Revert "Move frameworks/base/tools/ to frameworks/tools/"

This reverts commit 9f6a119c8aa276432ece4fe2118bd8a3c9b1067e.
diff --git a/tools/orientationplot/README.txt b/tools/orientationplot/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d53f65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/orientationplot/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+This directory contains a simple python script for visualizing
+the behavior of the WindowOrientationListener.
+1. Python 2.6
+2. numpy
+3. matplotlib
+The tool works by scaping the debug log output from WindowOrientationListener
+for interesting data and then plotting it.
+1. Plug in the device.  Ensure that it is the only device plugged in
+   since this script is of very little brain and will get confused otherwise.
+2. Enable the Window Orientation Listener debugging data log.
+   adb shell setprop debug.orientation.log true
+   adb shell stop
+   adb shell start
+3. Run "".
+The tool displays several time series graphs that plot the output of the
+WindowOrientationListener.  Here you can see the raw accelerometer data,
+filtered accelerometer data, measured tilt and orientation angle, confidence
+intervals for the proposed orientation and accelerometer latency.
+Things to look for:
+1. Ensure the filtering is not too aggressive.  If the filter cut-off frequency is
+   less than about 1Hz, then the filtered accelorometer data becomes too smooth
+   and the latency for orientation detection goes up.  One way to observe this
+   is by holding the device vertically in one orientation then sharply turning
+   it 90 degrees to a different orientation.  Compared the rapid changes in the
+   raw accelerometer data with the smoothed out filtered data.  If the filtering
+   is too aggressive, the filter response may lag by hundreds of milliseconds.
+2. Ensure that there is an appropriate gap between adjacent orientation angles
+   for hysteresis.  Try holding the device in one orientation and slowly turning
+   it 90 degrees.  Note that the confidence intervals will all drop to 0 at some
+   point in between the two orientations; that is the gap.  The gap should be
+   observed between all adjacent pairs of orientations when turning the device
+   in either direction.
+   Next try holding the device in one orientation and rapidly turning it end
+   over end to a midpoint about 45 degrees between two opposing orientations.
+   There should be no gap observed initially.  The algorithm should pick one
+   of the orientations and settle into it (since it is obviously quite
+   different from the original orientation of the device).  However, once it
+   settles, the confidence values should start trending to 0 again because
+   the measured orientation angle is now within the gap between the new
+   orientation and the adjacent orientation.
+   In other words, the hysteresis gap applies only when the measured orientation
+   angle (say, 45 degrees) is between the current orientation's ideal angle
+   (say, 0 degrees) and an adjacent orientation's ideal angle (say, 90 degrees).
+3. Accelerometer jitter.  The accelerometer latency graph displays the interval
+   between sensor events as reported by the SensorEvent.timestamp field.  It
+   should be a fairly constant 60ms.  If the latency jumps around wildly or
+   greatly exceeds 60ms then there is a problem with the accelerometer or the
+   sensor manager.
+4. The orientation angle is not measured when the tilt is too close to 90 or -90
+   degrees (refer to MAX_TILT constant).  Consequently, you should expect there
+   to be no data.  Likewise, all dependent calculations are suppressed in this case
+   so there will be no orientation proposal either.
+5. Each orientation has its own bound on allowable tilt angles.  It's a good idea to
+   verify that these limits are being enforced by gradually varying the tilt of
+   the device until it is inside/outside the limit for each orientation.
+6. Orientation changes should be significantly harder when the device is held
+   overhead.  People reading on tablets in bed often have their head turned
+   a little to the side, or they hold the device loosely so its orientation
+   can be a bit unusual.  The tilt is a good indicator of whether the device is
+   overhead.