Track latency of captive portal checks

When captive portal check occurs, track its latency, whether or not
we received a response, and whether or not the response was a captive
portal.  Pair with information identifying the access point / base
station, and broadcast it (with a system|signature-protected

Broadcast only occurs if user has consented to

Change-Id: I6fd59954a7ee2cc7acedf064a1465882653b2173
diff --git a/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml b/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
index a9a14ad..d106cf2 100644
--- a/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@
     <protected-broadcast android:name="" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="" />
+    <protected-broadcast android:name="" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE" />
     <protected-broadcast android:name="android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE" />
@@ -2399,6 +2400,13 @@
         android:protectionLevel="signature|system" />
+    <!-- Allows an application to listen for network condition observations.
+         @hide This is not a third-party API (intended for system apps). -->
+    <permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_CONDITIONS"
+        android:label="@string/permlab_accessNetworkConditions"
+        android:description="@string/permdesc_accessNetworkConditions"
+        android:protectionLevel="signature|system" />
     <!-- The system process is explicitly the only one allowed to launch the
          confirmation UI for full backup/restore -->
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CONFIRM_FULL_BACKUP"/>