Finish fixing issue #2228381: android.view.InflateException...

...Binary XML file line #37: Error inflating class <unknown> after adding a secondary account

The problem was that we weren't dealing well with the situation where we start a transition
from activity A to B, then transition back to A before B is shown (it finishes before being
shown), then transition from A to C.  At this point we had some state showing that we
were in the process of showing A from it being hidden (due to the middle transition from
B to A), which would cause the layout pass to ensure its window is hidden before the
transition starts.

The solution is to detect the case where we are showing a token and it is already actually
shown, and in this case not do all of the token setup for it to wait for its windows to
be displayed before it is shown.  This isn't needed, the windows are already displayed
or the token is already set up to wait for them to be displayed.

Change-Id: I16925b91e1e2449dd65ade162a5758173c6e2695
diff --git a/services/java/com/android/server/ b/services/java/com/android/server/
index bdabca7..b4db7bc 100644
--- a/services/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/java/com/android/server/
@@ -3541,24 +3541,35 @@
                 wtoken.inPendingTransaction = true;
                 if (visible) {
-                    wtoken.allDrawn = false;
                     wtoken.startingDisplayed = false;
                     wtoken.startingMoved = false;
-                    wtoken.waitingToShow = true;
-                    if (wtoken.clientHidden) {
-                        // In the case where we are making an app visible
-                        // but holding off for a transition, we still need
-                        // to tell the client to make its windows visible so
-                        // they get drawn.  Otherwise, we will wait on
-                        // performing the transition until all windows have
-                        // been drawn, they never will be, and we are sad.
-                        wtoken.clientHidden = false;
-                        wtoken.sendAppVisibilityToClients();
+                    // If the token is currently hidden (should be the
+                    // common case), then we need to set up to wait for
+                    // its windows to be ready.
+                    if (wtoken.hidden) {
+                        wtoken.allDrawn = false;
+                        wtoken.waitingToShow = true;
+                        if (wtoken.clientHidden) {
+                            // In the case where we are making an app visible
+                            // but holding off for a transition, we still need
+                            // to tell the client to make its windows visible so
+                            // they get drawn.  Otherwise, we will wait on
+                            // performing the transition until all windows have
+                            // been drawn, they never will be, and we are sad.
+                            wtoken.clientHidden = false;
+                            wtoken.sendAppVisibilityToClients();
+                        }
                 } else {
-                    wtoken.waitingToHide = true;
+                    // If the token is currently visible (should be the
+                    // common case), then set up to wait for it to be hidden.
+                    if (!wtoken.hidden) {
+                        wtoken.waitingToHide = true;
+                    }