Unbreak LinkPropertiesTest.

This was broken by the changes that made addRoute add routes
only if they did not already exist.

Change-Id: I1d227df9223fbecf106efde05b709f320824ee9d
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/net/LinkPropertiesTest.java b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/net/LinkPropertiesTest.java
index e649baa..9646510 100644
--- a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/net/LinkPropertiesTest.java
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/net/LinkPropertiesTest.java
@@ -245,11 +245,15 @@
         // Add a route with no interface to a LinkProperties with no interface. No errors.
         LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties();
         RouteInfo r = new RouteInfo(prefix, address, null);
-        lp.addRoute(r);
+        assertTrue(lp.addRoute(r));
         assertEquals(1, lp.getRoutes().size());
         assertAllRoutesHaveInterface(null, lp);
-        // Add a route with an interface. Except an exception.
+        // Adding the same route twice has no effect.
+        assertFalse(lp.addRoute(r));
+        assertEquals(1, lp.getRoutes().size());
+        // Add a route with an interface. Expect an exception.
         r = new RouteInfo(prefix, address, "wlan0");
         try {
@@ -267,6 +271,7 @@
         } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {}
         // If the interface name matches, the route is added.
+        r = new RouteInfo(prefix, null, "wlan0");
         assertEquals(2, lp.getRoutes().size());