Merge "[automerger skipped] Merge "Add use_app_image_startup_cache feature flag" am: b5a69ab764 am: b2f6041624 am: 9c3874add3 -s ours am skip reason: change_id I27c0b9ea9533b2b6ad1ccd45f0fb9292c4cfca02 with SHA1 ced7e08129 is in history"
diff --git a/cmds/idmap2/ b/cmds/idmap2/
index 5740710..41d3c69 100755
--- a/cmds/idmap2/
+++ b/cmds/idmap2/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 function _bpfmt()
-    local output="$(bpfmt -s -d $bp_files)"
+    local output="$(bpfmt -d $bp_files)"
     if [[ "$output" ]]; then
         echo "$output"
         return 1
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
     local cpplint="${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/tools/repohooks/tools/"
     local output="$($cpplint --quiet $cpp_files 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep -v \
         -e 'Found C system header after C++ system header.' \
+        -e 'Unknown NOLINT error category: cert-dcl50-cpp' \
         -e 'Unknown NOLINT error category: misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes' \
         -e 'Unknown NOLINT error category: performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization' \
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
     exit $errors
 elif [[ $opt_mode == "fix" ]]; then
     clang-format -style=file -i $cpp_files
-    bpfmt -s -w $bp_files
+    bpfmt -w $bp_files
     exit 0
 elif [[ $opt_mode == "help" ]]; then
     echo "Run static analysis tools such as clang-format and cpplint on the idmap2"