Notification atoms changes

Test: Adding an atom doesn't break Android!

Change-Id: I43d5bbc808a58856fd27132824bea1d022022da0
diff --git a/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto b/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
index dfb40a9..8d81075 100644
--- a/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
+++ b/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
@@ -2107,25 +2107,34 @@
     optional int32 importance = 7;
     // ID for the notification channel.
-    optional int32 channel_id = 8;
+    optional string channel_id = 8;
     // Importance for the notification channel.
     optional int32 channel_importance = 9;
+    // Application-supplied ID associated with the notifications group.
+    optional string group_id = 10;
     // Whether notification was a group summary.
-    optional bool group_summary = 10;
+    optional bool group_summary = 11;
-    // Time since notification was created in milliseconds.
-    optional int64 since_create_millis = 11;
+    // Reason for dismissal of a notification. This field is only meaningful for
+    // TYPE_DISMISS events.
+    optional int32 dismiss_reason = 12;
-    // Time since notification was interrupted in milliseconds.
-    optional int64 since_interruption_millis = 12;
+    // The first post time of notification, stable across updates.
+    optional int64 creation_millis = 13;
-    // Time since notification was updated in milliseconds.
-    optional int64 since_update_millis = 13;
+    // The most recent interruption time, or the creation time if no updates.
+    // Differs from update_millis because updates are filtered based on whether
+    // they actually interrupted the user.
+    optional int64 interruption_millis = 14;
-    // Time since notification was visible in milliseconds.
-    optional int64 since_visible_millis = 14;
+    // The most recent update time, or the creation time if no updates.
+    optional int64 update_millis = 15;
+    // The most recent visibility event.
+    optional int64 visible_millis = 16;
@@ -3102,4 +3111,4 @@
     optional string restriction = 1;
     // Whether the restriction is enabled or disabled.
     optional bool enabled = 2;
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