OBEX Over L2CAP + SDP search API for BT profiles

- Updated OBEX to support SRM
- Added support for OBEX over l2cap and SRM.
- Minor bugfixes, and reduce CPU load ALOT
- Added support to send responses without body data.
- Extend BluetoothSocket to support L2CAP
- Added functionality to get the channel number
  needed to be able to create an SDP record with the channel number.
- Added interface to get socket type and max packet sizes.
- Added interface to perform SDP search and get the resulting
  SDP record data.

Change-Id: I9d37a00ce73dfffc0e3ce03eab5511ba3a86e5b8
diff --git a/obex/Android.mk b/obex/Android.mk
index fbfe9be..e7c1fd3 100644
--- a/obex/Android.mk
+++ b/obex/Android.mk
@@ -7,3 +7,14 @@
 LOCAL_MODULE:= javax.obex
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+LOCAL_MODULE:= javax.obexstatic
\ No newline at end of file