Fix voice communication audio playback capture

This change fixes the CTS failure in AudioPlaybackCaptureTest caused by
ag/10111312 and ag/10111311.
It contains the following fixes/changes:
  - Capturing of voice communication is only allowed when the caller is
    explicitly asking for an attribute match USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION.
    If an app adds that match rule, then the permission check for
    CAPTURE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION_OUTPUT will take place. For all other
    rules (like UID), the caller will receive silenced audio for voice
  - Capture of voice communication will be only allowed for privileged
    capture. Hence other then CAPTURE_VOICE_COMMUNUCATION_OUTPUT, the
    calling app is also assume to have CAPTURE_MEDIA_OUTPUT.
  - Code cleanup, mainly in

This change is accompanied by ag/10242954 on the native side.

Bug: 148559127
Test: Manually
Test: atest PlaybackCaptureTest (with the version prior to ag/10220852)
Test: atest
Change-Id: I1077db2e0f3c4133fca97d7b461f673bac693676
5 files changed