.v(TAG, args.table + " <- " + initialValues);
+        // Note that we use the original url here, not the potentially-rewritten table name
         url = getUriFor(url, initialValues, rowId);
-        sendNotify(url);
+        sendNotify(url, desiredUserHandle);
         return url;
     public int delete(Uri url, String where, String[] whereArgs) {
+        final int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
+        if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "delete() for user " + callingUser);
         SqlArguments args = new SqlArguments(url, where, whereArgs);
         if (TABLE_FAVORITES.equals(args.table)) {
             return 0;
@@ -581,36 +977,53 @@
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.incrementAndGet();
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase();
-        int count = db.delete(args.table, args.where, args.args);
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.decrementAndGet();
-        if (count > 0) {
-            SettingsCache.invalidate(args.table);  // before we notify
-            sendNotify(url);
+        final AtomicInteger mutationCount = sKnownMutationsInFlight.get(callingUser);
+        mutationCount.incrementAndGet();
+        DatabaseHelper dbH;
+        synchronized (this) {
+            dbH = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
-        startAsyncCachePopulation();
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbH.getWritableDatabase();
+        int count = db.delete(args.table, args.where, args.args);
+        mutationCount.decrementAndGet();
+        if (count > 0) {
+            invalidateCache(callingUser, args.table);  // before we notify
+            sendNotify(url, callingUser);
+        }
+        startAsyncCachePopulation(callingUser);
         if (LOCAL_LOGV) Log.v(TAG, args.table + ": " + count + " row(s) deleted");
         return count;
     public int update(Uri url, ContentValues initialValues, String where, String[] whereArgs) {
+        // NOTE: update() is never called by the front-end Settings API, and updates that
+        // wind up affecting rows in Secure that are globally shared will not have the
+        // intended effect (the update will be invisible to the rest of the system).
+        // This should have no practical effect, since writes to the Secure db can only
+        // be done by system code, and that code should be using the correct API up front.
+        final int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
+        if (LOCAL_LOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "update() for user " + callingUser);
         SqlArguments args = new SqlArguments(url, where, whereArgs);
         if (TABLE_FAVORITES.equals(args.table)) {
             return 0;
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.incrementAndGet();
-        SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase();
-        int count = db.update(args.table, initialValues, args.where, args.args);
-        sKnownMutationsInFlight.decrementAndGet();
-        if (count > 0) {
-            SettingsCache.invalidate(args.table);  // before we notify
-            sendNotify(url);
+        final AtomicInteger mutationCount = sKnownMutationsInFlight.get(callingUser);
+        mutationCount.incrementAndGet();
+        DatabaseHelper dbH;
+        synchronized (this) {
+            dbH = getOrEstablishDatabaseLocked(callingUser);
-        startAsyncCachePopulation();
+        SQLiteDatabase db = dbH.getWritableDatabase();
+        int count = db.update(args.table, initialValues, args.where, args.args);
+        mutationCount.decrementAndGet();
+        if (count > 0) {
+            invalidateCache(callingUser, args.table);  // before we notify
+            sendNotify(url, callingUser);
+        }
+        startAsyncCachePopulation(callingUser);
         if (LOCAL_LOGV) Log.v(TAG, args.table + ": " + count + " row(s) <- " + initialValues);
         return count;
@@ -772,16 +1185,6 @@
             return bundle;
-        public static SettingsCache forTable(String tableName) {
-            if ("system".equals(tableName)) {
-                return SettingsProvider.sSystemCache;
-            }
-            if ("secure".equals(tableName)) {
-                return SettingsProvider.sSecureCache;
-            }
-            return null;
-        }
          * Populates a key in a given (possibly-null) cache.
@@ -809,21 +1212,6 @@
-         * Used for wiping a whole cache on deletes when we're not
-         * sure what exactly was deleted or changed.
-         */
-        public static void invalidate(String tableName) {
-            SettingsCache cache = SettingsCache.forTable(tableName);
-            if (cache == null) {
-                return;
-            }
-            synchronized (cache) {
-                cache.evictAll();
-                cache.mCacheFullyMatchesDisk = false;
-            }
-        }
-        /**
          * For suppressing duplicate/redundant settings inserts early,
          * checking our cache first (but without faulting it in),
          * before going to sqlite with the mutation.