Cleaning up frameworks protos.

Note: It is currently only safe to renumber the fields because we have
not started using them yet.

* animationadapter: added in http://ag/3709688, but was not following
the indentation policy or the unit naming policy. The durations that
have documentation in
frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ state that
they're in milliseconds. These durations didn't have documentation, but
I'm assuming they're in the same units.
* batterystats: was not following the indentation policy
* jobscheduler: AppIdleController was removed in http://ag/3699210 and
the proto was only partially updated
* powermanagerservice: BatterySaverStateMachineProto added in
http://ag/3763026 but was not privacy tagged and the indentation was off
* surfaceanimator: was not following the indentation policy
* remote_animation_target: was not following the indentation policy
* others: weren't following the indentation policy

Bug: 74975371
Test: flash device and run 'test CtsIncidentHostTestCases'
Change-Id: Id012f4690b1d58816fef096523e1a0ea2bccadb0
diff --git a/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto b/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto
index 2b7daea..46badc4 100644
--- a/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto
+++ b/core/proto/android/server/statlogger.proto
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
 // Dump from StatLogger.
 message StatLoggerProto {
-  option (.android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_AUTOMATIC;
-  message Event {
     option (.android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_AUTOMATIC;
-    optional int32 eventId = 1;
-    // Labels are hard-coded in Android framework code.
-    optional string label = 2;
-    optional int32 count = 3;
-    optional int64 total_duration_micros = 4;
-  }
+    message Event {
+        option (.android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_AUTOMATIC;
-  repeated Event events = 1;
+        optional int32 eventId = 1;
+        // Labels are hard-coded in Android framework code.
+        optional string label = 2;
+        optional int32 count = 3;
+        optional int64 total_duration_micros = 4;
+    }
+    repeated Event events = 1;