Deprecate TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL. Currently
TYPE_STATUS_BAR_ADDITIONAL maps to the same z order as
TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SHADE. This will be updated in a subsequent CL.

Also move everything in TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL to
TYPE_STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL so that it remains above the notification
shade / keyguard layer. TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL will no longer be valid.

As part of the work on having more flexible inset mapping (for Android
Automotive) we want to use the TYPE_STATUS_BAR_ADDITIONAL to be used
for system bars in different places (i.e. Status Bar on the left side of
the screen).

Bug: 140423092
Bug: 145242835
Test: boot (sdk_gphone_x86, hawk), existing tests (atest SystemUITests)
Change-Id: I0ce3c4152fd05a948c06ed1a96c3ba279bd7097a
12 files changed