Merge "Add min_ce/max_ce parameters to requestLeConnectionUpdate()"
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 010f496..98e52a9 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -478,7 +478,8 @@
-        "telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStateCallback.aidl",
+        "telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStatusListener.aidl",
+        "telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadProgressListener.aidl",
@@ -737,13 +738,17 @@
+// TODO(b/77285514): remove this once the last few hidl interfaces have been
+// updated to use hwbinder.stubs.
 java_library {
     name: "hwbinder",
     no_framework_libs: true,
     srcs: [
+        "core/java/android/annotation/",
+        "core/java/android/annotation/",
@@ -784,3 +789,205 @@
+// TODO: Don't rely on this list once droiddoc can take a list of packages to document
+frameworks_base_subdirs = [
+    "core/java",
+    "graphics/java",
+    "location/java",
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+    "media/mca/filterfw/java",
+    "media/mca/filterpacks/java",
+    "drm/java",
+    "opengl/java",
+    "sax/java",
+    "telecomm/java",
+    "telephony/java",
+    "wifi/java",
+    "lowpan/java",
+    "keystore/java",
+    "rs/java",
+packages_to_document = [
+    "android",
+    "javax/microedition/khronos",
+    "org/apache/http/conn",
+    "org/apache/http/params",
+// The since flag (-since N.xml API_LEVEL) is used to add API Level information
+// to the reference documentation. Must be in order of oldest to newest.
+// Conscrypt ( is an implementation detail and should
+// not be referenced in the documentation.
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+     "-since $(location api/16.txt) 16 " +
+     "-since $(location api/17.txt) 17 " +
+     "-since $(location api/18.txt) 18 " +
+     "-since $(location api/19.txt) 19 " +
+     "-since $(location api/20.txt) 20 " +
+     "-since $(location api/21.txt) 21 " +
+     "-since $(location api/22.txt) 22 " +
+     "-since $(location api/23.txt) 23 " +
+     "-since $(location api/24.txt) 24 " +
+     "-since $(location api/25.txt) 25 " +
+     "-since $(location api/26.txt) 26 " +
+     "-since $(location api/27.txt) 27 " +
+     "-werror -lerror -hide 111 -hide 113 -hide 125 -hide 126 -hide 127 -hide 128 " +
+     "-overview $(location core/java/overview.html) " +
+     // Federate Support Library references against local API file.
+     "-federate SupportLib " +
+     "-federationapi SupportLib $(location current/support-api.txt) "
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+        // test mock src files.
+        "test-mock/src/android/test/mock/**/*.java",
+        // test runner excluding mock src files.
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+        "test-base/src/**/*.java",
+        ":opt-telephony-srcs",
+        ":opt-net-voip-srcs",
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+        ":non_openjdk_javadoc_files",
+        ":android_icu4j_src_files_for_docs",
+        ":gen-ojluni-jaif-annotated-srcs",
+    ],
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+        ":annotated_ojluni_files",
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+        "android.test.mock",
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+    resourcesoutdir: "reference/android/images",
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+    arg_files: [
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+        ":api-version-xml",
+        "core/java/overview.html",
+        ":current-support-api",
+    ],
+    api_filename: "public_api.txt",
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+    private_dex_api_filename: "private-dex.txt",
+    removed_api_filename: "removed.txt",
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+    defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
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+        "core/res/AndroidManifest.xml",
+        ":api-version-xml",
+        "core/java/overview.html",
+        ":current-support-api",
+    ],
+    api_tag_name: "SYSTEM",
+    api_filename: "system-api.txt",
+    private_api_filename: "system-private.txt",
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+    defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
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+        ":api-version-xml",
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+        ":current-support-api",
+    ],
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+        "core/java/android/os/",
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+        "core/java/android/annotation/",
+        "core/java/android/annotation/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/os/",
+        "core/java/android/util/",
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+    installable: false,
+    no_framework_libs: true,
+    args: "-showAnnotation android.annotation.SystemApi -nodocs -stubsourceonly",
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+    name: "hwbinder.stubs",
+    sdk_version: "core_current",
+    srcs: [
+        ":hwbinder-stubs-docs",
+    ],
diff --git a/ b/
index 95c3340..b5b4627 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@
 	bouncycastle \
 	okhttp \
 	ext \
-	icu4j \
 	framework \
 	voip-common \
 	android.test.mock \
@@ -174,6 +173,8 @@
     -knowntags ./frameworks/base/docs/knowntags.txt \
     -knowntags ./libcore/known_oj_tags.txt \
     -manifest ./frameworks/base/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml \
+    -hidePackage \
+    -hidePackage \
     -hidePackage \
     -hidePackage \
     -hidePackage \
@@ -259,116 +260,9 @@
 		-federate SupportLib \
 		-federationapi SupportLib prebuilts/sdk/current/support-api.txt
-# ====  the api stubs and current.xml ===========================
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-LOCAL_MODULE := api-stubs
-		$(framework_docs_LOCAL_DROIDDOC_OPTIONS) \
-		-referenceonly \
-		-nodocs
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-                                          $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_API_FILE) \
-                                          $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_DEX_API_FILE)
 $(call dist-for-goals,sdk,$(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_API_FILE))
-# ====  the system api stubs ===================================
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := system-api-stubs
-LOCAL_DROIDDOC_STUB_OUT_DIR := $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/JAVA_LIBRARIES/android_system_stubs_current_intermediates/src
-		$(framework_docs_LOCAL_DROIDDOC_OPTIONS) \
-		-referenceonly \
-		-showAnnotation android.annotation.SystemApi \
-		-nodocs
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-                                          $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_SYSTEM_PRIVATE_API_FILE) \
-                                          $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_SYSTEM_PRIVATE_DEX_API_FILE)
 $(call dist-for-goals,sdk,$(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_SYSTEM_API_FILE))
-# ====  the test api stubs ===================================
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := test-api-stubs
-               $(framework_docs_LOCAL_DROIDDOC_OPTIONS) \
-               -referenceonly \
-               -stubs $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/JAVA_LIBRARIES/android_test_stubs_current_intermediates/src \
-               -showAnnotation android.annotation.TestApi \
-               -api $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_TEST_API_FILE) \
-               -removedApi $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_TEST_REMOVED_API_FILE) \
-               -exactApi $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_TEST_EXACT_API_FILE) \
-               -nodocs
-include $(BUILD_DROIDDOC)
 $(call dist-for-goals,sdk,$(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_TEST_API_FILE))
 # ====  check javadoc comments but don't generate docs ========
diff --git a/PREUPLOAD.cfg b/PREUPLOAD.cfg
index 50a5974..75b7491 100644
--- a/PREUPLOAD.cfg
+++ b/PREUPLOAD.cfg
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
+                      telephony/
diff --git a/apct-tests/perftests/core/ b/apct-tests/perftests/core/
index 200f92f..63867c9 100644
--- a/apct-tests/perftests/core/
+++ b/apct-tests/perftests/core/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libperftestscore_jni
diff --git a/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/ b/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/
index e3f7775..4617af8 100644
--- a/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/
+++ b/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := MultiUserPerfTests
diff --git a/api/current.txt b/api/current.txt
index 8df028c..7f076cb 100644
--- a/api/current.txt
+++ b/api/current.txt
@@ -7922,7 +7922,7 @@
     method public java.util.List<android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice> getConnectedDevices();
     method public int getConnectionState(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice);
     method public java.util.List<android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice> getDevicesMatchingConnectionStates(int[]);
-    method public boolean registerApp(android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings, android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceCallback);
+    method public boolean registerApp(android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings, android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDevice.Callback);
     method public boolean replyReport(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[]);
     method public boolean reportError(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, byte);
     method public boolean sendReport(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, int, byte[]);
@@ -7952,49 +7952,8 @@
     field public static final byte SUBCLASS2_UNCATEGORIZED = 0; // 0x0
-  public final class BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings implements android.os.Parcelable {
-    ctor public BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings(int, int, int, int, int, int);
-    method public int describeContents();
-    method public int[] toArray();
-    method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
-    field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int MAX = -1; // 0xffffffff
-    field public static final int SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final int SERVICE_GUARANTEED = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final int SERVICE_NO_TRAFFIC = 0; // 0x0
-    field public final int delayVariation;
-    field public final int latency;
-    field public final int peakBandwidth;
-    field public final int serviceType;
-    field public final int tokenBucketSize;
-    field public final int tokenRate;
-  }
-  public static class BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder {
-    ctor public BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder();
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings build();
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder delayVariation(int);
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder latency(int);
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder peakBandwidth(int);
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder serviceType(int);
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder tokenBucketSize(int);
-    method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder tokenRate(int);
-  }
-  public final class BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings implements android.os.Parcelable {
-    ctor public BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, byte, byte[]);
-    method public int describeContents();
-    method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
-    field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings> CREATOR;
-    field public final java.lang.String description;
-    field public final byte[] descriptors;
-    field public final java.lang.String name;
-    field public final java.lang.String provider;
-    field public final byte subclass;
-  }
-  public abstract class BluetoothHidDeviceCallback {
-    ctor public BluetoothHidDeviceCallback();
+  public static abstract class BluetoothHidDevice.Callback {
+    ctor public BluetoothHidDevice.Callback();
     method public void onAppStatusChanged(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, boolean);
     method public void onConnectionStateChanged(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, int);
     method public void onGetReport(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int);
@@ -8004,6 +7963,35 @@
     method public void onVirtualCableUnplug(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice);
+  public final class BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings implements android.os.Parcelable {
+    ctor public BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings(int, int, int, int, int, int);
+    method public int describeContents();
+    method public int getDelayVariation();
+    method public int getLatency();
+    method public int getPeakBandwidth();
+    method public int getServiceType();
+    method public int getTokenBucketSize();
+    method public int getTokenRate();
+    method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
+    field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings> CREATOR;
+    field public static final int MAX = -1; // 0xffffffff
+    field public static final int SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int SERVICE_GUARANTEED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int SERVICE_NO_TRAFFIC = 0; // 0x0
+  }
+  public final class BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings implements android.os.Parcelable {
+    ctor public BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, byte, byte[]);
+    method public int describeContents();
+    method public java.lang.String getDescription();
+    method public byte[] getDescriptors();
+    method public java.lang.String getName();
+    method public java.lang.String getProvider();
+    method public byte getSubclass();
+    method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
+    field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.bluetooth.BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings> CREATOR;
+  }
   public final class BluetoothManager {
     method public android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter getAdapter();
     method public java.util.List<android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice> getConnectedDevices(int);
@@ -21435,6 +21423,7 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY = "";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_HDMI_AUDIO_PLUG = "";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG = "android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG";
+    field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_MICROPHONE_MUTE_CHANGED = "";
     field public static final deprecated java.lang.String ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED = "";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED = "";
     field public static final int ADJUST_LOWER = -1; // 0xffffffff
@@ -25735,17 +25724,17 @@
     field public static final int RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_STATUS_DISABLED = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_STATUS_ENABLED = 3; // 0x3
     field public static final int RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_STATUS_WHITELISTED = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final int TYPE_BLUETOOTH = 7; // 0x7
-    field public static final int TYPE_DUMMY = 8; // 0x8
-    field public static final int TYPE_ETHERNET = 9; // 0x9
-    field public static final int TYPE_MOBILE = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_DUN = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_BLUETOOTH = 7; // 0x7
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_DUMMY = 8; // 0x8
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_ETHERNET = 9; // 0x9
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_MOBILE = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_MOBILE_DUN = 4; // 0x4
     field public static final deprecated int TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI = 5; // 0x5
     field public static final deprecated int TYPE_MOBILE_MMS = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final deprecated int TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL = 3; // 0x3
-    field public static final int TYPE_VPN = 17; // 0x11
-    field public static final int TYPE_WIFI = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final int TYPE_WIMAX = 6; // 0x6
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_VPN = 17; // 0x11
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_WIFI = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final deprecated int TYPE_WIMAX = 6; // 0x6
   public static class ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback {
@@ -25839,8 +25828,8 @@
   public static final class IpSecManager.UdpEncapsulationSocket implements java.lang.AutoCloseable {
     method public void close() throws;
+    method public getFileDescriptor();
     method public int getPort();
-    method public getSocket();
   public final class IpSecTransform implements java.lang.AutoCloseable {
@@ -26022,16 +26011,16 @@
     method public int describeContents();
     method public getDetailedState();
     method public java.lang.String getExtraInfo();
-    method public java.lang.String getReason();
-    method public getState();
+    method public deprecated java.lang.String getReason();
+    method public deprecated getState();
     method public int getSubtype();
     method public java.lang.String getSubtypeName();
-    method public int getType();
-    method public java.lang.String getTypeName();
-    method public boolean isAvailable();
+    method public deprecated int getType();
+    method public deprecated java.lang.String getTypeName();
+    method public deprecated boolean isAvailable();
     method public boolean isConnected();
-    method public boolean isConnectedOrConnecting();
-    method public boolean isFailover();
+    method public deprecated boolean isConnectedOrConnecting();
+    method public deprecated boolean isFailover();
     method public deprecated boolean isRoaming();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<> CREATOR;
@@ -27545,7 +27534,7 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_ID = "android.nfc.extra.ID";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES = "android.nfc.extra.NDEF_MESSAGES";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_READER_PRESENCE_CHECK_DELAY = "presence";
-    field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_SE_NAME = "android.nfc.extra.SE_NAME";
+    field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_SECURE_ELEMENT_NAME = "android.nfc.extra.SECURE_ELEMENT_NAME";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_TAG = "android.nfc.extra.TAG";
     field public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_A = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_B = 2; // 0x2
@@ -33430,7 +33419,7 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String FEATURES = "features";
     field public static final int FEATURES_HD_CALL = 4; // 0x4
     field public static final int FEATURES_PULLED_EXTERNALLY = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final int FEATURES_RTT = 16; // 0x10
+    field public static final int FEATURES_RTT = 32; // 0x20
     field public static final int FEATURES_VIDEO = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int FEATURES_WIFI = 8; // 0x8
     field public static final java.lang.String GEOCODED_LOCATION = "geocoded_location";
@@ -35554,11 +35543,11 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String ADDRESS = "address";
-  public static final class Telephony.CarrierIdentification implements android.provider.BaseColumns {
+  public static final class Telephony.CarrierId implements android.provider.BaseColumns {
     method public static getUriForSubscriptionId(int);
-    field public static final java.lang.String CID = "carrier_id";
+    field public static final java.lang.String CARRIER_ID = "carrier_id";
+    field public static final java.lang.String CARRIER_NAME = "carrier_name";
     field public static final CONTENT_URI;
-    field public static final java.lang.String NAME = "carrier_name";
   public static final class Telephony.Carriers implements android.provider.BaseColumns {
@@ -37022,17 +37011,17 @@
 package {
-  public class Channel {
+  public final class Channel implements java.nio.channels.Channel {
     method public void close();
     method public byte[] getSelectResponse();
     method public getSession();
     method public boolean isBasicChannel();
-    method public boolean isClosed();
+    method public boolean isOpen();
     method public boolean selectNext() throws;
     method public byte[] transmit(byte[]) throws;
-  public class Reader {
+  public final class Reader {
     method public void closeSessions();
     method public java.lang.String getName();
     method public getSEService();
@@ -37040,21 +37029,19 @@
     method public openSession() throws;
-  public class SEService {
-    ctor public SEService(android.content.Context,;
+  public final class SEService {
+    ctor public SEService(android.content.Context, java.util.concurrent.Executor,;
     method public[] getReaders();
     method public java.lang.String getVersion();
     method public boolean isConnected();
     method public void shutdown();
-  public static abstract class SEService.SecureElementListener extends android.os.Binder {
-    ctor public SEService.SecureElementListener();
-    method public android.os.IBinder asBinder();
-    method public void serviceConnected();
+  public static abstract interface SEService.OnConnectedListener {
+    method public abstract void onConnected();
-  public class Session {
+  public final class Session {
     method public void close();
     method public void closeChannels();
     method public byte[] getATR();
@@ -39192,10 +39179,10 @@
     method public void onStateChanged(android.telecom.Call, int);
     method public void onVideoCallChanged(android.telecom.Call, android.telecom.InCallService.VideoCall);
     field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_APP_REJECTED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_INVALID_PERM = 3; // 0x3
-    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_USER_REJECTED = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_ONGOING_EMERG_CALL = 5; // 0x5
+    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_ONGOING_EMERGENCY_CALL = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 5; // 0x5
+    field public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_USER_REJECTED = 3; // 0x3
   public static class Call.Details {
@@ -39405,7 +39392,7 @@
     method public final void putExtras(android.os.Bundle);
     method public final void removeExtras(java.util.List<java.lang.String>);
     method public final void removeExtras(java.lang.String...);
-    method public void requestBluetoothAudio(java.lang.String);
+    method public void requestBluetoothAudio(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice);
     method public void sendConnectionEvent(java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle);
     method public final void sendRemoteRttRequest();
     method public final void sendRttInitiationFailure(int);
@@ -39616,7 +39603,7 @@
     method public void onCanAddCallChanged(boolean);
     method public void onConnectionEvent(android.telecom.Call, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle);
     method public void onSilenceRinger();
-    method public final void requestBluetoothAudio(java.lang.String);
+    method public final void requestBluetoothAudio(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice);
     method public final void setAudioRoute(int);
     method public final void setMuted(boolean);
     field public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_INTERFACE = "android.telecom.InCallService";
@@ -39952,11 +39939,9 @@
 package android.telephony {
   public final class AccessNetworkConstants {
-    ctor public AccessNetworkConstants();
   public static final class AccessNetworkConstants.AccessNetworkType {
-    ctor public AccessNetworkConstants.AccessNetworkType();
     field public static final int CDMA2000 = 4; // 0x4
     field public static final int EUTRAN = 3; // 0x3
     field public static final int GERAN = 1; // 0x1
@@ -39966,7 +39951,6 @@
   public static final class AccessNetworkConstants.EutranBand {
-    ctor public AccessNetworkConstants.EutranBand();
     field public static final int BAND_1 = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int BAND_10 = 10; // 0xa
     field public static final int BAND_11 = 11; // 0xb
@@ -40018,7 +40002,6 @@
   public static final class AccessNetworkConstants.GeranBand {
-    ctor public AccessNetworkConstants.GeranBand();
     field public static final int BAND_450 = 3; // 0x3
     field public static final int BAND_480 = 4; // 0x4
     field public static final int BAND_710 = 5; // 0x5
@@ -40036,7 +40019,6 @@
   public static final class AccessNetworkConstants.UtranBand {
-    ctor public AccessNetworkConstants.UtranBand();
     field public static final int BAND_1 = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int BAND_10 = 10; // 0xa
     field public static final int BAND_11 = 11; // 0xb
@@ -40089,6 +40071,8 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_INSTANT_LETTERING_ESCAPED_CHARS_STRING = "carrier_instant_lettering_escaped_chars_string";
     field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_INSTANT_LETTERING_INVALID_CHARS_STRING = "carrier_instant_lettering_invalid_chars_string";
     field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_INSTANT_LETTERING_LENGTH_LIMIT_INT = "carrier_instant_lettering_length_limit_int";
+    field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_NAME_OVERRIDE_BOOL = "carrier_name_override_bool";
+    field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_NAME_STRING = "carrier_name_string";
     field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_BOOL = "carrier_settings_enable_bool";
     field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_USE_IMS_FIRST_FOR_EMERGENCY_BOOL = "carrier_use_ims_first_for_emergency_bool";
     field public static final java.lang.String KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_AVAILABLE_BOOL = "carrier_volte_available_bool";
@@ -40211,6 +40195,8 @@
   public abstract class CellIdentity implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
+    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong();
+    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.telephony.CellIdentity> CREATOR;
@@ -40220,8 +40206,6 @@
     method public int getLatitude();
     method public int getLongitude();
     method public int getNetworkId();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort();
     method public int getSystemId();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.telephony.CellIdentityCdma> CREATOR;
@@ -40233,12 +40217,10 @@
     method public int getCid();
     method public int getLac();
     method public deprecated int getMcc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMccStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMccString();
     method public deprecated int getMnc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMncStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMncString();
     method public java.lang.String getMobileNetworkOperator();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort();
     method public deprecated int getPsc();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm> CREATOR;
@@ -40249,12 +40231,10 @@
     method public int getCi();
     method public int getEarfcn();
     method public deprecated int getMcc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMccStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMccString();
     method public deprecated int getMnc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMncStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMncString();
     method public java.lang.String getMobileNetworkOperator();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort();
     method public int getPci();
     method public int getTac();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
@@ -40265,8 +40245,8 @@
     method public int getCid();
     method public int getCpid();
     method public int getLac();
-    method public java.lang.String getMccStr();
-    method public java.lang.String getMncStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMccString();
+    method public java.lang.String getMncString();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.telephony.CellIdentityTdscdma> CREATOR;
@@ -40275,12 +40255,10 @@
     method public int getCid();
     method public int getLac();
     method public deprecated int getMcc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMccStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMccString();
     method public deprecated int getMnc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMncStr();
+    method public java.lang.String getMncString();
     method public java.lang.String getMobileNetworkOperator();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort();
     method public int getPsc();
     method public int getUarfcn();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
@@ -40410,19 +40388,21 @@
   public class MbmsDownloadSession implements java.lang.AutoCloseable {
-    method public int cancelDownload(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest);
+    method public void addProgressListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener);
+    method public void addStatusListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener);
+    method public void cancelDownload(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest);
     method public void close();
     method public static android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession create(android.content.Context, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback);
     method public static android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession create(android.content.Context, java.util.concurrent.Executor, int, android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback);
-    method public int download(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest);
+    method public void download(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest);
     method public getTempFileRootDirectory();
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest> listPendingDownloads();
-    method public int registerStateCallback(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback);
+    method public void removeProgressListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener);
+    method public void removeStatusListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener);
     method public void requestDownloadState(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo);
     method public void requestUpdateFileServices(java.util.List<java.lang.String>);
     method public void resetDownloadKnowledge(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest);
     method public void setTempFileRootDirectory(;
-    method public int unregisterStateCallback(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback);
     field public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_TOP_LEVEL_TEMP_DIRECTORY = "androidMbmsTempFileRoot";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_MBMS_COMPLETED_FILE_URI = "android.telephony.extra.MBMS_COMPLETED_FILE_URI";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_MBMS_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST = "android.telephony.extra.MBMS_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST";
@@ -40471,7 +40451,8 @@
   public class NetworkScan {
-    method public void stop() throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public deprecated void stop() throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public void stopScan();
     field public static final int ERROR_INTERRUPTED = 10002; // 0x2712
     field public static final int ERROR_INVALID_SCAN = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int ERROR_INVALID_SCANID = 10001; // 0x2711
@@ -40608,17 +40589,17 @@
     ctor public ServiceState(android.os.Parcel);
     method protected void copyFrom(android.telephony.ServiceState);
     method public int describeContents();
+    method public int getCdmaNetworkId();
+    method public int getCdmaSystemId();
     method public int[] getCellBandwidths();
     method public int getChannelNumber();
     method public int getDuplexMode();
     method public boolean getIsManualSelection();
-    method public int getNetworkId();
     method public java.lang.String getOperatorAlphaLong();
     method public java.lang.String getOperatorAlphaShort();
     method public java.lang.String getOperatorNumeric();
     method public boolean getRoaming();
     method public int getState();
-    method public int getSystemId();
     method public void setIsManualSelection(boolean);
     method public void setOperatorName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public void setRoaming(boolean);
@@ -40832,8 +40813,6 @@
     method public android.telephony.TelephonyManager createForPhoneAccountHandle(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle);
     method public android.telephony.TelephonyManager createForSubscriptionId(int);
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.CellInfo> getAllCellInfo();
-    method public int getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription();
-    method public java.lang.CharSequence getAndroidCarrierNameForSubscription();
     method public int getCallState();
     method public android.os.PersistableBundle getCarrierConfig();
     method public deprecated android.telephony.CellLocation getCellLocation();
@@ -40864,6 +40843,8 @@
     method public int getPhoneType();
     method public android.telephony.ServiceState getServiceState();
     method public android.telephony.SignalStrength getSignalStrength();
+    method public int getSimCarrierId();
+    method public java.lang.CharSequence getSimCarrierIdName();
     method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso();
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperator();
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName();
@@ -40885,28 +40866,27 @@
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean isConcurrentVoiceAndDataSupported();
-    method public deprecated boolean isDataEnabled();
+    method public boolean isDataEnabled();
     method public boolean isHearingAidCompatibilitySupported();
     method public boolean isNetworkRoaming();
     method public boolean isSmsCapable();
     method public deprecated boolean isTtyModeSupported();
-    method public boolean isUserMobileDataEnabled();
     method public boolean isVoiceCapable();
     method public boolean isVoicemailVibrationEnabled(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle);
     method public boolean isWorldPhone();
     method public void listen(android.telephony.PhoneStateListener, int);
-    method public android.telephony.NetworkScan requestNetworkScan(android.telephony.NetworkScanRequest, android.telephony.TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback);
+    method public android.telephony.NetworkScan requestNetworkScan(android.telephony.NetworkScanRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.telephony.TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback);
+    method public deprecated android.telephony.NetworkScan requestNetworkScan(android.telephony.NetworkScanRequest, android.telephony.TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback);
     method public void sendDialerSpecialCode(java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(java.lang.String);
     method public void sendUssdRequest(java.lang.String, android.telephony.TelephonyManager.UssdResponseCallback, android.os.Handler);
     method public void sendVisualVoicemailSms(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String,;
-    method public deprecated void setDataEnabled(boolean);
+    method public void setDataEnabled(boolean);
     method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public void setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic();
     method public boolean setNetworkSelectionModeManual(java.lang.String, boolean);
     method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal();
-    method public void setUserMobileDataEnabled(boolean);
     method public void setVisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings(android.telephony.VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings);
     method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public deprecated void setVoicemailRingtoneUri(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle,;
@@ -41077,21 +41057,21 @@
   public class ApnSetting implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
     method public java.lang.String getApnName();
+    method public int getApnTypeBitmask();
     method public int getAuthType();
     method public java.lang.String getEntryName();
     method public int getId();
-    method public int getMmsPort();
-    method public getMmsProxy();
-    method public getMmsc();
-    method public java.lang.String getMvnoType();
+    method public getMmsProxyAddress();
+    method public int getMmsProxyPort();
+    method public getMmsc();
+    method public int getMvnoType();
     method public int getNetworkTypeBitmask();
     method public java.lang.String getOperatorNumeric();
     method public java.lang.String getPassword();
-    method public int getPort();
-    method public java.lang.String getProtocol();
-    method public getProxy();
-    method public java.lang.String getRoamingProtocol();
-    method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTypes();
+    method public int getProtocol();
+    method public getProxyAddress();
+    method public int getProxyPort();
+    method public int getRoamingProtocol();
     method public java.lang.String getUser();
     method public boolean isEnabled();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
@@ -41100,46 +41080,45 @@
     field public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PAP = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PAP_OR_CHAP = 3; // 0x3
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<> CREATOR;
-    field public static final java.lang.String MVNO_TYPE_GID = "gid";
-    field public static final java.lang.String MVNO_TYPE_ICCID = "iccid";
-    field public static final java.lang.String MVNO_TYPE_IMSI = "imsi";
-    field public static final java.lang.String MVNO_TYPE_SPN = "spn";
-    field public static final java.lang.String PROTOCOL_IP = "IP";
-    field public static final java.lang.String PROTOCOL_IPV4V6 = "IPV4V6";
-    field public static final java.lang.String PROTOCOL_IPV6 = "IPV6";
-    field public static final java.lang.String PROTOCOL_PPP = "PPP";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_ALL = "*";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_CBS = "cbs";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_DEFAULT = "default";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_DUN = "dun";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_EMERGENCY = "emergency";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_FOTA = "fota";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_HIPRI = "hipri";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_IA = "ia";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_IMS = "ims";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_MMS = "mms";
-    field public static final java.lang.String TYPE_SUPL = "supl";
+    field public static final int MVNO_TYPE_GID = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int MVNO_TYPE_ICCID = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int MVNO_TYPE_IMSI = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int MVNO_TYPE_SPN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int PROTOCOL_IP = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int PROTOCOL_IPV4V6 = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int PROTOCOL_IPV6 = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int PROTOCOL_PPP = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int TYPE_CBS = 128; // 0x80
+    field public static final int TYPE_DEFAULT = 17; // 0x11
+    field public static final int TYPE_DUN = 8; // 0x8
+    field public static final int TYPE_EMERGENCY = 512; // 0x200
+    field public static final int TYPE_FOTA = 32; // 0x20
+    field public static final int TYPE_HIPRI = 16; // 0x10
+    field public static final int TYPE_IA = 256; // 0x100
+    field public static final int TYPE_IMS = 64; // 0x40
+    field public static final int TYPE_MMS = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int TYPE_SUPL = 4; // 0x4
   public static class ApnSetting.Builder {
     ctor public ApnSetting.Builder();
     method public build();
     method public setApnName(java.lang.String);
+    method public setApnTypeBitmask(int);
     method public setAuthType(int);
     method public setCarrierEnabled(boolean);
     method public setEntryName(java.lang.String);
-    method public setMmsPort(int);
-    method public setMmsProxy(;
-    method public setMmsc(;
-    method public setMvnoType(java.lang.String);
+    method public setMmsProxyAddress(;
+    method public setMmsProxyPort(int);
+    method public setMmsc(;
+    method public setMvnoType(int);
     method public setNetworkTypeBitmask(int);
     method public setOperatorNumeric(java.lang.String);
     method public setPassword(java.lang.String);
-    method public setPort(int);
-    method public setProtocol(java.lang.String);
-    method public setProxy(;
-    method public setRoamingProtocol(java.lang.String);
-    method public setTypes(java.util.List<java.lang.String>);
+    method public setProtocol(int);
+    method public setProxyAddress(;
+    method public setProxyPort(int);
+    method public setRoamingProtocol(int);
     method public setUser(java.lang.String);
@@ -41178,6 +41157,7 @@
     field public static final int EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULT_OK = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULT_RESOLVABLE_ERROR = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTION_DETAILED_CODE = "android.telephony.euicc.extra.EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTION_DETAILED_CODE";
     field public static final java.lang.String META_DATA_CARRIER_ICON = "android.telephony.euicc.carriericon";
@@ -41275,6 +41255,11 @@
 package android.telephony.mbms {
+  public class DownloadProgressListener {
+    ctor public DownloadProgressListener();
+    method public void onProgressUpdated(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo, int, int, int, int);
+  }
   public final class DownloadRequest implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
     method public getDestinationUri();
@@ -41298,15 +41283,9 @@
     method public android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest.Builder setSubscriptionId(int);
-  public class DownloadStateCallback {
-    ctor public DownloadStateCallback();
-    ctor public DownloadStateCallback(int);
-    method public final boolean isFilterFlagSet(int);
-    method public void onProgressUpdated(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo, int, int, int, int);
-    method public void onStateUpdated(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo, int);
-    field public static final int ALL_UPDATES = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final int PROGRESS_UPDATES = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final int STATE_UPDATES = 2; // 0x2
+  public class DownloadStatusListener {
+    ctor public DownloadStatusListener();
+    method public void onStatusUpdated(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo, int);
   public final class FileInfo implements android.os.Parcelable {
@@ -41341,6 +41320,7 @@
     field public static final int ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_BOUND = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int ERROR_NO_UNIQUE_MIDDLEWARE = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SUCCESS = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int UNKNOWN = -1; // 0xffffffff
   public static class MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors {
diff --git a/api/system-current.txt b/api/system-current.txt
index e3336db..d6651d9 100644
--- a/api/system-current.txt
+++ b/api/system-current.txt
@@ -2611,8 +2611,10 @@
   public static final class IpSecManager.IpSecTunnelInterface implements java.lang.AutoCloseable {
+    method public void addAddress( throws;
     method public void close();
     method public java.lang.String getInterfaceName();
+    method public void removeAddress( throws;
   public final class IpSecTransform implements java.lang.AutoCloseable {
@@ -3159,6 +3161,135 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_UPDATE_TZDATA = "android.intent.action.UPDATE_TZDATA";
+  public class HidlSupport {
+    method public static boolean deepEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object);
+    method public static int deepHashCode(java.lang.Object);
+    method public static int getPidIfSharable();
+    method public static boolean interfacesEqual(android.os.IHwInterface, java.lang.Object);
+  }
+  public abstract class HwBinder implements android.os.IHwBinder {
+    ctor public HwBinder();
+    method public static final void configureRpcThreadpool(long, boolean);
+    method public static void enableInstrumentation();
+    method public static final android.os.IHwBinder getService(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws java.util.NoSuchElementException, android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public static final android.os.IHwBinder getService(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) throws java.util.NoSuchElementException, android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public static final void joinRpcThreadpool();
+    method public abstract void onTransact(int, android.os.HwParcel, android.os.HwParcel, int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public final void registerService(java.lang.String) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public final void transact(int, android.os.HwParcel, android.os.HwParcel, int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+  }
+  public class HwBlob {
+    ctor public HwBlob(int);
+    method public final void copyToBoolArray(long, boolean[], int);
+    method public final void copyToDoubleArray(long, double[], int);
+    method public final void copyToFloatArray(long, float[], int);
+    method public final void copyToInt16Array(long, short[], int);
+    method public final void copyToInt32Array(long, int[], int);
+    method public final void copyToInt64Array(long, long[], int);
+    method public final void copyToInt8Array(long, byte[], int);
+    method public final boolean getBool(long);
+    method public final double getDouble(long);
+    method public final float getFloat(long);
+    method public final short getInt16(long);
+    method public final int getInt32(long);
+    method public final long getInt64(long);
+    method public final byte getInt8(long);
+    method public final java.lang.String getString(long);
+    method public final long handle();
+    method public final void putBlob(long, android.os.HwBlob);
+    method public final void putBool(long, boolean);
+    method public final void putBoolArray(long, boolean[]);
+    method public final void putDouble(long, double);
+    method public final void putDoubleArray(long, double[]);
+    method public final void putFloat(long, float);
+    method public final void putFloatArray(long, float[]);
+    method public final void putInt16(long, short);
+    method public final void putInt16Array(long, short[]);
+    method public final void putInt32(long, int);
+    method public final void putInt32Array(long, int[]);
+    method public final void putInt64(long, long);
+    method public final void putInt64Array(long, long[]);
+    method public final void putInt8(long, byte);
+    method public final void putInt8Array(long, byte[]);
+    method public final void putString(long, java.lang.String);
+    method public static java.lang.Boolean[] wrapArray(boolean[]);
+    method public static java.lang.Long[] wrapArray(long[]);
+    method public static java.lang.Byte[] wrapArray(byte[]);
+    method public static java.lang.Short[] wrapArray(short[]);
+    method public static java.lang.Integer[] wrapArray(int[]);
+    method public static java.lang.Float[] wrapArray(float[]);
+    method public static java.lang.Double[] wrapArray(double[]);
+  }
+  public class HwParcel {
+    ctor public HwParcel();
+    method public final void enforceInterface(java.lang.String);
+    method public final boolean readBool();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Boolean> readBoolVector();
+    method public final android.os.HwBlob readBuffer(long);
+    method public final double readDouble();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> readDoubleVector();
+    method public final android.os.HwBlob readEmbeddedBuffer(long, long, long, boolean);
+    method public final float readFloat();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Float> readFloatVector();
+    method public final short readInt16();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Short> readInt16Vector();
+    method public final int readInt32();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> readInt32Vector();
+    method public final long readInt64();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> readInt64Vector();
+    method public final byte readInt8();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Byte> readInt8Vector();
+    method public final java.lang.String readString();
+    method public final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> readStringVector();
+    method public final android.os.IHwBinder readStrongBinder();
+    method public final void release();
+    method public final void releaseTemporaryStorage();
+    method public final void send();
+    method public final void verifySuccess();
+    method public final void writeBool(boolean);
+    method public final void writeBoolVector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Boolean>);
+    method public final void writeBuffer(android.os.HwBlob);
+    method public final void writeDouble(double);
+    method public final void writeDoubleVector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double>);
+    method public final void writeFloat(float);
+    method public final void writeFloatVector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Float>);
+    method public final void writeInt16(short);
+    method public final void writeInt16Vector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Short>);
+    method public final void writeInt32(int);
+    method public final void writeInt32Vector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>);
+    method public final void writeInt64(long);
+    method public final void writeInt64Vector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long>);
+    method public final void writeInt8(byte);
+    method public final void writeInt8Vector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Byte>);
+    method public final void writeInterfaceToken(java.lang.String);
+    method public final void writeStatus(int);
+    method public final void writeString(java.lang.String);
+    method public final void writeStringVector(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>);
+    method public final void writeStrongBinder(android.os.IHwBinder);
+    field public static final int STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; // 0x0
+  }
+  public static abstract class HwParcel.Status implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
+  }
+  public abstract interface IHwBinder {
+    method public abstract boolean linkToDeath(android.os.IHwBinder.DeathRecipient, long);
+    method public abstract android.os.IHwInterface queryLocalInterface(java.lang.String);
+    method public abstract void transact(int, android.os.HwParcel, android.os.HwParcel, int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public abstract boolean unlinkToDeath(android.os.IHwBinder.DeathRecipient);
+  }
+  public static abstract interface IHwBinder.DeathRecipient {
+    method public abstract void serviceDied(long);
+  }
+  public abstract interface IHwInterface {
+    method public abstract android.os.IHwBinder asBinder();
+  }
   public class IncidentManager {
     method public void reportIncident(android.os.IncidentReportArgs);
     method public void reportIncident(java.lang.String, byte[]);
@@ -3532,6 +3663,7 @@
     method public static boolean putString(android.content.ContentResolver, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean);
     method public static void resetToDefaults(android.content.ContentResolver, java.lang.String);
     field public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_SM_DP_PLUS = "default_sm_dp_plus";
+    field public static final java.lang.String EUICC_PROVISIONED = "euicc_provisioned";
     field public static final java.lang.String OTA_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_UPDATE = "ota_disable_automatic_update";
     field public static final java.lang.String THEATER_MODE_ON = "theater_mode_on";
     field public static final java.lang.String WEBVIEW_MULTIPROCESS = "webview_multiprocess";
@@ -4110,7 +4242,6 @@
 package android.telephony {
   public static final class AccessNetworkConstants.TransportType {
-    ctor public AccessNetworkConstants.TransportType();
     field public static final int WLAN = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int WWAN = 1; // 0x1
@@ -4293,6 +4424,7 @@
     method public java.lang.String getCdmaMin(int);
     method public int getCurrentPhoneType();
     method public int getCurrentPhoneType(int);
+    method public int getDataActivationState();
     method public deprecated boolean getDataEnabled();
     method public deprecated boolean getDataEnabled(int);
     method public int getSimApplicationState();
@@ -4300,6 +4432,7 @@
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.TelephonyHistogram> getTelephonyHistograms();
     method public android.telephony.UiccSlotInfo[] getUiccSlotsInfo();
     method public android.os.Bundle getVisualVoicemailSettings();
+    method public int getVoiceActivationState();
     method public boolean handlePinMmi(java.lang.String);
     method public boolean handlePinMmiForSubscriber(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean isDataConnectivityPossible();
@@ -4311,10 +4444,12 @@
     method public deprecated boolean isVisualVoicemailEnabled(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle);
     method public boolean needsOtaServiceProvisioning();
     method public int setAllowedCarriers(int, java.util.List<android.service.carrier.CarrierIdentifier>);
+    method public void setDataActivationState(int);
     method public deprecated void setDataEnabled(int, boolean);
     method public boolean setRadio(boolean);
     method public boolean setRadioPower(boolean);
     method public deprecated void setVisualVoicemailEnabled(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle, boolean);
+    method public void setVoiceActivationState(int);
     method public deprecated void silenceRinger();
     method public boolean supplyPin(java.lang.String);
     method public int[] supplyPinReportResult(java.lang.String);
@@ -4333,6 +4468,11 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_SIM_STATE = "android.telephony.extra.SIM_STATE";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_ENABLED_BY_USER_BOOL = "android.telephony.extra.VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_ENABLED_BY_USER_BOOL";
     field public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_VOICEMAIL_SCRAMBLED_PIN_STRING = "android.telephony.extra.VOICEMAIL_SCRAMBLED_PIN_STRING";
+    field public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_DEACTIVATED = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_RESTRICTED = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int SIM_STATE_LOADED = 10; // 0xa
     field public static final int SIM_STATE_PRESENT = 11; // 0xb
@@ -4348,12 +4488,13 @@
   public class UiccSlotInfo implements android.os.Parcelable {
-    ctor public UiccSlotInfo(boolean, boolean, java.lang.String, int, int);
+    ctor public UiccSlotInfo(boolean, boolean, java.lang.String, int, int, boolean);
     method public int describeContents();
     method public java.lang.String getCardId();
     method public int getCardStateInfo();
     method public boolean getIsActive();
     method public boolean getIsEuicc();
+    method public boolean getIsExtendedApduSupported();
     method public int getLogicalSlotIdx();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final int CARD_STATE_INFO_ABSENT = 1; // 0x1
@@ -4504,6 +4645,7 @@
     field public static final int RESET_OPTION_DELETE_FIELD_LOADED_TEST_PROFILES = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int RESET_OPTION_DELETE_OPERATIONAL_PROFILES = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int RESET_OPTION_RESET_DEFAULT_SMDP_ADDRESS = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int RESULT_EUICC_NOT_FOUND = -2; // 0xfffffffe
     field public static final int RESULT_OK = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1; // 0xffffffff
@@ -4520,6 +4662,7 @@
   public class EuiccManager {
     method public void continueOperation(android.content.Intent, android.os.Bundle);
+    method public void eraseSubscriptions(;
     method public void getDefaultDownloadableSubscriptionList(;
     method public void getDownloadableSubscriptionMetadata(android.telephony.euicc.DownloadableSubscription,;
     method public int getOtaStatus();
@@ -4530,7 +4673,6 @@
     field public static final int EUICC_OTA_NOT_NEEDED = 4; // 0x4
     field public static final int EUICC_OTA_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 5; // 0x5
     field public static final int EUICC_OTA_SUCCEEDED = 3; // 0x3
@@ -5103,7 +5245,6 @@
     method public void setUiTtyMode(int, android.os.Message);
     method public int shouldProcessCall(java.lang.String[]);
     field public static final int PROCESS_CALL_CSFB = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final int PROCESS_CALL_EMERGENCY_CSFB = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int PROCESS_CALL_IMS = 0; // 0x0
@@ -5209,19 +5350,24 @@
   public final class ImsFeatureConfiguration implements android.os.Parcelable {
-    ctor public ImsFeatureConfiguration();
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public int[] getServiceFeatures();
+    method public java.util.Set<android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsFeatureConfiguration.FeatureSlotPair> getServiceFeatures();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsFeatureConfiguration> CREATOR;
   public static class ImsFeatureConfiguration.Builder {
     ctor public ImsFeatureConfiguration.Builder();
-    method public android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsFeatureConfiguration.Builder addFeature(int);
+    method public android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsFeatureConfiguration.Builder addFeature(int, int);
     method public android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsFeatureConfiguration build();
+  public static final class ImsFeatureConfiguration.FeatureSlotPair {
+    ctor public ImsFeatureConfiguration.FeatureSlotPair(int, int);
+    field public final int featureType;
+    field public final int slotId;
+  }
   public class ImsMultiEndpointImplBase {
     ctor public ImsMultiEndpointImplBase();
     method public final void onImsExternalCallStateUpdate(java.util.List<android.telephony.ims.ImsExternalCallState>);
@@ -5250,7 +5396,9 @@
     method public final void onSmsReceived(int, java.lang.String, byte[]) throws java.lang.RuntimeException;
     method public final void onSmsStatusReportReceived(int, int, java.lang.String, byte[]) throws java.lang.RuntimeException;
     method public void sendSms(int, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, byte[]);
-    field public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_GENERIC = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4; // 0x4
     field public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_OK = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_ERROR = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_ERROR_FALLBACK = 4; // 0x4
@@ -5327,18 +5475,20 @@
   public class MbmsDownloadServiceBase extends android.os.Binder {
     ctor public MbmsDownloadServiceBase();
+    method public int addProgressListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public int addStatusListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int cancelDownload(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public void dispose(int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int download(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int initialize(int, android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest> listPendingDownloads(int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public void onAppCallbackDied(int, int);
-    method public int registerStateCallback(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public int removeProgressListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public int removeStatusListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int requestDownloadState(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int requestUpdateFileServices(int, java.util.List<java.lang.String>) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int resetDownloadKnowledge(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int setTempFileRootDirectory(int, java.lang.String) throws android.os.RemoteException;
-    method public int unregisterStateCallback(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback) throws android.os.RemoteException;
   public class MbmsStreamingServiceBase extends android.os.Binder {
diff --git a/api/test-current.txt b/api/test-current.txt
index bf3d0c2..ce6810f 100644
--- a/api/test-current.txt
+++ b/api/test-current.txt
@@ -436,6 +436,10 @@
     field public static final java.lang.String MBMS_STREAMING_SERVICE_OVERRIDE_METADATA = "mbms-streaming-service-override";
+  public class ServiceState implements android.os.Parcelable {
+    method public void setCdmaSystemAndNetworkId(int, int);
+  }
 package android.telephony.mbms {
@@ -466,18 +470,20 @@
   public class MbmsDownloadServiceBase extends android.os.Binder {
     ctor public MbmsDownloadServiceBase();
+    method public int addProgressListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public int addStatusListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int cancelDownload(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public void dispose(int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int download(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int initialize(int, android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest> listPendingDownloads(int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public void onAppCallbackDied(int, int);
-    method public int registerStateCallback(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public int removeProgressListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public int removeStatusListener(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int requestDownloadState(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int requestUpdateFileServices(int, java.util.List<java.lang.String>) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int resetDownloadKnowledge(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public int setTempFileRootDirectory(int, java.lang.String) throws android.os.RemoteException;
-    method public int unregisterStateCallback(android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest, android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback) throws android.os.RemoteException;
   public class MbmsStreamingServiceBase extends android.os.Binder {
diff --git a/cmds/app_process/app_main.cpp b/cmds/app_process/app_main.cpp
index 1671337..12083b6 100644
--- a/cmds/app_process/app_main.cpp
+++ b/cmds/app_process/app_main.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <android-base/macros.h>
 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
 #include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
@@ -137,27 +138,12 @@
 static void maybeCreateDalvikCache() {
-#if defined(__aarch64__)
-    static const char kInstructionSet[] = "arm64";
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-    static const char kInstructionSet[] = "x86_64";
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-    static const char kInstructionSet[] = "arm";
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-    static const char kInstructionSet[] = "x86";
-#elif defined (__mips__) && !defined(__LP64__)
-    static const char kInstructionSet[] = "mips";
-#elif defined (__mips__) && defined(__LP64__)
-    static const char kInstructionSet[] = "mips64";
-#error "Unknown instruction set"
     const char* androidRoot = getenv("ANDROID_DATA");
     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(androidRoot == NULL, "ANDROID_DATA environment variable unset");
     char dalvikCacheDir[PATH_MAX];
     const int numChars = snprintf(dalvikCacheDir, PATH_MAX,
-            "%s/dalvik-cache/%s", androidRoot, kInstructionSet);
+            "%s/dalvik-cache/" ABI_STRING, androidRoot);
     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((numChars >= PATH_MAX || numChars < 0),
             "Error constructing dalvik cache : %s", strerror(errno));
diff --git a/cmds/bootanimation/BootAnimation.cpp b/cmds/bootanimation/BootAnimation.cpp
index 6526123..78a2d4a6 100644
--- a/cmds/bootanimation/BootAnimation.cpp
+++ b/cmds/bootanimation/BootAnimation.cpp
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <time.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <cutils/properties.h>
 #include <androidfw/AssetManager.h>
 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
 #include <utils/Errors.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
 #include <utils/SystemClock.h>
diff --git a/core/java/android/app/ b/core/java/android/app/
index 565eaeb..bae2a26 100644
--- a/core/java/android/app/
+++ b/core/java/android/app/
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
                 profiling = true;
             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
-                Slog.w(TAG, "Profiling failed on path " + profileFile);
+                Slog.w(TAG, "Profiling failed on path " + profileFile, e);
                 try {
                     profileFd = null;
diff --git a/core/java/android/app/ b/core/java/android/app/
index 2eabd86..44a8930 100644
--- a/core/java/android/app/
+++ b/core/java/android/app/
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
      * @return Whether the dialog is currently showing.
     public boolean isShowing() {
-        return mShowing;
+        return mDecor == null ? false : mDecor.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
diff --git a/core/java/android/app/usage/ b/core/java/android/app/usage/
index d33af4f..6ca2349 100644
--- a/core/java/android/app/usage/
+++ b/core/java/android/app/usage/
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 import android.os.RemoteException;
-import android.os.ServiceManager;
 import android.util.IntArray;
 import android.util.Log;
@@ -98,9 +97,8 @@
     /** @hide */
     NetworkStats(Context context, NetworkTemplate template, int flags, long startTimestamp,
-            long endTimestamp) throws RemoteException, SecurityException {
-        final INetworkStatsService statsService = INetworkStatsService.Stub.asInterface(
-                ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE));
+            long endTimestamp, INetworkStatsService statsService)
+            throws RemoteException, SecurityException {
         // Open network stats session
         mSession = statsService.openSessionForUsageStats(flags, context.getOpPackageName());"close");
diff --git a/core/java/android/app/usage/ b/core/java/android/app/usage/
index 5576e86..2357637 100644
--- a/core/java/android/app/usage/
+++ b/core/java/android/app/usage/
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 import android.os.ServiceManager.ServiceNotFoundException;
 import android.util.Log;
  * Provides access to network usage history and statistics. Usage data is collected in
  * discrete bins of time called 'Buckets'. See {@link NetworkStats.Bucket} for details.
@@ -107,9 +109,15 @@
      * {@hide}
     public NetworkStatsManager(Context context) throws ServiceNotFoundException {
+        this(context, INetworkStatsService.Stub.asInterface(
+                ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE)));
+    }
+    /** @hide */
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    public NetworkStatsManager(Context context, INetworkStatsService service) {
         mContext = context;
-        mService = INetworkStatsService.Stub.asInterface(
-                ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE));
+        mService = service;
@@ -135,7 +143,8 @@
     public Bucket querySummaryForDevice(NetworkTemplate template,
             long startTime, long endTime) throws SecurityException, RemoteException {
         Bucket bucket = null;
-        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime,
+                mService);
         bucket = stats.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork();
@@ -208,7 +217,7 @@
         NetworkStats stats;
-        stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime);
+        stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime, mService);
@@ -245,7 +254,7 @@
         NetworkStats result;
-        result = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime);
+        result = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime, mService);
         return result;
@@ -295,7 +304,7 @@
         NetworkStats result;
         try {
-            result = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime);
+            result = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime, mService);
             result.startHistoryEnumeration(uid, tag);
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             Log.e(TAG, "Error while querying stats for uid=" + uid + " tag=" + tag, e);
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@
         NetworkStats result;
-        result = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime);
+        result = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, mFlags, startTime, endTime, mService);
         return result;
@@ -451,19 +460,20 @@
     private static NetworkTemplate createTemplate(int networkType, String subscriberId) {
-        NetworkTemplate template = null;
+        final NetworkTemplate template;
         switch (networkType) {
-            case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE: {
-                template = NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateMobileAll(subscriberId);
-                } break;
-            case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI: {
+            case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE:
+                template = subscriberId == null
+                        ? NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateMobileWildcard()
+                        : NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateMobileAll(subscriberId);
+                break;
+            case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI:
                 template = NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateWifiWildcard();
-                } break;
-            default: {
+                break;
+            default:
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create template for network type "
                         + networkType + ", subscriberId '"
                         + NetworkIdentity.scrubSubscriberId(subscriberId) + "'.");
-            }
         return template;
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index b255a43..419eda3 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.content.ServiceConnection;
 import android.os.Binder;
 import android.os.IBinder;
 import android.os.ParcelUuid;
@@ -599,34 +598,6 @@
-     * Tells remote device to adjust volume. Only if absolute volume is
-     * supported. Uses the following values:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>{@link AudioManager#ADJUST_LOWER}</li>
-     * <li>{@link AudioManager#ADJUST_RAISE}</li>
-     * <li>{@link AudioManager#ADJUST_MUTE}</li>
-     * <li>{@link AudioManager#ADJUST_UNMUTE}</li>
-     * </ul>
-     *
-     * @param direction One of the supported adjust values.
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public void adjustAvrcpAbsoluteVolume(int direction) {
-        if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "adjustAvrcpAbsoluteVolume");
-        try {
-            mServiceLock.readLock().lock();
-            if (mService != null && isEnabled()) {
-                mService.adjustAvrcpAbsoluteVolume(direction);
-            }
-            if (mService == null) Log.w(TAG, "Proxy not attached to service");
-        } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "Error talking to BT service in adjustAvrcpAbsoluteVolume()", e);
-        } finally {
-            mServiceLock.readLock().unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
      * Tells remote device to set an absolute volume. Only if absolute volume is supported
      * @param volume Absolute volume to be set on AVRCP side
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index dc76152..6aabe18 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -537,13 +537,14 @@
     /** The profile is in disconnected state */
-    public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0;
+    public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED = BluetoothProtoEnums.CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED;
     /** The profile is in connecting state */
-    public static final int STATE_CONNECTING = 1;
+    public static final int STATE_CONNECTING = BluetoothProtoEnums.CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTING;
     /** The profile is in connected state */
-    public static final int STATE_CONNECTED = 2;
+    public static final int STATE_CONNECTED = BluetoothProtoEnums.CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED;
     /** The profile is in disconnecting state */
-    public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTING = 3;
+    public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTING =
+            BluetoothProtoEnums.CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTING;
     /** @hide */
     public static final String BLUETOOTH_MANAGER_SERVICE = "bluetooth_manager";
@@ -675,6 +676,10 @@
         if (!getLeAccess()) {
             return null;
+        if (!isMultipleAdvertisementSupported()) {
+            Log.e(TAG, "Bluetooth LE advertising not supported");
+            return null;
+        }
         synchronized (mLock) {
             if (sBluetoothLeAdvertiser == null) {
                 sBluetoothLeAdvertiser = new BluetoothLeAdvertiser(mManagerService);
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index 647e0d0..159e165 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 package android.bluetooth;
 import android.Manifest;
+import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;
@@ -379,6 +380,76 @@
+     * Select a connected device as active.
+     *
+     * The active device selection is per profile. An active device's
+     * purpose is profile-specific. For example, Hearing Aid audio
+     * streaming is to the active Hearing Aid device. If a remote device
+     * is not connected, it cannot be selected as active.
+     *
+     * <p> This API returns false in scenarios like the profile on the
+     * device is not connected or Bluetooth is not turned on.
+     * When this API returns true, it is guaranteed that the
+     * {@link #ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED} intent will be broadcasted
+     * with the active device.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_ADMIN}
+     * permission.
+     *
+     * @param device the remote Bluetooth device. Could be null to clear
+     * the active device and stop streaming audio to a Bluetooth device.
+     * @return false on immediate error, true otherwise
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public boolean setActiveDevice(@Nullable BluetoothDevice device) {
+        if (DBG) log("setActiveDevice(" + device + ")");
+        try {
+            mServiceLock.readLock().lock();
+            if (mService != null && isEnabled()
+                    && ((device == null) || isValidDevice(device))) {
+                mService.setActiveDevice(device);
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (mService == null) Log.w(TAG, "Proxy not attached to service");
+            return false;
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            Log.e(TAG, "Stack:" + Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));
+            return false;
+        } finally {
+            mServiceLock.readLock().unlock();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the connected physical Hearing Aid devices that are active
+     *
+     * <p>Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH}
+     * permission.
+     *
+     * @return the list of active devices. The first element is the left active
+     * device; the second element is the right active device. If either or both side
+     * is not active, it will be null on that position. Returns empty list on error.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH)
+    public List<BluetoothDevice> getActiveDevices() {
+        if (VDBG) log("getActiveDevices()");
+        try {
+            mServiceLock.readLock().lock();
+            if (mService != null && isEnabled()) {
+                return mService.getActiveDevices();
+            }
+            if (mService == null) Log.w(TAG, "Proxy not attached to service");
+            return new ArrayList<>();
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            Log.e(TAG, "Stack:" + Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));
+            return new ArrayList<>();
+        } finally {
+            mServiceLock.readLock().unlock();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Set priority of the profile
      * <p> The device should already be paired.
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index 2fab305..4a466c6 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 import android.util.Log;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
  * Provides the public APIs to control the Bluetooth HID Device profile.
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
  * Use {@link BluetoothAdapter#getProfileProxy} to get the BluetoothHidDevice proxy object.
 public final class BluetoothHidDevice implements BluetoothProfile {
     private static final String TAG = BluetoothHidDevice.class.getSimpleName();
@@ -62,106 +61,327 @@
-     * Constants representing device subclass.
+     * Constant representing unspecified HID device subclass.
      * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
-     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceCallback)
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
     public static final byte SUBCLASS1_NONE = (byte) 0x00;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing keyboard subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS1_KEYBOARD = (byte) 0x40;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing mouse subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS1_MOUSE = (byte) 0x80;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing combo keyboard and mouse subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS1_COMBO = (byte) 0xC0;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing uncategorized HID device subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_UNCATEGORIZED = (byte) 0x00;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing joystick subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_JOYSTICK = (byte) 0x01;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing gamepad subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_GAMEPAD = (byte) 0x02;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing remote control subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_REMOTE_CONTROL = (byte) 0x03;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing sensing device subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_SENSING_DEVICE = (byte) 0x04;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing digitizer tablet subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_DIGITIZER_TABLET = (byte) 0x05;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing card reader subclass.
+     *
+     * @see #registerApp (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
+     *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)
+     */
     public static final byte SUBCLASS2_CARD_READER = (byte) 0x06;
-     * Constants representing report types.
+     * Constant representing HID Input Report type.
-     * @see BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onGetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int)
-     * @see BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
-     * @see BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte[])
+     * @see Callback#onGetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int)
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     * @see Callback#onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte[])
     public static final byte REPORT_TYPE_INPUT = (byte) 1;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing HID Output Report type.
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onGetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int)
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     * @see Callback#onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT = (byte) 2;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing HID Feature Report type.
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onGetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int)
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     * @see Callback#onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE = (byte) 3;
-     * Constants representing error response for Set Report.
+     * Constant representing success response for Set Report.
-     * @see BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
     public static final byte ERROR_RSP_SUCCESS = (byte) 0;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing error response for Set Report due to "not ready".
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte ERROR_RSP_NOT_READY = (byte) 1;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing error response for Set Report due to "invalid report ID".
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte ERROR_RSP_INVALID_RPT_ID = (byte) 2;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing error response for Set Report due to "unsupported request".
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte ERROR_RSP_UNSUPPORTED_REQ = (byte) 3;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing error response for Set Report due to "invalid parameter".
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte ERROR_RSP_INVALID_PARAM = (byte) 4;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing error response for Set Report with unknown reason.
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])
+     */
     public static final byte ERROR_RSP_UNKNOWN = (byte) 14;
-     * Constants representing protocol mode used set by host. Default is always {@link
+     * Constant representing boot protocol mode used set by host. Default is always {@link
      * #PROTOCOL_REPORT_MODE} unless notified otherwise.
-     * @see BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onSetProtocol(BluetoothDevice, byte)
+     * @see Callback#onSetProtocol(BluetoothDevice, byte)
     public static final byte PROTOCOL_BOOT_MODE = (byte) 0;
+    /**
+     * Constant representing report protocol mode used set by host. Default is always {@link
+     * #PROTOCOL_REPORT_MODE} unless notified otherwise.
+     *
+     * @see Callback#onSetProtocol(BluetoothDevice, byte)
+     */
     public static final byte PROTOCOL_REPORT_MODE = (byte) 1;
+    /**
+     * The template class that applications use to call callback functions on events from the HID
+     * host. Callback functions are wrapped in this class and registered to the Android system
+     * during app registration.
+     */
+    public abstract static class Callback {
+        private static final String TAG = "BluetoothHidDevCallback";
+        /**
+         * Callback called when application registration state changes. Usually it's called due to
+         * either {@link BluetoothHidDevice#registerApp (String, String, String, byte, byte[],
+         * Executor, Callback)} or {@link BluetoothHidDevice#unregisterApp()} , but can be also
+         * unsolicited in case e.g. Bluetooth was turned off in which case application is
+         * unregistered automatically.
+         *
+         * @param pluggedDevice {@link BluetoothDevice} object which represents host that currently
+         *     has Virtual Cable established with device. Only valid when application is registered,
+         *     can be <code>null</code>.
+         * @param registered <code>true</code> if application is registered, <code>false</code>
+         *     otherwise.
+         */
+        public void onAppStatusChanged(BluetoothDevice pluggedDevice, boolean registered) {
+            Log.d(
+                    TAG,
+                    "onAppStatusChanged: pluggedDevice="
+                            + pluggedDevice
+                            + " registered="
+                            + registered);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Callback called when connection state with remote host was changed. Application can
+         * assume than Virtual Cable is established when called with {@link
+         * BluetoothProfile#STATE_CONNECTED} <code>state</code>.
+         *
+         * @param device {@link BluetoothDevice} object representing host device which connection
+         *     state was changed.
+         * @param state Connection state as defined in {@link BluetoothProfile}.
+         */
+        public void onConnectionStateChanged(BluetoothDevice device, int state) {
+            Log.d(TAG, "onConnectionStateChanged: device=" + device + " state=" + state);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Callback called when GET_REPORT is received from remote host. Should be replied by
+         * application using {@link BluetoothHidDevice#replyReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte,
+         * byte[])}.
+         *
+         * @param type Requested Report Type.
+         * @param id Requested Report Id, can be 0 if no Report Id are defined in descriptor.
+         * @param bufferSize Requested buffer size, application shall respond with at least given
+         *     number of bytes.
+         */
+        public void onGetReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, int bufferSize) {
+            Log.d(
+                    TAG,
+                    "onGetReport: device="
+                            + device
+                            + " type="
+                            + type
+                            + " id="
+                            + id
+                            + " bufferSize="
+                            + bufferSize);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Callback called when SET_REPORT is received from remote host. In case received data are
+         * invalid, application shall respond with {@link
+         * BluetoothHidDevice#reportError(BluetoothDevice, byte)}.
+         *
+         * @param type Report Type.
+         * @param id Report Id.
+         * @param data Report data.
+         */
+        public void onSetReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, byte[] data) {
+            Log.d(TAG, "onSetReport: device=" + device + " type=" + type + " id=" + id);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Callback called when SET_PROTOCOL is received from remote host. Application shall use
+         * this information to send only reports valid for given protocol mode. By default, {@link
+         * BluetoothHidDevice#PROTOCOL_REPORT_MODE} shall be assumed.
+         *
+         * @param protocol Protocol Mode.
+         */
+        public void onSetProtocol(BluetoothDevice device, byte protocol) {
+            Log.d(TAG, "onSetProtocol: device=" + device + " protocol=" + protocol);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Callback called when report data is received over interrupt channel. Report Type is
+         * assumed to be {@link BluetoothHidDevice#REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT}.
+         *
+         * @param reportId Report Id.
+         * @param data Report data.
+         */
+        public void onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice device, byte reportId, byte[] data) {
+            Log.d(TAG, "onInterruptData: device=" + device + " reportId=" + reportId);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Callback called when Virtual Cable is removed. After this callback is received connection
+         * will be disconnected automatically.
+         */
+        public void onVirtualCableUnplug(BluetoothDevice device) {
+            Log.d(TAG, "onVirtualCableUnplug: device=" + device);
+        }
+    }
     private Context mContext;
     private ServiceListener mServiceListener;
     private volatile IBluetoothHidDevice mService;
     private BluetoothAdapter mAdapter;
-    private static class BluetoothHidDeviceCallbackWrapper
-            extends IBluetoothHidDeviceCallback.Stub {
+    private static class CallbackWrapper extends IBluetoothHidDeviceCallback.Stub {
-        private BluetoothHidDeviceCallback mCallback;
+        private final Executor mExecutor;
+        private final Callback mCallback;
-        public BluetoothHidDeviceCallbackWrapper(BluetoothHidDeviceCallback callback) {
+        CallbackWrapper(Executor executor, Callback callback) {
+            mExecutor = executor;
             mCallback = callback;
         public void onAppStatusChanged(BluetoothDevice pluggedDevice, boolean registered) {
-            mCallback.onAppStatusChanged(pluggedDevice, registered);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onAppStatusChanged(pluggedDevice, registered));
         public void onConnectionStateChanged(BluetoothDevice device, int state) {
-            mCallback.onConnectionStateChanged(device, state);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onConnectionStateChanged(device, state));
         public void onGetReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, int bufferSize) {
-            mCallback.onGetReport(device, type, id, bufferSize);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onGetReport(device, type, id, bufferSize));
         public void onSetReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, byte[] data) {
-            mCallback.onSetReport(device, type, id, data);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onSetReport(device, type, id, data));
         public void onSetProtocol(BluetoothDevice device, byte protocol) {
-            mCallback.onSetProtocol(device, protocol);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onSetProtocol(device, protocol));
         public void onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice device, byte reportId, byte[] data) {
-            mCallback.onInterruptData(device, reportId, data);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onInterruptData(device, reportId, data));
         public void onVirtualCableUnplug(BluetoothDevice device) {
-            mCallback.onVirtualCableUnplug(device);
+            clearCallingIdentity();
+            mExecutor.execute(() -> mCallback.onVirtualCableUnplug(device));
@@ -213,8 +433,6 @@
     BluetoothHidDevice(Context context, ServiceListener listener) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "BluetoothHidDevice");
         mContext = context;
         mServiceListener = listener;
         mAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
@@ -245,7 +463,6 @@
     void doUnbind() {
-        Log.d(TAG, "Unbinding HidDevService");
         if (mService != null) {
             mService = null;
             try {
@@ -257,8 +474,6 @@
     void close() {
-        Log.v(TAG, "close()");
         IBluetoothManager mgr = mAdapter.getBluetoothManager();
         if (mgr != null) {
             try {
@@ -277,8 +492,6 @@
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public List<BluetoothDevice> getConnectedDevices() {
-        Log.v(TAG, "getConnectedDevices()");
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
         if (service != null) {
             try {
@@ -290,14 +503,12 @@
             Log.w(TAG, "Proxy not attached to service");
-        return new ArrayList<BluetoothDevice>();
+        return new ArrayList<>();
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public List<BluetoothDevice> getDevicesMatchingConnectionStates(int[] states) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "getDevicesMatchingConnectionStates(): states=" + Arrays.toString(states));
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
         if (service != null) {
             try {
@@ -309,14 +520,12 @@
             Log.w(TAG, "Proxy not attached to service");
-        return new ArrayList<BluetoothDevice>();
+        return new ArrayList<>();
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public int getConnectionState(BluetoothDevice device) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "getConnectionState(): device=" + device);
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
         if (service != null) {
             try {
@@ -336,9 +545,9 @@
      * when application is registered. Only one application can be registered at one time. When an
      * application is registered, the HID Host service will be disabled until it is unregistered.
      * When no longer used, application should be unregistered using {@link #unregisterApp()}. The
-     * registration status should be tracked by the application by handling callback from
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onAppStatusChanged. The app registration status is not related to
-     * the return value of this method.
+     * app will be automatically unregistered if it is not foreground. The registration status
+     * should be tracked by the application by handling callback from Callback#onAppStatusChanged.
+     * The app registration status is not related to the return value of this method.
      * @param sdp {@link BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings} object of HID Device SDP record. The HID
      *     Device SDP record is required.
@@ -348,27 +557,36 @@
      * @param outQos {@link BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings} object of Outgoing QoS Settings. The
      *     Outgoing QoS Settings is not required. Use null or default
      *     BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder for default values.
-     * @param callback {@link BluetoothHidDeviceCallback} object to which callback messages will be
-     *     sent. The BluetoothHidDeviceCallback object is required.
+     * @param executor {@link Executor} object on which callback will be executed. The Executor
+     *     object is required.
+     * @param callback {@link Callback} object to which callback messages will be sent. The Callback
+     *     object is required.
      * @return true if the command is successfully sent; otherwise false.
-    public boolean registerApp(BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings sdp,
-            BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings inQos, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings outQos,
-            BluetoothHidDeviceCallback callback) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "registerApp(): sdp=" + sdp + " inQos=" + inQos + " outQos=" + outQos
-                        + " callback=" + callback);
+    public boolean registerApp(
+            BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings sdp,
+            BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings inQos,
+            BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings outQos,
+            Executor executor,
+            Callback callback) {
         boolean result = false;
-        if (sdp == null || callback == null) {
-            return false;
+        if (sdp == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sdp parameter cannot be null");
+        }
+        if (executor == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("executor parameter cannot be null");
+        }
+        if (callback == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback parameter cannot be null");
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
         if (service != null) {
             try {
-                BluetoothHidDeviceCallbackWrapper cbw =
-                        new BluetoothHidDeviceCallbackWrapper(callback);
+                CallbackWrapper cbw = new CallbackWrapper(executor, callback);
                 result = service.registerApp(sdp, inQos, outQos, cbw);
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
                 Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
@@ -384,16 +602,13 @@
      * Unregisters application. Active connection will be disconnected and no new connections will
      * be allowed until registered again using {@link #registerApp
      * (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings,
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, BluetoothHidDeviceCallback)} The registration status should
-     * be tracked by the application by handling callback from
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onAppStatusChanged. The app registration status is not related to
-     * the return value of this method.
+     * BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings, Executor, Callback)}. The registration status should be
+     * tracked by the application by handling callback from Callback#onAppStatusChanged. The app
+     * registration status is not related to the return value of this method.
      * @return true if the command is successfully sent; otherwise false.
     public boolean unregisterApp() {
-        Log.v(TAG, "unregisterApp()");
         boolean result = false;
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
@@ -437,7 +652,7 @@
      * Sends report to remote host as reply for GET_REPORT request from {@link
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onGetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int)}.
+     * Callback#onGetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, int)}.
      * @param type Report Type, as in request.
      * @param id Report Id, as in request.
@@ -445,8 +660,6 @@
      * @return true if the command is successfully sent; otherwise false.
     public boolean replyReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, byte[] data) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "replyReport(): device=" + device + " type=" + type + " id=" + id);
         boolean result = false;
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
@@ -465,14 +678,12 @@
      * Sends error handshake message as reply for invalid SET_REPORT request from {@link
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])}.
+     * Callback#onSetReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte, byte[])}.
      * @param error Error to be sent for SET_REPORT via HANDSHAKE.
      * @return true if the command is successfully sent; otherwise false.
     public boolean reportError(BluetoothDevice device, byte error) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "reportError(): device=" + device + " error=" + error);
         boolean result = false;
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
@@ -490,20 +701,17 @@
-     * Sends Virtual Cable Unplug to currently connected host.
+     * Gets the application name of the current HidDeviceService user.
-     * @return
+     * @return the current user name, or empty string if cannot get the name
      * {@hide}
-    public boolean unplug(BluetoothDevice device) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "unplug(): device=" + device);
-        boolean result = false;
+    public String getUserAppName() {
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
         if (service != null) {
             try {
-                result = service.unplug(device);
+                return service.getUserAppName();
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
                 Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
@@ -511,21 +719,18 @@
             Log.w(TAG, "Proxy not attached to service");
-        return result;
+        return "";
      * Initiates connection to host which is currently paired with this device. If the application
      * is not registered, #connect(BluetoothDevice) will fail. The connection state should be
-     * tracked by the application by handling callback from
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onConnectionStateChanged. The connection state is not related to
-     * the return value of this method.
+     * tracked by the application by handling callback from Callback#onConnectionStateChanged. The
+     * connection state is not related to the return value of this method.
      * @return true if the command is successfully sent; otherwise false.
     public boolean connect(BluetoothDevice device) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "connect(): device=" + device);
         boolean result = false;
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
@@ -544,14 +749,12 @@
      * Disconnects from currently connected host. The connection state should be tracked by the
-     * application by handling callback from BluetoothHidDeviceCallback#onConnectionStateChanged.
-     * The connection state is not related to the return value of this method.
+     * application by handling callback from Callback#onConnectionStateChanged. The connection state
+     * is not related to the return value of this method.
      * @return true if the command is successfully sent; otherwise false.
     public boolean disconnect(BluetoothDevice device) {
-        Log.v(TAG, "disconnect(): device=" + device);
         boolean result = false;
         final IBluetoothHidDevice service = mService;
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index c05df2d..a485b89 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
 public final class BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings implements Parcelable {
-    public final int serviceType;
-    public final int tokenRate;
-    public final int tokenBucketSize;
-    public final int peakBandwidth;
-    public final int latency;
-    public final int delayVariation;
+    private final int mServiceType;
+    private final int mTokenRate;
+    private final int mTokenBucketSize;
+    private final int mPeakBandwidth;
+    private final int mLatency;
+    private final int mDelayVariation;
     public static final int SERVICE_NO_TRAFFIC = 0x00;
     public static final int SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT = 0x01;
@@ -44,38 +44,53 @@
      * Create a BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings object for the Bluetooth L2CAP channel. The QoS
-     * Settings is optional. Recommended to use BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings.Builder.
-     * Please refer to Bluetooth HID Specfication v1.1.1 Section 5.2 and Appendix D for parameters.
+     * Settings is optional. Please refer to Bluetooth HID Specfication v1.1.1 Section 5.2 and
+     * Appendix D for parameters.
-     * @param serviceType L2CAP service type
-     * @param tokenRate L2CAP token rate
-     * @param tokenBucketSize L2CAP token bucket size
-     * @param peakBandwidth L2CAP peak bandwidth
-     * @param latency L2CAP latency
-     * @param delayVariation L2CAP delay variation
+     * @param serviceType L2CAP service type, default = SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT
+     * @param tokenRate L2CAP token rate, default = 0
+     * @param tokenBucketSize L2CAP token bucket size, default = 0
+     * @param peakBandwidth L2CAP peak bandwidth, default = 0
+     * @param latency L2CAP latency, default = MAX
+     * @param delayVariation L2CAP delay variation, default = MAX
-    public BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings(int serviceType, int tokenRate, int tokenBucketSize,
-            int peakBandwidth, int latency, int delayVariation) {
-        this.serviceType = serviceType;
-        this.tokenRate = tokenRate;
-        this.tokenBucketSize = tokenBucketSize;
-        this.peakBandwidth = peakBandwidth;
-        this.latency = latency;
-        this.delayVariation = delayVariation;
+    public BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings(
+            int serviceType,
+            int tokenRate,
+            int tokenBucketSize,
+            int peakBandwidth,
+            int latency,
+            int delayVariation) {
+        mServiceType = serviceType;
+        mTokenRate = tokenRate;
+        mTokenBucketSize = tokenBucketSize;
+        mPeakBandwidth = peakBandwidth;
+        mLatency = latency;
+        mDelayVariation = delayVariation;
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (o instanceof BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings) {
-            BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings qos = (BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings) o;
-            return this.serviceType == qos.serviceType
-                    && this.tokenRate == qos.tokenRate
-                    && this.tokenBucketSize == qos.tokenBucketSize
-                    && this.peakBandwidth == qos.peakBandwidth
-                    && this.latency == qos.latency
-                    && this.delayVariation == qos.delayVariation;
-        }
-        return false;
+    public int getServiceType() {
+        return mServiceType;
+    }
+    public int getTokenRate() {
+        return mTokenRate;
+    }
+    public int getTokenBucketSize() {
+        return mTokenBucketSize;
+    }
+    public int getPeakBandwidth() {
+        return mPeakBandwidth;
+    }
+    public int getLatency() {
+        return mLatency;
+    }
+    public int getDelayVariation() {
+        return mDelayVariation;
@@ -106,104 +121,11 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
-        out.writeInt(serviceType);
-        out.writeInt(tokenRate);
-        out.writeInt(tokenBucketSize);
-        out.writeInt(peakBandwidth);
-        out.writeInt(latency);
-        out.writeInt(delayVariation);
-    }
-    /** @return an int array representation of this instance */
-    public int[] toArray() {
-        return new int[] {
-            serviceType, tokenRate, tokenBucketSize, peakBandwidth, latency, delayVariation
-        };
-    }
-    /** A helper to build the BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings object. */
-    public static class Builder {
-        // Optional parameters - initialized to default values
-        private int mServiceType = SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT;
-        private int mTokenRate = 0;
-        private int mTokenBucketSize = 0;
-        private int mPeakBandwidth = 0;
-        private int mLatency = MAX;
-        private int mDelayVariation = MAX;
-        /**
-         * Set the service type.
-         *
-         * @param val service type. Should be one of {SERVICE_NO_TRAFFIC, SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT,
-         *     SERVICE_GUARANTEED}, with SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT being the default one.
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings Builder with specified service type.
-         */
-        public Builder serviceType(int val) {
-            mServiceType = val;
-            return this;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Set the token rate.
-         *
-         * @param val token rate
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings Builder with specified token rate.
-         */
-        public Builder tokenRate(int val) {
-            mTokenRate = val;
-            return this;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Set the bucket size.
-         *
-         * @param val bucket size
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings Builder with specified bucket size.
-         */
-        public Builder tokenBucketSize(int val) {
-            mTokenBucketSize = val;
-            return this;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Set the peak bandwidth.
-         *
-         * @param val peak bandwidth
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings Builder with specified peak bandwidth.
-         */
-        public Builder peakBandwidth(int val) {
-            mPeakBandwidth = val;
-            return this;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Set the latency.
-         *
-         * @param val latency
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings Builder with specified latency.
-         */
-        public Builder latency(int val) {
-            mLatency = val;
-            return this;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Set the delay variation.
-         *
-         * @param val delay variation
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings Builder with specified delay variation.
-         */
-        public Builder delayVariation(int val) {
-            mDelayVariation = val;
-            return this;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Build the BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings object.
-         *
-         * @return BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings object with current settings.
-         */
-        public BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings build() {
-            return new BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings(mServiceType, mTokenRate, mTokenBucketSize,
-                    mPeakBandwidth, mLatency, mDelayVariation);
-        }
+        out.writeInt(mServiceType);
+        out.writeInt(mTokenRate);
+        out.writeInt(mTokenBucketSize);
+        out.writeInt(mPeakBandwidth);
+        out.writeInt(mLatency);
+        out.writeInt(mDelayVariation);
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index 562c559..237082e 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
-import java.util.Arrays;
  * Represents the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) settings for a Bluetooth HID Device application.
@@ -31,11 +30,11 @@
 public final class BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings implements Parcelable {
-    public final String name;
-    public final String description;
-    public final String provider;
-    public final byte subclass;
-    public final byte[] descriptors;
+    private final String mName;
+    private final String mDescription;
+    private final String mProvider;
+    private final byte mSubclass;
+    private final byte[] mDescriptors;
      * Create a BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings object for the Bluetooth SDP record.
@@ -52,24 +51,31 @@
     public BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings(
             String name, String description, String provider, byte subclass, byte[] descriptors) {
- = name;
-        this.description = description;
-        this.provider = provider;
-        this.subclass = subclass;
-        this.descriptors = descriptors.clone();
+        mName = name;
+        mDescription = description;
+        mProvider = provider;
+        mSubclass = subclass;
+        mDescriptors = descriptors.clone();
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (o instanceof BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings) {
-            BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings sdp = (BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings) o;
-            return
-                    && this.description.equals(sdp.description)
-                    && this.provider.equals(sdp.provider)
-                    && this.subclass == sdp.subclass
-                    && Arrays.equals(this.descriptors, sdp.descriptors);
-        }
-        return false;
+    public String getName() {
+        return mName;
+    }
+    public String getDescription() {
+        return mDescription;
+    }
+    public String getProvider() {
+        return mProvider;
+    }
+    public byte getSubclass() {
+        return mSubclass;
+    }
+    public byte[] getDescriptors() {
+        return mDescriptors;
@@ -99,10 +105,10 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
-        out.writeString(name);
-        out.writeString(description);
-        out.writeString(provider);
-        out.writeByte(subclass);
-        out.writeByteArray(descriptors);
+        out.writeString(mName);
+        out.writeString(mDescription);
+        out.writeString(mProvider);
+        out.writeByte(mSubclass);
+        out.writeByteArray(mDescriptors);
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
deleted file mode 100644
index e71b00f..0000000
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package android.bluetooth;
-import android.util.Log;
- * The template class that applications use to call callback functions on events from the HID host.
- * Callback functions are wrapped in this class and registered to the Android system during app
- * registration.
- *
- * <p>{@see BluetoothHidDevice}
- */
-public abstract class BluetoothHidDeviceCallback {
-    private static final String TAG = "BluetoothHidDevCallback";
-    /**
-     * Callback called when application registration state changes. Usually it's called due to
-     * either {@link BluetoothHidDevice#registerApp (String, String, String, byte, byte[],
-     * BluetoothHidDeviceCallback)} or {@link BluetoothHidDevice#unregisterApp()} , but can be also
-     * unsolicited in case e.g. Bluetooth was turned off in which case application is unregistered
-     * automatically.
-     *
-     * @param pluggedDevice {@link BluetoothDevice} object which represents host that currently has
-     *     Virtual Cable established with device. Only valid when application is registered, can be
-     *     <code>null</code>.
-     * @param registered <code>true</code> if application is registered, <code>false</code>
-     *     otherwise.
-     */
-    public void onAppStatusChanged(BluetoothDevice pluggedDevice, boolean registered) {
-        Log.d(TAG,
-                "onAppStatusChanged: pluggedDevice=" + pluggedDevice + " registered=" + registered);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Callback called when connection state with remote host was changed. Application can assume
-     * than Virtual Cable is established when called with {@link BluetoothProfile#STATE_CONNECTED}
-     * <code>state</code>.
-     *
-     * @param device {@link BluetoothDevice} object representing host device which connection state
-     *     was changed.
-     * @param state Connection state as defined in {@link BluetoothProfile}.
-     */
-    public void onConnectionStateChanged(BluetoothDevice device, int state) {
-        Log.d(TAG, "onConnectionStateChanged: device=" + device + " state=" + state);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Callback called when GET_REPORT is received from remote host. Should be replied by
-     * application using {@link BluetoothHidDevice#replyReport(BluetoothDevice, byte, byte,
-     * byte[])}.
-     *
-     * @param type Requested Report Type.
-     * @param id Requested Report Id, can be 0 if no Report Id are defined in descriptor.
-     * @param bufferSize Requested buffer size, application shall respond with at least given number
-     *     of bytes.
-     */
-    public void onGetReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, int bufferSize) {
-        Log.d(TAG, "onGetReport: device=" + device + " type=" + type + " id=" + id + " bufferSize="
-                + bufferSize);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Callback called when SET_REPORT is received from remote host. In case received data are
-     * invalid, application shall respond with {@link
-     * BluetoothHidDevice#reportError(BluetoothDevice, byte)}.
-     *
-     * @param type Report Type.
-     * @param id Report Id.
-     * @param data Report data.
-     */
-    public void onSetReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte type, byte id, byte[] data) {
-        Log.d(TAG, "onSetReport: device=" + device + " type=" + type + " id=" + id);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Callback called when SET_PROTOCOL is received from remote host. Application shall use this
-     * information to send only reports valid for given protocol mode. By default, {@link
-     * BluetoothHidDevice#PROTOCOL_REPORT_MODE} shall be assumed.
-     *
-     * @param protocol Protocol Mode.
-     */
-    public void onSetProtocol(BluetoothDevice device, byte protocol) {
-        Log.d(TAG, "onSetProtocol: device=" + device + " protocol=" + protocol);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Callback called when report data is received over interrupt channel. Report Type is assumed
-     * to be {@link BluetoothHidDevice#REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT}.
-     *
-     * @param reportId Report Id.
-     * @param data Report data.
-     */
-    public void onInterruptData(BluetoothDevice device, byte reportId, byte[] data) {
-        Log.d(TAG, "onInterruptData: device=" + device + " reportId=" + reportId);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Callback called when Virtual Cable is removed. After this callback is
-     * received connection will be disconnected automatically.
-     */
-    public void onVirtualCableUnplug(BluetoothDevice device) {
-        Log.d(TAG, "onVirtualCableUnplug: device=" + device);
-    }
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index 656188f..6aeb94d 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
      * This extra represents the current connection state of the profile of the
      * Bluetooth device.
-    public static final String EXTRA_STATE = "android.bluetooth.profile.extra.STATE";
+    String EXTRA_STATE = "android.bluetooth.profile.extra.STATE";
      * Extra for the connection state intents of the individual profiles.
@@ -46,123 +46,130 @@
      * This extra represents the previous connection state of the profile of the
      * Bluetooth device.
-    public static final String EXTRA_PREVIOUS_STATE =
     /** The profile is in disconnected state */
-    public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0;
     /** The profile is in connecting state */
-    public static final int STATE_CONNECTING = 1;
+    int STATE_CONNECTING = 1;
     /** The profile is in connected state */
-    public static final int STATE_CONNECTED = 2;
+    int STATE_CONNECTED = 2;
     /** The profile is in disconnecting state */
-    public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTING = 3;
      * Headset and Handsfree profile
-    public static final int HEADSET = 1;
+    int HEADSET = 1;
      * A2DP profile.
-    public static final int A2DP = 2;
+    int A2DP = 2;
      * Health Profile
-    public static final int HEALTH = 3;
+    int HEALTH = 3;
      * HID Host
      * @hide
-    public static final int HID_HOST = 4;
+    int HID_HOST = 4;
      * PAN Profile
      * @hide
-    public static final int PAN = 5;
+    int PAN = 5;
      * PBAP
      * @hide
-    public static final int PBAP = 6;
+    int PBAP = 6;
      * GATT
-    public static final int GATT = 7;
+    int GATT = 7;
-    public static final int GATT_SERVER = 8;
+    int GATT_SERVER = 8;
      * MAP Profile
      * @hide
-    public static final int MAP = 9;
+    int MAP = 9;
      * SAP Profile
      * @hide
-    public static final int SAP = 10;
+    int SAP = 10;
      * A2DP Sink Profile
      * @hide
-    public static final int A2DP_SINK = 11;
+    int A2DP_SINK = 11;
      * AVRCP Controller Profile
      * @hide
-    public static final int AVRCP_CONTROLLER = 12;
+    int AVRCP_CONTROLLER = 12;
+    /**
+     * AVRCP Target Profile
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    int AVRCP = 13;
      * Headset Client - HFP HF Role
      * @hide
-    public static final int HEADSET_CLIENT = 16;
+    int HEADSET_CLIENT = 16;
      * PBAP Client
      * @hide
-    public static final int PBAP_CLIENT = 17;
+    int PBAP_CLIENT = 17;
      * MAP Messaging Client Equipment (MCE)
      * @hide
-    public static final int MAP_CLIENT = 18;
+    int MAP_CLIENT = 18;
      * HID Device
-    public static final int HID_DEVICE = 19;
+    int HID_DEVICE = 19;
      * Object Push Profile (OPP)
      * @hide
-    public static final int OPP = 20;
+    int OPP = 20;
      * Hearing Aid Device
@@ -185,7 +192,7 @@
      * @hide
-    public static final int PRIORITY_AUTO_CONNECT = 1000;
+    int PRIORITY_AUTO_CONNECT = 1000;
      * Default priority for devices that allow incoming
@@ -194,7 +201,7 @@
      * @hide
-    public static final int PRIORITY_ON = 100;
+    int PRIORITY_ON = 100;
      * Default priority for devices that does not allow incoming
@@ -203,14 +210,14 @@
      * @hide
-    public static final int PRIORITY_OFF = 0;
+    int PRIORITY_OFF = 0;
      * Default priority when not set or when the device is unpaired
      * @hide
-    public static final int PRIORITY_UNDEFINED = -1;
      * Get connected devices for this specific profile.
diff --git a/core/java/android/bluetooth/ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
index 0a0d214..605dbd2 100644
--- a/core/java/android/bluetooth/
+++ b/core/java/android/bluetooth/
@@ -79,9 +79,8 @@
     public static final ParcelUuid SAP =
-    /* TODO: b/69623109 update this value. It will change to 16bit UUID!! */
     public static final ParcelUuid HearingAid =
-            ParcelUuid.fromString("7312C48F-22CC-497F-85FD-A0616A3B9E05");
+            ParcelUuid.fromString("0000FDF0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
     public static final ParcelUuid BASE_UUID =
diff --git a/core/java/android/content/pm/ b/core/java/android/content/pm/
index 8ea81a4..ebc88ff 100644
--- a/core/java/android/content/pm/
+++ b/core/java/android/content/pm/
@@ -1046,6 +1046,58 @@
     /** @hide */
     public String[] splitClassLoaderNames;
+    /**
+     * Represents the default policy. The actual policy used will depend on other properties of
+     * the application, e.g. the target SDK version.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_DEFAULT = -1;
+    /**
+     * No API enforcement; the app can access the entire internal private API. Only for use by
+     * system apps.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_NONE = 0;
+    /**
+     * Light grey list enforcement, the strictest option. Enforces the light grey, dark grey and
+     * black lists.
+     * @hide
+     * */
+    public static final int HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_ALL_LISTS = 1;
+    /**
+     * Dark grey list enforcement. Enforces the dark grey and black lists
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_DARK_GREY_AND_BLACK = 2;
+    /**
+     * Blacklist enforcement only.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_BLACK = 3;
+    /**
+     * Values in this IntDef MUST be kept in sync with enum hiddenapi::EnforcementPolicy in
+     * art/runtime/hidden_api.h
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_" }, value = {
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface HiddenApiEnforcementPolicy {}
+    private boolean isValidHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy(int policy) {
+    }
+    private int mHiddenApiPolicy = HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_DEFAULT;
     public void dump(Printer pw, String prefix) {
         dump(pw, prefix, DUMP_FLAG_ALL);
@@ -1133,6 +1185,7 @@
             if (category != CATEGORY_UNDEFINED) {
                 pw.println(prefix + "category=" + category);
+            pw.println(prefix + "HiddenApiEnforcementPolicy=" + getHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy());
         super.dumpBack(pw, prefix);
@@ -1228,6 +1281,7 @@
         targetSandboxVersion = orig.targetSandboxVersion;
         classLoaderName = orig.classLoaderName;
         splitClassLoaderNames = orig.splitClassLoaderNames;
+        mHiddenApiPolicy = orig.mHiddenApiPolicy;
     public String toString() {
@@ -1298,6 +1352,7 @@
+        dest.writeInt(mHiddenApiPolicy);
     public static final Parcelable.Creator<ApplicationInfo> CREATOR
@@ -1365,6 +1420,7 @@
         targetSandboxVersion = source.readInt();
         classLoaderName = source.readString();
         splitClassLoaderNames = source.readStringArray();
+        mHiddenApiPolicy = source.readInt();
@@ -1456,14 +1512,31 @@
+    private boolean isPackageWhitelistedForHiddenApis() {
+        return SystemConfig.getInstance().getHiddenApiWhitelistedApps().contains(packageName);
+    }
      * @hide
-    public boolean isAllowedToUseHiddenApi() {
-        boolean whitelisted =
-                SystemConfig.getInstance().getHiddenApiWhitelistedApps().contains(packageName);
-        return isSystemApp() || // TODO get rid of this once the whitelist has been populated
-                (whitelisted && (isSystemApp() || isUpdatedSystemApp()));
+    public @HiddenApiEnforcementPolicy int getHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy() {
+        if (mHiddenApiPolicy != HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_DEFAULT) {
+            return mHiddenApiPolicy;
+        }
+        if (isPackageWhitelistedForHiddenApis() && (isSystemApp() || isUpdatedSystemApp())) {
+            return HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_NONE;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public void setHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy(@HiddenApiEnforcementPolicy int policy) {
+        if (!isValidHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy(policy)) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid API enforcement policy: " + policy);
+        }
+        mHiddenApiPolicy = policy;
diff --git a/core/java/android/content/pm/ b/core/java/android/content/pm/
index a3e3354..0e74d9e 100644
--- a/core/java/android/content/pm/
+++ b/core/java/android/content/pm/
@@ -3304,7 +3304,7 @@
                     && ( == 0
                     && ( !=
                     PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_SIGNATURE) {
-                outError[0] = "<permission>  protectionLevel specifies a non-instnat flag but is "
+                outError[0] = "<permission>  protectionLevel specifies a non-instant flag but is "
                         + "not based on signature type";
                 mParseError = PackageManager.INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED;
                 return false;
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index 3a8a254..40f47b0 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -453,133 +453,177 @@
     public static final int TYPE_NONE        = -1;
-     * The Mobile data connection.  When active, all data traffic
-     * will use this network type's interface by default
-     * (it has a default route)
+     * A Mobile data connection. Devices may support more than one.
+     *
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request an
+     *         appropriate network. {@see NetworkCapabilities} for supported transports.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE      = 0;
-     * The WIFI data connection.  When active, all data traffic
-     * will use this network type's interface by default
-     * (it has a default route).
+     * A WIFI data connection. Devices may support more than one.
+     *
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request an
+     *         appropriate network. {@see NetworkCapabilities} for supported transports.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_WIFI        = 1;
      * An MMS-specific Mobile data connection.  This network type may use the
      * same network interface as {@link #TYPE_MOBILE} or it may use a different
      * one.  This is used by applications needing to talk to the carrier's
      * Multimedia Messaging Service servers.
-     * @deprecated Applications should instead use
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasCapability} or
      *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request a network that
      *         provides the {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_MMS} capability.
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_MMS  = 2;
      * A SUPL-specific Mobile data connection.  This network type may use the
      * same network interface as {@link #TYPE_MOBILE} or it may use a different
      * one.  This is used by applications needing to talk to the carrier's
      * Secure User Plane Location servers for help locating the device.
-     * @deprecated Applications should instead use
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasCapability} or
      *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request a network that
      *         provides the {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_SUPL} capability.
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL = 3;
      * A DUN-specific Mobile data connection.  This network type may use the
      * same network interface as {@link #TYPE_MOBILE} or it may use a different
      * one.  This is sometimes by the system when setting up an upstream connection
      * for tethering so that the carrier is aware of DUN traffic.
+     *
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasCapability} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request a network that
+     *         provides the {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_DUN} capability.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_DUN  = 4;
      * A High Priority Mobile data connection.  This network type uses the
      * same network interface as {@link #TYPE_MOBILE} but the routing setup
      * is different.
-     * @deprecated Applications should instead use
-     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request a network that
-     *         uses the {@link NetworkCapabilities#TRANSPORT_CELLULAR} transport.
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request an
+     *         appropriate network. {@see NetworkCapabilities} for supported transports.
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI = 5;
-     * The WiMAX data connection.  When active, all data traffic
-     * will use this network type's interface by default
-     * (it has a default route).
+     * A WiMAX data connection.
+     *
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request an
+     *         appropriate network. {@see NetworkCapabilities} for supported transports.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_WIMAX       = 6;
-     * The Bluetooth data connection.  When active, all data traffic
-     * will use this network type's interface by default
-     * (it has a default route).
+     * A Bluetooth data connection.
+     *
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request an
+     *         appropriate network. {@see NetworkCapabilities} for supported transports.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_BLUETOOTH   = 7;
      * Dummy data connection.  This should not be used on shipping devices.
+     * @deprecated This is not used any more.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_DUMMY       = 8;
-     * The Ethernet data connection.  When active, all data traffic
-     * will use this network type's interface by default
-     * (it has a default route).
+     * An Ethernet data connection.
+     *
+     * @deprecated Applications should instead use {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport} or
+     *         {@link #requestNetwork(NetworkRequest, NetworkCallback)} to request an
+     *         appropriate network. {@see NetworkCapabilities} for supported transports.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_ETHERNET    = 9;
      * Over the air Administration.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_FOTA = 10;
      * IP Multimedia Subsystem.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_IMS} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_IMS  = 11;
      * Carrier Branded Services.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_CBS} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_CBS  = 12;
      * A Wi-Fi p2p connection. Only requesting processes will have access to
      * the peers connected.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_WIFI_P2P} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_WIFI_P2P    = 13;
      * The network to use for initially attaching to the network
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_IA} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_IA = 14;
      * Emergency PDN connection for emergency services.  This
      * may include IMS and MMS in emergency situations.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_EIMS} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_EMERGENCY = 15;
      * The network that uses proxy to achieve connectivity.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_PROXY = 16;
      * A virtual network using one or more native bearers.
      * It may or may not be providing security services.
+     * @deprecated Applications should use {@link NetworkCapabilities#TRANSPORT_VPN} instead.
+    @Deprecated
     public static final int TYPE_VPN = 17;
     /** {@hide} */
@@ -686,8 +730,10 @@
      * @param type the type needing naming
      * @return a String for the given type, or a string version of the type ("87")
      * if no name is known.
+     * @deprecated Types are deprecated. Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static String getNetworkTypeName(int type) {
         switch (type) {
           case TYPE_NONE:
@@ -738,8 +784,10 @@
      * This should be replaced in the future by a network property.
      * @param networkType the type to check
      * @return a boolean - {@code true} if uses cellular network, else {@code false}
+     * @deprecated Types are deprecated. Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * {@hide}
+    @Deprecated
     public static boolean isNetworkTypeMobile(int networkType) {
         switch (networkType) {
             case TYPE_MOBILE:
@@ -761,8 +809,10 @@
      * Checks if the given network type is backed by a Wi-Fi radio.
+     * @deprecated Types are deprecated. Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * @hide
+    @Deprecated
     public static boolean isNetworkTypeWifi(int networkType) {
         switch (networkType) {
             case TYPE_WIFI:
@@ -811,6 +861,10 @@
      * You should always check {@link NetworkInfo#isConnected()} before initiating
      * network traffic. This may return {@code null} when there is no default
      * network.
+     * Note that if the default network is a VPN, this method will return the
+     * NetworkInfo for one of its underlying networks instead, or null if the
+     * VPN agent did not specify any. Apps interested in learning about VPNs
+     * should use {@link #getNetworkInfo(} instead.
      * @return a {@link NetworkInfo} object for the current default network
      *        or {@code null} if no default network is currently active
@@ -968,7 +1022,11 @@
      *        which you're interested.
      * @return a {@link NetworkInfo} object for the requested
      *        network type or {@code null} if the type is not
-     *        supported by the device.
+     *        supported by the device. If {@code networkType} is
+     *        TYPE_VPN and a VPN is active for the calling app,
+     *        then this method will try to return one of the
+     *        underlying networks for the VPN or null if the
+     *        VPN agent didn't specify any.
      * @deprecated This method does not support multiple connected networks
      *             of the same type. Use {@link #getAllNetworks} and
@@ -1529,6 +1587,8 @@
      * IllegalArgumentException if no mapping from the legacy type to
      * NetworkCapabilities is known.
+     * @deprecated Types are deprecated. Use {@link NetworkCallback} or {@link NetworkRequest}
+     *     to find the network instead.
      * @hide
     public static NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilitiesForType(int type) {
@@ -1925,13 +1985,6 @@
      * services.jar, possibly in */
     /** {@hide} */
-    public static final boolean checkChangePermission(Context context) {
-        int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
-        return Settings.checkAndNoteChangeNetworkStateOperation(context, uid, Settings
-                .getPackageNameForUid(context, uid), false /* throwException */);
-    }
-    /** {@hide} */
     public static final void enforceChangePermission(Context context) {
         int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
         Settings.checkAndNoteChangeNetworkStateOperation(context, uid, Settings
@@ -2380,6 +2433,7 @@
      * @param networkType The type of network you want to report on
      * @param percentage The quality of the connection 0 is bad, 100 is good
+     * @deprecated Types are deprecated. Use {@link #reportNetworkConnectivity} instead.
      * {@hide}
     public void reportInetCondition(int networkType, int percentage) {
@@ -2511,9 +2565,10 @@
      * @param networkType The network type we'd like to check
      * @return {@code true} if supported, else {@code false}
-     *
+     * @deprecated Types are deprecated. Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * @hide
+    @Deprecated
     public boolean isNetworkSupported(int networkType) {
         try {
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/IIpSecService.aidl b/core/java/android/net/IIpSecService.aidl
index 3ce0283..3a3ddcc 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/IIpSecService.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/net/IIpSecService.aidl
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@@ -48,11 +49,11 @@
     void addAddressToTunnelInterface(
             int tunnelResourceId,
-            String localAddr);
+            in LinkAddress localAddr);
     void removeAddressFromTunnelInterface(
             int tunnelResourceId,
-            String localAddr);
+            in LinkAddress localAddr);
     void deleteTunnelInterface(int resourceId);
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/INetdEventCallback.aidl b/core/java/android/net/INetdEventCallback.aidl
index 1fd9423..1e75bf4 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/INetdEventCallback.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/net/INetdEventCallback.aidl
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
 oneway interface INetdEventCallback {
     // Possible addNetdEventCallback callers.
      * Reports a single DNS lookup function call.
@@ -39,6 +40,18 @@
             int uid);
+     * Represents a private DNS validation success or failure.
+     * This method must not block or perform long-running operations.
+     *
+     * @param netId the ID of the network the validation was performed on.
+     * @param ipAddress the IP address for which validation was performed.
+     * @param hostname the hostname for which validation was performed.
+     * @param validated whether or not validation was successful.
+     */
+    void onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(int netId, String ipAddress, String hostname,
+            boolean validated);
+    /**
      * Reports a single connect library call.
      * This method must not block or perform long-running operations.
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/INetworkStatsService.aidl b/core/java/android/net/INetworkStatsService.aidl
index 90e3ffd..eab7041 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/INetworkStatsService.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/net/INetworkStatsService.aidl
@@ -44,6 +44,16 @@
     /** Return data layer snapshot of UID network usage. */
     NetworkStats getDataLayerSnapshotForUid(int uid);
+    /** Get a detailed snapshot of stats since boot for all UIDs.
+    *
+    * <p>Results will not always be limited to stats on requiredIfaces when specified: stats for
+    * interfaces stacked on the specified interfaces, or for interfaces on which the specified
+    * interfaces are stacked on, will also be included.
+    * @param requiredIfaces Interface names to get data for, or {@link NetworkStats#INTERFACES_ALL}.
+    */
+    NetworkStats getDetailedUidStats(in String[] requiredIfaces);
     /** Return set of any ifaces associated with mobile networks since boot. */
     String[] getMobileIfaces();
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index 6e2654e..4631c56 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Comparator;
  * This class represents an IP prefix, i.e., a contiguous block of IP addresses aligned on a
@@ -187,6 +188,20 @@
+     * Returns whether the specified prefix is entirely contained in this prefix.
+     *
+     * Note this is mathematical inclusion, so a prefix is always contained within itself.
+     * @param otherPrefix the prefix to test
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public boolean containsPrefix(IpPrefix otherPrefix) {
+        if (otherPrefix.getPrefixLength() < prefixLength) return false;
+        final byte[] otherAddress = otherPrefix.getRawAddress();
+        NetworkUtils.maskRawAddress(otherAddress, prefixLength);
+        return Arrays.equals(otherAddress, address);
+    }
+    /**
      * @hide
     public boolean isIPv6() {
@@ -230,6 +245,38 @@
+     * Returns a comparator ordering IpPrefixes by length, shorter to longer.
+     * Contents of the address will break ties.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static Comparator<IpPrefix> lengthComparator() {
+        return new Comparator<IpPrefix>() {
+            @Override
+            public int compare(IpPrefix prefix1, IpPrefix prefix2) {
+                if (prefix1.isIPv4()) {
+                    if (prefix2.isIPv6()) return -1;
+                } else {
+                    if (prefix2.isIPv4()) return 1;
+                }
+                final int p1len = prefix1.getPrefixLength();
+                final int p2len = prefix2.getPrefixLength();
+                if (p1len < p2len) return -1;
+                if (p2len < p1len) return 1;
+                final byte[] a1 = prefix1.address;
+                final byte[] a2 = prefix2.address;
+                final int len = a1.length < a2.length ? a1.length : a2.length;
+                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+                    if (a1[i] < a2[i]) return -1;
+                    if (a1[i] > a2[i]) return 1;
+                }
+                if (a2.length < len) return 1;
+                if (a1.length < len) return -1;
+                return 0;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    /**
      * Implement the Parcelable interface.
     public static final Creator<IpPrefix> CREATOR =
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index c69a4d4..8034bb6 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -38,6 +38,13 @@
     private static final String TAG = "IpSecAlgorithm";
+     * Null cipher.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final String CRYPT_NULL = "ecb(cipher_null)";
+    /**
      * AES-CBC Encryption/Ciphering Algorithm.
      * <p>Valid lengths for this key are {128, 192, 256}.
@@ -49,7 +56,8 @@
      * new applications and is provided for legacy compatibility with 3gpp infrastructure.</b>
      * <p>Keys for this algorithm must be 128 bits in length.
-     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 96 to (default) 128.
+     *
+     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 96 to 128.
     public static final String AUTH_HMAC_MD5 = "hmac(md5)";
@@ -58,7 +66,8 @@
      * new applications and is provided for legacy compatibility with 3gpp infrastructure.</b>
      * <p>Keys for this algorithm must be 160 bits in length.
-     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 96 to (default) 160.
+     *
+     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 96 to 160.
     public static final String AUTH_HMAC_SHA1 = "hmac(sha1)";
@@ -66,7 +75,8 @@
      * SHA256 HMAC Authentication/Integrity Algorithm.
      * <p>Keys for this algorithm must be 256 bits in length.
-     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 96 to (default) 256.
+     *
+     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 96 to 256.
     public static final String AUTH_HMAC_SHA256 = "hmac(sha256)";
@@ -74,7 +84,8 @@
      * SHA384 HMAC Authentication/Integrity Algorithm.
      * <p>Keys for this algorithm must be 384 bits in length.
-     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 192 to (default) 384.
+     *
+     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 192 to 384.
     public static final String AUTH_HMAC_SHA384 = "hmac(sha384)";
@@ -82,7 +93,8 @@
      * SHA512 HMAC Authentication/Integrity Algorithm.
      * <p>Keys for this algorithm must be 512 bits in length.
-     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 256 to (default) 512.
+     *
+     * <p>Valid truncation lengths are multiples of 8 bits from 256 to 512.
     public static final String AUTH_HMAC_SHA512 = "hmac(sha512)";
@@ -105,6 +117,7 @@
+        AUTH_HMAC_SHA384,
@@ -119,11 +132,14 @@
      * Creates an IpSecAlgorithm of one of the supported types. Supported algorithm names are
      * defined as constants in this class.
+     * <p>For algorithms that produce an integrity check value, the truncation length is a required
+     * parameter. See {@link #IpSecAlgorithm(String algorithm, byte[] key, int truncLenBits)}
+     *
      * @param algorithm name of the algorithm.
      * @param key key padded to a multiple of 8 bits.
-    public IpSecAlgorithm(@AlgorithmName String algorithm, @NonNull byte[] key) {
-        this(algorithm, key, key.length * 8);
+    public IpSecAlgorithm(@NonNull @AlgorithmName String algorithm, @NonNull byte[] key) {
+        this(algorithm, key, 0);
@@ -137,7 +153,8 @@
      * @param key key padded to a multiple of 8 bits.
      * @param truncLenBits number of bits of output hash to use.
-    public IpSecAlgorithm(@AlgorithmName String algorithm, @NonNull byte[] key, int truncLenBits) {
+    public IpSecAlgorithm(
+            @NonNull @AlgorithmName String algorithm, @NonNull byte[] key, int truncLenBits) {
         mName = algorithm;
         mKey = key.clone();
         mTruncLenBits = truncLenBits;
@@ -145,11 +162,13 @@
     /** Get the algorithm name */
+    @NonNull
     public String getName() {
         return mName;
     /** Get the key for this algorithm */
+    @NonNull
     public byte[] getKey() {
         return mKey.clone();
@@ -218,6 +237,7 @@
             case AUTH_CRYPT_AES_GCM:
                 // The keying material for GCM is a key plus a 32-bit salt
                 isValidLen = keyLen == 128 + 32 || keyLen == 192 + 32 || keyLen == 256 + 32;
+                isValidTruncLen = truncLen == 64 || truncLen == 96 || truncLen == 128;
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find an algorithm: " + name);
@@ -263,6 +283,7 @@
+    @NonNull
     public String toString() {
         return new StringBuilder()
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index b609847..cc22771 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -58,14 +58,18 @@
     private static final String TAG = "IpSecManager";
-     * For direction-specific attributes of an {@link IpSecTransform}, indicates that an attribute
-     * applies to traffic towards the host.
+     * Used when applying a transform to direct traffic through an {@link IpSecTransform}
+     * towards the host.
+     *
+     * <p>See {@link #applyTransportModeTransform(Socket, int, IpSecTransform)}.
     public static final int DIRECTION_IN = 0;
-     * For direction-specific attributes of an {@link IpSecTransform}, indicates that an attribute
-     * applies to traffic from the host.
+     * Used when applying a transform to direct traffic through an {@link IpSecTransform}
+     * away from the host.
+     *
+     * <p>See {@link #applyTransportModeTransform(Socket, int, IpSecTransform)}.
     public static final int DIRECTION_OUT = 1;
@@ -249,8 +253,9 @@
      * @throws {@link #ResourceUnavailableException} indicating that too many SPIs are
      *     currently allocated for this user
-    public SecurityParameterIndex allocateSecurityParameterIndex(InetAddress destinationAddress)
-            throws ResourceUnavailableException {
+    @NonNull
+    public SecurityParameterIndex allocateSecurityParameterIndex(
+                @NonNull InetAddress destinationAddress) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
         try {
             return new SecurityParameterIndex(
@@ -269,15 +274,17 @@
      * @param destinationAddress the destination address for traffic bearing the requested SPI.
      *     For inbound traffic, the destination should be an address currently assigned on-device.
-     * @param requestedSpi the requested SPI, or '0' to allocate a random SPI
+     * @param requestedSpi the requested SPI, or '0' to allocate a random SPI. The range 1-255 is
+     *     reserved and may not be used. See RFC 4303 Section 2.1.
      * @return the reserved SecurityParameterIndex
      * @throws {@link #ResourceUnavailableException} indicating that too many SPIs are
      *     currently allocated for this user
      * @throws {@link #SpiUnavailableException} indicating that the requested SPI could not be
      *     reserved
+    @NonNull
     public SecurityParameterIndex allocateSecurityParameterIndex(
-            InetAddress destinationAddress, int requestedSpi)
+            @NonNull InetAddress destinationAddress, int requestedSpi)
             throws SpiUnavailableException, ResourceUnavailableException {
         if (requestedSpi == IpSecManager.INVALID_SECURITY_PARAMETER_INDEX) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested SPI must be a valid (non-zero) SPI");
@@ -299,22 +306,39 @@
      * will throw IOException if the user deactivates the transform (by calling {@link
      * IpSecTransform#close()}) without calling {@link #removeTransportModeTransforms}.
+     * <p>Note that when applied to TCP sockets, calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()} on an
+     * applied transform before completion of graceful shutdown may result in the shutdown sequence
+     * failing to complete. As such, applications requiring graceful shutdown MUST close the socket
+     * prior to deactivating the applied transform. Socket closure may be performed asynchronously
+     * (in batches), so the returning of a close function does not guarantee shutdown of a socket.
+     * Setting an SO_LINGER timeout results in socket closure being performed synchronously, and is
+     * sufficient to ensure shutdown.
+     *
+     * Specifically, if the transform is deactivated (by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}),
+     * prior to the socket being closed, the standard [FIN - FIN/ACK - ACK], or the reset [RST]
+     * packets are dropped due to the lack of a valid Transform. Similarly, if a socket without the
+     * SO_LINGER option set is closed, the delayed/batched FIN packets may be dropped.
+     *
      * <h4>Rekey Procedure</h4>
-     * <p>When applying a new tranform to a socket, the previous transform will be removed. However,
-     * inbound traffic on the old transform will continue to be decrypted until that transform is
-     * deallocated by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}. This overlap allows rekey procedures
-     * where both transforms are valid until both endpoints are using the new transform and all
-     * in-flight packets have been received.
+     * <p>When applying a new tranform to a socket in the outbound direction, the previous transform
+     * will be removed and the new transform will take effect immediately, sending all traffic on
+     * the new transform; however, when applying a transform in the inbound direction, traffic
+     * on the old transform will continue to be decrypted and delivered until that transform is
+     * deallocated by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}. This overlap allows lossless rekey
+     * procedures where both transforms are valid until both endpoints are using the new transform
+     * and all in-flight packets have been received.
      * @param socket a stream socket
-     * @param direction the policy direction either {@link #DIRECTION_IN} or {@link #DIRECTION_OUT}
+     * @param direction the direction in which the transform should be applied
      * @param transform a transport mode {@code IpSecTransform}
      * @throws IOException indicating that the transform could not be applied
-    public void applyTransportModeTransform(
-            Socket socket, int direction, IpSecTransform transform)
-            throws IOException {
+    public void applyTransportModeTransform(@NonNull Socket socket,
+            @PolicyDirection int direction, @NonNull IpSecTransform transform) throws IOException {
+        // Ensure creation of FD. See b/77548890 for more details.
+        socket.getSoLinger();
         applyTransportModeTransform(socket.getFileDescriptor$(), direction, transform);
@@ -334,19 +358,21 @@
      * <h4>Rekey Procedure</h4>
-     * <p>When applying a new tranform to a socket, the previous transform will be removed. However,
-     * inbound traffic on the old transform will continue to be decrypted until that transform is
-     * deallocated by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}. This overlap allows rekey procedures
-     * where both transforms are valid until both endpoints are using the new transform and all
-     * in-flight packets have been received.
+     * <p>When applying a new tranform to a socket in the outbound direction, the previous transform
+     * will be removed and the new transform will take effect immediately, sending all traffic on
+     * the new transform; however, when applying a transform in the inbound direction, traffic
+     * on the old transform will continue to be decrypted and delivered until that transform is
+     * deallocated by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}. This overlap allows lossless rekey
+     * procedures where both transforms are valid until both endpoints are using the new transform
+     * and all in-flight packets have been received.
      * @param socket a datagram socket
-     * @param direction the policy direction either DIRECTION_IN or DIRECTION_OUT
+     * @param direction the direction in which the transform should be applied
      * @param transform a transport mode {@code IpSecTransform}
      * @throws IOException indicating that the transform could not be applied
-    public void applyTransportModeTransform(
-            DatagramSocket socket, int direction, IpSecTransform transform) throws IOException {
+    public void applyTransportModeTransform(@NonNull DatagramSocket socket,
+            @PolicyDirection int direction, @NonNull IpSecTransform transform) throws IOException {
         applyTransportModeTransform(socket.getFileDescriptor$(), direction, transform);
@@ -364,22 +390,36 @@
      * will throw IOException if the user deactivates the transform (by calling {@link
      * IpSecTransform#close()}) without calling {@link #removeTransportModeTransforms}.
+     * <p>Note that when applied to TCP sockets, calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()} on an
+     * applied transform before completion of graceful shutdown may result in the shutdown sequence
+     * failing to complete. As such, applications requiring graceful shutdown MUST close the socket
+     * prior to deactivating the applied transform. Socket closure may be performed asynchronously
+     * (in batches), so the returning of a close function does not guarantee shutdown of a socket.
+     * Setting an SO_LINGER timeout results in socket closure being performed synchronously, and is
+     * sufficient to ensure shutdown.
+     *
+     * Specifically, if the transform is deactivated (by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}),
+     * prior to the socket being closed, the standard [FIN - FIN/ACK - ACK], or the reset [RST]
+     * packets are dropped due to the lack of a valid Transform. Similarly, if a socket without the
+     * SO_LINGER option set is closed, the delayed/batched FIN packets may be dropped.
+     *
      * <h4>Rekey Procedure</h4>
-     * <p>When applying a new tranform to a socket, the previous transform will be removed. However,
-     * inbound traffic on the old transform will continue to be decrypted until that transform is
-     * deallocated by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}. This overlap allows rekey procedures
-     * where both transforms are valid until both endpoints are using the new transform and all
-     * in-flight packets have been received.
+     * <p>When applying a new tranform to a socket in the outbound direction, the previous transform
+     * will be removed and the new transform will take effect immediately, sending all traffic on
+     * the new transform; however, when applying a transform in the inbound direction, traffic
+     * on the old transform will continue to be decrypted and delivered until that transform is
+     * deallocated by calling {@link IpSecTransform#close()}. This overlap allows lossless rekey
+     * procedures where both transforms are valid until both endpoints are using the new transform
+     * and all in-flight packets have been received.
      * @param socket a socket file descriptor
-     * @param direction the policy direction either DIRECTION_IN or DIRECTION_OUT
+     * @param direction the direction in which the transform should be applied
      * @param transform a transport mode {@code IpSecTransform}
      * @throws IOException indicating that the transform could not be applied
-    public void applyTransportModeTransform(
-            FileDescriptor socket, int direction, IpSecTransform transform)
-            throws IOException {
+    public void applyTransportModeTransform(@NonNull FileDescriptor socket,
+            @PolicyDirection int direction, @NonNull IpSecTransform transform) throws IOException {
         // We dup() the FileDescriptor here because if we don't, then the ParcelFileDescriptor()
         // constructor takes control and closes the user's FD when we exit the method.
         try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.dup(socket)) {
@@ -390,21 +430,6 @@
-     * Apply an active Tunnel Mode IPsec Transform to a network, which will tunnel all traffic to
-     * and from that network's interface with IPsec (applies an outer IP header and IPsec Header to
-     * all traffic, and expects an additional IP header and IPsec Header on all inbound traffic).
-     * Applications should probably not use this API directly. Instead, they should use {@link
-     * VpnService} to provide VPN capability in a more generic fashion.
-     *
-     * <p>TODO: Update javadoc for tunnel mode APIs at the same time the APIs are re-worked.
-     *
-     * @param net a {@link Network} that will be tunneled via IP Sec.
-     * @param transform an {@link IpSecTransform}, which must be an active Tunnel Mode transform.
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public void applyTunnelModeTransform(Network net, IpSecTransform transform) {}
-    /**
      * Remove an IPsec transform from a stream socket.
      * <p>Once removed, traffic on the socket will not be encrypted. Removing transforms from a
@@ -417,8 +442,10 @@
      * @param socket a socket that previously had a transform applied to it
      * @throws IOException indicating that the transform could not be removed from the socket
-    public void removeTransportModeTransforms(Socket socket)
-            throws IOException {
+    public void removeTransportModeTransforms(@NonNull Socket socket) throws IOException {
+        // Ensure creation of FD. See b/77548890 for more details.
+        socket.getSoLinger();
@@ -435,8 +462,7 @@
      * @param socket a socket that previously had a transform applied to it
      * @throws IOException indicating that the transform could not be removed from the socket
-    public void removeTransportModeTransforms(DatagramSocket socket)
-            throws IOException {
+    public void removeTransportModeTransforms(@NonNull DatagramSocket socket) throws IOException {
@@ -453,8 +479,7 @@
      * @param socket a socket that previously had a transform applied to it
      * @throws IOException indicating that the transform could not be removed from the socket
-    public void removeTransportModeTransforms(FileDescriptor socket)
-            throws IOException {
+    public void removeTransportModeTransforms(@NonNull FileDescriptor socket) throws IOException {
         try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.dup(socket)) {
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
@@ -484,7 +509,7 @@
      * signalling and UDP encapsulated IPsec traffic. Instances can be obtained by calling {@link
      * IpSecManager#openUdpEncapsulationSocket}. The provided socket cannot be re-bound by the
      * caller. The caller should not close the {@code FileDescriptor} returned by {@link
-     * #getSocket}, but should use {@link #close} instead.
+     * #getFileDescriptor}, but should use {@link #close} instead.
      * <p>Allowing the user to close or unbind a UDP encapsulation socket could impact the traffic
      * of the next user who binds to that port. To prevent this scenario, these sockets are held
@@ -523,8 +548,8 @@
-        /** Get the wrapped socket. */
-        public FileDescriptor getSocket() {
+        /** Get the encapsulation socket's file descriptor. */
+        public FileDescriptor getFileDescriptor() {
             if (mPfd == null) {
                 return null;
@@ -592,6 +617,7 @@
     // safely usable for Encapsulation without allowing a user to possibly unbind from/close
     // the port, which could potentially impact the traffic of the next user who binds to that
     // socket.
+    @NonNull
     public UdpEncapsulationSocket openUdpEncapsulationSocket(int port)
             throws IOException, ResourceUnavailableException {
@@ -621,6 +647,7 @@
     // safely usable for Encapsulation without allowing a user to possibly unbind from/close
     // the port, which could potentially impact the traffic of the next user who binds to that
     // socket.
+    @NonNull
     public UdpEncapsulationSocket openUdpEncapsulationSocket()
             throws IOException, ResourceUnavailableException {
         return new UdpEncapsulationSocket(mService, 0);
@@ -649,6 +676,7 @@
         private int mResourceId = INVALID_RESOURCE_ID;
         /** Get the underlying SPI held by this object. */
+        @NonNull
         public String getInterfaceName() {
             return mInterfaceName;
@@ -660,10 +688,15 @@
          * tunneled traffic.
          * @param address the local address for traffic inside the tunnel
-         * @throws IOException if the address could not be added
          * @hide
-        public void addAddress(LinkAddress address) throws IOException {
+        @SystemApi
+        public void addAddress(@NonNull LinkAddress address) throws IOException {
+            try {
+                mService.addAddressToTunnelInterface(mResourceId, address);
+            } catch (RemoteException e) {
+                throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
+            }
@@ -672,10 +705,15 @@
          * <p>Remove an address which was previously added to the IpSecTunnelInterface
          * @param address to be removed
-         * @throws IOException if the address could not be removed
          * @hide
-        public void removeAddress(LinkAddress address) throws IOException {
+        @SystemApi
+        public void removeAddress(@NonNull LinkAddress address) throws IOException {
+            try {
+                mService.removeAddressFromTunnelInterface(mResourceId, address);
+            } catch (RemoteException e) {
+                throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
+            }
         private IpSecTunnelInterface(@NonNull IIpSecService service,
@@ -762,6 +800,7 @@
      * @hide
+    @NonNull
     public IpSecTunnelInterface createIpSecTunnelInterface(@NonNull InetAddress localAddress,
             @NonNull InetAddress remoteAddress, @NonNull Network underlyingNetwork)
@@ -770,7 +809,12 @@
-     * Apply a transform to the IpSecTunnelInterface
+     * Apply an active Tunnel Mode IPsec Transform to a {@link IpSecTunnelInterface}, which will
+     * tunnel all traffic for the given direction through the underlying network's interface with
+     * IPsec (applies an outer IP header and IPsec Header to all traffic, and expects an additional
+     * IP header and IPsec Header on all inbound traffic).
+     * <p>Applications should probably not use this API directly.
+     *
      * @param tunnel The {@link IpSecManager#IpSecTunnelInterface} that will use the supplied
      *        transform.
@@ -783,8 +827,8 @@
-    public void applyTunnelModeTransform(IpSecTunnelInterface tunnel, int direction,
-            IpSecTransform transform) throws IOException {
+    public void applyTunnelModeTransform(@NonNull IpSecTunnelInterface tunnel,
+            @PolicyDirection int direction, @NonNull IpSecTransform transform) throws IOException {
         try {
                     tunnel.getResourceId(), direction, transform.getResourceId());
@@ -792,6 +836,7 @@
             throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
      * Construct an instance of IpSecManager within an application context.
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index 60e96f9..cf58647 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@
          * @param algo {@link IpSecAlgorithm} specifying the encryption to be applied.
+        @NonNull
         public IpSecTransform.Builder setEncryption(@NonNull IpSecAlgorithm algo) {
             // TODO: throw IllegalArgumentException if algo is not an encryption algorithm.
@@ -364,6 +365,7 @@
          * @param algo {@link IpSecAlgorithm} specifying the authentication to be applied.
+        @NonNull
         public IpSecTransform.Builder setAuthentication(@NonNull IpSecAlgorithm algo) {
             // TODO: throw IllegalArgumentException if algo is not an authentication algorithm.
@@ -384,6 +386,7 @@
          * @param algo {@link IpSecAlgorithm} specifying the authenticated encryption algorithm to
          *     be applied.
+        @NonNull
         public IpSecTransform.Builder setAuthenticatedEncryption(@NonNull IpSecAlgorithm algo) {
@@ -403,6 +406,7 @@
          * @param remotePort the UDP port number of the remote host that will send and receive
          *     encapsulated traffic. In the case of IKEv2, this should be port 4500.
+        @NonNull
         public IpSecTransform.Builder setIpv4Encapsulation(
                 @NonNull IpSecManager.UdpEncapsulationSocket localSocket, int remotePort) {
@@ -436,6 +440,7 @@
          *     collides with an existing transform
          * @throws IOException indicating other errors
+        @NonNull
         public IpSecTransform buildTransportModeTransform(
                 @NonNull InetAddress sourceAddress,
                 @NonNull IpSecManager.SecurityParameterIndex spi)
@@ -472,6 +477,7 @@
          * @hide
+        @NonNull
         public IpSecTransform buildTunnelModeTransform(
                 @NonNull InetAddress sourceAddress,
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index 3683d34..f14847f 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
@@ -136,9 +138,15 @@
             for (int i = 0; i < hostAddresses.length; i++) {
                 try {
                     Socket socket = createSocket();
-                    if (localAddress != null) socket.bind(localAddress);
-                    socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostAddresses[i], port));
-                    return socket;
+                    boolean failed = true;
+                    try {
+                        if (localAddress != null) socket.bind(localAddress);
+                        socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostAddresses[i], port));
+                        failed = false;
+                        return socket;
+                    } finally {
+                        if (failed) IoUtils.closeQuietly(socket);
+                    }
                 } catch (IOException e) {
                     if (i == (hostAddresses.length - 1)) throw e;
@@ -155,15 +163,27 @@
         public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddress,
                 int localPort) throws IOException {
             Socket socket = createSocket();
-            socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, localPort));
-            socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address, port));
+            boolean failed = true;
+            try {
+                socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, localPort));
+                socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address, port));
+                failed = false;
+            } finally {
+                if (failed) IoUtils.closeQuietly(socket);
+            }
             return socket;
         public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port) throws IOException {
             Socket socket = createSocket();
-            socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port));
+            boolean failed = true;
+            try {
+                socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port));
+                failed = false;
+            } finally {
+                if (failed) IoUtils.closeQuietly(socket);
+            }
             return socket;
@@ -175,7 +195,13 @@
         public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
             Socket socket = new Socket();
-            bindSocket(socket);
+            boolean failed = true;
+            try {
+                bindSocket(socket);
+                failed = false;
+            } finally {
+                if (failed) IoUtils.closeQuietly(socket);
+            }
             return socket;
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index c94ae93..19f0c90 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
             mSignalStrength = nc.mSignalStrength;
             mUids = nc.mUids;
             mEstablishingVpnAppUid = nc.mEstablishingVpnAppUid;
+            mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities = nc.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities;
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
      * @hide
     public void clearAll() {
-        mNetworkCapabilities = mTransportTypes = 0;
+        mNetworkCapabilities = mTransportTypes = mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities = 0;
         mLinkUpBandwidthKbps = mLinkDownBandwidthKbps = LINK_BANDWIDTH_UNSPECIFIED;
         mNetworkSpecifier = null;
         mSignalStrength = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNSPECIFIED;
@@ -91,6 +92,11 @@
     private long mNetworkCapabilities;
+    /**
+     * If any capabilities specified here they must not exist in the matching Network.
+     */
+    private long mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities;
     /** @hide */
     @IntDef(prefix = { "NET_CAPABILITY_" }, value = {
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@
     public @interface NetCapability { }
@@ -263,8 +270,15 @@
     public static final int NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_SUSPENDED = 21;
+    /**
+     * Indicates that traffic that goes through this network is paid by oem. For example,
+     * this network can be used by system apps to upload telemetry data.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID = 22;
     private static final int MIN_NET_CAPABILITY = NET_CAPABILITY_MMS;
+    private static final int MAX_NET_CAPABILITY = NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID;
      * Network capabilities that are expected to be mutable, i.e., can change while a particular
@@ -301,7 +315,7 @@
      * Capabilities that suggest that a network is restricted.
-     * {@see #maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted}.
+     * {@see #maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted}, {@see #FORCE_RESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES}
     /* package */ static final long RESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES =
@@ -315,6 +329,13 @@
             (1 << NET_CAPABILITY_XCAP);
+     * Capabilities that force network to be restricted.
+     * {@see #maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted}.
+     */
+    private static final long FORCE_RESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES =
+            (1 << NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID);
+    /**
      * Capabilities that suggest that a network is unrestricted.
      * {@see #maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted}.
@@ -329,31 +350,55 @@
      * Adds the given capability to this {@code NetworkCapability} instance.
      * Multiple capabilities may be applied sequentially.  Note that when searching
      * for a network to satisfy a request, all capabilities requested must be satisfied.
+     * <p>
+     * If the given capability was previously added to the list of unwanted capabilities
+     * then the capability will also be removed from the list of unwanted capabilities.
      * @param capability the capability to be added.
      * @return This NetworkCapabilities instance, to facilitate chaining.
      * @hide
     public NetworkCapabilities addCapability(@NetCapability int capability) {
-        if (capability < MIN_NET_CAPABILITY || capability > MAX_NET_CAPABILITY) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("NetworkCapability out of range");
-        }
+        checkValidCapability(capability);
         mNetworkCapabilities |= 1 << capability;
+        mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities &= ~(1 << capability);  // remove from unwanted capability list
         return this;
+     * Adds the given capability to the list of unwanted capabilities of this
+     * {@code NetworkCapability} instance.  Multiple unwanted capabilities may be applied
+     * sequentially.  Note that when searching for a network to satisfy a request, the network
+     * must not contain any capability from unwanted capability list.
+     * <p>
+     * If the capability was previously added to the list of required capabilities (for
+     * example, it was there by default or added using {@link #addCapability(int)} method), then
+     * it will be removed from the list of required capabilities as well.
+     *
+     * @see #addCapability(int)
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public void addUnwantedCapability(@NetCapability int capability) {
+        checkValidCapability(capability);
+        mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities |= 1 << capability;
+        mNetworkCapabilities &= ~(1 << capability);  // remove from requested capabilities
+    }
+    /**
      * Removes (if found) the given capability from this {@code NetworkCapability} instance.
+     * <p>
+     * Note that this method removes capabilities that were added via {@link #addCapability(int)},
+     * {@link #addUnwantedCapability(int)} or {@link #setCapabilities(int[], int[])} .
      * @param capability the capability to be removed.
      * @return This NetworkCapabilities instance, to facilitate chaining.
      * @hide
     public NetworkCapabilities removeCapability(@NetCapability int capability) {
-        if (capability < MIN_NET_CAPABILITY || capability > MAX_NET_CAPABILITY) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("NetworkCapability out of range");
-        }
-        mNetworkCapabilities &= ~(1 << capability);
+        checkValidCapability(capability);
+        final long mask = ~(1 << capability);
+        mNetworkCapabilities &= mask;
+        mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities &= mask;
         return this;
@@ -383,30 +428,58 @@
+     * Gets all the unwanted capabilities set on this {@code NetworkCapability} instance.
+     *
+     * @return an array of unwanted capability values for this instance.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public @NetCapability int[] getUnwantedCapabilities() {
+        return BitUtils.unpackBits(mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities);
+    }
+    /**
      * Sets all the capabilities set on this {@code NetworkCapability} instance.
      * This overwrites any existing capabilities.
      * @hide
-    public void setCapabilities(@NetCapability int[] capabilities) {
+    public void setCapabilities(@NetCapability int[] capabilities,
+            @NetCapability int[] unwantedCapabilities) {
         mNetworkCapabilities = BitUtils.packBits(capabilities);
+        mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities = BitUtils.packBits(unwantedCapabilities);
-     * Tests for the presence of a capabilitity on this instance.
+     * @deprecated use {@link #setCapabilities(int[], int[])}
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    public void setCapabilities(@NetCapability int[] capabilities) {
+        setCapabilities(capabilities, new int[] {});
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests for the presence of a capability on this instance.
      * @param capability the capabilities to be tested for.
      * @return {@code true} if set on this instance.
     public boolean hasCapability(@NetCapability int capability) {
-        if (capability < MIN_NET_CAPABILITY || capability > MAX_NET_CAPABILITY) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return ((mNetworkCapabilities & (1 << capability)) != 0);
+        return isValidCapability(capability)
+                && ((mNetworkCapabilities & (1 << capability)) != 0);
+    /** @hide */
+    public boolean hasUnwantedCapability(@NetCapability int capability) {
+        return isValidCapability(capability)
+                && ((mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities & (1 << capability)) != 0);
+    }
+    /** Note this method may result in having the same capability in wanted and unwanted lists. */
     private void combineNetCapabilities(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
         this.mNetworkCapabilities |= nc.mNetworkCapabilities;
+        this.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities |= nc.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities;
@@ -417,7 +490,9 @@
      * @hide
     public String describeFirstNonRequestableCapability() {
-        final long nonRequestable = (mNetworkCapabilities & NON_REQUESTABLE_CAPABILITIES);
+        final long nonRequestable = (mNetworkCapabilities | mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities)
         if (nonRequestable != 0) {
             return capabilityNameOf(BitUtils.unpackBits(nonRequestable)[0]);
@@ -427,21 +502,29 @@
     private boolean satisfiedByNetCapabilities(NetworkCapabilities nc, boolean onlyImmutable) {
-        long networkCapabilities = this.mNetworkCapabilities;
+        long requestedCapabilities = mNetworkCapabilities;
+        long requestedUnwantedCapabilities = mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities;
+        long providedCapabilities = nc.mNetworkCapabilities;
         if (onlyImmutable) {
-            networkCapabilities = networkCapabilities & ~MUTABLE_CAPABILITIES;
+            requestedCapabilities &= ~MUTABLE_CAPABILITIES;
+            requestedUnwantedCapabilities &= ~MUTABLE_CAPABILITIES;
-        return ((nc.mNetworkCapabilities & networkCapabilities) == networkCapabilities);
+        return ((providedCapabilities & requestedCapabilities) == requestedCapabilities)
+                && ((requestedUnwantedCapabilities & providedCapabilities) == 0);
     /** @hide */
     public boolean equalsNetCapabilities(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
-        return (nc.mNetworkCapabilities == this.mNetworkCapabilities);
+        return (nc.mNetworkCapabilities == this.mNetworkCapabilities)
+                && (nc.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities == this.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities);
     private boolean equalsNetCapabilitiesRequestable(NetworkCapabilities that) {
         return ((this.mNetworkCapabilities & ~NON_REQUESTABLE_CAPABILITIES) ==
-                (that.mNetworkCapabilities & ~NON_REQUESTABLE_CAPABILITIES));
+                (that.mNetworkCapabilities & ~NON_REQUESTABLE_CAPABILITIES))
+                && ((this.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities & ~NON_REQUESTABLE_CAPABILITIES) ==
+                (that.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities & ~NON_REQUESTABLE_CAPABILITIES));
@@ -454,16 +537,21 @@
      * @hide
     public void maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted() {
+        // Check if we have any capability that forces the network to be restricted.
+        final boolean forceRestrictedCapability =
+                (mNetworkCapabilities & FORCE_RESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES) != 0;
         // Verify there aren't any unrestricted capabilities.  If there are we say
-        // the whole thing is unrestricted.
+        // the whole thing is unrestricted unless it is forced to be restricted.
         final boolean hasUnrestrictedCapabilities =
-                ((mNetworkCapabilities & UNRESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES) != 0);
+                (mNetworkCapabilities & UNRESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES) != 0;
         // Must have at least some restricted capabilities.
         final boolean hasRestrictedCapabilities =
-                ((mNetworkCapabilities & RESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES) != 0);
+                (mNetworkCapabilities & RESTRICTED_CAPABILITIES) != 0;
-        if (hasRestrictedCapabilities && !hasUnrestrictedCapabilities) {
+        if (forceRestrictedCapability
+                || (hasRestrictedCapabilities && !hasUnrestrictedCapabilities)) {
@@ -881,7 +969,16 @@
      * List of UIDs this network applies to. No restriction if null.
      * <p>
-     * This is typically (and at this time, only) used by VPN. This network is only available to
+     * For networks, mUids represent the list of network this applies to, and null means this
+     * network applies to all UIDs.
+     * For requests, mUids is the list of UIDs this network MUST apply to to match ; ALL UIDs
+     * must be included in a network so that they match. As an exception to the general rule,
+     * a null mUids field for requests mean "no requirements" rather than what the general rule
+     * would suggest ("must apply to all UIDs") : this is because this has shown to be what users
+     * of this API expect in practice. A network that must match all UIDs can still be
+     * expressed with a set ranging the entire set of possible UIDs.
+     * <p>
+     * mUids is typically (and at this time, only) used by VPN. This network is only available to
      * the UIDs in this list, and it is their default network. Apps in this list that wish to
      * bypass the VPN can do so iff the VPN app allows them to or if they are privileged. If this
      * member is null, then the network is not restricted by app UID. If it's an empty list, then
@@ -1003,8 +1100,7 @@
      * @hide
     public boolean satisfiedByUids(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
-        if (null == nc.mUids) return true; // The network satisfies everything.
-        if (null == mUids) return false; // Not everything allowed but requires everything
+        if (null == nc.mUids || null == mUids) return true; // The network satisfies everything.
         for (UidRange requiredRange : mUids) {
             if (requiredRange.contains(nc.mEstablishingVpnAppUid)) return true;
             if (!nc.appliesToUidRange(requiredRange)) {
@@ -1047,7 +1143,11 @@
-     * Combine a set of Capabilities to this one.  Useful for coming up with the complete set
+     * Combine a set of Capabilities to this one.  Useful for coming up with the complete set.
+     * <p>
+     * Note that this method may break an invariant of having a particular capability in either
+     * wanted or unwanted lists but never in both.  Requests that have the same capability in
+     * both lists will never be satisfied.
      * @hide
     public void combineCapabilities(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
@@ -1169,15 +1269,17 @@
     public int hashCode() {
-        return ((int) (mNetworkCapabilities & 0xFFFFFFFF)
+        return (int) (mNetworkCapabilities & 0xFFFFFFFF)
                 + ((int) (mNetworkCapabilities >> 32) * 3)
-                + ((int) (mTransportTypes & 0xFFFFFFFF) * 5)
-                + ((int) (mTransportTypes >> 32) * 7)
-                + (mLinkUpBandwidthKbps * 11)
-                + (mLinkDownBandwidthKbps * 13)
-                + Objects.hashCode(mNetworkSpecifier) * 17
-                + (mSignalStrength * 19)
-                + Objects.hashCode(mUids) * 23);
+                + ((int) (mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities & 0xFFFFFFFF) * 5)
+                + ((int) (mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities >> 32) * 7)
+                + ((int) (mTransportTypes & 0xFFFFFFFF) * 11)
+                + ((int) (mTransportTypes >> 32) * 13)
+                + (mLinkUpBandwidthKbps * 17)
+                + (mLinkDownBandwidthKbps * 19)
+                + Objects.hashCode(mNetworkSpecifier) * 23
+                + (mSignalStrength * 29)
+                + Objects.hashCode(mUids) * 31;
@@ -1187,6 +1289,7 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
+        dest.writeLong(mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities);
@@ -1202,6 +1305,7 @@
                 NetworkCapabilities netCap = new NetworkCapabilities();
                 netCap.mNetworkCapabilities = in.readLong();
+                netCap.mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities = in.readLong();
                 netCap.mTransportTypes = in.readLong();
                 netCap.mLinkUpBandwidthKbps = in.readInt();
                 netCap.mLinkDownBandwidthKbps = in.readInt();
@@ -1219,34 +1323,73 @@
     public String toString() {
-        // TODO: enumerate bits for transports and capabilities instead of creating arrays.
-        // TODO: use a StringBuilder instead of string concatenation.
-        int[] types = getTransportTypes();
-        String transports = (types.length > 0) ? " Transports: " + transportNamesOf(types) : "";
-        types = getCapabilities();
-        String capabilities = (types.length > 0 ? " Capabilities: " : "");
-        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ) {
-            capabilities += capabilityNameOf(types[i]);
-            if (++i < types.length) capabilities += "&";
+        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
+        if (0 != mTransportTypes) {
+            sb.append(" Transports: ");
+            appendStringRepresentationOfBitMaskToStringBuilder(sb, mTransportTypes,
+                    NetworkCapabilities::transportNameOf, "|");
+        }
+        if (0 != mNetworkCapabilities) {
+            sb.append(" Capabilities: ");
+            appendStringRepresentationOfBitMaskToStringBuilder(sb, mNetworkCapabilities,
+                    NetworkCapabilities::capabilityNameOf, "&");
+        }
+        if (0 != mNetworkCapabilities) {
+            sb.append(" Unwanted: ");
+            appendStringRepresentationOfBitMaskToStringBuilder(sb, mUnwantedNetworkCapabilities,
+                    NetworkCapabilities::capabilityNameOf, "&");
+        }
+        if (mLinkUpBandwidthKbps > 0) {
+            sb.append(" LinkUpBandwidth>=").append(mLinkUpBandwidthKbps).append("Kbps");
+        }
+        if (mLinkDownBandwidthKbps > 0) {
+            sb.append(" LinkDnBandwidth>=").append(mLinkDownBandwidthKbps).append("Kbps");
+        }
+        if (mNetworkSpecifier != null) {
+            sb.append(" Specifier: <").append(mNetworkSpecifier).append(">");
+        }
+        if (hasSignalStrength()) {
+            sb.append(" SignalStrength: ").append(mSignalStrength);
-        String upBand = ((mLinkUpBandwidthKbps > 0) ? " LinkUpBandwidth>=" +
-                mLinkUpBandwidthKbps + "Kbps" : "");
-        String dnBand = ((mLinkDownBandwidthKbps > 0) ? " LinkDnBandwidth>=" +
-                mLinkDownBandwidthKbps + "Kbps" : "");
+        if (null != mUids) {
+            if ((1 == mUids.size()) && (mUids.valueAt(0).count() == 1)) {
+                sb.append(" Uid: ").append(mUids.valueAt(0).start);
+            } else {
+                sb.append(" Uids: <").append(mUids).append(">");
+            }
+        }
+        if (mEstablishingVpnAppUid != INVALID_UID) {
+            sb.append(" EstablishingAppUid: ").append(mEstablishingVpnAppUid);
+        }
-        String specifier = (mNetworkSpecifier == null ?
-                "" : " Specifier: <" + mNetworkSpecifier + ">");
+        sb.append("]");
+        return sb.toString();
+    }
-        String signalStrength = (hasSignalStrength() ? " SignalStrength: " + mSignalStrength : "");
-        String uids = (null != mUids ? " Uids: <" + mUids + ">" : "");
-        String establishingAppUid = " EstablishingAppUid: " + mEstablishingVpnAppUid;
-        return "[" + transports + capabilities + upBand + dnBand + specifier + signalStrength
-            + uids + establishingAppUid + "]";
+    private interface NameOf {
+        String nameOf(int value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static void appendStringRepresentationOfBitMaskToStringBuilder(StringBuilder sb,
+            long bitMask, NameOf nameFetcher, String separator) {
+        int bitPos = 0;
+        boolean firstElementAdded = false;
+        while (bitMask != 0) {
+            if ((bitMask & 1) != 0) {
+                if (firstElementAdded) {
+                    sb.append(separator);
+                } else {
+                    firstElementAdded = true;
+                }
+                sb.append(nameFetcher.nameOf(bitPos));
+            }
+            bitMask >>= 1;
+            ++bitPos;
+        }
@@ -1289,6 +1432,7 @@
             case NET_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND:     return "FOREGROUND";
+            case NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID:       return "OEM_PAID";
             default:                            return Integer.toString(capability);
@@ -1320,4 +1464,13 @@
                 isValidTransport(transport), "Invalid TransportType " + transport);
+    private static boolean isValidCapability(@NetworkCapabilities.NetCapability int capability) {
+        return capability >= MIN_NET_CAPABILITY && capability <= MAX_NET_CAPABILITY;
+    }
+    private static void checkValidCapability(@NetworkCapabilities.NetCapability int capability) {
+        Preconditions.checkArgument(isValidCapability(capability),
+                "NetworkCapability " + capability + "out of range");
+    }
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index e6ad89a..999771a 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -38,14 +38,18 @@
      * <table>
      * <tr><td><b>Detailed state</b></td><td><b>Coarse-grained state</b></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>IDLE</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td></tr>
-     * <tr><td><code>SCANNING</code></td><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td></tr>
+     * <tr><td><code>SCANNING</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>AUTHENTICATING</code></td><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td></tr>
+     * <tr><td><code>OBTAINING_IPADDR</code></td><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td></tr>
+     * <tr><td><code>VERIFYING_POOR_LINK</code></td><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td></tr>
+     * <tr><td><code>CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK</code></td><td><code>CONNECTING</code></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>CONNECTED</code></td><td><code>CONNECTED</code></td></tr>
+     * <tr><td><code>SUSPENDED</code></td><td><code>SUSPENDED</code></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>DISCONNECTING</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTING</code></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td></tr>
-     * <tr><td><code>UNAVAILABLE</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td></tr>
      * <tr><td><code>FAILED</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td></tr>
+     * <tr><td><code>BLOCKED</code></td><td><code>DISCONNECTED</code></td></tr>
      * </table>
     public enum State {
@@ -163,8 +167,17 @@
      * @return one of {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_MOBILE}, {@link
      * ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIFI}, {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIMAX}, {@link
      * ConnectivityManager#TYPE_ETHERNET},  {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_BLUETOOTH}, or other
-     * types defined by {@link ConnectivityManager}
+     * types defined by {@link ConnectivityManager}.
+     * @deprecated Callers should switch to checking {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport}
+     *             instead with one of the NetworkCapabilities#TRANSPORT_* constants :
+     *             {@link #getType} and {@link #getTypeName} cannot account for networks using
+     *             multiple transports. Note that generally apps should not care about transport;
+     *             {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_METERED} and
+     *             {@link NetworkCapabilities#getLinkDownstreamBandwidthKbps} are calls that
+     *             apps concerned with meteredness or bandwidth should be looking at, as they
+     *             offer this information with much better accuracy.
+    @Deprecated
     public int getType() {
         synchronized (this) {
             return mNetworkType;
@@ -172,8 +185,10 @@
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead
      * @hide
+    @Deprecated
     public void setType(int type) {
         synchronized (this) {
             mNetworkType = type;
@@ -205,7 +220,16 @@
      * Return a human-readable name describe the type of the network,
      * for example "WIFI" or "MOBILE".
      * @return the name of the network type
+     * @deprecated Callers should switch to checking {@link NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport}
+     *             instead with one of the NetworkCapabilities#TRANSPORT_* constants :
+     *             {@link #getType} and {@link #getTypeName} cannot account for networks using
+     *             multiple transports. Note that generally apps should not care about transport;
+     *             {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_METERED} and
+     *             {@link NetworkCapabilities#getLinkDownstreamBandwidthKbps} are calls that
+     *             apps concerned with meteredness or bandwidth should be looking at, as they
+     *             offer this information with much better accuracy.
+    @Deprecated
     public String getTypeName() {
         synchronized (this) {
             return mTypeName;
@@ -230,7 +254,15 @@
      * that the network is fully usable.
      * @return {@code true} if network connectivity exists or is in the process
      * of being established, {@code false} otherwise.
+     * @deprecated Apps should instead use the
+     *             {@link} API to
+     *             learn about connectivity changes.
+     *             {@link ConnectivityManager#registerDefaultNetworkCallback} and
+     *             {@link ConnectivityManager#registerNetworkCallback}. These will
+     *             give a more accurate picture of the connectivity state of
+     *             the device and let apps react more easily and quickly to changes.
+    @Deprecated
     public boolean isConnectedOrConnecting() {
         synchronized (this) {
             return mState == State.CONNECTED || mState == State.CONNECTING;
@@ -259,8 +291,18 @@
      * data roaming has been disabled.</li>
      * <li>The device's radio is turned off, e.g., because airplane mode is enabled.</li>
      * </ul>
+     * Since Android L, this always returns {@code true}, because the system only
+     * returns info for available networks.
      * @return {@code true} if the network is available, {@code false} otherwise
+     * @deprecated Apps should instead use the
+     *             {@link} API to
+     *             learn about connectivity changes.
+     *             {@link ConnectivityManager#registerDefaultNetworkCallback} and
+     *             {@link ConnectivityManager#registerNetworkCallback}. These will
+     *             give a more accurate picture of the connectivity state of
+     *             the device and let apps react more easily and quickly to changes.
+    @Deprecated
     public boolean isAvailable() {
         synchronized (this) {
             return mIsAvailable;
@@ -270,9 +312,11 @@
      * Sets if the network is available, ie, if the connectivity is possible.
      * @param isAvailable the new availability value.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead
      * @hide
+    @Deprecated
     public void setIsAvailable(boolean isAvailable) {
         synchronized (this) {
             mIsAvailable = isAvailable;
@@ -285,7 +329,10 @@
      * network following a disconnect from another network.
      * @return {@code true} if this is a failover attempt, {@code false}
      * otherwise.
+     * @deprecated This field is not populated in recent Android releases,
+     *             and does not make a lot of sense in a multi-network world.
+    @Deprecated
     public boolean isFailover() {
         synchronized (this) {
             return mIsFailover;
@@ -296,8 +343,10 @@
      * Set the failover boolean.
      * @param isFailover {@code true} to mark the current connection attempt
      * as a failover.
+     * @deprecated This hasn't been set in any recent Android release.
      * @hide
+    @Deprecated
     public void setFailover(boolean isFailover) {
         synchronized (this) {
             mIsFailover = isFailover;
@@ -322,7 +371,10 @@
-    /** {@hide} */
+    /**
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_ROAMING} instead.
+     * {@hide}
+     */
     public void setRoaming(boolean isRoaming) {
@@ -334,7 +386,15 @@
      * Reports the current coarse-grained state of the network.
      * @return the coarse-grained state
+     * @deprecated Apps should instead use the
+     *             {@link} API to
+     *             learn about connectivity changes.
+     *             {@link ConnectivityManager#registerDefaultNetworkCallback} and
+     *             {@link ConnectivityManager#registerNetworkCallback}. These will
+     *             give a more accurate picture of the connectivity state of
+     *             the device and let apps react more easily and quickly to changes.
+    @Deprecated
     public State getState() {
         synchronized (this) {
             return mState;
@@ -358,8 +418,10 @@
      * if one was supplied. May be {@code null}.
      * @param extraInfo an optional {@code String} providing addditional network state
      * information passed up from the lower networking layers.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link NetworkCapabilities} instead.
      * @hide
+    @Deprecated
     public void setDetailedState(DetailedState detailedState, String reason, String extraInfo) {
         synchronized (this) {
             this.mDetailedState = detailedState;
@@ -385,6 +447,8 @@
      * Report the reason an attempt to establish connectivity failed,
      * if one is available.
      * @return the reason for failure, or null if not available
+     * @deprecated This method does not have a consistent contract that could make it useful
+     *             to callers.
     public String getReason() {
         synchronized (this) {
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index 97ded2d..1ee0ed7d 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
 import android.annotation.NonNull;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
+import android.os.Process;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
 import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Set;
  * Defines a request for a network, made through {@link NetworkRequest.Builder} and used
@@ -131,12 +133,18 @@
      * needed in terms of {@link NetworkCapabilities} features
     public static class Builder {
-        private final NetworkCapabilities mNetworkCapabilities = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        private final NetworkCapabilities mNetworkCapabilities;
          * Default constructor for Builder.
-        public Builder() {}
+        public Builder() {
+            // By default, restrict this request to networks available to this app.
+            // Apps can rescind this restriction, but ConnectivityService will enforce
+            // it for apps that do not have the NETWORK_SETTINGS permission.
+            mNetworkCapabilities = new NetworkCapabilities();
+            mNetworkCapabilities.setSingleUid(Process.myUid());
+        }
          * Build {@link NetworkRequest} give the current set of capabilities.
@@ -157,6 +165,9 @@
          * the requested network's required capabilities.  Note that when searching
          * for a network to satisfy a request, all capabilities requested must be
          * satisfied.
+         * <p>
+         * If the given capability was previously added to the list of unwanted capabilities
+         * then the capability will also be removed from the list of unwanted capabilities.
          * @param capability The capability to add.
          * @return The builder to facilitate chaining
@@ -168,7 +179,8 @@
-         * Removes (if found) the given capability from this builder instance.
+         * Removes (if found) the given capability from this builder instance from both required
+         * and unwanted capabilities lists.
          * @param capability The capability to remove.
          * @return The builder to facilitate chaining.
@@ -193,6 +205,37 @@
+         * Set the watched UIDs for this request. This will be reset and wiped out unless
+         * the calling app holds the CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE permission.
+         *
+         * @param uids The watched UIDs as a set of UidRanges, or null for everything.
+         * @return The builder to facilitate chaining.
+         * @hide
+         */
+        public Builder setUids(Set<UidRange> uids) {
+            mNetworkCapabilities.setUids(uids);
+            return this;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Add a capability that must not exist in the requested network.
+         * <p>
+         * If the capability was previously added to the list of required capabilities (for
+         * example, it was there by default or added using {@link #addCapability(int)} method), then
+         * it will be removed from the list of required capabilities as well.
+         *
+         * @see #addCapability(int)
+         *
+         * @param capability The capability to add to unwanted capability list.
+         * @return The builder to facilitate chaining.
+         * @hide
+         */
+        public Builder addUnwantedCapability(@NetworkCapabilities.NetCapability int capability) {
+            mNetworkCapabilities.addUnwantedCapability(capability);
+            return this;
+        }
+        /**
          * Completely clears all the {@code NetworkCapabilities} from this builder instance,
          * removing even the capabilities that are set by default when the object is constructed.
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index 01b2b39..d6cbc88 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Objects;
@@ -64,6 +65,9 @@
     /** Debug {@link #set} value when the VPN stats are moved out of a vpn UID. */
     public static final int SET_DBG_VPN_OUT = 1002;
+    /** Include all interfaces when filtering */
+    public static final String[] INTERFACES_ALL = null;
     /** {@link #tag} value for total data across all tags. */
     // TODO: Rename TAG_NONE to TAG_ALL.
     public static final int TAG_NONE = 0;
@@ -94,6 +98,11 @@
     /** Denotes a request for stats at the interface and UID level. */
     public static final int STATS_PER_UID = 1;
+    private static final String CLATD_INTERFACE_PREFIX = "v4-";
+    // Delta between IPv4 header (20b) and IPv6 header (40b).
+    // Used for correct stats accounting on clatd interfaces.
+    private static final int IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA = 20;
     // TODO: move fields to "mVariable" notation
@@ -359,23 +368,27 @@
             capacity = newLength;
-        iface[size] = entry.iface;
-        uid[size] = entry.uid;
-        set[size] = entry.set;
-        tag[size] = entry.tag;
-        metered[size] = entry.metered;
-        roaming[size] = entry.roaming;
-        defaultNetwork[size] = entry.defaultNetwork;
-        rxBytes[size] = entry.rxBytes;
-        rxPackets[size] = entry.rxPackets;
-        txBytes[size] = entry.txBytes;
-        txPackets[size] = entry.txPackets;
-        operations[size] = entry.operations;
+        setValues(size, entry);
         return this;
+    private void setValues(int i, Entry entry) {
+        iface[i] = entry.iface;
+        uid[i] = entry.uid;
+        set[i] = entry.set;
+        tag[i] = entry.tag;
+        metered[i] = entry.metered;
+        roaming[i] = entry.roaming;
+        defaultNetwork[i] = entry.defaultNetwork;
+        rxBytes[i] = entry.rxBytes;
+        rxPackets[i] = entry.rxPackets;
+        txBytes[i] = entry.txBytes;
+        txPackets[i] = entry.txPackets;
+        operations[i] = entry.operations;
+    }
      * Return specific stats entry.
@@ -745,6 +758,75 @@
+     * Calculate and apply adjustments to captured statistics for 464xlat traffic counted twice.
+     *
+     * <p>This mutates both base and stacked traffic stats, to account respectively for
+     * double-counted traffic and IPv4/IPv6 header size difference.
+     *
+     * <p>For 464xlat traffic, xt_qtaguid sees every IPv4 packet twice, once as a native IPv4
+     * packet on the stacked interface, and once as translated to an IPv6 packet on the
+     * base interface. For correct stats accounting on the base interface, every 464xlat
+     * packet needs to be subtracted from the root UID on the base interface both for tx
+     * and rx traffic (http://b/12249687, http:/b/33681750).
+     *
+     * <p>This method will behave fine if {@code stackedIfaces} is an non-synchronized but add-only
+     * {@code ConcurrentHashMap}
+     * @param baseTraffic Traffic on the base interfaces. Will be mutated.
+     * @param stackedTraffic Stats with traffic stacked on top of our ifaces. Will also be mutated.
+     * @param stackedIfaces Mapping ipv6if -> ipv4if interface where traffic is counted on both.
+     */
+    public static void apply464xlatAdjustments(NetworkStats baseTraffic,
+            NetworkStats stackedTraffic, Map<String, String> stackedIfaces) {
+        // Total 464xlat traffic to subtract from uid 0 on all base interfaces.
+        // stackedIfaces may grow afterwards, but NetworkStats will just be resized automatically.
+        final NetworkStats adjustments = new NetworkStats(0, stackedIfaces.size());
+        // For recycling
+        Entry entry = null;
+        Entry adjust = new NetworkStats.Entry(IFACE_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L);
+        for (int i = 0; i < stackedTraffic.size; i++) {
+            entry = stackedTraffic.getValues(i, entry);
+            if (entry.iface == null || !entry.iface.startsWith(CLATD_INTERFACE_PREFIX)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            final String baseIface = stackedIfaces.get(entry.iface);
+            if (baseIface == null) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Subtract any 464lat traffic seen for the root UID on the current base interface.
+            adjust.iface = baseIface;
+            adjust.rxBytes = -(entry.rxBytes + entry.rxPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA);
+            adjust.txBytes = -(entry.txBytes + entry.txPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA);
+            adjust.rxPackets = -entry.rxPackets;
+            adjust.txPackets = -entry.txPackets;
+            adjustments.combineValues(adjust);
+            // For 464xlat traffic, xt_qtaguid only counts the bytes of the native IPv4 packet sent
+            // on the stacked interface with prefix "v4-" and drops the IPv6 header size after
+            // unwrapping. To account correctly for on-the-wire traffic, add the 20 additional bytes
+            // difference for all packets (http://b/12249687, http:/b/33681750).
+            entry.rxBytes += entry.rxPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA;
+            entry.txBytes += entry.txPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA;
+            stackedTraffic.setValues(i, entry);
+        }
+        baseTraffic.combineAllValues(adjustments);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Calculate and apply adjustments to captured statistics for 464xlat traffic counted twice.
+     *
+     * <p>This mutates the object this method is called on. Equivalent to calling
+     * {@link #apply464xlatAdjustments(NetworkStats, NetworkStats, Map)} with {@code this} as
+     * base and stacked traffic.
+     * @param stackedIfaces Mapping ipv6if -> ipv4if interface where traffic is counted on both.
+     */
+    public void apply464xlatAdjustments(Map<String, String> stackedIfaces) {
+        apply464xlatAdjustments(this, this, stackedIfaces);
+    }
+    /**
      * Return total statistics grouped by {@link #iface}; doesn't mutate the
      * original structure.
@@ -824,6 +906,39 @@
         return stats;
+    /**
+     * Only keep entries that match all specified filters.
+     *
+     * <p>This mutates the original structure in place. After this method is called,
+     * size is the number of matching entries, and capacity is the previous capacity.
+     * @param limitUid UID to filter for, or {@link #UID_ALL}.
+     * @param limitIfaces Interfaces to filter for, or {@link #INTERFACES_ALL}.
+     * @param limitTag Tag to filter for, or {@link #TAG_ALL}.
+     */
+    public void filter(int limitUid, String[] limitIfaces, int limitTag) {
+        if (limitUid == UID_ALL && limitTag == TAG_ALL && limitIfaces == INTERFACES_ALL) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Entry entry = new Entry();
+        int nextOutputEntry = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            entry = getValues(i, entry);
+            final boolean matches =
+                    (limitUid == UID_ALL || limitUid == entry.uid)
+                    && (limitTag == TAG_ALL || limitTag == entry.tag)
+                    && (limitIfaces == INTERFACES_ALL
+                            || ArrayUtils.contains(limitIfaces, entry.iface));
+            if (matches) {
+                setValues(nextOutputEntry, entry);
+                nextOutputEntry++;
+            }
+        }
+        size = nextOutputEntry;
+    }
     public void dump(String prefix, PrintWriter pw) {
         pw.print("NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime="); pw.println(elapsedRealtime);
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index fe9563d..9a5d502 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -16,19 +16,20 @@
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.Pair;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
  * Native methods for managing network interfaces.
@@ -385,4 +386,72 @@
         result = builder.toString();
         return result;
+    /**
+     * Returns a prefix set without overlaps.
+     *
+     * This expects the src set to be sorted from shorter to longer. Results are undefined
+     * failing this condition. The returned prefix set is sorted in the same order as the
+     * passed set, with the same comparator.
+     */
+    private static TreeSet<IpPrefix> deduplicatePrefixSet(final TreeSet<IpPrefix> src) {
+        final TreeSet<IpPrefix> dst = new TreeSet<>(src.comparator());
+        // Prefixes match addresses that share their upper part up to their length, therefore
+        // the only kind of possible overlap in two prefixes is strict inclusion of the longer
+        // (more restrictive) in the shorter (including equivalence if they have the same
+        // length).
+        // Because prefixes in the src set are sorted from shorter to longer, deduplicating
+        // is done by simply iterating in order, and not adding any longer prefix that is
+        // already covered by a shorter one.
+        newPrefixes:
+        for (IpPrefix newPrefix : src) {
+            for (IpPrefix existingPrefix : dst) {
+                if (existingPrefix.containsPrefix(newPrefix)) {
+                    continue newPrefixes;
+                }
+            }
+            dst.add(newPrefix);
+        }
+        return dst;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns how many IPv4 addresses match any of the prefixes in the passed ordered set.
+     *
+     * Obviously this returns an integral value between 0 and 2**32.
+     * The behavior is undefined if any of the prefixes is not an IPv4 prefix or if the
+     * set is not ordered smallest prefix to longer prefix.
+     *
+     * @param prefixes the set of prefixes, ordered by length
+     */
+    public static long routedIPv4AddressCount(final TreeSet<IpPrefix> prefixes) {
+        long routedIPCount = 0;
+        for (final IpPrefix prefix : deduplicatePrefixSet(prefixes)) {
+            if (!prefix.isIPv4()) {
+      , "Non-IPv4 prefix in routedIPv4AddressCount");
+            }
+            int rank = 32 - prefix.getPrefixLength();
+            routedIPCount += 1L << rank;
+        }
+        return routedIPCount;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns how many IPv6 addresses match any of the prefixes in the passed ordered set.
+     *
+     * This returns a BigInteger between 0 and 2**128.
+     * The behavior is undefined if any of the prefixes is not an IPv6 prefix or if the
+     * set is not ordered smallest prefix to longer prefix.
+     */
+    public static BigInteger routedIPv6AddressCount(final TreeSet<IpPrefix> prefixes) {
+        BigInteger routedIPCount = BigInteger.ZERO;
+        for (final IpPrefix prefix : deduplicatePrefixSet(prefixes)) {
+            if (!prefix.isIPv6()) {
+      , "Non-IPv6 prefix in routedIPv6AddressCount");
+            }
+            int rank = 128 - prefix.getPrefixLength();
+            routedIPCount = routedIPCount.add(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(rank));
+        }
+        return routedIPCount;
+    }
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/ b/core/java/android/net/
index fd465d9..3164929 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
-import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
  * An inclusive range of UIDs.
@@ -53,6 +51,13 @@
+     * Returns the count of UIDs in this range.
+     */
+    public int count() {
+        return 1 + stop - start;
+    }
+    /**
      * @return {@code true} if this range contains every UID contained by the {@param other} range.
     public boolean containsRange(UidRange other) {
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/metrics/ b/core/java/android/net/metrics/
index 3b0dc7e..76a781d 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/metrics/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/metrics/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import android.os.Parcelable;
- * An event logged for an interface with APF capabilities when its IpManager state machine exits.
+ * An event logged for an interface with APF capabilities when its IpClient state machine exits.
  * {@hide}
 public final class ApfStats implements Parcelable {
diff --git a/core/java/android/net/metrics/ b/core/java/android/net/metrics/
index a94b928..f8a63ce 100644
--- a/core/java/android/net/metrics/
+++ b/core/java/android/net/metrics/
@@ -40,11 +40,12 @@
     public static final int ERROR_STARTING_IPV6                   = 5;
     public static final int ERROR_STARTING_IPREACHABILITYMONITOR  = 6;
     public static final int ERROR_INVALID_PROVISIONING            = 7;
+    public static final int ERROR_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND             = 8;
     @IntDef(value = {
     public @interface EventType {}
diff --git a/core/java/android/nfc/ b/core/java/android/nfc/
index b02d48d..c3f23a1 100644
--- a/core/java/android/nfc/
+++ b/core/java/android/nfc/
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
      * Indicates the Secure Element on which the transaction occurred.
      * eSE1...eSEn for Embedded Secure Elements, SIM1...SIMn for UICC, etc.
-    public static final String EXTRA_SE_NAME = "android.nfc.extra.SE_NAME";
+    public static final String EXTRA_SECURE_ELEMENT_NAME = "android.nfc.extra.SECURE_ELEMENT_NAME";
     public static final int STATE_OFF = 1;
     public static final int STATE_TURNING_ON = 2;
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 336e1b4..5652d6d 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.Slog;
@@ -361,7 +362,9 @@
      * Add the calling thread to the IPC thread pool.  This function does
      * not return until the current process is exiting.
-    public static final native void joinThreadPool();
+    public static final void joinThreadPool() {
+        BinderInternal.joinThreadPool();
+    }
      * Returns true if the specified interface is a proxy.
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 3f98a88..d44d515 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -188,7 +188,11 @@
         public static final String INCREMENTAL = getString("");
-         * The user-visible version string.  E.g., "1.0" or "3.4b5".
+         * The user-visible version string.  E.g., "1.0" or "3.4b5" or "bananas".
+         *
+         * This field is an opaque string. Do not assume that its value
+         * has any particular structure or that values of RELEASE from
+         * different releases can be somehow ordered.
         public static final String RELEASE = getString("");
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 4d7d931..91b796a 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 package android.os;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Iterator;
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@
 /** @hide */
 public class HidlSupport {
      * Similar to Objects.deepEquals, but also take care of lists.
@@ -36,7 +39,9 @@
      * 2.3 Both are Lists, elements are checked recursively
      * 2.4 (If both are collections other than lists or maps, throw an error)
      * 2.5 lft.equals(rgt) returns true
+     * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static boolean deepEquals(Object lft, Object rgt) {
         if (lft == rgt) {
             return true;
@@ -91,6 +96,7 @@
      * and should be avoided).
      * @param <E> Inner object type.
+     * @hide
     public static final class Mutable<E> {
         public E value;
@@ -106,7 +112,9 @@
      * Similar to Arrays.deepHashCode, but also take care of lists.
+     * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static int deepHashCode(Object o) {
         if (o == null) {
             return 0;
@@ -133,6 +141,7 @@
         return o.hashCode();
+    /** @hide */
     private static void throwErrorIfUnsupportedType(Object o) {
         if (o instanceof Collection<?> && !(o instanceof List<?>)) {
             throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
@@ -146,6 +155,7 @@
+    /** @hide */
     private static int primitiveArrayHashCode(Object o) {
         Class<?> elementType = o.getClass().getComponentType();
         if (elementType == boolean.class) {
@@ -185,7 +195,9 @@
      * - If both interfaces are stubs, asBinder() returns the object itself. By default,
      *   auto-generated IFoo.Stub does not override equals(), but an implementation can
      *   optionally override it, and {@code interfacesEqual} will use it here.
+     * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static boolean interfacesEqual(IHwInterface lft, Object rgt) {
         if (lft == rgt) {
             return true;
@@ -200,7 +212,12 @@
-     * Return PID of process if sharable to clients.
+     * Return PID of process only if on a non-user build. For debugging purposes.
+     * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static native int getPidIfSharable();
+    /** @hide */
+    public HidlSupport() {}
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 5e2a081..228fe7a 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -16,16 +16,26 @@
 package android.os;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;
 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
 /** @hide */
 public abstract class HwBinder implements IHwBinder {
     private static final String TAG = "HwBinder";
     private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sNativeRegistry;
+    /**
+     * Create and initialize a HwBinder object and the native objects
+     * used to allow this to participate in hwbinder transactions.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public HwBinder() {
@@ -34,33 +44,90 @@
+    /** @hide */
     public final native void transact(
             int code, HwParcel request, HwParcel reply, int flags)
         throws RemoteException;
+    /**
+     * Process a hwbinder transaction.
+     *
+     * @param code interface specific code for interface.
+     * @param request parceled transaction
+     * @param reply object to parcel reply into
+     * @param flags transaction flags to be chosen by wire protocol
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public abstract void onTransact(
             int code, HwParcel request, HwParcel reply, int flags)
         throws RemoteException;
+    /**
+     * Registers this service with the hwservicemanager.
+     *
+     * @param serviceName instance name of the service
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public native final void registerService(String serviceName)
         throws RemoteException;
+    /**
+     * Returns the specified service from the hwservicemanager. Does not retry.
+     *
+     * @param iface fully-qualified interface name for example
+     * @param serviceName the instance name of the service for example default.
+     * @throws NoSuchElementException when the service is unavailable
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public static final IHwBinder getService(
             String iface,
             String serviceName)
         throws RemoteException, NoSuchElementException {
         return getService(iface, serviceName, false /* retry */);
+    /**
+     * Returns the specified service from the hwservicemanager.
+     * @param iface fully-qualified interface name for example
+     * @param serviceName the instance name of the service for example default.
+     * @param retry whether to wait for the service to start if it's not already started
+     * @throws NoSuchElementException when the service is unavailable
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public static native final IHwBinder getService(
             String iface,
             String serviceName,
             boolean retry)
         throws RemoteException, NoSuchElementException;
+    /**
+     * Configures how many threads the process-wide hwbinder threadpool
+     * has to process incoming requests.
+     *
+     * @param maxThreads total number of threads to create (includes this thread if
+     *     callerWillJoin is true)
+     * @param callerWillJoin whether joinRpcThreadpool will be called in advance
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public static native final void configureRpcThreadpool(
             long maxThreads, boolean callerWillJoin);
+    /**
+     * Current thread will join hwbinder threadpool and process
+     * commands in the pool. Should be called after configuring
+     * a threadpool with callerWillJoin true and then registering
+     * the provided service if this thread doesn't need to do
+     * anything else.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public static native final void joinRpcThreadpool();
     // Returns address of the "freeFunction".
@@ -82,7 +149,26 @@
     private static native void native_report_sysprop_change();
+     * Enable instrumentation if available.
+     *
+     * On a non-user build, this method:
+     * - tries to enable atracing (if enabled)
+     * - tries to enable coverage dumps (if running in VTS)
+     * - tries to enable record and replay (if running in VTS)
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
+    public static void enableInstrumentation() {
+        native_report_sysprop_change();
+    }
+    /**
      * Notifies listeners that a system property has changed
+     *
+     * TODO(b/72480743): remove this method
+     *
+     * @hide
     public static void reportSyspropChanged() {
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 5e9b9ae3..405651e 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -17,10 +17,17 @@
 package android.os;
 import android.annotation.NonNull;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;
-/** @hide */
+ * Represents fixed sized allocation of marshalled data used. Helper methods
+ * allow for access to the unmarshalled data in a variety of ways.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
 public class HwBlob {
     private static final String TAG = "HwBlob";
@@ -34,48 +41,276 @@
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a boolean from
+     * @return the unmarshalled boolean value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final boolean getBool(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a byte from
+     * @return the unmarshalled byte value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final byte getInt8(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a short from
+     * @return the unmarshalled short value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final short getInt16(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall an int from
+     * @return the unmarshalled int value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final int getInt32(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a long from
+     * @return the unmarshalled long value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final long getInt64(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a float from
+     * @return the unmarshalled float value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final float getFloat(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a double from
+     * @return the unmarshalled double value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final double getDouble(long offset);
+    /**
+     * @param offset offset to unmarshall a string from
+     * @return the unmarshalled string value
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when offset is out of this HwBlob
+     */
     public native final String getString(long offset);
-      The copyTo... methods copy the blob's data, starting from the given
-      byte offset, into the array. A total of "size" _elements_ are copied.
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jboolean)] out of the blob.
     public native final void copyToBoolArray(long offset, boolean[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jbyte)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void copyToInt8Array(long offset, byte[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jshort)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void copyToInt16Array(long offset, short[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jint)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void copyToInt32Array(long offset, int[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jlong)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void copyToInt64Array(long offset, long[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jfloat)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void copyToFloatArray(long offset, float[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Copy the blobs data starting from the given byte offset into the range, copying
+     * a total of size elements.
+     *
+     * @param offset starting location in blob
+     * @param array destination array
+     * @param size total number of elements to copy
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException array.length < size
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jdouble)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void copyToDoubleArray(long offset, double[] array, int size);
+    /**
+     * Writes a boolean value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jboolean)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putBool(long offset, boolean x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a byte value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jbyte)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putInt8(long offset, byte x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a short value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jshort)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putInt16(long offset, short x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a int value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jint)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putInt32(long offset, int x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a long value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jlong)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putInt64(long offset, long x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a float value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jfloat)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putFloat(long offset, float x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a double value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jdouble)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putDouble(long offset, double x);
+    /**
+     * Writes a string value at an offset.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param x value to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [offset, offset + sizeof(jstring)] is out of range
+     */
     public native final void putString(long offset, String x);
+    /**
+     * Put a boolean array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jboolean)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putBoolArray(long offset, boolean[] x);
+    /**
+     * Put a byte array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jbyte)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putInt8Array(long offset, byte[] x);
+    /**
+     * Put a short array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jshort)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putInt16Array(long offset, short[] x);
+    /**
+     * Put a int array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jint)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putInt32Array(long offset, int[] x);
+    /**
+     * Put a long array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jlong)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putInt64Array(long offset, long[] x);
+    /**
+     * Put a float array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jfloat)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putFloatArray(long offset, float[] x);
+    /**
+     * Put a double array contiguously at an offset in the blob.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write values
+     * @param x array to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException [offset, offset + size * sizeof(jdouble)] out of the blob.
+     */
     public native final void putDoubleArray(long offset, double[] x);
+    /**
+     * Write another HwBlob into this blob at the specified location.
+     *
+     * @param offset location to write value
+     * @param blob data to write
+     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [offset, offset + blob's size] outside of the range of
+     *     this blob.
+     */
     public native final void putBlob(long offset, HwBlob blob);
+    /**
+     * @return current handle of HwBlob for reference in a parcelled binder transaction
+     */
     public native final long handle();
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for boolean.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Boolean[] wrapArray(@NonNull boolean[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Boolean[] wrappedArray = new Boolean[n];
@@ -85,6 +320,12 @@
         return wrappedArray;
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for long.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Long[] wrapArray(@NonNull long[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Long[] wrappedArray = new Long[n];
@@ -94,6 +335,12 @@
         return wrappedArray;
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for byte.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Byte[] wrapArray(@NonNull byte[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Byte[] wrappedArray = new Byte[n];
@@ -103,6 +350,12 @@
         return wrappedArray;
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for short.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Short[] wrapArray(@NonNull short[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Short[] wrappedArray = new Short[n];
@@ -112,6 +365,12 @@
         return wrappedArray;
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for int.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Integer[] wrapArray(@NonNull int[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Integer[] wrappedArray = new Integer[n];
@@ -121,6 +380,12 @@
         return wrappedArray;
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for float.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Float[] wrapArray(@NonNull float[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Float[] wrappedArray = new Float[n];
@@ -130,6 +395,12 @@
         return wrappedArray;
+    /**
+     * Convert a primitive to a wrapped array for double.
+     *
+     * @param array from array
+     * @return transformed array
+     */
     public static Double[] wrapArray(@NonNull double[] array) {
         final int n = array.length;
         Double[] wrappedArray = new Double[n];
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 4ba1144..0eb62c95 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -16,17 +16,32 @@
 package android.os;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
+import android.annotation.IntDef;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
 /** @hide */
 public class HwParcel {
     private static final String TAG = "HwParcel";
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "STATUS_" }, value = {
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface Status {}
+    /**
+     * Success return error for a transaction. Written to parcels
+     * using writeStatus.
+     */
     public static final int STATUS_SUCCESS      = 0;
-    public static final int STATUS_ERROR        = -1;
     private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sNativeRegistry;
@@ -38,6 +53,9 @@
+    /**
+     * Creates an initialized and empty parcel.
+     */
     public HwParcel() {
         native_setup(true /* allocate */);
@@ -46,25 +64,106 @@
+    /**
+     * Writes an interface token into the parcel used to verify that
+     * a transaction has made it to the write type of interface.
+     *
+     * @param interfaceName fully qualified name of interface message
+     *     is being sent to.
+     */
     public native final void writeInterfaceToken(String interfaceName);
+    /**
+     * Writes a boolean value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeBool(boolean val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a byte value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeInt8(byte val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a short value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeInt16(short val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a int value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeInt32(int val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a long value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeInt64(long val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a float value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeFloat(float val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a double value to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeDouble(double val);
+    /**
+     * Writes a String value to the end of the parcel.
+     *
+     * Note, this will be converted to UTF-8 when it is written.
+     *
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     public native final void writeString(String val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of boolean values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeBoolVector(boolean[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of byte values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeInt8Vector(byte[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of short values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeInt16Vector(short[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of int values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeInt32Vector(int[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of long values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeInt64Vector(long[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of float values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeFloatVector(float[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of double values to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeDoubleVector(double[] val);
+    /**
+     * Writes an array of String values to the end of the parcel.
+     *
+     * Note, these will be converted to UTF-8 as they are written.
+     *
+     * @param val to write
+     */
     private native final void writeStringVector(String[] val);
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Booleans to val.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeBoolVector(ArrayList<Boolean> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         boolean[] array = new boolean[n];
@@ -75,6 +174,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Booleans to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeInt8Vector(ArrayList<Byte> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         byte[] array = new byte[n];
@@ -85,6 +188,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Shorts to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeInt16Vector(ArrayList<Short> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         short[] array = new short[n];
@@ -95,6 +202,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Integers to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeInt32Vector(ArrayList<Integer> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         int[] array = new int[n];
@@ -105,6 +216,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Longs to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeInt64Vector(ArrayList<Long> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         long[] array = new long[n];
@@ -115,6 +230,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Floats to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeFloatVector(ArrayList<Float> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         float[] array = new float[n];
@@ -125,6 +244,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Doubles to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeDoubleVector(ArrayList<Double> val) {
         final int n = val.size();
         double[] array = new double[n];
@@ -135,93 +258,272 @@
+    /**
+     * Helper method to write a list of Strings to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param val list to write
+     */
     public final void writeStringVector(ArrayList<String> val) {
         writeStringVector(val.toArray(new String[val.size()]));
+    /**
+     * Write a hwbinder object to the end of the parcel.
+     * @param binder value to write
+     */
     public native final void writeStrongBinder(IHwBinder binder);
+    /**
+     * Checks to make sure that the interface name matches the name written by the parcel
+     * sender by writeInterfaceToken
+     *
+     * @throws SecurityException interface doesn't match
+     */
     public native final void enforceInterface(String interfaceName);
+    /**
+     * Reads a boolean value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final boolean readBool();
+    /**
+     * Reads a byte value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final byte readInt8();
+    /**
+     * Reads a short value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final short readInt16();
+    /**
+     * Reads a int value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final int readInt32();
+    /**
+     * Reads a long value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final long readInt64();
+    /**
+     * Reads a float value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final float readFloat();
+    /**
+     * Reads a double value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final double readDouble();
+    /**
+     * Reads a String value from the current location in the parcel.
+     * @return value parsed from the parcel
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final String readString();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of boolean values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final boolean[] readBoolVectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of byte values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final byte[] readInt8VectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of short values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final short[] readInt16VectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of int values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final int[] readInt32VectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of long values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final long[] readInt64VectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of float values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final float[] readFloatVectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of double values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final double[] readDoubleVectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Reads an array of String values from the parcel.
+     * @return array of parsed values
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     private native final String[] readStringVectorAsArray();
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Boolean vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Boolean> readBoolVector() {
         Boolean[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readBoolVectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Boolean>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Byte vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Byte> readInt8Vector() {
         Byte[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readInt8VectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Byte>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Short vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Short> readInt16Vector() {
         Short[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readInt16VectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Short>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Integer vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Integer> readInt32Vector() {
         Integer[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readInt32VectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Long vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Long> readInt64Vector() {
         Long[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readInt64VectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Long>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Float vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Float> readFloatVector() {
         Float[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readFloatVectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Float>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a Double vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<Double> readDoubleVector() {
         Double[] array = HwBlob.wrapArray(readDoubleVectorAsArray());
         return new ArrayList<Double>(Arrays.asList(array));
+    /**
+     * Convenience method to read a String vector as an ArrayList.
+     * @return array of parsed values.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public final ArrayList<String> readStringVector() {
         return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(readStringVectorAsArray()));
+    /**
+     * Reads a strong binder value from the parcel.
+     * @return binder object read from parcel or null if no binder can be read
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final IHwBinder readStrongBinder();
-    // Handle is stored as part of the blob.
+    /**
+     * Read opaque segment of data as a blob.
+     * @return blob of size expectedSize
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parcel has no more data
+     */
     public native final HwBlob readBuffer(long expectedSize);
+    /**
+     * Read a buffer written using scatter gather.
+     *
+     * @param expectedSize size that buffer should be
+     * @param parentHandle handle from which to read the embedded buffer
+     * @param offset offset into parent
+     * @param nullable whether or not to allow for a null return
+     * @return blob of data with size expectedSize
+     * @throws NoSuchElementException if an embedded buffer is not available to read
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if expectedSize < 0
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the transaction specified the blob to be null
+     *    but nullable is false
+     */
     public native final HwBlob readEmbeddedBuffer(
             long expectedSize, long parentHandle, long offset,
             boolean nullable);
+    /**
+     * Write a buffer into the transaction.
+     * @param blob blob to write into the parcel.
+     */
     public native final void writeBuffer(HwBlob blob);
+    /**
+     * Write a status value into the blob.
+     * @param status value to write
+     */
     public native final void writeStatus(int status);
+    /**
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a success vaue cannot be read
+     * @throws RemoteException if success value indicates a transaction error
+     */
     public native final void verifySuccess();
+    /**
+     * Should be called to reduce memory pressure when this object no longer needs
+     * to be written to.
+     */
     public native final void releaseTemporaryStorage();
+    /**
+     * Should be called when object is no longer needed to reduce possible memory
+     * pressure if the Java GC does not get to this object in time.
+     */
     public native final void release();
+    /**
+     * Sends the parcel to the specified destination.
+     */
     public native final void send();
     // Returns address of the "freeFunction".
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 619f4dc..a565dee 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -16,26 +16,70 @@
 package android.os;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 /** @hide */
 public interface IHwBinder {
     // These MUST match their corresponding libhwbinder/IBinder.h definition !!!
+    /** @hide */
     public static final int FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION = 1;
+    /** @hide */
     public static final int FLAG_ONEWAY = 1;
+    /**
+     * Process a hwbinder transaction.
+     *
+     * @param code interface specific code for interface.
+     * @param request parceled transaction
+     * @param reply object to parcel reply into
+     * @param flags transaction flags to be chosen by wire protocol
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public void transact(
             int code, HwParcel request, HwParcel reply, int flags)
         throws RemoteException;
+    /**
+     * Return as IHwInterface instance only if this implements descriptor.
+     *
+     * @param descriptor for example
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public IHwInterface queryLocalInterface(String descriptor);
      * Interface for receiving a callback when the process hosting a service
      * has gone away.
+    @SystemApi
     public interface DeathRecipient {
+        /**
+         * Callback for a registered process dying.
+         *
+         * @param cookie cookie this death recipient was registered with.
+         */
+        @SystemApi
         public void serviceDied(long cookie);
+    /**
+     * Notifies the death recipient with the cookie when the process containing
+     * this binder dies.
+     *
+     * @param recipient callback object to be called on object death.
+     * @param cookie value to be given to callback on object death.
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public boolean linkToDeath(DeathRecipient recipient, long cookie);
+    /**
+     * Unregisters the death recipient from this binder.
+     *
+     * @param recipient callback to no longer recieve death notifications on this binder.
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public boolean unlinkToDeath(DeathRecipient recipient);
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 7c5ac6f..1d9e2b0 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -16,7 +16,13 @@
 package android.os;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 /** @hide */
 public interface IHwInterface {
+    /**
+     * @return the binder object that corresponds to this interface.
+     */
+    @SystemApi
     public IHwBinder asBinder();
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/INetworkManagementService.aidl b/core/java/android/os/INetworkManagementService.aidl
index a5e1934..31dbafa 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/INetworkManagementService.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/os/INetworkManagementService.aidl
@@ -268,10 +268,12 @@
     NetworkStats getNetworkStatsDetail();
-     * Return detailed network statistics for the requested UID,
+     * Return detailed network statistics for the requested UID and interfaces,
      * including interface and tag details.
+     * @param uid UID to obtain statistics for, or {@link NetworkStats#UID_ALL}.
+     * @param ifaces Interfaces to obtain statistics for, or {@link NetworkStats#INTERFACES_ALL}.
-    NetworkStats getNetworkStatsUidDetail(int uid);
+    NetworkStats getNetworkStatsUidDetail(int uid, in String[] ifaces);
      * Return summary of network statistics all tethering interfaces.
@@ -340,7 +342,7 @@
      * Configure name servers, search paths, and resolver parameters for the given network.
     void setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(int netId, in String[] servers, in String[] domains,
-            in int[] params, boolean useTls, String tlsHostname);
+            in int[] params, String tlsHostname, in String[] tlsServers);
     void setFirewallEnabled(boolean enabled);
     boolean isFirewallEnabled();
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 624e28a..0b98ecf 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@
         } else if (record != null) {
             record.mEvents = 0;
+            nativeSetFileDescriptorEvents(mPtr, fdNum, 0);
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 5e6f5f5..d693ee8 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -140,6 +140,12 @@
     public static final int CAMERASERVER_UID = 1047;
+     * Defines the UID/GID for the tethering DNS resolver (currently dnsmasq).
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int DNS_TETHER_UID = 1052;
+    /**
      * Defines the UID/GID for the WebView zygote process.
      * @hide
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 3b6df5d..0789afd 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -196,9 +196,14 @@
     public static final int DETECT_UNBUFFERED_IO = 0x20;  // for ThreadPolicy
+    /**
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int DETECT_EXPLICIT_GC = 0x40;  // for ThreadPolicy
     private static final int ALL_THREAD_DETECT_BITS =
     // Byte 2: Process-policy
@@ -557,6 +562,27 @@
+             * Detect explicit GC requests, i.e. calls to Runtime.gc().
+             *
+             * @hide
+             */
+            public Builder detectExplicitGc() {
+                // TODO(b/3400644): Un-hide this for next API update
+                // TODO(b/3400644): Call this from detectAll in next API update
+                return enable(DETECT_EXPLICIT_GC);
+            }
+            /**
+             * Disable detection of explicit GC requests, i.e. calls to Runtime.gc().
+             *
+             * @hide
+             */
+            public Builder permitExplicitGc() {
+                // TODO(b/3400644): Un-hide this for next API update
+                return disable(DETECT_EXPLICIT_GC);
+            }
+            /**
              * Show an annoying dialog to the developer on detected
              * violations, rate-limited to be only a little annoying.
@@ -1094,6 +1120,15 @@
+     * @hide
+     */
+    private static class StrictModeExplicitGcViolation extends StrictModeViolation {
+        StrictModeExplicitGcViolation(int policyMask) {
+            super(policyMask, DETECT_EXPLICIT_GC, null);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns the bitmask of the current thread's policy.
      * @return the bitmask of all the DETECT_* and PENALTY_* bits currently enabled
@@ -1414,7 +1449,7 @@
-        // Part of BlockGuard.Policy; just part of StrictMode:
+        // Part of BlockGuard.Policy interface:
         public void onUnbufferedIO() {
             if ((mPolicyMask & DETECT_UNBUFFERED_IO) == 0) {
@@ -1457,6 +1492,20 @@
+        // Part of BlockGuard.Policy interface:
+        public void onExplicitGc() {
+            if ((mPolicyMask & DETECT_EXPLICIT_GC) == 0) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (tooManyViolationsThisLoop()) {
+                return;
+            }
+            BlockGuard.BlockGuardPolicyException e =
+                    new StrictModeExplicitGcViolation(mPolicyMask);
+            e.fillInStackTrace();
+            startHandlingViolationException(e);
+        }
         public void setPolicyMask(int policyMask) {
             mPolicyMask = policyMask;
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 4f6d322..89168ae 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -189,7 +189,12 @@
             ArrayList<Runnable> callbacks = new ArrayList<Runnable>(sChangeCallbacks);
             for (int i=0; i<callbacks.size(); i++) {
-                callbacks.get(i).run();
+                try {
+                    callbacks.get(i).run();
+                } catch (Throwable t) {
+          , "Exception in SystemProperties change callback", t);
+                    // Ignore and try to go on.
+                }
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index fa96dd3..0f4fc36 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
     public static final long TRACE_TAG_NETWORK = 1L << 21;
     /** @hide */
     public static final long TRACE_TAG_ADB = 1L << 22;
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final long TRACE_TAG_AIDL = 1L << 24;
     private static final long TRACE_TAG_NOT_READY = 1L << 63;
     private static final int MAX_SECTION_NAME_LEN = 127;
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index ecec448..5bf051d 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
@@ -356,6 +359,15 @@
         return result;
+    /**
+     * Temporary dummy function.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public ArrayList<WorkChain> getWorkChains() {
+        return null;
+    }
     private boolean removeUids(WorkSource other) {
         int N1 = mNum;
         final int[] uids1 = mUids;
@@ -664,6 +676,52 @@
+    /**
+     * Temporary dummy class for WorkChain. Will be removed.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final class WorkChain implements Parcelable {
+        // @VisibleForTesting
+        public WorkChain() {
+        }
+        private WorkChain(Parcel in) {
+            in.readInt();
+        }
+        /** @hide */
+        @VisibleForTesting
+        public int[] getUids() {
+            return null;
+        }
+        /** @hide */
+        @VisibleForTesting
+        public String[] getTags() {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int describeContents() {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
+            dest.writeInt(0);
+        }
+        public static final Parcelable.Creator<WorkChain> CREATOR =
+                new Parcelable.Creator<WorkChain>() {
+                    public WorkChain createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
+                        return new WorkChain(in);
+                    }
+                    public WorkChain[] newArray(int size) {
+                        return new WorkChain[size];
+                    }
+                };
+    }
     public int describeContents() {
         return 0;
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/ b/core/java/android/os/
index 57418c8..939c190 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.UUID;
@@ -158,6 +159,13 @@
     private final Object mLock = new Object();
+     * List of exemptions to the API blacklist. These are prefix matches on the runtime format
+     * symbol signature. Any matching symbol is treated by the runtime as being on the light grey
+     * list.
+     */
+    private List<String> mApiBlacklistExemptions = Collections.emptyList();
+    /**
      * The state of the connection to the primary zygote.
     private ZygoteState primaryZygoteState;
@@ -175,7 +183,7 @@
      * The process will continue running after this function returns.
      * <p>If processes are not enabled, a new thread in the caller's
-     * process is created and main() of <var>processClass</var> called there.
+     * process is created and main() of <var>processclass</var> called there.
      * <p>The niceName parameter, if not an empty string, is a custom name to
      * give to the process instead of using processClass.  This allows you to
@@ -454,6 +462,49 @@
+     * Push hidden API blacklisting exemptions into the zygote process(es).
+     *
+     * <p>The list of exemptions will take affect for all new processes forked from the zygote after
+     * this call.
+     *
+     * @param exemptions List of hidden API exemption prefixes.
+     */
+    public void setApiBlacklistExemptions(List<String> exemptions) {
+        synchronized (mLock) {
+            mApiBlacklistExemptions = exemptions;
+            maybeSetApiBlacklistExemptions(primaryZygoteState, true);
+            maybeSetApiBlacklistExemptions(secondaryZygoteState, true);
+        }
+    }
+    @GuardedBy("mLock")
+    private void maybeSetApiBlacklistExemptions(ZygoteState state, boolean sendIfEmpty) {
+        if (state == null || state.isClosed()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!sendIfEmpty && mApiBlacklistExemptions.isEmpty()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        try {
+            state.writer.write(Integer.toString(mApiBlacklistExemptions.size() + 1));
+            state.writer.newLine();
+            state.writer.write("--set-api-blacklist-exemptions");
+            state.writer.newLine();
+            for (int i = 0; i < mApiBlacklistExemptions.size(); ++i) {
+                state.writer.write(mApiBlacklistExemptions.get(i));
+                state.writer.newLine();
+            }
+            state.writer.flush();
+            int status = state.inputStream.readInt();
+            if (status != 0) {
+                Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to set API blacklist exemptions; status " + status);
+            }
+        } catch (IOException ioe) {
+            Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to set API blacklist exemptions", ioe);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Tries to open socket to Zygote process if not already open. If
      * already open, does nothing.  May block and retry.  Requires that mLock be held.
@@ -467,8 +518,8 @@
             } catch (IOException ioe) {
                 throw new ZygoteStartFailedEx("Error connecting to primary zygote", ioe);
+            maybeSetApiBlacklistExemptions(primaryZygoteState, false);
         if (primaryZygoteState.matches(abi)) {
             return primaryZygoteState;
@@ -480,6 +531,7 @@
             } catch (IOException ioe) {
                 throw new ZygoteStartFailedEx("Error connecting to secondary zygote", ioe);
+            maybeSetApiBlacklistExemptions(secondaryZygoteState, false);
         if (secondaryZygoteState.matches(abi)) {
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/connectivity/CellularBatteryStats.aidl b/core/java/android/os/connectivity/CellularBatteryStats.aidl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca0a585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/java/android/os/connectivity/CellularBatteryStats.aidl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.os.connectivity;
+/** {@hide} */
+parcelable CellularBatteryStats;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/connectivity/ b/core/java/android/os/connectivity/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2593c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/java/android/os/connectivity/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.os.connectivity;
+import android.os.BatteryStats;
+import android.os.Parcel;
+import android.os.Parcelable;
+import android.telephony.ModemActivityInfo;
+import android.telephony.SignalStrength;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+ * API for Cellular power stats
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+public final class CellularBatteryStats implements Parcelable {
+  private long mLoggingDurationMs;
+  private long mKernelActiveTimeMs;
+  private long mNumPacketsTx;
+  private long mNumBytesTx;
+  private long mNumPacketsRx;
+  private long mNumBytesRx;
+  private long mSleepTimeMs;
+  private long mIdleTimeMs;
+  private long mRxTimeMs;
+  private long mEnergyConsumedMaMs;
+  private long[] mTimeInRatMs;
+  private long[] mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs;
+  private long[] mTxTimeMs;
+  public static final Parcelable.Creator<CellularBatteryStats> CREATOR = new
+      Parcelable.Creator<CellularBatteryStats>() {
+        public CellularBatteryStats createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
+          return new CellularBatteryStats(in);
+        }
+        public CellularBatteryStats[] newArray(int size) {
+          return new CellularBatteryStats[size];
+        }
+      };
+  public CellularBatteryStats() {
+    initialize();
+  }
+  public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
+    out.writeLong(mLoggingDurationMs);
+    out.writeLong(mKernelActiveTimeMs);
+    out.writeLong(mNumPacketsTx);
+    out.writeLong(mNumBytesTx);
+    out.writeLong(mNumPacketsRx);
+    out.writeLong(mNumBytesRx);
+    out.writeLong(mSleepTimeMs);
+    out.writeLong(mIdleTimeMs);
+    out.writeLong(mRxTimeMs);
+    out.writeLong(mEnergyConsumedMaMs);
+    out.writeLongArray(mTimeInRatMs);
+    out.writeLongArray(mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs);
+    out.writeLongArray(mTxTimeMs);
+  }
+  public void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
+    mLoggingDurationMs = in.readLong();
+    mKernelActiveTimeMs = in.readLong();
+    mNumPacketsTx = in.readLong();
+    mNumBytesTx = in.readLong();
+    mNumPacketsRx = in.readLong();
+    mNumBytesRx = in.readLong();
+    mSleepTimeMs = in.readLong();
+    mIdleTimeMs = in.readLong();
+    mRxTimeMs = in.readLong();
+    mEnergyConsumedMaMs = in.readLong();
+    in.readLongArray(mTimeInRatMs);
+    in.readLongArray(mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs);
+    in.readLongArray(mTxTimeMs);
+  }
+  public long getLoggingDurationMs() {
+    return mLoggingDurationMs;
+  }
+  public long getKernelActiveTimeMs() {
+    return mKernelActiveTimeMs;
+  }
+  public long getNumPacketsTx() {
+    return mNumPacketsTx;
+  }
+  public long getNumBytesTx() {
+    return mNumBytesTx;
+  }
+  public long getNumPacketsRx() {
+    return mNumPacketsRx;
+  }
+  public long getNumBytesRx() {
+    return mNumBytesRx;
+  }
+  public long getSleepTimeMs() {
+    return mSleepTimeMs;
+  }
+  public long getIdleTimeMs() {
+    return mIdleTimeMs;
+  }
+  public long getRxTimeMs() {
+    return mRxTimeMs;
+  }
+  public long getEnergyConsumedMaMs() {
+    return mEnergyConsumedMaMs;
+  }
+  public long[] getTimeInRatMs() {
+    return mTimeInRatMs;
+  }
+  public long[] getTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs() {
+    return mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs;
+  }
+  public long[] getTxTimeMs() {
+    return mTxTimeMs;
+  }
+  public void setLoggingDurationMs(long t) {
+    mLoggingDurationMs = t;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setKernelActiveTimeMs(long t) {
+    mKernelActiveTimeMs = t;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setNumPacketsTx(long n) {
+    mNumPacketsTx = n;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setNumBytesTx(long b) {
+    mNumBytesTx = b;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setNumPacketsRx(long n) {
+    mNumPacketsRx = n;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setNumBytesRx(long b) {
+    mNumBytesRx = b;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setSleepTimeMs(long t) {
+    mSleepTimeMs = t;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setIdleTimeMs(long t) {
+    mIdleTimeMs = t;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setRxTimeMs(long t) {
+    mRxTimeMs = t;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setEnergyConsumedMaMs(long e) {
+    mEnergyConsumedMaMs = e;
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setTimeInRatMs(long[] t) {
+    mTimeInRatMs = Arrays.copyOfRange(t, 0,
+        Math.min(t.length, BatteryStats.NUM_DATA_CONNECTION_TYPES));
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs(long[] t) {
+    mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs = Arrays.copyOfRange(t, 0,
+        Math.min(t.length, SignalStrength.NUM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_BINS));
+    return;
+  }
+  public void setTxTimeMs(long[] t) {
+    mTxTimeMs = Arrays.copyOfRange(t, 0, Math.min(t.length, ModemActivityInfo.TX_POWER_LEVELS));
+    return;
+  }
+  public int describeContents() {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  private CellularBatteryStats(Parcel in) {
+    initialize();
+    readFromParcel(in);
+  }
+  private void initialize() {
+    mLoggingDurationMs = 0;
+    mKernelActiveTimeMs = 0;
+    mNumPacketsTx = 0;
+    mNumBytesTx = 0;
+    mNumPacketsRx = 0;
+    mNumBytesRx = 0;
+    mSleepTimeMs = 0;
+    mIdleTimeMs = 0;
+    mRxTimeMs = 0;
+    mEnergyConsumedMaMs = 0;
+    mTimeInRatMs = new long[BatteryStats.NUM_DATA_CONNECTION_TYPES];
+    Arrays.fill(mTimeInRatMs, 0);
+    mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs = new long[SignalStrength.NUM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_BINS];
+    Arrays.fill(mTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs, 0);
+    mTxTimeMs = new long[ModemActivityInfo.TX_POWER_LEVELS];
+    Arrays.fill(mTxTimeMs, 0);
+    return;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/java/android/provider/ b/core/java/android/provider/
index fb11d00..67c6fb9 100644
--- a/core/java/android/provider/
+++ b/core/java/android/provider/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.telecom.Log;
  * <p>
@@ -228,6 +229,25 @@
     /** @hide */
     public static final String RES_CAN_BLOCK_NUMBERS = "can_block";
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final String RES_ENHANCED_SETTING_IS_ENABLED = "enhanced_setting_enabled";
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final String RES_SHOW_EMERGENCY_CALL_NOTIFICATION =
+            "show_emergency_call_notification";
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final String EXTRA_ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY = "extra_enhanced_setting_key";
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final String EXTRA_ENHANCED_SETTING_VALUE = "extra_enhanced_setting_value";
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final String EXTRA_CONTACT_EXIST = "extra_contact_exist";
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final String EXTRA_CALL_PRESENTATION = "extra_call_presentation";
      * Returns whether a given number is in the blocked list.
@@ -242,9 +262,16 @@
     public static boolean isBlocked(Context context, String phoneNumber) {
-        final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
-                AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_IS_BLOCKED, phoneNumber, null);
-        return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_NUMBER_IS_BLOCKED, false);
+        try {
+            final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
+                    AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_IS_BLOCKED, phoneNumber, null);
+            return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_NUMBER_IS_BLOCKED, false);
+        } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+            // The content resolver can throw an NPE or IAE; we don't want to crash Telecom if
+            // either of these happen.
+            Log.w(null, "isBlocked: provider not ready.");
+            return false;
+        }
@@ -278,9 +305,16 @@
      * @return {@code true} if the current user can block numbers.
     public static boolean canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(Context context) {
-        final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
-        return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_CAN_BLOCK_NUMBERS, false);
+        try {
+            final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
+            return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_CAN_BLOCK_NUMBERS, false);
+        } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+            // The content resolver can throw an NPE or IAE; we don't want to crash Telecom if
+            // either of these happen.
+            Log.w(null, "canCurrentUserBlockNumbers: provider not ready.");
+            return false;
+        }
@@ -314,11 +348,33 @@
         public static final String METHOD_GET_BLOCK_SUPPRESSION_STATUS =
+        public static final String METHOD_SHOULD_SHOW_EMERGENCY_CALL_NOTIFICATION =
+                "should_show_emergency_call_notification";
         public static final String RES_IS_BLOCKING_SUPPRESSED = "blocking_suppressed";
         public static final String RES_BLOCKING_SUPPRESSED_UNTIL_TIMESTAMP =
+        public static final String METHOD_GET_ENHANCED_BLOCK_SETTING = "get_enhanced_block_setting";
+        public static final String METHOD_SET_ENHANCED_BLOCK_SETTING = "set_enhanced_block_setting";
+        /* Preference key of block numbers not in contacts setting. */
+        public static final String ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_UNREGISTERED =
+                "block_numbers_not_in_contacts_setting";
+        /* Preference key of block private number calls setting. */
+        public static final String ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_PRIVATE =
+                "block_private_number_calls_setting";
+        /* Preference key of block payphone calls setting. */
+        public static final String ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_PAYPHONE =
+                "block_payphone_calls_setting";
+        /* Preference key of block unknown calls setting. */
+        public static final String ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_UNKNOWN =
+                "block_unknown_calls_setting";
+        /* Preference key for whether should show an emergency call notification. */
+                "show_emergency_call_notification";
          * Notifies the provider that emergency services were contacted by the user.
          * <p> This results in {@link #shouldSystemBlockNumber} returning {@code false} independent
@@ -327,8 +383,14 @@
          * the provider unless {@link #endBlockSuppression(Context)} is called.
         public static void notifyEmergencyContact(Context context) {
-            context.getContentResolver().call(
-                    AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_NOTIFY_EMERGENCY_CONTACT, null, null);
+            try {
+                context.getContentResolver().call(
+                        AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_NOTIFY_EMERGENCY_CONTACT, null, null);
+            } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+                // The content resolver can throw an NPE or IAE; we don't want to crash Telecom if
+                // either of these happen.
+                Log.w(null, "notifyEmergencyContact: provider not ready.");
+            }
@@ -342,14 +404,27 @@
          * Returns {@code true} if {@code phoneNumber} is blocked taking
-         * {@link #notifyEmergencyContact(Context)} into consideration. If emergency services have
-         * not been contacted recently, this method is equivalent to
-         * {@link #isBlocked(Context, String)}.
+         * {@link #notifyEmergencyContact(Context)} into consideration. If emergency services
+         * have not been contacted recently and enhanced call blocking not been enabled, this
+         * method is equivalent to {@link #isBlocked(Context, String)}.
+         *
+         * @param context the context of the caller.
+         * @param phoneNumber the number to check.
+         * @param extras the extra attribute of the number.
+         * @return {@code true} if should block the number. {@code false} otherwise.
-        public static boolean shouldSystemBlockNumber(Context context, String phoneNumber) {
-            final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
-                    AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_SHOULD_SYSTEM_BLOCK_NUMBER, phoneNumber, null);
-            return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_NUMBER_IS_BLOCKED, false);
+        public static boolean shouldSystemBlockNumber(Context context, String phoneNumber,
+                Bundle extras) {
+            try {
+                final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
+                        AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_SHOULD_SYSTEM_BLOCK_NUMBER, phoneNumber, extras);
+                return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_NUMBER_IS_BLOCKED, false);
+            } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+                // The content resolver can throw an NPE or IAE; we don't want to crash Telecom if
+                // either of these happen.
+                Log.w(null, "shouldSystemBlockNumber: provider not ready.");
+                return false;
+            }
@@ -363,9 +438,76 @@
-         * Represents the current status of {@link #shouldSystemBlockNumber(Context, String)}. If
-         * emergency services have been contacted recently, {@link #isSuppressed} is {@code true},
-         * and blocking is disabled until the timestamp {@link #untilTimestampMillis}.
+         * Check whether should show the emergency call notification.
+         *
+         * @param context the context of the caller.
+         * @return {@code true} if should show emergency call notification. {@code false} otherwise.
+         */
+        public static boolean shouldShowEmergencyCallNotification(Context context) {
+            try {
+                final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
+                return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_SHOW_EMERGENCY_CALL_NOTIFICATION, false);
+            } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+                // The content resolver can throw an NPE or IAE; we don't want to crash Telecom if
+                // either of these happen.
+                Log.w(null, "shouldShowEmergencyCallNotification: provider not ready.");
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Check whether the enhanced block setting is enabled.
+         *
+         * @param context the context of the caller.
+         * @param key the key of the setting to check, can be
+         *        {@link #ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_PRIVATE}
+         *        {@link #ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_PAYPHONE}
+         *        {@link #ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_UNKNOWN}
+         * @return {@code true} if the setting is enabled. {@code false} otherwise.
+         */
+        public static boolean getEnhancedBlockSetting(Context context, String key) {
+            Bundle extras = new Bundle();
+            extras.putString(EXTRA_ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY, key);
+            try {
+                final Bundle res = context.getContentResolver().call(
+                        AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_GET_ENHANCED_BLOCK_SETTING, null, extras);
+                return res != null && res.getBoolean(RES_ENHANCED_SETTING_IS_ENABLED, false);
+            } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+                // The content resolver can throw an NPE or IAE; we don't want to crash Telecom if
+                // either of these happen.
+                Log.w(null, "getEnhancedBlockSetting: provider not ready.");
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Set the enhanced block setting enabled status.
+         *
+         * @param context the context of the caller.
+         * @param key the key of the setting to set, can be
+         *        {@link #ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_PRIVATE}
+         *        {@link #ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_PAYPHONE}
+         *        {@link #ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY_BLOCK_UNKNOWN}
+         * @param value the enabled statue of the setting to set.
+         */
+        public static void setEnhancedBlockSetting(Context context, String key, boolean value) {
+            Bundle extras = new Bundle();
+            extras.putString(EXTRA_ENHANCED_SETTING_KEY, key);
+            extras.putBoolean(EXTRA_ENHANCED_SETTING_VALUE, value);
+            context.getContentResolver().call(AUTHORITY_URI, METHOD_SET_ENHANCED_BLOCK_SETTING,
+                    null, extras);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Represents the current status of
+         * {@link #shouldSystemBlockNumber(Context, String, Bundle)}. If emergency services
+         * have been contacted recently, {@link #isSuppressed} is {@code true}, and blocking
+         * is disabled until the timestamp {@link #untilTimestampMillis}.
         public static class BlockSuppressionStatus {
             public final boolean isSuppressed;
diff --git a/core/java/android/provider/ b/core/java/android/provider/
index 60df467..70de09e 100644
--- a/core/java/android/provider/
+++ b/core/java/android/provider/
@@ -223,14 +223,14 @@
         /** Call was WIFI call. */
         public static final int FEATURES_WIFI = 1 << 3;
-        /** Call was on RTT at some point */
-        public static final int FEATURES_RTT = 1 << 4;
          * Indicates the call underwent Assisted Dialing.
          * @hide
-        public static final Integer FEATURES_ASSISTED_DIALING_USED = 0x10;
+        public static final int FEATURES_ASSISTED_DIALING_USED = 1 << 4;
+        /** Call was on RTT at some point */
+        public static final int FEATURES_RTT = 1 << 5;
          * The phone number as the user entered it.
diff --git a/core/java/android/provider/ b/core/java/android/provider/
index 36dcca6..2b5353d 100644
--- a/core/java/android/provider/
+++ b/core/java/android/provider/
@@ -3621,6 +3621,14 @@
         public static final Validator VIBRATE_WHEN_RINGING_VALIDATOR = sBooleanValidator;
+         * When {@code 1}, Telecom enhanced call blocking functionality is enabled.  When
+         * {@code 0}, enhanced call blocking functionality is disabled.
+         * @hide
+         */
+        public static final String DEBUG_ENABLE_ENHANCED_CALL_BLOCKING =
+                "debug.enable_enhanced_calling";
+        /**
          * Whether the audible DTMF tones are played by the dialer when dialing. The value is
          * boolean (1 or 0).
@@ -7863,6 +7871,7 @@
          * (0 = false, 1 = true)
          * @hide
+        @SystemApi
         public static final String EUICC_PROVISIONED = "euicc_provisioned";
@@ -8705,6 +8714,12 @@
         public static final String BLE_SCAN_LOW_LATENCY_INTERVAL_MS =
+        /**
+         * The mode that BLE scanning clients will be moved to when in the background.
+         * @hide
+         */
+        public static final String BLE_SCAN_BACKGROUND_MODE = "ble_scan_background_mode";
         * Used to save the Wifi_ON state prior to tethering.
         * This state will be checked to restore Wifi after
diff --git a/core/java/android/se/omapi/ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
index 65ce67f..5db3c1a 100644
--- a/core/java/android/se/omapi/
+++ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
  * @see <a href="">GlobalPlatform Open Mobile API</a>
-public class Channel {
+public final class Channel implements java.nio.channels.Channel {
     private static final String TAG = "OMAPI.Channel";
     private Session mSession;
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
     private final SEService mService;
     private final Object mLock = new Object();
-    Channel(SEService service, Session session, ISecureElementChannel channel) {
+    Channel(@NonNull SEService service, @NonNull Session session,
+            @NonNull ISecureElementChannel channel) {
         if (service == null || session == null || channel == null) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters cannot be null");
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
      * before closing the channel.
     public void close() {
-        if (!isClosed()) {
+        if (isOpen()) {
             synchronized (mLock) {
                 try {
@@ -75,21 +76,21 @@
-     * Tells if this channel is closed.
+     * Tells if this channel is open.
-     * @return <code>true</code> if the channel is closed or in case of an error.
-     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
+     * @return <code>false</code> if the channel is closed or in case of an error.
+     *         <code>true</code> otherwise.
-    public boolean isClosed() {
+    public boolean isOpen() {
         if (!mService.isConnected()) {
             Log.e(TAG, "service not connected to system");
-            return true;
+            return false;
         try {
-            return mChannel.isClosed();
+            return !mChannel.isClosed();
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             Log.e(TAG, "Exception in isClosed()");
-            return true;
+            return false;
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@
      * @throws SecurityException if the command is filtered by the security policy.
      * @throws NullPointerException if command is NULL.
-    public @NonNull byte[] transmit(byte[] command) throws IOException {
+    public @NonNull byte[] transmit(@NonNull byte[] command) throws IOException {
         if (!mService.isConnected()) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("service not connected to system");
diff --git a/core/java/android/se/omapi/ISecureElementListener.aidl b/core/java/android/se/omapi/ISecureElementListener.aidl
index e0c6e04..e9dd181 100644
--- a/core/java/android/se/omapi/ISecureElementListener.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/ISecureElementListener.aidl
@@ -24,8 +24,4 @@
  * @hide
 interface ISecureElementListener {
-  /**
-   * Called by the framework when the service is connected.
-   */
-  void serviceConnected();
diff --git a/core/java/android/se/omapi/ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
index 3dec976..80262f7 100644
--- a/core/java/android/se/omapi/
+++ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
  * @see <a href="">GlobalPlatform Open Mobile API</a>
-public class Reader {
+public final class Reader {
     private static final String TAG = "OMAPI.Reader";
     private final String mName;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     private final Object mLock = new Object();
-    Reader(SEService service, String name, ISecureElementReader reader) {
+    Reader(@NonNull SEService service, @NonNull String name, @NonNull ISecureElementReader reader) {
         if (reader == null || service == null || name == null) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters cannot be null");
diff --git a/core/java/android/se/omapi/ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
index d59e86a..14727f0 100644
--- a/core/java/android/se/omapi/
+++ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 import android.util.Log;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
  * The SEService realises the communication to available Secure Elements on the
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
  * @see <a href="">SIMalliance Open Mobile API  v3.0</a>
-public class SEService {
+public final class SEService {
      * Error code used with ServiceSpecificException.
@@ -62,17 +63,38 @@
      * Interface to send call-backs to the application when the service is connected.
-    public abstract static class SecureElementListener extends ISecureElementListener.Stub {
+    public interface OnConnectedListener {
+        /**
+         * Called by the framework when the service is connected.
+         */
+        void onConnected();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Listener object that allows the notification of the caller if this
+     * SEService could be bound to the backend.
+     */
+    private class SEListener extends ISecureElementListener.Stub {
+        public OnConnectedListener mListener = null;
+        public Executor mExecutor = null;
         public IBinder asBinder() {
             return this;
-        /**
-         * Called by the framework when the service is connected.
-         */
-        public void serviceConnected() {};
+        public void onConnected() {
+            if (mListener != null && mExecutor != null) {
+                mExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
+                    @Override
+                    public void run() {
+                        mListener.onConnected();
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+        }
+    private SEListener mSEListener = new SEListener();
     private static final String TAG = "OMAPI.SEService";
@@ -95,34 +117,32 @@
     private final HashMap<String, Reader> mReaders = new HashMap<String, Reader>();
-     * Listener object that allows the notification of the caller if this
-     * SEService could be bound to the backend.
-     */
-    private ISecureElementListener mSEListener;
-    /**
      * Establishes a new connection that can be used to connect to all the
      * Secure Elements available in the system. The connection process can be
      * quite long, so it happens in an asynchronous way. It is usable only if
      * the specified listener is called or if isConnected() returns
      * <code>true</code>. <br>
      * The call-back object passed as a parameter will have its
-     * serviceConnected() method called when the connection actually happen.
+     * onConnected() method called when the connection actually happen.
      * @param context
      *            the context of the calling application. Cannot be
      *            <code>null</code>.
      * @param listener
-     *            a SecureElementListener object. Can be <code>null</code>.
+     *            a OnConnectedListener object.
+     * @param executor
+     *            an Executor which will be used when invoking the callback.
-    public SEService(Context context, SecureElementListener listener) {
+    public SEService(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Executor executor,
+            @NonNull OnConnectedListener listener) {
-        if (context == null) {
-            throw new NullPointerException("context must not be null");
+        if (context == null || listener == null || executor == null) {
+            throw new NullPointerException("Arguments must not be null");
         mContext = context;
-        mSEListener = listener;
+        mSEListener.mListener = listener;
+        mSEListener.mExecutor = executor;
         mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
@@ -131,9 +151,7 @@
                 mSecureElementService = ISecureElementService.Stub.asInterface(service);
                 if (mSEListener != null) {
-                    try {
-                        mSEListener.serviceConnected();
-                    } catch (RemoteException ignore) { }
+                    mSEListener.onConnected();
                 Log.i(TAG, "Service onServiceConnected");
@@ -164,12 +182,12 @@
-     * Returns the list of available Secure Element readers.
+     * Returns an array of available Secure Element readers.
      * There must be no duplicated objects in the returned list.
      * All available readers shall be listed even if no card is inserted.
-     * @return The readers list, as an array of Readers. If there are no
-     * readers the returned array is of length 0.
+     * @return An array of Readers. If there are no readers the returned array
+     * is of length 0.
     public @NonNull Reader[] getReaders() {
         if (mSecureElementService == null) {
@@ -205,7 +223,8 @@
      * (including any binding to an underlying service).
      * As a result isConnected() will return false after shutdown() was called.
      * After this method call, the SEService object is not connected.
-     * It is recommended to call this method in the termination method of the calling application
+     * This method should be called when connection to the Secure Element is not needed
+     * or in the termination method of the calling application
      * (or part of this application) which is bound to this SEService.
     public void shutdown() {
@@ -233,7 +252,7 @@
      * @return String containing the OpenMobile API version (e.g. "3.0").
-    public String getVersion() {
+    public @NonNull String getVersion() {
         return "3.2";
diff --git a/core/java/android/se/omapi/ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
index 19a018e..d5f8c82 100644
--- a/core/java/android/se/omapi/
+++ b/core/java/android/se/omapi/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
  * @see <a href="">SIMalliance Open Mobile API  v3.0</a>
-public class Session {
+public final class Session {
     private final Object mLock = new Object();
     private final SEService mService;
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
     private final ISecureElementSession mSession;
     private static final String TAG = "OMAPI.Session";
-    Session(SEService service, ISecureElementSession session, Reader reader) {
+    Session(@NonNull SEService service, @NonNull ISecureElementSession session,
+            @NonNull Reader reader) {
         if (service == null || reader == null || session == null) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters cannot be null");
@@ -195,7 +196,8 @@
      *             supported by the device
      * @return an instance of Channel if available or null.
-    public @Nullable Channel openBasicChannel(byte[] aid, byte p2) throws IOException {
+    public @Nullable Channel openBasicChannel(@Nullable byte[] aid, @Nullable byte p2)
+            throws IOException {
         if (!mService.isConnected()) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("service not connected to system");
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@
      *             supported by the device
      * @return an instance of Channel if available or null.
-    public @Nullable Channel openBasicChannel(byte[] aid) throws IOException {
+    public @Nullable Channel openBasicChannel(@Nullable byte[] aid) throws IOException {
         return openBasicChannel(aid, (byte) 0x00);
@@ -300,13 +302,8 @@
      * @return an instance of Channel. Null if the Secure Element is unable to
      *         provide a new logical channel.
-    public @Nullable Channel openLogicalChannel(byte[] aid, byte p2) throws IOException {
-        if ((mReader.getName().startsWith("SIM")) && (aid == null)) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "NULL AID not supported on " + mReader.getName());
-            return null;
-        }
+    public @Nullable Channel openLogicalChannel(@Nullable byte[] aid, @Nullable byte p2)
+            throws IOException {
         if (!mService.isConnected()) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("service not connected to system");
@@ -358,7 +355,7 @@
      * @return an instance of Channel. Null if the Secure Element is unable to
      *         provide a new logical channel.
-    public @Nullable Channel openLogicalChannel(byte[] aid) throws IOException {
+    public @Nullable Channel openLogicalChannel(@Nullable byte[] aid) throws IOException {
         return openLogicalChannel(aid, (byte) 0x00);
diff --git a/core/java/android/service/euicc/ b/core/java/android/service/euicc/
index cb4f104..4bbee61 100644
--- a/core/java/android/service/euicc/
+++ b/core/java/android/service/euicc/
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
                 + ", state="
                 + mState
                 + ", CarrierIdentifier="
-                + mCarrierIdentifier.toString()
+                + mCarrierIdentifier
                 + ", policyRules="
                 + mPolicyRules
                 + ", accessRules="
diff --git a/core/java/android/text/format/ b/core/java/android/text/format/
index b5a8aca..285a5f0 100755
--- a/core/java/android/text/format/
+++ b/core/java/android/text/format/
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@
     private static Locale sIs24HourLocale;
     private static boolean sIs24Hour;
-     * Returns true if user preference is set to 24-hour format.
+     * Returns true if times should be formatted as 24 hour times, false if times should be
+     * formatted as 12 hour (AM/PM) times. Based on the user's chosen locale and other preferences.
      * @param context the context to use for the content resolver
      * @return true if 24 hour time format is selected, false otherwise.
@@ -169,7 +169,8 @@
-     * Returns true if user preference with the given user handle is set to 24-hour format.
+     * Returns true if times should be formatted as 24 hour times, false if times should be
+     * formatted as 12 hour (AM/PM) times. Based on the user's chosen locale and other preferences.
      * @param context the context to use for the content resolver
      * @param userHandle the user handle of the user to query.
      * @return true if 24 hour time format is selected, false otherwise.
diff --git a/core/java/android/util/ b/core/java/android/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..433dd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/java/android/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.util;
+ * @hide
+ * Temporary dummy class for StatsLog. Will be removed.
+ */
+public final class StatsLog {
+    private static final String TAG = "StatsManager";
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED = 0;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ENABLED = 1;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__DISABLED = 2;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED = 1;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED = 2;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__PLAY = 1;
+    public static final int BLUETOOTH_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__STOP = 2;
+    public static final int BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED = 2;
+    public static final int BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF = 0;
+    public static final int BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON = 1;
+    public static final int BLE_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__RESET = 2;
+    private StatsLog() {}
+    public static void write(int id, int field1) {}
+    public static void write(int id, int field1, int field2, int field3) {}
+    public static void write_non_chained(int id, int uid, String tag,
+            int field1, int field2, String field3) {}
+    /** I am a dummy javadoc comment. */
+    public static void write(int code, int[] uid, String[] tag, int arg2,
+            boolean arg3, boolean arg4, boolean arg5) {};
+    /** I am a dummy javadoc comment. */
+    public static void write_non_chained(int code, int arg1, String arg2, int arg3,
+            boolean arg4, boolean arg5, boolean arg6) {};
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl b/core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl
index e576a0f..79f42df 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl
@@ -397,4 +397,10 @@
      * Return the touch region for the current IME window, or an empty region if there is none.
     Region getCurrentImeTouchRegion();
+    /**
+     * Requests that the WindowManager sends WindowManagerPolicy#ACTION_USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION
+     * on the next user activity.
+     */
+    void requestUserActivityNotification();
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/ b/core/java/android/view/
index c4ffb4c..8e4f5b4 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/
@@ -159,6 +159,12 @@
     public final static boolean WATCH_POINTER = false;
+     * Broadcast sent when a user activity is detected.
+     */
+    public final static String ACTION_USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION =
+            "android.intent.action.USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION";
+    /**
      * Sticky broadcast of the current HDMI plugged state.
     public final static String ACTION_HDMI_PLUGGED = "android.intent.action.HDMI_PLUGGED";
@@ -1741,4 +1747,10 @@
      * @return true if ready; false otherwise.
     boolean canDismissBootAnimation();
+    /**
+     * Requests that the WindowManager sends WindowManagerPolicy#ACTION_USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION
+     * on the next user activity.
+     */
+    public void requestUserActivityNotification();
diff --git a/core/java/android/webkit/ b/core/java/android/webkit/
index d2923c4..ca3a227 100644
--- a/core/java/android/webkit/
+++ b/core/java/android/webkit/
@@ -93,13 +93,11 @@
         synchronized (sLock) {
             sMultiprocessEnabled = enabled;
-            // When toggling between multi-process being on/off, start or stop the
-            // zygote. If it is enabled and the zygote is not yet started, launch it.
-            // Otherwise, kill it. The name may be null if the package information has
-            // not yet been resolved.
-            if (enabled) {
-                connectToZygoteIfNeededLocked();
-            } else {
+            // When multi-process is disabled, kill the zygote. When it is enabled,
+            // the zygote is not explicitly started here to avoid waiting on the
+            // zygote launch at boot. Instead, the zygote will be started when it is
+            // first needed in getProcess().
+            if (!enabled) {
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/app/IBatteryStats.aidl b/core/java/com/android/internal/app/IBatteryStats.aidl
index 4275e0b..f4f4317 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/app/IBatteryStats.aidl
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/app/IBatteryStats.aidl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
 import android.os.WorkSource;
+import android.os.connectivity.CellularBatteryStats;
 import android.telephony.DataConnectionRealTimeInfo;
 import android.telephony.ModemActivityInfo;
@@ -134,6 +135,9 @@
     void noteResetBleScan();
     void noteBleScanResults(in WorkSource ws, int numNewResults);
+    /** {@hide} */
+    CellularBatteryStats getCellularBatteryStats();
     HealthStatsParceler takeUidSnapshot(int uid);
     HealthStatsParceler[] takeUidSnapshots(in int[] uid);
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/net/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/net/
index 902bd12..8561bf0 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/net/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/net/
@@ -22,16 +22,14 @@
 import static;
 import static;
+import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.os.StrictMode;
 import android.os.SystemClock;
-import android.util.ArrayMap;
@@ -41,8 +39,10 @@
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
  * Creates {@link NetworkStats} instances by parsing various {@code /proc/}
@@ -54,11 +54,6 @@
     private static final boolean USE_NATIVE_PARSING = true;
     private static final boolean SANITY_CHECK_NATIVE = false;
-    private static final String CLATD_INTERFACE_PREFIX = "v4-";
-    // Delta between IPv4 header (20b) and IPv6 header (40b).
-    // Used for correct stats accounting on clatd interfaces.
-    private static final int IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA = 20;
     /** Path to {@code /proc/net/dev}. */
     private final File mStatsIfaceDev;
     /** Path to {@code /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat_all}. */
@@ -70,18 +65,64 @@
     private boolean mUseBpfStats;
-    // TODO: to improve testability and avoid global state, do not use a static variable.
-    @GuardedBy("sStackedIfaces")
-    private static final ArrayMap<String, String> sStackedIfaces = new ArrayMap<>();
+    // TODO: only do adjustments in NetworkStatsService and remove this.
+    /**
+     * (Stacked interface) -> (base interface) association for all connected ifaces since boot.
+     *
+     * Because counters must never roll backwards, once a given interface is stacked on top of an
+     * underlying interface, the stacked interface can never be stacked on top of
+     * another interface. */
+    private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> sStackedIfaces
+            = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
     public static void noteStackedIface(String stackedIface, String baseIface) {
-        synchronized (sStackedIfaces) {
-            if (baseIface != null) {
-                sStackedIfaces.put(stackedIface, baseIface);
-            } else {
-                sStackedIfaces.remove(stackedIface);
+        if (stackedIface != null && baseIface != null) {
+            sStackedIfaces.put(stackedIface, baseIface);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get a set of interfaces containing specified ifaces and stacked interfaces.
+     *
+     * <p>The added stacked interfaces are ifaces stacked on top of the specified ones, or ifaces
+     * on which the specified ones are stacked. Stacked interfaces are those noted with
+     * {@link #noteStackedIface(String, String)}, but only interfaces noted before this method
+     * is called are guaranteed to be included.
+     */
+    public static String[] augmentWithStackedInterfaces(@Nullable String[] requiredIfaces) {
+        if (requiredIfaces == NetworkStats.INTERFACES_ALL) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        HashSet<String> relatedIfaces = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(requiredIfaces));
+        // ConcurrentHashMap's EntrySet iterators are "guaranteed to traverse
+        // elements as they existed upon construction exactly once, and may
+        // (but are not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications subsequent to construction".
+        // This is enough here.
+        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sStackedIfaces.entrySet()) {
+            if (relatedIfaces.contains(entry.getKey())) {
+                relatedIfaces.add(entry.getValue());
+            } else if (relatedIfaces.contains(entry.getValue())) {
+                relatedIfaces.add(entry.getKey());
+        String[] outArray = new String[relatedIfaces.size()];
+        return relatedIfaces.toArray(outArray);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Applies 464xlat adjustments with ifaces noted with {@link #noteStackedIface(String, String)}.
+     * @see NetworkStats#apply464xlatAdjustments(NetworkStats, NetworkStats, Map)
+     */
+    public static void apply464xlatAdjustments(NetworkStats baseTraffic,
+            NetworkStats stackedTraffic) {
+        NetworkStats.apply464xlatAdjustments(baseTraffic, stackedTraffic, sStackedIfaces);
+    }
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    public static void clearStackedIfaces() {
+        sStackedIfaces.clear();
     public NetworkStatsFactory() {
@@ -250,51 +291,10 @@
             NetworkStats lastStats) throws IOException {
         final NetworkStats stats =
               readNetworkStatsDetailInternal(limitUid, limitIfaces, limitTag, lastStats);
-        final ArrayMap<String, String> stackedIfaces;
-        synchronized (sStackedIfaces) {
-            stackedIfaces = new ArrayMap<>(sStackedIfaces);
-        }
-        // Total 464xlat traffic to subtract from uid 0 on all base interfaces.
-        final NetworkStats adjustments = new NetworkStats(0, stackedIfaces.size());
-        NetworkStats.Entry entry = null; // For recycling
-        // For 464xlat traffic, xt_qtaguid sees every IPv4 packet twice, once as a native IPv4
-        // packet on the stacked interface, and once as translated to an IPv6 packet on the
-        // base interface. For correct stats accounting on the base interface, every 464xlat
-        // packet needs to be subtracted from the root UID on the base interface both for tx
-        // and rx traffic (http://b/12249687, http:/b/33681750).
-        for (int i = 0; i < stats.size(); i++) {
-            entry = stats.getValues(i, entry);
-            if (entry.iface == null || !entry.iface.startsWith(CLATD_INTERFACE_PREFIX)) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            final String baseIface = stackedIfaces.get(entry.iface);
-            if (baseIface == null) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            NetworkStats.Entry adjust =
-                    new NetworkStats.Entry(baseIface, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L);
-            // Subtract any 464lat traffic seen for the root UID on the current base interface.
-            adjust.rxBytes -= (entry.rxBytes + entry.rxPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA);
-            adjust.txBytes -= (entry.txBytes + entry.txPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA);
-            adjust.rxPackets -= entry.rxPackets;
-            adjust.txPackets -= entry.txPackets;
-            adjustments.combineValues(adjust);
-            // For 464xlat traffic, xt_qtaguid only counts the bytes of the native IPv4 packet sent
-            // on the stacked interface with prefix "v4-" and drops the IPv6 header size after
-            // unwrapping. To account correctly for on-the-wire traffic, add the 20 additional bytes
-            // difference for all packets (http://b/12249687, http:/b/33681750).
-            entry.rxBytes = entry.rxPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA;
-            entry.txBytes = entry.txPackets * IPV4V6_HEADER_DELTA;
-            entry.rxPackets = 0;
-            entry.txPackets = 0;
-            stats.combineValues(entry);
-        }
-        stats.combineAllValues(adjustments);
+        // No locking here: apply464xlatAdjustments behaves fine with an add-only ConcurrentHashMap.
+        // TODO: remove this and only apply adjustments in NetworkStatsService.
+        stats.apply464xlatAdjustments(sStackedIfaces);
         return stats;
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
index f26c0cd..10618d4 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 import android.os.BatteryManager;
 import android.os.BatteryStats;
 import android.os.Build;
+import android.os.connectivity.CellularBatteryStats;
 import android.os.FileUtils;
 import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.IBatteryPropertiesRegistrar;
@@ -11262,6 +11263,51 @@
         return (msPerLevel * (100-mCurrentBatteryLevel)) * 1000;
+    /*@hide */
+    public CellularBatteryStats getCellularBatteryStats() {
+        CellularBatteryStats s = new CellularBatteryStats();
+        final int which = STATS_SINCE_CHARGED;
+        final long rawRealTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() * 1000;
+        final ControllerActivityCounter counter = getModemControllerActivity();
+        final long idleTimeMs = counter.getIdleTimeCounter().getCountLocked(which);
+        final long rxTimeMs = counter.getRxTimeCounter().getCountLocked(which);
+        final long energyConsumedMaMs = counter.getPowerCounter().getCountLocked(which);
+        long[] timeInRatMs = new long[BatteryStats.NUM_DATA_CONNECTION_TYPES];
+        for (int i = 0; i < timeInRatMs.length; i++) {
+           timeInRatMs[i] = getPhoneDataConnectionTime(i, rawRealTime, which) / 1000;
+        }
+        long[] timeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs = new long[SignalStrength.NUM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_BINS];
+        for (int i = 0; i < timeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs.length; i++) {
+           timeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs[i]
+               = getPhoneSignalStrengthTime(i, rawRealTime, which) / 1000;
+        }
+        long[] txTimeMs = new long[Math.min(ModemActivityInfo.TX_POWER_LEVELS,
+            counter.getTxTimeCounters().length)];
+        long totalTxTimeMs = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < txTimeMs.length; i++) {
+            txTimeMs[i] = counter.getTxTimeCounters()[i].getCountLocked(which);
+            totalTxTimeMs += txTimeMs[i];
+        }
+        final long totalControllerActivityTimeMs
+            = computeBatteryRealtime(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() * 1000, which) / 1000;
+        final long sleepTimeMs
+            = totalControllerActivityTimeMs - (idleTimeMs + rxTimeMs + totalTxTimeMs);
+        s.setLoggingDurationMs(computeBatteryRealtime(rawRealTime, which) / 1000);
+        s.setKernelActiveTimeMs(getMobileRadioActiveTime(rawRealTime, which) / 1000);
+        s.setNumPacketsTx(getNetworkActivityPackets(NETWORK_MOBILE_TX_DATA, which));
+        s.setNumBytesTx(getNetworkActivityBytes(NETWORK_MOBILE_TX_DATA, which));
+        s.setNumPacketsRx(getNetworkActivityPackets(NETWORK_MOBILE_RX_DATA, which));
+        s.setNumBytesRx(getNetworkActivityBytes(NETWORK_MOBILE_RX_DATA, which));
+        s.setSleepTimeMs(sleepTimeMs);
+        s.setIdleTimeMs(idleTimeMs);
+        s.setRxTimeMs(rxTimeMs);
+        s.setEnergyConsumedMaMs(energyConsumedMaMs);
+        s.setTimeInRatMs(timeInRatMs);
+        s.setTimeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs(timeInRxSignalStrengthLevelMs);
+        s.setTxTimeMs(txTimeMs);
+        return s;
+    }
     public LevelStepTracker getChargeLevelStepTracker() {
         return mChargeStepTracker;
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
index bb5a0ad..a9cd5c8 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.util.Objects;
 import java.util.TimeZone;
 import java.util.logging.LogManager;
 import org.apache.harmony.luni.internal.util.TimezoneGetter;
@@ -67,8 +68,12 @@
      * but apps can override that behavior.
     private static class LoggingHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
+        public volatile boolean mTriggered = false;
         public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
+            mTriggered = true;
             // Don't re-enter if KillApplicationHandler has already run
             if (mCrashing) return;
@@ -96,12 +101,33 @@
      * Handle application death from an uncaught exception.  The framework
      * catches these for the main threads, so this should only matter for
-     * threads created by applications.  Before this method runs,
-     * {@link LoggingHandler} will already have logged details.
+     * threads created by applications. Before this method runs, the given
+     * instance of {@link LoggingHandler} should already have logged details
+     * (and if not it is run first).
     private static class KillApplicationHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
+        private final LoggingHandler mLoggingHandler;
+        /**
+         * Create a new KillApplicationHandler that follows the given LoggingHandler.
+         * If {@link #uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) uncaughtException} is called
+         * on the created instance without {@code loggingHandler} having been triggered,
+         * {@link LoggingHandler#uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable)
+         * loggingHandler.uncaughtException} will be called first.
+         *
+         * @param loggingHandler the {@link LoggingHandler} expected to have run before
+         *     this instance's {@link #uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) uncaughtException}
+         *     is being called.
+         */
+        public KillApplicationHandler(LoggingHandler loggingHandler) {
+            this.mLoggingHandler = Objects.requireNonNull(loggingHandler);
+        }
+        @Override
         public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
             try {
+                ensureLogging(t, e);
                 // Don't re-enter -- avoid infinite loops if crash-reporting crashes.
                 if (mCrashing) return;
                 mCrashing = true;
@@ -132,6 +158,33 @@
+        /**
+         * Ensures that the logging handler has been triggered.
+         *
+         * See b/73380984. This reinstates the pre-O behavior of
+         *
+         *   {@code thread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(thread, e);}
+         *
+         * logging the exception (in addition to killing the app). This behavior
+         * was never documented / guaranteed but helps in diagnostics of apps
+         * using the pattern.
+         *
+         * If this KillApplicationHandler is invoked the "regular" way (by
+         * {@link Thread#dispatchUncaughtException(Throwable)
+         * Thread.dispatchUncaughtException} in case of an uncaught exception)
+         * then the pre-handler (expected to be {@link #mLoggingHandler}) will already
+         * have run. Otherwise, we manually invoke it here.
+         */
+        private void ensureLogging(Thread t, Throwable e) {
+            if (!mLoggingHandler.mTriggered) {
+                try {
+                    mLoggingHandler.uncaughtException(t, e);
+                } catch (Throwable loggingThrowable) {
+                    // Ignored.
+                }
+            }
+        }
     protected static final void commonInit() {
@@ -141,8 +194,9 @@
          * set handlers; these apply to all threads in the VM. Apps can replace
          * the default handler, but not the pre handler.
-        Thread.setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(new LoggingHandler());
-        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler());
+        LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler();
+        Thread.setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(loggingHandler);
+        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler(loggingHandler));
          * Install a TimezoneGetter subclass for ZoneInfo.db
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
index 4901080..f0e7796 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
@@ -115,6 +115,14 @@
         command.append(' ');
+        // Generate bare minimum of debug information to be able to backtrace through JITed code.
+        // We assume that if the invoke wrapper is used, backtraces are desirable:
+        //  * The script can only be used by debuggable apps, which would enable this flag
+        //    without the script anyway (the fork-zygote path).  So this makes the two consistent.
+        //  * The wrap.* property can only be used on userdebug builds and is likely to be used by
+        //    developers (e.g. enable debug-malloc), in which case backtraces are also useful.
+        command.append(" -Xcompiler-option --generate-mini-debug-info");
         command.append(" /system/bin --application");
         if (niceName != null) {
             command.append(" '--nice-name=").append(niceName).append("'");
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
index e23cbf8..0d10888 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
@@ -55,10 +55,21 @@
     public static final int DISABLE_VERIFIER = 1 << 9;
     /** Only use oat files located in /system. Otherwise use dex/jar/apk . */
     public static final int ONLY_USE_SYSTEM_OAT_FILES = 1 << 10;
-    /** Do enfore hidden API access restrictions. */
-    public static final int ENABLE_HIDDEN_API_CHECKS = 1 << 11;
     /** Force generation of native debugging information for backtraces. */
-    public static final int DEBUG_GENERATE_MINI_DEBUG_INFO = 1 << 12;
+    public static final int DEBUG_GENERATE_MINI_DEBUG_INFO = 1 << 11;
+    /**
+     * Hidden API access restrictions. This is a mask for bits representing the API enforcement
+     * policy, defined by {@code @ApplicationInfo.HiddenApiEnforcementPolicy}.
+     */
+    public static final int API_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY_MASK = (1 << 12) | (1 << 13);
+    /**
+     * Bit shift for use with {@link #API_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY_MASK}.
+     *
+     * @ApplicationInfo.ApiEnforcementPolicy values.
+     */
+    public static final int API_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY_SHIFT =
+            Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(API_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY_MASK);
     /** No external storage should be mounted. */
     public static final int MOUNT_EXTERNAL_NONE = 0;
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
index a32fb43..adc5508 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
@@ -159,6 +161,11 @@
             return null;
+        if (parsedArgs.apiBlacklistExemptions != null) {
+            handleApiBlacklistExemptions(parsedArgs.apiBlacklistExemptions);
+            return null;
+        }
         if (parsedArgs.permittedCapabilities != 0 || parsedArgs.effectiveCapabilities != 0) {
             throw new ZygoteSecurityException("Client may not specify capabilities: " +
                     "permitted=0x" + Long.toHexString(parsedArgs.permittedCapabilities) +
@@ -278,6 +285,15 @@
+    private void handleApiBlacklistExemptions(String[] exemptions) {
+        try {
+            ZygoteInit.setApiBlacklistExemptions(exemptions);
+            mSocketOutStream.writeInt(0);
+        } catch (IOException ioe) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Error writing to command socket", ioe);
+        }
+    }
     protected void preload() {
@@ -424,6 +440,12 @@
         boolean startChildZygote;
+         * Exemptions from API blacklisting. These are sent to the pre-forked zygote at boot time,
+         * or when they change, via --set-api-blacklist-exemptions.
+         */
+        String[] apiBlacklistExemptions;
+        /**
          * Constructs instance and parses args
          * @param args zygote command-line args
          * @throws IllegalArgumentException
@@ -576,6 +598,11 @@
                     preloadDefault = true;
                 } else if (arg.equals("--start-child-zygote")) {
                     startChildZygote = true;
+                } else if (arg.equals("--set-api-blacklist-exemptions")) {
+                    // consume all remaining args; this is a stand-alone command, never included
+                    // with the regular fork command.
+                    apiBlacklistExemptions = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, curArg + 1, args.length);
+                    curArg = args.length;
                 } else {
@@ -590,7 +617,7 @@
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                             "Unexpected arguments after --preload-package.");
-            } else if (!preloadDefault) {
+            } else if (!preloadDefault && apiBlacklistExemptions == null) {
                 if (!seenRuntimeArgs) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected argument : " + args[curArg]);
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
index a05454f..c8e7102 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
@@ -514,6 +514,10 @@
         /* should never reach here */
+    public static void setApiBlacklistExemptions(String[] exemptions) {
+        VMRuntime.getRuntime().setHiddenApiExemptions(exemptions);
+    }
      * Creates a PathClassLoader for the given class path that is associated with a shared
      * namespace, i.e., this classloader can access platform-private native libraries. The
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/server/net/ b/core/java/com/android/server/net/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdba2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/java/com/android/server/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Base {@link INetdEventCallback} that provides no-op
+ * implementations which can be overridden.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class BaseNetdEventCallback extends INetdEventCallback.Stub {
+    @Override
+    public void onDnsEvent(String hostname, String[] ipAddresses,
+            int ipAddressesCount, long timestamp, int uid) {
+        // default no-op
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(int netId, String ipAddress,
+            String hostname, boolean validated) {
+        // default no-op
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onConnectEvent(String ipAddr, int port, long timestamp, int uid) {
+        // default no-op
+    }
diff --git a/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp b/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp
index 3784d4d..7f6d19b 100644
--- a/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h>
+#include <android-base/macros.h>
 #include <android-base/properties.h>
 #include <binder/IBinder.h>
 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
@@ -590,7 +591,6 @@
     JavaVMInitArgs initArgs;
     char propBuf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
-    char stackTraceFileBuf[sizeof("-Xstacktracefile:")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
     char jniOptsBuf[sizeof("-Xjniopts:")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
     char heapstartsizeOptsBuf[sizeof("-Xms")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
     char heapsizeOptsBuf[sizeof("-Xmx")-1 + PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
@@ -672,15 +672,7 @@
         executionMode = kEMJitCompiler;
-    // If dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir is set, it enables the "new" stack trace
-    // dump scheme and a new file is created for each stack dump. If it isn't set,
-    // the old scheme is enabled.
-    property_get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir", propBuf, "");
-    if (strlen(propBuf) > 0) {
-        addOption("-Xusetombstonedtraces");
-    } else {
-        parseRuntimeOption("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", stackTraceFileBuf, "-Xstacktracefile:");
-    }
+    addOption("-Xusetombstonedtraces");
     strcpy(jniOptsBuf, "-Xjniopts:");
     if (parseRuntimeOption("dalvik.vm.jniopts", jniOptsBuf, "-Xjniopts:")) {
@@ -860,34 +852,18 @@
     // The runtime will compile a boot image, when necessary, not using installd. Thus, we need to
     // pass the instruction-set-features/variant as an image-compiler-option.
-    // TODO: Find a better way for the instruction-set.
-#if defined(__arm__)
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "arm";
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "arm64";
-#elif defined(__mips__) && !defined(__LP64__)
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "mips";
-#elif defined(__mips__) && defined(__LP64__)
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "mips64";
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "x86";
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "x86_64";
-    constexpr const char* instruction_set = "unknown";
     // Note: it is OK to reuse the buffer, as the values are exactly the same between
     //       * compiler-option, used for runtime compilation (DexClassLoader)
     //       * image-compiler-option, used for boot-image compilation on device
     // Copy the variant.
-    sprintf(dex2oat_isa_variant_key, "dalvik.vm.isa.%s.variant", instruction_set);
+    sprintf(dex2oat_isa_variant_key, "dalvik.vm.isa.%s.variant", ABI_STRING);
     parseCompilerOption(dex2oat_isa_variant_key, dex2oat_isa_variant,
                         "--instruction-set-variant=", "-Ximage-compiler-option");
     parseCompilerOption(dex2oat_isa_variant_key, dex2oat_isa_variant,
                         "--instruction-set-variant=", "-Xcompiler-option");
     // Copy the features.
-    sprintf(dex2oat_isa_features_key, "dalvik.vm.isa.%s.features", instruction_set);
+    sprintf(dex2oat_isa_features_key, "dalvik.vm.isa.%s.features", ABI_STRING);
     parseCompilerOption(dex2oat_isa_features_key, dex2oat_isa_features,
                         "--instruction-set-features=", "-Ximage-compiler-option");
     parseCompilerOption(dex2oat_isa_features_key, dex2oat_isa_features,
diff --git a/core/jni/android_os_Parcel.cpp b/core/jni/android_os_Parcel.cpp
index f0ac79a..a5a3986 100644
--- a/core/jni/android_os_Parcel.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/android_os_Parcel.cpp
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
 #include <binder/IInterface.h>
 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
 #include <utils/SystemClock.h>
 #include <utils/List.h>
diff --git a/core/jni/android_os_SystemProperties.cpp b/core/jni/android_os_SystemProperties.cpp
index a94cac0..9ec7517 100644
--- a/core/jni/android_os_SystemProperties.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/android_os_SystemProperties.cpp
@@ -124,6 +124,12 @@
         if (sVM->GetEnv((void **)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) >= 0) {
             //ALOGI("Java SystemProperties: calling %p", sCallChangeCallbacks);
             env->CallStaticVoidMethod(sClazz, sCallChangeCallbacks);
+            // There should not be any exceptions. But we must guarantee
+            // there are none on return.
+            if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
+                env->ExceptionClear();
+                LOG(ERROR) << "Exception pending after sysprop_change!";
+            }
diff --git a/core/jni/android_util_Binder.cpp b/core/jni/android_util_Binder.cpp
index 93abc63..a040940 100644
--- a/core/jni/android_util_Binder.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/android_util_Binder.cpp
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
 #include <binder/Parcel.h>
 #include <binder/ProcessState.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <log/log.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
 #include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
 #include <utils/List.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
diff --git a/core/jni/com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp b/core/jni/com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp
index 3f95cf4..e5281ff 100644
--- a/core/jni/com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@
 using android::base::StringPrintf;
 using android::base::WriteStringToFile;
+#define CREATE_ERROR(...) StringPrintf("%s:%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__). \
+                              append(StringPrintf(__VA_ARGS__))
 static pid_t gSystemServerPid = 0;
 static const char kZygoteClassName[] = "com/android/internal/os/Zygote";
@@ -186,30 +189,32 @@
 // Calls POSIX setgroups() using the int[] object as an argument.
 // A NULL argument is tolerated.
-static void SetGids(JNIEnv* env, jintArray javaGids) {
+static bool SetGids(JNIEnv* env, jintArray javaGids, std::string* error_msg) {
   if (javaGids == NULL) {
-    return;
+    return true;
   ScopedIntArrayRO gids(env, javaGids);
   if (gids.get() == NULL) {
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Getting gids int array failed");
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("Getting gids int array failed");
+    return false;
   int rc = setgroups(gids.size(), reinterpret_cast<const gid_t*>(&gids[0]));
   if (rc == -1) {
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    oss << "setgroups failed: " << strerror(errno) << ", gids.size=" << gids.size();
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, oss.str().c_str());
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("setgroups failed: %s, gids.size=%zu", strerror(errno), gids.size());
+    return false;
+  return true;
 // Sets the resource limits via setrlimit(2) for the values in the
 // two-dimensional array of integers that's passed in. The second dimension
 // contains a tuple of length 3: (resource, rlim_cur, rlim_max). NULL is
 // treated as an empty array.
-static void SetRLimits(JNIEnv* env, jobjectArray javaRlimits) {
+static bool SetRLimits(JNIEnv* env, jobjectArray javaRlimits, std::string* error_msg) {
   if (javaRlimits == NULL) {
-    return;
+    return true;
   rlimit rlim;
@@ -219,7 +224,8 @@
     ScopedLocalRef<jobject> javaRlimitObject(env, env->GetObjectArrayElement(javaRlimits, i));
     ScopedIntArrayRO javaRlimit(env, reinterpret_cast<jintArray>(javaRlimitObject.get()));
     if (javaRlimit.size() != 3) {
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "rlimits array must have a second dimension of size 3");
+      *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("rlimits array must have a second dimension of size 3");
+      return false;
     rlim.rlim_cur = javaRlimit[1];
@@ -227,11 +233,13 @@
     int rc = setrlimit(javaRlimit[0], &rlim);
     if (rc == -1) {
-      ALOGE("setrlimit(%d, {%ld, %ld}) failed", javaRlimit[0], rlim.rlim_cur,
+      *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("setrlimit(%d, {%ld, %ld}) failed", javaRlimit[0], rlim.rlim_cur,
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "setrlimit failed");
+      return false;
+  return true;
 // The debug malloc library needs to know whether it's the zygote or a child.
@@ -252,21 +260,23 @@
   // Apply system or app filter based on uid.
-  if (getuid() >= AID_APP_START) {
+  if (uid >= AID_APP_START) {
   } else {
-static void EnableKeepCapabilities(JNIEnv* env) {
+static bool EnableKeepCapabilities(std::string* error_msg) {
   int rc = prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1, 0, 0, 0);
   if (rc == -1) {
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS) failed");
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+    return false;
+  return true;
-static void DropCapabilitiesBoundingSet(JNIEnv* env) {
+static bool DropCapabilitiesBoundingSet(std::string* error_msg) {
   for (int i = 0; prctl(PR_CAPBSET_READ, i, 0, 0, 0) >= 0; i++) {
     int rc = prctl(PR_CAPBSET_DROP, i, 0, 0, 0);
     if (rc == -1) {
@@ -274,14 +284,15 @@
         ALOGE("prctl(PR_CAPBSET_DROP) failed with EINVAL. Please verify "
               "your kernel is compiled with file capabilities support");
       } else {
-        ALOGE("prctl(PR_CAPBSET_DROP, %d) failed: %s", i, strerror(errno));
-        RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "prctl(PR_CAPBSET_DROP) failed");
+        *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("prctl(PR_CAPBSET_DROP, %d) failed: %s", i, strerror(errno));
+        return false;
+  return true;
-static void SetInheritable(JNIEnv* env, uint64_t inheritable) {
+static bool SetInheritable(uint64_t inheritable, std::string* error_msg) {
   __user_cap_header_struct capheader;
   memset(&capheader, 0, sizeof(capheader));
   capheader.version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION_3;
@@ -289,21 +300,23 @@
   __user_cap_data_struct capdata[2];
   if (capget(&capheader, &capdata[0]) == -1) {
-    ALOGE("capget failed: %s", strerror(errno));
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "capget failed");
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("capget failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+    return false;
   capdata[0].inheritable = inheritable;
   capdata[1].inheritable = inheritable >> 32;
   if (capset(&capheader, &capdata[0]) == -1) {
-    ALOGE("capset(inh=%" PRIx64 ") failed: %s", inheritable, strerror(errno));
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "capset failed");
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("capset(inh=%" PRIx64 ") failed: %s", inheritable, strerror(errno));
+    return false;
+  return true;
-static void SetCapabilities(JNIEnv* env, uint64_t permitted, uint64_t effective,
-                            uint64_t inheritable) {
+static bool SetCapabilities(uint64_t permitted, uint64_t effective, uint64_t inheritable,
+                            std::string* error_msg) {
   __user_cap_header_struct capheader;
   memset(&capheader, 0, sizeof(capheader));
   capheader.version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION_3;
@@ -319,18 +332,20 @@
   capdata[1].inheritable = inheritable >> 32;
   if (capset(&capheader, &capdata[0]) == -1) {
-    ALOGE("capset(perm=%" PRIx64 ", eff=%" PRIx64 ", inh=%" PRIx64 ") failed: %s", permitted,
-          effective, inheritable, strerror(errno));
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "capset failed");
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("capset(perm=%" PRIx64 ", eff=%" PRIx64 ", inh=%" PRIx64 ") "
+                              "failed: %s", permitted, effective, inheritable, strerror(errno));
+    return false;
+  return true;
-static void SetSchedulerPolicy(JNIEnv* env) {
+static bool SetSchedulerPolicy(std::string* error_msg) {
   errno = -set_sched_policy(0, SP_DEFAULT);
   if (errno != 0) {
-    ALOGE("set_sched_policy(0, SP_DEFAULT) failed");
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "set_sched_policy(0, SP_DEFAULT) failed");
+    *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("set_sched_policy(0, SP_DEFAULT) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+    return false;
+  return true;
 static int UnmountTree(const char* path) {
@@ -364,7 +379,7 @@
 // Create a private mount namespace and bind mount appropriate emulated
 // storage for the given user.
 static bool MountEmulatedStorage(uid_t uid, jint mount_mode,
-        bool force_mount_namespace) {
+        bool force_mount_namespace, std::string* error_msg) {
     // See storage config details at
     String8 storageSource;
@@ -381,7 +396,7 @@
     // Create a second private mount namespace for our process
     if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) == -1) {
-        ALOGW("Failed to unshare(): %s", strerror(errno));
+        *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("Failed to unshare(): %s", strerror(errno));
         return false;
@@ -392,7 +407,9 @@
     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(storageSource.string(), "/storage",
             NULL, MS_BIND | MS_REC | MS_SLAVE, NULL)) == -1) {
-        ALOGW("Failed to mount %s to /storage: %s", storageSource.string(), strerror(errno));
+        *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("Failed to mount %s to /storage: %s",
+                                  storageSource.string(),
+                                  strerror(errno));
         return false;
@@ -400,11 +417,14 @@
     userid_t user_id = multiuser_get_user_id(uid);
     const String8 userSource(String8::format("/mnt/user/%d", user_id));
     if (fs_prepare_dir(userSource.string(), 0751, 0, 0) == -1) {
+        *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("fs_prepare_dir failed on %s", userSource.string());
         return false;
     if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(userSource.string(), "/storage/self",
             NULL, MS_BIND, NULL)) == -1) {
-        ALOGW("Failed to mount %s to /storage/self: %s", userSource.string(), strerror(errno));
+        *error_msg = CREATE_ERROR("Failed to mount %s to /storage/self: %s",
+                                  userSource.string(),
+                                  strerror(errno));
         return false;
@@ -436,31 +456,32 @@
 // descriptor (if any) is closed via dup2(), replacing it with a valid
 // (open) descriptor to /dev/null.
-static void DetachDescriptors(JNIEnv* env, jintArray fdsToClose) {
+static bool DetachDescriptors(JNIEnv* env, jintArray fdsToClose, std::string* error_msg) {
   if (!fdsToClose) {
-    return;
+    return true;
   jsize count = env->GetArrayLength(fdsToClose);
   ScopedIntArrayRO ar(env, fdsToClose);
   if (ar.get() == NULL) {
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Bad fd array");
+    *error_msg = "Bad fd array";
+    return false;
   jsize i;
   int devnull;
   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     devnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
     if (devnull < 0) {
-      ALOGE("Failed to open /dev/null: %s", strerror(errno));
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Failed to open /dev/null");
-      continue;
+      *error_msg = std::string("Failed to open /dev/null: ").append(strerror(errno));
+      return false;
     ALOGV("Switching descriptor %d to /dev/null: %s", ar[i], strerror(errno));
     if (dup2(devnull, ar[i]) < 0) {
-      ALOGE("Failed dup2() on descriptor %d: %s", ar[i], strerror(errno));
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Failed dup2()");
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed dup2() on descriptor %d: %s", ar[i], strerror(errno));
+      return false;
+  return true;
 void SetThreadName(const char* thread_name) {
@@ -488,25 +509,30 @@
   if (errno != 0) {
     ALOGW("Unable to set the name of current thread to '%s': %s", buf, strerror(errno));
+  // Update base::logging default tag.
+  android::base::SetDefaultTag(buf);
 // The list of open zygote file descriptors.
 static FileDescriptorTable* gOpenFdTable = NULL;
-static void FillFileDescriptorVector(JNIEnv* env,
+static bool FillFileDescriptorVector(JNIEnv* env,
                                      jintArray java_fds,
-                                     std::vector<int>* fds) {
+                                     std::vector<int>* fds,
+                                     std::string* error_msg) {
   CHECK(fds != nullptr);
   if (java_fds != nullptr) {
     ScopedIntArrayRO ar(env, java_fds);
     if (ar.get() == nullptr) {
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Bad fd array");
+      *error_msg = "Bad fd array";
+      return false;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < ar.size(); ++i) {
+  return true;
 // Utility routine to fork zygote and specialize the child process.
@@ -524,32 +550,53 @@
   sigaddset(&sigchld, SIGCHLD);
+  auto fail_fn = [env, java_se_name, is_system_server](const std::string& msg)
+      __attribute__ ((noreturn)) {
+    const char* se_name_c_str = nullptr;
+    std::unique_ptr<ScopedUtfChars> se_name;
+    if (java_se_name != nullptr) {
+      se_name.reset(new ScopedUtfChars(env, java_se_name));
+      se_name_c_str = se_name->c_str();
+    }
+    if (se_name_c_str == nullptr && is_system_server) {
+      se_name_c_str = "system_server";
+    }
+    const std::string& error_msg = (se_name_c_str == nullptr)
+        ? msg
+        : StringPrintf("(%s) %s", se_name_c_str, msg.c_str());
+    env->FatalError(error_msg.c_str());
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+  };
   // Temporarily block SIGCHLD during forks. The SIGCHLD handler might
   // log, which would result in the logging FDs we close being reopened.
   // This would cause failures because the FDs are not whitelisted.
   // Note that the zygote process is single threaded at this point.
   if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigchld, nullptr) == -1) {
-    ALOGE("sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, { SIGCHLD }) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Call to sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, { SIGCHLD }) failed.");
+    fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, { SIGCHLD }) failed: %s", strerror(errno)));
   // Close any logging related FDs before we start evaluating the list of
   // file descriptors.
+  std::string error_msg;
   // If this is the first fork for this zygote, create the open FD table.
   // If it isn't, we just need to check whether the list of open files has
   // changed (and it shouldn't in the normal case).
   std::vector<int> fds_to_ignore;
-  FillFileDescriptorVector(env, fdsToIgnore, &fds_to_ignore);
+  if (!FillFileDescriptorVector(env, fdsToIgnore, &fds_to_ignore, &error_msg)) {
+    fail_fn(error_msg);
+  }
   if (gOpenFdTable == NULL) {
-    gOpenFdTable = FileDescriptorTable::Create(fds_to_ignore);
+    gOpenFdTable = FileDescriptorTable::Create(fds_to_ignore, &error_msg);
     if (gOpenFdTable == NULL) {
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Unable to construct file descriptor table.");
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
-  } else if (!gOpenFdTable->Restat(fds_to_ignore)) {
-    RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Unable to restat file descriptor table.");
+  } else if (!gOpenFdTable->Restat(fds_to_ignore, &error_msg)) {
+    fail_fn(error_msg);
   pid_t pid = fork();
@@ -558,31 +605,33 @@
     // Clean up any descriptors which must be closed immediately
-    DetachDescriptors(env, fdsToClose);
+    if (!DetachDescriptors(env, fdsToClose, &error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
     // Re-open all remaining open file descriptors so that they aren't shared
     // with the zygote across a fork.
-    if (!gOpenFdTable->ReopenOrDetach()) {
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Unable to reopen whitelisted descriptors.");
+    if (!gOpenFdTable->ReopenOrDetach(&error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
     if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigchld, nullptr) == -1) {
-      ALOGE("sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, { SIGCHLD }) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Call to sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, { SIGCHLD }) failed.");
+      fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, { SIGCHLD }) failed: %s", strerror(errno)));
-    // Must be called when the new process still has CAP_SYS_ADMIN.  The other alternative is to
-    // call prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1) afterward, but that breaks SELinux domain transition (see
-    // b/71859146).
-    SetUpSeccompFilter(uid);
     // Keep capabilities across UID change, unless we're staying root.
     if (uid != 0) {
-      EnableKeepCapabilities(env);
+      if (!EnableKeepCapabilities(&error_msg)) {
+        fail_fn(error_msg);
+      }
-    SetInheritable(env, permittedCapabilities);
-    DropCapabilitiesBoundingSet(env);
+    if (!SetInheritable(permittedCapabilities, &error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
+    if (!DropCapabilitiesBoundingSet(&error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
     bool use_native_bridge = !is_system_server && (instructionSet != NULL)
         && android::NativeBridgeAvailable();
@@ -599,8 +648,8 @@
       ALOGW("Native bridge will not be used because dataDir == NULL.");
-    if (!MountEmulatedStorage(uid, mount_external, use_native_bridge)) {
-      ALOGW("Failed to mount emulated storage: %s", strerror(errno));
+    if (!MountEmulatedStorage(uid, mount_external, use_native_bridge, &error_msg)) {
+      ALOGW("Failed to mount emulated storage: %s (%s)", error_msg.c_str(), strerror(errno));
       if (errno == ENOTCONN || errno == EROFS) {
         // When device is actively encrypting, we get ENOTCONN here
         // since FUSE was mounted before the framework restarted.
@@ -608,7 +657,7 @@
         // FUSE hasn't been created yet by init.
         // In either case, continue without external storage.
       } else {
-        RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Cannot continue without emulated storage");
+        fail_fn(error_msg);
@@ -623,9 +672,14 @@
-    SetGids(env, javaGids);
+    std::string error_msg;
+    if (!SetGids(env, javaGids, &error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
-    SetRLimits(env, javaRlimits);
+    if (!SetRLimits(env, javaRlimits, &error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
     if (use_native_bridge) {
       ScopedUtfChars isa_string(env, instructionSet);
@@ -635,14 +689,19 @@
     int rc = setresgid(gid, gid, gid);
     if (rc == -1) {
-      ALOGE("setresgid(%d) failed: %s", gid, strerror(errno));
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "setresgid failed");
+      fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("setresgid(%d) failed: %s", gid, strerror(errno)));
+    // Must be called when the new process still has CAP_SYS_ADMIN, in this case, before changing
+    // uid from 0, which clears capabilities.  The other alternative is to call
+    // prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1) afterward, but that breaks SELinux domain transition (see
+    // b/71859146).  As the result, privileged syscalls used below still need to be accessible in
+    // app process.
+    SetUpSeccompFilter(uid);
     rc = setresuid(uid, uid, uid);
     if (rc == -1) {
-      ALOGE("setresuid(%d) failed: %s", uid, strerror(errno));
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "setresuid failed");
+      fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("setresuid(%d) failed: %s", uid, strerror(errno)));
     if (NeedsNoRandomizeWorkaround()) {
@@ -654,9 +713,14 @@
-    SetCapabilities(env, permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities, permittedCapabilities);
+    if (!SetCapabilities(permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities, permittedCapabilities,
+                         &error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
-    SetSchedulerPolicy(env);
+    if (!SetSchedulerPolicy(&error_msg)) {
+      fail_fn(error_msg);
+    }
     const char* se_info_c_str = NULL;
     ScopedUtfChars* se_info = NULL;
@@ -664,7 +728,7 @@
         se_info = new ScopedUtfChars(env, java_se_info);
         se_info_c_str = se_info->c_str();
         if (se_info_c_str == NULL) {
-          RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "se_info_c_str == NULL");
+          fail_fn("se_info_c_str == NULL");
     const char* se_name_c_str = NULL;
@@ -673,22 +737,21 @@
         se_name = new ScopedUtfChars(env, java_se_name);
         se_name_c_str = se_name->c_str();
         if (se_name_c_str == NULL) {
-          RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "se_name_c_str == NULL");
+          fail_fn("se_name_c_str == NULL");
     rc = selinux_android_setcontext(uid, is_system_server, se_info_c_str, se_name_c_str);
     if (rc == -1) {
-      ALOGE("selinux_android_setcontext(%d, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\") failed", uid,
-            is_system_server, se_info_c_str, se_name_c_str);
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "selinux_android_setcontext failed");
+      fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("selinux_android_setcontext(%d, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\") failed", uid,
+            is_system_server, se_info_c_str, se_name_c_str));
     // Make it easier to debug audit logs by setting the main thread's name to the
     // nice name rather than "app_process".
-    if (se_info_c_str == NULL && is_system_server) {
+    if (se_name_c_str == NULL && is_system_server) {
       se_name_c_str = "system_server";
-    if (se_info_c_str != NULL) {
+    if (se_name_c_str != NULL) {
@@ -701,15 +764,14 @@
     env->CallStaticVoidMethod(gZygoteClass, gCallPostForkChildHooks, runtime_flags,
                               is_system_server, is_child_zygote, instructionSet);
     if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Error calling post fork hooks.");
+      fail_fn("Error calling post fork hooks.");
   } else if (pid > 0) {
     // the parent process
     // We blocked SIGCHLD prior to a fork, we unblock it here.
     if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigchld, nullptr) == -1) {
-      ALOGE("sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, { SIGCHLD }) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
-      RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "Call to sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, { SIGCHLD }) failed.");
+      fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, { SIGCHLD }) failed: %s", strerror(errno)));
   return pid;
diff --git a/core/jni/fd_utils.cpp b/core/jni/fd_utils.cpp
index 1383bbd..b19848b 100644
--- a/core/jni/fd_utils.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/fd_utils.cpp
@@ -119,14 +119,57 @@
 FileDescriptorWhitelist* FileDescriptorWhitelist::instance_ = nullptr;
+// Keeps track of all relevant information (flags, offset etc.) of an
+// open zygote file descriptor.
+class FileDescriptorInfo {
+ public:
+  // Create a FileDescriptorInfo for a given file descriptor. Returns
+  // |NULL| if an error occurred.
+  static FileDescriptorInfo* CreateFromFd(int fd, std::string* error_msg);
+  // Checks whether the file descriptor associated with this object
+  // refers to the same description.
+  bool Restat() const;
+  bool ReopenOrDetach(std::string* error_msg) const;
+  const int fd;
+  const struct stat stat;
+  const std::string file_path;
+  const int open_flags;
+  const int fd_flags;
+  const int fs_flags;
+  const off_t offset;
+  const bool is_sock;
+ private:
+  FileDescriptorInfo(int fd);
+  FileDescriptorInfo(struct stat stat, const std::string& file_path, int fd, int open_flags,
+                     int fd_flags, int fs_flags, off_t offset);
+  // Returns the locally-bound name of the socket |fd|. Returns true
+  // iff. all of the following hold :
+  //
+  // - the socket's sa_family is AF_UNIX.
+  // - the length of the path is greater than zero (i.e, not an unnamed socket).
+  // - the first byte of the path isn't zero (i.e, not a socket with an abstract
+  //   address).
+  static bool GetSocketName(const int fd, std::string* result);
+  bool DetachSocket(std::string* error_msg) const;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileDescriptorInfo);
 // static
-FileDescriptorInfo* FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(int fd) {
+FileDescriptorInfo* FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(int fd, std::string* error_msg) {
   struct stat f_stat;
   // This should never happen; the zygote should always have the right set
   // of permissions required to stat all its open files.
   if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat(fd, &f_stat)) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to stat fd " << fd;
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Unable to stat %d", fd);
+    return nullptr;
   const FileDescriptorWhitelist* whitelist = FileDescriptorWhitelist::Get();
@@ -134,13 +177,15 @@
   if (S_ISSOCK(f_stat.st_mode)) {
     std::string socket_name;
     if (!GetSocketName(fd, &socket_name)) {
-      return NULL;
+      *error_msg = "Unable to get socket name";
+      return nullptr;
     if (!whitelist->IsAllowed(socket_name)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Socket name not whitelisted : " << socket_name
-                 << " (fd=" << fd << ")";
-      return NULL;
+      *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Socket name not whitelisted : %s (fd=%d)",
+                                               socket_name.c_str(),
+                                               fd);
+      return nullptr;
     return new FileDescriptorInfo(fd);
@@ -157,19 +202,22 @@
   // with the child process across forks but those should have been closed
   // before we got to this point.
   if (!S_ISCHR(f_stat.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(f_stat.st_mode)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported st_mode " << f_stat.st_mode;
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Unsupported st_mode %u", f_stat.st_mode);
+    return nullptr;
   std::string file_path;
   const std::string fd_path = android::base::StringPrintf("/proc/self/fd/%d", fd);
   if (!android::base::Readlink(fd_path, &file_path)) {
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Could not read fd link %s: %s",
+                                             fd_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
+    return nullptr;
   if (!whitelist->IsAllowed(file_path)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Not whitelisted : " << file_path;
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = std::string("Not whitelisted : ").append(file_path);
+    return nullptr;
   // File descriptor flags : currently on FD_CLOEXEC. We can set these
@@ -177,8 +225,11 @@
   // there won't be any races.
   const int fd_flags = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(fd, F_GETFD));
   if (fd_flags == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed fcntl(" << fd << ", F_GETFD)";
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed fcntl(%d, F_GETFD) (%s): %s",
+                                             fd,
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
+    return nullptr;
   // File status flags :
@@ -195,8 +246,11 @@
   //   their presence and pass them in to open().
   int fs_flags = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(fd, F_GETFL));
   if (fs_flags == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed fcntl(" << fd << ", F_GETFL)";
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed fcntl(%d, F_GETFL) (%s): %s",
+                                             fd,
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
+    return nullptr;
   // File offset : Ignore the offset for non seekable files.
@@ -221,9 +275,9 @@
   return f_stat.st_ino == stat.st_ino && f_stat.st_dev == stat.st_dev;
-bool FileDescriptorInfo::ReopenOrDetach() const {
+bool FileDescriptorInfo::ReopenOrDetach(std::string* error_msg) const {
   if (is_sock) {
-    return DetachSocket();
+    return DetachSocket(error_msg);
   // NOTE: This might happen if the file was unlinked after being opened.
@@ -232,31 +286,49 @@
   const int new_fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(file_path.c_str(), open_flags));
   if (new_fd == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed open(" << file_path << ", " << open_flags << ")";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed open(%s, %i): %s",
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             open_flags,
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
   if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(new_fd, F_SETFD, fd_flags)) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed fcntl(" << new_fd << ", F_SETFD, " << fd_flags << ")";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed fcntl(%d, F_SETFD, %d) (%s): %s",
+                                             new_fd,
+                                             fd_flags,
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
   if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(new_fd, F_SETFL, fs_flags)) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed fcntl(" << new_fd << ", F_SETFL, " << fs_flags << ")";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed fcntl(%d, F_SETFL, %d) (%s): %s",
+                                             new_fd,
+                                             fs_flags,
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
   if (offset != -1 && TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lseek64(new_fd, offset, SEEK_SET)) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed lseek64(" << new_fd << ", SEEK_SET)";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed lseek64(%d, SEEK_SET) (%s): %s",
+                                             new_fd,
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
   if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup2(new_fd, fd)) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed dup2(" << fd << ", " << new_fd << ")";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed dup2(%d, %d) (%s): %s",
+                                             fd,
+                                             new_fd,
+                                             file_path.c_str(),
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
@@ -332,20 +404,22 @@
   return true;
-bool FileDescriptorInfo::DetachSocket() const {
+bool FileDescriptorInfo::DetachSocket(std::string* error_msg) const {
   const int dev_null_fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
   if (dev_null_fd < 0) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open /dev/null";
+    *error_msg = std::string("Failed to open /dev/null: ").append(strerror(errno));
     return false;
   if (dup2(dev_null_fd, fd) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed dup2 on socket descriptor " << fd;
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed dup2 on socket descriptor %d: %s",
+                                             fd,
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
   if (close(dev_null_fd) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed close(" << dev_null_fd << ")";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Failed close(%d): %s", dev_null_fd, strerror(errno));
     return false;
@@ -353,11 +427,12 @@
 // static
-FileDescriptorTable* FileDescriptorTable::Create(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore) {
+FileDescriptorTable* FileDescriptorTable::Create(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore,
+                                                 std::string* error_msg) {
   DIR* d = opendir(kFdPath);
-  if (d == NULL) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open directory " << std::string(kFdPath);
-    return NULL;
+  if (d == nullptr) {
+    *error_msg = std::string("Unable to open directory ").append(kFdPath);
+    return nullptr;
   int dir_fd = dirfd(d);
   dirent* e;
@@ -373,7 +448,7 @@
-    FileDescriptorInfo* info = FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(fd);
+    FileDescriptorInfo* info = FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(fd, error_msg);
     if (info == NULL) {
       if (closedir(d) == -1) {
         PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to close directory";
@@ -384,19 +459,21 @@
   if (closedir(d) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to close directory";
-    return NULL;
+    *error_msg = "Unable to close directory";
+    return nullptr;
   return new FileDescriptorTable(open_fd_map);
-bool FileDescriptorTable::Restat(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore) {
+bool FileDescriptorTable::Restat(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore, std::string* error_msg) {
   std::set<int> open_fds;
   // First get the list of open descriptors.
   DIR* d = opendir(kFdPath);
   if (d == NULL) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open directory " << std::string(kFdPath);
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Unable to open directory %s: %s",
+                                             kFdPath,
+                                             strerror(errno));
     return false;
@@ -416,21 +493,21 @@
   if (closedir(d) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to close directory";
+    *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("Unable to close directory: %s", strerror(errno));
     return false;
-  return RestatInternal(open_fds);
+  return RestatInternal(open_fds, error_msg);
 // Reopens all file descriptors that are contained in the table. Returns true
 // if all descriptors were successfully re-opened or detached, and false if an
 // error occurred.
-bool FileDescriptorTable::ReopenOrDetach() {
+bool FileDescriptorTable::ReopenOrDetach(std::string* error_msg) {
   std::unordered_map<int, FileDescriptorInfo*>::const_iterator it;
   for (it = open_fd_map_.begin(); it != open_fd_map_.end(); ++it) {
     const FileDescriptorInfo* info = it->second;
-    if (info == NULL || !info->ReopenOrDetach()) {
+    if (info == NULL || !info->ReopenOrDetach(error_msg)) {
       return false;
@@ -443,7 +520,7 @@
     : open_fd_map_(map) {
-bool FileDescriptorTable::RestatInternal(std::set<int>& open_fds) {
+bool FileDescriptorTable::RestatInternal(std::set<int>& open_fds, std::string* error_msg) {
   bool error = false;
   // Iterate through the list of file descriptors we've already recorded
@@ -451,6 +528,8 @@
   // (a) they continue to be open.
   // (b) they refer to the same file.
+  //
+  // We'll only store the last error message.
   std::unordered_map<int, FileDescriptorInfo*>::iterator it = open_fd_map_.begin();
   while (it != open_fd_map_.end()) {
     std::set<int>::const_iterator element = open_fds.find(it->first);
@@ -471,7 +550,7 @@
         // The file descriptor refers to a different description. We must
         // update our entry in the table.
         delete it->second;
-        it->second = FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(*element);
+        it->second = FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(*element, error_msg);
         if (it->second == NULL) {
           // The descriptor no longer no longer refers to a whitelisted file.
           // We flag an error and remove it from the list of files we're
@@ -506,7 +585,7 @@
     std::set<int>::const_iterator it;
     for (it = open_fds.begin(); it != open_fds.end(); ++it) {
       const int fd = (*it);
-      FileDescriptorInfo* info = FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(fd);
+      FileDescriptorInfo* info = FileDescriptorInfo::CreateFromFd(fd, error_msg);
       if (info == NULL) {
         // A newly opened file is not on the whitelist. Flag an error and
         // continue.
diff --git a/core/jni/fd_utils.h b/core/jni/fd_utils.h
index a39e387..a3570d7 100644
--- a/core/jni/fd_utils.h
+++ b/core/jni/fd_utils.h
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include <android-base/macros.h>
+class FileDescriptorInfo;
 // Whitelist of open paths that the zygote is allowed to keep open.
 // In addition to the paths listed in kPathWhitelist in file_utils.cpp, and
@@ -66,49 +68,6 @@
-// Keeps track of all relevant information (flags, offset etc.) of an
-// open zygote file descriptor.
-class FileDescriptorInfo {
- public:
-  // Create a FileDescriptorInfo for a given file descriptor. Returns
-  // |NULL| if an error occurred.
-  static FileDescriptorInfo* CreateFromFd(int fd);
-  // Checks whether the file descriptor associated with this object
-  // refers to the same description.
-  bool Restat() const;
-  bool ReopenOrDetach() const;
-  const int fd;
-  const struct stat stat;
-  const std::string file_path;
-  const int open_flags;
-  const int fd_flags;
-  const int fs_flags;
-  const off_t offset;
-  const bool is_sock;
- private:
-  FileDescriptorInfo(int fd);
-  FileDescriptorInfo(struct stat stat, const std::string& file_path, int fd, int open_flags,
-                     int fd_flags, int fs_flags, off_t offset);
-  // Returns the locally-bound name of the socket |fd|. Returns true
-  // iff. all of the following hold :
-  //
-  // - the socket's sa_family is AF_UNIX.
-  // - the length of the path is greater than zero (i.e, not an unnamed socket).
-  // - the first byte of the path isn't zero (i.e, not a socket with an abstract
-  //   address).
-  static bool GetSocketName(const int fd, std::string* result);
-  bool DetachSocket() const;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileDescriptorInfo);
 // A FileDescriptorTable is a collection of FileDescriptorInfo objects
 // keyed by their FDs.
 class FileDescriptorTable {
@@ -116,19 +75,20 @@
   // Creates a new FileDescriptorTable. This function scans
   // /proc/self/fd for the list of open file descriptors and collects
   // information about them. Returns NULL if an error occurs.
-  static FileDescriptorTable* Create(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore);
+  static FileDescriptorTable* Create(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore,
+                                     std::string* error_msg);
-  bool Restat(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore);
+  bool Restat(const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore, std::string* error_msg);
   // Reopens all file descriptors that are contained in the table. Returns true
   // if all descriptors were successfully re-opened or detached, and false if an
   // error occurred.
-  bool ReopenOrDetach();
+  bool ReopenOrDetach(std::string* error_msg);
   FileDescriptorTable(const std::unordered_map<int, FileDescriptorInfo*>& map);
-  bool RestatInternal(std::set<int>& open_fds);
+  bool RestatInternal(std::set<int>& open_fds, std::string* error_msg);
   static int ParseFd(dirent* e, int dir_fd);
diff --git a/core/proto/android/bluetooth/enums.proto b/core/proto/android/bluetooth/enums.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e459e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/proto/android/bluetooth/enums.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+syntax = "proto2";
+package android.bluetooth;
+option java_outer_classname = "BluetoothProtoEnums";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+// Bluetooth connection states.
+enum ConnectionStateEnum {
+// Bluetooth Adapter Enable and Disable Reasons
+enum EnableDisableReasonEnum {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml b/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
index 4ea2d10..20a5afe 100644
--- a/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.OVERLAY_REMOVED" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.OVERLAY_PRIORITY_CHANGED" />
+    <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGING" />
@@ -177,6 +178,8 @@
         android:name="android.bluetooth.hearingaid.profile.action.PLAYING_STATE_CHANGED" />
+        android:name="android.bluetooth.hearingaid.profile.action.ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED" />
+    <protected-broadcast
         android:name="android.bluetooth.a2dp.profile.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED" />
         android:name="android.bluetooth.a2dp.profile.action.ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED" />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/core/res/res/values/config.xml
index 42efc21..3dd950e 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/config.xml
@@ -1578,6 +1578,9 @@
     <!-- Operating volatage for bluetooth controller. 0 by default-->
     <integer translatable="false" name="config_bluetooth_operating_voltage_mv">0</integer>
+    <!-- Max number of connected audio devices supported by Bluetooth stack -->
+    <integer name="config_bluetooth_max_connected_audio_devices">5</integer>
     <!-- Whether supported profiles should be reloaded upon enabling bluetooth -->
     <bool name="config_bluetooth_reload_supported_profiles_when_enabled">false</bool>
@@ -2090,6 +2093,9 @@
     <!-- Whether UI for multi user should be shown -->
     <bool name="config_enableMultiUserUI">false</bool>
+    <!-- Whether the new Auto Selection Network UI should be shown -->
+    <bool name="config_enableNewAutoSelectNetworkUI">false</bool>
     <!-- If true, then we do not ask user for permission for apps to connect to USB devices.
          Do not set this to true for production devices. Doing so will cause you to fail CTS. -->
     <bool name="config_disableUsbPermissionDialogs">false</bool>
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
index 0a36ba7..9e38efe 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -138,25 +138,28 @@
     <string name="CLIRPermanent">You can\'t change the caller ID setting.</string>
     <!-- Notification title to tell the user that data service is blocked by access control. -->
-    <string name="RestrictedOnDataTitle">No data service</string>
+    <string name="RestrictedOnDataTitle">No mobile data service</string>
     <!-- Notification title to tell the user that emergency calling is blocked by access control. -->
-    <string name="RestrictedOnEmergencyTitle">No emergency calling</string>
+    <string name="RestrictedOnEmergencyTitle">Emergency calling unavailable</string>
     <!-- Notification title to tell the user that normal service is blocked by access control. -->
     <string name="RestrictedOnNormalTitle">No voice service</string>
     <!-- Notification title to tell the user that all emergency and normal voice services are blocked by access control. -->
-    <string name="RestrictedOnAllVoiceTitle">No voice/emergency service</string>
+    <string name="RestrictedOnAllVoiceTitle">No voice service or emergency calling</string>
     <!-- Notification content to tell the user that voice/data/emergency service is blocked by access control. -->
-    <string name="RestrictedStateContent">Temporarily not offered by the mobile network at your location</string>
+    <string name="RestrictedStateContent">Temporarily turned off by your carrier</string>
+    <!-- Notification content to tell the user that voice/data/emergency service is blocked by access control when multiple SIMs are active. -->
+    <string name="RestrictedStateContentMsimTemplate">Temporarily turned off by your carrier for SIM <xliff:g id="simNumber" example="1">%d</xliff:g></string>
     <!-- Displayed to tell the user that they should switch their network preference. -->
-    <string name="NetworkPreferenceSwitchTitle">Can\u2019t reach network</string>
+    <string name="NetworkPreferenceSwitchTitle">Can\u2019t reach mobile network</string>
     <!-- Displayed to tell the user that they should switch their network preference. -->
-    <string name="NetworkPreferenceSwitchSummary">To improve reception, try changing the type selected at Settings &gt; Network &amp; Internet &gt; Mobile networks &gt; Preferred network type."</string>
+    <string name="NetworkPreferenceSwitchSummary">Try changing preferred network. Tap to change.</string>
     <!-- Displayed to tell the user that emergency calls might not be available. -->
-    <string name="EmergencyCallWarningTitle">Wi\u2011Fi calling is active</string>
+    <string name="EmergencyCallWarningTitle">Emergency calling unavailable</string>
     <!-- Displayed to tell the user that emergency calls might not be available. -->
-    <string name="EmergencyCallWarningSummary">Emergency calls require a mobile network.</string>
+    <string name="EmergencyCallWarningSummary">Can\u2019t make emergency calls over Wi\u2011Fi</string>
     <!-- Telephony notification channel name for a channel containing network alert notifications. -->
     <string name="notification_channel_network_alert">Alerts</string>
@@ -215,14 +218,14 @@
     <string name="roamingTextSearching">Searching for Service</string>
     <!-- Displayed when WFC registration fails -->
-    <string name="wfcRegErrorTitle">Wi-Fi Calling</string>
+    <string name="wfcRegErrorTitle">Couldn\u2019t set up Wi\u2011Fi calling</string>
     <!-- WFC Operator Error Messages showed as alerts -->
     <string-array name="wfcOperatorErrorAlertMessages">
         <item>To make calls and send messages over Wi-Fi, first ask your carrier to set up this service. Then turn on Wi-Fi calling again from Settings. (Error code: <xliff:g id="code" example="REG09 - No 911 Address">%1$s</xliff:g>)</item>
     <!-- WFC Operator Error Messages showed as notifications -->
     <string-array name="wfcOperatorErrorNotificationMessages">
-        <item>Register with your carrier (Error code: <xliff:g id="code" example="REG09 - No 911 Address">%1$s</xliff:g>)</item>
+        <item>Issue registering Wi\u2011Fi calling with your carrier: <xliff:g id="code" example="REG09 - No 911 Address">%1$s</xliff:g></item>
     <!-- Template for showing mobile network operator name while WFC is active -->
     <string-array name="wfcSpnFormats">
@@ -3462,6 +3465,13 @@
     <string name="tethered_notification_title">Tethering or hotspot active</string>
     <string name="tethered_notification_message">Tap to set up.</string>
+    <!-- Strings for tether disabling notification -->
+    <!-- This notification is shown when tethering has been disabled on a user's device.
+    The device is managed by the user's employer. Tethering can't be turned on unless the
+    IT administrator allows it. The noun "admin" is another reference for "IT administrator." -->
+    <string name="disable_tether_notification_title">Tethering is disabled</string>
+    <string name="disable_tether_notification_message">Contact your admin for details</string>
     <!--  Strings for possible PreferenceActivity Back/Next buttons -->
     <string name="back_button_label">Back</string>
     <string name="next_button_label">Next</string>
@@ -4430,14 +4440,14 @@
     <!-- Displayed when the USSD/SS request is modified by STK CC to a
     different request. This will be displayed in a toast. -->
-    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_dial">USSD request is modified to DIAL request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_ss">USSD request is modified to SS request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_ussd">USSD request is modified to new USSD request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_dial_video">USSD request is modified to Video DIAL request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_dial">SS request is modified to DIAL request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_dial_video">SS request is modified to Video DIAL request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_ussd">SS request is modified to USSD request.</string>
-    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_ss">SS request is modified to new SS request.</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_dial">USSD request changed to regular call</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_ss">USSD request changed to SS request</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_ussd">Changed to new USSD request</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ussd_to_dial_video">USSD request changed to video call</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_dial">SS request changed to regular call</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_dial_video">SS request changed to video call</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_ussd">SS request changed to USSD request</string>
+    <string name="stk_cc_ss_to_ss">Changed to new SS request</string>
     <!-- Content description of the work profile icon in the notification. -->
     <string name="notification_work_profile_content_description">Work profile</string>
@@ -4675,11 +4685,17 @@
     <!-- Primary ETWS (Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System) default message for others -->
     <string name="etws_primary_default_message_others"></string>
-    <!-- Title of notification when UE fails to register network with MM reject cause code. -->
-    <string name="mmcc_authentication_reject">SIM not allowed</string>
-    <string name="mmcc_imsi_unknown_in_hlr">SIM not provisioned</string>
-    <string name="mmcc_illegal_ms">SIM not allowed</string>
-    <string name="mmcc_illegal_me">Phone not allowed</string>
+    <!-- Title of notification when UE fails CS registration network with MM reject cause code from network. -->
+    <string name="mmcc_authentication_reject">SIM not allowed for voice</string>
+    <string name="mmcc_imsi_unknown_in_hlr">SIM not provisioned for voice</string>
+    <string name="mmcc_illegal_ms">SIM not allowed for voice</string>
+    <string name="mmcc_illegal_me">Phone not allowed for voice</string>
+    <!-- Title of notification when UE fails to register network with MM reject cause code when multiple SIMs are active. -->
+    <string name="mmcc_authentication_reject_msim_template">SIM <xliff:g id="simNumber" example="1">%d</xliff:g> not allowed</string>
+    <string name="mmcc_imsi_unknown_in_hlr_msim_template">SIM <xliff:g id="simNumber" example="1">%d</xliff:g> not provisioned</string>
+    <string name="mmcc_illegal_ms_msim_template">SIM <xliff:g id="simNumber" example="1">%d</xliff:g> not allowed</string>
+    <string name="mmcc_illegal_me_msim_template">SIM <xliff:g id="simNumber" example="1">%d</xliff:g> not allowed</string>
     <!-- Popup window default title to be read by a screen reader-->
     <string name="popup_window_default_title">Popup Window</string>
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml b/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml
index ba9b8fe..e52f0f8 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/symbols.xml
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_forceDefaultOrientation" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_wifi_batched_scan_supported" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_enableMultiUserUI"/>
+  <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_enableNewAutoSelectNetworkUI"/>
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_disableUsbPermissionDialogs"/>
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_hasRecents" />
   <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_windowShowCircularMask" />
@@ -395,6 +396,7 @@
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_wifi_framework_current_network_boost" />
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_bluetooth_max_advertisers" />
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_bluetooth_max_scan_filters" />
+  <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_bluetooth_max_connected_audio_devices" />
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_burnInProtectionMinHorizontalOffset" />
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_burnInProtectionMaxHorizontalOffset" />
   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_burnInProtectionMinVerticalOffset" />
@@ -545,6 +547,7 @@
   <java-symbol type="string" name="RestrictedOnEmergencyTitle" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="RestrictedOnNormalTitle" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="RestrictedStateContent" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="RestrictedStateContentMsimTemplate" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="notification_channel_network_alert" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="notification_channel_call_forward" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="notification_channel_emergency_callback" />
@@ -1954,6 +1957,10 @@
   <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_imsi_unknown_in_hlr" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_illegal_ms" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_illegal_me" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_authentication_reject_msim_template" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_imsi_unknown_in_hlr_msim_template" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_illegal_ms_msim_template" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="mmcc_illegal_me_msim_template" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="notification_listener_binding_label" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="vr_listener_binding_label" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="condition_provider_service_binding_label" />
@@ -1966,6 +1973,8 @@
   <java-symbol type="string" name="smv_process" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="tethered_notification_message" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="tethered_notification_title" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="disable_tether_notification_message" />
+  <java-symbol type="string" name="disable_tether_notification_title" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="adb_debugging_notification_channel_tv" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="usb_accessory_notification_title" />
   <java-symbol type="string" name="usb_mtp_notification_title" />
diff --git a/core/res/res/xml/sms_short_codes.xml b/core/res/res/xml/sms_short_codes.xml
index f5b350b..8947bf0 100644
--- a/core/res/res/xml/sms_short_codes.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/xml/sms_short_codes.xml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     <!-- Arab Emirates -->
-    <shortcode country="ae" free="3214|1017" />
+    <shortcode country="ae" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="3214|1017" />
     <!-- Albania: 5 digits, known short codes listed -->
     <shortcode country="al" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="15191|55[56]00" />
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     <shortcode country="cn" premium="1066.*" free="1065.*" />
     <!-- Colombia: 1-6 digits (not confirmed) -->
-    <shortcode country="co" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="890350" />
+    <shortcode country="co" pattern="\\d{1,6}" free="890350|908160" />
     <!-- Cyprus: 4-6 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed, plus EU -->
     <shortcode country="cy" pattern="\\d{4,6}" premium="7510" free="116\\d{3}" />
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     <shortcode country="gr" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="54\\d{3}|19[0-5]\\d{2}" free="116\\d{3}|12115" />
     <!-- Croatia -->
-    <shortcode country="hr" free="13062" />
+    <shortcode country="hr" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="13062" />
     <!-- Hungary: 4 or 10 digits starting with 1 or 0, plus EU:
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     <shortcode country="it" pattern="\\d{5}" premium="4\\d{4}" free="116\\d{3}|4112503" standard="43\\d{3}" />
     <!-- Japan: 8083 used by SOFTBANK_DCB_2 -->
-    <shortcode country="jp" free="8083" />
+    <shortcode country="jp" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="8083" />
     <!-- Kenya: 5 digits, known premium codes listed -->
     <shortcode country="ke" pattern="\\d{5}" free="21725" />
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@
     <shortcode country="kz" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="335[02]|4161|444[469]|77[2359]0|8444|919[3-5]|968[2-5]" />
     <!-- Kuwait: 1-5 digits (standard system default, not country specific) -->
-    <shortcode country="kw" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="1378|50420|94006" />
+    <shortcode country="kw" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="1378|50420|94006|55991" />
     <!-- Lithuania: 3-5 digits, known premium codes listed, plus EU -->
-    <shortcode country="lt" pattern="\\d{3,5}" premium="13[89]1|1394|16[34]5" free="116\\d{3}|1399" />
+    <shortcode country="lt" pattern="\\d{3,5}" premium="13[89]1|1394|16[34]5" free="116\\d{3}|1399|1324" />
     <!-- Luxembourg: 5 digits, 6xxxx, plus EU:
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@
     <shortcode country="pe" pattern="\\d{4,5}" free="9963" />
     <!-- Philippines -->
-    <shortcode country="ph" free="2147|5495|5496" />
+    <shortcode country="ph" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="2147|5495|5496" />
     <!-- Pakistan -->
-    <shortcode country="pk" free="2057" />
+    <shortcode country="pk" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="2057" />
     <!-- Poland: 4-5 digits (not confirmed), known premium codes listed, plus EU -->
     <shortcode country="pl" pattern="\\d{4,5}" premium="74240|79(?:10|866)|92525" free="116\\d{3}|8012|80921" />
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
     <shortcode country="ru" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="1(?:1[56]1|899)|2(?:09[57]|322|47[46]|880|990)|3[589]33|4161|44(?:4[3-9]|81)|77(?:33|81)|8424" free="6954|8501" standard="2037|2044"/>
     <!-- Saudi Arabia -->
-    <shortcode country="sa" free="8145" />
+    <shortcode country="sa" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="8145" />
     <!-- Sweden: 5 digits (72xxx), plus EU: -->
     <shortcode country="se" premium="72\\d{3}" free="116\\d{3}" />
@@ -240,13 +240,13 @@
     <shortcode country="sk" premium="\\d{4}" free="116\\d{3}|8000" />
     <!-- Thailand: 4186001 used by AIS_TH_DCB -->
-    <shortcode country="th" free="4186001" />
+    <shortcode country="th" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="4186001" />
     <!-- Tajikistan: 4 digits, known premium codes listed -->
     <shortcode country="tj" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="11[3-7]1|4161|4333|444[689]" />
     <!-- Turkey -->
-    <shortcode country="tr" free="7529|5528|6493" />
+    <shortcode country="tr" pattern="\\d{1,5}" free="7529|5528|6493" />
     <!-- Ukraine: 4 digits, known premium codes listed -->
     <shortcode country="ua" pattern="\\d{4}" premium="444[3-9]|70[579]4|7540" />
diff --git a/core/tests/BTtraffic/ b/core/tests/BTtraffic/
index 7d83527..f826ae9 100644
--- a/core/tests/BTtraffic/
+++ b/core/tests/BTtraffic/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := bttraffic
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/core/tests/BroadcastRadioTests/ b/core/tests/BroadcastRadioTests/
index c409e3a..69bae86 100644
--- a/core/tests/BroadcastRadioTests/
+++ b/core/tests/BroadcastRadioTests/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 # TODO(b/13282254): uncomment when b/13282254 is fixed
 # LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := compatibility-device-util android-support-test testng
diff --git a/core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/ b/core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/
index 39cf4a4..93c53d2 100644
--- a/core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/
+++ b/core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := ConnectivityManagerTest
diff --git a/core/tests/SvcMonitor/ b/core/tests/SvcMonitor/
index 2b80455..94ddccb 100644
--- a/core/tests/SvcMonitor/
+++ b/core/tests/SvcMonitor/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := svcmonitor
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/core/tests/bandwidthtests/ b/core/tests/bandwidthtests/
index 2af92df..56526bc 100644
--- a/core/tests/bandwidthtests/
+++ b/core/tests/bandwidthtests/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner org.apache.http.legacy
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BandwidthTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/core/tests/bluetoothtests/ b/core/tests/bluetoothtests/
index f53419a..41582de 100644
--- a/core/tests/bluetoothtests/
+++ b/core/tests/bluetoothtests/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BluetoothTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/ b/core/tests/coretests/
index dbc9e5d..a802e75 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner conscrypt telephony-common org.apache.http.legacy
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksCoreTests
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/DisabledTestApp/ b/core/tests/coretests/DisabledTestApp/
index a5daedf..e4304f7 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/DisabledTestApp/
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/DisabledTestApp/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := DisabledTestApp
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/EnabledTestApp/ b/core/tests/coretests/EnabledTestApp/
index 4b986d3..cd37f08 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/EnabledTestApp/
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/EnabledTestApp/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/apks/ b/core/tests/coretests/apks/
index 1e03270..8a7d72a5 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/apks/
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/apks/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 # Make sure every package name gets the FrameworkCoreTests_ prefix.
 # Every package should have a native library
 LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libframeworks_coretests_jni
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/
index 757a70c..8a7c586 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/provider/
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
                     Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE, // candidate for backup?
                     Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_CACHE, // internal cache
                     Settings.System.POINTER_LOCATION, // backup candidate?
+                    Settings.System.DEBUG_ENABLE_ENHANCED_CALL_BLOCKING, // used for testing only
                     Settings.System.RINGTONE_CACHE, // internal cache
                     Settings.System.SETUP_WIZARD_HAS_RUN, // Only used by SuW
                     Settings.System.SHOW_GTALK_SERVICE_STATUS, // candidate for backup?
@@ -117,6 +118,7 @@
+                    Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_BACKGROUND_MODE,
diff --git a/core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/ b/core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/
index 47ee2cf..3261a1a 100644
--- a/core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/
+++ b/core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := DownloadManagerTestApp
 ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user)
 # Need to run as system app to get access to Settings. This test won't work for user builds.
diff --git a/core/tests/notificationtests/ b/core/tests/notificationtests/
index 0551eb6..910d5aa 100644
--- a/core/tests/notificationtests/
+++ b/core/tests/notificationtests/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := NotificationStressTests
+# Could build against SDK if it wasn't for the @RepetitiveTest annotation.
     junit \
diff --git a/core/tests/overlaytests/OverlayTest/ b/core/tests/overlaytests/OverlayTest/
index 964348f..8f4b829 100644
--- a/core/tests/overlaytests/OverlayTest/
+++ b/core/tests/overlaytests/OverlayTest/
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES += legacy-test
diff --git a/core/tests/packagemanagertests/ b/core/tests/packagemanagertests/
index 5bfde78..f95231f 100644
--- a/core/tests/packagemanagertests/
+++ b/core/tests/packagemanagertests/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksCorePackageManagerTests
diff --git a/core/tests/systemproperties/ b/core/tests/systemproperties/
index 4c2e224..d58ed54 100644
--- a/core/tests/systemproperties/
+++ b/core/tests/systemproperties/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-common frameworks-core-util-lib
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksCoreSystemPropertiesTests
diff --git a/core/tests/systemproperties/src/android/os/ b/core/tests/systemproperties/src/android/os/
index 282b001..933e54e 100644
--- a/core/tests/systemproperties/src/android/os/
+++ b/core/tests/systemproperties/src/android/os/
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 package android.os;
+import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
 import junit.framework.TestCase;
 import android.os.SystemProperties;
@@ -141,4 +144,48 @@
         } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+    @SmallTest
+    public void testCallbacks() {
+        // Latches are not really necessary, but are easy to use.
+        final CountDownLatch wait1 = new CountDownLatch(1);
+        final CountDownLatch wait2 = new CountDownLatch(1);
+        Runnable r1 = new Runnable() {
+            boolean done = false;
+            @Override
+            public void run() {
+                if (done) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                done = true;
+                wait1.countDown();
+                throw new RuntimeException("test");
+            }
+        };
+        Runnable r2 = new Runnable() {
+            @Override
+            public void run() {
+                wait2.countDown();
+            }
+        };
+        SystemProperties.addChangeCallback(r1);
+        SystemProperties.addChangeCallback(r2);
+        SystemProperties.reportSyspropChanged();
+        try {
+            assertTrue(wait1.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
+        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+            fail("InterruptedException");
+        }
+        try {
+            assertTrue(wait2.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
+        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+            fail("InterruptedException");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/core/tests/utiltests/ b/core/tests/utiltests/
index 233d070..b142af0 100644
--- a/core/tests/utiltests/
+++ b/core/tests/utiltests/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksUtilTests
diff --git a/data/etc/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml b/data/etc/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
index 1d46d42..bacddf14 100644
--- a/data/etc/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
+++ b/data/etc/hiddenapi-package-whitelist.xml
@@ -25,55 +25,67 @@
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
-  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="android.ext.shared" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
-  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
-  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
@@ -85,10 +97,15 @@
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
-  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
@@ -97,5 +114,5 @@
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
   <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="com.googlecode.android_scripting" />
+  <hidden-api-whitelisted-app package="" />
diff --git a/libs/androidfw/Asset.cpp b/libs/androidfw/Asset.cpp
index 247458d..c512a6b 100644
--- a/libs/androidfw/Asset.cpp
+++ b/libs/androidfw/Asset.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include <androidfw/Util.h>
 #include <androidfw/ZipFileRO.h>
 #include <androidfw/ZipUtils.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <utils/FileMap.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
 #include <utils/threads.h>
diff --git a/libs/androidfw/AssetManager.cpp b/libs/androidfw/AssetManager.cpp
index 5603508..b4ccae7 100644
--- a/libs/androidfw/AssetManager.cpp
+++ b/libs/androidfw/AssetManager.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #include <androidfw/misc.h>
 #include <androidfw/ResourceTypes.h>
 #include <androidfw/ZipFileRO.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
 #include <utils/String8.h>
 #include <utils/String8.h>
diff --git a/libs/androidfw/ResourceTypes.cpp b/libs/androidfw/ResourceTypes.cpp
index 7a0ef2b..b184d12 100644
--- a/libs/androidfw/ResourceTypes.cpp
+++ b/libs/androidfw/ResourceTypes.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #include <androidfw/ByteBucketArray.h>
 #include <androidfw/ResourceTypes.h>
 #include <androidfw/TypeWrappers.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <utils/ByteOrder.h>
 #include <utils/Debug.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
diff --git a/libs/hwui/ProgramCache.cpp b/libs/hwui/ProgramCache.cpp
index b767046..11360a1 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/ProgramCache.cpp
+++ b/libs/hwui/ProgramCache.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
         "uniform mediump vec4 roundRectInnerRectLTWH;\n"
         "uniform mediump float roundRectRadius;\n";
 const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasTexture =
-        "varying vec2 outTexCoords;\n";
+        "varying highp vec2 outTexCoords;\n";
 const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasColors =
         "varying vec4 outColors;\n";
 const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasVertexAlpha =
diff --git a/location/tests/locationtests/ b/location/tests/locationtests/
index 902cd96..c65f596 100644
--- a/location/tests/locationtests/
+++ b/location/tests/locationtests/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksLocationTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/lowpan/tests/ b/lowpan/tests/
index bb0a944..0042ff9 100644
--- a/lowpan/tests/
+++ b/lowpan/tests/
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@
 # This only works if the class name matches the file name and the directory structure
 # matches the package.
 local_classes := $(subst /,.,$(patsubst src/,%,$(local_java_files)))
-# Utility variables to allow replacing a space with a comma
-comma:= ,
-space:= $(empty) $(empty)
 # Convert class name list to jacoco exclude list
 # This appends a * to all classes and replace the space separators with commas.
 # These patterns will match all classes in this module and their inner classes.
@@ -58,6 +54,7 @@
 	android.test.runner \
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksLowpanApiTests
diff --git a/media/java/android/media/ b/media/java/android/media/
index ede172c..a80c741 100644
--- a/media/java/android/media/
+++ b/media/java/android/media/
@@ -1552,6 +1552,21 @@
+     * Broadcast Action: microphone muting state changed.
+     *
+     * You <em>cannot</em> receive this through components declared
+     * in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
+     * {@link Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
+     * Context.registerReceiver()}.
+     *
+     * <p>The intent has no extra values, use {@link #isMicrophoneMute} to check whether the
+     * microphone is muted.
+     */
+    @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION)
+    public static final String ACTION_MICROPHONE_MUTE_CHANGED =
+            "";
+    /**
      * Sets the audio mode.
      * <p>
      * The audio mode encompasses audio routing AND the behavior of
diff --git a/media/mca/samples/CameraEffectsRecordingSample/ b/media/mca/samples/CameraEffectsRecordingSample/
index d3c4336..c81f2fc 100644
--- a/media/mca/samples/CameraEffectsRecordingSample/
+++ b/media/mca/samples/CameraEffectsRecordingSample/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CameraEffectsRecordingSample
diff --git a/media/mca/tests/ b/media/mca/tests/
index eb451f7..5da07c6 100644
--- a/media/mca/tests/
+++ b/media/mca/tests/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CameraEffectsTests
 LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR := CameraEffectsRecordingSample
diff --git a/media/packages/BluetoothMidiService/ b/media/packages/BluetoothMidiService/
index 0565925..6f262bf 100644
--- a/media/packages/BluetoothMidiService/
+++ b/media/packages/BluetoothMidiService/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
       $(call all-java-files-under,src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BluetoothMidiService
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/media/tests/EffectsTest/ b/media/tests/EffectsTest/
index 25b4fe4..a066950 100644
--- a/media/tests/EffectsTest/
+++ b/media/tests/EffectsTest/
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/ b/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/
index 0d9f42b..3c6119e 100644
--- a/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/
+++ b/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := mediaframeworktest
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/media/tests/NativeMidiDemo/ b/media/tests/NativeMidiDemo/
index 6b08f6b..316858f 100644
--- a/media/tests/NativeMidiDemo/
+++ b/media/tests/NativeMidiDemo/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, java)
diff --git a/media/tests/ScoAudioTest/ b/media/tests/ScoAudioTest/
index ab12865..2ad91a4 100644
--- a/media/tests/ScoAudioTest/
+++ b/media/tests/ScoAudioTest/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 #LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current
diff --git a/media/tests/SoundPoolTest/ b/media/tests/SoundPoolTest/
index 7f947c0..9ca33c8 100644
--- a/media/tests/SoundPoolTest/
+++ b/media/tests/SoundPoolTest/
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/native/android/ b/native/android/
index 3d5ee39..65352ed 100644
--- a/native/android/
+++ b/native/android/
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@
     AHardwareBuffer_unlock; # introduced=26
-    ANativeWindow_fromSurfaceTexture; # introduced-arm=13 introduced-mips=13 introduced-x86=13
     ANativeWindow_toSurface; # introduced=26
diff --git a/native/android/storage_manager.cpp b/native/android/storage_manager.cpp
index 137b72c..bf15b8d 100644
--- a/native/android/storage_manager.cpp
+++ b/native/android/storage_manager.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <binder/Binder.h>
 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
+#include <cutils/atomic.h>
 #include <utils/Log.h>
 #include <utils/RefBase.h>
 #include <utils/String8.h>
diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/
index b84c07f..532d272 100644
--- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/
+++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BackupRestoreConfirmation
diff --git a/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/ b/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/
index 576debc..8a96b16 100644
--- a/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/
+++ b/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-support-v4
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CaptivePortalLogin
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/res/layout/activity_captive_portal_login.xml b/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/res/layout/activity_captive_portal_login.xml
index 2324593..c292323 100644
--- a/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/res/layout/activity_captive_portal_login.xml
+++ b/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/res/layout/activity_captive_portal_login.xml
@@ -27,12 +27,17 @@
             android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
-      <WebView
-          android:id="@+id/webview"
-          android:layout_width="match_parent"
-          android:layout_height="match_parent"
-          android:layout_alignParentBottom="false"
-          android:layout_alignParentRight="false" />
+      <
+            android:id="@+id/swipe_refresh"
+            android:layout_width="match_parent"
+            android:layout_height="match_parent">
+        <WebView
+              android:id="@+id/webview"
+              android:layout_width="match_parent"
+              android:layout_height="match_parent"
+              android:layout_alignParentBottom="false"
+              android:layout_alignParentRight="false" />
+      </>
diff --git a/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/src/com/android/captiveportallogin/ b/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/src/com/android/captiveportallogin/
index e13aba7..2a1bbed 100644
--- a/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/src/com/android/captiveportallogin/
+++ b/packages/CaptivePortalLogin/src/com/android/captiveportallogin/
@@ -30,10 +30,12 @@
 import android.os.Build;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.util.ArrayMap;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.TypedValue;
@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@
 import android.view.Menu;
 import android.view.MenuItem;
 import android.view.View;
+import android.webkit.CookieManager;
 import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler;
 import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
 import android.webkit.WebSettings;
@@ -88,6 +91,7 @@
     private ConnectivityManager mCm;
     private boolean mLaunchBrowser = false;
     private MyWebViewClient mWebViewClient;
+    private SwipeRefreshLayout mSwipeRefreshLayout;
     // Ensures that done() happens once exactly, handling concurrent callers with atomic operations.
     private final AtomicBoolean isDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
@@ -115,6 +119,8 @@
         // Also initializes proxy system properties.
+        mCm.setProcessDefaultNetworkForHostResolution(
+                ResolvUtil.getNetworkWithUseLocalNameserversFlag(mNetwork));
         // Proxy system properties must be initialized before setContentView is called because
         // setContentView initializes the WebView logic which in turn reads the system properties.
@@ -145,6 +151,7 @@
         final WebView webview = getWebview();
+        CookieManager.getInstance().setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(webview, true);
         WebSettings webSettings = webview.getSettings();
@@ -159,6 +166,13 @@
         // Start initial page load so WebView finishes loading proxy settings.
         // Actual load of mUrl is initiated by MyWebViewClient.
         webview.loadData("", "text/html", null);
+        mSwipeRefreshLayout = findViewById(;
+        mSwipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(() -> {
+                webview.reload();
+                mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(true);
+            });
     // Find WebView's proxy BroadcastReceiver and prompt it to read proxy system properties.
@@ -393,6 +407,7 @@
         public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
+            mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false);
             if (mPagesLoaded == 1) {
                 // Now that WebView has loaded at least one page we know it has read in the proxy
                 // settings.  Now prompt the WebView read the Network-specific proxy settings.
diff --git a/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/ b/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/
index 82be132..5068b3b 100644
--- a/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/
+++ b/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CarrierDefaultApp
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
 # This finds and builds the test apk as well, so a single make does both.
diff --git a/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/src/com/android/carrierdefaultapp/ b/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/src/com/android/carrierdefaultapp/
index 95ec83d..7479d9a 100644
--- a/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/src/com/android/carrierdefaultapp/
+++ b/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/src/com/android/carrierdefaultapp/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager;
@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@
         } else {
+            mCm.setProcessDefaultNetworkForHostResolution(
+                    ResolvUtil.getNetworkWithUseLocalNameserversFlag(mNetwork));
             // Start initial page load so WebView finishes loading proxy settings.
             // Actual load of mUrl is initiated by MyWebViewClient.
             mWebView.loadData("", "text/html", null);
diff --git a/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/ b/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/
index 63bd0b1..a95ccfe 100644
--- a/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/
+++ b/packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests
diff --git a/packages/CompanionDeviceManager/ b/packages/CompanionDeviceManager/
index f730356..7ec6e11 100644
--- a/packages/CompanionDeviceManager/
+++ b/packages/CompanionDeviceManager/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CompanionDeviceManager
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/packages/DefaultContainerService/ b/packages/DefaultContainerService/
index 0de2c1f..01c8768 100644
--- a/packages/DefaultContainerService/
+++ b/packages/DefaultContainerService/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := DefaultContainerService
 LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libdefcontainer_jni
diff --git a/packages/EasterEgg/ b/packages/EasterEgg/
index d4c1e70..dac3ed6 100644
--- a/packages/EasterEgg/
+++ b/packages/EasterEgg/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/packages/ExtServices/ b/packages/ExtServices/
index d0c2b9f..467d7ed 100644
--- a/packages/ExtServices/
+++ b/packages/ExtServices/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/packages/ExtServices/tests/ b/packages/ExtServices/tests/
index cb3c352..f18904d 100644
--- a/packages/ExtServices/tests/
+++ b/packages/ExtServices/tests/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := ExtServicesUnitTests
diff --git a/packages/ExtShared/ b/packages/ExtShared/
index d8052df..7dbf79f 100644
--- a/packages/ExtShared/
+++ b/packages/ExtShared/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/packages/ExternalStorageProvider/ b/packages/ExternalStorageProvider/
index db825ff4..9e99313 100644
--- a/packages/ExternalStorageProvider/
+++ b/packages/ExternalStorageProvider/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := ExternalStorageProvider
diff --git a/packages/FakeOemFeatures/ b/packages/FakeOemFeatures/
index d96bb3d..43de8e5 100644
--- a/packages/FakeOemFeatures/
+++ b/packages/FakeOemFeatures/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FakeOemFeatures
diff --git a/packages/FusedLocation/ b/packages/FusedLocation/
index 7406eaf4..d795870 100644
--- a/packages/FusedLocation/
+++ b/packages/FusedLocation/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FusedLocation
diff --git a/packages/InputDevices/ b/packages/InputDevices/
index e7190dc..6de1f1d 100644
--- a/packages/InputDevices/
+++ b/packages/InputDevices/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
diff --git a/packages/InputDevices/res/raw/keyboard_layout_polish.kcm b/packages/InputDevices/res/raw/keyboard_layout_polish.kcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559ec07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/InputDevices/res/raw/keyboard_layout_polish.kcm
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Polish (qwerty) keyboard layout.
+### ROW 1
+key GRAVE {
+    label:                              '`'
+    base:                               '`'
+    shift:                              '~'
+key 1 {
+    label:                              '1'
+    base:                               '1'
+    shift:                              '!'
+key 2 {
+    label:                              '2'
+    base:                               '2'
+    shift:                              '@'
+key 3 {
+    label:                              '3'
+    base:                               '3'
+    shift:                              '#'
+key 4 {
+    label:                              '4'
+    base:                               '4'
+    shift:                              '$'
+key 5 {
+    label:                              '5'
+    base:                               '5'
+    shift:                              '%'
+key 6 {
+    label:                              '6'
+    base:                               '6'
+    shift:                              '^'
+key 7 {
+    label:                              '7'
+    base:                               '7'
+    shift:                              '&'
+key 8 {
+    label:                              '8'
+    base:                               '8'
+    shift:                              '*'
+key 9 {
+    label:                              '9'
+    base:                               '9'
+    shift:                              '('
+key 0 {
+    label:                              '0'
+    base:                               '0'
+    shift:                              ')'
+key MINUS {
+    label:                              '-'
+    base:                               '-'
+    shift:                              '_'
+key EQUALS {
+    label:                              '='
+    base:                               '='
+    shift:                              '+'
+### ROW 2
+key Q {
+    label:                              'Q'
+    base:                               'q'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Q'
+key W {
+    label:                              'W'
+    base:                               'w'
+    shift, capslock:                    'W'
+key E {
+    label:                              'E'
+    base:                               'e'
+    shift, capslock:                    'E'
+    ralt:                               '\u0119'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u0118'
+key R {
+    label:                              'R'
+    base:                               'r'
+    shift, capslock:                    'R'
+key T {
+    label:                              'T'
+    base:                               't'
+    shift, capslock:                    'T'
+key Y {
+    label:                              'Y'
+    base:                               'y'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Y'
+key U {
+    label:                              'U'
+    base:                               'u'
+    shift, capslock:                    'U'
+key I {
+    label:                              'I'
+    base:                               'i'
+    shift, capslock:                    'I'
+key O {
+    label:                              'O'
+    base:                               'o'
+    shift, capslock:                    'O'
+    ralt:                               '\u00F3'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u00D3'
+key P {
+    label:                              'P'
+    base:                               'p'
+    shift, capslock:                    'P'
+    label:                              '['
+    base:                               '['
+    shift:                              '{'
+    label:                              ']'
+    base:                               ']'
+    shift:                              '}'
+    label:                              '\\'
+    base:                               '\\'
+    shift:                              '|'
+### ROW 3
+key A {
+    label:                              'A'
+    base:                               'a'
+    shift, capslock:                    'A'
+    ralt:                               '\u0105'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u0104'
+key S {
+    label:                              'S'
+    base:                               's'
+    shift, capslock:                    'S'
+    ralt:                               '\u015b'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u015a'
+key D {
+    label:                              'D'
+    base:                               'd'
+    shift, capslock:                    'D'
+key F {
+    label:                              'F'
+    base:                               'f'
+    shift, capslock:                    'F'
+key G {
+    label:                              'G'
+    base:                               'g'
+    shift, capslock:                    'G'
+key H {
+    label:                              'H'
+    base:                               'h'
+    shift, capslock:                    'H'
+key J {
+    label:                              'J'
+    base:                               'j'
+    shift, capslock:                    'J'
+key K {
+    label:                              'K'
+    base:                               'k'
+    shift, capslock:                    'K'
+key L {
+    label:                              'L'
+    base:                               'l'
+    shift, capslock:                    'L'
+    ralt:                               '\u0142'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u0141'
+    label:                              ';'
+    base:                               ';'
+    shift:                              ':'
+    label:                              '\''
+    base:                               '\''
+    shift:                              '"'
+### ROW 4
+key Z {
+    label:                              'Z'
+    base:                               'z'
+    shift, capslock:                    'Z'
+    ralt:                               '\u017c'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u017b'
+key X {
+    label:                              'X'
+    base:                               'x'
+    shift, capslock:                    'X'
+    ralt:                               '\u017a'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u0179'
+key C {
+    label:                              'C'
+    base:                               'c'
+    shift, capslock:                    'C'
+    ralt:                               '\u0107'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u0106'
+key V {
+    label:                              'V'
+    base:                               'v'
+    shift, capslock:                    'V'
+key B {
+    label:                              'B'
+    base:                               'b'
+    shift, capslock:                    'B'
+key N {
+    label:                              'N'
+    base:                               'n'
+    shift, capslock:                    'N'
+    ralt:                               '\u0144'
+    ralt+shift, ralt+capslock:          '\u0143'
+key M {
+    label:                              'M'
+    base:                               'm'
+    shift, capslock:                    'M'
+key COMMA {
+    label:                              ','
+    base:                               ','
+    shift:                              '<'
+key PERIOD {
+    label:                              '.'
+    base:                               '.'
+    shift:                              '>'
+key SLASH {
+    label:                              '/'
+    base:                               '/'
+    shift:                              '?'
diff --git a/packages/InputDevices/res/values/strings.xml b/packages/InputDevices/res/values/strings.xml
index 61d3234..5fdc4a6 100644
--- a/packages/InputDevices/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/packages/InputDevices/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -125,4 +125,7 @@
     <!-- Azerbaijani keyboard layout label. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
     <string name="keyboard_layout_azerbaijani">Azerbaijani</string>
+    <!-- Polish keyboard layout label. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
+    <string name="keyboard_layout_polish">Polish</string>
diff --git a/packages/InputDevices/res/xml/keyboard_layouts.xml b/packages/InputDevices/res/xml/keyboard_layouts.xml
index c6bfc1f..1807aea 100644
--- a/packages/InputDevices/res/xml/keyboard_layouts.xml
+++ b/packages/InputDevices/res/xml/keyboard_layouts.xml
@@ -159,4 +159,8 @@
     <keyboard-layout android:name="keyboard_layout_azerbaijani"
             android:keyboardLayout="@raw/keyboard_layout_azerbaijani" />
+    <keyboard-layout android:name="keyboard_layout_polish"
+            android:label="@string/keyboard_layout_polish"
+            android:keyboardLayout="@raw/keyboard_layout_polish" />
diff --git a/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/ b/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/
index a9e9b2e..2d62a07 100644
--- a/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/
+++ b/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := MtpDocumentsProvider
 LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES := proguard.flags
diff --git a/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/perf_tests/ b/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/perf_tests/
index f0d4878..6504af1 100644
--- a/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/perf_tests/
+++ b/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/perf_tests/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-support-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := MtpDocumentsProviderPerfTests
diff --git a/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/ b/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/
index 148cd0d..25b585f 100644
--- a/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/
+++ b/packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := MtpDocumentsProviderTests
diff --git a/packages/Osu/ b/packages/Osu/
index 1d45aa9..63c7578 100644
--- a/packages/Osu/
+++ b/packages/Osu/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := telephony-common ims-common bouncycastle conscrypt
diff --git a/packages/Osu2/ b/packages/Osu2/
index 05586f0..063ac7e 100644
--- a/packages/Osu2/
+++ b/packages/Osu2/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/packages/Osu2/tests/ b/packages/Osu2/tests/
index 4b6e0e6..8d5a3995 100644
--- a/packages/Osu2/tests/
+++ b/packages/Osu2/tests/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_JACK_FLAGS := --multi-dex native
diff --git a/packages/PrintRecommendationService/ b/packages/PrintRecommendationService/
index 66cb057..fa1eb0d 100644
--- a/packages/PrintRecommendationService/
+++ b/packages/PrintRecommendationService/
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := PrintRecommendationService
-include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
-LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := system_current
+include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
 include $(call all-makefiles-under, $(LOCAL_PATH))
diff --git a/packages/PrintSpooler/ b/packages/PrintSpooler/
index 19e44e3..67ef6b4 100644
--- a/packages/PrintSpooler/
+++ b/packages/PrintSpooler/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libprintspooler_jni
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-support-v4 android-support-v7-recyclerview
diff --git a/packages/PrintSpooler/tests/outofprocess/ b/packages/PrintSpooler/tests/outofprocess/
index 3c02453..56afd89 100644
--- a/packages/PrintSpooler/tests/outofprocess/
+++ b/packages/PrintSpooler/tests/outofprocess/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-support-test ub-uiautomator mockito-target-minus-junit4
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := PrintSpoolerOutOfProcessTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/dimens.xml b/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/dimens.xml
index e261570..4000226 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/dimens.xml
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/dimens.xml
@@ -73,4 +73,9 @@
          fraction of a pixel.-->
     <fraction name="battery_subpixel_smoothing_left">0%</fraction>
     <fraction name="battery_subpixel_smoothing_right">0%</fraction>
+    <!-- SignalDrawable -->
+    <dimen name="signal_icon_size">17dp</dimen>
+    <!-- How far to inset the rounded edges -->
+    <dimen name="stat_sys_mobile_signal_circle_inset">0.9dp</dimen>
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/strings.xml b/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/strings.xml
index 428f0b8..61b88a5 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -456,10 +456,10 @@
     <string name="keep_screen_on">Stay awake</string>
     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to keep the screen on when plugged in  -->
     <string name="keep_screen_on_summary">Screen will never sleep while charging</string>
-    <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable bluetooth HCI snoop log -->
+    <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable Bluetooth HCI snoop log -->
     <string name="bt_hci_snoop_log">Enable Bluetooth HCI snoop log</string>
-    <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to capture all bluetooth HCI packets in a file -->
-    <string name="bt_hci_snoop_log_summary">Capture all bluetooth HCI packets in a file</string>
+    <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to capture all Bluetooth HCI packets in a file -->
+    <string name="bt_hci_snoop_log_summary">Capture all Bluetooth HCI packets in a file (Toggle Bluetooth after changing this setting)</string>
     <!-- setting Checkbox title whether to enable OEM unlock [CHAR_LIMIT=35] -->
     <string name="oem_unlock_enable">OEM unlocking</string>
     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to enable OEM unlock [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
@@ -501,30 +501,30 @@
     <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth AVRCP Version -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_avrcp_version_dialog_title">Select Bluetooth AVRCP Version</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Codec -->
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec Selection -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_type">Bluetooth Audio Codec</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Codec -->
-    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_type_dialog_title">Select Bluetooth Audio Codec</string>
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec Selection -->
+    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_type_dialog_title">Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec\u000ASelection</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Sample Rate -->
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Sample Rate Selection -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_sample_rate">Bluetooth Audio Sample Rate</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Codec: Sample Rate -->
-    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_sample_rate_dialog_title">Select Bluetooth Audio Codec:\u000ASample Rate</string>
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec Selection: Sample Rate -->
+    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_sample_rate_dialog_title">Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec\u000ASelection: Sample Rate</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Bits Per Sample -->
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Bits Per Sample Selection -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_bits_per_sample">Bluetooth Audio Bits Per Sample</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Codec: Bits Per Sample -->
-    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_bits_per_sample_dialog_title">Select Bluetooth Audio Codec:\u000ABits Per Sample</string>
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec Selection: Bits Per Sample -->
+    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_bits_per_sample_dialog_title">Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec\u000ASelection: Bits Per Sample</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode -->
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode Selection -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_channel_mode">Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio Codec: Channel Mode -->
-    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_channel_mode_dialog_title">Select Bluetooth Audio Codec:\u000AChannel Mode</string>
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec Selection: Channel Mode -->
+    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_channel_mode_dialog_title">Trigger Bluetooth Audio Codec\u000ASelection: Channel Mode</string>
-    <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio LDAC Playback Quality -->
+    <!-- UI debug setting: Trigger Bluetooth Audio LDAC Playback Quality Selection -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_ldac_playback_quality">Bluetooth Audio LDAC Codec: Playback Quality</string>
     <!-- UI debug setting: Select Bluetooth Audio LDAC Codec: LDAC Playback Quality -->
-    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_ldac_playback_quality_dialog_title">Select Bluetooth Audio LDAC Codec:\u000APlayback Quality</string>
+    <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_ldac_playback_quality_dialog_title">Trigger Bluetooth Audio LDAC Codec\u000ASelection: Playback Quality</string>
     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Label for displaying Bluetooth Audio Codec Parameters while streaming -->
     <string name="bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_streaming_label">Streaming: <xliff:g id="streaming_parameter">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
index 3cda9c9..b74b2cd 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothClass;
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset;
+import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHearingAid;
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
 import android.content.Context;
@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@
                    new ActiveDeviceChangedHandler());
                    new ActiveDeviceChangedHandler());
+        addHandler(BluetoothHearingAid.ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED,
+                   new ActiveDeviceChangedHandler());
         mContext.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, mAdapterIntentFilter, null, mReceiverHandler);
         mContext.registerReceiver(mProfileBroadcastReceiver, mProfileIntentFilter, null, mReceiverHandler);
@@ -434,6 +437,8 @@
                 bluetoothProfile = BluetoothProfile.A2DP;
             } else if (Objects.equals(action, BluetoothHeadset.ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED)) {
                 bluetoothProfile = BluetoothProfile.HEADSET;
+            } else if (Objects.equals(action, BluetoothHearingAid.ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED)) {
+                bluetoothProfile = BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID;
             } else {
                 Log.w(TAG, "ActiveDeviceChangedHandler: unknown action " + action);
@@ -444,6 +449,7 @@
     private void dispatchActiveDeviceChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice activeDevice,
                                              int bluetoothProfile) {
+        mDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(activeDevice, bluetoothProfile);
         synchronized (mCallbacks) {
             for (BluetoothCallback callback : mCallbacks) {
                 callback.onActiveDeviceChanged(activeDevice, bluetoothProfile);
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
index e1ebbc4..dc2ecea 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import android.text.TextUtils;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@
     // Active device state
     private boolean mIsActiveDeviceA2dp = false;
     private boolean mIsActiveDeviceHeadset = false;
+    private boolean mIsActiveDeviceHearingAid = false;
      * Describes the current device and profile for logging.
@@ -415,6 +417,36 @@
+    /**
+     * Set this device as active device
+     * @return true if at least one profile on this device is set to active, false otherwise
+     */
+    public boolean setActive() {
+        boolean result = false;
+        A2dpProfile a2dpProfile = mProfileManager.getA2dpProfile();
+        if (a2dpProfile != null && isConnectedProfile(a2dpProfile)) {
+            if (a2dpProfile.setActiveDevice(getDevice())) {
+                Log.i(TAG, "OnPreferenceClickListener: A2DP active device=" + this);
+                result = true;
+            }
+        }
+        HeadsetProfile headsetProfile = mProfileManager.getHeadsetProfile();
+        if ((headsetProfile != null) && isConnectedProfile(headsetProfile)) {
+            if (headsetProfile.setActiveDevice(getDevice())) {
+                Log.i(TAG, "OnPreferenceClickListener: Headset active device=" + this);
+                result = true;
+            }
+        }
+        HearingAidProfile hearingAidProfile = mProfileManager.getHearingAidProfile();
+        if ((hearingAidProfile != null) && isConnectedProfile(hearingAidProfile)) {
+            if (hearingAidProfile.setActiveDevice(getDevice())) {
+                Log.i(TAG, "OnPreferenceClickListener: Hearing Aid active device=" + this);
+                result = true;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
     void refreshName() {
@@ -461,12 +493,12 @@
-     * Set the device status as active or non-active per Bluetooth profile.
+     * Update the device status as active or non-active per Bluetooth profile.
      * @param isActive true if the device is active
      * @param bluetoothProfile the Bluetooth profile
-    public void setActiveDevice(boolean isActive, int bluetoothProfile) {
+    public void onActiveDeviceChanged(boolean isActive, int bluetoothProfile) {
         boolean changed = false;
         switch (bluetoothProfile) {
         case BluetoothProfile.A2DP:
@@ -477,8 +509,12 @@
             changed = (mIsActiveDeviceHeadset != isActive);
             mIsActiveDeviceHeadset = isActive;
+        case BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID:
+            changed = (mIsActiveDeviceHearingAid != isActive);
+            mIsActiveDeviceHearingAid = isActive;
+            break;
-            Log.w(TAG, "setActiveDevice: unknown profile " + bluetoothProfile +
+            Log.w(TAG, "onActiveDeviceChanged: unknown profile " + bluetoothProfile +
                     " isActive " + isActive);
@@ -487,6 +523,28 @@
+    /**
+     * Get the device status as active or non-active per Bluetooth profile.
+     *
+     * @param bluetoothProfile the Bluetooth profile
+     * @return true if the device is active
+     */
+    @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
+    public boolean isActiveDevice(int bluetoothProfile) {
+        switch (bluetoothProfile) {
+            case BluetoothProfile.A2DP:
+                return mIsActiveDeviceA2dp;
+            case BluetoothProfile.HEADSET:
+                return mIsActiveDeviceHeadset;
+            case BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID:
+                return mIsActiveDeviceHearingAid;
+            default:
+                Log.w(TAG, "getActiveDevice: unknown profile " + bluetoothProfile);
+                break;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
     void setRssi(short rssi) {
         if (mRssi != rssi) {
             mRssi = rssi;
@@ -571,6 +629,10 @@
         if (headsetProfile != null) {
             mIsActiveDeviceHeadset = mDevice.equals(headsetProfile.getActiveDevice());
+        HearingAidProfile hearingAidProfile = mProfileManager.getHearingAidProfile();
+        if (hearingAidProfile != null) {
+            mIsActiveDeviceHearingAid = hearingAidProfile.getActiveDevices().contains(mDevice);
+        }
@@ -901,6 +963,7 @@
         boolean profileConnected = false;       // at least one profile is connected
         boolean a2dpNotConnected = false;       // A2DP is preferred but not connected
         boolean hfpNotConnected = false;    // HFP is preferred but not connected
+        boolean hearingAidNotConnected = false; // Hearing Aid is preferred but not connected
         for (LocalBluetoothProfile profile : getProfiles()) {
             int connectionStatus = getProfileConnectionState(profile);
@@ -922,6 +985,8 @@
                         } else if ((profile instanceof HeadsetProfile) ||
                                    (profile instanceof HfpClientProfile)) {
                             hfpNotConnected = true;
+                        } else if (profile instanceof  HearingAidProfile) {
+                            hearingAidNotConnected = true;
@@ -954,6 +1019,10 @@
                 activeDeviceString = activeDeviceStringsArray[3]; // Active for Phone only
+        if (!hearingAidNotConnected && mIsActiveDeviceHearingAid) {
+            activeDeviceString = activeDeviceStringsArray[1];
+            return mContext.getString(R.string.bluetooth_connected, activeDeviceString);
+        }
         if (profileConnected) {
             if (a2dpNotConnected && hfpNotConnected) {
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
index c3ff617..a8e0039 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Objects;
  * CachedBluetoothDeviceManager manages the set of remote Bluetooth devices.
@@ -167,6 +168,15 @@
+    public synchronized void onActiveDeviceChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice activeDevice,
+                                                   int bluetoothProfile) {
+        for (CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice : mCachedDevices) {
+            boolean isActive = Objects.equals(cachedDevice, activeDevice);
+            cachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(isActive, bluetoothProfile);
+        }
+    }
     private void log(String msg) {
         if (DEBUG) {
             Log.d(TAG, msg);
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
index 8f9e4635..6c5ecbf 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
@@ -134,6 +134,16 @@
         return mService.getConnectionState(device);
+    public boolean setActiveDevice(BluetoothDevice device) {
+        if (mService == null) return false;
+        return mService.setActiveDevice(device);
+    }
+    public List<BluetoothDevice> getActiveDevices() {
+        if (mService == null) return new ArrayList<>();
+        return mService.getActiveDevices();
+    }
     public boolean isPreferred(BluetoothDevice device) {
         if (mService == null) return false;
         return mService.getPriority(device) > BluetoothProfile.PRIORITY_OFF;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/graph/
similarity index 98%
rename from packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
rename to packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/graph/
index 15ef742..846e30d 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/graph/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
  * permissions and limitations under the License.
 import android.animation.ArgbEvaluator;
 import android.annotation.IntRange;
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
 public class SignalDrawable extends Drawable {
@@ -458,6 +457,7 @@
     private final class SlashArtist {
+        private static final float CORNER_RADIUS = 1f;
         // These values are derived in un-rotated (vertical) orientation
         private static final float SLASH_WIDTH = 1.8384776f;
         private static final float SLASH_HEIGHT = 22f;
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
         void draw(int height, int width, @NonNull Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {
             Matrix m = new Matrix();
-            final float radius = scale(SlashDrawable.CORNER_RADIUS, width);
+            final float radius = scale(CORNER_RADIUS, width);
                     scale(LEFT, width),
                     scale(TOP, height),
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/
index 7ace048..5bd9e4c 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_JACK_FLAGS := --multi-dex native
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SettingsLibTests
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/
index 55b635e..bc28863 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SettingsLibShell
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f5eead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
+import android.bluetooth.BluetoothClass;
+import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
+import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
+import android.content.Context;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
+import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
+import org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import java.util.Collection;
+public class CachedBluetoothDeviceManagerTest {
+    private final static String DEVICE_NAME_1 = "TestName_1";
+    private final static String DEVICE_NAME_2 = "TestName_2";
+    private final static String DEVICE_ALIAS_1 = "TestAlias_1";
+    private final static String DEVICE_ALIAS_2 = "TestAlias_2";
+    private final static String DEVICE_ADDRESS_1 = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11";
+    private final static String DEVICE_ADDRESS_2 = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:22";
+    private final BluetoothClass DEVICE_CLASS_1 =
+        new BluetoothClass(BluetoothClass.Device.AUDIO_VIDEO_HEADPHONES);
+    private final BluetoothClass DEVICE_CLASS_2 =
+        new BluetoothClass(BluetoothClass.Device.AUDIO_VIDEO_HANDSFREE);
+    @Mock
+    private LocalBluetoothAdapter mLocalAdapter;
+    @Mock
+    private LocalBluetoothProfileManager mLocalProfileManager;
+    @Mock
+    private LocalBluetoothManager mLocalBluetoothManager;
+    @Mock
+    private BluetoothEventManager mBluetoothEventManager;
+    @Mock
+    private HeadsetProfile mHfpProfile;
+    @Mock
+    private A2dpProfile mA2dpProfile;
+    @Mock
+    private PanProfile mPanProfile;
+    @Mock
+    private HearingAidProfile mHearingAidProfile;
+    @Mock
+    private BluetoothDevice mDevice1;
+    @Mock
+    private BluetoothDevice mDevice2;
+    private CachedBluetoothDeviceManager mCachedDeviceManager;
+    private Context mContext;
+    private String[] mActiveDeviceStringsArray;
+    private String mActiveDeviceStringNone;
+    private String mActiveDeviceStringAll;
+    private String mActiveDeviceStringMedia;
+    private String mActiveDeviceStringPhone;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
+        mContext = RuntimeEnvironment.application;
+        when(mDevice1.getAddress()).thenReturn(DEVICE_ADDRESS_1);
+        when(mDevice2.getAddress()).thenReturn(DEVICE_ADDRESS_2);
+        when(mDevice1.getName()).thenReturn(DEVICE_NAME_1);
+        when(mDevice2.getName()).thenReturn(DEVICE_NAME_2);
+        when(mDevice1.getAliasName()).thenReturn(DEVICE_ALIAS_1);
+        when(mDevice2.getAliasName()).thenReturn(DEVICE_ALIAS_2);
+        when(mDevice1.getBluetoothClass()).thenReturn(DEVICE_CLASS_1);
+        when(mDevice2.getBluetoothClass()).thenReturn(DEVICE_CLASS_2);
+        when(mLocalBluetoothManager.getEventManager()).thenReturn(mBluetoothEventManager);
+        when(mLocalAdapter.getBluetoothState()).thenReturn(BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON);
+        when(mHfpProfile.isProfileReady()).thenReturn(true);
+        when(mA2dpProfile.isProfileReady()).thenReturn(true);
+        when(mPanProfile.isProfileReady()).thenReturn(true);
+        when(mHearingAidProfile.isProfileReady()).thenReturn(true);
+        mCachedDeviceManager = new CachedBluetoothDeviceManager(mContext, mLocalBluetoothManager);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify addDevice().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testAddDevice_validCachedDevices_devicesAdded() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice2 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice2);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2).isNotNull();
+        Collection<CachedBluetoothDevice> devices = mCachedDeviceManager.getCachedDevicesCopy();
+        assertThat(devices).contains(cachedDevice1);
+        assertThat(devices).contains(cachedDevice2);
+        assertThat(mCachedDeviceManager.findDevice(mDevice1)).isEqualTo(cachedDevice1);
+        assertThat(mCachedDeviceManager.findDevice(mDevice2)).isEqualTo(cachedDevice2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify getName().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testGetName_validCachedDevice_nameFound() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        assertThat(mCachedDeviceManager.getName(mDevice1)).isEqualTo(DEVICE_ALIAS_1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify onDeviceNameUpdated().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testOnDeviceNameUpdated_validName_nameUpdated() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.getName()).isEqualTo(DEVICE_ALIAS_1);
+        final String newAliasName = "NewAliasName";
+        when(mDevice1.getAliasName()).thenReturn(newAliasName);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onDeviceNameUpdated(mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.getName()).isEqualTo(newAliasName);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify clearNonBondedDevices().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testClearNonBondedDevices_bondedAndNonBondedDevices_nonBondedDevicesCleared() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice2 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice2);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2).isNotNull();
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        when(mDevice2.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.clearNonBondedDevices();
+        Collection<CachedBluetoothDevice> devices = mCachedDeviceManager.getCachedDevicesCopy();
+        assertThat(devices).contains(cachedDevice1);
+        assertThat(devices).contains(cachedDevice2);
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        when(mDevice2.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.clearNonBondedDevices();
+        devices = mCachedDeviceManager.getCachedDevicesCopy();
+        assertThat(devices).contains(cachedDevice1);
+        assertThat(devices).doesNotContain(cachedDevice2);
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE);
+        when(mDevice2.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.clearNonBondedDevices();
+        devices = mCachedDeviceManager.getCachedDevicesCopy();
+        assertThat(devices).doesNotContain(cachedDevice1);
+        assertThat(devices).doesNotContain(cachedDevice2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify onBtClassChanged().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testOnBtClassChanged_validBtClass_classChanged() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.getBtClass()).isEqualTo(DEVICE_CLASS_1);
+        final BluetoothClass newBluetoothClass = DEVICE_CLASS_2;
+        when(mDevice1.getBluetoothClass()).thenReturn(newBluetoothClass);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onBtClassChanged(mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.getBtClass()).isEqualTo(newBluetoothClass);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify onDeviceDisappeared().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testOnDeviceDisappeared_deviceBondedUnbonded_unbondedDeviceDisappeared() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        assertThat(mCachedDeviceManager.onDeviceDisappeared(cachedDevice1)).isFalse();
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE);
+        assertThat(mCachedDeviceManager.onDeviceDisappeared(cachedDevice1)).isTrue();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify onActiveDeviceChanged().
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testOnActiveDeviceChanged_connectedDevices_activeDeviceChanged() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice2 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice2);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2).isNotNull();
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        when(mDevice2.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        // Connect both devices for A2DP and HFP
+        cachedDevice1.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        cachedDevice2.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        cachedDevice1.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        cachedDevice2.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        // Verify that both devices are connected and none is Active
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        // The first device is active for A2DP, the second device is active for HFP
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice1, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice2, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isTrue();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isTrue();
+        // The first device is active for A2DP and HFP
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice1, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isTrue();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isTrue();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        // The second device is active for A2DP and HFP
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice2, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice2, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isTrue();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isTrue();
+        // No active device for A2DP
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(null, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isTrue();
+        // No active device for HFP
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(null, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to verify onActiveDeviceChanged() with A2DP and Hearing Aid.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testOnActiveDeviceChanged_withA2dpAndHearingAid() {
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice1 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice1);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1).isNotNull();
+        CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice2 = mCachedDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter,
+                mLocalProfileManager, mDevice2);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2).isNotNull();
+        when(mDevice1.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        when(mDevice2.getBondState()).thenReturn(BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED);
+        // Connect device1 for A2DP and HFP and device2 for Hearing Aid
+        cachedDevice1.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        cachedDevice1.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        cachedDevice2.onProfileStateChanged(mHearingAidProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        // Verify that both devices are connected and none is Active
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isFalse();
+        // The first device is active for A2DP and HFP
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice1, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice1, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isTrue();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isTrue();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isFalse();
+        // The second device is active for Hearing Aid and the first device is not active
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(null, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(null, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(cachedDevice2, BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isTrue();
+        // No active device for Hearing Aid
+        mCachedDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChanged(null, BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID);
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice1.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.A2DP)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)).isFalse();
+        assertThat(cachedDevice2.isActiveDevice(BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)).isFalse();
+    }
diff --git a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
index 1481161..6593cbc 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
+++ b/packages/SettingsLib/tests/robotests/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
     private PanProfile mPanProfile;
+    private HearingAidProfile mHearingAidProfile;
+    @Mock
     private BluetoothDevice mDevice;
     private CachedBluetoothDevice mCachedDevice;
     private Context mContext;
@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@
+        when(mHearingAidProfile.isProfileReady()).thenReturn(true);
         mCachedDevice = spy(
                 new CachedBluetoothDevice(mContext, mAdapter, mProfileManager, mDevice));
         doAnswer((invocation) -> mBatteryLevel).when(mCachedDevice).getBatteryLevel();
@@ -152,7 +155,7 @@
         // Set device as Active for A2DP and test connection state summary
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
         assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active(media)");
         // Test with battery level
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@
         mBatteryLevel = BluetoothDevice.BATTERY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN;
         // Set A2DP profile to be connected, Active and test connection state summary
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
         assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active(media)");
         // Set A2DP profile to be disconnected and test connection state summary
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@
         // Set device as Active for HFP and test connection state summary
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
         assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active(phone)");
         // Test with battery level
@@ -200,7 +203,7 @@
         mBatteryLevel = BluetoothDevice.BATTERY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN;
         // Set HFP profile to be connected, Active and test connection state summary
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
         assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active(phone)");
         // Set HFP profile to be disconnected and test connection state summary
@@ -209,6 +212,23 @@
+    public void testGetConnectionSummary_testSingleProfileActiveDeviceHearingAid() {
+        // Test without battery level
+        // Set Hearing Aid profile to be connected and test connection state summary
+        mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHearingAidProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected");
+        // Set device as Active for Hearing Aid and test connection state summary
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active");
+        // Set Hearing Aid profile to be disconnected and test connection state summary
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(false, BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID);
+        mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHearingAidProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isNull();
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testGetConnectionSummary_testMultipleProfilesActiveDevice() {
         // Test without battery level
         // Set A2DP and HFP profiles to be connected and test connection state summary
@@ -217,8 +237,8 @@
         // Set device as Active for A2DP and HFP and test connection state summary
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
         assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active");
         // Test with battery level
@@ -227,16 +247,16 @@
                 "Connected, battery 10%, active");
         // Disconnect A2DP only and test connection state summary
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(false, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(false, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
                 "Connected (no media), battery 10%, active(phone)");
         // Disconnect HFP only and test connection state summary
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(false, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(false, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
                 "Connected (no phone), battery 10%, active(media)");
@@ -245,8 +265,8 @@
         // Set A2DP and HFP profiles to be connected, Active and test connection state summary
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
         mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
-        mCachedDevice.setActiveDevice(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.A2DP);
+        mCachedDevice.onActiveDeviceChanged(true, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);
         assertThat(mCachedDevice.getConnectionSummary()).isEqualTo("Connected, active");
         // Set A2DP and HFP profiles to be disconnected and test connection state summary
@@ -299,4 +319,24 @@
         // Verify new alias is returned on getName
+    @Test
+    public void testSetActive() {
+        when(mProfileManager.getA2dpProfile()).thenReturn(mA2dpProfile);
+        when(mProfileManager.getHeadsetProfile()).thenReturn(mHfpProfile);
+        when(mA2dpProfile.setActiveDevice(any(BluetoothDevice.class))).thenReturn(true);
+        when(mHfpProfile.setActiveDevice(any(BluetoothDevice.class))).thenReturn(true);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.setActive()).isFalse();
+        mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.setActive()).isTrue();
+        mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mA2dpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
+        mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.setActive()).isTrue();
+        mCachedDevice.onProfileStateChanged(mHfpProfile, BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
+        assertThat(mCachedDevice.setActive()).isFalse();
+    }
diff --git a/packages/SettingsProvider/ b/packages/SettingsProvider/
index 069e83a..74ce919 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsProvider/
+++ b/packages/SettingsProvider/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SettingsProvider
diff --git a/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/ b/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
index 27d461b..1822db3 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
+++ b/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.provider.Settings.Global;
 import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
+import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
 import android.util.Log;
@@ -2601,15 +2602,26 @@
             loadSetting(stmt, Settings.Global.CALL_AUTO_RETRY, 0);
             // Set the preferred network mode to target desired value or Default
-            // value defined in RILConstants
-            int type;
-            type = RILConstants.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE;
-            loadSetting(stmt, Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE, type);
+            // value defined in system property
+            String val = "";
+            String mode;
+            for (int phoneId = 0;
+                    phoneId < TelephonyManager.getDefault().getPhoneCount(); phoneId++) {
+                mode = TelephonyManager.getTelephonyProperty(phoneId,
+                        "ro.telephony.default_network",
+                        Integer.toString(RILConstants.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE));
+                if (phoneId == 0) {
+                    val = mode;
+                } else {
+                    val = val + "," + mode;
+                }
+            }
+            loadSetting(stmt, Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE, val);
             // Set the preferred cdma subscription source to target desired value or default
             // value defined in Phone
-            type = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.telephony.default_cdma_sub",
-                        Phone.PREFERRED_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION);
+            int type = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.telephony.default_cdma_sub",
+                    Phone.PREFERRED_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION);
             loadSetting(stmt, Settings.Global.CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_MODE, type);
             loadIntegerSetting(stmt, Settings.Global.LOW_BATTERY_SOUND_TIMEOUT,
diff --git a/packages/SettingsProvider/test/ b/packages/SettingsProvider/test/
index a9707d4..091ba90 100644
--- a/packages/SettingsProvider/test/
+++ b/packages/SettingsProvider/test/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SettingsProviderTest
diff --git a/packages/SharedStorageBackup/ b/packages/SharedStorageBackup/
index a213965f..2e07ab1 100644
--- a/packages/SharedStorageBackup/
+++ b/packages/SharedStorageBackup/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES := proguard.flags
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SharedStorageBackup
diff --git a/packages/Shell/ b/packages/Shell/
index 935d09b..5713dc6 100644
--- a/packages/Shell/
+++ b/packages/Shell/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-support-v4
diff --git a/packages/Shell/tests/ b/packages/Shell/tests/
index 48b757c..cf60fb4 100644
--- a/packages/Shell/tests/
+++ b/packages/Shell/tests/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
     legacy-android-test \
diff --git a/packages/StatementService/ b/packages/StatementService/
index 470d824..b9b29e7 100644
--- a/packages/StatementService/
+++ b/packages/StatementService/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES := proguard.flags
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := StatementService
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES += org.apache.http.legacy
diff --git a/packages/StatementService/src/com/android/statementservice/ b/packages/StatementService/src/com/android/statementservice/
index 449738e..659696e 100644
--- a/packages/StatementService/src/com/android/statementservice/
+++ b/packages/StatementService/src/com/android/statementservice/
@@ -155,17 +155,20 @@
     public void onDestroy() {
-        if (mThread != null) {
-            mThread.quit();
-        }
-        try {
-            if (mHttpResponseCache != null) {
-                mHttpResponseCache.delete();
+        final HttpResponseCache responseCache = mHttpResponseCache;
+ Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                try {
+                    if (responseCache != null) {
+                        responseCache.delete();
+                    }
+                } catch (IOException e) {
+                    Log.i(TAG, "HTTP(S) response cache deletion failed:" + e);
+                }
+                Looper.myLooper().quit();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            Log.i(TAG, "HTTP(S) response cache deletion failed:" + e);
-        }
+        });
+        mHttpResponseCache = null;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/ b/packages/SystemUI/
index 2fd7e87..2bfd3a5 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/plugin/ b/packages/SystemUI/plugin/
index e22dddb..8634684 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/plugin/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/plugin/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 # Dummy to generate .toc files.
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
index 8a1e0b9..bba9ed4 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@
     <!-- Should "4G" be shown instead of "LTE" when the network is NETWORK_TYPE_LTE? -->
     <bool name="config_show4GForLTE">true</bool>
+    <!-- Show indicator for Wifi on but not connected. -->
+    <bool name="config_showWifiIndicatorWhenEnabled">false</bool>
     <!-- Should "LTE"/"4G" be shown instead of "LTE+"/"4G+" when on NETWORK_TYPE_LTE_CA? -->
     <bool name="config_hideLtePlus">false</bool>
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml
index 9901f6f..acc8b6d 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml
@@ -822,8 +822,6 @@
     <dimen name="default_gear_space">18dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="cell_overlay_padding">18dp</dimen>
-    <dimen name="signal_icon_size">17dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="hwui_edge_margin">16dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="global_actions_panel_width">120dp</dimen>
@@ -850,11 +848,6 @@
     <dimen name="rounded_corner_content_padding">0dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="nav_content_padding">0dp</dimen>
-    <!-- Intended corner radius when drawing the mobile signal -->
-    <dimen name="stat_sys_mobile_signal_corner_radius">0.75dp</dimen>
-    <!-- How far to inset the rounded edges -->
-    <dimen name="stat_sys_mobile_signal_circle_inset">0.9dp</dimen>
     <!-- Home button padding for sizing -->
     <dimen name="home_padding">15dp</dimen>
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/
index 5f26093..e7eefe8 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 import android.service.quicksettings.Tile;
 import android.widget.ImageView;
 import java.util.Objects;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/
index 52b4c0a..9845c51 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
     protected void handleUpdateState(BooleanState state, Object arg) {
+        if (mController == null) return;
         final int zen = arg instanceof Integer ? (Integer) arg : mController.getZen();
         final boolean newValue = zen != ZEN_MODE_OFF;
         final boolean valueChanged = state.value != newValue;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
index 274244e..ad6261b 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
 import android.widget.ImageView;
 import android.widget.LinearLayout;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/car/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/car/
index 677fa81..0304086 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/car/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/car/
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 import android.util.TypedValue;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.widget.ImageView;
 import static;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index 8516278..f0854ed 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index b22ce18..0adb439 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
+            .setUids(null)
     private static final int NO_NETWORK = -1;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index 2819624..36cfe57 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -78,8 +78,10 @@
     public void notifyListeners(SignalCallback callback) {
         // only show wifi in the cluster if connected or if wifi-only
+        boolean visibleWhenEnabled = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
+                R.bool.config_showWifiIndicatorWhenEnabled);
         boolean wifiVisible = mCurrentState.enabled
-                && (mCurrentState.connected || !mHasMobileData);
+                && (mCurrentState.connected || !mHasMobileData || visibleWhenEnabled);
         String wifiDesc = wifiVisible ? mCurrentState.ssid : null;
         boolean ssidPresent = wifiVisible && mCurrentState.ssid != null;
         String contentDescription = getStringIfExists(getContentDescription());
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/
index 27c16d5..fce71b9 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 LOCAL_PROTO_JAVA_OUTPUT_PARAMS := optional_field_style=accessors
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) \
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index d14b23e..96d623e 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -31,14 +31,15 @@
 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
 import android.util.Log;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Rule;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index 173cc4c..d5294ee 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
index 7ca9d73..f76de5a 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/
@@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.argThat;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.doNothing;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
 import android.content.ComponentName;
@@ -32,6 +36,9 @@
 import android.os.UserManager;
@@ -61,6 +68,7 @@
     private final UserManager mUserManager = mock(UserManager.class);
     private SecurityControllerImpl mSecurityController;
     private CountDownLatch mStateChangedLatch;
+    private ConnectivityManager mConnectivityManager = mock(ConnectivityManager.class);
     // implementing SecurityControllerCallback
@@ -72,7 +80,7 @@
     public void setUp() throws Exception {
         mContext.addMockSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE, mDevicePolicyManager);
         mContext.addMockSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE, mUserManager);
-        mContext.addMockSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, mock(ConnectivityManager.class));
+        mContext.addMockSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, mConnectivityManager);
         Intent intent = new Intent(IKeyChainService.class.getName());
         ComponentName comp = intent.resolveSystemService(mContext.getPackageManager(), 0);
@@ -176,4 +184,12 @@
         //assertTrue(mStateChangedLatch.await(31, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
+    @Test
+    public void testNetworkRequest() {
+        verify(mConnectivityManager, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(argThat(
+                (NetworkRequest request) -> request.networkCapabilities.getUids() == null
+                        && request.networkCapabilities.getCapabilities().length == 0
+                ), any(NetworkCallback.class));
+    }
diff --git a/packages/VpnDialogs/ b/packages/VpnDialogs/
index 4c80a26..8507646 100644
--- a/packages/VpnDialogs/
+++ b/packages/VpnDialogs/
@@ -27,5 +27,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/packages/WAPPushManager/ b/packages/WAPPushManager/
index 60f093f..91526dd 100644
--- a/packages/WAPPushManager/
+++ b/packages/WAPPushManager/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES += telephony-common
diff --git a/packages/WAPPushManager/tests/ b/packages/WAPPushManager/tests/
index 1dea798..8ad0018 100644
--- a/packages/WAPPushManager/tests/
+++ b/packages/WAPPushManager/tests/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 # automatically get all of its classes loaded into our environment.
diff --git a/packages/WallpaperBackup/ b/packages/WallpaperBackup/
index cf04249..a6426a6 100644
--- a/packages/WallpaperBackup/
+++ b/packages/WallpaperBackup/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES := proguard.flags
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := WallpaperBackup
diff --git a/packages/WallpaperCropper/ b/packages/WallpaperCropper/
index 0254673..e0a0ef41 100644
--- a/packages/WallpaperCropper/
+++ b/packages/WallpaperCropper/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := telephony-common
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := WallpaperCropper
diff --git a/packages/overlays/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay/ b/packages/overlays/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay/
index 4b83058..7b277bc 100644
--- a/packages/overlays/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay/
+++ b/packages/overlays/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay/
@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SysuiDarkThemeOverlay
diff --git a/packages/services/PacProcessor/ b/packages/services/PacProcessor/
index 3c4e951..5be90c0 100644
--- a/packages/services/PacProcessor/
+++ b/packages/services/PacProcessor/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libjni_pacprocessor
diff --git a/packages/services/Proxy/ b/packages/services/Proxy/
index d5546b2..ce1715f 100644
--- a/packages/services/Proxy/
+++ b/packages/services/Proxy/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/sax/tests/saxtests/ b/sax/tests/saxtests/
index d3fbd05..f029498 100644
--- a/sax/tests/saxtests/
+++ b/sax/tests/saxtests/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksSaxTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/ b/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
index af55807..93df507 100644
--- a/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
+++ b/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/
@@ -342,7 +342,8 @@
         public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
             if (mDestroyed || !mBinding) {
-                mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection);
+                // This is abnormal. Unbinding the connection has been requested already.
+      , "onServiceConnected was dispatched after unbindService.");
             mBinding = false;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 2077790..6494a81d 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
 import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
+import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProtoEnums;
 import android.bluetooth.IBluetooth;
 import android.bluetooth.IBluetoothCallback;
 import android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGatt;
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.provider.Settings.SettingNotFoundException;
 import android.util.Slog;
+import android.util.StatsLog;
@@ -87,14 +89,6 @@
     private static final int ACTIVE_LOG_MAX_SIZE = 20;
     private static final int CRASH_LOG_MAX_SIZE = 100;
-    private static final String REASON_AIRPLANE_MODE = "airplane mode";
-    private static final String REASON_DISALLOWED = "disallowed by system";
-    private static final String REASON_RESTARTED = "automatic restart";
-    private static final String REASON_START_CRASH = "turn-on crash";
-    private static final String REASON_SYSTEM_BOOT = "system boot";
-    private static final String REASON_UNEXPECTED = "unexpected crash";
-    private static final String REASON_USER_SWITCH = "user switch";
-    private static final String REASON_RESTORE_USER_SETTING = "restore user setting";
     private static final int TIMEOUT_BIND_MS = 3000; //Maximum msec to wait for a bind
     //Maximum msec to wait for service restart
@@ -163,7 +157,7 @@
     private boolean mQuietEnable = false;
     private boolean mEnable;
-    private CharSequence timeToLog(long timestamp) {
+    private static CharSequence timeToLog(long timestamp) {
         return android.text.format.DateFormat.format("MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timestamp);
@@ -171,29 +165,27 @@
      * Used for tracking apps that enabled / disabled Bluetooth.
     private class ActiveLog {
+        private int mReason;
         private String mPackageName;
         private boolean mEnable;
         private long mTimestamp;
-        ActiveLog(String packageName, boolean enable, long timestamp) {
+        ActiveLog(int reason, String packageName, boolean enable, long timestamp) {
+            mReason = reason;
             mPackageName = packageName;
             mEnable = enable;
             mTimestamp = timestamp;
-        public long getTime() {
-            return mTimestamp;
-        }
         public String toString() {
-            return timeToLog(mTimestamp) + (mEnable ? "  Enabled " : " Disabled ") + " by "
-                    + mPackageName;
+            return timeToLog(mTimestamp) + (mEnable ? "  Enabled " : " Disabled ")
+                    + " due to " + getEnableDisableReasonString(mReason) + " by " + mPackageName;
-    private LinkedList<ActiveLog> mActiveLogs;
-    private LinkedList<Long> mCrashTimestamps;
+    private final LinkedList<ActiveLog> mActiveLogs = new LinkedList<>();
+    private final LinkedList<Long> mCrashTimestamps = new LinkedList<>();
     private int mCrashes;
     private long mLastEnabledTime;
@@ -213,8 +205,7 @@
     // Save a ProfileServiceConnections object for each of the bound
     // bluetooth profile services
-    private final Map<Integer, ProfileServiceConnections> mProfileServices =
-            new HashMap<Integer, ProfileServiceConnections>();
+    private final Map<Integer, ProfileServiceConnections> mProfileServices = new HashMap<>();
     private final boolean mPermissionReviewRequired;
@@ -246,7 +237,8 @@
                         if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM && newRestrictions.getBoolean(
                                 UserManager.DISALLOW_BLUETOOTH)) {
                             updateOppLauncherComponentState(userId, true); // Sharing disallowed
-                            sendDisableMsg(REASON_DISALLOWED);
+                            sendDisableMsg(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_DISALLOWED,
+                                    mContext.getPackageName());
                         } else {
                             updateOppLauncherComponentState(userId, newRestrictions.getBoolean(
@@ -303,10 +295,13 @@
                     } else if (st == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON) {
-                        sendDisableMsg(REASON_AIRPLANE_MODE);
+                        sendDisableMsg(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_AIRPLANE_MODE,
+                                mContext.getPackageName());
                 } else if (mEnableExternal) {
-                    sendEnableMsg(mQuietEnableExternal, REASON_AIRPLANE_MODE);
+                    sendEnableMsg(mQuietEnableExternal,
+                            BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_AIRPLANE_MODE,
+                            mContext.getPackageName());
@@ -369,8 +364,6 @@
         mPermissionReviewRequired = context.getResources()
-        mActiveLogs = new LinkedList<ActiveLog>();
-        mCrashTimestamps = new LinkedList<Long>();
         mCrashes = 0;
         mBluetooth = null;
         mBluetoothBinder = null;
@@ -640,23 +633,14 @@
             if (DBG) {
                 Slog.d(TAG, "Binder is dead - unregister " + mPackageName);
-            if (isBleAppPresent()) {
-                // Nothing to do, another app is here.
-                return;
-            }
-            if (DBG) {
-                Slog.d(TAG, "Disabling LE only mode after application crash");
-            }
-            try {
-                mBluetoothLock.readLock().lock();
-                if (mBluetooth != null && mBluetooth.getState() == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_BLE_ON) {
-                    mEnable = false;
-                    mBluetooth.onBrEdrDown();
+            for (Map.Entry<IBinder, ClientDeathRecipient> entry : mBleApps.entrySet()) {
+                IBinder token = entry.getKey();
+                ClientDeathRecipient deathRec = entry.getValue();
+                if (deathRec.equals(this)) {
+                    updateBleAppCount(token, false, mPackageName);
+                    break;
-            } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                Slog.e(TAG, "Unable to call onBrEdrDown", e);
-            } finally {
-                mBluetoothLock.readLock().unlock();
@@ -671,8 +655,8 @@
             return false;
         try {
-            return (Settings.Global.getInt(mContentResolver,
-                    Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE)) != 0;
+            return Settings.Global.getInt(mContentResolver,
+                    Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE) != 0;
         } catch (SettingNotFoundException e) {
         return false;
@@ -867,7 +851,8 @@
         synchronized (mReceiver) {
             mQuietEnableExternal = true;
             mEnableExternal = true;
-            sendEnableMsg(true, packageName);
+            sendEnableMsg(true,
+                    BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_APPLICATION_REQUEST, packageName);
         return true;
@@ -907,7 +892,8 @@
             mQuietEnableExternal = false;
             mEnableExternal = true;
             // waive WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission check
-            sendEnableMsg(false, packageName);
+            sendEnableMsg(false,
+                    BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_APPLICATION_REQUEST, packageName);
         if (DBG) {
             Slog.d(TAG, "enable returning");
@@ -943,7 +929,8 @@
             mEnableExternal = false;
-            sendDisableMsg(packageName);
+            sendDisableMsg(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_APPLICATION_REQUEST,
+                    packageName);
         return true;
@@ -1103,7 +1090,9 @@
             if (DBG) {
                 Slog.d(TAG, "Auto-enabling Bluetooth.");
-            sendEnableMsg(mQuietEnableExternal, REASON_SYSTEM_BOOT);
+            sendEnableMsg(mQuietEnableExternal,
+                    BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_SYSTEM_BOOT,
+                    mContext.getPackageName());
         } else if (!isNameAndAddressSet()) {
             if (DBG) {
                 Slog.d(TAG, "Getting adapter name and address");
@@ -1545,20 +1534,25 @@
                 case MESSAGE_RESTORE_USER_SETTING:
-                    try {
-                        if ((msg.arg1 == RESTORE_SETTING_TO_OFF) && mEnable) {
-                            if (DBG) {
-                                Slog.d(TAG, "Restore Bluetooth state to disabled");
-                            }
-                            disable(REASON_RESTORE_USER_SETTING, true);
-                        } else if ((msg.arg1 == RESTORE_SETTING_TO_ON) && !mEnable) {
-                            if (DBG) {
-                                Slog.d(TAG, "Restore Bluetooth state to enabled");
-                            }
-                            enable(REASON_RESTORE_USER_SETTING);
+                    if ((msg.arg1 == RESTORE_SETTING_TO_OFF) && mEnable) {
+                        if (DBG) {
+                            Slog.d(TAG, "Restore Bluetooth state to disabled");
-                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                        Slog.e(TAG, "Unable to change Bluetooth On setting", e);
+                        persistBluetoothSetting(BLUETOOTH_OFF);
+                        mEnableExternal = false;
+                        sendDisableMsg(
+                                BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_RESTORE_USER_SETTING,
+                                mContext.getPackageName());
+                    } else if ((msg.arg1 == RESTORE_SETTING_TO_ON) && !mEnable) {
+                        if (DBG) {
+                            Slog.d(TAG, "Restore Bluetooth state to enabled");
+                        }
+                        mQuietEnableExternal = false;
+                        mEnableExternal = true;
+                        // waive WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission check
+                        sendEnableMsg(false,
+                                BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_RESTORE_USER_SETTING,
+                                mContext.getPackageName());
@@ -1585,7 +1579,7 @@
                 case MESSAGE_ADD_PROXY_DELAYED: {
-                    ProfileServiceConnections psc = mProfileServices.get(new Integer(msg.arg1));
+                    ProfileServiceConnections psc = mProfileServices.get(msg.arg1);
                     if (psc == null) {
@@ -1734,7 +1728,8 @@
                     // log the unexpected crash
-                    addActiveLog(REASON_UNEXPECTED, false);
+                    addActiveLog(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_CRASH,
+                            mContext.getPackageName(), false);
                     if (mEnable) {
                         mEnable = false;
                         // Send a Bluetooth Restart message
@@ -1768,7 +1763,8 @@
                      it doesnt change when IBluetooth
                      service restarts */
                     mEnable = true;
-                    addActiveLog(REASON_RESTARTED, true);
+                    addActiveLog(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_RESTARTED,
+                            mContext.getPackageName(), true);
@@ -1824,7 +1820,8 @@
                         // disable
-                        addActiveLog(REASON_USER_SWITCH, false);
+                        addActiveLog(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_USER_SWITCH,
+                                mContext.getPackageName(), false);
                         // Pbap service need receive STATE_TURNING_OFF intent to close
@@ -1862,7 +1859,8 @@
                         mState = BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF;
                         // enable
-                        addActiveLog(REASON_USER_SWITCH, true);
+                        addActiveLog(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_USER_SWITCH,
+                                mContext.getPackageName(), true);
                         // mEnable flag could have been reset on disableBLE. Reenable it.
                         mEnable = true;
@@ -2129,24 +2127,30 @@
         return false;
-    private void sendDisableMsg(String packageName) {
+    private void sendDisableMsg(int reason, String packageName) {
-        addActiveLog(packageName, false);
+        addActiveLog(reason, packageName, false);
-    private void sendEnableMsg(boolean quietMode, String packageName) {
+    private void sendEnableMsg(boolean quietMode, int reason, String packageName) {
         mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_ENABLE, quietMode ? 1 : 0, 0));
-        addActiveLog(packageName, true);
+        addActiveLog(reason, packageName, true);
         mLastEnabledTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
-    private void addActiveLog(String packageName, boolean enable) {
+    private void addActiveLog(int reason, String packageName, boolean enable) {
         synchronized (mActiveLogs) {
             if (mActiveLogs.size() > ACTIVE_LOG_MAX_SIZE) {
-            mActiveLogs.add(new ActiveLog(packageName, enable, System.currentTimeMillis()));
+            mActiveLogs.add(
+                    new ActiveLog(reason, packageName, enable, System.currentTimeMillis()));
+        int state = enable ? StatsLog.BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ENABLED :
+                             StatsLog.BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__DISABLED;
+        StatsLog.write_non_chained(StatsLog.BLUETOOTH_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED,
+                Binder.getCallingUid(), null, state, reason, packageName);
     private void addCrashLog() {
@@ -2176,7 +2180,8 @@
         // disable
-        addActiveLog(REASON_START_CRASH, false);
+        addActiveLog(BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_START_ERROR,
+                mContext.getPackageName(), false);
         waitForOnOff(false, true);
@@ -2320,4 +2325,29 @@
+    private static String getEnableDisableReasonString(int reason) {
+        switch (reason) {
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_APPLICATION_REQUEST:
+                return "APPLICATION_REQUEST";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_AIRPLANE_MODE:
+                return "AIRPLANE_MODE";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_DISALLOWED:
+                return "DISALLOWED";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_RESTARTED:
+                return "RESTARTED";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_START_ERROR:
+                return "START_ERROR";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_SYSTEM_BOOT:
+                return "SYSTEM_BOOT";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_CRASH:
+                return "CRASH";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_USER_SWITCH:
+                return "USER_SWITCH";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_RESTORE_USER_SETTING:
+                return "RESTORE_USER_SETTING";
+            case BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_UNSPECIFIED:
+            default: return "UNKNOWN[" + reason + "]";
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index fd2ef18..76e3131 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 import static android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_DATA_ACTIVITY_CHANGE;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@
@@ -136,6 +139,7 @@
@@ -150,6 +154,7 @@
@@ -250,6 +255,7 @@
     private INetworkStatsService mStatsService;
     private INetworkPolicyManager mPolicyManager;
     private NetworkPolicyManagerInternal mPolicyManagerInternal;
+    private IIpConnectivityMetrics mIpConnectivityMetrics;
     private String mCurrentTcpBufferSizes;
@@ -408,6 +414,9 @@
     // Handle changes in Private DNS settings.
     private static final int EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 37;
+    // Handle private DNS validation status updates.
+    private static final int EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_VALIDATION_UPDATE = 38;
     private static String eventName(int what) {
         return sMagicDecoderRing.get(what, Integer.toString(what));
@@ -877,7 +886,12 @@
     private Tethering makeTethering() {
         // TODO: Move other elements into @Overridden getters.
-        final TetheringDependencies deps = new TetheringDependencies();
+        final TetheringDependencies deps = new TetheringDependencies() {
+            @Override
+            public boolean isTetheringSupported() {
+                return ConnectivityService.this.isTetheringSupported();
+            }
+        };
         return new Tethering(mContext, mNetd, mStatsService, mPolicyManager,
                 IoThread.get().getLooper(), new MockableSystemProperties(),
@@ -896,7 +910,7 @@
     // Used only for testing.
     // TODO: Delete this and either:
-    // 1. Give Fake SettingsProvider the ability to send settings change notifications (requires
+    // 1. Give FakeSettingsProvider the ability to send settings change notifications (requires
     //    changing ContentResolver to make registerContentObserver non-final).
     // 2. Give FakeSettingsProvider an alternative notification mechanism and have the test use it
     //    by subclassing SettingsObserver.
@@ -905,6 +919,12 @@
+    // See FakeSettingsProvider comment above.
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    void updatePrivateDnsSettings() {
+        mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED);
+    }
     private void handleMobileDataAlwaysOn() {
         final boolean enable = toBool(Settings.Global.getInt(
                 mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.MOBILE_DATA_ALWAYS_ON, 1));
@@ -934,8 +954,8 @@
     private void registerPrivateDnsSettingsCallbacks() {
-        for (Uri u : DnsManager.getPrivateDnsSettingsUris()) {
-            mSettingsObserver.observe(u, EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED);
+        for (Uri uri : DnsManager.getPrivateDnsSettingsUris()) {
+            mSettingsObserver.observe(uri, EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED);
@@ -988,8 +1008,12 @@
         if (network == null) {
             return null;
+        return getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(network.netId);
+    }
+    private NetworkAgentInfo getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(int netId) {
         synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
-            return mNetworkForNetId.get(network.netId);
+            return mNetworkForNetId.get(netId);
@@ -1129,9 +1153,7 @@
         NetworkAgentInfo nai;
         if (vpnNetId != NETID_UNSET) {
-            synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
-                nai = mNetworkForNetId.get(vpnNetId);
-            }
+            nai = getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(vpnNetId);
             if (nai != null) return;
         nai = getDefaultNetwork();
@@ -1329,9 +1351,8 @@
         if (nai != null) {
             synchronized (nai) {
                 if (nai.networkCapabilities != null) {
-                    // TODO : don't remove the UIDs when communicating with processes
-                    // that have the NETWORK_SETTINGS permission.
-                    return networkCapabilitiesWithoutUids(nai.networkCapabilities);
+                    return networkCapabilitiesWithoutUidsUnlessAllowed(nai.networkCapabilities,
+                            Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid());
@@ -1344,10 +1365,24 @@
         return getNetworkCapabilitiesInternal(getNetworkAgentInfoForNetwork(network));
-    private NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilitiesWithoutUids(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
+    private NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilitiesWithoutUidsUnlessAllowed(
+            NetworkCapabilities nc, int callerPid, int callerUid) {
+        if (checkSettingsPermission(callerPid, callerUid)) return new NetworkCapabilities(nc);
         return new NetworkCapabilities(nc).setUids(null);
+    private void restrictRequestUidsForCaller(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
+        if (!checkSettingsPermission()) {
+            nc.setSingleUid(Binder.getCallingUid());
+        }
+    }
+    private void restrictBackgroundRequestForCaller(NetworkCapabilities nc) {
+        if (!mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(Binder.getCallingUid())) {
+            nc.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND);
+        }
+    }
     public NetworkState[] getAllNetworkState() {
         // Require internal since we're handing out IMSI details
@@ -1493,6 +1528,41 @@
         return true;
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    protected final INetdEventCallback mNetdEventCallback = new BaseNetdEventCallback() {
+        @Override
+        public void onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(int netId, String ipAddress,
+                String hostname, boolean validated) {
+            try {
+                mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(
+                        new PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(netId,
+                                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(ipAddress),
+                                hostname, validated)));
+            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                loge("Error parsing ip address in validation event");
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    protected void registerNetdEventCallback() {
+        mIpConnectivityMetrics =
+                (IIpConnectivityMetrics) IIpConnectivityMetrics.Stub.asInterface(
+                ServiceManager.getService(IpConnectivityLog.SERVICE_NAME));
+        if (mIpConnectivityMetrics == null) {
+  , "Missing IIpConnectivityMetrics");
+        }
+        try {
+            mIpConnectivityMetrics.addNetdEventCallback(
+                    INetdEventCallback.CALLBACK_CALLER_CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE,
+                    mNetdEventCallback);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            loge("Error registering netd callback: " + e);
+        }
+    }
     private final INetworkPolicyListener mPolicyListener = new NetworkPolicyManager.Listener() {
         public void onUidRulesChanged(int uid, int uidRules) {
@@ -1546,6 +1616,16 @@
+    private boolean checkSettingsPermission() {
+        return PERMISSION_GRANTED == mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
+                android.Manifest.permission.NETWORK_SETTINGS);
+    }
+    private boolean checkSettingsPermission(int pid, int uid) {
+        return PERMISSION_GRANTED == mContext.checkPermission(
+                android.Manifest.permission.NETWORK_SETTINGS, pid, uid);
+    }
     private void enforceTetherAccessPermission() {
@@ -1667,6 +1747,7 @@
     void systemReady() {
+        registerNetdEventCallback();
         synchronized (this) {
             mSystemReady = true;
@@ -2084,41 +2165,21 @@
                     return false;
                 case NetworkMonitor.EVENT_NETWORK_TESTED: {
-                    final NetworkAgentInfo nai;
-                    synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
-                        nai = mNetworkForNetId.get(msg.arg2);
-                    }
+                    final NetworkAgentInfo nai = getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(msg.arg2);
                     if (nai == null) break;
                     final boolean valid = (msg.arg1 == NetworkMonitor.NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_VALID);
                     final boolean wasValidated = nai.lastValidated;
                     final boolean wasDefault = isDefaultNetwork(nai);
-                    final PrivateDnsConfig privateDnsCfg = (msg.obj instanceof PrivateDnsConfig)
-                            ? (PrivateDnsConfig) msg.obj : null;
                     final String redirectUrl = (msg.obj instanceof String) ? (String) msg.obj : "";
-                    final boolean reevaluationRequired;
-                    final String logMsg;
-                    if (valid) {
-                        reevaluationRequired = updatePrivateDns(nai, privateDnsCfg);
-                        logMsg = (DBG && (privateDnsCfg != null))
-                                 ? " with " + privateDnsCfg.toString() : "";
-                    } else {
-                        reevaluationRequired = false;
-                        logMsg = (DBG && !TextUtils.isEmpty(redirectUrl))
-                                 ? " with redirect to " + redirectUrl : "";
-                    }
                     if (DBG) {
+                        final String logMsg = !TextUtils.isEmpty(redirectUrl)
+                                 ? " with redirect to " + redirectUrl
+                                 : "";
                         log( + " validation " + (valid ? "passed" : "failed") + logMsg);
-                    // If there is a change in Private DNS configuration,
-                    // trigger reevaluation of the network to test it.
-                    if (reevaluationRequired) {
-                        nai.networkMonitor.sendMessage(
-                                NetworkMonitor.CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION, Process.SYSTEM_UID);
-                        break;
-                    }
                     if (valid != nai.lastValidated) {
                         if (wasDefault) {
@@ -2147,10 +2208,7 @@
                 case NetworkMonitor.EVENT_PROVISIONING_NOTIFICATION: {
                     final int netId = msg.arg2;
                     final boolean visible = toBool(msg.arg1);
-                    final NetworkAgentInfo nai;
-                    synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
-                        nai = mNetworkForNetId.get(netId);
-                    }
+                    final NetworkAgentInfo nai = getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(netId);
                     // If captive portal status has changed, update capabilities or disconnect.
                     if (nai != null && (visible != nai.lastCaptivePortalDetected)) {
                         final int oldScore = nai.getCurrentScore();
@@ -2181,18 +2239,10 @@
                 case NetworkMonitor.EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_CONFIG_RESOLVED: {
-                    final NetworkAgentInfo nai;
-                    synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
-                        nai = mNetworkForNetId.get(msg.arg2);
-                    }
+                    final NetworkAgentInfo nai = getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(msg.arg2);
                     if (nai == null) break;
-                    final PrivateDnsConfig cfg = (PrivateDnsConfig) msg.obj;
-                    final boolean reevaluationRequired = updatePrivateDns(nai, cfg);
-                    if (nai.lastValidated && reevaluationRequired) {
-                        nai.networkMonitor.sendMessage(
-                                NetworkMonitor.CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION, Process.SYSTEM_UID);
-                    }
+                    updatePrivateDns(nai, (PrivateDnsConfig) msg.obj);
@@ -2230,61 +2280,50 @@
+    private boolean networkRequiresValidation(NetworkAgentInfo nai) {
+        return NetworkMonitor.isValidationRequired(
+                mDefaultRequest.networkCapabilities, nai.networkCapabilities);
+    }
     private void handlePrivateDnsSettingsChanged() {
         final PrivateDnsConfig cfg = mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig();
         for (NetworkAgentInfo nai : mNetworkAgentInfos.values()) {
-            // Private DNS only ever applies to networks that might provide
-            // Internet access and therefore also require validation.
-            if (!NetworkMonitor.isValidationRequired(
-                    mDefaultRequest.networkCapabilities, nai.networkCapabilities)) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            // Notify the NetworkMonitor thread in case it needs to cancel or
-            // schedule DNS resolutions. If a DNS resolution is required the
-            // result will be sent back to us.
-            nai.networkMonitor.notifyPrivateDnsSettingsChanged(cfg);
-            if (!cfg.inStrictMode()) {
-                // No strict mode hostname DNS resolution needed, so just update
-                // DNS settings directly. In opportunistic and "off" modes this
-                // just reprograms netd with the network-supplied DNS servers
-                // (and of course the boolean of whether or not to attempt TLS).
-                //
-                // TODO: Consider code flow parity with strict mode, i.e. having
-                // NetworkMonitor relay the PrivateDnsConfig back to us and then
-                // performing this call at that time.
-                updatePrivateDns(nai, cfg);
+            handlePerNetworkPrivateDnsConfig(nai, cfg);
+            if (networkRequiresValidation(nai)) {
+                handleUpdateLinkProperties(nai, new LinkProperties(nai.linkProperties));
-    private boolean updatePrivateDns(NetworkAgentInfo nai, PrivateDnsConfig newCfg) {
-        final boolean reevaluationRequired = true;
-        final boolean dontReevaluate = false;
+    private void handlePerNetworkPrivateDnsConfig(NetworkAgentInfo nai, PrivateDnsConfig cfg) {
+        // Private DNS only ever applies to networks that might provide
+        // Internet access and therefore also require validation.
+        if (!networkRequiresValidation(nai)) return;
-        final PrivateDnsConfig oldCfg = mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(, newCfg);
+        // Notify the NetworkMonitor thread in case it needs to cancel or
+        // schedule DNS resolutions. If a DNS resolution is required the
+        // result will be sent back to us.
+        nai.networkMonitor.notifyPrivateDnsSettingsChanged(cfg);
+        // With Private DNS bypass support, we can proceed to update the
+        // Private DNS config immediately, even if we're in strict mode
+        // and have not yet resolved the provider name into a set of IPs.
+        updatePrivateDns(nai, cfg);
+    }
+    private void updatePrivateDns(NetworkAgentInfo nai, PrivateDnsConfig newCfg) {
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(, newCfg);
         updateDnses(nai.linkProperties, null,;
+    }
-        if (newCfg == null) {
-            if (oldCfg == null) return dontReevaluate;
-            return oldCfg.useTls ? reevaluationRequired : dontReevaluate;
+    private void handlePrivateDnsValidationUpdate(PrivateDnsValidationUpdate update) {
+        NetworkAgentInfo nai = getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId(update.netId);
+        if (nai == null) {
+            return;
-        if (oldCfg == null) {
-            return newCfg.useTls ? reevaluationRequired : dontReevaluate;
-        }
-        if (oldCfg.useTls != newCfg.useTls) {
-            return reevaluationRequired;
-        }
-        if (newCfg.inStrictMode() && !Objects.equals(oldCfg.hostname, newCfg.hostname)) {
-            return reevaluationRequired;
-        }
-        return dontReevaluate;
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(update);
+        handleUpdateLinkProperties(nai, new LinkProperties(nai.linkProperties));
     private void updateLingerState(NetworkAgentInfo nai, long now) {
@@ -2971,6 +3010,10 @@
+                    handlePrivateDnsValidationUpdate(
+                            (PrivateDnsValidationUpdate) msg.obj);
+                    break;
@@ -3223,7 +3266,7 @@
         if (isNetworkWithLinkPropertiesBlocked(lp, uid, false)) {
-        nai.networkMonitor.sendMessage(NetworkMonitor.CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION, uid);
+        nai.networkMonitor.forceReevaluation(uid);
     private ProxyInfo getDefaultProxy() {
@@ -4213,13 +4256,12 @@
-        // Set the UID range for this request to the single UID of the requester.
+        // Set the UID range for this request to the single UID of the requester, or to an empty
+        // set of UIDs if the caller has the appropriate permission and UIDs have not been set.
         // This will overwrite any allowed UIDs in the requested capabilities. Though there
         // are no visible methods to set the UIDs, an app could use reflection to try and get
         // networks for other apps so it's essential that the UIDs are overwritten.
-        // TODO : don't forcefully set the UID when communicating with processes
-        // that have the NETWORK_SETTINGS permission.
-        networkCapabilities.setSingleUid(Binder.getCallingUid());
+        restrictRequestUidsForCaller(networkCapabilities);
         if (timeoutMs < 0) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad timeout specified");
@@ -4293,9 +4335,7 @@
-        // TODO : don't forcefully set the UID when communicating with processes
-        // that have the NETWORK_SETTINGS permission.
-        networkCapabilities.setSingleUid(Binder.getCallingUid());
+        restrictRequestUidsForCaller(networkCapabilities);
         NetworkRequest networkRequest = new NetworkRequest(networkCapabilities, TYPE_NONE,
                 nextNetworkRequestId(), NetworkRequest.Type.REQUEST);
@@ -4349,18 +4389,14 @@
         NetworkCapabilities nc = new NetworkCapabilities(networkCapabilities);
-        // TODO : don't forcefully set the UIDs when communicating with processes
-        // that have the NETWORK_SETTINGS permission.
-        nc.setSingleUid(Binder.getCallingUid());
-        if (!ConnectivityManager.checkChangePermission(mContext)) {
-            // Apps without the CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE permission can't use background networks, so
-            // make all their listens include NET_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND. That way, they will get
-            // onLost and onAvailable callbacks when networks move in and out of the background.
-            // There is no need to do this for requests because an app without CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE
-            // can't request networks.
-            nc.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND);
-        }
-        ensureValidNetworkSpecifier(networkCapabilities);
+        restrictRequestUidsForCaller(nc);
+        // Apps without the CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE permission can't use background networks, so
+        // make all their listens include NET_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND. That way, they will get
+        // onLost and onAvailable callbacks when networks move in and out of the background.
+        // There is no need to do this for requests because an app without CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE
+        // can't request networks.
+        restrictBackgroundRequestForCaller(nc);
+        ensureValidNetworkSpecifier(nc);
         NetworkRequest networkRequest = new NetworkRequest(nc, TYPE_NONE, nextNetworkRequestId(),
@@ -4381,9 +4417,7 @@
         final NetworkCapabilities nc = new NetworkCapabilities(networkCapabilities);
-        // TODO : don't forcefully set the UIDs when communicating with processes
-        // that have the NETWORK_SETTINGS permission.
-        nc.setSingleUid(Binder.getCallingUid());
+        restrictRequestUidsForCaller(nc);
         NetworkRequest networkRequest = new NetworkRequest(nc, TYPE_NONE, nextNetworkRequestId(),
@@ -4520,17 +4554,17 @@
-    private void handleRegisterNetworkAgent(NetworkAgentInfo na) {
+    private void handleRegisterNetworkAgent(NetworkAgentInfo nai) {
         if (VDBG) log("Got NetworkAgent Messenger");
-        mNetworkAgentInfos.put(na.messenger, na);
+        mNetworkAgentInfos.put(nai.messenger, nai);
         synchronized (mNetworkForNetId) {
-            mNetworkForNetId.put(, na);
+            mNetworkForNetId.put(, nai);
-        na.asyncChannel.connect(mContext, mTrackerHandler, na.messenger);
-        NetworkInfo networkInfo = na.networkInfo;
-        na.networkInfo = null;
-        updateNetworkInfo(na, networkInfo);
-        updateUids(na, null, na.networkCapabilities);
+        nai.asyncChannel.connect(mContext, mTrackerHandler, nai.messenger);
+        NetworkInfo networkInfo = nai.networkInfo;
+        nai.networkInfo = null;
+        updateNetworkInfo(nai, networkInfo);
+        updateUids(nai, null, nai.networkCapabilities);
     private void updateLinkProperties(NetworkAgentInfo networkAgent, LinkProperties oldLp) {
@@ -4553,6 +4587,11 @@
         updateRoutes(newLp, oldLp, netId);
         updateDnses(newLp, oldLp, netId);
+        // Make sure LinkProperties represents the latest private DNS status.
+        // This does not need to be done before updateDnses because the
+        // LinkProperties are not the source of the private DNS configuration.
+        // updateDnses will fetch the private DNS configuration from DnsManager.
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(netId, newLp);
         // Start or stop clat accordingly to network state.
@@ -4851,7 +4890,7 @@
     public void handleUpdateLinkProperties(NetworkAgentInfo nai, LinkProperties newLp) {
-        if (mNetworkForNetId.get( != nai) {
+        if (getNetworkAgentInfoForNetId( != nai) {
             // Ignore updates for disconnected networks
@@ -4947,8 +4986,8 @@
             case ConnectivityManager.CALLBACK_CAP_CHANGED: {
                 // networkAgent can't be null as it has been accessed a few lines above.
-                final NetworkCapabilities nc =
-                        networkCapabilitiesWithoutUids(networkAgent.networkCapabilities);
+                final NetworkCapabilities nc = networkCapabilitiesWithoutUidsUnlessAllowed(
+                        networkAgent.networkCapabilities, nri.mPid, nri.mUid);
                 putParcelable(bundle, nc);
@@ -5257,7 +5296,6 @@
                 for (LinkProperties stacked : newNetwork.linkProperties.getStackedLinks()) {
                     final String stackedIface = stacked.getInterfaceName();
                     bs.noteNetworkInterfaceType(stackedIface, type);
-                    NetworkStatsFactory.noteStackedIface(stackedIface, baseIface);
             } catch (RemoteException ignored) {
@@ -5428,8 +5466,12 @@
         if (!networkAgent.everConnected && state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) {
             networkAgent.everConnected = true;
+            if (networkAgent.linkProperties == null) {
+      , + " connected with null LinkProperties");
+            }
+            handlePerNetworkPrivateDnsConfig(networkAgent, mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig());
             updateLinkProperties(networkAgent, null);
-            notifyIfacesChangedForNetworkStats();
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 45a4dfb9..bde6bd8 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
@@ -618,10 +619,8 @@
-            } catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
-                // FIXME: get the error code and throw is at an IOException from Errno Exception
-            } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to delete SA with ID: " + mResourceId);
+            } catch (RemoteException | ServiceSpecificException e) {
+                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to delete SA with ID: " + mResourceId, e);
@@ -677,14 +676,14 @@
         public void freeUnderlyingResources() {
             try {
-                mSrvConfig
-                        .getNetdInstance()
-                        .ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(
-                                mResourceId, mSourceAddress, mDestinationAddress, mSpi, 0, 0);
-            } catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
-                // FIXME: get the error code and throw is at an IOException from Errno Exception
-            } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to delete SPI reservation with ID: " + mResourceId);
+                if (!mOwnedByTransform) {
+                    mSrvConfig
+                            .getNetdInstance()
+                            .ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(
+                                    mResourceId, mSourceAddress, mDestinationAddress, mSpi, 0, 0);
+                }
+            } catch (ServiceSpecificException | RemoteException e) {
+                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to delete SPI reservation with ID: " + mResourceId, e);
             mSpi = IpSecManager.INVALID_SECURITY_PARAMETER_INDEX;
@@ -829,15 +828,13 @@
                                         0, direction, wildcardAddr, wildcardAddr, mark, 0xffffffff);
-            } catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
-                // FIXME: get the error code and throw is at an IOException from Errno Exception
-            } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            } catch (ServiceSpecificException | RemoteException e) {
                         "Failed to delete VTI with interface name: "
                                 + mInterfaceName
                                 + " and id: "
-                                + mResourceId);
+                                + mResourceId, e);
@@ -934,7 +931,7 @@
             return mPort;
-        public FileDescriptor getSocket() {
+        public FileDescriptor getFileDescriptor() {
             return mSocket;
@@ -1068,7 +1065,10 @@
     public synchronized IpSecSpiResponse allocateSecurityParameterIndex(
             String destinationAddress, int requestedSpi, IBinder binder) throws RemoteException {
-        /* requestedSpi can be anything in the int range, so no check is needed. */
+        // RFC 4303 Section 2.1 - 0=local, 1-255=reserved.
+        if (requestedSpi > 0 && requestedSpi < 256) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ESP SPI must not be in the range of 0-255.");
+        }
         checkNotNull(binder, "Null Binder passed to allocateSecurityParameterIndex");
         UserRecord userRecord = mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Binder.getCallingUid());
@@ -1319,7 +1319,9 @@
      * from multiple local IP addresses over the same tunnel.
-    public synchronized void addAddressToTunnelInterface(int tunnelResourceId, String localAddr) {
+    public synchronized void addAddressToTunnelInterface(
+            int tunnelResourceId, LinkAddress localAddr) {
+        enforceNetworkStackPermission();
         UserRecord userRecord = mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Binder.getCallingUid());
         // Get tunnelInterface record; if no such interface is found, will throw
@@ -1327,8 +1329,21 @@
         TunnelInterfaceRecord tunnelInterfaceInfo =
-        // TODO: Add calls to netd:
-        //       Add address to TunnelInterface
+        try {
+            // We can assume general validity of the IP address, since we get them as a
+            // LinkAddress, which does some validation.
+            mSrvConfig
+                    .getNetdInstance()
+                    .interfaceAddAddress(
+                            tunnelInterfaceInfo.mInterfaceName,
+                            localAddr.getAddress().getHostAddress(),
+                            localAddr.getPrefixLength());
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
+        } catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
+            // If we get here, one of the arguments provided was invalid. Wrap the SSE, and throw.
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
+        }
@@ -1337,7 +1352,8 @@
     public synchronized void removeAddressFromTunnelInterface(
-            int tunnelResourceId, String localAddr) {
+            int tunnelResourceId, LinkAddress localAddr) {
+        enforceNetworkStackPermission();
         UserRecord userRecord = mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Binder.getCallingUid());
         // Get tunnelInterface record; if no such interface is found, will throw
@@ -1345,8 +1361,21 @@
         TunnelInterfaceRecord tunnelInterfaceInfo =
-        // TODO: Add calls to netd:
-        //       Remove address from TunnelInterface
+        try {
+            // We can assume general validity of the IP address, since we get them as a
+            // LinkAddress, which does some validation.
+            mSrvConfig
+                    .getNetdInstance()
+                    .interfaceDelAddress(
+                            tunnelInterfaceInfo.mInterfaceName,
+                            localAddr.getAddress().getHostAddress(),
+                            localAddr.getPrefixLength());
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
+        } catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
+            // If we get here, one of the arguments provided was invalid. Wrap the SSE, and throw.
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
+        }
@@ -1467,6 +1496,13 @@
         IpSecAlgorithm crypt = c.getEncryption();
         IpSecAlgorithm authCrypt = c.getAuthenticatedEncryption();
+        String cryptName;
+        if (crypt == null) {
+            cryptName = (authCrypt == null) ? IpSecAlgorithm.CRYPT_NULL : "";
+        } else {
+            cryptName = crypt.getName();
+        }
@@ -1481,7 +1517,7 @@
                         (auth != null) ? auth.getName() : "",
                         (auth != null) ? auth.getKey() : new byte[] {},
                         (auth != null) ? auth.getTruncationLengthBits() : 0,
-                        (crypt != null) ? crypt.getName() : "",
+                        cryptName,
                         (crypt != null) ? crypt.getKey() : new byte[] {},
                         (crypt != null) ? crypt.getTruncationLengthBits() : 0,
                         (authCrypt != null) ? authCrypt.getName() : "",
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 88ae224..5d719ad 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -1867,10 +1867,10 @@
-    public NetworkStats getNetworkStatsUidDetail(int uid) {
+    public NetworkStats getNetworkStatsUidDetail(int uid, String[] ifaces) {
         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL, TAG);
         try {
-            return mStatsFactory.readNetworkStatsDetail(uid, null, TAG_ALL, null);
+            return mStatsFactory.readNetworkStatsDetail(uid, ifaces, TAG_ALL, null);
         } catch (IOException e) {
             throw new IllegalStateException(e);
@@ -1942,13 +1942,13 @@
     public void setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(int netId, String[] servers, String[] domains,
-                    int[] params, boolean useTls, String tlsHostname) {
+                    int[] params, String tlsHostname, String[] tlsServers) {
         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL, TAG);
         final String[] tlsFingerprints = new String[0];
         try {
-                    netId, servers, domains, params, useTls, tlsHostname, tlsFingerprints);
+                    netId, servers, domains, params, tlsHostname, tlsServers, tlsFingerprints);
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 8b5176e..539c001 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import android.telephony.DisconnectCause;
 import android.telephony.LocationAccessPolicy;
 import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener;
+import android.telephony.PhysicalChannelConfig;
 import android.telephony.PreciseCallState;
 import android.telephony.PreciseDataConnectionState;
 import android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause;
@@ -64,7 +65,6 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
     private static final boolean VDBG = false; // STOPSHIP if true
     private static class Record {
+        Context context;
         String callingPackage;
         IBinder binder;
@@ -107,8 +109,6 @@
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.INVALID_PHONE_INDEX;
-        boolean canReadPhoneState;
         boolean matchPhoneStateListenerEvent(int events) {
             return (callback != null) && ((events & != 0);
@@ -117,6 +117,15 @@
             return (onSubscriptionsChangedListenerCallback != null);
+        boolean canReadPhoneState() {
+            try {
+                return TelephonyPermissions.checkReadPhoneState(
+                        context, subId, callerPid, callerUid, callingPackage, "listen");
+            } catch (SecurityException e) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
         public String toString() {
             return "{callingPackage=" + callingPackage + " binder=" + binder
@@ -124,8 +133,7 @@
                     + " onSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback="
                                             + onSubscriptionsChangedListenerCallback
                     + " callerUid=" + callerUid + " subId=" + subId + " phoneId=" + phoneId
-                    + " events=" + Integer.toHexString(events)
-                    + " canReadPhoneState=" + canReadPhoneState + "}";
+                    + " events=" + Integer.toHexString(events) + "}";
@@ -163,14 +171,9 @@
     private int[] mDataActivity;
+    // Connection state of default APN type data (i.e. internet) of phones
     private int[] mDataConnectionState;
-    private ArrayList<String>[] mConnectedApns;
-    private LinkProperties[] mDataConnectionLinkProperties;
-    private NetworkCapabilities[] mDataConnectionNetworkCapabilities;
     private Bundle[] mCellLocation;
     private int[] mDataConnectionNetworkType;
@@ -179,6 +182,8 @@
     private ArrayList<List<CellInfo>> mCellInfo = null;
+    private ArrayList<List<PhysicalChannelConfig>> mPhysicalChannelConfigs;
     private VoLteServiceState mVoLteServiceState = new VoLteServiceState();
     private int mDefaultSubId = SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID;
@@ -200,16 +205,15 @@
     private PreciseDataConnectionState mPreciseDataConnectionState =
                 new PreciseDataConnectionState();
+            PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION
+                    | PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_INFO;
                 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_FORWARDING_INDICATOR |
                 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_MESSAGE_WAITING_INDICATOR |
-                PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE |
-                PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_DATA_ACTIVITY |
-                PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE;
                 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_PRECISE_CALL_STATE |
@@ -316,9 +320,8 @@
         mBatteryStats = BatteryStatsService.getService();
         int numPhones = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getPhoneCount();
-        if (DBG) log("TelephonyRegistor: ctor numPhones=" + numPhones);
+        if (DBG) log("TelephonyRegistry: ctor numPhones=" + numPhones);
         mNumPhones = numPhones;
-        mConnectedApns = new ArrayList[numPhones];
         mCallState = new int[numPhones];
         mDataActivity = new int[numPhones];
         mDataConnectionState = new int[numPhones];
@@ -332,9 +335,8 @@
         mMessageWaiting = new boolean[numPhones];
         mCallForwarding = new boolean[numPhones];
         mCellLocation = new Bundle[numPhones];
-        mDataConnectionLinkProperties = new LinkProperties[numPhones];
-        mDataConnectionNetworkCapabilities = new NetworkCapabilities[numPhones];
         mCellInfo = new ArrayList<List<CellInfo>>();
+        mPhysicalChannelConfigs = new ArrayList<List<PhysicalChannelConfig>>();
         for (int i = 0; i < numPhones; i++) {
             mCallState[i] =  TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE;
             mDataActivity[i] = TelephonyManager.DATA_ACTIVITY_NONE;
@@ -349,7 +351,7 @@
             mCallForwarding[i] =  false;
             mCellLocation[i] = new Bundle();
             mCellInfo.add(i, null);
-            mConnectedApns[i] = new ArrayList<String>();
+            mPhysicalChannelConfigs.add(i, null);
         // Note that location can be null for non-phone builds like
@@ -377,20 +379,13 @@
     public void addOnSubscriptionsChangedListener(String callingPackage,
             IOnSubscriptionsChangedListener callback) {
         int callerUserId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
-        mContext.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class)
-                .checkPackage(Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage);
+        mAppOps.checkPackage(Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage);
         if (VDBG) {
             log("listen oscl: E pkg=" + callingPackage + " myUserId=" + UserHandle.myUserId()
                 + " callerUserId="  + callerUserId + " callback=" + callback
                 + " callback.asBinder=" + callback.asBinder());
-        if (!TelephonyPermissions.checkCallingOrSelfReadPhoneState(
-                mContext, callingPackage, "addOnSubscriptionsChangedListener")) {
-            return;
-        }
         synchronized (mRecords) {
             // register
             IBinder b = callback.asBinder();
@@ -400,12 +395,12 @@
+            r.context = mContext;
             r.onSubscriptionsChangedListenerCallback = callback;
             r.callingPackage = callingPackage;
             r.callerUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
             r.callerPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
    = 0;
-            r.canReadPhoneState = true; // permission has been enforced above
             if (DBG) {
                 log("listen oscl:  Register r=" + r);
@@ -474,8 +469,7 @@
     private void listen(String callingPackage, IPhoneStateListener callback, int events,
             boolean notifyNow, int subId) {
         int callerUserId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
-        mContext.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class)
-                .checkPackage(Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage);
+        mAppOps.checkPackage(Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage);
         if (VDBG) {
             log("listen: E pkg=" + callingPackage + " events=0x" + Integer.toHexString(events)
                 + " notifyNow=" + notifyNow + " subId=" + subId + " myUserId="
@@ -486,7 +480,7 @@
             // Checks permission and throws SecurityException for disallowed operations. For pre-M
             // apps whose runtime permission has been revoked, we return immediately to skip sending
             // events to the app without crashing it.
-            if (!checkListenerPermission(events, callingPackage, "listen")) {
+            if (!checkListenerPermission(events, subId, callingPackage, "listen")) {
@@ -500,14 +494,11 @@
+                r.context = mContext;
                 r.callback = callback;
                 r.callingPackage = callingPackage;
                 r.callerUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
                 r.callerPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
-                boolean isPhoneStateEvent = (events & (CHECK_PHONE_STATE_PERMISSION_MASK
-                        | ENFORCE_PHONE_STATE_PERMISSION_MASK)) != 0;
-                r.canReadPhoneState =
-                        isPhoneStateEvent && canReadPhoneState(callingPackage, "listen");
                 // Legacy applications pass SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUB_ID,
                 // force all illegal subId to SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUB_ID
                 if (!SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(subId)) {
@@ -659,6 +650,14 @@
+                    if ((events & PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION) != 0) {
+                        try {
+                            r.callback.onPhysicalChannelConfigurationChanged(
+                                    mPhysicalChannelConfigs.get(phoneId));
+                        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+                            remove(r.binder);
+                        }
+                    }
         } else {
@@ -667,18 +666,9 @@
-    private boolean canReadPhoneState(String callingPackage, String message) {
-        try {
-            return TelephonyPermissions.checkCallingOrSelfReadPhoneState(
-                    mContext, callingPackage, message);
-        } catch (SecurityException e) {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
     private String getCallIncomingNumber(Record record, int phoneId) {
-        // Hide the number if record's process has no READ_PHONE_STATE permission
-        return record.canReadPhoneState ? mCallIncomingNumber[phoneId] : "";
+        // Hide the number if record's process can't currently read phone state.
+        return record.canReadPhoneState() ? mCallIncomingNumber[phoneId] : "";
     private Record add(IBinder binder) {
@@ -753,7 +743,7 @@
                 if (r.matchPhoneStateListenerEvent(PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE) &&
                         (r.subId == SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)) {
                     try {
-                        String incomingNumberOrEmpty = r.canReadPhoneState ? incomingNumber : "";
+                        String incomingNumberOrEmpty = r.canReadPhoneState() ? incomingNumber : "";
                         r.callback.onCallStateChanged(state, incomingNumberOrEmpty);
                     } catch (RemoteException ex) {
@@ -1020,6 +1010,45 @@
+    public void notifyPhysicalChannelConfiguration(List<PhysicalChannelConfig> configs) {
+        notifyPhysicalChannelConfigurationForSubscriber(SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID,
+                configs);
+    }
+    public void notifyPhysicalChannelConfigurationForSubscriber(int subId,
+            List<PhysicalChannelConfig> configs) {
+        if (!checkNotifyPermission("notifyPhysicalChannelConfiguration()")) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (VDBG) {
+            log("notifyPhysicalChannelConfiguration: subId=" + subId + " configs=" + configs);
+        }
+        synchronized (mRecords) {
+            int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
+            if (validatePhoneId(phoneId)) {
+                mPhysicalChannelConfigs.set(phoneId, configs);
+                for (Record r : mRecords) {
+                    if (r.matchPhoneStateListenerEvent(
+                            PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION)
+                            && idMatch(r.subId, subId, phoneId)) {
+                        try {
+                            if (DBG_LOC) {
+                                log("notifyPhysicalChannelConfiguration: mPhysicalChannelConfigs="
+                                        + configs + " r=" + r);
+                            }
+                            r.callback.onPhysicalChannelConfigurationChanged(configs);
+                        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+                            mRemoveList.add(r.binder);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            handleRemoveListLocked();
+        }
+    }
     public void notifyMessageWaitingChangedForPhoneId(int phoneId, int subId, boolean mwi) {
         if (!checkNotifyPermission("notifyMessageWaitingChanged()")) {
@@ -1160,36 +1189,12 @@
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
         synchronized (mRecords) {
             if (validatePhoneId(phoneId)) {
-                boolean modified = false;
-                if (state == TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED) {
-                    if (!mConnectedApns[phoneId].contains(apnType)) {
-                        mConnectedApns[phoneId].add(apnType);
-                        if (mDataConnectionState[phoneId] != state) {
-                            mDataConnectionState[phoneId] = state;
-                            modified = true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if (mConnectedApns[phoneId].remove(apnType)) {
-                        if (mConnectedApns[phoneId].isEmpty()) {
-                            mDataConnectionState[phoneId] = state;
-                            modified = true;
-                        } else {
-                            // leave mDataConnectionState as is and
-                            // send out the new status for the APN in question.
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                mDataConnectionLinkProperties[phoneId] = linkProperties;
-                mDataConnectionNetworkCapabilities[phoneId] = networkCapabilities;
-                if (mDataConnectionNetworkType[phoneId] != networkType) {
-                    mDataConnectionNetworkType[phoneId] = networkType;
-                    // need to tell registered listeners about the new network type
-                    modified = true;
-                }
-                if (modified) {
-                    String str = "onDataConnectionStateChanged(" + mDataConnectionState[phoneId]
-                            + ", " + mDataConnectionNetworkType[phoneId] + ")";
+                // We only call the callback when the change is for default APN type.
+                if (PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DEFAULT.equals(apnType)
+                        && (mDataConnectionState[phoneId] != state
+                        || mDataConnectionNetworkType[phoneId] != networkType)) {
+                    String str = "onDataConnectionStateChanged(" + state
+                            + ", " + networkType + ")";
                     for (Record r : mRecords) {
@@ -1200,15 +1205,16 @@
                                 if (DBG) {
                                     log("Notify data connection state changed on sub: " + subId);
-                                r.callback.onDataConnectionStateChanged(
-                                        mDataConnectionState[phoneId],
-                                        mDataConnectionNetworkType[phoneId]);
+                                r.callback.onDataConnectionStateChanged(state, networkType);
                             } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+                    mDataConnectionState[phoneId] = state;
+                    mDataConnectionNetworkType[phoneId] = networkType;
                 mPreciseDataConnectionState = new PreciseDataConnectionState(state, networkType,
                         apnType, apn, reason, linkProperties, "");
@@ -1444,14 +1450,10 @@
                 pw.println("mCallForwarding=" + mCallForwarding[i]);
                 pw.println("mDataActivity=" + mDataActivity[i]);
                 pw.println("mDataConnectionState=" + mDataConnectionState[i]);
-                pw.println("mDataConnectionLinkProperties=" + mDataConnectionLinkProperties[i]);
-                pw.println("mDataConnectionNetworkCapabilities=" +
-                        mDataConnectionNetworkCapabilities[i]);
                 pw.println("mCellLocation=" + mCellLocation[i]);
                 pw.println("mCellInfo=" + mCellInfo.get(i));
-            pw.println("mConnectedApns=" + Arrays.toString(mConnectedApns));
             pw.println("mPreciseDataConnectionState=" + mPreciseDataConnectionState);
             pw.println("mPreciseCallState=" + mPreciseCallState);
             pw.println("mCarrierNetworkChangeState=" + mCarrierNetworkChangeState);
@@ -1668,22 +1670,20 @@
                 == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
-    private boolean checkListenerPermission(int events, String callingPackage, String message) {
-        if ((events & PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION) != 0) {
+    private boolean checkListenerPermission(
+            int events, int subId, String callingPackage, String message) {
+        if ((events & ENFORCE_COARSE_LOCATION_PERMISSION_MASK) != 0) {
                     android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, null);
-        }
-        if ((events & PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_INFO) != 0) {
-            mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
-                    android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, null);
+            if (mAppOps.noteOp(AppOpsManager.OP_COARSE_LOCATION, Binder.getCallingUid(),
+                    callingPackage) != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) {
+                return false;
+            }
         if ((events & ENFORCE_PHONE_STATE_PERMISSION_MASK) != 0) {
             if (!TelephonyPermissions.checkCallingOrSelfReadPhoneState(
-                    mContext, callingPackage, message)) {
+                    mContext, subId, callingPackage, message)) {
                 return false;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 53285e6..155febd 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -587,13 +587,8 @@
     private File dumpKernelStackTraces() {
-        String tracesPath = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", null);
-        if (tracesPath == null || tracesPath.length() == 0) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        native_dumpKernelStacks(tracesPath);
-        return new File(tracesPath);
+        native_dumpKernelStacks("/data/anr");
+        return new File("/data/anr");
     private native void native_dumpKernelStacks(String tracesPath);
@@ -615,14 +610,6 @@
                 return null;
-            // Don't run the FD monitor on builds that have a global ANR trace file. We're using
-            // the ANR trace directory as a quick hack in order to get these traces in bugreports
-            // and we wouldn't want to overwrite something important.
-            final String dumpDirStr = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir", "");
-            if (dumpDirStr.isEmpty()) {
-                return null;
-            }
             final StructRlimit rlimit;
             try {
                 rlimit = android.system.Os.getrlimit(OsConstants.RLIMIT_NOFILE);
@@ -639,7 +626,7 @@
             // We do this to avoid having to enumerate the contents of /proc/self/fd in order to
             // count the number of descriptors open in the process.
             final File fdThreshold = new File("/proc/self/fd/" + (rlimit.rlim_cur - FD_HIGH_WATER_MARK));
-            return new OpenFdMonitor(new File(dumpDirStr), fdThreshold);
+            return new OpenFdMonitor(new File("/data/anr"), fdThreshold);
         OpenFdMonitor(File dumpDir, File fdThreshold) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/accounts/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/accounts/
index be91f98..2af2f38 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/accounts/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/accounts/
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
                  * This is recursive, but it won't spiral out of control because LruCache is
                  * thread safe and the Evictor can only be removed once.
-                Evictor evictor = mTokenEvictors.remove(oldVal.token);
+                Evictor evictor = mTokenEvictors.remove(new Pair<>(k.account.type, oldVal.token));
                 if (evictor != null) {
@@ -134,12 +134,13 @@
         public void putToken(Key k, Value v) {
             // Prepare for removal by token string.
-            Evictor tokenEvictor = mTokenEvictors.get(v.token);
+            Pair<String, String> mapKey = new Pair<>(k.account.type, v.token);
+            Evictor tokenEvictor = mTokenEvictors.get(mapKey);
             if (tokenEvictor == null) {
                 tokenEvictor = new Evictor();
-            mTokenEvictors.put(new Pair<>(k.account.type, v.token), tokenEvictor);
+            mTokenEvictors.put(mapKey, tokenEvictor);
             // Prepare for removal by associated account.
             Evictor accountEvictor = mAccountEvictors.get(k.account);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
index 6c60b74..7cfc8af 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
 import android.content.IntentFilter;
@@ -2695,13 +2696,15 @@
-     * Encapsulates the globla setting "hidden_api_blacklist_exemptions", including tracking the
+     * Encapsulates the global setting "hidden_api_blacklist_exemptions", including tracking the
      * latest value via a content observer.
     static class HiddenApiBlacklist extends ContentObserver {
         private final Context mContext;
         private boolean mBlacklistDisabled;
+        private String mExemptionsStr;
+        private List<String> mExemptions = Collections.emptyList();
         public HiddenApiBlacklist(Handler handler, Context context) {
@@ -2717,8 +2720,22 @@
         private void update() {
-            mBlacklistDisabled = "*".equals(Settings.Global.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(),
-                    Settings.Global.HIDDEN_API_BLACKLIST_EXEMPTIONS));
+            String exemptions = Settings.Global.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(),
+                    Settings.Global.HIDDEN_API_BLACKLIST_EXEMPTIONS);
+            if (!TextUtils.equals(exemptions, mExemptionsStr)) {
+                mExemptionsStr = exemptions;
+                if ("*".equals(exemptions)) {
+                    mBlacklistDisabled = true;
+                    mExemptions = Collections.emptyList();
+                } else {
+                    mBlacklistDisabled = false;
+                    mExemptions = TextUtils.isEmpty(exemptions)
+                            ? Collections.emptyList()
+                            : Arrays.asList(exemptions.split(","));
+                }
+                zygoteProcess.setApiBlacklistExemptions(mExemptions);
+            }
         boolean isDisabled() {
@@ -3944,12 +3961,14 @@
                 runtimeFlags |= Zygote.ONLY_USE_SYSTEM_OAT_FILES;
-            if (! &&
-                    !disableHiddenApiChecks &&
-                    !mHiddenApiBlacklist.isDisabled()) {
-                // This app is not allowed to use undocumented and private APIs, or blacklisting is
-                // enabled. Set up its runtime with the appropriate flag.
-                runtimeFlags |= Zygote.ENABLE_HIDDEN_API_CHECKS;
+            if (!disableHiddenApiChecks && !mHiddenApiBlacklist.isDisabled()) {
+                @HiddenApiEnforcementPolicy int policy =
+              ;
+                int policyBits = (policy << Zygote.API_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY_SHIFT);
+                if ((policyBits & Zygote.API_ENFORCEMENT_POLICY_MASK) != policyBits) {
+                    throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid API policy: " + policy);
+                }
+                runtimeFlags |= policyBits;
             String invokeWith = null;
@@ -5591,57 +5610,20 @@
-        boolean useTombstonedForJavaTraces = false;
-        File tracesFile;
+        final File tracesDir = new File("/data/anr");
+        // Each set of ANR traces is written to a separate file and dumpstate will process
+        // all such files and add them to a captured bug report if they're recent enough.
+        maybePruneOldTraces(tracesDir);
-        final String tracesDirProp = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir", "");
-        if (tracesDirProp.isEmpty()) {
-            // When dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir is not set, we are using the "old" trace
-            // dumping scheme. All traces are written to a global trace file (usually
-            // "/data/anr/traces.txt") so the code below must take care to unlink and recreate
-            // the file if requested.
-            //
-            // This mode of operation will be removed in the near future.
-            String globalTracesPath = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", null);
-            if (globalTracesPath.isEmpty()) {
-                Slog.w(TAG, "dumpStackTraces: no trace path configured");
-                return null;
-            }
-            tracesFile = new File(globalTracesPath);
-            try {
-                if (clearTraces && tracesFile.exists()) {
-                    tracesFile.delete();
-                }
-                tracesFile.createNewFile();
-                FileUtils.setPermissions(globalTracesPath, 0666, -1, -1); // -rw-rw-rw-
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to prepare ANR traces file: " + tracesFile, e);
-                return null;
-            }
-        } else {
-            File tracesDir = new File(tracesDirProp);
-            // When dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir is set, we use the "new" trace dumping scheme.
-            // Each set of ANR traces is written to a separate file and dumpstate will process
-            // all such files and add them to a captured bug report if they're recent enough.
-            maybePruneOldTraces(tracesDir);
-            // NOTE: We should consider creating the file in native code atomically once we've
-            // gotten rid of the old scheme of dumping and lot of the code that deals with paths
-            // can be removed.
-            tracesFile = createAnrDumpFile(tracesDir);
-            if (tracesFile == null) {
-                return null;
-            }
-            useTombstonedForJavaTraces = true;
+        // NOTE: We should consider creating the file in native code atomically once we've
+        // gotten rid of the old scheme of dumping and lot of the code that deals with paths
+        // can be removed.
+        File tracesFile = createAnrDumpFile(tracesDir);
+        if (tracesFile == null) {
+            return null;
-        dumpStackTraces(tracesFile.getAbsolutePath(), firstPids, nativePids, extraPids,
-                useTombstonedForJavaTraces);
+        dumpStackTraces(tracesFile.getAbsolutePath(), firstPids, nativePids, extraPids);
         return tracesFile;
@@ -5678,83 +5660,22 @@
      * since it's the system_server that creates trace files for most ANRs.
     private static void maybePruneOldTraces(File tracesDir) {
+        final File[] files = tracesDir.listFiles();
+        if (files == null) return;
+        final int max = SystemProperties.getInt("tombstoned.max_anr_count", 64);
         final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        final File[] traceFiles = tracesDir.listFiles();
-        if (traceFiles != null) {
-            for (File file : traceFiles) {
-                if ((now - file.lastModified()) > DAY_IN_MILLIS)  {
-                    if (!file.delete()) {
-                        Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to prune stale trace file: " + file);
-                    }
+        Arrays.sort(files, Comparator.comparingLong(File::lastModified).reversed());
+        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
+            if (i > max || (now - files[i].lastModified()) > DAY_IN_MILLIS) {
+                if (!files[i].delete()) {
+                    Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to prune stale trace file: " + files[i]);
-     * Legacy code, do not use. Existing users will be deleted.
-     *
-     * @deprecated
-     */
-    @Deprecated
-    public static class DumpStackFileObserver extends FileObserver {
-        // Keep in sync with frameworks/native/cmds/dumpstate/utils.cpp
-        private static final int TRACE_DUMP_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000; // 10 seconds
-        private final String mTracesPath;
-        private boolean mClosed;
-        public DumpStackFileObserver(String tracesPath) {
-            super(tracesPath, FileObserver.CLOSE_WRITE);
-            mTracesPath = tracesPath;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public synchronized void onEvent(int event, String path) {
-            mClosed = true;
-            notify();
-        }
-        public long dumpWithTimeout(int pid, long timeout) {
-            sendSignal(pid, SIGNAL_QUIT);
-            final long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
-            final long waitTime = Math.min(timeout, TRACE_DUMP_TIMEOUT_MS);
-            synchronized (this) {
-                try {
-                    wait(waitTime); // Wait for traces file to be closed.
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-          , e);
-                }
-            }
-            // This avoids a corner case of passing a negative time to the native
-            // trace in case we've already hit the overall timeout.
-            final long timeWaited = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - start;
-            if (timeWaited >= timeout) {
-                return timeWaited;
-            }
-            if (!mClosed) {
-                Slog.w(TAG, "Didn't see close of " + mTracesPath + " for pid " + pid +
-                       ". Attempting native stack collection.");
-                final long nativeDumpTimeoutMs = Math.min(
-                        NATIVE_DUMP_TIMEOUT_MS, timeout - timeWaited);
-                Debug.dumpNativeBacktraceToFileTimeout(pid, mTracesPath,
-                        (int) (nativeDumpTimeoutMs / 1000));
-            }
-            final long end = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
-            mClosed = false;
-            return (end - start);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
      * Dump java traces for process {@code pid} to the specified file. If java trace dumping
      * fails, a native backtrace is attempted. Note that the timeout {@code timeoutMs} only applies
      * to the java section of the trace, a further {@code NATIVE_DUMP_TIMEOUT_MS} might be spent
@@ -5772,106 +5693,78 @@
     private static void dumpStackTraces(String tracesFile, ArrayList<Integer> firstPids,
-            ArrayList<Integer> nativePids, ArrayList<Integer> extraPids,
-            boolean useTombstonedForJavaTraces) {
+            ArrayList<Integer> nativePids, ArrayList<Integer> extraPids) {
         // We don't need any sort of inotify based monitoring when we're dumping traces via
         // tombstoned. Data is piped to an "intercept" FD installed in tombstoned so we're in full
         // control of all writes to the file in question.
-        final DumpStackFileObserver observer;
-        if (useTombstonedForJavaTraces) {
-            observer = null;
-        } else {
-            // Use a FileObserver to detect when traces finish writing.
-            // The order of traces is considered important to maintain for legibility.
-            observer = new DumpStackFileObserver(tracesFile);
-        }
         // We must complete all stack dumps within 20 seconds.
         long remainingTime = 20 * 1000;
-        try {
-            if (observer != null) {
-                observer.startWatching();
+        // First collect all of the stacks of the most important pids.
+        if (firstPids != null) {
+            int num = firstPids.size();
+            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+                if (DEBUG_ANR) Slog.d(TAG, "Collecting stacks for pid " + firstPids.get(i));
+                final long timeTaken = dumpJavaTracesTombstoned(firstPids.get(i), tracesFile,
+                                                                remainingTime);
+                remainingTime -= timeTaken;
+                if (remainingTime <= 0) {
+                    Slog.e(TAG, "Aborting stack trace dump (current firstPid=" + firstPids.get(i) +
+                           "); deadline exceeded.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (DEBUG_ANR) {
+                    Slog.d(TAG, "Done with pid " + firstPids.get(i) + " in " + timeTaken + "ms");
+                }
+        }
-            // First collect all of the stacks of the most important pids.
-            if (firstPids != null) {
-                int num = firstPids.size();
-                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-                    if (DEBUG_ANR) Slog.d(TAG, "Collecting stacks for pid "
-                            + firstPids.get(i));
-                    final long timeTaken;
-                    if (useTombstonedForJavaTraces) {
-                        timeTaken = dumpJavaTracesTombstoned(firstPids.get(i), tracesFile, remainingTime);
-                    } else {
-                        timeTaken = observer.dumpWithTimeout(firstPids.get(i), remainingTime);
-                    }
+        // Next collect the stacks of the native pids
+        if (nativePids != null) {
+            for (int pid : nativePids) {
+                if (DEBUG_ANR) Slog.d(TAG, "Collecting stacks for native pid " + pid);
+                final long nativeDumpTimeoutMs = Math.min(NATIVE_DUMP_TIMEOUT_MS, remainingTime);
-                    remainingTime -= timeTaken;
-                    if (remainingTime <= 0) {
-                        Slog.e(TAG, "Aborting stack trace dump (current firstPid=" + firstPids.get(i) +
+                final long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
+                Debug.dumpNativeBacktraceToFileTimeout(
+                        pid, tracesFile, (int) (nativeDumpTimeoutMs / 1000));
+                final long timeTaken = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - start;
+                remainingTime -= timeTaken;
+                if (remainingTime <= 0) {
+                    Slog.e(TAG, "Aborting stack trace dump (current native pid=" + pid +
+                        "); deadline exceeded.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (DEBUG_ANR) {
+                    Slog.d(TAG, "Done with native pid " + pid + " in " + timeTaken + "ms");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Lastly, dump stacks for all extra PIDs from the CPU tracker.
+        if (extraPids != null) {
+            for (int pid : extraPids) {
+                if (DEBUG_ANR) Slog.d(TAG, "Collecting stacks for extra pid " + pid);
+                final long timeTaken = dumpJavaTracesTombstoned(pid, tracesFile, remainingTime);
+                remainingTime -= timeTaken;
+                if (remainingTime <= 0) {
+                    Slog.e(TAG, "Aborting stack trace dump (current extra pid=" + pid +
                             "); deadline exceeded.");
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    if (DEBUG_ANR) {
-                        Slog.d(TAG, "Done with pid " + firstPids.get(i) + " in " + timeTaken + "ms");
-                    }
+                    return;
-            }
-            // Next collect the stacks of the native pids
-            if (nativePids != null) {
-                for (int pid : nativePids) {
-                    if (DEBUG_ANR) Slog.d(TAG, "Collecting stacks for native pid " + pid);
-                    final long nativeDumpTimeoutMs = Math.min(NATIVE_DUMP_TIMEOUT_MS, remainingTime);
-                    final long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
-                    Debug.dumpNativeBacktraceToFileTimeout(
-                            pid, tracesFile, (int) (nativeDumpTimeoutMs / 1000));
-                    final long timeTaken = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - start;
-                    remainingTime -= timeTaken;
-                    if (remainingTime <= 0) {
-                        Slog.e(TAG, "Aborting stack trace dump (current native pid=" + pid +
-                            "); deadline exceeded.");
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    if (DEBUG_ANR) {
-                        Slog.d(TAG, "Done with native pid " + pid + " in " + timeTaken + "ms");
-                    }
+                if (DEBUG_ANR) {
+                    Slog.d(TAG, "Done with extra pid " + pid + " in " + timeTaken + "ms");
-            // Lastly, dump stacks for all extra PIDs from the CPU tracker.
-            if (extraPids != null) {
-                for (int pid : extraPids) {
-                    if (DEBUG_ANR) Slog.d(TAG, "Collecting stacks for extra pid " + pid);
-                    final long timeTaken;
-                    if (useTombstonedForJavaTraces) {
-                        timeTaken = dumpJavaTracesTombstoned(pid, tracesFile, remainingTime);
-                    } else {
-                        timeTaken = observer.dumpWithTimeout(pid, remainingTime);
-                    }
-                    remainingTime -= timeTaken;
-                    if (remainingTime <= 0) {
-                        Slog.e(TAG, "Aborting stack trace dump (current extra pid=" + pid +
-                                "); deadline exceeded.");
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    if (DEBUG_ANR) {
-                        Slog.d(TAG, "Done with extra pid " + pid + " in " + timeTaken + "ms");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            if (observer != null) {
-                observer.stopWatching();
-            }
@@ -5918,7 +5811,7 @@
             if (app != null) {
                 ArrayList<Integer> firstPids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
-                dumpStackTraces(tracesPath, firstPids, null, null, true /* useTombstoned */);
+                dumpStackTraces(tracesPath, firstPids, null, null);
             File lastTracesFile = null;
@@ -7145,6 +7038,9 @@
             if (profilerInfo != null && profilerInfo.profileFd != null) {
                 profilerInfo.profileFd = profilerInfo.profileFd.dup();
+                if (TextUtils.equals(mProfileApp, processName) && mProfilerInfo != null) {
+                    clearProfilerLocked();
+                }
             // We deprecated Build.SERIAL and it is not accessible to
@@ -7211,7 +7107,10 @@
+            if (profilerInfo != null) {
+                profilerInfo.closeFd();
+                profilerInfo = null;
+            }
             checkTime(startTime, "attachApplicationLocked: immediately after bindApplication");
             updateLruProcessLocked(app, false, null);
             checkTime(startTime, "attachApplicationLocked: after updateLruProcessLocked");
@@ -23603,6 +23502,14 @@
                     } catch (IOException e) {
                     mProfilerInfo.profileFd = null;
+                    if ( == MY_PID) {
+                        // When profiling the system server itself, avoid closing the file
+                        // descriptor, as profilerControl will not create a copy.
+                        // Note: it is also not correct to just set profileFd to null, as the
+                        //       whole ProfilerInfo instance is passed down!
+                        profilerInfo = null;
+                    }
                 } else {
                     stopProfilerLocked(proc, profileType);
                     if (profilerInfo != null && profilerInfo.profileFd != null) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
index fae215f..3b89097 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 import android.os.UserHandle;
 import android.os.UserManagerInternal;
 import android.os.WorkSource;
+import android.os.connectivity.CellularBatteryStats;
@@ -1335,6 +1336,16 @@
+     * Gets a snapshot of cellular stats
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public CellularBatteryStats getCellularBatteryStats() {
+        synchronized (mStats) {
+            return mStats.getCellularBatteryStats();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Gets a snapshot of the system health for a particular uid.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/
index 503dfe9..5573cd9 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/audio/
@@ -684,6 +684,14 @@
         int maxCallVolume = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps", -1);
         if (maxCallVolume != -1) {
             MAX_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL] = maxCallVolume;
+        }
+        int defaultCallVolume = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.config.vc_call_vol_default", -1);
+        if (defaultCallVolume != -1 &&
+                defaultCallVolume <= MAX_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL] &&
+                defaultCallVolume >= MIN_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL]) {
+            AudioSystem.DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL] = defaultCallVolume;
+        } else {
             AudioSystem.DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL] =
                     (maxCallVolume * 3) / 4;
@@ -695,7 +703,8 @@
         int defaultMusicVolume = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.config.media_vol_default", -1);
         if (defaultMusicVolume != -1 &&
-                defaultMusicVolume <= MAX_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC]) {
+                defaultMusicVolume <= MAX_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC] &&
+                defaultMusicVolume >= MIN_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC]) {
             AudioSystem.DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME[AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC] = defaultMusicVolume;
         } else {
             if (isPlatformTelevision()) {
@@ -1494,17 +1503,6 @@
         if (adjustVolume && (direction != AudioManager.ADJUST_SAME)) {
-            // Check if volume update should be send to AVRCP
-            if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC &&
-                (device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) != 0 &&
-                (flags & AudioManager.FLAG_BLUETOOTH_ABS_VOLUME) == 0) {
-                synchronized (mA2dpAvrcpLock) {
-                    if (mA2dp != null && mAvrcpAbsVolSupported) {
-                        mA2dp.adjustAvrcpAbsoluteVolume(direction);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
             if (isMuteAdjust) {
                 boolean state;
                 if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE) {
@@ -1553,8 +1551,20 @@
-            // Check if volume update should be sent to Hdmi system audio.
             int newIndex = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);
+            // Check if volume update should be send to AVRCP
+            if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC &&
+                (device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) != 0 &&
+                (flags & AudioManager.FLAG_BLUETOOTH_ABS_VOLUME) == 0) {
+                synchronized (mA2dpAvrcpLock) {
+                    if (mA2dp != null && mAvrcpAbsVolSupported) {
+                        mA2dp.setAvrcpAbsoluteVolume(newIndex / 10);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Check if volume update should be sent to Hdmi system audio.
             if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {
                 setSystemAudioVolume(oldIndex, newIndex, getStreamMaxVolume(streamType), flags);
@@ -2239,12 +2249,15 @@
         if (DEBUG_VOL) {
             Log.d(TAG, String.format("Mic mute %s, user=%d", on, userId));
-        // If mute is for current user actually mute, else just persist the setting
-        // which will be loaded on user switch.
+        // only mute for the current user
         if (getCurrentUserId() == userId) {
+            final boolean currentMute = AudioSystem.isMicrophoneMuted();
+            if (on != currentMute) {
+                mContext.sendBroadcast(new Intent(AudioManager.ACTION_MICROPHONE_MUTE_CHANGED)
+                        .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY));
+            }
-        // Post a persist microphone msg.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index a1c54bd..7aaac06 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -34,27 +34,28 @@
 import android.os.Binder;
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
-import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
 import android.provider.Settings;
-import android.system.GaiException;
-import android.system.OsConstants;
-import android.system.StructAddrinfo;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
+import android.util.Pair;
 import android.util.Slog;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.StringJoiner;
@@ -64,10 +65,56 @@
  * This class it NOT designed for concurrent access. Furthermore, all non-static
  * methods MUST be called from ConnectivityService's thread.
+ * [ Private DNS ]
+ * The code handling Private DNS is spread across several components, but this
+ * seems like the least bad place to collect all the observations.
+ *
+ * Private DNS handling and updating occurs in response to several different
+ * events. Each is described here with its corresponding intended handling.
+ *
+ * [A] Event: A new network comes up.
+ * Mechanics:
+ *     [1] ConnectivityService gets notifications from NetworkAgents.
+ *     [2] in updateNetworkInfo(), the first time the NetworkAgent goes into
+ *         into CONNECTED state, the Private DNS configuration is retrieved,
+ *         programmed, and strict mode hostname resolution (if applicable) is
+ *         enqueued in NetworkAgent's NetworkMonitor, via a call to
+ *         handlePerNetworkPrivateDnsConfig().
+ *     [3] Re-resolution of strict mode hostnames that fail to return any
+ *         IP addresses happens inside NetworkMonitor; it sends itself a
+ *         delayed CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS message in a simple backoff
+ *         schedule.
+ *     [4] Successfully resolved hostnames are sent to ConnectivityService
+ *         inside an EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_CONFIG_RESOLVED message. The resolved
+ *         IP addresses are programmed into netd via:
+ *
+ *             updatePrivateDns() -> updateDnses()
+ *
+ *         both of which make calls into DnsManager.
+ *     [5] Upon a successful hostname resolution NetworkMonitor initiates a
+ *         validation attempt in the form of a lookup for a one-time hostname
+ *         that uses Private DNS.
+ *
+ * [B] Event: Private DNS settings are changed.
+ * Mechanics:
+ *     [1] ConnectivityService gets notifications from its SettingsObserver.
+ *     [2] handlePrivateDnsSettingsChanged() is called, which calls
+ *         handlePerNetworkPrivateDnsConfig() and the process proceeds
+ *         as if from A.3 above.
+ *
+ * [C] Event: An application calls ConnectivityManager#reportBadNetwork().
+ * Mechanics:
+ *     [1] NetworkMonitor is notified and initiates a reevaluation, which
+ *         always bypasses Private DNS.
+ *     [2] Once completed, NetworkMonitor checks if strict mode is in operation
+ *         and if so enqueues another evaluation of Private DNS, as if from
+ *         step A.5 above.
+ *
  * @hide
 public class DnsManager {
     private static final String TAG = DnsManager.class.getSimpleName();
+    private static final PrivateDnsConfig PRIVATE_DNS_OFF = new PrivateDnsConfig();
     /* Defaults for resolver parameters. */
     private static final int DNS_RESOLVER_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_VALIDITY_SECONDS = 1800;
@@ -126,35 +173,104 @@
     public static PrivateDnsConfig tryBlockingResolveOf(Network network, String name) {
-        final StructAddrinfo hints = new StructAddrinfo();
-        // Unnecessary, but expressly no AI_ADDRCONFIG.
-        hints.ai_flags = 0;
-        // Fetch all IP addresses at once to minimize re-resolution.
-        hints.ai_family = OsConstants.AF_UNSPEC;
-        hints.ai_socktype = OsConstants.SOCK_DGRAM;
         try {
-            final InetAddress[] ips = Libcore.os.android_getaddrinfo(name, hints, network.netId);
-            if (ips != null && ips.length > 0) {
-                return new PrivateDnsConfig(name, ips);
-            }
-        } catch (GaiException ignored) {}
-        return null;
+            final InetAddress[] ips = ResolvUtil.blockingResolveAllLocally(network, name);
+            return new PrivateDnsConfig(name, ips);
+        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
+            return new PrivateDnsConfig(name, null);
+        }
     public static Uri[] getPrivateDnsSettingsUris() {
-        final Uri[] uris = new Uri[2];
-        uris[0] = Settings.Global.getUriFor(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE);
-        uris[1] = Settings.Global.getUriFor(PRIVATE_DNS_SPECIFIER);
-        return uris;
+        return new Uri[]{
+            Settings.Global.getUriFor(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE),
+            Settings.Global.getUriFor(PRIVATE_DNS_SPECIFIER),
+        };
+    }
+    public static class PrivateDnsValidationUpdate {
+        final public int netId;
+        final public InetAddress ipAddress;
+        final public String hostname;
+        final public boolean validated;
+        public PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(int netId, InetAddress ipAddress,
+                String hostname, boolean validated) {
+            this.netId = netId;
+            this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
+            this.hostname = hostname;
+            this.validated = validated;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class PrivateDnsValidationStatuses {
+        enum ValidationStatus {
+            IN_PROGRESS,
+            FAILED,
+            SUCCEEDED
+        }
+        // Validation statuses of <hostname, ipAddress> pairs for a single netId
+        private Map<Pair<String, InetAddress>, ValidationStatus> mValidationMap;
+        private PrivateDnsValidationStatuses() {
+            mValidationMap = new HashMap<>();
+        }
+        private boolean hasValidatedServer() {
+            for (ValidationStatus status : mValidationMap.values()) {
+                if (status == ValidationStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        private void updateTrackedDnses(String[] ipAddresses, String hostname) {
+            Set<Pair<String, InetAddress>> latestDnses = new HashSet<>();
+            for (String ipAddress : ipAddresses) {
+                try {
+                    latestDnses.add(new Pair(hostname,
+                            InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(ipAddress)));
+                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}
+            }
+            // Remove <hostname, ipAddress> pairs that should not be tracked.
+            for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Pair<String, InetAddress>, ValidationStatus>> it =
+                    mValidationMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+                Map.Entry<Pair<String, InetAddress>, ValidationStatus> entry =;
+                if (!latestDnses.contains(entry.getKey())) {
+                    it.remove();
+                }
+            }
+            // Add new <hostname, ipAddress> pairs that should be tracked.
+            for (Pair<String, InetAddress> p : latestDnses) {
+                if (!mValidationMap.containsKey(p)) {
+                    mValidationMap.put(p, ValidationStatus.IN_PROGRESS);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        private void updateStatus(PrivateDnsValidationUpdate update) {
+            Pair<String, InetAddress> p = new Pair(update.hostname,
+                    update.ipAddress);
+            if (!mValidationMap.containsKey(p)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (update.validated) {
+                mValidationMap.put(p, ValidationStatus.SUCCEEDED);
+            } else {
+                mValidationMap.put(p, ValidationStatus.FAILED);
+            }
+        }
     private final Context mContext;
     private final ContentResolver mContentResolver;
     private final INetworkManagementService mNMS;
     private final MockableSystemProperties mSystemProperties;
+    // TODO: Replace these Maps with SparseArrays.
     private final Map<Integer, PrivateDnsConfig> mPrivateDnsMap;
+    private final Map<Integer, PrivateDnsValidationStatuses> mPrivateDnsValidationMap;
     private int mNumDnsEntries;
     private int mSampleValidity;
@@ -170,6 +286,7 @@
         mNMS = nms;
         mSystemProperties = sp;
         mPrivateDnsMap = new HashMap<>();
+        mPrivateDnsValidationMap = new HashMap<>();
         // TODO: Create and register ContentObservers to track every setting
         // used herein, posting messages to respond to changes.
@@ -181,46 +298,96 @@
     public void removeNetwork(Network network) {
+        mPrivateDnsValidationMap.remove(network.netId);
     public PrivateDnsConfig updatePrivateDns(Network network, PrivateDnsConfig cfg) {
         Slog.w(TAG, "updatePrivateDns(" + network + ", " + cfg + ")");
         return (cfg != null)
                 ? mPrivateDnsMap.put(network.netId, cfg)
-                : mPrivateDnsMap.remove(network);
+                : mPrivateDnsMap.remove(network.netId);
+    }
+    public void updatePrivateDnsStatus(int netId, LinkProperties lp) {
+        // Use the PrivateDnsConfig data pushed to this class instance
+        // from ConnectivityService.
+        final PrivateDnsConfig privateDnsCfg = mPrivateDnsMap.getOrDefault(netId,
+                PRIVATE_DNS_OFF);
+        final boolean useTls = privateDnsCfg.useTls;
+        final boolean strictMode = privateDnsCfg.inStrictMode();
+        final String tlsHostname = strictMode ? privateDnsCfg.hostname : "";
+        if (strictMode) {
+            lp.setUsePrivateDns(true);
+            lp.setPrivateDnsServerName(tlsHostname);
+        } else if (useTls) {
+            // We are in opportunistic mode. Private DNS should be used if there
+            // is a known DNS-over-TLS validated server.
+            boolean validated = mPrivateDnsValidationMap.containsKey(netId) &&
+                    mPrivateDnsValidationMap.get(netId).hasValidatedServer();
+            lp.setUsePrivateDns(validated);
+            lp.setPrivateDnsServerName(null);
+        } else {
+            // Private DNS is disabled.
+            lp.setUsePrivateDns(false);
+            lp.setPrivateDnsServerName(null);
+        }
+    }
+    public void updatePrivateDnsValidation(PrivateDnsValidationUpdate update) {
+        final PrivateDnsValidationStatuses statuses =
+                mPrivateDnsValidationMap.get(update.netId);
+        if (statuses == null) return;
+        statuses.updateStatus(update);
     public void setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
             int netId, LinkProperties lp, boolean isDefaultNetwork) {
-        // We only use the PrivateDnsConfig data pushed to this class instance
-        // from ConnectivityService because it works in coordination with
-        // NetworkMonitor to decide which networks need validation and runs the
-        // blocking calls to resolve Private DNS strict mode hostnames.
-        //
-        // At this time we do attempt to enable Private DNS on non-Internet
-        // networks like IMS.
-        final PrivateDnsConfig privateDnsCfg = mPrivateDnsMap.get(netId);
-        final boolean useTls = (privateDnsCfg != null) && privateDnsCfg.useTls;
-        final boolean strictMode = (privateDnsCfg != null) && privateDnsCfg.inStrictMode();
-        final String tlsHostname = strictMode ? privateDnsCfg.hostname : "";
-        final String[] serverStrs = NetworkUtils.makeStrings(
-                strictMode ?
-                                   .filter((ip) -> lp.isReachable(ip))
-                                   .collect(Collectors.toList())
-                           : lp.getDnsServers());
+        final String[] assignedServers = NetworkUtils.makeStrings(lp.getDnsServers());
         final String[] domainStrs = getDomainStrings(lp.getDomains());
         final int[] params = { mSampleValidity, mSuccessThreshold, mMinSamples, mMaxSamples };
+        // We only use the PrivateDnsConfig data pushed to this class instance
+        // from ConnectivityService because it works in coordination with
+        // NetworkMonitor to decide which networks need validation and runs the
+        // blocking calls to resolve Private DNS strict mode hostnames.
+        //
+        // At this time we do not attempt to enable Private DNS on non-Internet
+        // networks like IMS.
+        final PrivateDnsConfig privateDnsCfg = mPrivateDnsMap.getOrDefault(netId,
+                PRIVATE_DNS_OFF);
+        final boolean useTls = privateDnsCfg.useTls;
+        final boolean strictMode = privateDnsCfg.inStrictMode();
+        final String tlsHostname = strictMode ? privateDnsCfg.hostname : "";
+        final String[] tlsServers =
+                strictMode ? NetworkUtils.makeStrings(
+                              .filter((ip) -> lp.isReachable(ip))
+                              .collect(Collectors.toList()))
+                : useTls ? assignedServers  // Opportunistic
+                : new String[0];            // Off
+        // Prepare to track the validation status of the DNS servers in the
+        // resolver config when private DNS is in opportunistic or strict mode.
+        if (useTls) {
+            if (!mPrivateDnsValidationMap.containsKey(netId)) {
+                mPrivateDnsValidationMap.put(netId, new PrivateDnsValidationStatuses());
+            }
+            mPrivateDnsValidationMap.get(netId).updateTrackedDnses(tlsServers, tlsHostname);
+        } else {
+            mPrivateDnsValidationMap.remove(netId);
+        }
         Slog.d(TAG, String.format("setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
-                netId, Arrays.toString(serverStrs), Arrays.toString(domainStrs),
-                Arrays.toString(params), useTls, tlsHostname));
+                netId, Arrays.toString(assignedServers), Arrays.toString(domainStrs),
+                Arrays.toString(params), tlsHostname, Arrays.toString(tlsServers)));
         try {
-                    netId, serverStrs, domainStrs, params, useTls, tlsHostname);
+                    netId, assignedServers, domainStrs, params, tlsHostname, tlsServers);
         } catch (Exception e) {
             Slog.e(TAG, "Error setting DNS configuration: " + e);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index e786bed..2d50dd5 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -101,9 +101,12 @@
-     * There are only 2 possible callbacks.
+     * There are only 3 possible callbacks.
-     * mNetdEventCallbackList[CALLBACK_CALLER_DEVICE_POLICY].
+     * Callback registered/unregistered by ConnectivityService.
+     *
+     * mNetdEventCallbackList[CALLBACK_CALLER_DEVICE_POLICY]
      * Callback registered/unregistered when logging is being enabled/disabled in DPM
      * by the device owner. It's DevicePolicyManager's responsibility to ensure that.
@@ -112,6 +115,7 @@
     private static final int[] ALLOWED_CALLBACK_TYPES = {
@@ -211,6 +215,19 @@
     // Called concurrently by multiple binder threads.
     // This method must not block or perform long-running operations.
+    public synchronized void onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(int netId,
+            String ipAddress, String hostname, boolean validated)
+            throws RemoteException {
+        for (INetdEventCallback callback : mNetdEventCallbackList) {
+            if (callback != null) {
+                callback.onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(netId, ipAddress, hostname, validated);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    // Called concurrently by multiple binder threads.
+    // This method must not block or perform long-running operations.
     public synchronized void onConnectEvent(int netId, int error, int latencyMs, String ipAddr,
             int port, int uid) throws RemoteException {
         long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index 8a2e71c..2845383 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.UUID;
 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@
      * Force evaluation even if it has succeeded in the past.
      * arg1 = UID responsible for requesting this reeval.  Will be billed for data.
-    public static final int CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION = BASE + 8;
+    private static final int CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION = BASE + 8;
      * Message to self indicating captive portal app finished.
@@ -205,9 +208,15 @@
      * Private DNS. If a DNS resolution is required, e.g. for DNS-over-TLS in
      * strict mode, then an event is sent back to ConnectivityService with the
      * result of the resolution attempt.
+     *
+     * A separate message is used to trigger (re)evaluation of the Private DNS
+     * configuration, so that the message can be handled as needed in different
+     * states, including being ignored until after an ongoing captive portal
+     * validation phase is completed.
     private static final int CMD_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED = BASE + 13;
     public static final int EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_CONFIG_RESOLVED = BASE + 14;
+    private static final int CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS = BASE + 15;
     // Start mReevaluateDelayMs at this value and double.
     private static final int INITIAL_REEVALUATE_DELAY_MS = 1000;
@@ -215,6 +224,7 @@
     // Before network has been evaluated this many times, ignore repeated reevaluate requests.
     private static final int IGNORE_REEVALUATE_ATTEMPTS = 5;
     private int mReevaluateToken = 0;
+    private static final int NO_UID = 0;
     private static final int INVALID_UID = -1;
     private int mUidResponsibleForReeval = INVALID_UID;
     // Stop blaming UID that requested re-evaluation after this many attempts.
@@ -224,6 +234,8 @@
     private static final int NUM_VALIDATION_LOG_LINES = 20;
+    private String mPrivateDnsProviderHostname = "";
     public static boolean isValidationRequired(
             NetworkCapabilities dfltNetCap, NetworkCapabilities nc) {
         // TODO: Consider requiring validation for DUN networks.
@@ -261,13 +273,12 @@
     public boolean systemReady = false;
-    private DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig mPrivateDnsCfg = null;
     private final State mDefaultState = new DefaultState();
     private final State mValidatedState = new ValidatedState();
     private final State mMaybeNotifyState = new MaybeNotifyState();
     private final State mEvaluatingState = new EvaluatingState();
     private final State mCaptivePortalState = new CaptivePortalState();
+    private final State mEvaluatingPrivateDnsState = new EvaluatingPrivateDnsState();
     private CustomIntentReceiver mLaunchCaptivePortalAppBroadcastReceiver = null;
@@ -293,6 +304,10 @@
         // Add suffix indicating which NetworkMonitor we're talking about.
         super(TAG +;
+        // Logs with a tag of the form given just above, e.g.
+        //     <timestamp>   862  2402 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]: ...
+        setDbg(VDBG);
         mContext = context;
         mMetricsLog = logger;
         mConnectivityServiceHandler = handler;
@@ -305,10 +320,11 @@
         mDefaultRequest = defaultRequest;
-        addState(mValidatedState, mDefaultState);
         addState(mMaybeNotifyState, mDefaultState);
             addState(mEvaluatingState, mMaybeNotifyState);
             addState(mCaptivePortalState, mMaybeNotifyState);
+        addState(mEvaluatingPrivateDnsState, mDefaultState);
+        addState(mValidatedState, mDefaultState);
         mIsCaptivePortalCheckEnabled = getIsCaptivePortalCheckEnabled();
@@ -321,6 +337,17 @@
+    public void forceReevaluation(int responsibleUid) {
+        sendMessage(CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION, responsibleUid, 0);
+    }
+    public void notifyPrivateDnsSettingsChanged(PrivateDnsConfig newCfg) {
+        // Cancel any outstanding resolutions.
+        removeMessages(CMD_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED);
+        // Send the update to the proper thread.
+        sendMessage(CMD_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED, newCfg);
+    }
     protected void log(String s) {
         if (DBG) Log.d(TAG + "/" +, s);
@@ -349,6 +376,12 @@
                 mDefaultRequest.networkCapabilities, mNetworkAgentInfo.networkCapabilities);
+    private void notifyNetworkTestResultInvalid(Object obj) {
+        mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
+    }
     // DefaultState is the parent of all States.  It exists only to handle CMD_* messages but
     // does not entail any real state (hence no enter() or exit() routines).
     private class DefaultState extends State {
@@ -392,41 +425,66 @@
                     switch (message.arg1) {
                         case APP_RETURN_DISMISSED:
-                            sendMessage(CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION, 0 /* no UID */, 0);
+                            sendMessage(CMD_FORCE_REEVALUATION, NO_UID, 0);
                         case APP_RETURN_WANTED_AS_IS:
                             mDontDisplaySigninNotification = true;
                             // TODO: Distinguish this from a network that actually validates.
-                            // Displaying the "!" on the system UI icon may still be a good idea.
-                            transitionTo(mValidatedState);
+                            // Displaying the "x" on the system UI icon may still be a good idea.
+                            transitionTo(mEvaluatingPrivateDnsState);
                         case APP_RETURN_UNWANTED:
                             mDontDisplaySigninNotification = true;
                             mUserDoesNotWant = true;
-                            mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
-                                    EVENT_NETWORK_TESTED, NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_INVALID,
-                                    mNetId, null));
+                            notifyNetworkTestResultInvalid(null);
                             // TODO: Should teardown network.
                             mUidResponsibleForReeval = 0;
                     return HANDLED;
-                    if (isValidationRequired()) {
-                        // This performs a blocking DNS resolution of the
-                        // strict mode hostname, if required.
-                        resolvePrivateDnsConfig((DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig) message.obj);
-                        if ((mPrivateDnsCfg != null) && mPrivateDnsCfg.inStrictMode()) {
-                            mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
-                                    EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_CONFIG_RESOLVED, 0, mNetId,
-                                    new DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig(mPrivateDnsCfg)));
-                        }
+                case CMD_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED: {
+                    final PrivateDnsConfig cfg = (PrivateDnsConfig) message.obj;
+                    if (!isValidationRequired() || cfg == null || !cfg.inStrictMode()) {
+                        // No DNS resolution required.
+                        //
+                        // We don't force any validation in opportunistic mode
+                        // here. Opportunistic mode nameservers are validated
+                        // separately within netd.
+                        //
+                        // Reset Private DNS settings state.
+                        mPrivateDnsProviderHostname = "";
+                        break;
-                    return HANDLED;
+                    mPrivateDnsProviderHostname = cfg.hostname;
+                    // DNS resolutions via Private DNS strict mode block for a
+                    // few seconds (~4.2) checking for any IP addresses to
+                    // arrive and validate. Initiating a (re)evaluation now
+                    // should not significantly alter the validation outcome.
+                    //
+                    // No matter what: enqueue a validation request; one of
+                    // three things can happen with this request:
+                    //     [1] ignored (EvaluatingState or CaptivePortalState)
+                    //     [2] transition to EvaluatingPrivateDnsState
+                    //         (DefaultState and ValidatedState)
+                    //     [3] handled (EvaluatingPrivateDnsState)
+                    //
+                    // The Private DNS configuration to be evaluated will:
+                    //     [1] be skipped (not in strict mode), or
+                    //     [2] validate (huzzah), or
+                    //     [3] encounter some problem (invalid hostname,
+                    //         no resolved IP addresses, IPs unreachable,
+                    //         port 853 unreachable, port 853 is not running a
+                    //         DNS-over-TLS server, et cetera).
+                    sendMessage(CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS);
+                    break;
+                }
-                    return HANDLED;
+                    break;
+            return HANDLED;
@@ -440,7 +498,7 @@
                     networkEventType(validationStage(), EvaluationResult.VALIDATED));
-                    NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_VALID, mNetId, mPrivateDnsCfg));
+                    NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_VALID, mNetId, null));
@@ -449,10 +507,14 @@
             switch (message.what) {
                 case CMD_NETWORK_CONNECTED:
-                    return HANDLED;
+                    break;
+                case CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS:
+                    transitionTo(mEvaluatingPrivateDnsState);
+                    break;
                     return NOT_HANDLED;
+            return HANDLED;
@@ -569,11 +631,11 @@
                 case CMD_REEVALUATE:
                     if (message.arg1 != mReevaluateToken || mUserDoesNotWant)
                         return HANDLED;
-                    // Don't bother validating networks that don't satisify the default request.
+                    // Don't bother validating networks that don't satisfy the default request.
                     // This includes:
                     //  - VPNs which can be considered explicitly desired by the user and the
                     //    user's desire trumps whether the network validates.
-                    //  - Networks that don't provide internet access.  It's unclear how to
+                    //  - Networks that don't provide Internet access.  It's unclear how to
                     //    validate such networks.
                     //  - Untrusted networks.  It's unsafe to prompt the user to sign-in to
                     //    such networks and the user didn't express interest in connecting to
@@ -588,7 +650,6 @@
                     //    expensive metered network, or unwanted leaking of the User Agent string.
                     if (!isValidationRequired()) {
                         validationLog("Network would not satisfy default request, not validating");
-                        mPrivateDnsCfg = null;
                         return HANDLED;
@@ -601,20 +662,18 @@
                     // if this is found to cause problems.
                     CaptivePortalProbeResult probeResult = isCaptivePortal();
                     if (probeResult.isSuccessful()) {
-                        resolvePrivateDnsConfig();
-                        transitionTo(mValidatedState);
+                        // Transit EvaluatingPrivateDnsState to get to Validated
+                        // state (even if no Private DNS validation required).
+                        transitionTo(mEvaluatingPrivateDnsState);
                     } else if (probeResult.isPortal()) {
-                        mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_TESTED,
-                                NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_INVALID, mNetId, probeResult.redirectUrl));
+                        notifyNetworkTestResultInvalid(probeResult.redirectUrl);
                         mLastPortalProbeResult = probeResult;
                     } else {
                         final Message msg = obtainMessage(CMD_REEVALUATE, ++mReevaluateToken, 0);
                         sendMessageDelayed(msg, mReevaluateDelayMs);
-                        mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
-                                EVENT_NETWORK_TESTED, NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_INVALID, mNetId,
-                                probeResult.redirectUrl));
+                        notifyNetworkTestResultInvalid(probeResult.redirectUrl);
                         if (mAttempts >= BLAME_FOR_EVALUATION_ATTEMPTS) {
                             // Don't continue to blame UID forever.
@@ -700,6 +759,110 @@
+    private class EvaluatingPrivateDnsState extends State {
+        private int mPrivateDnsReevalDelayMs;
+        private PrivateDnsConfig mPrivateDnsConfig;
+        @Override
+        public void enter() {
+            mPrivateDnsReevalDelayMs = INITIAL_REEVALUATE_DELAY_MS;
+            mPrivateDnsConfig = null;
+            sendMessage(CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean processMessage(Message msg) {
+            switch (msg.what) {
+                case CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS:
+                    if (inStrictMode()) {
+                        if (!isStrictModeHostnameResolved()) {
+                            resolveStrictModeHostname();
+                            if (isStrictModeHostnameResolved()) {
+                                notifyPrivateDnsConfigResolved();
+                            } else {
+                                handlePrivateDnsEvaluationFailure();
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        // Look up a one-time hostname, to bypass caching.
+                        //
+                        // Note that this will race with ConnectivityService
+                        // code programming the DNS-over-TLS server IP addresses
+                        // into netd (if invoked, above). If netd doesn't know
+                        // the IP addresses yet, or if the connections to the IP
+                        // addresses haven't yet been validated, netd will block
+                        // for up to a few seconds before failing the lookup.
+                        if (!sendPrivateDnsProbe()) {
+                            handlePrivateDnsEvaluationFailure();
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // All good!
+                    transitionTo(mValidatedState);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    return NOT_HANDLED;
+            }
+            return HANDLED;
+        }
+        private boolean inStrictMode() {
+            return !TextUtils.isEmpty(mPrivateDnsProviderHostname);
+        }
+        private boolean isStrictModeHostnameResolved() {
+            return (mPrivateDnsConfig != null) &&
+                   mPrivateDnsConfig.hostname.equals(mPrivateDnsProviderHostname) &&
+                   (mPrivateDnsConfig.ips.length > 0);
+        }
+        private void resolveStrictModeHostname() {
+            try {
+                // Do a blocking DNS resolution using the network-assigned nameservers.
+                mPrivateDnsConfig = new PrivateDnsConfig(
+                        mPrivateDnsProviderHostname,
+                        mNetwork.getAllByName(mPrivateDnsProviderHostname));
+            } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
+                mPrivateDnsConfig = null;
+            }
+        }
+        private void notifyPrivateDnsConfigResolved() {
+            mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
+                    EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_CONFIG_RESOLVED, 0, mNetId, mPrivateDnsConfig));
+        }
+        private void handlePrivateDnsEvaluationFailure() {
+            notifyNetworkTestResultInvalid(null);
+            // Queue up a re-evaluation with backoff.
+            //
+            // TODO: Consider abandoning this state after a few attempts and
+            // transitioning back to EvaluatingState, to perhaps give ourselves
+            // the opportunity to (re)detect a captive portal or something.
+            sendMessageDelayed(CMD_EVALUATE_PRIVATE_DNS, mPrivateDnsReevalDelayMs);
+            mPrivateDnsReevalDelayMs *= 2;
+            if (mPrivateDnsReevalDelayMs > MAX_REEVALUATE_DELAY_MS) {
+                mPrivateDnsReevalDelayMs = MAX_REEVALUATE_DELAY_MS;
+            }
+        }
+        private boolean sendPrivateDnsProbe() {
+            // q.v. system/netd/server/dns/DnsTlsTransport.cpp
+            final String ONE_TIME_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX = "";
+            final String host = UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8) +
+                    ONE_TIME_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX;
+            try {
+                final InetAddress[] ips =;
+                return (ips != null && ips.length > 0);
+            } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {}
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
     // Limits the list of IP addresses returned by getAllByName or tried by openConnection to at
     // most one per address family. This ensures we only wait up to 20 seconds for TCP connections
     // to complete, regardless of how many IP addresses a host has.
@@ -710,7 +873,9 @@
         public InetAddress[] getAllByName(String host) throws UnknownHostException {
-            List<InetAddress> addrs = Arrays.asList(super.getAllByName(host));
+            // Always bypass Private DNS.
+            final List<InetAddress> addrs = Arrays.asList(
+                    ResolvUtil.blockingResolveAllLocally(this, host));
             // Ensure the address family of the first address is tried first.
             LinkedHashMap<Class, InetAddress> addressByFamily = new LinkedHashMap<>();
@@ -1065,44 +1230,6 @@
         return null;
-    public void notifyPrivateDnsSettingsChanged(DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig newCfg) {
-        // Cancel any outstanding resolutions.
-        removeMessages(CMD_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED);
-        // Send the update to the proper thread.
-        sendMessage(CMD_PRIVATE_DNS_SETTINGS_CHANGED, newCfg);
-    }
-    private void resolvePrivateDnsConfig() {
-        resolvePrivateDnsConfig(DnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig(mContext.getContentResolver()));
-    }
-    private void resolvePrivateDnsConfig(DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig cfg) {
-        // Nothing to do.
-        if (cfg == null) {
-            mPrivateDnsCfg = null;
-            return;
-        }
-        // No DNS resolution required.
-        if (!cfg.inStrictMode()) {
-            mPrivateDnsCfg = cfg;
-            return;
-        }
-        if ((mPrivateDnsCfg != null) && mPrivateDnsCfg.inStrictMode() &&
-                (mPrivateDnsCfg.ips.length > 0) && mPrivateDnsCfg.hostname.equals(cfg.hostname)) {
-            // We have already resolved this strict mode hostname. Assume that
-            // Private DNS services won't be changing serving IP addresses very
-            // frequently and save ourselves one re-resolve.
-            return;
-        }
-        mPrivateDnsCfg = cfg;
-        final DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig resolvedCfg = DnsManager.tryBlockingResolveOf(
-                mNetwork, mPrivateDnsCfg.hostname);
-        if (resolvedCfg != null) mPrivateDnsCfg = resolvedCfg;
-    }
      * @param responseReceived - whether or not we received a valid HTTP response to our request.
      * If false, isCaptivePortal and responseTimestampMs are ignored
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index e084ff8..d578e95 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import static android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE;
 import static android.Manifest.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL;
 import static android.Manifest.permission.CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS;
+import static android.Manifest.permission.NETWORK_STACK;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.content.IntentFilter;
@@ -39,6 +41,8 @@
 import android.text.TextUtils;
 import android.util.Log;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
@@ -150,7 +154,14 @@
         update(mUsers, mApps, true);
-    private boolean hasPermission(PackageInfo app, String permission) {
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    boolean isPreinstalledSystemApp(PackageInfo app) {
+        int flags = app.applicationInfo != null ? app.applicationInfo.flags : 0;
+        return (flags & (FLAG_SYSTEM | FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP)) != 0;
+    }
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    boolean hasPermission(PackageInfo app, String permission) {
         if (app.requestedPermissions != null) {
             for (String p : app.requestedPermissions) {
                 if (permission.equals(p)) {
@@ -166,14 +177,40 @@
     private boolean hasRestrictedNetworkPermission(PackageInfo app) {
-        int flags = app.applicationInfo != null ? app.applicationInfo.flags : 0;
-        if ((flags & FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0 || (flags & FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP) != 0) {
-            return true;
-        }
+        if (isPreinstalledSystemApp(app)) return true;
         return hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL)
                 || hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS);
+    private boolean hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(PackageInfo app) {
+        // This function defines what it means to hold the permission to use
+        // background networks.
+        return hasPermission(app, CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE)
+                || hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS)
+                || hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL)
+                || hasPermission(app, NETWORK_STACK)
+                // TODO : remove this check (b/31479477). Not all preinstalled apps should
+                // have access to background networks, they should just request the appropriate
+                // permission for their use case from the list above.
+                || isPreinstalledSystemApp(app);
+    }
+    public boolean hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(int uid) {
+        final String[] names = mPackageManager.getPackagesForUid(uid);
+        if (null == names || names.length == 0) return false;
+        try {
+            // Only using the first package name. There may be multiple names if multiple
+            // apps share the same UID, but in that case they also share permissions so
+            // querying with any of the names will return the same results.
+            final PackageInfo app = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(names[0], GET_PERMISSIONS);
+            return hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(app);
+        } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
+            // App not found.
+            loge("NameNotFoundException " + names[0], e);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
     private int[] toIntArray(List<Integer> list) {
         int[] array = new int[list.size()];
         for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
@@ -308,4 +345,8 @@
     private static void loge(String s) {
         Log.e(TAG, s);
+    private static void loge(String s, Throwable e) {
+        Log.e(TAG, s, e);
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index 1767a21..62fe218 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -19,6 +19,27 @@
 import static android.hardware.usb.UsbManager.USB_CONFIGURED;
 import static android.hardware.usb.UsbManager.USB_CONNECTED;
 import static android.hardware.usb.UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -45,7 +66,6 @@
 import android.content.IntentFilter;
 import android.content.res.Resources;
 import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager;
@@ -56,6 +76,7 @@
@@ -71,6 +92,9 @@
 import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.os.ResultReceiver;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
+import android.os.UserManager;
+import android.os.UserManagerInternal;
+import android.os.UserManagerInternal.UserRestrictionsListener;
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
@@ -87,6 +111,7 @@
@@ -94,6 +119,7 @@
@@ -142,7 +168,7 @@
             stateMachine = sm;
             // Assume all state machines start out available and with no errors.
             lastState = IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE;
-            lastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+            lastError = TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
         public boolean isCurrentlyServing() {
@@ -177,9 +203,10 @@
     private final VersionedBroadcastListener mCarrierConfigChange;
     // TODO: Delete SimChangeListener; it's obsolete.
     private final SimChangeListener mSimChange;
+    private final TetheringDependencies mDeps;
     private volatile TetheringConfiguration mConfig;
-    private String mCurrentUpstreamIface;
+    private InterfaceSet mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet;
     private Notification.Builder mTetheredNotificationBuilder;
     private int mLastNotificationId;
@@ -198,21 +225,22 @@
         mPolicyManager = policyManager;
         mLooper = looper;
         mSystemProperties = systemProperties;
+        mDeps = deps;
         mPublicSync = new Object();
         mTetherStates = new ArrayMap<>();
-        mTetherMasterSM = new TetherMasterSM("TetherMaster", mLooper);
+        mTetherMasterSM = new TetherMasterSM("TetherMaster", mLooper, deps);
         final Handler smHandler = mTetherMasterSM.getHandler();
         mOffloadController = new OffloadController(smHandler,
-                deps.getOffloadHardwareInterface(smHandler, mLog),
+                mDeps.getOffloadHardwareInterface(smHandler, mLog),
                 mContext.getContentResolver(), mNMService,
-        mUpstreamNetworkMonitor = new UpstreamNetworkMonitor(
-                mContext, mTetherMasterSM, mLog, TetherMasterSM.EVENT_UPSTREAM_CALLBACK);
+        mUpstreamNetworkMonitor = deps.getUpstreamNetworkMonitor(mContext, mTetherMasterSM, mLog,
+                TetherMasterSM.EVENT_UPSTREAM_CALLBACK);
         mForwardedDownstreams = new HashSet<>();
         IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
@@ -221,6 +249,7 @@
                 "CarrierConfigChangeListener", mContext, smHandler, filter,
                 (Intent ignored) -> {
                     mLog.log("OBSERVED carrier config change");
+                    updateConfiguration();
         // TODO: Remove SimChangeListener altogether. For now, we retain it
@@ -233,27 +262,35 @@
         mStateReceiver = new StateReceiver();
-        filter = new IntentFilter();
+        // Load tethering configuration.
+        updateConfiguration();
+        startStateMachineUpdaters();
+    }
+    private void startStateMachineUpdaters() {
+        mCarrierConfigChange.startListening();
+        final Handler handler = mTetherMasterSM.getHandler();
+        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
-        filter.addAction(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
+        filter.addAction(CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
-        mContext.registerReceiver(mStateReceiver, filter, null, smHandler);
+        mContext.registerReceiver(mStateReceiver, filter, null, handler);
         filter = new IntentFilter();
-        mContext.registerReceiver(mStateReceiver, filter, null, smHandler);
+        mContext.registerReceiver(mStateReceiver, filter, null, handler);
-        // load device config info
-        updateConfiguration();
-    }
-    // We can't do this once in the Tethering() constructor and cache the value, because the
-    // CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE is registered only after the Tethering() constructor has completed.
-    private ConnectivityManager getConnectivityManager() {
-        return (ConnectivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
+        final UserManagerInternal umi = LocalServices.getService(UserManagerInternal.class);
+        // This check is useful only for some unit tests; example: ConnectivityServiceTest.
+        if (umi != null) {
+            umi.addUserRestrictionsListener(new TetheringUserRestrictionListener(this));
+        }
     private WifiManager getWifiManager() {
@@ -281,7 +318,7 @@
             if (up) {
             } else {
-                if (ifaceNameToType(iface) == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_BLUETOOTH) {
+                if (ifaceNameToType(iface) == TETHERING_BLUETOOTH) {
                 } else {
                     // Ignore usb0 down after enabling RNDIS.
@@ -303,13 +340,13 @@
         final TetheringConfiguration cfg = mConfig;
         if (cfg.isWifi(iface)) {
-            return ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI;
+            return TETHERING_WIFI;
         } else if (cfg.isUsb(iface)) {
-            return ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_USB;
+            return TETHERING_USB;
         } else if (cfg.isBluetooth(iface)) {
-            return ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_BLUETOOTH;
+            return TETHERING_BLUETOOTH;
-        return ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_INVALID;
+        return TETHERING_INVALID;
@@ -355,17 +392,15 @@
     protected boolean isTetherProvisioningRequired() {
-        String[] provisionApp = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(
-      ;
+        final TetheringConfiguration cfg = mConfig;
         if (mSystemProperties.getBoolean(DISABLE_PROVISIONING_SYSPROP_KEY, false)
-                || provisionApp == null) {
+                || cfg.provisioningApp.length == 0) {
             return false;
         if (carrierConfigAffirmsEntitlementCheckNotRequired()) {
             return false;
-        return (provisionApp.length == 2);
+        return (cfg.provisioningApp.length == 2);
     // The logic here is aimed solely at confirming that a CarrierConfig exists
@@ -388,20 +423,6 @@
         return !isEntitlementCheckRequired;
-    // Used by the SIM card change observation code.
-    // TODO: De-duplicate above code.
-    private boolean hasMobileHotspotProvisionApp() {
-        try {
-            if (!mContext.getResources().getString(
-                    config_mobile_hotspot_provision_app_no_ui).isEmpty()) {
-                Log.d(TAG, "re-evaluate provisioning");
-                return true;
-            }
-        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {}
-        Log.d(TAG, "no prov-check needed for new SIM");
-        return false;
-    }
      * Enables or disables tethering for the given type. This should only be called once
      * provisioning has succeeded or is not necessary. It will also schedule provisioning rechecks
@@ -411,26 +432,26 @@
         boolean isProvisioningRequired = enable && isTetherProvisioningRequired();
         int result;
         switch (type) {
-            case ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI:
+            case TETHERING_WIFI:
                 result = setWifiTethering(enable);
-                if (isProvisioningRequired && result == ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+                if (isProvisioningRequired && result == TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
                 sendTetherResult(receiver, result);
-            case ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_USB:
+            case TETHERING_USB:
                 result = setUsbTethering(enable);
-                if (isProvisioningRequired && result == ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+                if (isProvisioningRequired && result == TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
                 sendTetherResult(receiver, result);
-            case ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_BLUETOOTH:
+            case TETHERING_BLUETOOTH:
                 setBluetoothTethering(enable, receiver);
                 Log.w(TAG, "Invalid tether type.");
-                sendTetherResult(receiver, ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE);
+                sendTetherResult(receiver, TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE);
@@ -441,7 +462,7 @@
     private int setWifiTethering(final boolean enable) {
-        int rval = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR;
+        int rval = TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR;
         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         try {
             synchronized (mPublicSync) {
@@ -449,7 +470,7 @@
                 final WifiManager mgr = getWifiManager();
                 if ((enable && mgr.startSoftAp(null /* use existing wifi config */)) ||
                     (!enable && mgr.stopSoftAp())) {
-                    rval = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+                    rval = TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
         } finally {
@@ -463,7 +484,7 @@
         if (adapter == null || !adapter.isEnabled()) {
             Log.w(TAG, "Tried to enable bluetooth tethering with null or disabled adapter. null: " +
                     (adapter == null));
-            sendTetherResult(receiver, ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAIL);
+            sendTetherResult(receiver, TETHER_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAIL);
@@ -476,12 +497,12 @@
                 ((BluetoothPan) proxy).setBluetoothTethering(enable);
                 // TODO: Enabling bluetooth tethering can fail asynchronously here.
                 // We should figure out a way to bubble up that failure instead of sending success.
-                int result = ((BluetoothPan) proxy).isTetheringOn() == enable ?
-                        ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR :
-                        ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR;
+                final int result = (((BluetoothPan) proxy).isTetheringOn() == enable)
+                        ? TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR
+                        : TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR;
                 sendTetherResult(receiver, result);
                 if (enable && isTetherProvisioningRequired()) {
-                    scheduleProvisioningRechecks(ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_BLUETOOTH);
+                    scheduleProvisioningRechecks(TETHERING_BLUETOOTH);
                 adapter.closeProfileProxy(BluetoothProfile.PAN, proxy);
@@ -495,8 +516,8 @@
     private void sendUiTetherProvisionIntent(int type, ResultReceiver receiver) {
         Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_TETHER_PROVISIONING);
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, type);
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_PROVISION_CALLBACK, receiver);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, type);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROVISION_CALLBACK, receiver);
         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         try {
@@ -519,7 +540,7 @@
             protected void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
                 // If provisioning is successful, enable tethering, otherwise just send the error.
-                if (resultCode == ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+                if (resultCode == TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
                     enableTetheringInternal(type, true, receiver);
                 } else {
                     sendTetherResult(receiver, resultCode);
@@ -539,8 +560,8 @@
     private void scheduleProvisioningRechecks(int type) {
         Intent intent = new Intent();
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, type);
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_SET_ALARM, true);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, type);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SET_ALARM, true);
         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         try {
@@ -557,9 +578,9 @@
     private void sendSilentTetherProvisionIntent(int type, ResultReceiver receiver) {
         Intent intent = new Intent();
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, type);
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_RUN_PROVISION, true);
-        intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_PROVISION_CALLBACK, receiver);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, type);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_RUN_PROVISION, true);
+        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROVISION_CALLBACK, receiver);
         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         try {
@@ -570,9 +591,9 @@
     private void cancelTetherProvisioningRechecks(int type) {
-        if (getConnectivityManager().isTetheringSupported()) {
+        if (mDeps.isTetheringSupported()) {
             Intent intent = new Intent();
-            intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_REM_TETHER_TYPE, type);
+            intent.putExtra(EXTRA_REM_TETHER_TYPE, type);
             final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
             try {
@@ -587,8 +608,8 @@
     // TODO: De-duplicate with above code, where possible.
     private void startProvisionIntent(int tetherType) {
         final Intent startProvIntent = new Intent();
-        startProvIntent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, tetherType);
-        startProvIntent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_RUN_PROVISION, true);
+        startProvIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_ADD_TETHER_TYPE, tetherType);
+        startProvIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_RUN_PROVISION, true);
         mContext.startServiceAsUser(startProvIntent, UserHandle.CURRENT);
@@ -603,13 +624,13 @@
             TetherState tetherState = mTetherStates.get(iface);
             if (tetherState == null) {
                 Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Tether an unknown iface: " + iface + ", ignoring");
-                return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE;
+                return TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE;
             // Ignore the error status of the interface.  If the interface is available,
             // the errors are referring to past tethering attempts anyway.
             if (tetherState.lastState != IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE) {
                 Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Tether an unavailable iface: " + iface + ", ignoring");
-                return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNAVAIL_IFACE;
+                return TETHER_ERROR_UNAVAIL_IFACE;
             // NOTE: If a CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED message is already in the TISM's
             // queue but not yet processed, this will be a no-op and it will not
@@ -618,7 +639,7 @@
             // TODO: reexamine the threading and messaging model.
                     TetherInterfaceStateMachine.CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED, requestedState);
-            return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+            return TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
@@ -628,22 +649,22 @@
             TetherState tetherState = mTetherStates.get(iface);
             if (tetherState == null) {
                 Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Untether an unknown iface :" + iface + ", ignoring");
-                return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE;
+                return TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE;
             if (!tetherState.isCurrentlyServing()) {
                 Log.e(TAG, "Tried to untether an inactive iface :" + iface + ", ignoring");
-                return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNAVAIL_IFACE;
+                return TETHER_ERROR_UNAVAIL_IFACE;
-            return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+            return TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
     public void untetherAll() {
-        stopTethering(ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI);
-        stopTethering(ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_USB);
-        stopTethering(ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_BLUETOOTH);
+        stopTethering(TETHERING_WIFI);
+        stopTethering(TETHERING_USB);
+        stopTethering(TETHERING_BLUETOOTH);
     public int getLastTetherError(String iface) {
@@ -652,7 +673,7 @@
             if (tetherState == null) {
                 Log.e(TAG, "Tried to getLastTetherError on an unknown iface :" + iface +
                         ", ignoring");
-                return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE;
+                return TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE;
             return tetherState.lastError;
@@ -660,7 +681,7 @@
     // TODO: Figure out how to update for local hotspot mode interfaces.
     private void sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast() {
-        if (!getConnectivityManager().isTetheringSupported()) return;
+        if (!mDeps.isTetheringSupported()) return;
         final ArrayList<String> availableList = new ArrayList<>();
         final ArrayList<String> tetherList = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -677,7 +698,7 @@
             for (int i = 0; i < mTetherStates.size(); i++) {
                 TetherState tetherState = mTetherStates.valueAt(i);
                 String iface = mTetherStates.keyAt(i);
-                if (tetherState.lastError != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+                if (tetherState.lastError != TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
                 } else if (tetherState.lastState == IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE) {
@@ -695,13 +716,13 @@
-        final Intent bcast = new Intent(ConnectivityManager.ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED);
+        final Intent bcast = new Intent(ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED);
         bcast.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING |
-        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER, availableList);
-        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ACTIVE_LOCAL_ONLY, localOnlyList);
-        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ACTIVE_TETHER, tetherList);
-        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ERRORED_TETHER, erroredList);
+        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER, availableList);
+        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(EXTRA_ACTIVE_LOCAL_ONLY, localOnlyList);
+        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(EXTRA_ACTIVE_TETHER, tetherList);
+        bcast.putStringArrayListExtra(EXTRA_ERRORED_TETHER, erroredList);
         mContext.sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(bcast, UserHandle.ALL);
         if (DBG) {
             Log.d(TAG, String.format(
@@ -733,6 +754,11 @@
     private void showTetheredNotification(int id) {
+        showTetheredNotification(id, true);
+    }
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    protected void showTetheredNotification(int id, boolean tetheringOn) {
         NotificationManager notificationManager =
                 (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
         if (notificationManager == null) {
@@ -769,9 +795,16 @@
                 null, UserHandle.CURRENT);
         Resources r = Resources.getSystem();
-        CharSequence title = r.getText(;
-        CharSequence message = r.getText(
-                tethered_notification_message);
+        final CharSequence title;
+        final CharSequence message;
+        if (tetheringOn) {
+            title = r.getText(;
+            message = r.getText(;
+        } else {
+            title = r.getText(;
+            message = r.getText(;
+        }
         if (mTetheredNotificationBuilder == null) {
             mTetheredNotificationBuilder =
@@ -793,7 +826,8 @@
                 mTetheredNotificationBuilder.buildInto(new Notification()), UserHandle.ALL);
-    private void clearTetheredNotification() {
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    protected void clearTetheredNotification() {
         NotificationManager notificationManager =
             (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
         if (notificationManager != null && mLastNotificationId != 0) {
@@ -811,7 +845,7 @@
             if (action.equals(UsbManager.ACTION_USB_STATE)) {
-            } else if (action.equals(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) {
+            } else if (action.equals(CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) {
             } else if (action.equals(WifiManager.WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
@@ -822,8 +856,8 @@
         private void handleConnectivityAction(Intent intent) {
-            final NetworkInfo networkInfo = (NetworkInfo)intent.getParcelableExtra(
-                    ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO);
+            final NetworkInfo networkInfo =
+                    (NetworkInfo) intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO);
             if (networkInfo == null ||
                     networkInfo.getDetailedState() == NetworkInfo.DetailedState.FAILED) {
@@ -859,14 +893,10 @@
             synchronized (Tethering.this.mPublicSync) {
                 if (!usbConnected && mRndisEnabled) {
                     // Turn off tethering if it was enabled and there is a disconnect.
-                    tetherMatchingInterfaces(
-                            IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE,
-                            ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_USB);
+                    tetherMatchingInterfaces(IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE, TETHERING_USB);
                 } else if (usbConfigured && rndisEnabled) {
                     // Tether if rndis is enabled and usb is configured.
-                    tetherMatchingInterfaces(
-                            IControlsTethering.STATE_TETHERED,
-                            ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_USB);
+                    tetherMatchingInterfaces(IControlsTethering.STATE_TETHERED, TETHERING_USB);
                 mRndisEnabled = usbConfigured && rndisEnabled;
@@ -896,6 +926,38 @@
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    protected static class TetheringUserRestrictionListener implements UserRestrictionsListener {
+        private final Tethering mWrapper;
+        public TetheringUserRestrictionListener(Tethering wrapper) {
+            mWrapper = wrapper;
+        }
+        public void onUserRestrictionsChanged(int userId,
+                                              Bundle newRestrictions,
+                                              Bundle prevRestrictions) {
+            final boolean newlyDisallowed =
+                    newRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING);
+            final boolean previouslyDisallowed =
+                    prevRestrictions.getBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING);
+            final boolean tetheringDisallowedChanged = (newlyDisallowed != previouslyDisallowed);
+            if (!tetheringDisallowedChanged) {
+                return;
+            }
+            mWrapper.clearTetheredNotification();
+            final boolean isTetheringActiveOnDevice = (mWrapper.getTetheredIfaces().length != 0);
+            if (newlyDisallowed && isTetheringActiveOnDevice) {
+                mWrapper.showTetheredNotification(
+              , false);
+                mWrapper.untetherAll();
+            }
+        }
+    }
     private void disableWifiIpServingLocked(String ifname, int apState) {
         mLog.log("Canceling WiFi tethering request - AP_STATE=" + apState);
@@ -915,7 +977,7 @@
         for (int i = 0; i < mTetherStates.size(); i++) {
             TetherInterfaceStateMachine tism = mTetherStates.valueAt(i).stateMachine;
-            if (tism.interfaceType() == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI) {
+            if (tism.interfaceType() == TETHERING_WIFI) {
@@ -943,7 +1005,7 @@
         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(ifname)) {
-            maybeTrackNewInterfaceLocked(ifname, ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI);
+            maybeTrackNewInterfaceLocked(ifname, TETHERING_WIFI);
             changeInterfaceState(ifname, ipServingMode);
         } else {
@@ -1002,7 +1064,7 @@
       , "Unknown interface state: " + requestedState);
-        if (result != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+        if (result != TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
             Log.e(TAG, "unable start or stop tethering on iface " + ifname);
@@ -1043,7 +1105,7 @@
         synchronized (mPublicSync) {
             usbManager.setCurrentFunction(enable ? UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS : null, false);
-        return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+        return TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
     // TODO review API - figure out how to delete these entirely.
@@ -1082,7 +1144,7 @@
         synchronized (mPublicSync) {
             for (int i = 0; i < mTetherStates.size(); i++) {
                 TetherState tetherState = mTetherStates.valueAt(i);
-                if (tetherState.lastError != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+                if (tetherState.lastError != TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
@@ -1103,12 +1165,11 @@
     // Needed because the canonical source of upstream truth is just the
-    // upstream interface name, |mCurrentUpstreamIface|.  This is ripe for
-    // future simplification, once the upstream Network is canonical.
+    // upstream interface set, |mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet|.
     private boolean pertainsToCurrentUpstream(NetworkState ns) {
-        if (ns != null && ns.linkProperties != null && mCurrentUpstreamIface != null) {
+        if (ns != null && ns.linkProperties != null && mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet != null) {
             for (String ifname : ns.linkProperties.getAllInterfaceNames()) {
-                if (mCurrentUpstreamIface.equals(ifname)) {
+                if (mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet.ifnames.contains(ifname)) {
                     return true;
@@ -1117,7 +1178,7 @@
     private void reevaluateSimCardProvisioning() {
-        if (!hasMobileHotspotProvisionApp()) return;
+        if (!mConfig.hasMobileHotspotProvisionApp()) return;
         if (carrierConfigAffirmsEntitlementCheckNotRequired()) return;
         ArrayList<Integer> tethered = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -1129,7 +1190,7 @@
                 String iface = mTetherStates.keyAt(i);
                 int interfaceType = ifaceNameToType(iface);
-                if (interfaceType != ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_INVALID) {
+                if (interfaceType != TETHERING_INVALID) {
@@ -1184,7 +1245,7 @@
         private static final int UPSTREAM_SETTLE_TIME_MS     = 10000;
-        TetherMasterSM(String name, Looper looper) {
+        TetherMasterSM(String name, Looper looper, TetheringDependencies deps) {
             super(name, looper);
             mInitialState = new InitialState();
@@ -1204,7 +1265,7 @@
             mNotifyList = new ArrayList<>();
-            mIPv6TetheringCoordinator = new IPv6TetheringCoordinator(mNotifyList, mLog);
+            mIPv6TetheringCoordinator = deps.getIPv6TetheringCoordinator(mNotifyList, mLog);
             mOffload = new OffloadWrapper();
@@ -1303,31 +1364,27 @@
         protected void setUpstreamNetwork(NetworkState ns) {
-            String iface = null;
+            InterfaceSet ifaces = null;
             if (ns != null) {
                 // Find the interface with the default IPv4 route. It may be the
                 // interface described by linkProperties, or one of the interfaces
                 // stacked on top of it.
                 mLog.i("Looking for default routes on: " + ns.linkProperties);
-                final String iface4 = getIPv4DefaultRouteInterface(ns);
-                final String iface6 = getIPv6DefaultRouteInterface(ns);
-                mLog.i("IPv4/IPv6 upstream interface(s): " + iface4 + "/" + iface6);
-                iface = (iface4 != null) ? iface4 : null /* TODO: iface6 */;
+                ifaces = TetheringInterfaceUtils.getTetheringInterfaces(ns);
+                mLog.i("Found upstream interface(s): " + ifaces);
-            if (iface != null) {
+            if (ifaces != null) {
                 setDnsForwarders(, ns.linkProperties);
-            notifyDownstreamsOfNewUpstreamIface(iface);
+            notifyDownstreamsOfNewUpstreamIface(ifaces);
             if (ns != null && pertainsToCurrentUpstream(ns)) {
                 // If we already have NetworkState for this network examine
                 // it immediately, because there likely will be no second
                 // EVENT_ON_AVAILABLE (it was already received).
-            } else if (mCurrentUpstreamIface == null) {
-                // There are no available upstream networks, or none that
-                // have an IPv4 default route (current metric for success).
+            } else if (mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet == null) {
+                // There are no available upstream networks.
@@ -1354,12 +1411,10 @@
-        protected void notifyDownstreamsOfNewUpstreamIface(String ifaceName) {
-            mLog.log("Notifying downstreams of upstream=" + ifaceName);
-            mCurrentUpstreamIface = ifaceName;
+        protected void notifyDownstreamsOfNewUpstreamIface(InterfaceSet ifaces) {
+            mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet = ifaces;
             for (TetherInterfaceStateMachine sm : mNotifyList) {
-                sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceStateMachine.CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED,
-                        ifaceName);
+                sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceStateMachine.CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED, ifaces);
@@ -1385,7 +1440,7 @@
             // If this is a Wi-Fi interface, notify WifiManager of the active serving state.
-            if (who.interfaceType() == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI) {
+            if (who.interfaceType() == TETHERING_WIFI) {
                 final WifiManager mgr = getWifiManager();
                 final String iface = who.interfaceName();
                 switch (mode) {
@@ -1409,8 +1464,8 @@
             // If this is a Wi-Fi interface, tell WifiManager of any errors.
-            if (who.interfaceType() == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI) {
-                if (who.lastError() != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
+            if (who.interfaceType() == TETHERING_WIFI) {
+                if (who.lastError() != TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
                             who.interfaceName(), IFACE_IP_MODE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR);
@@ -1431,7 +1486,7 @@
                 // For example, after CONNECTIVITY_ACTION listening is removed, here
                 // is where we could observe a Wi-Fi network becoming available and
                 // passing validation.
-                if (mCurrentUpstreamIface == null) {
+                if (mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet == null) {
                     // If we have no upstream interface, try to run through upstream
                     // selection again.  If, for example, IPv4 connectivity has shown up
                     // after IPv6 (e.g., 464xlat became available) we want the chance to
@@ -1455,8 +1510,7 @@
                 case UpstreamNetworkMonitor.EVENT_ON_LINKPROPERTIES:
-                    setDnsForwarders(, ns.linkProperties);
-                    handleNewUpstreamNetworkState(ns);
+                    chooseUpstreamType(false);
                 case UpstreamNetworkMonitor.EVENT_ON_LOST:
                     // TODO: Re-evaluate possible upstreams. Currently upstream
@@ -1483,7 +1537,6 @@
-                mCarrierConfigChange.startListening();
@@ -1501,7 +1554,6 @@
-                mCarrierConfigChange.stopListening();
@@ -1529,7 +1581,7 @@
                         if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "Tether Mode requested by " + who);
                         handleInterfaceServingStateActive(message.arg1, who);
-                                mCurrentUpstreamIface);
+                                mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet);
                         // If there has been a change and an upstream is now
                         // desired, kick off the selection process.
                         final boolean previousUpstreamWanted = updateUpstreamWanted();
@@ -1616,7 +1668,7 @@
                     case CMD_CLEAR_ERROR:
-                        mErrorNotification = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
+                        mErrorNotification = TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
@@ -1807,7 +1859,7 @@
                 pw.println(" - lastError = " + tetherState.lastError);
             pw.println("Upstream wanted: " + upstreamWanted());
-            pw.println("Current upstream interface: " + mCurrentUpstreamIface);
+            pw.println("Current upstream interface(s): " + mCurrentUpstreamIfaceSet);
@@ -1878,7 +1930,7 @@
         // If TetherMasterSM is in ErrorState, TetherMasterSM stays there.
         // Thus we give a chance for TetherMasterSM to recover to InitialState
         // by sending CMD_CLEAR_ERROR
-        if (error == ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR) {
+        if (error == TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR) {
             mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_CLEAR_ERROR, who);
         int which;
@@ -1922,7 +1974,7 @@
     private void maybeTrackNewInterfaceLocked(final String iface) {
         // If we don't care about this type of interface, ignore.
         final int interfaceType = ifaceNameToType(iface);
-        if (interfaceType == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_INVALID) {
+        if (interfaceType == TETHERING_INVALID) {
             mLog.log(iface + " is not a tetherable iface, ignoring");
@@ -1940,7 +1992,7 @@
         final TetherState tetherState = new TetherState(
                 new TetherInterfaceStateMachine(
                     iface, mLooper, interfaceType, mLog, mNMService, mStatsService,
-                    makeControlCallback(iface)));
+                    makeControlCallback(iface), mDeps));
         mTetherStates.put(iface, tetherState);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index bb46d5e..2fda08e 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@
+import java.math.BigInteger;
@@ -113,6 +115,7 @@
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.SortedSet;
@@ -131,6 +134,31 @@
     // the device idle whitelist during service launch and VPN bootstrap.
     private static final long VPN_LAUNCH_IDLE_WHITELIST_DURATION_MS = 60 * 1000;
+    // Settings for how much of the address space should be routed so that Vpn considers
+    // "most" of the address space is routed. This is used to determine whether this Vpn
+    // should be marked with the INTERNET capability.
+    private static final long MOST_IPV4_ADDRESSES_COUNT;
+    private static final BigInteger MOST_IPV6_ADDRESSES_COUNT;
+    static {
+        // 85% of the address space must be routed for Vpn to consider this VPN to provide
+        // INTERNET access.
+        final int howManyPercentIsMost = 85;
+        final long twoPower32 = 1L << 32;
+        MOST_IPV4_ADDRESSES_COUNT = twoPower32 * howManyPercentIsMost / 100;
+        final BigInteger twoPower128 = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(128);
+        MOST_IPV6_ADDRESSES_COUNT = twoPower128
+                .multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(howManyPercentIsMost))
+                .divide(BigInteger.valueOf(100));
+    }
+    // How many routes to evaluate before bailing and declaring this Vpn should provide
+    // the INTERNET capability. This is necessary because computing the adress space is
+    // O(n²) and this is running in the system service, so a limit is needed to alleviate
+    // the risk of attack.
+    // This is taken as a total of IPv4 + IPV6 routes for simplicity, but the algorithm
+    // is actually O(n²)+O(n²).
+    private static final int MAX_ROUTES_TO_EVALUATE = 150;
     // TODO: create separate trackers for each unique VPN to support
     // automated reconnection
@@ -830,10 +858,41 @@
         return lp;
+    /**
+     * Analyzes the passed LinkedProperties to figure out whether it routes to most of the IP space.
+     *
+     * This returns true if the passed LinkedProperties contains routes to either most of the IPv4
+     * space or to most of the IPv6 address space, where "most" is defined by the value of the
+     * MOST_IPV{4,6}_ADDRESSES_COUNT constants : if more than this number of addresses are matched
+     * by any of the routes, then it's decided that most of the space is routed.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    static boolean providesRoutesToMostDestinations(LinkProperties lp) {
+        final List<RouteInfo> routes = lp.getAllRoutes();
+        if (routes.size() > MAX_ROUTES_TO_EVALUATE) return true;
+        final Comparator<IpPrefix> prefixLengthComparator = IpPrefix.lengthComparator();
+        TreeSet<IpPrefix> ipv4Prefixes = new TreeSet<>(prefixLengthComparator);
+        TreeSet<IpPrefix> ipv6Prefixes = new TreeSet<>(prefixLengthComparator);
+        for (final RouteInfo route : routes) {
+            IpPrefix destination = route.getDestination();
+            if (destination.isIPv4()) {
+                ipv4Prefixes.add(destination);
+            } else {
+                ipv6Prefixes.add(destination);
+            }
+        }
+        if (NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(ipv4Prefixes) > MOST_IPV4_ADDRESSES_COUNT) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(ipv6Prefixes)
+                .compareTo(MOST_IPV6_ADDRESSES_COUNT) >= 0;
+    }
     private void agentConnect() {
         LinkProperties lp = makeLinkProperties();
-        if (lp.hasIPv4DefaultRoute() || lp.hasIPv6DefaultRoute()) {
+        if (providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp)) {
         } else {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 518f6c1..ba67c94 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -30,10 +30,8 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.Random;
@@ -119,7 +117,7 @@
         if (VDBG) {
             Log.d(TAG, "updateUpstreamNetworkState: " + toDebugString(ns));
-        if (!canTetherIPv6(ns, mLog)) {
+        if (TetheringInterfaceUtils.getIPv6Interface(ns) == null) {
@@ -208,70 +206,6 @@
         return null;
-    private static boolean canTetherIPv6(NetworkState ns, SharedLog sharedLog) {
-        // Broadly speaking:
-        //
-        //     [1] does the upstream have an IPv6 default route?
-        //
-        // and
-        //
-        //     [2] does the upstream have one or more global IPv6 /64s
-        //         dedicated to this device?
-        //
-        // In lieu of Prefix Delegation and other evaluation of whether a
-        // prefix may or may not be dedicated to this device, for now just
-        // check whether the upstream is TRANSPORT_CELLULAR. This works
-        // because "[t]he 3GPP network allocates each default bearer a unique
-        // /64 prefix", per RFC 6459, Section 5.2.
-        final boolean canTether =
-                (ns != null) && ( != null) &&
-                (ns.linkProperties != null) && (ns.networkCapabilities != null) &&
-                // At least one upstream DNS server:
-                ns.linkProperties.isProvisioned() &&
-                // Minimal amount of IPv6 provisioning:
-                ns.linkProperties.hasIPv6DefaultRoute() &&
-                ns.linkProperties.hasGlobalIPv6Address() &&
-                // Temporary approximation of "dedicated prefix":
-                ns.networkCapabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
-        // For now, we do not support separate IPv4 and IPv6 upstreams (e.g.
-        // tethering with 464xlat involved). TODO: Rectify this shortcoming,
-        // likely by calling NetworkManagementService#startInterfaceForwarding()
-        // for all upstream interfaces.
-        RouteInfo v4default = null;
-        RouteInfo v6default = null;
-        if (canTether) {
-            for (RouteInfo r : ns.linkProperties.getAllRoutes()) {
-                if (r.isIPv4Default()) {
-                    v4default = r;
-                } else if (r.isIPv6Default()) {
-                    v6default = r;
-                }
-                if (v4default != null && v6default != null) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        final boolean supportedConfiguration =
-                (v4default != null) && (v6default != null) &&
-                (v4default.getInterface() != null) &&
-                v4default.getInterface().equals(v6default.getInterface());
-        final boolean outcome = canTether && supportedConfiguration;
-        if (ns == null) {
-            sharedLog.log("No available upstream.");
-        } else {
-            sharedLog.log(String.format("IPv6 tethering is %s for upstream: %s",
-                    (outcome ? "available" : "not available"), toDebugString(ns)));
-        }
-        return outcome;
-    }
     private static LinkProperties getIPv6OnlyLinkProperties(LinkProperties lp) {
         final LinkProperties v6only = new LinkProperties();
         if (lp == null) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 2224913..5ed14a0 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
 import android.os.Looper;
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Objects;
 import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Set;
  * Provides the interface to IP-layer serving functionality for a given network
@@ -117,9 +117,11 @@
     private final int mInterfaceType;
     private final LinkProperties mLinkProperties;
+    private final TetheringDependencies mDeps;
     private int mLastError;
     private int mServingMode;
-    private String mMyUpstreamIfaceName;  // may change over time
+    private InterfaceSet mUpstreamIfaceSet;  // may change over time
     private InterfaceParams mInterfaceParams;
     // TODO: De-duplicate this with mLinkProperties above. Currently, these link
     // properties are those selected by the IPv6TetheringCoordinator and relayed
@@ -134,18 +136,19 @@
     public TetherInterfaceStateMachine(
             String ifaceName, Looper looper, int interfaceType, SharedLog log,
             INetworkManagementService nMService, INetworkStatsService statsService,
-            IControlsTethering tetherController) {
+            IControlsTethering tetherController,
+            TetheringDependencies deps) {
         super(ifaceName, looper);
         mLog = log.forSubComponent(ifaceName);
         mNMService = nMService;
-        // TODO: This should be passed in for testability.
-        mNetd = NetdService.getInstance();
+        mNetd = deps.getNetdService();
         mStatsService = statsService;
         mTetherController = tetherController;
         mInterfaceCtrl = new InterfaceController(ifaceName, nMService, mNetd, mLog);
         mIfaceName = ifaceName;
         mInterfaceType = interfaceType;
         mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties();
+        mDeps = deps;
         mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
         mServingMode = IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE;
@@ -246,16 +249,14 @@
     private boolean startIPv6() {
-        // TODO: Refactor for better testability.  This is one of the things
-        // that prohibits unittesting IPv6 tethering setup.
-        mInterfaceParams = InterfaceParams.getByName(mIfaceName);
+        mInterfaceParams = mDeps.getInterfaceParams(mIfaceName);
         if (mInterfaceParams == null) {
             mLog.e("Failed to find InterfaceParams");
             return false;
-        mRaDaemon = new RouterAdvertisementDaemon(mInterfaceParams);
+        mRaDaemon = mDeps.getRouterAdvertisementDaemon(mInterfaceParams);
         if (!mRaDaemon.start()) {
             return false;
@@ -621,10 +622,10 @@
         private void cleanupUpstream() {
-            if (mMyUpstreamIfaceName == null) return;
+            if (mUpstreamIfaceSet == null) return;
-            cleanupUpstreamInterface(mMyUpstreamIfaceName);
-            mMyUpstreamIfaceName = null;
+            for (String ifname : mUpstreamIfaceSet.ifnames) cleanupUpstreamInterface(ifname);
+            mUpstreamIfaceSet = null;
         private void cleanupUpstreamInterface(String upstreamIface) {
@@ -660,34 +661,66 @@
                     mLog.e("CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED while already tethering.");
                 case CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED:
-                    String newUpstreamIfaceName = (String)(message.obj);
-                    if ((mMyUpstreamIfaceName == null && newUpstreamIfaceName == null) ||
-                            (mMyUpstreamIfaceName != null &&
-                            mMyUpstreamIfaceName.equals(newUpstreamIfaceName))) {
+                    final InterfaceSet newUpstreamIfaceSet = (InterfaceSet) message.obj;
+                    if (noChangeInUpstreamIfaceSet(newUpstreamIfaceSet)) {
                         if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "Connection changed noop - dropping");
-                    cleanupUpstream();
-                    if (newUpstreamIfaceName != null) {
+                    if (newUpstreamIfaceSet == null) {
+                        cleanupUpstream();
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    for (String removed : upstreamInterfacesRemoved(newUpstreamIfaceSet)) {
+                        cleanupUpstreamInterface(removed);
+                    }
+                    final Set<String> added = upstreamInterfacesAdd(newUpstreamIfaceSet);
+                    // This makes the call to cleanupUpstream() in the error
+                    // path for any interface neatly cleanup all the interfaces.
+                    mUpstreamIfaceSet = newUpstreamIfaceSet;
+                    for (String ifname : added) {
                         try {
-                            mNMService.enableNat(mIfaceName, newUpstreamIfaceName);
-                            mNMService.startInterfaceForwarding(mIfaceName,
-                                    newUpstreamIfaceName);
+                            mNMService.enableNat(mIfaceName, ifname);
+                            mNMService.startInterfaceForwarding(mIfaceName, ifname);
                         } catch (Exception e) {
                             mLog.e("Exception enabling NAT: " + e);
-                            cleanupUpstreamInterface(newUpstreamIfaceName);
+                            cleanupUpstream();
                             mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_ENABLE_NAT_ERROR;
                             return true;
-                    mMyUpstreamIfaceName = newUpstreamIfaceName;
                     return false;
             return true;
+        private boolean noChangeInUpstreamIfaceSet(InterfaceSet newIfaces) {
+            if (mUpstreamIfaceSet == null && newIfaces == null) return true;
+            if (mUpstreamIfaceSet != null && newIfaces != null) {
+                return mUpstreamIfaceSet.equals(newIfaces);
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        private Set<String> upstreamInterfacesRemoved(InterfaceSet newIfaces) {
+            if (mUpstreamIfaceSet == null) return new HashSet<>();
+            final HashSet<String> removed = new HashSet<>(mUpstreamIfaceSet.ifnames);
+            removed.removeAll(newIfaces.ifnames);
+            return removed;
+        }
+        private Set<String> upstreamInterfacesAdd(InterfaceSet newIfaces) {
+            final HashSet<String> added = new HashSet<>(newIfaces.ifnames);
+            if (mUpstreamIfaceSet != null) added.removeAll(mUpstreamIfaceSet.ifnames);
+            return added;
+        }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index 09bce7f..454c579 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -21,14 +21,23 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.res.Resources;
-import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
+import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
+import android.text.TextUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -51,6 +60,8 @@
 public class TetheringConfiguration {
     private static final String TAG = TetheringConfiguration.class.getSimpleName();
+    private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
     public static final int DUN_NOT_REQUIRED = 0;
     public static final int DUN_REQUIRED = 1;
@@ -79,18 +90,18 @@
     public final String[] dhcpRanges;
     public final String[] defaultIPv4DNS;
+    public final String[] provisioningApp;
+    public final String provisioningAppNoUi;
     public TetheringConfiguration(Context ctx, SharedLog log) {
         final SharedLog configLog = log.forSubComponent("config");
-        tetherableUsbRegexs = ctx.getResources().getStringArray(
-      ;
+        tetherableUsbRegexs = getResourceStringArray(ctx, config_tether_usb_regexs);
         // TODO: Evaluate deleting this altogether now that Wi-Fi always passes
         // us an interface name. Careful consideration needs to be given to
         // implications for Settings and for provisioning checks.
-        tetherableWifiRegexs = ctx.getResources().getStringArray(
-      ;
-        tetherableBluetoothRegexs = ctx.getResources().getStringArray(
-      ;
+        tetherableWifiRegexs = getResourceStringArray(ctx, config_tether_wifi_regexs);
+        tetherableBluetoothRegexs = getResourceStringArray(ctx, config_tether_bluetooth_regexs);
         dunCheck = checkDunRequired(ctx);
         configLog.log("DUN check returned: " + dunCheckString(dunCheck));
@@ -101,6 +112,9 @@
         dhcpRanges = getDhcpRanges(ctx);
         defaultIPv4DNS = copy(DEFAULT_IPV4_DNS);
+        provisioningApp = getResourceStringArray(ctx, config_mobile_hotspot_provision_app);
+        provisioningAppNoUi = getProvisioningAppNoUi(ctx);
@@ -116,6 +130,10 @@
         return matchesDownstreamRegexs(iface, tetherableBluetoothRegexs);
+    public boolean hasMobileHotspotProvisionApp() {
+        return !TextUtils.isEmpty(provisioningAppNoUi);
+    }
     public void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
         dumpStringArray(pw, "tetherableUsbRegexs", tetherableUsbRegexs);
         dumpStringArray(pw, "tetherableWifiRegexs", tetherableWifiRegexs);
@@ -129,6 +147,10 @@
         dumpStringArray(pw, "dhcpRanges", dhcpRanges);
         dumpStringArray(pw, "defaultIPv4DNS", defaultIPv4DNS);
+        dumpStringArray(pw, "provisioningApp", provisioningApp);
+        pw.print("provisioningAppNoUi: ");
+        pw.println(provisioningAppNoUi);
     public String toString() {
@@ -140,6 +162,8 @@
         sj.add(String.format("isDunRequired:%s", isDunRequired));
+        sj.add(String.format("provisioningApp:%s", makeString(provisioningApp)));
+        sj.add(String.format("provisioningAppNoUi:%s", provisioningAppNoUi));
         return String.format("TetheringConfiguration{%s}", sj.toString());
@@ -159,6 +183,7 @@
     private static String makeString(String[] strings) {
+        if (strings == null) return "null";
         final StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(",", "[", "]");
         for (String s : strings) sj.add(s);
         return sj.toString();
@@ -195,8 +220,7 @@
     private static Collection<Integer> getUpstreamIfaceTypes(Context ctx, int dunCheck) {
-        final int ifaceTypes[] = ctx.getResources().getIntArray(
-      ;
+        final int ifaceTypes[] = ctx.getResources().getIntArray(config_tether_upstream_types);
         final ArrayList<Integer> upstreamIfaceTypes = new ArrayList<>(ifaceTypes.length);
         for (int i : ifaceTypes) {
             switch (i) {
@@ -247,14 +271,30 @@
     private static String[] getDhcpRanges(Context ctx) {
-        final String[] fromResource = ctx.getResources().getStringArray(
-      ;
+        final String[] fromResource = getResourceStringArray(ctx, config_tether_dhcp_range);
         if ((fromResource.length > 0) && (fromResource.length % 2 == 0)) {
             return fromResource;
         return copy(DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE);
+    private static String getProvisioningAppNoUi(Context ctx) {
+        try {
+            return ctx.getResources().getString(config_mobile_hotspot_provision_app_no_ui);
+        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
+            return "";
+        }
+    }
+    private static String[] getResourceStringArray(Context ctx, int resId) {
+        try {
+            final String[] strArray = ctx.getResources().getStringArray(resId);
+            return (strArray != null) ? strArray : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
+        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e404) {
+            return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
+        }
+    }
     private static String[] copy(String[] strarray) {
         return Arrays.copyOf(strarray, strarray.length);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index b8174b6..0ac7a36 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -16,9 +16,18 @@
+import android.content.Context;
 import android.os.Handler;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
  * Capture tethering dependencies, for injection.
@@ -29,4 +38,30 @@
     public OffloadHardwareInterface getOffloadHardwareInterface(Handler h, SharedLog log) {
         return new OffloadHardwareInterface(h, log);
+    public UpstreamNetworkMonitor getUpstreamNetworkMonitor(Context ctx, StateMachine target,
+            SharedLog log, int what) {
+        return new UpstreamNetworkMonitor(ctx, target, log, what);
+    }
+    public IPv6TetheringCoordinator getIPv6TetheringCoordinator(
+            ArrayList<TetherInterfaceStateMachine> notifyList, SharedLog log) {
+        return new IPv6TetheringCoordinator(notifyList, log);
+    }
+    public RouterAdvertisementDaemon getRouterAdvertisementDaemon(InterfaceParams ifParams) {
+        return new RouterAdvertisementDaemon(ifParams);
+    }
+    public InterfaceParams getInterfaceParams(String ifName) {
+        return InterfaceParams.getByName(ifName);
+    }
+    public INetd getNetdService() {
+        return NetdService.getInstance();
+    }
+    public boolean isTetheringSupported() {
+        return true;
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7ff91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import android.annotation.Nullable;
+ * @hide
+ */
+public final class TetheringInterfaceUtils {
+    /**
+     * Get upstream interfaces for tethering based on default routes for IPv4/IPv6.
+     * @return null if there is no usable interface, or a set of at least one interface otherwise.
+     */
+    public static @Nullable InterfaceSet getTetheringInterfaces(NetworkState ns) {
+        if (ns == null) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        final LinkProperties lp = ns.linkProperties;
+        final String if4 = getInterfaceForDestination(lp, Inet4Address.ANY);
+        final String if6 = getIPv6Interface(ns);
+        return (if4 == null && if6 == null) ? null : new InterfaceSet(if4, if6);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the upstream interface for IPv6 tethering.
+     * @return null if there is no usable interface, or the interface name otherwise.
+     */
+    public static @Nullable String getIPv6Interface(NetworkState ns) {
+        // Broadly speaking:
+        //
+        //     [1] does the upstream have an IPv6 default route?
+        //
+        // and
+        //
+        //     [2] does the upstream have one or more global IPv6 /64s
+        //         dedicated to this device?
+        //
+        // In lieu of Prefix Delegation and other evaluation of whether a
+        // prefix may or may not be dedicated to this device, for now just
+        // check whether the upstream is TRANSPORT_CELLULAR. This works
+        // because "[t]he 3GPP network allocates each default bearer a unique
+        // /64 prefix", per RFC 6459, Section 5.2.
+        final boolean canTether =
+                (ns != null) && ( != null) &&
+                (ns.linkProperties != null) && (ns.networkCapabilities != null) &&
+                // At least one upstream DNS server:
+                ns.linkProperties.hasIPv6DnsServer() &&
+                // Minimal amount of IPv6 provisioning:
+                ns.linkProperties.hasGlobalIPv6Address() &&
+                // Temporary approximation of "dedicated prefix":
+                ns.networkCapabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
+        return canTether
+                ? getInterfaceForDestination(ns.linkProperties, Inet6Address.ANY)
+                : null;
+    }
+    private static String getInterfaceForDestination(LinkProperties lp, InetAddress dst) {
+        final RouteInfo ri = (lp != null)
+                ? RouteInfo.selectBestRoute(lp.getAllRoutes(), dst)
+                : null;
+        return (ri != null) ? ri.getInterface() : null;
+    }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/net/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/net/
index bfc150e..da40692 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/net/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/net/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -128,6 +130,7 @@
@@ -153,8 +156,7 @@
     static final boolean LOGV = false;
     private static final int MSG_PERFORM_POLL = 1;
-    private static final int MSG_UPDATE_IFACES = 2;
-    private static final int MSG_REGISTER_GLOBAL_ALERT = 3;
+    private static final int MSG_REGISTER_GLOBAL_ALERT = 2;
     /** Flags to control detail level of poll event. */
     private static final int FLAG_PERSIST_NETWORK = 0x1;
@@ -727,7 +729,8 @@
         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         final NetworkStats networkLayer;
         try {
-            networkLayer = mNetworkManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(uid);
+            networkLayer = mNetworkManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(uid,
+                    NetworkStats.INTERFACES_ALL);
         } finally {
@@ -749,6 +752,18 @@
+    public NetworkStats getDetailedUidStats(String[] requiredIfaces) {
+        try {
+            final String[] ifacesToQuery =
+                    NetworkStatsFactory.augmentWithStackedInterfaces(requiredIfaces);
+            return getNetworkStatsUidDetail(ifacesToQuery);
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+  , "Error compiling UID stats", e);
+            return new NetworkStats(0L, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
     public String[] getMobileIfaces() {
         return mMobileIfaces;
@@ -1110,6 +1125,8 @@
                         if (isMobile) {
+                        NetworkStatsFactory.noteStackedIface(stackedIface, baseIface);
@@ -1131,7 +1148,7 @@
     private void recordSnapshotLocked(long currentTime) throws RemoteException {
         // snapshot and record current counters; read UID stats first to
         // avoid over counting dev stats.
-        final NetworkStats uidSnapshot = getNetworkStatsUidDetail();
+        final NetworkStats uidSnapshot = getNetworkStatsUidDetail(INTERFACES_ALL);
         final NetworkStats xtSnapshot = getNetworkStatsXt();
         final NetworkStats devSnapshot = mNetworkManager.getNetworkStatsSummaryDev();
@@ -1465,12 +1482,21 @@
      * Return snapshot of current UID statistics, including any
      * {@link TrafficStats#UID_TETHERING}, video calling data usage, and {@link #mUidOperations}
      * values.
+     *
+     * @param ifaces A list of interfaces the stats should be restricted to, or
+     *               {@link NetworkStats#INTERFACES_ALL}.
-    private NetworkStats getNetworkStatsUidDetail() throws RemoteException {
-        final NetworkStats uidSnapshot = mNetworkManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(UID_ALL);
+    private NetworkStats getNetworkStatsUidDetail(String[] ifaces)
+            throws RemoteException {
+        // TODO: remove 464xlat adjustments from NetworkStatsFactory and apply all at once here.
+        final NetworkStats uidSnapshot = mNetworkManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(UID_ALL,
+                ifaces);
         // fold tethering stats and operations into uid snapshot
         final NetworkStats tetherSnapshot = getNetworkStatsTethering(STATS_PER_UID);
+        tetherSnapshot.filter(UID_ALL, ifaces, TAG_ALL);
+        NetworkStatsFactory.apply464xlatAdjustments(uidSnapshot, tetherSnapshot);
         final TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(
@@ -1479,8 +1505,11 @@
         // fold video calling data usage stats into uid snapshot
         final NetworkStats vtStats = telephonyManager.getVtDataUsage(STATS_PER_UID);
         if (vtStats != null) {
+            vtStats.filter(UID_ALL, ifaces, TAG_ALL);
+            NetworkStatsFactory.apply464xlatAdjustments(uidSnapshot, vtStats);
         return uidSnapshot;
@@ -1533,10 +1562,6 @@
                     return true;
-                case MSG_UPDATE_IFACES: {
-                    mService.updateIfaces(null);
-                    return true;
-                }
                 case MSG_REGISTER_GLOBAL_ALERT: {
                     return true;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index 423201a..46f39f2 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -144,6 +144,12 @@
         Intent intent = registerReceiver(null, filter);
         int level = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1);
         int scale = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1);
+        boolean present = intent.getBooleanExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PRESENT, true);
+        if (!present) {
+            // No battery, treat as if 100%, no possibility of draining battery.
+            return 100;
+        }
         if (level < 0 || scale <= 0) {
             // Battery data unavailable. This should never happen, so assume the worst.
@@ -457,10 +463,17 @@
         if (params.getJobId() == JOB_POST_BOOT_UPDATE) {
+            // Do not reschedule.
+            // TODO: We should reschedule if we didn't process all apps, yet.
+            return false;
         } else {
+            // Reschedule the run.
+            // TODO: Should this be dependent on the stop reason?
+            return true;
-        return false;
     private void notifyPinService(ArraySet<String> updatedPackages) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index ab3c999..73f4274 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     /* ***************************************************************************
      * IMPORTANT: These values are passed to native code. Keep them in sync with
-     * frameworks/native/cmds/installd/installd.h
+     * frameworks/native/cmds/installd/installd_constants.h
      * **************************************************************************/
     /** Application should be visible to everyone */
     public static final int DEXOPT_PUBLIC         = 1 << 1;
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
     public static final int DEXOPT_IDLE_BACKGROUND_JOB = 1 << 9;
     /** Indicates that dexopt should restrict access to private APIs. */
     public static final int DEXOPT_ENABLE_HIDDEN_API_CHECKS = 1 << 10;
+    /** Indicates that dexopt should convert to CompactDex. */
+    public static final int DEXOPT_GENERATE_COMPACT_DEX = 1 << 11;
+    /** Indicates that dexopt should generate an app image */
+    public static final int DEXOPT_GENERATE_APP_IMAGE = 1 << 12;
     // NOTE: keep in sync with installd
     public static final int FLAG_CLEAR_CACHE_ONLY = 1 << 8;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index b6804ba..88caf32 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
                     throws InstallerException {
                 final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
-                // The version. Right now it's 7.
-                builder.append("7 ");
+                // The current version.
+                builder.append("9 ");
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index 51e035b..f9e11f9 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 import dalvik.system.DexFile;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -451,13 +455,15 @@
             for (String isa : dexCodeInstructionSets) {
-                String status = null;
                 try {
-                    status = DexFile.getDexFileStatus(path, isa);
+                    String[] status = DexFile.getDexFileOptimizationStatus(path, isa);
+                    String compilationStatus = status[0];
+                    String compilationReason = status[1];
+                    pw.println(isa + ": [status=" + compilationStatus
+                            +"] reason=[" + compilationReason + "]");
                 } catch (IOException ioe) {
-                     status = "[Exception]: " + ioe.getMessage();
+                    pw.println(isa + ": [Exception]: " + ioe.getMessage());
-                pw.println(isa + ": " + status);
             if (useInfo.isUsedByOtherApps(path)) {
@@ -518,6 +524,10 @@
         return getDexFlags(pkg.applicationInfo, compilerFilter, options);
+    private boolean isAppImageEnabled() {
+        return SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.appimageformat", "").length() > 0;
+    }
     private int getDexFlags(ApplicationInfo info, String compilerFilter, DexoptOptions options) {
         int flags = info.flags;
         boolean debuggable = (flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) != 0;
@@ -531,13 +541,35 @@
         int profileFlag = isProfileGuidedFilter ? DEXOPT_PROFILE_GUIDED : 0;
         // Some apps are executed with restrictions on hidden API usage. If this app is one
         // of them, pass a flag to dexopt to enable the same restrictions during compilation.
-        int hiddenApiFlag = info.isAllowedToUseHiddenApi() ? 0 : DEXOPT_ENABLE_HIDDEN_API_CHECKS;
+        // TODO we should pass the actual flag value to dexopt, rather than assuming blacklist
+        int hiddenApiFlag = info.getHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy() == HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_NONE
+                ? 0
+        // Avoid generating CompactDex for modes that are latency critical.
+        final int compilationReason = options.getCompilationReason();
+        boolean generateCompactDex = true;
+        switch (compilationReason) {
+            case PackageManagerService.REASON_FIRST_BOOT:
+            case PackageManagerService.REASON_BOOT:
+            case PackageManagerService.REASON_INSTALL:
+                 generateCompactDex = false;
+        }
+        // Use app images only if it is enabled and we are compiling
+        // profile-guided (so the app image doesn't conservatively contain all classes).
+        // If the app didn't request for the splits to be loaded in isolation or if it does not
+        // declare inter-split dependencies, then all the splits will be loaded in the base
+        // apk class loader (in the order of their definition, otherwise disable app images
+        // because they are unsupported for multiple class loaders. b/7269679
+        boolean generateAppImage = isProfileGuidedFilter && (info.splitDependencies == null ||
+                !info.requestsIsolatedSplitLoading()) && isAppImageEnabled();
         int dexFlags =
                 (isPublic ? DEXOPT_PUBLIC : 0)
                 | (debuggable ? DEXOPT_DEBUGGABLE : 0)
                 | profileFlag
                 | (options.isBootComplete() ? DEXOPT_BOOTCOMPLETE : 0)
                 | (options.isDexoptIdleBackgroundJob() ? DEXOPT_IDLE_BACKGROUND_JOB : 0)
+                | (generateCompactDex ? DEXOPT_GENERATE_COMPACT_DEX : 0)
+                | (generateAppImage ? DEXOPT_GENERATE_APP_IMAGE : 0)
                 | hiddenApiFlag;
         return adjustDexoptFlags(dexFlags);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index 900e188..a54cf1a 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -3375,6 +3375,13 @@
         // "/data/system/package_cache/1"
         File cacheDir = FileUtils.createDir(cacheBaseDir, PACKAGE_PARSER_CACHE_VERSION);
+        if (cacheDir == null) {
+            // Something went wrong. Attempt to delete everything and return.
+  , "Cache directory cannot be created - wiping base dir " + cacheBaseDir);
+            FileUtils.deleteContentsAndDir(cacheBaseDir);
+            return null;
+        }
         // The following is a workaround to aid development on non-numbered userdebug
         // builds or cases where "adb sync" is used on userdebug builds. If we detect that
         // the system partition is newer.
@@ -10206,6 +10213,17 @@
+        // This is the last chance to write out pending restriction settings
+        synchronized (mPackages) {
+            if (mHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS)) {
+                mHandler.removeMessages(WRITE_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS);
+                for (int userId : mDirtyUsers) {
+                    mSettings.writePackageRestrictionsLPr(userId);
+                }
+                mDirtyUsers.clear();
+            }
+        }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/
index d219476..0971058 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/
@@ -392,6 +392,8 @@
+    private static final int USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION_DELAY = 200;
     /** Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for windows drawn before powering on. */
     static final int WAITING_FOR_DRAWN_TIMEOUT = 1000;
@@ -677,6 +679,7 @@
     private boolean mPendingKeyguardOccluded;
     private boolean mKeyguardOccludedChanged;
+    private boolean mNotifyUserActivity;
     boolean mShowingDream;
     private boolean mLastShowingDream;
@@ -722,6 +725,9 @@
     // Behavior of Back button while in-call and screen on
     int mIncallBackBehavior;
+    // Whether system navigation keys are enabled
+    boolean mSystemNavigationKeysEnabled;
     Display mDisplay;
     private int mDisplayRotation;
@@ -831,6 +837,7 @@
     private static final int MSG_DISPATCH_BACK_KEY_TO_AUTOFILL = 24;
     private static final int MSG_SYSTEM_KEY_PRESS = 25;
     private static final int MSG_HANDLE_ALL_APPS = 26;
+    private static final int MSG_NOTIFY_USER_ACTIVITY = 27;
     private static final int MSG_REQUEST_TRANSIENT_BARS_ARG_STATUS = 0;
     private static final int MSG_REQUEST_TRANSIENT_BARS_ARG_NAVIGATION = 1;
@@ -926,6 +933,13 @@
                 case MSG_HANDLE_ALL_APPS:
+                case MSG_NOTIFY_USER_ACTIVITY:
+                    removeMessages(MSG_NOTIFY_USER_ACTIVITY);
+                    Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_USER_ACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION);
+                    intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY);
+                    mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL,
+                            android.Manifest.permission.USER_ACTIVITY);
+                    break;
@@ -978,6 +992,9 @@
                     Settings.Global.POLICY_CONTROL), false, this,
+            resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
+                    Settings.Secure.SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_KEYS_ENABLED), false, this,
+                    UserHandle.USER_ALL);
@@ -2309,6 +2326,9 @@
+            mSystemNavigationKeysEnabled = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(resolver,
+                    Settings.Secure.SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_KEYS_ENABLED,
+                    0, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) == 1;
             // Configure wake gesture.
             boolean wakeGestureEnabledSetting = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(resolver,
@@ -6298,7 +6318,7 @@
         if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {
             if (!mAccessibilityManager.isEnabled()
                     || !mAccessibilityManager.sendFingerprintGesture(event.getKeyCode())) {
-                if (areSystemNavigationKeysEnabled()) {
+                if (mSystemNavigationKeysEnabled) {
@@ -7466,6 +7486,13 @@
+    @Override
+    public void requestUserActivityNotification() {
+        if (!mNotifyUserActivity && !mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_NOTIFY_USER_ACTIVITY)) {
+            mNotifyUserActivity = true;
+        }
+    }
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void userActivity() {
@@ -7487,6 +7514,12 @@
                 mHandler.postDelayed(mScreenLockTimeout, mLockScreenTimeout);
+        if (mAwake && mNotifyUserActivity) {
+            mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_NOTIFY_USER_ACTIVITY,
+            mNotifyUserActivity = false;
+        }
     class ScreenLockTimeout implements Runnable {
@@ -7783,11 +7816,6 @@
                 Settings.Global.THEATER_MODE_ON, 0) == 1;
-    private boolean areSystemNavigationKeysEnabled() {
-        return Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
-                Settings.Secure.SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_KEYS_ENABLED, 0, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) == 1;
-    }
     public boolean performHapticFeedbackLw(WindowState win, int effectId, boolean always) {
         if (!mVibrator.hasVibrator()) {
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/updates/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/updates/
index 0450816..a123304 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/updates/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/updates/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.provider.Telephony;
-import android.util.Log;
 public class CarrierIdInstallReceiver extends ConfigUpdateInstallReceiver {
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
     protected void postInstall(Context context, Intent intent) {
         ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
-        resolver.update(Uri.withAppendedPath(Telephony.CarrierIdentification.All.CONTENT_URI,
+        resolver.update(Uri.withAppendedPath(Telephony.CarrierId.All.CONTENT_URI,
                 "update_db"), new ContentValues(), null, null);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 4698d72..4303352 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -301,6 +301,9 @@
     private void drawSizeMismatchSnapshot(GraphicBuffer buffer) {
+        if (!mSurface.isValid()) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("mSurface does not hold a valid surface.");
+        }
         final SurfaceSession session = new SurfaceSession(mSurface);
         // Keep a reference to it such that it doesn't get destroyed when finalized.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
index 0abc847..671b00b 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -7301,6 +7301,15 @@
         mPolicy.registerShortcutKey(shortcutCode, shortcutKeyReceiver);
+    @Override
+    public void requestUserActivityNotification() {
+        if (!checkCallingPermission(android.Manifest.permission.USER_ACTIVITY,
+                "requestUserActivityNotification()")) {
+            throw new SecurityException("Requires USER_ACTIVITY permission");
+        }
+        mPolicy.requestUserActivityNotification();
+    }
     void markForSeamlessRotation(WindowState w, boolean seamlesslyRotated) {
         if (seamlesslyRotated == w.mSeamlesslyRotated) {
diff --git a/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/ b/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
index e097fac..14a9163 100644
--- a/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
+++ b/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 import android.util.Slog;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
     private ServiceThread mHandlerThread;
     private NetworkLoggingHandler mNetworkLoggingHandler;
-    private final INetdEventCallback mNetdEventCallback = new INetdEventCallback.Stub() {
+    private final INetdEventCallback mNetdEventCallback = new BaseNetdEventCallback() {
         public void onDnsEvent(String hostname, String[] ipAddresses, int ipAddressesCount,
                 long timestamp, int uid) {
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/apf/ b/services/net/java/android/net/apf/
index 7d9736e..92a09d3 100644
--- a/services/net/java/android/net/apf/
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/apf/
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
+import static*;
 import static android.system.OsConstants.*;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
-import static;
 import static;
-import static;
-import android.os.SystemClock;
+import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.IntentFilter;
@@ -39,31 +39,29 @@
+import android.os.PowerManager;
+import android.os.SystemClock;
 import android.system.ErrnoException;
 import android.system.Os;
 import android.system.PacketSocketAddress;
 import android.text.format.DateUtils;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.util.Pair;
-import java.lang.Thread;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
 import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
@@ -215,10 +213,6 @@
             { (byte) 0xff, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
     private static final int ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + IPV6_HEADER_LEN;
-    private static final int ICMP6_ROUTER_SOLICITATION = 133;
-    private static final int ICMP6_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT = 134;
-    private static final int ICMP6_NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION = 135;
-    private static final int ICMP6_NEIGHBOR_ANNOUNCEMENT = 136;
     // NOTE: this must be added to the IPv4 header length in IPV4_HEADER_SIZE_MEMORY_SLOT
     private static final int UDP_DESTINATION_PORT_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 2;
@@ -258,9 +252,26 @@
     private long mUniqueCounter;
     private boolean mMulticastFilter;
+    @GuardedBy("this")
+    private boolean mInDozeMode;
     private final boolean mDrop802_3Frames;
     private final int[] mEthTypeBlackList;
+    // Detects doze mode state transitions.
+    private final BroadcastReceiver mDeviceIdleReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
+        @Override
+        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
+            String action = intent.getAction();
+            if (action.equals(PowerManager.ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED)) {
+                PowerManager powerManager =
+                        (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
+                final boolean deviceIdle = powerManager.isDeviceIdleMode();
+                setDozeMode(deviceIdle);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    private final Context mContext;
     // Our IPv4 address, if we have just one, otherwise null.
     private byte[] mIPv4Address;
@@ -269,13 +280,14 @@
     private int mIPv4PrefixLength;
-    ApfFilter(ApfConfiguration config, InterfaceParams ifParams,
+    ApfFilter(Context context, ApfConfiguration config, InterfaceParams ifParams,
             IpClient.Callback ipClientCallback, IpConnectivityLog log) {
         mApfCapabilities = config.apfCapabilities;
         mIpClientCallback = ipClientCallback;
         mInterfaceParams = ifParams;
         mMulticastFilter = config.multicastFilter;
         mDrop802_3Frames = config.ieee802_3Filter;
+        mContext = context;
         // Now fill the black list from the passed array
         mEthTypeBlackList = filterEthTypeBlackList(config.ethTypeBlackList);
@@ -284,6 +296,10 @@
         // TODO: ApfFilter should not generate programs until IpClient sends provisioning success.
+        // Listen for doze-mode transition changes to enable/disable the IPv6 multicast filter.
+        mContext.registerReceiver(mDeviceIdleReceiver,
+                new IntentFilter(PowerManager.ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED));
     private void log(String s) {
@@ -522,7 +538,7 @@
             // to our packet socket. b/29586253
             if (getUint16(mPacket, ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET) != ETH_P_IPV6 ||
                     getUint8(mPacket, IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET) != IPPROTO_ICMPV6 ||
-                    getUint8(mPacket, ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET) != ICMP6_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT) {
+                    getUint8(mPacket, ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET) != ICMPV6_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT) {
                 throw new InvalidRaException("Not an ICMP6 router advertisement");
@@ -889,10 +905,11 @@
     private void generateIPv6FilterLocked(ApfGenerator gen) throws IllegalInstructionException {
         // Here's a basic summary of what the IPv6 filter program does:
-        // if it's not ICMPv6:
-        //   if it's multicast and we're dropping multicast:
-        //     drop
-        //   pass
+        // if we're dropping multicast
+        //   if it's not IPCMv6 or it's ICMPv6 but we're in doze mode:
+        //     if it's multicast:
+        //       drop
+        //     pass
         // if it's ICMPv6 RS to any:
         //   drop
         // if it's ICMPv6 NA to ff02::1:
@@ -902,28 +919,44 @@
         // Drop multicast if the multicast filter is enabled.
         if (mMulticastFilter) {
-            // Don't touch ICMPv6 multicast here, we deal with it in more detail later.
-            String skipIpv6MulticastFilterLabel = "skipIPv6MulticastFilter";
-            gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(IPPROTO_ICMPV6, skipIpv6MulticastFilterLabel);
+            final String skipIPv6MulticastFilterLabel = "skipIPv6MulticastFilter";
+            final String dropAllIPv6MulticastsLabel = "dropAllIPv6Multicast";
-            // Drop all other packets sent to ff00::/8.
+            // While in doze mode, drop ICMPv6 multicast pings, let the others pass.
+            // While awake, let all ICMPv6 multicasts through.
+            if (mInDozeMode) {
+                // Not ICMPv6? -> Proceed to multicast filtering
+                gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(IPPROTO_ICMPV6, dropAllIPv6MulticastsLabel);
+                // ICMPv6 but not ECHO? -> Skip the multicast filter.
+                // (ICMPv6 ECHO requests will go through the multicast filter below).
+                gen.addLoad8(Register.R0, ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET);
+                gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST_TYPE, skipIPv6MulticastFilterLabel);
+            } else {
+                gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(IPPROTO_ICMPV6, skipIPv6MulticastFilterLabel);
+            }
+            // Drop all other packets sent to ff00::/8 (multicast prefix).
+            gen.defineLabel(dropAllIPv6MulticastsLabel);
             gen.addLoad8(Register.R0, IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET);
             gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(0xff, gen.DROP_LABEL);
-            // Not multicast and not ICMPv6. Pass.
+            // Not multicast. Pass.
-            gen.defineLabel(skipIpv6MulticastFilterLabel);
+            gen.defineLabel(skipIPv6MulticastFilterLabel);
         } else {
             // If not ICMPv6, pass.
             gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(IPPROTO_ICMPV6, gen.PASS_LABEL);
+        // If we got this far, the packet is ICMPv6.  Drop some specific types.
         // Add unsolicited multicast neighbor announcements filter
         String skipUnsolicitedMulticastNALabel = "skipUnsolicitedMulticastNA";
         gen.addLoad8(Register.R0, ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET);
         // Drop all router solicitations (b/32833400)
-        gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(ICMP6_ROUTER_SOLICITATION, gen.DROP_LABEL);
+        gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(ICMPV6_ROUTER_SOLICITATION, gen.DROP_LABEL);
         // If not neighbor announcements, skip filter.
-        gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(ICMP6_NEIGHBOR_ANNOUNCEMENT, skipUnsolicitedMulticastNALabel);
+        gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(ICMPV6_NEIGHBOR_ADVERTISEMENT, skipUnsolicitedMulticastNALabel);
         // If to ff02::1, drop.
         // TODO: Drop only if they don't contain the address of on-link neighbours.
         gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET);
@@ -1167,9 +1200,9 @@
      * Create an {@link ApfFilter} if {@code apfCapabilities} indicates support for packet
      * filtering using APF programs.
-    public static ApfFilter maybeCreate(ApfConfiguration config,
+    public static ApfFilter maybeCreate(Context context, ApfConfiguration config,
             InterfaceParams ifParams, IpClient.Callback ipClientCallback) {
-        if (config == null || ifParams == null) return null;
+        if (context == null || config == null || ifParams == null) return null;
         ApfCapabilities apfCapabilities =  config.apfCapabilities;
         if (apfCapabilities == null) return null;
         if (apfCapabilities.apfVersionSupported == 0) return null;
@@ -1186,7 +1219,8 @@
             Log.e(TAG, "Unsupported APF version: " + apfCapabilities.apfVersionSupported);
             return null;
-        return new ApfFilter(config, ifParams, ipClientCallback, new IpConnectivityLog());
+        return new ApfFilter(context, config, ifParams, ipClientCallback, new IpConnectivityLog());
     public synchronized void shutdown() {
@@ -1196,12 +1230,11 @@
             mReceiveThread = null;
+        mContext.unregisterReceiver(mDeviceIdleReceiver);
     public synchronized void setMulticastFilter(boolean isEnabled) {
-        if (mMulticastFilter == isEnabled) {
-            return;
-        }
+        if (mMulticastFilter == isEnabled) return;
         mMulticastFilter = isEnabled;
         if (!isEnabled) {
@@ -1209,6 +1242,13 @@
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    public synchronized void setDozeMode(boolean isEnabled) {
+        if (mInDozeMode == isEnabled) return;
+        mInDozeMode = isEnabled;
+        installNewProgramLocked();
+    }
     /** Find the single IPv4 LinkAddress if there is one, otherwise return null. */
     private static LinkAddress findIPv4LinkAddress(LinkProperties lp) {
         LinkAddress ipv4Address = null;
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/apf/ b/services/net/java/android/net/apf/
index d41fbce..ca8f727 100644
--- a/services/net/java/android/net/apf/
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/apf/
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
     public boolean setApfVersion(int version) {
         // This version number syncs up with APF_VERSION in hardware/google/apf/apf_interpreter.h
-        return version == 2;
+        return version >= 2;
     private void addInstruction(Instruction instruction) {
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/dns/ b/services/net/java/android/net/dns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d20f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/dns/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import android.system.GaiException;
+import android.system.OsConstants;
+import android.system.StructAddrinfo;
+ * DNS resolution utility class.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class ResolvUtil {
+    // Non-portable DNS resolution flag.
+    private static final long NETID_USE_LOCAL_NAMESERVERS = 0x80000000L;
+    private ResolvUtil() {}
+    public static InetAddress[] blockingResolveAllLocally(Network network, String name)
+            throws UnknownHostException {
+        final StructAddrinfo hints = new StructAddrinfo();
+        // Unnecessary, but expressly no AI_ADDRCONFIG.
+        hints.ai_flags = 0;
+        // Fetch all IP addresses at once to minimize re-resolution.
+        hints.ai_family = OsConstants.AF_UNSPEC;
+        hints.ai_socktype = OsConstants.SOCK_DGRAM;
+        final Network networkForResolv = getNetworkWithUseLocalNameserversFlag(network);
+        try {
+            return Libcore.os.android_getaddrinfo(name, hints, (int) networkForResolv.netId);
+        } catch (GaiException gai) {
+            gai.rethrowAsUnknownHostException(name + ": TLS-bypass resolution failed");
+            return null;  // keep compiler quiet
+        }
+    }
+    public static Network getNetworkWithUseLocalNameserversFlag(Network network) {
+        final long netidForResolv = NETID_USE_LOCAL_NAMESERVERS | (long) network.netId;
+        return new Network((int) netidForResolv);
+    }
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/ip/ b/services/net/java/android/net/ip/
index 1f370a5..87249df 100644
--- a/services/net/java/android/net/ip/
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/ip/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
+import android.os.ConditionVariable;
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
 import android.os.Message;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
@@ -150,6 +151,28 @@
         public void setNeighborDiscoveryOffload(boolean enable) {}
+    public static class WaitForProvisioningCallback extends Callback {
+        private final ConditionVariable mCV = new ConditionVariable();
+        private LinkProperties mCallbackLinkProperties;
+        public LinkProperties waitForProvisioning() {
+            mCV.block();
+            return mCallbackLinkProperties;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void onProvisioningSuccess(LinkProperties newLp) {
+            mCallbackLinkProperties = newLp;
+  ;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void onProvisioningFailure(LinkProperties newLp) {
+            mCallbackLinkProperties = null;
+  ;
+        }
+    }
     // Use a wrapper class to log in order to ensure complete and detailed
     // logging. This method is lighter weight than annotations/reflection
     // and has the following benefits:
@@ -281,6 +304,11 @@
                 return this;
+            public Builder withoutMultinetworkPolicyTracker() {
+                mConfig.mUsingMultinetworkPolicyTracker = false;
+                return this;
+            }
             public Builder withoutIpReachabilityMonitor() {
                 mConfig.mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor = false;
                 return this;
@@ -343,6 +371,7 @@
         /* package */ boolean mEnableIPv4 = true;
         /* package */ boolean mEnableIPv6 = true;
+        /* package */ boolean mUsingMultinetworkPolicyTracker = true;
         /* package */ boolean mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor = true;
         /* package */ int mRequestedPreDhcpActionMs;
         /* package */ InitialConfiguration mInitialConfig;
@@ -374,6 +403,7 @@
             return new StringJoiner(", ", getClass().getSimpleName() + "{", "}")
                     .add("mEnableIPv4: " + mEnableIPv4)
                     .add("mEnableIPv6: " + mEnableIPv6)
+                    .add("mUsingMultinetworkPolicyTracker: " + mUsingMultinetworkPolicyTracker)
                     .add("mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor: " + mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor)
                     .add("mRequestedPreDhcpActionMs: " + mRequestedPreDhcpActionMs)
                     .add("mInitialConfig: " + mInitialConfig)
@@ -540,6 +570,8 @@
     // TODO: Revert this hack once IpClient and Nat464Xlat work in concert.
     private static final String CLAT_PREFIX = "v4-";
+    private static final int IMMEDIATE_FAILURE_DURATION = 0;
     private final State mStoppedState = new StoppedState();
     private final State mStoppingState = new StoppingState();
     private final State mStartedState = new StartedState();
@@ -551,12 +583,12 @@
     private final String mClatInterfaceName;
     protected final Callback mCallback;
+    private final Dependencies mDependencies;
     private final CountDownLatch mShutdownLatch;
     private final INetworkManagementService mNwService;
     private final NetlinkTracker mNetlinkTracker;
     private final WakeupMessage mProvisioningTimeoutAlarm;
     private final WakeupMessage mDhcpActionTimeoutAlarm;
-    private final MultinetworkPolicyTracker mMultinetworkPolicyTracker;
     private final SharedLog mLog;
     private final LocalLog mConnectivityPacketLog;
     private final MessageHandlingLogger mMsgStateLogger;
@@ -570,6 +602,7 @@
     private LinkProperties mLinkProperties;
     private ProvisioningConfiguration mConfiguration;
+    private MultinetworkPolicyTracker mMultinetworkPolicyTracker;
     private IpReachabilityMonitor mIpReachabilityMonitor;
     private DhcpClient mDhcpClient;
     private DhcpResults mDhcpResults;
@@ -579,10 +612,23 @@
     private boolean mMulticastFiltering;
     private long mStartTimeMillis;
+    public static class Dependencies {
+        public INetworkManagementService getNMS() {
+            return INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(
+                    ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE));
+        }
+        public INetd getNetd() {
+            return NetdService.getInstance();
+        }
+        public InterfaceParams getInterfaceParams(String ifname) {
+            return InterfaceParams.getByName(ifname);
+        }
+    }
     public IpClient(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback) {
-        this(context, ifName, callback, INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(
-                ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE)),
-                NetdService.getInstance());
+        this(context, ifName, callback, new Dependencies());
@@ -591,27 +637,35 @@
     public IpClient(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback,
             INetworkManagementService nwService) {
-        this(context, ifName, callback, nwService, NetdService.getInstance());
+        this(context, ifName, callback, new Dependencies() {
+            @Override
+            public INetworkManagementService getNMS() { return nwService; }
+        });
-    IpClient(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback,
-            INetworkManagementService nwService, INetd netd) {
+    IpClient(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback, Dependencies deps) {
         super(IpClient.class.getSimpleName() + "." + ifName);
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(ifName);
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback);
         mTag = getName();
         mContext = context;
         mInterfaceName = ifName;
         mClatInterfaceName = CLAT_PREFIX + ifName;
         mCallback = new LoggingCallbackWrapper(callback);
+        mDependencies = deps;
         mShutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
-        mNwService = nwService;
+        mNwService = deps.getNMS();
         mLog = new SharedLog(MAX_LOG_RECORDS, mTag);
         mConnectivityPacketLog = new LocalLog(MAX_PACKET_RECORDS);
         mMsgStateLogger = new MessageHandlingLogger();
-        mInterfaceCtrl = new InterfaceController(mInterfaceName, mNwService, netd, mLog);
+        // TODO: Consider creating, constructing, and passing in some kind of
+        // InterfaceController.Dependencies class.
+        mInterfaceCtrl = new InterfaceController(mInterfaceName, mNwService, deps.getNetd(), mLog);
         mNetlinkTracker = new NetlinkTracker(
@@ -661,9 +715,6 @@
         mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties();
-        mMultinetworkPolicyTracker = new MultinetworkPolicyTracker(mContext, getHandler(),
-                () -> { mLog.log("OBSERVED AvoidBadWifi changed"); });
         mProvisioningTimeoutAlarm = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(),
         mDhcpActionTimeoutAlarm = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(),
@@ -695,8 +746,6 @@
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             logError("Couldn't register NetlinkTracker: %s", e);
-        mMultinetworkPolicyTracker.start();
     private void stopStateMachineUpdaters() {
@@ -705,8 +754,6 @@
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             logError("Couldn't unregister NetlinkTracker: %s", e);
-        mMultinetworkPolicyTracker.shutdown();
@@ -742,11 +789,11 @@
-        mInterfaceParams = InterfaceParams.getByName(mInterfaceName);
+        mInterfaceParams = mDependencies.getInterfaceParams(mInterfaceName);
         if (mInterfaceParams == null) {
             logError("Failed to find InterfaceParams for " + mInterfaceName);
-            // TODO: call doImmediateProvisioningFailure() with an error code
-            // indicating something like "interface not ready".
+            doImmediateProvisioningFailure(IpManagerEvent.ERROR_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND);
+            return;
@@ -930,8 +977,11 @@
     private void recordMetric(final int type) {
-        if (mStartTimeMillis <= 0) {, "Start time undefined!"); }
-        final long duration = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mStartTimeMillis;
+        // We may record error metrics prior to starting.
+        // Map this to IMMEDIATE_FAILURE_DURATION.
+        final long duration = (mStartTimeMillis > 0)
+                ? (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mStartTimeMillis)
         mMetricsLog.log(mInterfaceName, new IpManagerEvent(type, duration));
@@ -1001,7 +1051,8 @@
         // Note that we can still be disconnected by IpReachabilityMonitor
         // if the IPv6 default gateway (but not the IPv6 DNS servers; see
         // accompanying code in IpReachabilityMonitor) is unreachable.
-        final boolean ignoreIPv6ProvisioningLoss = !mMultinetworkPolicyTracker.getAvoidBadWifi();
+        final boolean ignoreIPv6ProvisioningLoss = (mMultinetworkPolicyTracker != null)
+                && !mMultinetworkPolicyTracker.getAvoidBadWifi();
         // Additionally:
@@ -1463,7 +1514,7 @@
             apfConfig.ethTypeBlackList =
-            mApfFilter = ApfFilter.maybeCreate(apfConfig, mInterfaceParams, mCallback);
+            mApfFilter = ApfFilter.maybeCreate(mContext, apfConfig, mInterfaceParams, mCallback);
             // TODO: investigate the effects of any multicast filtering racing/interfering with the
             // rest of this IP configuration startup.
             if (mApfFilter == null) {
@@ -1493,6 +1544,13 @@
+            if (mConfiguration.mUsingMultinetworkPolicyTracker) {
+                mMultinetworkPolicyTracker = new MultinetworkPolicyTracker(
+                        mContext, getHandler(),
+                        () -> { mLog.log("OBSERVED AvoidBadWifi changed"); });
+                mMultinetworkPolicyTracker.start();
+            }
             if (mConfiguration.mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor && !startIpReachabilityMonitor()) {
@@ -1510,6 +1568,11 @@
                 mIpReachabilityMonitor = null;
+            if (mMultinetworkPolicyTracker != null) {
+                mMultinetworkPolicyTracker.shutdown();
+                mMultinetworkPolicyTracker = null;
+            }
             if (mDhcpClient != null) {
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/ip/ b/services/net/java/android/net/ip/
index 3898145..2eb36a2 100644
--- a/services/net/java/android/net/ip/
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/ip/
@@ -114,50 +114,8 @@
     public static class Callback extends IpClient.Callback {
-    public static class WaitForProvisioningCallback extends Callback {
-        private LinkProperties mCallbackLinkProperties;
-        public LinkProperties waitForProvisioning() {
-            synchronized (this) {
-                try {
-                    wait();
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
-                return mCallbackLinkProperties;
-            }
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void onProvisioningSuccess(LinkProperties newLp) {
-            synchronized (this) {
-                mCallbackLinkProperties = newLp;
-                notify();
-            }
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void onProvisioningFailure(LinkProperties newLp) {
-            synchronized (this) {
-                mCallbackLinkProperties = null;
-                notify();
-            }
-        }
-    }
     public IpManager(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback) {
-        this(context, ifName, callback, INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(
-                ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE)),
-                NetdService.getInstance());
-    }
-    public IpManager(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback,
-            INetworkManagementService nwService) {
-        this(context, ifName, callback, nwService, NetdService.getInstance());
-    }
-    @VisibleForTesting
-    public IpManager(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback,
-            INetworkManagementService nwService, INetd netd) {
-        super(context, ifName, callback, nwService, netd);
+        super(context, ifName, callback);
     public void startProvisioning(ProvisioningConfiguration req) {
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/util/ b/services/net/java/android/net/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f26fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.StringJoiner;
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class InterfaceSet {
+    public final Set<String> ifnames;
+    public InterfaceSet(String... names) {
+        final Set<String> nameSet = new HashSet<>();
+        for (String name : names) {
+            if (name != null) nameSet.add(name);
+        }
+        ifnames = Collections.unmodifiableSet(nameSet);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+        final StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(",", "[", "]");
+        for (String ifname : ifnames) sj.add(ifname);
+        return sj.toString();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+        return obj != null
+                && obj instanceof InterfaceSet
+                && ifnames.equals(((InterfaceSet)obj).ifnames);
+    }
diff --git a/services/net/java/android/net/util/ b/services/net/java/android/net/util/
index 984c9f8..53fd01f 100644
--- a/services/net/java/android/net/util/
+++ b/services/net/java/android/net/util/
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
      *     -
     public static final int ICMPV6_HEADER_MIN_LEN = 4;
+    public static final int ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST_TYPE = 128;
+    public static final int ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY_TYPE = 129;
     public static final int ICMPV6_ROUTER_SOLICITATION    = 133;
     public static final int ICMPV6_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT   = 134;
     public static final int ICMPV6_NEIGHBOR_SOLICITATION  = 135;
@@ -147,7 +149,6 @@
     public static final int ICMPV6_ND_OPTION_TLLA = 2;
     public static final int ICMPV6_ND_OPTION_MTU  = 5;
-    public static final int ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST_TYPE = 128;
      * UDP constants.
diff --git a/services/tests/notification/ b/services/tests/notification/
index 597a584..1ccb872 100644
--- a/services/tests/notification/
+++ b/services/tests/notification/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 LOCAL_DX_FLAGS := --multi-dex
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksNotificationTests
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/ b/services/tests/servicestests/
index 19396d4..9af0978 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.mock legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksServicesTests
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/
index eca27ee..108d2ea 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/
@@ -670,4 +670,8 @@
     public boolean canDismissBootAnimation() {
         return true;
+    @Override
+    public void requestUserActivityNotification() {
+    }
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/test-apps/ConnTestApp/ b/services/tests/servicestests/test-apps/ConnTestApp/
index fbfa28a..18b8c2d 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/test-apps/ConnTestApp/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/test-apps/ConnTestApp/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index a79f2c9..1c0e260 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -879,42 +879,76 @@
          * @hide
+        @IntDef(prefix = { "HANDOVER_" },
         public @interface HandoverFailureErrors {}
          * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when the app
-         * to handover the call rejects handover.
+         * to handover the call to rejects the handover request.
+         * <p>
+         * Will be returned when {@link Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)} is called
+         * and the destination {@link PhoneAccountHandle}'s {@link ConnectionService} returns a
+         * {@code null} {@link Connection} from
+         * {@link ConnectionService#onCreateOutgoingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle,
+         * ConnectionRequest)}.
+         * <p>
+         * For more information on call handovers, see
+         * {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
         public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_APP_REJECTED = 1;
-         * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when there is
-         * an error associated with unsupported handover.
+         * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when a handover
+         * is initiated but the source or destination app does not support handover.
+         * <p>
+         * Will be returned when a handover is requested via
+         * {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)} and the destination
+         * {@link PhoneAccountHandle} does not declare
+         * {@link PhoneAccount#EXTRA_SUPPORTS_HANDOVER_TO}.  May also be returned when a handover is
+         * requested at the {@link PhoneAccountHandle} for the current call (i.e. the source call's
+         * {@link Details#getAccountHandle()}) does not declare
+         * {@link PhoneAccount#EXTRA_SUPPORTS_HANDOVER_FROM}.
+         * <p>
+         * For more information on call handovers, see
+         * {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
-        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2;
+        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2;
-         * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when there
-         * are some permission errors associated with APIs doing handover.
+         * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when the remote
+         * user rejects the handover request.
+         * <p>
+         * For more information on call handovers, see
+         * {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
-        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_INVALID_PERM = 3;
-        /**
-         * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when user
-         * rejects handover.
-         */
-        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_USER_REJECTED = 4;
+        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_USER_REJECTED = 3;
          * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when there
          * is ongoing emergency call.
+         * <p>
+         * This error code is returned when {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)} is
+         * called on an emergency call, or if any other call is an emergency call.
+         * <p>
+         * Handovers are not permitted while there are ongoing emergency calls.
+         * <p>
+         * For more information on call handovers, see
+         * {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
-        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_ONGOING_EMERG_CALL = 5;
+        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_ONGOING_EMERGENCY_CALL = 4;
+        /**
+         * Handover failure reason returned via {@link #onHandoverFailed(Call, int)} when a handover
+         * fails for an unknown reason.
+         * <p>
+         * For more information on call handovers, see
+         * {@link #handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+         */
+        public static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 5;
          * Invoked when the state of this {@code Call} has changed. See {@link #getState()}.
@@ -1055,6 +1089,10 @@
          * Invoked when Call handover from one {@link PhoneAccount} to other {@link PhoneAccount}
          * has completed successfully.
+         * <p>
+         * For a full discussion of the handover process and the APIs involved, see
+         * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+         *
          * @param call The call which had initiated handover.
         public void onHandoverComplete(Call call) {}
@@ -1062,8 +1100,12 @@
          * Invoked when Call handover from one {@link PhoneAccount} to other {@link PhoneAccount}
          * has failed.
+         * <p>
+         * For a full discussion of the handover process and the APIs involved, see
+         * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+         *
          * @param call The call which had initiated handover.
-         * @param failureReason Error reason for failure
+         * @param failureReason Error reason for failure.
         public void onHandoverFailed(Call call, @HandoverFailureErrors int failureReason) {}
@@ -1260,7 +1302,7 @@
      * Instructs this {@link #STATE_RINGING} {@code Call} to answer.
      * @param videoState The video state in which to answer the call.
-    public void answer(int videoState) {
+    public void answer(@VideoProfile.VideoState int videoState) {
         mInCallAdapter.answerCall(mTelecomCallId, videoState);
@@ -1474,16 +1516,65 @@
      * by {@code toHandle}.  The videoState specified indicates the desired video state after the
      * handover.
      * <p>
-     * A handover request is initiated by the user from one app to indicate a desire
-     * to handover a call to another.
+     * A call handover is the process where an ongoing call is transferred from one app (i.e.
+     * {@link ConnectionService} to another app.  The user could, for example, choose to continue a
+     * mobile network call in a video calling app.  The mobile network call via the Telephony stack
+     * is referred to as the source of the handover, and the video calling app is referred to as the
+     * destination.
+     * <p>
+     * When considering a handover scenario the device this method is called on is considered the
+     * <em>initiating</em> device (since the user initiates the handover from this device), and the
+     * other device is considered the <em>receiving</em> device.
+     * <p>
+     * When this method is called on the <em>initiating</em> device, the Telecom framework will bind
+     * to the {@link ConnectionService} defined by the {@code toHandle} {@link PhoneAccountHandle}
+     * and invoke
+     * {@link ConnectionService#onCreateOutgoingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle,
+     * ConnectionRequest)} to inform the destination app that a request has been made to handover a
+     * call to it.  The app returns an instance of {@link Connection} to represent the handover call
+     * At this point the app should display UI to indicate to the user that a call
+     * handover is in process.
+     * <p>
+     * The destination app is responsible for communicating the handover request from the
+     * <em>initiating</em> device to the <em>receiving</em> device.
+     * <p>
+     * When the app on the <em>receiving</em> device receives the handover request, it calls
+     * {@link TelecomManager#acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle)} to continue the handover
+     * process from the <em>initiating</em> device to the <em>receiving</em> device.  At this point
+     * the destination app on the <em>receiving</em> device should show UI to allow the user to
+     * choose whether they want to continue their call in the destination app.
+     * <p>
+     * When the destination app on the <em>receiving</em> device calls
+     * {@link TelecomManager#acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle)}, Telecom will bind to its
+     * {@link ConnectionService} and call
+     * {@link ConnectionService#onCreateIncomingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle,
+     * ConnectionRequest)} to inform it of the handover request.  The app returns an instance of
+     * {@link Connection} to represent the handover call.
+     * <p>
+     * If the user of the <em>receiving</em> device accepts the handover, the app calls
+     * {@link Connection#setActive()} to complete the handover process; Telecom will disconnect the
+     * original call.  If the user rejects the handover, the app calls
+     * {@link Connection#setDisconnected(DisconnectCause)} and specifies a {@link DisconnectCause}
+     * of {@link DisconnectCause#CANCELED} to indicate that the handover has been cancelled.
+     * <p>
+     * Telecom will only allow handovers from {@link PhoneAccount}s which declare
+     * {@link PhoneAccount#EXTRA_SUPPORTS_HANDOVER_FROM}.  Similarly, the {@link PhoneAccount}
+     * specified by {@code toHandle} must declare {@link PhoneAccount#EXTRA_SUPPORTS_HANDOVER_TO}.
+     * <p>
+     * Errors in the handover process are reported to the {@link InCallService} via
+     * {@link Callback#onHandoverFailed(Call, int)}.  Errors in the handover process are reported to
+     * the involved {@link ConnectionService}s via
+     * {@link ConnectionService#onHandoverFailed(ConnectionRequest, int)}.
      * @param toHandle {@link PhoneAccountHandle} of the {@link ConnectionService} to handover
      *                 this call to.
-     * @param videoState Indicates the video state desired after the handover.
+     * @param videoState Indicates the video state desired after the handover (see the
+     *               {@code STATE_*} constants defined in {@link VideoProfile}).
      * @param extras Bundle containing extra information to be passed to the
      *               {@link ConnectionService}
-    public void handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle toHandle, int videoState, Bundle extras) {
+    public void handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle toHandle, @VideoProfile.VideoState int videoState,
+            Bundle extras) {
         mInCallAdapter.handoverTo(mTelecomCallId, toHandle, videoState, extras);
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index 9a53d8c..ca444d4 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -2598,7 +2598,6 @@
-     *
      * Request audio routing to a specific bluetooth device. Calling this method may result in
      * the device routing audio to a different bluetooth device than the one specified if the
      * bluetooth stack is unable to route audio to the requested device.
@@ -2609,13 +2608,13 @@
      * Used by self-managed {@link ConnectionService}s which wish to use bluetooth audio for a
      * self-managed {@link Connection} (see {@link PhoneAccount#CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED}.)
      * <p>
-     * See also {@link InCallService#requestBluetoothAudio(String)}
-     * @param bluetoothAddress The address of the bluetooth device to connect to, as returned by
-     *                         {@link BluetoothDevice#getAddress()}.
+     * See also {@link InCallService#requestBluetoothAudio(BluetoothDevice)}
+     * @param bluetoothDevice The bluetooth device to connect to.
-    public void requestBluetoothAudio(@NonNull String bluetoothAddress) {
+    public void requestBluetoothAudio(@NonNull BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice) {
         for (Listener l : mListeners) {
-            l.onAudioRouteChanged(this, CallAudioState.ROUTE_BLUETOOTH, bluetoothAddress);
+            l.onAudioRouteChanged(this, CallAudioState.ROUTE_BLUETOOTH,
+                    bluetoothDevice.getAddress());
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index 593e12b..2fdbc71 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -2218,12 +2218,50 @@
-     * Called by Telecom on the initiating side of the handover to create an instance of a
-     * handover connection.
+     * Called by Telecom to request that a {@link ConnectionService} creates an instance of an
+     * outgoing handover {@link Connection}.
+     * <p>
+     * A call handover is the process where an ongoing call is transferred from one app (i.e.
+     * {@link ConnectionService} to another app.  The user could, for example, choose to continue a
+     * mobile network call in a video calling app.  The mobile network call via the Telephony stack
+     * is referred to as the source of the handover, and the video calling app is referred to as the
+     * destination.
+     * <p>
+     * When considering a handover scenario the <em>initiating</em> device is where a user initiated
+     * the handover process (e.g. by calling {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(
+     * PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}, and the other device is considered the <em>receiving</em>
+     * device.
+     * <p>
+     * This method is called on the destination {@link ConnectionService} on <em>initiating</em>
+     * device when the user initiates a handover request from one app to another.  The user request
+     * originates in the {@link InCallService} via
+     * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+     * <p>
+     * For a full discussion of the handover process and the APIs involved, see
+     * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+     * <p>
+     * Implementations of this method should return an instance of {@link Connection} which
+     * represents the handover.  If your app does not wish to accept a handover to it at this time,
+     * you can return {@code null}.  The code below shows an example of how this is done.
+     * <pre>
+     * {@code
+     * public Connection onCreateIncomingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle
+     *     fromPhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest request) {
+     *   if (!isHandoverAvailable()) {
+     *       return null;
+     *   }
+     *   MyConnection connection = new MyConnection();
+     *   connection.setAddress(request.getAddress(), TelecomManager.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED);
+     *   connection.setVideoState(request.getVideoState());
+     *   return connection;
+     * }
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
      * @param fromPhoneAccountHandle {@link PhoneAccountHandle} associated with the
      *                               ConnectionService which needs to handover the call.
-     * @param request Details about the call which needs to be handover.
-     * @return Connection object corresponding to the handover call.
+     * @param request Details about the call to handover.
+     * @return {@link Connection} instance corresponding to the handover call.
     public Connection onCreateOutgoingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle fromPhoneAccountHandle,
                                                          ConnectionRequest request) {
@@ -2231,12 +2269,46 @@
-     * Called by Telecom on the receiving side of the handover to request the
-     * {@link ConnectionService} to create an instance of a handover connection.
+     * Called by Telecom to request that a {@link ConnectionService} creates an instance of an
+     * incoming handover {@link Connection}.
+     * <p>
+     * A call handover is the process where an ongoing call is transferred from one app (i.e.
+     * {@link ConnectionService} to another app.  The user could, for example, choose to continue a
+     * mobile network call in a video calling app.  The mobile network call via the Telephony stack
+     * is referred to as the source of the handover, and the video calling app is referred to as the
+     * destination.
+     * <p>
+     * When considering a handover scenario the <em>initiating</em> device is where a user initiated
+     * the handover process (e.g. by calling {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(
+     * PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}, and the other device is considered the <em>receiving</em>
+     * device.
+     * <p>
+     * This method is called on the destination app on the <em>receiving</em> device when the
+     * destination app calls {@link TelecomManager#acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle)} to
+     * accept an incoming handover from the <em>initiating</em> device.
+     * <p>
+     * For a full discussion of the handover process and the APIs involved, see
+     * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+     * <p>
+     * Implementations of this method should return an instance of {@link Connection} which
+     * represents the handover.  The code below shows an example of how this is done.
+     * <pre>
+     * {@code
+     * public Connection onCreateIncomingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle
+     *     fromPhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest request) {
+     *   // Given that your app requested to accept the handover, you should not return null here.
+     *   MyConnection connection = new MyConnection();
+     *   connection.setAddress(request.getAddress(), TelecomManager.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED);
+     *   connection.setVideoState(request.getVideoState());
+     *   return connection;
+     * }
+     * }
+     * </pre>
+     *
      * @param fromPhoneAccountHandle {@link PhoneAccountHandle} associated with the
      *                               ConnectionService which needs to handover the call.
      * @param request Details about the call which needs to be handover.
-     * @return {@link Connection} object corresponding to the handover call.
+     * @return {@link Connection} instance corresponding to the handover call.
     public Connection onCreateIncomingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle fromPhoneAccountHandle,
                                                          ConnectionRequest request) {
@@ -2246,11 +2318,15 @@
      * Called by Telecom in response to a {@code TelecomManager#acceptHandover()}
      * invocation which failed.
-     * @param request Details about the call which needs to be handover.
-     * @param error Reason for handover failure as defined in
-     *              {@link android.telecom.Call.Callback#HANDOVER_FAILURE_DEST_INVALID_PERM}
+     * <p>
+     * For a full discussion of the handover process and the APIs involved, see
+     * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}
+     *
+     * @param request Details about the call which failed to handover.
+     * @param error Reason for handover failure.  Will be one of the
-    public void onHandoverFailed(ConnectionRequest request, int error) {
+    public void onHandoverFailed(ConnectionRequest request,
+            @Call.Callback.HandoverFailureErrors int error) {
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index af65c65..bd25ab2 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -428,12 +428,11 @@
      * A list of available devices can be obtained via
      * {@link CallAudioState#getSupportedBluetoothDevices()}
-     * @param bluetoothAddress The address of the bluetooth device to connect to, as returned by
-     *                         {@link BluetoothDevice#getAddress()}.
+     * @param bluetoothDevice The bluetooth device to connect to.
-    public final void requestBluetoothAudio(@NonNull String bluetoothAddress) {
+    public final void requestBluetoothAudio(@NonNull BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice) {
         if (mPhone != null) {
-            mPhone.requestBluetoothAudio(bluetoothAddress);
+            mPhone.requestBluetoothAudio(bluetoothDevice.getAddress());
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/Logging/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/Logging/
index 4fc3385..2bda648 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/Logging/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/Logging/
@@ -24,21 +24,20 @@
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.time.Instant;
+import java.time.ZoneId;
+import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
+import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
 import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
  * A utility class that provides the ability to define Events that a subsystem deems important, and
@@ -53,7 +52,8 @@
     public static final String TAG = "Logging.Events";
     public static final int DEFAULT_EVENTS_TO_CACHE = 10;  // Arbitrarily chosen.
-    private final DateFormat sDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
+    public static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMATTER =
+            DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
     public interface Loggable {
@@ -131,11 +131,17 @@
         public String sessionId;
         public long time;
         public Object data;
+        // String storing the date for display. This will be computed at the time/timezone when
+        // the event is recorded.
+        public final String timestampString;
         public Event(String eventId, String sessionId, long time, Object data) {
             this.eventId = eventId;
             this.sessionId = sessionId;
             this.time = time;
+            timestampString =
+                    ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(time), ZoneId.systemDefault())
+                    .format(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER);
    = data;
@@ -228,7 +234,7 @@
             for (Event event : mEvents) {
-                pw.print(sDateFormat.format(new Date(event.time)));
+                pw.print(event.timestampString);
                 pw.print(" - ");
                 if ( != null) {
@@ -269,7 +275,6 @@
     public EventManager(@NonNull SessionManager.ISessionIdQueryHandler l) {
         mSessionIdHandler = l;
-        sDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());
     public void event(Loggable recordEntry, String event, Object data) {
@@ -329,15 +334,15 @@
-        // Sort by event time.
-        Comparator<Pair<Loggable, Event>> byEventTime = (e1, e2) -> {
-          return, e2.second.time);
-        };
+        // Sort by event time. This might result in out-of-order seeming events if the timezone
+        // changes somewhere in the middle.
+        Comparator<Pair<Loggable, Event>> byEventTime =
+                Comparator.comparingLong(e -> e.second.time);
         for (Pair<Loggable, Event> event : events) {
-            pw.print(sDateFormat.format(new Date(event.second.time)));
+            pw.print(event.second.timestampString);
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index 59ce590..bb4b483 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@
                     // failure on the providing end, so immediately mark it destroyed
+                connection.setStatusHints(parcel.getStatusHints());
+                connection.setIsVoipAudioMode(parcel.getIsVoipAudioMode());
+                connection.setRingbackRequested(parcel.isRingbackRequested());
+                connection.putExtras(parcel.getExtras());
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index c848f77..05a3020 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
      * @hide
-    public int getCallState() {
+    public @TelephonyManager.CallState int getCallState() {
         try {
             if (isServiceConnected()) {
                 return getTelecomService().getCallState();
@@ -1786,8 +1786,25 @@
-     * Called from the recipient side of a handover to indicate a desire to accept the handover
-     * of an ongoing call to another {@link ConnectionService} identified by
+     * Called by an app to indicate that it wishes to accept the handover of an ongoing call to a
+     * {@link PhoneAccountHandle} it defines.
+     * <p>
+     * A call handover is the process where an ongoing call is transferred from one app (i.e.
+     * {@link ConnectionService} to another app.  The user could, for example, choose to continue a
+     * mobile network call in a video calling app.  The mobile network call via the Telephony stack
+     * is referred to as the source of the handover, and the video calling app is referred to as the
+     * destination.
+     * <p>
+     * When considering a handover scenario the <em>initiating</em> device is where a user initiated
+     * the handover process (e.g. by calling {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(
+     * PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}, and the other device is considered the <em>receiving</em>
+     * device.
+     * <p>
+     * For a full discussion of the handover process and the APIs involved, see
+     * {@link android.telecom.Call#handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle, int, Bundle)}.
+     * <p>
+     * This method is called from the <em>receiving</em> side of a handover to indicate a desire to
+     * accept the handover of an ongoing call to another {@link ConnectionService} identified by
      * {@link PhoneAccountHandle} destAcct. For managed {@link ConnectionService}s, the specified
      * {@link PhoneAccountHandle} must have been registered with {@link #registerPhoneAccount} and
      * the user must have enabled the corresponding {@link PhoneAccount}.  This can be checked using
@@ -1811,7 +1828,8 @@
      * @param videoState Video state after the handover.
      * @param destAcct The {@link PhoneAccountHandle} registered to the calling package.
-    public void acceptHandover(Uri srcAddr, int videoState, PhoneAccountHandle destAcct) {
+    public void acceptHandover(Uri srcAddr, @VideoProfile.VideoState int videoState,
+            PhoneAccountHandle destAcct) {
         try {
             if (isServiceConnected()) {
                 getTelecomService().acceptHandover(srcAddr, videoState, destAcct);
diff --git a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
index e0e3a08..90ed36f 100644
--- a/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
+++ b/telecomm/java/android/telecom/
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
             flag = true,
+            prefix = { "STATE_" },
     public @interface VideoState {}
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 7cd1612..cac9f2b 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
         public static final int EUTRAN = 3;
         public static final int CDMA2000 = 4;
         public static final int IWLAN = 5;
+        /** @hide */
+        private AccessNetworkType() {};
@@ -42,6 +45,9 @@
         public static final int WWAN = 1;
         /** Wireless Local Area Networks (i.e. Wifi) */
         public static final int WLAN = 2;
+        /** @hide */
+        private TransportType() {};
@@ -63,6 +69,9 @@
         public static final int BAND_DCS1800 = 12;
         public static final int BAND_PCS1900 = 13;
         public static final int BAND_ER900 = 14;
+        /** @hide */
+        private GeranBand() {};
@@ -92,6 +101,9 @@
         /** band 23, 24 are reserved */
         public static final int BAND_25 = 25;
         public static final int BAND_26 = 26;
+        /** @hide */
+        private UtranBand() {};
@@ -147,6 +159,9 @@
         public static final int BAND_66 = 66;
         public static final int BAND_68 = 68;
         public static final int BAND_70 = 70;
+        /** @hide */
+        private EutranBand() {};
@@ -179,5 +194,11 @@
         public static final int BAND_19 = 20;
         public static final int BAND_20 = 21;
         public static final int BAND_21 = 22;
+        /** @hide */
+        private CdmaBands() {};
+    /** @hide */
+    private AccessNetworkConstants() {};
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2c225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+package android.telephony;
+import static android.telephony.ServiceState.DUPLEX_MODE_FDD;
+import static android.telephony.ServiceState.DUPLEX_MODE_TDD;
+import static android.telephony.ServiceState.DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+import android.telephony.AccessNetworkConstants.EutranBand;
+import android.telephony.ServiceState.DuplexMode;
+ * Utilities to map between radio constants.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class AccessNetworkUtils {
+    // do not instantiate
+    private AccessNetworkUtils() {}
+    public static final int INVALID_BAND = -1;
+    /**
+     * Gets the duplex mode for the given EUTRAN operating band.
+     *
+     * <p>See 3GPP 36.101 sec 5.5-1 for calculation
+     *
+     * @param band The EUTRAN band number
+     * @return The duplex mode of the given EUTRAN band
+     */
+    @DuplexMode
+    public static int getDuplexModeForEutranBand(int band) {
+        if (band == INVALID_BAND) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+        if (band >= EutranBand.BAND_68) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+        } else if (band >= EutranBand.BAND_65) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_FDD;
+        } else if (band >= EutranBand.BAND_47) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+        } else if (band >= EutranBand.BAND_33) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_TDD;
+        } else if (band >= EutranBand.BAND_1) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_FDD;
+        }
+        return DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the EUTRAN Operating band for a given downlink EARFCN.
+     *
+     * <p>See 3GPP 36.101 sec 5.7.3-1 for calculation.
+     *
+     * @param earfcn The downlink EARFCN
+     * @return Operating band number, or {@link #INVALID_BAND} if no corresponding band exists
+     */
+    public static int getOperatingBandForEarfcn(int earfcn) {
+        if (earfcn > 67535) {
+            return INVALID_BAND;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 67366) {
+            return INVALID_BAND; // band 67 only for CarrierAgg
+        } else if (earfcn >= 66436) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_66;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 65536) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_65;
+        } else if (earfcn > 54339) {
+            return INVALID_BAND;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 46790 /* inferred from the end range of BAND_45 */) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_46;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 46590) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_45;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 45590) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_44;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 43590) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_43;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 41590) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_42;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 39650) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_41;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 38650) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_40;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 38250) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_39;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 37750) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_38;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 37550) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_37;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 36950) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_36;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 36350) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_35;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 36200) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_34;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 36000) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_33;
+        } else if (earfcn > 10359) {
+            return INVALID_BAND;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 9920) {
+            return INVALID_BAND; // band 32 only for CarrierAgg
+        } else if (earfcn >= 9870) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_31;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 9770) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_30;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 9660) {
+            return INVALID_BAND; // band 29 only for CarrierAgg
+        } else if (earfcn >= 9210) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_28;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 9040) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_27;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 8690) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_26;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 8040) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_25;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 7700) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_24;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 7500) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_23;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 6600) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_22;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 6450) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_21;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 6150) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_20;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 6000) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_19;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 5850) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_18;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 5730) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_17;
+        } else if (earfcn > 5379) {
+            return INVALID_BAND;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 5280) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_14;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 5180) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_13;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 5010) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_12;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 4750) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_11;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 4150) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_10;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 3800) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_9;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 3450) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_8;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 2750) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_7;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 2650) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_6;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 2400) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_5;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 1950) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_4;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 1200) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_3;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 600) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_2;
+        } else if (earfcn >= 0) {
+            return EutranBand.BAND_1;
+        }
+        return INVALID_BAND;
+    }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index de75ac4..cc3cd4d 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -991,8 +991,13 @@
-     * Boolean to decide whether to use #KEY_CARRIER_NAME_STRING from CarrierConfig app.
-     * @hide
+     * Unconditionally override the carrier name string using #KEY_CARRIER_NAME_STRING.
+     *
+     * If true, then the carrier display name will be #KEY_CARRIER_NAME_STRING, unconditionally.
+     *
+     * <p>If false, then the override will be performed conditionally and the
+     * #KEY_CARRIER_NAME_STRING will have the lowest-precedence; it will only be used in the event
+     * that the name string would otherwise be empty, allowing it to serve as a last-resort.
     public static final String KEY_CARRIER_NAME_OVERRIDE_BOOL = "carrier_name_override_bool";
@@ -1000,7 +1005,6 @@
      * String to identify carrier name in CarrierConfig app. This string overrides SPN if
      * #KEY_CARRIER_NAME_OVERRIDE_BOOL is true; otherwise, it will be used if its value is provided
      * and SPN is unavailable
-     * @hide
     public static final String KEY_CARRIER_NAME_STRING = "carrier_name_string";
@@ -1272,13 +1276,38 @@
      * The duration in seconds that platform call and message blocking is disabled after the user
-     * contacts emergency services. Platform considers values in the range 0 to 604800 (one week) as
-     * valid. See {@link android.provider.BlockedNumberContract#isBlocked(Context, String)}).
+     * contacts emergency services. Platform considers values for below cases:
+     *  1) 0 <= VALUE <= 604800(one week): the value will be used as the duration directly.
+     *  2) VALUE > 604800(one week): will use the default value as duration instead.
+     *  3) VALUE < 0: block will be disabled forever until user re-eanble block manually,
+     *     the suggested value to disable forever is -1.
+     * See {@code android.provider.BlockedNumberContract#notifyEmergencyContact(Context)}
+     * See {@code android.provider.BlockedNumberContract#isBlocked(Context, String)}.
+     * Determines whether to enable enhanced call blocking feature on the device.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * 1. For Single SIM(SS) device, it can be customized in both carrier_config_mccmnc.xml
+     *    and vendor.xml.
+     * <p>
+     * 2. For Dual SIM(DS) device, it should be customized in vendor.xml, since call blocking
+     *    function is used regardless of SIM.
+     * <p>
+     * If {@code true} enable enhanced call blocking feature on the device, {@code false} otherwise.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final String KEY_SUPPORT_ENHANCED_CALL_BLOCKING_BOOL =
+            "support_enhanced_call_blocking_bool";
+    /**
      * For carriers which require an empty flash to be sent before sending the normal 3-way calling
      * flash, the duration in milliseconds of the empty flash to send.  When {@code 0}, no empty
      * flash is sent.
@@ -1569,6 +1598,14 @@
+     * Flag specifying whether to show an alert dialog for video call charges.
+     * By default this value is {@code false}.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final String KEY_SHOW_VIDEO_CALL_CHARGES_ALERT_DIALOG_BOOL =
+            "show_video_call_charges_alert_dialog_bool";
+    /**
      * An array containing custom call forwarding number prefixes that will be blocked while the
      * device is reporting that it is roaming. By default, there are no custom call
      * forwarding prefixes and none of these numbers will be filtered. If one or more entries are
@@ -1800,7 +1837,14 @@
     public static final String KEY_CARRIER_CONFIG_APPLIED_BOOL = "carrier_config_applied_bool";
-     * List of thresholds of RSRP for determining the display level of LTE signal bar.
+     * A list of 4 LTE RSRP thresholds above which a signal level is considered POOR,
+     * MODERATE, GOOD, or EXCELLENT, to be used in SignalStrength reporting.
+     *
+     * Note that the min and max thresholds are fixed at -140 and -44, as explained in
+     * TS 36.133 9.1.4 - RSRP Measurement Report Mapping.
+     * <p>
+     * See SignalStrength#MAX_LTE_RSRP and SignalStrength#MIN_LTE_RSRP. Any signal level outside
+     * these boundaries is considered invalid.
      * @hide
     public static final String KEY_LTE_RSRP_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY =
@@ -1822,6 +1866,33 @@
             = "carrier_network_service_wwan_package_override_string";
+    /**
+     * A list of 4 LTE RSCP thresholds above which a signal level is considered POOR,
+     * MODERATE, GOOD, or EXCELLENT, to be used in SignalStrength reporting.
+     *
+     * Note that the min and max thresholds are fixed at -120 and -24, as set in 3GPP TS 27.007
+     * section 8.69.
+     * <p>
+     * See SignalStrength#MAX_WCDMA_RSCP and SignalStrength#MIN_WDCMA_RSCP. Any signal level outside
+     * these boundaries is considered invalid.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final String KEY_WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY =
+            "wcdma_rscp_thresholds_int_array";
+    /**
+     * The default measurement to use for signal strength reporting. If this is not specified, the
+     * RSSI is used.
+     * <p>
+     * e.g.) To use RSCP by default, set the value to "rscp". The signal strength level will
+     * then be determined by #KEY_WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY
+     * <p>
+     * Currently this only supports the value "rscp"
+     * @hide
+     */
+            "wcdma_default_signal_strength_measurement_string";
     /** The default value for every variable. */
     private final static PersistableBundle sDefaults;
@@ -1855,7 +1926,7 @@
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_FORCE_DISABLE_ETWS_CMAS_TEST_BOOL, false);
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_PROVISIONING_REQUIRED_BOOL, false);
-        sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_TTY_SUPPORTED_BOOL, false);
+        sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_VOLTE_TTY_SUPPORTED_BOOL, true);
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_ALLOW_TURNOFF_IMS_BOOL, true);
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_IMS_GBA_REQUIRED_BOOL, false);
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_INSTANT_LETTERING_AVAILABLE_BOOL, false);
@@ -1990,6 +2061,7 @@
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_SUPPORT_DIRECT_FDN_DIALING_BOOL, false);
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_DEFAULT_DATA_ROAMING_ENABLED_BOOL, false);
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_SKIP_CF_FAIL_TO_DISABLE_DIALOG_BOOL, false);
+        sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_SUPPORT_ENHANCED_CALL_BLOCKING_BOOL, false);
         // MMS defaults
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_MMS_ALIAS_ENABLED_BOOL, false);
@@ -2095,6 +2167,7 @@
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_NOTIFY_INTERNATIONAL_CALL_ON_WFC_BOOL, false);
+        sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_SHOW_VIDEO_CALL_CHARGES_ALERT_DIALOG_BOOL, false);
         sDefaults.putInt(KEY_LTE_EARFCNS_RSRP_BOOST_INT, 0);
@@ -2118,19 +2191,27 @@
         sDefaults.putBoolean(KEY_CARRIER_CONFIG_APPLIED_BOOL, false);
                 new int[] {
-                        -140, /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN */
                         -128, /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_POOR */
                         -118, /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE */
                         -108, /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD */
                         -98,  /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT */
-                        -44
+        sDefaults.putIntArray(KEY_WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY,
+                new int[] {
+                        -115,  /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_POOR */
+                        -105, /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE */
+                        -95, /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD */
+                        -85  /* SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT */
+                });
      * Gets the configuration values for a particular subscription, which is associated with a
      * specific SIM card. If an invalid subId is used, the returned config will contain default
-     * values.
+     * values. After using this method to get the configuration bundle,
+     * {@link #isConfigForIdentifiedCarrier(PersistableBundle)} should be called to confirm whether
+     * any carrier specific configuration has been applied.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
@@ -2157,7 +2238,9 @@
-     * Gets the configuration values for the default subscription.
+     * Gets the configuration values for the default subscription. After using this method to get
+     * the configuration bundle, {@link #isConfigForIdentifiedCarrier(PersistableBundle)} should be
+     * called to confirm whether any carrier specific configuration has been applied.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
@@ -2186,6 +2269,9 @@
      * <p>
      * After using {@link #getConfig()} or {@link #getConfigForSubId(int)} an app should always
      * use this method to confirm whether any carrier specific configuration has been applied.
+     * Especially when an app misses the broadcast {@link #ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED} but it
+     * still needs to get the current configuration, it must use this method to verify whether the
+     * configuration is default or carrier overridden.
      * </p>
      * @param bundle the configuration bundle to be checked.
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index e092d52..890a6ea 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@
 import android.annotation.CallSuper;
 import android.annotation.IntDef;
+import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
+import android.text.TextUtils;
 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+import java.util.Objects;
  * CellIdentity represents the identity of a unique cell. This is the base class for
@@ -68,6 +71,9 @@
     public static final int TYPE_TDSCDMA        = 5;
+    /** @hide */
+    public static final int INVALID_CHANNEL_NUMBER = -1;
     // Log tag
     /** @hide */
     protected final String mTag;
@@ -81,8 +87,16 @@
     /** @hide */
     protected final String mMncStr;
+    // long alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
     /** @hide */
-    protected CellIdentity(String tag, int type, String mcc, String mnc) {
+    protected final String mAlphaLong;
+    // short alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
+    /** @hide */
+    protected final String mAlphaShort;
+    /** @hide */
+    protected CellIdentity(String tag, int type, String mcc, String mnc, String alphal,
+                           String alphas) {
         mTag = tag;
         mType = type;
@@ -110,6 +124,8 @@
             mMncStr = null;
             log("invalid MNC format: " + mnc);
+        mAlphaLong = alphal;
+        mAlphaShort = alphas;
     /** Implement the Parcelable interface */
@@ -125,6 +141,50 @@
     public @Type int getType() { return mType; }
+     * Returns the channel number of the cell identity.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     * @return The channel number, or {@link #INVALID_CHANNEL_NUMBER} if not implemented
+     */
+    public int getChannelNumber() {
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return The long alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
+     * name string or extended operator name string). May be null if unknown.
+     */
+    @Nullable
+    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong() {
+        return mAlphaLong;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return The short alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
+     * name string or extended operator name string).  May be null if unknown.
+     */
+    @Nullable
+    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort() {
+        return mAlphaShort;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object other) {
+        if (!(other instanceof CellIdentity)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        CellIdentity o = (CellIdentity) other;
+        return TextUtils.equals(mAlphaLong, o.mAlphaLong)
+                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaShort, o.mAlphaShort);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int hashCode() {
+        return Objects.hash(mAlphaLong, mAlphaShort, mMccStr, mMncStr, mType);
+    }
+    /**
      * Used by child classes for parceling.
      * @hide
@@ -134,6 +194,8 @@
+        dest.writeString(mAlphaLong);
+        dest.writeString(mAlphaShort);
@@ -141,7 +203,8 @@
      * @hide
     protected CellIdentity(String tag, int type, Parcel source) {
-        this(tag, type, source.readString(), source.readString());
+        this(tag, type, source.readString(), source.readString(),
+                source.readString(), source.readString());
     /** Implement the Parcelable interface */
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 2e1d1dc..9a18c30 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 package android.telephony;
 import android.os.Parcel;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
 import java.util.Objects;
@@ -48,23 +47,17 @@
      * to +90 degrees).
     private final int mLatitude;
-    // long alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaLong;
-    // short alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaShort;
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityCdma() {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_CDMA, null, null);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_CDMA, null, null, null, null);
         mNetworkId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mSystemId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mBasestationId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mLongitude = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mLatitude = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        mAlphaLong = null;
-        mAlphaShort = null;
@@ -99,14 +92,16 @@
     public CellIdentityCdma(int nid, int sid, int bid, int lon, int lat, String alphal,
                              String alphas) {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_CDMA, null, null);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_CDMA, null, null, alphal, alphas);
         mNetworkId = nid;
         mSystemId = sid;
         mBasestationId = bid;
-        mLongitude = lon;
-        mLatitude = lat;
-        mAlphaLong = alphal;
-        mAlphaShort = alphas;
+        if (!isNullIsland(lat, lon)) {
+            mLongitude = lon;
+            mLatitude = lat;
+        } else {
+            mLongitude = mLatitude = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        }
     private CellIdentityCdma(CellIdentityCdma cid) {
@@ -119,6 +114,18 @@
+     * Take the latitude and longitude in 1/4 seconds and see if
+     * the reported location is on Null Island.
+     *
+     * @return whether the reported Lat/Long are for Null Island
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    private boolean isNullIsland(int lat, int lon) {
+        return Math.abs(lat) <= 1 && Math.abs(lon) <= 1;
+    }
+    /**
      * @return Network Id 0..65535, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
     public int getNetworkId() {
@@ -161,26 +168,10 @@
         return mLatitude;
-    /**
-     * @return The long alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string). May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong() {
-        return mAlphaLong;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The short alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string).  May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort() {
-        return mAlphaShort;
-    }
     public int hashCode() {
         return Objects.hash(mNetworkId, mSystemId, mBasestationId, mLatitude, mLongitude,
-                mAlphaLong, mAlphaShort);
+                super.hashCode());
@@ -200,8 +191,7 @@
                 && mBasestationId == o.mBasestationId
                 && mLatitude == o.mLatitude
                 && mLongitude == o.mLongitude
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaLong, o.mAlphaLong)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaShort, o.mAlphaShort);
+                && super.equals(other);
@@ -227,8 +217,6 @@
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaLong);
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaShort);
     /** Construct from Parcel, type has already been processed */
@@ -239,8 +227,6 @@
         mBasestationId = in.readInt();
         mLongitude = in.readInt();
         mLatitude = in.readInt();
-        mAlphaLong = in.readString();
-        mAlphaShort = in.readString();
         if (DBG) log(toString());
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index f948f81..b167850 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -36,22 +36,16 @@
     private final int mArfcn;
     // 6-bit Base Station Identity Code
     private final int mBsic;
-    // long alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaLong;
-    // short alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaShort;
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityGsm() {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_GSM, null, null);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_GSM, null, null, null, null);
         mLac = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mCid = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mArfcn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mBsic = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        mAlphaLong = null;
-        mAlphaShort = null;
      * public constructor
@@ -97,16 +91,13 @@
     public CellIdentityGsm(int lac, int cid, int arfcn, int bsic, String mccStr,
                             String mncStr, String alphal, String alphas) {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_GSM, mccStr, mncStr);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_GSM, mccStr, mncStr, alphal, alphas);
         mLac = lac;
         mCid = cid;
         mArfcn = arfcn;
         // In RIL BSIC is a UINT8, so 0xFF is the 'INVALID' designator
         // for inbound parcels
         mBsic = (bsic == 0xFF) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : bsic;
-        mAlphaLong = alphal;
-        mAlphaShort = alphas;
     private CellIdentityGsm(CellIdentityGsm cid) {
@@ -120,7 +111,7 @@
      * @return 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
-     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMccStr} instead.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMccString} instead.
     public int getMcc() {
@@ -129,7 +120,7 @@
      * @return 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
-     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMncStr} instead.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMncString} instead.
     public int getMnc() {
@@ -176,35 +167,24 @@
      * @return Mobile Country Code in string format, null if unknown
-    public String getMccStr() {
+    public String getMccString() {
         return mMccStr;
      * @return Mobile Network Code in string format, null if unknown
-    public String getMncStr() {
+    public String getMncString() {
         return mMncStr;
-    /**
-     * @return The long alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string). May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong() {
-        return mAlphaLong;
+    /** @hide */
+    @Override
+    public int getChannelNumber() {
+        return mArfcn;
-     * @return The short alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string).  May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort() {
-        return mAlphaShort;
-    }
-    /**
      * @deprecated Primary Scrambling Code is not applicable to GSM.
      * @return Integer.MAX_VALUE, undefined for GSM
@@ -215,7 +195,7 @@
     public int hashCode() {
-        return Objects.hash(mMccStr, mMncStr, mLac, mCid, mAlphaLong, mAlphaShort);
+        return Objects.hash(mLac, mCid, super.hashCode());
@@ -235,8 +215,7 @@
                 && mBsic == o.mBsic
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMccStr, o.mMccStr)
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMncStr, o.mMncStr)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaLong, o.mAlphaLong)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaShort, o.mAlphaShort);
+                && super.equals(other);
@@ -262,8 +241,6 @@
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaLong);
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaShort);
     /** Construct from Parcel, type has already been processed */
@@ -273,8 +250,6 @@
         mCid = in.readInt();
         mArfcn = in.readInt();
         mBsic = in.readInt();
-        mAlphaLong = in.readString();
-        mAlphaShort = in.readString();
         if (DBG) log(toString());
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 5f1f448..d421cbd 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -36,10 +36,6 @@
     private final int mTac;
     // 18-bit Absolute RF Channel Number
     private final int mEarfcn;
-    // long alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaLong;
-    // short alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaShort;
     // cell bandwidth, in kHz
     private final int mBandwidth;
@@ -47,14 +43,12 @@
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityLte() {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_LTE, null, null);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_LTE, null, null, null, null);
         mCi = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mPci = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mTac = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mEarfcn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mBandwidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        mAlphaLong = null;
-        mAlphaShort = null;
@@ -104,14 +98,12 @@
     public CellIdentityLte(int ci, int pci, int tac, int earfcn, int bandwidth, String mccStr,
             String mncStr, String alphal, String alphas) {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_LTE, mccStr, mncStr);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_LTE, mccStr, mncStr, alphal, alphas);
         mCi = ci;
         mPci = pci;
         mTac = tac;
         mEarfcn = earfcn;
         mBandwidth = bandwidth;
-        mAlphaLong = alphal;
-        mAlphaShort = alphas;
     private CellIdentityLte(CellIdentityLte cid) {
@@ -125,7 +117,7 @@
      * @return 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
-     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMccStr} instead.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMccString} instead.
     public int getMcc() {
@@ -134,7 +126,7 @@
      * @return 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
-     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMncStr} instead.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMncString} instead.
     public int getMnc() {
@@ -179,14 +171,14 @@
      * @return Mobile Country Code in string format, null if unknown
-    public String getMccStr() {
+    public String getMccString() {
         return mMccStr;
      * @return Mobile Network Code in string format, null if unknown
-    public String getMncStr() {
+    public String getMncString() {
         return mMncStr;
@@ -197,25 +189,15 @@
         return (mMccStr == null || mMncStr == null) ? null : mMccStr + mMncStr;
-    /**
-     * @return The long alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string). May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong() {
-        return mAlphaLong;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The short alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string).  May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort() {
-        return mAlphaShort;
+    /** @hide */
+    @Override
+    public int getChannelNumber() {
+        return mEarfcn;
     public int hashCode() {
-        return Objects.hash(mMccStr, mMncStr, mCi, mPci, mTac, mAlphaLong, mAlphaShort);
+        return Objects.hash(mCi, mPci, mTac, super.hashCode());
@@ -236,8 +218,7 @@
                 && mBandwidth == o.mBandwidth
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMccStr, o.mMccStr)
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMncStr, o.mMncStr)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaLong, o.mAlphaLong)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaShort, o.mAlphaShort);
+                && super.equals(other);
@@ -265,8 +246,6 @@
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaLong);
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaShort);
     /** Construct from Parcel, type has already been processed */
@@ -277,8 +256,6 @@
         mTac = in.readInt();
         mEarfcn = in.readInt();
         mBandwidth = in.readInt();
-        mAlphaLong = in.readString();
-        mAlphaShort = in.readString();
         if (DBG) log(toString());
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 001d19f..3070bd1 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityTdscdma() {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, null, null);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, null, null, null, null);
         mLac = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mCid = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mCpid = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityTdscdma(int mcc, int mnc, int lac, int cid, int cpid) {
-        this(String.valueOf(mcc), String.valueOf(mnc), lac, cid, cpid);
+        this(String.valueOf(mcc), String.valueOf(mnc), lac, cid, cpid, null, null);
@@ -65,17 +65,38 @@
      * @param cid 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity described in TS 25.331, 0..268435455, INT_MAX if unknown
      * @param cpid 8-bit Cell Parameters ID described in TS 25.331, 0..127, INT_MAX if unknown
+     * FIXME: This is a temporary constructor to facilitate migration.
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityTdscdma(String mcc, String mnc, int lac, int cid, int cpid) {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, mcc, mnc);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, mcc, mnc, null, null);
+        mLac = lac;
+        mCid = cid;
+        mCpid = cpid;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param mcc 3-digit Mobile Country Code in string format
+     * @param mnc 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code in string format
+     * @param lac 16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535, INT_MAX if unknown
+     * @param cid 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity described in TS 25.331, 0..268435455, INT_MAX if unknown
+     * @param cpid 8-bit Cell Parameters ID described in TS 25.331, 0..127, INT_MAX if unknown
+     * @param alphal long alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
+     * @param alphas short alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public CellIdentityTdscdma(String mcc, String mnc, int lac, int cid, int cpid,
+            String alphal, String alphas) {
+        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, mcc, mnc, alphal, alphas);
         mLac = lac;
         mCid = cid;
         mCpid = cpid;
     private CellIdentityTdscdma(CellIdentityTdscdma cid) {
-        this(cid.mMccStr, cid.mMncStr, cid.mLac, cid.mCid, cid.mCpid);
+        this(cid.mMccStr, cid.mMncStr, cid.mLac, cid.mCid,
+                cid.mCpid, cid.mAlphaLong, cid.mAlphaShort);
     CellIdentityTdscdma copy() {
@@ -86,7 +107,7 @@
      * Get Mobile Country Code in string format
      * @return Mobile Country Code in string format, null if unknown
-    public String getMccStr() {
+    public String getMccString() {
         return mMccStr;
@@ -94,7 +115,7 @@
      * Get Mobile Network Code in string format
      * @return Mobile Network Code in string format, null if unknown
-    public String getMncStr() {
+    public String getMncString() {
         return mMncStr;
@@ -121,7 +142,7 @@
     public int hashCode() {
-        return Objects.hash(mMccStr, mMncStr, mLac, mCid, mCpid);
+        return Objects.hash(mLac, mCid, mCpid, super.hashCode());
@@ -139,7 +160,8 @@
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMncStr, o.mMncStr)
                 && mLac == o.mLac
                 && mCid == o.mCid
-                && mCpid == o.mCpid;
+                && mCpid == o.mCpid
+                && super.equals(other);
@@ -150,6 +172,8 @@
         .append(" mLac=").append(mLac)
         .append(" mCid=").append(mCid)
         .append(" mCpid=").append(mCpid)
+        .append(" mAlphaLong=").append(mAlphaLong)
+        .append(" mAlphaShort=").append(mAlphaShort)
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 1aa1715..f1167a6 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -36,22 +36,16 @@
     private final int mPsc;
     // 16-bit UMTS Absolute RF Channel Number
     private final int mUarfcn;
-    // long alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaLong;
-    // short alpha Operator Name String or Enhanced Operator Name String
-    private final String mAlphaShort;
      * @hide
     public CellIdentityWcdma() {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, null, null);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_TDSCDMA, null, null, null, null);
         mLac = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mCid = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mPsc = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         mUarfcn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        mAlphaLong = null;
-        mAlphaShort = null;
      * public constructor
@@ -98,13 +92,11 @@
     public CellIdentityWcdma (int lac, int cid, int psc, int uarfcn,
                               String mccStr, String mncStr, String alphal, String alphas) {
-        super(TAG, TYPE_WCDMA, mccStr, mncStr);
+        super(TAG, TYPE_WCDMA, mccStr, mncStr, alphal, alphas);
         mLac = lac;
         mCid = cid;
         mPsc = psc;
         mUarfcn = uarfcn;
-        mAlphaLong = alphal;
-        mAlphaShort = alphas;
     private CellIdentityWcdma(CellIdentityWcdma cid) {
@@ -118,7 +110,7 @@
      * @return 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
-     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMccStr} instead.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMccString} instead.
     public int getMcc() {
@@ -127,7 +119,7 @@
      * @return 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999, Integer.MAX_VALUE if unknown
-     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMncStr} instead.
+     * @deprecated Use {@link #getMncString} instead.
     public int getMnc() {
@@ -160,14 +152,14 @@
      * @return Mobile Country Code in string version, null if unknown
-    public String getMccStr() {
+    public String getMccString() {
         return mMccStr;
      * @return Mobile Network Code in string version, null if unknown
-    public String getMncStr() {
+    public String getMncString() {
         return mMncStr;
@@ -178,25 +170,9 @@
         return (mMccStr == null || mMncStr == null) ? null : mMccStr + mMncStr;
-    /**
-     * @return The long alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string). May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaLong() {
-        return mAlphaLong;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The short alpha tag associated with the current scan result (may be the operator
-     * name string or extended operator name string).  May be null if unknown.
-     */
-    public CharSequence getOperatorAlphaShort() {
-        return mAlphaShort;
-    }
     public int hashCode() {
-        return Objects.hash(mMccStr, mMncStr, mLac, mCid, mPsc, mAlphaLong, mAlphaShort);
+        return Objects.hash(mLac, mCid, mPsc, super.hashCode());
@@ -206,6 +182,12 @@
         return mUarfcn;
+    /** @hide */
+    @Override
+    public int getChannelNumber() {
+        return mUarfcn;
+    }
     public boolean equals(Object other) {
         if (this == other) {
@@ -223,8 +205,7 @@
                 && mUarfcn == o.mUarfcn
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMccStr, o.mMccStr)
                 && TextUtils.equals(mMncStr, o.mMncStr)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaLong, o.mAlphaLong)
-                && TextUtils.equals(mAlphaShort, o.mAlphaShort);
+                && super.equals(other);
@@ -250,8 +231,6 @@
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaLong);
-        dest.writeString(mAlphaShort);
     /** Construct from Parcel, type has already been processed */
@@ -261,8 +240,6 @@
         mCid = in.readInt();
         mPsc = in.readInt();
         mUarfcn = in.readInt();
-        mAlphaLong = in.readString();
-        mAlphaShort = in.readString();
         if (DBG) log(toString());
@@ -286,4 +263,4 @@
     protected static CellIdentityWcdma createFromParcelBody(Parcel in) {
         return new CellIdentityWcdma(in);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index ece1ee3..183f96d 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -41,14 +41,36 @@
-    /** @hide */
+    /**
+     * SignalStrength constructor for input from the HAL.
+     *
+     * Note that values received from the HAL require coersion to be compatible here. All values
+     * reported through IRadio are the negative of the actual values (which results in a positive
+     * input to this method.
+     *
+     * <p>Note that this HAL is inconsistent with UMTS-based radio techs as the value indicating
+     * that a field is unreported is negative, rather than a large(r) positive number.
+     * <p>Also note that to keep the public-facing methods of this class consistent with others,
+     * unreported values are coerced to Integer.MAX_VALUE rather than left as -1, which is
+     * a departure from SignalStrength, which is stuck with the values it currently reports.
+     *
+     * @param cdmaDbm negative of the CDMA signal strength value or -1 if invalid.
+     * @param cdmaEcio negative of the CDMA pilot/noise ratio or -1 if invalid.
+     * @param evdoDbm negative of the EvDO signal strength value or -1 if invalid.
+     * @param evdoEcio negative of the EvDO pilot/noise ratio or -1 if invalid.
+     * @param evdoSnr an SNR value 0..8 or -1 if invalid.
+     * @hide
+     */
     public CellSignalStrengthCdma(int cdmaDbm, int cdmaEcio, int evdoDbm, int evdoEcio,
             int evdoSnr) {
-        mCdmaDbm = cdmaDbm;
-        mCdmaEcio = cdmaEcio;
-        mEvdoDbm = evdoDbm;
-        mEvdoEcio = evdoEcio;
-        mEvdoSnr = evdoSnr;
+        // The values here were lifted from SignalStrength.validateInput()
+        // FIXME: Combine all checking and setting logic between this and SignalStrength.
+        mCdmaDbm = ((cdmaDbm > 0) && (cdmaDbm < 120))  ? -cdmaDbm : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        mCdmaEcio = ((cdmaEcio > 0) && (cdmaEcio < 160)) ? -cdmaEcio : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        mEvdoDbm = ((evdoDbm > 0) && (evdoDbm < 120)) ? -evdoDbm : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        mEvdoEcio = ((evdoEcio > 0) && (evdoEcio < 160)) ? -evdoEcio : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        mEvdoSnr = ((evdoSnr > 0) && (evdoSnr <= 8)) ? evdoSnr : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
     /** @hide */
@@ -303,13 +325,10 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
         if (DBG) log("writeToParcel(Parcel, int): " + toString());
-        // Need to multiply CdmaDbm, CdmaEcio, EvdoDbm and EvdoEcio by -1
-        // to ensure consistency when reading values written here
-        // unless the value is invalid
-        dest.writeInt(mCdmaDbm * (mCdmaDbm != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : 1));
-        dest.writeInt(mCdmaEcio * (mCdmaEcio != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : 1));
-        dest.writeInt(mEvdoDbm * (mEvdoDbm != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : 1));
-        dest.writeInt(mEvdoEcio * (mEvdoEcio != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : 1));
+        dest.writeInt(mCdmaDbm);
+        dest.writeInt(mCdmaEcio);
+        dest.writeInt(mEvdoDbm);
+        dest.writeInt(mEvdoEcio);
@@ -322,13 +341,9 @@
         // the parcel as positive values.
         // Need to convert into negative values unless the value is invalid
         mCdmaDbm = in.readInt();
-        if (mCdmaDbm != Integer.MAX_VALUE) mCdmaDbm *= -1;
         mCdmaEcio = in.readInt();
-        if (mCdmaEcio != Integer.MAX_VALUE) mCdmaEcio *= -1;
         mEvdoDbm = in.readInt();
-        if (mEvdoDbm != Integer.MAX_VALUE) mEvdoDbm *= -1;
         mEvdoEcio = in.readInt();
-        if (mEvdoEcio != Integer.MAX_VALUE) mEvdoEcio *= -1;
         mEvdoSnr = in.readInt();
         if (DBG) log("CellSignalStrengthCdma(Parcel): " + toString());
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index b362df9..26ffe32 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -82,8 +82,7 @@
                     .noteOpNoThrow(opCode, uid, pkgName) != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) {
                 return false;
-            if (!isLocationModeEnabled(context, UserHandle.getUserId(uid))
-                    && !isLegacyForeground(context, pkgName, uid)) {
+            if (!isLocationModeEnabled(context, UserHandle.getUserId(uid))) {
                 return false;
             // If the user or profile is current, permission is granted.
@@ -101,35 +100,6 @@
                 && locationMode != Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE_SENSORS_ONLY;
-    private static boolean isLegacyForeground(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String pkgName,
-            int uid) {
-        long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
-        try {
-            return isLegacyVersion(context, pkgName) && isForegroundApp(context, uid);
-        } finally {
-            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
-        }
-    }
-    private static boolean isLegacyVersion(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String pkgName) {
-        try {
-            if (context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(pkgName, 0)
-                    .targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
-            // In case of exception, assume known app (more strict checking)
-            // Note: This case will never happen since checkPackage is
-            // called to verify validity before checking app's version.
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    private static boolean isForegroundApp(@NonNull Context context, int uid) {
-        final ActivityManager am = context.getSystemService(ActivityManager.class);
-        return am.getUidImportance(uid) <= ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE;
-    }
     private static boolean checkInteractAcrossUsersFull(@NonNull Context context) {
         return context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index ce1b80c..d9fdd97 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 package android.telephony;
+import static android.telephony.SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID;
 import android.annotation.IntDef;
 import android.annotation.NonNull;
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
@@ -31,13 +33,15 @@
 import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.IBinder;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
-import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback;
-import android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo;
+import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest;
+import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener;
+import android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo;
+import android.telephony.mbms.InternalDownloadProgressListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.InternalDownloadSessionCallback;
-import android.telephony.mbms.InternalDownloadStateCallback;
-import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback;
+import android.telephony.mbms.InternalDownloadStatusListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadReceiver;
+import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsErrors;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsTempFileProvider;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsUtils;
@@ -56,8 +60,6 @@
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
-import static android.telephony.SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID;
  * This class provides functionality for file download over MBMS.
@@ -131,6 +133,14 @@
     public static final String DEFAULT_TOP_LEVEL_TEMP_DIRECTORY = "androidMbmsTempFileRoot";
+    /** @hide */
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+            RESULT_FILE_ROOT_UNREACHABLE}, prefix = { "RESULT_" })
+    public @interface DownloadResultCode{}
      * Indicates that the download was successful.
@@ -232,8 +242,10 @@
     private AtomicReference<IMbmsDownloadService> mService = new AtomicReference<>(null);
     private final InternalDownloadSessionCallback mInternalCallback;
-    private final Map<DownloadStateCallback, InternalDownloadStateCallback>
-            mInternalDownloadCallbacks = new HashMap<>();
+    private final Map<DownloadStatusListener, InternalDownloadStatusListener>
+            mInternalDownloadStatusListeners = new HashMap<>();
+    private final Map<DownloadProgressListener, InternalDownloadProgressListener>
+            mInternalDownloadProgressListeners = new HashMap<>();
     private MbmsDownloadSession(Context context, Executor executor, int subscriptionId,
             MbmsDownloadSessionCallback callback) {
@@ -325,6 +337,12 @@
+                        if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                            // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                            close();
+                            throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an"
+                                    + " unknown error code");
+                        }
                         if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                             sendErrorToApp(result, "Error returned during initialization");
@@ -376,6 +394,11 @@
         try {
             int returnCode = downloadService.requestUpdateFileServices(mSubscriptionId, classList);
+            if (returnCode == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (returnCode != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 sendErrorToApp(returnCode, null);
@@ -431,6 +454,11 @@
         try {
             int result = downloadService.setTempFileRootDirectory(mSubscriptionId, filePath);
+            if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 sendErrorToApp(result, null);
@@ -502,11 +530,13 @@
      * Asynchronous errors through the callback may include any error not specific to the
      * streaming use-case.
+     *
+     * If no error is delivered via the callback after calling this method, that means that the
+     * middleware has successfully started the download or scheduled the download, if the download
+     * is at a future time.
      * @param request The request that specifies what should be downloaded.
-     * @return {@link MbmsErrors#SUCCESS} if the operation did not encounter a synchronous error,
-     * and some other error code otherwise.
-    public int download(@NonNull DownloadRequest request) {
+    public void download(@NonNull DownloadRequest request) {
         IMbmsDownloadService downloadService = mService.get();
         if (downloadService == null) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware not yet bound");
@@ -528,12 +558,19 @@
             int result =;
             if (result == MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
+            } else {
+                if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                    // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                    close();
+                    throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown"
+                            + " error code");
+                }
+                sendErrorToApp(result, null);
-            return result;
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            return MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST;
+            sendErrorToApp(MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, null);
@@ -561,111 +598,232 @@
-     * Registers a callback for a {@link DownloadRequest} previously requested via
+     * Registers a listener download status for a {@link DownloadRequest} previously requested via
      * {@link #download(DownloadRequest)}. This callback will only be called as long as both this
      * app and the middleware are both running -- if either one stops, no further calls on the
-     * provided {@link DownloadStateCallback} will be enqueued.
+     * provided {@link DownloadStatusListener} will be enqueued.
      * If the middleware is not aware of the specified download request,
      * this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
+     * If the operation encountered an error, the error code will be delivered via
+     * {@link MbmsDownloadSessionCallback#onError}.
+     *
      * @param request The {@link DownloadRequest} that you want updates on.
-     * @param executor The {@link Executor} on which calls to {@code callback} should be executed.
-     * @param callback The callback that should be called when the middleware has information to
-     *                 share on the download.
-     * @return {@link MbmsErrors#SUCCESS} if the operation did not encounter a synchronous error,
-     * and some other error code otherwise.
+     * @param executor The {@link Executor} on which calls to {@code listener } should be executed.
+     * @param listener The listener that should be called when the middleware has information to
+     *                 share on the status download.
-    public int registerStateCallback(@NonNull DownloadRequest request,
-            @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull DownloadStateCallback callback) {
+    public void addStatusListener(@NonNull DownloadRequest request,
+            @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull DownloadStatusListener listener) {
         IMbmsDownloadService downloadService = mService.get();
         if (downloadService == null) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware not yet bound");
-        InternalDownloadStateCallback internalCallback =
-                new InternalDownloadStateCallback(callback, executor);
+        InternalDownloadStatusListener internalListener =
+                new InternalDownloadStatusListener(listener, executor);
         try {
-            int result = downloadService.registerStateCallback(request, internalCallback,
-                    callback.getCallbackFilterFlags());
+            int result = downloadService.addStatusListener(request, internalListener);
+            if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
-                return result;
+                sendErrorToApp(result, null);
+                return;
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            return MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST;
+            sendErrorToApp(MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, null);
+            return;
-        mInternalDownloadCallbacks.put(callback, internalCallback);
-        return MbmsErrors.SUCCESS;
+        mInternalDownloadStatusListeners.put(listener, internalListener);
-     * Un-register a callback previously registered via
-     * {@link #registerStateCallback(DownloadRequest, Executor, DownloadStateCallback)}. After
-     * this method is called, no further callbacks will be enqueued on the {@link Handler}
+     * Un-register a listener previously registered via
+     * {@link #addStatusListener(DownloadRequest, Executor, DownloadStatusListener)}. After
+     * this method is called, no further calls will be enqueued on the {@link Executor}
      * provided upon registration, even if this method throws an exception.
      * If the middleware is not aware of the specified download request,
      * this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
+     * If the operation encountered an error, the error code will be delivered via
+     * {@link MbmsDownloadSessionCallback#onError}.
+     *
      * @param request The {@link DownloadRequest} provided during registration
-     * @param callback The callback provided during registration.
-     * @return {@link MbmsErrors#SUCCESS} if the operation did not encounter a synchronous error,
-     * and some other error code otherwise.
+     * @param listener The listener provided during registration.
-    public int unregisterStateCallback(@NonNull DownloadRequest request,
-            @NonNull DownloadStateCallback callback) {
+    public void removeStatusListener(@NonNull DownloadRequest request,
+            @NonNull DownloadStatusListener listener) {
         try {
             IMbmsDownloadService downloadService = mService.get();
             if (downloadService == null) {
                 throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware not yet bound");
-            InternalDownloadStateCallback internalCallback =
-                    mInternalDownloadCallbacks.get(callback);
-            if (internalCallback == null) {
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided callback was never registered");
+            InternalDownloadStatusListener internalListener =
+                    mInternalDownloadStatusListeners.get(listener);
+            if (internalListener == null) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided listener was never registered");
             try {
-                int result = downloadService.unregisterStateCallback(request, internalCallback);
+                int result = downloadService.removeStatusListener(request, internalListener);
+                if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                    // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                    close();
+                    throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an"
+                            + " unknown error code");
+                }
                 if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                     if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
-                    return result;
+                    sendErrorToApp(result, null);
+                    return;
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                return MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST;
+                sendErrorToApp(MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, null);
+                return;
         } finally {
-            InternalDownloadStateCallback internalCallback =
-                    mInternalDownloadCallbacks.remove(callback);
+            InternalDownloadStatusListener internalCallback =
+                    mInternalDownloadStatusListeners.remove(listener);
             if (internalCallback != null) {
-        return MbmsErrors.SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Registers a listener for progress for a {@link DownloadRequest} previously requested via
+     * {@link #download(DownloadRequest)}. This listener will only be called as long as both this
+     * app and the middleware are both running -- if either one stops, no further calls on the
+     * provided {@link DownloadProgressListener} will be enqueued.
+     *
+     * If the middleware is not aware of the specified download request,
+     * this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
+     *
+     * If the operation encountered an error, the error code will be delivered via
+     * {@link MbmsDownloadSessionCallback#onError}.
+     *
+     * @param request The {@link DownloadRequest} that you want updates on.
+     * @param executor The {@link Executor} on which calls to {@code listener} should be executed.
+     * @param listener The listener that should be called when the middleware has information to
+     *                 share on the progress of the download.
+     */
+    public void addProgressListener(@NonNull DownloadRequest request,
+            @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull DownloadProgressListener listener) {
+        IMbmsDownloadService downloadService = mService.get();
+        if (downloadService == null) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware not yet bound");
+        }
+        InternalDownloadProgressListener internalListener =
+                new InternalDownloadProgressListener(listener, executor);
+        try {
+            int result = downloadService.addProgressListener(request, internalListener);
+            if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
+            if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
+                if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
+                }
+                sendErrorToApp(result, null);
+                return;
+            }
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            mService.set(null);
+            sIsInitialized.set(false);
+            sendErrorToApp(MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, null);
+            return;
+        }
+        mInternalDownloadProgressListeners.put(listener, internalListener);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-register a listener previously registered via
+     * {@link #addProgressListener(DownloadRequest, Executor, DownloadProgressListener)}. After
+     * this method is called, no further callbacks will be enqueued on the {@link Handler}
+     * provided upon registration, even if this method throws an exception.
+     *
+     * If the middleware is not aware of the specified download request,
+     * this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
+     *
+     * If the operation encountered an error, the error code will be delivered via
+     * {@link MbmsDownloadSessionCallback#onError}.
+     *
+     * @param request The {@link DownloadRequest} provided during registration
+     * @param listener The listener provided during registration.
+     */
+    public void removeProgressListener(@NonNull DownloadRequest request,
+            @NonNull DownloadProgressListener listener) {
+        try {
+            IMbmsDownloadService downloadService = mService.get();
+            if (downloadService == null) {
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware not yet bound");
+            }
+            InternalDownloadProgressListener internalListener =
+                    mInternalDownloadProgressListeners.get(listener);
+            if (internalListener == null) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided listener was never registered");
+            }
+            try {
+                int result = downloadService.removeProgressListener(request, internalListener);
+                if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                    // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                    close();
+                    throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not"
+                            + " return an unknown error code");
+                }
+                if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
+                    if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
+                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
+                    }
+                    sendErrorToApp(result, null);
+                    return;
+                }
+            } catch (RemoteException e) {
+                mService.set(null);
+                sIsInitialized.set(false);
+                sendErrorToApp(MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, null);
+                return;
+            }
+        } finally {
+            InternalDownloadProgressListener internalCallback =
+                    mInternalDownloadProgressListeners.remove(listener);
+            if (internalCallback != null) {
+                internalCallback.stop();
+            }
+        }
      * Attempts to cancel the specified {@link DownloadRequest}.
-     * If the middleware is not aware of the specified download request,
-     * this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
+     * If the operation encountered an error, the error code will be delivered via
+     * {@link MbmsDownloadSessionCallback#onError}.
      * @param downloadRequest The download request that you wish to cancel.
-     * @return {@link MbmsErrors#SUCCESS} if the operation did not encounter a synchronous error,
-     * and some other error code otherwise.
-    public int cancelDownload(@NonNull DownloadRequest downloadRequest) {
+    public void cancelDownload(@NonNull DownloadRequest downloadRequest) {
         IMbmsDownloadService downloadService = mService.get();
         if (downloadService == null) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware not yet bound");
@@ -673,18 +831,20 @@
         try {
             int result = downloadService.cancelDownload(downloadRequest);
+            if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
-                if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
-                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
-                }
+                sendErrorToApp(result, null);
             } else {
-            return result;
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            return MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST;
+            sendErrorToApp(MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, null);
@@ -692,9 +852,9 @@
      * Requests information about the state of a file pending download.
      * The state will be delivered as a callback via
-     * {@link DownloadStateCallback#onStateUpdated(DownloadRequest, FileInfo, int)}. If no such
+     * {@link DownloadStatusListener#onStatusUpdated(DownloadRequest, FileInfo, int)}. If no such
      * callback has been registered via
-     * {@link #registerStateCallback(DownloadRequest, Executor, DownloadStateCallback)}, this
+     * {@link #addProgressListener(DownloadRequest, Executor, DownloadProgressListener)}, this
      * method will be a no-op.
      * If the middleware has no record of the
@@ -712,6 +872,11 @@
         try {
             int result = downloadService.requestDownloadState(downloadRequest, fileInfo);
+            if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
@@ -756,6 +921,11 @@
         try {
             int result = downloadService.resetDownloadKnowledge(downloadRequest);
+            if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 if (result == MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown download request.");
@@ -814,11 +984,11 @@
         try {
             if (!token.createNewFile()) {
                 throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create download token for request "
-                        + request);
+                        + request + ". Token location is " + token.getPath());
         } catch (IOException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create download token for request " + request
-                    + " due to IOException " + e);
+                    + " due to IOException " + e + ". Attempted to write to " + token.getPath());
@@ -872,10 +1042,6 @@
     private void sendErrorToApp(int errorCode, String message) {
-        try {
-            mInternalCallback.onError(errorCode, message);
-        } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            // Ignore, should not happen locally.
-        }
+        mInternalCallback.onError(errorCode, message);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 42c760d4..cd465d2 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 package android.telephony;
+import static android.telephony.SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID;
 import android.annotation.NonNull;
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
@@ -26,8 +28,8 @@
 import android.content.ServiceConnection;
 import android.os.IBinder;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
-import android.telephony.mbms.InternalStreamingSessionCallback;
 import android.telephony.mbms.InternalStreamingServiceCallback;
+import android.telephony.mbms.InternalStreamingSessionCallback;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsErrors;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsStreamingSessionCallback;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsUtils;
@@ -44,8 +46,6 @@
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
-import static android.telephony.SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID;
  * This class provides functionality for streaming media over MBMS.
@@ -208,6 +208,11 @@
         try {
             int returnCode = streamingService.requestUpdateStreamingServices(
                     mSubscriptionId, serviceClassList);
+            if (returnCode == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (returnCode != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 sendErrorToApp(returnCode, null);
@@ -255,6 +260,11 @@
         try {
             int returnCode = streamingService.startStreaming(
                     mSubscriptionId, serviceInfo.getServiceId(), serviceCallback);
+            if (returnCode == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                close();
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return an unknown error code");
+            }
             if (returnCode != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                 sendErrorToApp(returnCode, null);
                 return null;
@@ -301,6 +311,12 @@
+                        if (result == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                            // Unbind and throw an obvious error
+                            close();
+                            throw new IllegalStateException("Middleware must not return"
+                                    + " an unknown error code");
+                        }
                         if (result != MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
                             sendErrorToApp(result, "Error returned during initialization");
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index a277212..073c313 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
  * The caller of
- * {@link TelephonyManager#requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, NetworkScanCallback)}
+ * {@link TelephonyManager#requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, Executor, NetworkScanCallback)}
  * will receive an instance of {@link NetworkScan}, which contains a callback method
- * {@link #stop()} for stopping the in-progress scan.
+ * {@link #stopScan()} for stopping the in-progress scan.
 public class NetworkScan {
@@ -106,16 +106,26 @@
      * Use this method to stop an ongoing scan. When user requests a new scan, a {@link NetworkScan}
      * object will be returned, and the user can stop the scan by calling this method.
-    public void stop() throws RemoteException {
+    public void stopScan() {
+        ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
+        if (telephony == null) {
+            Rlog.e(TAG, "Failed to get the ITelephony instance.");
+        }
         try {
-            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
-            if (telephony != null) {
-                telephony.stopNetworkScan(mSubId, mScanId);
-            } else {
-                throw new RemoteException("Failed to get the ITelephony instance.");
-            }
+            telephony.stopNetworkScan(mSubId, mScanId);
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             Rlog.e(TAG, "stopNetworkScan  RemoteException", ex);
+        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
+            Rlog.e(TAG, "stopNetworkScan  RuntimeException", ex);
+        }
+    }
+    /** @deprecated Use {@link #stopScan()} */
+    @Deprecated
+    public void stop() throws RemoteException {
+        try {
+            stopScan();
+        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
             throw new RemoteException("Failed to stop the network scan with id " + mScanId);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 92ebf36..dbad02f 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
                 Rlog.e(mTag, "Failed to onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete on the remote");
+        } else {
+            Rlog.e(mTag, "Weak reference of callback is null.");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 0ee870a..7db83f6 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.Looper;
 import android.os.Message;
+import android.telecom.TelecomManager;
@@ -61,9 +62,6 @@
      * Listen for changes to the network signal strength (cellular).
      * {@more}
-     * Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE
-     * <p>
      * @see #onSignalStrengthChanged
@@ -76,7 +74,8 @@
      * Listen for changes to the message-waiting indicator.
      * {@more}
      * Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE
+     * READ_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * <p>
      * Example: The status bar uses this to determine when to display the
      * voicemail icon.
@@ -89,7 +88,9 @@
      * Listen for changes to the call-forwarding indicator.
      * {@more}
      * Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE
+     * READ_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @see #onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged
     public static final int LISTEN_CALL_FORWARDING_INDICATOR                = 0x00000008;
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@
-                            (List<PhysicalChannelConfig>)msg.obj);
+                                (List<PhysicalChannelConfig>)msg.obj);
@@ -428,16 +429,21 @@
      * Callback invoked when device call state changes.
+     * <p>
+     * Reports the state of Telephony (mobile) calls on the device.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: The state returned here may differ from that returned by
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#getCallState()}. Receivers of this callback should be aware that
+     * calling {@link TelephonyManager#getCallState()} from within this callback may return a
+     * different state than the callback reports.
+     *
      * @param state call state
      * @param phoneNumber call phone number. If application does not have
-     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE} permission, an empty
-     * string will be passed as an argument.
-     *
-     * @see TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_IDLE
-     * @see TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_RINGING
-     * @see TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE} permission or carrier
+     * privileges (see {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}), an empty string will be
+     * passed as an argument.
-    public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String phoneNumber) {
+    public void onCallStateChanged(@TelephonyManager.CallState int state, String phoneNumber) {
         // default implementation empty
@@ -700,6 +706,10 @@
         public void onCarrierNetworkChange(boolean active) {
             send(LISTEN_CARRIER_NETWORK_CHANGE, 0, 0, active);
+        public void onPhysicalChannelConfigurationChanged(List<PhysicalChannelConfig> configs) {
+            send(LISTEN_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION, 0, 0, configs);
+        }
     IPhoneStateListener callback = new IPhoneStateListenerStub(this);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 651d68d..ce444dd 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
 public final class PhysicalChannelConfig implements Parcelable {
+    // TODO(b/72993578) consolidate these enums in a central location.
     public @interface ConnectionStatus {}
@@ -41,6 +42,9 @@
     public static final int CONNECTION_SECONDARY_SERVING = 2;
+    /** Connection status is unknown. */
+    public static final int CONNECTION_UNKNOWN = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      * Connection status of the cell.
@@ -86,6 +90,7 @@
      * @return Connection status of the cell
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 2516d51..46e2adb 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     /** This cause is used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other
      *  cause in the resource unavailable class applies
-    public static final int RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE_OR_UNSPECIFIED             = 44;
+    public static final int RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE_OR_UNSPECIFIED             = 47;
     /** The requested quality of service (ITU-T X.213) cannot be provided */
     public static final int QOS_NOT_AVAIL                                    = 49;
     /** The facility could not be provided by the network because the user has no
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index b6be3c5..e971d08 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 package android.telephony;
 import android.annotation.IntDef;
-import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
+import android.annotation.TestApi;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
     public static final int ROAMING_TYPE_INTERNATIONAL = 3;
-     * Unknown ID. Could be returned by {@link #getNetworkId()} or {@link #getSystemId()}
+     * Unknown ID. Could be returned by {@link #getCdmaNetworkId()} or {@link #getCdmaSystemId()}
     public static final int UNKNOWN_ID = -1;
@@ -470,9 +470,13 @@
     public int getDuplexMode() {
-        // TODO(b/72117602) determine duplex mode from channel number, using 3GPP 36.101 sections
-        // 5.7.3-1 and 5.5-1
-        return DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+        // only support LTE duplex mode
+        if (!isLte(mRilDataRadioTechnology)) {
+            return DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+        int band = AccessNetworkUtils.getOperatingBandForEarfcn(mChannelNumber);
+        return AccessNetworkUtils.getDuplexModeForEutranBand(band);
@@ -491,9 +495,8 @@
      * @return Current serving cell bandwidths
-    @Nullable
     public int[] getCellBandwidths() {
-        return mCellBandwidths;
+        return mCellBandwidths == null ? new int[0] : mCellBandwidths;
@@ -890,6 +893,7 @@
             .append(", mDataRegState=").append(mDataRegState)
             .append("(" + rilServiceStateToString(mDataRegState) + ")")
             .append(", mChannelNumber=").append(mChannelNumber)
+            .append(", duplexMode()=").append(getDuplexMode())
             .append(", mCellBandwidths=").append(Arrays.toString(mCellBandwidths))
             .append(", mVoiceRoamingType=").append(getRoamingLogString(mVoiceRoamingType))
             .append(", mDataRoamingType=").append(getRoamingLogString(mDataRoamingType))
@@ -1215,7 +1219,8 @@
     /** @hide */
-    public void setSystemAndNetworkId(int systemId, int networkId) {
+    @TestApi
+    public void setCdmaSystemAndNetworkId(int systemId, int networkId) {
         this.mSystemId = systemId;
         this.mNetworkId = networkId;
@@ -1381,7 +1386,7 @@
      * within a wireless system. (Defined in 3GPP2 C.S0023 3.4.8)
      * @return The CDMA NID or {@link #UNKNOWN_ID} if not available.
-    public int getNetworkId() {
+    public int getCdmaNetworkId() {
         return this.mNetworkId;
@@ -1390,7 +1395,7 @@
      * system. (Defined in 3GPP2 C.S0023 3.4.8)
      * @return The CDMA SID or {@link #UNKNOWN_ID} if not available.
-    public int getSystemId() {
+    public int getCdmaSystemId() {
         return this.mSystemId;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index fc2ef27..3feec992 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Objects;
  * Contains phone signal strength related information.
@@ -57,7 +58,16 @@
     public static final int INVALID = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-    private static final int LTE_RSRP_THRESHOLDS_NUM = 6;
+    private static final int LTE_RSRP_THRESHOLDS_NUM = 4;
+    private static final int MAX_LTE_RSRP = -44;
+    private static final int MIN_LTE_RSRP = -140;
+    private static final int WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_NUM = 4;
+    private static final int MAX_WCDMA_RSCP = -24;
+    private static final int MIN_WCDMA_RSCP = -120;
+    /* The type of signal measurement */
+    private static final String MEASUMENT_TYPE_RSCP = "rscp";
     /** Parameters reported by the Radio */
     private int mGsmSignalStrength; // Valid values are (0-31, 99) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5
@@ -72,7 +82,10 @@
     private int mLteRsrq;
     private int mLteRssnr;
     private int mLteCqi;
-    private int mTdScdmaRscp;
+    private int mTdScdmaRscp; // Valid values are -24...-120dBm or INVALID if unknown
+    private int mWcdmaSignalStrength;
+    private int mWcdmaRscpAsu;  // the WCDMA RSCP in ASU as reported from the HAL
+    private int mWcdmaRscp;     // the WCDMA RSCP in dBm
     /** Parameters from the framework */
     private int mLteRsrpBoost; // offset to be reduced from the rsrp threshold while calculating
@@ -81,9 +94,17 @@
                             // onSignalStrengthResult.
     private boolean mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel; // Use only RSRP for the number of LTE signal bar.
-    // The threshold of LTE RSRP for determining the display level of LTE signal bar.
+    // The threshold of LTE RSRP for determining the display level of LTE signal bar. Note that the
+    // min and max are fixed at MIN_LTE_RSRP (-140) and MAX_LTE_RSRP (-44).
     private int mLteRsrpThresholds[] = new int[LTE_RSRP_THRESHOLDS_NUM];
+    // The type of default measurement for determining the display level of WCDMA signal bar.
+    private String mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement;
+    // The threshold of WCDMA RSCP for determining the display level of WCDMA signal bar. Note that
+    // the min and max are fixed at MIN_WCDMA_RSCP (-120) and MAX_WCDMA_RSCP (-24).
+    private int mWcdmaRscpThresholds[] = new int[WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_NUM];
      * Create a new SignalStrength from a intent notifier Bundle
@@ -133,10 +154,15 @@
         mLteRssnr = INVALID;
         mLteCqi = INVALID;
         mTdScdmaRscp = INVALID;
+        mWcdmaSignalStrength = 99;
+        mWcdmaRscp = INVALID;
+        mWcdmaRscpAsu = 255;
         mLteRsrpBoost = 0;
         mIsGsm = gsmFlag;
         mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel = false;
+        mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement = "";
+        setWcdmaRscpThresholds(getDefaultWcdmaRscpThresholds());
@@ -149,9 +175,10 @@
             int cdmaDbm, int cdmaEcio,
             int evdoDbm, int evdoEcio, int evdoSnr,
             int lteSignalStrength, int lteRsrp, int lteRsrq, int lteRssnr, int lteCqi,
-            int tdScdmaRscp,
+            int tdScdmaRscp, int wcdmaSignalStrength, int wcdmaRscpAsu,
             // values Added by config
-            int lteRsrpBoost, boolean gsmFlag, boolean lteLevelBaseOnRsrp) {
+            int lteRsrpBoost, boolean gsmFlag, boolean lteLevelBaseOnRsrp,
+            String wcdmaDefaultMeasurement) {
         mGsmSignalStrength = gsmSignalStrength;
         mGsmBitErrorRate = gsmBitErrorRate;
         mCdmaDbm = cdmaDbm;
@@ -165,15 +192,20 @@
         mLteRssnr = lteRssnr;
         mLteCqi = lteCqi;
         mTdScdmaRscp = INVALID;
+        mWcdmaSignalStrength = wcdmaSignalStrength;
+        mWcdmaRscpAsu = wcdmaRscpAsu;
+        mWcdmaRscp = wcdmaRscpAsu - 120;
         mLteRsrpBoost = lteRsrpBoost;
         mIsGsm = gsmFlag;
         mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel = lteLevelBaseOnRsrp;
+        mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement = wcdmaDefaultMeasurement;
+        setWcdmaRscpThresholds(getDefaultWcdmaRscpThresholds());
         if (DBG) log("initialize: " + toString());
-     * Constructor for only values provided by Radio HAL
+     * Constructor for only values provided by Radio HAL V1.0
      * @hide
@@ -184,7 +216,23 @@
             int tdScdmaRscp) {
         this(gsmSignalStrength, gsmBitErrorRate, cdmaDbm, cdmaEcio,
                 evdoDbm, evdoEcio, evdoSnr, lteSignalStrength, lteRsrp,
-                lteRsrq, lteRssnr, lteCqi, tdScdmaRscp, 0, true, false);
+                lteRsrq, lteRssnr, lteCqi, tdScdmaRscp, 99, INVALID, 0, true, false, "");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Constructor for only values provided by Radio HAL V1.2
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public SignalStrength(int gsmSignalStrength, int gsmBitErrorRate,
+            int cdmaDbm, int cdmaEcio,
+            int evdoDbm, int evdoEcio, int evdoSnr,
+            int lteSignalStrength, int lteRsrp, int lteRsrq, int lteRssnr, int lteCqi,
+            int tdScdmaRscp, int wcdmaSignalStrength, int wcdmaRscp) {
+        this(gsmSignalStrength, gsmBitErrorRate, cdmaDbm, cdmaEcio,
+                evdoDbm, evdoEcio, evdoSnr, lteSignalStrength, lteRsrp,
+                lteRsrq, lteRssnr, lteCqi, tdScdmaRscp, wcdmaSignalStrength, wcdmaRscp, 0, true,
+                false, "");
@@ -215,10 +263,15 @@
         mLteRssnr = s.mLteRssnr;
         mLteCqi = s.mLteCqi;
         mTdScdmaRscp = s.mTdScdmaRscp;
+        mWcdmaSignalStrength = s.mWcdmaSignalStrength;
+        mWcdmaRscpAsu = s.mWcdmaRscpAsu;
+        mWcdmaRscp = s.mWcdmaRscp;
         mLteRsrpBoost = s.mLteRsrpBoost;
         mIsGsm = s.mIsGsm;
         mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel = s.mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel;
+        mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement = s.mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement;
+        setWcdmaRscpThresholds(s.mWcdmaRscpThresholds);
@@ -242,10 +295,15 @@
         mLteRssnr = in.readInt();
         mLteCqi = in.readInt();
         mTdScdmaRscp = in.readInt();
+        mWcdmaSignalStrength = in.readInt();
+        mWcdmaRscpAsu = in.readInt();
+        mWcdmaRscp = in.readInt();
         mLteRsrpBoost = in.readInt();
         mIsGsm = in.readBoolean();
         mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel = in.readBoolean();
+        mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement = in.readString();
+        in.readIntArray(mWcdmaRscpThresholds);
@@ -265,10 +323,15 @@
+        out.writeInt(mWcdmaSignalStrength);
+        out.writeInt(mWcdmaRscpAsu);
+        out.writeInt(mWcdmaRscp);
+        out.writeString(mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement);
+        out.writeIntArray(mWcdmaRscpThresholds);
@@ -308,24 +371,34 @@
         if (DBG) log("Signal before validate=" + this);
         // TS 27.007 8.5
         mGsmSignalStrength = mGsmSignalStrength >= 0 ? mGsmSignalStrength : 99;
+        mWcdmaSignalStrength = (mWcdmaSignalStrength >= 0) ? mWcdmaSignalStrength : 99;
+        mLteSignalStrength = (mLteSignalStrength >= 0) ? mLteSignalStrength : 99;
         // BER no change;
+        // WCDMA RSCP valid values are -120 through -24 as defined in TS 27.007 8.69
+        // but are reported in ASU which is 0 through 96, so we do the conversion here
+        mWcdmaRscpAsu =
+                ((mWcdmaRscpAsu - 120 >= MIN_WCDMA_RSCP) && (mWcdmaRscpAsu - 120 <= MAX_WCDMA_RSCP))
+                ? mWcdmaRscpAsu : 255;
+        mWcdmaRscp = ((mWcdmaRscp >= MIN_WCDMA_RSCP) && (mWcdmaRscp <= MAX_WCDMA_RSCP))
+                ? mWcdmaRscp : INVALID;
         mCdmaDbm = mCdmaDbm > 0 ? -mCdmaDbm : -120;
-        mCdmaEcio = (mCdmaEcio > 0) ? -mCdmaEcio : -160;
+        mCdmaEcio = (mCdmaEcio >= 0) ? -mCdmaEcio : -160;
         mEvdoDbm = (mEvdoDbm > 0) ? -mEvdoDbm : -120;
-        mEvdoEcio = (mEvdoEcio >= 0) ? -mEvdoEcio : -1;
-        mEvdoSnr = ((mEvdoSnr > 0) && (mEvdoSnr <= 8)) ? mEvdoSnr : -1;
+        mEvdoEcio = (mEvdoEcio >= 0) ? -mEvdoEcio : -160;
+        mEvdoSnr = ((mEvdoSnr >= 0) && (mEvdoSnr <= 8)) ? mEvdoSnr : -1;
         // TS 36.214 Physical Layer Section 5.1.3, TS 36.331 RRC
-        mLteSignalStrength = (mLteSignalStrength >= 0) ? mLteSignalStrength : 99;
-        mLteRsrp = ((mLteRsrp >= 44) && (mLteRsrp <= 140)) ? -mLteRsrp : SignalStrength.INVALID;
+        mLteRsrp = ((-mLteRsrp >= MIN_LTE_RSRP) && (-mLteRsrp <= MAX_LTE_RSRP)) ? -mLteRsrp
+                : SignalStrength.INVALID;
         mLteRsrq = ((mLteRsrq >= 3) && (mLteRsrq <= 20)) ? -mLteRsrq : SignalStrength.INVALID;
         mLteRssnr = ((mLteRssnr >= -200) && (mLteRssnr <= 300)) ? mLteRssnr
                 : SignalStrength.INVALID;
-        mTdScdmaRscp = ((mTdScdmaRscp >= 25) && (mTdScdmaRscp <= 120))
-                ? -mTdScdmaRscp : SignalStrength.INVALID;
+        mTdScdmaRscp = ((mTdScdmaRscp >= 0) && (mTdScdmaRscp <= 96))
+                ? (mTdScdmaRscp - 120) : SignalStrength.INVALID;
         // Cqi no change
         if (DBG) log("Signal after validate=" + this);
@@ -363,6 +436,16 @@
+     * @param defaultMeasurement sets the type of WCDMA default signal measurement
+     *
+     * Used by phone to determine default measurement type for calculation WCDMA signal level.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public void setWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement(String defaultMeasurement) {
+        mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement = defaultMeasurement;
+    }
+    /**
      * @param lteRsrpBoost - signal strength offset
      * Used by phone to set the lte signal strength offset which will be
@@ -406,6 +489,23 @@
+     * Sets the threshold array for determining the display level of WCDMA signal bar.
+     *
+     * @param wcdmaRscpThresholds int array for determining the display level.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public void setWcdmaRscpThresholds(int[] wcdmaRscpThresholds) {
+        if ((wcdmaRscpThresholds == null)
+                || (wcdmaRscpThresholds.length != WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_NUM)) {
+  , "setWcdmaRscpThresholds - wcdmaRscpThresholds is invalid.");
+            return;
+        }
+        System.arraycopy(wcdmaRscpThresholds, 0, mWcdmaRscpThresholds, 0,
+                WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_NUM);
+    }
+    /**
      * Get the CDMA RSSI value in dBm
     public int getCdmaDbm() {
@@ -496,6 +596,8 @@
                 asuLevel = getLteAsuLevel();
             } else if (mTdScdmaRscp != SignalStrength.INVALID) {
                 asuLevel = getTdScdmaAsuLevel();
+            } else if (mWcdmaRscp != SignalStrength.INVALID) {
+                asuLevel = getWcdmaAsuLevel();
             } else {
                 asuLevel = getGsmAsuLevel();
@@ -529,7 +631,11 @@
             dBm = getLteDbm();
             if (dBm == INVALID) {
                 if (getTdScdmaLevel() == SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN) {
-                    dBm = getGsmDbm();
+                    if (getWcdmaDbm() == INVALID) {
+                        dBm = getGsmDbm();
+                    } else {
+                        dBm = getWcdmaDbm();
+                    }
                 } else {
                     dBm = getTdScdmaDbm();
@@ -735,24 +841,29 @@
     public int getLteLevel() {
-         * TS 36.214 Physical Layer Section 5.1.3 TS 36.331 RRC RSSI = received
-         * signal + noise RSRP = reference signal dBm RSRQ = quality of signal
-         * dB= Number of Resource blocksxRSRP/RSSI SNR = gain=signal/noise ratio
-         * = -10log P1/P2 dB
+         * TS 36.214 Physical Layer Section 5.1.3
+         * TS 36.331 RRC
+         *
+         * RSSI = received signal + noise
+         * RSRP = reference signal dBm
+         * RSRQ = quality of signal dB = Number of Resource blocks*RSRP/RSSI
+         * SNR = gain = signal/noise ratio = -10log P1/P2 dB
         int rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN, rsrpIconLevel = -1, snrIconLevel = -1;
-        if (mLteRsrp > mLteRsrpThresholds[5]) {
-            rsrpIconLevel = -1;
-        } else if (mLteRsrp >= (mLteRsrpThresholds[4] - mLteRsrpBoost)) {
-            rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT;
+        if (mLteRsrp > MAX_LTE_RSRP || mLteRsrp < MIN_LTE_RSRP) {
+            if (mLteRsrp != INVALID) {
+      , "getLteLevel - invalid lte rsrp: mLteRsrp=" + mLteRsrp);
+            }
         } else if (mLteRsrp >= (mLteRsrpThresholds[3] - mLteRsrpBoost)) {
-            rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD;
+            rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT;
         } else if (mLteRsrp >= (mLteRsrpThresholds[2] - mLteRsrpBoost)) {
-            rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE;
+            rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD;
         } else if (mLteRsrp >= (mLteRsrpThresholds[1] - mLteRsrpBoost)) {
+            rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE;
+        } else if (mLteRsrp >= (mLteRsrpThresholds[0] - mLteRsrpBoost)) {
             rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_POOR;
-        } else if (mLteRsrp >= mLteRsrpThresholds[0]) {
+        } else {
             rsrpIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN;
@@ -795,18 +906,19 @@
         if (rsrpIconLevel != -1) return rsrpIconLevel;
-        /* Valid values are (0-63, 99) as defined in TS 36.331 */
-        if (mLteSignalStrength > 63) rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN;
+        /* Valid values are (0-31, 99) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5 */
+        if (mLteSignalStrength > 31) rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN;
         else if (mLteSignalStrength >= 12) rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT;
         else if (mLteSignalStrength >= 8) rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD;
         else if (mLteSignalStrength >= 5) rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE;
         else if (mLteSignalStrength >= 0) rssiIconLevel = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_POOR;
-        if (DBG) log("getLTELevel - rssi:" + mLteSignalStrength + " rssiIconLevel:"
+        if (DBG) log("getLteLevel - rssi:" + mLteSignalStrength + " rssiIconLevel:"
                 + rssiIconLevel);
         return rssiIconLevel;
      * Get the LTE signal level as an asu value between 0..97, 99 is unknown
      * Asu is calculated based on 3GPP RSRP. Refer to 3GPP 27.007 (Ver 10.3.0) Sec 8.69
@@ -899,6 +1011,105 @@
         return tdScdmaAsuLevel;
+    /**
+     * Gets WCDMA RSCP as a dbm value between -120 and -24, as defined in TS 27.007 8.69.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public int getWcdmaRscp() {
+        return mWcdmaRscp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the WCDMA signal level as an ASU value between 0-96, 255 is unknown
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public int getWcdmaAsuLevel() {
+        /*
+         * 3GPP 27.007 (Ver 10.3.0) Sec 8.69
+         * 0      -120 dBm or less
+         * 1      -119 dBm
+         * 2...95 -118... -25 dBm
+         * 96     -24 dBm or greater
+         * 255    not known or not detectable
+         */
+        final int wcdmaDbm = getWcdmaDbm();
+        int wcdmaAsuLevel = 255;
+        // validateInput will always give a valid range between -120 to -24 as per ril.h. so RSCP
+        // outside range is already set to INVALID
+        if (wcdmaDbm == SignalStrength.INVALID) wcdmaAsuLevel =  255;
+        else wcdmaAsuLevel = wcdmaDbm + 120;
+        if (DBG) log("Wcdma Asu level: " + wcdmaAsuLevel);
+        return wcdmaAsuLevel;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets WCDMA signal strength as a dbm value between -120 and -24, as defined in TS 27.007 8.69.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public int getWcdmaDbm() {
+        return mWcdmaRscp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get WCDMA as level 0..4
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public int getWcdmaLevel() {
+        if (mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement == null) {
+  , "getWcdmaLevel - WCDMA default signal measurement is invalid.");
+            return level;
+        }
+        switch (mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement) {
+            case MEASUMENT_TYPE_RSCP:
+                // RSCP valid values are (-120 through -24) as defined in TS 27.007 8.69
+                if (mWcdmaRscp < MIN_WCDMA_RSCP || mWcdmaRscp > MAX_WCDMA_RSCP) {
+                    if (mWcdmaRscp != INVALID) {
+              , "getWcdmaLevel - invalid WCDMA RSCP: mWcdmaRscp="
+                                + mWcdmaRscp);
+                    }
+                } else if (mWcdmaRscp >= mWcdmaRscpThresholds[3]) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT;
+                } else if (mWcdmaRscp >= mWcdmaRscpThresholds[2]) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD;
+                } else if (mWcdmaRscp >= mWcdmaRscpThresholds[1]) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE;
+                } else if (mWcdmaRscp >= mWcdmaRscpThresholds[0]) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_POOR;
+                }
+                if (DBG) log("getWcdmaLevel=" + level + " WcdmaRscp=" + mWcdmaRscp);
+                break;
+            default:
+                // RSSI valid values are (0..31) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5
+                if (mWcdmaSignalStrength < 0 || mWcdmaSignalStrength > 31) {
+                    if (mWcdmaSignalStrength != 99) {
+              , "getWcdmaLevel - invalid WCDMA RSSI: mWcdmaSignalStrength="
+                                + mWcdmaSignalStrength);
+                    }
+                } else if (mWcdmaSignalStrength >= 18) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GREAT;
+                } else if (mWcdmaSignalStrength >= 13) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD;
+                } else if (mWcdmaSignalStrength >= 8) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_MODERATE;
+                } else if (mWcdmaSignalStrength >= 3) {
+                    level = SIGNAL_STRENGTH_POOR;
+                }
+                if (DBG) log("getWcdmaLevel=" + level + " WcdmaSignalStrength=" +
+                        mWcdmaSignalStrength);
+                break;
+        }
+        return level;
+    }
      * @return hash code
@@ -911,8 +1122,11 @@
                 + (mEvdoDbm * primeNum) + (mEvdoEcio * primeNum) + (mEvdoSnr * primeNum)
                 + (mLteSignalStrength * primeNum) + (mLteRsrp * primeNum)
                 + (mLteRsrq * primeNum) + (mLteRssnr * primeNum) + (mLteCqi * primeNum)
-                + (mLteRsrpBoost * primeNum) + (mTdScdmaRscp * primeNum) + (mIsGsm ? 1 : 0)
-                + (mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel ? 1 : 0) + (Arrays.hashCode(mLteRsrpThresholds)));
+                + (mLteRsrpBoost * primeNum) + (mTdScdmaRscp * primeNum)
+                + (mWcdmaSignalStrength * primeNum) + (mWcdmaRscpAsu * primeNum)
+                + (mWcdmaRscp * primeNum) + (mIsGsm ? 1 : 0) + (mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel ? 1 : 0)
+                + (Objects.hashCode(mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement))
+                + (Arrays.hashCode(mLteRsrpThresholds)) + (Arrays.hashCode(mWcdmaRscpThresholds)));
@@ -946,9 +1160,14 @@
                 && mLteCqi == s.mLteCqi
                 && mLteRsrpBoost == s.mLteRsrpBoost
                 && mTdScdmaRscp == s.mTdScdmaRscp
+                && mWcdmaSignalStrength == s.mWcdmaSignalStrength
+                && mWcdmaRscpAsu == s.mWcdmaRscpAsu
+                && mWcdmaRscp == s.mWcdmaRscp
                 && mIsGsm == s.mIsGsm
                 && mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel == s.mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel
-                && Arrays.equals(mLteRsrpThresholds, s.mLteRsrpThresholds));
+                && Objects.equals(mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement, s.mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement)
+                && Arrays.equals(mLteRsrpThresholds, s.mLteRsrpThresholds)
+                && Arrays.equals(mWcdmaRscpThresholds, s.mWcdmaRscpThresholds));
@@ -971,10 +1190,15 @@
                 + " " + mLteCqi
                 + " " + mLteRsrpBoost
                 + " " + mTdScdmaRscp
+                + " " + mWcdmaSignalStrength
+                + " " + mWcdmaRscpAsu
+                + " " + mWcdmaRscp
                 + " " + (mIsGsm ? "gsm|lte" : "cdma")
                 + " " + (mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel ? "use_only_rsrp_for_lte_level" :
-                + " " + (Arrays.toString(mLteRsrpThresholds)));
+                + " " + mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement
+                + " " + (Arrays.toString(mLteRsrpThresholds))
+                + " " + (Arrays.toString(mWcdmaRscpThresholds)));
     /** Returns the signal strength related to GSM. */
@@ -983,7 +1207,10 @@
         if (level == SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN) {
             level = getTdScdmaLevel();
             if (level == SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN) {
-                level = getGsmLevel();
+                level = getWcdmaLevel();
+                if (level == SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN) {
+                    level = getGsmLevel();
+                }
         return level;
@@ -1028,12 +1255,20 @@
         mLteCqi = m.getInt("LteCqi");
         mLteRsrpBoost = m.getInt("LteRsrpBoost");
         mTdScdmaRscp = m.getInt("TdScdma");
+        mWcdmaSignalStrength = m.getInt("WcdmaSignalStrength");
+        mWcdmaRscpAsu = m.getInt("WcdmaRscpAsu");
+        mWcdmaRscp = m.getInt("WcdmaRscp");
         mIsGsm = m.getBoolean("IsGsm");
         mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel = m.getBoolean("UseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel");
+        mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement = m.getString("WcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement");
         ArrayList<Integer> lteRsrpThresholds = m.getIntegerArrayList("lteRsrpThresholds");
         for (int i = 0; i < lteRsrpThresholds.size(); i++) {
             mLteRsrpThresholds[i] = lteRsrpThresholds.get(i);
+        ArrayList<Integer> wcdmaRscpThresholds = m.getIntegerArrayList("wcdmaRscpThresholds");
+        for (int i = 0; i < wcdmaRscpThresholds.size(); i++) {
+            mWcdmaRscpThresholds[i] = wcdmaRscpThresholds.get(i);
+        }
@@ -1057,13 +1292,22 @@
         m.putInt("LteCqi", mLteCqi);
         m.putInt("LteRsrpBoost", mLteRsrpBoost);
         m.putInt("TdScdma", mTdScdmaRscp);
+        m.putInt("WcdmaSignalStrength", mWcdmaSignalStrength);
+        m.putInt("WcdmaRscpAsu", mWcdmaRscpAsu);
+        m.putInt("WcdmaRscp", mWcdmaRscp);
         m.putBoolean("IsGsm", mIsGsm);
         m.putBoolean("UseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel", mUseOnlyRsrpForLteLevel);
+        m.putString("WcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement", mWcdmaDefaultSignalMeasurement);
         ArrayList<Integer> lteRsrpThresholds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
         for (int value : mLteRsrpThresholds) {
         m.putIntegerArrayList("lteRsrpThresholds", lteRsrpThresholds);
+        ArrayList<Integer> wcdmaRscpThresholds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
+        for (int value : mWcdmaRscpThresholds) {
+            wcdmaRscpThresholds.add(value);
+        }
+        m.putIntegerArrayList("wcdmaRscpThresholds", wcdmaRscpThresholds);
@@ -1077,6 +1321,16 @@
+     * Gets the default threshold array for determining the display level of WCDMA signal bar.
+     *
+     * @return int array for determining the display level.
+     */
+    private int[] getDefaultWcdmaRscpThresholds() {
+        return CarrierConfigManager.getDefaultConfig().getIntArray(
+                CarrierConfigManager.KEY_WCDMA_RSCP_THRESHOLDS_INT_ARRAY);
+    }
+    /**
      * log
     private static void log(String s) {
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 9a45e7b..7506f4a 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 package android.telephony;
 import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
+import android.annotation.SuppressAutoDoc;
 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
@@ -338,16 +339,17 @@
      * Send a text based SMS without writing it into the SMS Provider.
-     * <p>Requires Permission:
-     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SEND_SMS} and
-     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or the calling app has carrier
-     * privileges.
-     * </p>
+     * <p>Requires Permission: Both {@link android.Manifest.permission#SEND_SMS} and
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}, or that the calling app has carrier
+     * privileges (see {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}), or that the calling app is
+     * the default IMS app (see
+     * {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_CONFIG_IMS_PACKAGE_OVERRIDE_STRING}).
      * @see #sendTextMessage(String, String, String, PendingIntent, PendingIntent)
      * @hide
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     @RequiresPermission(allOf = {
@@ -391,6 +393,112 @@
+     * Send a text based SMS with messaging options.
+     *
+     * @param destinationAddress the address to send the message to
+     * @param scAddress is the service center address or null to use
+     *  the current default SMSC
+     * @param text the body of the message to send
+     * @param sentIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
+     *  broadcast when the message is successfully sent, or failed.
+     *  The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK</code> for success,
+     *  or one of these errors:<br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *  For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> the sentIntent may include
+     *  the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *  generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
+     *  The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
+     *  is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications,
+     *  which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
+     * @param deliveryIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
+     *  broadcast when the message is delivered to the recipient.  The
+     *  raw pdu of the status report is in the extended data ("pdu").
+     * @param priority Priority level of the message
+     *  Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *  PRIORITY      | Level of Priority
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *      '00'      |     Normal
+     *      '01'      |     Interactive
+     *      '10'      |     Urgent
+     *      '11'      |     Emergency
+     *  ----------------------------------
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message.
+     * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending messages through same link or not.
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins.
+     *  Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section
+     *  Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins
+     *  Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks).
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message.
+     *
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if destinationAddress or text are empty
+     * {@hide}
+     */
+    public void sendTextMessage(
+            String destinationAddress, String scAddress, String text,
+            PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent,
+            int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod) {
+        sendTextMessageInternal(destinationAddress, scAddress, text, sentIntent, deliveryIntent,
+                true /* persistMessage*/, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod);
+    }
+    private void sendTextMessageInternal(
+            String destinationAddress, String scAddress, String text,
+            PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent, boolean persistMessage,
+            int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod) {
+        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(destinationAddress)) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid destinationAddress");
+        }
+        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid message body");
+        }
+        if (priority < 0x00 || priority > 0x03) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid priority");
+        }
+        if (validityPeriod < 0x05 || validityPeriod > 0x09b0a0) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid validity period");
+        }
+        try {
+             ISms iccISms = getISmsServiceOrThrow();
+            if (iccISms != null) {
+                iccISms.sendTextForSubscriberWithOptions(getSubscriptionId(),
+                        ActivityThread.currentPackageName(), destinationAddress, scAddress, text,
+                        sentIntent, deliveryIntent, persistMessage,  priority, expectMore,
+                        validityPeriod);
+            }
+        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+            // ignore it
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send a text based SMS without writing it into the SMS Provider.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or the calling app has carrier
+     * privileges.
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * @see #sendTextMessage(String, String, String, PendingIntent,
+     * PendingIntent, int, boolean, int)
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public void sendTextMessageWithoutPersisting(
+            String destinationAddress, String scAddress, String text,
+            PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent, int priority,
+            boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod) {
+        sendTextMessageInternal(destinationAddress, scAddress, text, sentIntent, deliveryIntent,
+                false /* persistMessage */, priority, expectMore, validityPeriod);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
      * Inject an SMS PDU into the android application framework.
      * <p>Requires permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or carrier
@@ -545,6 +653,140 @@
+     * Send a multi-part text based SMS with messaging options. The callee should have already
+     * divided the message into correctly sized parts by calling
+     * <code>divideMessage</code>.
+     *
+     * <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Using this method requires that your app has the
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SEND_SMS} permission.</p>
+     *
+     * <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Beginning with Android 4.4 (API level 19), if
+     * <em>and only if</em> an app is not selected as the default SMS app, the system automatically
+     * writes messages sent using this method to the SMS Provider (the default SMS app is always
+     * responsible for writing its sent messages to the SMS Provider). For information about
+     * how to behave as the default SMS app, see {@link android.provider.Telephony}.</p>
+     *
+     * @param destinationAddress the address to send the message to
+     * @param scAddress is the service center address or null to use
+     *   the current default SMSC
+     * @param parts an <code>ArrayList</code> of strings that, in order,
+     *   comprise the original message
+     * @param sentIntents if not null, an <code>ArrayList</code> of
+     *   <code>PendingIntent</code>s (one for each message part) that is
+     *   broadcast when the corresponding message part has been sent.
+     *   The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK</code> for success,
+     *   or one of these errors:<br>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *   For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> each sentIntent may include
+     *   the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *   generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
+     *   The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
+     *   is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications,
+     *   which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
+     * @param deliveryIntents if not null, an <code>ArrayList</code> of
+     *   <code>PendingIntent</code>s (one for each message part) that is
+     *   broadcast when the corresponding message part has been delivered
+     *   to the recipient.  The raw pdu of the status report is in the
+     *   extended data ("pdu").
+     * @param priority Priority level of the message
+     *  Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *  PRIORITY      | Level of Priority
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *      '00'      |     Normal
+     *      '01'      |     Interactive
+     *      '10'      |     Urgent
+     *      '11'      |     Emergency
+     *  ----------------------------------
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message.
+     * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending messages through same link or not.
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins.
+     *  Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section
+     *  Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins
+     *  Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks).
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message.
+     *
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if destinationAddress or data are empty
+     * {@hide}
+     */
+    public void sendMultipartTextMessage(
+            String destinationAddress, String scAddress, ArrayList<String> parts,
+            ArrayList<PendingIntent> sentIntents, ArrayList<PendingIntent> deliveryIntents,
+            int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod) {
+        sendMultipartTextMessageInternal(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts, sentIntents,
+                deliveryIntents, true /* persistMessage*/);
+    }
+    private void sendMultipartTextMessageInternal(
+            String destinationAddress, String scAddress, List<String> parts,
+            List<PendingIntent> sentIntents, List<PendingIntent> deliveryIntents,
+            boolean persistMessage, int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod) {
+        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(destinationAddress)) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid destinationAddress");
+        }
+        if (parts == null || parts.size() < 1) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid message body");
+        }
+        if (priority < 0x00 || priority > 0x03) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid priority");
+        }
+        if (validityPeriod < 0x05 || validityPeriod > 0x09b0a0) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid validity period");
+        }
+        if (parts.size() > 1) {
+            try {
+                 ISms iccISms = getISmsServiceOrThrow();
+                if (iccISms != null) {
+                    iccISms.sendMultipartTextForSubscriberWithOptions(getSubscriptionId(),
+                            ActivityThread.currentPackageName(), destinationAddress, scAddress,
+                            parts, sentIntents, deliveryIntents, persistMessage, priority,
+                            expectMore, validityPeriod);
+                }
+            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+                // ignore it
+            }
+        } else {
+            PendingIntent sentIntent = null;
+            PendingIntent deliveryIntent = null;
+            if (sentIntents != null && sentIntents.size() > 0) {
+                sentIntent = sentIntents.get(0);
+            }
+            if (deliveryIntents != null && deliveryIntents.size() > 0) {
+                deliveryIntent = deliveryIntents.get(0);
+            }
+            sendTextMessageInternal(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts.get(0),
+                    sentIntent, deliveryIntent, persistMessage, priority, expectMore,
+                    validityPeriod);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send a multi-part text based SMS without writing it into the SMS Provider.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or the calling app has carrier
+     * privileges.
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * @see #sendMultipartTextMessage(String, String, ArrayList, ArrayList,
+     * ArrayList, int, boolean, int)
+     * @hide
+     **/
+    public void sendMultipartTextMessageWithoutPersisting(
+            String destinationAddress, String scAddress, List<String> parts,
+            List<PendingIntent> sentIntents, List<PendingIntent> deliveryIntents,
+            int priority, boolean expectMore, int validityPeriod) {
+        sendMultipartTextMessageInternal(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts, sentIntents,
+                deliveryIntents, false /* persistMessage*/, priority, expectMore,
+                validityPeriod);
+    }
+   /**
      * Send a data based SMS to a specific application port.
      * <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Using this method requires that your app has the
@@ -1007,7 +1249,7 @@
      *   <code>getAllMessagesFromIcc</code>
      * @return <code>ArrayList</code> of <code>SmsMessage</code> objects.
-    private static ArrayList<SmsMessage> createMessageListFromRawRecords(List<SmsRawData> records) {
+    private ArrayList<SmsMessage> createMessageListFromRawRecords(List<SmsRawData> records) {
         ArrayList<SmsMessage> messages = new ArrayList<SmsMessage>();
         if (records != null) {
             int count = records.size();
@@ -1015,7 +1257,8 @@
                 SmsRawData data = records.get(i);
                 // List contains all records, including "free" records (null)
                 if (data != null) {
-                    SmsMessage sms = SmsMessage.createFromEfRecord(i+1, data.getBytes());
+                    SmsMessage sms = SmsMessage.createFromEfRecord(i+1, data.getBytes(),
+                            getSubscriptionId());
                     if (sms != null) {
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 6e083c2..f336af1 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -198,7 +198,10 @@
     public static SmsMessage createFromPdu(byte[] pdu, String format) {
         SmsMessageBase wrappedMessage;
+        if (pdu == null) {
+            Rlog.i(LOG_TAG, "createFromPdu(): pdu is null");
+            return null;
+        }
         if (SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP2.equals(format)) {
             wrappedMessage =;
         } else if (SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP.equals(format)) {
@@ -268,6 +271,31 @@
+     * Create an SmsMessage from an SMS EF record.
+     *
+     * @param index Index of SMS record. This should be index in ArrayList
+     *              returned by SmsManager.getAllMessagesFromSim + 1.
+     * @param data Record data.
+     * @param subId Subscription Id of the SMS
+     * @return An SmsMessage representing the record.
+     *
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static SmsMessage createFromEfRecord(int index, byte[] data, int subId) {
+        SmsMessageBase wrappedMessage;
+        if (isCdmaVoice(subId)) {
+            wrappedMessage =
+                    index, data);
+        } else {
+            wrappedMessage =
+                    index, data);
+        }
+        return wrappedMessage != null ? new SmsMessage(wrappedMessage) : null;
+    }
+    /**
      * Get the TP-Layer-Length for the given SMS-SUBMIT PDU Basically, the
      * length in bytes (not hex chars) less the SMSC header
@@ -827,6 +855,7 @@
          int activePhone = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getCurrentPhoneType(subId);
          return (PHONE_TYPE_CDMA == activePhone);
      * Decide if the carrier supports long SMS.
      * {@hide}
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 77413d9c..936505c 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
         return this.mCountryIso;
-    /** @return whether the subscription is an embedded one. */
+    /** @return whether the subscription is an eUICC one. */
     public boolean isEmbedded() {
         return this.mIsEmbedded;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index d09d426..1d7b724 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
 package android.telephony;
 import android.annotation.NonNull;
+import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
-import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;
+import android.annotation.SuppressAutoDoc;
+import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import android.annotation.SystemService;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
@@ -47,9 +49,6 @@
  * SubscriptionManager is the application interface to SubscriptionController
  * and provides information about the current Telephony Subscriptions.
- * <p>
- * All SDK public methods require android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE unless otherwise
- * specified.
 public class SubscriptionManager {
@@ -590,9 +589,15 @@
      * Get the active SubscriptionInfo with the input subId.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param subId The unique SubscriptionInfo key in database.
      * @return SubscriptionInfo, maybe null if its not active.
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)
     public SubscriptionInfo getActiveSubscriptionInfo(int subId) {
         if (VDBG) logd("[getActiveSubscriptionInfo]+ subId=" + subId);
         if (!isValidSubscriptionId(subId)) {
@@ -646,9 +651,16 @@
      * Get the active SubscriptionInfo associated with the slotIndex
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param slotIndex the slot which the subscription is inserted
      * @return SubscriptionInfo, maybe null if its not active
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)
     public SubscriptionInfo getActiveSubscriptionInfoForSimSlotIndex(int slotIndex) {
         if (VDBG) logd("[getActiveSubscriptionInfoForSimSlotIndex]+ slotIndex=" + slotIndex);
         if (!isValidSlotIndex(slotIndex)) {
@@ -700,6 +712,11 @@
      * Get the SubscriptionInfo(s) of the currently inserted SIM(s). The records will be sorted
      * by {@link SubscriptionInfo#getSimSlotIndex} then by {@link SubscriptionInfo#getSubscriptionId}.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}). In the latter case, only records accessible
+     * to the calling app are returned.
+     *
      * @return Sorted list of the currently {@link SubscriptionInfo} records available on the device.
      * <ul>
      * <li>
@@ -716,6 +733,8 @@
      * </li>
      * </ul>
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)
     public List<SubscriptionInfo> getActiveSubscriptionInfoList() {
         List<SubscriptionInfo> result = null;
@@ -858,10 +877,18 @@
+     *
+     * Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}). In the latter case, the count will include
+     * only those subscriptions accessible to the caller.
+     *
      * @return the current number of active subscriptions. There is no guarantee the value
      * returned by this method will be the same as the length of the list returned by
      * {@link #getActiveSubscriptionInfoList}.
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)
     public int getActiveSubscriptionInfoCount() {
         int result = 0;
@@ -1677,26 +1704,28 @@
      * @param info The subscription to check.
      * @return whether the app is authorized to manage this subscription per its metadata.
-     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this subscription is not embedded.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this subscription is not embedded.
     public boolean canManageSubscription(SubscriptionInfo info) {
         return canManageSubscription(info, mContext.getPackageName());
-     * Checks whether the given app is authorized to manage the given subscription according to its
-     * metadata. Only supported for embedded subscriptions (if {@code SubscriptionInfo#isEmbedded}
+     * Checks whether the given app is authorized to manage the given subscription. An app can only
+     * be authorized if it is included in the {@link android.telephony.UiccAccessRule} of the
+     * {@link android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo} with the access status.
+     * Only supported for embedded subscriptions (if {@link SubscriptionInfo#isEmbedded}
      * returns true).
      * @param info The subscription to check.
      * @param packageName Package name of the app to check.
-     * @return whether the app is authorized to manage this subscription per its metadata.
-     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this subscription is not embedded.
+     * @return whether the app is authorized to manage this subscription per its access rules.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this subscription is not embedded.
      * @hide
     public boolean canManageSubscription(SubscriptionInfo info, String packageName) {
         if (!info.isEmbedded()) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not an embedded subscription");
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an embedded subscription");
         if (info.getAccessRules() == null) {
             return false;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index e7f0cc2..f1653ce 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -1103,10 +1103,15 @@
-             * Broadcast Action: A debug code has been entered in the dialer. These "secret codes"
-             * are used to activate developer menus by dialing certain codes. And they are of the
-             * form {@code *#*#&lt;code&gt;#*#*}. The intent will have the data URI:
-             * {@code android_secret_code://&lt;code&gt;}.
+             * Broadcast Action: A debug code has been entered in the dialer. This intent is
+             * broadcast by the system and OEM telephony apps may need to receive these broadcasts.
+             * These "secret codes" are used to activate developer menus by dialing certain codes.
+             * And they are of the form {@code *#*#&lt;code&gt;#*#*}. The intent will have the data
+             * URI: {@code android_secret_code://&lt;code&gt;}. It is possible that a manifest
+             * receiver would be woken up even if it is not currently running.
+             *
+             * <p>Requires {@code android.Manifest.permission#CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE} to
+             * send and receive.</p>
             public static final String SECRET_CODE_ACTION =
@@ -3160,8 +3165,8 @@
             values.put(RIL_VOICE_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY, state.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology());
             values.put(RIL_DATA_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY, state.getRilDataRadioTechnology());
             values.put(CSS_INDICATOR, state.getCssIndicator());
-            values.put(NETWORK_ID, state.getNetworkId());
-            values.put(SYSTEM_ID, state.getSystemId());
+            values.put(NETWORK_ID, state.getCdmaNetworkId());
+            values.put(SYSTEM_ID, state.getCdmaSystemId());
             values.put(CDMA_ROAMING_INDICATOR, state.getCdmaRoamingIndicator());
             values.put(CDMA_DEFAULT_ROAMING_INDICATOR, state.getCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator());
             values.put(CDMA_ERI_ICON_INDEX, state.getCdmaEriIconIndex());
@@ -3291,13 +3296,13 @@
         public static final String CSS_INDICATOR = "css_indicator";
-         * This is the same as {@link ServiceState#getNetworkId()}.
+         * This is the same as {@link ServiceState#getCdmaNetworkId()}.
          * @hide
         public static final String NETWORK_ID = "network_id";
-         * This is the same as {@link ServiceState#getSystemId()}.
+         * This is the same as {@link ServiceState#getCdmaSystemId()}.
          * @hide
         public static final String SYSTEM_ID = "system_id";
@@ -3351,23 +3356,23 @@
      * Contains carrier identification information for the current subscriptions.
      * @see SubscriptionManager#getActiveSubscriptionIdList()
-    public static final class CarrierIdentification implements BaseColumns {
+    public static final class CarrierId implements BaseColumns {
          * Not instantiable.
          * @hide
-        private CarrierIdentification() {}
+        private CarrierId() {}
          * The {@code content://} style URI for this provider.
-        public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://carrier_identification");
+        public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://carrier_id");
-         * The authority string for the CarrierIdentification Provider
+         * The authority string for the CarrierId Provider
          * @hide
-        public static final String AUTHORITY = "carrier_identification";
+        public static final String AUTHORITY = "carrier_id";
@@ -3375,7 +3380,7 @@
          * on the given subscriptionId
          * <p>
          * Use this {@link Uri} with a {@link ContentObserver} to be notified of changes to the
-         * carrier identity {@link TelephonyManager#getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription()}
+         * carrier identity {@link TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId()}
          * while your app is running. You can also use a {@link JobService} to ensure your app
          * is notified of changes to the {@link Uri} even when it is not running.
          * Note, however, that using a {@link JobService} does not guarantee timely delivery of
@@ -3391,17 +3396,17 @@
          * A user facing carrier name.
-         * @see TelephonyManager#getAndroidCarrierNameForSubscription()
+         * @see TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierIdName()
          * <P>Type: TEXT </P>
-        public static final String NAME = "carrier_name";
+        public static final String CARRIER_NAME = "carrier_name";
          * A unique carrier id
-         * @see TelephonyManager#getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription()
+         * @see TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId()
          * <P>Type: INTEGER </P>
-        public static final String CID = "carrier_id";
+        public static final String CARRIER_ID = "carrier_id";
          * Contains mappings between matching rules with carrier id for all carriers.
@@ -3459,7 +3464,7 @@
              * The {@code content://} URI for this table.
-            public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://carrier_identification/all");
+            public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://carrier_id/all");
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 0c92a68..49094604 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;
+import android.annotation.SuppressAutoDoc;
 import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import android.annotation.SystemService;
@@ -34,10 +35,12 @@
+import android.os.AsyncTask;
 import android.os.BatteryStats;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.PersistableBundle;
+import android.os.Process;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.os.ResultReceiver;
 import android.os.ServiceManager;
@@ -46,12 +49,12 @@
 import android.service.carrier.CarrierIdentifier;
 import android.telecom.PhoneAccount;
 import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle;
+import android.telecom.TelecomManager;
 import android.telephony.VisualVoicemailService.VisualVoicemailTask;
 import android.telephony.ims.aidl.IImsConfig;
 import android.telephony.ims.aidl.IImsMmTelFeature;
 import android.telephony.ims.aidl.IImsRcsFeature;
 import android.telephony.ims.aidl.IImsRegistration;
-import android.telephony.ims.feature.ImsFeature;
 import android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsRegistrationImplBase;
 import android.util.Log;
@@ -73,6 +76,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@@ -108,6 +112,13 @@
+     * The process name of the Phone app as well as many other apps that use this process name, such
+     * as settings and vendor components.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final String PHONE_PROCESS_NAME = "";
+    /**
      * The allowed states of Wi-Fi calling.
      * @hide
@@ -204,6 +215,10 @@
         return ActivityThread.currentOpPackageName();
+    private boolean isSystemProcess() {
+        return Process.myUid() == Process.SYSTEM_UID;
+    }
      * Returns the multi SIM variant
      * Returns DSDS for Dual SIM Dual Standby
@@ -1047,7 +1062,7 @@
      * An int extra used with {@link #ACTION_SUBSCRIPTION_CARRIER_IDENTITY_CHANGED} which indicates
-     * the updated carrier id {@link TelephonyManager#getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription()} of
+     * the updated carrier id {@link TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId()} of
      * the current subscription.
      * <p>Will be {@link TelephonyManager#UNKNOWN_CARRIER_ID} if the subscription is unavailable or
      * the carrier cannot be identified.
@@ -1057,7 +1072,7 @@
      * An string extra used with {@link #ACTION_SUBSCRIPTION_CARRIER_IDENTITY_CHANGED} which
      * indicates the updated carrier name of the current subscription.
-     * {@see TelephonyManager#getSubscriptionCarrierName()}
+     * {@see TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierIdName()}
      * <p>Carrier name is a user-facing name of the carrier id {@link #EXTRA_CARRIER_ID},
      * usually the brand name of the subsidiary (e.g. T-Mobile).
@@ -1080,7 +1095,11 @@
      * Returns the software version number for the device, for example,
      * the IMEI/SV for GSM phones. Return null if the software version is
      * not available.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getDeviceSoftwareVersion() {
         return getDeviceSoftwareVersion(getSlotIndex());
@@ -1112,10 +1131,14 @@
      * Returns the unique device ID, for example, the IMEI for GSM and the MEID
      * or ESN for CDMA phones. Return null if device ID is not available.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @deprecated Use (@link getImei} which returns IMEI for GSM or (@link getMeid} which returns
      * MEID for CDMA.
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getDeviceId() {
         try {
@@ -1134,12 +1157,16 @@
      * Returns the unique device ID of a subscription, for example, the IMEI for
      * GSM and the MEID for CDMA phones. Return null if device ID is not available.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param slotIndex of which deviceID is returned
      * @deprecated Use (@link getImei} which returns IMEI for GSM or (@link getMeid} which returns
      * MEID for CDMA.
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getDeviceId(int slotIndex) {
         // FIXME this assumes phoneId == slotIndex
@@ -1158,7 +1185,11 @@
      * Returns the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). Return null if IMEI is not
      * available.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getImei() {
         return getImei(getSlotIndex());
@@ -1168,8 +1199,12 @@
      * Returns the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). Return null if IMEI is not
      * available.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param slotIndex of which IMEI is returned
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getImei(int slotIndex) {
         ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -1186,7 +1221,11 @@
      * Returns the MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier). Return null if MEID is not available.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getMeid() {
         return getMeid(getSlotIndex());
@@ -1195,8 +1234,12 @@
      * Returns the MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier). Return null if MEID is not available.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param slotIndex of which MEID is returned
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getMeid(int slotIndex) {
         ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -1213,10 +1256,11 @@
      * Returns the Network Access Identifier (NAI). Return null if NAI is not available.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getNai() {
         return getNaiBySubscriberId(getSubId());
@@ -1713,10 +1757,17 @@
      * invalid subscription ID is pinned to the TelephonyManager, the returned config will contain
      * default values.
+     * <p>This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a
+     * worker thread.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @see CarrierConfigManager#getConfigForSubId(int)
      * @see #createForSubscriptionId(int)
      * @see #createForPhoneAccountHandle(PhoneAccountHandle)
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public PersistableBundle getCarrierConfig() {
@@ -1916,6 +1967,9 @@
      * If this object has been created with {@link #createForSubscriptionId}, applies to the given
      * subId. Otherwise, applies to {@link SubscriptionManager#getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()}
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @return the network type
@@ -1935,6 +1989,7 @@
      * @see #NETWORK_TYPE_EHRPD
      * @see #NETWORK_TYPE_HSPAP
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public int getDataNetworkType() {
         return getDataNetworkType(getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()));
@@ -1969,7 +2024,11 @@
      * Returns the NETWORK_TYPE_xxxx for voice
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public int getVoiceNetworkType() {
         return getVoiceNetworkType(getSubId());
@@ -2555,7 +2614,11 @@
      * Returns the serial number of the SIM, if applicable. Return null if it is
      * unavailable.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getSimSerialNumber() {
          return getSimSerialNumber(getSubId());
@@ -2680,7 +2743,11 @@
      * Returns the unique subscriber ID, for example, the IMSI for a GSM phone.
      * Return null if it is unavailable.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getSubscriberId() {
         return getSubscriberId(getSubId());
@@ -2723,18 +2790,17 @@
      * @return ImsiEncryptionInfo Carrier specific information that will be used to encrypt the
      *         IMSI and IMPI. This includes the public key and the key identifier. This information
      *         will be stored in the device keystore. The system will return a null when no key was
-     *         found, and the carrier does not require a key. The system will throw the following
-     *         exceptions:
-     *         1. IllegalArgumentException when an invalid key is sent.
-     *         2. RuntimeException if the key is required but not found; and also if there was an
-     *         internal exception.
+     *         found, and the carrier does not require a key. The system will throw
+     *         IllegalArgumentException when an invalid key is sent or when key is required but
+     *         not found.
      * @hide
     public ImsiEncryptionInfo getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(int keyType) {
         try {
             IPhoneSubInfo info = getSubscriberInfo();
             if (info == null) {
-                throw new RuntimeException("IMSI error: Subscriber Info is null");
+                Rlog.e(TAG,"IMSI error: Subscriber Info is null");
+                return null;
             int subId = getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId());
             if (keyType != KEY_TYPE_EPDG && keyType != KEY_TYPE_WLAN) {
@@ -2742,19 +2808,46 @@
             ImsiEncryptionInfo imsiEncryptionInfo = info.getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(
                     subId, keyType, mContext.getOpPackageName());
-            if (imsiEncryptionInfo  == null
-                    && isImsiEncryptionRequired(subId, keyType)) {
+            if (imsiEncryptionInfo == null && isImsiEncryptionRequired(subId, keyType)) {
                 Rlog.e(TAG, "IMSI error: key is required but not found");
-                throw new RuntimeException("IMSI error: key is required but not found");
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IMSI error: key is required but not found");
             return imsiEncryptionInfo;
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             Rlog.e(TAG, "getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption RemoteException" + ex);
-            throw new RuntimeException("IMSI error: Remote Exception");
         } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
             // This could happen before phone restarts due to crashing
             Rlog.e(TAG, "getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption NullPointerException" + ex);
-            throw new RuntimeException("IMSI error: Null Pointer exception");
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets the Carrier Keys in the database. This involves 2 steps:
+     *  1. Delete the keys from the database.
+     *  2. Send an intent to download new Certificates.
+     * <p>
+     * Requires Permission:
+     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public void resetCarrierKeysForImsiEncryption() {
+        try {
+            IPhoneSubInfo info = getSubscriberInfo();
+            if (info == null) {
+                Rlog.e(TAG, "IMSI error: Subscriber Info is null");
+                if (!isSystemProcess()) {
+                    throw new RuntimeException("IMSI error: Subscriber Info is null");
+                }
+                return;
+            }
+            int subId = getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId());
+            info.resetCarrierKeysForImsiEncryption(subId, mContext.getOpPackageName());
+        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+            Rlog.e(TAG, "getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption RemoteException" + ex);
+            if (!isSystemProcess()) {
+                ex.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
+            }
@@ -2793,7 +2886,7 @@
      * device keystore.
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param imsiEncryptionInfo which includes the Key Type, the Public Key
      *        ( and the Key Identifier.and the Key Identifier.
      *        The keyIdentifier Attribute value pair that helps a server locate
@@ -2821,14 +2914,18 @@
      * Returns the Group Identifier Level1 for a GSM phone.
      * Return null if it is unavailable.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getGroupIdLevel1() {
         try {
             IPhoneSubInfo info = getSubscriberInfo();
             if (info == null)
                 return null;
-            return info.getGroupIdLevel1(mContext.getOpPackageName());
+            return info.getGroupIdLevel1ForSubscriber(getSubId(), mContext.getOpPackageName());
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             return null;
         } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
@@ -2862,9 +2959,15 @@
      * Returns the phone number string for line 1, for example, the MSISDN
      * for a GSM phone. Return null if it is unavailable.
-     * <p>
-     * The default SMS app can also use this.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     *     {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE},
+     *     {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_SMS READ_SMS},
+     *     {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_NUMBERS READ_PHONE_NUMBERS},
+     *     that the caller is the default SMS app,
+     *     or that the caller has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges or default SMS app
     @RequiresPermission(anyOf = {
@@ -2919,8 +3022,7 @@
      * change the actual MSISDN/MDN. To unset alphatag or number, pass in a null
      * value.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param alphaTag alpha-tagging of the dailing nubmer
      * @param number The dialing number
@@ -2936,8 +3038,7 @@
      * change the actual MSISDN/MDN. To unset alphatag or number, pass in a null
      * value.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId the subscriber that the alphatag and dialing number belongs to.
      * @param alphaTag alpha-tagging of the dailing nubmer
@@ -3056,7 +3157,11 @@
      * Returns the voice mail number. Return null if it is unavailable.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getVoiceMailNumber() {
         return getVoiceMailNumber(getSubId());
@@ -3117,8 +3222,7 @@
      * Sets the voice mail number.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param alphaTag The alpha tag to display.
      * @param number The voicemail number.
@@ -3130,8 +3234,7 @@
      * Sets the voicemail number for the given subscriber.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription id.
      * @param alphaTag The alpha tag to display.
@@ -3152,9 +3255,9 @@
      * Enables or disables the visual voicemail client for a phone account.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app is the default dialer, or has carrier privileges, or
-     * has permission {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app is the default dialer, or has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}), or has permission
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}.
      * @param phoneAccountHandle the phone account to change the client state
      * @param enabled the new state of the client
@@ -3217,11 +3320,15 @@
      * to the TelephonyManager. Returns {@code null} when there is no package responsible for
      * processing visual voicemail for the subscription.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @see #createForSubscriptionId(int)
      * @see #createForPhoneAccountHandle(PhoneAccountHandle)
      * @see VisualVoicemailService
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getVisualVoicemailPackageName() {
         try {
@@ -3410,6 +3517,7 @@
      * Initial SIM activation state, unknown. Not set by any carrier apps.
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
@@ -3420,12 +3528,14 @@
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING = 1;
      * Indicate SIM has been successfully activated with full service
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED = 2;
@@ -3435,6 +3545,7 @@
      * deactivated sim state and set it back to activated after successfully run activation service.
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_DEACTIVATED = 3;
@@ -3442,14 +3553,46 @@
      * note this is currently available for data activation state. For example out of byte sim.
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static final int SIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_RESTRICTED = 4;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef({
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface SimActivationState{}
+     /**
+      * Sets the voice activation state
+      *
+      * <p>Requires Permission:
+      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the
+      * calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+      *
+      * @param activationState The voice activation state
+      * @hide
+      */
+    @SystemApi
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)
+    public void setVoiceActivationState(@SimActivationState int activationState) {
+        setVoiceActivationState(getSubId(), activationState);
+    }
      * Sets the voice activation state for the given subscriber.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the
+     * calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription id.
      * @param activationState The voice activation state of the given subscriber.
@@ -3459,22 +3602,44 @@
      * @hide
-    public void setVoiceActivationState(int subId, int activationState) {
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)
+    public void setVoiceActivationState(int subId, @SimActivationState int activationState) {
         try {
-            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
-            if (telephony != null)
-                telephony.setVoiceActivationState(subId, activationState);
-        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
-        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
-        }
+           ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
+           if (telephony != null)
+               telephony.setVoiceActivationState(subId, activationState);
+       } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+       } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
+       }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the data activation state
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the
+     * calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
+     * @param activationState The data activation state
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)
+    public void setDataActivationState(@SimActivationState int activationState) {
+        setDataActivationState(getSubId(), activationState);
      * Sets the data activation state for the given subscriber.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the
+     * calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription id.
      * @param activationState The data activation state of the given subscriber.
@@ -3485,7 +3650,8 @@
      * @hide
-    public void setDataActivationState(int subId, int activationState) {
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)
+    public void setDataActivationState(int subId, @SimActivationState int activationState) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
             if (telephony != null)
@@ -3496,8 +3662,32 @@
+     * Returns the voice activation state
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
+     * @return voiceActivationState
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE)
+    public @SimActivationState int getVoiceActivationState() {
+        return getVoiceActivationState(getSubId());
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns the voice activation state for the given subscriber.
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param subId The subscription id.
      * @return voiceActivationState for the given subscriber
@@ -3507,8 +3697,8 @@
      * @hide
-    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)
-    public int getVoiceActivationState(int subId) {
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE)
+    public @SimActivationState int getVoiceActivationState(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
             if (telephony != null)
@@ -3520,8 +3710,33 @@
+     * Returns the data activation state
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
+     * @return dataActivationState for the given subscriber
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @SystemApi
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE)
+    public @SimActivationState int getDataActivationState() {
+        return getDataActivationState(getSubId());
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns the data activation state for the given subscriber.
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @param subId The subscription id.
      * @return dataActivationState for the given subscriber
@@ -3532,8 +3747,8 @@
      * @hide
-    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)
-    public int getDataActivationState(int subId) {
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE)
+    public @SimActivationState int getDataActivationState(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
             if (telephony != null)
@@ -3577,7 +3792,11 @@
      * Retrieves the alphabetic identifier associated with the voice
      * mail number.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String getVoiceMailAlphaTag() {
         return getVoiceMailAlphaTag(getSubId());
@@ -3606,27 +3825,29 @@
-     * Send the special dialer code. The IPC caller must be the current default dialer or has
-     * carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * Send the special dialer code. The IPC caller must be the current default dialer or have
+     * carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param inputCode The special dialer code to send
      * @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have carrier privileges or is not the
      *         current default dialer
-     *
-     * @throws IllegalStateException if telephony service is unavailable.
     public void sendDialerSpecialCode(String inputCode) {
         try {
             final ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
+            if (telephony == null) {
+                if (!isSystemProcess()) {
+                    throw new RuntimeException("Telephony service unavailable");
+                }
+                return;
+            }
             telephony.sendDialerSpecialCode(mContext.getOpPackageName(), inputCode);
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             // This could happen if binder process crashes.
-            ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
-        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
-            // This could happen before phone restarts due to crashing
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Telephony service unavailable");
+            if (!isSystemProcess()) {
+                ex.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
+            }
@@ -3699,26 +3920,45 @@
         return IPhoneSubInfo.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("iphonesubinfo"));
-    /** Device call state: No activity. */
+    /**
+     * Device call state: No activity.
+     */
     public static final int CALL_STATE_IDLE = 0;
-    /** Device call state: Ringing. A new call arrived and is
+    /**
+     * Device call state: Ringing. A new call arrived and is
      *  ringing or waiting. In the latter case, another call is
-     *  already active. */
+     *  already active.
+     */
     public static final int CALL_STATE_RINGING = 1;
-    /** Device call state: Off-hook. At least one call exists
-      * that is dialing, active, or on hold, and no calls are ringing
-      * or waiting. */
+    /**
+     * Device call state: Off-hook. At least one call exists
+     * that is dialing, active, or on hold, and no calls are ringing
+     * or waiting.
+     */
     public static final int CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK = 2;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "CALL_STATE_" }, value = {
+            CALL_STATE_IDLE,
+            CALL_STATE_RINGING,
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface CallState{}
-     * Returns one of the following constants that represents the current state of all
-     * phone calls.
+     * Returns the state of all calls on the device.
+     * <p>
+     * This method considers not only calls in the Telephony stack, but also calls via other
+     * {@link android.telecom.ConnectionService} implementations.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: The call state returned via this method may differ from what is reported by
+     * {@link PhoneStateListener#onCallStateChanged(int, String)}, as that callback only considers
+     * Telephony (mobile) calls.
-     * {@link TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_RINGING}
-     * {@link TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK}
-     * {@link TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_IDLE}
+     * @return the current call state.
-    public int getCallState() {
+    public @CallState int getCallState() {
         try {
             ITelecomService telecom = getTelecomService();
             if (telecom != null) {
@@ -3731,23 +3971,31 @@
-     * Returns a constant indicating the call state (cellular) on the device
-     * for a subscription.
+     * Returns the Telephony call state for calls on a specific subscription.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This method considers ONLY telephony/mobile calls, where {@link #getCallState()}
+     * considers the state of calls from other {@link android.telecom.ConnectionService}
+     * implementations.
-     * @param subId whose call state is returned
+     * @param subId the subscription to check call state for.
      * @hide
-    public int getCallState(int subId) {
+    public @CallState int getCallState(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
         return getCallStateForSlot(phoneId);
-     * See getCallState.
+     * Returns the Telephony call state for calls on a specific SIM slot.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This method considers ONLY telephony/mobile calls, where {@link #getCallState()}
+     * considers the state of calls from other {@link android.telecom.ConnectionService}
+     * implementations.
+     * @param slotIndex the SIM slot index to check call state for.
      * @hide
-    public int getCallStateForSlot(int slotIndex) {
+    public @CallState int getCallStateForSlot(int slotIndex) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
             if (telephony == null)
@@ -4136,8 +4384,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CCHO command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param AID Application id. See ETSI 102.221 and 101.220.
      * @return an IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse object.
@@ -4154,8 +4402,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CCHO command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param AID Application id. See ETSI 102.221 and 101.220.
      * @param p2 P2 parameter (described in ISO 7816-4).
@@ -4171,8 +4419,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CCHO command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param AID Application id. See ETSI 102.221 and 101.220.
@@ -4197,8 +4445,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CCHC command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param channel is the channel id to be closed as retruned by a successful
      *            iccOpenLogicalChannel.
@@ -4214,8 +4462,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CCHC command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param channel is the channel id to be closed as retruned by a successful
@@ -4240,8 +4488,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CGLA command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param channel is the channel id to be closed as returned by a successful
      *            iccOpenLogicalChannel.
@@ -4267,8 +4515,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CGLA command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param channel is the channel id to be closed as returned by a successful
@@ -4303,8 +4551,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CSIM command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param cla Class of the APDU command.
      * @param instruction Instruction of the APDU command.
@@ -4328,8 +4576,8 @@
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CSIM command.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param cla Class of the APDU command.
@@ -4360,8 +4608,8 @@
      * Returns the response APDU for a command APDU sent through SIM_IO.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param fileID
      * @param command
@@ -4380,8 +4628,8 @@
      * Returns the response APDU for a command APDU sent through SIM_IO.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param fileID
@@ -4409,8 +4657,8 @@
      * Send ENVELOPE to the SIM and return the response.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param content String containing SAT/USAT response in hexadecimal
      *                format starting with command tag. See TS 102 223 for
@@ -4427,8 +4675,8 @@
      * Send ENVELOPE to the SIM and return the response.
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param content String containing SAT/USAT response in hexadecimal
@@ -4453,10 +4701,10 @@
      * Read one of the NV items defined in
      * Used for device configuration by some CDMA operators.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param itemID the ID of the item to read.
      * @return the NV item as a String, or null on any failure.
@@ -4479,10 +4727,10 @@
      * Write one of the NV items defined in
      * Used for device configuration by some CDMA operators.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param itemID the ID of the item to read.
      * @param itemValue the value to write, as a String.
@@ -4506,10 +4754,10 @@
      * Update the CDMA Preferred Roaming List (PRL) in the radio NV storage.
      * Used for device configuration by some CDMA operators.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param preferredRoamingList byte array containing the new PRL.
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
@@ -4533,10 +4781,10 @@
      * Perform the specified type of NV config reset. The radio will be taken offline
      * and the device must be rebooted after the operation. Used for device
      * configuration by some CDMA operators.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param resetType reset type: 1: reload NV reset, 2: erase NV reset, 3: factory NV reset
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
@@ -4751,10 +4999,10 @@
         String v = android.provider.Settings.Global.getString(cr, name);
         if (index == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("putIntAtIndex index == MAX_VALUE index=" + index);
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("putIntAtIndex index == MAX_VALUE index=" + index);
         if (index < 0) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("putIntAtIndex index < 0 index=" + index);
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("putIntAtIndex index < 0 index=" + index);
         if (v != null) {
             valArray = v.split(",");
@@ -4884,8 +5132,8 @@
      * Returns the response of authentication for the default subscription.
      * Returns null if the authentication hasn't been successful
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges or READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE
-     * permission.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param appType the icc application type, like {@link #APPTYPE_USIM}
      * @param authType the authentication type, {@link #AUTHTYPE_EAP_AKA} or
@@ -4893,9 +5141,10 @@
      * @param data authentication challenge data, base64 encoded.
      * See 3GPP TS 31.102 7.1.2 for more details.
      * @return the response of authentication, or null if not available
-     *
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+    // TODO(b/73660190): This should probably require MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, not
+    // READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE. It certainly shouldn't reference the permission in Javadoc since
+    // it's not public API.
     public String getIccAuthentication(int appType, int authType, String data) {
         return getIccAuthentication(getSubId(), appType, authType, data);
@@ -4904,7 +5153,7 @@
      * Returns the response of USIM Authentication for specified subId.
      * Returns null if the authentication hasn't been successful
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId subscription ID used for authentication
      * @param appType the icc application type, like {@link #APPTYPE_USIM}
@@ -4913,8 +5162,6 @@
      * @param data authentication challenge data, base64 encoded.
      * See 3GPP TS 31.102 7.1.2 for more details.
      * @return the response of authentication, or null if not available
-     *
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @hide
     public String getIccAuthentication(int subId, int appType, int authType, String data) {
@@ -4935,8 +5182,12 @@
      * Returns an array of Forbidden PLMNs from the USIM App
      * Returns null if the query fails.
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+     *
      * @return an array of forbidden PLMNs or null if not available
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public String[] getForbiddenPlmns() {
       return getForbiddenPlmns(getSubId(), APPTYPE_USIM);
@@ -5107,6 +5358,23 @@
+     * @return true if the IMS resolver is busy resolving a binding and should not be considered
+     * available, false if the IMS resolver is idle.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public boolean isResolvingImsBinding() {
+        try {
+            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
+            if (telephony != null) {
+                return telephony.isResolvingImsBinding();
+            }
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            Rlog.e(TAG, "isResolvingImsBinding, RemoteException: " + e.getMessage());
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
      * Set IMS registration state
      * @param Registration state
@@ -5124,10 +5392,10 @@
      * Get the preferred network type.
      * Used for device configuration by some CDMA operators.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @return the preferred network type, defined in
      * @hide
@@ -5147,11 +5415,12 @@
      * Sets the network selection mode to automatic.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public void setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic() {
         try {
@@ -5167,15 +5436,14 @@
-     * Perform a radio scan and return the list of avialble networks.
+     * Perform a radio scan and return the list of available networks.
      * The return value is a list of the OperatorInfo of the networks found. Note that this
      * scan can take a long time (sometimes minutes) to happen.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @hide
      * TODO: Add an overload that takes no args.
@@ -5199,33 +5467,49 @@
      * This method is asynchronous, so the network scan results will be returned by callback.
      * The returned NetworkScan will contain a callback method which can be used to stop the scan.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param request Contains all the RAT with bands/channels that need to be scanned.
+     * @param executor The executor through which the callback should be invoked. Since the scan
+     *        request may trigger multiple callbacks and they must be invoked in the same order as
+     *        they are received by the platform, the user should provide an executor which executes
+     *        tasks one at a time in serial order. For example AsyncTask.SERIAL_EXECUTOR.
      * @param callback Returns network scan results or errors.
      * @return A NetworkScan obj which contains a callback which can be used to stop the scan.
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public NetworkScan requestNetworkScan(
-            NetworkScanRequest request, TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback callback) {
+            NetworkScanRequest request, Executor executor,
+            TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback callback) {
         synchronized (this) {
             if (mTelephonyScanManager == null) {
                 mTelephonyScanManager = new TelephonyScanManager();
-        return mTelephonyScanManager.requestNetworkScan(getSubId(), request, callback);
+        return mTelephonyScanManager.requestNetworkScan(getSubId(), request, executor, callback);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @deprecated
+     * Use {@link
+     * #requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, Executor, TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback)}
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)
+    public NetworkScan requestNetworkScan(
+        NetworkScanRequest request, TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback callback) {
+        return requestNetworkScan(request, AsyncTask.SERIAL_EXECUTOR, callback);
      * Ask the radio to connect to the input network and change selection mode to manual.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param operatorNumeric the PLMN ID of the network to select.
      * @param persistSelection whether the selection will persist until reboot. If true, only allows
@@ -5233,6 +5517,7 @@
      * normal network selection next time.
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public boolean setNetworkSelectionModeManual(String operatorNumeric, boolean persistSelection) {
         try {
@@ -5252,10 +5537,10 @@
      * Set the preferred network type.
      * Used for device configuration by some CDMA operators.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires Permission:
-     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
-     * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId the id of the subscription to set the preferred network type for.
      * @param networkType the preferred network type, defined in
@@ -5279,9 +5564,7 @@
      * Set the preferred network type to global mode which includes LTE, CDMA, EvDo and GSM/WCDMA.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
@@ -5292,9 +5575,7 @@
      * Set the preferred network type to global mode which includes LTE, CDMA, EvDo and GSM/WCDMA.
-     * <p>
-     * Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
      * @hide
@@ -5384,8 +5665,7 @@
      * brand value input. To unset the value, the same function should be
      * called with a null brand value.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param brand The brand name to display/set.
      * @return true if the operation was executed correctly.
@@ -5402,8 +5682,7 @@
      * brand value input. To unset the value, the same function should be
      * called with a null brand value.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param brand The brand name to display/set.
@@ -6057,39 +6336,44 @@
      * subId. Otherwise, applies to {@link SubscriptionManager#getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()}
      * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *     {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the
-     *     calling app has carrier privileges.
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the calling
+     * app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * @param enable Whether to enable mobile data.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
-     * @deprecated use {@link #setUserMobileDataEnabled(boolean)} instead.
-    @Deprecated
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public void setDataEnabled(boolean enable) {
-        setUserMobileDataEnabled(enable);
+        setDataEnabled(getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()), enable);
      * @hide
-     * @deprecated use {@link #setUserMobileDataEnabled(boolean)} instead.
+     * @deprecated use {@link #setDataEnabled(boolean)} instead.
     public void setDataEnabled(int subId, boolean enable) {
-        setUserMobileDataEnabled(subId, enable);
+        try {
+            Log.d(TAG, "setDataEnabled: enabled=" + enable);
+            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
+            if (telephony != null)
+                telephony.setUserDataEnabled(subId, enable);
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            Log.e(TAG, "Error calling ITelephony#setUserDataEnabled", e);
+        }
-     * @deprecated use {@link #isUserMobileDataEnabled()} instead.
+     * @deprecated use {@link #isDataEnabled()} instead.
      * @hide
     public boolean getDataEnabled() {
-        return isUserMobileDataEnabled();
+        return isDataEnabled();
@@ -6102,30 +6386,35 @@
      * <p>Requires one of the following permissions:
      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE},
      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}, or that the
-     * calling app has carrier privileges.
+     * calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
      * <p>Note that this does not take into account any data restrictions that may be present on the
      * calling app. Such restrictions may be inspected with
      * {@link ConnectivityManager#getRestrictBackgroundStatus}.
      * @return true if mobile data is enabled.
-     *
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
-     * @deprecated use {@link #isUserMobileDataEnabled()} instead.
-    @Deprecated
     public boolean isDataEnabled() {
-        return isUserMobileDataEnabled();
+        return getDataEnabled(getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()));
-     * @deprecated use {@link #isUserMobileDataEnabled()} instead.
+     * @deprecated use {@link #isDataEnabled()} instead.
      * @hide
     public boolean getDataEnabled(int subId) {
-        return isUserMobileDataEnabled(subId);
+        boolean retVal = false;
+        try {
+            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
+            if (telephony != null)
+                retVal = telephony.isUserDataEnabled(subId);
+        } catch (RemoteException e) {
+            Log.e(TAG, "Error calling ITelephony#isUserDataEnabled", e);
+        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+        }
+        return retVal;
     /** @hide */
@@ -6840,7 +7129,11 @@
      * Returns the current {@link ServiceState} information.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}).
+    @SuppressAutoDoc // Blocked by b/72967236 - no support for carrier privileges
     public ServiceState getServiceState() {
         return getServiceStateForSubscriber(getSubId());
@@ -6886,14 +7179,14 @@
      * Sets the per-account voicemail ringtone.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app is the default dialer, or has carrier privileges, or has
-     * permission {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}.
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app is the default dialer, or has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}, or has permission
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}.
      * @param phoneAccountHandle The handle for the {@link PhoneAccount} for which to set the
      * voicemail ringtone.
      * @param uri The URI for the ringtone to play when receiving a voicemail from a specific
      * PhoneAccount.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @deprecated Use {@link android.provider.Settings#ACTION_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS}
      * instead.
@@ -6931,14 +7224,14 @@
      * Sets the per-account preference whether vibration is enabled for voicemail notifications.
-     * <p>Requires that the calling app is the default dialer, or has carrier privileges, or has
-     * permission {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}.
+     * <p>Requires that the calling app is the default dialer, or has carrier privileges (see
+     * {@link #hasCarrierPrivileges}, or has permission
+     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}.
      * @param phoneAccountHandle The handle for the {@link PhoneAccount} for which to set the
      * voicemail vibration setting.
      * @param enabled Whether to enable or disable vibration for voicemail notifications from a
      * specific PhoneAccount.
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @deprecated Use {@link android.provider.Settings#ACTION_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS}
      * instead.
@@ -6959,8 +7252,8 @@
      * Returns carrier id of the current subscription.
      * <p>To recognize a carrier (including MVNO) as a first-class identity, Android assigns each
-     * carrier with a canonical integer a.k.a. android carrier id. The Android carrier ID is an
-     * Android platform-wide identifier for a carrier. AOSP maintains carrier ID assignments in
+     * carrier with a canonical integer a.k.a. carrier id. The carrier ID is an Android
+     * platform-wide identifier for a carrier. AOSP maintains carrier ID assignments in
      * <a href="">here</a>
      * <p>Apps which have carrier-specific configurations or business logic can use the carrier id
@@ -6968,45 +7261,39 @@
      * @return Carrier id of the current subscription. Return {@link #UNKNOWN_CARRIER_ID} if the
      * subscription is unavailable or the carrier cannot be identified.
-     * @throws IllegalStateException if telephony service is unavailable.
-    public int getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription() {
+    public int getSimCarrierId() {
         try {
             ITelephony service = getITelephony();
-            return service.getSubscriptionCarrierId(getSubId());
+            if (service != null) {
+                return service.getSubscriptionCarrierId(getSubId());
+            }
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             // This could happen if binder process crashes.
-            ex.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
-        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
-            // This could happen before phone restarts due to crashing.
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Telephony service unavailable");
         return UNKNOWN_CARRIER_ID;
-     * Returns carrier name of the current subscription.
-     * <p>Carrier name is a user-facing name of carrier id
-     * {@link #getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription()}, usually the brand name of the subsidiary
+     * Returns carrier id name of the current subscription.
+     * <p>Carrier id name is a user-facing name of carrier id
+     * {@link #getSimCarrierId()}, usually the brand name of the subsidiary
      * (e.g. T-Mobile). Each carrier could configure multiple {@link #getSimOperatorName() SPN} but
      * should have a single carrier name. Carrier name is not a canonical identity,
-     * use {@link #getAndroidCarrierIdForSubscription()} instead.
+     * use {@link #getSimCarrierId()} instead.
      * <p>The returned carrier name is unlocalized.
      * @return Carrier name of the current subscription. Return {@code null} if the subscription is
      * unavailable or the carrier cannot be identified.
-     * @throws IllegalStateException if telephony service is unavailable.
-    public CharSequence getAndroidCarrierNameForSubscription() {
+    public CharSequence getSimCarrierIdName() {
         try {
             ITelephony service = getITelephony();
-            return service.getSubscriptionCarrierName(getSubId());
+            if (service != null) {
+                return service.getSubscriptionCarrierName(getSubId());
+            }
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             // This could happen if binder process crashes.
-            ex.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
-        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
-            // This could happen before phone restarts due to crashing.
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Telephony service unavailable");
         return null;
@@ -7356,60 +7643,12 @@
-     * Turns mobile data on or off.
-     * If the {@link TelephonyManager} object has been created with
-     * {@link #createForSubscriptionId}, this API applies to the given subId.
-     * Otherwise, it applies to {@link SubscriptionManager#getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()}
-     *
-     * <p>Requires Permission:
-     *     {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE} or that the
-     *     calling app has carrier privileges.
-     *
-     * @param enable Whether to enable mobile data.
-     *
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
-     */
-    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE)
-    public void setUserMobileDataEnabled(boolean enable) {
-        setUserMobileDataEnabled(
-                getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()), enable);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns whether mobile data is enabled or not per user setting. There are other factors
-     * that could disable mobile data, but they are not considered here.
-     *
-     * If this object has been created with {@link #createForSubscriptionId}, applies to the given
-     * subId. Otherwise, applies to {@link SubscriptionManager#getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()}
-     *
-     * <p>Requires one of the following permissions:
-     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE},
-     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}, or that the
-     * calling app has carrier privileges.
-     *
-     * <p>Note that this does not take into account any data restrictions that may be present on the
-     * calling app. Such restrictions may be inspected with
-     * {@link ConnectivityManager#getRestrictBackgroundStatus}.
-     *
-     * @return true if mobile data is enabled.
-     *
-     * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
-     */
-    @RequiresPermission(anyOf = {
-            android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE,
-            android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE
-    })
-    public boolean isUserMobileDataEnabled() {
-        return isUserMobileDataEnabled(
-                getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId()));
-    }
-    /**
      * @hide
-     * Unlike isUserMobileDataEnabled, this API also evaluates carrierDataEnabled,
-     * policyDataEnabled etc to give a final decision.
+     * It's similar to isDataEnabled, but unlike isDataEnabled, this API also evaluates
+     * carrierDataEnabled, policyDataEnabled etc to give a final decision of whether mobile data is
+     * capable of using.
-    public boolean isMobileDataEnabled() {
+    public boolean isDataCapable() {
         boolean retVal = false;
         try {
             int subId = getSubId(SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubscriptionId());
@@ -7424,31 +7663,97 @@
-     * Utility class of {@link #isUserMobileDataEnabled()};
+     * In this mode, modem will not send specified indications when screen is off.
+     * @hide
-    private boolean isUserMobileDataEnabled(int subId) {
-        boolean retVal = false;
-        try {
-            ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
-            if (telephony != null)
-                retVal = telephony.isUserDataEnabled(subId);
-        } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "Error calling ITelephony#isUserDataEnabled", e);
-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
-        }
-        return retVal;
-    }
+    public static final int INDICATION_UPDATE_MODE_NORMAL                   = 1;
-    /** Utility method of {@link #setUserMobileDataEnabled(boolean)} */
+    /**
+     * In this mode, modem will still send specified indications when screen is off.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int INDICATION_UPDATE_MODE_IGNORE_SCREEN_OFF        = 2;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "INDICATION_UPDATE_MODE_" }, value = {
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface IndicationUpdateMode{}
+    /**
+     * The indication for signal strength update.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int INDICATION_FILTER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH               = 0x1;
+    /**
+     * The indication for full network state update.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int INDICATION_FILTER_FULL_NETWORK_STATE            = 0x2;
+    /**
+     * The indication for data call dormancy changed update.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int INDICATION_FILTER_DATA_CALL_DORMANCY_CHANGED    = 0x4;
+    /**
+     * The indication for link capacity estimate update.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int INDICATION_FILTER_LINK_CAPACITY_ESTIMATE        = 0x8;
+    /**
+     * The indication for physical channel config update.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static final int INDICATION_FILTER_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_CONFIG       = 0x10;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "INDICATION_FILTER_" }, value = {
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface IndicationFilters{}
+    /**
+     * Sets radio indication update mode. This can be used to control the behavior of indication
+     * update from modem to Android frameworks. For example, by default several indication updates
+     * are turned off when screen is off, but in some special cases (e.g. carkit is connected but
+     * screen is off) we want to turn on those indications even when the screen is off.
+     *
+     * <p>Requires Permission:
+     *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_PHONE_STATE MODIFY_PHONE_STATE}
+     *
+     * @param filters Indication filters. Should be a bitmask of INDICATION_FILTER_XXX.
+     * @param updateMode The voice activation state
+     * @hide
+     */
-    private void setUserMobileDataEnabled(int subId, boolean enable) {
+    public void setRadioIndicationUpdateMode(@IndicationFilters int filters,
+                                             @IndicationUpdateMode int updateMode) {
         try {
-            Log.d(TAG, "setUserMobileDataEnabled: enabled=" + enable);
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
-            if (telephony != null)
-                telephony.setUserDataEnabled(subId, enable);
-        } catch (RemoteException e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "Error calling ITelephony#setUserDataEnabled", e);
+            if (telephony != null) {
+                telephony.setRadioIndicationUpdateMode(getSubId(), filters, updateMode);
+            }
+        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+            // This could happen if binder process crashes.
+            if (!isSystemProcess()) {
+                ex.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
+            }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index c182e34..96ff332 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 import android.util.SparseArray;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
@@ -55,8 +56,10 @@
      * The caller of
-     * {@link TelephonyManager#requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, NetworkScanCallback)} should
-     * implement and provide this callback so that the scan results or errors can be returned.
+     * {@link
+     * TelephonyManager#requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, Executor, NetworkScanCallback)}
+     * should implement and provide this callback so that the scan results or errors can be
+     * returned.
     public static abstract class NetworkScanCallback {
         /** Returns the scan results to the user, this callback will be called multiple times. */
@@ -83,10 +86,13 @@
     private static class NetworkScanInfo {
         private final NetworkScanRequest mRequest;
+        private final Executor mExecutor;
         private final NetworkScanCallback mCallback;
-        NetworkScanInfo(NetworkScanRequest request, NetworkScanCallback callback) {
+        NetworkScanInfo(
+                NetworkScanRequest request, Executor executor, NetworkScanCallback callback) {
             mRequest = request;
+            mExecutor = executor;
             mCallback = callback;
@@ -112,10 +118,15 @@
                         "Failed to find NetworkScanInfo with id " + message.arg2);
                 NetworkScanCallback callback = nsi.mCallback;
+                Executor executor = nsi.mExecutor;
                 if (callback == null) {
                     throw new RuntimeException(
                         "Failed to find NetworkScanCallback with id " + message.arg2);
+                if (executor == null) {
+                    throw new RuntimeException(
+                        "Failed to find Executor with id " + message.arg2);
+                }
                 switch (message.what) {
                     case CALLBACK_SCAN_RESULTS:
@@ -126,21 +137,31 @@
                             for (int i = 0; i < parcelables.length; i++) {
                                 ci[i] = (CellInfo) parcelables[i];
-                            callback.onResults((List<CellInfo>) Arrays.asList(ci));
+                            executor.execute(() ->{
+                                Rlog.d(TAG, "onResults: " + ci.toString());
+                                callback.onResults((List<CellInfo>) Arrays.asList(ci));
+                            });
                         } catch (Exception e) {
                             Rlog.e(TAG, "Exception in networkscan callback onResults", e);
                     case CALLBACK_SCAN_ERROR:
                         try {
-                            callback.onError(message.arg1);
+                            final int errorCode = message.arg1;
+                            executor.execute(() -> {
+                                Rlog.d(TAG, "onError: " + errorCode);
+                                callback.onError(errorCode);
+                            });
                         } catch (Exception e) {
                             Rlog.e(TAG, "Exception in networkscan callback onError", e);
                     case CALLBACK_SCAN_COMPLETE:
                         try {
-                            callback.onComplete();
+                            executor.execute(() -> {
+                                Rlog.d(TAG, "onComplete");
+                                callback.onComplete();
+                            });
                         } catch (Exception e) {
                             Rlog.e(TAG, "Exception in networkscan callback onComplete", e);
@@ -171,12 +192,12 @@
      * @hide
     public NetworkScan requestNetworkScan(int subId,
-            NetworkScanRequest request, NetworkScanCallback callback) {
+            NetworkScanRequest request, Executor executor, NetworkScanCallback callback) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
             if (telephony != null) {
                 int scanId = telephony.requestNetworkScan(subId, request, mMessenger, new Binder());
-                saveScanInfo(scanId, request, callback);
+                saveScanInfo(scanId, request, executor, callback);
                 return new NetworkScan(scanId, subId);
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
@@ -187,9 +208,10 @@
         return null;
-    private void saveScanInfo(int id, NetworkScanRequest request, NetworkScanCallback callback) {
+    private void saveScanInfo(
+            int id, NetworkScanRequest request, Executor executor, NetworkScanCallback callback) {
         synchronized (mScanInfo) {
-            mScanInfo.put(id, new NetworkScanInfo(request, callback));
+            mScanInfo.put(id, new NetworkScanInfo(request, executor, callback));
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index c3f8a19..21bc9d0 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -221,6 +221,15 @@
+    public int hashCode() {
+        int result = 1;
+        result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(mCertificateHash);
+        result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(mPackageName);
+        result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(mAccessType);
+        return result;
+    }
+    @Override
     public String toString() {
         return "cert: " + IccUtils.bytesToHexString(mCertificateHash) + " pkg: " +
                 mPackageName + " access: " + mAccessType;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 0c17147..125161d 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
     private final String mCardId;
     private final @CardStateInfo int mCardStateInfo;
     private final int mLogicalSlotIdx;
+    private final boolean mIsExtendedApduSupported;
     public static final Creator<UiccSlotInfo> CREATOR = new Creator<UiccSlotInfo>() {
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@
         mCardId = in.readString();
         mCardStateInfo = in.readInt();
         mLogicalSlotIdx = in.readInt();
+        mIsExtendedApduSupported = in.readByte() != 0;
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
+        dest.writeByte((byte) (mIsExtendedApduSupported ? 1 : 0));
@@ -96,12 +99,13 @@
     public UiccSlotInfo(boolean isActive, boolean isEuicc, String cardId,
-            @CardStateInfo int cardStateInfo, int logicalSlotIdx) {
+            @CardStateInfo int cardStateInfo, int logicalSlotIdx, boolean isExtendedApduSupported) {
         this.mIsActive = isActive;
         this.mIsEuicc = isEuicc;
         this.mCardId = cardId;
         this.mCardStateInfo = cardStateInfo;
         this.mLogicalSlotIdx = logicalSlotIdx;
+        this.mIsExtendedApduSupported = isExtendedApduSupported;
     public boolean getIsActive() {
@@ -125,6 +129,13 @@
         return mLogicalSlotIdx;
+    /**
+     * @return {@code true} if this slot supports extended APDU from ATR, {@code false} otherwise.
+     */
+    public boolean getIsExtendedApduSupported() {
+        return mIsExtendedApduSupported;
+    }
     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
         if (this == obj) {
@@ -139,7 +150,8 @@
                 && (mIsEuicc == that.mIsEuicc)
                 && (mCardId == that.mCardId)
                 && (mCardStateInfo == that.mCardStateInfo)
-                && (mLogicalSlotIdx == that.mLogicalSlotIdx);
+                && (mLogicalSlotIdx == that.mLogicalSlotIdx)
+                && (mIsExtendedApduSupported == that.mIsExtendedApduSupported);
@@ -150,6 +162,7 @@
         result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(mCardId);
         result = 31 * result + mCardStateInfo;
         result = 31 * result + mLogicalSlotIdx;
+        result = 31 * result + (mIsExtendedApduSupported ? 1 : 0);
         return result;
@@ -165,6 +178,8 @@
                 + mCardStateInfo
                 + ", phoneId="
                 + mLogicalSlotIdx
+                + ", mIsExtendedApduSupported="
+                + mIsExtendedApduSupported
                 + ")";
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
index 73a05af..145ed7e 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 import android.annotation.IntDef;
 import android.annotation.NonNull;
-import android.annotation.StringDef;
 import android.content.ContentValues;
 import android.database.Cursor;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
 import android.provider.Telephony;
@@ -28,17 +28,15 @@
 import android.telephony.ServiceState;
 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
+import android.util.ArrayMap;
 import android.util.Log;
 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Objects;
@@ -46,25 +44,184 @@
 public class ApnSetting implements Parcelable {
-    static final String LOG_TAG = "ApnSetting";
+    private static final String LOG_TAG = "ApnSetting";
     private static final boolean VDBG = false;
+    private static final Map<String, Integer> APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP;
+    private static final Map<Integer, String> APN_TYPE_INT_MAP;
+    private static final Map<String, Integer> PROTOCOL_STRING_MAP;
+    private static final Map<Integer, String> PROTOCOL_INT_MAP;
+    private static final Map<String, Integer> MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP;
+    private static final Map<Integer, String> MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP;
+    private static final int NOT_IN_MAP_INT = -1;
+    private static final int NO_PORT_SPECIFIED = -1;
+    /** All APN types except IA. */
+    private static final int TYPE_ALL_BUT_IA = ApnTypes.ALL & (~ApnTypes.IA);
+    /** APN type for default data traffic and HiPri traffic. */
+    public static final int TYPE_DEFAULT = ApnTypes.DEFAULT | ApnTypes.HIPRI;
+    /** APN type for MMS traffic. */
+    public static final int TYPE_MMS = ApnTypes.MMS;
+    /** APN type for SUPL assisted GPS. */
+    public static final int TYPE_SUPL = ApnTypes.SUPL;
+    /** APN type for DUN traffic. */
+    public static final int TYPE_DUN = ApnTypes.DUN;
+    /** APN type for HiPri traffic. */
+    public static final int TYPE_HIPRI = ApnTypes.HIPRI;
+    /** APN type for accessing the carrier's FOTA portal, used for over the air updates. */
+    public static final int TYPE_FOTA = ApnTypes.FOTA;
+    /** APN type for IMS. */
+    public static final int TYPE_IMS = ApnTypes.IMS;
+    /** APN type for CBS. */
+    public static final int TYPE_CBS = ApnTypes.CBS;
+    /** APN type for IA Initial Attach APN. */
+    public static final int TYPE_IA = ApnTypes.IA;
+    /**
+     * APN type for Emergency PDN. This is not an IA apn, but is used
+     * for access to carrier services in an emergency call situation.
+     */
+    public static final int TYPE_EMERGENCY = ApnTypes.EMERGENCY;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "TYPE_" }, value = {
+        TYPE_DEFAULT,
+        TYPE_MMS,
+        TYPE_SUPL,
+        TYPE_DUN,
+        TYPE_HIPRI,
+        TYPE_FOTA,
+        TYPE_IMS,
+        TYPE_CBS,
+        TYPE_IA,
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface ApnType {}
+    // Possible values for authentication types.
+    /** No authentication type. */
+    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_NONE = 0;
+    /** Authentication type for PAP. */
+    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PAP = 1;
+    /** Authentication type for CHAP. */
+    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_CHAP = 2;
+    /** Authentication type for PAP or CHAP. */
+    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PAP_OR_CHAP = 3;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "AUTH_TYPE_" }, value = {
+        AUTH_TYPE_NONE,
+        AUTH_TYPE_PAP,
+        AUTH_TYPE_CHAP,
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface AuthType {}
+    // Possible values for protocol.
+    /** Protocol type for IP. */
+    public static final int PROTOCOL_IP = 0;
+    /** Protocol type for IPV6. */
+    public static final int PROTOCOL_IPV6 = 1;
+    /** Protocol type for IPV4V6. */
+    public static final int PROTOCOL_IPV4V6 = 2;
+    /** Protocol type for PPP. */
+    public static final int PROTOCOL_PPP = 3;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "PROTOCOL_" }, value = {
+        PROTOCOL_IP,
+        PROTOCOL_IPV6,
+        PROTOCOL_IPV4V6,
+        PROTOCOL_PPP,
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface ProtocolType {}
+    // Possible values for MVNO type.
+    /** MVNO type for service provider name. */
+    public static final int MVNO_TYPE_SPN = 0;
+    /** MVNO type for IMSI. */
+    public static final int MVNO_TYPE_IMSI = 1;
+    /** MVNO type for group identifier level 1. */
+    public static final int MVNO_TYPE_GID = 2;
+    /** MVNO type for ICCID. */
+    public static final int MVNO_TYPE_ICCID = 3;
+    /** @hide */
+    @IntDef(prefix = { "MVNO_TYPE_" }, value = {
+        MVNO_TYPE_SPN,
+        MVNO_TYPE_IMSI,
+        MVNO_TYPE_GID,
+    })
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    public @interface MvnoType {}
+    static {
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP = new ArrayMap<String, Integer>();
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("default", TYPE_DEFAULT);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("mms", TYPE_MMS);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("supl", TYPE_SUPL);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("dun", TYPE_DUN);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("hipri", TYPE_HIPRI);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("fota", TYPE_FOTA);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("ims", TYPE_IMS);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("cbs", TYPE_CBS);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("ia", TYPE_IA);
+        APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("emergency", TYPE_EMERGENCY);
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP = new ArrayMap<Integer, String>();
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_DEFAULT, "default");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_MMS, "mms");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_SUPL, "supl");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_DUN, "dun");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_HIPRI, "hipri");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_FOTA, "fota");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_IMS, "ims");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_CBS, "cbs");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_IA, "ia");
+        APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(TYPE_EMERGENCY, "emergency");
+        PROTOCOL_STRING_MAP = new ArrayMap<String, Integer>();
+        PROTOCOL_INT_MAP = new ArrayMap<Integer, String>();
+        MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP = new ArrayMap<String, Integer>();
+        MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("spn", MVNO_TYPE_SPN);
+        MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("imsi", MVNO_TYPE_IMSI);
+        MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("gid", MVNO_TYPE_GID);
+        MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP.put("iccid", MVNO_TYPE_ICCID);
+        MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP = new ArrayMap<Integer, String>();
+        MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(MVNO_TYPE_SPN, "spn");
+        MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(MVNO_TYPE_IMSI, "imsi");
+        MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(MVNO_TYPE_GID, "gid");
+        MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP.put(MVNO_TYPE_ICCID, "iccid");
+    }
     private final String mEntryName;
     private final String mApnName;
-    private final InetAddress mProxy;
-    private final int mPort;
-    private final URL mMmsc;
-    private final InetAddress mMmsProxy;
-    private final int mMmsPort;
+    private final InetAddress mProxyAddress;
+    private final int mProxyPort;
+    private final Uri mMmsc;
+    private final InetAddress mMmsProxyAddress;
+    private final int mMmsProxyPort;
     private final String mUser;
     private final String mPassword;
     private final int mAuthType;
-    private final List<String> mTypes;
-    private final int mTypesBitmap;
+    private final int mApnTypeBitmask;
     private final int mId;
     private final String mOperatorNumeric;
-    private final String mProtocol;
-    private final String mRoamingProtocol;
+    private final int mProtocol;
+    private final int mRoamingProtocol;
     private final int mMtu;
     private final boolean mCarrierEnabled;
@@ -78,22 +235,12 @@
     private final int mWaitTime;
     private final int mMaxConnsTime;
-    private final String mMvnoType;
+    private final int mMvnoType;
     private final String mMvnoMatchData;
     private boolean mPermanentFailed = false;
-     * Returns the types bitmap of the APN.
-     *
-     * @return types bitmap of the APN
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public int getTypesBitmap() {
-        return mTypesBitmap;
-    }
-    /**
      * Returns the MTU size of the mobile interface to which the APN connected.
      * @return the MTU size of the APN
@@ -211,8 +358,8 @@
      * @return proxy address.
-    public InetAddress getProxy() {
-        return mProxy;
+    public InetAddress getProxyAddress() {
+        return mProxyAddress;
@@ -220,15 +367,15 @@
      * @return proxy port
-    public int getPort() {
-        return mPort;
+    public int getProxyPort() {
+        return mProxyPort;
-     * Returns the MMSC URL of the APN.
+     * Returns the MMSC Uri of the APN.
-     * @return MMSC URL.
+     * @return MMSC Uri.
-    public URL getMmsc() {
+    public Uri getMmsc() {
         return mMmsc;
@@ -237,8 +384,8 @@
      * @return MMS proxy address.
-    public InetAddress getMmsProxy() {
-        return mMmsProxy;
+    public InetAddress getMmsProxyAddress() {
+        return mMmsProxyAddress;
@@ -246,8 +393,8 @@
      * @return MMS proxy port
-    public int getMmsPort() {
-        return mMmsPort;
+    public int getMmsProxyPort() {
+        return mMmsProxyPort;
@@ -268,21 +415,9 @@
         return mPassword;
-    /** @hide */
-    @IntDef({
-            AUTH_TYPE_NONE,
-            AUTH_TYPE_PAP,
-            AUTH_TYPE_CHAP,
-            AUTH_TYPE_PAP_OR_CHAP,
-    })
-    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
-    public @interface AuthType {}
      * Returns the authentication type of the APN.
-     * Example of possible values: {@link #AUTH_TYPE_NONE}, {@link #AUTH_TYPE_PAP}.
-     *
      * @return authentication type
@@ -290,32 +425,20 @@
         return mAuthType;
-    /** @hide */
-    @StringDef({
-            TYPE_DEFAULT,
-            TYPE_MMS,
-            TYPE_SUPL,
-            TYPE_DUN,
-            TYPE_HIPRI,
-            TYPE_FOTA,
-            TYPE_IMS,
-            TYPE_CBS,
-            TYPE_IA,
-            TYPE_EMERGENCY
-    })
-    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
-    public @interface ApnType {}
-     * Returns the list of APN types of the APN.
+     * Returns the bitmask of APN types.
-     * Example of possible values: {@link #TYPE_DEFAULT}, {@link #TYPE_MMS}.
+     * <p>Apn types are usage categories for an APN entry. One APN entry may support multiple
+     * APN types, eg, a single APN may service regular internet traffic ("default") as well as
+     * MMS-specific connections.
-     * @return the list of APN types
+     * <p>The bitmask of APN types is calculated from APN types defined in {@link ApnSetting}.
+     *
+     * @see Builder#setApnTypeBitmask(int)
+     * @return a bitmask describing the types of the APN
-    @ApnType
-    public List<String> getTypes() {
-        return mTypes;
+    public @ApnType int getApnTypeBitmask() {
+        return mApnTypeBitmask;
@@ -328,7 +451,7 @@
-     * Returns the numeric operator ID for the APN. Usually
+     * Returns the numeric operator ID for the APN. Numeric operator ID is defined as
      * {@link android.provider.Telephony.Carriers#MCC} +
      * {@link android.provider.Telephony.Carriers#MNC}.
@@ -338,37 +461,29 @@
         return mOperatorNumeric;
-    /** @hide */
-    @StringDef({
-            PROTOCOL_IP,
-            PROTOCOL_IPV6,
-            PROTOCOL_IPV4V6,
-            PROTOCOL_PPP,
-    })
-    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
-    public @interface ProtocolType {}
      * Returns the protocol to use to connect to this APN.
-     * One of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1.
-     * Example of possible values: {@link #PROTOCOL_IP}, {@link #PROTOCOL_IPV6}.
+     * <p>Protocol is one of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1.
+     * @see Builder#setProtocol(int)
      * @return the protocol
-    public String getProtocol() {
+    public int getProtocol() {
         return mProtocol;
-     * Returns the protocol to use to connect to this APN when roaming.
+     * Returns the protocol to use to connect to this APN while the device is roaming.
-     * The syntax is the same as {@link android.provider.Telephony.Carriers#PROTOCOL}.
+     * <p>Roaming protocol is one of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1.
+     * @see Builder#setRoamingProtocol(int)
      * @return the roaming protocol
-    public String getRoamingProtocol() {
+    @ProtocolType
+    public int getRoamingProtocol() {
         return mRoamingProtocol;
@@ -398,41 +513,29 @@
         return mNetworkTypeBitmask;
-    /** @hide */
-    @StringDef({
-            MVNO_TYPE_SPN,
-            MVNO_TYPE_IMSI,
-            MVNO_TYPE_GID,
-            MVNO_TYPE_ICCID,
-    })
-    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
-    public @interface MvnoType {}
      * Returns the MVNO match type for this APN.
-     * Example of possible values: {@link #MVNO_TYPE_SPN}, {@link #MVNO_TYPE_IMSI}.
-     *
+     * @see Builder#setMvnoType(int)
      * @return the MVNO match type
-    public String getMvnoType() {
+    public int getMvnoType() {
         return mMvnoType;
     private ApnSetting(Builder builder) {
         this.mEntryName = builder.mEntryName;
         this.mApnName = builder.mApnName;
-        this.mProxy = builder.mProxy;
-        this.mPort = builder.mPort;
+        this.mProxyAddress = builder.mProxyAddress;
+        this.mProxyPort = builder.mProxyPort;
         this.mMmsc = builder.mMmsc;
-        this.mMmsProxy = builder.mMmsProxy;
-        this.mMmsPort = builder.mMmsPort;
+        this.mMmsProxyAddress = builder.mMmsProxyAddress;
+        this.mMmsProxyPort = builder.mMmsProxyPort;
         this.mUser = builder.mUser;
         this.mPassword = builder.mPassword;
         this.mAuthType = builder.mAuthType;
-        this.mTypes = (builder.mTypes == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : builder.mTypes);
-        this.mTypesBitmap = builder.mTypesBitmap;
+        this.mApnTypeBitmask = builder.mApnTypeBitmask;
         this.mId = builder.mId;
         this.mOperatorNumeric = builder.mOperatorNumeric;
         this.mProtocol = builder.mProtocol;
@@ -451,25 +554,25 @@
     /** @hide */
     public static ApnSetting makeApnSetting(int id, String operatorNumeric, String entryName,
-            String apnName, InetAddress proxy, int port, URL mmsc, InetAddress mmsProxy,
-            int mmsPort, String user, String password, int authType, List<String> types,
-            String protocol, String roamingProtocol, boolean carrierEnabled,
+            String apnName, InetAddress proxy, int port, Uri mmsc, InetAddress mmsProxy,
+            int mmsPort, String user, String password, int authType, int mApnTypeBitmask,
+            int protocol, int roamingProtocol, boolean carrierEnabled,
             int networkTypeBitmask, int profileId, boolean modemCognitive, int maxConns,
-            int waitTime, int maxConnsTime, int mtu, String mvnoType, String mvnoMatchData) {
+            int waitTime, int maxConnsTime, int mtu, int mvnoType, String mvnoMatchData) {
         return new Builder()
-                .setProxy(proxy)
-                .setPort(port)
+                .setProxyAddress(proxy)
+                .setProxyPort(port)
-                .setMmsProxy(mmsProxy)
-                .setMmsPort(mmsPort)
+                .setMmsProxyAddress(mmsProxy)
+                .setMmsProxyPort(mmsPort)
-                .setTypes(types)
+                .setApnTypeBitmask(mApnTypeBitmask)
@@ -487,7 +590,7 @@
     /** @hide */
     public static ApnSetting makeApnSetting(Cursor cursor) {
-        String[] types = parseTypes(
+        final int apnTypesBitmask = parseTypes(
         int networkTypeBitmask = cursor.getInt(
@@ -507,7 +610,7 @@
-                URLFromString(cursor.getString(
+                UriFromString(cursor.getString(
@@ -516,10 +619,12 @@
-                Arrays.asList(types),
-                cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Telephony.Carriers.PROTOCOL)),
-                cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
-                        Telephony.Carriers.ROAMING_PROTOCOL)),
+                apnTypesBitmask,
+                nullToNotInMapInt(PROTOCOL_STRING_MAP.get(
+                    cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Telephony.Carriers.PROTOCOL)))),
+                nullToNotInMapInt(PROTOCOL_STRING_MAP.get(
+                    cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
+                        Telephony.Carriers.ROAMING_PROTOCOL)))),
                         Telephony.Carriers.CARRIER_ENABLED)) == 1,
@@ -531,8 +636,9 @@
-                cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
-                        Telephony.Carriers.MVNO_TYPE)),
+                nullToNotInMapInt(MVNO_TYPE_STRING_MAP.get(
+                    cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
+                        Telephony.Carriers.MVNO_TYPE)))),
@@ -540,8 +646,8 @@
     /** @hide */
     public static ApnSetting makeApnSetting(ApnSetting apn) {
         return makeApnSetting(apn.mId, apn.mOperatorNumeric, apn.mEntryName, apn.mApnName,
-                apn.mProxy, apn.mPort, apn.mMmsc, apn.mMmsProxy, apn.mMmsPort, apn.mUser,
-                apn.mPassword, apn.mAuthType, apn.mTypes, apn.mProtocol, apn.mRoamingProtocol,
+                apn.mProxyAddress, apn.mProxyPort, apn.mMmsc, apn.mMmsProxyAddress, apn.mMmsProxyPort, apn.mUser,
+                apn.mPassword, apn.mAuthType, apn.mApnTypeBitmask, apn.mProtocol, apn.mRoamingProtocol,
                 apn.mCarrierEnabled, apn.mNetworkTypeBitmask, apn.mProfileId,
                 apn.mModemCognitive, apn.mMaxConns, apn.mWaitTime, apn.mMaxConnsTime, apn.mMtu,
                 apn.mMvnoType, apn.mMvnoMatchData);
@@ -555,18 +661,14 @@
                 .append(", ").append(mId)
                 .append(", ").append(mOperatorNumeric)
                 .append(", ").append(mApnName)
-                .append(", ").append(inetAddressToString(mProxy))
-                .append(", ").append(URLToString(mMmsc))
-                .append(", ").append(inetAddressToString(mMmsProxy))
-                .append(", ").append(portToString(mMmsPort))
-                .append(", ").append(portToString(mPort))
+                .append(", ").append(inetAddressToString(mProxyAddress))
+                .append(", ").append(UriToString(mMmsc))
+                .append(", ").append(inetAddressToString(mMmsProxyAddress))
+                .append(", ").append(portToString(mMmsProxyPort))
+                .append(", ").append(portToString(mProxyPort))
                 .append(", ").append(mAuthType).append(", ");
-        for (int i = 0; i < mTypes.size(); i++) {
-            sb.append(mTypes.get(i));
-            if (i < mTypes.size() - 1) {
-                sb.append(" | ");
-            }
-        }
+        final String[] types = deParseTypes(mApnTypeBitmask).split(",");
+        sb.append(TextUtils.join(" | ", types)).append(", ");
         sb.append(", ").append(mProtocol);
         sb.append(", ").append(mRoamingProtocol);
         sb.append(", ").append(mCarrierEnabled);
@@ -588,56 +690,37 @@
      * @hide
     public boolean hasMvnoParams() {
-        return !TextUtils.isEmpty(mMvnoType) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mMvnoMatchData);
+        return (mMvnoType != NOT_IN_MAP_INT) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mMvnoMatchData);
     /** @hide */
-    public boolean canHandleType(String type) {
-        if (!mCarrierEnabled) return false;
-        boolean wildcardable = true;
-        if (TYPE_IA.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) wildcardable = false;
-        for (String t : mTypes) {
-            // DEFAULT handles all, and HIPRI is handled by DEFAULT
-            if (t.equalsIgnoreCase(type)
-                    || (wildcardable && t.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_ALL))
-                    || (t.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_DEFAULT)
-                    && type.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_HIPRI))) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
+    public boolean canHandleType(@ApnType int type) {
+        return mCarrierEnabled && ((mApnTypeBitmask & type) == type);
     // check whether the types of two APN same (even only one type of each APN is same)
     private boolean typeSameAny(ApnSetting first, ApnSetting second) {
         if (VDBG) {
             StringBuilder apnType1 = new StringBuilder(first.mApnName + ": ");
-            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < first.mTypes.size(); index1++) {
-                apnType1.append(first.mTypes.get(index1));
-                apnType1.append(",");
-            }
+            apnType1.append(deParseTypes(first.mApnTypeBitmask));
             StringBuilder apnType2 = new StringBuilder(second.mApnName + ": ");
-            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < second.mTypes.size(); index1++) {
-                apnType2.append(second.mTypes.get(index1));
-                apnType2.append(",");
-            }
+            apnType2.append(deParseTypes(second.mApnTypeBitmask));
             Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "APN1: is " + apnType1);
             Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "APN2: is " + apnType2);
-        for (int index1 = 0; index1 < first.mTypes.size(); index1++) {
-            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < second.mTypes.size(); index2++) {
-                if (first.mTypes.get(index1).equals(ApnSetting.TYPE_ALL)
-                        || second.mTypes.get(index2).equals(ApnSetting.TYPE_ALL)
-                        || first.mTypes.get(index1).equals(second.mTypes.get(index2))) {
-                    if (VDBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "typeSameAny: return true");
-                    return true;
-                }
+        if ((first.mApnTypeBitmask & second.mApnTypeBitmask) != 0) {
+            if (VDBG) {
+                Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "typeSameAny: return true");
+            return true;
-        if (VDBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "typeSameAny: return false");
+        if (VDBG) {
+            Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "typeSameAny: return false");
+        }
         return false;
@@ -655,16 +738,15 @@
                 && Objects.equals(mId, other.mId)
                 && Objects.equals(mOperatorNumeric, other.mOperatorNumeric)
                 && Objects.equals(mApnName, other.mApnName)
-                && Objects.equals(mProxy, other.mProxy)
+                && Objects.equals(mProxyAddress, other.mProxyAddress)
                 && Objects.equals(mMmsc, other.mMmsc)
-                && Objects.equals(mMmsProxy, other.mMmsProxy)
-                && Objects.equals(mMmsPort, other.mMmsPort)
-                && Objects.equals(mPort,other.mPort)
+                && Objects.equals(mMmsProxyAddress, other.mMmsProxyAddress)
+                && Objects.equals(mMmsProxyPort, other.mMmsProxyPort)
+                && Objects.equals(mProxyPort,other.mProxyPort)
                 && Objects.equals(mUser, other.mUser)
                 && Objects.equals(mPassword, other.mPassword)
                 && Objects.equals(mAuthType, other.mAuthType)
-                && Objects.equals(mTypes, other.mTypes)
-                && Objects.equals(mTypesBitmap, other.mTypesBitmap)
+                && Objects.equals(mApnTypeBitmask, other.mApnTypeBitmask)
                 && Objects.equals(mProtocol, other.mProtocol)
                 && Objects.equals(mRoamingProtocol, other.mRoamingProtocol)
                 && Objects.equals(mCarrierEnabled, other.mCarrierEnabled)
@@ -701,16 +783,15 @@
         return mEntryName.equals(other.mEntryName)
                 && Objects.equals(mOperatorNumeric, other.mOperatorNumeric)
                 && Objects.equals(mApnName, other.mApnName)
-                && Objects.equals(mProxy, other.mProxy)
+                && Objects.equals(mProxyAddress, other.mProxyAddress)
                 && Objects.equals(mMmsc, other.mMmsc)
-                && Objects.equals(mMmsProxy, other.mMmsProxy)
-                && Objects.equals(mMmsPort, other.mMmsPort)
-                && Objects.equals(mPort, other.mPort)
+                && Objects.equals(mMmsProxyAddress, other.mMmsProxyAddress)
+                && Objects.equals(mMmsProxyPort, other.mMmsProxyPort)
+                && Objects.equals(mProxyPort, other.mProxyPort)
                 && Objects.equals(mUser, other.mUser)
                 && Objects.equals(mPassword, other.mPassword)
                 && Objects.equals(mAuthType, other.mAuthType)
-                && Objects.equals(mTypes, other.mTypes)
-                && Objects.equals(mTypesBitmap, other.mTypesBitmap)
+                && Objects.equals(mApnTypeBitmask, other.mApnTypeBitmask)
                 && (isDataRoaming || Objects.equals(mProtocol,other.mProtocol))
                 && (!isDataRoaming || Objects.equals(mRoamingProtocol, other.mRoamingProtocol))
                 && Objects.equals(mCarrierEnabled, other.mCarrierEnabled)
@@ -736,17 +817,17 @@
                 && !other.canHandleType(TYPE_DUN)
                 && Objects.equals(this.mApnName, other.mApnName)
                 && !typeSameAny(this, other)
-                && xorEqualsInetAddress(this.mProxy, other.mProxy)
-                && xorEqualsPort(this.mPort, other.mPort)
+                && xorEquals(this.mProxyAddress, other.mProxyAddress)
+                && xorEqualsPort(this.mProxyPort, other.mProxyPort)
                 && xorEquals(this.mProtocol, other.mProtocol)
                 && xorEquals(this.mRoamingProtocol, other.mRoamingProtocol)
                 && Objects.equals(this.mCarrierEnabled, other.mCarrierEnabled)
                 && Objects.equals(this.mProfileId, other.mProfileId)
                 && Objects.equals(this.mMvnoType, other.mMvnoType)
                 && Objects.equals(this.mMvnoMatchData, other.mMvnoMatchData)
-                && xorEqualsURL(this.mMmsc, other.mMmsc)
-                && xorEqualsInetAddress(this.mMmsProxy, other.mMmsProxy)
-                && xorEqualsPort(this.mMmsPort, other.mMmsPort))
+                && xorEquals(this.mMmsc, other.mMmsc)
+                && xorEquals(this.mMmsProxyAddress, other.mMmsProxyAddress)
+                && xorEqualsPort(this.mMmsProxyPort, other.mMmsProxyPort))
                 && Objects.equals(this.mNetworkTypeBitmask, other.mNetworkTypeBitmask);
@@ -757,42 +838,23 @@
                 || TextUtils.isEmpty(second));
-    // Equal or one is not specified.
-    private boolean xorEqualsInetAddress(InetAddress first, InetAddress second) {
-        return first == null || second == null || first.equals(second);
-    }
-    // Equal or one is not specified.
-    private boolean xorEqualsURL(URL first, URL second) {
+    // Equal or one is not null.
+    private boolean xorEquals(Object first, Object second) {
         return first == null || second == null || first.equals(second);
     // Equal or one is not specified.
     private boolean xorEqualsPort(int first, int second) {
-        return first == -1 || second == -1 || Objects.equals(first, second);
+        return first == NO_PORT_SPECIFIED || second == NO_PORT_SPECIFIED
+            || Objects.equals(first, second);
-    // Helper function to convert APN string into a 32-bit bitmask.
-    private static int getApnBitmask(String apn) {
-        switch (apn) {
-            case TYPE_DEFAULT: return ApnTypes.DEFAULT;
-            case TYPE_MMS: return ApnTypes.MMS;
-            case TYPE_SUPL: return ApnTypes.SUPL;
-            case TYPE_DUN: return ApnTypes.DUN;
-            case TYPE_HIPRI: return ApnTypes.HIPRI;
-            case TYPE_FOTA: return ApnTypes.FOTA;
-            case TYPE_IMS: return ApnTypes.IMS;
-            case TYPE_CBS: return ApnTypes.CBS;
-            case TYPE_IA: return ApnTypes.IA;
-            case TYPE_EMERGENCY: return ApnTypes.EMERGENCY;
-            case TYPE_ALL: return ApnTypes.ALL;
-            default: return ApnTypes.NONE;
-        }
-    }
-    private String deParseTypes(List<String> types) {
-        if (types == null) {
-            return null;
+    private String deParseTypes(int apnTypeBitmask) {
+        List<String> types = new ArrayList<>();
+        for (Integer type : APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.keySet()) {
+            if ((apnTypeBitmask & type) == type) {
+                types.add(APN_TYPE_INT_MAP.get(type));
+            }
         return TextUtils.join(",", types);
@@ -808,21 +870,25 @@
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.NUMERIC, nullToEmpty(mOperatorNumeric));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.NAME, nullToEmpty(mEntryName));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.APN, nullToEmpty(mApnName));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PROXY, mProxy == null ? "" : inetAddressToString(mProxy));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PORT, portToString(mPort));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MMSC, mMmsc == null ? "" : URLToString(mMmsc));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MMSPORT, portToString(mMmsPort));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MMSPROXY, mMmsProxy == null
-                ? "" : inetAddressToString(mMmsProxy));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PROXY, mProxyAddress == null ? ""
+            : inetAddressToString(mProxyAddress));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PORT, portToString(mProxyPort));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MMSC, mMmsc == null ? "" : UriToString(mMmsc));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MMSPORT, portToString(mMmsProxyPort));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MMSPROXY, mMmsProxyAddress == null
+                ? "" : inetAddressToString(mMmsProxyAddress));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.USER, nullToEmpty(mUser));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PASSWORD, nullToEmpty(mPassword));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.AUTH_TYPE, mAuthType);
-        String apnType = deParseTypes(mTypes);
+        String apnType = deParseTypes(mApnTypeBitmask);
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.TYPE, nullToEmpty(apnType));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PROTOCOL, nullToEmpty(mProtocol));
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.ROAMING_PROTOCOL, nullToEmpty(mRoamingProtocol));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.PROTOCOL,
+            nullToEmpty(PROTOCOL_INT_MAP.get(mProtocol)));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.ROAMING_PROTOCOL,
+            nullToEmpty(PROTOCOL_INT_MAP.get(mRoamingProtocol)));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.CARRIER_ENABLED, mCarrierEnabled);
-        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MVNO_TYPE, nullToEmpty(mMvnoType));
+        apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.MVNO_TYPE,
+            nullToEmpty(MVNO_TYPE_INT_MAP.get(mMvnoType)));
         apnValue.put(Telephony.Carriers.NETWORK_TYPE_BITMASK, mNetworkTypeBitmask);
         return apnValue;
@@ -830,32 +896,31 @@
      * @param types comma delimited list of APN types
-     * @return array of APN types
+     * @return bitmask of APN types
      * @hide
-    public static String[] parseTypes(String types) {
-        String[] result;
-        // If unset, set to DEFAULT.
+    public static int parseTypes(String types) {
+        // If unset, set to ALL.
         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(types)) {
-            result = new String[1];
-            result[0] = TYPE_ALL;
+            return TYPE_ALL_BUT_IA;
         } else {
-            result = types.split(",");
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    private static URL URLFromString(String url) {
-        try {
-            return TextUtils.isEmpty(url) ? null : new URL(url);
-        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
-            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Can't parse URL from string.");
-            return null;
+            int result = 0;
+            for (String str : types.split(",")) {
+                Integer type = APN_TYPE_STRING_MAP.get(str);
+                if (type != null) {
+                    result |= type;
+                }
+            }
+            return result;
-    private static String URLToString(URL url) {
-        return url == null ? "" : url.toString();
+    private static Uri UriFromString(String uri) {
+        return TextUtils.isEmpty(uri) ? null : Uri.parse(uri);
+    }
+    private static String UriToString(Uri uri) {
+        return uri == null ? "" : uri.toString();
     private static InetAddress inetAddressFromString(String inetAddress) {
@@ -887,7 +952,7 @@
     private static int portFromString(String strPort) {
-        int port = -1;
+        int port = NO_PORT_SPECIFIED;
         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(strPort)) {
             try {
                 port = Integer.parseInt(strPort);
@@ -899,7 +964,7 @@
     private static String portToString(int port) {
-        return port == -1 ? "" : Integer.toString(port);
+        return port == NO_PORT_SPECIFIED ? "" : Integer.toString(port);
     // Implement Parcelable.
@@ -916,19 +981,19 @@
-        dest.writeValue(mProxy);
-        dest.writeInt(mPort);
+        dest.writeValue(mProxyAddress);
+        dest.writeInt(mProxyPort);
-        dest.writeValue(mMmsProxy);
-        dest.writeInt(mMmsPort);
+        dest.writeValue(mMmsProxyAddress);
+        dest.writeInt(mMmsProxyPort);
-        dest.writeStringArray(mTypes.toArray(new String[0]));
-        dest.writeString(mProtocol);
-        dest.writeString(mRoamingProtocol);
+        dest.writeInt(mApnTypeBitmask);
+        dest.writeInt(mProtocol);
+        dest.writeInt(mRoamingProtocol);
         dest.writeInt(mCarrierEnabled ? 1: 0);
-        dest.writeString(mMvnoType);
+        dest.writeInt(mMvnoType);
@@ -939,23 +1004,23 @@
         final String apnName = in.readString();
         final InetAddress proxy = (InetAddress)in.readValue(InetAddress.class.getClassLoader());
         final int port = in.readInt();
-        final URL mmsc = (URL)in.readValue(URL.class.getClassLoader());
+        final Uri mmsc = (Uri)in.readValue(Uri.class.getClassLoader());
         final InetAddress mmsProxy = (InetAddress)in.readValue(InetAddress.class.getClassLoader());
         final int mmsPort = in.readInt();
         final String user = in.readString();
         final String password = in.readString();
         final int authType = in.readInt();
-        final List<String> types = Arrays.asList(in.readStringArray());
-        final String protocol = in.readString();
-        final String roamingProtocol = in.readString();
+        final int apnTypesBitmask = in.readInt();
+        final int protocol = in.readInt();
+        final int roamingProtocol = in.readInt();
         final boolean carrierEnabled = in.readInt() > 0;
-        final String mvnoType = in.readString();
+        final int mvnoType = in.readInt();
         final int networkTypeBitmask = in.readInt();
         return makeApnSetting(id, operatorNumeric, entryName, apnName,
-                proxy, port, mmsc, mmsProxy, mmsPort, user, password, authType, types, protocol,
-                roamingProtocol, carrierEnabled, networkTypeBitmask, 0, false,
-                0, 0, 0, 0, mvnoType, null);
+            proxy, port, mmsc, mmsProxy, mmsPort, user, password, authType, apnTypesBitmask,
+            protocol, roamingProtocol, carrierEnabled, networkTypeBitmask, 0, false,
+            0, 0, 0, 0, mvnoType, null);
     public static final Parcelable.Creator<ApnSetting> CREATOR =
@@ -971,89 +1036,26 @@
-    /**
-     * APN types for data connections.  These are usage categories for an APN
-     * entry.  One APN entry may support multiple APN types, eg, a single APN
-     * may service regular internet traffic ("default") as well as MMS-specific
-     * connections.<br/>
-     * ALL is a special type to indicate that this APN entry can
-     * service all data connections.
-     */
-    public static final String TYPE_ALL = "*";
-    /** APN type for default data traffic */
-    public static final String TYPE_DEFAULT = "default";
-    /** APN type for MMS traffic */
-    public static final String TYPE_MMS = "mms";
-    /** APN type for SUPL assisted GPS */
-    public static final String TYPE_SUPL = "supl";
-    /** APN type for DUN traffic */
-    public static final String TYPE_DUN = "dun";
-    /** APN type for HiPri traffic */
-    public static final String TYPE_HIPRI = "hipri";
-    /** APN type for FOTA */
-    public static final String TYPE_FOTA = "fota";
-    /** APN type for IMS */
-    public static final String TYPE_IMS = "ims";
-    /** APN type for CBS */
-    public static final String TYPE_CBS = "cbs";
-    /** APN type for IA Initial Attach APN */
-    public static final String TYPE_IA = "ia";
-    /** APN type for Emergency PDN. This is not an IA apn, but is used
-     * for access to carrier services in an emergency call situation. */
-    public static final String TYPE_EMERGENCY = "emergency";
-    /**
-     * Array of all APN types
-     *
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public static final String[] ALL_TYPES = {
-            TYPE_DEFAULT,
-            TYPE_MMS,
-            TYPE_SUPL,
-            TYPE_DUN,
-            TYPE_HIPRI,
-            TYPE_FOTA,
-            TYPE_IMS,
-            TYPE_CBS,
-            TYPE_IA,
-            TYPE_EMERGENCY
-    };
-    // Possible values for authentication types.
-    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_NONE = 0;
-    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PAP = 1;
-    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_CHAP = 2;
-    public static final int AUTH_TYPE_PAP_OR_CHAP = 3;
-    // Possible values for protocol.
-    public static final String PROTOCOL_IP = "IP";
-    public static final String PROTOCOL_IPV6 = "IPV6";
-    public static final String PROTOCOL_IPV4V6 = "IPV4V6";
-    public static final String PROTOCOL_PPP = "PPP";
-    // Possible values for MVNO type.
-    public static final String MVNO_TYPE_SPN = "spn";
-    public static final String MVNO_TYPE_IMSI = "imsi";
-    public static final String MVNO_TYPE_GID = "gid";
-    public static final String MVNO_TYPE_ICCID = "iccid";
+    private static int nullToNotInMapInt(Integer value) {
+        return value == null ? NOT_IN_MAP_INT : value;
+    }
     public static class Builder{
         private String mEntryName;
         private String mApnName;
-        private InetAddress mProxy;
-        private int mPort = -1;
-        private URL mMmsc;
-        private InetAddress mMmsProxy;
-        private int mMmsPort = -1;
+        private InetAddress mProxyAddress;
+        private int mProxyPort = NO_PORT_SPECIFIED;
+        private Uri mMmsc;
+        private InetAddress mMmsProxyAddress;
+        private int mMmsProxyPort = NO_PORT_SPECIFIED;
         private String mUser;
         private String mPassword;
         private int mAuthType;
-        private List<String> mTypes;
-        private int mTypesBitmap;
+        private int mApnTypeBitmask;
         private int mId;
         private String mOperatorNumeric;
-        private String mProtocol;
-        private String mRoamingProtocol;
+        private int mProtocol = NOT_IN_MAP_INT;
+        private int mRoamingProtocol = NOT_IN_MAP_INT;
         private int mMtu;
         private int mNetworkTypeBitmask;
         private boolean mCarrierEnabled;
@@ -1062,7 +1064,7 @@
         private int mMaxConns;
         private int mWaitTime;
         private int mMaxConnsTime;
-        private String mMvnoType;
+        private int mMvnoType = NOT_IN_MAP_INT;
         private String mMvnoMatchData;
@@ -1182,8 +1184,8 @@
          * @param proxy the proxy address to set for the APN
-        public Builder setProxy(InetAddress proxy) {
-            this.mProxy = proxy;
+        public Builder setProxyAddress(InetAddress proxy) {
+            this.mProxyAddress = proxy;
             return this;
@@ -1192,17 +1194,17 @@
          * @param port the proxy port to set for the APN
-        public Builder setPort(int port) {
-            this.mPort = port;
+        public Builder setProxyPort(int port) {
+            this.mProxyPort = port;
             return this;
-         * Sets the MMSC URL of the APN.
+         * Sets the MMSC Uri of the APN.
-         * @param mmsc the MMSC URL to set for the APN
+         * @param mmsc the MMSC Uri to set for the APN
-        public Builder setMmsc(URL mmsc) {
+        public Builder setMmsc(Uri mmsc) {
             this.mMmsc = mmsc;
             return this;
@@ -1212,8 +1214,8 @@
          * @param mmsProxy the MMS proxy address to set for the APN
-        public Builder setMmsProxy(InetAddress mmsProxy) {
-            this.mMmsProxy = mmsProxy;
+        public Builder setMmsProxyAddress(InetAddress mmsProxy) {
+            this.mMmsProxyAddress = mmsProxy;
             return this;
@@ -1222,8 +1224,8 @@
          * @param mmsPort the MMS proxy port to set for the APN
-        public Builder setMmsPort(int mmsPort) {
-            this.mMmsPort = mmsPort;
+        public Builder setMmsProxyPort(int mmsPort) {
+            this.mMmsProxyPort = mmsPort;
             return this;
@@ -1251,8 +1253,6 @@
          * Sets the authentication type of the APN.
-         * Example of possible values: {@link #AUTH_TYPE_NONE}, {@link #AUTH_TYPE_PAP}.
-         *
          * @param authType the authentication type to set for the APN
         public Builder setAuthType(@AuthType int authType) {
@@ -1261,25 +1261,25 @@
-         * Sets the list of APN types of the APN.
+         * Sets the bitmask of APN types.
-         * Example of possible values: {@link #TYPE_DEFAULT}, {@link #TYPE_MMS}.
+         * <p>Apn types are usage categories for an APN entry. One APN entry may support multiple
+         * APN types, eg, a single APN may service regular internet traffic ("default") as well as
+         * MMS-specific connections.
-         * @param types the list of APN types to set for the APN
+         * <p>The bitmask of APN types is calculated from APN types defined in {@link ApnSetting}.
+         *
+         * @param apnTypeBitmask a bitmask describing the types of the APN
-        public Builder setTypes(@ApnType List<String> types) {
-            this.mTypes = types;
-            int apnBitmap = 0;
-            for (int i = 0; i < mTypes.size(); i++) {
-                mTypes.set(i, mTypes.get(i).toLowerCase());
-                apnBitmap |= getApnBitmask(mTypes.get(i));
-            }
-            this.mTypesBitmap = apnBitmap;
+        public Builder setApnTypeBitmask(@ApnType int apnTypeBitmask) {
+            this.mApnTypeBitmask = apnTypeBitmask;
             return this;
-         * Set the numeric operator ID for the APN.
+         * Sets the numeric operator ID for the APN. Numeric operator ID is defined as
+         * {@link android.provider.Telephony.Carriers#MCC} +
+         * {@link android.provider.Telephony.Carriers#MNC}.
          * @param operatorNumeric the numeric operator ID to set for this entry
@@ -1291,22 +1291,23 @@
          * Sets the protocol to use to connect to this APN.
-         * One of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1.
-         * Example of possible values: {@link #PROTOCOL_IP}, {@link #PROTOCOL_IPV6}.
+         * <p>Protocol is one of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1.
          * @param protocol the protocol to set to use to connect to this APN
-        public Builder setProtocol(@ProtocolType String protocol) {
+        public Builder setProtocol(@ProtocolType int protocol) {
             this.mProtocol = protocol;
             return this;
-         * Sets the protocol to use to connect to this APN when roaming.
+         * Sets the protocol to use to connect to this APN when the device is roaming.
+         *
+         * <p>Roaming protocol is one of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1.
          * @param roamingProtocol the protocol to set to use to connect to this APN when roaming
-        public Builder setRoamingProtocol(String roamingProtocol) {
+        public Builder setRoamingProtocol(@ProtocolType  int roamingProtocol) {
             this.mRoamingProtocol = roamingProtocol;
             return this;
@@ -1334,16 +1335,25 @@
          * Sets the MVNO match type for this APN.
-         * Example of possible values: {@link #MVNO_TYPE_SPN}, {@link #MVNO_TYPE_IMSI}.
-         *
          * @param mvnoType the MVNO match type to set for this APN
-        public Builder setMvnoType(@MvnoType String mvnoType) {
+        public Builder setMvnoType(@MvnoType int mvnoType) {
             this.mMvnoType = mvnoType;
             return this;
+        /**
+         * Builds {@link ApnSetting} from this builder.
+         *
+         * @return {@code null} if {@link #setApnName(String)} or {@link #setEntryName(String)}
+         * is empty, or {@link #setApnTypeBitmask(int)} doesn't contain a valid bit,
+         * {@link ApnSetting} built from this builder otherwise.
+         */
         public ApnSetting build() {
+            if ((mApnTypeBitmask & ApnTypes.ALL) == 0 || TextUtils.isEmpty(mApnName)
+                || TextUtils.isEmpty(mEntryName)) {
+                return null;
+            }
             return new ApnSetting(this);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
index 41c1430..e8597b2 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
+import android.os.Build;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
 import android.text.TextUtils;
@@ -230,8 +231,10 @@
     public String toString() {
-        return "DataProfile=" + mProfileId + "/" + mApn + "/" + mProtocol + "/" + mAuthType
-                + "/" + mUserName + "/" + mPassword + "/" + mType + "/" + mMaxConnsTime
+        return "DataProfile=" + mProfileId + "/" + mProtocol + "/" + mAuthType
+                + "/" + (Build.IS_USER ? "***/***/***" :
+                         (mApn + "/" + mUserName + "/" + mPassword))
+                + "/" + mType + "/" + mMaxConnsTime
                 + "/" + mMaxConns + "/" + mWaitTime + "/" + mEnabled + "/"
                 + mSupportedApnTypesBitmap + "/" + mRoamingProtocol + "/" + mBearerBitmap + "/"
                 + mMtu + "/" + mMvnoType + "/" + mMvnoMatchData + "/" + mModemCognitive;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
index 88db22b..edf3b08 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
 import android.os.Parcel;
 import android.os.Parcelable;
 import android.telephony.UiccAccessRule;
@@ -26,7 +27,14 @@
-/** Information about a subscription which is available for download. */
+ * Information about a subscription which is downloadable to an eUICC using
+ * {@link EuiccManager#downloadSubscription(DownloadableSubscription, boolean, PendingIntent).
+ *
+ * <p>For example, a DownloadableSubscription can be created through an activation code parsed from
+ * a QR code. A server address can be parsed from the activation code to download more information
+ * about the profile, such as carrier name, access rules, etc.
+ */
 public final class DownloadableSubscription implements Parcelable {
     public static final Creator<DownloadableSubscription> CREATOR =
@@ -136,7 +144,15 @@
      * Create a DownloadableSubscription for the given activation code.
-     * @param encodedActivationCode the activation code to use. Must not be null.
+     * <p>This fills the encodedActivationCode field. Other fields like confirmationCode,
+     * carrierName and accessRules may be filled in the implementation of
+     * {@code android.service.euicc.EuiccService} if exists.
+     *
+     * @param encodedActivationCode the activation code to use. An activation code can be parsed
+     *         from a user scanned QR code. The format of activation code is defined in SGP.22. For
+     *         example, "1$SMDP.GSMA.COM$04386-AGYFT-A74Y8-3F815$". For detail, see
+     *         {@code}. Must not be null.
+     *
      * @return the {@link DownloadableSubscription} which may be passed to
      *     {@link EuiccManager#downloadSubscription}.
@@ -157,6 +173,9 @@
      * Returns the confirmation code.
+     *
+     * <p>As an example, the confirmation code can be input by the user through a carrier app or the
+     * UI component of the eUICC local profile assistant (LPA) application.
     public String getConfirmationCode() {
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
index 6be7725..cc0d1c6 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
     /** Result code of an unknown error. */
     public static final int RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1;
+    /** Result code when the eUICC card with the given card Id is not found. */
+    public static final int RESULT_EUICC_NOT_FOUND = -2;
      * Callback to receive the result of an eUICC card API.
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
index 71ef5de..d6f94da 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/euicc/
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@
 package android.telephony.euicc;
+import android.Manifest;
 import android.annotation.IntDef;
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
+import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
 import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
-import android.annotation.TestApi;
 import android.content.Context;
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public static final String ACTION_OTA_STATUS_CHANGED =
@@ -140,11 +142,9 @@
-     * Key for an extra set on {@link #getDownloadableSubscriptionMetadata} PendingIntent result
+     * Key for an extra set on {@code #getDownloadableSubscriptionMetadata} PendingIntent result
      * callbacks providing the downloadable subscription metadata.
-     * @hide
-    @SystemApi
@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@
      * @hide
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public int getOtaStatus() {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -325,6 +326,7 @@
      * @param switchAfterDownload if true, the profile will be activated upon successful download.
      * @param callbackIntent a PendingIntent to launch when the operation completes.
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void downloadSubscription(DownloadableSubscription subscription,
             boolean switchAfterDownload, PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -387,6 +389,7 @@
      * @hide
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void continueOperation(Intent resolutionIntent, Bundle resolutionExtras) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
             PendingIntent callbackIntent =
@@ -422,6 +425,7 @@
      * @hide
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void getDownloadableSubscriptionMetadata(
             DownloadableSubscription subscription, PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -452,6 +456,7 @@
      * @hide
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void getDefaultDownloadableSubscriptionList(PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -496,6 +501,7 @@
      * @param subscriptionId the ID of the subscription to delete.
      * @param callbackIntent a PendingIntent to launch when the operation completes.
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void deleteSubscription(int subscriptionId, PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -523,6 +529,7 @@
      *     current profile without activating another profile to replace it.
      * @param callbackIntent a PendingIntent to launch when the operation completes.
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void switchToSubscription(int subscriptionId, PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -548,6 +555,7 @@
      * @param callbackIntent a PendingIntent to launch when the operation completes.
      * @hide
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void updateSubscriptionNickname(
             int subscriptionId, String nickname, PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
@@ -566,12 +574,13 @@
      * Erase all subscriptions and reset the eUICC.
      * <p>Requires that the calling app has the
-     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS} permission. This is for
-     * internal system use only.
+     * {@code android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS} permission.
      * @param callbackIntent a PendingIntent to launch when the operation completes.
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
+    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS)
     public void eraseSubscriptions(PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
         if (!isEnabled()) {
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/
index 2748cb5..c008711 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/
@@ -161,11 +161,6 @@
-        public void notifyImsFeatureReady(int slotId, int featureType) {
-            ImsService.this.notifyImsFeatureReady(slotId, featureType);
-        }
-        @Override
         public IImsConfig getConfig(int slotId) {
             ImsConfigImplBase c = ImsService.this.getConfig(slotId);
             return c != null ? c.getIImsConfig() : null;
@@ -274,25 +269,6 @@
-    private void notifyImsFeatureReady(int slotId, int featureType) {
-        synchronized (mFeaturesBySlot) {
-            // get ImsFeature associated with the slot/feature
-            SparseArray<ImsFeature> features = mFeaturesBySlot.get(slotId);
-            if (features == null) {
-                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Can not notify ImsFeature ready. No ImsFeatures exist on " +
-                        "slot " + slotId);
-                return;
-            }
-            ImsFeature f = features.get(featureType);
-            if (f == null) {
-                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Can not notify ImsFeature ready. No feature with type "
-                        + featureType + " exists on slot " + slotId);
-                return;
-            }
-            f.onFeatureReady();
-        }
-    }
      * When called, provide the {@link ImsFeatureConfiguration} that this {@link ImsService}
      * currently supports. This will trigger the framework to set up the {@link ImsFeature}s that
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/aidl/IImsServiceController.aidl b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/aidl/IImsServiceController.aidl
index 86f8606..c7da681 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/aidl/IImsServiceController.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/aidl/IImsServiceController.aidl
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
     ImsFeatureConfiguration querySupportedImsFeatures();
     // Synchronous call to ensure the ImsService is ready before continuing with feature creation.
     void notifyImsServiceReadyForFeatureCreation();
-    // Synchronous call to ensure the new ImsFeature is ready before using the Feature.
-    void notifyImsFeatureReady(int slotId, int featureType);
     void removeImsFeature(int slotId, int featureType, in IImsFeatureStatusCallback c);
     IImsConfig getConfig(int slotId);
     IImsRegistration getRegistration(int slotId);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/
index 1fdbae9..d537699 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@
     // ImsFeatures that are defined in the Manifests. Ensure that these values match the previously
     // defined values in ImsServiceClass for compatibility purposes.
-     * This feature supports emergency calling over MMTEL.
+     * This feature supports emergency calling over MMTEL. If defined, the framework will try to
+     * place an emergency call over IMS first. If it is not defined, the framework will only use
+     * CSFB for emergency calling.
     public static final int FEATURE_EMERGENCY_MMTEL = 0;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/
index 09267fc..aaf1a1cf8 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/feature/
@@ -139,34 +139,44 @@
         public int queryCapabilityStatus() throws RemoteException {
-            return MmTelFeature.this.queryCapabilityStatus().mCapabilities;
+            synchronized (mLock) {
+                return MmTelFeature.this.queryCapabilityStatus().mCapabilities;
+            }
         public void addCapabilityCallback(IImsCapabilityCallback c) {
+            // no need to lock, structure already handles multithreading.
         public void removeCapabilityCallback(IImsCapabilityCallback c) {
+            // no need to lock, structure already handles multithreading.
         public void changeCapabilitiesConfiguration(CapabilityChangeRequest request,
                 IImsCapabilityCallback c) throws RemoteException {
-            MmTelFeature.this.requestChangeEnabledCapabilities(request, c);
+            synchronized (mLock) {
+                MmTelFeature.this.requestChangeEnabledCapabilities(request, c);
+            }
         public void queryCapabilityConfiguration(int capability, int radioTech,
                 IImsCapabilityCallback c) {
-            queryCapabilityConfigurationInternal(capability, radioTech, c);
+            synchronized (mLock) {
+                queryCapabilityConfigurationInternal(capability, radioTech, c);
+            }
         public void setSmsListener(IImsSmsListener l) throws RemoteException {
-            MmTelFeature.this.setSmsListener(l);
+            synchronized (mLock) {
+                MmTelFeature.this.setSmsListener(l);
+            }
@@ -332,20 +342,14 @@
     public static final int PROCESS_CALL_IMS = 0;
      * To be returned by {@link #shouldProcessCall(String[])} when the telephony framework should
-     * not process the outgoing NON_EMERGENCY call as IMS and should instead use circuit switch.
+     * not process the outgoing call as IMS and should instead use circuit switch.
     public static final int PROCESS_CALL_CSFB = 1;
-    /**
-     * To be returned by {@link #shouldProcessCall(String[])} when the telephony framework should
-     * not process the outgoing EMERGENCY call as IMS and should instead use circuit switch.
-     */
-    public static final int PROCESS_CALL_EMERGENCY_CSFB = 2;
     @IntDef(flag = true,
             value = {
-                    PROCESS_CALL_CSFB,
-                    PROCESS_CALL_EMERGENCY_CSFB
+                    PROCESS_CALL_CSFB
     public @interface ProcessCallResult {}
@@ -536,12 +540,15 @@
      * Called by the framework to determine if the outgoing call, designated by the outgoing
-     * {@link Uri}s, should be processed as an IMS call or CSFB call.
+     * {@link String}s, should be processed as an IMS call or CSFB call. If this method's
+     * functionality is not overridden, the platform will process every call as IMS as long as the
+     * MmTelFeature reports that the {@link MmTelCapabilities#CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE} capability is
+     * available.
      * @param numbers An array of {@link String}s that will be used for placing the call. There can
      *         be multiple {@link String}s listed in the case when we want to place an outgoing
      *         call as a conference.
      * @return a {@link ProcessCallResult} to the framework, which will be used to determine if the
-     *        call wil lbe placed over IMS or via CSFB.
+     *        call will be placed over IMS or via CSFB.
     public @ProcessCallResult int shouldProcessCall(String[] numbers) {
         return PROCESS_CALL_IMS;
@@ -578,7 +585,7 @@
     public ImsUtImplBase getUt() {
         // Base Implementation - Should be overridden
-        return null;
+        return new ImsUtImplBase();
@@ -587,7 +594,7 @@
     public ImsEcbmImplBase getEcbm() {
         // Base Implementation - Should be overridden
-        return null;
+        return new ImsEcbmImplBase();
@@ -596,7 +603,7 @@
     public ImsMultiEndpointImplBase getMultiEndpoint() {
         // Base Implementation - Should be overridden
-        return null;
+        return new ImsMultiEndpointImplBase();
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/
index 98b67c3..2f52c0a 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import android.os.Parcelable;
 import android.telephony.ims.feature.ImsFeature;
 import android.util.ArraySet;
+import android.util.Pair;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -34,14 +35,57 @@
 public final class ImsFeatureConfiguration implements Parcelable {
+    public static final class FeatureSlotPair {
+        /**
+         * SIM slot that this feature is associated with.
+         */
+        public final int slotId;
+        /**
+         * The feature that this slotId supports. Supported values are
+         * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_EMERGENCY_MMTEL}, {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_MMTEL}, and
+         * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_RCS}.
+         */
+        public final @ImsFeature.FeatureType int featureType;
+        /**
+         * A mapping from slotId to IMS Feature type.
+         * @param slotId the SIM slot ID associated with this feature.
+         * @param featureType The feature that this slotId supports. Supported values are
+         * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_EMERGENCY_MMTEL}, {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_MMTEL}, and
+         * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_RCS}.
+         */
+        public FeatureSlotPair(int slotId, @ImsFeature.FeatureType int featureType) {
+            this.slotId = slotId;
+            this.featureType = featureType;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean equals(Object o) {
+            if (this == o) return true;
+            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
+            FeatureSlotPair that = (FeatureSlotPair) o;
+            if (slotId != that.slotId) return false;
+            return featureType == that.featureType;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int hashCode() {
+            int result = slotId;
+            result = 31 * result + featureType;
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
      * Features that this ImsService supports.
-    private final Set<Integer> mFeatures;
+    private final Set<FeatureSlotPair> mFeatures;
-     * Builder for {@link ImsFeatureConfiguration} that makes adding supported {@link ImsFeature}s
-     * easier.
+     * Builder for {@link ImsFeatureConfiguration}.
     public static class Builder {
             ImsFeatureConfiguration mConfig;
@@ -50,12 +94,15 @@
-         * @param feature A feature defined in {@link ImsFeature.FeatureType} that this service
-         *         supports.
+         * Adds an IMS feature associated with a SIM slot ID.
+         * @param slotId The slot ID associated with the IMS feature.
+         * @param featureType The feature that the slot ID supports. Supported values are
+         * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_EMERGENCY_MMTEL}, {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_MMTEL}, and
+         * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_RCS}.
          * @return a {@link Builder} to continue constructing the ImsFeatureConfiguration.
-        public Builder addFeature(@ImsFeature.FeatureType int feature) {
-            mConfig.addFeature(feature);
+        public Builder addFeature(int slotId, @ImsFeature.FeatureType int featureType) {
+            mConfig.addFeature(slotId, featureType);
             return this;
@@ -66,8 +113,7 @@
      * Creates with all registration features empty.
-     *
-     * Consider using the provided {@link Builder} to create this configuration instead.
+     * @hide
     public ImsFeatureConfiguration() {
         mFeatures = new ArraySet<>();
@@ -76,45 +122,41 @@
      * Configuration of the ImsService, which describes which features the ImsService supports
      * (for registration).
-     * @param features an array of feature integers defined in {@link ImsFeature} that describe
-     * which features this ImsService supports. Supported values are
-     * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_EMERGENCY_MMTEL}, {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_MMTEL}, and
-     * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_RCS}.
+     * @param features a set of {@link FeatureSlotPair}s that describe which features this
+     *         ImsService supports.
      * @hide
-    public ImsFeatureConfiguration(int[] features) {
+    public ImsFeatureConfiguration(Set<FeatureSlotPair> features) {
         mFeatures = new ArraySet<>();
         if (features != null) {
-            for (int i : features) {
-                mFeatures.add(i);
-            }
+            mFeatures.addAll(features);
-     * @return an int[] containing the features that this ImsService supports. Supported values are
-     * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_EMERGENCY_MMTEL}, {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_MMTEL}, and
-     * {@link ImsFeature#FEATURE_RCS}.
+     * @return a set of supported slot ID to feature type pairs contained within a
+     * {@link FeatureSlotPair}.
-    public int[] getServiceFeatures() {
-        return>i).toArray();
+    public Set<FeatureSlotPair> getServiceFeatures() {
+        return new ArraySet<>(mFeatures);
-    void addFeature(int feature) {
-        mFeatures.add(feature);
+    /**
+     * @hide
+     */
+    void addFeature(int slotId, int feature) {
+        mFeatures.add(new FeatureSlotPair(slotId, feature));
     /** @hide */
     protected ImsFeatureConfiguration(Parcel in) {
-        int[] features = in.createIntArray();
-        if (features != null) {
-            mFeatures = new ArraySet<>(features.length);
-            for(Integer i : features) {
-                mFeatures.add(i);
-            }
-        } else {
-            mFeatures = new ArraySet<>();
+        int featurePairLength = in.readInt();
+        // length
+        mFeatures = new ArraySet<>(featurePairLength);
+        for (int i = 0; i < featurePairLength; i++) {
+            // pair of reads for each entry (slotId->featureType)
+            mFeatures.add(new FeatureSlotPair(in.readInt(), in.readInt()));
@@ -138,7 +180,15 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
-        dest.writeIntArray(>i).toArray());
+        FeatureSlotPair[] featureSlotPairs = new FeatureSlotPair[mFeatures.size()];
+        mFeatures.toArray(featureSlotPairs);
+        // length of list
+        dest.writeInt(featureSlotPairs.length);
+        // then pairs of integers for each entry (slotId->featureType).
+        for (FeatureSlotPair featureSlotPair : featureSlotPairs) {
+            dest.writeInt(featureSlotPair.slotId);
+            dest.writeInt(featureSlotPair.featureType);
+        }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/
index bf89533..d03f63d 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/stub/
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@
     /** @hide */
     public @interface DeliverStatusResult {}
@@ -86,7 +88,17 @@
      * Message was not delivered.
-    public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR = 2;
+    public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_GENERIC = 2;
+    /**
+     * Message was not delivered due to lack of memory.
+     */
+    public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY = 3;
+    /**
+     * Message was not delivered as the request is not supported.
+     */
+    public static final int DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4;
     /** @hide */
@@ -106,7 +118,6 @@
     public static final int STATUS_REPORT_STATUS_ERROR = 2;
     // Lock for feature synchronization
     private final Object mLock = new Object();
     private IImsSmsListener mListener;
@@ -157,7 +168,9 @@
      * @param token token provided in {@link #onSmsReceived(int, String, byte[])}
      * @param result result of delivering the message. Valid values are:
      *  {@link #DELIVER_STATUS_OK},
-     *  {@link #DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR}
      * @param messageRef the message reference
     public void acknowledgeSms(int token, @DeliverStatusResult int messageRef, int result) {
@@ -184,7 +197,9 @@
      * platform will deliver the message to the messages database and notify the IMS provider of the
      * result by calling {@link #acknowledgeSms(int, int, int)}.
-     * This method must not be called before {@link #onReady()} is called.
+     * This method must not be called before {@link #onReady()} is called or the call will fail. If
+     * the platform is not available, {@link #acknowledgeSms(int, int, int)} will be called with the
+     * {@link #DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_GENERIC} result code.
      * @param token unique token generated by IMS providers that the platform will use to trigger
      *              callbacks for this message.
@@ -202,7 +217,14 @@
                 mListener.onSmsReceived(token, format, pdu);
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
                 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Can not deliver sms: " + e.getMessage());
-                acknowledgeSms(token, 0, DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR);
+                SmsMessage message = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, format);
+                if (message != null && message.mWrappedSmsMessage != null) {
+                    acknowledgeSms(token, message.mWrappedSmsMessage.mMessageRef,
+                            DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_GENERIC);
+                } else {
+                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onSmsReceived: Invalid pdu entered.");
+                    acknowledgeSms(token, 0, DELIVER_STATUS_ERROR_GENERIC);
+                }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4301cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License
+ */
+package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession;
+ * A optional listener class used by download clients to track progress. Apps should extend this
+ * class and pass an instance into
+ * {@link MbmsDownloadSession#download(DownloadRequest)}
+ *
+ * This is optionally specified when requesting a download and will only be called while the app
+ * is running.
+ */
+public class DownloadProgressListener {
+    /**
+     * Called when the middleware wants to report progress for a file in a {@link DownloadRequest}.
+     *
+     * @param request a {@link DownloadRequest}, indicating which download is being referenced.
+     * @param fileInfo a {@link FileInfo} specifying the file to report progress on.  Note that
+     *   the request may result in many files being downloaded and the client
+     *   may not have been able to get a list of them in advance.
+     * @param currentDownloadSize is the current amount downloaded.
+     * @param fullDownloadSize is the total number of bytes that make up the downloaded content.
+     *   This may be different from the decoded final size, but is useful in gauging download
+     *   progress.
+     * @param currentDecodedSize is the number of bytes that have been decoded.
+     * @param fullDecodedSize is the total number of bytes that make up the final decoded content.
+     */
+    public void onProgressUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
+            int currentDownloadSize, int fullDownloadSize,
+            int currentDecodedSize, int fullDecodedSize) {
+    }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f60cc3..0000000
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package android.telephony.mbms;
-import android.annotation.IntDef;
-import android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession;
-import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
-import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
- * A optional listener class used by download clients to track progress. Apps should extend this
- * class and pass an instance into
- * {@link MbmsDownloadSession#download(DownloadRequest)}
- *
- * This is optionally specified when requesting a download and will only be called while the app
- * is running.
- */
-public class DownloadStateCallback {
-    /**
-     * Bitmask flags used for filtering out callback methods. Used when constructing the
-     * DownloadStateCallback as an optional parameter.
-     * @hide
-     */
-    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
-    @IntDef(flag = true, value = {ALL_UPDATES, PROGRESS_UPDATES, STATE_UPDATES})
-    public @interface FilterFlag {}
-    /**
-     * Receive all callbacks.
-     * Default value.
-     */
-    public static final int ALL_UPDATES = 0x00;
-    /**
-     * Receive callbacks for {@link #onProgressUpdated}.
-     */
-    public static final int PROGRESS_UPDATES = 0x01;
-    /**
-     * Receive callbacks for {@link #onStateUpdated}.
-     */
-    public static final int STATE_UPDATES = 0x02;
-    private final int mCallbackFilterFlags;
-    /**
-     * Creates a DownloadStateCallback that will receive all callbacks.
-     */
-    public DownloadStateCallback() {
-        mCallbackFilterFlags = ALL_UPDATES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a DownloadStateCallback that will only receive callbacks for the methods specified
-     * via the filterFlags parameter.
-     * @param filterFlags A bitmask of filter flags that will specify which callback this instance
-     *     is interested in.
-     */
-    public DownloadStateCallback(int filterFlags) {
-        mCallbackFilterFlags = filterFlags;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the currently set filter flags.
-     * @return An integer containing the bitmask of flags that this instance is interested in.
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public int getCallbackFilterFlags() {
-        return mCallbackFilterFlags;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if a filter flag is set for a particular callback method. If the flag is set,
-     * the callback will be delivered to the listening process.
-     * @param flag A filter flag specifying whether or not a callback method is registered to
-     *     receive callbacks.
-     * @return true if registered to receive callbacks in the listening process, false if not.
-     */
-    public final boolean isFilterFlagSet(@FilterFlag int flag) {
-        if (mCallbackFilterFlags == ALL_UPDATES) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        return (mCallbackFilterFlags & flag) > 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Called when the middleware wants to report progress for a file in a {@link DownloadRequest}.
-     *
-     * @param request a {@link DownloadRequest}, indicating which download is being referenced.
-     * @param fileInfo a {@link FileInfo} specifying the file to report progress on.  Note that
-     *   the request may result in many files being downloaded and the client
-     *   may not have been able to get a list of them in advance.
-     * @param currentDownloadSize is the current amount downloaded.
-     * @param fullDownloadSize is the total number of bytes that make up the downloaded content.
-     *   This may be different from the decoded final size, but is useful in gauging download
-     *   progress.
-     * @param currentDecodedSize is the number of bytes that have been decoded.
-     * @param fullDecodedSize is the total number of bytes that make up the final decoded content.
-     */
-    public void onProgressUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
-            int currentDownloadSize, int fullDownloadSize,
-            int currentDecodedSize, int fullDecodedSize) {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gives download state callbacks for a file in a {@link DownloadRequest}.
-     *
-     * @param request a {@link DownloadRequest}, indicating which download is being referenced.
-     * @param fileInfo a {@link FileInfo} specifying the file to report progress on.  Note that
-     *   the request may result in many files being downloaded and the client
-     *   may not have been able to get a list of them in advance.
-     * @param state The current state of the download.
-     */
-    public void onStateUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
-            @MbmsDownloadSession.DownloadStatus int state) {
-    }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca77932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.annotation.IntDef;
+import android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+ * A optional listener class used by download clients to track progress. Apps should extend this
+ * class and pass an instance into
+ * {@link MbmsDownloadSession#download(DownloadRequest)}
+ *
+ * This is optionally specified when requesting a download and will only be called while the app
+ * is running.
+ */
+public class DownloadStatusListener {
+    /**
+     * Gives download status callbacks for a file in a {@link DownloadRequest}.
+     *
+     * @param request a {@link DownloadRequest}, indicating which download is being referenced.
+     * @param fileInfo a {@link FileInfo} specifying the file to report progress on.  Note that
+     *   the request may result in many files being downloaded and the client
+     *   may not have been able to get a list of them in advance.
+     * @param status The current status of the download.
+     */
+    public void onStatusUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
+            @MbmsDownloadSession.DownloadStatus int status) {
+    }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStateCallback.aidl b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadProgressListener.aidl
similarity index 90%
rename from telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStateCallback.aidl
rename to telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadProgressListener.aidl
index cebc70d..d0adcb5 100755
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStateCallback.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadProgressListener.aidl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  * The optional interface used by download clients to track progress.
  * @hide
-interface IDownloadStateCallback
+interface IDownloadProgressListener
      * Gives progress callbacks for a given DownloadRequest.  Includes a FileInfo
@@ -32,6 +32,4 @@
     void onProgressUpdated(in DownloadRequest request, in FileInfo fileInfo,
             int currentDownloadSize, int fullDownloadSize,
             int currentDecodedSize, int fullDecodedSize);
-    void onStateUpdated(in DownloadRequest request, in FileInfo fileInfo, int state);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStatusListener.aidl b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStatusListener.aidl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..799290a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/IDownloadStatusListener.aidl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+** Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest;
+import android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo;
+ * The optional interface used by download clients to track download status.
+ * @hide
+ */
+interface IDownloadStatusListener
+    void onStatusUpdated(in DownloadRequest request, in FileInfo fileInfo, int status);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
similarity index 62%
rename from telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
rename to telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index f30ae27..403f758 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@
  * @hide
-public class InternalDownloadStateCallback extends IDownloadStateCallback.Stub {
+public class InternalDownloadProgressListener extends IDownloadProgressListener.Stub {
     private final Executor mExecutor;
-    private final DownloadStateCallback mAppCallback;
+    private final DownloadProgressListener mAppListener;
     private volatile boolean mIsStopped = false;
-    public InternalDownloadStateCallback(DownloadStateCallback appCallback, Executor executor) {
-        mAppCallback = appCallback;
+    public InternalDownloadProgressListener(DownloadProgressListener appListener,
+            Executor executor) {
+        mAppListener = appListener;
         mExecutor = executor;
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
             public void run() {
                 long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
                 try {
-                    mAppCallback.onProgressUpdated(request, fileInfo, currentDownloadSize,
+                    mAppListener.onProgressUpdated(request, fileInfo, currentDownloadSize,
                             fullDownloadSize, currentDecodedSize, fullDecodedSize);
                 } finally {
@@ -56,26 +57,6 @@
-    @Override
-    public void onStateUpdated(final DownloadRequest request, final FileInfo fileInfo,
-            final int state) throws RemoteException {
-        if (mIsStopped) {
-            return;
-        }
-        mExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
-            @Override
-            public void run() {
-                long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
-                try {
-                    mAppCallback.onStateUpdated(request, fileInfo, state);
-                } finally {
-                    Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }
     public void stop() {
         mIsStopped = true;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index c2a79d8..2916f81 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 package android.telephony.mbms;
 import android.os.Binder;
-import android.os.RemoteException;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@
-    public void onError(final int errorCode, final String message) throws RemoteException {
+    public void onError(final int errorCode, final String message) {
         if (mIsStopped) {
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
-    public void onFileServicesUpdated(final List<FileServiceInfo> services) throws RemoteException {
+    public void onFileServicesUpdated(final List<FileServiceInfo> services) {
         if (mIsStopped) {
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@
-    public void onMiddlewareReady() throws RemoteException {
+    public void onMiddlewareReady() {
         if (mIsStopped) {
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad6bb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License
+ */
+package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.os.Binder;
+import android.os.RemoteException;
+import android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
+ * @hide
+ */
+public class InternalDownloadStatusListener extends IDownloadStatusListener.Stub {
+    private final Executor mExecutor;
+    private final DownloadStatusListener mAppListener;
+    private volatile boolean mIsStopped = false;
+    public InternalDownloadStatusListener(DownloadStatusListener appCallback, Executor executor) {
+        mAppListener = appCallback;
+        mExecutor = executor;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onStatusUpdated(final DownloadRequest request, final FileInfo fileInfo,
+            @MbmsDownloadSession.DownloadStatus final int status) throws RemoteException {
+        if (mIsStopped) {
+            return;
+        }
+        mExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
+            @Override
+            public void run() {
+                long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
+                try {
+                    mAppListener.onStatusUpdated(request, fileInfo, status);
+                } finally {
+                    Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    public void stop() {
+        mIsStopped = true;
+    }
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index b0c00c6..dd1061f 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 import android.telephony.mbms.vendor.VendorUtils;
 import android.util.Log;
@@ -268,7 +270,10 @@
         Uri finalLocation;
         try {
-            finalLocation = moveToFinalLocation(finalTempFile, appSpecifiedDestination);
+            String relativeLocation = getFileRelativePath(request.getSourceUri().getPath(),
+                    completedFileInfo.getUri().getPath());
+            finalLocation = moveToFinalLocation(finalTempFile, appSpecifiedDestination,
+                    relativeLocation);
         } catch (IOException e) {
             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to move temp file to final destination");
@@ -297,7 +302,9 @@
         for (Uri tempFileUri : tempFiles) {
             if (verifyTempFilePath(context, request.getFileServiceId(), tempFileUri)) {
                 File tempFile = new File(tempFileUri.getSchemeSpecificPart());
-                tempFile.delete();
+                if (!tempFile.delete()) {
+                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to delete temp file at " + tempFile.getPath());
+                }
@@ -440,7 +447,8 @@
      * Moves a tempfile located at fromPath to its final home where the app wants it
-    private static Uri moveToFinalLocation(Uri fromPath, Path appSpecifiedPath) throws IOException {
+    private static Uri moveToFinalLocation(Uri fromPath, Path appSpecifiedPath,
+            String relativeLocation) throws IOException {
         if (!ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE.equals(fromPath.getScheme())) {
             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Downloaded file location uri " + fromPath +
                     " does not have a file scheme");
@@ -448,16 +456,46 @@
         Path fromFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(fromPath.getPath());
-        if (!Files.isDirectory(appSpecifiedPath)) {
-            Files.createDirectory(appSpecifiedPath);
+        Path toFile = appSpecifiedPath.resolve(relativeLocation);
+        if (!Files.isDirectory(toFile.getParent())) {
+            Files.createDirectories(toFile.getParent());
-        // TODO: do we want to support directory trees within the download directory?
-        Path result = Files.move(fromFile, appSpecifiedPath.resolve(fromFile.getFileName()),
+        Path result = Files.move(fromFile, toFile,
                 StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
         return Uri.fromFile(result.toFile());
+    /**
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    public static String getFileRelativePath(String sourceUriPath, String fileInfoPath) {
+        if (sourceUriPath.endsWith("*")) {
+            // This is a wildcard path. Strip the last path component and use that as the root of
+            // the relative path.
+            int lastSlash = sourceUriPath.lastIndexOf('/');
+            sourceUriPath = sourceUriPath.substring(0, lastSlash);
+        }
+        if (!fileInfoPath.startsWith(sourceUriPath)) {
+            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "File location specified in FileInfo does not match the source URI."
+                    + " source: " + sourceUriPath + " fileinfo path: " + fileInfoPath);
+            return null;
+        }
+        if (fileInfoPath.length() == sourceUriPath.length()) {
+            // This is the single-file download case. Return the name of the file so that the
+            // receiver puts the file directly into the dest directory.
+            return sourceUriPath.substring(sourceUriPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+        }
+        String prefixOmittedPath = fileInfoPath.substring(sourceUriPath.length());
+        if (prefixOmittedPath.startsWith("/")) {
+            prefixOmittedPath = prefixOmittedPath.substring(1);
+        }
+        return prefixOmittedPath;
+    }
     private static boolean verifyTempFilePath(Context context, String serviceId,
             Uri filePath) {
         if (!ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE.equals(filePath.getScheme())) {
@@ -474,6 +512,8 @@
         if (!MbmsUtils.isContainedIn(
                 MbmsUtils.getEmbmsTempFileDirForService(context, serviceId), tempFile)) {
+            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "File at " + path + " is not contained in the temp file root," +
+                    " which is " + MbmsUtils.getEmbmsTempFileDirForService(context, serviceId));
             return false;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index 77dea6f..5003b57 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
 package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.annotation.IntDef;
 import android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
 import java.util.List;
@@ -25,6 +28,26 @@
  * cell-broadcast.
 public class MbmsDownloadSessionCallback {
+    /** @hide */
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    @IntDef(value = {
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_NO_UNIQUE_MIDDLEWARE,
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST,
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_BOUND,
+            MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_APP_PERMISSIONS_NOT_GRANTED,
+            MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_DUPLICATE_INITIALIZE,
+            MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_YET_READY,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_IN_E911,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_HOME_CARRIER_LTE,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_READ_SIM,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_CARRIER_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_TEMP_FILE_ROOT,
+            MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST,
+            MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILE_INFO}, prefix = { "ERROR_" })
+    private @interface DownloadError{}
      * Indicates that the middleware has encountered an asynchronous error.
@@ -32,7 +55,7 @@
      * @param message A message, intended for debugging purposes, describing the error in further
      *                detail.
-    public void onError(int errorCode, String message) {
+    public void onError(@DownloadError int errorCode, String message) {
         // default implementation empty
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index b5fec44..7c4321b 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@
 import android.telephony.MbmsStreamingSession;
 public class MbmsErrors {
+    /**
+     * Indicates that the middleware has sent an error code that is not defined in the version of
+     * the SDK targeted by your app. This is an illegal value for the middleware to return -- it
+     * should only ever be generated by the framework.
+     */
+    public static final int UNKNOWN = -1;
     /** Indicates that the operation was successful. */
     public static final int SUCCESS = 0;
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index 6e03957..1bdb20bf 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@
 package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.annotation.IntDef;
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
 import android.content.Context;
-import android.os.Handler;
 import android.telephony.MbmsStreamingSession;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
@@ -30,13 +32,34 @@
  * {@link MbmsStreamingSession#create(Context, Executor, int, MbmsStreamingSessionCallback)}.
 public class MbmsStreamingSessionCallback {
+    /** @hide */
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    @IntDef(value = {
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_NO_UNIQUE_MIDDLEWARE,
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST,
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_BOUND,
+            MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_APP_PERMISSIONS_NOT_GRANTED,
+            MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_DUPLICATE_INITIALIZE,
+            MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_YET_READY,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_IN_E911,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_HOME_CARRIER_LTE,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_READ_SIM,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_CARRIER_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_CONCURRENT_SERVICE_LIMIT_REACHED,
+            MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_START_SERVICE,
+            MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_DUPLICATE_START_STREAM}, prefix = { "ERROR_" })
+    private @interface StreamingError{}
      * Called by the middleware when it has detected an error condition. The possible error codes
      * are listed in {@link MbmsErrors}.
      * @param errorCode The error code.
      * @param message A human-readable message generated by the middleware for debugging purposes.
-    public void onError(int errorCode, @Nullable String message) {
+    public void onError(@StreamingError int errorCode, @Nullable String message) {
         // default implementation empty
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index ef317ee..06b2120 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -130,8 +130,12 @@
      * Returns a File linked to the directory used to store temp files for this file service
     public static File getEmbmsTempFileDirForService(Context context, String serviceId) {
+        // Replace all non-alphanumerics/underscores with an underscore. Some filesystems don't
+        // like special characters.
+        String sanitizedServiceId = serviceId.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_");
         File embmsTempFileDir = MbmsTempFileProvider.getEmbmsTempFileDir(context);
-        return new File(embmsTempFileDir, serviceId);
+        return new File(embmsTempFileDir, sanitizedServiceId);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
index 0903824..c265db6 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/
@@ -16,13 +16,34 @@
 package android.telephony.mbms;
+import android.annotation.IntDef;
 import android.annotation.Nullable;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
  * A callback class for use when the application is actively streaming content. The middleware
  * will provide updates on the status of the stream via this callback.
 public class StreamingServiceCallback {
+    /** @hide */
+    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
+    @IntDef(value = {
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_NO_UNIQUE_MIDDLEWARE,
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST,
+            MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_BOUND,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_YET_READY,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_IN_E911,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_HOME_CARRIER_LTE,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_READ_SIM,
+            MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_CARRIER_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_CONCURRENT_SERVICE_LIMIT_REACHED,
+            MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_START_SERVICE,
+            MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_DUPLICATE_START_STREAM}, prefix = { "ERROR_" })
+    private @interface StreamingServiceError{}
      * Indicates broadcast signal strength is not available for this service.
@@ -39,7 +60,7 @@
      * @param errorCode The error code.
      * @param message A human-readable message generated by the middleware for debugging purposes.
-    public void onError(int errorCode, @Nullable String message) {
+    public void onError(@StreamingServiceError int errorCode, @Nullable String message) {
         // default implementation empty
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/IMbmsDownloadService.aidl b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/IMbmsDownloadService.aidl
index 7d9845f..445087fb 100755
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/IMbmsDownloadService.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/IMbmsDownloadService.aidl
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
 import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest;
 import android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo;
+import android.telephony.mbms.IDownloadProgressListener;
+import android.telephony.mbms.IDownloadStatusListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.IMbmsDownloadSessionCallback;
-import android.telephony.mbms.IDownloadStateCallback;
  * @hide
@@ -36,11 +37,17 @@
     int download(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest);
-    int registerStateCallback(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest, IDownloadStateCallback listener,
-        int flags);
+    int addStatusListener(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+        IDownloadStatusListener listener);
-    int unregisterStateCallback(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
-        IDownloadStateCallback listener);
+    int removeStatusListener(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+        IDownloadStatusListener listener);
+    int addProgressListener(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+        IDownloadProgressListener listener);
+    int removeProgressListener(in DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+        IDownloadProgressListener listener);
     List<DownloadRequest> listPendingDownloads(int subscriptionId);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/
index 86b1b7a..a9f10b1 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@
 import android.os.IBinder;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.telephony.MbmsDownloadSession;
+import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadProgressListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadRequest;
-import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStateCallback;
+import android.telephony.mbms.DownloadStatusListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.FileInfo;
 import android.telephony.mbms.FileServiceInfo;
-import android.telephony.mbms.IDownloadStateCallback;
+import android.telephony.mbms.IDownloadProgressListener;
+import android.telephony.mbms.IDownloadStatusListener;
 import android.telephony.mbms.IMbmsDownloadSessionCallback;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsDownloadSessionCallback;
 import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsErrors;
@@ -45,47 +47,50 @@
 public class MbmsDownloadServiceBase extends IMbmsDownloadService.Stub {
-    private final Map<IBinder, DownloadStateCallback> mDownloadCallbackBinderMap = new HashMap<>();
+    private final Map<IBinder, DownloadStatusListener> mDownloadStatusListenerBinderMap =
+            new HashMap<>();
+    private final Map<IBinder, DownloadProgressListener> mDownloadProgressListenerBinderMap =
+            new HashMap<>();
     private final Map<IBinder, DeathRecipient> mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients = new HashMap<>();
+    private abstract static class VendorDownloadStatusListener extends DownloadStatusListener {
+        private final IDownloadStatusListener mListener;
+        public VendorDownloadStatusListener(IDownloadStatusListener listener) {
+            mListener = listener;
+        }
-    // Filters the DownloadStateCallbacks by its configuration from the app.
-    private abstract static class FilteredDownloadStateCallback extends DownloadStateCallback {
+        @Override
+        public void onStatusUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
+                @MbmsDownloadSession.DownloadStatus int state) {
+            try {
+                mListener.onStatusUpdated(request, fileInfo, state);
+            } catch (RemoteException e) {
+                onRemoteException(e);
+            }
+        }
-        private final IDownloadStateCallback mCallback;
-        public FilteredDownloadStateCallback(IDownloadStateCallback callback, int callbackFlags) {
-            super(callbackFlags);
-            mCallback = callback;
+        protected abstract void onRemoteException(RemoteException e);
+    }
+    private abstract static class VendorDownloadProgressListener extends DownloadProgressListener {
+        private final IDownloadProgressListener mListener;
+        public VendorDownloadProgressListener(IDownloadProgressListener listener) {
+            mListener = listener;
         public void onProgressUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
                 int currentDownloadSize, int fullDownloadSize, int currentDecodedSize,
                 int fullDecodedSize) {
-            if (!isFilterFlagSet(PROGRESS_UPDATES)) {
-                return;
-            }
             try {
-                mCallback.onProgressUpdated(request, fileInfo, currentDownloadSize,
+                mListener.onProgressUpdated(request, fileInfo, currentDownloadSize,
                         fullDownloadSize, currentDecodedSize, fullDecodedSize);
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
-        @Override
-        public void onStateUpdated(DownloadRequest request, FileInfo fileInfo,
-                @MbmsDownloadSession.DownloadStatus int state) {
-            if (!isFilterFlagSet(STATE_UPDATES)) {
-                return;
-            }
-            try {
-                mCallback.onStateUpdated(request, fileInfo, state);
-            } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                onRemoteException(e);
-            }
-        }
         protected abstract void onRemoteException(RemoteException e);
@@ -125,6 +130,10 @@
             public void onError(int errorCode, String message) {
                 try {
+                    if (errorCode == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+                                "Middleware cannot send an unknown error.");
+                    }
                     callback.onError(errorCode, message);
                 } catch (RemoteException e) {
                     onAppCallbackDied(uid, subscriptionId);
@@ -223,71 +232,70 @@
-     * Registers a download state callbacks for the provided {@link DownloadRequest}.
+     * Registers a download status listener for the provided {@link DownloadRequest}.
-     * This method is called by the app when it wants to request updates on the progress or
-     * status of the download.
+     * This method is called by the app when it wants to request updates on the status of
+     * the download.
      * If the middleware is not aware of a download having been requested with the provided
-     *
      * {@link DownloadRequest} in the past,
      * {@link MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors#ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST}
      * must be returned.
      * @param downloadRequest The {@link DownloadRequest} that was used to initiate the download
      *                        for which progress updates are being requested.
-     * @param callback The callback object to use.
+     * @param listener The listener object to use.
-    public int registerStateCallback(DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
-            DownloadStateCallback callback) throws RemoteException {
+    public int addStatusListener(DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+            DownloadStatusListener listener) throws RemoteException {
         return 0;
-     * Actual AIDL implementation -- hides the callback AIDL from the API.
+     * Actual AIDL implementation -- hides the listener AIDL from the API.
      * @hide
-    public final int registerStateCallback(final DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
-            final IDownloadStateCallback callback, int flags) throws RemoteException {
+    public final int addStatusListener(final DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+            final IDownloadStatusListener listener) throws RemoteException {
         final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
         if (downloadRequest == null) {
             throw new NullPointerException("Download request must not be null");
-        if (callback == null) {
+        if (listener == null) {
             throw new NullPointerException("Callback must not be null");
-        DownloadStateCallback exposedCallback = new FilteredDownloadStateCallback(callback, flags) {
+        DownloadStatusListener exposedCallback = new VendorDownloadStatusListener(listener) {
             protected void onRemoteException(RemoteException e) {
                 onAppCallbackDied(uid, downloadRequest.getSubscriptionId());
-        int result = registerStateCallback(downloadRequest, exposedCallback);
+        int result = addStatusListener(downloadRequest, exposedCallback);
         if (result == MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
             DeathRecipient deathRecipient = new DeathRecipient() {
                 public void binderDied() {
                     onAppCallbackDied(uid, downloadRequest.getSubscriptionId());
-                    mDownloadCallbackBinderMap.remove(callback.asBinder());
-                    mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.remove(callback.asBinder());
+                    mDownloadStatusListenerBinderMap.remove(listener.asBinder());
+                    mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.remove(listener.asBinder());
-            mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.put(callback.asBinder(), deathRecipient);
-            callback.asBinder().linkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0);
-            mDownloadCallbackBinderMap.put(callback.asBinder(), exposedCallback);
+            mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.put(listener.asBinder(), deathRecipient);
+            listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0);
+            mDownloadStatusListenerBinderMap.put(listener.asBinder(), exposedCallback);
         return result;
-     * Un-registers a download state callbacks for the provided {@link DownloadRequest}.
+     * Un-registers a download status listener for the provided {@link DownloadRequest}.
-     * This method is called by the app when it no longer wants to request updates on the
+     * This method is called by the app when it no longer wants to request status updates on the
      * download.
      * If the middleware is not aware of a download having been requested with the provided
@@ -296,45 +304,157 @@
      * must be returned.
      * @param downloadRequest The {@link DownloadRequest} that was used to register the callback
-     * @param callback The callback object that
-     *                 {@link #registerStateCallback(DownloadRequest, DownloadStateCallback)}
+     * @param listener The callback object that
+     *                 {@link #addStatusListener(DownloadRequest, DownloadStatusListener)}
      *                 was called with.
-    public int unregisterStateCallback(DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
-            DownloadStateCallback callback) throws RemoteException {
+    public int removeStatusListener(DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+            DownloadStatusListener listener) throws RemoteException {
         return 0;
-     * Actual AIDL implementation -- hides the callback AIDL from the API.
+     * Actual AIDL implementation -- hides the listener AIDL from the API.
      * @hide
-    @Override
-    public final int unregisterStateCallback(
-            final DownloadRequest downloadRequest, final IDownloadStateCallback callback)
+    public final int removeStatusListener(
+            final DownloadRequest downloadRequest, final IDownloadStatusListener listener)
             throws RemoteException {
         if (downloadRequest == null) {
             throw new NullPointerException("Download request must not be null");
-        if (callback == null) {
+        if (listener == null) {
             throw new NullPointerException("Callback must not be null");
         DeathRecipient deathRecipient =
-                mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.remove(callback.asBinder());
+                mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.remove(listener.asBinder());
         if (deathRecipient == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown callback");
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown listener");
-        callback.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0);
+        listener.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0);
-        DownloadStateCallback exposedCallback =
-                mDownloadCallbackBinderMap.remove(callback.asBinder());
+        DownloadStatusListener exposedCallback =
+                mDownloadStatusListenerBinderMap.remove(listener.asBinder());
         if (exposedCallback == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown callback");
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown listener");
-        return unregisterStateCallback(downloadRequest, exposedCallback);
+        return removeStatusListener(downloadRequest, exposedCallback);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Registers a download progress listener for the provided {@link DownloadRequest}.
+     *
+     * This method is called by the app when it wants to request updates on the progress of
+     * the download.
+     *
+     * If the middleware is not aware of a download having been requested with the provided
+     * {@link DownloadRequest} in the past,
+     * {@link MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors#ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST}
+     * must be returned.
+     *
+     * @param downloadRequest The {@link DownloadRequest} that was used to initiate the download
+     *                        for which progress updates are being requested.
+     * @param listener The listener object to use.
+     */
+    public int addProgressListener(DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+            DownloadProgressListener listener) throws RemoteException {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Actual AIDL implementation -- hides the listener AIDL from the API.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    @Override
+    public final int addProgressListener(final DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+            final IDownloadProgressListener listener) throws RemoteException {
+        final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
+        if (downloadRequest == null) {
+            throw new NullPointerException("Download request must not be null");
+        }
+        if (listener == null) {
+            throw new NullPointerException("Callback must not be null");
+        }
+        DownloadProgressListener exposedCallback = new VendorDownloadProgressListener(listener) {
+            @Override
+            protected void onRemoteException(RemoteException e) {
+                onAppCallbackDied(uid, downloadRequest.getSubscriptionId());
+            }
+        };
+        int result = addProgressListener(downloadRequest, exposedCallback);
+        if (result == MbmsErrors.SUCCESS) {
+            DeathRecipient deathRecipient = new DeathRecipient() {
+                @Override
+                public void binderDied() {
+                    onAppCallbackDied(uid, downloadRequest.getSubscriptionId());
+                    mDownloadProgressListenerBinderMap.remove(listener.asBinder());
+                    mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.remove(listener.asBinder());
+                }
+            };
+            mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.put(listener.asBinder(), deathRecipient);
+            listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0);
+            mDownloadProgressListenerBinderMap.put(listener.asBinder(), exposedCallback);
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-registers a download progress listener for the provided {@link DownloadRequest}.
+     *
+     * This method is called by the app when it no longer wants to request progress updates on the
+     * download.
+     *
+     * If the middleware is not aware of a download having been requested with the provided
+     * {@link DownloadRequest} in the past,
+     * {@link MbmsErrors.DownloadErrors#ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST}
+     * must be returned.
+     *
+     * @param downloadRequest The {@link DownloadRequest} that was used to register the callback
+     * @param listener The callback object that
+     *                 {@link #addProgressListener(DownloadRequest, DownloadProgressListener)}
+     *                 was called with.
+     */
+    public int removeProgressListener(DownloadRequest downloadRequest,
+            DownloadProgressListener listener) throws RemoteException {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Actual AIDL implementation -- hides the listener AIDL from the API.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public final int removeProgressListener(
+            final DownloadRequest downloadRequest, final IDownloadProgressListener listener)
+            throws RemoteException {
+        if (downloadRequest == null) {
+            throw new NullPointerException("Download request must not be null");
+        }
+        if (listener == null) {
+            throw new NullPointerException("Callback must not be null");
+        }
+        DeathRecipient deathRecipient =
+                mDownloadCallbackDeathRecipients.remove(listener.asBinder());
+        if (deathRecipient == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown listener");
+        }
+        listener.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0);
+        DownloadProgressListener exposedCallback =
+                mDownloadProgressListenerBinderMap.remove(listener.asBinder());
+        if (exposedCallback == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown listener");
+        }
+        return removeProgressListener(downloadRequest, exposedCallback);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/
index db177c0..5ce612d 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/mbms/vendor/
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@
             public void onError(final int errorCode, final String message) {
                 try {
+                    if (errorCode == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+                                "Middleware cannot send an unknown error.");
+                    }
                     callback.onError(errorCode, message);
                 } catch (RemoteException e) {
                     onAppCallbackDied(uid, subscriptionId);
@@ -173,6 +177,10 @@
             public void onError(final int errorCode, final String message) {
                 try {
+                    if (errorCode == MbmsErrors.UNKNOWN) {
+                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+                                "Middleware cannot send an unknown error.");
+                    }
                     callback.onError(errorCode, message);
                 } catch (RemoteException e) {
                     onAppCallbackDied(uid, subscriptionId);
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneStateListener.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneStateListener.aidl
index 8e3f4c0..1cfe8c2 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneStateListener.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneStateListener.aidl
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import android.telephony.SignalStrength;
 import android.telephony.CellInfo;
 import android.telephony.DataConnectionRealTimeInfo;
+import android.telephony.PhysicalChannelConfig;
 import android.telephony.PreciseCallState;
 import android.telephony.PreciseDataConnectionState;
 import android.telephony.VoLteServiceState;
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
     void onDataConnectionStateChanged(int state, int networkType);
     void onDataActivity(int direction);
     void onSignalStrengthsChanged(in SignalStrength signalStrength);
+    void onPhysicalChannelConfigurationChanged(in List<PhysicalChannelConfig> configs);
     void onOtaspChanged(in int otaspMode);
     void onCellInfoChanged(in List<CellInfo> cellInfo);
     void onPreciseCallStateChanged(in PreciseCallState callState);
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneSubInfo.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneSubInfo.aidl
index 303a068..93964f3 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneSubInfo.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/IPhoneSubInfo.aidl
@@ -68,11 +68,6 @@
     String getSubscriberIdForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
-     * Retrieves the Group Identifier Level1 for GSM phones.
-     */
-    String getGroupIdLevel1(String callingPackage);
-    /**
      * Retrieves the Group Identifier Level1 for GSM phones of a subId.
     String getGroupIdLevel1ForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
@@ -152,6 +147,13 @@
     in ImsiEncryptionInfo imsiEncryptionInfo);
+     * Resets the Carrier Keys in the database. This involves 2 steps:
+     *  1. Delete the keys from the database.
+     *  2. Send an intent to download new Certificates.
+     */
+    void resetCarrierKeysForImsiEncryption(int subId, String callingPackage);
+    /**
      * Retrieves the alpha identifier associated with the voice mail number.
     String getVoiceMailAlphaTag(String callingPackage);
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ISms.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ISms.aidl
index fe37531..a4eb424 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ISms.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ISms.aidl
@@ -187,6 +187,57 @@
             in PendingIntent deliveryIntent, in boolean persistMessage);
+     * Send an SMS with options using Subscription Id.
+     *
+     * @param subId the subId on which the SMS has to be sent.
+     * @param destAddr the address to send the message to
+     * @param scAddr the SMSC to send the message through, or NULL for the
+     *  default SMSC
+     * @param text the body of the message to send
+     * @param sentIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
+     *  broadcast when the message is sucessfully sent, or failed.
+     *  The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK<code> for success,
+     *  or one of these errors:<br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *  For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> the sentIntent may include
+     *  the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *  generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
+     *  The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
+     *  is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications,
+     *  which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
+     * @param deliveryIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
+     *  broadcast when the message is delivered to the recipient.  The
+     *  raw pdu of the status report is in the extended data ("pdu").
+     * @param persistMessageForNonDefaultSmsApp whether the sent message should
+     *   be automatically persisted in the SMS db. It only affects messages sent
+     *   by a non-default SMS app. Currently only the carrier app can set this
+     *   parameter to false to skip auto message persistence.
+     * @param priority Priority level of the message
+     *  Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *  PRIORITY      | Level of Priority
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *      '00'      |     Normal
+     *      '01'      |     Interactive
+     *      '10'      |     Urgent
+     *      '11'      |     Emergency
+     *  ----------------------------------
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message.
+     * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending message is multi segmented or not.
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins.
+     *  Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section
+     *  Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins
+     *  Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks).
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message.
+     */
+    void sendTextForSubscriberWithOptions(in int subId, String callingPkg, in String destAddr,
+            in String scAddr, in String text, in PendingIntent sentIntent,
+            in PendingIntent deliveryIntent, in boolean persistMessageForNonDefaultSmsApp,
+            in int priority, in boolean expectMore, in int validityPeriod);
+    /**
      * Inject an SMS PDU into the android platform.
      * @param subId the subId on which the SMS has to be injected.
@@ -234,6 +285,56 @@
             in List<PendingIntent> deliveryIntents, in boolean persistMessageForNonDefaultSmsApp);
+     * Send a multi-part text based SMS with options using Subscription Id.
+     *
+     * @param subId the subId on which the SMS has to be sent.
+     * @param destinationAddress the address to send the message to
+     * @param scAddress is the service center address or null to use
+     *   the current default SMSC
+     * @param parts an <code>ArrayList</code> of strings that, in order,
+     *   comprise the original message
+     * @param sentIntents if not null, an <code>ArrayList</code> of
+     *   <code>PendingIntent</code>s (one for each message part) that is
+     *   broadcast when the corresponding message part has been sent.
+     *   The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK<code> for success,
+     *   or one of these errors:
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code>.
+     * @param deliveryIntents if not null, an <code>ArrayList</code> of
+     *   <code>PendingIntent</code>s (one for each message part) that is
+     *   broadcast when the corresponding message part has been delivered
+     *   to the recipient.  The raw pdu of the status report is in the
+     *   extended data ("pdu").
+     * @param persistMessageForNonDefaultSmsApp whether the sent message should
+     *   be automatically persisted in the SMS db. It only affects messages sent
+     *   by a non-default SMS app. Currently only the carrier app can set this
+     *   parameter to false to skip auto message persistence.
+     * @param priority Priority level of the message
+     *  Refer specification See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *  PRIORITY      | Level of Priority
+     *  ---------------------------------
+     *      '00'      |     Normal
+     *      '01'      |     Interactive
+     *      '10'      |     Urgent
+     *      '11'      |     Emergency
+     *  ----------------------------------
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Priority Indicator of the message.
+     * @param expectMore is a boolean to indicate the sending message is multi segmented or not.
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in mins.
+     *  Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section
+     *  Validity Period(Minimum) -> 5 mins
+     *  Validity Period(Maximum) -> 635040 mins(i.e.63 weeks).
+     *  Any Other values included Negative considered as Invalid Validity Period of the message.
+     */
+    void sendMultipartTextForSubscriberWithOptions(in int subId, String callingPkg,
+            in String destinationAddress, in String scAddress, in List<String> parts,
+            in List<PendingIntent> sentIntents, in List<PendingIntent> deliveryIntents,
+            in boolean persistMessageForNonDefaultSmsApp, in int priority, in boolean expectMore,
+            in int validityPeriod);
+    /**
      * Enable reception of cell broadcast (SMS-CB) messages with the given
      * message identifier and RAN type. The RAN type specify this message ID
      * belong to 3GPP (GSM) or 3GPP2(CDMA). Note that if two different clients
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
index 9e2b519..1ace032 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
@@ -623,12 +623,6 @@
     void setCellInfoListRate(int rateInMillis);
-     * get default sim
-     * @return sim id
-     */
-    int getDefaultSim();
-    /**
      * Opens a logical channel to the ICC card.
      * Input parameters equivalent to TS 27.007 AT+CCHO command.
@@ -823,6 +817,12 @@
     IImsConfig getImsConfig(int slotId, int feature);
+     * @return true if the IMS resolver is busy resolving a binding and should not be considered
+     * available, false if the IMS resolver is idle.
+     */
+    boolean isResolvingImsBinding();
+    /**
      * Set the network selection mode to automatic.
      * @param subId the id of the subscription to update.
@@ -1352,10 +1352,10 @@
      * Returns carrier name of the given subscription.
-     * <p>Carrier name is a user-facing name of carrier id {@link #getSubscriptionCarrierId(int)},
+     * <p>Carrier name is a user-facing name of carrier id {@link #getSimCarrierId(int)},
      * usually the brand name of the subsidiary (e.g. T-Mobile). Each carrier could configure
      * multiple {@link #getSimOperatorName() SPN} but should have a single carrier name.
-     * Carrier name is not canonical identity, use {@link #getSubscriptionCarrierId(int)} instead.
+     * Carrier name is not canonical identity, use {@link #getSimCarrierId(int)} instead.
      * <p>Returned carrier name is unlocalized.
      * @return Carrier name of given subscription id. return {@code null} if subscription is
@@ -1473,4 +1473,12 @@
      * @return boolean Return true if the switch succeeds, false if the switch fails.
     boolean switchSlots(in int[] physicalSlots);
+    /**
+     * Sets radio indication update mode. This can be used to control the behavior of indication
+     * update from modem to Android frameworks. For example, by default several indication updates
+     * are turned off when screen is off, but in some special cases (e.g. carkit is connected but
+     * screen is off) we want to turn on those indications even when the screen is off.
+     */
+    void setRadioIndicationUpdateMode(int subId, int filters, int mode);
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephonyRegistry.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephonyRegistry.aidl
index 188167c..06dc13e 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephonyRegistry.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephonyRegistry.aidl
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.telephony.CellInfo;
+import android.telephony.PhysicalChannelConfig;
 import android.telephony.ServiceState;
 import android.telephony.SignalStrength;
-import android.telephony.CellInfo;
 import android.telephony.VoLteServiceState;
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
     void notifyCellLocationForSubscriber(in int subId, in Bundle cellLocation);
     void notifyOtaspChanged(in int otaspMode);
     void notifyCellInfo(in List<CellInfo> cellInfo);
+    void notifyPhysicalChannelConfiguration(in List<PhysicalChannelConfig> configs);
+    void notifyPhysicalChannelConfigurationForSubscriber(in int subId,
+            in List<PhysicalChannelConfig> configs);
     void notifyPreciseCallState(int ringingCallState, int foregroundCallState,
             int backgroundCallState);
     void notifyDisconnectCause(int disconnectCause, int preciseDisconnectCause);
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
index a3a3080..d25fd3f 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 import android.os.SystemProperties;
+import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
  * {@hide}
@@ -162,8 +163,8 @@
-    int PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE      = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.telephony.default_network",
+    int PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE = Integer.parseInt(TelephonyManager.getTelephonyProperty(0,
+            "ro.telephony.default_network", Integer.toString(NETWORK_MODE_WCDMA_PREF)));
     int BAND_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;      //"unspecified" (selected by baseband automatically)
     int BAND_MODE_EURO = 1;             //"EURO band" (GSM-900 / DCS-1800 / WCDMA-IMT-2000)
@@ -418,6 +419,8 @@
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
index f29d993c..51369d0 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
@@ -486,4 +486,10 @@
+    /**
+     * Broadcast action to trigger the Carrier Certificate download.
+     */
+    public static final String ACTION_CARRIER_CERTIFICATE_DOWNLOAD =
+            "";
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
index da8471f..a182f2b 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
 /** Utility class for Telephony permission enforcement. */
 public final class TelephonyPermissions {
@@ -34,6 +35,9 @@
     private static final boolean DBG = false;
+    private static final Supplier<ITelephony> TELEPHONY_SUPPLIER = () ->
+            ITelephony.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE));
     private TelephonyPermissions() {}
@@ -41,8 +45,8 @@
      * <p>This method behaves in one of the following ways:
      * <ul>
-     *   <li>return true: if the caller has either the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE permission or the
-     *       READ_PHONE_STATE runtime permission.
+     *   <li>return true: if the caller has the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE permission, the
+     *       READ_PHONE_STATE runtime permission, or carrier privileges on the given subId.
      *   <li>throw SecurityException: if the caller didn't declare any of these permissions, or, for
      *       apps which support runtime permissions, if the caller does not currently have any of
      *       these permissions.
@@ -51,20 +55,30 @@
      *       manually (via AppOps). In this case we can't throw as it would break app compatibility,
      *       so we return false to indicate that the calling function should return dummy data.
      * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>Note: for simplicity, this method always returns false for callers using legacy
+     * permissions and who have had READ_PHONE_STATE revoked, even if they are carrier-privileged.
+     * Such apps should migrate to runtime permissions or stop requiring READ_PHONE_STATE on P+
+     * devices.
+     *
+     * @param subId the subId of the relevant subscription; used to check carrier privileges. May be
+     *              {@link SubscriptionManager#INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} to skip this check for cases
+     *              where it isn't relevant (hidden APIs, or APIs which are otherwise okay to leave
+     *              inaccesible to carrier-privileged apps).
     public static boolean checkCallingOrSelfReadPhoneState(
-            Context context, String callingPackage, String message) {
-        return checkReadPhoneState(context, Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(),
+            Context context, int subId, String callingPackage, String message) {
+        return checkReadPhoneState(context, subId, Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(),
                 callingPackage, message);
      * Check whether the app with the given pid/uid can read phone state.
-     * <p>This method behaves in one of the following ways:
+    * <p>This method behaves in one of the following ways:
      * <ul>
-     *   <li>return true: if the caller has either the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE permission or the
-     *       READ_PHONE_STATE runtime permission.
+     *   <li>return true: if the caller has the READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE permission, the
+     *       READ_PHONE_STATE runtime permission, or carrier privileges on the given subId.
      *   <li>throw SecurityException: if the caller didn't declare any of these permissions, or, for
      *       apps which support runtime permissions, if the caller does not currently have any of
      *       these permissions.
@@ -73,9 +87,22 @@
      *       manually (via AppOps). In this case we can't throw as it would break app compatibility,
      *       so we return false to indicate that the calling function should return dummy data.
      * </ul>
+     *
+     * <p>Note: for simplicity, this method always returns false for callers using legacy
+     * permissions and who have had READ_PHONE_STATE revoked, even if they are carrier-privileged.
+     * Such apps should migrate to runtime permissions or stop requiring READ_PHONE_STATE on P+
+     * devices.
     public static boolean checkReadPhoneState(
-            Context context, int pid, int uid, String callingPackage, String message) {
+            Context context, int subId, int pid, int uid, String callingPackage, String message) {
+        return checkReadPhoneState(
+                context, TELEPHONY_SUPPLIER, subId, pid, uid, callingPackage, message);
+    }
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    public static boolean checkReadPhoneState(
+            Context context, Supplier<ITelephony> telephonySupplier, int subId, int pid, int uid,
+            String callingPackage, String message) {
         try {
                     android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, pid, uid, message);
@@ -83,8 +110,18 @@
             // SKIP checking for run-time permission since caller has PRIVILEGED permission
             return true;
         } catch (SecurityException privilegedPhoneStateException) {
-            context.enforcePermission(
-                    android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, pid, uid, message);
+            try {
+                context.enforcePermission(
+                        android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, pid, uid, message);
+            } catch (SecurityException phoneStateException) {
+                // If we don't have the runtime permission, but do have carrier privileges, that
+                // suffices for reading phone state.
+                if (SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(subId)) {
+                    enforceCarrierPrivilege(telephonySupplier, subId, uid, message);
+                    return true;
+                }
+                throw phoneStateException;
+            }
         // We have READ_PHONE_STATE permission, so return true as long as the AppOps bit hasn't been
@@ -101,14 +138,16 @@
      * default SMS app and apps with READ_SMS or READ_PHONE_NUMBERS can also read phone numbers.
     public static boolean checkCallingOrSelfReadPhoneNumber(
-            Context context, String callingPackage, String message) {
+            Context context, int subId, String callingPackage, String message) {
         return checkReadPhoneNumber(
-                context, Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage, message);
+                context, TELEPHONY_SUPPLIER, subId, Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(),
+                callingPackage, message);
     public static boolean checkReadPhoneNumber(
-            Context context, int pid, int uid, String callingPackage, String message) {
+            Context context, Supplier<ITelephony> telephonySupplier, int subId, int pid, int uid,
+            String callingPackage, String message) {
         // Default SMS app can always read it.
         AppOpsManager appOps = (AppOpsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE);
         if (appOps.noteOp(AppOpsManager.OP_WRITE_SMS, uid, callingPackage) ==
@@ -121,7 +160,8 @@
         // First, check if we can read the phone state.
         try {
-            return checkReadPhoneState(context, pid, uid, callingPackage, message);
+            return checkReadPhoneState(
+                    context, telephonySupplier, subId, pid, uid, callingPackage, message);
         } catch (SecurityException readPhoneStateSecurityException) {
         // Can be read with READ_SMS too.
@@ -186,16 +226,21 @@
     private static void enforceCarrierPrivilege(int subId, int uid, String message) {
-        if (getCarrierPrivilegeStatus(subId, uid) !=
+        enforceCarrierPrivilege(TELEPHONY_SUPPLIER, subId, uid, message);
+    }
+    private static void enforceCarrierPrivilege(
+            Supplier<ITelephony> telephonySupplier, int subId, int uid, String message) {
+        if (getCarrierPrivilegeStatus(telephonySupplier, subId, uid) !=
                 TelephonyManager.CARRIER_PRIVILEGE_STATUS_HAS_ACCESS) {
             if (DBG) Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "No Carrier Privilege.");
             throw new SecurityException(message);
-    private static int getCarrierPrivilegeStatus(int subId, int uid) {
-        ITelephony telephony =
-                ITelephony.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE));
+    private static int getCarrierPrivilegeStatus(
+            Supplier<ITelephony> telephonySupplier, int subId, int uid) {
+        ITelephony telephony = telephonySupplier.get();
         try {
             if (telephony != null) {
                 return telephony.getCarrierPrivilegeStatusForUid(subId, uid);
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/
index 7a53ef6..964a313 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/
@@ -99,6 +99,15 @@
     private static final int RETURN_NO_ACK  = 0;
     private static final int RETURN_ACK     = 1;
+    /**
+     * Supported priority modes for CDMA SMS messages
+     * (See 3GPP2 C.S0015-B, v2.0, table 4.5.9-1)
+     */
+    private static final int PRIORITY_NORMAL        = 0x0;
+    private static final int PRIORITY_INTERACTIVE   = 0x1;
+    private static final int PRIORITY_URGENT        = 0x2;
+    private static final int PRIORITY_EMERGENCY     = 0x3;
     private SmsEnvelope mEnvelope;
     private BearerData mBearerData;
@@ -211,6 +220,26 @@
     public static SubmitPdu getSubmitPdu(String scAddr, String destAddr, String message,
             boolean statusReportRequested, SmsHeader smsHeader) {
+        return getSubmitPdu(scAddr, destAddr, message, statusReportRequested, smsHeader, -1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get an SMS-SUBMIT PDU for a destination address and a message
+     *
+     * @param scAddr                Service Centre address.  Null means use default.
+     * @param destAddr              Address of the recipient.
+     * @param message               String representation of the message payload.
+     * @param statusReportRequested Indicates whether a report is requested for this message.
+     * @param smsHeader             Array containing the data for the User Data Header, preceded
+     *                              by the Element Identifiers.
+     * @param priority              Priority level of the message
+     * @return a <code>SubmitPdu</code> containing the encoded SC
+     *         address, if applicable, and the encoded message.
+     *         Returns null on encode error.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static SubmitPdu getSubmitPdu(String scAddr, String destAddr, String message,
+            boolean statusReportRequested, SmsHeader smsHeader, int priority) {
          * TODO(cleanup): Do we really want silent failure like this?
@@ -224,7 +253,7 @@
         UserData uData = new UserData();
         uData.payloadStr = message;
         uData.userDataHeader = smsHeader;
-        return privateGetSubmitPdu(destAddr, statusReportRequested, uData);
+        return privateGetSubmitPdu(destAddr, statusReportRequested, uData, priority);
@@ -282,6 +311,22 @@
+     * Get an SMS-SUBMIT PDU for a data message to a destination address &amp; port
+     *
+     * @param destAddr the address of the destination for the message
+     * @param userData the data for the message
+     * @param statusReportRequested Indicates whether a report is requested for this message.
+     * @param priority Priority level of the message
+     * @return a <code>SubmitPdu</code> containing the encoded SC
+     *         address, if applicable, and the encoded message.
+     *         Returns null on encode error.
+     */
+    public static SubmitPdu getSubmitPdu(String destAddr, UserData userData,
+            boolean statusReportRequested, int priority) {
+        return privateGetSubmitPdu(destAddr, statusReportRequested, userData, priority);
+    }
+    /**
      * Note: This function is a GSM specific functionality which is not supported in CDMA mode.
@@ -425,6 +470,9 @@
         int bearerDataLength;
         SmsEnvelope env = new SmsEnvelope();
         CdmaSmsAddress addr = new CdmaSmsAddress();
+        // We currently do not parse subaddress in PDU, but it is required when determining
+        // fingerprint (see getIncomingSmsFingerprint()).
+        CdmaSmsSubaddress subaddr = new CdmaSmsSubaddress();
         try {
             env.messageType = dis.readInt();
@@ -475,6 +523,7 @@
         // link the filled objects to this SMS
         mOriginatingAddress = addr;
         env.origAddress = addr;
+        env.origSubaddress = subaddr;
         mEnvelope = env;
         mPdu = pdu;
@@ -764,6 +813,15 @@
     private static SubmitPdu privateGetSubmitPdu(String destAddrStr, boolean statusReportRequested,
             UserData userData) {
+        return privateGetSubmitPdu(destAddrStr, statusReportRequested, userData, -1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates BearerData and Envelope from parameters for a Submit SMS.
+     * @return byte stream for SubmitPdu.
+     */
+    private static SubmitPdu privateGetSubmitPdu(String destAddrStr, boolean statusReportRequested,
+            UserData userData, int priority) {
          * TODO(cleanup): give this function a more meaningful name.
@@ -792,6 +850,10 @@
         bearerData.userAckReq = false;
         bearerData.readAckReq = false;
         bearerData.reportReq = false;
+        if (priority >= PRIORITY_NORMAL && priority <= PRIORITY_EMERGENCY) {
+            bearerData.priorityIndicatorSet = true;
+            bearerData.priority = priority;
+        }
         bearerData.userData = userData;
@@ -951,8 +1013,11 @@
         output.write(mEnvelope.origAddress.origBytes, 0, mEnvelope.origAddress.origBytes.length);
         output.write(mEnvelope.bearerData, 0, mEnvelope.bearerData.length);
-        output.write(mEnvelope.origSubaddress.origBytes, 0,
-                mEnvelope.origSubaddress.origBytes.length);
+        // subaddress is not set when parsing some MT SMS.
+        if (mEnvelope.origSubaddress != null && mEnvelope.origSubaddress.origBytes != null) {
+            output.write(mEnvelope.origSubaddress.origBytes, 0,
+                    mEnvelope.origSubaddress.origBytes.length);
+        }
         return output.toByteArray();
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/
index 1ca19e0..4f5bfa9 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/
@@ -89,6 +89,18 @@
     private int mVoiceMailCount = 0;
+    private static final int VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_NONE = 0x00;
+    private static final int VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ENHANCED = 0x01;
+    private static final int VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_RELATIVE = 0x02;
+    private static final int VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ABSOLUTE = 0x03;
+    //Validity Period min - 5 mins
+    private static final int VALIDITY_PERIOD_MIN = 5;
+    //Validity Period max - 63 weeks
+    private static final int VALIDITY_PERIOD_MAX = 635040;
+    private static final int INVALID_VALIDITY_PERIOD = -1;
     public static class SubmitPdu extends SubmitPduBase {
@@ -202,6 +214,45 @@
+     * Get Encoded Relative Validty Period Value from Validity period in mins.
+     *
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity period in mins.
+     *
+     * Refer specification 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section
+     * ||relValidityPeriod (TP-VP)  ||                 ||  validityPeriod   ||
+     *
+     *      0 to 143                            --->       (TP-VP + 1) x 5 minutes
+     *
+     *      144 to 167                         --->        12 hours + ((TP-VP -143) x 30 minutes)
+     *
+     *      168 to 196                         --->        (TP-VP - 166) x 1 day
+     *
+     *      197 to 255                         --->        (TP-VP - 192) x 1 week
+     *
+     * @return relValidityPeriod Encoded Relative Validity Period Value.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static int getRelativeValidityPeriod(int validityPeriod) {
+        int relValidityPeriod = INVALID_VALIDITY_PERIOD;
+        if (validityPeriod < VALIDITY_PERIOD_MIN  || validityPeriod > VALIDITY_PERIOD_MAX) {
+            Rlog.e(LOG_TAG,"Invalid Validity Period" + validityPeriod);
+            return relValidityPeriod;
+        }
+        if (validityPeriod <= 720) {
+            relValidityPeriod = (validityPeriod  / 5) - 1;
+        } else if (validityPeriod <= 1440) {
+            relValidityPeriod = ((validityPeriod - 720) / 30) + 143;
+        } else if (validityPeriod <= 43200) {
+            relValidityPeriod = (validityPeriod  / 1440) + 166;
+        } else if (validityPeriod <= 635040) {
+            relValidityPeriod = (validityPeriod  / 10080) + 192;
+        }
+        return relValidityPeriod;
+    }
+    /**
      * Get an SMS-SUBMIT PDU for a destination address and a message
      * @param scAddress Service Centre address.  Null means use default.
@@ -236,6 +287,29 @@
             String destinationAddress, String message,
             boolean statusReportRequested, byte[] header, int encoding,
             int languageTable, int languageShiftTable) {
+        return getSubmitPdu(scAddress, destinationAddress, message, statusReportRequested,
+            header, encoding, languageTable, languageShiftTable, -1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get an SMS-SUBMIT PDU for a destination address and a message using the
+     * specified encoding.
+     *
+     * @param scAddress Service Centre address.  Null means use default.
+     * @param encoding Encoding defined by constants in
+     **
+     * @param languageTable
+     * @param languageShiftTable
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in Minutes.
+     * @return a <code>SubmitPdu</code> containing the encoded SC
+     *         address, if applicable, and the encoded message.
+     *         Returns null on encode error.
+     * @hide
+     */
+    public static SubmitPdu getSubmitPdu(String scAddress,
+            String destinationAddress, String message,
+            boolean statusReportRequested, byte[] header, int encoding,
+            int languageTable, int languageShiftTable, int validityPeriod) {
         // Perform null parameter checks.
         if (message == null || destinationAddress == null) {
@@ -272,8 +346,19 @@
         SubmitPdu ret = new SubmitPdu();
-        // MTI = SMS-SUBMIT, UDHI = header != null
-        byte mtiByte = (byte)(0x01 | (header != null ? 0x40 : 0x00));
+        int validityPeriodFormat = VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_NONE;
+        int relativeValidityPeriod = INVALID_VALIDITY_PERIOD;
+        // TP-Validity-Period-Format (TP-VPF) in 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.8.1 section
+        //bit 4:3 = 10 - TP-VP field present - relative format
+        if((relativeValidityPeriod = getRelativeValidityPeriod(validityPeriod)) >= 0) {
+            validityPeriodFormat = VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_RELATIVE;
+        }
+        byte mtiByte = (byte)(0x01 | (validityPeriodFormat << 0x03) |
+                (header != null ? 0x40 : 0x00));
         ByteArrayOutputStream bo = getSubmitPduHead(
                 scAddress, destinationAddress, mtiByte,
                 statusReportRequested, ret);
@@ -338,7 +423,11 @@
-        // (no TP-Validity-Period)
+        if (validityPeriodFormat == VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_RELATIVE) {
+            // ( TP-Validity-Period - relative format)
+            bo.write(relativeValidityPeriod);
+        }
         bo.write(userData, 0, userData.length);
         ret.encodedMessage = bo.toByteArray();
         return ret;
@@ -388,6 +477,24 @@
+     * Get an SMS-SUBMIT PDU for a destination address and a message
+     *
+     * @param scAddress Service Centre address.  Null means use default.
+     * @param destinationAddress the address of the destination for the message
+     * @param statusReportRequested staus report of the message Requested
+     * @param validityPeriod Validity Period of the message in Minutes.
+     * @return a <code>SubmitPdu</code> containing the encoded SC
+     *         address, if applicable, and the encoded message.
+     *         Returns null on encode error.
+     */
+    public static SubmitPdu getSubmitPdu(String scAddress,
+            String destinationAddress, String message,
+            boolean statusReportRequested, int validityPeriod) {
+        return getSubmitPdu(scAddress, destinationAddress, message, statusReportRequested,
+                null, ENCODING_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, validityPeriod);
+    }
+    /**
      * Get an SMS-SUBMIT PDU for a data message to a destination address &amp; port
      * @param scAddress Service Centre address. null == use default
diff --git a/test-runner/tests/ b/test-runner/tests/
index 7ee047e4..7b9e9a4 100644
--- a/test-runner/tests/
+++ b/test-runner/tests/
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworkTestRunnerTests
+# Because of android.test.mock.
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/AccessibilityEventsLogger/ b/tests/AccessibilityEventsLogger/
index 52bc579..4224017 100644
--- a/tests/AccessibilityEventsLogger/
+++ b/tests/AccessibilityEventsLogger/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
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 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AccessibilityEventsLogger
diff --git a/tests/ActivityTests/ b/tests/ActivityTests/
index f3c6b5a..274fc5f 100644
--- a/tests/ActivityTests/
+++ b/tests/ActivityTests/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/AppLaunch/ b/tests/AppLaunch/
index d01b1f9..9cbb4ed 100644
--- a/tests/AppLaunch/
+++ b/tests/AppLaunch/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := legacy-android-test
diff --git a/tests/Assist/ b/tests/Assist/
index f31c4dd..d0d3eca 100644
--- a/tests/Assist/
+++ b/tests/Assist/
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/BandwidthTests/ b/tests/BandwidthTests/
index 7bc5f857..d00fdc6 100644
--- a/tests/BandwidthTests/
+++ b/tests/BandwidthTests/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BandwidthEnforcementTest
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/BatteryWaster/ b/tests/BatteryWaster/
index 6db34a7..fb244a8 100644
--- a/tests/BatteryWaster/
+++ b/tests/BatteryWaster/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BatteryWaster
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/BiDiTests/ b/tests/BiDiTests/
index ae29fc2..78cf4be 100644
--- a/tests/BiDiTests/
+++ b/tests/BiDiTests/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES := proguard.flags
diff --git a/tests/BrowserPowerTest/ b/tests/BrowserPowerTest/
index 59bc729..50f1d10 100644
--- a/tests/BrowserPowerTest/
+++ b/tests/BrowserPowerTest/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := BrowserPowerTests
 #LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR := browserpowertest
diff --git a/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/src/androidx/media/filterfw/ b/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/src/androidx/media/filterfw/
index 55ed277..9a4348e 100644
--- a/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/src/androidx/media/filterfw/
+++ b/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/src/androidx/media/filterfw/
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
         FrameSlot slot = getSlot(name);
-        mFrameSlots.remove(slot);
+        mFrameSlots.remove(name);
diff --git a/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/tests/ b/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/tests/
index 527d1bbf..541bddc 100644
--- a/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/tests/
+++ b/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/tests/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 # LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SmartCamera-tests
diff --git a/tests/CameraPrewarmTest/ b/tests/CameraPrewarmTest/
index b6316f0..e128504 100644
--- a/tests/CameraPrewarmTest/
+++ b/tests/CameraPrewarmTest/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CameraPrewarmTest
diff --git a/tests/CanvasCompare/ b/tests/CanvasCompare/
index 90de503..6b850a9 100644
--- a/tests/CanvasCompare/
+++ b/tests/CanvasCompare/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) $(call all-renderscript-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CanvasCompare
diff --git a/tests/Compatibility/ b/tests/Compatibility/
index 82e2126..9c47a26 100644
--- a/tests/Compatibility/
+++ b/tests/Compatibility/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AppCompatibilityTest
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/CoreTests/android/ b/tests/CoreTests/android/
index c9f1161..e568264 100644
--- a/tests/CoreTests/android/
+++ b/tests/CoreTests/android/
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/DataIdleTest/ b/tests/DataIdleTest/
index 4e15729..17ba75f 100644
--- a/tests/DataIdleTest/
+++ b/tests/DataIdleTest/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/tests/DozeTest/ b/tests/DozeTest/
index 01f10e5..ec250ff 100644
--- a/tests/DozeTest/
+++ b/tests/DozeTest/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/DpiTest/ b/tests/DpiTest/
index f55ce6e..e69d082 100644
--- a/tests/DpiTest/
+++ b/tests/DpiTest/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/FeatureSplit/base/ b/tests/FeatureSplit/base/
index 93f6d7a..5ddceda 100644
--- a/tests/FeatureSplit/base/
+++ b/tests/FeatureSplit/base/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FeatureSplitBase
diff --git a/tests/FeatureSplit/feature1/ b/tests/FeatureSplit/feature1/
index e6ba5c2..d4d2589 100644
--- a/tests/FeatureSplit/feature1/
+++ b/tests/FeatureSplit/feature1/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FeatureSplit1
 LOCAL_APK_LIBRARIES := FeatureSplitBase
diff --git a/tests/FeatureSplit/feature2/ b/tests/FeatureSplit/feature2/
index c8e8609..5e5e78b 100644
--- a/tests/FeatureSplit/feature2/
+++ b/tests/FeatureSplit/feature2/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FeatureSplit2
 LOCAL_APK_LIBRARIES := FeatureSplitBase
diff --git a/tests/FixVibrateSetting/ b/tests/FixVibrateSetting/
index 2a88e5a..86db09e 100644
--- a/tests/FixVibrateSetting/
+++ b/tests/FixVibrateSetting/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FixVibrateSetting
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/FrameworkPerf/ b/tests/FrameworkPerf/
index d2ec753..b083c12 100644
--- a/tests/FrameworkPerf/
+++ b/tests/FrameworkPerf/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworkPerf
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
diff --git a/tests/GridLayoutTest/ b/tests/GridLayoutTest/
index a02918b..e7e3ccd 100644
--- a/tests/GridLayoutTest/
+++ b/tests/GridLayoutTest/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/HierarchyViewerTest/ b/tests/HierarchyViewerTest/
index f8c8656..cf1a512 100644
--- a/tests/HierarchyViewerTest/
+++ b/tests/HierarchyViewerTest/
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := HierarchyViewerTest
-LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
-LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
+LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner.stubs android.test.base.stubs
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/HwAccelerationTest/ b/tests/HwAccelerationTest/
index d4743f9..11ea954 100644
--- a/tests/HwAccelerationTest/
+++ b/tests/HwAccelerationTest/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := HwAccelerationTest
diff --git a/tests/ImfTest/ b/tests/ImfTest/
index eb5327b..a8f5b08 100644
--- a/tests/ImfTest/
+++ b/tests/ImfTest/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/ImfTest/tests/ b/tests/ImfTest/tests/
index 6042471..2a49998 100644
--- a/tests/ImfTest/tests/
+++ b/tests/ImfTest/tests/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
diff --git a/tests/Internal/ b/tests/Internal/
index fc001e9..a8fb395 100644
--- a/tests/Internal/
+++ b/tests/Internal/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := InternalTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/JobSchedulerTestApp/ b/tests/JobSchedulerTestApp/
index 7336d8c..48ee1f6 100644
--- a/tests/JobSchedulerTestApp/
+++ b/tests/JobSchedulerTestApp/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := JobSchedulerTestApp
diff --git a/tests/LargeAssetTest/ b/tests/LargeAssetTest/
index cb7f01b..f6d98bf 100644
--- a/tests/LargeAssetTest/
+++ b/tests/LargeAssetTest/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/LegacyAssistant/ b/tests/LegacyAssistant/
index 0ad48d1..a583369 100644
--- a/tests/LegacyAssistant/
+++ b/tests/LegacyAssistant/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LegacyAssistant
diff --git a/tests/LocationTracker/ b/tests/LocationTracker/
index b142d22..0d51b3b 100644
--- a/tests/LocationTracker/
+++ b/tests/LocationTracker/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocationTracker
diff --git a/tests/LockTaskTests/ b/tests/LockTaskTests/
index ed58643..a693eaa 100644
--- a/tests/LockTaskTests/
+++ b/tests/LockTaskTests/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/system/priv-app
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, src) $(call all-java-files-under, src)
diff --git a/tests/LotsOfApps/ b/tests/LotsOfApps/
index 0ef9550..bee3bcc 100644
--- a/tests/LotsOfApps/
+++ b/tests/LotsOfApps/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/LowStorageTest/ b/tests/LowStorageTest/
index ab5b9e9..bdde6bd 100644
--- a/tests/LowStorageTest/
+++ b/tests/LowStorageTest/
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := lowstoragetest
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/MemoryUsage/ b/tests/MemoryUsage/
index 578e628..bab6a70 100644
--- a/tests/MemoryUsage/
+++ b/tests/MemoryUsage/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
diff --git a/tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/ b/tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/
index dd9ff11..e29090b 100644
--- a/tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/
+++ b/tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/
@@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := NetworkSecurityConfigTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/OneMedia/ b/tests/OneMedia/
index 9fc6403..41f3f64 100644
--- a/tests/OneMedia/
+++ b/tests/OneMedia/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
         $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES += org.apache.http.legacy
diff --git a/tests/RenderThreadTest/ b/tests/RenderThreadTest/
index e07e943..4e5f35b 100644
--- a/tests/RenderThreadTest/
+++ b/tests/RenderThreadTest/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := RenderThreadTest
diff --git a/tests/SerialChat/ b/tests/SerialChat/
index a534e1a..ed6ca999 100644
--- a/tests/SerialChat/
+++ b/tests/SerialChat/
@@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/ServiceCrashTest/ b/tests/ServiceCrashTest/
index d1f8456..3aa7132 100644
--- a/tests/ServiceCrashTest/
+++ b/tests/ServiceCrashTest/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := ServiceCrashTest
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := legacy-android-test
diff --git a/tests/SharedLibrary/client/ b/tests/SharedLibrary/client/
index a04fb05..9e76c40 100644
--- a/tests/SharedLibrary/client/
+++ b/tests/SharedLibrary/client/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SharedLibraryClient
diff --git a/tests/SharedLibrary/lib/ b/tests/SharedLibrary/lib/
index 78fcb8b..3c1ca87 100644
--- a/tests/SharedLibrary/lib/
+++ b/tests/SharedLibrary/lib/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS := --shared-lib
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SharedLibrary
diff --git a/tests/ShowWhenLockedApp/ b/tests/ShowWhenLockedApp/
index 0064167..41e0ac4 100644
--- a/tests/ShowWhenLockedApp/
+++ b/tests/ShowWhenLockedApp/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/SmokeTestApps/ b/tests/SmokeTestApps/
index 3f5f011..1f564e0 100644
--- a/tests/SmokeTestApps/
+++ b/tests/SmokeTestApps/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SmokeTestTriggerApps
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/SoundTriggerTestApp/ b/tests/SoundTriggerTestApp/
index c327b09..73fb5e8 100644
--- a/tests/SoundTriggerTestApp/
+++ b/tests/SoundTriggerTestApp/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SoundTriggerTestApp
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
diff --git a/tests/SoundTriggerTests/ b/tests/SoundTriggerTests/
index 359484e..774fc85 100644
--- a/tests/SoundTriggerTests/
+++ b/tests/SoundTriggerTests/
@@ -31,5 +31,6 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := SoundTriggerTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/Split/ b/tests/Split/
index b068bef..4d15b2d 100644
--- a/tests/Split/
+++ b/tests/Split/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_SPLITS := mdpi-v4 hdpi-v4 xhdpi-v4 xxhdpi-v4
diff --git a/tests/StatusBar/ b/tests/StatusBar/
index 502657f..e845335 100644
--- a/tests/StatusBar/
+++ b/tests/StatusBar/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/SystemUIDemoModeController/ b/tests/SystemUIDemoModeController/
index 64ea63c..cc6fa8d 100644
--- a/tests/SystemUIDemoModeController/
+++ b/tests/SystemUIDemoModeController/
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := DemoModeController
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/TouchLatency/ b/tests/TouchLatency/
index 969283d..2334bd8 100644
--- a/tests/TouchLatency/
+++ b/tests/TouchLatency/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/TransformTest/ b/tests/TransformTest/
index 2d3637d..5340cdd 100644
--- a/tests/TransformTest/
+++ b/tests/TransformTest/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := TransformTest
diff --git a/tests/TransitionTests/ b/tests/TransitionTests/
index 22fa638..a696156 100644
--- a/tests/TransitionTests/
+++ b/tests/TransitionTests/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := TransitionTests
diff --git a/tests/TtsTests/ b/tests/TtsTests/
index 3c3cd77..4fee739 100644
--- a/tests/TtsTests/
+++ b/tests/TtsTests/
@@ -24,5 +24,6 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/UsageStatsTest/ b/tests/UsageStatsTest/
index 6b5c999..6735c7c 100644
--- a/tests/UsageStatsTest/
+++ b/tests/UsageStatsTest/
@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestDevice/ b/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestDevice/
index 3137a73..cd7aaed 100644
--- a/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestDevice/
+++ b/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestDevice/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AoapTestDeviceApp
diff --git a/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestHost/ b/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestHost/
index 354e8c9..bd8a51b 100644
--- a/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestHost/
+++ b/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/AoapTestHost/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/UsbHostExternalManagmentTestApp/ b/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/UsbHostExternalManagmentTestApp/
index 2d6d6ea8..fed454e 100644
--- a/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/UsbHostExternalManagmentTestApp/
+++ b/tests/UsbHostExternalManagmentTest/UsbHostExternalManagmentTestApp/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := UsbHostExternalManagementTestApp
 # TODO remove tests tag
diff --git a/tests/UsesFeature2Test/ b/tests/UsesFeature2Test/
index cc784d7..4cba4ff 100644
--- a/tests/UsesFeature2Test/
+++ b/tests/UsesFeature2Test/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := UsesFeature2Test
diff --git a/tests/VectorDrawableTest/ b/tests/VectorDrawableTest/
index dd8a4d4..155b2bc 100644
--- a/tests/VectorDrawableTest/
+++ b/tests/VectorDrawableTest/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := VectorDrawableTest
diff --git a/tests/VoiceEnrollment/ b/tests/VoiceEnrollment/
index 2ab3d02..725e2bd 100644
--- a/tests/VoiceEnrollment/
+++ b/tests/VoiceEnrollment/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := VoiceEnrollment
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
diff --git a/tests/VoiceInteraction/ b/tests/VoiceInteraction/
index 8decca7..aa48b42 100644
--- a/tests/VoiceInteraction/
+++ b/tests/VoiceInteraction/
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := VoiceInteraction
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/WallpaperTest/ b/tests/WallpaperTest/
index b4259cd..4815500 100644
--- a/tests/WallpaperTest/
+++ b/tests/WallpaperTest/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := WallpaperTest
diff --git a/tests/WindowManagerStressTest/ b/tests/WindowManagerStressTest/
index e4cbe93..6f4403f 100644
--- a/tests/WindowManagerStressTest/
+++ b/tests/WindowManagerStressTest/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := WindowManagerStressTest
diff --git a/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetHostTest/ b/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetHostTest/
index 4d0c704..c9e6c6b 100644
--- a/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetHostTest/
+++ b/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetHostTest/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AppWidgetHostTest
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetProviderTest/ b/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetProviderTest/
index 6084fb9..b26c60b 100644
--- a/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetProviderTest/
+++ b/tests/appwidgets/AppWidgetProviderTest/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AppWidgetProvider
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/backup/ b/tests/backup/
index 202a699..e9618300 100644
--- a/tests/backup/
+++ b/tests/backup/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
diff --git a/tests/net/ b/tests/net/
index 4907894..a6559e7 100644
--- a/tests/net/
+++ b/tests/net/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksNetTests
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/app/usage/ b/tests/net/java/android/app/usage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25e1474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/app/usage/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyLong;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.argThat;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import android.os.RemoteException;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
+import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
+public class NetworkStatsManagerTest {
+    private @Mock INetworkStatsService mService;
+    private @Mock INetworkStatsSession mStatsSession;
+    private NetworkStatsManager mManager;
+    // TODO: change to NetworkTemplate.MATCH_MOBILE once internal constant rename is merged to aosp.
+    private static final int MATCH_MOBILE_ALL = 1;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
+        mManager = new NetworkStatsManager(InstrumentationRegistry.getContext(), mService);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testQueryDetails() throws RemoteException {
+        final String subscriberId = "subid";
+        final long startTime = 1;
+        final long endTime = 100;
+        final int uid1 = 10001;
+        final int uid2 = 10002;
+        final int uid3 = 10003;
+        Entry uid1Entry1 = new Entry("if1", uid1,
+      ,,
+                100, 10, 200, 20, 0);
+        Entry uid1Entry2 = new Entry(
+                "if2", uid1,
+      ,,
+                100, 10, 200, 20, 0);
+        Entry uid2Entry1 = new Entry("if1", uid2,
+      ,,
+                150, 10, 250, 20, 0);
+        Entry uid2Entry2 = new Entry(
+                "if2", uid2,
+      ,,
+                150, 10, 250, 20, 0);
+        NetworkStatsHistory history1 = new NetworkStatsHistory(10, 2);
+        history1.recordData(10, 20, uid1Entry1);
+        history1.recordData(20, 30, uid1Entry2);
+        NetworkStatsHistory history2 = new NetworkStatsHistory(10, 2);
+        history1.recordData(30, 40, uid2Entry1);
+        history1.recordData(35, 45, uid2Entry2);
+        when(mService.openSessionForUsageStats(anyInt(), anyString())).thenReturn(mStatsSession);
+        when(mStatsSession.getRelevantUids()).thenReturn(new int[] { uid1, uid2, uid3 });
+        when(mStatsSession.getHistoryIntervalForUid(any(NetworkTemplate.class),
+                eq(uid1), eq(,
+                eq(,
+                eq(NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL), eq(startTime), eq(endTime)))
+                .then((InvocationOnMock inv) -> {
+                    NetworkTemplate template = inv.getArgument(0);
+                    assertEquals(MATCH_MOBILE_ALL, template.getMatchRule());
+                    assertEquals(subscriberId, template.getSubscriberId());
+                    return history1;
+                });
+        when(mStatsSession.getHistoryIntervalForUid(any(NetworkTemplate.class),
+                eq(uid2), eq(,
+                eq(,
+                eq(NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL), eq(startTime), eq(endTime)))
+                .then((InvocationOnMock inv) -> {
+                    NetworkTemplate template = inv.getArgument(0);
+                    assertEquals(MATCH_MOBILE_ALL, template.getMatchRule());
+                    assertEquals(subscriberId, template.getSubscriberId());
+                    return history2;
+                });
+        NetworkStats stats = mManager.queryDetails(
+                ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, subscriberId, startTime, endTime);
+        NetworkStats.Bucket bucket = new NetworkStats.Bucket();
+        // First 2 buckets exactly match entry timings
+        assertTrue(stats.getNextBucket(bucket));
+        assertEquals(10, bucket.getStartTimeStamp());
+        assertEquals(20, bucket.getEndTimeStamp());
+        assertBucketMatches(uid1Entry1, bucket);
+        assertTrue(stats.getNextBucket(bucket));
+        assertEquals(20, bucket.getStartTimeStamp());
+        assertEquals(30, bucket.getEndTimeStamp());
+        assertBucketMatches(uid1Entry2, bucket);
+        // 30 -> 40: contains uid2Entry1 and half of uid2Entry2
+        assertTrue(stats.getNextBucket(bucket));
+        assertEquals(30, bucket.getStartTimeStamp());
+        assertEquals(40, bucket.getEndTimeStamp());
+        assertEquals(225, bucket.getRxBytes());
+        assertEquals(15, bucket.getRxPackets());
+        assertEquals(375, bucket.getTxBytes());
+        assertEquals(30, bucket.getTxPackets());
+        // 40 -> 50: contains half of uid2Entry2
+        assertTrue(stats.getNextBucket(bucket));
+        assertEquals(40, bucket.getStartTimeStamp());
+        assertEquals(50, bucket.getEndTimeStamp());
+        assertEquals(75, bucket.getRxBytes());
+        assertEquals(5, bucket.getRxPackets());
+        assertEquals(125, bucket.getTxBytes());
+        assertEquals(10, bucket.getTxPackets());
+        assertFalse(stats.hasNextBucket());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testQueryDetails_NoSubscriberId() throws RemoteException {
+        final long startTime = 1;
+        final long endTime = 100;
+        final int uid1 = 10001;
+        final int uid2 = 10002;
+        when(mService.openSessionForUsageStats(anyInt(), anyString())).thenReturn(mStatsSession);
+        when(mStatsSession.getRelevantUids()).thenReturn(new int[] { uid1, uid2 });
+        NetworkStats stats = mManager.queryDetails(
+                ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, null, startTime, endTime);
+        when(mStatsSession.getHistoryIntervalForUid(any(NetworkTemplate.class),
+                anyInt(), anyInt(), anyInt(), anyInt(), anyLong(), anyLong()))
+                .thenReturn(new NetworkStatsHistory(10, 0));
+        verify(mStatsSession, times(1)).getHistoryIntervalForUid(
+                argThat((NetworkTemplate t) ->
+                        // No subscriberId: MATCH_MOBILE_WILDCARD template
+                        t.getMatchRule() == NetworkTemplate.MATCH_MOBILE_WILDCARD),
+                eq(uid1), eq(,
+                eq(,
+                eq(NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL), eq(startTime), eq(endTime));
+        verify(mStatsSession, times(1)).getHistoryIntervalForUid(
+                argThat((NetworkTemplate t) ->
+                        // No subscriberId: MATCH_MOBILE_WILDCARD template
+                        t.getMatchRule() == NetworkTemplate.MATCH_MOBILE_WILDCARD),
+                eq(uid2), eq(,
+                eq(,
+                eq(NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL), eq(startTime), eq(endTime));
+        assertFalse(stats.hasNextBucket());
+    }
+    private void assertBucketMatches(Entry expected,
+            NetworkStats.Bucket actual) {
+        assertEquals(expected.uid, actual.getUid());
+        assertEquals(expected.rxBytes, actual.getRxBytes());
+        assertEquals(expected.rxPackets, actual.getRxPackets());
+        assertEquals(expected.txBytes, actual.getTxBytes());
+        assertEquals(expected.txPackets, actual.getTxPackets());
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index b5b2c07..1f1ba2e 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -223,14 +223,14 @@
-    public void testContains() {
+    public void testContainsInetAddress() {
         IpPrefix p = new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/127");
-        assertFalse(p.contains(null));
+        assertFalse(p.contains((InetAddress)null));
         p = new IpPrefix("");
@@ -251,6 +251,53 @@
+    public void testContainsIpPrefix() {
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("::/0")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("2001:db8::f00/1")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("3d8a:661:a0::770/8")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("2001:db8::f00/8")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("2001:db8::f00/64")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("2001:db8::f00/113")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("::/0").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("2001:db8::f00/128")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/64").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/64")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/64").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/120")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/64").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/32")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/64").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2006:db8:f00::ace:d00d/96")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/128").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/128")));
+        assertTrue(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/100").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:ccaf/110")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00d/128").containsPrefix(
+                new IpPrefix("2001:db8:f00::ace:d00e/128")));
+        assertFalse(new IpPrefix("::/30").containsPrefix(new IpPrefix("::/29")));
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testHashCode() {
         IpPrefix p = new IpPrefix(new byte[4], 0);
         Random random = new Random();
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index 6bdfdc6..85e8361 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -22,8 +22,12 @@
 import android.os.Parcel;
+import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
 import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
 import java.util.Random;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@@ -40,19 +44,29 @@
-    public void testDefaultTruncLen() throws Exception {
-        IpSecAlgorithm explicit =
+    public void testNoTruncLen() throws Exception {
+        Entry<String, Integer>[] authAndAeadList =
+                new Entry[] {
+                    new SimpleEntry<>(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_MD5, 128),
+                    new SimpleEntry<>(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA1, 160),
+                    new SimpleEntry<>(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA256, 256),
+                    new SimpleEntry<>(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA384, 384),
+                    new SimpleEntry<>(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA512, 512),
+                    new SimpleEntry<>(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_CRYPT_AES_GCM, 224)
+                };
+        // Expect auth and aead algorithms to throw errors if trunclen is omitted.
+        for (Entry<String, Integer> algData : authAndAeadList) {
+            try {
                 new IpSecAlgorithm(
-                        IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA256, Arrays.copyOf(KEY_MATERIAL, 256 / 8), 256);
-        IpSecAlgorithm implicit =
-                new IpSecAlgorithm(
-                        IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA256, Arrays.copyOf(KEY_MATERIAL, 256 / 8));
-        assertTrue(
-                "Default Truncation Length Incorrect, Explicit: "
-                        + explicit
-                        + "implicit: "
-                        + implicit,
-                IpSecAlgorithm.equals(explicit, implicit));
+                        algData.getKey(), Arrays.copyOf(KEY_MATERIAL, algData.getValue() / 8));
+                fail("Expected exception on unprovided auth trunclen");
+            } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
+            }
+        }
+        // Ensure crypt works with no truncation length supplied.
+        new IpSecAlgorithm(IpSecAlgorithm.CRYPT_AES_CBC, Arrays.copyOf(KEY_MATERIAL, 256 / 8));
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index f186ee5..771faaf 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
                 new IpSecAlgorithm(
-                        new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, 0}));
+                        new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, 0},
+                        128));
                 new IpSecAlgorithm(
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index cc3366f..9191bd3 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import org.junit.Before;
@@ -50,13 +51,18 @@
     private static final int TEST_UDP_ENCAP_PORT = 34567;
     private static final int DROID_SPI = 0xD1201D;
+    private static final int DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID = 0x1234;
     private static final InetAddress GOOGLE_DNS_4;
+    private static final String VTI_INTF_NAME = "ipsec_test";
+    private static final InetAddress VTI_LOCAL_ADDRESS;
+    private static final LinkAddress VTI_INNER_ADDRESS = new LinkAddress("");
     static {
         try {
             // Google Public DNS Addresses;
             GOOGLE_DNS_4 = InetAddress.getByName("");
+            VTI_LOCAL_ADDRESS = InetAddress.getByName("");
         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve DNS Addresses", e);
@@ -77,9 +83,8 @@
     public void testAllocSpi() throws Exception {
-        int resourceId = 1;
         IpSecSpiResponse spiResp =
-                new IpSecSpiResponse(IpSecManager.Status.OK, resourceId, DROID_SPI);
+                new IpSecSpiResponse(IpSecManager.Status.OK, DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID, DROID_SPI);
@@ -92,14 +97,13 @@
-        verify(mMockIpSecService).releaseSecurityParameterIndex(resourceId);
+        verify(mMockIpSecService).releaseSecurityParameterIndex(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID);
     public void testAllocRandomSpi() throws Exception {
-        int resourceId = 1;
         IpSecSpiResponse spiResp =
-                new IpSecSpiResponse(IpSecManager.Status.OK, resourceId, DROID_SPI);
+                new IpSecSpiResponse(IpSecManager.Status.OK, DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID, DROID_SPI);
@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@
-        verify(mMockIpSecService).releaseSecurityParameterIndex(resourceId);
+        verify(mMockIpSecService).releaseSecurityParameterIndex(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID);
@@ -165,11 +169,10 @@
     public void testOpenEncapsulationSocket() throws Exception {
-        int resourceId = 1;
         IpSecUdpEncapResponse udpEncapResp =
                 new IpSecUdpEncapResponse(
-                        resourceId,
+                        DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID,
                         Os.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP));
         when(mMockIpSecService.openUdpEncapsulationSocket(eq(TEST_UDP_ENCAP_PORT), anyObject()))
@@ -177,21 +180,47 @@
         IpSecManager.UdpEncapsulationSocket encapSocket =
-        assertNotNull(encapSocket.getSocket());
+        assertNotNull(encapSocket.getFileDescriptor());
         assertEquals(TEST_UDP_ENCAP_PORT, encapSocket.getPort());
-        verify(mMockIpSecService).closeUdpEncapsulationSocket(resourceId);
+        verify(mMockIpSecService).closeUdpEncapsulationSocket(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testApplyTransportModeTransformEnsuresSocketCreation() throws Exception {
+        Socket socket = new Socket();
+        IpSecConfig dummyConfig = new IpSecConfig();
+        IpSecTransform dummyTransform = new IpSecTransform(null, dummyConfig);
+        // Even if underlying SocketImpl is not initalized, this should force the init, and
+        // thereby succeed.
+        mIpSecManager.applyTransportModeTransform(
+                socket, IpSecManager.DIRECTION_IN, dummyTransform);
+        // Check to make sure the FileDescriptor is non-null
+        assertNotNull(socket.getFileDescriptor$());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testRemoveTransportModeTransformsForcesSocketCreation() throws Exception {
+        Socket socket = new Socket();
+        // Even if underlying SocketImpl is not initalized, this should force the init, and
+        // thereby succeed.
+        mIpSecManager.removeTransportModeTransforms(socket);
+        // Check to make sure the FileDescriptor is non-null
+        assertNotNull(socket.getFileDescriptor$());
     public void testOpenEncapsulationSocketOnRandomPort() throws Exception {
-        int resourceId = 1;
         IpSecUdpEncapResponse udpEncapResp =
                 new IpSecUdpEncapResponse(
-                        resourceId,
+                        DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID,
                         Os.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP));
@@ -201,12 +230,12 @@
         IpSecManager.UdpEncapsulationSocket encapSocket =
-        assertNotNull(encapSocket.getSocket());
+        assertNotNull(encapSocket.getFileDescriptor());
         assertEquals(TEST_UDP_ENCAP_PORT, encapSocket.getPort());
-        verify(mMockIpSecService).closeUdpEncapsulationSocket(resourceId);
+        verify(mMockIpSecService).closeUdpEncapsulationSocket(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID);
@@ -219,4 +248,45 @@
     // TODO: add test when applicable transform builder interface is available
+    private IpSecManager.IpSecTunnelInterface createAndValidateVti(int resourceId, String intfName)
+            throws Exception {
+        IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse dummyResponse =
+                new IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse(IpSecManager.Status.OK, resourceId, intfName);
+        when(mMockIpSecService.createTunnelInterface(
+                eq(VTI_LOCAL_ADDRESS.getHostAddress()), eq(GOOGLE_DNS_4.getHostAddress()),
+                anyObject(), anyObject()))
+                        .thenReturn(dummyResponse);
+        IpSecManager.IpSecTunnelInterface tunnelIntf = mIpSecManager.createIpSecTunnelInterface(
+                VTI_LOCAL_ADDRESS, GOOGLE_DNS_4, mock(Network.class));
+        assertNotNull(tunnelIntf);
+        return tunnelIntf;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateVti() throws Exception {
+        IpSecManager.IpSecTunnelInterface tunnelIntf =
+                createAndValidateVti(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID, VTI_INTF_NAME);
+        assertEquals(VTI_INTF_NAME, tunnelIntf.getInterfaceName());
+        tunnelIntf.close();
+        verify(mMockIpSecService).deleteTunnelInterface(eq(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAddRemoveAddressesFromVti() throws Exception {
+        IpSecManager.IpSecTunnelInterface tunnelIntf =
+                createAndValidateVti(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID, VTI_INTF_NAME);
+        tunnelIntf.addAddress(VTI_INNER_ADDRESS);
+        verify(mMockIpSecService)
+                .addAddressToTunnelInterface(eq(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID), eq(VTI_INNER_ADDRESS));
+        tunnelIntf.removeAddress(VTI_INNER_ADDRESS);
+        verify(mMockIpSecService)
+                .addAddressToTunnelInterface(eq(DUMMY_RESOURCE_ID), eq(VTI_INNER_ADDRESS));
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index 4c6a644..0696592 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -17,18 +17,25 @@
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
@@ -222,7 +229,9 @@
         assertFalse(netCap.appliesToUidRange(new UidRange(60, 3400)));
         NetworkCapabilities netCap2 = new NetworkCapabilities();
-        assertFalse(netCap2.satisfiedByUids(netCap));
+        // A new netcap object has null UIDs, so anything will satisfy it.
+        assertTrue(netCap2.satisfiedByUids(netCap));
+        // Still not equal though.
@@ -239,7 +248,7 @@
-        assertFalse(new NetworkCapabilities().satisfiedByUids(netCap));
+        assertTrue(new NetworkCapabilities().satisfiedByUids(netCap));
         netCap.combineCapabilities(new NetworkCapabilities());
         assertTrue(netCap.appliesToUidRange(new UidRange(1, 100000)));
@@ -261,6 +270,145 @@
+    @Test
+    public void testOemPaid() {
+        NetworkCapabilities nc = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        // By default OEM_PAID is neither in the unwanted or required lists and the network is not
+        // restricted.
+        assertFalse(nc.hasUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID));
+        assertFalse(nc.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID));
+        nc.maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted();
+        assertTrue(nc.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        // Adding OEM_PAID to capability list should make network restricted.
+        nc.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID);
+        nc.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);  // Combine with unrestricted capability.
+        nc.maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted();
+        assertTrue(nc.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID));
+        assertFalse(nc.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        // Now let's make request for OEM_PAID network.
+        NetworkCapabilities nr = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        nr.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_OEM_PAID);
+        nr.maybeMarkCapabilitiesRestricted();
+        assertTrue(nr.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(nc));
+        // Request fails for network with the default capabilities.
+        assertFalse(nr.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(new NetworkCapabilities()));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUnwantedCapabilities() {
+        NetworkCapabilities network = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        NetworkCapabilities request = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        assertTrue("Request: " + request + ", Network:" + network,
+                request.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(network));
+        // Requesting absence of capabilities that network doesn't have. Request should satisfy.
+        request.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_WIFI_P2P);
+        request.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_METERED);
+        assertTrue(request.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(network));
+        assertArrayEquals(new int[] {NET_CAPABILITY_WIFI_P2P,
+                        NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_METERED},
+                request.getUnwantedCapabilities());
+        // This is a default capability, just want to make sure its there because we use it below.
+        assertTrue(network.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        // Verify that adding unwanted capability will effectively remove it from capability list.
+        request.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED);
+        assertTrue(request.hasUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        assertFalse(request.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        // Now this request won't be satisfied because network contains NOT_RESTRICTED.
+        assertFalse(request.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(network));
+        network.removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED);
+        assertTrue(request.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(network));
+        // Verify that adding capability will effectively remove it from unwanted list
+        request.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED);
+        assertTrue(request.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        assertFalse(request.hasUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED));
+        assertFalse(request.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(network));
+        network.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED);
+        assertTrue(request.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(network));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testEqualsNetCapabilities() {
+        NetworkCapabilities nc1 = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        NetworkCapabilities nc2 = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        assertTrue(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+        assertEquals(nc1, nc2);
+        nc1.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_MMS);
+        assertFalse(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+        assertNotEquals(nc1, nc2);
+        nc2.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_MMS);
+        assertTrue(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+        assertEquals(nc1, nc2);
+        nc1.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
+        assertFalse(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+        nc2.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
+        assertTrue(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+        nc1.removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
+        assertFalse(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+        nc2.removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
+        assertTrue(nc1.equalsNetCapabilities(nc2));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCombineCapabilities() {
+        NetworkCapabilities nc1 = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        NetworkCapabilities nc2 = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        nc1.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_CAPTIVE_PORTAL);
+        nc1.addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_ROAMING);
+        assertNotEquals(nc1, nc2);
+        nc2.combineCapabilities(nc1);
+        assertEquals(nc1, nc2);
+        assertTrue(nc2.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_ROAMING));
+        assertTrue(nc2.hasUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_CAPTIVE_PORTAL));
+        // This will effectively move NOT_ROAMING capability from required to unwanted for nc1.
+        nc1.addUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_ROAMING);
+        nc2.combineCapabilities(nc1);
+        // We will get this capability in both requested and unwanted lists thus this request
+        // will never be satisfied.
+        assertTrue(nc2.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_ROAMING));
+        assertTrue(nc2.hasUnwantedCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_ROAMING));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSetCapabilities() {
+        final int[] REQUIRED_CAPABILITIES = new int[] {
+        final int[] UNWANTED_CAPABILITIES = new int[] {
+        };
+        NetworkCapabilities nc1 = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        NetworkCapabilities nc2 = new NetworkCapabilities();
+        assertArrayEquals(REQUIRED_CAPABILITIES, nc1.getCapabilities());
+        // Verify that setting and adding capabilities leads to the same object state.
+        nc2.clearAll();
+        for (int cap : REQUIRED_CAPABILITIES) {
+            nc2.addCapability(cap);
+        }
+        for (int cap : UNWANTED_CAPABILITIES) {
+            nc2.addUnwantedCapability(cap);
+        }
+        assertEquals(nc1, nc2);
+    }
     private void assertEqualsThroughMarshalling(NetworkCapabilities netCap) {
         Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
         netCap.writeToParcel(p, /* flags */ 0);
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index 035a4cd7..8f18d07 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -31,14 +32,17 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static;
+import android.os.Process;
+import android.util.ArrayMap;
@@ -641,6 +645,218 @@
                 ROAMING_ALL, DEFAULT_NETWORK_ALL, 50500L, 27L, 100200L, 55, 0);
+    @Test
+    public void testFilter_NoFilter() {
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test1", 10100, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test2", 10101, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry3 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test2", 10101, SET_DEFAULT, 123, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 3)
+                .addValues(entry1)
+                .addValues(entry2)
+                .addValues(entry3);
+        stats.filter(UID_ALL, INTERFACES_ALL, TAG_ALL);
+        assertEquals(3, stats.size());
+        assertEquals(entry1, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        assertEquals(entry2, stats.getValues(1, null));
+        assertEquals(entry3, stats.getValues(2, null));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFilter_UidFilter() {
+        final int testUid = 10101;
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test1", 10100, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test2", testUid, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry3 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test2", testUid, SET_DEFAULT, 123, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 3)
+                .addValues(entry1)
+                .addValues(entry2)
+                .addValues(entry3);
+        stats.filter(testUid, INTERFACES_ALL, TAG_ALL);
+        assertEquals(2, stats.size());
+        assertEquals(entry2, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        assertEquals(entry3, stats.getValues(1, null));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFilter_InterfaceFilter() {
+        final String testIf1 = "testif1";
+        final String testIf2 = "testif2";
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                testIf1, 10100, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "otherif", 10101, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry3 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                testIf1, 10101, SET_DEFAULT, 123, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry4 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                testIf2, 10101, SET_DEFAULT, 123, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 4)
+                .addValues(entry1)
+                .addValues(entry2)
+                .addValues(entry3)
+                .addValues(entry4);
+        stats.filter(UID_ALL, new String[] { testIf1, testIf2 }, TAG_ALL);
+        assertEquals(3, stats.size());
+        assertEquals(entry1, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        assertEquals(entry3, stats.getValues(1, null));
+        assertEquals(entry4, stats.getValues(2, null));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFilter_EmptyInterfaceFilter() {
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "if1", 10100, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "if2", 10101, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 3)
+                .addValues(entry1)
+                .addValues(entry2);
+        stats.filter(UID_ALL, new String[] { }, TAG_ALL);
+        assertEquals(0, stats.size());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFilter_TagFilter() {
+        final int testTag = 123;
+        final int otherTag = 456;
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test1", 10100, SET_DEFAULT, testTag, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test2", 10101, SET_DEFAULT, testTag, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry3 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "test2", 10101, SET_DEFAULT, otherTag, METERED_NO, ROAMING_NO,
+                DEFAULT_NETWORK_NO, 50000L, 25L, 100000L, 50L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 3)
+                .addValues(entry1)
+                .addValues(entry2)
+                .addValues(entry3);
+        stats.filter(UID_ALL, INTERFACES_ALL, testTag);
+        assertEquals(2, stats.size());
+        assertEquals(entry1, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        assertEquals(entry2, stats.getValues(1, null));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testApply464xlatAdjustments() {
+        final String v4Iface = "v4-wlan0";
+        final String baseIface = "wlan0";
+        final String otherIface = "other";
+        final int appUid = 10001;
+        final int rootUid = Process.ROOT_UID;
+        ArrayMap<String, String> stackedIface = new ArrayMap<>();
+        stackedIface.put(v4Iface, baseIface);
+        NetworkStats.Entry otherEntry = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                otherIface, appUid, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                2600  /* rxBytes */,
+                2 /* rxPackets */,
+                3800 /* txBytes */,
+                3 /* txPackets */,
+                0 /* operations */);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 3)
+                .addValues(v4Iface, appUid, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                        30501490  /* rxBytes */,
+                        22401 /* rxPackets */,
+                        876235 /* txBytes */,
+                        13805 /* txPackets */,
+                        0 /* operations */)
+                .addValues(baseIface, rootUid, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                        31113087,
+                        22588,
+                        1169942,
+                        13902,
+                        0)
+                .addValues(otherEntry);
+        stats.apply464xlatAdjustments(stackedIface);
+        assertEquals(3, stats.size());
+        assertValues(stats, 0, v4Iface, appUid, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                30949510,
+                22401,
+                1152335,
+                13805,
+                0);
+        assertValues(stats, 1, baseIface, 0, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                163577,
+                187,
+                17607,
+                97,
+                0);
+        assertEquals(otherEntry, stats.getValues(2, null));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testApply464xlatAdjustments_noStackedIface() {
+        NetworkStats.Entry firstEntry = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "if1", 10002, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                2600  /* rxBytes */,
+                2 /* rxPackets */,
+                3800 /* txBytes */,
+                3 /* txPackets */,
+                0 /* operations */);
+        NetworkStats.Entry secondEntry = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "if2", 10002, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE,
+                5000  /* rxBytes */,
+                3 /* rxPackets */,
+                6000 /* txBytes */,
+                4 /* txPackets */,
+                0 /* operations */);
+        NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(TEST_START, 2)
+                .addValues(firstEntry)
+                .addValues(secondEntry);
+        // Empty map: no adjustment
+        stats.apply464xlatAdjustments(new ArrayMap<>());
+        assertEquals(2, stats.size());
+        assertEquals(firstEntry, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        assertEquals(secondEntry, stats.getValues(1, null));
+    }
     private static void assertContains(NetworkStats stats,  String iface, int uid, int set,
             int tag, int metered, int roaming, int defaultNetwork, long rxBytes, long rxPackets,
             long txBytes, long txPackets, long operations) {
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
index 8d51c3b..a5ee8e3 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
 import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
 import junit.framework.TestCase;
@@ -67,4 +69,101 @@
+    @SmallTest
+    public void testRoutedIPv4AddressCount() {
+        final TreeSet<IpPrefix> set = new TreeSet<>(IpPrefix.lengthComparator());
+        // No routes routes to no addresses.
+        assertEquals(0, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        assertEquals(1l << 32, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        // There is a default route, still covers everything
+        assertEquals(1l << 32, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        set.clear();
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        // The 8-length includes the 24-length prefix
+        assertEquals(1l << 24, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        // The 8-length does not include this 25-length prefix
+        assertEquals((1l << 24) + (1 << 7), NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        set.clear();
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        assertEquals(1l, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        assertEquals(7l, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+        // eats 1.2.3.{4-7}/32
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix(""));
+        assertEquals(7l - 4 + 4 + 16 + 65536, NetworkUtils.routedIPv4AddressCount(set));
+    }
+    @SmallTest
+    public void testRoutedIPv6AddressCount() {
+        final TreeSet<IpPrefix> set = new TreeSet<>(IpPrefix.lengthComparator());
+        // No routes routes to no addresses.
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.ZERO, NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("::/0"));
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(128), NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("1234:622a::18/64"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6adb/96"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6adb/8"));
+        // There is a default route, still covers everything
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(128), NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        set.clear();
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6adb/96"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6adb/8"));
+        // The 8-length includes the 96-length prefix
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(120), NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("10::26/64"));
+        // The 8-length does not include this 64-length prefix
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(120).add(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(64)),
+                NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        set.clear();
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad4/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad4/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad4/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad4/128"));
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.ONE, NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad5/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad6/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad7/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad8/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad9/128"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad0/128"));
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(7), NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+        // add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad4/126 eats add4:f00:8[:f7:1111::6ad{4-7}/128
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("add4:f00:80:f7:1111::6ad4/126"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("d00d:f00:80:f7:1111::6ade/124"));
+        set.add(new IpPrefix("f00b:a33::/112"));
+        assertEquals(BigInteger.valueOf(7l - 4 + 4 + 16 + 65536),
+                NetworkUtils.routedIPv6AddressCount(set));
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/apf/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/apf/
index 9b75a50..9364ec8 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/apf/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/apf/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+import static*;
 import static android.system.OsConstants.*;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -26,13 +27,14 @@
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+import android.content.Context;
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@
     private static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 500;
     @Mock IpConnectivityLog mLog;
+    @Mock Context mContext;
     public void setUp() throws Exception {
@@ -603,7 +606,7 @@
-    private class MockIpManagerCallback extends IpManager.Callback {
+    private class MockIpClientCallback extends IpClient.Callback {
         private final ConditionVariable mGotApfProgram = new ConditionVariable();
         private byte[] mLastApfProgram;
@@ -633,9 +636,9 @@
         private FileDescriptor mWriteSocket;
         private final long mFixedTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
-        public TestApfFilter(ApfConfiguration config, IpManager.Callback ipManagerCallback,
-                IpConnectivityLog log) throws Exception {
-            super(config, InterfaceParams.getByName("lo"), ipManagerCallback, log);
+        public TestApfFilter(Context context, ApfConfiguration config,
+                IpClient.Callback ipClientCallback, IpConnectivityLog log) throws Exception {
+            super(context, config, InterfaceParams.getByName("lo"), ipClientCallback, log);
         // Pretend an RA packet has been received and show it to ApfFilter.
@@ -757,19 +760,30 @@
     private static final byte[] ANOTHER_IPV4_ADDR        = {10, 0, 0, 2};
     private static final byte[] IPV4_ANY_HOST_ADDR       = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    // Helper to initialize a default apfFilter.
+    private ApfFilter setupApfFilter(IpClient.Callback ipClientCallback, ApfConfiguration config)
+            throws Exception {
+        LinkAddress link = new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR), 19);
+        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
+        lp.addLinkAddress(link);
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
+        apfFilter.setLinkProperties(lp);
+        return apfFilter;
+    }
     public void testApfFilterIPv4() throws Exception {
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         LinkAddress link = new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR), 19);
         LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
         config.multicastFilter = DROP_MULTICAST;
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify empty packet of 100 zero bytes is passed
         ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]);
@@ -816,10 +830,10 @@
     public void testApfFilterIPv6() throws Exception {
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify empty IPv6 packet is passed
         ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]);
@@ -854,17 +868,17 @@
         final byte[] multicastIpv4Addr = {(byte)224,0,0,1};
         final byte[] multicastIpv6Addr = {(byte)0xff,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(byte)0xfb};
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         LinkAddress link = new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(unicastIpv4Addr), 24);
         LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Construct IPv4 and IPv6 multicast packets.
         ByteBuffer mcastv4packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]);
@@ -901,9 +915,9 @@
         assertPass(program, bcastv4unicastl2packet.array());
         // Turn on multicast filter and verify it works
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         assertDrop(program, mcastv4packet.array());
         assertDrop(program, mcastv6packet.array());
         assertDrop(program, bcastv4packet1.array());
@@ -911,9 +925,9 @@
         assertDrop(program, bcastv4unicastl2packet.array());
         // Turn off multicast filter and verify it's off
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         assertPass(program, mcastv4packet.array());
         assertPass(program, mcastv6packet.array());
         assertPass(program, bcastv4packet1.array());
@@ -921,13 +935,13 @@
         assertPass(program, bcastv4unicastl2packet.array());
         // Verify it can be initialized to on
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
         config.multicastFilter = DROP_MULTICAST;
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
+        apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         assertDrop(program, mcastv4packet.array());
         assertDrop(program, mcastv6packet.array());
         assertDrop(program, bcastv4packet1.array());
@@ -941,17 +955,48 @@
+    public void testApfFilterMulticastPingWhileDozing() throws Exception {
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
+        ApfFilter apfFilter = setupApfFilter(ipClientCallback, getDefaultConfig());
+        // Construct a multicast ICMPv6 ECHO request.
+        final byte[] multicastIpv6Addr = {(byte)0xff,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(byte)0xfb};
+        ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]);
+        packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IPV6);
+        packet.put(IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET, (byte)IPPROTO_ICMPV6);
+        packet.put(ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET, (byte)ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST_TYPE);
+        put(packet, IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET, multicastIpv6Addr);
+        // Normally, we let multicast pings alone...
+        assertPass(ipClientCallback.getApfProgram(), packet.array());
+        // ...and even while dozing...
+        apfFilter.setDozeMode(true);
+        assertPass(ipClientCallback.getApfProgram(), packet.array());
+        // ...but when the multicast filter is also enabled, drop the multicast pings to save power.
+        apfFilter.setMulticastFilter(true);
+        assertDrop(ipClientCallback.getApfProgram(), packet.array());
+        // However, we should still let through all other ICMPv6 types.
+        ByteBuffer raPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap(packet.array().clone());
+        assertPass(ipClientCallback.getApfProgram(), raPacket.array());
+        // Now wake up from doze mode to ensure that we no longer drop the packets.
+        // (The multicast filter is still enabled at this point).
+        apfFilter.setDozeMode(false);
+        assertPass(ipClientCallback.getApfProgram(), packet.array());
+        apfFilter.shutdown();
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testApfFilter802_3() throws Exception {
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
-        LinkAddress link = new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR), 19);
-        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
-        lp.addLinkAddress(link);
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        apfFilter.setLinkProperties(lp);
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        ApfFilter apfFilter = setupApfFilter(ipClientCallback, config);
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify empty packet of 100 zero bytes is passed
         // Note that eth-type = 0 makes it an IEEE802.3 frame
@@ -967,12 +1012,11 @@
         assertPass(program, packet.array());
         // Now turn on the filter
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        apfFilter.setLinkProperties(lp);
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        apfFilter = setupApfFilter(ipClientCallback, config);
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify that IEEE802.3 frame is dropped
         // In this case ethtype is used for payload length
@@ -992,19 +1036,14 @@
     public void testApfFilterEthTypeBL() throws Exception {
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
-        LinkAddress link = new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR), 19);
-        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
-        lp.addLinkAddress(link);
         final int[] emptyBlackList = {};
         final int[] ipv4BlackList = {ETH_P_IP};
         final int[] ipv4Ipv6BlackList = {ETH_P_IP, ETH_P_IPV6};
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        apfFilter.setLinkProperties(lp);
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        ApfFilter apfFilter = setupApfFilter(ipClientCallback, config);
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify empty packet of 100 zero bytes is passed
         // Note that eth-type = 0 makes it an IEEE802.3 frame
@@ -1020,12 +1059,11 @@
         assertPass(program, packet.array());
         // Now add IPv4 to the black list
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
         config.ethTypeBlackList = ipv4BlackList;
-        apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        apfFilter.setLinkProperties(lp);
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        apfFilter = setupApfFilter(ipClientCallback, config);
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify that IPv4 frame will be dropped
         packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IP);
@@ -1036,12 +1074,11 @@
         assertPass(program, packet.array());
         // Now let us have both IPv4 and IPv6 in the black list
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
         config.ethTypeBlackList = ipv4Ipv6BlackList;
-        apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        apfFilter.setLinkProperties(lp);
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        apfFilter = setupApfFilter(ipClientCallback, config);
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         // Verify that IPv4 frame will be dropped
         packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IP);
@@ -1054,7 +1091,7 @@
-    private byte[] getProgram(MockIpManagerCallback cb, ApfFilter filter, LinkProperties lp) {
+    private byte[] getProgram(MockIpClientCallback cb, ApfFilter filter, LinkProperties lp) {
         return cb.getApfProgram();
@@ -1077,23 +1114,23 @@
     public void testApfFilterArp() throws Exception {
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
         config.multicastFilter = DROP_MULTICAST;
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
         // Verify initially ARP request filter is off, and GARP filter is on.
-        verifyArpFilter(ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(), PASS);
+        verifyArpFilter(ipClientCallback.getApfProgram(), PASS);
         // Inform ApfFilter of our address and verify ARP filtering is on
         LinkAddress linkAddress = new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR), 24);
         LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
-        verifyArpFilter(getProgram(ipManagerCallback, apfFilter, lp), DROP);
+        verifyArpFilter(getProgram(ipClientCallback, apfFilter, lp), DROP);
         // Inform ApfFilter of loss of IP and verify ARP filtering is off
-        verifyArpFilter(getProgram(ipManagerCallback, apfFilter, new LinkProperties()), PASS);
+        verifyArpFilter(getProgram(ipClientCallback, apfFilter, new LinkProperties()), PASS);
@@ -1124,7 +1161,7 @@
         return packet.array();
-    // Verify that the last program pushed to the IpManager.Callback properly filters the
+    // Verify that the last program pushed to the IpClient.Callback properly filters the
     // given packet for the given lifetime.
     private void verifyRaLifetime(byte[] program, ByteBuffer packet, int lifetime) {
         final int FRACTION_OF_LIFETIME = 6;
@@ -1154,12 +1191,12 @@
     // Test that when ApfFilter is shown the given packet, it generates a program to filter it
     // for the given lifetime.
-    private void verifyRaLifetime(TestApfFilter apfFilter, MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback,
+    private void verifyRaLifetime(TestApfFilter apfFilter, MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback,
             ByteBuffer packet, int lifetime) throws IOException, ErrnoException {
         // Verify new program generated if ApfFilter witnesses RA
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         verifyRaLifetime(program, packet, lifetime);
@@ -1192,21 +1229,21 @@
                 && (ev1.dnsslLifetime == ev2.dnsslLifetime);
-    private void assertInvalidRa(TestApfFilter apfFilter, MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback,
+    private void assertInvalidRa(TestApfFilter apfFilter, MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback,
             ByteBuffer packet) throws IOException, ErrnoException {
-        ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
+        ipClientCallback.resetApfProgramWait();
-        ipManagerCallback.assertNoProgramUpdate();
+        ipClientCallback.assertNoProgramUpdate();
     public void testApfFilterRa() throws Exception {
-        MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback ipClientCallback = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
         config.multicastFilter = DROP_MULTICAST;
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, ipManagerCallback, mLog);
-        byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, ipClientCallback, mLog);
+        byte[] program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         final int ROUTER_LIFETIME = 1000;
         final int PREFIX_VALID_LIFETIME = 200;
@@ -1231,7 +1268,7 @@
         assertPass(program, basePacket.array());
-        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, basePacket, ROUTER_LIFETIME);
+        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipClientCallback, basePacket, ROUTER_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaEvent(new RaEvent(ROUTER_LIFETIME, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1));
         ByteBuffer newFlowLabelPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET]);
@@ -1249,7 +1286,7 @@
-        assertInvalidRa(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, zeroLengthOptionPacket);
+        assertInvalidRa(apfFilter, ipClientCallback, zeroLengthOptionPacket);
         // Generate several RAs with different options and lifetimes, and verify when
         // ApfFilter is shown these packets, it generates programs to filter them for the
@@ -1267,7 +1304,7 @@
-                apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, prefixOptionPacket, PREFIX_PREFERRED_LIFETIME);
+                apfFilter, ipClientCallback, prefixOptionPacket, PREFIX_PREFERRED_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaEvent(new RaEvent(
@@ -1279,7 +1316,7 @@
         rdnssOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN / 8));
-        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, rdnssOptionPacket, RDNSS_LIFETIME);
+        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipClientCallback, rdnssOptionPacket, RDNSS_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaEvent(new RaEvent(ROUTER_LIFETIME, -1, -1, -1, RDNSS_LIFETIME, -1));
         ByteBuffer routeInfoOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap(
@@ -1290,7 +1327,7 @@
         routeInfoOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN / 8));
-        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, routeInfoOptionPacket, ROUTE_LIFETIME);
+        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipClientCallback, routeInfoOptionPacket, ROUTE_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaEvent(new RaEvent(ROUTER_LIFETIME, -1, -1, ROUTE_LIFETIME, -1, -1));
         ByteBuffer dnsslOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap(
@@ -1301,11 +1338,11 @@
         dnsslOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN / 8));
-        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, dnsslOptionPacket, ROUTER_LIFETIME);
+        verifyRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipClientCallback, dnsslOptionPacket, ROUTER_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaEvent(new RaEvent(ROUTER_LIFETIME, -1, -1, -1, -1, DNSSL_LIFETIME));
         // Verify that current program filters all five RAs:
-        program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram();
+        program = ipClientCallback.getApfProgram();
         verifyRaLifetime(program, basePacket, ROUTER_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaLifetime(program, newFlowLabelPacket, ROUTER_LIFETIME);
         verifyRaLifetime(program, prefixOptionPacket, PREFIX_PREFERRED_LIFETIME);
@@ -1347,11 +1384,11 @@
     public void testRaParsing() throws Exception {
         final int maxRandomPacketSize = 512;
         final Random r = new Random();
-        MockIpManagerCallback cb = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback cb = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
         config.multicastFilter = DROP_MULTICAST;
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, cb, mLog);
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, cb, mLog);
         for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
             byte[] packet = new byte[r.nextInt(maxRandomPacketSize + 1)];
@@ -1368,11 +1405,11 @@
     public void testRaProcessing() throws Exception {
         final int maxRandomPacketSize = 512;
         final Random r = new Random();
-        MockIpManagerCallback cb = new MockIpManagerCallback();
+        MockIpClientCallback cb = new MockIpClientCallback();
         ApfConfiguration config = getDefaultConfig();
         config.multicastFilter = DROP_MULTICAST;
         config.ieee802_3Filter = DROP_802_3_FRAMES;
-        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(config, cb, mLog);
+        TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(mContext, config, cb, mLog);
         for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
             byte[] packet = new byte[r.nextInt(maxRandomPacketSize + 1)];
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/ip/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/ip/
similarity index 80%
rename from tests/net/java/android/net/ip/
rename to tests/net/java/android/net/ip/
index 22d88fb..e9e880d 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/android/net/ip/
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/ip/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.any;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyString;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
@@ -38,10 +39,12 @@
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
 import android.provider.Settings;
@@ -68,15 +71,19 @@
 import java.util.Set;
- * Tests for IpManager.
+ * Tests for IpClient.
-public class IpManagerTest {
+public class IpClientTest {
     private static final int DEFAULT_AVOIDBADWIFI_CONFIG_VALUE = 1;
     private static final String VALID = "VALID";
     private static final String INVALID = "INVALID";
+    private static final String TEST_IFNAME = "test_wlan0";
+    private static final int TEST_IFINDEX = 1001;
+    // See RFC 7042#section-2.1.2 for EUI-48 documentation values.
+    private static final MacAddress TEST_MAC = MacAddress.fromString("00:00:5E:00:53:01");
     @Mock private Context mContext;
     @Mock private INetworkManagementService mNMService;
@@ -84,9 +91,11 @@
     @Mock private Resources mResources;
     @Mock private Callback mCb;
     @Mock private AlarmManager mAlarm;
+    @Mock private IpClient.Dependencies mDependecies;
     private MockContentResolver mContentResolver;
-    BaseNetworkObserver mObserver;
+    private BaseNetworkObserver mObserver;
+    private InterfaceParams mIfParams;
     public void setUp() throws Exception {
@@ -100,10 +109,23 @@
         mContentResolver = new MockContentResolver();
         mContentResolver.addProvider(Settings.AUTHORITY, new FakeSettingsProvider());
+        mIfParams = null;
+        when(mDependecies.getNMS()).thenReturn(mNMService);
+        when(mDependecies.getNetd()).thenReturn(mNetd);
-    private IpManager makeIpManager(String ifname) throws Exception {
-        final IpManager ipm = new IpManager(mContext, ifname, mCb, mNMService, mNetd);
+    private void setTestInterfaceParams(String ifname) {
+        mIfParams = (ifname != null)
+                ? new InterfaceParams(ifname, TEST_IFINDEX, TEST_MAC)
+                : null;
+        when(mDependecies.getInterfaceParams(anyString())).thenReturn(mIfParams);
+    }
+    private IpClient makeIpClient(String ifname) throws Exception {
+        setTestInterfaceParams(ifname);
+        final IpClient ipc = new IpClient(mContext, ifname, mCb, mDependecies);
         verify(mNMService, timeout(100).times(1)).disableIpv6(ifname);
         verify(mNMService, timeout(100).times(1)).clearInterfaceAddresses(ifname);
         ArgumentCaptor<BaseNetworkObserver> arg =
@@ -111,23 +133,54 @@
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).registerObserver(arg.capture());
         mObserver = arg.getValue();
-        return ipm;
+        return ipc;
-    public void testNullCallbackDoesNotThrow() throws Exception {
-        final IpManager ipm = new IpManager(mContext, "lo", null, mNMService);
+    public void testNullInterfaceNameMostDefinitelyThrows() throws Exception {
+        setTestInterfaceParams(null);
+        try {
+            final IpClient ipc = new IpClient(mContext, null, mCb, mDependecies);
+            ipc.shutdown();
+            fail();
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            // Phew; null interface names not allowed.
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testNullCallbackMostDefinitelyThrows() throws Exception {
+        final String ifname = "lo";
+        setTestInterfaceParams(ifname);
+        try {
+            final IpClient ipc = new IpClient(mContext, ifname, null, mDependecies);
+            ipc.shutdown();
+            fail();
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            // Phew; null callbacks not allowed.
+        }
     public void testInvalidInterfaceDoesNotThrow() throws Exception {
-        final IpManager ipm = new IpManager(mContext, "test_wlan0", mCb, mNMService);
+        setTestInterfaceParams(TEST_IFNAME);
+        final IpClient ipc = new IpClient(mContext, TEST_IFNAME, mCb, mDependecies);
+        ipc.shutdown();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testInterfaceNotFoundFailsImmediately() throws Exception {
+        setTestInterfaceParams(null);
+        final IpClient ipc = new IpClient(mContext, TEST_IFNAME, mCb, mDependecies);
+        ipc.startProvisioning(new IpClient.ProvisioningConfiguration());
+        verify(mCb, times(1)).onProvisioningFailure(any());
+        ipc.shutdown();
     public void testDefaultProvisioningConfiguration() throws Exception {
-        final String iface = "test_wlan0";
-        final IpManager ipm = makeIpManager(iface);
+        final String iface = TEST_IFNAME;
+        final IpClient ipc = makeIpClient(iface);
         ProvisioningConfiguration config = new ProvisioningConfiguration.Builder()
@@ -136,20 +189,20 @@
-        ipm.startProvisioning(config);
+        ipc.startProvisioning(config);
         verify(mCb, times(1)).setNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true);
         verify(mCb, timeout(100).times(1)).setFallbackMulticastFilter(false);
         verify(mCb, never()).onProvisioningFailure(any());
-        ipm.stop();
+        ipc.shutdown();
         verify(mNMService, timeout(100).times(1)).disableIpv6(iface);
         verify(mNMService, timeout(100).times(1)).clearInterfaceAddresses(iface);
     public void testProvisioningWithInitialConfiguration() throws Exception {
-        final String iface = "test_wlan0";
-        final IpManager ipm = makeIpManager(iface);
+        final String iface = TEST_IFNAME;
+        final IpClient ipc = makeIpClient(iface);
         String[] addresses = {
@@ -164,7 +217,7 @@
                 .withInitialConfiguration(conf(links(addresses), prefixes(prefixes), ips()))
-        ipm.startProvisioning(config);
+        ipc.startProvisioning(config);
         verify(mCb, times(1)).setNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true);
         verify(mCb, timeout(100).times(1)).setFallbackMulticastFilter(false);
         verify(mCb, never()).onProvisioningFailure(any());
@@ -190,7 +243,7 @@
         verify(mCb, timeout(100).times(1)).onProvisioningSuccess(eq(want));
-        ipm.stop();
+        ipc.shutdown();
         verify(mNMService, timeout(100).times(1)).disableIpv6(iface);
         verify(mNMService, timeout(100).times(1)).clearInterfaceAddresses(iface);
@@ -228,7 +281,7 @@
         for (IsProvisionedTestCase testcase : testcases) {
-            if (IpManager.isProvisioned(testcase.lp, testcase.config) != testcase.isProvisioned) {
+            if (IpClient.isProvisioned(testcase.lp, testcase.config) != testcase.isProvisioned) {
@@ -424,11 +477,11 @@
         List<String> list3 = Arrays.asList("bar", "baz");
         List<String> list4 = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz");
-        assertTrue(IpManager.all(list1, (x) -> false));
-        assertFalse(IpManager.all(list2, (x) -> false));
-        assertTrue(IpManager.all(list3, (x) -> true));
-        assertTrue(IpManager.all(list2, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
-        assertFalse(IpManager.all(list4, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
+        assertTrue(IpClient.all(list1, (x) -> false));
+        assertFalse(IpClient.all(list2, (x) -> false));
+        assertTrue(IpClient.all(list3, (x) -> true));
+        assertTrue(IpClient.all(list2, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
+        assertFalse(IpClient.all(list4, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
@@ -438,11 +491,11 @@
         List<String> list3 = Arrays.asList("bar", "baz");
         List<String> list4 = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz");
-        assertFalse(IpManager.any(list1, (x) -> true));
-        assertTrue(IpManager.any(list2, (x) -> true));
-        assertTrue(IpManager.any(list2, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
-        assertFalse(IpManager.any(list3, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
-        assertTrue(IpManager.any(list4, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
+        assertFalse(IpClient.any(list1, (x) -> true));
+        assertTrue(IpClient.any(list2, (x) -> true));
+        assertTrue(IpClient.any(list2, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
+        assertFalse(IpClient.any(list3, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
+        assertTrue(IpClient.any(list4, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
@@ -451,9 +504,9 @@
         List<String> list2 = Arrays.asList("foo");
         List<String> list3 = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz");
-        assertEquals(list1, IpManager.findAll(list1, (x) -> true));
-        assertEquals(list1, IpManager.findAll(list3, (x) -> false));
-        assertEquals(list3, IpManager.findAll(list3, (x) -> true));
-        assertEquals(list2, IpManager.findAll(list3, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
+        assertEquals(list1, IpClient.findAll(list1, (x) -> true));
+        assertEquals(list1, IpClient.findAll(list3, (x) -> false));
+        assertEquals(list3, IpClient.findAll(list3, (x) -> true));
+        assertEquals(list2, IpClient.findAll(list3, (x) -> x.charAt(0) == 'f'));
diff --git a/tests/net/java/android/net/util/ b/tests/net/java/android/net/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8012838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/net/java/android/net/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+public class InterfaceSetTest {
+    @Test
+    public void testNullNamesIgnored() {
+        final InterfaceSet set = new InterfaceSet(null, "if1", null, "if2", null);
+        assertEquals(2, set.ifnames.size());
+        assertTrue(set.ifnames.contains("if1"));
+        assertTrue(set.ifnames.contains("if2"));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testToString() {
+        final InterfaceSet set = new InterfaceSet("if1", "if2");
+        final String setString = set.toString();
+        assertTrue(setString.equals("[if1,if2]") || setString.equals("[if2,if1]"));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testToString_Empty() {
+        final InterfaceSet set = new InterfaceSet(null, null);
+        assertEquals("[]", set.toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testEquals() {
+        assertEquals(new InterfaceSet(null, "if1", "if2"), new InterfaceSet("if2", "if1"));
+        assertEquals(new InterfaceSet(null, null), new InterfaceSet());
+        assertFalse(new InterfaceSet("if1", "if3").equals(new InterfaceSet("if1", "if2")));
+        assertFalse(new InterfaceSet("if1", "if2").equals(new InterfaceSet("if1")));
+        assertFalse(new InterfaceSet().equals(null));
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/internal/net/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/internal/net/
index b14f550..fc46b9c 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/internal/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/internal/net/
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
         assertStatsEntry(stats, "dummy0", 0, SET_DEFAULT, 0x0, 0L, 168L);
         assertStatsEntry(stats, "lo", 0, SET_DEFAULT, 0x0, 1288L, 1288L);
-        NetworkStatsFactory.noteStackedIface("v4-wlan0", null);
+        NetworkStatsFactory.clearStackedIfaces();
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
         assertStatsEntry(stats, "v4-wlan0", 10106, SET_FOREGROUND, 0x0, appRxBytesAfter, 7867488L);
         assertStatsEntry(stats, "wlan0", 0, SET_DEFAULT, 0x0, rootRxBytesAfter, 647587L);
-        NetworkStatsFactory.noteStackedIface("v4-wlan0", null);
+        NetworkStatsFactory.clearStackedIfaces();
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/
index 28f8122..e4df974 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -63,12 +66,14 @@
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.any;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.reset;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
@@ -133,6 +138,7 @@
@@ -155,6 +161,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Objects;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -179,6 +186,9 @@
     private static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 500;
     private static final int TEST_LINGER_DELAY_MS = 120;
+    private static final String MOBILE_IFNAME = "test_rmnet_data0";
+    private static final String WIFI_IFNAME = "test_wlan0";
     private MockContext mServiceContext;
     private WrappedConnectivityService mService;
     private WrappedConnectivityManager mCm;
@@ -387,6 +397,7 @@
                     mScore = 20;
                 case TRANSPORT_VPN:
+                    mNetworkCapabilities.removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_VPN);
                     mScore = ConnectivityConstants.VPN_DEFAULT_SCORE;
@@ -748,6 +759,7 @@
     // NetworkMonitor implementation allowing overriding of Internet connectivity probe result.
     private class WrappedNetworkMonitor extends NetworkMonitor {
+        public final Handler connectivityHandler;
         // HTTP response code fed back to NetworkMonitor for Internet connectivity probe.
         public int gen204ProbeResult = 500;
         public String gen204ProbeRedirectUrl = null;
@@ -757,6 +769,7 @@
                 IpConnectivityLog log) {
             super(context, handler, networkAgentInfo, defaultRequest, log,
+            connectivityHandler = handler;
@@ -867,6 +880,10 @@
             return mMetricsService;
+        @Override
+        protected void registerNetdEventCallback() {
+        }
         public WrappedNetworkMonitor getLastCreatedWrappedNetworkMonitor() {
             return mLastCreatedNetworkMonitor;
@@ -921,6 +938,7 @@
         // Ensure that the default setting for Captive Portals is used for most tests
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF, "");
@@ -2575,6 +2593,14 @@
+    private void setPrivateDnsSettings(String mode, String specifier) {
+        final ContentResolver cr = mServiceContext.getContentResolver();
+        Settings.Global.putString(cr, Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE, mode);
+        Settings.Global.putString(cr, Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_SPECIFIER, specifier);
+        mService.updatePrivateDnsSettings();
+        waitForIdle();
+    }
     private boolean isForegroundNetwork(MockNetworkAgent network) {
         NetworkCapabilities nc = mCm.getNetworkCapabilities(network.getNetwork());
@@ -3574,7 +3600,7 @@
         mCm.registerNetworkCallback(networkRequest, networkCallback);
         LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
-        lp.setInterfaceName("wlan0");
+        lp.setInterfaceName(WIFI_IFNAME);
         LinkAddress myIpv4Address = new LinkAddress("");
         RouteInfo myIpv4DefaultRoute = new RouteInfo((IpPrefix) null,
                 NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(""), lp.getInterfaceName());
@@ -3663,42 +3689,273 @@
     public void testBasicDnsConfigurationPushed() throws Exception {
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC, "");
+        ArgumentCaptor<String[]> tlsServers = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String[].class);
+        // Clear any interactions that occur as a result of CS starting up.
+        reset(mNetworkManagementService);
+        final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
         mCellNetworkAgent = new MockNetworkAgent(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
         verify(mNetworkManagementService, never()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
-                anyInt(), any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyString());
+                anyInt(), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY), any(), any(), eq(""), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mNetworkManagementService);
         final LinkProperties cellLp = new LinkProperties();
-        cellLp.setInterfaceName("test_rmnet_data0");
+        cellLp.setInterfaceName(MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        // Add IPv4 and IPv6 default routes, because DNS-over-TLS code does
+        // "is-reachable" testing in order to not program netd with unreachable
+        // nameservers that it might try repeated to validate.
+        cellLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(""));
+        cellLp.addRoute(new RouteInfo((IpPrefix) null, InetAddress.getByName(""),
+                MOBILE_IFNAME));
+        cellLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress("2001:db8:1::1/64"));
+        cellLp.addRoute(new RouteInfo((IpPrefix) null, InetAddress.getByName("2001:db8:1::1"),
+                MOBILE_IFNAME));
-        verify(mNetworkManagementService, times(1)).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
-                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyString());
         // CS tells netd about the empty DNS config for this network.
-        assertEmpty(mStringArrayCaptor.getValue());
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, atLeastOnce()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY), any(), any(), eq(""), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
-        verify(mNetworkManagementService, times(1)).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
-                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyString());
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, atLeastOnce()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(),
+                eq(""), tlsServers.capture());
         assertEquals(1, mStringArrayCaptor.getValue().length);
         assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(mStringArrayCaptor.getValue(), "2001:db8::1"));
+        // Opportunistic mode.
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(tlsServers.getValue(), "2001:db8::1"));
-        verify(mNetworkManagementService, times(1)).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
-                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyString());
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, atLeastOnce()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(),
+                eq(""), tlsServers.capture());
+        assertEquals(2, mStringArrayCaptor.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(mStringArrayCaptor.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        // Opportunistic mode.
+        assertEquals(2, tlsServers.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(tlsServers.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        reset(mNetworkManagementService);
+        final String TLS_SPECIFIER = "";
+        final String TLS_SERVER6 = "2001:db8:53::53";
+        final InetAddress[] TLS_IPS = new InetAddress[]{ InetAddress.getByName(TLS_SERVER6) };
+        final String[] TLS_SERVERS = new String[]{ TLS_SERVER6 };
+        final Handler h = mCellNetworkAgent.getWrappedNetworkMonitor().connectivityHandler;
+        h.sendMessage(h.obtainMessage(
+                NetworkMonitor.EVENT_PRIVATE_DNS_CONFIG_RESOLVED, 0,
+                mCellNetworkAgent.getNetwork().netId,
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsConfig(TLS_SPECIFIER, TLS_IPS)));
+        waitForIdle();
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, atLeastOnce()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(),
+                eq(TLS_SPECIFIER), eq(TLS_SERVERS));
         assertEquals(2, mStringArrayCaptor.getValue().length);
                 new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+    @Test
+    public void testPrivateDnsSettingsChange() throws Exception {
+        final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
+        ArgumentCaptor<String[]> tlsServers = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String[].class);
+        // Clear any interactions that occur as a result of CS starting up.
+        reset(mNetworkManagementService);
+        // The default on Android is opportunistic mode ("Automatic").
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC, "");
+        final TestNetworkCallback cellNetworkCallback = new TestNetworkCallback();
+        final NetworkRequest cellRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
+                .addTransportType(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR).build();
+        mCm.requestNetwork(cellRequest, cellNetworkCallback);
+        mCellNetworkAgent = new MockNetworkAgent(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
+        waitForIdle();
+        // CS tells netd about the empty DNS config for this network.
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, never()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY), any(), any(), eq(""), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mNetworkManagementService);
+        final LinkProperties cellLp = new LinkProperties();
+        cellLp.setInterfaceName(MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        // Add IPv4 and IPv6 default routes, because DNS-over-TLS code does
+        // "is-reachable" testing in order to not program netd with unreachable
+        // nameservers that it might try repeated to validate.
+        cellLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(""));
+        cellLp.addRoute(new RouteInfo((IpPrefix) null, InetAddress.getByName(""),
+                MOBILE_IFNAME));
+        cellLp.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress("2001:db8:1::1/64"));
+        cellLp.addRoute(new RouteInfo((IpPrefix) null, InetAddress.getByName("2001:db8:1::1"),
+                MOBILE_IFNAME));
+        cellLp.addDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName("2001:db8::1"));
+        cellLp.addDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        mCellNetworkAgent.sendLinkProperties(cellLp);
+        mCellNetworkAgent.connect(false);
+        waitForIdle();
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, atLeastOnce()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(),
+                eq(""), tlsServers.capture());
+        assertEquals(2, mStringArrayCaptor.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(mStringArrayCaptor.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        // Opportunistic mode.
+        assertEquals(2, tlsServers.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(tlsServers.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        reset(mNetworkManagementService);
+        cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.AVAILABLE, mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.NETWORK_CAPABILITIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        CallbackInfo cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(
+                CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES, mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertFalse(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF, "");
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, times(1)).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(),
+                eq(""), eq(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+        assertEquals(2, mStringArrayCaptor.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(mStringArrayCaptor.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        reset(mNetworkManagementService);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC, "");
+        verify(mNetworkManagementService, atLeastOnce()).setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(
+                anyInt(), mStringArrayCaptor.capture(), any(), any(),
+                eq(""), tlsServers.capture());
+        assertEquals(2, mStringArrayCaptor.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(mStringArrayCaptor.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        assertEquals(2, tlsServers.getValue().length);
+        assertTrue(ArrayUtils.containsAll(tlsServers.getValue(),
+                new String[]{"2001:db8::1", ""}));
+        reset(mNetworkManagementService);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_PROVIDER_HOSTNAME, "");
+        // Can't test dns configuration for strict mode without properly mocking
+        // out the DNS lookups, but can test that LinkProperties is updated.
+        cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertTrue(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertEquals("", ((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testLinkPropertiesWithPrivateDnsValidationEvents() throws Exception {
+        // The default on Android is opportunistic mode ("Automatic").
+        setPrivateDnsSettings(PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC, "");
+        final TestNetworkCallback cellNetworkCallback = new TestNetworkCallback();
+        final NetworkRequest cellRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
+                .addTransportType(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR).build();
+        mCm.requestNetwork(cellRequest, cellNetworkCallback);
+        mCellNetworkAgent = new MockNetworkAgent(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);
+        waitForIdle();
+        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
+        mCellNetworkAgent.sendLinkProperties(lp);
+        mCellNetworkAgent.connect(false);
+        waitForIdle();
+        cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.AVAILABLE, mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.NETWORK_CAPABILITIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        CallbackInfo cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(
+                CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES, mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertFalse(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        Set<InetAddress> dnsServers = new HashSet<>();
+        checkDnsServers(cbi.arg, dnsServers);
+        // Send a validation event for a server that is not part of the current
+        // resolver config. The validation event should be ignored.
+        mService.mNetdEventCallback.onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(
+                mCellNetworkAgent.getNetwork().netId, "", "", true);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        // Add a dns server to the LinkProperties.
+        LinkProperties lp2 = new LinkProperties(lp);
+        lp2.addDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        mCellNetworkAgent.sendLinkProperties(lp2);
+        cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertFalse(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        dnsServers.add(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        checkDnsServers(cbi.arg, dnsServers);
+        // Send a validation event containing a hostname that is not part of
+        // the current resolver config. The validation event should be ignored.
+        mService.mNetdEventCallback.onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(
+                mCellNetworkAgent.getNetwork().netId, "", "hostname", true);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        // Send a validation event where validation failed.
+        mService.mNetdEventCallback.onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(
+                mCellNetworkAgent.getNetwork().netId, "", "", false);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        // Send a validation event where validation succeeded for a server in
+        // the current resolver config. A LinkProperties callback with updated
+        // private dns fields should be sent.
+        mService.mNetdEventCallback.onPrivateDnsValidationEvent(
+                mCellNetworkAgent.getNetwork().netId, "", "", true);
+        cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertTrue(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        checkDnsServers(cbi.arg, dnsServers);
+        // The private dns fields in LinkProperties should be preserved when
+        // the network agent sends unrelated changes.
+        LinkProperties lp3 = new LinkProperties(lp2);
+        lp3.setMtu(1300);
+        mCellNetworkAgent.sendLinkProperties(lp3);
+        cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertTrue(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        checkDnsServers(cbi.arg, dnsServers);
+        assertEquals(1300, ((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getMtu());
+        // Removing the only validated server should affect the private dns
+        // fields in LinkProperties.
+        LinkProperties lp4 = new LinkProperties(lp3);
+        lp4.removeDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        mCellNetworkAgent.sendLinkProperties(lp4);
+        cbi = cellNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LINK_PROPERTIES,
+                mCellNetworkAgent);
+        cellNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
+        assertFalse(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        dnsServers.remove(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        checkDnsServers(cbi.arg, dnsServers);
+        assertEquals(1300, ((LinkProperties)cbi.arg).getMtu());
+    }
     private void checkDirectlyConnectedRoutes(Object callbackObj,
             Collection<LinkAddress> linkAddresses, Collection<RouteInfo> otherRoutes) {
         assertTrue(callbackObj instanceof LinkProperties);
@@ -3716,6 +3973,13 @@
+    private static void checkDnsServers(Object callbackObj, Set<InetAddress> dnsServers) {
+        assertTrue(callbackObj instanceof LinkProperties);
+        LinkProperties lp = (LinkProperties) callbackObj;
+        assertEquals(dnsServers.size(), lp.getDnsServers().size());
+        assertTrue(lp.getDnsServers().containsAll(dnsServers));
+    }
     private static <T> void assertEmpty(T[] ts) {
         int length = ts.length;
         assertEquals("expected empty array, but length was " + length, 0, length);
@@ -3744,14 +4008,19 @@
         final int uid = Process.myUid();
         final TestNetworkCallback genericNetworkCallback = new TestNetworkCallback();
+        final TestNetworkCallback genericNotVpnNetworkCallback = new TestNetworkCallback();
         final TestNetworkCallback wifiNetworkCallback = new TestNetworkCallback();
         final TestNetworkCallback vpnNetworkCallback = new TestNetworkCallback();
-        final NetworkRequest genericRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder().build();
+        final NetworkRequest genericNotVpnRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder().build();
+        final NetworkRequest genericRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
+                .removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_VPN).build();
         final NetworkRequest wifiRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
         final NetworkRequest vpnNetworkRequest = new NetworkRequest.Builder()
+                .removeCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_VPN)
         mCm.registerNetworkCallback(genericRequest, genericNetworkCallback);
+        mCm.registerNetworkCallback(genericNotVpnRequest, genericNotVpnNetworkCallback);
         mCm.registerNetworkCallback(wifiRequest, wifiNetworkCallback);
         mCm.registerNetworkCallback(vpnNetworkRequest, vpnNetworkCallback);
@@ -3759,6 +4028,7 @@
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.expectAvailableCallbacksUnvalidated(mWiFiNetworkAgent);
@@ -3773,16 +4043,19 @@
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
         genericNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.NETWORK_CAPABILITIES, vpnNetworkAgent);
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
         vpnNetworkCallback.expectCapabilitiesLike(nc -> null == nc.getUids(), vpnNetworkAgent);
         genericNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, vpnNetworkAgent);
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
         vpnNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, vpnNetworkAgent);
@@ -3790,18 +4063,21 @@
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
         genericNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, mWiFiNetworkAgent);
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, mWiFiNetworkAgent);
         wifiNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, mWiFiNetworkAgent);
         genericNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, vpnNetworkAgent);
+        genericNotVpnNetworkCallback.assertNoCallback();
         vpnNetworkCallback.expectCallback(CallbackState.LOST, vpnNetworkAgent);
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/
index 66e0955..410f754 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
 import static;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
@@ -32,6 +34,9 @@
 import android.os.Binder;
 import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
@@ -56,10 +61,15 @@
     private final String mDestinationAddr;
     private final String mSourceAddr;
+    private final LinkAddress mLocalInnerAddress;
     public static Collection ipSecConfigs() {
-        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {{"", ""}, {"2601::2", "2601::10"}});
+        return Arrays.asList(
+                new Object[][] {
+                {"", "", ""},
+                {"2601::2", "2601::10", "2001:db8::1/64"}
+        });
     private static final byte[] AEAD_KEY = {
@@ -86,6 +96,7 @@
     INetd mMockNetd;
     IpSecService.IpSecServiceConfiguration mMockIpSecSrvConfig;
     IpSecService mIpSecService;
+    Network fakeNetwork = new Network(0xAB);
     private static final IpSecAlgorithm AUTH_ALGO =
             new IpSecAlgorithm(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_HMAC_SHA256, AUTH_KEY, AUTH_KEY.length * 4);
@@ -94,9 +105,11 @@
     private static final IpSecAlgorithm AEAD_ALGO =
             new IpSecAlgorithm(IpSecAlgorithm.AUTH_CRYPT_AES_GCM, AEAD_KEY, 128);
-    public IpSecServiceParameterizedTest(String sourceAddr, String destAddr) {
+    public IpSecServiceParameterizedTest(
+            String sourceAddr, String destAddr, String localInnerAddr) {
         mSourceAddr = sourceAddr;
         mDestinationAddr = destAddr;
+        mLocalInnerAddress = new LinkAddress(localInnerAddr);
@@ -281,6 +294,7 @@
+    @Test
     public void testCreateTwoTransformsWithSameSpis() throws Exception {
         IpSecConfig ipSecConfig = new IpSecConfig();
@@ -307,6 +321,30 @@
+    public void testReleaseOwnedSpi() throws Exception {
+        IpSecConfig ipSecConfig = new IpSecConfig();
+        addDefaultSpisAndRemoteAddrToIpSecConfig(ipSecConfig);
+        addAuthAndCryptToIpSecConfig(ipSecConfig);
+        IpSecTransformResponse createTransformResp =
+                mIpSecService.createTransform(ipSecConfig, new Binder());
+        IpSecService.UserRecord userRecord =
+                mIpSecService.mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Os.getuid());
+        assertEquals(1, userRecord.mSpiQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+        mIpSecService.releaseSecurityParameterIndex(ipSecConfig.getSpiResourceId());
+        verify(mMockNetd, times(0))
+                .ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(
+                        eq(createTransformResp.resourceId),
+                        anyString(),
+                        anyString(),
+                        eq(TEST_SPI),
+                        anyInt(),
+                        anyInt());
+        // quota is not released until the SPI is released by the Transform
+        assertEquals(1, userRecord.mSpiQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testDeleteTransform() throws Exception {
         IpSecConfig ipSecConfig = new IpSecConfig();
@@ -316,7 +354,7 @@
                 mIpSecService.createTransform(ipSecConfig, new Binder());
-        verify(mMockNetd)
+        verify(mMockNetd, times(1))
@@ -329,6 +367,21 @@
         IpSecService.UserRecord userRecord =
         assertEquals(0, userRecord.mTransformQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+        assertEquals(1, userRecord.mSpiQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+        mIpSecService.releaseSecurityParameterIndex(ipSecConfig.getSpiResourceId());
+        // Verify that ipSecDeleteSa was not called when the SPI was released because the
+        // ownedByTransform property should prevent it; (note, the called count is cumulative).
+        verify(mMockNetd, times(1))
+                .ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(
+                        anyInt(),
+                        anyString(),
+                        anyString(),
+                        anyInt(),
+                        anyInt(),
+                        anyInt());
+        assertEquals(0, userRecord.mSpiQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
         try {
@@ -405,4 +458,103 @@
+    private IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse createAndValidateTunnel(
+            String localAddr, String remoteAddr) {
+        IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse createTunnelResp =
+                mIpSecService.createTunnelInterface(
+                        mSourceAddr, mDestinationAddr, fakeNetwork, new Binder());
+        assertNotNull(createTunnelResp);
+        assertEquals(IpSecManager.Status.OK, createTunnelResp.status);
+        return createTunnelResp;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateTunnelInterface() throws Exception {
+        IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse createTunnelResp =
+                createAndValidateTunnel(mSourceAddr, mDestinationAddr);
+        // Check that we have stored the tracking object, and retrieve it
+        IpSecService.UserRecord userRecord =
+                mIpSecService.mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Os.getuid());
+        IpSecService.RefcountedResource refcountedRecord =
+                userRecord.mTunnelInterfaceRecords.getRefcountedResourceOrThrow(
+                        createTunnelResp.resourceId);
+        assertEquals(1, userRecord.mTunnelQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+        verify(mMockNetd)
+                .addVirtualTunnelInterface(
+                        eq(createTunnelResp.interfaceName),
+                        eq(mSourceAddr),
+                        eq(mDestinationAddr),
+                        anyInt(),
+                        anyInt());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteTunnelInterface() throws Exception {
+        IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse createTunnelResp =
+                createAndValidateTunnel(mSourceAddr, mDestinationAddr);
+        IpSecService.UserRecord userRecord =
+                mIpSecService.mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Os.getuid());
+        mIpSecService.deleteTunnelInterface(createTunnelResp.resourceId);
+        // Verify quota and RefcountedResource objects cleaned up
+        assertEquals(0, userRecord.mTunnelQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+        verify(mMockNetd).removeVirtualTunnelInterface(eq(createTunnelResp.interfaceName));
+        try {
+            userRecord.mTunnelInterfaceRecords.getRefcountedResourceOrThrow(
+                    createTunnelResp.resourceId);
+            fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException on attempt to access deleted resource");
+        } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTunnelInterfaceBinderDeath() throws Exception {
+        IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse createTunnelResp =
+                createAndValidateTunnel(mSourceAddr, mDestinationAddr);
+        IpSecService.UserRecord userRecord =
+                mIpSecService.mUserResourceTracker.getUserRecord(Os.getuid());
+        IpSecService.RefcountedResource refcountedRecord =
+                userRecord.mTunnelInterfaceRecords.getRefcountedResourceOrThrow(
+                        createTunnelResp.resourceId);
+        refcountedRecord.binderDied();
+        // Verify quota and RefcountedResource objects cleaned up
+        assertEquals(0, userRecord.mTunnelQuotaTracker.mCurrent);
+        verify(mMockNetd).removeVirtualTunnelInterface(eq(createTunnelResp.interfaceName));
+        try {
+            userRecord.mTunnelInterfaceRecords.getRefcountedResourceOrThrow(
+                    createTunnelResp.resourceId);
+            fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException on attempt to access deleted resource");
+        } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAddRemoveAddressFromTunnelInterface() throws Exception {
+        IpSecTunnelInterfaceResponse createTunnelResp =
+                createAndValidateTunnel(mSourceAddr, mDestinationAddr);
+        mIpSecService.addAddressToTunnelInterface(createTunnelResp.resourceId, mLocalInnerAddress);
+        verify(mMockNetd)
+                .interfaceAddAddress(
+                        eq(createTunnelResp.interfaceName),
+                        eq(mLocalInnerAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress()),
+                        eq(mLocalInnerAddress.getPrefixLength()));
+        mIpSecService.removeAddressFromTunnelInterface(
+                createTunnelResp.resourceId, mLocalInnerAddress);
+        verify(mMockNetd)
+                .interfaceDelAddress(
+                        eq(createTunnelResp.interfaceName),
+                        eq(mLocalInnerAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress()),
+                        eq(mLocalInnerAddress.getPrefixLength()));
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcd8bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import android.content.ContentResolver;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
+import android.provider.Settings;
+import android.test.mock.MockContentResolver;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
+ * Tests for {@link DnsManager}.
+ *
+ * Build, install and run with:
+ *  runtest frameworks-net -c
+ */
+public class DnsManagerTest {
+    static final int TEST_NETID = 100;
+    static final int TEST_NETID_ALTERNATE = 101;
+    static final int TEST_NETID_UNTRACKED = 102;
+    final boolean IS_DEFAULT = true;
+    final boolean NOT_DEFAULT = false;
+    DnsManager mDnsManager;
+    MockContentResolver mContentResolver;
+    @Mock Context mCtx;
+    @Mock INetworkManagementService mNMService;
+    @Mock MockableSystemProperties mSystemProperties;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
+        mContentResolver = new MockContentResolver();
+        mContentResolver.addProvider(Settings.AUTHORITY,
+                new FakeSettingsProvider());
+        when(mCtx.getContentResolver()).thenReturn(mContentResolver);
+        mDnsManager = new DnsManager(mCtx, mNMService, mSystemProperties);
+        // Clear the private DNS settings
+        Settings.Global.putString(mContentResolver,
+                Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE, "");
+        Settings.Global.putString(mContentResolver,
+                Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_SPECIFIER, "");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTrackedValidationUpdates() throws Exception {
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(new Network(TEST_NETID),
+                mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig());
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(new Network(TEST_NETID_ALTERNATE),
+                mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig());
+        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
+        lp.addDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        lp.addDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        // Send a validation event that is tracked on the alternate netId
+        mDnsManager.setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(TEST_NETID, lp, IS_DEFAULT);
+        mDnsManager.setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(TEST_NETID_ALTERNATE, lp, NOT_DEFAULT);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID_ALTERNATE,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", true));
+        LinkProperties fixedLp = new LinkProperties(lp);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, fixedLp);
+        assertFalse(fixedLp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(fixedLp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        fixedLp = new LinkProperties(lp);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID_ALTERNATE, fixedLp);
+        assertTrue(fixedLp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(fixedLp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Switch to strict mode
+        Settings.Global.putString(mContentResolver,
+                Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE,
+        Settings.Global.putString(mContentResolver,
+                Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_SPECIFIER, "");
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(new Network(TEST_NETID),
+                mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig());
+        mDnsManager.setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(TEST_NETID, lp, IS_DEFAULT);
+        fixedLp = new LinkProperties(lp);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, fixedLp);
+        assertTrue(fixedLp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertEquals("", fixedLp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        fixedLp = new LinkProperties(lp);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testIgnoreUntrackedValidationUpdates() throws Exception {
+        // The PrivateDnsConfig map is empty, so no validation events will
+        // be tracked.
+        LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
+        lp.addDnsServer(InetAddress.getByName(""));
+        mDnsManager.setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(TEST_NETID, lp, IS_DEFAULT);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", true));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Validation event has untracked netId
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(new Network(TEST_NETID),
+                mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig());
+        mDnsManager.setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(TEST_NETID, lp, IS_DEFAULT);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID_UNTRACKED,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", true));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Validation event has untracked ipAddress
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", true));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Validation event has untracked hostname
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "hostname",
+                true));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Validation event failed
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", false));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Network removed
+        mDnsManager.removeNetwork(new Network(TEST_NETID));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", true));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+        // Turn private DNS mode off
+        Settings.Global.putString(mContentResolver,
+                Settings.Global.PRIVATE_DNS_MODE, PRIVATE_DNS_MODE_OFF);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDns(new Network(TEST_NETID),
+                mDnsManager.getPrivateDnsConfig());
+        mDnsManager.setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(TEST_NETID, lp, IS_DEFAULT);
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsValidation(
+                new DnsManager.PrivateDnsValidationUpdate(TEST_NETID,
+                InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), "", true));
+        mDnsManager.updatePrivateDnsStatus(TEST_NETID, lp);
+        assertFalse(lp.isPrivateDnsActive());
+        assertNull(lp.getPrivateDnsServerName());
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a83d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License
+ */
+import static android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE;
+import static android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE;
+import static android.Manifest.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL;
+import static android.Manifest.permission.CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS;
+import static android.Manifest.permission.NETWORK_STACK;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import android.content.Context;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
+public class PermissionMonitorTest {
+    private static final int MOCK_UID = 10001;
+    private static final String[] MOCK_PACKAGE_NAMES = new String[] { "" };
+    @Mock private Context mContext;
+    @Mock private PackageManager mPackageManager;
+    private PermissionMonitor mPermissionMonitor;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
+        when(mContext.getPackageManager()).thenReturn(mPackageManager);
+        when(mPackageManager.getPackagesForUid(MOCK_UID)).thenReturn(MOCK_PACKAGE_NAMES);
+        mPermissionMonitor = new PermissionMonitor(mContext, null);
+    }
+    private void expectPermission(String[] permissions, boolean preinstalled) throws Exception {
+        final PackageInfo packageInfo = packageInfoWithPermissions(permissions, preinstalled);
+        when(mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(MOCK_PACKAGE_NAMES[0], GET_PERMISSIONS))
+                .thenReturn(packageInfo);
+    }
+    private PackageInfo packageInfoWithPermissions(String[] permissions, boolean preinstalled) {
+        final PackageInfo packageInfo = new PackageInfo();
+        packageInfo.requestedPermissions = permissions;
+        packageInfo.applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();
+        packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags = preinstalled ? FLAG_SYSTEM : 0;
+        return packageInfo;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHasPermission() {
+        PackageInfo app = packageInfoWithPermissions(new String[] {}, false);
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE));
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, NETWORK_STACK));
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS));
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL));
+        app = packageInfoWithPermissions(new String[] {
+            }, false);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE));
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, NETWORK_STACK));
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS));
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL));
+        app = packageInfoWithPermissions(new String[] {
+            }, false);
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE));
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, NETWORK_STACK));
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS));
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasPermission(app, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testIsPreinstalledSystemApp() {
+        PackageInfo app = packageInfoWithPermissions(new String[] {}, false);
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.isPreinstalledSystemApp(app));
+        app = packageInfoWithPermissions(new String[] {}, true);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.isPreinstalledSystemApp(app));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission() throws Exception {
+        expectPermission(new String[] { CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE }, false);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+        expectPermission(new String[] { NETWORK_STACK, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL }, false);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+        // TODO : make this false when b/31479477 is fixed
+        expectPermission(new String[] {}, true);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+        expectPermission(new String[] { CHANGE_WIFI_STATE }, true);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+        expectPermission(new String[] { NETWORK_STACK, CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL }, true);
+        assertTrue(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+        expectPermission(new String[] {}, false);
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+        expectPermission(new String[] { CHANGE_WIFI_STATE }, false);
+        assertFalse(mPermissionMonitor.hasUseBackgroundNetworksPermission(MOCK_UID));
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index a115146..d241b32 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -19,16 +19,25 @@
 import static android.hardware.usb.UsbManager.USB_CONFIGURED;
 import static android.hardware.usb.UsbManager.USB_CONNECTED;
 import static android.hardware.usb.UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.argThat;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.notNull;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyBoolean;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt;
 import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
@@ -36,45 +45,65 @@
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.any;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
 import android.content.ContentResolver;
 import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.ContextWrapper;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.content.IntentFilter;
 import android.content.res.Resources;
 import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager;
+import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.Handler;
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
 import android.os.PersistableBundle;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.os.test.TestLooper;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
+import android.os.UserManager;
 import android.provider.Settings;
 import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager;
 import android.test.mock.MockContentResolver;
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Before;
@@ -83,33 +112,45 @@
 import org.mockito.Mock;
 import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Vector;
 public class TetheringTest {
+    private static final int IFINDEX_OFFSET = 100;
     private static final String[] PROVISIONING_APP_NAME = {"some", "app"};
+    private static final String TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME = "test_rmnet_data0";
+    private static final String TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME = "v4-test_rmnet_data0";
+    private static final String TEST_USB_IFNAME = "test_rndis0";
+    private static final String TEST_WLAN_IFNAME = "test_wlan0";
     @Mock private ApplicationInfo mApplicationInfo;
     @Mock private Context mContext;
-    @Mock private ConnectivityManager mConnectivityManager;
     @Mock private INetworkManagementService mNMService;
     @Mock private INetworkStatsService mStatsService;
     @Mock private INetworkPolicyManager mPolicyManager;
     @Mock private MockableSystemProperties mSystemProperties;
     @Mock private OffloadHardwareInterface mOffloadHardwareInterface;
     @Mock private Resources mResources;
-    @Mock private TetheringDependencies mTetheringDependencies;
     @Mock private UsbManager mUsbManager;
     @Mock private WifiManager mWifiManager;
     @Mock private CarrierConfigManager mCarrierConfigManager;
+    @Mock private UpstreamNetworkMonitor mUpstreamNetworkMonitor;
+    @Mock private IPv6TetheringCoordinator mIPv6TetheringCoordinator;
+    @Mock private RouterAdvertisementDaemon mRouterAdvertisementDaemon;
+    @Mock private INetd mNetd;
+    private final MockTetheringDependencies mTetheringDependencies =
+            new MockTetheringDependencies();
     // Like so many Android system APIs, these cannot be mocked because it is marked final.
     // We have to use the real versions.
     private final PersistableBundle mCarrierConfig = new PersistableBundle();
     private final TestLooper mLooper = new TestLooper();
-    private final String mTestIfname = "test_wlan0";
     private Vector<Intent> mIntents;
     private BroadcastInterceptingContext mServiceContext;
@@ -136,30 +177,141 @@
         public Object getSystemService(String name) {
-            if (Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE.equals(name)) return mConnectivityManager;
             if (Context.WIFI_SERVICE.equals(name)) return mWifiManager;
             if (Context.USB_SERVICE.equals(name)) return mUsbManager;
             return super.getSystemService(name);
+    public class MockTetheringDependencies extends TetheringDependencies {
+        StateMachine upstreamNetworkMonitorMasterSM;
+        ArrayList<TetherInterfaceStateMachine> ipv6CoordinatorNotifyList;
+        int isTetheringSupportedCalls;
+        public void reset() {
+            upstreamNetworkMonitorMasterSM = null;
+            ipv6CoordinatorNotifyList = null;
+            isTetheringSupportedCalls = 0;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public OffloadHardwareInterface getOffloadHardwareInterface(Handler h, SharedLog log) {
+            return mOffloadHardwareInterface;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public UpstreamNetworkMonitor getUpstreamNetworkMonitor(Context ctx,
+                StateMachine target, SharedLog log, int what) {
+            upstreamNetworkMonitorMasterSM = target;
+            return mUpstreamNetworkMonitor;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public IPv6TetheringCoordinator getIPv6TetheringCoordinator(
+                ArrayList<TetherInterfaceStateMachine> notifyList, SharedLog log) {
+            ipv6CoordinatorNotifyList = notifyList;
+            return mIPv6TetheringCoordinator;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public RouterAdvertisementDaemon getRouterAdvertisementDaemon(InterfaceParams ifParams) {
+            return mRouterAdvertisementDaemon;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public INetd getNetdService() {
+            return mNetd;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public InterfaceParams getInterfaceParams(String ifName) {
+            final String[] ifaces = new String[] { TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_WLAN_IFNAME,
+                    TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME };
+            final int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(ifaces, ifName);
+            assertTrue("Non-mocked interface: " + ifName, index >= 0);
+            return new InterfaceParams(ifName, index + IFINDEX_OFFSET,
+                    MacAddress.ALL_ZEROS_ADDRESS);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean isTetheringSupported() {
+            isTetheringSupportedCalls++;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    private static NetworkState buildMobileUpstreamState(boolean withIPv4, boolean withIPv6,
+            boolean with464xlat) {
+        final NetworkInfo info = new NetworkInfo(TYPE_MOBILE, 0, null, null);
+        info.setDetailedState(NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED, null, null);
+        final LinkProperties prop = new LinkProperties();
+        prop.setInterfaceName(TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        if (withIPv4) {
+            prop.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(Inet4Address.ANY, 0),
+                    NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(""), TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME));
+        }
+        if (withIPv6) {
+            prop.addDnsServer(NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress("2001:db8::2"));
+            prop.addLinkAddress(
+                    new LinkAddress(NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress("2001:db8::"),
+                            NetworkConstants.RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH));
+            prop.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(Inet6Address.ANY, 0),
+                    NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress("2001:db8::1"), TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME));
+        }
+        if (with464xlat) {
+            final LinkProperties stackedLink = new LinkProperties();
+            stackedLink.setInterfaceName(TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+            stackedLink.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(Inet4Address.ANY, 0),
+                    NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(""), TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME));
+            prop.addStackedLink(stackedLink);
+        }
+        final NetworkCapabilities capabilities = new NetworkCapabilities()
+                .addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR);;
+        return new NetworkState(info, prop, capabilities, new Network(100), null, "netid");
+    }
+    private static NetworkState buildMobileIPv4UpstreamState() {
+        return buildMobileUpstreamState(true, false, false);
+    }
+    private static NetworkState buildMobileIPv6UpstreamState() {
+        return buildMobileUpstreamState(false, true, false);
+    }
+    private static NetworkState buildMobileDualStackUpstreamState() {
+        return buildMobileUpstreamState(true, true, false);
+    }
+    private static NetworkState buildMobile464xlatUpstreamState() {
+        return buildMobileUpstreamState(false, true, true);
+    }
     public void setUp() throws Exception {
                 .thenReturn(new String[0]);
-                .thenReturn(new String[0]);
+                .thenReturn(new String[] { "test_rndis\\d" });
-                .thenReturn(new String[]{ "test_wlan\\d", "test_rndis\\d" });
+                .thenReturn(new String[]{ "test_wlan\\d" });
                 .thenReturn(new String[0]);
                 .thenReturn(new int[0]);
-                .thenReturn(new String[]{ "test_rmnet_data0", mTestIfname });
+                .thenReturn(new String[] {
                 .thenReturn(new InterfaceConfiguration());
+        when(mRouterAdvertisementDaemon.start())
+                .thenReturn(true);
         mServiceContext = new MockContext(mContext);
         mContentResolver = new MockContentResolver(mServiceContext);
@@ -172,9 +324,8 @@
-                new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED));
-        when(mTetheringDependencies.getOffloadHardwareInterface(
-                any(Handler.class), any(SharedLog.class))).thenReturn(mOffloadHardwareInterface);
+                new IntentFilter(ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED));
+        mTetheringDependencies.reset();
         mTethering = new Tethering(mServiceContext, mNMService, mStatsService, mPolicyManager,
                                    mLooper.getLooper(), mSystemProperties,
@@ -204,6 +355,7 @@
     public void canRequireProvisioning() {
+        sendConfigurationChanged();
@@ -212,6 +364,7 @@
+        sendConfigurationChanged();
         // Couldn't get the CarrierConfigManager, but still had a declared provisioning app.
         // We therefore still require provisioning.
@@ -221,6 +374,7 @@
     public void toleratesCarrierConfigMissing() {
+        sendConfigurationChanged();
         // We still have a provisioning app configured, so still require provisioning.
@@ -260,17 +414,22 @@
         mServiceContext.sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL);
+    private void sendConfigurationChanged() {
+        final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED);
+        mServiceContext.sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL);
+    }
     private void verifyInterfaceServingModeStarted() throws Exception {
-        verify(mNMService, times(1)).getInterfaceConfig(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).getInterfaceConfig(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
         verify(mNMService, times(1))
-                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(mTestIfname), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
-        verify(mNMService, times(1)).tetherInterface(mTestIfname);
+                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).tetherInterface(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
     private void verifyTetheringBroadcast(String ifname, String whichExtra) {
         // Verify that ifname is in the whichExtra array of the tether state changed broadcast.
         final Intent bcast = mIntents.get(0);
-        assertEquals(ConnectivityManager.ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED, bcast.getAction());
+        assertEquals(ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED, bcast.getAction());
         final ArrayList<String> ifnames = bcast.getStringArrayListExtra(whichExtra);
@@ -278,13 +437,11 @@
     public void failingLocalOnlyHotspotLegacyApBroadcast(
             boolean emulateInterfaceStatusChanged) throws Exception {
-        when(mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported()).thenReturn(true);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, causing the
         // per-interface state machine to start up, and telling us that
         // hotspot mode is to be started.
         if (emulateInterfaceStatusChanged) {
-            mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(mTestIfname, true);
+            mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, true);
@@ -293,30 +450,31 @@
         // then it creates a TetherInterfaceStateMachine and sends out a
         // broadcast indicating that the interface is "available".
         if (emulateInterfaceStatusChanged) {
-            verify(mConnectivityManager, atLeastOnce()).isTetheringSupported();
-            verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
+            assertEquals(1, mTetheringDependencies.isTetheringSupportedCalls);
+            verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
-    @Test
-    public void testUsbConfiguredBroadcastStartsTethering() throws Exception {
-        when(mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported()).thenReturn(true);
+    private void prepareUsbTethering(NetworkState upstreamState) {
+        when(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.selectPreferredUpstreamType(any()))
+                .thenReturn(upstreamState);
         // Emulate pressing the USB tethering button in Settings UI.
         mTethering.startTethering(TETHERING_USB, null, false);
         verify(mUsbManager, times(1)).setCurrentFunction(UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS, false);
-        // Pretend we receive a USB connected broadcast. Here we also pretend
-        // that the RNDIS function is somehow enabled, so that we see if we
-        // might trip ourselves up.
-        sendUsbBroadcast(true, false, true);
-        mLooper.dispatchAll();
+        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(TEST_USB_IFNAME, true);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsbConfiguredBroadcastStartsTethering() throws Exception {
+        NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobileIPv4UpstreamState();
+        prepareUsbTethering(upstreamState);
         // This should produce no activity of any kind.
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
         // Pretend we then receive USB configured broadcast.
@@ -325,6 +483,10 @@
         // Now we should see the start of tethering mechanics (in this case:
         // tetherMatchingInterfaces() which starts by fetching all interfaces).
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).listInterfaces();
+        // UpstreamNetworkMonitor should receive selected upstream
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).selectPreferredUpstreamType(any());
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).setCurrentUpstream(;
@@ -339,55 +501,158 @@
     public void workingLocalOnlyHotspotEnrichedApBroadcast(
             boolean emulateInterfaceStatusChanged) throws Exception {
-        when(mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported()).thenReturn(true);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, causing the
         // per-interface state machine to start up, and telling us that
         // hotspot mode is to be started.
         if (emulateInterfaceStatusChanged) {
-            mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(mTestIfname, true);
+            mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, true);
-        sendWifiApStateChanged(WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED, mTestIfname, IFACE_IP_MODE_LOCAL_ONLY);
-        verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
+        verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).setIpForwardingEnabled(true);
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).startTethering(any(String[].class));
-                mTestIfname, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_LOCAL_ONLY);
+                TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_LOCAL_ONLY);
-        verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ACTIVE_LOCAL_ONLY);
-        // UpstreamNetworkMonitor will be started, and will register two callbacks:
-        // a "listen all" and a "track default".
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(
-                any(NetworkRequest.class), any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, times(1)).registerDefaultNetworkCallback(
-                any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
+        verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_ACTIVE_LOCAL_ONLY);
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).start();
         // TODO: Figure out why this isn't exactly once, for sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast().
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, atLeastOnce()).isTetheringSupported();
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
+        assertTrue(1 <= mTetheringDependencies.isTetheringSupportedCalls);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, when hotspot mode
         // is being torn down.
-        mTethering.interfaceRemoved(mTestIfname);
+        mTethering.interfaceRemoved(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
-        verify(mNMService, times(1)).untetherInterface(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).untetherInterface(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
         // TODO: Why is {g,s}etInterfaceConfig() called more than once?
-        verify(mNMService, atLeastOnce()).getInterfaceConfig(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, atLeastOnce()).getInterfaceConfig(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
         verify(mNMService, atLeastOnce())
-                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(mTestIfname), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
+                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).stopTethering();
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).setIpForwardingEnabled(false);
         // Asking for the last error after the per-interface state machine
         // has been reaped yields an unknown interface error.
-        assertEquals(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE,
-                mTethering.getLastTetherError(mTestIfname));
+        assertEquals(TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE, mTethering.getLastTetherError(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send CMD_IPV6_TETHER_UPDATE to TISMs as would be done by IPv6TetheringCoordinator.
+     */
+    private void sendIPv6TetherUpdates(NetworkState upstreamState) {
+        // IPv6TetheringCoordinator must have been notified of downstream
+        verify(mIPv6TetheringCoordinator, times(1)).addActiveDownstream(
+                argThat(sm -> sm.linkProperties().getInterfaceName().equals(TEST_USB_IFNAME)),
+                eq(IControlsTethering.STATE_TETHERED));
+        for (TetherInterfaceStateMachine tism :
+                mTetheringDependencies.ipv6CoordinatorNotifyList) {
+            NetworkState ipv6OnlyState = buildMobileUpstreamState(false, true, false);
+            tism.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceStateMachine.CMD_IPV6_TETHER_UPDATE, 0, 0,
+                    upstreamState.linkProperties.isIPv6Provisioned()
+                            ? ipv6OnlyState.linkProperties
+                            : null);
+        }
+        mLooper.dispatchAll();
+    }
+    private void runUsbTethering(NetworkState upstreamState) {
+        prepareUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        sendUsbBroadcast(true, true, true);
+        mLooper.dispatchAll();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void workingMobileUsbTethering_IPv4() throws Exception {
+        NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobileIPv4UpstreamState();
+        runUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        sendIPv6TetherUpdates(upstreamState);
+        verify(mRouterAdvertisementDaemon, never()).buildNewRa(any(), notNull());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void workingMobileUsbTethering_IPv6() throws Exception {
+        NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobileIPv6UpstreamState();
+        runUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        sendIPv6TetherUpdates(upstreamState);
+        verify(mRouterAdvertisementDaemon, times(1)).buildNewRa(any(), notNull());
+        verify(mNetd, times(1)).tetherApplyDnsInterfaces();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void workingMobileUsbTethering_DualStack() throws Exception {
+        NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobileDualStackUpstreamState();
+        runUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mRouterAdvertisementDaemon, times(1)).start();
+        sendIPv6TetherUpdates(upstreamState);
+        verify(mRouterAdvertisementDaemon, times(1)).buildNewRa(any(), notNull());
+        verify(mNetd, times(1)).tetherApplyDnsInterfaces();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void workingMobileUsbTethering_MultipleUpstreams() throws Exception {
+        NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobile464xlatUpstreamState();
+        runUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME,
+                TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        sendIPv6TetherUpdates(upstreamState);
+        verify(mRouterAdvertisementDaemon, times(1)).buildNewRa(any(), notNull());
+        verify(mNetd, times(1)).tetherApplyDnsInterfaces();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void workingMobileUsbTethering_v6Then464xlat() throws Exception {
+        // Setup IPv6
+        NetworkState upstreamState = buildMobileIPv6UpstreamState();
+        runUsbTethering(upstreamState);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        // Then 464xlat comes up
+        upstreamState = buildMobile464xlatUpstreamState();
+        when(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor.selectPreferredUpstreamType(any()))
+                .thenReturn(upstreamState);
+        // Upstream LinkProperties changed: UpstreamNetworkMonitor sends EVENT_ON_LINKPROPERTIES.
+        mTetheringDependencies.upstreamNetworkMonitorMasterSM.sendMessage(
+                Tethering.TetherMasterSM.EVENT_UPSTREAM_CALLBACK,
+                UpstreamNetworkMonitor.EVENT_ON_LINKPROPERTIES,
+                0,
+                upstreamState);
+        mLooper.dispatchAll();
+        // Forwarding is added for 464xlat
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME,
+                TEST_XLAT_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        // Forwarding was not re-added for v6 (still times(1))
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).enableNat(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).startInterfaceForwarding(TEST_USB_IFNAME, TEST_MOBILE_IFNAME);
@@ -403,7 +668,6 @@
     // TODO: Test with and without interfaceStatusChanged().
     public void failingWifiTetheringLegacyApBroadcast() throws Exception {
-        when(mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported()).thenReturn(true);
         // Emulate pressing the WiFi tethering button.
@@ -411,19 +675,17 @@
         verify(mWifiManager, times(1)).startSoftAp(null);
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, causing the
         // per-interface state machine to start up, and telling us that
         // tethering mode is to be started.
-        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(mTestIfname, true);
+        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, true);
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, atLeastOnce()).isTetheringSupported();
-        verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
+        assertEquals(1, mTetheringDependencies.isTetheringSupportedCalls);
+        verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
@@ -431,7 +693,6 @@
     // TODO: Test with and without interfaceStatusChanged().
     public void workingWifiTetheringEnrichedApBroadcast() throws Exception {
-        when(mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported()).thenReturn(true);
         // Emulate pressing the WiFi tethering button.
@@ -439,39 +700,30 @@
         verify(mWifiManager, times(1)).startSoftAp(null);
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, causing the
         // per-interface state machine to start up, and telling us that
         // tethering mode is to be started.
-        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(mTestIfname, true);
-        sendWifiApStateChanged(WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED, mTestIfname, IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
+        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, true);
-        verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
+        verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).setIpForwardingEnabled(true);
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).startTethering(any(String[].class));
-                mTestIfname, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
+                TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
-        verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ACTIVE_TETHER);
-        // UpstreamNetworkMonitor will be started, and will register two callbacks:
-        // a "listen all" and a "track default".
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(
-                any(NetworkRequest.class), any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, times(1)).registerDefaultNetworkCallback(
-                any(NetworkCallback.class), any(Handler.class));
+        verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_ACTIVE_TETHER);
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).start();
         // In tethering mode, in the default configuration, an explicit request
         // for a mobile network is also made.
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, times(1)).requestNetwork(
-                any(NetworkRequest.class), any(NetworkCallback.class), eq(0), anyInt(),
-                any(Handler.class));
+        verify(mUpstreamNetworkMonitor, times(1)).registerMobileNetworkRequest();
         // TODO: Figure out why this isn't exactly once, for sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast().
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, atLeastOnce()).isTetheringSupported();
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
+        assertTrue(1 <= mTetheringDependencies.isTetheringSupportedCalls);
         // We do not currently emulate any upstream being found.
@@ -485,34 +737,31 @@
         verify(mWifiManager, times(1)).stopSoftAp();
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, when tethering mode
         // is being torn down.
-        mTethering.interfaceRemoved(mTestIfname);
+        mTethering.interfaceRemoved(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
-        verify(mNMService, times(1)).untetherInterface(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).untetherInterface(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
         // TODO: Why is {g,s}etInterfaceConfig() called more than once?
-        verify(mNMService, atLeastOnce()).getInterfaceConfig(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, atLeastOnce()).getInterfaceConfig(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
         verify(mNMService, atLeastOnce())
-                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(mTestIfname), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
+                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).stopTethering();
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).setIpForwardingEnabled(false);
         // Asking for the last error after the per-interface state machine
         // has been reaped yields an unknown interface error.
-        assertEquals(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE,
-                mTethering.getLastTetherError(mTestIfname));
+        assertEquals(TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE, mTethering.getLastTetherError(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME));
     // TODO: Test with and without interfaceStatusChanged().
     public void failureEnablingIpForwarding() throws Exception {
-        when(mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported()).thenReturn(true);
         doThrow(new RemoteException()).when(mNMService).setIpForwardingEnabled(true);
@@ -521,27 +770,27 @@
         verify(mWifiManager, times(1)).startSoftAp(null);
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
         // Emulate externally-visible WifiManager effects, causing the
         // per-interface state machine to start up, and telling us that
         // tethering mode is to be started.
-        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(mTestIfname, true);
-        sendWifiApStateChanged(WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED, mTestIfname, IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
+        mTethering.interfaceStatusChanged(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, true);
         // We verify get/set called twice here: once for setup and once during
         // teardown because all events happen over the course of the single
         // dispatchAll() above.
-        verify(mNMService, times(2)).getInterfaceConfig(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, times(2)).getInterfaceConfig(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
         verify(mNMService, times(2))
-                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(mTestIfname), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
-        verify(mNMService, times(1)).tetherInterface(mTestIfname);
+                .setInterfaceConfig(eq(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME), any(InterfaceConfiguration.class));
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).tetherInterface(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
-                mTestIfname, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
-        verify(mConnectivityManager, atLeastOnce()).isTetheringSupported();
-        verifyTetheringBroadcast(mTestIfname, ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
+                TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_TETHERED);
+        // TODO: Figure out why this isn't exactly once, for sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast().
+        assertTrue(1 <= mTetheringDependencies.isTetheringSupportedCalls);
+        verifyTetheringBroadcast(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME, EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER);
         // This is called, but will throw.
         verify(mNMService, times(1)).setIpForwardingEnabled(true);
         // This never gets called because of the exception thrown above.
@@ -549,15 +798,98 @@
         // When the master state machine transitions to an error state it tells
         // downstream interfaces, which causes us to tell Wi-Fi about the error
         // so it can take down AP mode.
-        verify(mNMService, times(1)).untetherInterface(mTestIfname);
+        verify(mNMService, times(1)).untetherInterface(TEST_WLAN_IFNAME);
-                mTestIfname, WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR);
-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mConnectivityManager);
+    private void userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(
+        boolean currentDisallow, boolean nextDisallow, String[] activeTetheringIfacesList,
+        int expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification) throws  Exception {
+        final int userId = 0;
+        final Bundle currRestrictions = new Bundle();
+        final Bundle newRestrictions = new Bundle();
+        Tethering tethering = mock(Tethering.class);
+        Tethering.TetheringUserRestrictionListener turl =
+                new Tethering.TetheringUserRestrictionListener(tethering);
+        currRestrictions.putBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING, currentDisallow);
+        newRestrictions.putBoolean(UserManager.DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING, nextDisallow);
+        when(tethering.getTetheredIfaces()).thenReturn(activeTetheringIfacesList);
+        turl.onUserRestrictionsChanged(userId, newRestrictions, currRestrictions);
+        verify(tethering, times(expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification))
+                .showTetheredNotification(anyInt(), eq(false));
+        verify(tethering, times(expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification)).untetherAll();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDisallowTetheringWhenNoTetheringInterfaceIsActive() throws Exception {
+        final String[] emptyActiveIfacesList = new String[]{};
+        final boolean currDisallow = false;
+        final boolean nextDisallow = true;
+        final int expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification = 0;
+        userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(currDisallow, nextDisallow, emptyActiveIfacesList,
+                expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDisallowTetheringWhenAtLeastOneTetheringInterfaceIsActive() throws Exception {
+        final String[] nonEmptyActiveIfacesList = new String[]{TEST_WLAN_IFNAME};
+        final boolean currDisallow = false;
+        final boolean nextDisallow = true;
+        final int expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification = 1;
+        userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(currDisallow, nextDisallow, nonEmptyActiveIfacesList,
+                expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAllowTetheringWhenNoTetheringInterfaceIsActive() throws Exception {
+        final String[] nonEmptyActiveIfacesList = new String[]{};
+        final boolean currDisallow = true;
+        final boolean nextDisallow = false;
+        final int expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification = 0;
+        userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(currDisallow, nextDisallow, nonEmptyActiveIfacesList,
+                expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAllowTetheringWhenAtLeastOneTetheringInterfaceIsActive() throws Exception {
+        final String[] nonEmptyActiveIfacesList = new String[]{TEST_WLAN_IFNAME};
+        final boolean currDisallow = true;
+        final boolean nextDisallow = false;
+        final int expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification = 0;
+        userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(currDisallow, nextDisallow, nonEmptyActiveIfacesList,
+                expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDisallowTetheringUnchanged() throws Exception {
+        final String[] nonEmptyActiveIfacesList = new String[]{TEST_WLAN_IFNAME};
+        final int expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification = 0;
+        boolean currDisallow = true;
+        boolean nextDisallow = true;
+        userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(currDisallow, nextDisallow, nonEmptyActiveIfacesList,
+                expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification);
+        currDisallow = false;
+        nextDisallow = false;
+        userRestrictionsListenerBehaviour(currDisallow, nextDisallow, nonEmptyActiveIfacesList,
+                expectedInteractionsWithShowNotification);
+    }
     // TODO: Test that a request for hotspot mode doesn't interfere with an
     // already operating tethering mode interface.
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index 1dbf9b2..e377a47 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -57,15 +57,20 @@
 import android.content.res.Resources;
 import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
 import android.os.Looper;
+import android.os.SystemClock;
 import android.os.UserHandle;
 import android.os.UserManager;
@@ -84,13 +89,16 @@
 import org.mockito.Mock;
 import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
  * Tests for {@link Vpn}.
@@ -563,4 +571,103 @@
             return networks.get(network);
+    // Need multiple copies of this, but Java's Stream objects can't be reused or
+    // duplicated.
+    private Stream<String> publicIpV4Routes() {
+        return Stream.of(
+                "", "", "", "", "",
+                "", "", "", "", "",
+                "", "", "", "",
+                "", "", "", "", "",
+                "", "", "", "",
+                "", "", "", "",
+                "", "", "");
+    }
+    private Stream<String> publicIpV6Routes() {
+        return Stream.of(
+                "::/1", "8000::/2", "c000::/3", "e000::/4", "f000::/5", "f800::/6",
+                "fe00::/8", "2605:ef80:e:af1d::/64");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testProvidesRoutesToMostDestinations() {
+        final LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
+        // Default route provides routes to all IPv4 destinations.
+        lp.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // Empty LP provides routes to no destination
+        lp.clear();
+        assertFalse(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // All IPv4 routes except for local networks. This is the case most relevant
+        // to this function. It provides routes to almost the entire space.
+        // (clone the stream so that we can reuse it later)
+        publicIpV4Routes().forEach(s -> lp.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(s))));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // Removing a 16-bit prefix, which is 65536 addresses. This is still enough to
+        // provide routes to "most" destinations.
+        lp.removeRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // Remove the /2 route, which represent a quarter of the available routing space.
+        // This LP does not provides routes to "most" destinations any more.
+        lp.removeRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertFalse(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        lp.clear();
+        publicIpV6Routes().forEach(s -> lp.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(s))));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        lp.removeRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("::/1")));
+        assertFalse(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // V6 does not provide sufficient coverage but v4 does
+        publicIpV4Routes().forEach(s -> lp.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(s))));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // V4 still does
+        lp.removeRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // V4 does not any more
+        lp.removeRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("")));
+        assertFalse(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        // V4 does not, but V6 has sufficient coverage again
+        lp.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix("::/1")));
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDoesNotLockUpWithTooManyRoutes() {
+        final LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
+        final byte[] ad = new byte[4];
+        // Actually evaluating this many routes under 1500ms is impossible on
+        // current hardware and for some time, as the algorithm is O(n²).
+        // Make sure the system has a safeguard against this and does not
+        // lock up.
+        final int MAX_ROUTES = 4000;
+        final long MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_MS = 1500;
+        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROUTES; ++i) {
+            ad[0] = (byte)((i >> 24) & 0xFF);
+            ad[1] = (byte)((i >> 16) & 0xFF);
+            ad[2] = (byte)((i >> 8) & 0xFF);
+            ad[3] = (byte)(i & 0xFF);
+            try {
+                lp.addRoute(new RouteInfo(new IpPrefix(Inet4Address.getByAddress(ad), 32)));
+            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
+                // UnknownHostException is only thrown for an address of illegal length,
+                // which can't happen in the case above.
+            }
+        }
+        final long start = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
+        assertTrue(Vpn.providesRoutesToMostDestinations(lp));
+        final long end = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
+        assertTrue(end - start < MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_MS);
+    }
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index db5373a..7c77cf5 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
-import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -39,12 +38,12 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import android.os.INetworkManagementService;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
@@ -75,6 +74,7 @@
     @Mock private IControlsTethering mTetherHelper;
     @Mock private InterfaceConfiguration mInterfaceConfiguration;
     @Mock private SharedLog mSharedLog;
+    @Mock private TetheringDependencies mTetheringDependencies;
     private final TestLooper mLooper = new TestLooper();
     private final ArgumentCaptor<LinkProperties> mLinkPropertiesCaptor =
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     private void initStateMachine(int interfaceType) throws Exception {
         mTestedSm = new TetherInterfaceStateMachine(
                 IFACE_NAME, mLooper.getLooper(), interfaceType, mSharedLog,
-                mNMService, mStatsService, mTetherHelper);
+                mNMService, mStatsService, mTetherHelper, mTetheringDependencies);
         // Starting the state machine always puts us in a consistent state and notifies
         // the rest of the world that we've changed from an unknown to available state.
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@
     public void startsOutAvailable() {
         mTestedSm = new TetherInterfaceStateMachine(IFACE_NAME, mLooper.getLooper(),
-                TETHERING_BLUETOOTH, mSharedLog, mNMService, mStatsService, mTetherHelper);
+                TETHERING_BLUETOOTH, mSharedLog, mNMService, mStatsService, mTetherHelper,
+                mTetheringDependencies);
@@ -346,7 +347,7 @@
      * Send a command to the state machine under test, and run the event loop to idle.
      * @param command One of the TetherInterfaceStateMachine.CMD_* constants.
-     * @param obj An additional argument to pass.
+     * @param arg1 An additional argument to pass.
     private void dispatchCommand(int command, int arg1) {
         mTestedSm.sendMessage(command, arg1);
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@
     private void dispatchTetherConnectionChanged(String upstreamIface) {
-                upstreamIface);
+                new InterfaceSet(upstreamIface));
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
index c3b9def..9661dc2 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/connectivity/tethering/
@@ -147,6 +147,16 @@
+    public void testCallbacksRegistered() {
+        mUNM.start();
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).registerNetworkCallback(any(), any(), any());
+        verify(mCM, times(1)).registerDefaultNetworkCallback(any(), any());
+        mUNM.stop();
+        verify(mCM, times(2)).unregisterNetworkCallback(any(NetworkCallback.class));
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testRequestsMobileNetwork() throws Exception {
         assertEquals(0, mCM.requested.size());
diff --git a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/net/ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/net/
index 47c3455..17ca651 100644
--- a/tests/net/java/com/android/server/net/
+++ b/tests/net/java/com/android/server/net/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
+import static;
 import static;
 import static;
 import static;
@@ -58,6 +59,9 @@
 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyLong;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.argThat;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
@@ -95,6 +99,7 @@
 import android.util.TrustedTime;
@@ -668,6 +673,94 @@
+    public void testDetailedUidStats() throws Exception {
+        // pretend that network comes online
+        expectDefaultSettings();
+        expectNetworkState(buildWifiState());
+        expectNetworkStatsSummary(buildEmptyStats());
+        expectNetworkStatsUidDetail(buildEmptyStats());
+        expectBandwidthControlCheck();
+        mService.forceUpdateIfaces(NETWORKS_WIFI);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                TEST_IFACE, UID_RED, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, 50L, 5L, 50L, 5L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                TEST_IFACE, UID_RED, SET_DEFAULT, 0xF00D, 50L, 5L, 50L, 5L, 0L);
+        NetworkStats.Entry entry3 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                TEST_IFACE, UID_BLUE, SET_DEFAULT, 0xBEEF, 1024L, 8L, 512L, 4L, 0L);
+        incrementCurrentTime(HOUR_IN_MILLIS);
+        expectDefaultSettings();
+        expectNetworkStatsSummary(buildEmptyStats());
+        expectNetworkStatsUidDetail(new NetworkStats(getElapsedRealtime(), 3)
+                .addValues(entry1)
+                .addValues(entry2)
+                .addValues(entry3));
+        mService.incrementOperationCount(UID_RED, 0xF00D, 1);
+        NetworkStats stats = mService.getDetailedUidStats(INTERFACES_ALL);
+        assertEquals(3, stats.size());
+        entry1.operations = 1;
+        assertEquals(entry1, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        entry2.operations = 1;
+        assertEquals(entry2, stats.getValues(1, null));
+        assertEquals(entry3, stats.getValues(2, null));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDetailedUidStats_Filtered() throws Exception {
+        // pretend that network comes online
+        expectDefaultSettings();
+        final String stackedIface = "stacked-test0";
+        final LinkProperties stackedProp = new LinkProperties();
+        stackedProp.setInterfaceName(stackedIface);
+        final NetworkState wifiState = buildWifiState();
+        wifiState.linkProperties.addStackedLink(stackedProp);
+        expectNetworkState(wifiState);
+        expectNetworkStatsSummary(buildEmptyStats());
+        expectNetworkStatsUidDetail(buildEmptyStats());
+        expectBandwidthControlCheck();
+        mService.forceUpdateIfaces(NETWORKS_WIFI);
+        NetworkStats.Entry uidStats = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                TEST_IFACE, UID_BLUE, SET_DEFAULT, 0xF00D, 1024L, 8L, 512L, 4L, 0L);
+        // Stacked on matching interface
+        NetworkStats.Entry tetheredStats1 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                stackedIface, UID_BLUE, SET_DEFAULT, 0xF00D, 1024L, 8L, 512L, 4L, 0L);
+        // Different interface
+        NetworkStats.Entry tetheredStats2 = new NetworkStats.Entry(
+                "otherif", UID_BLUE, SET_DEFAULT, 0xF00D, 1024L, 8L, 512L, 4L, 0L);
+        final String[] ifaceFilter = new String[] { TEST_IFACE };
+        incrementCurrentTime(HOUR_IN_MILLIS);
+        expectDefaultSettings();
+        expectNetworkStatsSummary(buildEmptyStats());
+        when(mNetManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(eq(UID_ALL), any()))
+                .thenReturn(new NetworkStats(getElapsedRealtime(), 1)
+                        .addValues(uidStats));
+        when(mNetManager.getNetworkStatsTethering(STATS_PER_UID))
+                .thenReturn(new NetworkStats(getElapsedRealtime(), 2)
+                        .addValues(tetheredStats1)
+                        .addValues(tetheredStats2));
+        NetworkStats stats = mService.getDetailedUidStats(ifaceFilter);
+        verify(mNetManager, times(1)).getNetworkStatsUidDetail(eq(UID_ALL), argThat(ifaces ->
+                ifaces != null && ifaces.length == 2
+                        && ArrayUtils.contains(ifaces, TEST_IFACE)
+                        && ArrayUtils.contains(ifaces, stackedIface)));
+        assertEquals(2, stats.size());
+        assertEquals(uidStats, stats.getValues(0, null));
+        assertEquals(tetheredStats1, stats.getValues(1, null));
+    }
+    @Test
     public void testForegroundBackground() throws Exception {
         // pretend that network comes online
@@ -1056,7 +1149,7 @@
     private void expectNetworkStatsUidDetail(NetworkStats detail, NetworkStats tetherStats)
             throws Exception {
-        when(mNetManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(UID_ALL)).thenReturn(detail);
+        when(mNetManager.getNetworkStatsUidDetail(UID_ALL, INTERFACES_ALL)).thenReturn(detail);
         // also include tethering details, since they are folded into UID
diff --git a/tests/net/jni/apf_jni.cpp b/tests/net/jni/apf_jni.cpp
index d415d22..152e6c3 100644
--- a/tests/net/jni/apf_jni.cpp
+++ b/tests/net/jni/apf_jni.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
             (uint8_t*)env->GetByteArrayElements(packet, NULL),
+            nullptr,
+            0,
@@ -143,7 +145,8 @@
         do {
             apf_packet = pcap_next(apf_pcap.get(), &apf_header);
         } while (apf_packet != NULL && !accept_packet(
-                apf_program, apf_program_len, apf_packet, apf_header.len, 0));
+                apf_program, apf_program_len, apf_packet, apf_header.len,
+                nullptr, 0, 0));
         // Make sure both filters matched the same packet.
         if (apf_packet == NULL && bpf_packet == NULL)
diff --git a/tests/permission/ b/tests/permission/
index 54688c8..fb84bcf 100644
--- a/tests/permission/
+++ b/tests/permission/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner telephony-common
 LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := junit legacy-android-test
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworkPermissionTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tests/testables/tests/ b/tests/testables/tests/
index 16fe535..4ec1b0f 100644
--- a/tests/testables/tests/
+++ b/tests/testables/tests/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := TestablesTests
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) \
     $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, src)
diff --git a/tests/utils/DummyIME/ b/tests/utils/DummyIME/
index c8d9f87..0f6c988 100644
--- a/tests/utils/DummyIME/
+++ b/tests/utils/DummyIME/
@@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AppOne/ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AppOne/
index 38bd5b5..7b30c4e 100644
--- a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AppOne/
+++ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AppOne/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src)
 LOCAL_ASSET_DIR := $(LOCAL_PATH)/assets $(LOCAL_PATH)/assets2
diff --git a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AutoVersionTest/ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AutoVersionTest/
index 012728f..03cce35 100644
--- a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AutoVersionTest/
+++ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/AutoVersionTest/
@@ -19,5 +19,6 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AaptAutoVersionTest
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibOne/ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibOne/
index 0b7129a..ec4f052 100644
--- a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibOne/
+++ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibOne/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_MODULE := AaptTestStaticLibOne
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src)
diff --git a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibTwo/ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibTwo/
index 8b6eb41..40f91af 100644
--- a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibTwo/
+++ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/StaticLibTwo/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_MODULE := AaptTestStaticLibTwo
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src)
diff --git a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/SymlinkTest/ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/SymlinkTest/
index 902fc65..8da1141 100644
--- a/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/SymlinkTest/
+++ b/tools/aapt2/integration-tests/SymlinkTest/
@@ -19,5 +19,6 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := AaptSymlinkTest
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/tools/bit/util.cpp b/tools/bit/util.cpp
index 9223931..a502a9d 100644
--- a/tools/bit/util.cpp
+++ b/tools/bit/util.cpp
@@ -241,6 +241,8 @@
     char* buf = (char*)malloc(size);
     if ((size_t) size != fread(buf, 1, size, file)) {
+        free(buf);
+        fclose(file);
         return string();
diff --git a/tools/fonts/ b/tools/fonts/
index c6ad4c2..dcb90e4 100755
--- a/tools/fonts/
+++ b/tools/fonts/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
     'as': 'Beng',
+    'be': 'Cyrl',
     'bg': 'Cyrl',
     'bn': 'Beng',
     'cu': 'Cyrl',
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
     'ja': 'Jpan',
     'kn': 'Knda',
     'ko': 'Kore',
+    'la': 'Latn',
     'ml': 'Mlym',
     'mn': 'Cyrl',
     'mr': 'Deva',
diff --git a/wifi/tests/ b/wifi/tests/
index c98e40a..3d535f0 100644
--- a/wifi/tests/
+++ b/wifi/tests/
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@
 # This only works if the class name matches the file name and the directory structure
 # matches the package.
 local_classes := $(subst /,.,$(patsubst src/,%,$(local_java_files)))
-# Utility variables to allow replacing a space with a comma
-comma:= ,
-space:= $(empty) $(empty)
 # Convert class name list to jacoco exclude list
 # This appends a * to all classes and replace the space separators with commas.
 # These patterns will match all classes in this module and their inner classes.
@@ -60,6 +56,7 @@
     android.test.runner \
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := FrameworksWifiApiTests
 include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/wifi/tests/src/android/net/wifi/hotspot2/pps/ b/wifi/tests/src/android/net/wifi/hotspot2/pps/
index 9bfc010..71e6859 100644
--- a/wifi/tests/src/android/net/wifi/hotspot2/pps/
+++ b/wifi/tests/src/android/net/wifi/hotspot2/pps/
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@
      * @throws Exception
+    @Test
     public void validateCertCredentialWithoutCaCert() throws Exception {
         Credential cred = createCredentialWithCertificateCredential();