Merge "Importance slider updates." into nyc-dev
diff --git a/api/current.txt b/api/current.txt
index f9e1d58..ebda35c 100644
--- a/api/current.txt
+++ b/api/current.txt
@@ -34402,7 +34402,7 @@
     field public static final int DOWNLOAD_STATUS_RETRY_ON_CARRIER_NETWORK = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_ERROR = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_OK = 0; // 0x0
@@ -37203,69 +37203,47 @@
   public class TelephonyManager {
     method public boolean canChangeDtmfToneLength();
+    method public android.telephony.TelephonyManager createForSubscriptionId(int);
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.CellInfo> getAllCellInfo();
     method public int getCallState();
-    method public int getCallState(int);
     method public android.telephony.CellLocation getCellLocation();
     method public int getDataActivity();
-    method public int getDataNetworkType(int);
+    method public int getDataNetworkType();
     method public int getDataState();
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceId();
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceId(int);
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceSoftwareVersion();
     method public java.lang.String getGroupIdLevel1();
-    method public java.lang.String getGroupIdLevel1(int);
     method public java.lang.String getIccAuthentication(int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String getIccAuthentication(int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String getLine1AlphaTag(int);
     method public java.lang.String getLine1Number();
-    method public java.lang.String getLine1Number(int);
     method public java.lang.String getMmsUAProfUrl();
     method public java.lang.String getMmsUserAgent();
     method public deprecated java.util.List<android.telephony.NeighboringCellInfo> getNeighboringCellInfo();
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkCountryIso();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkCountryIso(int);
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperator();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperator(int);
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperatorName();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperatorName(int);
     method public int getNetworkType();
-    method public int getNetworkType(int);
     method public int getPhoneCount();
     method public int getPhoneType();
     method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperator();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimOperator(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimSerialNumber();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimSerialNumber(int);
     method public int getSimState();
     method public java.lang.String getSubscriberId();
-    method public java.lang.String getSubscriberId(int);
     method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailAlphaTag();
-    method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailAlphaTag(int);
     method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailNumber();
-    method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailNumber(int);
-    method public int getVoiceNetworkType(int);
+    method public int getVoiceNetworkType();
     method public getVoicemailRingtoneUri(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle);
     method public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges();
-    method public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges(int);
     method public boolean hasIccCard();
     method public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int);
-    method public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int, int);
     method public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public android.telephony.IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(java.lang.String);
-    method public android.telephony.IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean isHearingAidCompatibilitySupported();
     method public boolean isNetworkRoaming();
-    method public boolean isNetworkRoaming(int);
     method public boolean isSmsCapable();
     method public boolean isTtyModeSupported();
     method public boolean isVoiceCapable();
@@ -37273,15 +37251,10 @@
     method public boolean isWorldPhone();
     method public void listen(android.telephony.PhoneStateListener, int);
     method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal();
-    method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal(int);
     method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_CONFIGURE_VOICEMAIL = "android.telephony.action.CONFIGURE_VOICEMAIL";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED = "android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE = "android.intent.action.RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE";
@@ -42387,7 +42360,6 @@
     method public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent();
     method public boolean hasOnClickListeners();
     method public boolean hasOverlappingRendering();
-    method public boolean hasPointerCapture();
     method public boolean hasTransientState();
     method public boolean hasWindowFocus();
     method public static android.view.View inflate(android.content.Context, int, android.view.ViewGroup);
@@ -42518,7 +42490,6 @@
     method public void postOnAnimation(java.lang.Runnable);
     method public void postOnAnimationDelayed(java.lang.Runnable, long);
     method public void refreshDrawableState();
-    method public void releasePointerCapture();
     method public boolean removeCallbacks(java.lang.Runnable);
     method public void removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener);
     method public void removeOnLayoutChangeListener(android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener);
@@ -42529,7 +42500,6 @@
     method public boolean requestFocus(int,;
     method public final boolean requestFocusFromTouch();
     method public void requestLayout();
-    method public void requestPointerCapture();
     method public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(;
     method public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(, boolean);
     method public final void requestUnbufferedDispatch(android.view.MotionEvent);
diff --git a/api/system-current.txt b/api/system-current.txt
index 24ed720..0b6ac73 100644
--- a/api/system-current.txt
+++ b/api/system-current.txt
@@ -37108,7 +37108,7 @@
     field public static final int DOWNLOAD_STATUS_RETRY_ON_CARRIER_NETWORK = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_ERROR = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_OK = 0; // 0x0
@@ -40140,6 +40140,7 @@
     method public boolean canChangeDtmfToneLength();
     method public int checkCarrierPrivilegesForPackage(java.lang.String);
     method public int checkCarrierPrivilegesForPackageAnyPhone(java.lang.String);
+    method public android.telephony.TelephonyManager createForSubscriptionId(int);
     method public void dial(java.lang.String);
     method public boolean disableDataConnectivity();
     method public boolean enableDataConnectivity();
@@ -40147,7 +40148,6 @@
     method public boolean endCall();
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.CellInfo> getAllCellInfo();
     method public int getCallState();
-    method public int getCallState(int);
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCarrierPackageNamesForIntent(android.content.Intent);
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCarrierPackageNamesForIntentAndPhone(android.content.Intent, int);
     method public java.lang.String getCdmaMdn();
@@ -40160,68 +40160,46 @@
     method public int getDataActivity();
     method public boolean getDataEnabled();
     method public boolean getDataEnabled(int);
-    method public int getDataNetworkType(int);
+    method public int getDataNetworkType();
     method public int getDataState();
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceId();
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceId(int);
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceSoftwareVersion();
     method public java.lang.String getGroupIdLevel1();
-    method public java.lang.String getGroupIdLevel1(int);
     method public java.lang.String getIccAuthentication(int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String getIccAuthentication(int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String getLine1AlphaTag(int);
     method public java.lang.String getLine1Number();
-    method public java.lang.String getLine1Number(int);
     method public java.lang.String getMmsUAProfUrl();
     method public java.lang.String getMmsUserAgent();
     method public deprecated java.util.List<android.telephony.NeighboringCellInfo> getNeighboringCellInfo();
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkCountryIso();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkCountryIso(int);
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperator();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperator(int);
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperatorName();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperatorName(int);
     method public int getNetworkType();
-    method public int getNetworkType(int);
     method public int getPhoneCount();
     method public int getPhoneType();
     method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperator();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimOperator(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimSerialNumber();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimSerialNumber(int);
     method public int getSimState();
     method public java.lang.String getSubscriberId();
-    method public java.lang.String getSubscriberId(int);
     method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailAlphaTag();
-    method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailAlphaTag(int);
     method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailNumber();
-    method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailNumber(int);
-    method public int getVoiceNetworkType(int);
+    method public int getVoiceNetworkType();
     method public getVoicemailRingtoneUri(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle);
     method public boolean handlePinMmi(java.lang.String);
     method public boolean handlePinMmiForSubscriber(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges();
-    method public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges(int);
     method public boolean hasIccCard();
     method public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int);
-    method public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int, int);
     method public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public android.telephony.IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(java.lang.String);
-    method public android.telephony.IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean isDataConnectivityPossible();
     method public boolean isHearingAidCompatibilitySupported();
     method public boolean isIdle();
     method public boolean isNetworkRoaming();
-    method public boolean isNetworkRoaming(int);
     method public boolean isOffhook();
     method public boolean isRadioOn();
     method public boolean isRinging();
@@ -40234,19 +40212,14 @@
     method public void listen(android.telephony.PhoneStateListener, int);
     method public boolean needsOtaServiceProvisioning();
     method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int, java.lang.String);
     method public void setDataEnabled(boolean);
     method public void setDataEnabled(int, boolean);
     method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal();
-    method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal(int);
     method public boolean setRadio(boolean);
     method public boolean setRadioPower(boolean);
     method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public void silenceRinger();
     method public boolean supplyPin(java.lang.String);
     method public int[] supplyPinReportResult(java.lang.String);
@@ -45385,7 +45358,6 @@
     method public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent();
     method public boolean hasOnClickListeners();
     method public boolean hasOverlappingRendering();
-    method public boolean hasPointerCapture();
     method public boolean hasTransientState();
     method public boolean hasWindowFocus();
     method public static android.view.View inflate(android.content.Context, int, android.view.ViewGroup);
@@ -45516,7 +45488,6 @@
     method public void postOnAnimation(java.lang.Runnable);
     method public void postOnAnimationDelayed(java.lang.Runnable, long);
     method public void refreshDrawableState();
-    method public void releasePointerCapture();
     method public boolean removeCallbacks(java.lang.Runnable);
     method public void removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener);
     method public void removeOnLayoutChangeListener(android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener);
@@ -45527,7 +45498,6 @@
     method public boolean requestFocus(int,;
     method public final boolean requestFocusFromTouch();
     method public void requestLayout();
-    method public void requestPointerCapture();
     method public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(;
     method public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(, boolean);
     method public final void requestUnbufferedDispatch(android.view.MotionEvent);
diff --git a/api/test-current.txt b/api/test-current.txt
index b6ebf8a..d277fd7 100644
--- a/api/test-current.txt
+++ b/api/test-current.txt
@@ -34479,7 +34479,7 @@
     field public static final int DOWNLOAD_STATUS_RETRY_ON_CARRIER_NETWORK = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_ERROR = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int SEND_STATUS_OK = 0; // 0x0
@@ -37280,69 +37280,47 @@
   public class TelephonyManager {
     method public boolean canChangeDtmfToneLength();
+    method public android.telephony.TelephonyManager createForSubscriptionId(int);
     method public java.util.List<android.telephony.CellInfo> getAllCellInfo();
     method public int getCallState();
-    method public int getCallState(int);
     method public android.telephony.CellLocation getCellLocation();
     method public int getDataActivity();
-    method public int getDataNetworkType(int);
+    method public int getDataNetworkType();
     method public int getDataState();
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceId();
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceId(int);
     method public java.lang.String getDeviceSoftwareVersion();
     method public java.lang.String getGroupIdLevel1();
-    method public java.lang.String getGroupIdLevel1(int);
     method public java.lang.String getIccAuthentication(int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String getIccAuthentication(int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String getLine1AlphaTag(int);
     method public java.lang.String getLine1Number();
-    method public java.lang.String getLine1Number(int);
     method public java.lang.String getMmsUAProfUrl();
     method public java.lang.String getMmsUserAgent();
     method public deprecated java.util.List<android.telephony.NeighboringCellInfo> getNeighboringCellInfo();
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkCountryIso();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkCountryIso(int);
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperator();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperator(int);
     method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperatorName();
-    method public java.lang.String getNetworkOperatorName(int);
     method public int getNetworkType();
-    method public int getNetworkType(int);
     method public int getPhoneCount();
     method public int getPhoneType();
     method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimCountryIso(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperator();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimOperator(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimOperatorName(int);
     method public java.lang.String getSimSerialNumber();
-    method public java.lang.String getSimSerialNumber(int);
     method public int getSimState();
     method public java.lang.String getSubscriberId();
-    method public java.lang.String getSubscriberId(int);
     method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailAlphaTag();
-    method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailAlphaTag(int);
     method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailNumber();
-    method public java.lang.String getVoiceMailNumber(int);
-    method public int getVoiceNetworkType(int);
+    method public int getVoiceNetworkType();
     method public getVoicemailRingtoneUri(android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle);
     method public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges();
-    method public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges(int);
     method public boolean hasIccCard();
     method public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int);
-    method public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int, int);
     method public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public android.telephony.IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(java.lang.String);
-    method public android.telephony.IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean isHearingAidCompatibilitySupported();
     method public boolean isNetworkRoaming();
-    method public boolean isNetworkRoaming(int);
     method public boolean isSmsCapable();
     method public boolean isTtyModeSupported();
     method public boolean isVoiceCapable();
@@ -37350,15 +37328,10 @@
     method public boolean isWorldPhone();
     method public void listen(android.telephony.PhoneStateListener, int);
     method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(java.lang.String);
-    method public java.lang.String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(int, java.lang.String);
     method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal();
-    method public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal(int);
     method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_CONFIGURE_VOICEMAIL = "android.telephony.action.CONFIGURE_VOICEMAIL";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED = "android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE";
     field public static final java.lang.String ACTION_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE = "android.intent.action.RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE";
@@ -42466,7 +42439,6 @@
     method public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent();
     method public boolean hasOnClickListeners();
     method public boolean hasOverlappingRendering();
-    method public boolean hasPointerCapture();
     method public boolean hasTransientState();
     method public boolean hasWindowFocus();
     method public static android.view.View inflate(android.content.Context, int, android.view.ViewGroup);
@@ -42597,7 +42569,6 @@
     method public void postOnAnimation(java.lang.Runnable);
     method public void postOnAnimationDelayed(java.lang.Runnable, long);
     method public void refreshDrawableState();
-    method public void releasePointerCapture();
     method public boolean removeCallbacks(java.lang.Runnable);
     method public void removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener);
     method public void removeOnLayoutChangeListener(android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener);
@@ -42608,7 +42579,6 @@
     method public boolean requestFocus(int,;
     method public final boolean requestFocusFromTouch();
     method public void requestLayout();
-    method public void requestPointerCapture();
     method public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(;
     method public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(, boolean);
     method public final void requestUnbufferedDispatch(android.view.MotionEvent);
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/input/IInputManager.aidl b/core/java/android/hardware/input/IInputManager.aidl
index 49c106e..a9c09c4 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/input/IInputManager.aidl
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/input/IInputManager.aidl
@@ -81,6 +81,4 @@
     void setPointerIconType(int typeId);
     void setCustomPointerIcon(in PointerIcon icon);
-    void setPointerIconDetached(boolean detached);
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/input/ b/core/java/android/hardware/input/
index a5aeae3..803337b 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/input/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/input/
@@ -893,24 +893,6 @@
-    /**
-     * Update the pointer icon status. When detached, the pointer icon disappears, and further
-     * mouse location will be stuck at the current point. Mouse movement events will still arrive,
-     * and movement should be handled through {@link MotionEvent.AXIS_RELATIVE_X} and
-     * {@link MotionEvent.AXIS_RELATIVE_Y}.
-     *
-     * @param detached true if the icon will be detached from the actual mouse movement.
-     *
-     * @hide
-     */
-    public void setPointerIconDetached(boolean detached) {
-        try {
-            mIm.setPointerIconDetached(detached);
-        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
-            throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
-        }
-    }
     private void populateInputDevicesLocked() {
         if (mInputDevicesChangedListener == null) {
             final InputDevicesChangedListener listener = new InputDevicesChangedListener();
diff --git a/core/java/android/os/storage/ b/core/java/android/os/storage/
index fbf7b26..485bbd1 100644
--- a/core/java/android/os/storage/
+++ b/core/java/android/os/storage/
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@
     /** {@hide} */
     public static final int FLAG_INCLUDE_INVISIBLE = 1 << 10;
+    private static volatile IMountService sMountService = null;
     private final Context mContext;
     private final ContentResolver mResolver;
@@ -1064,15 +1066,17 @@
     /** {@hide} */
     public static boolean isUserKeyUnlocked(int userId) {
-        final IMountService mount = IMountService.Stub
-                .asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("mount"));
-        if (mount == null) {
+        if (sMountService == null) {
+            sMountService = IMountService.Stub
+                    .asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("mount"));
+        }
+        if (sMountService == null) {
             Slog.w(TAG, "Early during boot, assuming locked");
             return false;
         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
         try {
-            return mount.isUserKeyUnlocked(userId);
+            return sMountService.isUserKeyUnlocked(userId);
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
         } finally {
diff --git a/core/java/android/service/carrier/ b/core/java/android/service/carrier/
index 140341c..88a78c3 100644
--- a/core/java/android/service/carrier/
+++ b/core/java/android/service/carrier/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
      * new message notification should be shown.
     public static final int RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT = 0;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
      * credential-encrypted storage of the device is not available before the user unlocks the
      * phone. It is only applicable to devices that support file-based encryption.
      * Indicates that an SMS or MMS message was successfully sent.
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
      * @param subId SMS subscription ID of the SIM
      * @param callback result callback. Call with a bitmask integer to indicate how the incoming
      *        text SMS should be handled by the platform. Use {@link #RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP} and
      *        to set the flags in the bitmask.
     public void onReceiveTextSms(@NonNull MessagePdu pdu, @NonNull String format,
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
             public void onReceiveResult(Boolean result) throws RemoteException {
                 callback.onReceiveResult(result ? RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT : RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/ b/core/java/android/view/
index f1f4964..414882a 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/
@@ -15262,7 +15262,6 @@
-        releasePointerCapture();
         mCurrentAnimation = null;
@@ -21836,57 +21835,6 @@
         return mPointerIcon;
-    /**
-     * Request capturing further mouse events.
-     *
-     * When the view captures, the pointer icon will disappear and will not change its
-     * position. Further pointer events will come to the capturing view, and the pointer movements
-     * will can be detected through {@link MotionEvent#AXIS_RELATIVE_X} and
-     * {@link MotionEvent#AXIS_RELATIVE_Y}. Non-mouse events (touchscreens, or stylus) will not
-     * be affected.
-     *
-     * The capture will be released through {@link #releasePointerCapture()}, or will be lost
-     * automatically when the view or containing window disappear.
-     *
-     * @return true when succeeds.
-     * @see #releasePointerCapture()
-     * @see #hasPointerCapture()
-     */
-    public void requestPointerCapture() {
-        final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl();
-        if (viewRootImpl != null) {
-            viewRootImpl.requestPointerCapture(this);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Release the current capture of mouse events.
-     *
-     * If the view does not have the capture, it will do nothing.
-     * @see #requestPointerCapture()
-     * @see #hasPointerCapture()
-     */
-    public void releasePointerCapture() {
-        final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl();
-        if (viewRootImpl != null) {
-            viewRootImpl.releasePointerCapture(this);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks the capture status of mouse events.
-     *
-     * @return true if the view has the capture.
-     * @see #requestPointerCapture()
-     * @see #hasPointerCapture()
-     */
-    public boolean hasPointerCapture() {
-        final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl();
-        return (viewRootImpl != null) && viewRootImpl.hasPointerCapture(this);
-    }
     // Properties
diff --git a/core/java/android/view/ b/core/java/android/view/
index 1c6600d..d812cb4 100644
--- a/core/java/android/view/
+++ b/core/java/android/view/
@@ -3168,32 +3168,6 @@
-    void requestPointerCapture(View view) {
-        if (!mAttachInfo.mHasWindowFocus) {
-            Log.w(mTag, "Can't set capture if it's not focused.");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (mCapturingView == view) {
-            return;
-        }
-        mCapturingView = view;
-        InputManager.getInstance().setPointerIconDetached(true);
-        return;
-    }
-    void releasePointerCapture(View view) {
-        if (mCapturingView != view || mCapturingView == null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        mCapturingView = null;
-        InputManager.getInstance().setPointerIconDetached(false);
-    }
-    boolean hasPointerCapture(View view) {
-        return view != null && mCapturingView == view;
-    }
     public void requestChildFocus(View child, View focused) {
         if (DEBUG_INPUT_RESIZE) {
@@ -3271,10 +3245,6 @@
         mView = null;
         mAttachInfo.mRootView = null;
-        if (mCapturingView != null) {
-            releasePointerCapture(mCapturingView);
-        }
         if (mInputQueueCallback != null && mInputQueue != null) {
@@ -3615,8 +3585,6 @@
                                 .softInputMode &=
                         mHasHadWindowFocus = true;
-                    } else if (mCapturingView != null) {
-                        releasePointerCapture(mCapturingView);
             } break;
diff --git a/libs/input/PointerController.cpp b/libs/input/PointerController.cpp
index 61f78cc..27193b7 100644
--- a/libs/input/PointerController.cpp
+++ b/libs/input/PointerController.cpp
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
     mLocked.lastFrameUpdatedTime = 0;
     mLocked.buttonState = 0;
-    mLocked.iconDetached = false;
@@ -185,10 +184,6 @@
 void PointerController::setPositionLocked(float x, float y) {
-    if (mLocked.iconDetached) {
-        return;
-    }
     float minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
     if (getBoundsLocked(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY)) {
         if (x <= minX) {
@@ -222,10 +217,6 @@
     // Remove the inactivity timeout, since we are fading now.
-    if (mLocked.iconDetached) {
-        return;
-    }
     // Start fading.
     if (transition == TRANSITION_IMMEDIATE) {
         mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0;
@@ -243,10 +234,6 @@
     // Always reset the inactivity timer.
-    if (mLocked.iconDetached) {
-        return;
-    }
     // Start unfading.
     if (transition == TRANSITION_IMMEDIATE) {
         mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 0;
@@ -362,22 +349,6 @@
-void PointerController::detachPointerIcon(bool detached) {
-    AutoMutex _l(mLock);
-    if (mLocked.iconDetached == detached) {
-        return;
-    }
-    mLocked.iconDetached = detached;
-    if (detached) {
-        mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = -1;
-    } else {
-        mLocked.pointerFadeDirection = 1;
-    }
-    startAnimationLocked();
 void PointerController::setDisplayViewport(int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t orientation) {
     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
diff --git a/libs/input/PointerController.h b/libs/input/PointerController.h
index b47139a..99292d7 100644
--- a/libs/input/PointerController.h
+++ b/libs/input/PointerController.h
@@ -111,10 +111,6 @@
     void setInactivityTimeout(InactivityTimeout inactivityTimeout);
     void reloadPointerResources();
-    /* Detach or attach the pointer icon status. When detached, the pointer icon disappears
-     * and the icon location does not change at all. */
-    void detachPointerIcon(bool detached);
     static const size_t MAX_RECYCLED_SPRITES = 12;
     static const size_t MAX_SPOTS = 12;
@@ -184,8 +180,6 @@
         int32_t buttonState;
-        bool iconDetached;
         Vector<Spot*> spots;
         Vector<sp<Sprite> > recycledSprites;
     } mLocked;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_hotspot_unavailable.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_hotspot_unavailable.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..736cfd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/drawable/ic_hotspot_unavailable.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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+     Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
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0.0,-0.00100708007812 0.0,-0.00100708007812 c 0.0,-5.03900146484 -3.11099243164,-9.3450012207 -7.5119934082,-11.1229858398 c -0.00601196289062,-0.00299072265625 -0.0130004882812,-0.0050048828125 -0.0190124511719,-0.00701904296875 c -0.686004638672,-0.275970458984 -1.39999389648,-0.492980957031 -2.14099121094,-0.638977050781 c -0.072998046875,-0.0150146484375 -0.149017333984,-0.02099609375 -0.222991943359,-0.0339965820313 c -0.302001953125,-0.0540161132812 -0.605010986328,-0.106018066406 -0.916015625,-0.136016845703 c -0.389984130859,-0.0390014648438 -0.786987304688,-0.0599975585938 -1.18899536133,-0.0599975585937 c -0.402008056641,0.0 -0.799011230469,0.02099609375 -1.19000244141,0.0599975585937 c -0.304992675781,0.0299987792969 -0.602996826172,0.0809936523438 -0.901000976563,0.132995605469 c -0.0790100097656,0.0150146484375 -0.160003662109,0.02099609375 -0.238006591797,0.0370178222656 c -0.368988037109,0.0719909667969 -0.730987548828,0.164001464844 -1.08700561523,0.269989013672 c -0.00299072265625,0.00100708007812 -0.0059814453125,0.00201416015625 -0.00900268554687,0.0020141601562 c -0.351989746094,0.10498046875 -0.694000244141,0.226989746094 -1.0309753418,0.361999511719 c -0.0110168457031,0.00399780273438 -0.0220031738281,0.00698852539062 -0.0320129394531,0.0119934082031 c -4.40200805664,1.77798461914 -7.51098632812,6.083984375 -7.5119934082,11.1229858398 c 0.0,0.00799560546875 0.00198364257812,0.0160217285156 0.0019836425781,0.0240173339844 c 0.00100708007812,0.475006103516 0.0380249023438,0.940002441406 0.0950012207032,1.39898681641 c 0.02001953125,0.175994873047 0.0490112304688,0.348999023438 0.0780029296875,0.523010253906 c 0.0469970703125,0.281982421875 0.105010986328,0.557983398438 0.171997070312,0.833984375 c 0.0480041503906,0.204010009766 0.093017578125,0.410003662109 0.152008056641,0.610015869141 c 0.110992431641,0.372009277344 0.238006591797,0.736999511719 0.382019042969,1.09298706055 c 0.0,0.0 0.0009765625,0.0 0.0009765625,0.0 c 1.00701904297,2.48400878906 2.81301879883,4.56100463867 5.11001586914,5.89501953125 c 0.0,0.0 2.01599121094,-3.48300170898 2.01599121094,-3.48300170898 c -2.03900146484,-1.18402099609 -3.5119934082,-3.22500610352 -3.89898681641,-5.63900756836 c 0.0,0.0 0.0009765625,-0.00100708007812 0.0009765625,-0.00100708007812 c -0.0220031738281,-0.130981445312 -0.0369873046875,-0.265991210938 -0.052978515625,-0.399993896484 c -0.0290222167969,-0.274993896484 -0.0570068359375,-0.552001953125 -0.0570068359375,-0.834991455078 c 0.0,0.0 0.0,-0.0190124511719 0.0,-0.0190124511719 c 0.0,-3.98999023438 2.92498779297,-7.28900146484 6.74398803711,-7.89199829102 c 0.0,0.0 0.0180053710938,0.0169982910156 0.0180053710938,0.0169982910156 c 0.404998779297,-0.0639953613281 0.81298828125,-0.125 1.23599243164,-0.125 c 0.0,0.0 0.00201416015625,0.0 0.00201416015624,0.0 c 0.0,0.0 0.00299072265625,0.0 0.00299072265626,0.0 c 0.423004150391,0.0 0.830017089844,0.0610046386719 1.23501586914,0.125 c 0.0,0.0 0.0169982910156,-0.0180053710938 0.0169982910156,-0.0180053710938 c 3.81997680664,0.60400390625 6.74499511719,3.90301513672 6.74499511719,7.89199829102 c 0.0,0.292999267578 -0.0280151367188,0.578002929688 -0.0589904785156,0.861999511719 c -0.0150146484375,0.132019042969 -0.0290222167969,0.264007568359 -0.051025390625,0.393005371094 c -0.385986328125,2.41500854492 -1.85897827148,4.45599365234 -3.89797973633,5.64001464844 c 0.0,0.0 2.01599121094,3.48300170898 2.01599121094,3.48300170898 c 2.29699707031,-1.33401489258 4.10299682617,-3.41101074219 5.11001586914,-5.89602661133 Z M 19.9300231934,2.95698547363 c 0.0059814453125,-0.0659790039062 0.0159912109375,-0.130981445312 0.02099609375,-0.196990966797 c 0.031982421875,-0.462005615234 0.0479736328125,-0.928009033203 0.0489807128906,-1.39700317383 c 0,0.0 0,-0.00997924804688 0,-0.00997924804687 c 0,0.0 0,-0.00100708007812 0,-0.00100708007813 c 0,-7.22500610352 -3.84399414062,-13.5360107422 -9.58599853516,-17.0500183105 c -1.06500244141,-0.652984619141 -2.19299316406,-1.20599365234 -3.37799072266,-1.65197753906 c -0.157989501953,-0.0599975585938 -0.317016601562,-0.118011474609 -0.476989746094,-0.174011230469 c -0.317016601562,-0.110992431641 -0.634002685547,-0.218994140625 -0.9580078125,-0.31298828125 c -0.470001220703,-0.139007568359 -0.944000244141,-0.264007568359 -1.4280090332,-0.368011474609 c -0.186004638672,-0.0390014648438 -0.376983642578,-0.0669860839844 -0.565002441406,-0.101013183594 c -0.414001464844,-0.0759887695312 -0.832000732422,-0.140991210938 -1.25500488281,-0.190979003906 c -0.184997558594,-0.0220031738281 -0.369995117188,-0.0429992675781 -0.556976318359,-0.0599975585937 c -0.592010498047,-0.0530090332031 -1.18801879883,-0.0899963378906 -1.79602050781,-0.0899963378907 c -0.605987548828,0.0 -1.20300292969,0.0369873046875 -1.79598999023,0.0899963378907 c -0.186004638672,0.0169982910156 -0.371002197266,0.0379943847656 -0.555999755859,0.0599975585937 c -0.423004150391,0.0499877929688 -0.842010498047,0.114990234375 -1.25601196289,0.190979003906 c -0.18798828125,0.0350036621094 -0.377990722656,0.06201171875 -0.563995361328,0.101013183594 c -0.483001708984,0.10400390625 -0.959991455078,0.22900390625 -1.42999267578,0.368011474609 c -0.321990966797,0.093994140625 -0.638000488281,0.201995849609 -0.953002929688,0.311981201172 c -0.162994384766,0.0570068359375 -0.324005126953,0.115997314453 -0.484985351562,0.177001953125 c -1.18099975586,0.445007324219 -2.30599975586,0.997009277344 -3.36801147461,1.64700317383 c -0.00201416015625,0.00100708007812 -0.00399780273438,0.00201416015625 -0.0060119628907,0.0029907226562 c -5.74099731445,3.51400756836 -9.58499145508,9.82501220703 -9.58599853516,17.0500183105 c 0,0.0 0,0.00100708007812 0,0.00100708007813 c 0,0.0059814453125 0.00100708007812,0.0130004882812 0.0010070800781,0.0199890136719 c 0.0,0.466003417969 0.0169982910156,0.928009033203 0.0490112304688,1.38598632812 c 0.0050048828125,0.0690002441406 0.0159912109375,0.136016845703 0.02099609375,0.206024169922 c 0.031982421875,0.401000976562 0.0719909667969,0.799987792969 0.127990722656,1.19400024414 c 0.00201416015625,0.0189819335938 0.00701904296875,0.0369873046875 0.010009765625,0.0569763183594 c 0.888000488281,6.17202758789 4.59799194336,11.4250183105 9.7799987793,14.4309997559 c 0.0,0.0 2.00198364258,-3.458984375 2.00198364258,-3.458984375 c -2.58599853516,-1.5 -4.708984375,-3.70401000977 -6.11697387695,-6.34399414063 c 0.0,0.0 0.0169982910156,-0.0180053710938 0.0169982910156,-0.0180053710938 c -0.890014648438,-1.67098999023 -1.50601196289,-3.5110168457 -1.76000976562,-5.46499633789 c -0.00698852539062,-0.0500183105469 -0.010009765625,-0.102020263672 -0.0159912109375,-0.152008056641 c -0.0330200195312,-0.273010253906 -0.0610046386719,-0.545989990234 -0.0800170898437,-0.821990966797 c -0.0220031738281,-0.343017578125 -0.0350036621094,-0.68701171875 -0.0350036621094,-1.03500366211 c 0,-6.53701782227 3.92599487305,-12.1480102539 9.54299926758,-14.6310119629 c 0.157012939453,-0.0700073242188 0.313995361328,-0.135986328125 0.472015380859,-0.199981689453 c 0.373992919922,-0.151000976562 0.751983642578,-0.294006347656 1.13900756836,-0.417022705078 c 0.108978271484,-0.0350036621094 0.221984863281,-0.0619812011719 0.332000732422,-0.0950012207031 c 0.349975585938,-0.102996826172 0.705993652344,-0.194976806641 1.06597900391,-0.273986816406 c 0.114013671875,-0.0249938964844 0.227996826172,-0.052001953125 0.342010498047,-0.0750122070313 c 0.440002441406,-0.0869750976562 0.885986328125,-0.154998779297 1.33700561523,-0.203979492188 c 0.10400390625,-0.0120239257812 0.209991455078,-0.02001953125 0.315002441406,-0.0299987792969 c 0.47998046875,-0.0429992675781 0.963989257812,-0.072998046875 1.45397949219,-0.072998046875 c 0.492004394531,0.0 0.975006103516,0.0299987792969 1.45401000977,0.072998046875 c 0.105987548828,0.00997924804688 0.212005615234,0.0179748535156 0.316986083984,0.0299987792969 c 0.450012207031,0.0489807128906 0.89501953125,0.117004394531 1.33502197266,0.203002929688 c 0.115997314453,0.0239868164062 0.22998046875,0.0509948730469 0.345001220703,0.0769958496094 c 0.358001708984,0.0780029296875 0.710998535156,0.169982910156 1.06097412109,0.272003173828 c 0.111022949219,0.0329895019531 0.226013183594,0.0609741210938 0.336029052734,0.0969848632813 c 0.385986328125,0.123016357422 0.761993408203,0.265014648438 1.13497924805,0.415008544922 c 0.160003662109,0.0650024414062 0.319000244141,0.131988525391 0.477020263672,0.201995849609 c 5.61599731445,2.48400878906 9.53997802734,8.09399414062 9.53997802734,14.6310119629 c 0,0.346984863281 -0.0130004882812,0.690979003906 -0.0350036621094,1.03399658203 c -0.0179748535156,0.274993896484 -0.0469970703125,0.548004150391 -0.0789794921875,0.819000244141 c -0.00601196289062,0.052001953125 -0.010009765625,0.10498046875 -0.0160217285156,0.154998779297 c -0.252990722656,1.95498657227 -0.871002197266,3.79400634766 -1.75997924805,5.46499633789 c 0.0,0.0 0.0169982910156,0.0180053710938 0.0169982910156,0.0180053710938 c -1.40802001953,2.63998413086 -3.53100585938,4.84399414062 -6.11700439453,6.34399414063 c 0.0,0.0 2.00198364258,3.458984375 2.00198364258,3.458984375 c 5.18402099609,-3.00698852539 8.89501953125,-8.26300048828 9.78100585938,-14.4379882813 c 0.00201416015625,-0.0169982910156 0.00601196289062,-0.0320129394531 0.0079956054688,-0.0490112304688 c 0.0570068359375,-0.39697265625 0.0970153808594,-0.798980712891 0.129028320312,-1.20300292969 Z"
+                        android:fillColor="#FFFFFFFF"
+                        android:fillAlpha="1" />
+                </group>
+            </group>
+        </group>
+    </group>
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/
index 3587262..1c134c1 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/
@@ -16,15 +16,22 @@
+import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
+import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.IntentFilter;
 import android.os.UserManager;
 import android.provider.Settings;
+import android.provider.Settings.Global;
+import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
 import android.widget.Switch;
@@ -36,12 +43,22 @@
     private final AnimationIcon mDisable =
             new AnimationIcon(R.drawable.ic_hotspot_disable_animation,
+    private final Icon mUnavailable =
+            ResourceIcon.get(R.drawable.ic_hotspot_unavailable);
     private final HotspotController mController;
     private final Callback mCallback = new Callback();
+    private final GlobalSetting mAirplaneMode;
+    private boolean mListening;
     public HotspotTile(Host host) {
         mController = host.getHotspotController();
+        mAirplaneMode = new GlobalSetting(mContext, mHandler, Global.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON) {
+            @Override
+            protected void handleValueChanged(int value) {
+                refreshState();
+            }
+        };
@@ -61,11 +78,18 @@
     public void setListening(boolean listening) {
+        if (mListening == listening) return;
+        mListening = listening;
         if (listening) {
+            final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
+            filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED);
+            mContext.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);
         } else {
+            mContext.unregisterReceiver(mReceiver);
+        mAirplaneMode.setListening(listening);
@@ -76,6 +100,9 @@
     protected void handleClick() {
         final boolean isEnabled = (Boolean) mState.value;
+        if (!isEnabled && mAirplaneMode.getValue() != 0) {
+            return;
+        }
         MetricsLogger.action(mContext, getMetricsCategory(), !isEnabled);
@@ -96,6 +123,13 @@
             state.value = mController.isHotspotEnabled();
         state.icon = state.value ? mEnable : mDisable;
+        if (mAirplaneMode.getValue() != 0) {
+            final int disabledColor = mHost.getContext().getColor(R.color.qs_tile_tint_unavailable);
+            state.label = new SpannableStringBuilder().append(state.label,
+                    new ForegroundColorSpan(disabledColor),
+                    SpannableStringBuilder.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+            state.icon = mUnavailable;
+        }
         state.minimalAccessibilityClassName = state.expandedAccessibilityClassName
                 = Switch.class.getName();
         state.contentDescription = state.label;
@@ -121,4 +155,13 @@
+    private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
+        @Override
+        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
+            if (Intent.ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED.equals(intent.getAction())) {
+                refreshState();
+            }
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
index c53ab59..6f6b02d 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
 import android.widget.Chronometer;
 import android.widget.ImageView;
@@ -138,11 +141,14 @@
         public void onClick(View v) {
             if (!mShowingPublic && mGroupManager.isSummaryOfGroup(mStatusBarNotification)) {
-                mGroupManager.toggleGroupExpansion(mStatusBarNotification);
-                mOnExpandClickListener.onExpandClicked(mEntry,
-                        mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification));
+                final boolean wasExpanded = mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification);
+                boolean nowExpanded = mGroupManager.toggleGroupExpansion(mStatusBarNotification);
+                mOnExpandClickListener.onExpandClicked(mEntry, nowExpanded);
                 mGroupExpansionChanging = true;
+                MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsEvent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_EXPANDER,
+                        nowExpanded);
+                logExpansionEvent(true /* userAction */, wasExpanded);
             } else {
                 boolean nowExpanded;
                 if (isPinned()) {
@@ -154,6 +160,8 @@
                 mOnExpandClickListener.onExpandClicked(mEntry, nowExpanded);
+                MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsEvent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_EXPANDER,
+                        nowExpanded);
@@ -1019,7 +1027,9 @@
     public void setUserExpanded(boolean userExpanded, boolean allowChildExpansion) {
         if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !mShowingPublic && allowChildExpansion) {
+            final boolean wasExpanded = mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification);
             mGroupManager.setGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification, userExpanded);
+            logExpansionEvent(true /* userAction */, wasExpanded);
         if (userExpanded && !mExpandable) return;
@@ -1505,7 +1515,10 @@
     private void logExpansionEvent(boolean userAction, boolean wasExpanded) {
-        final boolean nowExpanded = isExpanded();
+        boolean nowExpanded = isExpanded();
+        if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) {
+            nowExpanded = mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification);
+        }
         if (wasExpanded != nowExpanded && mLogger != null) {
             mLogger.logNotificationExpansion(mLoggingKey, userAction, nowExpanded) ;
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
index 0df1204..9ecff18d 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
@@ -323,12 +323,14 @@
                         : group.summary.row;
-    public void toggleGroupExpansion(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
+    /** @return group expansion state after toggling. */
+    public boolean toggleGroupExpansion(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
         NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn));
         if (group == null) {
-            return;
+            return false;
         setGroupExpanded(group, !group.expanded);
+        return group.expanded;
     private boolean isIsolated(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
diff --git a/proto/src/metrics_constants.proto b/proto/src/metrics_constants.proto
index 46da957..f8cdf9b 100644
--- a/proto/src/metrics_constants.proto
+++ b/proto/src/metrics_constants.proto
@@ -2206,6 +2206,12 @@
     // Settings launched from expanded quick settings.
+    // Notification expansion state toggled by the expand affordance.
+    // Notification group expansion state toggled by the expand affordance.
     // Add new aosp constants above this line.
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
index 32b9429..dd9baf4 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/
@@ -1055,18 +1055,27 @@
-     * @return {@code true} if the set of users blocked whilst waiting for VPN to connect includes
-     *         the UID {@param uid}, {@code false} otherwise.
+     * @return {@code true} if {@param uid} is blocked by an always-on VPN.
+     *         A UID is blocked if it's included in one of the mBlockedUsers ranges and the VPN is
+     *         not connected, or if the VPN is connected but does not apply to the UID.
      * @see #mBlockedUsers
     public synchronized boolean isBlockingUid(int uid) {
-        for (UidRange uidRange : mBlockedUsers) {
-            if (uidRange.contains(uid)) {
-                return true;
-            }
+        if (!mLockdown) {
+            return false;
-        return false;
+        if (mNetworkInfo.isConnected()) {
+            return !appliesToUid(uid);
+        } else {
+            for (UidRange uidRange : mBlockedUsers) {
+                if (uidRange.contains(uid)) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
     private native int jniCreate(int mtu);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/
index 0daa8ba..aa1d73f 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@
     private static native void nativeSetPointerIconType(long ptr, int iconId);
     private static native void nativeReloadPointerIcons(long ptr);
     private static native void nativeSetCustomPointerIcon(long ptr, PointerIcon icon);
-    private static native void nativeSetPointerIconDetached(long ptr, boolean detached);
     // Input event injection constants defined in InputDispatcher.h.
     private static final int INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_SUCCEEDED = 0;
@@ -1503,11 +1502,6 @@
         nativeSetFocusedApplication(mPtr, application);
-    @Override
-    public void setPointerIconDetached(boolean detached) {
-        nativeSetPointerIconDetached(mPtr, detached);
-    }
     public void setInputDispatchMode(boolean enabled, boolean frozen) {
         nativeSetInputDispatchMode(mPtr, enabled, frozen);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
index 7c89e9f..367f8cb 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
@@ -318,8 +318,12 @@
     public void setContactAffinity(float contactAffinity) {
         mContactAffinity = contactAffinity;
+        if (mImportance < IMPORTANCE_HIGH &&
+                mContactAffinity >= ValidateNotificationPeople.STARRED_CONTACT) {
+            setImportance(IMPORTANCE_HIGH, getPeopleExplanation());
+        }
         if (mImportance < IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT &&
-                mContactAffinity > ValidateNotificationPeople.VALID_CONTACT) {
+                mContactAffinity >= ValidateNotificationPeople.VALID_CONTACT) {
             setImportance(IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT, getPeopleExplanation());
diff --git a/services/core/jni/com_android_server_input_InputManagerService.cpp b/services/core/jni/com_android_server_input_InputManagerService.cpp
index 2e82cec..2f72a5c 100644
--- a/services/core/jni/com_android_server_input_InputManagerService.cpp
+++ b/services/core/jni/com_android_server_input_InputManagerService.cpp
@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@
     void setPointerIconType(int32_t iconId);
     void reloadPointerIcons();
     void setCustomPointerIcon(const SpriteIcon& icon);
-    void setPointerIconDetached(bool detached);
     /* --- InputReaderPolicyInterface implementation --- */
@@ -712,14 +711,6 @@
-void NativeInputManager::setPointerIconDetached(bool detached) {
-    AutoMutex _l(mLock);
-    sp<PointerController> controller = mLocked.pointerController.promote();
-    if (controller != NULL) {
-        controller->detachPointerIcon(detached);
-    }
 void NativeInputManager::setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled, bool frozen) {
     mInputManager->getDispatcher()->setInputDispatchMode(enabled, frozen);
@@ -1332,12 +1323,6 @@
     im->setFocusedApplication(env, applicationHandleObj);
-static void nativeSetPointerIconDetached(JNIEnv* env, jclass /* clazz */, jlong ptr,
-        jboolean detached) {
-    NativeInputManager* im = reinterpret_cast<NativeInputManager*>(ptr);
-    im->setPointerIconDetached(detached);
 static void nativeSetInputDispatchMode(JNIEnv* /* env */,
         jclass /* clazz */, jlong ptr, jboolean enabled, jboolean frozen) {
     NativeInputManager* im = reinterpret_cast<NativeInputManager*>(ptr);
@@ -1520,8 +1505,6 @@
             (void*) nativeSetInputWindows },
     { "nativeSetFocusedApplication", "(JLcom/android/server/input/InputApplicationHandle;)V",
             (void*) nativeSetFocusedApplication },
-    { "nativeSetPointerIconDetached", "(JZ)V",
-            (void*) nativeSetPointerIconDetached },
     { "nativeSetInputDispatchMode", "(JZZ)V",
             (void*) nativeSetInputDispatchMode },
     { "nativeSetSystemUiVisibility", "(JI)V",
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index 5fed594..2304346 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@
  * a reference to an instance through
  * {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService
  * Context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)}.
+ *
+ * The returned TelephonyManager will use the default subscription for all calls.
+ * To call an API for a specific subscription, use {@link #createForSubscriptionId(int)}. e.g.
+ * <code>
+ *   telephonyManager = defaultSubTelephonyManager.createForSubscriptionId(subId);
+ * </code>
  * <p>
  * Note that access to some telephony information is
  * permission-protected. Your application cannot access the protected
@@ -101,6 +107,7 @@
     private final Context mContext;
+    private final int mSubId;
     private SubscriptionManager mSubscriptionManager;
     private static String multiSimConfig =
@@ -121,6 +128,12 @@
     /** @hide */
     public TelephonyManager(Context context) {
+      this(context, SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID);
+    }
+    /** @hide */
+    public TelephonyManager(Context context, int subId) {
+        mSubId = subId;
         Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
         if (appContext != null) {
             mContext = appContext;
@@ -138,6 +151,7 @@
     /** @hide */
     private TelephonyManager() {
         mContext = null;
+        mSubId = SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID;
     private static TelephonyManager sInstance = new TelephonyManager();
@@ -231,6 +245,16 @@
         return (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
+    /**
+     * Create a new TelephonyManager object pinned to the given subscription ID.
+     *
+     * @return a TelephonyManager that uses the given subId for all calls.
+     */
+    public TelephonyManager createForSubscriptionId(int subId) {
+      // Don't reuse any TelephonyManager objects.
+      return new TelephonyManager(mContext, subId);
+    }
     /** {@hide} */
     public boolean isMultiSimEnabled() {
         return (multiSimConfig.equals("dsds") || multiSimConfig.equals("dsda") ||
@@ -923,7 +947,7 @@
      * @hide
     public void enableLocationUpdates() {
-            enableLocationUpdates(getDefaultSubscription());
+        enableLocationUpdates(getSubId());
@@ -935,8 +959,8 @@
      * @param subId for which the location updates are enabled
+     * @hide
-    /** @hide */
     public void enableLocationUpdates(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -957,7 +981,7 @@
      * @hide
     public void disableLocationUpdates() {
-            disableLocationUpdates(getDefaultSubscription());
+        disableLocationUpdates(getSubId());
     /** @hide */
@@ -1018,7 +1042,7 @@
     public int getCurrentPhoneType() {
-        return getCurrentPhoneType(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCurrentPhoneType(getSubId());
@@ -1029,8 +1053,8 @@
      * @see #PHONE_TYPE_CDMA
      * @param subId for which phone type is returned
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public int getCurrentPhoneType(int subId) {
         int phoneId;
@@ -1258,7 +1282,7 @@
      * on a CDMA network).
     public String getNetworkOperatorName() {
-        return getNetworkOperatorName(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getNetworkOperatorName(getSubId());
@@ -1269,6 +1293,7 @@
      * unreliable on CDMA networks (use {@link #getPhoneType()} to determine if
      * on a CDMA network).
      * @param subId
+     * @hide
     public String getNetworkOperatorName(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -1295,6 +1320,7 @@
      * on a CDMA network).
      * @param subId
+     * @hide
     public String getNetworkOperator(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -1323,7 +1349,7 @@
      * Availability: Only when user registered to a network.
     public boolean isNetworkRoaming() {
-        return isNetworkRoaming(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return isNetworkRoaming(getSubId());
@@ -1333,6 +1359,7 @@
      * Availability: Only when user registered to a network.
      * @param subId
+     * @hide
     public boolean isNetworkRoaming(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -1361,6 +1388,7 @@
      * on a CDMA network).
      * @param subId for which Network CountryIso is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getNetworkCountryIso(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -1469,6 +1497,7 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
    public int getNetworkType(int subId) {
        try {
@@ -1513,10 +1542,9 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
-     * @hide
     public int getDataNetworkType() {
-        return getDataNetworkType(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getDataNetworkType(getSubId());
@@ -1529,6 +1557,7 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
     public int getDataNetworkType(int subId) {
@@ -1554,10 +1583,9 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
-     * @hide
     public int getVoiceNetworkType() {
-        return getVoiceNetworkType(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getVoiceNetworkType(getSubId());
@@ -1566,6 +1594,7 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
     public int getVoiceNetworkType(int subId) {
@@ -1835,6 +1864,7 @@
      * @see #getSimState
      * @param subId for which SimOperator is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getSimOperator(int subId) {
         return getSimOperatorNumeric(subId);
@@ -1911,6 +1941,7 @@
      * @see #getSimState
      * @param subId for which SimOperatorName is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getSimOperatorName(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -1938,6 +1969,7 @@
      * Returns the ISO country code equivalent for the SIM provider's country code.
      * @param subId for which SimCountryIso is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getSimCountryIso(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -1962,7 +1994,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
     public String getSimSerialNumber() {
-         return getSimSerialNumber(getDefaultSubscription());
+         return getSimSerialNumber(getSubId());
@@ -1972,6 +2004,7 @@
      * @param subId for which Sim Serial number is returned
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
     public String getSimSerialNumber(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -2002,7 +2035,7 @@
      * @hide
     public int getLteOnCdmaMode() {
-        return getLteOnCdmaMode(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getLteOnCdmaMode(getSubId());
@@ -2017,8 +2050,8 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public int getLteOnCdmaMode(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -2048,7 +2081,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
     public String getSubscriberId() {
-        return getSubscriberId(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getSubscriberId(getSubId());
@@ -2060,6 +2093,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId whose subscriber id is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getSubscriberId(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -2104,6 +2138,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId whose subscriber id is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getGroupIdLevel1(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -2131,7 +2166,7 @@
      * The default SMS app can also use this.
     public String getLine1Number() {
-        return getLine1Number(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getLine1Number(getSubId());
@@ -2146,6 +2181,7 @@
      * The default SMS app can also use this.
      * @param subId whose phone number for line 1 is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getLine1Number(int subId) {
         String number = null;
@@ -2186,7 +2222,7 @@
      * @return true if the operation was executed correctly.
     public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(String alphaTag, String number) {
-        return setLine1NumberForDisplay(getDefaultSubscription(), alphaTag, number);
+        return setLine1NumberForDisplay(getSubId(), alphaTag, number);
@@ -2202,6 +2238,7 @@
      * @param alphaTag alpha-tagging of the dailing nubmer
      * @param number The dialing number
      * @return true if the operation was executed correctly.
+     * @hide
     public boolean setLine1NumberForDisplay(int subId, String alphaTag, String number) {
         try {
@@ -2224,7 +2261,7 @@
      * nobody seems to call this.
     public String getLine1AlphaTag() {
-        return getLine1AlphaTag(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getLine1AlphaTag(getSubId());
@@ -2236,6 +2273,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId whose alphabetic identifier associated with line 1 is returned
      * nobody seems to call this.
+     * @hide
     public String getLine1AlphaTag(int subId) {
         String alphaTag = null;
@@ -2292,7 +2330,7 @@
      * @hide
     public String getMsisdn() {
-        return getMsisdn(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getMsisdn(getSubId());
@@ -2303,8 +2341,8 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId for which msisdn is returned
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public String getMsisdn(int subId) {
         try {
             IPhoneSubInfo info = getSubscriberInfo();
@@ -2326,7 +2364,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
     public String getVoiceMailNumber() {
-        return getVoiceMailNumber(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getVoiceMailNumber(getSubId());
@@ -2336,6 +2374,7 @@
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId whose voice mail number is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getVoiceMailNumber(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -2360,7 +2399,7 @@
      * @hide
     public String getCompleteVoiceMailNumber() {
-        return getCompleteVoiceMailNumber(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCompleteVoiceMailNumber(getSubId());
@@ -2370,8 +2409,8 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#CALL_PRIVILEGED CALL_PRIVILEGED}
      * @param subId
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public String getCompleteVoiceMailNumber(int subId) {
         try {
             IPhoneSubInfo info = getSubscriberInfo();
@@ -2396,7 +2435,7 @@
      * @param number The voicemail number.
     public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(String alphaTag, String number) {
-        return setVoiceMailNumber(getDefaultSubscription(), alphaTag, number);
+        return setVoiceMailNumber(getSubId(), alphaTag, number);
@@ -2408,6 +2447,7 @@
      * @param subId The subscription id.
      * @param alphaTag The alpha tag to display.
      * @param number The voicemail number.
+     * @hide
     public boolean setVoiceMailNumber(int subId, String alphaTag, String number) {
         try {
@@ -2429,7 +2469,7 @@
      * @hide
     public int getVoiceMessageCount() {
-        return getVoiceMessageCount(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getVoiceMessageCount(getSubId());
@@ -2438,8 +2478,8 @@
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId whose voice message count is returned
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public int getVoiceMessageCount(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -2462,7 +2502,7 @@
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
     public String getVoiceMailAlphaTag() {
-        return getVoiceMailAlphaTag(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getVoiceMailAlphaTag(getSubId());
@@ -2473,6 +2513,7 @@
      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
      * @param subId whose alphabetic identifier associated with the
      * voice mail number is returned
+     * @hide
     public String getVoiceMailAlphaTag(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -2590,6 +2631,7 @@
      * for a subscription.
      * @param subId whose call state is returned
+     * @hide
     public int getCallState(int subId) {
         int phoneId = SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId(subId);
@@ -2759,7 +2801,7 @@
      * @hide
     public int getCdmaEriIconIndex() {
-        return getCdmaEriIconIndex(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCdmaEriIconIndex(getSubId());
@@ -2767,8 +2809,8 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public int getCdmaEriIconIndex(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -2794,7 +2836,7 @@
      * @hide
     public int getCdmaEriIconMode() {
-        return getCdmaEriIconMode(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCdmaEriIconMode(getSubId());
@@ -2805,8 +2847,8 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public int getCdmaEriIconMode(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -2830,7 +2872,7 @@
      * @hide
     public String getCdmaEriText() {
-        return getCdmaEriText(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCdmaEriText(getSubId());
@@ -2839,8 +2881,8 @@
      * <p>
      * Requires Permission:
      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE}
+     * @hide
-    /** {@hide} */
     public String getCdmaEriText(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
@@ -2993,7 +3035,7 @@
      * @return an IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse object.
     public IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(String AID) {
-        return iccOpenLogicalChannel(getDefaultSubscription(), AID);
+        return iccOpenLogicalChannel(getSubId(), AID);
@@ -3008,6 +3050,7 @@
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param AID Application id. See ETSI 102.221 and 101.220.
      * @return an IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse object.
+     * @hide
     public IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse iccOpenLogicalChannel(int subId, String AID) {
         try {
@@ -3034,7 +3077,7 @@
      * @return true if the channel was closed successfully.
     public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int channel) {
-        return iccCloseLogicalChannel(getDefaultSubscription(), channel);
+        return iccCloseLogicalChannel(getSubId(), channel);
@@ -3050,6 +3093,7 @@
      * @param channel is the channel id to be closed as retruned by a successful
      *            iccOpenLogicalChannel.
      * @return true if the channel was closed successfully.
+     * @hide
     public boolean iccCloseLogicalChannel(int subId, int channel) {
         try {
@@ -3085,7 +3129,7 @@
     public String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int channel, int cla,
             int instruction, int p1, int p2, int p3, String data) {
-        return iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(getDefaultSubscription(), channel, cla,
+        return iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(getSubId(), channel, cla,
                     instruction, p1, p2, p3, data);
@@ -3110,6 +3154,7 @@
      * @param data Data to be sent with the APDU.
      * @return The APDU response from the ICC card with the status appended at
      *            the end.
+     * @hide
     public String iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int subId, int channel, int cla,
             int instruction, int p1, int p2, int p3, String data) {
@@ -3145,7 +3190,7 @@
     public String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int cla,
             int instruction, int p1, int p2, int p3, String data) {
-        return iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(getDefaultSubscription(), cla,
+        return iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(getSubId(), cla,
                     instruction, p1, p2, p3, data);
@@ -3168,6 +3213,7 @@
      * @param data Data to be sent with the APDU.
      * @return The APDU response from the ICC card with the status appended at
      *            the end.
+     * @hide
     public String iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int subId, int cla,
             int instruction, int p1, int p2, int p3, String data) {
@@ -3199,7 +3245,7 @@
     public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int fileID, int command, int p1, int p2, int p3,
             String filePath) {
-        return iccExchangeSimIO(getDefaultSubscription(), fileID, command, p1, p2, p3, filePath);
+        return iccExchangeSimIO(getSubId(), fileID, command, p1, p2, p3, filePath);
@@ -3217,6 +3263,7 @@
      * @param p3 P3 value of the APDU command.
      * @param filePath
      * @return The APDU response.
+     * @hide
     public byte[] iccExchangeSimIO(int subId, int fileID, int command, int p1, int p2,
             int p3, String filePath) {
@@ -3245,7 +3292,7 @@
      *         returns an empty string.
     public String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(String content) {
-        return sendEnvelopeWithStatus(getDefaultSubscription(), content);
+        return sendEnvelopeWithStatus(getSubId(), content);
@@ -3262,6 +3309,7 @@
      * @return The APDU response from the ICC card in hexadecimal format
      *         with the last 4 bytes being the status word. If the command fails,
      *         returns an empty string.
+     * @hide
     public String sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int subId, String content) {
         try {
@@ -3381,6 +3429,19 @@
+     * Return an appropriate subscription ID for any situation.
+     *
+     * If this object has been created with {@link #createForSubscriptionId}, then the provided
+     * subId is returned. Otherwise, the default subId will be returned.
+     */
+    private int getSubId() {
+      if (mSubId == SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) {
+        return getDefaultSubscription();
+      }
+      return mSubId;
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns Default subscription.
     private static int getDefaultSubscription() {
@@ -3662,7 +3723,7 @@
      * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
     public String getIccAuthentication(int appType, int authType, String data) {
-        return getIccAuthentication(getDefaultSubscription(), appType, authType, data);
+        return getIccAuthentication(getSubId(), appType, authType, data);
@@ -3680,8 +3741,8 @@
      * @return the response of authentication, or null if not available
      * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
+     * @hide
     public String getIccAuthentication(int subId, int appType, int authType, String data) {
         try {
             IPhoneSubInfo info = getSubscriberInfo();
@@ -3760,6 +3821,7 @@
      * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @hide
+     * TODO: Add an overload that takes no args.
     public void setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -3785,6 +3847,7 @@
      * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @hide
+     * TODO: Add an overload that takes no args.
     public CellNetworkScanResult getCellNetworkScanResults(int subId) {
         try {
@@ -3808,6 +3871,7 @@
      * Or the calling app has carrier privileges. @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @hide
+     * TODO: Add an overload that takes no args.
     public boolean setNetworkSelectionModeManual(int subId, OperatorInfo operator,
             boolean persistSelection) {
@@ -3859,7 +3923,7 @@
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
     public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal() {
-        return setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal(getSubId());
@@ -3870,6 +3934,7 @@
      * @see #hasCarrierPrivileges
      * @return true on success; false on any failure.
+     * @hide
     public boolean setPreferredNetworkTypeToGlobal(int subId) {
         return setPreferredNetworkType(subId, RILConstants.NETWORK_MODE_LTE_CDMA_EVDO_GSM_WCDMA);
@@ -3919,7 +3984,7 @@
      * @return true if the app has carrier privileges.
     public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges() {
-        return hasCarrierPrivileges(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return hasCarrierPrivileges(getSubId());
@@ -3931,12 +3996,13 @@
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @return true if the app has carrier privileges.
+     * @hide
     public boolean hasCarrierPrivileges(int subId) {
         try {
             ITelephony telephony = getITelephony();
             if (telephony != null) {
-                return telephony.getCarrierPrivilegeStatus(subId) ==
+                return telephony.getCarrierPrivilegeStatus(mSubId) ==
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
@@ -3962,7 +4028,7 @@
      * @return true if the operation was executed correctly.
     public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(String brand) {
-        return setOperatorBrandOverride(getDefaultSubscription(), brand);
+        return setOperatorBrandOverride(getSubId(), brand);
@@ -3979,6 +4045,7 @@
      * @param subId The subscription to use.
      * @param brand The brand name to display/set.
      * @return true if the operation was executed correctly.
+     * @hide
     public boolean setOperatorBrandOverride(int subId, String brand) {
         try {
@@ -4015,7 +4082,7 @@
     public boolean setRoamingOverride(List<String> gsmRoamingList,
             List<String> gsmNonRoamingList, List<String> cdmaRoamingList,
             List<String> cdmaNonRoamingList) {
-        return setRoamingOverride(getDefaultSubscription(), gsmRoamingList, gsmNonRoamingList,
+        return setRoamingOverride(getSubId(), gsmRoamingList, gsmNonRoamingList,
                 cdmaRoamingList, cdmaNonRoamingList);
@@ -4062,7 +4129,7 @@
     /** @hide */
     public String getCdmaMdn() {
-        return getCdmaMdn(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCdmaMdn(getSubId());
     /** @hide */
@@ -4083,7 +4150,7 @@
     /** @hide */
     public String getCdmaMin() {
-        return getCdmaMin(getDefaultSubscription());
+        return getCdmaMin(getSubId());
     /** @hide */
@@ -4626,7 +4693,8 @@
      * retrieves value for setting "name", and if that is not found throws
      * SettingNotFoundException
-     * @hide */
+     * @hide
+     */
     public static int getIntWithSubId(ContentResolver cr, String name, int subId)
             throws SettingNotFoundException {
         try {